D E A R F I R S T- Y E A R
Look no further. We’ve narrowed down the three must-visit stops for your next coffee detour
What every student should know before reporting incidents of sexual harassment and misconduct
An “ex-first year” student shares ten pieces of advice to her former self and current new students
What Will Your Legacy Be?
Athlete of the Week
Navigating Title IX
North Carolina Special Elections
10 Things I Wish I Knew
Keeping It Local
Campus Comment
PATRICK W. FOLEY Aquinas Managing Editor 1977-1979
What Will Your Legacy Be in 40 Years?
they recruited editors, writers, photographers, production, circulation and advertising sales repThere’s an old saying along the lines of, “When you resentatives, secured office space, a darkroom and drink from the well, be sure to honor those who dug dependable printer and then set about establishing the hole.” standards and practices that would last well beyond If you’re reading this in The Aquinas then you their stewardship. owe a debt of gratitude to Patrick W. Foley, Class Once the Aquinas ship was righted in 1977-78, of 1979. Foley was The Aquinas’ managing editor Weir and Foley challenged the all-volunteer staff, from 1977 to 1979, and he went on to enjoy a disnow numbering in the dozens, to commit to pubtinguished career as an attorney and mediator in lishing a weekly newspaper in 1978-1979. Inspired New Jersey. He is also the father of Meghan Foley, and guided by their example, the subsequent AquiClass of 2020. He passed away this summer at the nas leadership team brought The Aquinas into the age of 62, but here’s why he should be honored. electronics era and secured the aforementioned naDuring the course of the 1976-1977 academic year, tional recognition. The Aquinas was published only four times and In the ensuing decades, hundreds if not thousands the quality of the issues can most charitably be deof University of Scranton graduates have gone on scribed as lacking. With a keen appreciation for the to enjoy successful and productive careers based on important role a vibrant student newspaper plays in what they learned working on The Aquinas. Concampus life, then University President Rev. William sider, too, how many issues and ideas have been Byron, S.J., announced an open competition in the discussed and debated since 1977. The closing of spring of 1977 for the positions of editor in chief Linden Street, for instance – a considerable, conand managing editor in the ensuing academic year. troversial step which led to the campus being so The students selected would receive a half-tuition beautiful today - was an issue pursued with vigor on and quarter-tuition scholarship, respectively, with these pages in the late 1970s. the one proviso being if the quality of the newspaper did not improve significantly the school would While no one can say for sure what would have pull the plug on the newspaper and commit those happened had Weir and Foley not committed their resources elsewhere. considerable talents, time and energy to ensure the longevity of The Aquinas, their success begs the After a spirited competition and rigorous screenquestion: What are you doing today to create a leging process, John Weir, Class of 1979, was named acy that endures 40-plus years later? What well will editor and Foley managing editor. Other than both you dig so future generations of Scranton alumni being natives of New Jersey they had little in comcan drink in 2061? mon. Weir was a scholarly and reserved history major who went on to Harvard Law School. Foley was I first met Foley during my Freshman Orientaan English major who took just as much pride in his tion weekend in 1977. Since then he was a valued having seen Bruce Springsteen perform in the early friend, mentor and inspiration. More times than I days of his career at New Jersey’s famed Stone Pony can count I found myself thinking, “what would Pat pub as he was of his academic prowess, which was Foley do?” Going forward I will strive to honor his considerable. memory by continuing to do what I think he would have done, and I encourage current and future Working in tandem from Day One, however, they Scranton alumni and students to do the same. set about laying the foundation for a student newspaper that by 1981 would earn the coveted “All Michael Watt, Class of 1981, was The Aquinas Editor in American” award as a weekly newspaper from the Chief from 1979 to 1981. Associated College Press. Starting from scratch, By Michael Watt
Athlete of the Week BY LAUREN EARNSHAW
At the beginning of each week, The University names an Athlete of the Week. The selection is based off of athletic performances of the preceding week. The selected athlete may be on a men’s or women’s team. This accolade is an honor, so we make sure to speak with each University of Scranton Athlete of the Week. Read below to learn a little more about each selected student-athlete.
