Chi Delta Rho The graduate counseling honor society, Chi Delta Rho, is the local chapter of Chi Sigma Iota (CSI) Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International at the University of Scranton. The mission of Chi Sigma Iota is to promote scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership, and excellence in counseling and to recognize high attainment in the pursuit of academic and clinical excellence in the profession of counseling. We promote a strong professional identity through our leadership team and members who contribute to self-care and fostering wellness. This year we have tons of events we are planning and getting involved in. These include: Service Event – Run/Walk in Scranton Area (Spring TBA) Leahy Food Drive – October/November Months Professional Development Event – Oct. 27th @ 7PM “There is Life After College” – Jeffrey Selingo – Kane Forum in Leahy Hall PCA Conference – Nov. 11th, 12th, 13th Fall Bake Sale – Oct. 26th & 27th – 1st floor McGurrin Hall Counseling Apparel/Water Bottle Sale – Happening Now See 4th Floor Bulletin Board for Details!
The majority of our events allow us to provide service and to give back to the Scranton community. In order to practice self-care, you need to maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit. We feel as an organization that the events we plan and coordinate allow us to demonstrate good self-care and invite others to join in with us. Please look for our flyers around campus/emails regarding future events so you can join in on practicing self-care too!
2016-2017 Officers (Left-Right)- Santina Wesolowski-SC Liason, Ashley Rempe– CMHC Liason, Kathleen Brown– RC Liason, Katie Soeder– Secretary, Kristen Thomas-President, Andrea Lynch– Vice President, Kaylene FalcoTreasurer