1 minute read

More news from rainbow bridge

Hey Mum,

Wow, things have been moving like crazy around here. New arrivals, one after the other, and a couple of very important residents have turned up.


I know that you knew them because I noticed that you wrote tributes to them both.

One was superstar Roger (nice touch using his face for the new logo for Operation Potcake ’24, though I couldn’t help wondering why I my face has never been used as a logo any time, hmmm).

The other important arrival was a champion of determination, Roxy.

There was such a flurry of excitement to have two arrivals who were significantly famous arrive so close together. I know their departure caused many a teary eye, but I am really happy to have them in our ranks.

Roger is going to become the head of security (why security on the rainbow bridge, you might ask? That’s another letter) and Roxy will be in charge of welcoming the former handicapped fur angels.

Sometimes the newly arrived who depended on wheelchairs and vests forget some of the basics of having four fully functioning legs again.

There are some puppies who think it is hilarious and Roxy has to bark orders at them to line up to be put through their paces. Once they have their four-legged motion sorted out, they will receive their wings and have to start the flying lessons

I really wonder if you humans on earth realise just how many fur angels are milling around you and watching over you vigilantly?

Which reminds me, Rascal said that he visited you in a dream a week ago and reminded you it was time to give Heartgard and Nexgard at home. We noticed you were a few days overdue,

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