CHRISTIAN ACROS ’23 Men’s Soccer August 26 to September 1 The men’s soccer team was tied 1-1 with King’s College at the end of regulation. About three minutes into the overtime period, Christian Acros ‘23 scored the game winning goal to put the Royals on top. We sat down with Acros to talk about his time at Scranton and his soccer experience. How is your season going so far? It is going great. We are 2-0 so far. Just won our home opener at Weiss against Marywood. We all work hard everyday with high hopes of a successful season. Do you have any pre-game rituals or superstitions? I always listen to Pop Smoke and Lil Durk before games. Heavy on the Pop Smoke, I’m always wooin. I also chug a liter of coconut water and try to get a nap in. Also, my left boot always has to be put on first. Are there any role models or athletes you look up to? My mom has always been and always will be my #1 role model.
NATASHIA DENUNZIO ’20 WOMEN’S TENNIS September 2 to September 8 Scranton Women’s Tennis played in the King’s Invitational tournament the weekend previous to Natashia Denunzio’s Athlete of the Week accolade. Denunzio, a senior, won the tournament, competing at the number one flight for both singles and doubles. She and her partner were tested in the finals for doubles, but they ended up winning 8-7. In her three singles matches, Denunzio only lost three games in total. How is your season going so far? The season is going well so far. The team and myself are undefeated so far. I hope to gain confidence and continue playing aggressive tennis. Do you have any pre-match rituals or superstitions? I don’t have any in particular. As a team we always huddle and say a prayer together and shout Royals on three which gets us all pumped! I do not have any superstitions at all, I believe mentality is super important and if you have a positive mindset then you give yourself the best opportunity to win. What has been your favorite moment of your Scranton tennis career? Going to NCAA’s my sophomore year after capturing the conference title. What is your favorite thing about Scranton? Hands down all the people I’ve met! That includes faculty and staff to each of my friends! What are your plans after Scranton? Go to grad school for food science and dietetics. Are there any role models/athletes you look up to? My parents for all their sacrifices and guidance and most any professional athlete, but specifically Roger Federer because of his work ethic and humility.
colin sommers ‘21 Men’s Golf September 9 to September 15 On Sept. 12, Scranton Men’s Golf matched up against Marywood at Glenmaura National Golf Club in Moosic. Colin Sommers ’20 won the match by one shot, as he shot a career-low 75 to lead the Royals. How is your season going so far? We are having a good season, so far we are 3-0. Do you have any pre-match rituals or superstitions? No pre-match rituals, but I do have a superstition. I always use the same ball marker. It is from Green Lakes State Park Golf Course. What is your favorite thing about Scranton? The people What are your plans after Scranton? Law school. Are there any role models/athletes you look up to? My favorite athlete is Derek Jeter. He does things the right way.
Navigating Title IX Know the policy. Utilize your resources. BY COLLEEN BOYLE
When we arrive at The University as first-year students, we are inundated with information on school
policy, information and resources that are in place to help us navigate difficult and stressful situations. Overtime, policies are updated and we forget exactly where to go and who to contact when we find ourselves in over our heads. Now that some of us may live off-campus or spend more time at internships than in classes, it can be easy to forget that we still belong to a community that provides a safety net for us when we fall.
As a P.A.C.T. (Promoting Awareness of the College Transition) presenter and Resident Assistant (RA), I
have the privilege of receiving extensive training and a constant flow of information about Title IX policies and procedures at the University. While I hope that none of my peers experience sexual violence or discrimination on the basis of sex or gender, the disappointing reality is that these issues are prevalent in every demographic of the student body. While I am able to proactively educate first-year students and serve as a support person for residents of mine, so many students on-and-off campus can easily feel lost when trying to navigate resources and school policy. All students should receive updated and simplified information on where to go and what to do when you or a friend has experienced sexual misconduct or harassment.
Here are six things to know and remember should you need report an incident of Sexual Harassment or
Sexual Misconduct through the University:
Mandated reporters, also known as responsible employees, include professors, coaches, University
officials and staff members, and of course Residents Assistants. RAs serve as mandated reporters at all times, regardless of whether a student is their resident or not. Keep this in mind when sharing information with them.
2. Students who disclose incidents of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct policy violations such as
harassment, stalking, sexual assault or misconduct to a mandated reporter will be directed to O.E.D. (The Office of Equity and Diversity) for a meeting with a Title IX coordinator and the opportunity to file a formal complaint.
Just because you meet with a Title IX coordinator does not mean you will have to file a formal com-
plaint or “get anyone in trouble.� You have the option to reveal as little or as much information as possible.
