Vr128mar apr15

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VALLEYReporter YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter.

No.128 – March/April ‘15

Held at Langley Park Perth, 28th February to 2nd March 2015

Roleystone Tee-Ball and Baseball Club

© Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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Community Contacts

PAGE 2 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Your not-for-profit local community and sporting group can be listed here FREE courtesy of The Valley Reporter

Roleystone Community Youth Workers Joyce Arnott Mob: 0408 956 559 or Stuart Hight Email: youth@roleycommunitychurch.org Roleystone Badminton Trudie 9397 6920 Roley Hall Tue 9.15-11am Wed 7.30-9.30pm Roleystone Girls’ Brigade Yvonne Waddell 9397 5153 Roleystone Girl Guides 4.30pm For girls 7-up Roxy Devlin 0412 657 166 RK Snr Cricket Club Graham Fuller (Pres) 0400 195 061, email: info@ roleystonekarragullencc.com.au, web: roleystonekarragullencc.com.au RK Jnr Cricket Club Tim Clarke (Pres & Sec) 9397 7313, Alan Smit 0410 924 502 (in2CRICKET co-ordinator) www.rkjcc.org Roleystone Jnr Football Club Adam Hancock (Pres) 0429 353 019, Connie Saffioti (Reg) 9397 5191 www.rjfc.org.au Roleystone Snr Football Club Matthew Walkley (Pres) 0430 509 441, Lisa Casotti (Sec) 0400 980 116 www.roleystonessfc.org.au Roleystone Gymnastics Nicole Smith (Admin) 9496 1484 Email: roleystonegymnastics@hotmail.com, www.roleystonegymnastics.myclub.org.au Roleystone Womens Hockey Sue 9398 7426 Helen 9397 5939, 0438 923 477 Roleystone Tee-Ball & Baseball Club Inc. Sandy Johnson (Pres) 0419 875 277, Tanya Taylor (Reg) 0409 112 373 Organic Growers Assoc. meets 2nd Wednesday of the month Lisa 9399 2312 Roleystone Redback’s Little Athletics Club Boys & Girls U5-U17’s Train Mon & Wed 4.30pm - 5.30pm at RCC, Julie Jackson (Sec) 9496 0559 Roleystone Community Church 1 Croyden Rd Roleystone Minister David Bardsley Wk: 9397 5955 Hm: 9397 9303 Roleystone Schools P&C Amy Boughton (Sec) 9397 5559 1st Roleystone Scout Group Karragullen Hall, Mark Thompson 0438 964 441 St Christopher’s Anglican Church 9293 8273 Roleystone Men’s Community Shed: Contact Phil 0429 688 844 Roleystone Community Garden: Contact Laurie 0419 929 367 Child Health Nurse Thurs & Fri by appointment 9397 5813 Kalamunda District Bridge Club Weekly Day & Evening Sessions, Garth Scotford 9296 1497, kdbclub@bigpond.com Alcoholics Anonymous Meet every Sat at 7pm 9325 3566 Australian Sewing Guild Southern Hills Neighbourhood Grp meet 2nd Sun of the mth, Karen Anderson 9354 7806 Patchwork Quilting Friendship Days Lyn 9397 5207 The Rivercare Group Pat Hart 9496 1634 Armadale-Kelmscott Swimming Club info@akswimclub.org.au, Patty Blackwell (Pres) 9497 8197 (8am - 8pm) The House of Bamboo Carol 9397 7679 City of Armadale - Roleystone Ward Councillors Caroline Wielinga 0488 900 307, Cr.CWielinga@armadale.wa.gov.au, Grant Nixon 0418 449 611, grandem@iinet.net.au Roleystone Netball Club Kristy Hodges (President) 0447 044 412, Sharlene Warnes (Registrar/Secretary) 9496 0452 Roleystone & Districts Basketball Registration open for all ages. For Enquiries please contact Chris Webb 0414 166 401, Kirk Allnutt 0423 433 449 Darling Range Wildlife Shelter Hayward Rd Martin 9394 0885 Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre 9291 3900 Kanyana provides advice & assistance 24hrs a day, 7 days a week DEC’s Department of Environment and Conservation WildCare Hotline 9474 9055. WildCare helpline for sick, injured or orphaned native wildlife operates 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, diverting to after hours numbers at nights & weekends, to provide immediate assistance Art Classes RNFC Mon-Tues & Thur 9496 1115 www.roleyfamilycentre.com.au Landscape Painting Tues 6.30-9.30pm Ian 9496 0034 Roleystone Lawn Bowls Gerry Chapman (Pres) 9397 5730 ISADD Intervention Services for Autism & Dev Delay Darryl Cooper 9397 5970 Kelm History Grp Congregational Church Rundle St Kelm Colleen 9495 4963 Hants & Dorset Social Club Iris Milton 9397 5449 Cat Sterilisation Society 9397 5062 9-4pm Mon-Wed Parents Without Partners Foothills Branch, Weekly Activities organised, Greg 0402 252 230, Marylena 0422 108 711 Bushfire Ready Groups Bedfordale-Ian Thompson 9399 3006, Kelmscott Hills-Peter Jago 0439 997 373, Roleystone-Chris Cairns 0417 983 019, Robert Littmann 0427 977 190, Craig Popperwell 0438 904 485 Kaarakin: The Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre For rescues please call 0448 046 202, www.blackcockatoorecovery.com Armadale Reptile Centre 308 South Western Hwy Wungong Ph: 9399 6927 Snake Catcher 0426 815 402 Wild Care Snake Removal 9474 9055 Unplugged Acoustic Folk Roots & Blues Mel Young 9399 8493 Roleystone Child Health Centre 19 Wygonda Rd Thurs 11.30-12.30pm Ph: 9397 5813


YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter. There are a number of people with some unexpected talents in our community. One of them is Josh, a local resident who uses art to comment on events and political decisions that have an impact on society. This is an interesting way to send a message to the rest of us and you can read his story on page 4. Good luck with your ongoing creative journey. The Swan River Trust has started a great environmental initiative by installing fishing line disposal units around the Swan River in an attempt to help save wildlife and bare feet. More units are planned for Mounts Bay Road and Swan Canning Riverpark. Let’s make sure we use them. This month’s issue celebrates a happy golden 50th Wedding Anniversary for Fae and Bryce Burrows. See pages 14 and 15 for

the full story and check out Fae’s three simple rules for maintaining a happy marriage. Check out our Community Noticeboard on page 15. There are six community notices / events you may wish to take part in. There is bound to be something for everyone. The Valley Reporter managed to catch the vibes amongst the crowd at the most recent Roleystone Autumn Market and Concert. From the array of stalls, food vendors, non-profit groups, animals, face painting, and a bouncy castle, it looked like everyone had a wonderful time. See page 16 and 17 for more. The Don Russell Performing Arts Centre in Gosnells has some great shows coming up in their new program. Turn to page 19 for two that we have highlighted. Bookings are essential - book online or

visit the Box Office. Karate at the beach… why not? It worked a treat for our Kofukan Karate Roleystone crew. Check out the great pictures on page 20. The day was very successful and it will hopefully become an annual event. Page 27 contains a Roleystone Flight Path Trial Post Implementation Report by Airservices Australia. Were you one of the members of the community that provided feedback or attended one of their community sessions? If so then you might be interested in reading the report. Please show your support by shopping smart and shopping local at Mr. Fist The Optometrist, Hilltop Carpentry, Handyman Guru, Roleystone Firewood and Michael from Swan Taxis. Fiona Newland, Editor and Publisher.

The Heartbeat of our Community

cut-off date

for all articles, photographs and advertising for “The Valley Reporter’s” next issue is set for no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 8 April


23 Wygonda Road Roleystone WA 6111

Your valley Reporter’s delivered at your door 3rd week of every month Issue dates: 16 April 21 May 18 June Member of connect armadale app online

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LOC AL 8/04/13 2:47 PM

Disclaimer “Subject to any rights and remedies available under the law of any State or Territory of Australia or the provisions including the schedules of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified, the publisher: a) does not provide any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in any material published; b) excludes all liability for any misrepresentation which may arise out of the publication of any material; c) shall have the right to refuse or cancel any material requested for publication.” Articles published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter.






OPEN Mon-Fri 8am-4pm

Inbox The VALLEY Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. For The VALLEY Reporter’s “Inbox Letters to the Editor” full list of guidelines go to; www.thevalleyreporter.com.au/letters.

MARRI TIME As we pass the halfway mark of summer, Marri trees, also known as Corymbia calophylla, are bursting into prominent cream flowers held outside the canopy. Despite the lack of rain in our mediterranean climate, the Marri trees in Roleystone are putting on a beautiful show. In fact, this time of the year is known as ‘Marri Time’ because of the stunning Marri blossom the tree produces. Long ago, the Marri tree provided joy to Aborigines who once used the sweet nectar of the blossom and bark for its health giving properties. Known as the “Mother of the Forest”, the honey brown coloured Marri plays an important role in the local ecosystem as it provides food to bees, native birds and possums. These magnificent trees, which can reach a height of 40 metres, are native to Western Australia. Their nuts are large (referred to as “honky nuts”) and carry big seeds that provide an important food source for some species of parrots and cockatoos. For more information about the Marri tree please visit http://roleybushcare. com.au/bush-topics/202marri-versus-jarrah. Maggie Burke and Patrick Weir.

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Flowers of Corymbia calophylla. Photograph courtesy of Jim Barrow. Ref: http://anpsa.org.au/c-cal.html.

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Congratulations to our WA Under 20s who have successfully defended their Southern State Championship title with a 32-27 win over Victoria on Wednesday 25th February 2015. The Western Australians finished the tournament undefeated with their victory following on from previous wins over NSW Country (39-7) and the ACT (28-24). Congratulations to Roleystone local Ruban Birch who represented WA in the competition.

0400 428 119

To all our loyal advertisers, employees, supporters and readers, it’s business as usual!


PAGE 3 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

“Inbox Letters to the Editor” published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter. Please feel free to submit your letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” so we can include them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Email: thevalleyreporter@ iinet.net.au or www.thevalleyreporter.com.au/letters.

How the Roleystone locals like it How the •Roleystone locals like it Thousands of weekly specials • Locked downspecials low prices • Thousands of weekly How the Roleystone locals like it guarantee • Locked• Freshness down low prices Thousands of weekly specials produce • Favourite brandsguarantee and local seasonal ••Freshness • Locked down low prices Family owned and run since 1984 Favourite brands and local seasonal produce • Freshness Family owned and run since 1984 OPEN 7guarantee DAYS • Favourite brands local seasonal produce Monday to7and Saturday 8am - 7pm OPEN DAYS FamilyThursday owned and run since 8am - 8pm1984

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Phone: 9397 5549 Jarrah Road How the 21 Roleystone locals like itRoleystone Phone: 9397 5549 How the Roleystone locals like it

PAGE 4 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

How the Roleystone locals like it

JOSH NAIRN PAINTS HIS WAY TO YEAR 12 PERSPECTIVES Local Roleystone resident Josh Nairn has joined a select group of former high school students whose artworks have been chosen for this year’s installation of Year 12 Perspectives at the Art Gallery of Western Australia. Now in its 23rd year, the prestigious exhibition continues to acknowledge the creativity, technical skill, and dedication displayed by some of the most talented graduating high school students in WA by showcasing their art in a respected public domain. Year 12 Perspectives 2014 features the works of 69 students from both metropolitan and regional schools. Josh, who graduated from Perth Modern School last year, was very excited when he discovered his artwork, Man Eater, had been selected for the exhibition. “I was stoked when I found out,” he said. Josh has been painting since 2008 and says he uses art to comment on events and political decisions that have an impact on society. Man Eater, painted with acrylic and gouache on canvas, was inspired by the State government’s controversial shark cull policies and the ensuing protests in Western Australia last year. “I wanted to send a message about the shark cull, about how it wasn’t solving the problem,” he said. “Painting helps me express how I feel.” Josh likes using vibrant colours in his work and has been influenced by Russian-born surrealist painter and sculptor Vladimir Kush. “Kush has definitely influenced my style of painting,” he said. “Man Eater is a post-modern, surrealist take on Charles Meere’s well-known painting Australian Beach Pattern from 1940.” Josh says he enjoys spending time creating meaningful art and would like to continue painting in the future. “I have definitely considered pursuing a career in art,” he said. Year 12 Perspectives opened at the Art Gallery of Western Australia on 7 March and runs until 1 June 2015. Entry is free and visitors have the opportunity to vote for their favourite artist in the People’s Choice Awards. The winning artist will be acknowledged with a $500 voucher towards the purchase of art supplies to encourage and support their ongoing creative journey. The Valley Reporter would like to congratulate Josh on his wonderful achievement and wishes him every success in his future artistic endeavours. Sky O’Brien.

