Vr130may june15

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VALLEYReporter YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter.

No.130 – May/June ‘15

Roleystone bees create award winning honey

Read the article on Page 8 & 9 Photograph courtesy of Sky O’Brien

© Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

C r eCreative ative

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Community Contacts

PAGE 2 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Your not-for-profit local community and sporting group can be listed here FREE courtesy of The Valley Reporter

Roleystone Community Youth Workers Joyce Arnott Mob: 0408 956 559 or Stuart Hight Email: youth@roleycommunitychurch.org Roleystone Badminton Trudie 9397 6920 Roley Hall Tue 9.15-11am Wed 7.30-9.30pm Roleystone Girls’ Brigade Yvonne Waddell 9397 5153 Roleystone Girl Guides 4.30pm For girls 7-up Roxy Devlin 0412 657 166 RK Snr Cricket Club Graham Fuller (Pres) 0400 195 061, email: info@ roleystonekarragullencc.com.au, web: roleystonekarragullencc.com.au RK Jnr Cricket Club Tim Clarke (Pres & Sec) 9397 7313, Alan Smit 0410 924 502 (in2CRICKET co-ordinator) www.rkjcc.org Roleystone Jnr Football Club Adam Hancock (Pres) 0429 353 019, Connie Saffioti (Reg) 9397 5191 www.rjfc.org.au Roleystone Snr Football Club Matthew Walkley (Pres) 0430 509 441, Lisa Casotti (Sec) 0400 980 116 www.roleystonessfc.org.au Roleystone Gymnastics Nicole Smith (Admin) 9496 1484 Email: roleystonegymnastics@hotmail.com, www.roleystonegymnastics.myclub.org.au Roleystone Womens Hockey Sue 9398 7426 Helen 9397 5939, 0438 923 477 Roleystone Tee-Ball & Baseball Club Inc. Sandy Johnson (Pres) 0419 875 277, Tanya Taylor (Reg) 0409 112 373 Organic Growers Assoc. meets 2nd Wednesday of the month Lisa 9399 2312 Roleystone Redback’s Little Athletics Club Boys & Girls U5-U17’s Train Mon & Wed 4.30pm - 5.30pm at RCC, Julie Jackson (Sec) 9496 0559 Roleystone Community Church 1 Croyden Rd Roleystone Minister David Bardsley Wk: 9397 5955 Hm: 9397 9303 Roleystone Schools P&C Amy Boughton (Sec) 9397 5559 1st Roleystone Scout Group Karragullen Hall, Mark Thompson 0438 964 441 St Christopher’s Anglican Church 9293 8273 Roleystone Men’s Community Shed: Contact Phil 0429 688 844 Roleystone Community Garden: Contact Laurie 0419 929 367 Child Health Nurse Thurs & Fri by appointment 9397 5813 Kalamunda District Bridge Club Weekly Day & Evening Sessions, Garth Scotford 9296 1497, kdbclub@bigpond.com Alcoholics Anonymous Meet every Sat at 7pm 9325 3566 Australian Sewing Guild Southern Hills Neighbourhood Grp meet 2nd Sun of the mth, Karen Anderson 9354 7806 Patchwork Quilting Friendship Days Lyn 9397 5207 The Rivercare Group Pat Hart 9496 1634 Armadale-Kelmscott Swimming Club info@akswimclub.org.au, Patty Blackwell (Pres) 9497 8197 (8am - 8pm) The House of Bamboo Carol 9397 7679 City of Armadale - Roleystone Ward Councillors Caroline Wielinga 0488 900 307, Cr.CWielinga@armadale.wa.gov.au, Grant Nixon 0418 449 611, grandem@iinet.net.au Roleystone Netball Club Kristy Hodges (President) 0447 044 412, Sharlene Warnes (Registrar/Secretary) 9496 0452 Roleystone & Districts Basketball Registration open for all ages. For Enquiries please contact Chris Webb 0414 166 401, Kirk Allnutt 0423 433 449 Darling Range Wildlife Shelter Hayward Rd Martin 9394 0885 Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre 9291 3900 Kanyana provides advice & assistance 24hrs a day, 7 days a week DEC’s Department of Environment and Conservation WildCare Hotline 9474 9055. WildCare helpline for sick, injured or orphaned native wildlife operates 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, diverting to after hours numbers at nights & weekends, to provide immediate assistance Art Classes RNFC Mon-Tues & Thur 9496 1115 www.roleyfamilycentre.com.au Landscape Painting Tues 6.30-9.30pm Ian 9496 0034 Roleystone Lawn Bowls Gerry Chapman (Pres) 9397 5730 ISADD Intervention Services for Autism & Dev Delay Darryl Cooper 9397 5970 Kelm History Grp Congregational Church Rundle St Kelm Colleen 9495 4963 Hants & Dorset Social Club Iris Milton 9397 5449 Cat Sterilisation Society 9397 5062 9-4pm Mon-Wed Parents Without Partners Foothills Branch, Weekly Activities organised, Greg 0402 252 230, Marylena 0422 108 711 Bushfire Ready Groups Bedfordale-Ian Thompson 9399 3006, Kelmscott Hills-Peter Jago 0439 997 373, Roleystone-Chris Cairns 0417 983 019, Robert Littmann 0427 977 190, Craig Popperwell 0438 904 485 Kaarakin: The Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre For rescues please call 0448 046 202, www.blackcockatoorecovery.com Armadale Reptile Centre 308 South Western Hwy Wungong Ph: 9399 6927 Snake Catcher 0426 815 402 Wild Care Snake Removal 9474 9055 Unplugged Acoustic Folk Roots & Blues Mel Young 9399 8493 Roleystone Child Health Centre 19 Wygonda Rd Thurs 11.30-12.30pm Ph: 9397 5813


YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter. This month’s magazine highlights the many not for profit sporting and community groups and events we are so lucky to have in Roleystone and its surrounding areas. Please show your support by helping them in anyway you can - let’s have a strong community together! You can support our local Girl Guides by purchasing some of their irresistible biscuits. Did you know that Girl Guides have been selling biscuits in Australia for the past 57 years to raise proceeds to support local, national and international Guiding activities and programs? This year, Australians are expected to consume more than 13 million Girl Guide Biscuits raising over $1.7 million for young Australian women. More than 570,000 packets of Girl Guide biscuits will be sold across Australia this year. Biscuits are available in three flavours: plain, chocolate and choc minis. Girl Guide biscuits have

been made using the same recipe for more than 50 years. Ref: www.girlguides.org.au. The annual Girls on the Porch fundraising event goes from strength to strength each year. Their raffle tickets are hot off the press with a 1st prize of $1,500, 2nd prize of $750 and 3rd prize of $500. Grab your tickets now - you’ve got to be in it to win it! Turn to page 22 to see who recently visited our very own Roleystone Family Centre. The morning included a tour showcasing our wonderful facilities. Have you checked them out? There are always plenty of interesting classes and workshops on offer. The Don Russell Performing Arts Centre just down the road in Thornlie has some great performances coming up, with some conveniently during the day. See page 5 and 20 to check out their regular Morning Melodies events. If you are into cruising, then Travelways (WA)

have a great offer available at the moment. See their advertisement on page 23 to find out how you can cruise between Fremantle and Sydney on the Pacific Eden for a really great price. The Roleystone Dojo team are getting bigger in numbers every day. A great group shot of them is on page 26. Shihan Tomiyama - Kofukan Karate International’s most senior instructor - recently visited the club. Even though his visit was brief he left with an inspiring remark to his up and coming karate enthusiasts - read what he said on page 27. Please show your support by shopping smart and shopping local at WA Real Estate Property Group, Sudsational Housekeeping & Cleaning, Magic Hands Massage, Foothills Animal Hospital, Travelways (WA), Resicert Property Inspections and Earthbound Organics. Fiona Newland, Editor and Publisher.

The Heartbeat of our Community

cut-off date

for all articles, photographs and advertising for “The Valley Reporter’s” next issue is set for no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 10 June


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The VALLEY Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. For The VALLEY Reporter’s “Inbox Letters to the Editor” full list of guidelines go to; www.thevalleyreporter.com.au/letters.

Cats are wonderful animals! They are warm and furry. They lift our spirits, offer us companionship and welcome us when we come home. There is nothing like sitting on the porch after a day at work, cup in hand and cat purring happily on lap. But is it time to rethink our long-term love affair with cats? Research suggests that each cat allowed outside can kill between 5 and 30 native birds and animals per day. Cats are the biggest human-linked cause of death for native animals (Australian Geographic web article Natural Born Killers, 22 March 2013). However, you can have the best of both worlds. If you create a cat run you will allow your cat to spend time outdoors without endangering precious wildlife. To drastically reduce the number of birds and small native animals killed by a cat, the owner can also purchase a ‘cat-scrunchie’ the cat looks smart and more birds and animals get to live longer. Maggie Burke, Roleystone.



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Community Monthly Magazine Well Established – Successful Long Term Contracts Regular Contributors Work From Home Growth Potential – $35,000 Neg. “Inbox Letters to the Editor” published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter. Please feel free to submit your letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” so we can include them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Email: thevalleyreporter@ iinet.net.au or www.thevalleyreporter.com.au/letters.

0400 428 119

To all our loyal advertisers, employees, supporters and readers, it’s business as usual!


PAGE 3 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

On behalf of the Leukaemia Foundation, I would like to thank the WA community for their active participation and support of the World’s Greatest Shave 2015. Every week, twenty-three Western Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer or a related blood disorder. As the Leukaemia Foundation receives no ongoing government funding, the support of the public will help meet the increasing demand for our support services. Each year, the Foundation supports thousands of people and their families by providing practical services at no cost. These services include; information, practical assistance, emotional support, transport and accommodation for regional families required to relocate closer to metropolitan treatment centres. We also invest millions of dollars each year into vital research to improve treatments and find cures for blood cancer. Thanks to all of our supporters, we have raised over $2 million in WA and continue to strive to reach our target of $2.9 million. There is still time for people to sign up or make a donation at www.worldsgreatestshave. com. On behalf of all those diagnosed and their families who will be supported as a direct result of your support of the World’s Greatest Shave, thank you. Andrew York, General Manager WA Leukaemia Foundation.

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PAGE 4 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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Parker McPartland Davies Born 24/3/2015 Big brothers Kai and Arlen are very excited to meet their little brother. Krysty and Ian Davies are proud parents for the 3rd time.

CHANGING YOUR SMOKE ALARM BATTERY Have you checked your smoke alarm recently? Does it need a new battery? If so, changing your battery will depend on what type of smoke alarm you have. Smoke alarms powered by 9V alkaline batteries require battery replacements every year, while smoke alarms powered by a 10-year non-removable lithium battery do not require replacements. Do not try to remove these batteries. Mains powered (hard wired) smoke alarms are powered by an external power source. These alarms also have a battery back-up for periods of mains power outage. Many models have a rechargeable (non-removable) battery and do not need replacement. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to see if you need to change the battery. Smoke alarms will make a ‘beep’ or ‘chirping’ sound when they have a low battery or are faulty. Mains powered smoke alarms may also make this low battery warning after periods of extended mains power outage. If this happens and your smoke alarm has a replaceable battery, you will need to change your battery. Smoke alarms with a non-replaceable battery may have a warning that the battery is not replaceable. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions before replacing the battery. Mains powered smoke alarms are required to have a green ‘Power On’ LED indicator that lights up when the alarm is connected to mains power. All smoke alarms have a red light that flashes momentarily every 40-60 seconds to visually indicate they are operating.

This same red light flashes continuously when the smoke alarm has been activated. If there are interconnected smoke alarms the fast flashing red light will indicate which smoke alarm initiated the alarm. Always test that your smoke alarm is operating after replacing the battery by holding down the test button until you hear a loud alert tone. All smoke alarms require regular maintenance and should be replaced every 10 years. It is important to remember that only working smoke alarms save lives. In the event of a fire, crawl low under smoke and only assist or alert other people in danger if it is safe to do so. Go to your safe meeting place, such as your letterbox. Call 000 and wait for fire fighters to arrive. Do not re-enter a burning house under any circumstance. For more information visit www.dfes. wa.gov.au or contact DFES Community Engagement on 9395 9816. Reference: ‘Changing Your Smoke Alarm Battery’, Fact Sheet 02, Government of Western Australia Department of Fire & Emergency Services.

Sweet Dreams - A Tribute to Patsy Cline

MAIN: Traditional English Steak Pudding on carrot puree, saffron spuds and Roley’s own gravy.

DESSERT: Vanilla Pannacotta with raspberry jelly, glazed sticky pineapple and butterscotch sauce.

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PAGE 5 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Head Chef Brad Richards & sous chef Rick Butler

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Patsy Cline fans are in for a treat when Moira J Scott performs the songs of this country music great at the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre on Wednesday 24 June. Since discovering Patsy Cline’s songs as an 18-year-old, this expatriate Englishwoman has performed them in a variety of folk and country music bands. Scott has made several trips to Nashville, Tennessee, to see where Cline lived, grew up and performed. She uses this experience to give a true-to-life portrayal of Cline in her shows. You will hear songs like Tennessee Waltz, Back in Baby’s Arms and I Fall to Pieces. “Once again, the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre has secured a world-class show as part of the Morning Melodies series,” said City of Gosnells Mayor Dave Griffiths. “The music of Patsy Cline is timeless and Moira J Scott’s interpretation is sure to transport everyone who hears it straight to Nashville.” Sweet Dreams is on Wednesday 24 June. Morning Melodies includes morning tea at 10.15am with performances at 11am. For bookings or more information call the Box Office on 9493 4577. Ref: www.gosnells.wa.gov.au. Published on Thursday 7 May, 2015.

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The Leukaemia Foundation recently launched its ‘Blood cancer can affect anyone, at any time’ campaign, raising awareness of the impact of blood cancer in the WA community. Every week twenty-three Western Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer or a related blood disorder, contributing significantly to the national statistic of 12,000 Australians projected to be diagnosed this year. “Blood cancer does not discriminate. It affects males and females of all ages and with few clearly identified risk factors, it sometimes comes with no real warning. When someone is diagnosed, the impact is felt by the person and their loved ones. It is during these difficult times that people can turn to the Leukaemia Foundation for support,” said Andrew York, General Manager of the Leukaemia Foundation in WA. As the Leukaemia Foundation receives, no ongoing government funding it relies on the community and corporate sector to help fund the comprehensive range of services provided to people with blood cancer and their families. The services include information, education, financial and emotional support as well as transport to and from treatment. There is also accommodation available to those

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who need to relocate from regional areas to Perth for treatment. With the support of an independent panel of researchers and clinicians, the Leukaemia Foundation also invests millions of dollars every year in the best Australian blood cancer research. “It is a common misconception that the Leukaemia Foundation only supports people with leukaemia. However, we support people diagnosed with all blood cancers, including leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders. Our broad range of services can be accessed by anyone impacted by a diagnosis in the community. “Through our new awareness campaign, we are hoping to educate the WA community about the impact for blood cancer and the Foundation can assist families, whether they are in Perth or living regionally,” said Andrew York. While decades of research have improved survival, sadly not everyone survives. Blood cancer is the third biggest cancer killer in Australia and claims more lives than more well-known cancers like breast cancer and melanoma. To find out more about the Leukaemia Foundation’s free blood cancer support services visit www.leukaemia.org.au or call 1800 620 420.

The Comfort Bag Program

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PAGE 6 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Think Big. Shop Small. Where you spend is far more important than how much you spend. Take the time to think about the big picture and shop small all season- every season. An initiative proudly endorsed by The VALLEY Reporter


Meet James. He recently celebrated his 6th Birthday but instead of keeping the wonderful presents he received from his family and friends, he decided to donate them to the Comfort Bag Program. This is the third consecutive year James has donated his birthday presents. The Comfort Bags are given to children in crisis who are removed from their homes and families, often without the opportunity to take any personal possessions with them. Each bag is individually prepared for a specific age and gender and filled with items such as pyjamas, underwear, toiletries, a book and teddy bear. The bags provide these

children some comforting items to help them through an exceptionally tough period in their life. To date the program has provided Comfort Bags to almost a thousand children across WA. If you would like to help the Comfort Bag Program, Constable Care are currently accepting donations of new items such as toiletries, pyjamas, books and towels. Donations can be dropped off at the Constable Care office, 48 Sixth Avenue Maylands, during office hours. Ref: www.facebook.com/ WA.Police?fref=photo. Published on 30th April, 2015.

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So, with investors re-entering the market place at an ever increasing rate, its extremely likely that the lower to mid property price categories, specifically the $350,000 to $600,000 range will see their values increase over the coming months. For further Real Estate news updates, contact Fraser Williams 0439 092 248.

Evolution Penny Maddison’s ‘Evolution’ exhibition at the Zig Zag Gallery will be officially opened on Saturday 9 May 2015. CEO Rhonda Hardy said, “The exhibition will provide an incredible experience, showcasing the evolution of Penny Maddison’s works.” Penny has worked as a wildlife artist and has been an active member of The Watercolour Society of W.A. Most of her work has been wildlife but she has also added portraits, landscapes, and abstract paintings to her portfolio after years of experimenting. The exhibition will continue until Sunday 31 May 2015. The gallery is located at 50 Railway Road, Kalamunda. Ref: www.zzcc.com.au. Published on 4th May, 2015.

JACQUELINE JACQUELINE T. T. HUNT HUNT B. Com., CPA B. Com., CPA Certified Certified Practising Practising Accountant Accountant


Certified Certified Practising Practising Accountant Accountant JACQUELINE T. HUNT TAX TAX TIME JACQUELINE T.HUNT HUNT JACQUELINE T.T.HUNT TIME JACQUELINE T. JACQUELINE HUNT Certified Practising Accountant Certified Practising Accountant Certified Practising Accountant

+ Individual & Sole Traders No job too Big or Small! + Individual & Sole Traders + Partnerships B. Com., CPA + Partnerships REGISTERED TAX AGENT REGISTERED TAX AGENT Certified Practising Accountant + Company + Company B. Com., CPA B. Com., CPA + Family Trusts B. Com., CPA + B. Com., CPA + Individual & Sole Traders Individual & Sole Traders REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Family Trusts Certified Practising Accountant + Partnerships + Self Managed Super + poor? Partnerships TAX Time + Self Managed Super TAX + Individual & Sole Traders Time poor? Funds + TIME REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Company Company Email your documents + Partnerships Funds TIME TAX Email your documents REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Family Trusts + BAS/GST + Family Trusts + Company TIME REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Individual & Sole Traders REGISTERED TAX AGENT + BAS/GST Multiple years welcome + + Family Trusts Multiple years welcome Time poor? + Self Managed Super Self Managed Super + + Multiple years welcome + Partnerships Individual & Sole Traders Time poor? TAX Funds + Multiple years welcome + Self Managed Super Funds Time poor? your documents + Email Individual & Sole Traders Individual & Sole Traders Company Email + your documents + + Partnerships TIME Funds + BAS/GST Email your documents + BAS/GST + Family Trusts + Partnerships Partnerships Multiple years welcome + BAS/GST + + Company Multiple years welcome Multiple years welcome + Multiple years welcome + Self Managed Super + Multiple years welcome + Multiple years welcome + Company Time poor? Company + + Family Trusts Funds Jacqueline T. Hunt Email your documents Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Jacqueline T. Hunt + Family Trusts Family Trusts + + Self Managed Super + BAS/GST Time poor? Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Multiple years welcome Tel: 9496 1886 Funds E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au + Multiple years welcome + Self Managed Super Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au + Self Managed Super


TAX TAX TIME Tel: 9496 1886 T: 1886 Tel: 9496 1886 TIME TIME T: 9496 9496 1886

Tel: 9496 1886 T: 9496 1886

Tel: 9496 1886 T: 9496 Email your documents Time poor?1886 Jacqueline T. Hunt Time poor? T: 9496 1886 Jacqueline T. Hunt E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Jacqueline T. Hunt Liability limited byFax: a Funds scheme 9496 approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 1887 is a CPA Practice + BAS/GST Funds

Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Email your documents Email your documents Please phone or email for an appointment E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Multiple years welcome Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Please phone or email for an appointment Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au + + Multiple years welcome + BAS/GST BAS/GST Tel: 9496 1886 E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au T: 9496 1886 Please phone or email forJacqueline T. Hunt an appointment Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Multiple years welcome Multiple years welcome Liability limited by a scheme Professional Standards Legislation. Fax:approved 9496under 1887 is a CPA Practice

Please phone for appointment + Multiple years welcome + Multiple years welcome by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Please phone or or email email Liability forlimitedan an appointment E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Tel: 9496 1886 T: 9496 1886 Please phone or email for an appointment Fax: 94969496 1887 Tel: 9496 1886 Tel: 1886 T: 9496 1886 T: 9496 1886

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Jacqueline T. Hunt

is a CPA Practice Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Jacqueline T. Hunt Jacqueline T. Hunt E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Please phone or email for an appointment E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

For the second year running, the RoleystoneKarragullen Community Bank® Branch will be holding a dinner to raise Tuesday 9th June 2015 6.30pm funds for the Starlight at Roley’s on the Ridgeen -karragull Children’s Foundation staff at the roleystone ch will host a community bank bran r to raise funds for Australia. The event will local community dinne foundation australia starlight children’s will be available a three-course meal. drinks take place at Roley’s on o tickets are $65pp. includes available from your local bendig are for purchase at the bar. tickets to be won. prizes there will be raffle bank and seats are limited. the Ridge on Tuesday 9 donation $20 a with ion, Foundat ’s Starlight Children All donations will support the work of a Life sed child, while $6,500 grants a child June 2015, 6.00pm for providing arts and crafts to a hospitali to be remembered for life. Changing Starlight Wish, an experience 6.30pm start at a cost of $65.00 per head, which includes a 3-course dinner. rafix.thevalleyreporter.com.au. d and reproduced by FN GRAFIX – www.fng This printing has been proudly supporte Drinks will be available for purchase at the bar. Tickets are available from your local Bendigo Bank and seats are limited. You will also have the chance to win some great raffle prizes. Last year we raised $2500 for this amazing Foundation - please help us beat that amount in 2015!

Please phone or email for appointment an appointment Please phone or email for an by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. LiabilityLiability limited limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Local Community Dinner ®

E: info@roleystoneantennas.com.au


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The information contained within this correspondence is the opinion only of Roleystone Real Estate, and its representatives and may not be true and correct. All parties to which this correspondence is intended for should exercise their own due diligence as to the accuracy of the information provided. Roleystone Real Estate, its directors, employees, associates and insurers will take absolutely no responsibility for any actions arising from any parties acting on this information contained within.

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As the world’s bee population continues to decline, local Roleystone residents Helen and Peter Bali have been doing their bit to ensure the delicious taste of honey lives on. Peter and Helen took an interest in honey after discovering a bee hive in their garden compost unit. When they started smelling honey from the hive, Peter, a former boilermaker, decided to build a hive and collect the honey. Since then, his passion has turned into a hobby and Peter now produces and sells his delicious honey, bees wax candles, and lip balm from home and in selected shops around Perth. Depending on the time of the year, Peter specialises in Marri Red Gum Honey, Jarrah Honey, and Wild Bush Honey. He has been working with bees for just over two years now, and in that time Peter has enjoyed learning about their social structure, behaviour, and diligent work ethic. “It takes 12 bees their whole life of just 6 weeks to create a single teaspoon of honey,” said Peter. “It really makes you appreciate just the tiniest amount of honey.” The Western Australian Apiarists Society recently held their annual honey tasting competition in March. There were 42 entrants, and after passing judgement on aroma, colour, clarity, taste, and viscosity, Peter’s Marri Red Gum Honey (under

Helen’s name) was awarded a well-deserved first place with a brilliant score of 85.8. “It just shows how lucky we are to have Marri trees in Roleystone that allow our bees to make delicious honey,” said Peter. Honey also has a range of health benefits. There are at least 181 different compounds in honey, and four of them naringenin, pinocembrin, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and chrysin - have antioxidant and germ fighting properties (Challem 2011). Peter is passionate about the short term and long term benefits of keeping bees. Not only do they create honey with nectar collected from flowers, they also play an extremely important role in the maintenance of a healthy, functioning environment and eco system. This is because bees are responsible for the pollination of

plants whereby pollen is transferred from the anther (male part) to the stigma (female part) of the plant. Unfortunately, bees are disappearing at alarming rates in many parts of the world. With bees accounting for over a third of all food production in the United States, scientists have been urgently trying to find out why up to 30 per cent of the American honey bee population has died. Known as colony collapse disorder, it is believed that the sudden disappearance of swarms of bees is caused by combination of pesticides, insecticides, parasites, and malnutrition. Without pollination, plants would not be fertilised and therefore be unable to reproduce. This would have a disastrous effect on the biodiversity of the planet, as our main sources of food, such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, would stop growing. The human race

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The Western Mudd Rush was WA’s first obstacle course race to hit the state in back in 2012 and is still WA’s best event! The Western Mudd Rush has something to suit everyone! This obstacle course based fun run is designed and operated on the basis of creating an experience for everyone! We have some challenging obstacles that will test your courage, but also some obstacles that just get you damn dirty and are a lot of fun! At the Western Mudd Rush we want to make sure everyone has a great time. It’s not about doing burpies or push ups if you can’t do an obstacle; it’s about having fun with family friends and even with complete strangers! In 2015 we’re introducing a new distance, so the 14 and 15 year old teenagers can join in as well as those that aren’t keen on the 8km walk! We are going to introduce some themed waves and makeover our start line! A little bit of fun for everyone – Mini Mudd Rush is for Kids 7 to 13 years of age who want to get out and dirty just like their parents and friends! Held on Sunday 16th August 2015 in conjunction with the Western Mudd Rush, the Mini Mudd Rush will give kids the chance to try the same types of obstacles as the big kids but on a smaller scale. All the excitement will take place on Sunday 16th August 2015. Ref: muddrush.com.au/wa/the-event/.

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would not survive in a world without bees. As Albert Einstein once said, “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man”. “Everyone can help the local bees by simply planting bee friendly plants like Grevillea, Bottlebrush, Lavender, and Salvia Sunflowers,” said Peter. The Valley Reporter would like to congratulate the Bali’s on their wonderful achievement. If you would like to try some of Helen and Peter’s pure, fresh, untreated, and award winning honey, please contact them on 0419 907 969. Ref: Challem, J 2011 ‘Bee foods: propolis, royal jelly, and honey offer a swarm of health benefits’, Better Nutrition, vol. 73, no. 11, p. 20-21. Sky O’Brien. Photographs courtesy of Sky O’Brien.

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Good Shepherd recently celebrated its Feast Day. Free dress was the order of the day with staff, students and parents wearing our school colours of red, white and blue. We began the day with a beautiful Mass at Good Shepherd Church and returned to a morning filled with fun activities to help us learn more about Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Highlights were the sausage sizzle lunch on the oval and the afternoon session of tabloid sports such as egg and spoon races, tug o’ war and three legged races. It was a special day for the children, made all the more special by so many parents joining us for Mass, class activities, the picnic lunch and our fun sports afternoon.


Options is a program for our Year 3-6 students and is conducted by our talented teachers every fortnight. Students have the ability to request mountain bike riding, gardening, chicken care, drama, robotics or photography. We have found the parent community appreciate the positive impact it has on our students who are required to earn this privilege at school and continue to strive in becoming responsible for their learning.


I have noticed on Facebook a number of hoons creating havoc on our local roads and causing real concern and apprehension for many people in our community. The Police need to be made aware of what is happening and it is important that you do report these incidents so they can take the appropriate action. You can phone 131 444 to report an incident within the first 30 minutes of it occurring. After that time you can email a report of an incident by visitingwww.police.wa.gov.au/Onlineservices. The above website gives you more insight into various online services offered by the WA Police such as Check My Crime, Report My Lost Property, Report a Hoon, Report a Crash, Register a Party, and Victim Support. Please remember to report suspicious behaviour and secure your valuables and homes to assist the Police in reducing opportunistic crimes and keeping our community safe. There is a lot of Neighbourhood Watch information available to assist you and your family in crime prevention at the Roleystone Family Centre. I can be contacted on pathart1@bigpond.com. Pat Hart, Roleystone Neighbourhood Watch.

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Roleystone Girl Guides are selling their Girl Guide Biscuits once again! We have plain, chocolate coated, or chocolate coated minis for sale at just $3.00 a box! If you would like to support our local Girl Guides and indulge in some of these delicious treats, please call Janice Mclean on 0410 025 019 or email her at Roleystone.girl.guides@gmail.com.

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week they were delighted to be able to start reducing his medications. This was a very exciting result and the progress continued with his next three treatments to the happy situation where his medication was greatly reduced to a maintenance level, and his owners reported his walking was the best it had been since he was diagnosed. In 2015, a further update brings the great news that Spencer is no longer on any of the 4 medications he was treated with 2 years ago.


patient, an assessment of the severity of the symptoms, and understanding how the medication previously prescribed was helping Spencer. In the process, a treatment plan was developed to address the pain and wobbly gait. This is where flexibility on the part of the owner was important as I worked with intuition to determine the best acupoints for Spencer. Spencer was a star patient for his first treatment and his owners noticed an immediate improvement. Over the next


Nearly 2 years ago, I was asked to visit a dog at home for possible treatment with acupuncture. At the time, Spencer was a 6-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback with Wobblers Syndrome. He had been diagnosed and treated medically at a local veterinary clinic, but his owners were aware that alternative treatment options, including surgery and acupuncture, are available. They sought my assistance to assess and treat Spencer at home. Wobblers Syndrome is a severe condition in which there is compression of the spinal cord in the neck region, usually in middle-aged large breed dogs, causing a lack of coordination in the back legs. Spencer had the usual symptoms of wobbly gait and neck pain, as well as weakness in his limbs, with difficulty getting up and down and moving around in general. The condition had progressed to involve his front legs as well. It was very confronting for Spencer’s owners to see such a distressing physical state for their beloved special pet. The first consultation involved a physical examination of the

How the Roleystone locals like it How the •Roleystone locals like it Thousands of weekly specials • Locked downspecials low prices • Thousands of weekly How the Roleystone locals like it guarantee • Locked• Freshness down low prices Thousands of weekly specials produce • Favourite brandsguarantee and local seasonal ••Freshness • Locked down low prices Family owned and run since 1984 Favourite brands and local seasonal produce • Freshness Family owned and run since 1984 OPEN 7guarantee DAYS • Favourite brands local seasonal produce Monday to7and Saturday 8am - 7pm OPEN DAYS FamilyThursday owned and run since 8am - 8pm1984

Monday to Saturday 8am - 7pm OPEN 7- 8pm DAYS- 7pm Sunday 8.30am Thursday 8am Monday to Saturday 8am - 6pm 7pm Public 8.30am Holidays Sunday - 8.30am 7pm 8am 8pm GoHolidays to Thursday iga.com.au for more information Public 8.30am - 6pm Sunday - 7pm Go to iga.com.au for 8.30am more information Public Holidays 8.30am - 6pm 21 Jarrah Road Roleystone

This year, Girls on the Porch will again be arranging another fundraising event in aid of the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Our annual event will again be held at the Esplanade Hotel Fremantle by Rydges on Sunday 11 October 2015. Tickets go on sale in early August at a cost of $90.00, which includes a 2-course luncheon, arrival drink and entry into the door prize raffle. There will be continuous raffles throughout the afternoon. Please note this is a cash only event. Numbers are limited and tables will seat 10. The annual event is a highlight on our fundraising calendar. For more information or to make a donation to Girls on the Porch, please contact Wendy Scott on 0417 983

695 or Melissa Addison-Edgar on 0422 352 187. Girls on the Porch external raffle tickets are now available to sell. Each booklet has 10 x $2.00 tickets. We have cash prizes up for grabs and aim to sell 7,000 tickets this year. If you would like to help us sell tickets, please send a message with your name, address, email address, contact number and how many booklets you would like, and we will get them to you. You can also email girlsontheporch@hotmail.com. To date, Girls on the Porch has raised $175,000 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Your support is helping the Foundation achieve their aim of zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030.

Go to iga.com.au for more information Phone: 9397 5549 21 Jarrah Road Roleystone

Phone: 9397 5549 Jarrah Road How the 21 Roleystone locals like itRoleystone Phone: 9397 5549 How the Roleystone locals like it How the Roleystone locals like it

PAGE 12 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter


9497 1596

Additive Alert If you would like to learn more about the harmful additives in food that are effecting your family come along to this free session. You will learn how to identify food additives that are linked to health problems, learn how to shop smarter and avoid harmful additives. Friday 22 May, 10.30 – 11.30am Armadale Library, Armadale Central Shopping Centre, Armadale. Bookings are essential. Visit library.armadale.wa.gov.au or call 9399 0125 to secure your place. Free study collection Armadale Library has a collection of study guides and past exam papers for Year 11 and 12 students wanting to revise and prepare for exams. Ask the front

desk officer at the Armadale Library for the subjects you require. For more information call 9399 0125 or visit Armadale Library inside Armadale Central Shopping Centre, Armadale. Aboriginal Driver Training Are you 16 years or over and don’t have your learner’s permit? Visit the Champion Centre and sit your learner’s permit for free. The program is available to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. You must call to register to attend and bring along your birth certificate and two other forms of identification. The course goes from 10.30am to 2.30pm on Fridays. A light lunch and refreshments are provided. Contact the Champion Centre on 9399 0820 for more information.

Former Armadale resident in Australian stage classic with compelling love story With Friends and Twelve Angry Men. He’s won a variety of best actor awards and co-directed the Australian wedding farce Dimboola and WA premiere of The Eight: Reindeer Monologues. “Summer of the Seventeenth Doll appealed because it was groundbreaking in its day with Australian life being shown as real, with barmaids and pubs, for the first time,” Barnett said. “It’s actually been described as Australia’s ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ with its mix of romantic dreams and fragility combined with harsh truths and gritty realism.” Director Trevor Dhu likens the play to fly-in, fly-out workers and the women they meet when they return home, as they try to continue a relationship over an extended period of time. “The relationships are stretched by time and the untimely weakness of growing older and making a commitment too late between a man and a woman,” he said. “The ending is not what the lovers intend and the comforts of friendships and homeliness are destroyed.” “It’s a classic, but events like this from the past are still real today,” he said. “There are FIFO widows and plenty of stories of people who had it all and blew it. We always do the right thing but it’s too late.” Summer of the Seventeenth Doll plays at 8pm June 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 and 20 with a 2pm matinee June 14. Tickets are $25, $20 concession – book at http://oldmilltheatre.com.au/tickets or on 9367 8719. It is the third show in a year of all-Australian plays at the Old Mill Theatre to commemorate the centenary of the Gallipoli landing in 2015. The heritagelisted Old Mill Theatre is on the corner of Mends Street and Mill Point Road, South Perth (opposite the Windsor Hotel and Australia Post).

Offer expires 1/6/15.

PAGE 13 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter


Photograph courtesy of www.liquidpixol.com.

Former Armadale (Strawberry Fields) resident Phil Barnett is taking to the stage this June in an Australian play from the 1950s, highlighting parallels with today’s fly-in, fly-out workers. Written by Ray Lawler and directed by Trevor Dhu at the Old Mild Theatre, Summer of the Seventeenth Doll is considered by literary scholars to be the most significant in Australian theatre history because it provided a turning point where distinctly Australian life and characters were openly and authentically portrayed. Two itinerant cane cutters, Barney and Roo (played by Barnett), have spent the past 16 summers off with two ladies in Melbourne. Every year, Roo has brought a tinsel doll to his girl Olive, as a gift to symbolise their relationship – but this 17th summer is different somehow. All four lovers come to face certain unpleasant truths about themselves in what is described as an unusual, compelling love story, hailed by critics in New York for its vigour and integrity. “Roo is a 41-year-old cane cutter who can no longer compete with the younger men,” Barnett said. “To be able to appreciate the tensions within the play, you need to understand the social conditions of the 1950s, such as the gender roles, attitudes towards sexual morality and traditional notions of Australian identity. “There’s a parallel between the decline of Roo’s physical powers and, given the time period, the passing of Australia’s youth.” No stranger to the stage, Barnett has performed in many productions over the years for Canning College, Playlovers, Harbour, Melville, Blak Yak, Old Mill, KADS and Groovy Boots Theatres with roles in He Died with a Felafel in His Hand, MissPerth23, The Beast and The Beauty, Don’s Party, Breaker Morant, Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde, No Exit, Oliver Twist, Dinner


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The most recent population figures released by Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) indicate the City’s population growth has outstripped projections by more than 2500 residents, as at 1 July 2014. The ABS’s Estimates by Local Government Area ranked the City of Armadale as the second fastest growing local government area in Western Australia over the past decade with a population increase of 25,545. Armadale is now the eleventh largest local government in Western Australia in terms of total resident population. “The City’s population has been exceeding expectations for some years now. The ABS figures confirm we are not only surpassing State Government population figures outlined in the Directions 2031 report by thousands of “Providing you with a neat and moreSupplies precise result” residents each year, but also population projections prepared by *Informed  Sand Decisions (.ID),” said Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones OAM JP.  Rock ■ Sand Supplies Rock pitch “Our population growth for 2013/14 was 5.2% - over twice the State average  Rock Retaining Walls ■Rock and four times the national average. Harrisdale and Piara Waters have been Supplies Landscaping recognised as the fastest growing suburbs in Australia, with the population ■  Rock Site works/sand pads Retaining Walls set to grow to 34,070 by 2031. This has recently been reinforced with the Stockland Board approving investment of $51 million into the development of the Harrisdale shopping centre in the area. “In April 2015 the City received 116 residential building applications worth  Site Works / Sand Pads more than $25 million. This is a clear indicator of the continued growth and  Drainage / Leach Drains  Landscaping investment opportunities available in the Armadale region. “Given the recent ABS figures, we are anticipating the City’s population  Driveways  Firebreaks  Pools will easily reach more than 80,000 residents by June 2015. ■ Drainage ■ Site WorksLeach / Sand drains Pads “We are working incredibly hard to cater for our rapidly expanding For Hire with Operator ■ Firebreaks ■ Driveways  Drainage / Leach Drains  Landscaping communities with upgrades to City infrastructure, the development of new  Bobcat  Tip Truck and existing facilities and the commencement of major projects to continue ■ Rock ■   Driveways  Firebreaks  Pools 20 Tonne breaking Limestone walls to service our community,” he said. Excavator *id is a company of population experts – demographers, spatial analysts, For Hire with Operator urban planners, forecasters, census data and IT experts who build demographic information products for Australia & New Zealand. ■ Bobcat & Slasher  Bobcat  Tip Truck


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9397 6418

Call Karl Preece 0418 625 925

The City of Armadale is joining with other Council’s in expressing dismay at the Federal Government’s decision to freeze the level of Financial Assistance Grants to Council’s across Australia. The City of Armadale has received more than $3 million in funds from the Australian Government’s Financial Assistance Grant program in the 2014/15 financial year, which represents 4.3% of Council’s total revenue. “The funding is provided to local governments across the nation and allows us to allocate funds towards local priorities and assist with annual municipal funding,” said Armadale CEO Ray Tame. “The Federal Government collects 80 per cent of the nation’s taxes, and then distributed portions to State and Your Agent: Local Governments. We rely on these funds as we invest in local facilities such as road infrastructure, library services and recreational facilities Mark – 0417 092 200 over the past 12 months. Phil – 0409 113 297 “These funds represent a significant amount of the City’s total revenue info@propertycareaustralia.com.au and allow us to provide new and www.fujiclean.com.au renewed infrastructure and services for our growing community. Fuji Clean’s domestic biological wastewater treatment systems efficiently convert all household wastewater from bathroom, “Without this assistance the City laundry and sewage from toilets into eco-friendly safe recycled water for use around the garden. would need to increase rates by Mark and Phil at Property Care are your local licensed installers and service technicians for the Fuji Clean system and will provide professional, neat and efficient installations. nearly $100 per year, per household • Proven design • Lower operating costs • Nutrient Retentive rating • Local service and backup to maintain the current levels of • Easy, simple maintenance • Easy installation service we provide,” he said. “If the funds are frozen over the next three years we will potentially lose income of up to $550,000. Some of the projects which were assisted through the aid of Financial Assistance Grants include Jull Street Mall Reactivation Project, Public Art Policy, Urban Forestry Strategy and Parks and Civil Maintenance works.

9397 6418 0418 625 925

Call Karl Preece 925 Call Joe Dirt 0418 9397625 9860

PAGE 14 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Financial Assistance Grants

Keeping Australia clean

Art Flourishes in City’s Community Garden

DIEBACK TREATMENT SPECIALISTS Inc – runs monthly busy bees and socials at the garden. New members are always welcome. The garden began two years ago to bring residents together to grow produce, learn new skills and meet like-minded people. Plots are available for community groups, families and individuals to plant and harvest their own produce. The Southern River Community Garden is at the rear of Southern River College on Anaconda Drive, Gosnells and is a partnership between the City of Gosnells, Southern River College and the community. For more information contact the Community Development team on 9397 3123. Ref: www.gosnells.wa.gov.au. Published on Friday 8 May, 2015.

Double D, Double M? About a year ago I found a lump where there shouldn’t be one. Since my mum passed away 10 years after finding a lump, I did the only sensible thing… I panicked. Within days I was having ultrasounds and mammograms. Although no one thought much of the first lump, they managed to find other things to biopsy. The ultrasound biopsies (two or so) weren’t so bad, but the mammogram ones (ten or so) were a little trying. I was particularly bothered when I felt the local anaesthetic running down my side (isn’t it meant to be injected inside, not washed over the top?) but since I was in a tight spot, I was not going to aggravate the lady with the harpoon. When they said they would check they had accurate biopsies - and that I may need more - my subconscious came to the rescue and managed to get me one meter away as I fainted to the floor where the machine could not reach. I liked the way they asked if I was alright? Yes, thank you, the floor looks clean and has carpet, but if you really want to improve your customer service it could be softer with some wine and chocolates… I ended up being okay in the end, but it gets you thinking.

According to the UK cancer website (www.cancerresearchuk.org) where they have analysed risk factors, I have done myself a favour by having kids (7% reduced risk per child) and breast-feeding them (4% reduced risk per year). However, I had them late (increased risk 3% per year after a certain age) and I am a former smoker (increased 9%, as opposed to 12% if you are a current smoker). I do well by exercising (reduced risk 5%), but again let myself down by (occasionally) drinking (5% higher risk for one standard drink per day). All up I came in about even… However, since the genes for my family are not identified and there are no conclusions on what chemical residues may pose a risk (there are so many variables), I cannot conclude I am safe. In the end, a way forward may be the big double M. As scary and expensive as it may be, I would prefer to be around for longer and so we’ve started looking into the skin and nipple saving mastectomy options. I can update everyone sometime when I learn more. In memory of mum and Flic (1976-2015). Caroline Wielinga.

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Something new is growing in the City of Gosnells’ Southern River Community Garden. The garden now sports brightly painted wooden bunting and quirky veggie faces thanks to the inspiration of artist Charlotte O’Shea and local residents, who created the unique pieces as part of art workshops at the City’s recent Homegrown Festival. City of Gosnells Mayor Dave Griffiths said the new artworks showcased the talents of the local community and showed how creativity could flourish under the right conditions. “These artworks are a fun and colourful addition to the Community Garden – it’s great for those already involved in the garden, as well as something for passersby to enjoy,” Mayor Griffiths added. The Southern River Community Garden has many other exciting activities underway with the planting and harvesting of communal garden beds, establishment of a worm farm and the construction of a gazebo for meetings and socials. Now is a great time to get involved. A committee of volunteers – the Southern River Community Garden

ARMADALE MEDITATION GROUP (top) Four of the leadership team members (far right) Rachel Green-Coordinator, I attended the group on the first night it started in 1987, Doug Anderson-Deputy Coordinator, he has attended for over 20 years, Noeline Epis and Bob Steele with Buddhist Ajahn Brahm.


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www.seasonmakers.com.au Call your local representative; Nigel Bray -

An initiative proudly endorsed by The VALLEY Reporter


If you would like to meditate, reduce stress or anxiety and find greater levels of calm and peace, you are welcome to join the Armadale Meditation Group, which recently celebrated its 28th birthday. Since 1987, we have taught people how to meditate in a relaxed environment where you don’t have to sit cross-legged on the floor – chairs are provided and it is completely free. The group meets every Tuesday evening throughout the year from 7.00pm to 8.40pm at the Community Health Building, Armadale Health Campus. Doors are locked after 7.00pm and late arrivals are not usually admitted. The Buddhist Society of Western Australia runs our group. Around 50 people from all backgrounds attend, including men and women, young and old, Christian, Atheist and Buddhist. Several people attend after being referred for health reasons including stress. Monks from the Bodhinyana Buddhist Monastery in Serpentine are our main teachers for nine months of the year. For the other three months, (usually mid-July to mid-October), we have a collection of other Buddhist lay people teaching, and run a special four week beginner’s meditation course. Ajahn Brahm is the head Buddhist at Bodhinyana Buddhist Monastery who regularly visits the Armadale Meditation Group. Born Peter Betts in London, United Kingdom in 1951, he came from a working-class background, and won a scholarship to study Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University in the late 1960s. At Cambridge he joined the university’s Buddhist Society

and after a few weeks at the age of 18, he saw a monk for the first time. He knew then that was what he wanted to be. After graduating from Cambridge he taught in a school for one year before travelling to Thailand to become a monk and train with the Venerable Ajahn Chah Bodhinyana Mahathera. After practising for nine years as a monk, he was sent to Perth by Ajahn Chah in 1983. Since then, Ajahn Brahm has travelled the world, sharing his knowledge, wisdom and understanding of Buddhism with many audiences. Last month, a Korean film crew accompanied Ajahn Brahm and filmed his work in Perth for a television show to be aired in Korea. The Armadale Meditation Group is very fortunate to have Ajahn Brahm speak with us approximately once a month.

Korean film crew with ajahn brahm

If you would like to join the group and learn more about Buddhist meditation, the Community Health Building is easy to find. Go in the Armadale Health Campus entrance off Albany Highway. Once through the gates, turn immediately right. Community Health is the first small brick building immediately on the right. Go in through the main doors and turn left, there will be someone there to greet you. There is free car parking, in a welllit car park, right outside. Please take off your shoes before entering the room but otherwise it is a normal seminar room. There is no need to bring anything. You do not need to book in, just turn up by 6.50pm. For more information, please visit www. dhammaloka.org.au/armadale-group. html or email armadale@bswa.org. Rachel Green, Coordinator.

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Leadership team members (far right) L-R: Marlene Gerritsen, Rachel Green, Doug Anderson and Noeline Epis. Absent from photos: Pinder Manik, David Whitehead and Lauren Danks.


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by Caroline Wielinga

Robin Road Old Primary School Site As part of the rezoning of the site, a new development proposal requires a “detailed area plan” to be submitted and approved by the City. As there is some interest in this site, some Councillors have expressed interest in this plan to be shown to Councillors/ Council and so a request has been made to formalise this. If brought before Council it will be publicly available to residents as part of the normal development services Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services (WHWS) is an organisation supporting all women within the South East Metro area of Perth. They promote the overall wellbeing, self-esteem, independence, self-responsibility and health awareness of women in our community. Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services run events throughout the year. Mad Tea Party Don’t be late for this very important date! The WHWS Madhatters Tea Party for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea takes place on Monday 25 May from 10.00am to 11.00am at the Gosnells Community Lotteries House. Slip down the rabbit hole into a fantasy morning tea inspired by Alice in Wonderland in support of the Cancer Council. Don’t forget to wear your maddest hat! The cost is $15.00 per person. Love Languages There are five different ways that people show and understand love. Come along to our workshop and find out your love language, what it means, and how you can use it to connect with your partner or significant people in your life. As children also express and receive love in different ways, this workshop will also help you discover your child’s love language. Men are welcome to attend – don’t just tell

committee agenda and residents would be able to make comments if they wished. Community Garden and Men’s Shed Meetings have progressed to relocate the community garden and men’s shed to Cross Park. Issues centred on size, location and the Park’s amenity have been discussed and a report to Council is expected next month. For the community garden and men’s shed group’s to apply for Lottery West funding for a building to be placed on Council land, there will need to be a lease agreement for the land first. The sooner this is completed the sooner grant funding can be sought. School Chaplaincy funding The City has in the past assisted the YouthCare chaplaincy provider in the City of Armadale with $18.5K/year. With the Federal reduction in funding being made up with the State funding it was unclear whether the City should continue this funding and debate resulted in the request for a further report with more information on specifically which schools require assistance. Roleystone Community College chaplaincy currently runs full time with the extra support of the P&C. Disclaimer: These are the views and understanding of Cr Wielinga. For specific details please contact the City of Armadale.

him about it, let him learn it for himself! Facilitated by Counsellor Sally Johnston, this workshop takes place every Friday from 12 – 26 June (3 weeks) from 9.30am to 11.30am at the Gosnells Community Lotteries House, Upstairs Meeting Room. The cost is $20.00 for members, $50.00 for non-members, or $50.00 for couples with membership. To book your place in one or both of these events, please call 9490 2258 or email info@whws.org.au. You can also view the full calendar of events at www.whws. org.au. Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services is located at Suite 7, Level 1 Gosnells Community Lotteries House, 2232c Albany Hwy, Gosnells.


June 12th - 20th Salonika is about passion, religion and society’s (a play Directed by Phil Mackenzie) expectations of what is normal. “The play has been on my mind for many August 29th Rogers & Hammerstein themed Gala Concert years – in 1984, I submitted it in a bid September 11th & 12th One Act Season to be accepted to the Danish State School for Directors,” he said. Free Event (Various Directors) “One of the things that strikes me is how October School Holidays Storytime in the Hills well the play reads off the page and, given it reads so well in script form, just (Plays for children) imagine how it will be on stage. November 20th - December 5th “The play is very much an ensemble piece with all the cast on stage constantly, which Bye Bye Birdie (Musical Directed by Paul Treasure) gives it a great feeling of togetherness.” www.roleystonetheatre.com.au Equus plays at 8pm May 14, 15, 16, The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports the ROLEYSTONE THEATRE 21, 22 and 23 with a 2pm matinee May 17. Tickets are $20, $15 concession – book on 9330 4565 or at www. BRACKENRIDGE meltheco.org.au. Please note: the play features semi-nudity and Deluxe Facial $50 adult themes. Melville Theatre is on the (Saving $30) corner of Stock Road and Canning Highway, Palmyra. SweDiSh


Pictured (top) The cast of Equus: Lauren Henderson, left, Cary Hudson, Elouise Eftos, former Roleystone Theatre performer Oliver Kaiser, Abbey McCaughan, Sean Bullock, Alan Kennedy and Jay Shaw. (bottom) Jill Mason (Elouise Eftos) is trying to discover her sexuality in Equus with Alan Strang (former Roleystone Theatre performer Oliver Kaiser).

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Former Roleystone Theatre performer Oliver Kaiser is involved in something controversial, shocking and utterly riveting – Sir Peter Shaffer’s Tony Awardwinning Equus, coming to Melville Theatre in May. Directed by Lars Jensen, the play is a psychological thriller about a young man who, after blinding six horses, sets his psychiatrist the task of discovering the reasons behind his actions. Equus is based on a true incident told to Shaffer in a pub and examines the complex and bewildering nature of the human psyche, as the psychiatrist struggles to release the young man from his excruciating psychological torment. Originally staged in 1973, the play was adapted into a 1977 film with Richard Burton and revived for the West End and Broadway in 2007 with Harry Potter’s Daniel Radcliffe in the lead role. Kaiser plays the young man, Alan Strang. “He’s a very intricate character and has many personal issues,” he said. “Alan has done some horrible things in his life, although I think he’s actually a very intelligent young man of 17. “He has strained relationships with pretty much everyone except the horses, which is where he finds his comfort. “Equus is by far the most challenging piece I have ever tackled.” Involved in theatre for the past nine years, Kaiser spent his school life performing with Redfoot Youth Theatre and most recently appeared in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory at Roleystone Theatre, scoring an adjudicator’s certificate at the annual Finley Awards for his role as the narrator. He was attracted to Equus because of its intensity. “In high school, a friend of mine did a monologue from Equus for his assessment and that really got me into the play,” Kaiser said. Director Lars Jensen says Equus


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Have you ever noticed… That we have access to the healthiest foods on the planet, yet we are still sicker than ever? Up to 85% of supermarkets’ shelves are lined with highly processed, sugar and additive laden food? That there is so much confusing misinformation out there about what is healthy and what is not? The question is… what can I do about it? It’s time to start with REAL FOOD. It’s time for a Real Food Revolution! The Real Food Revolution is exactly what it sounds like. A Real, Food, Revolution! It is a popular International wellness event designed to create a shift in the way we look at food as a culture. Over 3 days you will learn how to transform your body, your kitchen and your mindset around healthier eating – for good! We will uncover… • How to stop yourself from going back to your old nutrition habits. • Delicious, nutritious, mouth-watering recipes. • Why you don’t want to deal with calorie counting NOW or ever. • Alkaline foods and how they assist the body to look and feel younger. • Which foods are acid forming and which foods provide healthy alkaline forming attributes that can ward off disease and

give you a ton of energy. • Learn why an acidic diet is linked to increased risk of heart disease, type II diabetes and inflammation the body. Not only can these things be avoided from a more alkaline eating plan, they can also be reversed. • About the building blocks our bodies need to function. Enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, protein, essential fats and fibre. These are all provided by our food and are involved in growth, repair and maintenance of the body. • All about ‘Organic’ • And soooo much more! If you or someone you know could use a little (or a lot of) transformation in your kitchen and in your life, then The Real Food Revolution is for you! It’s time to Transform Australia’s health – one bite at a time.

The Merindas performs Motown When: Wednesday 27 May, 11.00AM - 12.00PM Morning Melodies Morning tea at 10.15am, performance at 11am. The Merindas is Australia’s premier Indigenous female Motown trio. Candice, Kristel and Rhiannon perform some of Motown’s greatest hits, each drawing on vast experience as singers of Country, Gospel, Blues, Soul and R&B. The group got its big break in 2012 performing at a show for Noongar Radio’s premiere of hit film The Sapphires and has since supported some of Australia’s biggest stars including Kasey Donovan, Christine Anu and Troy Cassar-Daley.

Don Russell Performing Arts Centre, Thornlie . Telephone: 9493 4577. Admission: $13 Standard; $12 Group (10 or more) Suitable: Adults, Seniors Ref: www.gosnells.wa.gov.au.

Pictured (top) New recruits. (middle) Zara completed the Junior Umpire Mentor Program in 2014. (bottom) Paige Davis surrounded by teammates after winning tickets to the Fever’s next home game.

The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports this community event

The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports this community event

PAGE 21 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

The Roleystone Netball Club began the 2015 season at the Ray Owen Sports Complex in Lesmurdie on the 2nd of May. With 25 teams, Roleystone performed magnificently and won 20 out of 25 games (plus one draw) with everyone having something to smile about. With lots of new players to the club this season, many teams have girls playing netball for the first time, and winning so many games is a remarkable achievement. As an incentive to pay fees on time, the club offered 2 tickets to The Fever’s next home game. The lucky winner of these tickets was Paige Davis from Roley Peach, pictured front and centre surrounded by her teammates and coach Tina Willock. She is a deserving winner. This year has seen many changes to the running of KDNA and one such change is to the umpiring program. The ‘Junior Umpire Mentor Program’ is now called ‘The National Umpire Program’. The first session was held on May 9th and saw the largest group of Roley girls ever to participate. Fresh out of the 2014 Junior Umpire Mentor Program, Zara has been on court with her whistle in one hand and her umpiring rulebook in the other since the start of the season. Good luck to Zara, the girls going for their C Badges, and all the new umpiring recruits. With the KDNA

carnivals coming up it’s time to think about putting a team together and registering. More information is in your Team Pack. The date for 13 years and over is June 28th and the date for 12 years and under is July 26th, 2015. Please direct any enquiries to our Registrar/ Secretary, Sharlene Warnes, at roleystonenetball@hotmail.com. For uniforms, please contact Megan Poultney on 0413 140 810 or at megsip1976@outlook.com. You can also visit our website at www.roleystonenetballclub. wa.netball.com.au for more information.

Mobile: 0400 428 119

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Office Hours: 8am-4pm 5 Days Mon to Fri Fax: 9397 5136 Email: fngrafix@iinet.net.au www.fngrafix.thevalleyreporter.com.au 23 WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE WA 6111


Fiona Newland

The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports this community event

Pictured L-R: Sue Spry – Manager of RNFC, Chris Bloomer – Vice Chair RNFC, Pat Hart – Chair RNFC, Scott Hollingworth – Executive Director, Community Building and Services, Jennifer Mathews – Director General, Jane Chilcott – Linkwest CEO and Helen McGinty – Manager Community Funding.

SPECIAL VISITORS On Thursday 30 April the Director General of the Department of Local Government and Communities Jennifer Matthews along with two of her senior staff visited the Roleystone Family Centre. This Agency is the key funding body for the Centre. The reason for the visit was for the director General and her staff to gain a deeper understanding of the role the Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre has within our community. Following a tour of the Centre the Manager Sue Spry, Chair Pat Hart, Deputy Chair Chris Bloomer, and Deanna White had an informal but productive meeting with the Director General and her staff during morning tea. Pat Hart. CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS The Roleystone Family Centre will be hosting the following classes and workshops during the months of May and June 2015.

Mustard Master Class Learn how to make and preserve a range of different mustards, including traditional mustards, beer and wine mustards, fruit mustards, and more! Presented by Megan

Radaich, the workshop will be held on Sunday 24 May from 1.00pm to 4.00pm. The cost is $35.00 per person (includes taste-testings, class pack, and recipes). Supplies will also be available to purchase.

Self-Hypnosis For Mental and Physical Health Join Emma Stewart and gain from the deep potential within yourself and receive help with pain management, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and other health issues. When mastered, self-hypnosis can improve concentration, recall, enhance problem solving and improve emotional regulation. Self-hypnosis is a process where you use relaxation and focused awareness as a means to relax, inspire, and make positive changes to the way that you behave, respond and react. It can bring about greater awareness, healing and wellbeing, and improved performance. The 3-week workshop takes place every Friday from 5 to 19 June, 12.30pm to 2.30pm. The cost is $62.00 per person.

Cheese-making class Learn how to make Yoghurt Cheese, Lemon Cheese, Ricotta, Paneer Cheese, Queso

and water into dough and baked loaves. You will take home your very own starter and be able to sample different breads during the class. This workshop takes place on Sunday 28 June from 10.30am to 1.00pm. The cost is $65.00 per person. BOOKINGS: To book your place in one or more of these great classes and workshops, please contact the Roleystone Family Centre, located at 19 Wygonda Rd, Roleystone WA 6111. E: manager@roleyfamilycentre.com.au P: 9496 1115 W: www.roleyfamilycentre.com.au You can also like us on Facebook for news and updates.


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SPORTS stars Do you know someone who EXCELS AT SPORT? We want to feature sports achievers within The Valley Reporter, but we need you to tell us who they are. Any age counts, who is your living legend? Please feel free to submit your details to us in the following ways so we can add them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter” M: 0400 428 119 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone E: thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au www.thevalleyreporter.com.au

email: info@travelwayswa.com.au

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Blanoc, Crème Fraîche, Fromage Blanc, Chevre, Quark, American Neufchâtel, and Cream Cheese. You will have the opportunity to try different types of cheeses and purchase a range of supplies. Presented by Megan Radaich, the workshop takes place on Sunday 21 June from 12.00 – 4.00pm. The cost is $55.00 per person (includes class pack). Make Your Own Nourishing Skincare Learn how to make your own natural beauty products. Just like cooking, there are certain steps you need to take, such as adding dry ingredients to wet, and mixing 2 or 3 ingredients together before adding them to other ingredients. We use only natural ingredients and source organic where possible. This workshop takes place on Saturday 27 June from 1.00pm to 4.00pm. The cost is $65.00 per person, which includes take-home product samples such as lip balm, body butter, light moisturiser, deodorant cream, and facial cleanser. Sourdough with Yoke Mardewi This class will explore the super soft sourdough loaf and teach you how to make delicious loaves using organic wheat and spelt. You will also learn how to use chia seeds to provide texture and flavour to the bread. You will see, smell and touch each transformation of the starter, flour

Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club

PAGE 24 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club opened the season with our Green team winning 5-0 over Ranges and our Red team losing 5-0 to Mundaring. Both games were ferociously played and the score in the Red game did not reflect the game played. Alma Davies, Natasha Humphrey, and Sue Schryver scored goals for the Green team while new players such as Shae Hughes made their debut for the club. We would like to thank Kelmscott Sandblasting and Line-X Protective Coating for donating their sandblasting and painting services to make our brand new hockey goals. Rachel Payne. Pictured (top) L-R: Roleystone Green attacking short corner: Rachel Payne, Gillian Leah, Alma Davies, Karina Williams and Sue Schryver. (middle) L-R: Rebecca McManus, Gemma Schryver, Liz Stephen, Yvonne Waddell, Natasha Needham, and Paige Cheers. (front row) Shae Hughes, Helen Johansen, Rebekah Hogan, Belinda Castafaro, and Sue Boyes. (bottom) L-R: Leasa Fraser, Sue Schryver, Alma Davies, Gillian Leah, Cathy Blechynden, Natasha Humphrey, Rachel Crosby. (front row) Karina Williams and Rachel Payne.

LOCAL stars

Do you know someone who has a hobby or a special interest? We would like to feature these interesting people within The Valley Reporter, but we need you to tell us who they are. Any age counts, who is our community legend?

The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports this community group

Please feel free to submit your details to us in the following ways so we can add them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter” M: 0400 428 119 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone E: thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au www.thevalleyreporter.com.au

BLACK SPOT FUNDING FOR CITY OF ARMADALE The City is to receive a total of $1,450,110 from the Australian Government’s commitment of $500 million to the Black Spot Program in the 2014 Budget. The funding will be allocated for the 2015 - 2016 financial year, to make local roads safer, save lives and prevent crashes. Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones OAM, JP said these road maintenance projects will go a long way to enhance and improve road safety within the City to help meet the needs of our rapidly growing community. “The City is very pleased to receive this strong support from both the Australian Government and Main Roads WA. “We appreciate the assistance given by our local Member for Canning, Don Randall MP, in securing this high level of funding for the district. The following road projects will benefit from the Black Spot funding: • Westfield Road from Camillo Road to Champion Drive in Kelmscott - $386,200 to install a bus bay, pedestrian refuge with lane separation lines and raised reflective pavement markers. • Forrest Road and Neilson Avenue intersection - $366,560 to install a roundabout and upgrade street lighting, signs and line marking. • Railway Avenue and Westfield Road

intersection - $183,080 to install pre-deflection nibs on all legs of the roundabout. • Seventy Road from Devereux Street to Gribble Avenue in Armadale - $147,500 to upgrade street lighting and install a concrete shared path on the east side. • Strawberry Drive from Seville Drive to San Jacinta Road - $109,200 to install a pedestrian refuge with lane separation lines, raised reflective pavement markers and signage. • Church Avenue, Commerce Avenue and Hobbs Drive intersection - $93,700 to install pre-deflection on the eastern leg of the roundabout. • Ypres Road and O’Sullivan Drive $82,070 to reinforce priority signage, install median islands and upgrade street lighting. • Williams Road from Braemore Street to Champion Drive - $81,800 to install lane separation lines, raised reflective pavement markers and upgrade existing street lighting. “The upgrade of road networks is aimed at meeting the needs of the expanding population and better catering for the influx of commuters regularly passing through the area”, said Mayor Henry Zelones.

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Planting native species is a great way to help preserve the environment while also saving water, and the Shire of Kalamunda encourages residents to make the most of this year’s free Plants for Residents Program on Sunday 7 June 2015. Held each winter at the beginning of June, the Shire gives away free native seedlings to all residents. The aim is to promote the revegetation of residential and rural properties with local trees, shrubs and ground covers, all requiring less water and maintenance while providing environmentally-friendly habitats for local wildlife. This year Plants for Residents will be held from 9:00am – 3:00pm at the Gooseberry Hill Hall, 42 Ledger Road in Gooseberry Hill. Plants are allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis and residents will be allocated plants according to property size. CEO Rhonda Hardy said, “Plants for Residents is a very popular community service offered by the Shire, with over 10,000 plants available in 2015.” “Over 40 different species are available to choose from, including some annual favourites such as local wattle trees, banksias, kangaroo paws

and bottle brush.” “The programme gives residents the opportunity to obtain free native plants of their choice which are water wise, can withstand the regions climatic conditions, help fight weed invasion and, most importantly, provide homes for native fauna.” “Bushfire preparation and safety information will be available on the day for interested residents.” “The Shire will also be giving away two free strawberry plants to each family, while they last, in support of the Shire’s Community Health and Wellbeing Plan.” Residents must bring photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, a current Shire of Kalamunda Rates Notice to verify address and a container to carry plants. Residential lots up to 2000m2 are eligible for 10 plants, lots of 2000 4000m2 can choose up to 15 plants and lots greater than 4000m2 are welcome to select up to 20 plants. View for further information contact Environmental Services on 9257 9999 or email environment@ kalamunda.wa.gov.au. Ref: www.kalamunda.wa.gov.au. Published on 7 May 2015.

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Go Native with Free Plants

Shihan Tomiyama’s Annual Visit The Roleystone Dojo was lucky to have Shihan Tomiyama (Kofukan Karate International’s most senior instructor) visit our Dojo on the 12th of May for his annual visit. Shihan travels the world sharing his expertise with Kofukan students throughout the year. The Roleystone Dojo performed Kihon Ippon Kumite, which translates to ‘one technique sparring’ and was focused on the fundamental principle of performing the technique

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at the same time (‘Ichi boroshi’). Along with Shihan’s guidance and the help of other senior instructors within the Dojo and Association, students were able to practice this concept in partners. Whilst Shihan’s visit to our Dojo was short, we all took something away to continue to work on and apply to other areas of our karate. Shihan left us with a closing remark to remember to “practice properly all the time”. Sensei Brooke Williams.


The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports this community event

The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports this community event

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Mundaring resident Kate Lloyd is helping to re-create a classic cult movie from the late 1950s as a stage production this May and June. Presented by Dark Psychic Productions at Phoenix Theatre, the 1959 comedy horror film A Bucket of Blood has been adapted for the stage by Mitch Brian as The Temperamental Artist. It follows Walter Paisley, a bus boy at a beatnik café, who dreams of being an artist. After accidentally killing his landlady’s cat, he covers it with clay and passes it off as sculpture and suddenly finds himself an overnight success. Walter feels the pressure to produce more work and, as the police close in and the murders escalate, he zeroes in on the girl he loves, determined to make her his wife – or next sculpture. Lloyd plays Mrs Hughes, someone she describes as “a lady of class”. “She relies heavily upon the large bank account of her husband,” she said. “The main challenge is interacting with a vast variety of characters in the play but I believe that will also be the most fun.” Performing since 2013, Lloyd has mainly appeared in shows with Phoenix Theatre and Dark Psychic Productions including The Brain From Planet X, Cosi and Maul of the Dead. “The Temperamental Artist is an unusual play that encourages one to play morals against monetary gain,” she said. “The noir style and theme I found to be the most attractive aspect.” Director Shaun Griffin said the show has a Sweeney Todd - Little Shop of Horrors feel with a film noir effect, which he calls “stage noir”. “That may be something of a challenge for me, as well as the fact the script is set out for film rather than stage,” he said. “This is also the first full-length show I’ve directed predominantly on my own, although I have an assistant director.” The Temperamental Artist plays at 8pm May 28, 29, 30, June 4 and 5 with 2pm matinees May 31 and June 6. Tickets are $20, $18 concession plus transaction fees – book at www.phoenixtheatreinc. com.au or on 0422 394 749. Raffle and program sales go to the Autism Association of WA. Please note: the show contains adult themes, stylised violence and haze and flashing lighting effects. Phoenix Theatre is located at 435 Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill, within the Hamilton Hill Memorial Hall. Photograph courtesy of Sally Newman.

Community Noticeboard

ROLEYSTONE SENIOR FOOTBALL CLUB 2015 Fixtures Rnd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Date 11.4.15 18.4.15 25.4.15 2.5.15 9.5.15 16.5.15 23.5.15 6.6.15 13.6.15 20.6.15 27.6.15 4.7.15 11.7.15 18.7.15 25.7.15 1.8.15 8.8.15 15.8.15

Time 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30

Venue Cross Park Tempest Park Cross Park Winnacott Res Percy Doyle Cross Park Burrendah 2 Cross Park Heathridge Park Ridgewood Park Cross Park Oldham Res Cross Park Cross Park Fawell Park Cross Park Ron Jose Oval Cross Park

Opposition Quinns District Coolbellup Yanchep East Fremantle North Beach Swan Athletic Willetton Swan Districts Ocean Ridge Quinns District Coolbellup Yanchep East Fremantle North Beach Swan Athletic Willetton Swan Districts Ocean Ridge

Bureau of Meteorology Statistics for December 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 15.8 C Maximum: 28.9 C Total Rainfall 0mm

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Statistics for January 2015 Temperature Average Minimum: 16.1 C Maximum: 32.1 C Total Rainfall 1.4mm

© copyright 2015 Bureau of meteorology

Bickley – Western Australia

Statistics for February 2015 Temperature Average Minimum: 16.9 C Maximum: 31.2 C Total Rainfall 27.4mm Statistics for March 2015 Temperature Average Minimum: 14.8 C Maximum: 27.2 C Total Rainfall 41.8mm Statistics for April 2015 Temperature Average Minimum: 11.7 C Maximum: 22.3 C Total Rainfall 81.6mm Western Australian Regional Office Bureau of Meteorology Ph: 9263 2222 Fax: 9263 2233. Accessed from the Bureau of Meteorology website http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/dwo Disclaimer; This product contains real-time data, loaded automatically with only limited quality control. The Bureau does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, correctness, accuracy, reliability, or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the information presented. The user accepts sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and results of this product, irrespective of the purpose to which such use or results are applied. in no event shall the Bureau of meteorology be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action contract, negligence or tort, rising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this product.

Vinyasa Yoga program Come take part in this 6 week Vinyasa Yoga program in the beautiful Civic Centre gardens with the talented Kristen from Foothills Yoga & Massage. Every Wednesday from 22 April - 27 May, 5pm to 6pm. Suitable for all levels of fitness. $20 for 6 lessons. Registrations essential please call 9397 3111. The Crystal Gypsy presents Crystal in Your Daily Life Workshop If you would like to gain an understanding of the use of simple crystal healing that you can use on a daily basis, this is one for you. Hosted and presented by Tammie Alexander, crystal healer and medical scientist. This workshop will not only give you the beginnings of crystal healing, but you will also get to take home some of the crystals featured in the workshop for your own use. Date; Saturday 24th May. Time: 3pm-5pm. Location: It’s Heaven on Earth, 1/821 South Western Hwy Byford. Cost: $35, including worksheet and crystals. For bookings call Tammie on 0410 099 159. LOOK WHO IS COMING BACK....... Beatz Wurkin Easy Listening Classics. DAY ON THE GREEN SUNDAY SESSION, 24TH MAY. LOCK IN THE DATE, 3PM ONWARDS. Music, Food & Fun! Salvos Sale The Salvation Army Gosnells thrift shop will have a sale for the month of May every Friday and Saturday from 9am to 1pm. Shoppers can buy as many garments as they can fit into a supermarket checkout bag for $5. Bags will be provided. The shop is at 42 Goodall Street, Gosnells. Call 9398 2244. National Antique & Collectables Fair 18th & 19th July Sat 9am-4pm, Sun 9am-3pm Cannington Exhibition Centre, Cnr Station St & Albany Hwy Cannington. Two halls full of displays from collectors around Australia. Lots of swap and sell stalls, full canteen and coffee vendor, meals available throughout the day and free parking. Admission $5 Adult, $3 Concession, Children Free. For additional details go to www.

colonialbottleclubofwa.com, email: cbcclub@live.com.au. Hosted by Colonial Bottle & Collectors Club of WA. Take Action and Discover Your Passion This 6 week course is for someone looking to discover their passion again. Are you a woman who is a mother, a wife, a partner and have spent a lot of time caring for those around you. You love being able to help people and make their day awesome. What if you could get clarity around you, work out what you want, and take action now, no more waiting. You love things to look right, plus be able to ‘see’ what is happening. Start with the visual, map out the process and set the ‘right’ goals, using a system easily. Kids After School Art Workshops Safe, secure art studio for your children to learn and have fun with Art. Kids after school art workshops are on going and held on Mondays and Fridays, an 8 week block 1x class per week, per child $155. All art materials supplied plus snack + drink box. Both workshops are conducted by Local Artist Jackie Hoeksema. Contact Jackie on 0418 912 023 or email: jackie@topazedesigns.com. Concert for Kanyana Will be held on the 23rd of May at the Kalamunda Performing Arts Centre. Tickets are $20 (adults), $15 (concession), and children under 12 are admitted free. Tickets are available from Kanyana Wildlife 9291 3900, Nightingales Pharmacy, Lucky Charm Newsagency, and at the door on the night. Tickets can also be purchased through TRYBOOKING by calling 133 444, or from their website, www.trybooking.com. 24 FIT T.g.i.m. seville24fit@gmail.com Come get fit every Monday 10.15am-11.30am, starting 11th May. Where: Bob Blackburn Reserve, Seville Grove (Challis Road, Seville Grove). Kid friendly! Only $5 per session includes a free recovery shake.

accommodation Avocados Accommodation 2 Mount Street Kelmscott Phone: 9496 3838 ACCOUNTING/TAXATION Jacqueline T. Hunt Phone: 9496 1886 jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au AIR CONDITIONING Season Makers Call Nigel Bray now on 0400 074 844 ANTENNAS Roleystone Antennas Ph: 0411 536 883 Antenna Home Theatre Install/Repairs Roofline Antenna Services Call Mark Polini 0418 928 614 AUTO-MECHANICAL Campbells Auto Service Centre 11 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Ph:9496 0050 Roleystone Auto Centre 770 Brookton Hwy Roleystone Ph:9397 5993 WJ & KS Automotives 447 Chevin Road Phone: 9397 5666 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS PB Bathroom Renovations Call Pete Bond 0412 959 818, 9397 6988 BEAUTY THERAPIST Pure Indulgence Unit 6 1 Soldiers Rd Brackenridge Village 9496 2922 BOBCAT SERVICES Brookton Valley Mini Bobcat Call Hugh 0428 867 992 Roleystone Bobcat 0418 625 925 Call Joe Dirt 9397 9860 BUILDERS David J Willis Building Phone: 9496 1262 Mobile: 0408 959 340 business solutions ScopeOne Business Solutions 1300 786 858 cabinetmaker Cornerstone Cabinets Paul Haynes 0427 445 041

This is a free service where every advertiser that places an advertisement with “The Valley Reporter” automatically is listed on this page. The idea of it is for it to be used as a fast reference to businesses and services. Each business will have a maximum of three (3) lines which will include a company name, address and contact details and these will be categorised and listed alphabetically. As another free service you will find every advertiser is also listed under our Local Business Directory at www.thevalleyreporter.com.au.

CAR DETAILING ELECTRICIANS MEDICAL CENTRE SHEDS & PATIOS Once Over Mobile Darling Range Electrical Roleystone Family Medical Spinifex Sheds & Patios Car Detailing Call Glen Weaver Centre 1/9 Wygonda Rd 2, 18 Gillam Drv Kelmscott Jason 0411 654 119 0421 567 423, 9397 6015 Roleystone 9397 7122 Phone: 9390 4662 High Point Electrical carpet & tile OPTOMETRIST SHOPPING CENTRE cleaning Call Marius 0419 004 475 Roleystone Supa IGA Mr. Fist Wednesdays in Dr highpointelectrical@ssbs.net.au Jem’s Carpet & Tiles Ojo’s Wygonda Rd Family 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC FENCING Cleaning Services Medical Ctr 9321 3333 Ph: 9397 5549, 9397 5585 0433 448 208 Rural Fencing Call John ORGANIC SHOP SKIP BINS CHEMIST 0418 953 591 or Earthbound Organics Just Skips 9295 6677 Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 Open 6 Days 9.30amE: justskips@justskips.net Roleystone Community FIREWOOD 5.30pm Ph: 9397 7899 Chemist Shop 15, 21 Jarrah SIGNWRITING Rd Roleystone 9397 5377 Roleystone Firewood PAINTERS Fineline Signs Free Local Delivery CHIROPRACTOR Adam 0401 781 341 Ablaze with Colour Roleystone Chiropractic Call Simon on 9397 6313 Daniel Bale finelinesigns@bigpond.com GARDEN BAGS 0412 011 184 Josh Morton 0451 675 100 TAXI SERVICE 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Express Garden Bags Brush Worx Professional Swan Taxi - Michael Phone Colin or Rose Painting Services Terry CLEANING 0432 110 351, 3am - 5pm Griffiths 0430 115 178 0408 930 142, 9397 5769 Sudsational pls text & I will call you back Housekeeping & Cleaning GARDENING / PET CARE TILING Call Sophie 0423 257 934 LAWNMOWING Prefurred Pet Care Anfield Tiling Service COMPUTER REPAIRS Grasstree Makeovers & Pet Sitting - Dog Walking Wall & Floor Tiling 0402 452 367 Bigsi Computer Solutions Garden Yard Clean Ups Phone Chris 0421 222 138 Call Scott 0429 990 660 PLUMBING call Simon 9397 9046 TRAVEL AGENTS GARDEN SUPPLIES Mobile: 0433 838 394 ABM Plumbing Travelways Ph: 9490 2100 Call Andy 0419 986 923 Karragullen Gravel & CONCRETE Fax: 9490 3622 Office: 9293 7524 Garden Supplies 1, 2223 Albany Hwy Gosnells K & K Concrete Phone/Fax: 9397 6854 Findlay Plumbing & Gas Kevin Campbell TRANSPORT Phone/Fax: 9390 1940 0433 728 478 gutter CLEANING One on One Transport Mobile: 0409 297 939 dentIST Excellent Window Cleaning Jeremy 0475 918 707 PRINTING Call Anam on Roleystone Dental TREE SERVICES 0401 503 157 Surgery Ph: 9397 6337 FN Grafix Hillside Tree Works 2/9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone gutter protection 0400 428 119 Call Matt 0417 189 621 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone DIEBACK TREATMENT Four Seasons Gutter JMC Tree Services Protection PROPERTY CARE Dieback Treatment Phone: 9497 1596 1300 30 25 23 Specialists Property Care Mobile: 0409 118 912 HAIRDRESSERS 1300 785 311 Call Mark on WA Treeworks 0417 092 200 DOGWASH/Grooming Aura Hairdressing Phone: David 9496 0306 Shop 10/21 Jarrah Rd PROPERTY Freecall: 1800 088 733 Blue Wheelers Mobile Phone: 9496 3950 INSPECTIONS Dog Wash & Grooming veterinary service 0404 485 137 Billy Shears The Hair Club Resicert Property Foothills Animal Unit 2a Brackenridge Village Inspections Wayne DRIVEWAYS Hospital 9497 7488 Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Pemberton 1800 737 423 23 Thomas St Armadale Creative Driveways & 9397 9219, 0431 908 074 REAL ESTATE Fencing Call John Ph/Fax: Pet Assist 332 Home Karizma Hair Studio Fraser Williams 9397 6854 or 0418 953 591 Vet Services Call Judith Haynes SC Shop 4 9397 6300, 0439 092 248 Congrene 0433 2137 28 EARTHMOVING Armadale Rd 9498 2634 Roleystone Real Estate WINDOW CLEANING F & M.J. Armenti HANDYMAN Maggie Burke Real Estate Excellent Window Cleaning P:9397 6372 Handyman Guru P: 9496 1122, F: 9496 1120, Call Anam on 0401 503 157 F:9397 6374 Call Louis on M: 0419 939 110 EATERIES yard clean ups 0414 865 691 WA Real Estate Property Affinity Cafe Grasstree Makeovers & landscaping Group P: 9495 4100 9397 6538 Garden Yard Clean Ups F: 9495 4122 Brookton Valley 8 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Call Scott 0429 990 660 Landscaping Call Hugh RECREATION CENTRE Kim Valley Chinese Mick’s Yard Clean Up 0428 867 992 Roleystone Recreation Restaurant 198 Brookton micksyardcleanup@gmail.com MASSAGE Centre 8 Wygonda Road Hwy Kelmscott 9495 1188 Mob: 0407 386 110 Roleystone Ph: 9397 6538 Magic Hands Massage Roley’s on the Ridge YOGA Lulu 0431 118 244 ROOF restorations Cnr Soldiers Rd & Brookton Yin-Yoga with Simon @ 93 Raeburn Rd Roleystone Total Roof Care Hwy Ph: 9496 0666 Kookaburra Creek Yoga Centre Ring Steve 0419 854 587 Thurs 9-10am or 6.30-7.30pm totalroofcare@westnet.com.au

PAGE 29 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter



Did you know.... Our first priority is to make sure we deliver to every household in Roleystone and its surrounding areas but if you are not a Roleystone resident, and still would like to get a copy of The Valley Reporter, you can always pick one up at our 31 convenient other locations

• Armadale Library • Seville Grove Library • Kelmscott Library • Roley’s on the Ridge • Roleystone Community College • Armadale Visitor Centre • Roleystone Orchard • Earthbound Organics • Raeburn Orchard • Roleystone Lunchbar & Takeaways • City of Armadale Shire Office • Avocados Accommodation • Kim Valley Chinese Restaurant • Roleystone Family Centre • Roleystone Newsagency • Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital • Roleystone Fish & Chips

• Tomeo’s Service Station • Roleystone Country Club • Gull - Karragullen • RK Seniors Club • Araluen Botanic Park • The Roasted Bean Café • Good Shepherd Catholic PS • Roleystone Recreation Centre • Affinity Café • Roleystone Fire Station • The Manse Restaurant • WJ & KS Automotives • Roleystone Family Medical Centre • Armadale Cottage Bed & Breakfast • Genesis in the Hills Cafe & Vegetarian Restaurant

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A fresh new approach with what’s happening in Roleystone...

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Prices subject to change without further notice. ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VALLEY Reporter

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Horse Agistment Roleystone. New fencing, lge yards, other agisters, endless trail riding in bush. Call Helen 0402 403 269,9397 5921 for more info or to come & view

HOME CARE tidy home, pets, any other requirements while you’re away or sick. Exp, TUition Sml grp sessions at reliable & caring call Sonja Family Centre Mondays pm. 0427 553 087 Sep sessions for Spelling/ babysitter $10p/hr for Reading & Maths. Indiv upto 3 kids, then extra $5 tuition by arrangement. Di p/hr for each kid after. Free Clark 0438 930 259 email: weeknights/weekends call tutoringservices@iinet.net.au Allyra Spronk 9399 1313, For sale Valencia 3/4 0431 436 179 acoustic guitar $60 ono. UKELENE & Mandolins Fender squire electric guitar beautiful h/made frm collec- with amp and stand $110 ono Phone Craig Edmonds tion $2-$300 9497 1203 0409 114 683 babysitter Available Reliable mature uni student Tutor Primary School Maths English Deb Verity 0468 825 596 0403 887 277 Dressmaker 40yr exp. For “You & Home”, alts /mending or tuition welcome. Sonja 0427 553 087

email Post form to: 23 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Fax: (08) 9397 5465 Email: fngrafix@ozemail.com.au Email: thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au Website: www.thevalleyreporter.com.au Preferred method of payment: Credit Card,Credit EFT orCard Cashor Direct Deposit Payments can be made by Cash, Cheque, Bank Details: Suncorp Bendigo Bank, BSB (Branch): 484799, 633000, Account 506272010, Name: Valley Reporter Acct No: No: 130630304, AcctAcct Name: KiwiThe Enterprises (WA) Pty. Ltd.

BABYSITTER Avail $10/hr reliable 23yo cert 3 childcare Charlotte 0497 106 642, 9397 6249 MUSIC TEACHING Organ, Keyboard, Piano-accordian Theory, Ukelely Fridays, Mr. Fist 9397 5340




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volunteers wanted Radio Lollipop urgently requires volunteers for the Armadale Hospital Children’s Ward. If you have a spare 2hrs p/wk, are over 18 & would like to bring some happiness to a child’s hospital stay. Ph: Jean Rodgers 9398 4874, 0431 345 681 or Radio Lollipop on 9340 8835

ironing service steam iron used, animal free, professional 0438 106 439



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GARDENING Two local responsible hard working teenage boys (17yo) are avail for various gardening duties i.e. lawnmowing, gutters cleaned, weeding, trimming, raking etc. Avail after school, school hols & wkends. Have transport. Call Jayden/Travis 0448 221 178

29/8/08 12:20:34 PM



Business For Sale: Roleystone Florist. For over 21yrs, Roleystone Centre Florist & Gifts has provided local residents with beautiful flowers for all occasions. Located at 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC. Business fully operational, prof set up & ready for new owner. Interested, pls call 0419 047 142 for more info

other IMPORTANT NUMBERS: 000 Fire or Life Threatening Emergencies, 13 25 00 SES Assistance,1300 657 209 Emergency Information, Armadale Police 9399 0222, Healthdirect Hotline 1800 022 222, Poison Information Centre 13 11 26, Western Power 13 13 51, Alinta Gas 13 13 51, Telstra 13 22 03, Roleystone Volunteer Fire Services (Noel Plowman) 9397 6370, CoA Ranger Services 9399 0111 or 1300 886 885, Smoky Vehicle Reporting 1800 076 659, Synergy (faulty street lights) 1800 622 008, Water Corporation 13 13 75, Mensline 1300 789 978, Family Helpline & Domestic Violence 1800 643 000, Samaritans 9381 5555, Life Line 13 11 14, Relationships Australia 1300 364 277, Quitline 13 78 48, Prostate Cancer Foundation 1800 220 099, Suicide Helpline 1300 362 787, Cancer Helpline 13 11 20, Drug Information 1800 069 700, Gamblers Assist 1800 633 635, Mens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599, Womens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339, Kids Helpline 1800 551 800, For Passenger Assistance on Transperth Train Services 1800 800 022, Illegal Dumping Hotline 1300 766 541, Main Roads Road Closure Information 13 81 38, Education Department Security SchoolWatch 1800 177 777, Ngala Helpline for families with babies & young children 8am-8pm 7 days a week 9368 9368 WA country access 1800 111 546, Holyoake Counselling Family • Individuals • Youth 9416 4444, CoA Hotline for reporting anti-social behaviour 1300 597 076 Do not use the below numbers for emergency calls or to request police attendance. These numbers are for you to contact your suburb’s local policing team to discuss local issues that don’t require immediate attendance. If they are unavailable you can leave a message and they will return your call. Team 1 Mobile: 0417 453 267 Suburbs: Armadale CBD. Team 2 Mobile: 0417 465 698 Suburbs: Armadale. Team 3 Mobile: 0417 258 771 Suburbs: Kelmscott. Team 4 Mobile: 0409 978 209 Suburbs: Camillo. Team 5 Mobile: 0466 314 974 Suburbs: Seville Grove. Team 6 Mobile: 0466 314 976 Suburbs: Brookdale, Haynes, Hilbert, Wungong. Team 7 Mobile: 0466 314 984 Suburbs: Ashendon, Bedfordale, Karragullen, Lesley, Mt Nasura, Mt Richon, Roleystone. Armadale Police 23 Prospect Rd, Armadale. T: 9399 0222. F: 9399 0215. Counter service open hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

What’s On

– your local community calendar

Your not-for-profit event or activity can be listed here FREE and is open to local community and sporting groups courtesy of The Valley Reporter  

Roleystone Toy Library

 Armadale Visitor Centre 40 Jull St, Armadale 9399 0410


 Araluen Botanic Park 362 Croyden Rd, Roleystone 9496 1171  www.araluenbotanicpark.com.au

A FANTASTIC WAY FOR YOUR CHILDREN Araluen Golf Resort Country Club Ave, Roleystone 9397 9000  www.araluenresort.com.au TO ENJOY A VARIETY OF FUN AND SAFE TOYS, PUZZLES & GAMES  Brackenridge Village & Roleystone Village Cnr of Brookton

 

joinNOW! now! JOIN

Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone. Great food, wine & beauty

we are 1.45-2.30pmand & Sat Openopen WedTues 11.30am-12.15pm 9.30-10.30am during the school term. Sat during school term. ALL9.30am-10.30am ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE Any please call 9496 or Callenquiries BelindaWHITEHEAD Bloxsome 0438 8841115 601 HEATHER 9496 0119 email emailroleystonetoylibrary@yahoo.com.au roleystonetoylibrary@yahoo.com.au

  

 Karragullen Expo (inc. the West Australian Avocado Festival)  October 2015 P: 9293 7152 M: 0418 938 134 email: romaspiccia@

hotmail.com, www.karragullenexpo.org.au

 SmokeFree WA Kelmscott Annual Show October 2015 9am-9pm


A SAFE, FUN PLACE FOR CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES. SESSIONS MONDAY TO FRIDAY REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL contact our new registrar Marie Hofmann (Registrar) 0404 996 670 CONTACT OUR NEW REGISTRAR CONTACT OUR NEW REGISTRAR ROBYN DAWSON 9397 7116 email: rpgregistrar@gmail.com kym graham 9397 9158 CAROLYN BATHGATE 9498 1968

Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club (Inc) 46 Jarrah Road, Roleystone Phone : 9496 3166 E-mail: rksc@iinet.net.au

Rushton Park, Kelmscott, www.kelmscottshow.com.au Roleystone Markets Sun 14 June 10-3pm, Sun 20 Sept 10-3pm & Sun 6 Dec 3-8pm (EST. 1944) Roleystone Sunday Markets 8:30am-12:30pm New & Pre-Loved NEW MEMBERS WELCOME items, held out the front of the RK Seniors Club 46 Jarrah Rd TenniS iS7pm-8.30pm played aT The club Tennis Monday nights • Wednesday mornings Roleystone. Come along & support this monthly event (2nd • SocialSocial adulTS; WedneSday morningS from 9am 9am onwards • Friday mornings 9am-11am (run through Sunday of the month) Stall holders call Christine Kent 9397 5047 Family Centre with Creche) • Sunday afternoons 2pm-4pm and Junior TenniS Roleystone Theatre Inc. 587 Brookton Hwy Roleystone. For COURTS FOR HIRE DAY OR NIGHT Bookings Phone: 9397 5730 www.roleystonetheatre.com.au Bookings and and keys for public court hire are available through Bookings through the the Roleystone Video Network Store, Jarrah Shops - 9496 Roleystone VideoRoad Phone: 9496 16161616. Bickley Valley Harvest Festival May 2-3 2015, 10am-5pm Free POBox Box172 172Kelmscott KelmscottWA WA 6991. roleytennisclub@iinet.net.au PO 6991. E: Email: roleystonetennisclub@yahoo.com.au. Community Event, www.bickleyharvestfestival.com Wendy Tucker Shearwood(Sec.) (Sec.)9496 9397 5305 Graham Boase(Pres.) (Pres.)9397 94966620, 3220,Graham Tracey Backhouse 0053, Valley View Garden Golf Earthbound Organics Brackenridge Helen Mantle (Treas.) Virginia Bird (Club (Club Capt.) Capt.)9397 93906620 7668 John Meharry (Treas.)9390 9397 2335 6536,&Wendy Tucker Village, Shop 4, 1 Soldiers Rd Roleystone 9397 7899 Kalamunda District Bridge Club holds weekly day and evening sessions for both competitive and social bridge. Contact Garth Scotford 9296 1497 or email: kdbclub@bigpond.com Armadale Society of Artists meets on the first Thursday of the month, starting 7pm at Creyk Park Pavillion Waltham Rd, Armadale. All welcome 0407 249 565 Roleystone Community Alive Group meetings held at the Roleystone Family Centre, 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone. For further enquiries call Joyce Arnott 0434 727 470 If I have forgotten to mention you in the What’s On - your local COMMUNITY CALENDAR section feel free to submit your contact details email: thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au


We are an energetic group of “Over 50’s” and some School Primary - Robin School Road - Robin Road of our regular activities for members are: Old PrimaryOld Old Primary School -Thurs Robin&Road 9am 1:30pm 9am Tues, 1:30pm Thurs Tues, & Sat Sat • Mahjong • Book Club • Indoor Bowls 9am - 1:30pm Tues, Thurs & Sat • Cards • Members Lending Library



ROLEYSTONE DOJO DOJO ROLEYSTONE Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Confidence, Respect & Discipline Confidence, Respect & Discipline Improve your personal well being & Improve your personal well being & Improve your social awareness Improve yourPh. social9397 awareness Enquiries 5688 Enquiries Ph. 9397 or 0419 946 6615688

KIDS ADULT KIDS Qualified Karate ADULT CLASSES CLASSES or Instructor 0419 946& 661 NCAS Accredited

CLASSES Qualified Karate & NCAS Accredited CLASSES FreeInstructor créche available Free créche available

Training Days Roleystone Hall Training Times & Thursdays Cnr Roleystone Wygonda &Hall Jarrah Tuesdays Jnrs (5-12yrs)Times 5-6pm 6-7pm Training Days Training during school holidays Snrs (13yrs & older) 6-7.30pm 7-8.30pm Rds, Roleystone Closed Tuesdays & Thursdays

Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah

Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm

PAGE 31 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

THE CLUB IS NOW OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY Chris: 0427Chris: 462 921 0427 Phil: 4620429 921 688 Phil: 844 0429 688 844 – REFER TO CALENDAR FOR ACTIVITIES Chris: 0427 462 921 Phil: 0429 688 844 www.roleymensshed.com.au www.roleymensshed.com.au


When I invited Maggie Burke Real Estate to handle the sale of my house, I could not have imagined the surprises that were in store for me. In the first instance, Maggie saw my house as a “home” rather than a property that could be turned to profit. This formed the basis of the marketing plan. In the second instance, I was introduced to all the members of the team. Instantly I knew everyone was on the same page. In the third instance, Maggie and her team helped me realise my home’s potential - I was more than impressed. In the fourth instance, at no time was I ever left wondering how the sale of my home was progressing. Maggie’s team kept me up to date every step of the way - even after I had taken up residence in the UK!

PAGE 32 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

As a long time resident of Roleystone, I had often seen Testimonials for Maggie Burke Real Estate, and I am naturally wary of such. However, I’m truly happy that a good friend of mine recommended Maggie and her team. I felt safe and nothing could have been easier! Bob Webb (formerly of Roleystone)

In order to provide the finest of service, we carry a limited number of active listings and service them with 3 qualified reps.

“Always impeccable service”

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