Jarius Jr. and Jazir

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Special Youth Edition

Magazine Entrepreneurs

Piano Player

Drummer TheUbmm.com

© 2021 The Ultimate Black Man Magazine All Rights Reserved No part of this Magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the written permission of the author.

Created and Published by Renetta J. Cochran Email: renettacochran@ymail.com For more information call: (810) 962-4819 To request a interview and feature in The Ultimate Black Man Magazine for Speaking engagements or any other special events please contact: The Ultimate Black Man Magazine Website: TheUbmm.com Email: TheUbmm@yahoo.com Follow us on FB, Instagram, Twitter and ISSUU.com/theultimateblackmanmagazine

Cover Designed by: Renetta J. Cochran Magazine Design by: Renetta J. Cochran

On the Cover - Jarius Gillespie & Jazir Daniel-Johnson~ . . . . . ~ 4 About the Magazine ~ . . . . . ~ 6 From The Publisher ~ . . . . . ~ 7

Jarius Gillespie Jr. is a loving young man with an old soul and a bright future ahead of him. He has a strong love for his family, music, and is an aspiring preacher. He sings at church and delivers his own personal sermon twice a month to family and friends who encourage him to continue his calling.

On top of that he loves to play the piano (mostly self taught) which he knows about 6 songs so far. He also tapped into entrepreneurship by starting a kids consignment shop with his little brother called “J&J’s Jawn”. This soon to be 11-year-old is just getting started.

Jazir Daniels-Johnson is a handsome 5 year old ball of energy unmatched. He loves superheroes and all things adventurous. Most of all he loves playing the Drums. He started playing with drumsticks at just 1 year old and continued to try to play drums bigger than his body over the years. Once he received a drumset his size, he

began creating beats through his own natural rhythm. Now he plays multiple songs along side his brother while he plays the piano. He also started a kids consignment shop with his older brother called “J&J’s Jawn”. They can’t wait to do shows in the future together and continue this journey in entrepreneurship.

About the Magazine

The Ultimate Black Man Magazine was created in 2009 by Author Renetta Cochran, to recognize, honor and feature Black Men for their outstanding accomplishments. The Ultimate Black Man Magazine is different and unique to a market where the images of our Black Men are generally negative and demeaning. Our main focus is to feature the everyday average Black Man and give him the positive image he deserves. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: To promote Integrity, Leadership, Economic and Educational Responsibility of the Community with positive images of the African American Man around the Globe.

DESCRIPTION: The Ultimate Black Man Magazine will target males of all ages. With our global market, the magazine has a universal message: Community Social Education Healthy Living Adequate Health Care Economic and Entrepreneurial Awareness Leadership Empowerment Servitude Knowledge Information We are always looking for writers, graphic designers and advertisers for our magazine that currently have a global following. Our issues will cover the life of black men’s love, marriage, health, social and economic issues. Historical issues will also be issued to educate the masses about the history of the black men. Please visit our website at TheUbmm.com or email us at TheUbmm@yahoo.com

To be featured in The Ultimate Black Man Magazine please contact us by email: TheUbmm@yahoo.com or call us at (810) 962-4819

From The Publisher

The Ultimate Black Man Magazine is the first self-published magazine that focuses on the Black Man. Our vision is to reach all communities all over the world and to teach them the value of black lives. If we can reach one then we can teach one.

The Ultimate Black Man Magazine will be an online distribution and marketed via Email, Text, Facebook, and many other social networks. It is the face of the new Digital Communication/Publication that is sweeping the nation. Photo by: Stephanie Gallagher

“The Ultimate Black Man Magazine is the one and only magazine that features and honors the Black Men for their accomplishments in their community

Please continue in celebrating the new face of The Ultimate Black Man Magazine and thank you for supporting our vision. Please visit our website at TheUbmm.com for all our latest events. Like us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Sincerely,

Hello and Thank you for being a part of Ultimate Black Man Magazine “Youth Month Special Edition”. Please take time out of you busy schedule and Honor our Youth all month. Presenting Mr. Jarius, Jr. and Mr. Jazir Sanders.

Renetta J. Cochran President/Creator The Ultimate Magazine (810) 962-4819



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