4. If you feel uncomfortable, confused, or overhwhelmed during the process of reporting or throughout
the course of a formal or informal investigation, make your concerns heard. Your mental wellness matters.
If a student under the age of 21 has been the victim of sexual violence while under the influence of
alcohol, they will not be directed through the conduct process upon reporting the incident. The Title IX policy violation will be addressed as the primary concern regardless of conduct history. While reporting a Title IX incident does not guarantee full immunity from the conduct office, ensuring the safety of the campus community and the well-being of students is the first priority in the Title IX process.
Breathe. You are not alone. If you feel unsure of what your rights are as a student and how the Title
IX process works, talk to an RA or refer to the following resources that are available to students year-round.
TITLE IX COORDINATORS University Title IX Coordinator:
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Elizabeth M. Garcia, JD Executive Director Office of Equity and Diversity Ph: 570-941-6645 Fax: 570-9416304
Christine M. Black, JD Assistant Director Office of Equity and Diversity Ph: 570-941-6645 Fax: 570-9416304
Deputy Title IX Coordinator Ms. Lauren Rivera, J.D., M.Ed. Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students Division of Student Life Phone: 570-941-7680
ADDITIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Women’s Resource Center On-Campus Advocate (Confidential Resource) Mondays 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. LSC 211C
Jane Kopas Women’s Center Denaples 205F Phone: 570-941-6194 Instagram & Twitter: @janekopas
Weekly Support Group (Confidential Resource) Wednesdays 8:45 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. McGurrin Hall 418
North Carolina Has Special Election 10 Months After Midterms
BY PHIL RAUCH On Nov. 6, 2018, the United States Congress had its biannual midterm elections. Several House and Senate seats were up for election, and unusual to other elections, several previously uncontested seats became eligible to flip; one of which included my home Congressional District: the New Jersey 11th. It had been held by Republicans Dean Gallo and Rodney Frelinghuysen respectively between 1985 and 2019. Among the many, the North Carolina 9th Congressional District seemed to be another district that could flip. Historically, the North Carolina 9th is a reliably GOP district and one that President Trump won by 12 percentage points in the 2016 election. In Congress, the seat has been held by Republicans since 1963. On Nov. 6, the first Republican candidate in the race, Mark Harris, won the initial election by a mere 905 votes. This was an unbelievably close margin in a conservative district. However, due to an investigation ordered by the North Carolina Board of Elections, which found evidence of a Harris aide harvesting ballots, subsequent
al to certify the election results necessitated holding a special election. Leslie McRae Dowless Jr. has since been arrested and indicted for said ballot-harvesting. Ballot-harvesting is when one volunteers themselves to collect peoples’ absentee ballots and deliver them to a polling place within that district. Per North Carolina state law, it is only legal for a close relative or the voters themselves to deliver an absentee ballot to a polling place. These circumstances are not normal in elections. It is very rare for a state’s Board of Elections to void election results. Dan McCready has maintained an active campaign through 27 months since November 2018. McCready is a moderate Democrat who is an Iraq War veteran. After the election was voided, Republican candidate Mark Harris stepped down from the candidacy, citing health issues. From there, North Carolina Republicans nominated former state senator Dan Bishop. Dan Bishop is a conservative Republican who ardently supports President Trump. The McCready campaign made a big emphasis on the term “country over party.” He campaigned on the idea that Congresspeople need to negotiate, compromise, and stop being so visceral. Dan Bishop campaigned on the platform of being a staunch conservative, fighting the opposition and supporting President Trump to whatever extent he can. On Sept. 10, 2019, North Carolinians in the 9th District were finally able to choose their representative. After a close election, Bishop narrowly defeated McCready by approximately 4,000 votes. Despite the election being closer than expected, the seat will still be held by Republicans for at least another two years. This election, due to its unusual circumstances, has unique consequences. For President Trump’s opponents, it was seen as an opportunity to have a “referendum” on the president; a referendum in this context reflects a repudiation of President Trump’s policies, not a referendum to remove him from office. Republicans, despite a clear victory, are more concerned about prospects heading into 2020 considering they struggled securing a victory in a reliably red congressional district. With a presidential election just about one year away, it appears as though it will be as up in the air as the last one was.
