VALLEYReporter YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter.
No.118 – May/June ‘14
emily Holland SOMEONE that EXCELS AT their CHOSEN SPORT Read about her sporting achievements on page 5
is h t s i e Sh month’s living legend!
© Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
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Community Contacts
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Your not-for-profit local community and sporting group can be listed here FREE courtesy of The Valley Reporter
Roleystone Community Youth Workers Joyce Arnott Mob: 0408 956 559 or Stuart Hight Email: Roleystone Badminton Trudie 9397 6920 Roley Hall Tue 9.15-11am Wed 7.30-9.30pm Roleystone Girls’ Brigade Yvonne Waddell 9397 5153 Roleystone Girl Guides 4.30pm For girls 7-up Roxy Devlin 0412 657 166 RK Snr Cricket Club Graham Fuller (Pres) 0400 195 061, email: info@, web: RK Jnr Cricket Club Tim Clarke (Pres & Sec) 9397 7313, Mike Cirillo (Treas & Reg) 9397 7604, 0448 878 257, Alan Smit 0410 924 502 (in2CRICKET co-ordinator) Roleystone Jnr Football Club Adam Hancock (Pres) 0429 353 019, Connie Saffioti (Reg) 9397 5191 Roleystone Snr Football Club Matthew Walkley (Pres) 0430 509 441, Lisa Casotti (Sec) 0400 980 116 Roleystone Gymnastics Nicole Smith (Admin) 9496 1484 Email:, Roleystone Womens Hockey Sue 9398 7426 Helen 9397 5939, 0438 923 477 Roleystone Tee-Ball & Baseball Club Inc. Sandy Johnson (Pres) 0419 875 277, Tanya Taylor (Reg) 0409 112 373 Organic Growers Assoc. meets 2nd Wednesday of the month Lisa 9399 2312 Roleystone Redback’s Little Athletics Club Boys & Girls U5-U17’s Train Mon & Wed 4.30pm - 5.30pm at RCC, Julie Jackson (Sec) 9496 0559 Roleystone Community Church 1 Croyden Rd Roleystone Minister David Bardsley Wk: 9397 5955 Hm: 9397 9303 Roleystone Schools P&C Amy Boughton (Sec) 9397 5559 1st Roleystone Scout Grp Karragullen Hall, Neil Munslow-Davies 9496 1998, Mark Thompson 9397 9185 St Christopher’s Anglican Church 9293 8273 Vishrant Buddhist Society weekly buddhist teaching meetings, for more info contact Dakini Williams 0438 831 883, email: or visit Community Garden Forum & Men’s Shed For more info call Chris Johnston 6396 0756 Child Health Nurse Thurs & Fri by appointment 9397 5813 Kalamunda District Bridge Club Weekly Day & Evening Sessions, Garth Scotford 9296 1497, Alcoholics Anonymous Meet every Sat at 7pm 9325 3566 Australian Sewing Guild Southern Hills Neighbourhood Grp meet 2nd Sun of the mth, Karen Anderson 9354 7806 Patchwork Quilting Friendship Days Lyn 9397 5207 The Rivercare Group Pat Hart 9496 1634 Armadale-Kelmscott Swimming Club, Patty Blackwell (Pres) 9497 8197 (8am - 8pm) The House of Bamboo Carol 9397 7679 City of Armadale - Roleystone Ward Councillors Caroline Wielinga 0488 900 307,, Grant Nixon 0418 449 611, Roleystone Netball Club Vanessa Mason (President) 0437 779 927, Diane Bunten (Secretary) 0404 012 462 and Sharlene Warnes (Registrar) 9496 0452 Roleystone & Districts Basketball Registration open for all ages from 5.7.13. For Enquiries please contact Chris Webb 0414 166 401, Kirk Allnutt 0423 433 449 Darling Range Wildlife Shelter Hayward Rd Martin 9394 0885 Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre 9291 3900 Kanyana provides advice & assistance 24hrs a day, 7 days a week DEC’s Department of Environment and Conservation WildCare Hotline 9474 9055. WildCare hotline operates 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, diverting to after hrs numbers at nights & weekends, to provide immediate assistance Art Classes RNFC Mon-Tues & Thur 9496 1115 Landscape Painting Tues 6.30-9.30pm Ian 9496 0034 Roleystone Lawn Bowls Gerry Chapman (Pres) 9397 5730 ISADD Intervention Services for Autism & Dev Delay Darryl Cooper 9397 5970 Kelm History Grp Congregational Church Rundle St Kelm Colleen 9495 4963 National Seniors Armadale Branch meet on the 1st Thurs of the mth RSL Hall Commerce Ave Armadale 10-12noon. Lots of interesting speakers all old & new members welcome.Ph: 9397 5880, 9390 2230 Hants & Dorset Social Club Iris Milton 9397 5449 Cat Sterilisation Society 9397 5062 9-4pm Mon-Wed Parents Without Partners Foothills Branch, Weekly Activities organised, Greg 0402 252 230, Marylena 0422 108 711 Bushfire Ready Groups Bedfordale-Ian Thompson 9399 3006, Kelmscott Hills-Peter Jago 0439 997 373, Roleystone-Chris Cairns 0417 983 019, Robert Littmann 0427 977 190, Craig Popperwell 0438 904 485 Black Cockatoo Preservation Society Wildlife Assistance call Louise Hopper 9390 2288 or email: Armadale Reptile Centre 308 South Western Hwy Wungong Ph: 9399 6927 Unplugged Acoustic Folk Roots & Blues Mel Young 9399 8493 Roleystone Child Health Centre 19 Wygonda Rd Thurs 11.30-12.30pm Ph: 9397 5813
YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter. On Sunday 18 May, walkers and pooches from across the metro area will join forces and Walk to Fight Animal Cruelty at 10am. Gates open at 8.30am and participants are welcome to attend earlier to grab a spot of breakfast before checking out all the interesting exhibitions. Turn to page 4 for more information. As a first, The Valley Reporter is proud to support the ArmadaleByford Veterinary Hospital in finding homes for a range of foster cats and kittens. The cats have all been fully vet checked, vaccinated, micro-chipped and sterilised. Turn to page 6 for this month’s featured feline. Time for Fun! Time to get Fit! Why not give badminton a try? You can join the small and friendly Roleystone group on Tuesday mornings or
Wednesday evenings. Racquets are available if you don’t have your own. See which local resident is about to embark on a lifechanging journey to the beautiful and fascinating country of Germany. Go to page 9 for the full story. The Roleystone Recreation Centre has now got The Establishment Dance Studio on board. Instructor Bramley Haran is running a range of classes for TinyTots, Mini’s and Juniors. Check out page 17 for all the class times. Please mark the next date on your calendars for the Roleystone Winter Markets, 15th June 10am to 3pm Cross Park - Jarrah Road. There will be kids activities, stalls galore, food and drinks. Roleystone Theatre is making it easy for you to find unique presents. How about the gift of
entertainment? You can purchase gift vouchers for Roleystone Theatre, valid for any show. Call Gerry and Bobbie on 9397 5730 to order yours now! Please show your support by shopping smart and shopping local with this month’s new advertisers Jus’ Dance, Sarpen Electrical, Jeannette Dyson - Artist, Allwest Bores & Reticulation and Hillside Tree Works. Fiona Newland, Editor and Publisher.
The Heartbeat of our Community
cut-off date
for all articles, photographs and advertising for “The Valley Reporter’s” next issue is set for no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 11 June Your valley Reporter’s delivered at your door 3rd week of every month Issue dates: 19 June 17 July 21 August Member of connect armadale app online
23 Wygonda Road Roleystone WA 6111
PHONE 0400 428 119
Disclaimer “Subject to any rights and remedies available under the law of any State or Territory of Australia or the provisions including the schedules of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified, the publisher: a) does not provide any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in any material published; b) excludes all liability for any misrepresentation which may arise out of the publication of any material; c) shall have the right to refuse or cancel any material requested for publication.” Articles published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter.
OPEN Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Inbox The VALLEY Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. For The VALLEY Reporter’s “Inbox Letters to the Editor” full list of guidelines go to;
To the Editor: The proposed introduction of a toll system for heavy vehicles on Roe Highway by the State and Federal Liberal Governments is an attack on the hard working men and women in WA’s transport industry. Colin Barnett said before the last state election that there would be no toll system introduced to roads in WA. Now we see that Mr Barnett has been offered Federal Government funding by Mr Abbott
to build the Roe Highway extension under the proviso that a toll system be introduced and enforced on commercial heavy vehicles. As a former truckie, I have fought long and hard to see the introduction of safer pay and working conditions for truck drivers through the road safety remuneration tribunal and I am not going to sit around and watch liberal governments hit drivers with another blow to their hip pocket without a fight. We all know that if you don’t pay truck drivers a safe wage and they are forced to take risks on our roads, it can end in tragedy for all road users. With the Abbott government already flagging that they want to strip truck drivers of their wages and conditions, the added expense of a toll to pay for a road extension nobody wants is beyond the pale. While Mr Abbott likes to call himself the Infrastructure Prime Minister, it is clear that he is only happy to approve construction if someone else is paying for it. In this case, with WA Liberals like Finance Minister Cormann and Foreign Minister Bishop not having the guts to stick up for transport workers in this state, I will be a fierce advocate for opposing any toll charges for any of WA’s road users. Once again we see Western Australia being used as a cash cow so that the Liberals can pander to the interests of eastern states inner city luvvies from Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Yours sincerely, GLENN STERLE LABOR SENATOR FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA.
“Inbox Letters to the Editor” published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter. Please feel free to submit your letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” so we can include them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Email: or
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REMINDER: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Valley Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. However, letters must conform to some guidelines. The Valley Reporter does not publish letters that contain personal attacks or inappropriate,questionable language or content. We strongly encourage writers who do have a personal complaint about a business, individual or organisation to relay their concerns to the source instead of, or at least prior to, voicing them in a letter to the editor. In most cases, it is more appropriate to air those type of issues privately instead of publicly so that the subject may respond and the concerns may be addressed. We also, as a rule, do not publish unsigned letters. There is one exception: The writer must show an extremely compelling reason for needing to remain anonymous. The written request to have your “name withheld” must accompany the letter. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. While we try to print as many letters to the editor as possible, writers must be aware that their publication is at the editor’s discretion. Timeliness, space constraints and the amount of letters submitted each month are three of the factors considered.
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The Perth Million Paws Walk will be held once again at Sir James Mitchell Park. Walkers and pooches from across the metro area will join forces and Walk to Fight Animals Cruelty at 10am on Sunday 18 May 2014. Gates open at 8.30am so come down for a spot of breakfast to get you ready for your walk and check out all the interesting exhibitions from all of RSPCA WA
departments, you can meet our Inspectors, get advice from our Dog Behaviour team or learn about current animal welfare issues from our Education department. An event map will be published on http:// Australia/Walk_Locations/Perth.htm closer to the event. Register now for express entry at the gate.
glenn sterle
Labor Senator for Western Australia Duty Senator for Hasluck
Abbott’s Commission of Audit: A BLUEPRINT FOR BROKEN PROMISES Labor Duty Senator for Hasluck Glenn Sterle said that Tony Abbott’s Commission of Audit is nothing more than a blueprint for the Government’s broken promises in the upcoming federal Budget. “This is Tony Abbott’s plan to put up the taxes of families in Hasluck,” Senator Sterle said. “It’s his plan for cuts, instead of growth.” “It’s his plan to increase the cost of living, and cut the services that local families rely on,” Senator Sterle said. “It’s his plan to make sure your family gets less, while millionaires get more.” “Tony Abbott will turn the most basic things in life - education, health care, support for older Australians, into a massive every day struggle for
working families.” “Taking just one measure from Mr Abbott’s blueprint, a $15 GP Tax will cost the people of Hasluck, including those who live in Midland, Kalamunda, High Wycombe, Maddington, Gosnells and Thornlie nearly $11million every year,” Senator Sterle said. “This report shows that hard-working families in Hasluck will be hurt by Tony Abbott’s broken promises.” “It shows how out of touch this Prime Minister is and how twisted his priorities are,” said Senator Sterle. “Tough choices need to be made in all Budgets.” “But Tony Abbott is making the wrong choices for our future.”