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“It is a must that people are aware of the benefits massage has for their wellbeing, soul, and the stresses of everyday life,” she says. Lu Lu is now offering $20.00 off your massage if it is your birthday. Please book an appointment with her at Magic Hands Massage by calling 0431 118 244. You won’t be disappointed. Lu Lu is also specialised in teaching the young and the old how to swim and overcome their fear of water. Classed as an unorthodox swimming instructor, Lu Lu has a passion for teaching people to swim with excellent results. It is wonderful having such talents in our community.

MAIN: Chicken breast wrapped in maple syrup bacon on roasted kipfler potatoes and blackened corn salsa. DESSERT: Mango jelly pannacotta with grilled mango cheek and duo coulis.

Unit 2 Brackenridge Village Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone WA 6111. For your exclusive appointment call 9397 9219 Billy shears the hair club

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PAGE 5 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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The Valley Reporter would like to congratulate local resident and masseuse Lu Lu Birch from Magic Hands Massage for passing her diploma in reflexology. Reflexology is massage that is used to relieve tension and treat different types of illness. It is based on the theory that reflex points on the feet, hands, and head are linked to every part of the body. Lu Lu is a former sports teacher at Guildford Grammar School. Years ago she would massage her young children after tough sporting events in rugby and personal training when their muscles were tight. Now that her children have finished school, she has walked a different pathway and started her career as a masseuse working from home.

Introducing to you

Colourful Style Swap Zumba

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The Swan River Trust recently installed fishing line disposal units under the Narrows Bridge in Perth in an attempt to help save wildlife and bare feet. Earlier in the year, more than 8.7 kilometres of fishing line, 1,743 hooks and sinkers and 1,508 bait bags were removed from the Swan and Canning rivers (ABC News). The fishing line disposal units will now provide fishermen with a safe and accessible place to dump used fishing lines, and as a result, minimise marine life entanglement caused from discarded fishing lines. There will be more disposal units appearing along Mounts Bay Road and Swan Canning Riverpark in the near future, with Native Animal Rescue volunteers looking after the bins.

Swap your clothes in style at the colourful Shire of Kalamunda Youth Week “Style Swap” event on Tuesday 14 April from 10am to 3pm at the Kalamunda Town Square Hall. Bring along any items of clothing or accessories, that you no longer wear, on a hanger to swap for something ‘new’ on the day. Or just come along to relax and enjoy high-tea style nibbles, participate in a body-positive group art project or learn about basic sewing and alterations from a professional. CEO Rhonda Hardy said, “The Shire’s Style Swap is an exciting school holiday event where young people can bring along pre-loved clothes that are in good condition to exchange as well as learn about alterations, ethical clothing and positive body imaging.” “Alongside the Style Swap there will be places to sit and relax whilst enjoying a range of high-tea style nibbles and refreshments.” “After swapping and sipping there will be an opportunity for everyone to contribute to a collaborative art piece in the form of a mobile made of recycled materials that will be displayed at the Zig Zag Gallery during the Youth Arts Fest later in the year. This piece will incorporate positive body messages and promote creative recycling,” she said. The event is aimed at under 25’s but everyone is very welcome. If you don’t wish to attend the event but have some clothing or accessories you would like to donate collection boxes will be located at all four Shire libraries from March 2015. The Town Square Hall is located on Barber Street in Kalamunda. The Style Swap is a National Youth Week Event, and is supported by the Department of Local Government and Communities. For more information contact 9257 9968, email youth@kalamunda.wa.gov.au. Ref: www.kalamunda.wa.gov.au. Published 6 March, 2015.


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PAGE 6 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

■ Leach Site Works / Sand drains Pads Drainage Firebreaks Driveways Drainage / Leach Drains Landscaping  Bobcat  Tip Truck ■ Rock ■  20  Driveways   Pools Tonne breakingFirebreaks Limestone walls ■

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Congratulations to Men of the Trees, the current Guinness World Record holder for ‘The most trees planted simultaneously’. With the help of 2000 volunteer planters and many great sponsors, 100,450 trees were planted in 1 hour at Whiteman Park on Friday 25 July 2014. Men of the Trees is a West Australian not-for-profit Incorporated Association that was founded in 1979. Since then, the association has planted more than 13 million seedlings to prevent the spread of deserts, erosion and salinity. Men of the Trees takes a leadership role by bringing people together

from all walks of life to grow trees and shrubs. Members, sponsors, donors, community and corporate volunteers have made a difference in Western Australia through revegetation activities to improve the health, productivity and sustainability of degraded land. Men of the Trees is respected nationally for promoting an awareness of the role of trees in the environment and their contribution to the welfare of mankind. If you would like to be a part of this great cause, please visit www. menofthetrees.com.au for more information about future plantings and plant sales.

advertorial Real Estate News Release - Roleystone 42nd Edition

Real Estate Secrets Exposed


FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015….The market at a glance… The decision by Reserve Bank Governor Glen Stevens and RBA board to reduce the cash rate at their February 3rd meeting by another 25 basis points to 2.25% has all but cemented the expected property price increases anticipated by the market in the latter part of 2015.

In conclusion, the local real estate market in February continued January’s strong performance and has set the precedence for 2015! For further Real Estate news updates, contact Fraser Williams 0439 092 248. The information contained within this correspondence is the opinion only of Roleystone Real Estate, and its representatives and may not be true and correct. All parties to which this correspondence is intended for should exercise their own due diligence as to the accuracy of the information provided. Roleystone Real Estate, its directors, employees, associates and insurers will take absolutely no responsibility for any actions arising from any parties acting on this information contained within.

Round 2 of Community Grants now open The second round of the City’s Community Community Grants Program 2014 – 2015 will open on 23 March. The City welcomes applications from a variety of non-profit organisations. These include community service providers and groups associated with community welfare, education, arts and culture, youth, seniors, children and families, sporting, and other community building activities. Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones encourages local community groups to apply for up to $1000 funding for initiatives which service Armadale residents.

“The City has already provided over $9000 worth of funding in the first round of 2014/15 Community Grants towards items such as uniforms, equipment and books. “In previous years funding has assisted organisations to provide community services, coordinate programs and purchase new equipment,” said Mayor Zelones. Applications must be received by Friday 17 April. Contact the Community Development Support Officer on 9399 0642 or info@armadale.wa.gov. au to discuss the proposed project, confirm eligibility and receive the application form.

There’s more to the City’s libraries these days than just borrowing a book! Libraries have changed from the dull old buildings of yesteryear, where people had to sit in the quiet while reading, and now offer a bright and friendly venue suitable for all age groups. Throughout the year you can discover a range of amazing information sessions, book club groups, craft activities, children’s holiday activities, baby storytime and rhyme time sessions – and lots of other activities suitable for toddlers, young children, teens and adults. City of Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones OAM JP said for those experiencing mobility difficulties, the City in conjunction with Armadale Home Help can even help assist residents to visit the library to select their material. These visits are held alternate Wednesday mornings at Seville Grove Library, with a small fee of $5 per visit charged for transport. To book your

seat on the bus, contact Home Help Local on 9399 1111. “There’s always a friendly face at the City’s libraries, and staff that are happy to assist you with any queries that you may have. “So if you haven’t been to a library in a while, visit one of the City’s three libraries soon, and relax in air conditioned comfort to read a collection of magazines, borrow an audio book, or download eBooks for your e-reader or tablet. “You will never feel lonely surrounded by books, not to mention all the free workshops, events and activities that your library card gives you access to,” said Mayor Henry Zelones. For further information contact Armadale Library on 9399 0125, Kelmscott Library on 9399 0810 or Seville Grove Library on 9399 0800.


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PAGE 7 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Reports by the majority of economists and industry analysts are also predicting good growth by December this year.

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2/9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone WA 6111 Ph: 9397 6337 Fax: 9496 2563 Email: roleystonedentalsurgery@gmail.com



The Roleystone Netball Club are celebrating their 40th Birthday this year. With over 200 players now registered, making for a whopping 25 teams, this is an all time record number of teams and registrations for the club. The committee has been working tirelessly to ensure all girls are placed in the right teams with friendship groups and similar ability levels, to make netball a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone. With the compulsory grading days fast approaching and school holidays just around the corner, all teams need to be well and truly getting into the spirit of training. Games will commence on Saturday the 2nd of May at the Ray Owen Sports Centre in Lesmurdie.

2014 has been a busy year for one Roleystone netballer, Kate Bunten, with her Darling Range Academy team winning the Regional Academy Cup for Division 1. This was the first and very deserving win for Darling Range in a long time. Kate is pictured with the team below in the back row, third in from the right. Kate, who has been with the club since she was 8 years old, was selected as a train-on for the Darling Range State League U18s, and this year was selected as a centre court player in the Rangers West Australian Netball League (WANL) U18s team. Kate likes netball so much that she doesn’t just play, she is a C Badged Umpire, has coached a young Roleystone team for the last 3 years, and will continue to do so this year and beyond. Come and cheer Kate and her team on at the Rangers home game at 11am on Sunday the 3rd of May at Ray Owen Netball Centre. For all uniform enquiries, please contact Megan Poultney directly on 0413 140 810, or at megsjp1976@outlook. com. All other enquiries can be directed to Club Registrar/Secretary, Sharlene Warnes at roleystonenetball@hotmail.com, or you can visit roleystonenetballclub.wa.netball. com.au.

Seniors in the City of Gosnells are being encouraged to expand their knowledge and use of technology by taking part in free one-on-one sessions designed to bridge the digital divide. Hosted by the City of Gosnells, the sessions aim to make computer use less daunting and more user-friendly for seniors with questions relevant to their own equipment and needs encouraged. City of Gosnells Mayor Dave Griffiths said the reliance on technology in everyday life for things such as internet banking and digital communication made it vital for seniors to be able to use technology confidently. “Young people are introduced to technology so early via iPhones, iPads and computers at school it’s very easy for them to understand and use, but for seniors who have had a completely non-technological life it can be a massive learning curve,” said Mayor Griffiths. “We’re hoping these

sessions can alleviate some questions and stress surrounding computers and make seniors more comfortable with digital life.” The 45-minute sessions will be held at the Knowledge Centre, 2232 Albany Highway, in Gosnells each Wednesday afternoon from Wednesday 11 March 2015. Seniors are entitled to access six sessions, which will be run by volunteers who will tailor sessions to meet individual needs. The sessions are only available to seniors residing within the City of Gosnells. A variety of information will be covered on laptops and tablets including basic computer skills, accessing internet, using email, setting up Word and Excel documents, Facebook, games, music, movies, paying bills and internet banking. Advance bookings are essential by calling the City’s Seniors Services on 9391 6030. Ref: www.gosnells.wa.gov.au. Published Wednesday 18 February, 2015.

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degrees and cuts to families and pensions. The Liberals have no plan for the future, just a plan to save their own skin. Australians are sick and tired of the lies, leaks and lame excuses of this Liberal Government. This government has no vision for Australia, just more cuts and chaos. While the Liberals continue their unprecedented attack on low and middle income Australians, Labor will keep fighting for the people hurt by this Government’s broken promises. Labor is focused on policies that will support living standards, support jobs and help families with the cost of living. It doesn’t matter who leads the Liberals, we know they are all the same. The only way to change the Liberals’ unfairness is to change the Government.

SEDIMENTATION OF OUR CANNING – NO REAL COMMITMENT Sedimentation of our waterways is a topic which I and others have been trying to get addressed through State legislation via many avenues for the past 20 years. We have had some success with a few local governments, including the City of Armadale, and now a committee set up by Perth Region NRM with key stakeholders and the building industry are looking into best practices. However, I have grave concerns for the long term future of the waterways in the Canning Catchment. Without State legislation, these waterways and their tributaries are, in my opinion, in real danger of collapse. While we see conditions placed on developments and other works, there is little or no compliance. Sediment has a major impact on our rivers and waterways (noting that the Canning, Wungong Rivers and Churchmans Brook are 100% dammed). In summer, measured scheme water is released at 7 points to keep the upper Canning flowing. Sediment that enters the Canning obstructs this flow. Sediment fills up the deep pools where fish breed, smothers or buries the habitat of aquatic plants and animals, clogs the gills of fish and other aquatic animals, and reduces growth of aquatic plants such as reeds in streams, due to reduced light penetration. Other sediment impacts include increased risk of flooding, due to blocked drains and accumulated sediment in streams. These waterways that are located in our south east region are unable to receive the natural flushing that they require. Surely if our waterways’ natural flows are required for public use, then there should be legal steps

put in place to protect what natural attributes they still have. After 20 years of seeking legislative action, with mainly lip service given to the issue, the question needs to be asked at State Government level - who cares? Pat Hart, Chair of SERCUL, and Deputy Chair of Armadale Gosnells Landcare. NEIGHBOURS As the facilitator of Roleystone’s Neighbourhood Watch, it was interesting to see that Sunday the 29th is Neighbour Day (supported by Relationships Australia). It has five principal aims which I am sure you will agree are worthy of consideration. The over arching statement is “The community you want starts at your front door”. The five principal goals of Neighbour Day are: 1. Strengthen connections and build better relationships with the people who live around you; 2. Create safer, healthier and more vibrant communities; 3. Promote tolerance, respect, and understanding; 4. Breakdown community barriers; 5. Protect elderly, the vulnerable and the disadvantaged. With our Bushfire Ready and Neighbourhood Watch programs supporting and encouraging neighbours to exchange information to ensure all aspects of safety, I believe the above statements are worth thinking about. If you have not yet connected with your neighbours and become a part of Bushfire Ready and Neighbourhood Watch, I encourage you to do so, as you have so much to gain. Pat Hart.

DID YOU KNOW? DNA analysis techniques have revealed that not only did many Australian bird families not have their origins in the north, but some of the world’s major bird groups typically seen as foreign (including parrots, pigeons and passerines) actually evolved in Australia and radiated outwards in successive waves of emigration. DO YOU KNOW WHICH ANIMALS WERE THE FIRST TO BE SENT INTO DEEP SPACE? The first animals that were sent into deep space were a pair of Horsefield’s Tortoises. In September 1968, the Soviet Union sent the tortoises along with wine flies, meal worms, and other biological species on a circumlunar voyage on the Zond 5 spacecraft. The capsule was recovered at sea on September 21st 1968. The good news is that they survived the experience.

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PAGE 9 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Monday 9th March 2015 marks one month since Tony Abbott declared ‘good government’ had begun. Since ‘good government’ began, we’ve seen a desperate Prime Minister trying to save himself, while Australians are still hurting from his unfair Budget. In the month since, the Liberal Government has presided over: • A stream of leaks from Cabinet; • Chaos and confusion on their GP Tax; • Deceit and dysfunction on their promise to build submarines in Australia; • Cuts that will send pensioners into poverty; • Unemployment at a 12 year high. This isn’t good government, it’s a bad joke. The truth is nothing has changed. The Liberals still want a GP Tax, $100,000

Christina Verbrugge and Jack van Bemmel with some of the artwork made by Christina for the exhibition. • Grass Tree (AKA) Blackboy Pruning & Maintenance, Transplanting or Christina Verbrugge is excited to announce an upcoming exhibition of her beautiful free removal (alive) • Garden Yard Clean Ups & Routine Maintenance Australian landscape artwork, with all proceeds from the event being donated to a very good • Storm Damage Clean Ups • Chainsawing & Wood Removal cause. Over 40 pieces of Christina’s art, created with pastels, oils, acrylics, alkyds (fastPruning, Weeding, Mulching, Planting, 12V & 24V Garden drying oils), oilpaint sticks and mixed media, will soon be exhibited for public viewing. The pieces, ranging in size from postcard proportions to landscapes over a metre in length, were Lighting, Post Hole Digging (Earth Auger) inspired by still life, or from photographs from Christina’s family holidays, and were created in her home studio. The exhibition’s opening night will be officially opened by the Mayor of Gosnells, Councillor Dave Griffiths, on Monday the 23rd of March at 7:00pm. The exhibit will continue at Gosnells Christian Reformed Church, 55 Mills Road West, Gosnells from 9:30am to 4:30pm on the 24th to 27th of March, and from 9:30am to 1:00pm on the 28th of March. It is hoped that all • All Makes Servicing/Diagnostics • Cooling System Repairs the pieces will be sold, since all proceeds from the event will be donated towards enhancing • Exhaust Replacement/Repairs • Shock Absorbers children’s education in Samasodu, a remote village in the Solomon Islands, located about • Starter Motors/Alternators • Brake Repairs • Free Quotations 190km from the capital city of Honiara. The languages spoken there include some English, • 24 Years Experience Pidgin, and other Austronesian dialects. Your Locally Owned Fully Licensed Vehicle Repairer Samasodu has only one Primaru school, with about 60 children as students. The money being raised by Christina Verbrugge United Fuel Station 11 Wygonda Rd Roleystone and Jack van Bemmel (about $4000) will be used to transport Charles Kafa (the Principal) and his wife Lynnette (also a teacher there) from Samasodu to Australia in mid-June of this year, during which time they will visit schools in the area to professionally and personally develop their skills as educators. They will spend about two weeks in Perth, before moving on to Sydney and Melbourne, where they hope to attend a Christian Teachers Conference. Hopefully, Charles and Lynnette will be able to transfer learning Jack van Bemmel with Charles and Lynnette HAYNES OPENS Kafa, on a previous trip to Samasodu. techniques and materials used TUESDAY in Australia and take them back to the Solomon Islands to improve their 7TH APRIL students’ education. Jack van Bemmel has stated that he is very much looking forward to escorting them around the city and showing them the sights during their down-time. Christina Haynes Shopping Centre is also eager to meet them, and to Shop 4 Armadale Road “share an evening with them, and Armadale 6112 all the people who worked towards this endeavour”. 9498 2634 In the event that the proceeds from the exhibition aren’t sufficient, Mr van Bemmel intends to continue fundraising until the necessary amount is reached. “We have a big church community behind us, so it will come good”, he said confidently. The Valley Reporter encourages everyone to pay a visit to the “ Be your own kind of beautiful ” exhibition to enjoy the beautiful artwork Christina has produced, and to perhaps consider giving some money towards this generous humanitarian OPENING HOURS: effort. If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact Christina HAYNES Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 9-5.30, Thur 9-8, Sat 8-2, Sun 11-4 HUNTINGDALE on 9398 6438 and at christijo@westnet.com.au, or contact Jack on Mon, Tues, Thur & Fri 9-5.30, Wed 9-7.30, Sat 8-2 9390 6819 and at jadvebe@bigpond.com.au. Elise Kelly.


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PAGE 10 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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Compassionate euthanasia of pets at home

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TRAVIS NEWLAND SELECTED IN INTERNATIONAL BASEBALL & SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Congratulations Travis Newland on being selected in the South East Asia Youth Baseball and Softball Tournament (SEAYBST) Perth Allstars U19’s Baseball team. Held annually since 1991 and hosted on a rotating basis by one of the founding members, the South East Asia Youth Baseball and Softball Tournament takes place over one week. Youth baseball and softball leagues from Jakarta, Singapore, Perth, Bangkok, and Manila are longstanding attendees and the founding members of SEAYBST.

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It is widely recognised in South East Asia as a premier youth baseball and softball tournament due to the high calibre of play and number of teams that participate. Travis will be in Jakarta from 23 - 29 March 2015 and The Valley Reporter would like to wish him all the best on his trip.

Fax: 9495 2108

PAGE 11 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Almost every day, I receive phone inquiries seeking information about helping animals to pass peacefully at home. This is a very emotionally difficult phone call to make – it may be easier for someone to text or email, rather than speak those difficult words. Some owners are faced with needing immediate help for their animals, due to a sudden collapse or injury, or evident deterioration of the quality of life. Other owners may be making initial inquiries for a future date, as they are preparing for the day when this help will be needed. When I was dreaming of being a vet at age 10, I don’t think I ever considered euthanasia of animals as part of my work – apparently I was more focused on saving every creature with healing via medicine or surgery. The reality is very different in my daily work. It is emotionally difficult, but it is also incredibly rewarding to assist the owners emotionally and professionally with the euthanasia of a much loved pet in their own home. Owners often doubt their ability to judge when it is the right time, so a Quality of Life assessment can be arranged, during which I can visit the animal at home, to assess the various criteria which determine whether the quality of life is reasonable for that animal. This visit allows the owners to ask any questions about the process involved for at home euthanasia. It is important to clarify any concerns, as not all vets perform this service the same way. This is also a good time to consider options for burial or cremation – these are essential matters to decide, so professional assistance is often beneficial and definitely appreciated. My primary focus is the welfare of the animal that I am helping to pass peacefully and with dignity, but alongside these much loved animals are the grieving owners who feel so bereft with their loss. It is a privilege to be able to assist with comfort and support – I know my own precious Amy is with me in these times, to offer her calm and gentle nature in spirit. My heart has been touched spiritually and emotionally by the many beautiful animals and their families that I have helped – thank you most sincerely for your trust and respect in me during your time of sorrow.

Compassionate convenient care of your pet at home

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On the afternoon of 11 March 2015, an incident involving a male adolescent and two adult males occurred outside Roleystone Shopping Centre on Jarrah Road, Roleystone. Although the details of the incident are unclear, it is believed the adolescent and two males became engaged in a confrontation that reportedly included verbal and physical abuse. According to witnesses, the incident, which saw the use of derogatory and disrespectful language, took place in front of a crowd of people with young children from a local

primary school present. The altercation was later reported to police. The Valley Reporter will not speculate on the cause of the incident, however it is concerning to see such a brazen display of aggression occur in plain view of young children and people doing their shopping in our community. In response to the incident, we would like to remind everyone that it is important to be respectful of those around you by choosing not to engage in any activity that directly or indirectly puts other people at risk.

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Fire fiGHTers talk home safety for seniors Fire fighters from Maddington Fire Station will talk to seniors about fire safety in their homes at a special presentation hosted by the City of Gosnells on Thursday 9 April. City of Gosnells Mayor Dave Griffiths urged local seniors to attend, particularly if they were unsure about smoke alarm requirements or safety measures related to heating or cooking products or equipment. “This free event is a great way for seniors to get advice from the experts, our local fire fighters, on a range of fire safety issues,” the Mayor said. The Home Fire Safety talk offers helpful tips on a

range of topics, including: • Smoke alarm products, as well as maintenance and testing; • Fire safety advice when cooking; • Home heating options and how to care for electric blankets; • Dealing with a home fire and getting out of your home in an emergency. The presentation will be held at 10.30am on Thursday 9 April at the City’s Addie Mills Centre, in Gosnells. A light morning tea will be provided and bookings are essential. To reserve your place, please call Senior Services on 9391 6030. Ref: www.gosnells.wa.gov.au. Published Sunday 8 March, 2015.

PAGE 12 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

celebrate bike week 2015 Celebrate Bike Week 2015 by getting the family out and take part in a leisurely guided mountain bike tour around sections of the Munda Biddi and Carinyah Trails in Karragullen on Sunday 22 March. A shuttle bus will collect you from the City of Armadale Administration Office and return you after the tour. Three tours are running across the day, departing Armadale at 8.30am, 10am and 11.30am. Each guided tour is approximately 45mins riding time on an easy terrain. Bikes and safety equipment are all provided, so all you need to bring is a bottle of water and sunscreen. “Taking a leisurely bike ride through the hills is a fantastic way to see some of the City’s hidden gems. Riders will experience sections of the purpose built Munda Biddi trial, which means ‘path through the forest’ in the Nyoongar language, taking in the stunning surroundings on this trail that stretches from Mundaring to

Albany. Riders will also ride through Carinyah Campsite which is nestled in a grove of She-oak trees. “Bike riding is a great activity for the whole family; it is low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is also fun, cheap and good for the environment.” Tour Times: Tour 1 Shuttle Depart: 8.30am, Shuttle Return: 10am. Tour 2 Shuttle Depart: 10am, Shuttle Return: 11.30am. Tour 3 Shuttle Depart: 11.30am, Shuttle Return: 1pm. Participants are required to wear appropriate clothing and footwear. All participants must be over 10yrs old and above 140cms in height. All participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. To make a booking fill out one form, per person and return it to the City in person at 7 Orchard Ave, Armadale or by email on info@ armadale.wa.gov.au. For more info visit www.armadale.wa.gov.au or call 9399 0111.

and quality of stalls. We got some great suggestions too, so look out for improvements in our next market. To all those local regulars who have been enjoying the market and concert over the two years we have been running, thank you for your continued support, and please keep coming with your family and friends. For those locals who perhaps haven’t tried us out yet, please keep an eye out for posters and information on our next market, on Sunday the 14th of June, from 10:00am to 3:00pm. We look forward to seeing you there. Pam Edwards. Photograph courtesy of Kerry Evans.

