Vr125dec jan15

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VALLEYReporter YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter.

© Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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No.125 – Dec/Jan ‘15

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G Erxapvoes el ,d C R oad Base, Limestone & o n c re t e , R e d B i t u m e n a n d C o n c re t e Recycled C u r b i n g , L iBitumen. m e s t o n e R e t Colour, a i n i n g Wa l l sExposed , Automatic& Stencil GConcrete. Walls, a t e s , Po s t a n dRetaining R a i l R u ra l Fe n c i n g . Rural F Ce onmc pi nl egt e. LaBnod bs ccaapti n g a&n Gda rdTernuMa c kke oHv ei rr’es . Lo c a l l y O w n e d a n d O p e ra t e d

Jo h n M c S we e n ey

John O &wAnna n e r / OMcSweeney perator M: 0418 953 591 John Cocks Mobile 0418 Supervisor 953 591 M: 0427 009 497

Phone/Fax 9397 6854

Email: info@creativedriveways.com.au www.creativedriveways.com.au Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 Office Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm 6 days Mon to Sat

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Community Contacts

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Your not-for-profit local community and sporting group can be listed here FREE courtesy of The Valley Reporter

Roleystone Community Youth Workers Joyce Arnott Mob: 0408 956 559 or Stuart Hight Email: youth@roleycommunitychurch.org Roleystone Badminton Trudie 9397 6920 Roley Hall Tue 9.15-11am Wed 7.30-9.30pm Roleystone Girls’ Brigade Yvonne Waddell 9397 5153 Roleystone Girl Guides 4.30pm For girls 7-up Roxy Devlin 0412 657 166 RK Snr Cricket Club Graham Fuller (Pres) 0400 195 061, email: info@ roleystonekarragullencc.com.au, web: roleystonekarragullencc.com.au RK Jnr Cricket Club Tim Clarke (Pres & Sec) 9397 7313, Alan Smit 0410 924 502 (in2CRICKET co-ordinator) www.rkjcc.org Roleystone Jnr Football Club Adam Hancock (Pres) 0429 353 019, Connie Saffioti (Reg) 9397 5191 www.rjfc.org.au Roleystone Snr Football Club Matthew Walkley (Pres) 0430 509 441, Lisa Casotti (Sec) 0400 980 116 www.roleystonessfc.org.au Roleystone Gymnastics Nicole Smith (Admin) 9496 1484 Email: roleystonegymnastics@hotmail.com, www.roleystonegymnastics.myclub.org.au Roleystone Womens Hockey Sue 9398 7426 Helen 9397 5939, 0438 923 477 Roleystone Tee-Ball & Baseball Club Inc. Sandy Johnson (Pres) 0419 875 277, Tanya Taylor (Reg) 0409 112 373 Organic Growers Assoc. meets 2nd Wednesday of the month Lisa 9399 2312 Roleystone Redback’s Little Athletics Club Boys & Girls U5-U17’s Train Mon & Wed 4.30pm - 5.30pm at RCC, Julie Jackson (Sec) 9496 0559 Roleystone Community Church 1 Croyden Rd Roleystone Minister David Bardsley Wk: 9397 5955 Hm: 9397 9303 Roleystone Schools P&C Amy Boughton (Sec) 9397 5559 1st Roleystone Scout Group Karragullen Hall, Mark Thompson 0438 964 441 St Christopher’s Anglican Church 9293 8273 Vishrant Buddhist Society weekly buddhist teaching meetings, for more info contact Dakini Williams 0438 831 883, email: dakini@vishrant.org or visit www.vishrant.org Community Garden Forum & Men’s Shed For more info call Chris Johnston 6396 0756 Child Health Nurse Thurs & Fri by appointment 9397 5813 Kalamunda District Bridge Club Weekly Day & Evening Sessions, Garth Scotford 9296 1497, kdbclub@bigpond.com Alcoholics Anonymous Meet every Sat at 7pm 9325 3566 Australian Sewing Guild Southern Hills Neighbourhood Grp meet 2nd Sun of the mth, Karen Anderson 9354 7806 Patchwork Quilting Friendship Days Lyn 9397 5207 The Rivercare Group Pat Hart 9496 1634 Armadale-Kelmscott Swimming Club info@akswimclub.org.au, Patty Blackwell (Pres) 9497 8197 (8am - 8pm) The House of Bamboo Carol 9397 7679 City of Armadale - Roleystone Ward Councillors Caroline Wielinga 0488 900 307, Cr.CWielinga@armadale.wa.gov.au, Grant Nixon 0418 449 611, grandem@iinet.net.au Roleystone Netball Club Kristy Hodges (President) 0447 044 412, Sharlene Warnes (Registrar/Secretary) 9496 0452 Roleystone & Districts Basketball Registration open for all ages from 5.7.13. For Enquiries please contact Chris Webb 0414 166 401, Kirk Allnutt 0423 433 449 Darling Range Wildlife Shelter Hayward Rd Martin 9394 0885 Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre 9291 3900 Kanyana provides advice & assistance 24hrs a day, 7 days a week DEC’s Department of Environment and Conservation WildCare Hotline 9474 9055. WildCare helpline for sick, injured or orphaned native wildlife operates 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, diverting to after hours numbers at nights & weekends, to provide immediate assistance Art Classes RNFC Mon-Tues & Thur 9496 1115 www.roleyfamilycentre.com.au Landscape Painting Tues 6.30-9.30pm Ian 9496 0034 Roleystone Lawn Bowls Gerry Chapman (Pres) 9397 5730 ISADD Intervention Services for Autism & Dev Delay Darryl Cooper 9397 5970 Kelm History Grp Congregational Church Rundle St Kelm Colleen 9495 4963 National Seniors Armadale Branch meet on the 1st Thurs of the mth RSL Hall Commerce Ave Armadale 10-12pm. Lots of interesting speakers all old & new members welcome.Ph: 9397 5880, 9390 2230 Hants & Dorset Social Club Iris Milton 9397 5449 Cat Sterilisation Society 9397 5062 9-4pm Mon-Wed Parents Without Partners Foothills Branch, Weekly Activities organised, Greg 0402 252 230, Marylena 0422 108 711 Bushfire Ready Groups Bedfordale-Ian Thompson 9399 3006, Kelmscott Hills-Peter Jago 0439 997 373, Roleystone-Chris Cairns 0417 983 019, Robert Littmann 0427 977 190, Craig Popperwell 0438 904 485 Black Cockatoo Preservation Society Wildlife Assistance call Louise Hopper 9390 2288 or email: louise@kaarakin.com Armadale Reptile Centre 308 South Western Hwy Wungong Ph: 9399 6927 Snake Catcher 0426 815 402 Unplugged Acoustic Folk Roots & Blues Mel Young 9399 8493 Roleystone Child Health Centre 19 Wygonda Rd Thurs 11.30-12.30pm Ph: 9397 5813


YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter. The man in the red and white suit certainly gets around this time of year. Tired of all the grinches who complain when the holiday season comes around? Then rid the world of them by spreading some holiday cheer. As we celebrate the festive season and Christmas holidays, it is important to be mindful of the safety and wellbeing of yourself and those around you. You can prevent your family from receiving a dreaded message from the police station by respecting the law. Please don’t drink and drive. Don’t speed. Wear your seat belt. Have plenty of rest and don’t use your phone whilst driving. And remember, for the Christmas and New Year period, double demerit points kick in as of Friday the 19th of December 2014 to Sunday the 4th of January 2015 inclusive. The holiday period is notorious for burglaries and stealing offences from motor vehicles. These types of offences are mostly opportunity crimes and can be easily prevented by

locking your doors, sheds and motor vehicles. See which Roleystone lady was recently awarded “Fundraiser of the Year” and runner-up in 2013. The Valley Reporter got the scoop and all the details can be found on page 13. Don’t forget that if your family is lucky enough to be on holiday during the Christmas or New Year period, why not let others know what happened by sharing any good or bad experiences? Start by putting pen to paper and submit your family’s travelling adventures to The Valley Reporter. If you are looking for a way to give back to the community, why not volunteer your time and skills to an organisation or charity in 2015? There are always plenty of volunteering positions available across Western Australia, and you can read about the facts and benefits of voluntary work on page 28. Are you still looking for that last minute gift idea for

Christmas? Why not pick up an “Apple Labels & Brands” 2015 calendar. It’s the last edition in a great series that has introduced people to the history of the early settlement in our area. The series has been a pleasure to read – don’t miss out. Turn to page 20 for a list of stockists. Once Christmas is over, the task of keeping the kids entertained for the rest of the school holidays can become overwhelming. Don’t fear! We have featured a bountiful array of fun activities for the kids within this issue, all of which are so close to home. Please show your support by shopping smart and shopping local at Go Jo Cleaning & Garden Services, Home Chef - Food for Life, and Green Army Services. Lastly, from all the staff at The Valley Reporter, may your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter, and goodwill. Fiona Newland, Editor and Publisher.

The Heartbeat of our Community

cut-off date

for all articles, photographs and advertising for “The Valley Reporter’s” next issue is set for no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 14 January


23 Wygonda Road Roleystone WA 6111

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8/04/13 2:47 PM






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The VALLEY Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. For The VALLEY Reporter’s “Inbox Letters to the Editor” full list of guidelines go to; www.thevalleyreporter.com.au/letters.

THANK YOU! Friday 5 December was International Volunteer Day. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985 it is celebrated worldwide as a day to say “thank-you” to our remarkable volunteers. In Western Australia, more than 600,000 people, over one third of our adult population, spend time volunteering in their community, and they are just the ones we know about. Many hundreds of thousands more work outside the structures of formal volunteer programs. Volunteers generously give the gift of their time, their skill, their energy and personal resources. Their endeavours contribute to almost every aspect of our lives and to the natural and built environment, and help sustain the high quality of life we enjoy and to which we continue to aspire. Without doubt, volunteers help create,

build and maintain strong, connected, flourishing communities and two complex questions that are often asked, but rarely fully reflected on and answered are, “Where would we be without volunteers?” and “What is the value of volunteering?” To this effect, Volunteering WA has taken up this challenge and will lead a groundbreaking study to reveal the economic, social and cultural value that volunteers and volunteer involving organisations make to Western Australia. We invite all volunteer involving organisations to get involved and take part in the census. Simply go to www. volunteeringwa.org.au to find out more. Together, let’s update our understanding of what volunteering really looks like in our State. I thank you! Mara Basanovic Chief Executive Officer Volunteering WA.

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The members of the Armadale-Kelmscott Lions Club would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. On Friday 12th December, Santa travelled through the streets of Roleystone in his sleigh while his helpers, the Roleystone Scouts, distributed sweets to all the children. The sleigh run started at 6:00pm at Cross Park in Jarrah Road and proceeded north along Jarrah Road and turned right into Raeburn Road travelling along Raeburn Road to Northward Road then via Northward Road, Tyers Road, Holden Road, Robin Road and back to Jarrah Road. The sleigh then travelled via Jarrah Road, Heather Road, Holden Road and Wygonda Road, before returning to Jarrah Road and back to Cross Park where Santa and his helpers talked to the children. The members of the Armadale-Kelmscott Lions Club would like to thank all those who made the effort to come out and see Santa on his special visit to Roleystone. Please support the Armadale-Kelmscott Lions Club by purchasing a Lions Christmas Cake to complement your festive celebrations.

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To all our loyal advertisers, employees, supporters and readers, it’s business as usual!


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“Inbox Letters to the Editor” published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter. Please feel free to submit your letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” so we can include them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Email: thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au or www. thevalleyreporter.com.au/letters.

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After fifteen years of service as the General Manager of the Araluen Botanic Park Foundation (Inc.), Rod Ross has retired effective from 28 November 2014. The Council of the Foundation has announced that Garden Development Manager, Grant Nixon, has been promoted to the vacant General Manager position and a further senior appointment will be made to suit managerial requirements. President of the Araluen Botanic Park Foundation, Mike Nelson, says, “During his time, Rod has overseen extraordinary changes in the Park. The triumphant return of the It’s Springtime at Araluen Tulip Festival, with the largest-ever planting of tulips must be a highlight of Rod’s reign. Other achievements of Rod and the team have been the highly successful Araluen’s Fremantle Chilli Festival, active involvement with the local business community, the ever-increasing volunteer involvement in the Park and the steady growth in visitor numbers and members.” “The Council was pleased to offer the position of General Manager to Grant Nixon. Grant’s long-term commitment to Araluen and his encyclopaedic knowledge of all matters relating to the Park, fit him to lead the team at a very exciting time. The Council of the Foundation looks forward to the future with continued confidence,” he adds.