PAGE 4 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Cuts threaten Small Businesses, Exports & Jobs
The Prime Minister’s Commission of Audit will undermine Australia’s economic future with its cuts to services helping small and medium-sized businesses to break into new export markets. The Commission of Audit has recommended major cuts to Austrade, scrapping the Export Market Development Grants program and abolishing the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation. This is a short-sighted move that would hurt hard-working small and medium sized businesses and jeopardise Australia’s future as an exporting nation. It would mean fewer job opportunities for Australian workers in the future as our SMEs will be left to fend for themselves in developing new export markets. Austrade provides extensive practical support to Australian firms in developing international markets, attracting new investment, and promoting our tourism and
education industries to customers overseas. The Export Market Development Grants help SMEs promote their goods in overseas markets while the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation provides finance for Australian businesses to help them secure export business. It is ironic that the plan to scrap these services was unveiled on the same day the Trade Minister Andrew Robb was boasting about helping Australian businesses to win new contracts in China. Australian businesses will find it harder to expand into new markets like China under the Commission of Audit cuts. These cuts prove that Mr Abbott’s statement that ‘Australia is open for business’ was just another Liberal lie. Senator The Hon Penny Wong Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Shadow Minister for Trade and Investment Senator for South Australia
For local Roleystone resident Emily Holland, swimming is more than just a sport. Swimming is life. A member of the Southside Penrhos Wesley Swimming Club, Emily recently competed in the 2014 State Long Course Championships and represented Australia in the 2014 Indian Ocean All Stars Challenge. She was successful in her endeavours at the State Championships, coming away with two gold medals in 50 metres Breaststroke (45:26) and 100 metres Breaststroke (1:41:03). Along with these outstanding achievements, Emily also received a silver medal in the 200 metres Individual Medley (3:10:40) and bronze medal in the 100 metres Backstroke (1:30:79). Finally, Emily was presented the trophy for the highest-scoring nine-year old girl with points being awarded for each race in the Indian Ocean Challenge. These incredible results are a true reflection of her tenacious and hardworking attitude. Emily is dedicated to her passion and wakes up at 4.30am in the morning three times a week to train in South Perth, and completes a total of five training sessions a week. At such a young age, Emily’s success is inspiring to those around her. The Valley Reporter would like to congratulate Emily on her fantastic achievements and wish her every success for the future.
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DESSERT: Sticky chocolate pudding with vanilla white chocolate sauce, double cream and macadamia brittle.
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For more information, please call the Armadale-Byford Veterinary Hospital on 9399 4299
Avocados Accommodation
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Help our local foster carers find homes for the cats and kittens that have been abandoned There have been some wonderful foster carers in Roleystone and surrounds doing a fabulous job at ensuring these beautiful animals find loving homes. In some circumstances they have had a pretty disheartening start to life, but with ample love, care and affection, these foster cats and kittens are now looking for new homes. The cat pictured is called Asher. He is currently in foster care with Deanna from the Roleystone Family Centre. Asher is very confident when he knows he is safe, and is great with other cats and dogs. He has beautiful colouring with a very prominent stripy, ginger coat accompanied by spots on his underbelly. He is a very fit and healthy cat with bright, loving eyes. Still very much a kitten at approximately 5 months of age,
Asher loves cuddles and the company of humans. Keely from Armadale-Byford Vet says that ‘Since the new cat laws were introduced in 2013, many cats have been abandoned when their owners have relocated. As a result, our cat adoption program, which has been running for 20 years, has been inundated with cats and kittens. Despite all of the help from our wonderful foster carers, we are in desperate need of permanent homes for these cats.’ The cats have all been fully vet checked, vaccinated, micro-chipped and sterilised. To view our cats available for adoption, please go to the Armadale-Byford Veterinary Hospital Facebook page, and for more information, please call the animal hospital on 9399 4299.
advertorial Real Estate News Release - Roleystone 36th Edition
Exclusive studio classes
Real Estate Secrets Exposed
be quick! numbers are limited
What’s happened in 2014 to date and What’s the outlook!
REIWA (Real Estate Institute of WA) HAS RECENTLY PROVIDED THE FOLLOWING INFORMATON TO THE MARKETPLACE: What has happened in 2014 to date? - March quarter showing a marginal in increase in medium house price moving from $546,000 to $550,000; - Little change in overall sales for the March Quarter when compared to the December Quarter. The 2014 outlook currently is: - Strong trade up activity; - First Home Buyers activity is reducing which causes general stock levels to increase. (First home buyers remove homes from the market, trade up buyers exchange one home for another); - RBA believes that the monetary policy is appropriately configured - interest rates on hold!! Overall, still strong opportunities for trade-up options, with buyers happily buying above the median price bracket and will continue to do so throughout 2014. For further Real Estate news updates, contact Fraser Williams 0439 092 248.
w/m spelt flour $6.95/kg mason’s rolled oats*† $5.20/kg basmati rice $6.99/kg red lentils $6.50/kg brown rice*† $5.80/kg coconut sugar $11.99/kg *australian †biodynamic
The information contained within this correspondence is the opinion only of Roleystone Real Estate, and its representatives and may not be true and correct. All parties to which this correspondence is intended for should exercise their own due diligence as to the accuracy of the information provided. Roleystone Real Estate, its directors, employees, associates and insurers will take absolutely no responsibility for any actions arising from any parties acting on this information contained within.
Soils,Mulches, Bush Mulch, Sand,Landscaping Blended Soils, Rocks,
This year, Girls on the Porch will hold their annual fundraising event on Sunday 19th October 2014 at the Esplanade Hotel Fremantle by Rydges. The event will raise much needed funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, with the aim of having zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030. In addition to the event, Girls on the Porch are also raising funds by way of raffle ticket sales. Tickets are $2 each and a book holds 10 tickets. If you are able to help Girls on the
Porch in selling tickets to family, friends or work colleagues, please let us know and we would be more than happy to send some to you. We will also be at the Roleystone Shopping Centre on a number of weekends during the year, so please come and say hello. Your support is truly appreciated. We are also looking for prizes to raffle at the event, so if you are able to donate, please contact Wendy Scott on 0417 983 695, Melissa Addison-Edgar on 0422 352 187 or email girlsontheporch@
Blended Mulches, Brickie & Paving Sand, Landscaping, Garden Makeovers, Local Gravel, Roadbase, Top Dressing Loam, Blue Metal, Moss and Laterite Rock.
Ornamental Trees and Agapanthas
Complete Landscaping & Garden Makeover’s
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Local Business with Local Knowledge
Owner/Operator FREE DELIVERY
Phone John: 0418 Mobile 0418 953953 591591 or Anna Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 Phone/Fax 9397 6854 Email: Office Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm 6 days Mon to Sat
PAGE 7 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Karragullen Gravel Gravel Karragullen Garden Supplies Supplies && Garden
Roleystone Community Chemist
If you have an annoying cough that seems to go on forever, check with your pharmacist to get the right treatment.
What is causing that annoying cough? OFFERING FRIENDLY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Proprietors: Stephen White B.Pharm., M.P.S. Michael Whitely B.Pharm., M.P.S. Manager: Gary Toh B.Pharm., M.P.S.
HOURS Mon-Fri 8.30am - 6pm Thurs 8.30am - 7pm Sat 8.30am - 5pm Sun 9.00am - 3pm
Shop 15, 21 Jarrah Road Roleystone P: 9397 5377 F: 9397 6923 E:
Open 7 Days
A chronic unproductive cough affects quality of life, disturbs sleep, can result in urinary incontinence in some women and fainting in the elderly. Such a cough is usually a sign or symptom of an underlying condition. In 90% of cases, this includes asthma, post-nasal drip or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). Other causes include chronic obstructive airways disease, bronchiectasis, lung cancer, emphysema or pulmonary fibrosis. Furthermore, it can be caused by infections such as viral or bacterial pneumonia and bronchitis, legionnaires disease, cigarette smoking, environmental allergens, medications or heart failure. When treating the cough, it is important to identify the underlying cause. Rhinitis and hay fever Rhinitis results in excessive mucous production that causes a runny nose, post nasal drip and a constant throat clearing cough. The best treatment is an antihistamine rather than cough mixture. Non-sedating, 24hour antihistamines work best, but sedating ones
can be used if the cough disturbs sleep patterns. Asthma Asthma may result in a dry, hard cough, especially in the very young or old. Although the causes and trigger factors of asthma are many and varied, the cough with asthma often occurs at night, post exercise or exposure to cold air. The cough is the result of chronically swollen airways, which makes it difficult for asthmatics to empty their lungs properly. Low dose inhaled corticosteroids and long acting medicines can be used to open airways. Because asthma is a chronic condition, long-term use of these inhalers is necessary and correct inhaler technique is vital. GORD GORD may cause heartburn, acid regurgitation and a bitter taste in the mouth. To treat this condition, it is important to visit your doctor or pharmacist as well as lose abdominal weight, reduce fat in your diet, and quit smoking. Smokers Cough Often anti-productive and hacking, it improves around 8 weeks after quitting. Commit and quit because you can. Ask your pharmacist, visit your doctor or use online help by visiting au or
“Providing you with a neat and moreSupplies precise result” Sand Rock ■ Sand Supplies Rock pitch Rock Retaining Walls ■ Rock Supplies Landscaping ■ Rock Site works/sand pads Retaining Walls Site Works / Sand Pads Drainage / Leach Drains Landscaping Driveways Firebreaks Pools
PAGE 8 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
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Time for fun! Time to get fit! Come and join our small and friendly group and give Badminton a try. Suitable to all ages, we play every Tuesday morning from 9:00am to 10:30am and Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the Roleystone Hall on the corner of Wygonda and Jarrah Roads. There are racquets available if you don’t have your own. Family groups are always welcome. Please ring Trudie McCain from the Roleystone Badminton Club on 9397 6920 for more information.
LOCAL RESIDENT SOPHIE SALLUR RECEIVES FULLY PAID SCHOLARSHIP TO GERMANY My name is Sophie Sallur and I am currently attending Kelmscott Senior High School as a year 11 student. Recently, I applied for an 11-week fully paid scholarship to Germany through Scholarships for Australian-German Student Exchange (SAGSE). To my surprise and delight, I and my fellow German student and friend, Shannai, were awarded the only two Steve’s Unique scholarships in WA. From June to September, we will both host a German exchange Eco Handmade student for approximately 10 weeks. Then in November of this Art & Handycrafts year, we will embark on a life-changing journey to the beautiful and fascinating country of Germany. We will spend 3 months living with a German host family, attending school, and travelling around the country with 30 0418 916 366 other students from around Australia, learning about the culture, 2/2 Soldiers Rd Roleystone language and people of this amazing nation. Open Wed-Sat 10-4, Sun 12-4 Although both I and Shannai have worked extremely hard to achieve this incredible opportunity, it wouldn’t have been possible REpaiR WORk specialising in wrought without the support and effort of the Kelmscott LOTE teaching iron, wood, mosaics, sml steel fabrication, staff, who work tirelessly to ensure their students have the best sculpture, fences, gates, balustrading, handrails, lighting & security doors tools and knowledge to achieve their goals. Their amazing work has paid off, as it is now the second year in a row that both scholarships have been won by Kelmscott students, with the school already being extremely successful in the program. I’d like to thank those teachers who have given me the skills I have used to succeed, as well as the generous sponsors who fund the exchange and SAGSE for providing this exciting and wonderful opportunity. Shannai and I couldn’t be more excited to meet our exchange partners and fly to Germany in just over 7 months – it’s not long until we’ll be saying Auf Wiedersehen!