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PAGE 13 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

On Sunday the 1st of March, we held the first Roleystone Market and Concert for 2015, and this time the weather gods were kind to us (some of you may recall the sweltering heat that we “enjoyed” in March 2014). We once again reached our maximum of over 100 stalls on our full oval, and had a great range of food vendors. The reputation of our market is spreading, as a survey of our visitors indicated that 25% were coming from outside the City of Armadale, and 50% were first-timers. We even had visitors from as far away as Rockingham and Nedlands. The most pleasing result of our survey was the average score of 8.5 / 10, for satisfaction across a range of areas including layout, entertainment


+ Partnerships B. Com., CPA + Partnerships REGISTERED TAX AGENT REGISTERED TAX AGENT Certified Practising Accountant + Company + Company B. Com., CPA B. Com., CPA + Family Trusts B. Com., CPA + B. Com., CPA + Individual & Sole Traders Individual & Sole Traders REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Family Trusts Certified Practising Accountant + Partnerships + Self Managed Super + poor? Partnerships TAX Time + Self Managed Super TAX + Individual & Sole Traders Time poor? Funds + TIME REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Company Company Email your documents + Partnerships Funds TIME TAX Email your documents REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Family Trusts + BAS/GST + Family Trusts + Company TIME REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Individual & Sole Traders REGISTERED TAX AGENT + BAS/GST Multiple years welcome + + Family Trusts Multiple years welcome Time poor? + Self Managed Super Self Managed Super + + Multiple years welcome + Partnerships Individual & Sole Traders Time poor? TAX Funds + Multiple years welcome + Self Managed Super Funds Time poor? your documents + Email Individual & Sole Traders

Certified Practising Accountant

Individual & Sole Traders Company Email + your documents + + Partnerships TIME Funds + BAS/GST Email your documents + BAS/GST + Family Trusts + Partnerships Partnerships Multiple years welcome + BAS/GST + + Company Multiple years welcome Multiple years welcome + Multiple years welcome + Self Managed Super + Multiple years welcome Time poor? + Multiple years welcome + Company Company + + Family Trusts Funds Jacqueline T. Hunt Email your documents Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Jacqueline T. Hunt + Family Trusts Family Trusts + + Self Managed Super + BAS/GST Time poor? Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Multiple years welcome Tel: 9496 1886 Funds E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au + Multiple years welcome + Self Managed Super Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au + Self Managed Super


TAX TAX TIME Tel: 9496 1886 T: 1886 Tel: 9496 1886 TIME TIME T: 9496 9496 1886

Tel: 9496 1886 T: 9496 1886

Tel: 9496 1886 T: 9496 Email your documents Time poor?1886 Jacqueline T. Hunt Time poor? T: 9496 1886 Jacqueline T. Hunt E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Jacqueline T. Hunt Liability limited byFax: a Funds scheme 9496 approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 1887 is a CPA Practice + BAS/GST Funds Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Email your documents Email your documents Please phone or email for an appointment E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Multiple years welcome Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Please phone or email for an appointment Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au + + Multiple years welcome + BAS/GST BAS/GST E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au

Tel: 9496 1886

T: 9496 1886 Please phone or email forJacqueline T. Hunt an appointment Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Multiple years welcome Multiple years welcome Liability limited by a scheme Professional Standards Legislation. Fax:approved 9496under 1887 is a CPA Practice

Please phone for appointment + Multiple years welcome + Multiple years welcome by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Please phone or or email email Liability forlimitedan an appointment E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Tel: 9496 1886 T: 9496 1886 Please phone or email for an appointment Fax: 94969496 1887 Tel: 9496 1886 Tel: 1886 9496 1886 T:T: 9496 1886

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Jacqueline T. Hunt

is a CPA Practice Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Jacqueline T. Hunt Jacqueline T. Hunt E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Please phone or email for an appointment E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Please phone or email for appointment an appointment Please phone or email for an by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. LiabilityLiability limited limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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PAGE 14 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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Roleystone locals Fae and Bryce Burrows recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on the 20th of February 2015, commemorating their 50 years of marriage with a renewal of their vows. In their beautiful family home garden, and surrounded by their family, friends, and neighbours, Fae and Bryce exchanged new wedding rings and promises of their continued commitment to one another. Both were quite emotional during the proceedings, and at times could barely speak the words. Fae and Bryce first met at a party in Alice Springs around 1961/62, when Fae was 30, and Bryce was 20. As they recalled, “It was a small town, with only about 3000 people. There was no TV, only open-air theatre on the weekends, so if there was a party, everyone knew, and all the young people went.” The couple began dating for a short while, before Fae left Australia to travel to England. Unwilling to let the girl go, Bryce soon followed her and joined her in the UK. The pair continued to travel around Europe and America for a few years, before finally marrying in 1965 at the spectacular Niagara Falls. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon on the Greyhound buses, continuing their travels. “We had $99, so for $99 days we crisscrossed America for a dollar a day on the Greyhound”, said Bryce. Fae and Bryce apparently never lost their taste for travel, as evidenced by the many years spent abroad following their marriage. Their lovely house in the hills is brimming with souvenirs and reminders of their adventures across the globe, all a testament to the aimless wandering of Fae and Bryce’s life together on the road. They’ve been to Japan several times, as well as America,

Europe, India, Africa, the United Kingdom, Iran, Afghanistan, and many other places they could visit back when travel was much cheaper than it is today. Some of their favourite memories include Christmas spent in Kabul (the capital of Afghanistan), during which Father Christmas spoke to all the visiting guests in their own native languages. Bryce also mentioned the thrilling train ride they took from Hong Kong to Moscow in Russia. In addition to a wealth of intercontinental memories, the Burrows’ lives together have also produced their daughter Kim, and have been enriched by their three grandchildren Tara, Holly, and Bryce, who ushered at the renewal ceremony. Their daughter and grandchildren have often accompanied Fae and Bryce on numerous trips abroad, including an exciting trip to Disneyland in Tokyo, Japan. Despite their long-running success as a couple, the Burrows (like any husband and wife) have had their troubles in the past.

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(top) Fae and Bryce as a young couple, many decades ago, (above left) Fae and Bryce in 2015, (above right) “You may now kiss the bride... again.”

Community Noticeboard

players wanted Kelmscott Roos Soccer Club U14/15s and U17s Girls. Both teams will play on Sundays. Training: Wednesday. Times: TBA. Location: Frye Park, Clifton St, Kelmscott. Contact: Ann on director-of-coaching@ kelmscottroos.com.au or via our facebook page or www.kelmscottroos.com.au. Swap Shop Presents ALL THINGS VINTAGE CAR BOOT SALE Sunday 22nd March 8-12noon. Sustainable event at Maida Vale Reserve Ridgehill Rd, Maida Vale. Vintage Stalls, Kids Activities, Food and Drinks. The high tea party – fashion parade Sunday 22nd March Parade starts at 1.30pm. Held at Ramon’s at Willow Pond 459 Nicholson Rd Canning Vale. Bookings essential call 9493 7314 or 0400 500 814, email: streetwise@live.com.au. New & Pre-loved Fashion for low prices. Mens & Women’s sizes 8-26. All garments will be auctioned. Tickets: Adults $40, children $20. All proceeds go towards helping the homeless and those in need. nostalgia drag racing vintage • Dirt track displays • Automotive swap meet • Show and Shine. Held at the Perth Motorplex Sunday 19th April.Automotive Motorcycle & performance swap meet 8-11am, run by Cranksters at Motorplex - no bric-a-brac! Nostalgia drags entrants

from 8am, scrutineering racing from 11am5pm. Dirt Track action during the day with hotrod and vintage speedway vehicles giving driving displays on the speedway track. LESMURDIE CLUB CAR BOOT SALE Saturday March 28th (8.30am to 1pm, sellers from 7.30am) Please call 9291 7811 to book a bay for $15. Walliston Primary will be running a Sausage Sizzle and a Car Wash. The Lesmurdie Club will be selling tea & coffee and cool drinks. A great way to de-clutter, and make some money! 2015 Australian XTrial Championships Moto Dynamics proudly presents Australia’s best X Trial riders, fighting it out for the inaugural 2015 X Trial Championship. To be held over 2 big nights at Baseball Park, Cnr Wilfred and Nicholson Road, Thornlie. Gates open 5pm both nights, Friday 10th of April and Saturday 11th of April. Riders: Kyle Middleton NSW, Tim Coleman VIC, Chris Bayles TAS, Neil Price WA, Trevor Campbell VIC, Sam King VIC, Brandan Smith TAS and Callum Barton WA. Food vendors will be available at the venue serving a variety of food and beverages to tantalise your taste-buds. Please be aware of the following • Licensed venue, No Alcohol is Permitted • Non Smoking venue • No Commercially Packaged food Permitted. Buy your tickets now online at www. ausxtrial.com.au.

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PAGE 15 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

“It’s not all been good - Bryce had a business in Alice Springs, and sometimes we’d have to tighten our belts when money wasn’t good”, says Fae. “But my father told me that if you make your bed, you lie in it. People have it too easy nowadays, they can just leave if they stop liking the person they’re with after six months. It’s a rarity (seeing couples together after all this time). Not having any money, it made us pull together. Having to work together to get somewhere keeps us together, even now.” When asked what advice she could give in regards to maintaining a happy marriage, Fae gave three simple rules: 1. Don’t take yourself or your partner too seriously. 2. Learn how to lose. 3. And always keep your husband as your lover. The Valley Reporter would like to congratulate Fae and Bryce on their golden wedding anniversary, (top) The mudcake made for the occasion by Fae and Bryce’s and wish them continued neighbour, (bottom) The Burrows with the certificate of their happiness together. renewal ceremony. Elise Kelly.

PAGE 16 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VAllEy Reporter

The Roleystone Autumn Market and Concert took place on Sunday March 1 at the Old Primary School site on the corner of Jarrah Road and Robin Road in Roleystone. There were more than 100 unique stalls at the Autumn Market that offered a great range of excellent home grown and handmade arts, crafts and produce to visitors from all over Perth. Held quarterly, the Roleystone Market always delivers a fun, family day out in the Hills. Children and parents are kept busy with carefully picked stalls, food vendors, non-profit groups, animals, face painting, and a bouncy castle, while the Roleystone Musicians Club create a wonderful atmosphere with live music played throughout the evening. One of the highlights of the Autumn Market was the Roleystone Community Garden stall. Visited by many avid gardeners, the stall had a barrow load of strawberry plants for sale and offered free advice on how to ensure you reap a good harvest from new plants. Meanwhile, the Roleystone Men’s Community Shed displayed the fruits of their activities and shared some brilliant ideas for gifts and for your home. Another popular stall belonged to Shards, a small home business that up-cycles materials such as glass, wood and metal into beautiful products. One of their items, ‘My Favourite Flowers are Yellow’, was made from recycled corrugated iron and fence pickets, painted with oil paints, solvent dyes, acrylic and enamel paints, and sealed with gloss for protection. A few of the many other stallholders and food vendors that participated in the event included Soap’s By Elena, Tea Candles by Stephanie Boyle, Michael Ginever Jewellery Giftware, Hey Pesto Food Truck, Youngs Confectionery, Wildthyme Natural Soap, Hawaiian Shaved Ice, Heavens Above Creations For Pets, Gourmet Coaster, Bona Pizza, Top Rice BBQ, Sausage Sizzle - Ride to Conquer 2015, Yeah Man Ice Cream, The German Grill, Affinity Café - Malaysian Vegetarian, Boost Juice, Cappuccino Xpress, Churro Central, Paella Catalan Food, Wirra Gamba Olives, and Novelty Soaps. After a leisurely afternoon stroll through the stalls in a beautiful location, visitors then had the opportunity to relax and watch the Twilight Concert as the sun went down. This quarter’s concert ‘Wurkin for Nuthin’ was a dIRE sTRAITS tribute hosted by the Roleystone Musicians Club and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. MC Mascotia, Game of Tones, The Righteous Few, Braxton Hicks, Cactus Rose, Placid, Scentless Apprentice, and Dave & Evie rounded out a wonderful Autumn Market in Roleystone. The committee would like to thank the stall holders for filling the oval with colour and smiles, the food vendors for keeping people well fed with great food from around the world, Deb and the amazing musicians for filling the oval with music and creating a great vibe, and most of all, the visitors from Roleystone and beyond for coming to share the market. Without you, this great community event would not be possible. Keep coming back, tell your friends, and we look forward to seeing you again on Sunday 14 June for the next Roleystone Market.

PAGE 17 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VAllEy Reporter

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Special “Paper Planes” screening and Q&A for Roleystone Community The hugely popular family film “Paper Planes”, starring Sam Worthington and Ed Oxenbould, is now playing in cinemas around Australia. Parts of Roleystone were used as the school location within the film, with 15 students from Roleystone Community College starring as extras in the fantastic film. To help celebrate the success of the film and provide friends of Roleystone Community College and the Roleystone community with a special screening opportunity, the Roleystone Academy of Digital Media will host a closed screening and Q&A at Armadale Grand Cinemas on Monday the 23rd of March, around 6pm. If you are interested in booking one or more $10.00 tickets to the screening and Q&A, please contact Roleystone Community College on 9391 6222.

A call for Roleystone residents to turn off, switch on and look up Internet gratification, temporary validation and the risk of permanent defamation are issues highlighted in a new play devised by students from The Actors’ Hub. Directed by Hermione Gehle at the Subiaco Arts Centre this March, “Not Me” is a call for people (including Roleystone residents) to turn Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 6:00pm off their iPads and iPhones, step back and Sat: 7:00am - 2:00pm get real. Roleystone Auto Centre proudly supports local businesses The theatre-in-education piece has been designed to make upper school students aware of the issues surrounding truth and identity in their contemporary “iWorld”, in an exploration of communication and disconnection. Director Gehle has said that the play “raises awareness of the pitfalls from too much dependence on social media, and empowers audiences with insights to combat the many issues that are facing the youth of today”. “I love theatre that tackles social issues”, she says. “Social media and technology are a part of everyone’s daily life, and modern youth know a world where it is all-pervasive. Giving young people a L a n d Sand, s c a p i n gBlended S o i l s , B uSoils, s h M uMulches, l c h , B l e n dRocks, ed Mulches, platform to present, discuss

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PAGE 18 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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and investigate issues which we can all relate to is empowering.” Involved in theatre for 24 years, Gehle trained at the Actors College of Theatre and Television in New South Wales, and recently completed a masters in directing at the WA Academy of Performing Arts. In Sydney, she worked at the Stables and Side Track Theatres, Fox Studios, The Tap Gallery, Seymour Centre and also performed at The Opera House Studio. In Perth, she has directed at WAAPA’s Enright Studio and the Blue Room Theatre. With “Not Me”, Gehle said the challenge is to take a serious subject matter and make it entertaining. “But it also needs to be provocative enough to help us find ways of challenging the normalisation of how we use this technology,” she said. “The play looks at the thoughts, opinions, issues, and concepts that plague our society today, and the discussions prompted from that might help audiences face and deal with those situations.” “Not Me” will play at 7:30pm on March 26th, 27th and 28th. Tickets are $25 for adults, and $20 for concession. To book, call 6143 3568, or look for it at www. actorshub.net under the What’s On tab. School tours and extra shows can also be arranged. The Subiaco Arts Centre is at 180 Hamersley Road, in Subiaco.

B r i c k i e a n d P a v i n g S a n d , Lo c a l G ra v e l , R o a d B a s eLandscaping, , To p D re s s i n g Lo a m , B l u e Makeovers, Metal and Rock. Garden Comp l e te La n d s c Trees a p i n g &and G a rd e n Ma ke over’s Ornamental Agapanthas Lo c a l B u s i n e ss w i t h Lo c a l K n ow l e d g e

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Quaid Kirchner (left), Nicholas Allen, Ashana Murphy, Danen Engelenberg, Jordan Holloway, Angela Mahlatjie, Adam Droppert, Justin Gray, and Emma Harvey explore the perils of technology in “Not Me”.

Gym and Tonic By Roz Hammond Friday 15 May 7.30pm


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Standard; $25.50 Concession’ $21.50 Group (10 or more) Book online, call 9493 4577 or visit the Box Office between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Ref: www.gosnells.wa.gov.au/events.

THE KAZOOS – WHAT’S UP CROC? School Holiday Program Friday 15 April 11am and 1.30pm One of Australia’s best-loved children’s entertainment acts The Kazoos is bringing its latest show What’s Up Croc? to DRPAC in the April school holidays. The show features engaging songs and slapstick comedy that will have the children in stitches. Using song writing and stagecraft, this popular show is ideal for children up to seven years old. What’s Up Croc?, like other shows by The Kazoos, is based carefully considered early childhood education principles. Book early to avoid disappointment. Admission*: $15.80 Standard; $13.80 Child (12 and under); $12 Group (10 or more) Book online, call 9493 4577 or visit the Box Office between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Ref: www. gosnells.wa.gov. au/events.

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PAGE 19 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

A group of strangers in a women’s gym gradually reveal themselves as they bump and grind through a set of hilariously inappropriate routines. The moving and amusing tale is about the miraculous things that occur among the complaining, groaning, lunging and moaning. Actor and playwright Roz Hammond plays all eight characters in this heartening show that explores the themes of love, loss, loneliness and family. Hammond, who is recognisable as the loose-limbed comedian from Shaun Micallef’s ABC TV series Mad as Hell, has drawn from her own experiences as a women’s gym trainer between acting jobs. Admission; $29.50

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Roleystone Medical Centre welcomes new Doctor Roleystone has welcomed a new Doctor into the community and into the Family Medical Centre. Dr Inoka Perera, born in Sri Lanka, studied Medicine in Russia before returning to her home country for about a decade. She and her family moved to Australia in 2013, and up until recently she worked part-time as a Doctor in Canning Vale for 6 months. Dr Perera is now working full-time at the Roleystone Family Medical Centre as a regular GP, although she has a special interest in gyneocology (women’s health) and paediatrics (children’s health). She says that she and her family feel most welcome in Roleystone, and she is looking forward to serving the community. The Valley Reporter wishes Dr Perera the very best as she continues her career of looking after people. Elise Kelly. Photograph courtesy of Rebecca Glassford.

Mobile: 0400 428 119















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PAGE 20 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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The Roleystone and Mandurah Kofukan Karate Dojo’s Beach Training was held on Sunday 8 March at the Old Mandurah Yacht Club. There was an excellent turnout and both students and instructors had a ball practicing their karate throws on the soft sand before playing games of soccer and tug of war. Training finished with

shoulder and piggyback fights into the water. Everyone, including the instructors, got wet but the cool water was welcoming after a hard (but fun) training session on the sand in the beautiful Sunday sun! A sausage sizzle was organised for all the hungry students and their families and provided a great opportunity for each club to socialise. A big thank you to Sensei Glen and Melinda Baker from the Mandurah Kofukan Dojo for hosting the event at their dojo, which just happens to be located right on the beach. The day was very successful and it will hopefully become an annual event.

Rare pig nosed turtles seized who are driven by the prospect of monetary and luggage.” gain from supplying people wanting to keep People with information about the illegal them as pets illegally,” Mr Craigie said. importation of reptiles or who notice any “Pig nosed turtles are very difficult to care for suspicious activity suggesting that reptiles in captivity, as seen by the death of one of the are being kept illegally should call Parks seized animals, which became trapped in an and Wildlife’s Wildcare Helpline 9474 9055, aquarium pipe several years ago. This turtle, Customs Watch on 1800 061 800, WA Police along with other animals, had been preserved on 131 444, or Wildlife Trade Compliance on (02) 6274 1900. in formaldehyde since its death. “The man who was keeping the reptiles Photographs courtesy of Rick Dawson. illegally was intercepted while trying to sell the live turtle, and we expect to lay a range of charges under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950. “Parks and Wildlife is working with other agencies to curb the PLeAse cALL LOuIs cruel illegal wildlife trade and has made significant progress recently, including preventing the export • Repair, Replace or make of more than 150 reptiles and • All yard clean ups • Indoor & Outdoor jobs amphibians to Europe in hollowed • Painting & Decorating • Landscaping, Fencing, paving etc. out books, cigarette packets • Live & Work locally • Police clearance

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Cameron Craigie holds the rescued rare turtle. www.thevalleyreporter.com.au

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PAGE 21 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Two rare turtles native to the Northern Territory and New Guinea and highly desirable on the exotic pet black market have been seized after being illegally kept at a Mt Helena residence. Department of Parks and Wildlife, with assistance from WA Police and Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, seized one live and one dead preserved pig nosed turtle, as well as two illegally kept south west carpet pythons and an oblong turtle. Pig nosed turtles are close to extinction in the wild, with poaching for the black market rampant due to their unusual features, including a protruding pig-like nose. They are the only freshwater turtles with flippers. The seized turtles are believed to have originated from the Northern Territory. Wildlife officer Cameron Craigie said pig nosed turtles were an internationally protected species and were worth at least $2000 on the black market. “This extremely vulnerable species is being put at further risk by poachers and traffickers,

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College ANZAC Centenary Preparation well under way Mrs West has been planning this forthcoming special event since late last year. The College will be formally involved through the following two events, one of which will be conducted on-site. Mrs West has ensured we are well placed to mark this significant Anniversary and on behalf of the broader Roleystone community I thank Mrs West for her wonderful work and preparation thus far - knowing both will be highly successful and reflective of this special week in our Nation’s history. ANZAC Centenary Commemoration Ceremony On Friday April 24 commencing at 9:00am, Roleystone Community College will be acknowledging the centenary of the first Anzacs with a formal ceremony at the school and displays of children’s work in relation to this very important part of our country’s history. The College’s Senior Choir will perform appropriate songs as part of the order of proceedings. This Ceremony provides our community with an opportunity for us to commemorate and show our respect to those who have served in wars in the last century. This year’s Centenary marks significant anniversaries associated with all of these conflicts and provides our school community an time to learn about and reflect on Australia’s wartime history and the nation’s contribution to international peace. It is hoped that you are able to attend our ceremony. Combined Schools ANZAC Centenary Choral Festival and Service Our College Senior Choir, Head Boy and Head Girl and Student Councillors will be attending this event on Wednesday April 22 at Memorial Park in Armadale. This event is being held in partnership with the Armadale Sub Branch of the RSL, supported by the Armadale City Council. Special guests from the district and federal, state and local government representative will be present. The ‘festival’ will highlight music from our schools acknowledging songs from WW1 era and songs highlighting those who have served in armed conflicts. It is also an opportunity to publically demonstrate the respect our state based and private sector schools to those who have served out country. This will commence for audiences at 10:00am and we hope you are able to support our school. Peter Thatcher. Ref: roleystonecc.wa.edu.au. Published Wednesday 11 March, 2015.

Easter Bilby Fun Sat 4th & Sun 5th April 6-8pm

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PAGE 22 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter


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Child $5, Family 2A2C) $25. Call 9291 3900 or email


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Thornlie fitness lecturer finds Ruby Moon’s fractured fairytale a real gem who has written the most incredible play with its dialogue, mystery and realism. He really puts himself into his characters’ shoes.” Director Louise Collins describes Ruby Moon as a fractured fairytale based on the well-known story of “Little Red Riding Hood”. “The play isn’t actually about Ruby or what happened to her; it’s about her parents dealing with the fact that their only daughter is gone,” she said. “I love the questions the play leaves for the audience, and the fact that it’s not really resolved.” Ruby Moon will play at 8:00pm on March 27th, 28th, April 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 16th, 17th and 18th, with 2:00pm matinees on March 29th and April 5th. Tickets are $20 for adults, and $16 for concession. To book, call 9497 5140, or go to www.trybooking.com. The Latvian Centre Theatre is at 60 Cleaver Terrace, in Belmont.

2015 SEASON May 15th Linda Moore Book Reading (Local WA Author) June 12th - 20th Salonika (a play Directed by Phil Mackenzie) August 29th Rogers & Hammerstein themed Gala Concert September 11th & 12th One Act Season Free Event (Various Directors) October School Holidays Storytime in the Hills (Plays for children) November 20th - December 5th Bye Bye Birdie (Musical Directed by Paul Treasure)

www.roleystonetheatre.com.au The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports the ROLEYSTONE THEATRE

Thornlie fitness lecturer Natalie Aung Than and Justin Crossley, as the parents of Ruby, a child who goes missing in “Ruby Moon”.

Roleystone Sporting Club (Inc) Presents

2015 SEASON LAUNCH & COMEDY NIGHT The Roleystone Senior Football Club invites you to join us for our 2015 Season launch and a night filled with international credited comedians!! Mike Goldstein from America & Sam Cribb from Australia are excited about the upcoming launch and cannot wait to entertain the crowd. Supporting the comedians throughout the night will be the Roleystone Musicians Club, playing well-known covers. Ticket price includes Entertainment & Dinner. Cash Bar sales will be available on the night.

Saturday 21st March, Roleystone Hall Wygonda Rd Time: 6.30pm, Cost: $40 per person Tickets are limited & will sell fast. For tickets please call Hazel Martin 0438 843 333, Jake Lewis 0433 604 769, or see your local butcher Gavin Olsen at Olsen Butchers This community event is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter www.thevalleyreporter.com.au

PAGE 23 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Thornlie fitness lecturer Natalie Aung Than, who works for Polytechnic West, is appearing in one of Australia’s most celebrated recent plays this autumn. “Ruby Moon” is part of the current drama curriculum for Year 11 and 12 students, and is being brought to life by ARENAarts at Belmont’s Latvian Centre Theatre. Written by Matt Cameron and directed by Louise Collins, the play starts off like a fairytale and eventually becomes a twisted whodunit plot set in sinister, contemporary suburbia. Set in pictureperfect Flaming Tree Grove, the story follows a couple struggling to come to terms with the mysterious disappearance of their young daughter, Ruby, who left to visit her grandmother and never came back. They are almost ready to give up hope, until the arm of Ruby’s doll turns up in their letterbox. Desperate for answers, they quiz their eccentric neighbours about the incident. In 2003, the play was short-listed for the Queensland Premier’s Literary Awards. Aung Than plays Sylvie, Ruby’s mother. “The main challenge is portraying my character with authenticity,” she said. “I want to do Sylvie justice. She deserves it, as do people who have gone – or are going – through what she has. What makes the play so unique is that there is no resolution at the end, only lots of questions. It’s a dramatic, thoughtprovoking play.” First performing with the improvisational Playback Theatre in 2012, Aung Than has also appeared with Stirling, Garrick and KADS Theatres in “Death by Chocolate”, “Snakes and Ladders”, “Charitable Intent”, and “Miranda”. “Ruby Moon appealed because there was a chance to play a mother,” she said. “This is my first time playing a mother on stage. Matt Cameron is a gifted Australian playwright

oleystone Tee-Ball R and Baseball Club Inc.

A Busy finale to the season

PAGE 24 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

With a busy finale to season 2014/15, accolades go to our two State Championship teams who represented Roleystone over the recent long weekend. The Under 10’s won their division with 4 wins and 1 draw while the Under 12’s finished 3rd after winning 3 out of 4 games and losing the last game by 4 runs, which shows how close the competition was. Well done to Paul Verity (U10’s Coach), Lee Miles (U12’s Coach), and all their assistants and players. Congratulations also to Anthony Johnson for attaining his Level 3 Umpiring accreditation over the weekend. Our AGM, Wind-Up and Presentations was held on Sunday 8 March with a great turnout of parents and players. Thank you to the outgoing committee who have done a wonderful job over the past year. Because only a small number of members attended the AGM, some committee members have taken on new roles and new committee members have stepped forward to fill positions. We look forward to seeing what the 2015/16 season brings. Trophy presentations were made to all players of teams. Thanks to our sponsors Roleystone

Major SponSor

Real Estate, Creative Driveways and Fencing, Karragullen Gravel and Garden Supplies, Roleystone Animal Hospital, Roleystone Chiropractic, RK Bendigo Bank, Seadragonz, Tony Simpson, and Don Randall for helping to present the trophies. Special mention to some outstanding achievers: Endeavour Award – Roos. Perpetual Trophy Award – Eva O’Loughlan. Club Person for 2014/15 – Carla Miles. Life Membership (200 games) – Josh Johnson. Congratulations to our Little League team on winning the grand final. Good luck to Josh, Tom, Dylan and Jordie in the Little League State Championships

U12’s States Game

over Easter. Next year some girls will be too old for teeball and we would like to start Junior Softball. Numbers are already close to making a team, so if you are interested in joining the Roleystone U13’s team next season please contact Sandy on 0419 875 277. Finally, thanks to all the coaches and anyone who has helped out in any way, because without volunteers like you, we could not have the wonderful Club that we do. Also special thanks to all our sponsors for this year – their support is invaluable so please continue to support them in the future. Wendy Mays, Publicity Officer.

Perpetual Trophy - Eva O'Loughlan

Club Person - Carla Miles

Little League Win First Ever Baseball Flag

Grand Final Day, the game was tight and although AK White where leading 5-1 at the bottom of the fifth it felt like a close game. We pitched well, fielded great and managed to hit our way on to base often but AK were playing really well and we were nearing the end. Time for one last innings, could we possibly catch them... a full six runs were scored in quick succession, amazing hits, perfectly placed and outstanding running and sliding in the fading light. One last innings to pitch and JJ got them out 3 up 3 down... Roleystone winners 7-5, our Clubs first ever Baseball flag. What a team, great coaches, great kids and awesome crowd of parents and supporters. Ref: www.facebook.com/RoleystoneTBC.

Book your spot!

U10’s States Game

PAGE 25 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

U10’s Bench

Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 NEWS RELEASE

AGGRAVATED ROBBERY OFFENCES – CHARGED JUVENILES Perth Detectives have charged two girls in relation to numerous aggravated robberies which occurred on Sunday 1 March 2015. From about 5:00pm, numerous victims reported various robberies, stealing and assault complaints in the Perth CBD and Northbridge areas. None of the victims were seriously injured. A group of eight juveniles ranging in age from 10 years to 14 years were arrested and taken to Perth Police Station. It will be alleged a 13 year old girl from Armadale and a 14 year old girl from East Victoria Park were involved in four aggravated robberies and appeared in the Perth

Children’s Court on Tuesday 3 March 2015.Five of the children were released with further inquiries to continue and a 13 year old boy was held in custody on a Warrant. Investigation into these incidents is ongoing. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Court fines illegal dumper $12,500

Capture the Memories

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Like it? Buy it?

A 29-year-old man has pleaded guilty to illegally dumping waste and been fined $12,500 under Section 49A (3) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). The Armadale Magistrates’ Court was told that on 11 March 2014 the man drove a commercial tip truck to a gravel track within a national park – a priority surface water catchment area ­– in Canning Mills, Perth. The man then illegally dumped the truck’s entire load of building material including wood, steel and asbestos, which was wrapped in black plastic sheeting. On 3 October

2014, Magistrate Temby imposed a fine of $12,500 and ordered that clean-up costs of $1277.10 be paid, as well as prosecution costs of $250 and $181.50 analytical costs. The man’s name and the exact location cannot be identified because a spent conviction has been ordered. The maximum penalty for illegal dumping is $62,500 for an individual and $125,000 for a corporation. Members of the public can report alleged illegal dumping by calling DER’s pollution watch hotline 1300 784 782. Ref: www.der.wa.gov.au.

Check out some of The VaLLey Reporter’s favourite photos collected over the years at http://www.thevalleyreporter.com.au/photo-gallery.html These photos are available for purchase as are many other photos within The VALLEY Reporter. Please details how Please email: email:thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au fngrafix@ozemail.com.au forfor details ononhow to obtain a photograph either as an A4 size or a 6” x 4” standard photo.

Lesmurdie Senior High School Year 12 Senior Ball was held in the Grand Ballroom at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Perth on Friday 13 March, 7:00pm -11:30pm. The cost of each ticket included pre-dinner drinks, meal, entertainment and security. This formal school event required a high level of acceptable behaviour and dress and all the normal school rules applied. An enjoyable night was had by all. Pictured L-R: Travis Newland, Jayden Addison-Edgar, Aaron Murray and Alex.

From August 2013 to August 2014, Airservices Australia conducted a modified flight path trial, with the hopes of reducing aircraft noise caused by flights in airspace over Roleystone and other surrounding hill suburbs including Bickley, Carmel, Byford and Martin. Flights which arrive from the north to land at the southern end of the Perth Airport runways sometimes fly over these residential areas (containing approximately 4,400 people), but the flight path was moved further east during the trial, towards the less densely populated areas of Karragullen, Pickering Brook, and Bickley East. Perth Air Traffic Control assisted design of the trial flight path. The main areas of operational concern during the design process were any potential impact on airspace safety and efficiency, however there was no evidence of any adverse impact in these areas during the trial period. Airservices has presented information about the trial to all of Perth Airport’s community meetings held since November 2012. These meetings were attended by various airlines, resident’s groups, local councils, State and Federal MP’s, and State and Federal Government departments. Prior to the trial commencing, Airservices undertook the following community engagement activities: • Letters were sent to all residents relevant to the trial, totalling 6,800 households under the existing and trial flight paths; • Information was provided to community representatives including Federal MP’s (Judi Moylan, Don Randall, Steve Irons, and Ken Wyatt), Senator Chris Back, WA State MP’s (Troy Buswell, John Day, and Tony Simpson), and local Councils (Armadale, Serpentine-Jarrahdale, Kalamunda, and Gosnells); • Community information sessions were held in Roleystone and Pickering Brook – two sessions at each location. These were informal in nature and held on a drop-in basis. One session at each location was attended by the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman. Approximately 90 people in total attended these sessions; • Interviews were conducted on television Channels 7 and 9, on ABC Radio, and newspaper articles and notices were put in the Armadale Examiner, Hills

Gazette, Comment News, and Echo News; • Information was also made available on the Airservices website, including an animation to illustrate the trial flight path; • Airservices placed a noise monitor at the Roleystone Primary School for a period of four weeks before the trial, in January 2012, and again during the trial period in April 2014. Reports for each recorded period are available on Airservices website at www.airservicesaustralia.com/ publications/noise-reports/ short-term-monitoring/. The community sessions held before the trial were the first time Airservices had used this consultation mechanism and proved to be effective. People were able to attend a session at a suitable time, and speak with Airservices staff individually and ask multiple questions in reasonable privacy about their own situation. It also provided useful feedback. During the trial, Airservices undertook the following community engagement activities: • A follow-up community session was held at Pickering Brook in November 2013; • A letter was sent in May 2014 to the residents who had already provided feedback about the trial, updating them on community reactions received to date. Feedback from the people living in the hills communities demonstrates that there was a noticeable benefit from the trial, and that the change should become permanently implemented. As a result, Airservices will put this into action immediately. On the 5th of March 2015, further proposed noise improvements were announced by Airservices Australia at the Perth Airport Community Forum. These include the introduction of Smart Tracking over the Perth hills area, which should result in fewer flights over populated areas in the Perth hills. It is hoped that this proposed Smart Tracking development will be implemented by May of this year.

Check out the Business Directory “Quick Find” within The Valley Reporter. This is a service where every paid advertiser gets listed on this page for FREE. The idea of it is for it to be used as a fast reference to local businesses and services, for added convenience they are also listed alphabetically under each category. Check out: www.thevalleyreporter.com.au/directory.html

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Roleystone flight path trial post implementation report

What are you doing? It looks really interesting. I am a volunteer who is proudly taking part in an important survey called the Great Cocky Count (GCC). The GCC aims to estimate the population of Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos from Geraldton to Esperance through a ‘snapshot’ count of the total number of cockatoos seen. It’s just like the census night we have for people! What is a cockatoo ‘roost site’? Black-Cockatoos spend the day feeding and travelling around the southwest, but the flock will return each evening to a ‘roost site’ – usually in the branches of large trees – to spend the night. As a GCC volunteer, you’ll be allocated a known roost site to monitor population numbers as the cockies land to roost. How do you count the cockatoos? It’s simple & fun! You arrive at a registered roost survey site 30 minutes before sunset and count the cockatoos as they fly into their night-time roosting trees. You record your count on a survey sheet and continue counting until 30 minutes after sunset. Why do you need to count the cockatoos? Numbers of Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos have decreased by nearly 50% since 1970 and we still don’t have an accurate estimate of how many remain in the wild. The GCC helps determine if there has been a change in numbers from previous years, and identifies habitat that is important to the cockatoos. What are some of the reasons why Carnaby’s Black - Cockatoo numbers have decreased?

Bureau of Meteorology Statistics for October 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 12.5 C Maximum: 24.5 C Total Rainfall 37.0mm

PAGE 28 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Statistics for November 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 14.0 C Maximum: 26.2 C Total Rainfall 23.8mm

© copyright 2014 Bureau of meteorology

Bickley – Western Australia

Statistics for December 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 15.8 C Maximum: 28.9 C Total Rainfall 0mm Statistics for January 2015 Temperature Average Minimum: 16.1 C Maximum: 32.1 C Total Rainfall 1.4mm Statistics for February 2015 Temperature Average Minimum: 16.9 C Maximum: 31.2 C Total Rainfall 27.4mm Western Australian Regional Office Bureau of Meteorology Ph: 9263 2222 Fax: 9263 2233. Accessed from the Bureau of Meteorology website http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/dwo Disclaimer; This product contains real-time data, loaded automatically with only limited quality control. The Bureau does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, correctness, accuracy, reliability, or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the information presented. The user accepts sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and results of this product, irrespective of the purpose to which such use or results are applied. in no event shall the Bureau of meteorology be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action contract, negligence or tort, rising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this product.

Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos have declined for many reasons, but the key reason is loss of feeding, roosting and breeding habitat – the clearing of native vegetation for agriculture and urban development has significantly affected the species. Other threats include collision with vehicles, illegal poaching and illegal shooting. We are counting all white-tailed black-cockatoos and not just Carnaby’s. Why is this? For the GCC, both species of white-tailed black-cockatoo (Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo & Baudin’s Black - Cockatoo) are counted as one because it is very difficult to tell the difference between the two species. Who runs the Great Cocky Count? The survey is organised by BirdLife Australia, and is funded by Perth Region NRM through the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country program. Over 250 volunteer observers help do the actual count! This sounds really important. How can I be involved in future counts? The 2015 Great Cocky Count is on Sunday 12 April from 5.15pm to 6.15pm (Perth time). You must register as a volunteer at the BirdLife website (birdlife.org.au/carnabys/great-cocky-count) no later than 2 weeks before the count (Sunday 29 March). To find out more and to register as a 2015 Great Cocky Count volunteer, please visit the BirdLife Australia website (birdlife.org.au/carnabys/ great-cocky-count) or contact: Matt Byrne, Great Cocky Count Coordinator BirdLife Western Australia E: greatcockycount@birdlife.org.au P: 9287 2251.

accommodation Avocados Accommodation 2 Mount Street Kelmscott Phone: 9496 3838 ACCOUNTING/TAXATION Jacqueline T. Hunt Phone: 9496 1886 jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au AIR CONDITIONING Green Army Services Call John 0417 177 920 or 0458 124 878 Season Makers Call Nigel Bray now on 0400 074 844 ANTENNAS Roleystone Antennas Ph: 0411 536 883 Antenna Home Theatre Install/Repairs Roofline Antenna Services Call Mark Polini 0418 928 614 AUTO-MECHANICAL Campbells Auto Service Centre 11 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Ph:9496 0050 Roleystone Auto Centre 770 Brookton Hwy Roleystone Ph:9397 5993 WJ & KS Automotives 447 Chevin Road Phone: 9397 5666 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS PB Bathroom Renovations Call Pete Bond 0412 959 818, 9397 6988 BOBCAT SERVICES Brookton Valley Mini Bobcat Call Hugh 0428 867 992 Roleystone Bobcat 0418 625 925 Call Joe Dirt 9397 9860 BUILDERS David J Willis Building Phone: 9496 1262 Mobile: 0408 959 340 White Rose Building Co David Fowler P: 9498 3843 Mob: 0402 785 894 business solutions ScopeOne Business Solutions 1300 786 858 cabinetmakerS Cabinetmaker-Frank 9496 0037 (after 5pm)

This is a free service where every advertiser that places an advertisement with “The Valley Reporter” automatically is listed on this page. The idea of it is for it to be used as a fast reference to businesses and services. Each business will have a maximum of three (3) lines which will include a company name, address and contact details and these will be categorised and listed alphabetically. As another free service you will find every advertiser is also listed under our Local Business Directory at www.thevalleyreporter.com.au.

cabinetmakerS EATERIES HANDYMAN SEAFOOD Cornerstone Cabinets Affinity Cafe Handyman Guru Curulli’s Seafood Market 9397 6538 Call Louis on Paul Haynes 6, 50 Forrest Rd Armadale 0414 865 691 0427 445 041 8 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Phone: 9399 9985 landscaping CAR DETAILING Kim Valley Chinese SHEDS & PATIOS Restaurant 198 Brookton Brookton Valley Once Over Mobile Spinifex Sheds & Patios Hwy Kelmscott 9495 1188 Landscaping Call Hugh Car Detailing 2, 18 Gillam Drv Kelmscott 0428 867 992 Jason 0411 654 119 Phone: 9390 4662 Roley’s on the Ridge Cnr Soldiers Rd & Brookton MEDICAL CENTRE carpet & tile SHOPPING CENTRE Hwy Ph: 9496 0666 cleaning Roleystone Family Medical Roleystone Supa IGA ELECTRICIANS Centre 1/9 Wygonda Rd Jem’s Carpet & Tiles 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC Roleystone 9397 7122 Darling Range Electrical Cleaning Services Ph: 9397 5549, 9397 5585 OPTOMETRIST 0433 448 208 Call Glen Weaver SKIP BINS 0421 567 423, 9397 6015 Mr. Fist Wednesdays in Dr CHEMIST Just Skips Ojo’s Wygonda Rd Family High Point Electrical 9295 6677 Roleystone Community Medical Ctr 9321 3333 Call Marius 0419 004 475 E: justskips@justskips.net Chemist Shop 15, 21 Jarrah PAINTERS Rd Roleystone 9397 5377 highpointelectrical@ssbs.net.au SIGNWRITING Ablaze with Colour FENCING CHILDCARE Fineline Signs Daniel Bale Rural Fencing Call John Magic Moon Childcare Adam 0401 781 341 0412 011 184 0418 953 591 or Phone: Linda 9399 1838 finelinesigns@bigpond.com Brush Worx Professional Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 101 Forrest Rd Armadale TAXI SERVICE Painting Services Terry FIREWOOD CHIROPRACTORS Swan Taxi - Michael Griffiths 0430 115 178 Roleystone Firewood Gentle Chiropractic with 0432 110 351, 3am - 5pm PET CARE Free Local Delivery Simon Pioneer Village pls text & I will call you back Call Simon on 9397 6313 Prefurred Pet Care 0417 983 446 TILING Pet Sitting - Dog Walking GARDEN BAGS Roleystone Chiropractic Anfield Tiling Service 0402 452 367 Express Garden Bags Josh Morton 0451 675 100 Wall & Floor Tiling PLUMBING Phone Colin or Rose 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Phone Chris 0421 222 138 0408 930 142, 9397 5769 ABM Plumbing COMPUTER REPAIRS TREE SERVICES Call Andy 0419 986 923 GARDENING / Bigsi Computer Solutions Hillside Tree Works Office: 9293 7524 LAWNMOWING call Simon 9397 9046 Call Matt Grasstree Makeovers & Findlay Plumbing & Gas Mobile: 0433 838 394 0417 189 621 Phone/Fax: 9390 1940 Garden Yard Clean Ups CONCRETE JMC Tree Services Mobile: 0409 297 939 Call Scott 0429 990 660 Phone: 9497 1596 K & K Concrete PRINTING GARDEN SUPPLIES Mobile: 0409 118 912 Kevin Campbell FN Grafix Karragullen Gravel & 0433 728 478 WA Treeworks 0400 428 119 Garden Supplies Phone: David 9496 0306 DANCE CLASSES 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Phone/Fax: 9397 6854 Freecall: 1800 088 733 Jus ‘Dance Kids & Adult PROPERTY gutter CLEANING veterinary service Classes Jenny 0413 430 721 MAINTENANCE 1984 Albany Hwy Maddington Excellent Window Cleaning Pet Assist 332 Home Green Army Services Call Anam on Vet Services Call Judith dentIST Call John 0417 177 920 0401 503 157 Congrene 0433 2137 28 Roleystone Dental or 0458 124 878 gutter protection WINDOW CLEANING Surgery Ph: 9397 6337 REAL ESTATE Four Seasons Gutter 2/9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Excellent Window Cleaning Fraser Williams Protection Call Anam on DIEBACK TREATMENT 9397 6300, 0439 092 248 1300 30 25 23 0401 503 157 Roleystone Real Estate Dieback Treatment HAIRDRESSERS Specialists yard clean ups Maggie Burke Real Estate Aura Hairdressing 1300 785 311 P: 9496 1122, F: 9496 1120, Mick’s Yard Clean Up Shop 10/21 Jarrah Rd M: 0419 939 110 DOGWASH/Grooming micksyardcleanup@gmail.com Phone: 9496 3950 Mob: 0407 386 110 RECREATION CENTRE Blue Wheelers Mobile Billy Shears The Hair Club Dog Wash & Grooming YOGA Roleystone Recreation Unit 2a Brackenridge Village 0404 485 137 Centre 8 Wygonda Road Yin-Yoga with Simon @ Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone Ph: 9397 6538 DRIVEWAYS Kookaburra Creek every Thurs 9397 9219, 0431 908 074 9-10am & 6.30-7.30pm ROOF restorations Creative Driveways & Karizma Hair Studio Fencing Call John Ph/Fax: Total Roof Care Haynes SC Shop 4 9397 6854 or 0418 953 591 Ring Steve 0419 854 587 Armadale Rd 9498 2634, totalroofcare@westnet.com.au EARTHMOVING Huntingdale Forum Shop 9 Huntingdale Rd F & M.J. Armenti 9490 5533 P:9397 6372 F:9397 6374

PAGE 29 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter



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• Armadale Library • Seville Grove Library • Kelmscott Library • Roley’s on the Ridge • Roleystone Community College • Armadale Visitor Centre • Roleystone Orchard • Earthbound Organics • Raeburn Orchard • Roleystone Lunchbar & Takeaways • City of Armadale Shire Office • Avocados Accommodation • Kim Valley Chinese Restaurant • Roleystone Family Centre • Roleystone Newsagency • Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital

• Roleystone Fish & Chips • Tomeo’s Service Station • Roleystone Country Club • Gull - Karragullen • RK Seniors Club • Araluen Botanic Park • The Roasted Bean Café • Good Shepherd Catholic PS • Roleystone Recreation Centre • Affinity Café • Roleystone Fire Station • The Manse Restaurant • WJ & KS Automotives • Roleystone Family Medical Centre • Armadale Cottage Bed & Breakfast

FOR SALE Painted Saws with Australian scenes, make gd presents $30ea 9390 4953



A fresh new approach with what’s happening in Roleystone...

12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty Ltd ACN: 121 488 515 as Trustee for the Newland Family Trust trading as The VALLEY Reporter ABN: 25 121 579 862

Prices subject to change without further notice. ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VALLEY Reporter

$35.00 per for as little as 5424 $80.00 Fionayear Newland Telephone: 9397

Business For Sale: Roleystone Florist. For over 21 years, Roleystone Centre Florist & Gifts has provided local residents with beautiful flowers for all occasions. Located at 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC. Business fully operational, prof set up and ready for new owner. Interested, please call 0419 047 142 for more information

HOME CARE tidy home, pets, any other requirements while you’re away or sick. Exp, reliable & caring call Sonja FOR SALE Yamaha Acoustic 0427 553 087 Guitar, with metal stand and babysitter $10p/hr for travel case all included $60 upto 3 kids, then extra $5 ono. Ph Valerie on 9529 1812, p/hr for each kid after. Free 0413 660 177

These various locations are NOT distributors but have kindly made the latest issue of The Valley Reporter readily available for you to enjoy!

Editor and Publisher Please send The VALLEY Reporteris subscription to: (please print) 23 WYGONDA ROAD ROLEYSTONE PlEasE NotE: PostagE withiN australia oNly

Horse Agistment Roleystone. New fencing, lge yards, other agisters, endless trail riding in bush. Call Helen 0402 403 269,9397 5921 for more info or to come & view

For sale Sony Computer 2 Way Bass Reflex Speakers 15 Watts Output Phono Jacks not USB $150, 2 Solid Swedish Pine Hat & Coat Racks 190cms High 60cms Wide Top Shelf 30cms Wide $50, New Print of Spitfire through Clouds by Barrie AF Clark 36cmsx63cms framed ready to hang $100, 6 Copper & Brass Goblets by Rodd $100, 4 Tennis Racquets: 1xLotto/ Silent Force, 1xLotto/Polaris II Graphite, 1xFoxBandit L3 4 3/8L Graphite, 1xLocker 4 ¼ Alum suit learner $200 or will sell sep. AFK Breadmaker perfect cond in box with instructions $100, Neff Oven Accessory Steamer Drawer never used $250 9496 0913, 0457 087 086

weeknights/weekends call Tutor Adult Child Maths Allyra Spronk 9399 1313, Literacy Diane Bed 9397 9878 0431 436 179 MUSIC TEACHING Organ, UKELENE & Mandolins Keyboard, Piano-accordian beautiful h/made frm collec- Theory, Ukelely Fridays, Mr. For sale Valencia 3/4 acoustic guitar $60 ono. tion $2-$300 9497 1203 Fist 9397 5340 Fender squire electric guitar babysitter Available with amp and stand $110 GARAGE SALE Reliable mature uni student ono Phone Craig Edmonds SUNDAY MARCH 22nd Verity 0468 825 596 0409 114 683 8am – 5pm 3 BARBIGAL RD Dressmaker 40yr exp. For ROLEYSTONE “You & Home”, alts /mending

or tuition welcome. Sonja FOR SALE galvanised 0427 553 087 2xgates: 1.16m x 1.48m, 1xgate: 2.14m x 1.25m, ironing service steam 1xgate: 2.02m x 0.95m, iron used, animal free, $150 the lot or ono. 12:20:34 PM professional 0438 106 439 Ph Valerie on 9529 1812, BABYSITTER Avail $10/hr 0413 660 177 reliable 23yo cert 3 childcare Charlotte 0497 106 642, other IMPORTANT NUMBERS: 000 Fire or Life Threatening 9397 6249 Emergencies, 13 25 00 SES Assistance,1300 657 209 Emergency

mrs/ms/miss/mr name/initial Open: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Email: fngrafix@ozemail.com.au Facsimile: 9397 5465 Website: www.thevalleyreporter.com.au surname address suburb


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email Post form to: 23 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Fax: (08) 9397 5465 Email: fngrafix@ozemail.com.au Email: thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au Website: www.thevalleyreporter.com.au Preferred method of payment: Credit Card,Credit EFT orCard Cashor Direct Deposit Payments can be made by Cash, Cheque, Bank Details: Suncorp Bendigo Bank, BSB (Branch): 484799, 633000, Account 506272010, Name: Valley Reporter Acct No: No: 130630304, AcctAcct Name: KiwiThe Enterprises (WA) Pty. Ltd.



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PAGE 30 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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Information, Armadale Police 9399 0222, Healthdirect Hotline 1800 022 222, Poison Information Centre 13 11 26, Western Power 13 13 51, Alinta Gas 13 13 51, Telstra 13 22 03, Roleystone Volunteer Fire Services (Noel Plowman) 9397 6370, CoA Ranger Services 9399 0111 or 1300 886 885, Smoky Vehicle Reporting 1800 076 659, Synergy (faulty street lights) 1800 622 008, Water Corporation 13 13 75, Mensline 1300 789 978, Family Helpline & Domestic Violence 1800 643 000, Samaritans 9381 5555, Life Line 13 11 14, Relationships Australia 1300 364 277, Quitline 13 78 48, Prostate Cancer Foundation 1800 220 099, Suicide Helpline 1300 362 787, Cancer Helpline 13 11 20, Drug Information 1800 069 700, Gamblers Assist 1800 633 635, Mens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599, Womens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339, Kids Helpline 1800 551 800, For Passenger Assistance on Transperth Train Services 1800 800 022, Illegal Dumping Hotline 1300 766 541, Main Roads Road Closure Information 13 81 38, Education Department Security SchoolWatch 1800 177 777, Ngala Helpline for families with babies & young children 8am-8pm 7 days a week 9368 9368 WA country access 1800 111 546, Holyoake Counselling Family • Individuals • Youth 9416 4444, CoA Hotline for reporting anti-social behaviour 1300 597 076 Do not use the below numbers for emergency calls or to request police attendance. These numbers are for you to contact your suburb’s local policing team to discuss local issues that don’t require immediate attendance. If they are unavailable you can leave a message and they will return your call. Team 1 Mobile: 0417 453 267 Suburbs: Armadale CBD. Team 2 Mobile: 0417 465 698 Suburbs: Armadale. Team 3 Mobile: 0417 258 771 Suburbs: Kelmscott. Team 4 Mobile: 0409 978 209 Suburbs: Camillo. Team 5 Mobile: 0466 314 974 Suburbs: Seville Grove. Team 6 Mobile: 0466 314 976 Suburbs: Brookdale, Haynes, Hilbert, Wungong. Team 7 Mobile: 0466 314 984 Suburbs: Ashendon, Bedfordale, Karragullen, Lesley, Mt Nasura, Mt Richon, Roleystone.. Armadale Police 23 Prospect Rd, Armadale. T: 9399 0222. F: 9399 0215. Counter service open hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

What’s On

– your local community calendar

Your not-for-profit event or activity can be listed here FREE and is open to local community and sporting groups courtesy of The Valley Reporter  

Roleystone Toy Library

 Armadale Visitor Centre 40 Jull St, Armadale 9399 0410


 Araluen Botanic Park 362 Croyden Rd, Roleystone 9496 1171  www.araluenbotanicpark.com.au

A FANTASTIC WAY FOR YOUR CHILDREN Araluen Golf Resort Country Club Ave, Roleystone 9397 9000  www.araluenresort.com.au TO ENJOY A VARIETY OF FUN AND SAFE TOYS, PUZZLES & GAMES  Brackenridge Village & Roleystone Village Cnr of Brookton

 

joinNOW! now! JOIN

Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone. Great food, wine & beauty

we are 1.45-2.30pmand & Sat Openopen WedTues 11.30am-12.15pm 9.30-10.30am during the school term. Sat during school term. ALL9.30am-10.30am ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE Any please call 9496 or Callenquiries BelindaWHITEHEAD Bloxsome 0438 8841115 601 HEATHER 9496 0119 email emailroleystonetoylibrary@yahoo.com.au roleystonetoylibrary@yahoo.com.au

  

 Karragullen Expo (inc. the West Australian Avocado Festival)  October P: 9293 7152 M: 0418 938 134 email: romaspiccia@

hotmail.com, www.karragullenexpo.org.au

 SmokeFree WA Kelmscott Annual Show October 9am-9pm


A SAFE, FUN PLACE FOR CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES. SESSIONS MONDAY TO FRIDAY REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL contact our new registrar Marie Hofmann (Registrar) 0404 996 670 CONTACT OUR NEW REGISTRAR CONTACT OUR NEW REGISTRAR ROBYN DAWSON 9397 7116 email: rpgregistrar@gmail.com kym graham 9397 9158 CAROLYN BATHGATE 9498 1968

Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club (Inc) 46 Jarrah Road, Roleystone Phone : 9496 3166 E-mail: rksc@iinet.net.au

Rushton Park, Kelmscott, www.kelmscottshow.com.au Roleystone Markets Sun 1 March 3-8pm, Sun 14 June 10-3pm, Sun 20 Sept 10-3pm & Sun 6 Dec 3-8pm (EST. 1944) Roleystone Sunday Markets 8:30am-12:30pm New & Pre-Loved NEW MEMBERS WELCOME items, held out the front of the RK Seniors Club 46 Jarrah Rd TenniS iS7pm-8.30pm played aT The club Tennis Monday nights • Wednesday mornings Roleystone. Come along & support this monthly event (2nd • SocialSocial adulTS; WedneSday morningS from 9am 9am onwards • Friday mornings 9am-11am (run through Sunday of the month) Stall holders call Christine Kent 9397 5047 Family Centre with Creche) • Sunday afternoons 2pm-4pm and Junior TenniS Roleystone Theatre Inc. 587 Brookton Hwy Roleystone. For COURTS FOR HIRE DAY OR NIGHT Bookings Phone: 9397 5730 www.roleystonetheatre.com.au Bookings and and keys for public court hire are available through Bookings through the the Roleystone Video Network Store, Jarrah Shops - 9496 Roleystone VideoRoad Phone: 9496 16161616. Bickley Valley Harvest Festival May 2-3, 10am-5pm Free POBox Box172 172Kelmscott KelmscottWA WA 6991. roleytennisclub@iinet.net.au PO 6991. E: Email: roleystonetennisclub@yahoo.com.au. Community Event, www.bickleyharvestfestival.com Wendy Tucker Shearwood(Sec.) (Sec.)9496 9397 5305 Graham Boase(Pres.) (Pres.)9397 94966620, 3220,Graham Tracey Backhouse 0053, Valley View Garden Golf Earthbound Organics Brackenridge Helen Mantle (Treas.) Virginia Bird (Club (Club Capt.) Capt.)9397 93906620 7668 John Meharry (Treas.)9390 9397 2335 6536,&Wendy Tucker Village, Shop 4, 1 Soldiers Rd Roleystone 9397 7899 Kalamunda District Bridge Club holds weekly day and evening sessions for both competitive and social bridge. Contact Garth Scotford 9296 1497 or email: kdbclub@bigpond.com Armadale Society of Artists meets on the first Thursday of the month, starting 7pm at Creyk Park Pavillion Waltham Rd, Armadale. All welcome 0407 249 565 Roleystone Community Alive Group meetings held at the Roleystone Family Centre, 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone. For further enquiries call Joyce Arnott 0434 727 470 If I have forgotten to mention you in the What’s On - your local COMMUNITY CALENDAR section feel free to submit your contact details email: thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au


We are an energetic group of “Over 50’s” and some School Primary - Robin School Road - Robin Road of our regular activities for members are: Old PrimaryOld Old Primary School -Thurs Robin&Road 9am 1:30pm 9am Tues, 1:30pm Thurs Tues, & Sat Sat • Mahjong • Book Club • Indoor Bowls 9am - 1:30pm Tues, Thurs & Sat • Cards • Members Lending Library



ROLEYSTONE DOJO DOJO ROLEYSTONE Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Confidence, Respect & Discipline Confidence, Respect & Discipline Improve your personal well being & Improve your personal well being & Improve your social awareness Improve yourPh. social9397 awareness Enquiries 5688 Enquiries Ph. 9397 or 0419 946 6615688

KIDS ADULT KIDS Qualified Karate ADULT CLASSES CLASSES or Instructor 0419 946& 661 NCAS Accredited

CLASSES Qualified Karate & NCAS Accredited CLASSES FreeInstructor créche available Free créche available

Training Days Roleystone Hall Training Times & Thursdays Cnr Roleystone Wygonda &Hall Jarrah Tuesdays Jnrs (5-12yrs)Times 5-6pm 6-7pm Training Days Training during school holidays Snrs (13yrs & older) 6-7.30pm 7-8.30pm Rds, Roleystone Closed Tuesdays & Thursdays

Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah

Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm

Monthly Club Nights Doors Open 6.00pm, Bar Open 6.00pm - 10.00pm, Music Starts 7.30pm check out our website for dates in 2015 www.rmcwa.com.au

PAGE 31 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

THE CLUB IS NOW OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY Chris: 0427Chris: 462 921 0427 Phil: 4620429 921 688 Phil: 844 0429 688 844 – REFER TO CALENDAR FOR ACTIVITIES Chris: 0427 462 921 Phil: 0429 688 844 www.roleymensshed.com.au www.roleymensshed.com.au


To the Maggie Burke Team Maggie Burke is a Real Estate Agent that I trust implicitly. She gave me a credible assessment of the value of my house as it was, and very specific advice on what could be done to increase the sale price. She even helped me find people to make those changes! In the end the property sold very quickly. Maggie was totally up front about her charges, not the cheapest, but was worth every cent for the terrific service she and her team provided. What more could you ask?

PAGE 32 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Regards Gavin Smyth 26 February 2015

In order to provide the finest of service, we carry no more than 8 active listings and service them with 3 qualified reps.

“Always impeccable service”

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