Adjusting to your first year of college is challenging and allows you to grow in unimaginable ways. Here are the ten things I wish I knew during that time.
Hit rewind. My first year at The University of Scranton seems like it was yesterday. A whole year went by and I cannot believe how much I have grown in my mind, body and spirit. Most say, college is a time of experience and figuring yourself out to know what makes you genuinely you. However, it can also be an intimidating, rocky and overwhelming time. So, as an ex- first year I collected ten things I wish I knew then.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Invest in community. The community you make and form here at The U will serve you for the next four years and after. It is important to create a community for yourself with people you can support and who support you. Surround yourself with good! Don’t think you have to be best friends with everyone you meet. Different people fulfill different things in your life and that’s okay. Sometimes a friendly smile or wave is simply enough. You will find your people, just hang tight and stick it out. Study, study, study. And don’t wait till the last minute to do so. Procrastination threatens everything you have done to get to this point, and laughs in your face when it doesn’t work out for you. It is a menace and must be destroyed. Put the phone down, close the Hulu tab and get to it. The U has so many opportunities to succeed and excel. At the end of the day, and after four years, the name on that piece of paper will be yours. Make it worth something.
Create time for free time. Go out, have fun with friends, experience whatever The U has to offer beyond the confines of your dorm room walls. It is critical to your sanity.
Utilize the gym! Keep your mind and body healthy while you’re here. It’s your only body, treat it right. Call your parents and siblings. It is just as much of a hard transition for you as it is for them. Trust me. Even if it’s just to tell them something silly or something that reminded you of them throughout your day, do it. Your family is your built-in fan base. They will always be rooting for you and it may help you more than you think. Don’t be afraid to speak up. I wish I spoke up more during my first-year classes. Thinking back, it was nothing to be afraid of. Everyone in your class is equal, and there to learn. Ask your question, share your input and speak your mind. I do not condone thievery and stealing, however if you stumble upon a tide pod on the ground-a very lonely, singular tide pod, with no reclaiming owner in sight--take it. They are in high demand, and high market value as a college student and will always be useful while navigating
Tenth, remember, The U is lucky to have you.
Tired of the franchise coffee? Well my friend Alana Siock and I were, so we went to three local coffee shops. Here are our findings. Northern Light, nestled in the Scranton Life building which resides across courtyard square, is a quaint boho chic café. Many would think it pulls a certain demographic, such as the hipster crowd, but it caters to all walks of life. We observed the patrons walking in, sitting down, and coming out, and they range from students, to business people and the elderly. Enough talk about the atmosphere. Let’s get to the most important item: how the drinks taste. Through this coffee shop hop, my friend Alana and I ordered a chai and café latte. Alana told me the chai latte had a powerful cinnamon flavor with a hint of vanilla. She also said she would get it again. I got the café latte which was very good; it had a nice roasted bean taste to it, and for getting a small cup it, put a pep in my step for the rest of the day. With any latte, the foam had the typical latte art on it, which I didn’t expect at the time because I just went on a whim ordering the latte.
Adezzo, which is not far from Northern Light, is tucked away in an alley way across from a parking garage. Before I continue, no, the alleyway is not sketchy; it is well-kept and clean. Adezzo is a bit smaller compared to Northern Light, which has a second floor where patrons can sit. However, Adezzo has a space dedicated for outside dining. The outdoor space is decorated with plants and hanging lights that zigzag across the space. Inside, it is dimly lit and brings a calming atmosphere to the vicinity. While waiting in line, I noticed many of the patrons were mostly students or people drawing in sketchbooks. I don’t blame them because the place is relaxing. Adezzo also has an industrial vibe to it, mainly because it has metal fixtures and it’s an old brick building. Now, enough about the décor and more about the drinks. Alana got her usual chai latte, while I, on the other hand, got a matcha latte. Alana told me the chai latte at Adezzo had a bit of a flowery taste mixed in with the spices. The matcha latte I got was potent with flavor and, in my humble opinion, was better than the matcha latte Starbucks makes.