Antiques & Collectables
9496 2099
All seniors are invited to a free information seminar to find out what steps they can take to reduce the likelihood of crime and make their life more safe and secure. The Shire of Kalamunda is hosting a “Personal Safety and Scams” seminar on Friday 13 June 2014 from 12:30pm to 3:30pm with guest speakers from WA Police and Consumer Protection WA. Some key areas that will be discussed include safety at home, using security devices, safety precautions at night, internet safety and scams. CEO Rhonda Hardy said, “Research has shown that those who appear confident and take security precautions are less likely to become victims of crime. By introducing a few common sense practices into their daily routine seniors can give themselves, their family, friends and neighbours a much greater peace of mind.” “Guest speakers at the seminar will provide seniors with essential tips to help improve their security and help them feel more confident about their safety at home and in the community.”
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Frank 9496 The information seminar will also introduce seniors to WA ScamNet and provide key information on the top types of scams - both telephone and internet scams - and important things to be aware of to avoid falling victim. As a bonus for attending the seminar all participants will receive a free mini torch and lanyard on the day. The event includes afternoon tea and will be held at the Woodlupine Family and Community Centre at 88 Hale Road, Forrestfield. Bookings are essential and people must register by Friday 6 June to receive a ticket prior to the event (bookings will not be taken on the day). To secure your spot phone 9257 9867 or email safety@ Ref: Published on 6 May 2014.
Bryan McCready
B.READY Consulting Pty Ltd Araluen, Roleystone Phone: 0407 479 109 email:
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Personal Safety for Seniors
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Council proposes new ward boundaries in preparation for LG Reform The City of Armadale Council adopted a proposed new ward and Councillor representation structure, ahead of a Local Government Reform decision, at a Special Council Meeting on Monday 5 May 2014. The proposed ward and Councillor structure responds to the request from the Local Government Advisory Board (LGAB) to provide details of how the proposed boundary realignment would be implemented should the change be recommended by them as part of the metropolitan reform process. City of Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones said, “If the LGAB supports the Minister’s proposed boundary realignment, for Armadale to take in the northern part of Serpentine Jarrahdale, the proposed ward and Councillor representation model will come into play. “The proposed ward layout involves all wards in Armadale and Serpentine Jarrahdale being abolished and seven new wards being created across the new larger local government area. The seven new wards would each have two Councillors elected to represent them, totalling 14
Councillors. The Councillors would then elect the Mayor from within the Council. “Every elector will have equal representation in the new proposal. There will be one Councillor for every 3700 electors, up from the 2700 represented by each Councillor today, or a total of 7400 electors per ward. “Some allowance has also been made for those communities expecting rapid growth. “The alignment of the proposed ward boundaries considers communities of interest, physical and topographical features, demographic trends and economic factors. “The City and Council prepared the proposed ward boundary structure to ensure that we are prepared in advance of a decision being announced by the Minister for Local Government,” said Mayor Zelones. The adopted proposed ward boundaries and Councillor representation model will be forwarded to the LGAB for consideration as part of their deliberations on amalgamations and boundary realignments in the metropolitan area.
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Allegri String Quartet When: 11:00am, Wednesday 18 June Morning Melodies The Allegri String Quartet is a group of players from the Allegri Chamber Orchestra whose enthusiasm for musical exploration has led them to a more intimate string quartet repertoire. This performance will include familiar tunes but will also introduce the audience to some less familiar musical styles. The audience may be surprised by the variety of sounds, rich harmonies and rhythms that a string quartet can produce. Enjoy all this without any modern technology - just four wooden instruments, horse hair bows and 16 strings. The quartet comprises two violinists (Ronniet Orlando and Helen Milner), one violist (Amy Thompson) and a cellist (Rachel Clark). Morning tea starts from 10.15am, with performance commencing at 11am. Related links Fees: Admission $12.50 Standard; $11.50 Group (10 or more); $3 Registered Carers.
Divine Sixties - A Musical Story
When: 11:00am, Wednesday, 21 May Gorgeous three part harmonies from the delightful Divine Miss M’s will fill the theatre when the group presents its energetic tribute to the popular and colourful music era that is the 1960s. Fees: Admission $12.50 Standard; $11.50 Group (10 or more); $3 Registered Carers
CONTACT AND ADDRESS DETAILS Address: Don Russell Performing Arts Centre, Thornlie Telephone: 9493 4577,
Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services Compassionate convenient care of your pet at home Dr Judith M Congrene BSc BVMS Veterinary Surgeon
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diverse in its approach to the source of the weakness and pain. The pattern diagnosed depends on an assessment of symptoms, a clinical examination of the animal with close attention to its tongue colour and characteristics, as well as determining the quality of the pulses felt in the femoral artery. This information can be used to formulate a treatment plan including acupuncture and possibly Chinese herbs. It is very satisfying to see an animal improve its quality of life and continue to be mobile so that euthanasia can be avoided.
Next Field Day June 8th, 2014. The next field day is a continuation of the Hall Road Bushland revegetation, between Michael and Norman Roads, Roleystone (signs will indicate location of the trailer). Planting will commence at 9.00am and finish at 12.00pm. New volunteers will be welcome. Please bring gloves and a trowel if you have them, although there may be some available for your use. If you require any further information, please visit our website: This and other information is shown on the notice board at the Roleystone Shopping Centre. Morning tea will, as usual, be provided. Hope to see you there. Horst Seecamp.
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Ten months ago, I was contacted by a very distressed lady who was seeking help for her 10-year-old Alaskan Malamute affected by osteoarthritis. Her dog, Demon, weighed approximately 80kg and was weak and wobbly in his hind legs. This is a common and serious problem for elderly dogs, as mobility is the key to quality of life. In this situation, it is imperative to provide effective treatment to overcome the pain and inflammation, which is the root of the stiffness and weakness. A key problem is the difficulty for owners to get their very large dogs into the car to travel to the vets. This was certainly an obstacle for Demon, and his owner was very relieved to hear that I could treat Demon at their home. Many dogs with osteoarthritis respond to the use of anti-inflammatory drugs given by injection or tablet. However, a large number are also affected by weakness in their hind legs, which is not so readily treated by western veterinary medicine. My studies in Traditional Chinese Veterinary medicine have provided an additional range of options for dogs, as the Chinese medicine diagnosis is more
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Be part of Streamcare and watch the benefits flow on and on! Since its inception in 2002, the City of Armadale Streamcare Project has helped hundreds of landowners take care of their local riverside environment. The aim of the program is to revitalise local streams and improve the habitat for native fish and wildlife through the planting of native flora and careful use of weed control, fertilisers and pesticides by landowners. Mayor Henry Zelones said some landowners are unaware that there is even a stream running through their property, as some streams only flow for a few months a year. “The best way of caring for these waterways is by educating the residents, to ensure local natural habitats are protected and also improving the quality of waterways for everyone. “The success of the program means the waterways in the area are protected for future generations. “Improving the water quality here means we are contributing towards a significant difference to the waterways of the metropolitan area as these streams flow into the Wungong, Southern, Canning and ultimately the Swan River. “The City’s Streamcare Promoter provides landowners with technical advice on the management of their land and waterways, and provides technical advice on weed control, pesticides, property planning and revegetation. “Some landowners may also be eligible for free native plants through the program, to revegetate their waterway and create a healthier environment,” said Mayor Zelones. Landowners who have a stream or creek on their property are invited to participate in the program, and can contact the City’s Streamcare Promoter on 0409 116 985 or via email on
• Grass Tree (AKA) Blackboy Pruning & Maintenance, Transplanting or free removal (alive) • Garden Yard Clean Ups & Routine Maintenance • Storm Damage Clean Ups • Chainsawing & Wood Removal
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Roleystone Gumnut Playgroup Have you thought about enrolling your children at the local Roleystone Gumnut Playgroup? It’s a fantastic place for them to have fun, with arts and crafts, indoor and outside play equipment and morning tea all provided. Whilst your children play in our safe environment, you can enjoy some time to catch up with friends or meet new people. Also, if you
are a member and hire a room at the Roleystone Family Centre, the playgroup can hire out play equipment for a small fee. So come down to the Family Centre and enquire today. For more information about toy hire, please contact Claire at (0404 309 218), Kerry at (0439 914 011) or Marie at rpgregistrar@ (0404 996 670).
BLUE WHEELERS WINTER UPDATE Over the past month or so, I have noticed an increase in the number of dogs with ticks and fleas. It is strange to see this with the weather cooling, so I thought I would share my thoughts on some useful products available to combat ticks and fleas. Whilst Frontline and like-products are good, they can sometimes become ineffective. Some of the more effective products include Sentinel, Comfortis and Advantix. Sentinel is particularly effective and can also give you a cost saving, as it also includes wormers. There is a lot of information regarding these products on the Internet. Another area for concern during winter is the mobility of older dogs. They tend to get a bit slower and sore. You can help them by either adding fish oil to their food or a product called Rose-Hip Vital, which is a rosehip powder sprinkled on the food. A lot of my customers use this and swear by it. If you want any of the products mentioned, the best place to buy is either online or through myself as it is much cheaper than the big chain stores. Please email, visit or call
Jeff Trainer
JD Repairs & Restorations 14 Urch Rd Roleystone Tel/Fax: 9496 2198 Mob: 0412 675 175 SPECIALISING IN: Furniture Restoration (Antique to Modern) Repair & Restoration to most things of value General Maintenance • Corporate & Domestic Property Damage Repairs Insurance Claims & Assessments
• Pensioner Discounts • Specialist Breed Specific Groomer • Fully Trained, Certified and Insured • Australia’s No.1 Choice in Mobile Dog Grooming
0404 485 137 for more information about our products and services. Alexi Christidis. Articles published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter.
• Pre-brushing to loosen dirt • Specialist treatment shampoos • Flea rinse & whitening shampoo • Eyes and ears gently cleaned • Nails trimmed • Towel and blow dried • Doggy treat after every wash
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Congratulations to the Christidis Family from The Valley Reporter Annie Evangeli Christidis (a baby sister for Lachie) Annie was born at the King Edward Birth Centre on 4th May at 11:05pm, weighing 4.14kg.
SPORTS stars Do you know someone who EXCELS AT SPORT?
We want to feature sports achievers within The Valley Reporter, but we need you to tell us who they are. Any age counts, who is your living legend? Please feel free to submit your details to us in the following ways so we can add them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter” Mobile: 0400 428 119 Fax: 9397 5136 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone
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21 Jarrah Road Roleystone Phone: 9397 5549 How the Roleystone locals like it
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How the Roleystone locals like it
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BUSH TUCKER INCURSION On Tuesday 6 May, students from Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School in Kelmscott had the opportunity to participate in an incursion based on local native bush tucker plants. Children from Year 1 to Year 6 eagerly participated in activities and had the opportunity to feel, smell and taste highly regarded local bush tucker and learn about their importance to the local Nyoongar people.
The lovely people from SERCUL introduced students to the Nyoongar seasons and explained that Nyoongar people have the ability to take from the land in a sustainable way. All students had a wonderful time learning about the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, their culture and their relationship with the land and plants!
Neways & ENJO Consultant
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On Wednesday 7 May, mothers, grandmothers and significant women in the Good Shepherd Catholic School community were treated to a celebratory morning tea at the school. The guests gathered in Ward House and were served tea and coffee by the school’s Principal, Mr David Tunchon and Assisitant Principal, Mr Chris Burns. The Year Six students were the hosts for
the morning and displayed fantastic skills as they expertly served guests with a delicious morning tea. The mums took the opportunity to mingle, chat and relax with hand massages another skill at which the Year Six hosts excelled! Thank you to all mothers, and we do hope the morning tea reminded you of how important you are to us.