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Fiona Newland

Mobile: 0400 428 119

Office Hours: 8am-4pm 5 Days Mon to Fri Fax: 9397 5136 Email: fngrafix@iinet.net.au www.fngrafix.thevalleyreporter.com.au 23 WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE WA 6111

Noel Plowman 9397 6370 Matt Plowman 0407 509 128


RETAIL ROMP DELIVERS FESTIVE FUN ON STAGE Christmas shopping is being put under the spotlight this December with a lighthearted, music-filled festive romp. Presented by Dark Psychic Productions at Phoenix Theatre, A Retailer’s Christmas is a comedy musical following the adventures of retail staff during their busiest time of the year and features local Harrisdale resident Christopher Doney. The show, written by Rebecca Coutts-Smith, who is co-directing the production with Ryan S. McNally, looks at what really happens when customers ask staff to “check out the back”. “The story revolves around workers at a gift emporium who, after having their Christmas party cancelled by the store’s owner, take it upon themselves to throw a bigger and better party,” McNally said. “We’ve incorporated several acts into the show, including a stand-up comedian, burlesque dancer and comedic singer, to make it cabaret-style. “The seating has also been arranged that way with tables of four, six and eight, plus individual seating available.” McNally created Dark Psychic Productions in 2012, producing five shows and three showcases over the past two years, with several staged at Phoenix Theatre. “With A Retailer’s Christmas, we just wanted to stage something that would deliver a funfilled, festive atmosphere,” he said. “It’s a humorous take on working in a retail store at Christmas.”

The show marks Coutts-Smith’s debut as a playwright. “I’ve been involved in the theatre on and off since high school and now I’ve begun the great adventure of starting a writing career,” she said. “It’s been a blast working with everyone at Dark Psychic Productions and Phoenix Theatre and I truly appreciate all the hard work, dedication and support being thrown into the production.” Coutts-Smith said the show was also a sibling act with younger brother Alex, a winner at the 2013 Finley Awards for lighting Eurobeat, supplying light and sound. A Retailer’s Christmas plays at 8pm December 18, 19 and 20 with a 2pm matinee December 20. Tickets are $25, $20 concession plus transaction fees. Please visit www.trybooking.com/GBXM or call 0422 394 749 to book your tickets. Please note: parental guidance is recommended due to mild sexual references and coarse language. Flashing lights and hazing effects will also be used. All proceeds from program and raffle sales are being donated to the Murdoch Community Hospice (www.sjog. org.au/hospitals/murdoch_hospice.aspx). Phoenix Theatre is located at 435 Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill, within the Hamilton Memorial Hall. L-R: Kate Lloyd, Harrsidale resident Christopher Doney, Nikita Harwood and Liv Szulgowski. Photograph courtesy of The Sneaky Photographer.

E: info@roleystoneantennas.com.au



Written by Peter Thatcher On Wednesday the 3rd of December 2014 cricketing students and staff from Years 6-10 joined the broader Australian public and paid tribute to the late Philip Hughes, Australian Test Cricketer who passed away recently in the most tragic of circumstances. They brought in their personal bats and hats and displayed them as a show of respect in front of the College’s Administration Building. Photographs courtesy of Mrs Vicki Sallur.

Should you become involved with Neighbourhood Watch? Given the recent spate of crime occurring in Roleystone, Karragullen and the Churchmans Brook areas, then I believe the answer is a resounding yes. Neighbourhood Watch encourages neighbourhood participation and shared responsibility of what is happening in your neighbourhood. This can be vital to you and your family’s safety. You and your neighbours are in the best position to notice something unusual in your area, but it is your responsibility to report any suspicious behaviour to the police. Neighbourhood Watch has information that improves the quality of information you pass onto police, which enhances the level of home security and personal security for you and your family and encourages documentation of assets, including property marking using special pens. By joining Neighbourhood Watch, you will also be kept informed on local and contemporary crime prevention that you can share with your neighbours. If you are part of a Bushfire Ready Group this is an excellent opportunity to link the two to share information. The Roleystone Family Centre have agreed to be the central point for Neighbourhood Watch in Roleystone, Karragullen, Churchmans Brook and surrounding communities where you can obtain a large range of written information relating to Neighbourhood Watch. In the New Year we will have a display at the Roleystone Shopping Centre. You can find information at www.nhw.wa.gov.au or by contacting me at pathart1@bigpond.com. Neighbourhood Watch is a joint police and community program. Its success depends on your support. Crime prevention is everybody’s business. Pat Hart, Member Neighbourhood Watch WA.

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L a n d Sand, s c a p i n gBlended S o i l s , B uSoils, s h M uMulches, l c h , B l e n dRocks, ed Mulches, B r i c k i e a n d P a v i n g S a n d , Lo c a l G ra v e l , R o a d B a s eLandscaping, , To p D re s s i n g Lo a m , B l u e Makeovers, Metal and Rock. Garden Complete Landscaping Garden Makeover’s Ornamental Trees &and Agapanthas Local Business with Local Knowledge

Jo h n M c S we e n ey

John Owner/Operator & Anna McSweeney M: 0418 953 591 Mobile 0418 Supervisor 953 591 John Cocks M: 0427 009 497

Phone/Fax 9397 6854 Email: info@creativedriveways.com.au

www.creativedriveways.com.au Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 Office Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm 6 days Mon to Sat

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Living in Australia means we are at high risk of developing skin cancer. However, you don’t have to compromise fashion to protect yourself. The SunSmart team at Cancer Council WA have once again collaborated with Central Institute of Technology by asking the Fashion and Textile Design students to create a design that incorporates sun protection with youth fashion. SunSmart Campaign Coordinator Carolyn Minto said it can be difficult to get young people to think about sun protection. “Young people are often fashion and image conscious, and unfortunately this can come at the cost of sun protection,” Ms Minto said. “The project encourages the designers of tomorrow to show that fashion and sun protection can go hand in hand.”

“Melanoma is the most common cancer in young people, and this project is a way of improving attitudes towards sun protection in this group,” she said. The best design was submitted by Cassandra Pittard, Silvia Dzemail and Lauren Willems, and marks the fourth SunSmart fashion garment produced out of the partnership. The garment is made from UPF50+ fabric, which provides excellent sun protection, and is available to purchase from Ruck Rover General Store in Northbridge. The garment launch coincided with National Skin Cancer Action week, which ran from 16 - 22 November.

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How the Roleystone locals like it

Our Festive Trading Hours are: Closed Dec 25, Dec 26, 2014 & Jan 1, 2015 All other days open regular hours: Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 8am – 7pm Thurs 8am – 7pm, Sat 8am – 7pm Sun 8.30am – 7pm

All of us at Roleystone Supa IGA wish our customers a Happy, Safe and Joyous Festive Season. We look forward to looking after your fresh food and grocery needs again in 2015. From the Management and Staff of Roleystone Supa IGA.


advertorial Real Estate News Release - Roleystone 40th Edition

Real Estate Secrets Exposed - Xmas Greetings Professional carpet & tiles cleaning with a lady’s touch • Carpet cleaning (steam & dry) • Tile & grout cleaning (including shower cubicles & kitchen splashbacks) • Flood Restoration • Couches, upholstery & leather cleaning

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The information contained within this correspondence is the opinion only of Roleystone Real Estate, and its representatives and may not be true and correct. All parties to which this correspondence is intended for should exercise their own due diligence as to the accuracy of the information provided. Roleystone Real Estate, its directors, employees, associates and insurers will take absolutely no responsibility for any actions arising from any parties acting on this information contained within.

The time is now. We create our world through our thought, intention and actions. Our dreams can become our reality! A number of years ago, after returning to WA from North Queensland, Roleystone felt ‘just right’. While living elsewhere I set my intention, and when the time was right, the perfect home in the hills called me in. I love our community, the diversity within the hills, and so many open-minded people. I’m an artisan and Soulfelt Threads is my spirit’s language. I speak through my heart and hands to create works of art in various mediums. Textiles and creativity is one of many passions. I love that moment of inspiration, when time shifts and weaves, when connection is clear and strong, and the physical world melts away. You are left with your heartbeat and pure creativity - bliss! Next year, 2015, looks to be a year of sharing the love, so I will be offering various workshops locally to manifest your own language through art, tools of empowerment, and connection. I am also a custodian of Wild Woman Weekend and Wyld Wayz, which create sacred spaces for women to gather. We honour and empower ourselves from the

inside out. We create and strengthen friendships with sisterhood. We ignite the internal flame to follow our passions and our dreams, and we share ways to honour ourselves, the elements, Goddesses, mother earth and grandmother moon. Wild Woman Weekend empowers women and helps us become the best we can be. Our 10th Wild Woman Weekend retreat will be held in May 2015, and we also gather for day workshops, retreats, interstate workshops, and international soul journeys. If this resonates with you, reach out and make a connection by searching Soulfelt Threads on Facebook or by visiting www. w i l d wo m a n w e e ke n d . com. Larissa O’Neill.


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For further Real Estate news updates, contact Fraser Williams 0439 092 248.

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For more information, please call the Armadale-Byford Veterinary Hospital on 9399 4299

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PAGE 8 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter


There have been some wonderful foster carers in Roleystone and surrounding areas, doing a fabulous job at ensuring beautiful animals in need find loving homes. In some circumstances, they have had some pretty disheartening starts to life, but with ample love, care and affection, these foster cats and kittens are now looking for new homes. This sweet adorable cat called Patchy was rehomed a few months ago, due to difficulties in living circumstances. However, she unfortunately came into our hospital a few weeks ago as an abandoned cat. She is super affectionate, and she thrives on company and lots of care and cuddles. She would suit any couple or family with children who are willing to give her the love and kindness that she truly deserves. If you think that you could give Patchy a forever home, please call the hospital. The cats have all been fully vet checked, vaccinated, microchipped and sterilised. To view our cats available for adoption, please go to the ArmadaleByford Veterinary Hospital Facebook page, and for more information, please call the Veterinary Hospital on 9399 4299.

A reunion is being organised for Cecil Andrews SHS students and staff who were in Year 8 in 1981, 9 in 1982 & 10 in 1983. It will be on March 1, 2015 @ the Narrogin Inn, Armadale. Anyone interested in going can call Lee Mulvey on 0402 203 442 or Brad Willey on 0405 174 162. Emails can be sent to reunion81to83@gmail.com.

Roleystone & Surrounds


The Roleystone area has experienced some burglaries and a number of stealing offences from motor vehicles. Armadale Police have been working hard to try and identify who is responsible for the offences and had some success. Please assist your local police by reporting suspicious behaviour of people in the area and vehicles parked in odd places. Please lock your doors, sheds and motor vehicles, these types of offences are mostly opportunity crimes and preventable. If you see any suspicious activities, please contact your local Sergeant, Tom Weidmann or any member of the Local Policing Team 7 on 0417 519 277, if we are not on duty please leave a message and we will get back to you. If it’s an urgent matter, please ring 13 14 44 or 000 if it’s life threatening. Published on 5 December 2014.

On Saturday the 6th of December, artists of the Roleystone Family Centre gathered in celebration of this year’s creative works of art. Our annual exhibition was open to the public all weekend and attracted over 120 visitors, 17 of whom bought artwork to grace their homes. Congratulations and thank you to all those who came in support of our local artists. For information on art classes run at the Centre, call 9496 1115. Wendy van der Laan and Ian Dickinson. (Artists top-bottom L-R: Pauline Edgecombe, Betsy Dickson, Bec Shelton, Linda Glover and Linda Spiring).

MAGIC MOON CHILDCARE Small friendly centre SPecialiSinG in 2-6yr oldS

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For those of us that don’t like the old fashioned Christmas Pudding here’s another alternative.....

1 pkt Tandaco Suet Mix, 1/2 cup plain flour, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp baking powder, 1/2 fresh white bread crumbs, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 2 green apples (peeled & grated), 1 Egg (lightly beaten), 1/2 cup Milk, 1 x 200g tub natural yoghurt 1. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix well. 2. Add apple, egg, milk and yoghurt. Mix until well combined. 3. Spoon mixture into a lightly greased, 1 1/2 Litre pudding basin or steamer. Cover securely with lightly greased, pleated, grease proof paper then foil or a tight fitting lid. 4. Immerse in a saucepan of boiling water and steam for 2 hours. Do not allow pan to boil dry. Top up with boiling water as required (serves 8). Recipe provided by Linda Edwards from Magic Moon Childcare.

9497 1596

PAGE 9 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter


St Christopher’s Anglican Church

PAGE 10 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS FAIR St Christopher’s Anglican Church held its annual Christmas Fair on the 29th of November, and we would like to thank everyone who came along and supported us on the day. The fair was a great success, with a variety of stalls and tables, such as Books and White Elephant, offering beautiful products and wares just in time for Christmas. Keeping with the festive theme, Father Christmas delighted the young ones with a special appearance. Christmas also came early for a few lucky people who won a raffle Christmas Hamper and other fantastic prizes. Meanwhile, singers from “Sing Australia” contributed to the wonderful community atmosphere and joyous Christmas spirit with a lovely selection of songs. Finally, we would like to thank The Valley Reporter and their staff for advertising the fair, making and distributing posters, and their overall generosity that helped make the event one to remember. Photographs courtesy of Rebecca Glassford.

Sacred Space Ceremony to honour the Land and its Creatures

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K&K For the last two years, the residents of Bedfordale have been working together to oppose the proposed subdivision of public open space at Lot 108 Springfield Rd, in Bedfordale. This area of 3.4 hectares has been used regularly by residents since it was created as part of the Wallangarra Parklands estate, nearly 40 years ago. A petition was collated last year with over 170 signatures, but the residents felt devastated when the councillors seemed to just ignore their concerns in favour of a business plan to propose the subdivision and sale of two thirds of the land. I had been told that 108 is a spiritually significant number, which was news to me. I was fascinated to read about all the connections to this number, and suggested to the Mayor that instead of subdividing, we should be declaring Lot 108 a sacred space. He didn’t take me up on that idea, so as the next council meeting approached, I decided we should have our own ceremony to declare it


• Crossovers • Foot Paths • Driveways • Carports • Sheds • Patios

a sacred space. With only one weeks notice, this ceremony took place at Lot KEVIN CAMPBELL 108 on Sunday the 7th of December. After residents assembled, together with Mobile: 0433 728 478 Cr Guenter Best and Deputy Mayor A/Hrs: 9397 6919 Ruth Butterfield, a ceremony took place involving shamanic drumming and didgeridoo, as we called in the four directions of east, south, west and north, and to the animal spirits which represent them. Just as we were finishing our gathering, a beautiful hawk flew in over the top of us and came down low. I took this magical moment to mean that our message to honour this land and claim it for the animals and birds that live there, as well as for the humans who visit, was the right thing to do. Even more wonderful, at the most recent meeting, the DSC members voted to keep a the Lot 107 as it is, no subdivision! Photographs courtesy of Kate Admiraal. “Providing you with a neat and moreSupplies precise result”  Sand

ROLEYSTONE ROLEYSTONE BOBCAT BOBCAT ■ Rock Sand Supplies Rock pitch  Rock Retaining Walls ■  Rock Supplies Landscaping 

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Site Works / Sand Pads Drainage / Leach Drains  Landscaping  Driveways  Firebreaks  Pools ■ Leach Site Works / Sand drains Pads Drainage Firebreaks Driveways Drainage / Leach Drains Landscaping  Bobcat  Tip Truck ■ Rock ■  20  Driveways   Pools Tonne breakingFirebreaks Limestone walls ■

For Hire with Operator ■ ■   Excavator

Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 NEWS RELEASE South East Metro District - WA Police At about 8.00pm on Saturday 6th of December 2014 two motorcycles travelling together on Brookton Highway in Karragullen have collided with each other and both fallen to the road, resulting in serious injuries to one rider and less serious injuries to the other. Inquiries into that are being managed by Major Crash staff. That job required the RAC Rescue Chopper to move the injured person from the scene to hospital so if any of you in the areas between Karragullen and Royal Perth heard an oversized mix master flying overhead between 8.30pm and 9.30pm that was probably it. Ref: www.facebook.com/wapolsemetro.

For Hire with Operator 

■ Bobcat & Slasher  Tip Bobcat Truck ■ Tip Truck  20 Tonne ■ 20 Tonne Excavator Excavator ■ Rock Breaker

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9397 6418 0418 625 925

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PAGE 11 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Family owned and operated, Curulli’s Seafood Markets has been providing fresh local West Australian seafood since 1989.


& Zouk

PAGE 12 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Curulli’s Seafood Markets – Armadale Our main supply of fresh fish is sourced from the local West Australian coast between Point Samson in the north, to Esperance in the south. The seafood is taken directly from the boat and freighted overnight to Fremantle, and then sent to our store, so it’s fresh to your table. Our prawns and other shell fish are sourced from Garden Island, Shark Bay, Carnarvon, Exmouth and as far north as Darwin, and all cooked fresh in our store. Our New Zealand King salmon and mussels come from the crystal clear New Zealand rivers, and our oysters are sourced whole and shucked daily from Ceduna in South Australia or Tasmania. The business is run by Julian, Rhonda, and Vince, who have all been around seafood their whole lives. In addition, Rhonda is a qualified chef who offers free advice and easyto-follow steps to make cooking your seafood a success. We take pride in our product and can guarantee our quality and service. We now have a great range of our own homemade gourmet products, such as pickled octopus, prawns, mussels, and squid. We also smoke our own salmon, squid, and mussels using natural hickory wood chips. Our entire homemade gourmet products selection has no added preservatives, artificial flavours or colours. With Christmas just around the corner, we are now taking orders for crayfish,

so drop in and see our extensive range of fresh quality seafood. We are situated at 50 Forrest Road, Armadale (Forrest Road Fresh) and open every Wednesday to Sunday. We’ll be trading seven days straight for Christmas, from Wednesday the 17th to Wednesday the 24th of December. You can trust Curulli’s Seafood to provide the freshest seafood for your family; one taste and we guarantee you’ll be “hooked”.

Roleystone Fundraiser Honoured Organic/Biodynamic Fruit & Veg Boxes compiled weekly to your requirements, delivery to Armadale, Kelmscott, Gosnells & surrounding suburbs GO ORGANIC YOUR HEALTH IS WORTH IT!

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christmas special! Offer expires 15/1/14.

PAGE 13 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Roleystone resident Tania Everett (pictured far right) was honoured at Parkinson’s Western Australia’s 30th anniversary this month. Tania, who was the highest fundraiser for the “A Walk in the Park” 2014 event (and the runner-up for the same event in 2013), was awarded Fundraiser of the Year for her continued dedication to supporting Parkinson’s WA through innovative fundraising. She secured sponsorship from local businesses and individuals, and contributed significantly to the success of the event. Tania and her husband Phillip have been Parkinson’s WA members since 2005, and are popular and active in the WA community. Parkinson’s CEO Brenda Matthews said “We are lucky to have many dedicated fundraisers, and awarding Fundraiser of the Year is never easy. Tania goes above and beyond to raise funds for our organisation every year, and we are proud to have her and Phillip on our team”. The Parkinson’s WA Fundraiser of the Year receives a plaque and a gift from the organisation. The Volunteer of the Year was awarded to Leonore Shapiro of Woodlands, who also received a plaque and a gift. The Valley Reporter would like to congratulate Tania Everett on all her hard work towards such worthy causes. Well done!

• Plans arranged & submitted to shire requirements

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F & M.J. Armenti Bobcat & Tip Truck Hire All Types of Earthmoving All Materials Supplied Specialising in all types of Earthmoving Including: • Sand Pads • Construction of Driveways – Gravel, Brickpaving, Hot Mix, Concrete and 2 Coat Spray Seal • Retaining Walls • Site Consultation • Leach Drains – installed, rejuvenated, relocated

Drug Aware Ignite Basketball teams moving up the ladder! The City of Armadale’s Drug Aware Ignite Basketball teams are having a break away season this year. Drug Aware Ignite Basketball is a full time, sport based intervention program targeted at young people involved, or at risk of becoming involved, in crime or anti-social behaviour. Mayor Henry Zelones said Ignite uses basketball to engage young people through physical activity, leadership development, education/training and community involvement. “This year we have three teams competing in the Saturday morning Perth Redbacks league. “The U18s Tigers team is currently sitting in the top spot by five points, with several games still to play in the competition. “The U14s Warriors team has gone from strength to strength this year, and they are sitting in joint third position on the ladder which is a vast improvement from bottom position last year. “The improvement to their position on the ladder, for both teams, is no doubt due to their commitment and regular attendance at the Tuesday training sessions, where they work on improving their fitness levels and basketball skills. “The Ignite Diamonds girls’ team is also going from strength to strength, racking

up a number of big wins this season with a much improved squad. The most recent saw them victorious with a win of 91 to 34 and with continued hard work and dedication, this will surely continue. “Young people from the program also took time out to give back to their community recently, and spent a Sunday morning fund raising at their local Bunnings serving hot dogs and drinks. “It was wonderful to see the kids all chipping in to help a worthy cause and was a great effort, showing exemplary team work off the basketball court. “The proceeds from the fundraiser went towards buying grocery vouchers for a local family that was experiencing financial difficulties”, said Mayor Zelones. The success of the Drug Aware Ignite program would not be possible without the support of our funding partners; Department of Sport and Recreation, WA Police Strategic Crime Prevention Division, Healthway, the Department of Child Protection and Family Support, Public Transport Authority and the Local Drug Action Group. For more information on Drug Aware Ignite Basketball call 9399 0111 or visit www. armadale.wa.gov.au.


9397 6372

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The Ignite team at Armadale with Sport and Recreation Minister Terry Waldron (centre back). Photograph courtesy of www.perthnow.com.au.

Help the Salvos feed 10,000 people in need this Christmas The Salvation Army is calling on the community to give a meal and give hope to someone in need this Christmas. The 10,000 meals campaign asks people to give as little as $10 to provide a Christmas meal for someone who may otherwise go without one this festive season. Ensuring people don’t go hungry is an important part of the work of the Salvos and has been for more than 130 years. Our research shows that more than 30% of the people we assist at Christmas will have no one to share a meal with on Christmas Day. But it’s not just about food - it’s also about giving people a sense of community and a place to belong. Especially at Christmas which can be a lonely time for people with nowhere to celebrate. Please visit 10thousandmeals.org.au to donate a meal for $10 and make a difference in someone’s life this Christmas. Ref: www.salvationarmy.org.au.

oleystone Tee-Ball R and Baseball Club Inc. Major SponSor

No job too Big or Small!


HOURS Stephen White B.Pharm., M.P.S. JACQUELINE T. B. Com., CPA JACQUELINE T. HUNT HUNT B. Com., CPA Mon-Fri 8.30am - 6pm Michael Whitely B.Pharm., M.P.S.

Gary Toh B.Pharm., M.P.S. Thurs 8.30am - 7pm Manager: Certified Practising Accountant Certified Practising Accountant Sat 8.30am - 5pm Shop 15, 21 Jarrah Road Roleystone Sun 9.00am - 3pm TAX P: 9397 5377 REGISTERED AGENT


Open 7Certified Days Practising E: roleystone@pharmacyalliance.net Accountant + Individual & Sole Traders Certified Practising Accountant JACQUELINE T. HUNT TAX TAX TIME JACQUELINE T.HUNT HUNT JACQUELINE T.T.HUNT TIME JACQUELINE T. JACQUELINE HUNT Certified Practising Accountant Certified Practising Accountant

+ Individual & Sole Traders + Partnerships B. Com., CPA + Partnerships REGISTERED TAX AGENT REGISTERED TAX AGENT Certified Practising Accountant + Company + Company B. Com., CPA B. Com., CPA + Family Trusts B. Com., CPA + B. Com., CPA + Individual & Sole Traders Individual & Sole Traders REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Family Trusts Certified Practising Accountant + Partnerships + Self Managed Super + poor? Partnerships TAX Time + Self Managed Super TAX + Individual & Sole Traders Time poor? Funds + TIME REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Company Company Email your documents + Partnerships Funds TIME TAX Email your documents REGISTERED TAX AGENT + + BAS/GST + Family Trusts Family Trusts + Company TIME REGISTERED TAX AGENT + Individual & Sole Traders REGISTERED TAX AGENT + BAS/GST Multiple years welcome + + Family Trusts Multiple years welcome Time poor? + Self Managed Super Self Managed Super + + Multiple years welcome + Partnerships Individual & Sole Traders Time poor? TAX Funds + Multiple years welcome + Self Managed Super Funds Time poor? your documents + Email Individual & Sole Traders

Certified Practising Accountant

Individual & Sole Traders Company Email + your documents + + Partnerships TIME Funds + BAS/GST Email your documents + BAS/GST + Family Trusts + Partnerships Partnerships Multiple years + BAS/GST + + Company Multiple years welcome welcome Multiple years welcome + Multiple years welcome + Self Managed Super + Multiple years welcome Time poor? + Multiple years welcome + Company + Company + Family Trusts Funds Jacqueline T. Hunt Email your documents Fax: 9496 1887+ BAS/GST is a CPA Practice Jacqueline T. Hunt + Family Trusts Family Trusts + + Self Managed Super Time poor? Fax: 9496 1887 Multiple years welcome Tel: is a CPA Practice 9496 1886 Funds E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au + Multiple years welcome + Self Managed Super Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au + Self Managed Super

TAX TAX TAX TIME Tel: 9496 1886 T: 9496 Tel: 9496 1886 TIME TIME T: 9496 1886 1886

Tel: 9496 1886 T: 9496 1886

support the players and our club. Finally, the committee would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas. Enjoy the break and catch you on the diamond in 2015! Wendy Mays, Publicity Officer.

Roleystone Tennis Club If you are looking for an activity for children during these coming school holidays, Roleystone Tennis Club is offering Tennis Coaching Clinics. These two hour programs will cover all the shots, including forehand, backhand, volleys, serves and smashes. Lots of prizes and games will be included for all players of all levels. There are two sessions to be held 9.00am - 11.00am Wednesday 7 January and Saturday 24 January with a cost of $18. A one and a half hour session will be held Wednesday 14 January 5.00pm - 6.30pm which will concentrate on serve and point play at a cost of $12. All enquiries can be directed to Darren on 0412 497 778, email: topshottennis@gmail.com.

Tel: 9496 1886 T: 9496 Email your documents Time poor?1886 Jacqueline T. Hunt Time poor? T: 9496 1886 Jacqueline T. Hunt E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Jacqueline T. Hunt Liability limited byFax: a Funds scheme 9496 approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 1887 is a CPA Practice + BAS/GST Funds Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Email your documents Email your documents Please phone or email for an appointment E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Multiple years welcome Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Please phone or email for an appointment Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au + + Multiple years welcome + BAS/GST BAS/GST E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au

Tel: 9496 1886

T: 9496 1886 Please phone or email forJacqueline T. Hunt an appointment Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Multiple years welcome Multiple years welcome Liability limited by a scheme Professional Standards Legislation. Fax:approved 9496under 1887 is a CPA Practice

Please phone for appointment + Multiple years welcome + Multiple years welcome by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Please phone or or email email Liability forlimitedan an appointment E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Tel: 9496 1886 T: 9496 1886 Please phone or email for an appointment Fax: 94969496 1887 Tel: 9496 1886 Tel: 1886 9496 1886 T:T: 9496 1886

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Jacqueline T. Hunt


is a CPA Practice Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Jacqueline T. Hunt Jacqueline T. Hunt E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Please phone or 6093 email for an appointment E: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au E: Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au PL jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au 6861 GF

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PAGE 15 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

On Sunday 7 December four teams participated in the Lightning Carnival held by TBAWA at Yokine Reserve. Roleystone was well represented with all teams doing an awesome job: Royals finished 2nd in U10’s and in U13’s (out of 22 teams), Nitros finished 9th, Bandits 3rd, and I’m very proud to say RRE Red Sox brought home the winning plaque to add to our clubrooms. We would like to thank our committed umpires (Wendy, Anthony, Dylan and Mike) for attending the carnival and everyone who helped out on the day. A number of sponsors attended our recent photo sessions and we would like to remind everyone to continue to support Roleystone Animal Hospital, Roleystone Chiropractic, Seadragonz Swim School, Roleystone Supa IGA, Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bendigo Bank, Karragullen Gravel & Garden Supplies, Creative Driveways & Fencing, Tony Simpson, Don Randall, WJ & KS Automotives, Hogs Breath Cafe Kelmscott, Roleystone Pharmacy, and our major sponsor, Roleystone Real Estate. On Friday 21 November our U8’s played an evening game instead of the normal Saturday morning game, which followed with a sausage sizzle. We also had our pitching machine out for the older children (and some parents) to have a go at hitting a “pitched” ball. This was very popular and many families stayed around to enjoy a social evening on the green. We also had our annual fundraising for the season with the sale of chocolates – thank you to everyone who purchased these. Our two State Championship teams have been training hard and we can see lots of improvements already. These players will continue training over the holidays and attend several carnivals in preparation for the Championships on the long weekend in February/March 2015. Their first carnival will be on 10 January and they will also attend a Perth Heat game as Baseball Buddies on 9 and 23 January 2015, so come along to these games and

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Community feedback on John Forrest National Park Have you visited John Forrest National Park recently? The Department of Parks and Wildlife would like to hear about your experience and your ideas for the future of the park. Perth Hills District Parks and Reserves Manager Elisa Skillen said feedback from community members was important. “John Forrest National Park is Western Australia’s first national park and the department is looking at its future recreational needs,” Ms Skillen said. “People who live in the area and those who visit the park are encouraged to have their say by going online to complete a short survey. “It will take only a few minutes and the information will help us plan for the future.” Survey link : https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/John_Forrest_Community. John Forrest National Park facts: • Founded in 1900, it is the oldest national park in the State. • The park was named in honour of the famous explorer and statesman Sir John Forrest, who was WA Premier between1890-1901. • Several trails run through the park, including the Railway Reserve Heritage Trail, which follows the alignment of the old railway line to York. • There are outstanding views of Perth from the lookout point on the Scenic Drive. • There were approximately 104,000 visits to John Forrest National Park in 2013-14. For more information about the John Forrest National Park survey, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Mundaring office on 9290 6100. Ref: www.dpaw.wa.gov.au. Published: Friday, 14 November 2014. Pictured: Railway tunnel in John Forrest National Park. Photograph courtesy of Tourism WA.

Juniors Kayaking Program for children 8-12yr olds and Champion Lakes Boating Club 13-18yr olds Venue: Champion Lakes Regatta Ctr Henley Drv, Champion Lakes The focus is on flatwater paddling and this includes a variety of activities. Qualified Coaches. Training Sundays 3.30pm - 5.00pm Junior Membership $130 Call Robyn Brown 0401 311 817 Email: robyn.L.brown@bigpond.com


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Kayaking is a great sport for children as it offers fitness and the opportunity to compete and aim towards the highest level of Olympic sprinting or slalom kayaking. There are several current West Australia Olympians who commenced their kayaking careers in a • Grass Tree (AKA) Blackboy Pruning & Maintenance, Transplanting or junior program. free removal (alive) • Garden Yard Clean Ups & Routine Maintenance Champion Lakes Boating • Storm Damage Clean Ups • Chainsawing & Wood Removal Club juniors are separated Pruning, Weeding, Mulching, Planting, 12V & 24V Garden into 2 groups to correspond Lighting, Post Hole Digging (Earth Auger) with competitive groupings: 8-12 year olds, and 13-18 Back By popular year olds. The BRACKENRIDGE demand focus is on flat mini facial & back water paddling, which includes massage (1hr Treatment) a variety of $50 (savings of $55) activities: drills, deluxe facial, back games, river paddles and fitness sessions off the water. It is family orientated with parents encouraged to join in on water activities once massage & shellac toes or they have learnt to paddle. nails (1.5-2hr Treatment) For We offer Basic Skills kayaking lessons regularly so that parents are Body, Mind & Spirit $100 (savings of $70) competent and confident on the water. We have three qualified coaches with Australian Canoeing Level One Gift Vouchers Available Flat Water coaching awards. They are assisted by a part qualified coach who is also a young sprint kayaker. The main training session is held on Sunday afternoon from 3.30pm 5.00pm with other pre work / school sessions during the week for keen paddlers. Junior membership is $130, and the financial season runs from 1 October - 30 September. Optional future costs include $35 for a club shirt and $33 for shed / gate keys. Members are entitled to use club boats for at least 3 months. Juniors will progress much quicker with their own paddle and boat, so purchasing your own boat is encouraged once the junior shows they are committed to the sport. Paddles start at approximately $200, while new boats are available from around $1,400 onwards and second hand boats are available from $500. For more details please contact CLBC President, Robyn Brown, at robyn.l.brown@ bigpond.com.

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PAGE 17 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter


Help save our Black Cockatoo Rescue Program!

770 Brookton HigHway roleystone 770 Brookton HigHway Now’sOpening the time toHours: ensure your vehicle ready for-the Summer heat Mon - Fri:is7:00am 6:00pm and long road trips. roleystone Book your in for service, cooling system, Sat:vehicle 7:00am - 2:00pm

Carnaby’s cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus (Zanda) latirostris), Baudin’s cockatoo (C. (Zanda) baudinii) and the forest red-tailed black cockatoo (C. banksii naso) are all endemic to southwest Western Australia, found nowhere else in the world. Sadly all three species are tyres, brakes and safety check. Roleystone Hours: Auto Centre proudly supports local6:00pm businesses all listed as Endangered or under threat of extinction, with population sizes diminishing Opening - Fri: Roleystone Auto CentreMon would like7:00am to wish-everybody a safe 2:00pm at an alarming rate. Habitat loss and fragmentation, competition for nests and food and and Happy ChristmasSat: and7:00am all the -best for the New Year. Roleystone Auto Centre supports businesses Thanks Jason,proudly Samantha andlocal Gerard. human impacts such as vehicle strikes are taking a large toll on these iconic birds. Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre in Perth is a non-profit, non-government organisation run largely by dedicated volunteers. We are the premier black cockatoo rehabilitation facility in Australia, admitting, rehabilitating and releasing endangered or threatened black cockatoos belonging to four different species (also includes the inland red-tailed black cockatoo, C. b. samueli). We also run a revegetation program to provide future habitat for the black cockatoos, and an outreach program to Season’s Greetings & best wishes for Gift Vouchers Available educate the community on the plight of WA’s black cockatoos and what they Gift Vouchers Available theGift New Year from Gary and all the staff Vouchers Available The can do to help. The The We desperately need funding to continue one of our main projects - our B.Y.O. restAurAnt Multi AwArd wArdw winning inning B.Y.O. restAurAnt Black Cockatoo Rescue Program for 2015. On a daily basis we get calls to wArd w inning B.Y.O. r estAurAnt M ulti A wArd w inning B.Y.O. r estAurAnt B.Y.O. restAurAnt Multi AwArd wArdw winning inning B.Y.O. restAurAnt pick up and save injured or ailing black cockatoos from all around Perth and beyond. The cockatoos mainly show injuries consistent with vehicle strike or shooting, but may also be generally debilitated or may be orphaned young. Our cockatoo ambulance gives emergency care then takes them to Perth Zoo Veterinary Department for treatment, then are returned to us for further care and rehabilitation until they can be re-released back into the wild. Your funding neeww would go directly to keeping our cockatoo ambulance running, funding our neenwu m n vet nurse and providing supplies for our clinic and rehabilitation aviaries for u n e menu of Service” m “26 Years 2009 •Gold Plate Restaurant Award Finalists Serving 2015. Without funding for this program in 2015 many cockatoos that would onlyonly thethe best • Fine Dining 3 Rooms • Children Meals Serving bestcuisine cuisine in a Categories; Unlicensed Dining & Family Dining Serving Come and dine one Armadale’s 2009 Plateof Restaurant Award Finalists inhurCh a31superb rustic setting superb rustic setting only the best cuisine Fine Dining •Gold 3inRooms Rooms •Children Children Meals Serving only the best cuisine in a C A ve • Romantic Evening Family Dining C hurCh A ve 2009 Gold Plate •Restaurant Award Finalists31Serving normally have been saved with our fast acting rescue program may instead be The only the best cuisine The ••Fine Dining • 3 • Meals Serving only the best cuisine in a Categories; Unlicensed Dining & Family DiningAin a31superb rustic setting superb setting longest established • Fine Dining •Restaurant’s 3 •Rooms • Children Meals A Categories; Unlicensed Dining & Family Dining 31 C CrmAdAle hurCh verustic Romantic Evening Family Dining CrmAdAle hurCh ve 31 hurCh AA veve in aC superb superb setting Open: Dinner Tues-Sat 6.30pm till The The 31 hurCh • Romantic Evening • late GiftMeals Vouchers 31 hurCh AArustic verustic ••Romantic Evening Family Dining 31 CC hurCh AAsetting ve The lost. The • Fine Dining •••3Family RoomsDining • Children A rmAdAle Open: Dinner Tues-Sat 6.30pm till A rmAdAle A ve 31 C hurCh Open: Dinner Tues-Sat 6.30pm till late • Fine Dining • 3 Rooms • Children Meals A 31 C hurCh Ave ve (Sun Mon by Appointment) A rmAdAle •& Romantic Evening • 6.30pm Family Dining • Gift Vouchers A rmAdAle 9399 6078 31ArmAdAle CrmAdAle hurCh ve Open: Dinner Tues-Sat 6.30pm till late 6078AA restAurAnt Open: Dinner Tues-Sat till 31 C hurCh • restAurAnt Romantic Evening • Family Dining • late Gift Vouchers 9399 late (Sun & Mon by Appointment) $10 - Feed and treat an injured cockatoo for a day, $50 - Provides vehicle A rmAdAle (Sun &&Mon Mon Appointment) (Sun Mon by by Appointment) Lunches bytill Arrangement Lunches by Arrangement A rmAdAle 9399 6078 Open: Dinner Tues-Sat 6.30pm late 9399 6078 restAurAnt restAurAnt A rmAdAle (Sun & by Appointment) A rmAdAle 9399 6078 Open: Dinner Tues-Sat 6.30pm till late 9399 6078 restAurAnt restAurAnt Lunches Arrangement (Sun &by Mon by Arrangement Appointment) Lunches by Arrangement Lunches by 9399 6078 www.themanse.theguide.com.au running costs for one rescue, $100 - Clinic supplies and medications for one (Sun www.themanse.theguide.com.au & Mon by Arrangement Appointment) Lunches by Arrangement Lunches by 9399 6078 6078 www.themanse.theguide.com.au www.themanse.theguide.com.au www.themanse.theguide.com.au Gift Vouchers Available 9399 www.themanse.theguide.com.au www.themanse.theguide.com.au week, $600 - Keeps our Vet Nurse employed part-time for one week and $2,000 - Buys a new rehabilitation aviary. See www.blackcockatoorecovery. com for more information on what we do or to donate directly.


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“First chance to make a lasting Impression” Mobile: 0400 428 119 Office Hours: 8am-4pm 5 Days Mon to Fri Email: fngrafix@iinet.net.au Fax: 9397 5136 www.fngrafix.thevalleyreporter.com.au 23 WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty Ltd A.C.N. 121 488 515 as Trustee for the Newland Family Trust trading as FN Grafix A.B.N. 25 121 579 862

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*Conditions Apply. Artwork, Layout and Design @ $155 per hour. All prices mentioned include the GST. Trading Terms CASH ON DELIVERY BASIS, unless otherwise arranged. The authorisation to commence artwork automatically indicates the acceptance of printing. Completed artwork will not be emailed to other recipients. It can be archived onto a CD, with a processing fee of $105 requiring customer collection.

home chef - Food for Life Home Chef is celebrating 30 years of providing all of our customers with a nutritious, home delivered frozen meal service straight from our well-equipped kitchens to your door. Our portion-controlled meals can be designed for your daily requirements, including DiabeticFriendly, Heart-Friendly, Lower Sodium, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Pureed and Vegetarian. We cater for all ages young and old, and you can choose from over 70 complete main meals including salads, soups and desserts. Home Chef is fantastic for people with busy lifestyles who don’t have time to shop or prepare food, or for those just wanting to eat healthily. We can deliver peace of mind for families with elderly parents, people with chronic disease, disability or recuperating at home, and students

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Support your local Women’s Health Service by putting on a red frock and joining us for a dash around Champion Lakes! Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services is a non-profit, nongovernment organisation currently supporting approximately 2,000 women and families every year through the provision of low cost, affordable groups and programs. Red Dress Dash is focused on creating awareness for Heart Disease, and funds raised will be donated to Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services. Your support will allow us to continue to run groups and events that specifically promote heart health as well as our many other fantastic services such as nutrition information, exercise programs, therapeutic groups, one

on one counselling, and general health sessions. The event will be held on Sunday 1 March 2015 at Champion Lakes. It will be a great, fun-filled day for the whole family with lots of surprises along the track, entertainment for all ages, and a post-race dance party. You can choose from the 10km run or 5km walk. You are welcome to run, walk, crawl, dance, or do whatever gets you around the course - it’s all about having fun and being active! Prams are welcome. Kids must be on foot, and no bikes, scooters or dogs are allowed. Please visit www.dressdash.org.au to register and support Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services.

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Serpentine Jarrahdale Relay for Life 28-29 March 2015 10am to 10pm Team Boo-Bees are back again this year!




Support the local businesses that support you & your community



Some of our team members are cancer survivors, and all of us have been touched by friends, family, and loved ones who have had cancer. Relay For Life is our opportunity to join together to make a difference in our community. Each year, thousands of Australians participate in Relays across Australia, and our team is proud to be part of that. By donating to our team, you will be helping the Cancer Council to save even more lives. Look out for us in 2015, we will be running a couple of sausage sizzles outside of Fidock & Co Real Estate at the local Roleystone Shopping Centre. You can go to this website to find out more about our fundraising, and to donate: http:// fundraising.cancer.org.au/site/TR?pg=team&fr_id=2020&team_id=7961. We’re aiming high, so help us reach our fundraising goal!

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SPORTS stars Do you know someone who EXCELS AT SPORT? We want to feature sports achievers within The Valley Reporter, but we need you to tell us who they are. Any age counts, who is your living legend?

Please feel free to submit your details to us in the following ways so we can add them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter” M: 0400 428 119 F: 9397 5136 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone E: thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au www.thevalleyreporter.com.au

AUDITION TO ACHIEVE ACTING VISION Calling all Roleystone actors wanting to make a change in the New Year – applications for The Gap in 2015 are now open “I love creating alongside other creatives,” she said. “When I started teaching, I was encouraged by many people to start my own school. “I am passionate about the performing arts and helping people achieve their dreams and potential within the industry.” Ciara Taylor, a 2014 graduate, described The Gap program as challenging and fun while also preparing her for the industry. “Amanda is an honest and reliable teacher whose opinion is full of experience,” she said. “She tries her best to give us every opportunity possible.” Another graduating student, Quaid Kirchner, added: “I’d recommend the course to people who are truly determined and passionate for the art of acting because you learn what’s truly required to make it into the industry.” For more details about The Gap, go to www.actorshub.net and download an audition form, email info@actorshub.net or call 6143 3568. The Actors’ Hub is located at the Subiaco Arts Centre, 180 Hamersley Road, Subiaco.

Bureau of Meteorology Statistics for July 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 7.7 C Maximum: 15.0 C Total Rainfall 36.8mm Statistics for August 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 9.2 C Maximum: 18.4 C Total Rainfall 148.6mm

© copyright 2014 Bureau of meteorology

Bickley – Western Australia

Statistics for September 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 11.4 C Maximum: 21.9 C Total Rainfall 77.0mm

(top) Nicholas Allen & Caitlin Gee. (bottom) Clockwise from left: Ciara Taylor, Nicholas Allen, Justin Gray & Emma Harvey putting skills learnt through The Gap to test on stage.

Statistics for October 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 12.5 C Maximum: 24.5 C Total Rainfall 37.0mm Statistics for November 2014 Temperature Average Minimum: 14.0 C Maximum: 26.2 C Total Rainfall 23.8mm Western Australian Regional Office Bureau of Meteorology Ph: 9263 2222 Fax: 9263 2233. Accessed from the Bureau of Meteorology website http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/dwo Disclaimer; This product contains real-time data, loaded automatically with only limited quality control. The Bureau does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, correctness, accuracy, reliability, or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the information presented. The user accepts sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and results of this product, irrespective of the purpose to which such use or results are applied. in no event shall the Bureau of meteorology be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action contract, negligence or tort, rising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this product.

PAGE 21 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

The Actors’ Hub has a special 40week part-time course that aims to reduce the gap between high school drama and Australia’s leading acting schools, such as the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) and WA Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA), as well as the industry. Known as The Gap, the program allows students to refine their skills as they learn from highly trained actors, directors and master teachers, gaining insights on how to develop an acting career, while waiting for the next annual intake for performing arts courses across the country. The course delivers professional training in preparation and performance techniques for both stage and screen. Entry to The Gap is by audition only and people must be aged 17 and above. Offers close January 16. The program runs from February to December, alongside the school terms, with two half days and one full day (12 hours) each week. The Actors’ Hub director Amanda Crewes said The Gap provided a serious focus for those wanting to learn more about the profession in a fun, innovative and professional environment. “We aim to help people get there, wherever that may be,” she said. “We want people to feel safe to dream, empowered to dare and inspired to do. “There are limited places on offer at Australia’s major drama schools which results in some of the country’s most talented performers being overlooked. “About 3,500 students graduate from high school drama courses each year but with only a small number accepted into drama schools, many gifted young actors are forced to find a new career path. “The Gap highlights how people might actually be getting in their own way, holding themselves back from achieving what they want out of their acting.” Following her own successful career and her father’s belief that anyone could learn to act, Crewes decided to teach others the art of performance.

PAGE 22 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VALLEY Reporter

CHRISTMAS MARKET AND CONCERT Held quarterly at Cross Park, Jarrah Road, the Roleystone Markets offer a distinctive mix of quality art, craft, provisions and produce to local and surrounding areas. The Christmas Twilight Markets took place on Sunday 7 December. From 3pm to 8pm, the Markets were alive with Christmas spirit as people found unique gifts from over 100 stores and celebrated the joyous season of giving. Wildthyme Natural Soap was one of many stores at the Christmas Twilight Markets. A small, family run business, Wildthyme Natural Soap has been hand-making soap in Roleystone for 12 years. Their brand new Aromatherapy Bath Bliss in Lime and Peru Balsam or Lavender flavours made the perfect gift for any member of the family. Artisan Spice was another store at the Markets that offered fresh, hand-made spice in small batches, while Askrigg Orchards provided fresh fruit and vegetables for sale from their orchard on Canning Mills Road. Roleystone P&C also had a store at the Markets offering a special gift-wrapping service with a huge assortment of paper to those who wished to have their items wrapped. There was plenty of delicious food available as well. Bona Pizza Mobile Wood-fired Pizza

included home smoked cherry tomatoes on their menu, and a team participating in the Serpentine Jarrahdale Relay for Life ran the popular sausage sizzle. This team, known as “Team Boo Bees”, is made up of people who have been touched by cancer, either personally or through family and friends fighting the disease. This year the Roleystone Markets teamed up with the Roleystone Musicians Club to organise entertainment for all ages. Deb de Boer from the Roleystone Musicians Club and Christine Heavey from the Roleystone Markets Committee successfully organised face painting, a bouncy castle, pony rides, animal petting, carol singers, dances, and bands such as “Dance with Tash”, which saw Chris on the drums, Tash with the vocals, Pete on bass, and Dale on the guitar. It wouldn’t be a Christmas Markets without Santa, and the man in red and white made a special visit after 5pm. The Roleystone Community Garden congratulates the Roleystone Market Committee for organising and running the Twilight Markets. With visitors arriving from far and wide, the Markets maintained a lovely community atmosphere throughout the day and ended with a concert under the setting sun. On behalf of all store holders, Tez’s Trezures would like to thank and congratulate every volunteer involved in organising the Roleystone Markets. We are very grateful to have the opportunity to share our wares and services with this amazing community and many others further afield. Bringing such a massive day into being for ‘US’ as a community does you and Roleystone proud. Finally, thank you and good luck to everyone who took home sunflower seeds. If you missed out, grow your own seeds in a pot and bring them along to the markets in March – there are many prizes to be won! Roleystone Markets Dates for 2015: Sunday 1 March 3pm - 8pm, Sunday 14 June 10am - 3pm, Sunday 20 September 10am 3pm, and Sunday 6 December 3pm - 8pm.

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The Roleystone Netball Club Committee would like to take this final opportunity to thank each and every one of our sponsors for their financial contribution to the club this year. To the Roleystone-Karragullen Branch of the Bendigo Bank, Kab Seating, Totally Workwear, Openica Logistics, Rainstorm Dust Control, The Hon. Tony Simpson MLA for Darling Range, Maggie Burke Real Estate, Beaver Tree Services and Metro Mobility, without your support and belief in the club, we would not have been able to offer the best opportunity for all our members. During the 2014 season many of our girls have taken their netball talents to new heights, from representing the club on one of the KDNA and Darling Range Squad Teams and training with State League, to umpiring every Saturday at Ray Owen or at carnivals and umpiring for the WA Indoor Netball Association at Nationals. To the girls who got their C Badge and to the new kids on the block who participated in the Junior Umpire Mentor Program (JUMP), you are all to be commended for your dedication, enthusiasm and hard work! To those girls who have been selected for the 2015 KDNA Squad, we wish you luck. Lastly, but by no means least, to all our dedicated players of the Roleystone Netball Club we applaud you all for a fantastic season and look forward to seeing you all in 2015. With the Spring season now drawing to a close at KDNA and SDNA we congratulate all teams on a great season and a fantastic end to the 2014 netball year. To all our families, have a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Registration days for 2015 have been planned for 7 February at the AGM and 8 February at the Roleystone Shopping Centre. For all enquiries contact Club Registrar/Secretary, Sharlene Warnes, at roleystonenetball@hotmail. com or visit roleystonenetballclub.wa.netball.com.au.

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call John today 0417 177 920 or 0458 124 878

Last training session for the year.

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ARALUEN ESTATE BUSHFIRE On Thursday 4 December, a fire was reported at Araluen in Perth’s southern hills at 1.42pm Fifty career and volunteer Fire and Rescue Service, Bush Fire Service and Department of Parks and Wildlife firefighters worked tirelessly together with other agencies to extinguish the fire. DFES managed the fire and found the cause to be accidental by machinery. The fire burnt approximately five hectares of land. Firefighters worked through the night before an ALL CLEAR advice was issued for people in Araluen Estate near Old Albany Lane and Heritage Drive in the City of Armadale on the following day. During the fire, residents were advised to drive slowly and with caution due to smoke and emergency services personnel working in the area. Fortunately, the fire was extinguished quickly without causing any damage to human life or properties in the area. Ref: www.dfes.wa.gov.au. Photograph courtesy of Claire Spry.

Kofukan Karate Roleystone Wraps Up a Great Year dinner for those who graded. We had a great Ruby Haydar - Senior Most Improved turnout of over 40 people attending, which Richard Ye - Junior Mike Abreu Award really showed what a great community and club Eve Williams - Senior Mike Abreu Award Following the formalities of the day, the we are a part of. With the Senior Grading winding up the karate entertainment began. We were lucky to have our events for the year, it gave all those involved rest resident DJ Mark Hollings pumping out some and time to prepare for the Karate Party held on great tracks for the afternoon. This year we Saturday the 6th December, at the Roleystone had Sumo suits for all ages, and we also had a Country Club. Presentations began at 1:00pm, jousting arena for the kids. These two activities with Sensei Brooke giving a run down on what provided everyone with some great laughs and happened throughout the year. We were lucky some friendly rivalries. We even saw Sensei to have our most Senior Instructor, Shihan Brooke and Sensei Elrina have a go at the Sumo Tomiyama (8th Dan) travel to Perth in May for wrestling. his annual visit, in which the Senior Class was After a successful year, we are already looking able to receive some in-depth training. We also forward to the exciting things to come in 2015. had a great turnout for our Margaret River camp We have our Enrolment Day for next year on the in September, with eight families attending. We 17th of January, from 9:00am to 11:00am at the are hoping to increase this number for next year. Roleystone Hall (Wygonda Road, Roleystone). Next came the awards for the year. Each year Newcomers are welcome to come down and we present two Encouragement Awards, a have a chat to the instructors and meet some of Junior and Senior Most Improved Award, and our current students. a Junior and Senior Mike Abreu Award (Students of the Year). Our Mike Abreu Awards are presented to students who have demonstrated a number of desirable attributes AUTO SERVICE CENTRE throughout the year. This year the • All Makes Servicing/Diagnostics • Cooling System Repairs trophies were awarded to: • Exhaust Replacement/Repairs • Shock Absorbers Kirsten Wettner • Starter Motors/Alternators • Brake Repairs • Free Quotations • 24 Years Experience Encouragement Award Your Locally Owned Fully Licensed Vehicle Repairer Dominick Mukherjee United Fuel Station 11 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Encouragement Award Matthew Poskitt Junior Most Improved

Campbells 9496 0050

PAGE 25 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

As the end of 2014 draws ever closer, the Roleystone Dojo has had a few events to complete a great year. The 27th of November saw our students grade for various ranks from white belt through to purple belt. It was great to see our students demonstrate the techniques they had learnt throughout the term. A Senior Grading was held by Kofukan Karate Australia at the Roleystone Hall on the 30th November, for those students grading from 2nd Kyu to Shodan (brown belt to black belt). Fourteen students from the Warnbro, Kwinana and Roleystone Dojos attempted their grading that day. Roleystone had four students grade for 1st Kyu, and one attempt Shodan. Grace Warnes, Maddison Kirby, Eve Williams and Jack Warnes (1st Kyu Brown Belt) and Pam Thonell (Shodan Black Belt) all trained very hard, and represented the club well. These gradings are not easy and as Sensei Darren pointed out at our recent Christmas windup, “1st Kyu is the gateway to Shodan”. Students were required to demonstrate Kata (patterns), Self Defence, Bunkai (application of kata) and Kumite (sparring). Both Maddison and Eve were required to perform their selfdefence on Sensei Darren, and after performing many takedowns, I think Sensei Darren was left a little sore. Good work girls! We instructors are proud that all our students passed the rank they were attempting, with the Roleystone Dojo gaining another Shodan student. Great work Pam! Following a long day, it is a tradition for the Roleystone Dojo to hold a celebratory

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Check out some of The VaLLey Reporter’s favourite photos collected over the years at http://www.thevalleyreporter.com.au/photo-gallery.html These photos are available for purchase as are many other photos within The VALLEY Reporter. Please details how Please email: email:thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au fngrafix@ozemail.com.au forfor details ononhow to obtain a photograph either as an A4 size or a 6” x 4” standard photo.

Green Light for Traffic Lights Main Roads Western Australia has given the green light for traffic signals to be installed at the intersection of Gosnells Road West and Tonkin Highway, Martin. The decision comes three years after the City of Gosnells first made an application for traffic signals to be installed to increase traffic safety at the intersection. City of Gosnells Mayor Dave Griffiths is very pleased with the decision saying it was the only outcome the City would have found acceptable. “There have been many serious crashes at this particular intersection and the installation of traffic signals has been a priority for the City and its RoadWise Advisory Group for years,” said the Mayor. “Unfortunately, these applications and decisions take time but in this instance, the right decision has been made by Main Roads Western Australia.” The Gosnells Road West/Tonkin Highway intersection was listed in the RAC’s Top Ten nominations of worst intersections from across the state. Over 5,000 members of the public responded to the RAC’s Risky Roads campaign which

gave Western Australians the opportunity to highlight substandard roads and intersections throughout the state. Main Roads Western Australia is in the early stages of the design and the actual installation date is currently unknown. In the meantime, Main Roads will be installing an 80km an hour speed limit on Tonkin Highway through the intersections of Gosnells Road West and Gosnells Road East in preparation for the installation of the traffic signals. The design and approvals for the speed zone are underway and it is expected that the 80km an hour zone will be implemented by the end of 2014. Ref: www.gosnells.wa.gov.au. Published 2 December, 2014.

PAGE 26 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

World on a Plate Returns The City of Gosnells’ popular global cooking series World on a Plate returns in 2015 as part of a community cultural exchange initiative. One night a month between January and June, a local cultural group will prepare a traditional meal in front of a live audience and share information about their culture and way of life. These free workshops will share insights about different cultures and cooking traditions and equip participants with the skills to cook a new international dish at home, without having to leave the City. Mayor Dave Griffiths said that the City is proud to celebrate its cultural diversity through the workshops, which will cover Samoan, Palestinian, French, Egyptian and Afghan cuisine. “With more than a third of the local community born overseas, this is a great opportunity to learn more about different cultures and traditions that make up the Gosnells community,” Mayor

Griffiths said. World on a Plate workshops start at 6pm on Thursday 22 January 2015 with the Samoan Methodist Church preparing a delicious, traditional Samoan feast. Workshops will be held at Southern River College, Southern River Road, Gosnells from 6pm to 8pm. Bookings are essential, as places are limited. To secure your place, please call the City’s Community Development team on 9397 3121. Ref: www.gosnells.wa.gov.au. Published 2 December, 2014.

City of Armadale Triathlon The City of Armadale Triathlon at Champion Lakes is a popular race on the Telstra Triathlon Series Calendar. The swim through the regatta centre is ideal for first-timers and tadpoles however it is also well received by professional triathletes. Distances: Pursuit – 750m Swim, 20km Cycle and 5km Run Elite Draft Legal Race – 750m Swim, 20km Cycle and 5km Run Enticer – 250m Swim, 8km Cycle and 2km Run The Sunday Times Chillout! Tadpoles Triathlon – 100m Swim, 2km Cycle and 500m Run Register at www.triserieswa.com.au. Event Schedule: Date: Sat 10 January 2015 Time: 6:00AM - 5:00PM Venue: Champion Lakes, Armadale

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Smokers warned of bushfire risk West Australians are being warned of the dangers of littering cigarette butts this bushfire season. Keep Australia Beautiful and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) issued the warning as the Bureau of Meteorology predicted a warmer than usual summer season across most of the country, with vast areas of the State expected to face an above average fire risk. Keep Australia Beautiful Chief Executive Officer Peter McLean said it was no secret cigarette butts are public enemy number one when it comes to littering. “More than seven billion butts are discarded in Australia each year. If placed end to end they would extend 144,000 kilometres and circle the planet 3.6 times,” Mr McLean said. “Nationally, thousands of fires a year are caused by cigarettes and smokers’ materials. “Cigarette butts account for the most amount of rubbish found along our state’s highways. “Not only are drivers who flick their cigarette butts out the window polluting the environment, they’re also potentially causing dangerous bushfires. You may have a licence to drive, but you don’t have a licence to litter.’’ DFES Operations Deputy Commissioner Lloyd Bailey said DFES attends over 500 mulch fires a year, the majority starting from discarded cigarette butts. “Cigarette butts can cause ground fuels to smoulder for lengthy periods of time and all it takes is a hot and windy day for a

bushfire to be sparked,” Deputy Commissioner Bailey said. “Under the right weather conditions a bushfire can quickly escalate, putting lives and property under threat and placing an enormous burden on emergency services. “I urge everyone to take responsibility for their actions and help to prevent bushfires this summer by carefully disposing of cigarette butts.” The Keep Australia Beautiful National Litter Index 2013/14 recently revealed the number of cigarette butts found in Western Australia is 19 butts per 1,000m². “I’ve had a lit cigarette hit me in the face that was flicked out of a car window before; people are just not getting the message,” Mr McLean said. Careless disposal of a cigarette butt can be very costly, attracting a fine of up to $500 for an individual. During a Total Fire Ban any person who disposes of burning tobacco, or a burning cigarette, cigar or match in circumstances that is likely to set fire to the bush, including throwing it from a vehicle, could face a fine of $25,000 and/or 12 months in jail. The public can report someone carelessly disposing of a cigarette to Keep Australia Beautiful WA (KAB). To become a registered Litter Reporter visit the Keep Australia Beautiful WA website at www.kabc.wa.gov.au and complete the online registration form.​ Ref: www.dfes.wa.gov.au. Published Tuesday 2 December 2014.

AIR CONDITIONING HEATING SYSTEMS SOLAR HOT WATER SOLAR ELECTRICITY www.seasonmakers.com.au Call your local representative; Nigel Bray -

PB Bathroom Renovations Your Perth Hill’s Bathroom Specialist For a complete renovation, tile and grout, repairs, shower screen and vanity.

Call Pete Bond : 0412 959 818 Business Hours : 9397 6988 For a look at some of our bathrooms, come to our facebook page! PB Bathrooms Renovations

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Amendment to City Of Armadale’s Local Planning Policy PLN 4.2 – Advertisements (Signage) Closes 5 Jan 2015 Council, at its meeting on 24 November 2014, resolved to advertise for public comment proposed amendments to the City of Armadale Local Planning Policy PLN 4.2, Advertisements (Signage). The proposed amendments intend to increase the display period timeframe of tethered signs. A copy of the draft policy is available for viewing at the City of Armadale Administration Office, 7 Orchard Avenue, Armadale from 8.15am to 4.45pm weekdays. Please download the relevant documents: PLN.42 - Proposed Planning Policy at http://www.armadale.wa.gov.au. Submit your feedback in writing to the following address: Office of Chief Executive Officer City of Armadale Locked Bag 2, Armadale WA 6992.

watch this space! or check out our website

www.roleystonetheatre.com.au We will be announcing our productions for the 2015 season soon Gift vouchers now available We’re making it easy for you to find unique presents - how about the gift of entertainment? You can now purchase gift vouchers for the Roleystone Theatre - valid at any show. Call Gerry or Bobbie on 9397 5730 to order yours now! The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports the ROLEYSTONE THEATRE


Community Noticeboard KICKBOXING FOR FITNESS New class now on Fridays @ 10:30am. KICKBOXING 4 BEGINNERS. Great to way to begin achieving your weight loss or fitness goals. Learn correct technique from an experienced female instructor. Only $15 1hr session. All equipment provided. Fox’s Boxing Gym, 25 Greenough Way, Gosnells. ARMADALE SOCCER CLUB Seeking Sunday Amateurs for 2015, please contact us at info@armadalesoccerclub.com.au. Chipmunks Christmas Party Join us for festive fun & celebration! Thursday 18th December Time: 10am 2pm, Friday 19th December 2014. Time: 5.30pm - 8.30pm. Music and games, Santa visit and gift, play in the playground, don’t forget your socks! Tickets available in-store today! $10 per ticket. For more information go to www.chipmunks. com.au.

Women’s Health & Wellbeing Services The Happiness Project They say the most important thing in life is “to be happy”. But, how exactly do we achieve this? And what does happiness look like anyway? This exciting new course is based on the #1 New York Times & international bestselling book call The Happiness Project. You’ll explore your own life & habits, & identify areas that need some TLC, a spring clean or revamping! You’ll learn many practical tips for creating more manageable, enjoyable & meaningful life, & form personalised strategies to bring these qualities into your relationships, home & work environments too. When: Mondays, 9.30am-12pm. Dates: 9th February - 30th March (7 weeks) Where: WHWS Group Room. Cost: $80 (includes a copy of The Happiness Project Book). Bookings essential, limited spots left! P: 9490 2258.


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Support the local businesses that support you & your community

Each year on December 5 the world stops to celebrate the social glue of society – volunteers. Founded in 1985 by the United Nations General Assembly, International Volunteer Day honours the generous service of over 6 million volunteers in Australia and many more around the world, for enriching our quality of life and social cohesion. Volunteers contribute $290 billion to the Australian economy each year. If it were an industry, it would be the largest in Australia. On December 5, we thanked every volunteer around the country for their commitment and service; those in emergency services, sports, arts, health and in every community activity in every region around Australia. A number of events took place throughout Western Australia to mark the day, and there was also a special feature in The West Australian newspaper and some volunteer stories in a number of the community newspapers. Not only are volunteers helping make the lives of everyone around them happier, they too are happier as a result. Research tells us that just a few hours of volunteer work makes a difference in people’s happiness. It’s proven that volunteers are happier, healthier and even sleep better than those who don’t volunteer. Some other interesting facts associated with sustained volunteering include better mental health, better feelings of wellbeing and longevity, while the experience of helping others provides meaning, a sense of self-worth, a social role and health enhancement.*

Volunteering Australia is very excited to announce the theme for National Volunteer Week 2015: Give Happy, Live Happy. From 11 – 17 of May next year, we want to make Australia the happiest place on earth by asking every Australian to give as much time as they can. “What better way to kick off the campaign than on International Volunteer Day?” said Brett Williamson, CEO, Volunteering Australia. If you are interested in volunteering go to www.volunteeringaustralia.org to search over 10,000 vacant volunteering positions and find the perfect role in your region. Volunteering Australia will be releasing more information about the 2015 National Volunteer Week campaign over the coming months (keep an eye on their website and social media platforms to stay up to date). Rikki Blacka r.blacka@volunteeringact.org.au Twitter: @VolunteeringAus *Volunteering and Happiness: The Facts, 5 December 2014, Volunteering Australia, volunteeringaustralia.org.

accommodation Avocados Accommodation 2 Mount Street Kelmscott Phone: 9496 3838 ACCOUNTING/TAXATION Jacqueline T. Hunt Phone: 9496 1886 jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au AIR CONDITIONING Green Army Services Call John 0417 177 920 or 0458 124 878 Season Makers Call Nigel Bray now on 0400 074 844 ANIMALS – TRAVELLING FARMS Old Macdonald’s Travelling Farms Chris Whitney 0447 742 295 ANTENNAS Roleystone Antennas Ph: 0411 536 883 Antenna Home Theatre Install/Repairs Roofline Antenna Services Call Mark Polini 0418 928 614 AUTO-MECHANICAL Campbells Auto Service Centre 11 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Ph:9496 0050 Roleystone Auto Centre 770 Brookton Hwy Roleystone Ph:9397 5993 WJ & KS Automotives 447 Chevin Road Phone: 9397 5666 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS PB Bathroom Renovations Call Pete Bond 0412 959 818, 9397 6988 BEAUTY THERAPIST Pure Indulgence Unit 6 1 Soldiers Rd Brackenridge Village 9496 2922 BIRTHDAY PARTY VENUE Fairies Forever Pioneer Village Albany Hwy Armadale 9399 2266 BOBCAT & TIP TRUCK Roleystone Bobcat 0418 625 925 Call Joe Dirt 9397 9860 BUILDERS David J Willis Building Phone: 9496 1262 Mobile: 0408 959 340 White Rose Building Co David Fowler P: 9498 3843 Mob: 0402 785 894

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cabinetmakerS EARTHMOVING Cornerstone Cabinets F & M.J. Armenti Paul Haynes P:9397 6372 0427 445 041 F:9397 6374 CAR DETAILING EATERIES Once Over Mobile Affinity Cafe Car Detailing 9397 6538 Jason 0411 654 119 8 Wygonda Rd Roleystone carpet & tile Kim Valley Chinese cleaning Restaurant 198 Brookton Hwy Kelmscott 9495 1188 Jem’s Carpet & Tiles Cleaning Services Roley’s on the Ridge 0433 448 208 Cnr Soldiers Rd & Brookton Hwy Ph: 9496 0666 CHEMIST ELECTRICIANS Roleystone Community Chemist Shop 15, 21 Jarrah Darling Range Electrical Rd Roleystone 9397 5377 Call Glen Weaver 0421 567 423, 9397 6015 CHILDCARE High Point Electrical Magic Moon Childcare Call Marius 0419 004 475 Phone: Linda 9399 1838 highpointelectrical@ssbs.net.au 101 Forrest Rd Armadale FENCING CHIROPRACTOR Rural Fencing Call John Roleystone Chiropractic 0418 953 591 or Josh Morton 0451 675 100 Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone fitness for women cleaning Curves - Armadale Go Jo Cleaning Shop 1, Champion Drv SC Jodie de Lafontaine Armadale 9399 4151 0422 466 014 GARDEN BAGS Healthy Homes Eco Express Garden Bags Cleaning Natalie Buckley Phone Colin or Rose 0431 996 570 0408 930 142, 9397 5769 COMPUTER REPAIRS GARDENING / Bigsi Computer Solutions LAWNMOWING call Simon 9397 9046 Mobile: 0433 838 394 Grasstree Makeovers & Garden Yard Clean Ups CONCRETE Call Scott 0429 990 660 K & K Concrete GARDEN SUPPLIES Kevin Campbell Karragullen Gravel & 0433 728 478 Garden Supplies DANCE CLASSES Phone/Fax: 9397 6854 Jus ‘Dance Kids & Adult gutter CLEANING Classes Jenny 0413 430 721 1984 Albany Hwy Maddington Excellent Window Cleaning Call Anam on dentIST 0401 503 157 Roleystone Dental Graham’s Gutter & Window Surgery Ph: 9397 6337 Cleaning Services 2/9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone 9496 3456, 0434 731 745 DOGWASH/Grooming gutter protection Blue Wheelers Mobile Four Seasons Gutter Dog Wash & Grooming Protection 0404 485 137 1300 30 25 23 DRIVEWAYS HAIRDRESSING Creative Driveways & Aura Hairdressing Fencing Call John Ph/Fax: Shop 10/21 Jarrah Rd 9397 6854 or 0418 953 591 Phone: 9496 3950

HAIRDRESSING SECURITY AntiCrime Protective Billy Shears The Hair Club Services Pty Ltd Unit 2a Brackenridge Village Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd 1300 105 600 9397 9219, 0431 908 074 SHEDS & PATIOS HOME CHEF Spinifex Sheds & Patios Home Chef 9378 2544 2, 18 Gillam Drv Kelmscott ‘Dinners to Your Door’ Phone: 9390 4662 www.homechef.com.au SHOPPING CENTRE landscaping Roleystone Supa IGA Brookton Valley 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC Landscaping Call Hugh Ph: 9397 5549, 9397 5585 0428 867 992 SKIP BINS ORGANIC SHOP Just Skips Earthbound Organics 9295 6677 Open 7 Days 9.30amE: justskips@justskips.net 5.30pm Ph: 9397 7899 SIGNWRITING PAINTERS Fineline Signs Adam 0401 781 341 Ablaze with Colour Daniel Bale finelinesigns@bigpond.com 0412 011 184 TILING Brush Worx Professional Anfield Tiling Service Painting Services Terry Wall & Floor Tiling Griffiths 0430 115 178 Phone Chris 0421 222 138 PET CARE TREE SERVICES Prefurred Pet Care Hillside Tree Works Pet Sitting - Dog Walking Call Matt 0402 452 367 0417 189 621 PLUMBING JMC Tree Services ABM Plumbing Phone: 9497 1596 Call Andy 0419 986 923 Mobile: 0409 118 912 Office: 9293 7524 WA Treeworks Findlay Plumbing & Gas Phone: David 9496 0306 Phone/Fax: 9390 1940 Freecall: 1800 088 733 Mobile: 0409 297 939 veterinary service PRINTING Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services Call Judith FN Grafix Congrene 0433 2137 28 0400 428 119 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone WINDOW CLEANING PROPERTY Excellent Window Cleaning MAINTENANCE Call Anam on Green Army Services 0401 503 157 Call John 0417 177 920 Graham’s Gutter & Window or 0458 124 878 Cleaning Services Healy Property 9496 3456, 0434 731 745 Maintenance Jonathan yard clean ups Healy 0408 943 086 Mick’s Yard Clean Up RECREATION CENTRE micksyardcleanup@gmail.com Roleystone Recreation Mob: 0407 386 110 Centre 8 Wygonda Road Roleystone Ph: 9397 6538 ROOF restorations Total Roof Care Ring Steve 0419 854 587 totalroofcare@westnet.com.au SEAFOOD Curulli’s Seafood Market 6, 50 Forrest Rd Armadale Phone: 9399 9985

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• Roleystone Fish & Chips • Tomeo’s Service Station • Roleystone Country Club • Gull - Karragullen • RK Seniors Club • Araluen Botanic Park • The Roasted Bean Café • Good Shepherd Catholic PS • Roleystone Recreation Centre • Affinity Café • Roleystone Fire Station • The Manse Restaurant • WJ & KS Automotives • Roleystone Family Medical Centre • Armadale Cottage Bed & Breakfast



A fresh new approach with what’s happening in Roleystone...

12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty Ltd ACN: 121 488 515 as Trustee for the Newland Family Trust trading as The VALLEY Reporter ABN: 25 121 579 862

Prices subject to change without further notice. ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VALLEY Reporter

$35.00 per for as little as 5424 $80.00 Fionayear Newland Telephone: 9397

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BABYSITTER Avail $10/hr Have you got something to reliable 23yo cert 3 childcare sell? Then let everyone know Charlotte 0497 106 642, by putting it in 9397 6249 The Valley Reporter

HOME CARE tidy home, pets, any other requirements while you’re away or sick. Exp, reliable & caring call Sonja 0437 317 248

NOTICE Lge rm rent free in exchange for house duties, cleaning etc. in Roleystone. Rm has own frt door, toilet & bathroom w/spa. Lge house & you can have yr own privacy or mingle in & treat the house as you own. Prefer mature lady that must like reptiles Lance 9496 3118

Have you recently celebrated a special occasion, Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary FOR SALE Painted Saws with or Christening? Then let Australian scenes, make gd everyone know by putting it presents $30ea 9390 4953 in The Valley Reporter

These various locations are NOT distributors but have kindly made the latest issue of The Valley Reporter readily available for you to enjoy!

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Horse Agistment Roleystone. New fencing, lge yards, other agisters, endless trail riding in bush. Call Helen 0402 403 269 or 9397 5921 for more info or to come & view

babysitter $10p/hr for upto 3 kids, then extra $5 p/hr for each kid after. Free weeknights/weekends call Allyra Spronk 9399 1313, 0431 436 179 UKELENE & Mandolins beautiful handmade from collection $2-$300 Phone: 9497 1203 babysitter Available Reliable mature uni student Verity 0468 825 596 Dressmaker 40yr exp. For “You & Home”, alts /mending or tuition welcome. Sonja 0427 553 087

FOR SALE Lounge Suite 1 x 2 seater and 2 x 1 seater, material with solid jarrah frame. Also removable washable covers. $50 gd cond. Can deliver local 0413 233 857

29/8/08 12:20:34 PM


email Post form to: 23 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Fax: (08) 9397 5465 Email: fngrafix@ozemail.com.au Email: thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au Website: www.thevalleyreporter.com.au Preferred method of payment: Credit Card,Credit EFT orCard Cashor Direct Deposit Payments can be made by Cash, Cheque, Bank Details: Suncorp Bendigo Bank, BSB (Branch): 484799, 633000, Account 506272010, Name: Valley Reporter Acct No: No: 130630304, AcctAcct Name: KiwiThe Enterprises (WA) Pty. Ltd.



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ironing service steam ����������� iron used, animal free, professional 0438 106 439




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Business For Sale: Roleystone Florist. For over 21 years, Roleystone Centre Florist & Gifts has provided local residents with beautiful flowers for all occasions. Located at 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC. Business fully operational, prof set up and ready for new owner. Interested, please call 0419 047 142 for more information

other IMPORTANT NUMBERS: 000 Fire or Life Threatening Emergencies, 13 25 00 SES Assistance,1300 657 209 Emergency Information, Armadale Police 9399 0222, Healthdirect Hotline 1800 022 222, Poison Information Centre 13 11 26, Western Power 13 13 51, Alinta Gas 13 13 51, Telstra 13 22 03, Roleystone Volunteer Fire Services (Noel Plowman) 9397 6370, CoA Ranger Services 9399 0111 or 1300 886 885, Smoky Vehicle Reporting 1800 076 659, Synergy (faulty street lights) 1800 622 008, Water Corporation 13 13 75, Mensline 1300 789 978, Family Helpline & Domestic Violence 1800 643 000, Samaritans 9381 5555, Life Line 13 11 14, Relationships Australia 1300 364 277, Quitline 13 78 48, Prostate Cancer Foundation 1800 220 099, Suicide Helpline 1300 362 787, Cancer Helpline 13 11 20, Drug Information 1800 069 700, Gamblers Assist 1800 633 635, Mens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599, Womens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339, Kids Helpline 1800 551 800, For Passenger Assistance on Transperth Train Services 1800 800 022, Illegal Dumping Hotline 1300 766 541, Main Roads Road Closure Information 13 81 38, Education Department Security SchoolWatch 1800 177 777, Ngala Helpline for families with babies & young children 8am-8pm 7 days a week 9368 9368 WA country access 1800 111 546, CoA Hotline for reporting anti-social behaviour 1300 597 076 Do not use the below numbers for emergency calls or to request police attendance. These numbers are for you to contact your suburb’s local policing team to discuss local issues that don’t require immediate attendance. If they are unavailable you can leave a message and they will return your call. Team 1 Mob: 0409 731 643 Suburbs: Ashendon, Brookdale, Haynes, Hilbert, Lesley, Wungong. Team 2 Mob: 0417 258 771 Suburbs: Kelmscott, Camillo. Team 3 Mob: 0417 453 267 Suburbs: Armadale (including CBD) Team 4 Mob: 0417 533 209 Suburbs: Bedfordale, Karragullen, Mt Nasura, Mt Richon, Roleystone, Seville Grove. Armadale Police 23 Prospect Rd, Armadale. T: 9399 0222. F: 9399 0215. Counter service open hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

What’s On

– your local community calendar

Your not-for-profit event or activity can be listed here FREE and is open to local community and sporting groups courtesy of The Valley Reporter        

Roleystone Toy Library

 Armadale Visitor Centre 40 Jull St, Armadale 9399 0410


 Araluen Botanic Park 362 Croyden Rd, Roleystone 9496 1171  www.araluenbotanicpark.com.au

A FANTASTIC WAY FOR YOUR CHILDREN Araluen Golf Resort Country Club Ave, Roleystone 9397 9000  www.araluenresort.com.au TO ENJOY A VARIETY OF FUN AND SAFE TOYS, PUZZLES & GAMES  Brackenridge Village & Roleystone Village Cnr of Brookton

joinNOW! now! JOIN

we are 1.45-2.30pmand & Sat Openopen WedTues 11.30am-12.15pm 9.30-10.30am during the school term. Sat during school term. ALL9.30am-10.30am ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE Any please call 9496 or Callenquiries BelindaWHITEHEAD Bloxsome 0438 8841115 601 HEATHER 9496 0119 email emailroleystonetoylibrary@yahoo.com.au roleystonetoylibrary@yahoo.com.au

Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone. Great food, wine & beauty

 Karragullen Expo (inc. the West Australian Avocado Festival)

October 2015 P: 9293 7152 M: 0418 938 134 email: romaspiccia@ hotmail.com, www.karragullenexpo.org.au           SmokeFree WA Kelmscott Annual Show October 2015 9am-9pm Rushton Park, Kelmscott, www.kelmscottshow.com.au Roleystone Markets Dates for 2015: Sun 1 March 3-8pm, Sun 14 June 10-3pm, Sun 20 Sept 10-3pm & Sun 6 Dec 3-8pm (EST. 1944) Roleystone Sunday Markets 8:30am-12:30pm New & Pre-Loved NEW MEMBERS WELCOME items, held out the front of the RK Seniors Club 46 Jarrah Rd Roleystone. Come along & support this monthly event (2nd Social TenniS iS played aT The club • Social Tennis Monday nights 7pm-8.30pm • Wednesday mornings A SAFE, FUN PLACE FOR CHILDREN AND Sunday of the month) Stall holders call Christine Kent 9397 5047 adulTS; WedneSday morningS from 9am 9am onwards • Friday mornings 9am-11am (run through THEIR FAMILIES. Family Centre with Creche) • Sunday afternoons 2pm-4pm and Junior TenniS Roleystone Theatre Inc. 587 Brookton Hwy Roleystone. For SESSIONS MONDAY TO FRIDAY Bookings Phone: 9397 5730 www.roleystonetheatre.com.au REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL COURTS FOR HIRE DAY OR NIGHT Bookings and and keys for public court hire are available through Bookings through the the contact our new registrar Marie Hofmann (Registrar) 0404 996 670 CONTACT OUR NEW REGISTRAR Valley View Garden Golf Earthbound Organics Brackenridge CONTACT OUR NEW REGISTRAR Roleystone Video Network Store, Jarrah Shops - 9496 Roleystone VideoRoad Phone: 9496 16161616. ROBYN DAWSON 9397 7116 email: rpgregistrar@gmail.com kym graham 9397 9158 CAROLYN BATHGATE 9498 1968 Village, Shop 4, 1 Soldiers Rd Roleystone 9397 7899 POBox Box172 172Kelmscott KelmscottWA WA 6991. roleytennisclub@iinet.net.au PO 6991. E: Email: roleystonetennisclub@yahoo.com.au. Tucker Shearwood(Sec.) (Sec.)9496 9397 5305 Graham Boase(Pres.) (Pres.)9397 94966620, 3220,Graham Tracey Backhouse 0053, Kalamunda District Bridge Club holds weekly day and evening Wendy Helen Mantle (Treas.) 9390 2335 & Virginia Bird (Club (Club Capt.) Capt.)9397 93906620 7668 John Meharry (Treas.) 9397 6536, Wendy Tucker sessions for both competitive and social bridge. Contact Garth Scotford 9296 1497 or email: kdbclub@bigpond.com Armadale Society of Artists meets on the first Thursday of the month, starting 7pm at Creyk Park Pavillion Waltham Rd, Armadale. All welcome 0407 249 565 Roleystone Community Alive Group meetings held at the Roleystone Family Centre, 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone. For further enquiries call Joyce Arnott 0434 727 470 Vishrant Buddhist Society, Vishrant holds weekly public meetings, Thursday evenings 8-10pm, Kookaburra Creek Yoga Centre call Dakini Williams 0438 831 883 If I have forgotten to mention you in the What’s On - your local Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club (Inc) COMMUNITY CALENDAR section feel free to submit your contact details email: thevalleyreporter@iinet.net.au 



46 Jarrah Road, Roleystone Phone : 9496 3166 E-mail: rksc@iinet.net.au


Old Primary School - Robin Road 9am - 1:30pm Tues, Thurs & Sat Chris: 0427 462 921 Phil: 0429 688 844 www.roleymensshed.com.au


ROLEYSTONE DOJO DOJO ROLEYSTONE Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Confidence, Respect & Discipline Confidence, Respect & Discipline Improve your personal well being & Improve your personal well being & Improve your social awareness Improve yourPh. social9397 awareness Enquiries 5688 Enquiries Ph. 9397 or 0419 946 6615688

KIDS ADULT KIDS Qualified Karate ADULT CLASSES CLASSES or Instructor 0419 946& 661 NCAS Accredited

CLASSES Qualified Karate & NCAS Accredited CLASSES FreeInstructor créche available Free créche available

Training Days Roleystone Hall Training Times & Thursdays Cnr Roleystone Wygonda &Hall Jarrah Tuesdays Jnrs (5-12yrs)Times 5-6pm 6-7pm Training Days Training during school holidays Snrs (13yrs & older) 6-7.30pm 7-8.30pm Rds, Roleystone Closed Tuesdays & Thursdays

Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah

Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm

Monthly Club Nights Doors Open 6.00pm, Bar Open 6.00pm - 10.00pm, Music Starts 7.30pm check out our website for dates in 2015 www.rmcwa.com.au

PAGE 31 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

We are an energetic group of “Over 50’s” and some of our regular activities for members are: • Mahjong • Book Club • Indoor Bowls • Cards • Members Lending Library


We cater for end of year functions & get togethers

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Food - Wine - Cof fee - Functions

Food - Wine - Cof fee - Functions

Thank you to all our lovely customers for their custom, and we wish you all a happy and safe New Years!


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