The last stop to this coffee adventure, right inside the Scranton Electric Building, was The Sweet Lush Cupcakery, which is a bakery and coffee shop. The building is across from courtyard square and, like the other shops stated, is close to campus. When Alana and I walked into the Scranton Electric Building, Sweet Lush Cupcakery was on the left close to the entrance. The bakery is about the same size as Adezzo and the aesthetic looks to be a combination of rustic and modern. The tables and chairs are made of wood, but have a modern design to them. I can’t say much about the customers the business attracts as we were the only ones there because we got there right when the shop opened. Now, onto the most important part of the trip; Alana and I got iced vanilla and mocha lattes, and both of us agreed that they did not skimp on the flavoring. The lattes were a perfect mixture of the flavoring of our choosing and coffee. We both got larges and they lived up to the size considering I wasn’t halfway through it when Alana and I got back on main campus.
Although it is a small demographic, two out of two people agree that these shops are great alternatives to the chains such as Dunkin’ and Starbucks. As stated before, these places are all located in downtown Scranton and are within walking distance from campus. The amount of money Alana and I spent on our drinks was about fifteen dollars, which we didn’t mind wasting because the drinks at all places were delicious. It goes to show trying something new does have its benefits.
Campus Comment BY NICK BARRONE
“Do you like the changes made to POD this semester or do you say no to the new noodles?”
I’m honestly all for it. I absolutely love ramen too. I think that change is a great thing around here! The U is constantly updating and is always staying with the times. POD branching out and trying something new is a really good thing for them. I’m sure they’re a big hit among other students on campus as well. The change from barbecue to ramen wouldn’t have been made if students didn’t want change around here. It’s a sign that the U is moving in a great direction and I’m really excited to see where they go after they change the ramen station down the line. BRENDAN BETTI ‘20
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I’m just so upset there’s no more mac and cheese or pulled pork. KATIE SOLLECITO ‘21
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It’s only been a few weeks, so I think that POD will improve the service and the quality of the new ramen station. I ordered the chicken curry variety and it kind of just tasted like a plain chicken cutlet on top of broth, so it was kind of just okay. I think I would rate it 5/10.
I think that it’s a good option to bring in because it’s different, but I honestly don’t enjoy the ramen station at all. If students enjoy it, then that’s good for them. I’m more excited to see what they offer once POD finishes serving ramen though.
I do appreciate The U spicing up the variety of foods on campus. I’m honestly not a huge fan of the new ramen station. It is clear that people were big fans of the barbecue station that used to be at POD. The food at the barbecue station was high quality food. I don’t think the ramen is really worth it. It just tastes sad.
I’m personally not a fan of the ramen station. The barbecue station was a staple of POD. I feel like a majority of students went to POD because they loved what the barbecue station had to offer. The switch was really sudden, too. I also think that it hasn’t gotten a lot of positive feedback from most people on campus. I think more should be done to see what food students would actually like to see added to places on campus
JONNA LOPRESTI ‘21 I think it’s great for students. Having the station that is currently the ramen station change every month offers a lot more variety. That way, people won’t get sick of POD’s food. I do, however, think that it’s hard for students that are picky and that would rely on all of the things that the barbecue station had to offer. It’s not really great for you if you don’t like whatever is going to be served at that station whenever it changes.
ABIGAIL SUTTON ‘20 “I really like that The U is looking to change things on campus, but I really liked the barbecue station that was at POD beforehand. There were definitely much healthier options in the past. Even if The U was really intent on adding the ramen station, the barbecue station should have been kept alongside it, regardless.”
The Aquinas Crossword 1
2 3 4
7 8
1 Cockeyed’s on a Tuesday 4 This first-year residence hall used to be named
1 UPD is located in this pavillion 2 A season that doesn’t exist
on this University’s campus
6 Groups such as Royal Harmony and Octaves 8 The Female donor of the greeen in the center
3 The Lady Royals defeated this team in their
of campus
5 Scranton Pizzeria sells this unique slice of 7 Fr. Pilarz’s office is located in this Hall
9 A theater on campus that isn’t used by the theater department
championship game of the 2018-2019 season pizza
Colleen Boyle ART DIRECTOR
Abbey Donaldson STAFF WRITERS
Nick Barone Samantha Calderone Dominick M. Melara Laura Freedman Isabella Travaglia Phil Rauch Lauren Earnshaw FEATURED WRITERS
Karly Johns EDITORS
Katie Rising Julia Dalceredo Joseph Kottke Alana Siock
Are you a student looking to join The Aquinas? Email Managing Editor Colleen Boyle
Are you a club, organization, or business seeking story coverage? Email Editor-in-Chief Lauren Gallagher
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