Drug Aware Ignite Basketball program funding
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the Department of Child Protection and Family Support ($20,000 per year for the next three years), Public Transport Authority ($10,000) and the Local Drug Action Group ($5,000). “The City is committed to joining with other agencies to provide a suite of youth intervention programs and we will continue to advocate for additional funding to ensure the program continues into 2015 and beyond. “This will be a great opportunity for the Minister and Director Generals to see firsthand the great results this program has been achieving,” said Mayor Zelones. Ignite now consists of three teams that participate in the Perth Redbacks league on Saturday mornings, two U16s (Ignite Diamonds and Tigers) and an U14s team (Ignite Warriors). Through a partnership with the Perth Redbacks, four Ignite Basketball participants were scouted and invited to try out at a USA college scholarship camp. The program also provides individual recognition through achievement certificates and the opportunity for young people to gain Level 1 basketball qualifications in coaching, refereeing and administration. A total of 44 coaches and referees have been qualified since the program started and three are now members of staff, providing essential mentoring and acting as role models for the younger participants. For more information regarding the Ignite Basketball program visit www.facebook. com/ignitebasketball.
FAA Licensed Supplier
The City of Armadale has successfully secured funding to ensure the Drug Aware Ignite Basketball program will continue for the remainder of 2014. This Saturday the Ignite participants will host the Minister for Sport and Recreation, Terry Waldron; Director General of the Department of Sport and Rec, Ron Alexander; and Acting Director General of Department for Child Protection and Family Support at a showcase to see where the funding goes. Drug Aware Ignite Basketball is a full time, sport based intervention that uses basketball to engage vulnerable young people through physical activity, leadership development, education/training and community involvement. Mayor Henry Zelones said now that the Ignite program is well established and recognised within the community, the City was not only successful in securing funding, but additional volunteers to provide essential support. The City has increased its own contribution in order to keep this valuable program afloat. “We are very pleased to have 325 young people already registered with Ignite this year, showing the need for this type of intervention program within the community. “Of course the success of the program would not have been possible without the support of our funding partners; Department of Sport and Recreation ($150,000 over three years), WA Police Strategic Crime Prevention Division ($25,000), Healthway ($30,000 per year for the next two years),
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Donna Christine Amelioration ‘Change ‘Chang ge fo fo the Better’ for Bett tter’ tt
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Kinesiology Kinesiology is a non-invasive wholistic therapy that combines Eastern energy healing with Western sciences to view and treat your body as a whole. If you are feeling run down or depressed,
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Our A Grade team from 2013
Roleystone has never won an ‘A’ Grade Grand Final till last year when we at last clinched it!
Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club Keep fit and have fun! Join Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club today. It’s that time of the year again when we start looking at winter sports and getting fit after the summer heat and lethargy. There is nothing like a game of hockey to get the heart working, lungs puffing and muscles moving. Although they will ache to start with, soon your body will get fitter and your pulse will become stronger and slower. The mental effect is also therapeutic. Being surrounded by a happy bunch of ladies with a bit of an adrenalin rush helps remove any frustrations from the body. If you are a top player then ‘A’ Grade will set you a challenge. But for those who just want to have some fun, ‘B’ Grade could be for you. The only limitation is
that you must be 13 years old – no upper limits. Among many, some of the advantages of playing with Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club include: • Our fees are very much lower than Metro clubs • All games played at same venue on Sunday afternoon • Only 3 venues used all within reasonable driving distance of Roleystone • High standard of hockey • Good family and social atmosphere with a free cuppa after the game. If this appeals to you and you would like more information, please call: Rachel on 0424 472 282 or Yvonne on 9397 5153.
Ryan Bakke Owner / Operator
0426 111 740 Rego: 8040 ABN: 16 653 651 758 Domestic & Commercial
DANCE CLASSES – ROLEYSTONE REC CENTRE WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE Come along and introduce the kids and sign them for either TINY-TOTS, MINI’S or JUNIOR classes for TERM 2. Tiny-Tots Jazz / HipHop Monday 9.30am - 10.15am Jazz / HipHop Saturday 9.00am - 9.45am Mini’S Jazz / HipHop Saturday 9.45am-10.30am Junior Jazz / HipHop Saturday 10.30am-11.15am Registration fee per student of $20.00 payable at time of registration. Student fees can be paid weekly or by purchasing a 10 class pass on registration day. Registration forms are available at the Roleystone Recreation Centre. For further information phone 9397 6538. Hope to see lots of little ones! Bramley Haran.
Bringing Quality to Perth
Julian Graziani
Canning MHR Don Randall is encouraging individuals in the Canning electorate to share 0409 900 667 their experiences of the Child Support Program Services, Repairs and Breakdowns as part of a new Parliamentary Inquiry. • ALL NEw ANd OLd CArs • 4wd spECIALIst The Inquiry will focus on how the Child Support system works, including issues such • trAILErs, MOwErs, MACHINErY as dealing with over or underpayments, flexibility for families, options for children in • ALL ELECtrICAL ANd ACCEssOrIEs • COst EFFECtIVE ANd CONVENIENt conflict situation, how the program works with Family Assistance frameworks, and links between the program and the Family Court. “The Child Support Program is there to address the needs and costs of children, often at times of great stress for a family”, Mr Randall said. WE DESPERATELY NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE TO RECTIFY AN INJUSTICE “The House of Representatives THAT HAS RESULTED FROM THIS Standing Committee that is conducting the Inquiry want to look This accident happened at the way the Program operates to about 9.40am on Friday see if it is fair and flexible. 11 January 2011 at the “Everyone who has a personal experience with the Program is intersection of Denny encouraged to complete the online Avenue and Albany questionnaire and tell their own Highway, Kelmscott story.” Mr Randall said feedback from - at the corner of the people using the Child Support Woollies, Caltex Garage Program is crucial to understanding in front of the Denny how the program operates in reality. Avenue left turn only He commended the Minister for Social Services, the Hon Kevin lane. If you were a Andrews MP, for initiating the witness to this or can Inquiry. tell us anything about The online questionnaire and terms this accident. of reference for the inquiry can be accessed by visiting Contact Mark on 0407 081 074 au/childsupport.
Expertise, Integrity, Service
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Child Support Program Inquiry – Feedback Wanted!
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SMoKe AlArMS rcD’S
The netball season officially started on the 3rd of May at Ray Owen Sports Centre in Lesmurdie. It was wonderful to see all of our members (and lots of new excited faces) in uniform and spread across so many courts throughout the day! With 20 registered teams, the 2014 season will be the biggest in the club’s history. The day was extra long for several of our teenage girls (and families). Not only do they coach some of the younger teams and then play their own game, they also have to umpire as well. Whether it’s umpiring for the club or for KDNA Squad, umpiring is a very tiring and nerve-racking task. It can take years to build up the confidence you need. The committee would like to take this opportunity to remind parents and spectators alike that with your support and positive encouragement they will continue to improve and gain confidence as the season continues. For those of you who would like to give umpiring a go, JUMP commences on Saturday 17th May from 10am to 11am. The course involves 4 weeks of theory and then umpiring games in the 10am time slot. If you’re interested, just see the ladies in the front office. We would like to continue to acknowledge our on-going sponsorship from Beaver Tree Services, Metro Mobility and Rainstorm Dust Control, as well as K Seating and the Roleystone Branch of the Bendigo Bank. It’s great to have businesses like these assisting our club, so please get on board and support the businesses that support us. For all uniform enquiries, please contact Kristy Hodges on 0447 044 412 or email All other enquiries can be directed to Club Registrar/Secretary, Sharlene Warnes, at Alternatively, you can visit the club’s website
C r eCreative a t i v e Driveways
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Driveways & Fencing & Fencing
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My name is Tobiyaez Haynes. From the 14th to 17th of April, fellow Film & Television Specialist student Jasmine Smith and I went to work experience at the ABC Perth studios in East Perth. Despite being in Year 10, we were chosen following a rigorous selection process that involved Year 11 and 12 students from many schools across WA. The work experience course was designed and structured by Mark Yates, the state director of the ABC. Over four days, the course outlined day-to-day life working in the ABC television and radio broadcasts. We were mentored by working industry professionals in the detailed process of television and radio journalism, and each and every department that contributes to it. We talked with a range of core ABC members and received insight into work ethic, technical skill and opportunities involved in this career pathway. In one of the activities, we created our own piece of radio journalism to be broadcasted on air. We chose a current topic, talked to locals on the street and created a production promo. Throughout the course, we were given extensive tours and hands on assessments around the ABC building as well as various excursions to branches of the ABC, such as the Perth Concert Hall with a rehearsing orchestra and the Joondalup Arena setting up for the WAFL. Overall, being one-on-one with passionate professionals interested in our career choices and gaining more knowledge of possible career opportunities was an insightful and memorable experience. This opportunity was made possible thanks to the dedicated work of Mr Holliday, Mr Springett and Mrs Bullock who deliver the Specialist Film and TV Media Course at Roleystone Community College.
LOCAL stars Do you know someone who has a hobby or a special interest? We would like to feature these interesting people within The Valley Reporter, but we need you to tell us who they are. Any age counts, who is our community legend? Please feel free to submit your details to us in the following ways so we can add them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter” Mobile: 0400 428 119 Fax: 9397 5136 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone
PAGE 19 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
RCC Students at the ABC
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Mobile: 0433 728 478 A/Hrs: 9397 6919
I am pleased that the improvements on the Brookton Highway at the intersection with Holden Road are largely completed and that the intersection has re-opened to traffic. I appreciate that the closing of Holden Road was frustrating for many residents and road users and I thank you for your patience. Closing the road was necessary to widen the Brookton Highway to enable a dedicated right turn lane onto Holden Road. $1.61 million was spent on these improvements to ensure Brookton Highway
is your car looking a bit tired and in need of a makeover? then why not call
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gift vouchers PAGE 20 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
a great gift idea for someone!
mobile car detailing call Jason 0411 654 119 ServiceS include: ServiceS include: FullFull Detail Detail$220 $220** Wash * * & Polish $110 InteriorVac Detail $110 Interior Detail $110 Wash & Vac* $55* Wash, Vac &* Polish $110 Business Trading Hours: 7am-3pm 5 Days Mon to Fri *Sedans only machine compound extra.
meets current design standards and enables westbound vehicles to safely pass by vehicles that are turning right onto Holden Road. There have been several accidents at this intersection, these works will improve traffic flow and visibility and will reduce the potential for serious accidents. This section of the Brookton Highway is fairly busy and on average 4105 vehicles travel along it each week, of which about 11% are heavy vehicles. These civil construction works were by completed by Advanteering Civil
Engineers and managed by Main Roads WA. I am happy that these improvements were finished on time and within budget. There may be a little more disruptions as Western Power intersection road lighting and landscaping works will be undertaken shortly.
NEW NETWORK ORGANISATION TO SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS IN WA With encouragement from the National Landcare Network, a WA Landcare Network organisation has now become a reality. This will meet the need identified over many years for a strong community voice at State and Federal levels representing all of us who undertake many forms of landcare in WA. It includes bush care, coast care, wetlands landcare and any community organisation that participate in all forms of restoration in our natural environment. All other States, apart from WA and the Northern Territory, have formal peak landcare network organisations with representatives sitting on the National Landcare Network. The main objectives of the organisation are to: • Provide a forum to advocate for community landcare groups on key issues such as the need for sustained financial administrative support; • Provide a forum for coordinated discussion and sharing of information on landcare matters; • Promote the value of
partnerships; • Provide representation for landcare at State and Federal levels; and • Celebrate and promote landcare. All States have two representatives on the National Network. There are many benefits associated with having true environmental community representation at a national level. These benefits include networking and sharing information and ideas, which provides an opportunity to learn about the challenges that rural and urban environmental communities are facing as well as gain a deeper understanding and respect for the urban - rural interface. Membership forms with details including the Constitution of the new WA Landcare Network will soon go out to community environmental groups seeking their membership. A forum will then be held in August for all members to come together and identify priorities and future directions. Anyone seeking further information can contact me on 0407 477 254. Pat Hart, Chair SERCUL.
Our season has started. Check out our website for fixtures at
Y11/12’s Leadership Group Captain Jake Spanjers, Y8’s Leadership Group Captain Ben Barry, Vice- Captain Samuel Vice-Captain Luke Gava and Coach Darryn Groves. McManus, Coach’s Ray McManus and Phil Law.
