African Mixed Martial Arts Information Booklet

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African Mixed Martial Arts

Information Packet

“Empowering Africans to Reach Their Potential” 1

African Mixed Martial Arts

Dear Friend, Congratulations! You've taken the first step in helping you and your children achieve physical fitness, self defense, and better mental health. You will soon see how our Mixed Martial Arts Training in the styles of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and Kenpo Karate, will truly help you develop skills that will last a lifetime. At the AFRICAN MIXED MARTIAL ARTS, we have a clear mission for everyone who trains with us.

1. 2. 3. 4.

You will develop stronger “street� self-defense. You will develop better concentration and focus. You will gain more confidence and motivation. You will become physically fit.

None of the traditional martial arts styles typically found in Eastern Africa can offer a mission this comprehensive, and none of them can deliver the results that we can. Simply put, I want to give you the same training taught by the Gracie Family, widely considered the greatest martial arts family in the world today. I feel strongly that in today's society, every adult should take some form of martial arts training. In addition, children should know how to defend themselves, have strong personal character and have the confidence and motivation to succeed in life. But most importantly, the earlier you get started with us, the more you will excel. When you enroll at AFRICAN MIXED MARTIAL ARTS, you will help turn your family's future from a day-to-day challenge into a lifelong success story.

Best Regards,

James Ware, 6th Degree Black Belt, Professor Rank Executive Director, AFRICAN MIXED MARTIAL ARTS


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu The Fastest Way to Street Readiness. Guaranteed. In the late 1920’s, grand master Helio Gracie created Gracie or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu after he realized that he was physically too frail to utilize the traditional Japanese techniques. Proven over the last 80 years to be the most reliable system for a smaller person to defeat a larger, more athletic opponent, the techniques of Gracie Jiu Jitsu are based on precise timing and effective use of leverage so that virtually anyone can do them, man or woman, regardless of size or athletic ability. Although Gracie Jiu-Jitsu consists of over 600 techniques, studies of fights conducted by members of the Gracie family have shown that 36 techniques have been used more often and with greater success than all other techniques combined. Originally developed for the US ARMY Gracie Combatives® is the only course that is entirely dedicated to the mastery of these 36 essential techniques. Step 1: Learn the Techniques The 36 Gracie Combatives® techniques have been strategically divided into 23 one-hour classes so that you can complete the course at your own pace. Each lesson was strategically designed so that no previous experience is required to participate in any one of them. As a result, you can complete them in any order. Upon enrolling at AfricanMMA, you will be issued a Gracie Combatives® Card on which your progress will be tracked and each month you will receive a Gracie Combatives® Calendar that depicts which techniques will be taught each day throughout the entire month. Step 2: Develop Your Reflexes Once you complete each of the 23 Gracie Combatives® lessons two times, you will qualify to participate in reflex development classes (RD) Classes. In these Advanced Jiu-Jitsu classes you will learn how to execute the 36 techniques in the combinations that are most likely to occur in a real fight. Step 3: Earn Your Blue Belt Once you complete each of the Gracie Combatives® Lesson a third time, have attended the minimum number of classes, and you develop your reflexes in the execution of all 36 techniques individually and in every possible combination, you will qualify to be tested for promotion to blue belt.

23 Lessons: 36 Techniques The Fastest Way to Street Readiness. Guaranteed.

• Gracie Combatives® was developed to teach 36 extremely effective techniques to deal with the most common streetfight scenarios.

• Each Lesson is designed so the student needs no previous martial arts experience to be required to participate in any class.

World famous Royce Gracie “rolling” with Dr Edward Thalheimer…... 3

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu


THE GRACIE JIU-JITSU BELT SYSTEM Our Objective is to empower you with techniques and strategies to defeat a larger more athletic opponent in a real fight. We will track your journey to Gracie Jiu-Jitsu mastery by awarding a different colored belt for demonstrating proficiency in each course of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu curriculum. Regardless of your previous martial arts experience or belt level, you will start as a white belt. You will receive a blue belt after you master the Gracie combative techniques. Should you decide to continue training after you earn your belt, you will progress to purple, brown, black, red/black, and red belt over the course of your study. Unlike most schools we do not promote students on the basis of tournament performances. Most “Tournament Techniques� do not effectively address what to do if your attacker is punching you and, as a result, can hinder your performance in a real fight; but since we also believe that you should only use these techniques for self defense, we have found other ways of measuring progress.


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu


Gracie Guideline #1: Street Applicability Focus only on practicing techniques that are fully street applicable. Practicing techniques that are not punch proof will cause you to develop a false sense of security. By practicing techniques that keep you safe from strikes, you will develop the most important reflexes and avoid habits that could lead to injury in a real fight.If you modify a technique, you must verify that the new variation keeps you safe from all potentially dangerous strikes.

Gracie Guideline #2: Energy Efficient Any technique that relies on speed and power rather than leverage and timing is not energy efficient. In a real fight there is no time limit, so you must learn to save your energy.The only reliable way for you to defeat a larger, more athletic opponent is to utilize techniques that cause your opponent to exhaust energy, while simultaneously preserving your own. Before adding any new technique to your arsenal, you must verify that it is more reliant on leverage and proper timing than on your athletic capabilities. Do not trust techniques based on strength or speed as they are unlikely to work against a larger, stronger attacker.

Gracie Guideline #3: Natural Body Movements Any technique that requires you to move your body unnaturally is likely to fail in the heat of battle. Natural body movement is the best foundation on which to build the instinctive reflexes needed in a real fight.


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu






Trap and Roll Escape - Mount


Leg Hook Takedown



Americana Armlock - Mount


Clinch(Aggressive Opponent)



Positional Control - Mount


Body Fold Takedown



Take the Back + R.N.C. - Mount


Clinch (Conservative Opponent)



Punch Block Series (1-4) - Guard


Guillotine Choke (Standing)



Straight Armlock - Mount


Guillotine Defense



Triangle Choke - Guard


Haymaker Punch Defense



Elevator Sweep - Guard


Rear Takedown



Elbow Escape - Mount


Pull Guard



Positional Control - Side Mount


Double Leg Takedown (Aggressive)



Headlock Counters - Mount


Standing Headlock Defense



Headlock Escape 1 - Side Mount


Standing Arm Lock



Straight Armlock - Guard


Clinch(Aggressive Opponent)



Double Ankle Sweep - Guard


Guillotine Choke (Guard Pull)



Headlock Escape 2 - Side Mount


Clinch (Conservative Opponent)



Shrimp Escape - Side Mount


Body Fold Takedown



Kimura Armlock - Guard


Clinch(Aggressive Opponent)



Punch Block Series (5) - Guard


Haymaker Punch Defense



Hook Sweep - Guard


Guillotine Defense



Take the Back - Guard


Standing Headlock Defense



Elbow Escape - Side Mount


Pull Guard



Twisting Arm Control - Mount


Rear Takedown



Double Underhook Pass - Guard


Double Leg Takedown (Conservative)



Haymaker Punch Defense (7)

Establish the Clinch Aggressive Opponent (2) Conservative Opponent (4)

Execute the Takedown

Close the Distance

Trap and Roll Escape (1)

Guillotine Defense (6)

Double Leg Takedown (10/23)

Standing Headlock Defense (11)

Headlock Escape Option 1 (12) Option 2 (15)

Body Fold Takedown (3)

Leg Hook Takedown (1)

Rear Takedown (8)

Standing Armlock (12)

Shrimp Escape (16)

Elbow Escape Mount (9) Side Mount (21)

Guillotine Choke (5/14)

Pull Guard (9)

Phase 2

Phase 1


Double Underhook Guard Pass (23)

Positional Control (10)

Side Mount

Positional Control (3)


Punch Block Series (5/18)

Twisting Arm Control (22)

Headlock Counters (11)

Take the Back (4)

Take the Back (20)

Hook Sweep (19)

Rear Naked Choke (4)

Straight Armlock (6)

Americana Armlock (2)

Kimura (17)

Triangle (7)

Straight Armlock (13)

Double Ankle Sweep (14)

Elevator Sweep (8)

Phase 4 Finish the Fight

Phase 3 Achieve the Dominant Position


Gracie Combatives



No Experience Necessary: We structure all beginner programs so that you can start at any time with no previous experience. Regardless of your age, athletic ability, or skill level, you will be able to execute the techniques on your very first day.

Personal Attention: The techniques taught in group and private classes are the same. The difference is when you are training one on one with an instructor, he will give you immediate feedback regarding your technical execution since he knows precisely how it is supposed to feel. In a group lesson unless you have a very attentive training partner, you may make a mistake and not realize it, and this may lead to the development of bad habits.

Maximum Mat Time: With several group classes available per week students are able to get the most amount of training time for a most reasonable price.

Linear Learning: Although the group classes require no previous experience, it has been proven that the order in which you learn the techniques greatly effects the time it takes you to master the art. In private lessons your instructor will present the techniques in the optimum order.

Different Body Types: In a street fight you will not be able to choose your opponent. In group classes, you will have the ability to practice your techniques on training partners of various body types, and this will ensure your readiness for whatever comes your way.

Flexible Schedule: In general, private lessons can be scheduled at various times, however crazy your schedule may be; and you will will always be able to get your weekly dose of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.

Join the Family: Students and their instructors, are firmly bonded by their quest for self mastery on and off the mat. Join the group classes and you automatically become part of the family.

Minimum Time, Maximum Results: Whether you have 30 days to train before you are deployed or you are traveling from halfway around the world to spend one week at a Gracie Academy Certified Training Center, private classes will enable you to get the most amount of knowledge in the least amount of time. Quick Boost: If you regularly attend the group classes and want to tighten up on a few Gracie Combatives速 techniques or get ready for a test, you can schedule a one time private class to give you a boost. Disability: If you or a loved one have a physical or mental disability that could get in the way from benefiting fully in a group class setting, private classes are a great option since the instructor will be able to modify the techniques to accommodate special needs.




Gracie Jiu-Jitsu


THE ADVANTAGES OF GRACIE JIU-JITSU If your goal is to become a fighter or to be able to defend yourself completely, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu has significant advantages over most other martial arts. It remains the only single style that addresses all areas of fighting completely without the need for crosstraining. Gracie Jiu-Jitsu was designed as a fighting style to defeat other martial arts, where styles like Boxing, Karate, Kung Fu, Shotokan, and Tae Kwon Do all specialize in striking someone, none of them present solutions for someone who is pinned on the ground; conversely, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu combined with Kenpo Karate offers solutions for defending against striking attacks while standing and on the ground in addition to all methods of grappling attacks. With the popularity of contests like the Ultimate Fighting Championship, you will see people naming their styles as Wrestling or Kickboxing, but they all (and must) supplement their training with Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. To this day, there are still fighters entering the cage with Gracie Jiu-Jitsu as their only method of training to ensure their victories.

What martial art is used widely by the United States Military and Law Enforcement agencies throughout the world? The Military has recognized the effectiveness of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu as a martial art not only for sportive contests, but in the real world as well. Sophisticated armies around the world cannot afford to buy into theories or Hollywood myths about martial arts; for a soldier, knowledge of martial arts is life and death, not a hobby or a film script. Through a scientific method, trial and error and process of elimination, The United States Army chose Gracie Jiu-Jitsu to be the core of their Combatives Program. In 2002, SFC Matthew Larson rewrote the Army Combatives Manual (FM 3-25.150) and made Gracie Jiu-Jitsu the backbone for the entire work. Today, it is hard to find any elite Military or Law Enforcement agency that does not incorporate Gracie Jiu-Jitsu as a serious part of their doctrine.


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu What is Jiu-Jitsu? A martial art and combat sport that focuses on groundfighting, with the goal of gaining a dominant position from which to force an attacker to submit, either through strikes or a finishing hold. Modern Gracie jiu-jitsu (BJJ) traces its origins to Japanese jujutsu (the traditional Japanese spelling), which had existed for several centuries in Japan. Jujutsu translates as "soft art," an expression that conveys its central principle---to yield to your opponent's strength and use it against them, while using leverage and technique to maximize your own strength. By applying the "soft art" principles to fighting on the ground (a place where most fights will end up anyway), Jiu-Jitsu allows a smaller, weaker person to more successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger assailant. Jiu-jitsu can be used for self-defense, sport grappling tournaments (gi and no-gi) and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition; in fact, a background in Jiu-Jitsu is considered essential for any serious MMA fighter. In contrast to more traditional martial arts, modern BJJ places little emphasis on static forms and "lethal" moves, neither of which can be practiced in any realistic context. Instead, the techniques of BJJ allow students to train cooperatively and safely at full speed; thus, students become comfortable with combat and can test the effectiveness of their techniques every day. Live sparring and drilling always play a central role in training and are often the criteria on which rankings are determined.


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu


History of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu The Military has recognized the effectiveness of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu as a martial art not only for sportive contests, but in the real world as well. Sophisticated armies around the world cannot afford to buy into theories or Hollywood myths about martial arts; for a soldier, knowledge of martial arts is life and death, not a hobby or a film script. Through a scientific method, trial and error and process of elimination, The United States Army chose Gracie Jiu-Jitsu to be the core of their Combatives Program. In 2002, SFC Matthew Larson rewrote the Army Combatives Manual (FM 3-25.150) and made Gracie Jiu-Jitsu the backbone for the entire work. Today, it is hard to find any elite Military or Law Enforcement agency that does not incorporate Gracie Jiu-Jitsu as a serious part of their doctrine.

Carlos Gracie As a young man, Helio was the smallest of the Gracie brothers, and also the most sickly. He was prone to fainting spells, and due to these health issues, Helio was not allowed to train Jiu-Jitsu. Instead, he spent much of his time watching and studying the techniques that his brothers taught in class. At the age of 17, Helio was called on to teach when Carlos, the instructor at the time, was not available for one of his student's lessons. Carlos arrived later offering his apologies, but the student assured him it was no problem and requested that he be allowed to continue training with Helio. Carlos agreed, and Helio became an instructor. Helio soon realized that even though he understood the techniques in theory, in reality, they were much harder to execute. With his smaller size, Helio began to feel that he just did not have the brute strength and athleticism required for many of the Jiu-Jitsu techniques. He began adapting the moves for his particular physical attributes, and through trial and error, he learned to maximize leverage and minimize the force needed to execute the moves. From these experiments, he created the more streamlined and universal art that we now know as Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, thus coming closer to the goal of the "soft art." Of course much of the popularity of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in the U.S. today is due to the success of Helio's son, Royce Gracie, in the early UFC events.


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Royce Gracie and the birth of the UFC Until the 1990s the Gracie family remained largely unknown in the U.S., despite their reputation in Brazil. Aside from rumors about the "Gracie Challenge" and grainy VHS tapes showing some of their victories over opponents from other styles, the Gracies and their style were still generally shrouded in mystery. Looking for an opportunity to showcase their art on a larger stage, the Gracies, along with other investors, began to develop the concept of the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). They sought to create a martial arts tournament that would replicate true combat as closely as possible, and thus determine which style was the most effective. The UFC was to be a tournament in the truest sense, requiring fighters to advance through several rounds of matches in one night. There were to be no weight classes and no time limits, only biting and eye-gouging were forbidden, and wins could only come by knockout or submission. The concept finally came together in 1993, and the tournament was set to air live on U.S. pay-per-view. Competitors from several different styles enlisted to represent their arts, which included Sumo, Savate, Shootfighting, Boxing, Karate, and others. Rickson Gracie, the family's most proven fighter, was expected to be the logical choice to represent Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, but his younger brother Royce, at a slight 175 lbs., was deliberately chosen to show that the techniques could be used to defeat much larger opponents. In the U.S. at the time of the first UFC, grappling arts were a distant second in popularity to striking arts. It was expected that strikers would dominate the competition, and Royce was generally considered to be an underdog. In spite of these doubts, Royce was able to impose his will and his game plan on his opponents, who often found themselves out of the match as soon as the fight hit the mat. He sustained very little damage, dished out even less to his opponents (despite opportunities to do so), and ended each of his fights cleanly by submission. Royce won three straight fights to capture the tournament crown that night, and in the first few years of the UFC, he went on to accumulate 11 wins by submission and was the tournament champion of UFC 1, 2, and 4.


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Royce Gracie: UFC 1 Champion Royce's victories drew attention to the effectiveness of not only Gracie jiu-jitsu in particular but grappling in general. The early UFC tournaments were largely contested by fighters who specialized in only one aspect of combat, and grappling proved to be the most effective single strategy. Interest in grappling arts surged, and in turn, grapplers sought to maintain their edge by training in striking arts. Today's mixed martial arts (MMA) athletes train in several different disciplines, and with this cross-training and the implementation of standard rule sets, the look and style of MMA fighting has changed; however, a foundation in Jiu-Jitsu is still considered an essential element for any serious competitor. Under new ownership, the UFC continues today and has grown to be the premier MMA organization. And Royce, now in his 40s, is still a competitive fighter.


Kenpo Karate


WHAT IS KENPO KARATE? Kenpo Karate is a system of martial arts created by Ed Parker in the United States, characterized by the use of quick moves in rapid-fire succession intended to overwhelm an opponent. It was primarily developed by Parker as a self-defense system, and is derived from traditional Southern Chinese kung fu and other martial arts found in the cultural melting pot of Hawaii. Parker introduced significant modifications in his art, including principles, theories, and concepts of motion as well as terminology. Parker revised older karate methods to work in modern day fighting scenarios, and heavily restructured American Kenpo's forms and techniques. He moved away from methods that were recognizably descended from other arts and established a more definitive relationship between forms and the self-defense technique curriculum of American Kenpo. Parker also moved away from esoteric Eastern concepts and sought to express the art in terms of scientific principles and western metaphors. Parker took his art through continual changes - and he always suggested that once a student learns the lesson embodied in the "ideal phase" of the technique he should search for some aspect that can be tailored to his own personal needs and strengths.


Kenpo Karate


HISTORY OF KENPO KARATE Getting its origin and foundation from many styles including American Kenpo, under the directions of the late Senior Grandmaster Edmond K. Parker Sr. and Grandmaster Chuck Sulivan, Tae Kwon Do, Lima Lama, Okinawan Shorin Ryu, and Jujitsu, The historic Black Karate Federation (OR BKF) utilized the versatility of all these styles to create a system that was unstoppable on the streets, as well as in tournaments. As a historic organization, The Black Karate Federation always produced fighting schools since its birth in 1968. Whenever the organization stepped into any arena everyone there knew who the top fighters would be and in almost every major tournament from 1969, until the mid 1990's it was a known fact that if there was a BKF fighter competing then it was guaranteed that they were going to be in one of the top three spots at the end. From fighters like Grandmasters Steve Muhammad and Donnie Williams to their students: Robert Temple, Carl Scott, Michael Holmes, Al "Hot Dog" Harvey, Alvin Prouder, Sammy Pace, Ray Wizard, Lenny (Abdul Latif) Ferguson, Sharon Floyd, Cynthia Prouder, Graciela Casillas, Rita King, Anthony Bell, Ahmad Reese, and countless others the BKF has made a tremendous impact on the martial arts world. The BKF style of American Kenpo Karate was brought to Kenya in 1998. Since that time, James "Bobby" Ware of AfricanMMA has become the highest ranking Kenyan black belt in Eastern Africa as well as serving as the President of the African Kenpo Federation. As Kenpo spread its roots throughout Kenya, the African Kenpo Federation has produced the greatest Kenpo fighters in Africa including James "Bobby" Ware, Evans Omweri, Bonface Nganga, Charles Makunda, Geoffrey Nyatta, Nicholas Kenyanya, Kinuthia Gachoka, Vincent Njuguna, and Steve Otieno. While some of these fierce competitors have retired from active competition, you will find James Ware teaching your classes at AFRICAN MMA. AFRICAN MMA includes Gracie Jiu Jitsu and the highest level of Kenpo Karate found in Africa. In the tradition of the warriors that have come before us, AFRICAN MMA is maintaining the fighting spirit of the historic Black Karate Federation and producing future champions not only on the tournament circuit, but also in life. Sign up today for your free introductory class, and make sure to let us know you'd like to learn more about KENPO KARATE during your introductory class.




Adult Gracie

Jiu-Jitsu Gracie Combatives

Adult Gracie Jiu-Jitsu: Gracie Combatives The 36 Gracie Combatives速 techniques have been strategically divided into 23 one-hour classes so that you can complete the course at your own pace. Each lesson was strategically designed so that no previous experience is required to participate in any one of them. As a result, you can complete them in any order which means you can start your classes NOW! Upon enrolling, you will be issued a Gracie Combatives速 Card on which your progress will be tracked and each month you will receive a Gracie Combatives速 Calendar that depicts which techniques will be taught each day throughout the entire month.

Pre Qualification:


Class Duration:

60 minutes

Gi Required :


Rank Accepted


Kenpo Karate Kenpo Karate The Kenpo Karate class will focus on techniques familiarized by Ed Parker and the African Kenpo Federation. You will learn self defense and striking which will allow you to defend yourself in a variety of situations using striking and kicking techniques that are not the focus of Jiu-Jitsu.

Pre Qualification:


Class Duration:

60 minutes

Gi Required :


Rank Accepted


Private Lessons

One-to-One Instruction

Private Lessons Private lessons will allow you to work one on one with an instructor to hone your skills and maximize your learning experience. You will get immediate feedback to allow you to improve faster with less time. Your instructor will be able to concentrate on your technique and make sure you do not develop any bad habits.

Pre Qualification:


Class Duration:

30 minutes

Gi Required :


Rank Accepted



Intro Class

Get Started NOW!

Free Intro Class The free intro class will allow you to meet the instructors and familiarize yourself with the way African Mixed Martial Arts works. You will go over the basics and get prepared for your first group class.

FREE OF CHARGE Pre Qualification:


Class Duration:

30 minutes

Gi Required :

We will Provide

Rank Accepted


Little Champs


Ages 5-7

Little Champs The Little Champs program is for kids 5-7 years old (we offer private lessons for children ages 3-4). Using our time-tested “Gracie Games,� we teach the Little Champs basic self-defense techniques while instilling the foundational principles of leverage and control. The secret to the success of this program is that we make the lessons so fun that the kids beg for more! Once a child masters all ten Gracie Games, they advance to the Jr. Grapplers program.

Pre Qualification:


Class Duration:

60 minutes

Gi Required :


Rank Accepted


Jr. Grapplers


Ages 8-12

Junior Grapplers In the Jr. Grapplers program, we focus on 33 non-violent self-defense techniques that teach children to “neutralize and negotiate” with the bullies. Verbal assertiveness strategies are a major portion of this curriculum. A child needs absolutely no experience to start, and we guarantee a noticeable increase in your child’s confidence within a few weeks!

Pre Qualification:


Class Duration:

60 minutes

Gi Required :


Rank Accepted


Women’s Self Defense

WOMENS SELF DEFENSE The Women’s Self Defense Class will show specific techniques that women may encounter on the street. The techniques are chosen for specific situations that women are more likely to encounter.

FREE OF CHARGE Pre Qualification:

Women Only

Class Duration:

60 minutes

Gi Required :


Rank Accepted



Pre Qualification:


Class Duration:

60 minutes

Gi Required :


Rank Accepted


Tuition & Fees Standard Tuition Rates 1st Student! !


1 Year Agreement!

6,000 ksh per month (2x/week)! !

8,000 ksh per month (3x/week)

5,000 ksh per month!

7,000 ksh per month



Private Lessons 30 Minute Session!!

Purchase 10 sessions at a time and receive the 11th session free.

1500 ksh per Session

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Referral Incentive

zilian Jiu-Jit

in Bra Instruction

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You will receive one full month of FREE tuition when you refer another family that enrolls at African MMA. Ask your Instructor for one of our VIP Guest Passes to receive your free month today!


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Discounted Tuition Rates Family Discount ! !

5,000 ksh per month (2x/week)! !

Loyalty Discount ! ! 5,000 ksh per month! (After 1 Year enrollment)! Child Discount !




5,000 ksh per month (2x/week)! !

7,000 ksh per month (3x/week) 7,000 ksh per month 7,000 ksh per month (3x/week)

Additional Program Rates Kenpo Karate!


Standard Rates + 2,000 ksh per month !

Women’s Self Defense!

Free of Charge

Intro Class! !

Free of Charge


Enrollment Fees Enrollment Fee!


Includes: GI, T-Shirt, Belt! ! 26


3,000 ksh one time fee

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