2 minute read


A pair of sociable girls

By The Bahamas Humane Society


Zora and her sister are a lovely pair of tortoiseshell kittens looking for their forever home.

They’re about fve months old and very sociable with both humans and other cats.

They’re looking for a home that will appreciate their beautiful fur and sparkling personalities.

If you’re that home, please come to the Bahamas Humane So- ciety or call 323-5138 for more information. Zora and her sister look forward to meeting you!

• The BHS Thrift Shop will reopen

Wednesday, August 9 with some great newto-the-shop items for sale. Books, clothing, housewares, giftware, art, and much more!

Open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 11am to 3pm, and on Saturday from 10am to 3pm. Bring your bag!

Mum. You silly girl, youm didn’t stick the heart on the calendar.

By the way, more news: Nimba has been promoted now that she is fluent in English. She still has a bit of an accent, but so very cute!

She and St Francis continue to speak to each other in Italian. Wish you had taught me Italian, Mum!

Gabby works her delightful (and goofy) golden retriever charm with compact little Nimba when they are settling the new arrivals. You know Gabby told me that when she was on earth, she didn’t really like other dogs very much, just her humans … you should see her now!

We are watching the plight of global warming lately and how very hot it is on earth. Nobody wanted to believe it years ago when the scientists warned us about the dangers of climate change; everyone knew better! We are still not doing what we need to do. The water in the sea is so hot that it is killing off the coral.

Add that to all the plastic in the ocean that is a major problem. So many turtles are dying because they see what they think is a jellyfish in the water and gobble it down without checking what it actually is and then they die tragically because of that, so sad.

What is wrong with humans, Mum? Can’t they understand that to every action there is a reaction?

In fact, I am told there is a place quite a distance from here where turtles go when they cross over but I have not been to visit yet, I am simply snowed under with so many fur angel duties up here, including watching over you and the family.

I shouldn’t complain as I do have help from many of our family dogs who assist me to keep tabs on everyone. The problem is that you all keep travelling, so we have a reasonable amount of flying to do. Flying is pretty intense, especially if you have humans who travel widely.

Normally when our humans take a flight, we fly over the aircraft to make sure you are comfortable on board and everything is going well. You had a good sleep when you flew a few days ago, didn’t you? Thanks to me; I made sure that you were relaxed and happy. Did you know that we are all equipped up here with person thermal temperature zones that keep us at the exact personal environmental temperature we want?

So I might be walking around at 73 degrees with a breeze right on my nose while Rascal might want to be at 55 and no breeze to ruffle his thick fur. We also have the ability to regulate it at will. How does that work? Mum, this is rainbow bridge where chew sticks grow on trees. Every dog is young and healthy again, and St Francis is in charge. And you ask how. Sorry, but that is a trade secret.

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