Roleystone JUNIor football club
& Zouk
Y10’s Leadership Group L-R: Peni, Kaiden, Bevan, and Calum.
Roleystone senior football club
on Melville at home in perfect football conditions. From the first bounce, the Tigers set the standard of hardball gets and good clean disposal, helping the team to a 6 goal first quarter lead. This set the Tigers up to dominate all over the ground. With a little more accuracy at kicking goals, the Tigers would have blown Melville out of the park, nonetheless running 82-point winners. This takes the Tigers to 3 straight wins to start the season. Melville: 4 goals, 8 points = 32 points. Roleystone: 16 goals, 18 points = 114 points. The next home game is on Saturday 17th May against Quinns District. Jake Lewis, Vice President.
12/04/14 (Sat)
Cross Park
26/04/14 (Sat)
William Skeet Oval
03/05/14 (Sat)
Cross Park
10/05/14 (Sat)
Jubilee Reserve
Swan Districts
17/05/14 (Sat)
Cross Park
24/05/14 (Sat)
Stan Twight Reserve
Safety Bay
31/05/14 (Sat)
07/06/14 (Sat)
Heathridge Park
Ocean Ridge
14/06/14 (Sat)
Cross Park
10 21/06/14 (Sat)
Hillcrest Park
11 28/06/14 (Sat)
Cross Park
12 05/07/14 (Sat)
Melville Reserve
13 12/07/14 (Sat)
Cross Park
Swan Districts
14 19/07/14 (Sat)
Ridgewood Park
Quinns District
15 26/07/14 (Sat)
Cross Park
Safety Bay
16 02/08/14 (Sat)
17 09/08/14 (Sat)
Cross Park
Ocean Ridge
18 16/08/14 (Sat)
Tempest Park
PAGE 21 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
The season has kicked off with some very exciting football. Round 2 saw the Roleystone Tigers take on Forrestdale away from home on a wet Saturday afternoon. Prior to bounce down it rained heavily and set up what would be a close physical encounter. The Roleystone lads were relentless with physical pressure against the bigger bodied Forrestdale team. The game was pretty even at every interval, with the mighty Tigers holding out and winning by one point in tough physical conditions. Forrestdale: 7 goals, 7 points = 49 points. Roleystone: 7 goals, 8 points = 50 points. Round 3 began with Roleystone Tigers taking
Hidden Earth Exhibition “Three Parallels” Saturday 10 - 25 May
Jeannette Dyson Artist Home Studio: 23 St Vincent St Bedfordale 9399 6405, 0433 555 336
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A love of the rugged outback and terrestrial landscapes unites three award-winning artists in the upcoming exhibition at the Zig Zag Gallery, “Hidden Earth: Three Parallels” opening on Saturday 10 May 2014 at 6:00pm Experienced artists Jeannette Dyson, Jennifer Sadler and Sandy Tippett have each devoted their lives to their love of painting, with their joint exhibition treating art lovers to a treasure trove of stunning and captivating pieces. CEO Rhonda Hardy said, “What a delight and privilege it is for the Gallery to host the Hidden Earth exhibition featuring the acclaimed artwork of Jeannette, Jennifer and Sandy. Their abstract yet life-like styles each uniquely capture the beauty of the Western Australian landscapes; it is clearly visible why each of the women are prizewinning artists.” “Hidden Earth will be the sixth exhibition at the Gallery for 2014 and is definitely one not to be missed.” Jeannette has been painting since the early 1970s and has developed a striking and unique style inspired by the landscapes of the Kimberley. A resident of the Kimberley for a decade, Jeannette painted daily at Red Rock Art Gallery in a cultural exchange studio environment sharing Kimberley ochres with indigenous artists (with addition of gold and pearl dust). A dedicated artist, Jeannette has held fifty solo and innumerable group exhibitions around the globe, including in London, Paris and New York, and her work is held in both private and government collections across Australia. Her contemporary interpretation has gained both national and international acclaim, winning in excess of 100 awards. Jeannette has also managed two art galleries of her own, undertaken residencies, conducted workshops and taught art at a tertiary level. She said, “In my paintings I seek to portray and celebrate the uniqueness of the Australian North, the spatial isolation and texture of the landscape in a contemporary interpretation. - I am acutely aware of all the influences that have formed my own identity - specifically that of the Kimberley.” Jennifer Sadler is a Western Australian artist whose work combines a strong personal connection with the landscape, an interest in transitionary elements such as shifting light and shadows, and the use of a vibrant palette. Her current work sees
her delving further into abstraction whilst retaining her connection to the terrestrial landscape. Born in Jamaica, she spent time in Scotland as a child and has travelled extensively around Australia. She completed a Bachelor of Arts in Art Education at Curtin University during the late 1970s, majoring in painting and textiles. Initially an art educator, Jennifer resumed her arts practice in recent years and has contributed to a large number of exhibitions in the last ten years. She has won several prizes including first prize in the Victoria Park Art Awards and a highly commended at the South Perth Emerging Art Awards. She said, “By circumstance I was a child of both worldly hemispheres. My inspiration comes from Jamaica’s intense light to the muted, brooding austerity of Scottish highlands and finally to the dryness of Australia’s South West. The feel and colour in all these locales has seeped into my memory, leaping across time and onto paper and the canvas.” “My work continues a passionate response with the environment in which I live. I’m drawn to ephemeral elements such as shifting light, shadows, and reflections. I don’t try to depict the landscape as I see it, but as it feels. Playing with nuances of colour and mark making I am able to walk into the memory of those landscape encounters.” Sandy Tippett was born in east Africa and has an affinity with the North-West and the Indian Ocean. Her background is in Graphic Design, and she has been painting fulltime for the past 18 years and teaching one day a week at the Claremont School of Art. Her work is held in private collections around Australia and in seven other countries. In 2013 she exhibited and sold in New York, a highlight of her career. She said, “I love painting intuitively in a semi-abstract, semi-representational style, pulling on the memories of places I have visited, working primarily with acrylic and mixed media.” “My paintings are the result of many 4WD camping trips that my husband and I have taken exploring this spectacular landscape. I love to absorb everything the land holds, from the expansive landscape to pristine beaches, soaking up the colours and form throughout the North West and South West - all a wonderful source of inspiration for me.” “I gain endless pleasure in creating and expressing and finally sharing my exploration of the prehistoric rugged rock formations, to the gentle lapping tides that swell and recede. This pleasure continuously reflects strongly in my paintings. My works are characterised by broad, open vistas, where deep red expanses - and, sometimes, comparatively miniscule trees - sit beneath enormous thunderous skies.” The Zig Zag Gallery is located at 50 Railway Road, Kalamunda. For further information contact the Zig Zag Cultural Centre on 9257 9998, or
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Canning MHR Don Randall has welcomed the Coalition Government’s announcement of the largest-ever investment in the professional development of the long day care sector. Mr Randall said the $200 million Long Day Care Professional Development Programme (LDCPDP), would help long day care services in Canning with the cost of upskilling and training educators to meet the requirements of the National Quality Framework. He said all long day care educators were eligible for the LDCPDP, as opposed to lessthan-a-third of the sector under its predecessor – Labor’s controversial Early Years Quality Fund (EYQF). The LDCPDP will use the remaining funds from Labor’s controversial EYQF, which was shut down after an independent report found it was used as a vehicle for union recruitment. The EYQF is currently under examination by the Auditor General. “Labor’s EYQF was more about benefitting their union mates than supporting the child care sector,” Mr Randall said. “It’s essential these funds are distributed fairly and equitably amongst all long day care educators in Canning to ensure local kids get access to high-quality care and education.” Mr Randall said the LDCPDP would give local services greater flexibility in how the funds were used and would not be a competitive ‘first-in, first-served’ like Labor’s EYQF – a key factor found to have contributed to the ALP fund’s inequities. An independent PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report found less than one-third of all long day care workers could have accessed funding from Labor’s EYQF after the $300 million fund was exhausted in just 13 hours. That number Bureau of Meteorology fell to just one-in-six when applied to the entire child care workforce. This was despite the PwC report finding the number of unionised enterprise bargaining agreements in the long day care sector quadrupled from 100 to 400. Statistics for December 2013 Temperature Average Minimum: 14.5 C Maximum: 29.3 C Total Rainfall 0.8mm
Brenda Roberts, a qualified yoga teacher and naturopath, will be at the Armadale Library on Friday 30 May from 10.00am - 11.30am, presenting a session on baby yoga and relaxation. At this practical session for parents of children aged from birth to 18 months, Brenda will show parents how to perform these techniques to help calm their baby. City of Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones said parents would learn simple yogic practices to improve babies’ health and enhance the special bond between parent and baby. “A lot of adults subscribe to the mental and physical benefits of yoga these days and there is a growing interest in applying such benefits to babies too.
“I’d encourage anyone with an interest in learning baby yoga techniques to attend this free session,” said Mayor Zelones. Better Beginnings Parent Workshops are held once per term and cover a range of topics of interest for parents and carers of children aged zero to five years. Bookings are essential, so contact the Armadale Library on 9399 0125 to secure a place. As space is limited, please leave prams at home.
Statistics for February 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 16.1 C Maximum: 31.6 C Total Rainfall 0.0mm Statistics for March 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 15.2 C Maximum: 28.6 C Total Rainfall 17.4mm Statistics for April 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 12.9 C Maximum: 24.2 C Total Rainfall 45.0mm Western Australian Regional Office Bureau of Meteorology Ph: 9263 2222 Fax: 9263 2233. Accessed from the Bureau of Meteorology website Disclaimer; This product contains real-time data, loaded automatically with only limited quality control. The Bureau does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, correctness, accuracy, reliability, or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the information presented. The user accepts sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and results of this product, irrespective of the purpose to which such use or results are applied. in no event shall the Bureau of meteorology be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action contract, negligence or tort, rising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this product.
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Learn how to calm your baby with yoga and relaxation techniques
Statistics for January 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 16.2 C Maximum: 31.2 C Total Rainfall 0.0mm
© copyright 2013 Bureau of meteorology
Bickley – Western Australia
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$3 Million Boost for Cancer Research Cancer research will benefit from a $3.2 million injection of funds thanks to Cancer Council WA. The annual funding grants will be announced today at a lunch sponsored by the Parmelia Hilton. Associate Professor Pilar Blancafort from the Cancer Epigenetics Group at University of Western Australia is one of the successful grant recipients. Associate Professor Blancafort will use a four year research fellowship to explore new ‘genome’ based therapies for advanced breast cancer patients who presently face limited treatment options. These therapies target the cancer genes that are not functioning properly in the breast cancer patient. Associate Professor Blancafort said she was excited to have been awarded the fellowship. “It’s very rewarding because developing these ‘novel’ therapies is a difficult field in terms of attracting federal funding and the backing of a funder like Cancer Council is a great boost,” Associate Professor Blancafort said. “I believe it will help us to explore new ground and move beyond the established science in this field of cancer research.” Other cancer research projects to be funded include; • Research into the treatment of gastro-intestinal cancers;
• Development of an imaging test to assist in the treatment of glioblastoma patients; • Understanding the consequences of changing patterns of asbestos exposure; and; • A world first trial to test radiotherapy treatment for mesothelioma patients. Terry Slevin, Director of Education and Research at Cancer Council WA, said the research program supports our best and brightest cancer researchers at all stages of their career. “Our research grants program is constantly evolving to ensure we adapt to the changing environment in which research is done. “Cancer Council WA provides an essential step in helping cancer researchers to compete on the national stage and attract bigger funding grants,” he said. Mr Slevin said every grant Cancer Council WA awards is exposed to close individual scrutiny to ensure that donors’ funds are invested as effectively as possible. Cancer Council WA, a community funded organisation, is one of the largest funders of cancer research in the State through a peer reviewed grants scheme. A full list of the grants made can be viewed at http://www. successfulresearchfunding/.
ACT on PNDA PNDA offers a safe space for you to meet and connect with other mums living in the area. The group aims to teach you skills in managing thoughts and feelings associated with the difficulties and struggles of motherhood. The group will help you identify what is truly important and meaningful, and how you can incorporate this into everyday life. As mothers, we often fail to take time out for ourselves. In this group, we will create time and begin each session with a DIY pamper activity just for you! Running from 8 May to 19 June at the Lotteries house upstairs meeting room, the group meets every Thursday from 9:30am - 11:30am. The cost is $20 for members and $50 for non-members.
Self-Esteem through Self-Compassion Do you want to respect and accept yourself, build more selfconfidence and be able to express your feelings? Join our therapeutic Self-Esteem Group and learn how to be more compassionate to yourself, develop a greater sense of self-acceptance and self-worth, and increase your self-confidence in a safe and supportive environment. Running from 8 May to 26 June at the WHWS Group Room, the group meets every Thursday from 9:30am - 11:30am. The cost is $20 for members and $50 for nonmembers. Bringing Up Great Kids A 6-week reflective parenting program, Bringing Up Great Kids focuses on ‘messages’ given and received by parent and child. Learn to reflect upon and understand the meaning behind your child’s behaviour and gain insight into your own triggers as a parent. Running from 15 May to 19 June, the group meets every Thursday from 9:30am - 11:30am at the Lotteries house downstairs meeting room. The cost is $20 for members and $50 for nonmembers. For more information on any of these groups, please email
FORMER ARMADALE RESIDENT IN PLAY ON CY O’CONNOR’S LIFE Piccoli was named best stage manager at Dramafest, the annual state drama festival, for three consecutive years. He says ‘The Trial of CY O’Connor’ appealed because the title character is one of his childhood heroes. “Particularly his nature, given he was self-motivated and driven, always controversial and constantly striving for the bigger picture, not the shortterm solution,” Piccoli said. “Was it hubris or sensitivity? Did he hide the heart of a poet or was he vain? These aspects of his story always drew me to him as a person. “The play is not an exploration of a hero but an examination as to why this man, 150 years on, is still an enigmatic figure whose impact is still being seen, felt and discussed years after his passing.” Director Peter Nettleton said the playwright had allowed him considerable liberty in bringing the dramatisation to life. “The CY O’Connor story is one of the most controversial but seldom told tragedies from WA colonial history,” he said. ‘The Trial of CY O’Connor’ plays at the Fremantle Workers’ Club at 8pm, May 10, and the Latvian Centre at 8pm May 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30 and 31 with a 2pm matinee May 18. Tickets for May 10 are $20 for guests and $15 for members. To book, please call 9335 1840 or email Tickets for all other dates are $20, $16 concession or $15 each for groups of 10 or more. To book, please call 9497 5140 or visit www. The Fremantle Workers’ Club is at 9 Henry Street, Fremantle, and the Latvian Centre is located at 60 Cleaver Terrace, Belmont (off Belmont Avenue).
The cast of The Trial of CY O’Connor: former Armadale resident Mario Piccoli, left (Thomas Hodgson), Dale James (prosecutor), Caroline McDonnell (Mary Irvine), Dale Lovett (Andrew Forrest), Tim Prosser (CY O’Connor), Norm Heath (judge), Justin McAllister (John Forrest), Trish Theisinger (defence counsel) and Francesca Meehan (Kathleen O’Connor).
Noel Plowman 9397 6370 Matt Plowman 0407 509 128
PAGE 25 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Former Armadale resident Mario Piccoli is putting legendary West Australian figure CY O’Connor on trial this May as part of a play that re-imagines his tragic end. Written by AG Evans, ‘The Trial of CY O’Connor’ is being staged by ARENAarts at the Latvian Centre in Belmont. Irish-born Charles Yelverton O’Connor was most famously responsible for building Fremantle Harbour and the Mundaring-to-Kalgoorlie pipeline, known as the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme. But on March 10, 1902, exhausted by over-work, libellous press criticism and lack of political support, he rode his horse into the ocean at South Beach and shot himself. Directed by Peter Nettleton, the play imagines a different ending, played out in a courtroom, where O’Connor is put on trial to answer the accusations levelled at him during his lifetime and beyond. Piccoli plays The Sunday Times editor Frederick Vosper and public servant Hodgson. “Vosper is sensation-driven and ethically questionable with his main concern being the sale of newspapers and not actually reporting the truth,” he said. “A good rumour is better than a boring truth and he’s the sort of guy who would never let the truth get in the way of a good story, regardless of who it hurts or how questionable the subject matter. “Hodgson is a proud man, always expecting his due in praise, respect and in remuneration, and even though he’s self-serving, he’s generally a good public servant.” Acting since 2005, Piccoli graduated from Curtin University in 2007 after studying performing arts. He has worked at the Old Mill, Phoenix, Blue Room, Marloo and Melville Theatres and the Subiaco Arts and Latvian Centres with a variety of companies including Stained Glass Robot, Nov’el Cabaret Carnival, A lad in sane productions, ARENAarts and Upstart Theatre.
Mobile: 0400 428 119
Office Hours: 8am-4pm 5 Days Mon to Fri Fax: 9397 5136 Email: 23 WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE WA 6111
Fiona Newland
We are pleased to announce the following productions for our 2014 season: The Trip to Bountiful – May 9, 10, 11 (mat), 14, 16, 17 Adult Acting for Screen – June 8, 15 Youth Dance – June 8, 15 The Great American Trailer Park Musical – July 18, 19, 23, 25, 26 (mat & eve), 30, Aug 1, 2 Junior Workshops – Term 3 Series, Days Tbc Teen Acting for Screen – Aug 17, 24, 31 Storytime in the Hills – Oct 6, 8, 10 (11am & 2pm each day) Charlie & the Chocolate Factory – Nov 21, 22 (mat), 23 (mat), 28, 29 (mat & eve), Dec 5, 6 (mat) bookings: The chapmans - 9397 5730/tickets@ or book and pay on the website
This month we opened our second production for the year, The Trip to Bountiful. Directed by life member and long time Roleystone resident Kim Martin, The Trip to Bountiful is a poignant play by Horton Foote, the author of the To Kill a Mockingbird screenplay. The Trip to Bountiful is a story of an ageing widow who lives with her son and daughter-in-law. Throughout the play, she battles to accept her current circumstances and longs for the place of her youth. The trip to her hometown of Bountiful offers a resolution for all. The show opened on 9 May and was enjoyed by all who attended the performances. There was a special Mother’s Day matinee on 11 May
accompanied by lovely offers at the kiosk in honour of the day. In April, we auditioned and cast our first musical for the year, The Great American Trailer Park Musical. The first rehearsal for this production was held a few weeks ago. The show is a hilarious look at the life of an eccentric couple that reside in a trailer park. It promises to be highly entertaining. Please be aware that it does contain adult content and language, and therefore is not suitable for children. Please watch this space for further information. We look forward to seeing you at our next production and, as always, new members are always welcome!
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The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports the ROLEYSTONE THEATRE
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How about the gift of entertainment? You can now purchase gift vouchers for Roleystone Theatre - valid at any show. Call Gerry and Bobbie on 9397 5730 to order yours now! I find Magpies to be fascinating birds and real characters. While they do not have the delicate, fragile beauty of our delightful wrens and robins they just have a charm all of their own. Watching them feed it quite clearly shows how the adults demand respect from the young birds and if it is not given they are reminded by a sharp peck. On the whole they do show that respect by most times holding back at feed time and often crouching low to acknowledge subserviency and even sometimes rolling onto their backs. On researching more about our Australian Magpies I find that their life span can be between 25-30years, although there is a fairly high mortality rate with juveniles. Only about 15% of Magpies are actually successful in
having their own territory. These Magpies are found genetically to be the strongest. Magpies belong to the Artamid family and derive from ancient stock. Unlike other birds identified in that family the Magpie is biped which means they can skip, hop and run. The majority of Magpies in Australia have black backs with our white back Magpies confined to western and southern Australia. They produce some of the most complex songs and have one of the largest range of vocalisation for any song bird. There is so much more interesting information to learn about these iconic Australian birds which I encourage you to do. One book I suggest is ‘Australian Magpie’ by Gisela Kaplan. Pat Hart.
Make a Movie, Make a Stand, Make a Difference. the registration form and send to SAY. by 24 July 2014. 25 July 2014 - Students upload their short films onto school or community group YouTube, market and communicate it through social media, among their social peer groups and local community. 25 July – 22 August - Students market their films and school or community / youth groups select the top ten meeting criteria and with the most views. 29 August 2014 - Deadline for school or community / youth group to select and submit their number one film to SAY. August –September 2014 Judges review submissions and select 10 finalists. Films are uploaded to the SAY Project YouTube. 29 September 2014 - Judges announce 10 finalists and invitations to awards ceremony distributed. 20 November 2014 - Finalists attend an awards ceremony and winner is announced. December 2014 - Winner and guardian meet and present film to Government representative in Canberra. We thank you in advance for your support in promoting the SAY Project among your students and youth. Together we can harness their enthusiasm, innovation and creativity to empower them to become educators of other youth on these prevalent issues affecting our community. We have high hopes that this Project will benchmark itself and showcase the innovative role that our young people can play in relation to enhancing community safety. Thank you in advance for your support, Tam McKeown, Acting Sergeant Crime Prevention and Community Diversity Officer WA Police. T: 9531 8836, E: SAY. Project.2014@police.
PSYCHIC & HEALING FAIR Come Along To Your Local Psychic & Healing Fair & Help Raise Funds for Beyond Blue WA
Sunday 18th May 2014 9.30am to 4.30pm Exhibition Centre Cannington Greyhounds Cnr Station St & Albany Hwy. Entry $5 – All raffle proceeds and donations will go to Beyond Blue WA. There will be Spiritual Mediums, Reiki, Tarot Readers, Reflexology, Aura Reader, Crystals, Gift Stalls and many more Modalities. Food / Organic Food Available at Hall. For more information contact Kathy 0414 898 179.
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PAGE 27 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
This year, WA Police is encouraging all Western Australian high school aged students to actively become ‘Community Safety Champions’, as part of the innovative Students Advising Youth Project (SAY Project) for 2014. Supported by local Lions Clubs and Murdoch University, students are encouraged to produce a short (90 – 105 seconds) film about making their community “drug free and drug aware”. The top film will win $1,000 cash and an all-expenses paid trip for them and a guardian to fly to Canberra and attend Parliament to present their film to a Government representative. $1,000 prizes also available for 2nd, 3rd and 4th placed film makers. About the SAY Project In 2013, Acting Sergeant Tam McKeown initiated the SAY Project to encourage young people to be educators among their peers to deliver messages about key community safety issues such as illegal drugs, road safety and alcohol abuse. The Project aims to provide students with a strong anti-drug education during the research component of this year’s subject, and in addition, students will actively promote and market their own anti-drug films through both local networks and social media in their communities. Informative podcasts have been produced to assist you and your students to learn more about participating in the Project. View the SAY Project Podcasts. Schools and community / youth organisations are required to complete and submit a registration form no later than 24 July 2014. The promotional poster is also available online for distribution in your school or community / youth organisations. How to participate in the SAY Project – Key Dates 29 April 2014 - Launch. Individuals research their anti-drug topic and compile a short film to show how they are making their community drug free and drug aware. 24 July 2014 - Deadline for school and community / youth groups to register their interest in participating. Complete
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your “Give s something “Give customers your “Give your customers they your customers something are customers more something something they likely something are to they more keep” they arelikely they more are more are tolikely keep” more likely to keep” likely to keep” to keep”
Office Hours: 8am-4pm Office 5 DaysHours: Mon Office to8am-4pm FriHours: Office 5Hours: 8am-4pm Days OfficeMon 8am-4pm Hours: 5 to Days Fri 8am-4pm 5Mon Days toMon 5FriDays to Fri Mon to Fri Fax: 9397 5465. Email: Fax: 9397 5465. Fax: 9397 Email: Fax:5465. 9397 Fax: Email: 5465. 9397 Email: 5465. Email: 9397 5136. 23 WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE 23 WYGONDA 23 WYGONDA WA ROAD, 236111 WYGONDA ROLEYSTONE 23 ROAD, WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE WA ROLEYSTONE ROAD, 6111 ROLEYSTONE WA 6111 WA 6111WA 6111
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“First chance to“First makechance a“First lasting “First chance to Impression” make “First chance toachance make lasting to make a to lasting Impression” make a lasting Impression” a lasting Impression” Impression”
8siwi 515 (WA) Enterprises asKiwi Pty Trustee Ltd Enterprises A.C.N. (WA) for Kiwi the Pty 121 Enterprises Newland (WA) Ltd 488 A.C.N. Pty 515 Family Ltd (WA) as 121 A.C.N. Trustee Trust Pty 488Ltd 121 515 trading forA.C.N. 488 as theTrustee as Newland 515 121 FN as488 Grafi for Trustee Family the 515 x A.B.N. Newland as for Trust Trustee the 25trading Newland Family 121 for579 the as Trust Family 862 FN Newland trading Grafi Trust xFamily A.B.N. as trading FNTrust Grafi 25as121 trading FN x A.B.N. 579 Grafi as 862 x25 FN A.B.N. 121 Grafi 579 25 x A.B.N. 121 862 579 25862 121 579 862
practices to ensure safe use of social media, how to implement and comply with the Working with Children legislation and clarification about criminal record checks. Information about the support and resources available to assist clubs in being cyber safe will also be provided. Workshop two – ‘Introduction to Facebook’ – will be presented by Douglas Lim, social media marketing and search engine optimisation expert. Douglas will give participants an introduction on running a club Facebook page, how to create a fan page, ten Facebook do’s and don’ts, tips on how to promote your club and how to communicate effectively with members. City of Gosnells Mayor Dave Griffiths said the workshops provided a great opportunity for sporting clubs to get in touch with members via social media platforms if they didn’t know where to begin. “These two workshops are a great way for sporting clubs to attract and keep in touch with members, and perhaps most importantly, will reinforce how this can be done in a safe way for children,” said Mayor Griffiths. Both workshops will be held on Wednesday 4 June at the City of Gosnells’ Civic Centre at 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells. Doors will open at 5.30pm with workshop one commencing at 6pm. There will be a fifteen minute refreshment break between workshops for those participants who would like to attend both sessions, with workshop two commencing at 7.15pm. The sessions are free, however bookings are required for catering purposes. Please call Club Development and Sponsorship Officer, Danny Perry on 9397 3106 or email au to secure your place at these workshops. Ref: Published on Friday 9 May, 2014. *CONDITIONS APPLY
Check out the Business Directory “Quick Find” within The Valley Reporter. This is a service where every paid advertiser gets listed on this page for FREE. The idea of it is for it to be used as a fast reference to local businesses and services, for added convenience they are also listed alphabetically under each category. Check out:
The City of Gosnells is hosting two free social media workshops to give local sporting clubs a chance to get up to date with marketing via social media platforms. Held in partnership with the City of Armadale, the back to back workshops will feature key note speakers Joshua Drummond and Douglas Lim, both of whom have social media marketing experience. Workshop one – ‘Safe Club 4 Kids’ – will be presented by Joshua Drummond, Member Development Officer for Surf Life Saving Western Australia. Joshua will provide participants with information on how clubs can create child safe cyber environments, good
This is a free service where every advertiser that places an advertisement with “The Valley Reporter” automatically is listed on this page. The idea of it is for it to be used as a fast reference to businesses and services. Each business will have a maximum of three (3) lines which will include a company name, address and contact details and these will be categorised and listed alphabetically. As another free service you will find every advertiser is also listed under our Local Business Directory at
accommodation cabinetmakerS EATERIES HAIRDRESSING REPAIRS & RESTORATIONS Avocados Accommodation Kanters Cabinets Call Brad Kim Valley Chinese Billy Shears The Hair Club JD Repairs & Restorations 14 Urch Road Roleystone 2 Mount Street Kelmscott Kanter on 9399 3396 or Restaurant 198 Brookton Unit 2a Brackenridge Village Phone: 9496 3838 0419 951 730 Hwy Kelmscott 9495 1188 Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd 9496 2198, 0412 675 175 9397 9219, 0431 908 074 reticulation & bores ACCOUNTING/TAXATION CAR DETAILING Roley’s on the Ridge Cnr Soldiers Rd & Brookton HANDYMAN Allwest Bores & Jacqueline T. Hunt Once Over Mobile Car Hwy Ph: 9496 0666 Reticulation Call now for a Phone: 9496 1886 Detailing Ashton’s Handyman free quote 0406 763 676 Jason 0411 654 119 Services Call Tony on ELECTRICIANS 9399 5664, 0409 579 438 ROOF restorations CHEMIST AIR CONDITIONING Darling Range Electrical Call Glen Weaver kinesiology, Total Roof Care Season Makers Roleystone Community hypnotherapy & reiki Ring Steve 0419 854 587 Call Nigel Bray now on Chemist Shop 15, 21 Jarrah 0421 567 423, 9397 6015 0400 074 844 Direct Electrics Rd Roleystone 9397 5377 Donna Christine 2, 13 Stone St Armadale Amelioration 0400 421 045 ANIMALS – CHILDCARE SHOPPING CENTRE p: 9498 0666 f: 9498 0777 22 Walters Rd Byford TRAVELLING FARMS Magic Moon Childcare Roleystone Supa IGA High Point Electrical LIQUID WASTE Old Macdonald’s Phone: Linda 9399 1838 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC Travelling Farms Chris 101 Forrest Rd Armadale Call Marius 0419 004 475 Advanced Liquid Waste Ph: 9397 5549, 9397 5585 Tom Vlahos 0404 826 426 Whitney 0447 742 295 CHIROPRACTOR SKIP BINS Sarpen Electrical ANTENNAS Roleystone Chiropractic 0413 463 687, 9293 8407 Just Skips 9295 6677 MEDICAL CENTRE Roleystone Antennas E: Josh Morton 0451 675 100 24hr Service Ph: 0411 536 883 Antenna 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Roleystone Family Medical SIGNWRITING United NRG Electrical Home Theatre Install/Repairs Centre 1/9 Wygonda Rd cleaning Fineline Signs Services Ph: 9490 5995 Roleystone 9397 7122 Roofline Antenna Healthy Homes Eco Adam 0401 781 341 E: Services Call Mark Polini Cleaning Natalie Buckley NUTRITION FENCING 0418 928 614 Nutrition in Balance 0431 996 570 TILING Rural Fencing Call John ARTIST Pam Bailey BHSc COMPUTER REPAIRS Anfield Tiling Service 0418 953 591 or 0452 464 818 Jeannette Dyson Bigsi Computer Solutions Wall & Floor Tiling Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 ORGANIC SHOP 9399 6405, 0433 555 336 call Simon 9397 9046 Phone Chris 0421 222 138 FIREWOOD 23 St Vincent St Bedfordale Earthbound Organics Mobile: 0433 838 394 TRAVEL AGENTS Roleystone Firewood Open 7 Days 9.30amAUTO-ELECTRICS CONCRETE Travel Managers Free Local Delivery 5.30pm Ph: 9397 7899 Action Mobile Auto K & K Concrete Kevin Michelle Edmead Call Simon on 9397 6313 PAINTERS Electrics Premal Campbell 0433 728 478 1300 782 570, 0408 898 615 fitness Bourgeot 0413 898 550 Brush Worx Professional DANCE CLASSES Travelways Ph: 9490 2100 Quarry Fitness AUTO-MECHANICAL Painting Services Terry Fax: 9490 3622 Jus ‘Dance Kids & Adult Carla 0403 876 935 Griffiths 0430 115 178 Julian Graziani 1, 2223 Albany Hwy Gosnells Classes Jenny 0413 430 721 E: Mobile Mechanic Swan City Painting 1984 Albany Hwy Maddington Helloworld Ph: 9497 2554 FOOTBALL CLUB 0409 900 667 and Restorations Fax: 9497 2949 dentIST Kelmscott Senior Ryan Bakke 0426 111 740 Roleystone Auto Centre 2/182 Jull St Armadale Roleystone Dental Football Club (Inc) 770 Brookton Hwy PATIOS TREE SERVICES 9390 5400, 9390 4161 Roleystone Ph:9397 5993 Surgery Ph: 9397 6337 Bell Patios Hillside Tree Works 2/9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone GARDEN BAGS WJ & KS Automotives Phone Gary for a free quote Call Matt 0417 189 621 DOGWASH/Grooming Express Garden Bags 447 Chevin Road 0429 887 853, 9496 0179 JMC Tree Services Blue Wheelers Mobile Phone Colin or Rose Phone: 9397 5666 PILATES Phone: 9497 1596 Dog Wash & Grooming 0408 930 142, 9397 5769 BOBCAT & TIP TRUCK Mobile: 0409 118 912 Go Figure Pilates 0404 485 137 GARDENING / Roleystone Bobcat Jo James 0407 981 019 WA Treeworks DREAM CONSULTANT LAWNMOWING 0418 625 925 Phone: David 9496 0306 Jenifer’s Pillow Talk Call Joe Dirt 9397 9860 Grasstree Makeovers & Freecall: 1800 088 733 PLUMBING Mobile: 0417 945 988 Garden Yard Clean Ups BUILDERS veterinary service ABM Plumbing Call Scott 0429 990 660 David J Willis Building Call Andy 0419 986 923 Foothills Animal DRIVEWAYS GARDEN SUPPLIES Phone: 9496 1262 Office: 9293 7524 Hospital 9497 7488 Creative Driveways & Karragullen Gravel & Mobile: 0408 959 340 23 Thomas St Armadale Findlay Plumbing & Gas Fencing Call John Ph/Fax: Garden Supplies White Rose Building Co Phone/Fax: 9390 1940 Pet Assist 332 Home Phone/Fax: 9397 6854 Mobile: 0409 297 939 David Fowler P: 9498 3843 9397 6854 or 0418 953 591 Vet Services Call Judith DRIVING INSTRUCTOR GOLF RESORT Mob: 0402 785 894 Congrene 0433 2137 28 PRINTING Bryan McCready Araluen Golf Resort BUTCHER WINDOW CLEANING FN Grafix 0400 428 119 0407 479 109 call the Golf Shop to Roleystone Family Meats 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Excellent Window Cleaning book 9397 9033 Phone: 9397 5580 REAL ESTATE Call Anam on EARTHMOVING 2, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone gutter AND 0401 503 157 Fraser Williams WINDOW CLEANING F & M.J. Armenti cabinetmakerS 9397 6300, 0439 092 248 Graham’s Gutter & Window Phone: 9397 6372 Graham’s Gutter & Window Cabinetmaker-Frank Roleystone Real Estate Cleaning Services Fax: 9397 6374 Cleaning Services 9496 0037 (after 5pm) 9496 3456, 0434 731 745 Maggie Burke Real Estate 9496 3456, 0434 731 745 EATERIES Cornerstone Cabinets P: 9496 1122, F: 9496 1120, WROUGHT IRON/REPAIRS HAIRDRESSING Affinity Cafe M: 0419 939 110 Paul Haynes McAuliffe’s Wrought 8 Wygonda Rd Roleystone 0427 445 041 Aura Hairdressing Iron Metal Art RECREATION CENTRE Phone: 9397 6538 Shop 10/21 Jarrah Rd 9496 1348, 0417 966 599 Roleystone Recreation Phone: 9496 3950 Centre 8 Wygonda Road Steve’s Unique Eco Roleystone Ph: 9397 6538 Handmade Art Shop 2, 2 Soldiers Rd 9496 2099
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Did you know.... Our first priority is to make sure we deliver to every household in Roleystone & it’s surrounding areas but if you are not a Roleystone resident, & still would like to get a copy of The Valley Reporter, you can always pick one up at our 54 convenient other locations • Armadale Library • RK Seniors Club • Seville Grove Library • The Garden Tearooms • Kelmscott Library • Araluen Botanic Park • Roleystone Family Centre • Roleystone Theatre • Roley’s on the Ridge • Armadale Visitor Centre • Earthbound Organics • Roleystone United Fuel • Raeburn Orchard • The Roasted Bean Café • Roleystone Orchard • Good Shepherd Catholic PS • Roleystone Newsagency • Roleystone Auto Centre • Roleystone Lunchbar & Takeaways • Roleystone Recreation Centre • City of Armadale Shire Office • Affinity Café • Views 101 on Araluen • Bedfordale Child Care Centre • Avocados Accommodation • Roleystone Fire Station • Roleystone Community College • The Manse Restaurant • Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital • WJ & KS Automotives • Roleystone Fish & Chips • Roleystone Family Medical Centre • Tomeo’s Service Station • Kim Valley Chinese Restaurant • Araluen Golf Resort • The Rock Inne Tavern • Roleystone Country Club • Mon Petit Gourmet • Gull - Karragullen • Feedman Stockfeeds • Genesis in the Hills These various locations are NOT distributors but have kindly made the latest issue of The Valley Reporter readily available for you to enjoy!
A fresh new approach with what’s happening in Roleystone...
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Horse Agistment babysitter Available Roleystone. New fencing, Reliable mature uni student lge yards, other agisters, Verity 0468 825 596 endless trail riding in bush. house cleaner uses Call Helen 0402 403 269 or your cleaning products and 9397 5921 for more info or vacuum cleaner Dianne to come & view 0403 731 007 FOR SALE Scooter (Gopher) VOLUNTEERS WANTED one owner well cared for, gd Kaarakin The Black Cockatoo cond, acc included, $850 or and Endangered Species nearest offer 0400 238 213 Centre on Mills Road Martin FOR SALE Painted Saws with needs volunteers. They are Australian scenes, make gd a not-for-profit organisation presents $30ea 9390 4953 but rely on public donations HOME CARE tidy home, pets, and fundraising. Interested in any other requirements while volunteering? Phone Carolyn you’re away or sick. Exp, Lewis 0407 367 274 email: reliable & caring call Sonja for further information 0437 317 248 babysitter $10p/hr for upto 3 kids, then extra $5 p/hr for each kid after. Free weeknights/weekends call Allyra Spronk 9399 1313, 0431 436 179 UKELENE & Mandolins beautiful handmade from collection $2-$300 Phone: 9497 1203
29/8/08 12:20:34 PM
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volunteers wanted Radio Lollipop urgently requires volunteers for the Armadale Hospital Children’s Ward. If you have a spare 2hrs p/wk, are over 18 & would like to bring some happiness to a child’s hospital stay. Ph: Jean Rodgers 9398 4874, 0431 345 681 or Radio Lollipop on NOTICE Lge room rent free 9340 8835 in exchange for house duties, Have you recently celebrated cleaning etc. in Roleystone. a special occasion, Birthday, Room has own front door, Wedding, Anniversary toilet & bathroom with spa. or Christening? Then let It’s a lge house & you can everyone know by putting it have your own privacy or in The Valley Reporter mingle in & treat the house as you own. Prefer mature BABYSITTER Available $10p/ lady that must like reptiles. hr reliable 23yo with Cert 3 For more info call Lance in child care. Call Charlotte 9496 3118 0497 106 642, 9397 6249 Dressmaker 40yr exp. KANYANA OPEN DAY For “You & Home”, alts / We are starting to collect mending or tuition welcome. donations to raise money Sonja 0437 317 248 for the Kanyana Wildlife Have you got something to Hospital. We are in need sell? Then let everyone know of books, DVD’s, CD’s and by putting it in unwanted jewellery please. The Valley Reporter Your help would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be delivered to 120 Gilchrist Road Lesmurdie Phone: 9291 3900 other IMPORTANT NUMBERS: 000 Fire or Life Threatening Emergencies, 13 25 00 SES Assistance,1300 657 209 Emergency Information, Armadale Police 9399 0222, Healthdirect Hotline 1800 022 222, Poison Information Centre 13 11 26, Western Power 13 13 51, Alinta Gas 13 13 51, Telstra 13 22 03, Roleystone Volunteer Fire Services (Robbie van Uden) 9397 5406, CoA Ranger Services 9399 0111 or 1300 886 885, Smoky Vehicle Reporting 1800 076 659, Synergy (faulty street lights) 1800 622 008, Water Corporation 13 13 75, Mensline 1300 789 978, Family Helpline & Domestic Violence 1800 643 000, Samaritans 9381 5555, Life Line 13 11 14, Relationships Australia 1300 364 277, Quitline 13 78 48, Prostate Cancer Foundation 1800 220 099, Suicide Helpline 1300 362 787, Cancer Helpline 13 11 20, Drug Information 1800 069 700, Gamblers Assist 1800 633 635, Mens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599, Womens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339, Kids Helpline 1800 551 800, For Passenger Assistance on Transperth Train Services 1800 800 022, Illegal Dumping Hotline 1300 766 541, Main Roads Road Closure Information 13 81 38, Education Department Security SchoolWatch 1800 177 777, Ngala Helpline for families with babies & young children 8am-8pm 7 days a week 9368 9368 WA country access 1800 111 546, CoA Hotline for reporting anti-social behaviour 1300 597 076
What’s On
– your local community calendar
Your not-for-profit event or activity can be listed here FREE and is open to local community and sporting groups courtesy of The Valley Reporter
Armadale Visitor Centre 40 Jull St, Armadale
Ph: 9399 0410
Araluen Botanic Park 362 Croyden Rd, Roleystone
joinNOW! now! JOIN
A SAFE, FUN PLACE FOR CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES. SESSIONS MONDAY TO FRIDAY REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL Registrars’ Ellen Southgate on 6396 2498 contact our new registrar CONTACT OUR NEW REGISTRAR CONTACT OUR NEW REGISTRAR ROBYN DAWSON 9397 7116 & Marie Hoffmann on 0404 996 670 kym graham 9397 9158 CAROLYN BATHGATE 9498 1968
Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club (Inc) 46 Jarrah Road, Roleystone Phone : 9496 3166 E-mail:
We are an energetic group of “Over 50’s” and some of our regular activities for members are: • Mahjong • Book Club • Indoor Bowls • Cards • Members Lending Library THE CLUB IS NOW OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY – REFER TO CALENDAR FOR ACTIVITIES
we are 1.45-2.30pmand & Sat Openopen WedTues 11.30am-12.15pm 9.30-10.30am during the school term. Sat during school term. ALL9.30am-10.30am ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE Any please call 9496 or Callenquiries BelindaWHITEHEAD Bloxsome 0438 8841115 601 HEATHER 9496 0119 email
NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Ph: 9496 1171 Discounted Fees and Free Coaching Available Araluen Golf Resort Country Club Ave, Roleystone Contact us about incorporating social bowls into Ph: 9397 9000 Brackenridge Village & Roleystone Village Cnr of Brookton your next Corporate or Social function. Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone. Enjoy great food, wine, Equipment and coaching (if required) provided. jewellery, giftware, unique arts and crafts, organic food, beauty Y S TO LE N and an art gallery O Karragullen Expo (renamed for October 2014) incorporating O UN the West Australian Avocado Festival LU T RY C For further details contact Roma Spiccia 0418 938 134 www. 6 WygONda ROad, ROLEyStONE - 9397 5665 SmokeFree WA Kelmscott Annual Show October 2014 Rushton Prk, Kelm 9495 4001, Pickering Brook Agricultural Show May 2014 (EST. 1944) Ph: 9293 8263 Email: NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Roleystone Sunday Markets 8:30am-12:30pm New & PreLoved items, held out the front of the RK Seniors Club 46 Social TenniS iS played aT The club Jarrah Rd Roleystone. Come along & support this monthly event • Social Tennis Monday nights 7pm-8.30pm • Wednesday mornings adulTS; WedneSday morningS from 9am 9am onwards • Friday mornings 9am-11am (run through (2nd Sunday of the month) For stall holder details please give Family Centre with Creche) • Sunday afternoons 2pm-4pm and Junior TenniS Christine Kent a call on 9397 5047 COURTS FOR HIRE DAY OR NIGHT Roleystone Theatre Inc. 587 Brookton Hwy Roleystone. For Bookings and and keys for public court hire are available through Bookings through the the Bookings Phone: 9397 5730 Roleystone Video Network Store, Jarrah Shops - 9496 Roleystone VideoRoad Phone: 9496 16161616. Valley View Garden Golf Earthbound Organics Brackenridge POBox Box172 172Kelmscott KelmscottWA WA 6991. PO 6991. E: Email: Village, Shop 4, 1 Soldiers Road Roleystone Ph: 9397 7899 Wendy Tucker Shearwood(Sec.) (Sec.)9496 9397 5305 Graham Boase(Pres.) (Pres.)9397 94966620, 3220,Graham Tracey Backhouse 0053, Mantle (Treas.) Virginia Bird (Club (Club Capt.) Capt.)9397 93906620 7668 John Meharry (Treas.)9390 9397 2335 6536,&Wendy Tucker Kalamunda District Bridge Club holds weekly day and evening Helen sessions for both competitive and social bridge. A beginners’ course commences in October 7pm. Contact Garth Scotford 9296 1497 or email: Armadale Society of Artists meets on the first Thursday of the month, starting 7pm at Creyk Park Pavillion Waltham Rd, Armadale. All welcome Ph: 0407 249 565 Roleystone Community Alive Group meetings held at the Roleystone Family Centre, 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone. For further enquiries call Joyce Arnott 0434 727 470 Vishrant Buddhist Society, Vishrant holds weekly public meetings, Thursday evenings 8-10pm, Kookaburra Creek Yoga Centre. Call Dakini Williams 0438 831 883 If I have forgotten to mention you in the What’s On - your local COMMUNITY CALENDAR section feel free to submit your contact details E: INC
Old Primary School - Robin Road 9am - 1:30pm Tues, Thurs & Sat Chris: 0427 462 921 Phil: 0429 688 844
ROLEYSTONE DOJO DOJO ROLEYSTONE Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Confidence, Respect & Discipline Confidence, Respect & Discipline Improve your personal well being & Improve your personal well being & Improve your social awareness Improve yourPh. social9397 awareness Enquiries 5688 Enquiries Ph. 9397 or 0419 946 6615688
KIDS ADULT KIDS Qualified Karate ADULT CLASSES CLASSES or Instructor 0419 946& 661 NCAS Accredited
CLASSES Qualified Karate & NCAS Accredited CLASSES FreeInstructor créche available Free créche available
Training Days Roleystone Hall Training Times & Thursdays Cnr Roleystone Wygonda &Hall Jarrah Tuesdays Jnrs (5-12yrs)Times 5-6pm 6-7pm Training Days Training during school holidays Snrs Snrs(13yrs (13yrs&&older) older)6-7.30pm 7-8pm Rds, Roleystone Closed Tuesdays & Thursdays
Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah
Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm
Check the Website for May/June Date
PAGE 31 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Roleystone Toy Library
2 May 2014 Dear Maggie and Team, The song “Simply the Best, Better than all the Rest” comes to mind following our experience with your handling of the preparation and promotion of the sale of our house. From the word “go”, from the first telephone contact, you, and your team have demonstrated a friendly, helpful professional outlook, with first class support and advice. We were amazed at your energy and enthusiasm. The advice you gave in order to achieve the best result did just that, and proved to be spot on. We are so grateful, and just two weeks following our move we are settling into our new home very nicely, and send a big THANK YOU for all your help in obtaining a buyer in what we think is record time! We wish you all the best, and can only say we are so glad that we chose you as our selling agent.
PAGE 32 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
With kindest regards,
Ann & Colin Sims formerly of Roleystone
We carry no more than 8 active listings and service them with 3 qualified reps t: 9496 1122 f: 9496 1120 m: 0419 939 110
“Always impeccable service” 538 Brookton Highway Roleystone WA 6111 email: web: