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VALLEYReporter YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter.

No.79 – Feb/Mar ‘11

Black Sunday Bushfires

Roleystone fire was one of the State’s worst bushfires with significant loss of property Bushfires at Redhill and Roleystone destroyed 71 homes and damaged a further 39 properties

© Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Ref: https://internet.fesa.wa.gov.au/mediareleases. Entered: 11/02/2011 4:25PM Photographs courtesy of Scott Baker.

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PAGE 2 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Community Contacts Roleystone Badminton Club Trudie 9397 6920 Roleystone Hall Tues 9.15-11am, Wed 7.30-9.30pm Roleystone Girls’ Brigade Yvonne 9397 5153 RK Snr Cricket Club Graham Fuller (Pres) 0400 195 061 RK Jnr Cricket Club Donna 0402 221 448, Cathy 9397 5942, in2cricket Jnrs 5-9yrs Mike 0448 878 257 Roleystone Jnr Football Club Sean Ashby (Pres) 9496 1421 Roleystone Snr Football Club Sean Kenworthy (Pres) Email: seankenworthy@dodo.com.au Roleystone Gymnastics Club Peta Costa 9496 1484 Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club Sue 9398 7426, Helen 9397 5939 / 0438 923 477 Roleystone Tee-Ball & Baseball Club Inc. Jodie Hansen (Vice Pres) 9496 0120 / 0407 277 669 Organic Growers Assoc. meets 2nd Wed of the mth Lisa 9399 2312 Roleystone Redbacks Little Athletics Rodd 9397 5559, Sarah 0408 959 436 Roleystone Community Church 1 Croyden Rd Roleystone Minister David Bardsley Wk: 9397 5955 Hm: 9397 9303 Roleystone Schools P&C Amy Boughton (Sec) 9397 5559 1st Roleystone Scout Grp Karragullen Hall Joanne Meuli 9496 0290 St Christopher’s Anglican Church 9293 8273 Child Health Nurse Thurs & Fri by appoint 9397 5813 Kalamunda District Bridge Club Weekly Day & Evening Sessions, Contact Alan Harper 9293 4805 Roleystone Gumnut Playgroup Kym Graham (Reg) 9397 9158 Alcoholics Anonymous Meet every Sat at 7pm 9325 3566 Australian Sewing Guild Southern Hills Neighbourhood Grp meet 2nd Sun of the mth, Anne Roberts 9399 1908 Patchwork Quilting Friendship Days Lyn 9397 5207 The Rivercare Group Pat Hart 9496 1634 The House of Bamboo Carol 9397 7679 City of Armadale - Roleystone Ward Councillors Pat Hart Ph: 9496 1634 Email: pathart1@bigpond.com Caroline Wielinga Mob: 0488 900 307 Email: Cr.CWielinga@armadale.wa.gov.au Roleystone Netball Club Theresa Young (Pres) 0439 910 471, Amy Boughton (Reg) 9397 5559 and Di Bunten (Sec) 0404 012 462 Roleystone & Districts Basketball Chris Webb 0414 166 401, Kirk Allnutt 0423 433 449 Training @ Roleystone Basketball Crts Fri 5pm Darling Range Wildlife Shelter 9394 0885 Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre 9291 3900 Kanyana provides advice & assistance 24hrs a day, 7 days a week DEC’s Department of Environment and Conservation WildCare Hotline 9474 9055. The WildCare telephone hotline operates 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, diverting to after hours numbers at nights & weekends, to provide immediate assistance Roleystone Guides Suellen Mackay 9496 1375 Zumba Thurs 7-8pm held at the Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre, Anne Marie 9397 7005 Landscape Painting Tues 6.30-9.30pm Ian 9496 0034 ISADD Intervention Services for Autism & Development Delay, Darryl Cooper 9397 5970 Kelmscott History Group meet at the Congregational Church Rundle St Kelmscott, Colleen 9496 1817 National Seniors Armadale Branch meet on the 1st Thurs of the mth RSL Hall Commerce Ave Armadale 10-12noon. Lots of interesting speakers all old & new members welcome.Ph: 9397 5880, 9390 2230 Hants & Dorset Social Club Pearl Sibley 9496 1243 Cat Sterilisation Society 9397 5062 9-4pm Mon-Wed


YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter. Fiona Newland – EDITOR/PUBLISHER How do you recover from a natural disaster? Going through something like what we Roleystoners have just gone through is an experience that no one should have to face. Unfortunately, Mother Nature has her own plans and all we can do is learn how to recuperate from the damage she wreaks upon us. A natural disaster can take anywhere from months to years to recover from. Some disasters are so devastating that they make it impossible to ever fully recover, which can lead to you having to move from your current location. Moving from the place you call home because of a natural disaster can be one of the most difficult tasks you ever have to do. During the recent fires, some may have lost vital information which can be a problem to get back. Knowing what to do in these situations can give you a jump-start on the long road to recovery after a natural disaster. It’s important to have a contingency plan in place, especially when living in a fire-prone area like Roleystone. The City of Armadale is managing the relocation and recovery centre at the Armadale Arena. There is immediate financial assistance, personal support, infrastructure rebuilding, small business support, primary producer support,

and general community generosity. Donations can be made to the City of Perth Lord Mayor’s Disaster Relief Fund. There is currently an investigation into FESA’s operational performance, and their effectiveness in assessing the bushfire situation and arranging the response. A report on the whole natural disaster will be the first step to ensuring that the relevant outcomes and recommendations can be implemented for future major bushfire tragedies. Recent feedback from local businesses showed that the immediate concern was that some customers thought their businesses had actually closed down or were totally unaccessible due to the bushfires. In most cases this was incorrect, as most businesses are still very much open for business. Inside this month’s Valley Reporter we have placed a media release that was put out by Main Roads, informing people of how they can still access Roleystone and the surrounding areas affected by the bushfires easily. Please take the time to read over it on page 4 before you venture up this way. My heartfelt thanks go out to all who fought the fires, the many who volunteered to help people in their time of need and are still continuing


for all articles, pictures and advertising for “The Valley Reporter’s” next issue is set for no later than 12noon Thursday 10th March 2011 Delivered at your door ON the THIRD WEEK of Every Month Issue dates: 17th March 2011 21st April 2011 19th May 2011 Disclaimer “Subject to any rights and remedies available under the law of any State or Territory of Australia or the provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974 which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified, the publisher: (a) does not provide any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in any printed material published; (b) excludes all liability for any misrepresentation which may arise out of the publication of any printed material; (c) shall have the right to refuse or cancel any printed material.” Please remember the opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter.

to do their bit. The way in which the people of this community have rallied together is truly inspiring, and it just proves that our Aussie resilience and compassion for one another is what has helped us pull through. Keep up the great work! Don’t miss Part 2 of Ron Knox’s holiday story - “My China and Indochina Tour”. Traveling across China in mid-winter has its advantages and challenges, but it all makes for a great trip (and a great story as well). Read all about it on page 8 and 9. Lastly, in this month’s Valley Reporter we welcome an array of new advertisers to the magazine, such as Kelmscott Pool & Spa, InterAsia Tours, Plasterboard Specialist Roger Brickwood, Wake Up Get Fit, Yoga for Roleystone, Stonybrook Contractors, ABM Plumbing and Darling Range Electrical. Please show your support of these local businesses by considering them next time you require a product or service.


23 Wygonda Road Roleystone WA 6111

FAX 9397 5465

PHONE 0400 428 119





check out www.thevalleyreporter.com.au


Please remember that the opinions expressed by our readers in the “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter. Please feel free to submit your letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” so we can include them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Email: fngrafix@ozemail.com.au or Fax: 9397 5465.

davidmackey@iinet.net.au 0412 953 638

Who will be the next victim? After enjoying a BBQ with friends for Australia Day, I headed back up the Mills Road hill at about 9:15pm. As I turned one of the corners and approached the first steep hill, I could see two sets of lights coming down the hill towards me. I was traveling at the permitted 70km/h, and was fully aware of the two cars behind me. Suddenly in my headlights, moving parallel to the two cars, an object appeared on the road, bouncing down towards me. It looked a bit like a brown paper bag blowing in the wind, heading in my direction. Instead of a weightless paper bag, I felt the impact of a large rock, one that could only have come from one of the two cars driving past me. Luckily,

it caught the car on the lower bounce, but considerable damage was still done to the car. If it had hit the bonnet, both air bags may have deployed, meaning I would have been unable to see and could have caused a 3-car pile up or had a head-on collision with the second passing car. Was this some sick joke, blatant stupidity or just outright malicious behaviour? If this happens again, the next time it could be a novice driver who panics and goes into oncoming traffic, or drives into the barrier. It may be one of your own friends who could be at the receiving end of such a rock. I sincerely hope that what goes around comes around and that (whoever you are) you suffer in the same way I had to. Helen Johansen.

WAKE UP GET FIT – HEALTH TIP ENERGY A unit of energy is called a kilojoule (kJ). There are 4.2 kJ to every calorie, and a kilocalorie (kcal) equals 1000 calories. They’re most often used to describe the energy content of food, or the energy required by a particular form of exercising. For example, 280g of beer contains 429 kJ (100 cal). This is the equivalent to the energy required to run 1.6 km in around six to seven minutes. 16250 kJ (3800 cal) equates to half a kilo of body fat! Unless burned as energy it is stored as body fat in the body. Remember! Excuses change nothing - But exercises will! Flanagan 1998 Creator/Founder/Author of the Wake Up Call™ www.wakeupgetfit.com steve@wakeupgetfit.com Mobile: 0421 926 804


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Valley Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. However, letters must conform to some guidelines. The Valley Reporter does not publish letters that contain personal attacks or inappropriate/questionable language or content. We strongly encourage writers who do have a personal complaint about a business, individual or organisation to relay their concerns to the source instead of - or at least prior to - voicing them in a letter to the editor. In most cases, it is more appropriate to air those type of issues privately instead of publicly so that the subject may respond and the concerns may be addressed. We also, as a rule, do not publish unsigned letters. There is one exception: The writer must show an extremely compelling reason for needing to remain anonymous. The written request to have your “name withheld” must accompany the letter. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. While we try to print as many letters to the editor as possible, writers must be aware that their publication is at the editor’s discretion. Timeliness, space constraints and the amount of letters submitted each month are three of the factors considered.



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PAGE 3 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

The Valley Reporter welcomes reader’s letters on any topic relevant to our circulating area. Publishing of any free editorial is at the publisher’s discretion dependant on availability of space and other considerations. All correspondence is subject to an editing process (for length, spelling and grammar), so readers are advised to keep their letters as concise as possible. Letters containing indecent language and topics will not be considered. Only letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” with the writer’s full name, home address and daytime telephone number for verification purposes will be published.

French Tuition Jeanne – Marie Mobile: 0 447 441 707 Email: chaanappel@gmail.com


White Rose Building Company Pty Ltd BRB Reg No: 11837

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Photograph courtesy of Scott Baker.

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PAGE 4 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Visit www.whiterose.com.au for more details or phone David on 9498 3843

Main Roads and the City of Armadale have implemented a detour plan for local traffic around the site of the recently destroyed Buckingham Bridge on Brookton Highway. The detour route (westbound) runs from Mount Street to Buckingham Road, Canning Mills Road, Clifton Street, Gilwell Avenue, Page Road onto Albany Highway. Detours for heavy vehicle and regional light vehicle traffic have been in place since Tuesday, 8 February 2011. Details of detours are as follows: HEAVY VEHICLES (eastbound): Tonkin Highway to Welshpool Road East, then Canning Road onto Brookton Highway. LIGHT VEHICLES (eastbound): Tonkin Highway onto Mills Roads East, Canning Mills Road, then Chevin Road and onto Brookton Highway. All routes should be reversed for traffic travelling in the opposite direction. For more information please visit www.fesa.wa.gov.au. Ref: http://standards.mainroads. wa.gov.au/nr/mrwa/internet/ realtime/trc/RegionalConditions. asp?7. Entered: 10/02/2011 6:57:54PM.

Show your support for the victims of the devastating Black Sunday bushfires Simply by displaying or wearing a yellow ribbon. The yellow ribbon signifies support for the firefighters, emergency workers and volunteers and solidarity with those who have lost their homes and possessions. The yellow ribbon also symbolises the community coming together to support those who had suffered and those who were helping. Solidarity counts for a great deal at a time of national crisis. A natural disaster leave us all shellshocked but the wearing of ribbons is a small symbol to show our oneness with all those who have endured personal loss.

New Menu at Roley’s on the Ridge purchased an ice cream churner and is now busy making homemade vanilla bean ice cream, (fabulous in the new liqueur affogatto’s) and a variety of fresh fruit sorbets. He is impressed with the quality of fruit from Raeburn Orchards and is currently creating a mango sorbet from local fruit. There are new items on all the menus, including “Choccy Pancakes” on the Sunday Breakfast Menu. Please come visit for a culinary experience that will have you crying “Hallelujah!” Be sure to call first as tables are limited.

Dessert: White chocolate mousse with local roasted white nectarines and a wild berry syrup.

MAIN: Honey glazed duck breast on bok choy with celerial mash, star anise jus and a cherry vinegarette.

Unit 2a Brackenridge Village Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone WA 6111, call 9397 9219 or 0431 908 074

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PAGE 5 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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Brad, Melanie and all the crew at Roley’s would like to let the local community know that their thoughts and best wishes are with you all at this incredibly trying time. After a relaxing January break, Roley’s on the Ridge has re-opened with a new and improved menu. A sample of the new dishes includes Roley’s own Pork, leek and Ginger Sausages, Cajun Fried Squid with Corriander and Lime Mayonaise, a sensational new seafood starter and a variation on the ‘Ridge Steak’ that is sure to make anyone indulge. Head Chef / Owner Brad Richards has

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As summer turns to autumn and Sunday’s sun goes down, music lovers flock to the City of Armadale’s annual Concerts in the Park. This year the City presents three, FREE concerts in Kelmscott, Roleystone and Armadale, featuring diverse musical acts. Sunday 27 February: Tuxedo Junction, at Rushton Park, Kelmscott, 5pm – 7pm; Sunday 13 March: Roleystone Musicians Club, at Roleystone Primary School Oval, Roleystone, 5pm – 7pm; Sunday 27 March: Armadale City Concert Band, at Memorial Park Amphitheatre, Armadale, 5pm – 7pm. Bring a picnic dinner and enjoy vocal ensemble Tuxedo Junction’s wideranging repertoire of barbershop, jazz, classical, rock and pop in beautiful Rushton Park. Roleystone Musicians Club will feature

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several local bands, while the multi-award winning Armadale City Concert Band will have feet tapping at the Memorial Park Amphitheatre. Armadale Mayor Linton Reynolds encouraged local residents to take advantage of the free outdoor concerts. “There is nothing more pleasant than relaxing with a twilight picnic dinner in one of our shady parks, being entertained by talented musicians,” Cr Reynolds said. “Every year the City of Armadale organises and funds a series of concerts for the wider community and they are a popular fixture on the events calendar. “We hope to see you at Rushton Park for the first concert of 2011.” For more information, visit www. armadale.wa.gov.au or contact the City of Armadale Arts & Events Officer on 9399 0187.


Your junk must be on the verge by Sunday 20th February Collection commences 6am Monday 21st February New Rules: NO Greenwaste, TV’s or Computers All residents should receive a leaflet outlining instructions Please contact the City of Armadale if in doubt.


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PAGE 6 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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testimoniAl 11 January 2011 We were first homebuyers who attended a Maggie Burke Real Estate “home open” that was so overrun with people and cars it was incredible. No other home open had a quarter of this attendance! This was the first shining example of Maggie’s ability as a real estate agent. We arrived at the beginning of the home open and were the last to leave. Even though Maggie’s schedule was hectic, she agreed to return that night with us for a private viewing. This is yet another example of her drive in giving exemplary service. After this, it was full steam ahead. Maggie not only got the house ready to sell (including arranging building permits and finishing touches on the house) but she also promptly answered all our queries. The sale was a very quick one and needed the drive and commitment of all parties to achieve the target settlement date. Maggie was a stalwart in a very trying time for us. Not only because of her terrific stamina and organization, but she has a tremendous support team in Patrick and Jo. Without Jo and Maggie I feel I would have collapsed under the enormous strain. I really needed their support and calming influence through a very stressful time. On top of their support throughout the settlement process, they continue to be there for us, even though the settlement was nearly 2 months ago. Well beyond the standard service you might receive from another office. Maggie and Jo are beacons of light and hope in this age of “me, me, me”. They are a pleasure to know and deal with and we would recommend the team at Maggie Burke Real Estate to anyone buying or selling.

We wish them all the success in the world. The Hurst Family, Roleystone.

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PAGE 7 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

As buyers, we were amazed to be treated as well as we would imagine the other side would be. They broke the moulds when they were made!

MY CHINA AND INDOCHINA TOUR We headed 200km east of Harbin on a 3 hour train trip to the Yabuli Ski Skin & Beauty Resort, where we enjoyed Skin & Beauty Om Veda Skin Care • Creative Nail Design the breathtaking scenery Om Veda Skin Care & •& Creative Nail Design Skin Skin Beauty Beauty Ph: 9390 0583 and endured an icy minus Om OmVeda Veda Skin Skin Care Care • • Creative Creative Nail Nail Design Design Ph: 9390 0583 Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageWaxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massage37 degrees. Then it was Ph: Ph: 9390 9390 0583 0583 Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicure- Gift vouchersnails-manicurewaxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massage-acrylic Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicure- Gift vouchers Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageWaxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageback to the capital! We Shop1/198 Brookton hwy Kelmscott 6111 pedicure-gift vouchers-spraytan-naturally handcrafted products Shop1/198 Brookton hwy Kelmscott 6111 Acrylic Acrylicnails-manicure-pedicurenails-manicure-pedicureGift Giftvouchers vouchers loved Beijing, particularly Skin & Beauty Shop1/198 Shop1/198Brookton Brooktonhwy hwyKelmscott Kelmscott6111 6111 the imposing Forbidden Om Veda Skin Care • Creative Nail Design City, the Summer Palace Ph: 9390 0583 with its frozen lake and Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageAcrylic nails-manicure-pedicure- Gift vouchers magnificent gardens, Shop1/198 Brookton hwy Kelmscott 6111 Tiananmen Square (the largest public square in the world), the enamel factory, the Olympic sites, the bustling markets and a silk factory where we Jenny Whitney (A.M.A.N.F.) were talked into trying a silk worm. It Dream Consultant was surprisingly tasty. At the kebab stalls Mobile: 0417 945 988 in the markets, we were offered a choice Phone/Fax: (08) 9496 1348 pillowtalk.zzz@bigpond.com of scorpion, cockroach, spiders, frogs, snake and dog. I opted for lamb. On our rickshaw tour, we explored the teeming maze of alleyways that makes up the original residential sector of the Hutong area, a truly unique place. Another highlight was a visit to the Great Wall of China, which (thanks to the midWhe e c i re the Q Pr winter season) we had almost uality is higher than the entirely to ourselves to explore. One of the most remarkable and memorable architectural wonders is the Badalling



Heading south we caught the overnight train to Xian, where we rode bikes on the magnificent ancient City Wall which was built in the 14th century, dating back to the Ming Dynasty. The next day we visited the Terracotta Warriors site, which is still considered today to be one of the most significant archeological finds of the 20th century. There were over 6000 lifesized warriors and horses, each individually sculpted from real-life models, all arranged in battle formation. They had stood like that for over 2200 years, always standing guard over the mausoleum of the first Chinese ruler, the Emperor Qin Shihuang. There were many locals who wore masks to protect them from the

PART 2 by Ron Knox


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PAGE 8 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Tel: 9397 5580

Karizma hair studio Black Sunday SpecialS ladies Haircuts $25 (normally $35) Mens Haircuts $15 (normally $25) For a limited time, only available Mon-Fri (excludes Saturday)

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Section, located 70km northwest of Beijing. We visited the Dingling Tomb at the Ming Tombs and took a leisurely stroll down Sacred Road. That evening was spent at demonstrations of kung fu and acrobatics which were quite entertaining for both the kids (and I).

heavy pollution, which made breathing properly quite difficult. We had a night out at the Shaanxi Grand Opera House, where we were were entertained by brilliant musicians and elegant dancers, all in traditional costume. Guilin, described as the most scenic city in all of China, was our next stop. It probably is, but we were unable to see much owing to the fog and smog. It is an interesting town full of backpackers and markets. There are three proclaimed treasures here: the local chilli sauce, the rice noodles (which apparently goes very well with horse meat) and the pickled tofu. According to legend, the noodles were known to cure the diarrhoea of Qin Dynasty troops, who had difficulty with the local cuisine. An evening boat trip on the lakes with traditional music, dining and floodlit pagodas made for a memorable evening. It was amazing to see how every time a cormorant dove beneath the surface of the water, they would come back up with fish in their beaks. The

fishermen pretty much just let the birds do the work for them. Another highlight was a visit to the Panda Bear park, where we were delighted by the sight of the magnificent gentle animals in their idyllic existence, chomping on bamboo shoots. Then on a 4-hour boat trip to Yangshuo, we were dazzled by the spectacular view of numerous mountain pinnacles, peaks and valleys, the serene pastoral views of rice paddy fields, water buffaloes and fishermen. Travelling across China in midwinter has its advantages and challenges, but it all makes for a great trip. It was very interesting, varied and generally enjoyable. Now we’re heading for Indochina to thaw out.

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PAGE 9 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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Thank you can’t really express deeply enough how much our community admires and appreciates all the members of our Roleystone Fire Brigade, volunteers included. The courage and commitment they showed in battling the raging fires to save people and property was outstanding. Every time they confronted the fires, they put their lives on the line for us all. Our thanks also go to the Police, volunteers, and all others involved in the support of our valiant firefighters. To those families who have lost their homes, or have had them badly damaged, our thoughts are with you all. As a community, we are here to support you in any way we can.

“A crisis event often explodes the illusions that anchor our lives.”

by Robert Veninga This quote certainly describes the reaction live in an extreme fire prone area and to the crisis posed by the horrifying that we must do whatever is necessary bushfire that swept through our suburb to protect our families and our properties recently. I think it also encourages us to from bushfire. If you haven’t yet reflect on our attitudes and complacency acknowledged the risks you face then in regards to the safety of ourselves and do so now. Ensure you do all you can to others in such circumstances. remove fire hazard materials from around Do you presume that what has occurred your home and have a bushfire plan in to others in the devastating fires we have place. Consider becoming part of ‘Bush just experienced won’t ever happen to Fire Ready Action Group’. Get to really you and your family? Do you think that know your neighbour - if anything, the what stress these families are going recent fires have shown that you will need through and the long term impacts it will their support, as they will need yours. have on their lives will never happen to Contact the Roleystone Volunteer Firefighters on Jarrah Road for further you and your family? Think again. This is a plea for everyone in our information or look up the FESA website. community to acknowledge the fact we Cr. Pat Hart.

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Want to play netball? Join up for season 2011 by attending one of Roleystone Netball Club’s two registration days, or by downloading a form and emailing or posting it to us. In-person registrations will be taken on Wednesday 23 February from 2.30pm at Roleystone Primary School (under cover area) and Saturday 26 February, 10am to 12 noon, at Roleystone Shopping Centre. You can also download a form from www. roleystonenetballclub@myclub.org.au. Either fill it in and post to The Registrar, Roleystone Netball Club, 42 Kobus Heights, Roleystone 6111 or email to boughtons@ westnet.com.au. All registrations must be received by the Registrar by Friday 18 March. Children from six years of age and over are eligible to participate. Senior players 18 and over are also welcome. Registration / Playing fees must be paid in full by game 1 of season 2011: Netta (Yrs 1-4) $115, Sub-junior (Yrs 5-7) $125, Junior (Yrs 8-12) $146 and Senior (18 Yrs +) $156.

The Club trains in Roleystone, either at the Cross Park courts in Jarrah Road, or at Roleystone Primary School. Matches are played at Ray Owen Reserve, Gladys Road, Lesmurdie, in the Kalamunda Districts Netball Association competition and the season starts on Saturday 7 May. Training commences at least one month beforehand, once teams have been finalised. For more registration information please contact Registrar Amy Boughton via email at boughtons@westnet.com.au. General Club information is available from our website. **Please note that the club’s fantastic new uniforms have been ordered and will be available in March. The slim-line tunics in black, lime green and blue are worn over black bike shorts and cost $55. All players must wear the official uniform during matches. Please contact committee member Tianah Fallon on 0418 932 455 with uniform queries.

Since 2001, one Agent has to dominated the local real estate


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The health impacts of bushfire by JK Ojo The huge and destructive bushfire we experienced in our communities recently, has left an impact on our lives, the lives of our loved ones and acquaintances. The health impacts can be immediate (deaths, injuries, exacerbation of existing health conditions and loss of hard earned and treasured properties and infrastructures), medium and long term impacts are also myriad. I believe we are thankful that, in spite of the ferocity of the fire no life was loss. The health issues related to bush-fires and how to mitigate them them individually and as a community will be the humble goal of this write up. The immediate problems of heat exhaustion and dehydration can usually be dealt with by adequate hydration and minimal exposure to the heat generated by the fire; this is especially strongly so for our heroes and ‘sheroes’ (Fire and emergency services staff and the many volunteers). Smoke inhalations at a fire front can cause respiratory tract burns/injury, which can be fatalrespiratory failure. Exacerbation of Asthma, chronic obstructive airway diseases and heart problem are possible effects of smoke inhalations and air pollutions. So if you have any of the mentioned health conditions, or feeling unwell, please do see your doctor for a check up; sooner will be better than later in this case. The physical, social and mental

implications of a disaster of this colossal proportion lingers with us for a long time: majority of us will experience distress after such disasters; but our inbuilt resilience, existing coping skills and social support will see us through. Our resolve is to choose to come out of this better and not bitter. For most survivors distress will begin to subside over the first few weeks, although ongoing fires and high fire danger days in some areas will maintain a sense of continued threat. Common mental health problems following trauma include depression, anxiety disorders such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD), and simple phobias (in this case pyrophobia), complicated grief, and substance misuse. If you noticed any of these, or unusual sleep disturbance; see your doctor and/or your psychologist and priest. Let us not underestimate the power of neighborliness, a timely visit, a word of comfort and encouragement, a meal, and gifts will almost always go a long way to foster healing. I will like to end this with a quote from Edmund Burke (17291797) in his reflections on French revolution (1790). He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper........

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To nominate your Bushfire Hero simply write in 50 words or less, why you think they deserve recognition. Hundreds of West Australians have this week gone over and above the call of duty. These unsung heroes of Perth’s terrifying bushfires weren’t seeking recognition for their selfless acts - but they deserve it. Some were neighbours just lending a helping hand. Others were volunteers who dropped everything when the alarm was raised. Many have given generously in the aftermath of the blaze’s destruction. They come from all ages and walks of life. In the coming weeks The Sunday Times and PerthNow will detail their stories. * If the person you have nominated doesn’t want their story published their privacy will be respected. Log onto http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/nominate-your-bushfirehero/story-fn4qhntj-1226005738193 to put in your nomination now.


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Nominate your bushfire hero

oleystone Tee-Ball R and Baseball Club Inc.


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would you like to help? We Need you

Does your child love playing tee-ball or being involved in the running of the club baseball? Would you like to help in the enjoyable and accessible for everyone. Current Club Vice-President, Jodie Hansen, running of your child’s club? If the answer to either of called on parents and interested community these questions is “yes”, members to show their support for RTBC. then Roleystone Tee-ball “I’m particularly keen to see parents of and Baseball Club needs under-8s get involved because they are the future of teeball YOU! The Club’s and baseball in Annual General Roleystone Tee-ball and Mrs Meeting (AGM) Baseball Club Inc. would Roleystone,” will be held on like to thank Sam Saffioti Hansen said. “Please nominate for Sunday 13 March, from Roleystone Real a position on the new starting 4pm at Estate for his ongoing committee and help Springdale Park sponsorship. Sam is a maintain Roleystone and nominations great patron of our Club as a sustainable local for committee as he also sponsors our + Individual & Sole Traders sporting club.” positions are open. under 12’s State Team **If you have a child Please talk to (pictured above) so we + Partnerships can look professional in playing baseball or your child’s our uniforms. moving into Little coach or contact + Company consider a committee Good luck to the team for League, the 2011 March nominating as member if you + Family Trusts State Championships. Roleystone’s Baseball have any questions Jodi Hansen, Development Officer. and don’t be shy + Self Managed Super Vice President RTBC. The club’s current about nominating Baseball Development – previous Funds officer and former Club President, Jason experience not required! + BAS/GST RTBC has been successful in Newland, is stepping down from the providing excellent sporting position as both his sons will be playing for + Multiple years welcome opportunities and growing a senior club next season. the club membership due In other news, Sam Saffioti, from the to the enthusiasm and Club’s major sponsor Roleystone Real commitment of many local Estate, attended Roleystone’s u-12 State Championship team training to officially families. The committee has been present a sponsorship cheque. Jacqueline T. Hunt broadened to include A warm thanks is extended to Sam for his Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice smaller roles (eg. loyal support. photos coordinator), to The State Champs team has attended extra Email: jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au accommodate those who training sessions and Sunday carnivals may be able to assist, but throughout Perth, often playing 5 games Please phone or email for an appointment who have limited time on over an 8-9 hour period to prepare for the major competition on the March long their hands. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Sharing the load makes weekend. Well done kids and coaches.

G i f t Vo u c h e r s A v a i l a b l e

JACQUELINE T. HUNT B. Com., CPA Certified Practising Accountant REGISTERED TAX AGENT

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classical, gospel, blues and accompaniment pieces, immediately, from their very first lessons!

Kiri and Alex cheer Perth Heat on in the finals


To find out more call: Nicole Lloyd 9498 1450 Accredited Simply Music Teacher

I trained and coached at the Roleystone Gymnastics Club for 10 years, before moving to Star-Mites Gym Sports to pursue Acrobatic Gymnastics and Cheerleading. Last year I was coaching the cheerleading program at a Ballajura Primary School, and as part of this program, we would often bring our athletes in to perform for the school. It was here that we were found by the Perth Heat, as one of the kid’s parents worked for the team. They contacted the club, and after various meetings, my team the Star-Mites Starz, were selected to become the official cheerleaders of Perth Heat. Before the baseball season began, we

simplymusic.com travelled to Melbourne for the National Championships, where we won a bid to the World Championships. The World Simply Music is a revolutionary, Australian-developed piano learning method that offers a breakthrough in music education. This remarkable approach has students of all ages Championships will be held in Orlando, playing great-sounding contemporary, classical, gospel, blues and accompaniment pieces, immediately, from their very first lessons! Florida in April of FOR A FREE INTRODucTORY sEssION this year. CAll Emma milanEsE (RolEystonE) 0424 630 813 We have had licensed Simply Music Teacher simplymusic.com to miss a lot of training in order to perform for Perth simplymusic.com Heat, but we love it so much that we all work extra hard in all our opening HouRS: KitcHen HouRS: training sessions. Mon - Fri 6am - 5pm, Mon - Fri 6.30am - 2.30pm, We have all learnt Sat & Sun 6.30am - 5pm Sat & Sun 7am - 2.30pm how baseball Shop 2, 508 Brookton Hwy (Opp. Peet Rd) works, and are Roleystone WA 6111 always cheering Phone orders welcome on the Heat! Ph/Fax: 9397 5845 We love hearing the cheers from the crowd. One of the boys on the team, Alex Zagari, is also from Roleystone! We also take FULL responsibility for Perth Heat getting to the finals, and can’t wait for next season! Kiri Penter. Simply Music is a revolutionary, Aust ralian-developed method that offer piano learning s a breakthrough in music education approach has stud . This remarkable ents of all ages playi ng great-soundin classical, gospel, g contemporary, blues and accompa nime nt pieces, immedia their very first lesso tely, from ns!

To find out more call: Nicole Lloyd 9498 1450 Accredited Simp ly Music Teacher


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Roleystone local Stephen Flanagan is Australia’s leading expert on the importance of health and fitness. Since 1993 he has dedicated his life to encouraging company employees, families and individuals to get a personal health “Wake Up Call” before it’s too late.

guaranteed to save you time and money, whilst still getting you results. The Wake Up Call™ workout system is designed to challenge all fitness levels and can be used almost anywhere. It can be used solely as a standalone workout, or to supplement your own workout.

The Wake Up Call™ offers fitness and In 1993 Stephen became an accredited motivational products, online personal fitness professional, and training, and membership. has trained over 2500 ‘Remember… With The Wake Up Call™, individuals since then, you will learn: from the top corporate Excuses executive, to the desperate • The 5 key excuses Change drug addict trying to beat stopping you from the habit. Nothing exercising;

Exercises He has successfully • How to identify the risks owned and operated of leading an inactive Will’ several gyms in the Perth lifestyle; Flanagan 1998 CBD, supported the work • To understand the of the Stroke Foundation benefits of regular exercise and the Department of and healthy eating; Health’s “Find Thirty” campaign. He is a keynote speaker on health and • How to start your regime, stay fitness, and has donated his time motivated, and achieve your health goals. as guest speaker at numerous WA Rotary Club events. Stephen has created The Wake Up Call™, a website that provides a wide range of unique downloadable body workouts

It maybe as simple as getting outdoors, taking a nature walk, and enjoying the fresh Roleystone air that is waiting right outside your front door.

Accredited Health and Fitness Professional since 1993 Business Owner Fit Australia since 1998 Creator/Founder/Author of The Wake Up Call™ www.wakeupgetfit.com steve@wakeupgetfit.com Mobile: 0421 926 804

Roleystone senior football club

be part of this dynamic and passionate sporting club – become a sponsor Planning for the 2011 football season is well underway, with the new committee setting the pace. Adam Bloomer has been selected as coach for the Reserves team, but the hunt for the new League team coach is still on. Pre-season training has commenced, attracting a core group of keen and enthusiastic players. Training has been set for Monday and Wednesday nights at Cross Park, so come along with a mate for a session. Work has been done to improve the grounds and club rooms before the season commences. Key tasks include replacement of the interchange benches and scoreboard, which were both recently removed by the Council when they were deemed to be potentially hazardous to users. A Busy Bee has been scheduled for Sunday 13th March

at 9am, which the committee urges all players and volunteers to support. After all, many hands make light work! The Committee are also seeking individuals and businesses who may be interested in donating materials and equipment towards construction. Sponsors are vital to the survival of any community group, and the Club would like to invite any past sponsors to consider coming back on board this year. The Club also invites new sponsors to be a part of this dynamic and passionate sporting club for 2011. For further information about training or the Busy Bee, please contact President Sean Kenworthy on 0407 768 020. For sponsorship, contact Jason Hammond on 0411 702 504 or Jocelyn Jones on 0437 887 930.

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by Fraser Willi

In the wake of adversity, this remarkable Roleystone Community we live in has rallied!! So many people have offered to help in any way possible with time, logistics, money etc to those who have lost so much – an incredible showing of community spirit, care and compassion.


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Real Estate Market Post Fires There is no doubt that prospective buyers will be a little cautious over the next few weeks, reassuringly we can convey the following: • January produced a very strong month of sales and this trend was set to continue. • Post the fire we have received lots of positive feedback from current buyers looking to buy in Roleystone and the Southern Hills district. These buyers are still committed, looking with the same determination and informing us that overall (as we all know) that our lifestyle and community is as good or better than many others. This commitment is evidence by RRE writing a contract on Sunday the 6th (the day after the fire started) and had it accepted on Monday the 7th February. If you would like to comment on this article, please call Fraser Williams on 0439 092 248.



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2011 Calendar The Roleybushcare calendar for 2011 is still available. If you haven’t bought one yet, you can get them for only $15 at Roleystone Supa IGA, Roleystone Newsagency, Roleystone Hardware, Genesis in the Hills Restaurant and Earthbound Organics. Field Days Our next field day will be a dieback treatment day on the 20th February in the Midgegooroo National Park, from 9am til 12 noon. We will meet in Forrestedge Road.

(Turn off Croyden Road into Heritage Drive, follow this long road until you go past the roundabout that goes to the Golf Club Restaurant and continue into Forrestedge Road). Signs will be on the road to help you. Newcomers are welcome, and morning tea will be provided. If it is raining, check the website that morning at 8.15am. For extra information go to www.roleybushcare.com. au or see the Roleybushcare notice board located in the Roleystone Shopping Centre.


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Jo h n McSweeney

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Roleystone resident John McSweeney is back in the hot seat of a new Funny Car, successfully breaking records! Personal Details: Born: 3 May, 1966 Partner: Anna McSweeney Children: Ethan (19 yo) and Georgia (14 yo) Major Interests: Drag Racing Professional Details: Occupation: Drag Racer Business: Karragullen Gravel & Garden Supplies, Creative Driveways & Fencing . Driver/Manager: Full Boar Racing. I am a passionate drag racer seeking sponsorship. I have been involved in drag racing for over 18 years and my most rememorable achievement has been claiming the title, “Australia’s Fastest Ford (Small Block) Falcon” by running the quarter mile in 6.57 seconds with speeds up to 217 mph with a very fast small block 324 cu engine. Our team is made up of reputable and dedicated crew members: Shane Fisher (Crew Chief), Rob Reynolds (M.S.T.), Nathan Behrerdt and Glen Hollands. All pride themselves on their professionalism and passion for the sport of drag racing and bring with them a wealth of knowledge. Having you on board, supporting my team would be a privilege that we would greatly appreciate. Interested, then call John on 0418 953 591. MAJOR SPONSORS

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Photographs courtesy of Jason Newland.


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Kindly Received Donations The Wacky Witch at Unit 14/91 Champion Drive, Kelmscott has become a collection point for people wishing to donate goods to the recent Kelmscott/Roleystone bushfire appeal. Thank you to the many people who have supported this cause. Through the support of the community, we have received many much needed donations,

including non-perishable foods, bottled water, toiletries, disposable nappies, baby formula/food, pet food, linen, towels, clothes, and much more. We welcome anyone who is in need because of the fires to come in and see us, or contact us on 0438 289 656. Many thanks, Kaz and Christine.

FESA announces investigation into major bushfires The former Chair of the Council of Australian Government (COAG) Inquiry on Bushfire Mitigation and Management has been appointed by FESA to investigate the major fires which occurred last weekend. Chief Executive Officer Jo HarrisonWard said following consultation with the Emergency Services Minister Rob Johnson, Mr Stuart Ellis AM would conduct a Major Incident Review (MIR) into the bushfires at Redhill and Roleystone which destroyed 71 homes and damaged a further 39 properties. “The Roleystone fire was one of the State’s worst bushfires with significant loss of property, but it can’t be investigated in isolation because the Redhill fire was also having a major impact on emergency services at the time,” she said. “Mr Ellis, who was a former army officer who served with the SAS Regiment, is a highly respected internationally recognised fire management expert, who has the knowledge and expertise to undertake a review of this type.” Ms Harrison-Ward said Mr Ellis’s background included strong operational experience as the Chief Officer and Chief Executive Officer of the Country Fire Service in South Australia as well as senior government appointments including: • assisting the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission 2009; • Chair of the Council of Australian Government (COAG) Inquiry on Bushfire Mitigation and Management 2004; • Victorian Auditor General’s Report on Fire Prevention and Preparedness 2003; • inquiry into the operational response to the January 2003 bushfires in the ACT. Ms Harrison-Ward said the MIR would investigate FESA’s operational performance, the

effectiveness of arrangements and assess the preparations leading up to the major fires at Redhill and Roleystone. The terms of reference for the MIR include: • examine the effectiveness of preparedness leading up to the bushfires; • assess the effectiveness of FESA’s public information systems; • examine the effectiveness of the response to the bushfires including existing fire response procedures, multi-agency response and coordination, and resource deployment; • recommend future bushfire management strategies, including any required improvements to existing arrangements including public communications, community advice systems, infrastructure, training and overall resourcing; • examine any other matters relevant to the incident. “The MIR will include input from key stakeholders to ensure FESA is provided with a comprehensive and balanced assessment of its response to the fire,” she said. “FESA is committed to continuous improvement, and the MIR is critical to learn about what went well and what can be done to improve the way we operate.” Ms Harrison-Ward said the MIR was open and accountable, and the final report would be tabled in Parliament by the Emergency Services Minister Rob Johnson and then released on FESA’s website. She said the report was expected to be completed by 30 June 2011 to ensure that relevant outcomes and recommendations could be implemented prior to the 2011-12 bushfire season. Ref: https://internet.fesa.wa.gov. au/mediareleases. Entered: 11/02/2011 4:25PM.

Intuitive Energy Healing Pictured at the assembly on 11th February from L to R were: Ernie Berrington, Halle Taylor, Meg McManus and Shelley from the RoleystoneKarragullen Community Bank® Branch.

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Community spirit is a phrase used to describe local people working together for a mutually positive and sometimes pleasurable result. This could be apparent at a community fair, a school fete, or in more practical situations where a local is in need of help and the community rally round to provide appropriate support. Other events that create community spirit could include charitable events at the community or church hall, or even putting together a team of volunteers to blitz local streets and clear them of rubbish. The measure of community spirit is subjective, but could be considered by looking at the level of achievement from deeds done by the community alongside the level of contentment of the locals. Community spirit is associated with voluntary work, favours and gestures of good will by residents and local businesses. Local voluntary organisations such as Neighbourhood Watch or the Women’s Institute often help create community spirit. (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). An Armadale lady and her daughter recently donated a freshly baked cake and some scrumptous cup cakes for the hard working firefighters.

ROLEYSTONE BOBCAT Sand Supplies Rock pitch Rock Supplies Landscaping ■  Rock Site works/sand pads Retaining Walls  ■


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PAGE 19 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Many locals volunteered to give a helping hand in the Salvation Army’s food tent throughout the ordeal.

A big thank you to the firefighters and other essential services for their work this week! Our local firies started on Sunday with far less help than they would have liked due to the Swan fires. I am sure SEPTIC SPECIALISTS they have been dreading a day ARE WEST CARE LIQUID WEST WASTE LIQUIDRECYCLING WASTE RECYCLING like that, but planning for it all Wholly Western A Wholly Australian Western Owned, Australian Australian Owned, Taxpaying Australian Company Taxpaying Company D.E.P. LICENCED D.E.P. CARRIER LICENCED T311 CARRIER CAT; 1-15T311 CAT; 1-15 the same. Even with the added confusion from gusty winds and multiple fire locations, everyone got out with no loss of life or livestock. There will of course be investigations, reports and ul or Christine Paul or Christine Ph: 9525 1704 Ph:Mobile: 9525 1704 0408Mobile: 093 073 0408 093 073 debriefs on ‘how it all went’. Email: carewest@gmail.com Email: carewest@gmail.com • Enviromental• Enviromental Spill CleanupsSpill • Grease Cleanups Traps • Grease • SepticTraps Tanks• Septic Tanks Obviously with strong winds, • Industrial Waste • Industrial • Sumps Waste • Turbo • Sumps Pressure • Turbo Wash Pressure Wash hot and dry conditions in areas that are hard to access, there was only so much the firefighters could do. 2010 Gold Plate Finalist There is a lot of media coverage The about the prescribed burning regimes. Of course all the local AwArd winning B.Y.O. restAurAnt reserves have fuel load reduction burns, but whether it is frequent enough will be one of the topics covered as we begin to recover and rebuild. It should be noted that many houses were lost in typical suburban conditions away new from bushland, which reminds menu us that houses themselves are 2009 & 2010 2009 Gold Plate Restaurant Award Finalists flammable, and sparks can Gold Plate Restaurant Award Finalists ServingServing only the bestthe cuisine in a in a only best cuisine Categories; Unlicensed Dining & Family Dining Categories; Unlicensed Dining & Family Dining enter through eaves, roofs and superbsuperb rustic setting rustic setting 2010 Restaurant & Catering Award Finalists 31 C hurCh A ve 31 C hurCh A ve The The • Fine Dining • 3 Rooms • Children Meals A rmAdAle AC rmAdAle • Fine Dining • 3 Rooms • Children 31 C hurCh A ve 31 hurCh A ve windows, especially when the • Romantic Evening • FamilyMeals Dining • Gift Vouchers • Romantic Evening • Family Dining • Gift Vouchers wind is so strong. 9399 6078 A rmAdAle restAurAnt A rmAdAle Open: Dinner Tues-Sat 6.30pm till late 9399 6078 Open: Dinner restAurAnt Tues-Sat 6.30pm till late (Sun & Mon by Appointment) Lunches by Arrangement (Sun & Mon by Appointment) Lunches by Arrangement The fire season is not yet over. It www.themanse.theguide.com.au www.themanse.theguide.com.au is a City of Armadale requirement

If you have any comments, you can contact me on 0488 900 307, Cr.CWielinga@armadale.wa.gov.au, 84 Leworthy Loop Karragullen.


Anse restAurAnt


under the Bushfires Act (1954) that “All grasses are to be maintained below 5cm in height and all trees, bushes, shrubs are to be trimmed back over driveways and access ways to all buildings” (Your Rates at Work 2010-2011, page 32). Of course common sense says you should also keep your leaf/ stick litter under control. The CSIRO book “Landscape and Building Design for Bushfire Areas” (www.publish.csiro.au/ pid/3461.htm) and the FESA manual “The Homeowner’s Bush Fire Survival Manual” (www.fesa.wa.gov.au/internet/ default.aspxMenuID=370&ContentID=562) recommend “Circles of Safety” and “Hazard Separation Zones” around houses. In essence, keep your grass short, tidy up leaf and stick litter, prune away lower tree branches, keep shrubs away from the house, keep the gutters clean and the yard free of rubbish/junk. Caroline Wielinga.

Anse Anse

9399 6078 9399 6078



11 - 4PM

Anse Anse

The The


PAGE 20 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Shop 1-3, 40 Fourth Road 9399 5577.

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Brackenridge Pure Indulgence wish to announce as of the 1st of March 2011 on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s only, Bonny our Clairvoyant will be available to offer her services to customers with a half hour or one hour consultation. For further enquiries ring 9496 2922 and bookings are by appointment only. Crystal™ took great care in developing the new Crystal essence lightly scented deodorants. They started with the same foundation as their award-winning deodorants, using all-natural ingredients and no harmful chemicals. Then they infused Crystal essence with essential oils and extracts - lush aromas that don’t overpower the senses. You can choose from three delightful new Crystal essence scents: • Chamomile & Green Tea — Combines the stress reduction of Chamomile with the powerful antioxidants of Green Tea. • Lavender & White Tea — Merges the natural anti-inflammatory gifts of lavender with the relaxing benefits of White Tea. • Pomegranate — The naturally occurring antioxidants in Pomegranate help regenerate the skin. The Crystal range of products are now conveniently available at Brackenridge Pure Indulgence. Crystal Body Deodorant Stick 120g $15, Crystal Body Deodorant Roll-On 67ml $12, Crystal Deodorant Spray 118ml $12.

aura photograph’s with Tony March from Alpha Nexus Aura Imaging saturDay 26th march Plus get a 15 minute reading with Rebecca all for $50 Bookings Essential



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Open Tues - Sat 10am - 4pm Congratulations Danielle Anile from Roleystone and Paul Lampropoulous married Saturday 5th February 2011 at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation, North Perth and St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Subiaco.

Unit 4/2 Soldiers Road Roleystone WA 6111 Phone: 08 9496 1100 ◊ Mobile: 0415 692 322 info@oliljewellerydesign.com.au

PAGE 21 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

What makes Crystal™ deodorants so unique are the powerful, all-natural mineral salts that prevent body odour from occurring - naturally. Here’s how: mineral salts form a layer on the skin which is inhospitable to odour-causing bacteria. All of our deodorants are hypoallergenic, contain no aluminum chlorohydrate, are paraben free, alcohol-free, non-sticky, and non-staining. They dry instantly and don’t leave any residue. Our award-winning, flagship Crystal Body Deodorant™ is unscented while our brand new Crystal essence line are lightly scented. For those with sensitive skin or allergies, or people who simply prefer a healthy alternative to mainstream, chemical-laden deodorants, Crystal™ deodorants are the ideal choice. Our deodorants are rated #1 by the Environmental Working Group for having the safest ingredients among natural and mainstream commercial deodorants. Crystal™ deodorants are NOT tested on animals, are safe for the environment and are recommended by Cancer Treatment Centers nationwide.


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PAGE 22 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Now with a local office in Mt Nasura



Call Simon on 9397 6313

Roleystone Community Church Is hosting the World Day of Prayer. Everyone is welcome to come and pray for Chile. Our Minister David Bardsley will be speaking at this event. We will be addressing the statement “How many loaves have we?”, focusing on the global poverty with a focus on Chile. The World Day of Prayer will be held at Roleystone Community Church, 1 Croydon Road, Roleystone at 10am on the 4th of March 2011. Morning Tea will be provided please call the church on 9397 5955 for further information. FREE LEGAL BUSINESS ADVICE Jules Lewin of Chartrill Legal under the auspices of the Small Business CentreSouth East Metro is providing free legal business advice sessions. If you would like to take advantage of this service please contact us for an appointment. The sessions are of a 20min duration so please come well prepared with your questions or paperwork. Please phone Small Business Centre-South East Metro on 9398 6333 or email admin@ sbcsem.com.au to make an appointment with our legal advisor. Appointments are available first Tuesday of every month here at the Small Business Centre-South East Metro. Morning Music at Kalamunda Performing Arts Centre On the first Wednesday of each month from February to August, come along and enjoy morning tea from 10.15am and then the concert at 11am. Tickets $12 each or $9 for groups of 10 or more. Go to www. kalamunda.wa.gov.au and book online or phone 9257 2558 for group bookings.

RJFC REGISTRATION 2011 Saturday 12th February 10am-2pm Sunday 20th February 10am-2pm Registration will be held at the Roleystone IGA Shopping Centre Jarrah Road, Roleystone. Fees payable at registration. Auskick-10’s $100, 11’s-12’s $110, 13’s & up $125. All new players MUST bring their birth certificate. Any enquiries please call President Sean Ashby on 9496 1421or Registrar Connie Saffioti on 9397 5191. Details on Mouthguard Day 2011 T.B.A. Yoga classes - after the fire storm The Yoga classes held at the Inner Calm Studio will be put on hold for a short

period of time. Most of you are probably aware that the venue was burnt down during the fire storm. I am seeking other venues and it may be as closer than you think when we will resume in the Roleystone-Kelmscott Community. Please keep an eye out on your emails for updates. Much love and positive energy from our yoga community to all the people who have lost their homes, it’s a very sad time, our thoughts and support are with you. Blessings Shannon Beech. www.yogatoroleystone.com Phone: 0421 255 074 Thinking of volunteering? 2 – 3 hours per week We are seeking enthusiastic parent support workers to complement our existing team. No formal qualification necessary. If you are interested in working with adults in their homes to build positive and effective parent/child relationships please ring us. Training commences March 2011 in Carlisle. For details please call Ruth Clan WA Inc. on 9498 2829. route 529 bus service has been extended Due to public requests, Transperth has extended the Route 529 trial service. Route 529 bus service will now operate until Sunday 17 April 2011, at which point the future of the service will be determined. The extension is timed to coincide with Transperth’s busiest time of year to give the route every possible chance of success. Route 529 bus service will continue to operate between Armadale and Cockburn Central train stations Monday to Friday on a 30-minute frequency during peak periods and every hour during off-peak times. Passengers can easily and conveniently use Route 529 bus service to connect to Mandurah Line train service and buses to Fremantle. The continuation of this route will depend on consistent and well supported patronage, Transperth encourages the local community to use this service during the extension period to support the ongoing need for the service. movies by burswood Gates open 6.30pm Films start 8.00pm www.moviesbyburswood.com Burswood Parklands 0403 560 684 Youth Café behind Armadale Shopping City Reopened The café offers supervised activities for young people, including movies, music, events and games. The café is open weeknights from 3pm to 6pm. It can be found in the loading dock area behind the underground carpark, off Fourth Road. For more information, call Armadale Youth Resources on 9497 1722.

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We offer you, and your business, a complete accounting and professional advice service. Or traditional accounting services include:

Thank you to the many firefighters that helped with the Black Sunday bushfires Eagle Bay East Swan Ellenbrook Fremantle Geraldton Goldfields Gosnells Guildford Harvey Hills Hope Valley Jandakot Jarrahdale Joondalup Kensington Keysbrook Kondonin Kulin Kwinana

Lake Grace Maddington Malaga Mandurah Midland Mount Barker Mundijong Murdoch Murray Nannup Narrikup New Norcia Newdegate Oakford Osborne Park Perth Piesseville Ravenswood

Rockingham Roleystone Rosa Brook Seabird Serpentine Singleton South Coogee Success Vasse Welshpool Witchcliffe Wanneroo Waroona Waterloo Wooroloo Yallingup Yarloop Yunderup South

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Excavator Excavator rock BrEakEr tip truck truck tip BoBcat BoBcat

Taken on 7th February 2011 at Sam and Kirsten Saffioti’s dam Peet Rd Roleystone

Driveways & Carparks in Hills Gravel & Recycled Bitumen • Shed & House Pads Septic Tanks & Leach Drains: New & Repaired Landscape Development • Swimming Pools Post Hole Auger - 400mm & 200mm Fire Breaks • Clean-ups • Yes Everything!

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Photograph courtesy of Lyndal McArdell.

25 Years Local Experience

PAGE 23 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Armadale Baldivis Bassendean Bedfordale Belmont Brookton West Bunbury Byford Calingiri Canning Vale Claremont Cockburn Corrigin Daglish Dandalup Dongara Duncraig Dwellingup



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Roleystone Kelmscott Bushfire Appeal launched Bendigo and Adelaide Bank’s philanthropic arm, Community Enterprise Foundation™ has partnered with Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Branch and the Salvation Army to launch the Roleystone Kelmscott Bushfire Appeal. More than 70 homes in Roleystone and Kelmscott have been damaged or destroyed by a bushfire that ripped through the area on Sunday 6 February 2011. Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, Regional Manager Central Western Australia, Frank Benaquista, said the bank was pleased to be able to launch the appeal to assist bushfire-affected communities. “Many communities have been shocked by the impact of the bushfires and the widespread damage that has occurred,” Mr Benaquista said. “Bendigo and Adelaide Bank is proud to be able to assist the community by launching the Roleystone Kelmscott Bushfire Appeal and is calling for public donations to help support those who have been affected by the fires.” Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Company, Chairman, Roy Hamilton said the community had been devastated by the bushfires. “It’s going to be a pretty tough road ahead for the Roleystone and Kelmscott communities and they will need all the help we can give them,” Mr Hamilton said. “Many families have lost everything and I’d like to encourage everyone to dig deep and give what you can.” Donations to the Roleystone Kelmscott Bushfire Appeal can be made at any Bendigo Bank branch or online at www.bendigobank.com.au/foundation/ RoleystoneKelmscott. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

Sharing the benefits with Free marquee lending program

PAGE 24 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Branch

Our portable shade marquee lending program offers schools, community groups, charities and other non-profit organisations within the Roleystone & Karragullen areas free access to a portable shade marquee for the use at outdoor events. To book a marquee, simply contact the branch on 9397 7466 or call into the branch at Shop 8, 21 Jarrah Road, Roleystone Shopping Centre, Roleystone and chat to our friendly branch staff between 9am and 5pm weekdays or 9am and 12 noon on Saturdays.

Showing our support to local businesses, clubs and organisations.

Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank®Branch

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL 237879. (S31833) (11/10)

The picture says it all

Steven Rouse

Fully Qualified Therapeutic Massage Therapist (Dip. Rem/Sports)

meNSaNa pRofeSSioNal maSSage SeRviceS

3 Coachmans Place Telephone: Araluen Country Club Estate 0438 955 419 Roleystone WA 6111 Email: rouse@westnet.com.au Services offered: Deep Tissue Massage, Therapeutic, Sports & Remedial, Lymphatic Drainage, Postural Analysis & Correction, Pre & Post Natal Massage

While I am still in shock, I consider myself one of the lucky ones. My home stayed safe as did all my family and friends. Unfortunately our Mount Street premises were not so fortunate. However I have managed to secure a new place for my art classes (commencing soon). This will be at the Old Church Hall on the Corner of Croyden Road and Brookton Highway. I feel it is best for me and the people who come to class for us to keep moving forward and be there for one another. Please see advertisment below. Susan Angwin.


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Left to right: Yvonne Waddell, Pat Halden, Helen Johansen and Jacquie Colleran.

NEVER TOO OLD TO PLAY HOCKEY The winter season is approaching and I have again been asked to recruit players for our Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club. The above ladies were players in 1 of 6 WA State Vets teams who took part in the National Vets Hockey Championships in Canberra last October. There is one WA State Team represented in each age division ranging from over 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60’s. Yvonne, Jacquie and Helen all play for Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club, but all four play in the Hills Women’s Hockey Association of which Roleystone is a member. Hockey is a game that you can continue to play into your grander years. One of the players in Canberra was 76 and no sloth either. With the winter season fast approaching we invite you to come and join our club regardless of ability. You must be 13 or over. Our fees are about a third of Metro teams, but we still have as challenging a game and double the fun. We are geared to family fitness and fun, with a bit of serious play. Roleystone has 2 teams in the competition. Games are played Sunday afternoons all at the same venue with a free cuppa to follow. The Club trains in Kelmscott on Wednesdays 6:30pm – 8:00pm. For all enquiries please call Sue on 9398 7426 or Helen (after 6pm) on 9397 5939. Helen Johansen.


Established W.A. Artist Established W.A. Artist Susan Angwin Established W.A. Established W.A. Artist Artist Susan Angwin Invites you to join her Susan Angwin Susan Invites youAngwin to join her Invites you to Invites you to join join her her Studio Classes

Studio Classes Studio Studio Classes Classes

Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Instruction in Pastel, painting Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Mixed Media, Instruction in Pastel, painting Oil,Skills Acrylic, Charcoal & Drawing Watercolour, Mixed Media, CharcoalPastel, & Drawing Watercolour, Pastel, MixedSkills Media, For both beginners & advanced Charcoal & Drawing Skills Charcoal & Drawing Skills

For both & advanced 5x 3beginners hour Classes $115 For both beginners $115 5x 3 hour Classes $125 For both beginners & & advanced advanced Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 5x 3 hour Classes 5x 3 hour Classes $115 $115 Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm

Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, 10am-1pm Saturday,Thursday, 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 2Saturday, Mount Street Roleystone 10.30am-1.30pm Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm 2 Street Roleystone Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy E: Mount susan.angwin@bigpond.com 2 Mount Street Roleystone E: susan.angwin@bigpond.com 2 Mount Street Roleystone T: 0400 037 818 E: susan.angwin@bigpond.com T: 0400 037 818 E: susan.angwin@bigpond.com T: 0400 T: 0400 037 037 818 818

PAGE 25 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter


Roleystone Bowls News from the Greens The ROLEYSTONEKARRAGULLEN BENDIGO BANK Community Bowls Is in full swing, meaning Call in and see Richard at the new the greens at the Club are Kelmscott Pool & Spa full of excited people. With 20lt Liquid Chlorine *$18.00 twenty teams vying for the *Drum deposit or exchange honours, we have eighty 10kg Granular Chlorine $49.95 players enjoying Wednesday evenings, having fun doing 2.5lt Starver $39.95 what they love. (phosphate remover) There are still fourteen teams good advice - better service - the right price with a real chance of winning water analysis - pumps - filters - cleaners the event, including the - chemicals Pozzies, the Posties, Beauty The “Nottingham Nymphs” Julie Stokes, Norma Smith and Linda Mellors were Closed Sundays and the Beast, the Odd Ones, happy winners of the Ladies’ Triples Championship. Prices valid until Feb 28th 2011 the Firies, the Cricketers UNIT 1, 21 PAGE ROAD KELMSCOTT and Us. The raffle (a beaut meat pack from the Roleystone Family Meats) has been very popular and the sausage 9495 1660 kpshop@bigpond.com sizzle is proving to be another winner. Thanks to the willing help of the bowlers and the sponsorship from our local branch of the Bendigo Bank, the competition is strong and the enthusiasm ensures that everyone has fun. For anyone wishing to get in on the action and good times, there is always Friday Night Social Bowls. You simply need to be at the Roleystone Country Club by 6.30pm to register for the night’s entertainment. SpecialiSt After winning the Ashes in such convincing style, you could be forgiven for thinking that the English had inflicted enough pain over the summer. Not so when it came to the Ladies’ Triples Championship, which was taken out by a team whose members all originally hail Roger Brickwood from Nottingham and were happy to proclaim their heritage once they’d stolen the event. Congratulations go to Julie Stokes, Norma Smith and Linda Mellors on winning the 0419 955 749 championship ahead of runners-up Shirley Thomas, Eileen Green and Marcia Kitson. brickwoodceilings@bigpond.com Keith Rinaldi.



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PAGE 26 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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L ook out for thes coloured pigeon! and kangaroos


Courses for 2011 have Commenced Enquiries for Courses and for Volunteer Tutors are always welcome The McFarleane House Learning Centre is fast approaching the first term of 2011. Enrolments will be held on Tuesday 1st February 2011 from 5.00pm - 7.00pm and Wednesday 2nd February from 10.00am to 1.00pm. Courses are expected to commence on the following Monday, the 7th of February. This term McFarleane House Learning centre offers courses for Patchwork, Dressmaking/

Stretch Sewing, Card Making, Computing, Belly Dancing/Drumming, and two new courses in Italian and Family History. We are also taking orders for basic quilting on our quilting machine at reasonable prices. Our tutors kindly volunteer their time to McFarleane House to run these courses for you, the public, so that we can operate these courses at a reasonable cost to our members. We are always looking for

tutors for new courses, so if you have a skill you can share and would like to assist, our co-ordinator Karen Nathan would love to hear from you. The McFarleane House Learning Centre is located at Suite 5, Gosnells Community Lotteries House (The Agonis), 2232c Albany Highway, Gosnells. Telephone: 9394 0233 E-mail: mcfarhousea@ netspace.net.au.

Unwelcome guest drops in

Gosnells Lotteries House Suite 5,2232C Albany Hwy Gosnells EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS AND TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT!!

Term 1 2011 enrolmenTs: Tue 1st Feb 5pm-7.30pm & Wed 2nd Feb 10am-1pm Monday Patchwork (Beginners / Advanced) 8wks Touch Typing (Self paced) 8wks Italian (Beginners) 8wks Computing (Beginners / Internet (Evening) 4wks Tuesday Curtains/Cushions/Upholstery 8wks Wednesday Touch Typing (Self paced) 8wks Dressmaking/Stretch Sewing 8wks Card Making/Scrapbooking 8wks Thursday Patchwork Friendship Group 8wks Computing (Beginners) 8wks Computing (Intermediate) 8wks Belly Dancing/Drumming (Evening) 8wks Friday Craft & Chat (bring your own project) 8wks Curtains/Cushions/Upholstery 8wks Family History 4wks

9.30-2.30 9.30-11.30 9.30-11.30 7-9 9.30-11.30 9.30-11.30 9.30-12.30 1-3 9.30-2.30 9.30-11.30 12.30-2.30 7-9 9.30-12.30 1-3 1-3

$90 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $55 $45 $70 $70 $70 $50 $24 $45 $30

P: 9394 0233 E: mcfarhouse@netspace.net.au

Classes commence week beginning 7.2.11. Yearly Membership: $30 or Term Membership $10. All fees payable on enrolment - No concessions - Cash or Cheque only. Air conditioned premises and plenty of free parking. The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports the McfArLEAnE housE LEArning cEntrE inc.

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PAGE 27 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

On Sunday morning 6th of February an unlucky resident in Heather Road awakened to the easterly winds and a fairly large tree straddling their car. Little did they know what other disaster was about to unfold later on that day!

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0407 470 673

9397 5160 3 Calytrix Rd Roleystone Email: bootom@bigpond.com

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This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter

Doc Brown (aka MC Strawb) took us back to the 80’s in style with an incredible line up of amazing local talent. A great night was enjoyed by all. Regulars Mel and Tony opened the evening, followed by a duet by Jim and Caroline, and a solo performance by Chris Atkinson. The Crispies - Frazer Williams, The great Pete Hardinge, Paul Peacock and Chris Horgan. Bobbie, Ronny Stomp and Paul Peacock, Indiana Jones Dave Nolan followed with (aka Chris Horgan), Bowie (aka some 80’s classics and Fraser Williams), Nick Rohner, foot tapping tunes. Pete Jeff Young, Pete and Bobbie paid has played in many bands respectful homage to great 80’s throughout the years - the bands like Men at Work, Goanna most renowned would be Fraser Williams and INXS - just to name a few. the LaDeDas in the 1970’s. House band Never2L8 (Strawb, In those days his stage name was Peter Stig, Dave Willis, Jeff and Paul Loveridge) Roberts. came out strong with their repertoire of “The Crispies” were up next with 80’s ballads. The Blues Brothers (aka K5) with Gary, Rossy and Tim brought the house down, giving a great tribute to an amazing era of brilliant music. Special thanks must go to Rossy for sharing his spectacular drum kit for the evening. Thanks also to Fraser, Jeff and Paul for cooking up a storm on the BBQ. The music club is open to all musicians (families and friends). Come on down during a club night at Springdale and join in the fun. Beginners and young players are encouraged to join in. Next month on 18th February, the Hungarian Pianist, singer and composer Tamas Toth will be joining us. We’d like to thank the Roleystone Tee-ball and Junior Football clubs for sharing the venue with us in 2010. We look forward to another great year! For more info and pics, visit www.rmcwa.com.au. Julie and Chris Horgan.

EM K5 Xmas 2010

Strawb as Doc from back to the future.

School community rallies to support bushfire victims Staff, students and families at John Wollaston Anglican Community School have overwhelmingly responded with offers of assistance for Roleystone and Kelmscott residents affected by the recent bushfires. After the Archdeacon of Swan, The Venerable David Bradbury, contacted the School asking if students could volunteer their time at Armadale Arena, six Prefects travelled to the evacuation centre on Tuesday 8 February to spend the morning sorting items of donated clothing and footwear. Principal Anne Ford said Luan Bristow, Elliot McPhail, Sarah Devenish, Amy O’Neil, Erin Sewell and Taylah Phillips were keen to help as many staff and families at the School had been impacted by the bushfires. “Many of our students have expressed a desire to either donate their time, money or goods to make a difference, and I am very proud of their kindness and their spirit,” she said. “Several families have contacted the School to offer assistance with items such as stationery and books. “As a school community we have raised $2,500 so far for the Bushfire Appeal of the Anglican Community Fund by holding a Free Dress Day on Friday 11 February. There was also a collection at the Commissioning Service for our student leaders on Wednesday 16 February.”

“Through the wonderful generosity of a John Wollaston family, we have also been able to assist to re-accommodate one of our families who unfortunately lost their home”.

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This sporting group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter

Armadale Region Business Association Helping Business Grow

Kelmscott/Roleystone Fires To the Business Community

We have been asked how local business might help as a result of the recent hills fires. The immediate needs of displaced residents are being met by the various State and Local Government agencies. We are told the city does not require any more food or clothing donations but cash donations will greatly appreciated. For details please go the City of Armadale Web site http://www.armadale. wa.gov.au/Home or the ARBA Web site www.arba.com.au. However there may be a need for assistance when the clean up begins. If you think you might be able to offer some assistance you can contact Peta Turnbull at the City of Armadale by email pturnbull@armadale.wa.gov.au.


PAGE 29 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

John Wollaston Anglican Community School Prefects (left to right) Luan Bristow (Orange Grove), Elliot McPhail (Oldbury), Sarah Devenish (Huntingdale), Amy O’Neil (Camillo), Erin Sewell (Bedfordale) and Taylah Phillips (Seville Grove) volunteered to sort items of donated clothing for bushfire victims at Armadale Arena.

What it’s all about Every March thousands of people shave, colour and wax their hair to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. It’s one of Australia’s biggest fundraising events, it’s also the most fun! Since 1998, World’s Greatest Shave has raised in excess of $106 million and support for our biggest source of income has never been more important. Every hour, someone in Australia is diagnosed with leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma. Every two hours, someone dies from one of these blood cancers. The money you raise is used by the Leukaemia Foundation to fund services to support patients and families living with leukaemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders. All our services are free. Your fundraising also funds blood cancer research to find better treatments and cures.

Want to know how to take part It’s fun, for a good cause and open to all ages. Take part at work, school, with family and friends; there are lots of ways you can be brave and shave (or colour). Go to www.worldsgreatestshave.com

ARALUEN’S AMAZING ‘BOTANIC BLUES’… From 5.15pm Saturday 19 February at Araluen Botanic Park, Roleystone

“Paradise Found… just an hour from Perth, yet worlds away!”

Araluen Botanic Park is proud to announce that its amazing and popular Blues event continues in 2011 and will be staged on Saturday 19th February under the new ‘Araluen’s Botanic Blues’ banner. Previously known as ‘Blues in the Night’, the change of name was made to more clearly define the event. In keeping with tradition, this year’s event features an outstanding line-up of talented blues performers, including the internationally-renowned Eugene ‘Hideaway’ Bridges from the deep south USA; Darren Jack, the muso’s muso from Sydney; and, local blues heroes Kim Bettenay and Jonesy’s Cow. “This year’s event focuses on delivering fantastic blues entertainment value in a familyfriendly and stunning illuminated botanic setting,” says Araluen Botanic Park Foundation manager, Rod Ross. “In these fiscally tighter times the emphasis is on affordability. We have reduced our prices to $35 for adults and accompanying children up to 16 years will be admitted free. Additionally, guests are welcome to BYO food and drink, although

food and light refreshments will be available at the venue,” he adds. “We greatly appreciate the expanded support of our event sponsors and, in particular the naming-rights sponsor for this event, Goad Transport.” Due to the limited capacity of the venue, intending patrons are advised that bookings are essential to avoid disappointment. Credit card bookings can be made via phone on 9496 1171, fax 9496 1081 or email: info@ araluenbotanicpark.com.au" info@araluenbotanicpark.com. au. Tickets can also be obtained personally from the Park office. Of course, Araluen Botanic Park is a wonderful place to visit at any time of the year due to its moderate climate and running water all year round. It is open 9am to 6pm daily and features bush walks, picnic and BBQ areas, the Chalet Healy Tearooms offering visitors the unique experience of a genuine 1930s Canadian log cabin and the ambient Roundhouse Gift Shop. Modest entry fees apply. Araluen Botanic Park is a SmokeFree venue. Araluen Botanic Park is proudly supported by the Department of Environment and Conservation.

PAGE 30 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Internet Safety Presentation for Parents

The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports the ARALUEN BOTANIC PARK

In today’s modern society, digital technology is a major component of young people’s everyday lives. Their access to mobile phones and the internet allow them to efficiently socialise, study, exchange ideas and play. Although online activity has many benefits, there are undeniable risks involved as well. To help make sure your kids are staying safe when they are online, Roleystone District High School will be hosting a Cybersafety Outreach - Internet Safety Awareness presentation. Provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), this parent-friendly presentation is part of a national cybersafety initiatives program. The Cybersafety Outreach - Internet Safety Awareness presentation is easy to understand, and covers a wide range of issues such as: • Developing technologies you should know about, and the ways kids use the internet; • Possible online risks for kids, like cyberbullying, identity theft, inappropriate contact and exposure to inappropriate content; • Helpful tips to ensure online safety for kids. The presentation is conducted by an ACMA Cybersafety trainer and is free of charge. It will be held on: Wednesday 2nd March 2011 at 6.30pm. To register your attendance, please contact Roleystone District High School on 9397 6222 soon. Enrolments will also be accepted on the night, but we advise you to act quickly. We look forward to seeing you there.

PAGE 31 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Photograph courtesy of Lyndal McArdell.

Photographs courtesy of Jason Newland.

Minding Our Children

Roleystone Net

Workshop for Parents and Educators to mindfulness, neuroscience and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The principles of these approaches will be employed to: • Learn about the power and application of thoughts; • Increase awareness of one’s own thoughts; • Map what you see your child to be; • Develop tools for initiate this vision. Equipped with such knowledge and tools, adults will be able to effectively communicate with children using ‘I believe…I see…You are…’. We can intentionally use our presence to foster a positive self-image, optimism and resilience within our children. Workshop details: Facilitator: Anna Amhrose (B. Soc. Sc.; TAA) Venue: Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre Date: Wednesday 6th April 2011 Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm Cost: $40/$35 Morning tea provided Enrolments: 0424 980 878 www.mtlawleycounselling.com.au Reference: Leiden University. (2008). Learning from mistakes only works after 12 years, Study suggests. Science Daily. Available at www. sciencedaily.com/releases /2008/09/ 080925104309.htm.

Adults represent the most powerful presence in the lives of children. Our presence can exert either a positive or negative influence on how children grow and perceive themselves and the world around them. We can have both a subtle and direct influence on the relationships that children have with themselves, other people and their environment, by bringing to attention how we are ‘minding’ our children. This workshop examines the link between what adults think and believe about a child to the behaviour and self-perception of that child. Essentially it looks at how the things we think impacts on others. For example, if we are thinking and expressing positive feedback to an 8 or 9 year old child, we can see how it physically affects the brain. Images of the brains of children at these ages show that areas of the brain are activated following positive feedback (Leiden University, 2008). This is a powerful indicator of the affect that our thoughts and words have on the development of children. Another common example is shown in the idea of the ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’. When our thoughts are focused on succeeding at a task, we are more likely to succeed, thereby fulfilling our ‘prophecy’ of success. During this workshop we will explore how this phenomenon occurs, with reference

Roleystone Kelmscott Fire Relief 2011 Introduction We have put this page up to assist those in need regarding the Roleystone Kelmscott fires of 2011. Relief agencies are being overwelmed with receiving goods. So we though we would offer a noticeboard so that people in need can take up those who kindly offer, when those in need are ready. To make an offer please contact one of our volunteers; • Julie: julie@bottomupwebs.com.au or call 0434 263 357 • Diane: diane@roleystone.net.au or call 9397 5300 Pledges and Donations One of the most effective ways to help is to donate money. The following is a list of places where you can donate money... Bendgio Bank Donate online: www.bendigobank.com.au/foundation/ roleystonekelmscott Goods on Offer If you have any goods to offer, please contact us for inclusion onto this list... Accomodation on Offer If you have free accomodation, granny flats or caravans, please contact us for inclusion onto this list... Fundrasing Events Know of any fundrasing events? Please contact us for inclusion onto this list... Contacts for further information Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia (FESA) – 9323 9300 Website: https://internet.fesa.wa.gov.au/alerts/Pages/Alert.aspx?ItemId=2084 Utilities and roads: Western Power – 13 13 51, Alinta Gas – 13 13 75, Water Corporation – 13 13 75, Telstra – 13 22 03, Main Roads WA – 138 138 Services: Anglicare Emergency Relief WA – Fremantle: 9325 7033, Girrawheen: 9247 9705, Australia Red Cross – 1800 246 850, Centrecare – 9325 6644, Centrelink – 13 28 50, Crisis Care – Department for Communities – 9223 1111 or 1800 199 008, Department for Child Protection – 9222 2555 or 1800 622 258, Insurance Council of Australia – 1300 728 228, Lifeline – 13 11 14, RSPCA WA – 9209 9300, School Closures – South Metropolitan District Education Office – 9336 9563, State Emergency Services SES – 132 500, The Samaritans – 9381 5555, Wildcare Helpline – Department of Environment & Conservation (DEC) – 9474 9055.

Friday 18th March

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Assistance available for those affected by the Kelmscott Roleystone fires • Housing repairs of up to $10,000; and • Replacement of household in person at City of Armadale Administration furniture of up to $10,500 Centre, 7 Orchard Avenue, Armadale. Website: • Infrastructure Rebuilding Funding for local www.armadale.wa.gov.au/Home/Bushfire_ governments and state agencies for the restoration Emergency. Please note: This information or replacement of essential public assets and details broad measures on assistance available infrastructure (once thresholds are reached). and relevant agencies should always be contacted • Small Business Support Interest rate subsidies directly. for small businesses affected by the fires. • Support for Primary Producers Including recovery advice, interest rate subsidies and freight subsidies. NDRRA assistance is funded by the Commonwealth on a 50/50 basis with • Owner/Builders • Bathroom Renovations the WA Government and delivered by • Sewer/Water Extensions • Septic installations • HWU’s state agencies. Eligibility criteria for payments apply. Andy Meney For information regarding personal Mobile 0419 986 923 Office: 9293 7524 support contact the WA Department of E-Mail: abmplumbing@ymail.com Child Protection on 1800 199 008. For information on assistance for small businesses, contact the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia on 9323 9552. For information on support for primary producers, contact the WA Department of Agriculture and Food on 1800 198 231. In addition to the above, immediate disaster relief payments are available through the State Government. • Those who have lost their principal place of residence – Up to $3,000 in financial assistance is immediately available Bureau of Meteorology for families who lost their principal place of residence. • Those who have had Statistics for September 2010 significant damage to Temperature Average Minimum: 7.6 C their principal place Maximum: 19.0 C of residence – Up Total Rainfall 33.4mm to $1000 in financial assistance is available Statistics for October 2010 to families who have Temperature Average Minimum: 9.7 C had significant damage Maximum: 22.5 C to their principal place Total Rainfall 30.8mm of residence. These payments are Statistics for November 2010 being administered by Temperature Average Minimum: 13.6 C the City of Armadale Maximum: 27.8 C on behalf of the State Total Rainfall 12.2mm Government. For information on Statistics for December 2010 immediate disaster Temperature Average Minimum: 13.8 C relief payments contact Maximum: 28.7 C the City of Armadale Total Rainfall 18.2mm – 9399 0111. Claim

Government to replace medals lost in natural disasters Canning MHR Don Randall has welcomed the Government’s announcement that it will relax its policy on replacement of Australian Defence Force (ADF) medals so that medals lost during the recent fires in Kelmscott and Roleystone can be replaced. Completed applications should be submitted to: Directorate of Honours and Awards Department of Defence, PO Box 7952, Canberra BC, ACT 2610. Enquiries may also be directed to Defence Honours and Awards toll free on 1800 111 321. For further assistance and information, please contact the office of Don Randall MHR by calling 9390 1211.

© copyright 2010 Bureau of meteorology

Bickley – Western Australia

Statistics for January 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 16.8 C Maximum: 31.5 C Total Rainfall 36.6mm Western Australian Regional Office Bureau of Meteorology Ph: 9263 2222 Fax: 9263 2233. Accessed from the Bureau of Meteorology website http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/dwo Disclaimer; This product contains real-time data, loaded automatically with only limited quality control. The Bureau does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, correctness, accuracy, reliability, or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the information presented. The user accepts sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and results of this product, irrespective of the purpose to which such use or results are applied. in no event shall the Bureau of meteorology be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action contract, negligence or tort, rising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this product.

PAGE 33 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Canning MHR Don Randall acknowledges the disastrous losses occurred as a result of the recent Kelmscott Roleystone fires. Mr Randall congratulated all who assisted during such a difficult event, including: City of Armadale councillors and staff, State Government members of Parliament, career firefighters from the metropolitan area, volunteer firefighters from local units as well as those that came from the South West, Mid West and Great Southern regions, numerous SES volunteers and police officers. “Glen Woods, store owner of the IGA supermarket at the Stargate Shopping Centre in Kelmscott, should also get a special mention as he immediately helped out on the day the fires started by providing food and water to those who had to suddenly evacuate,” Mr Randall said. “It is understandable it may take some time for the community to properly deal with all the issues at hand, however assistance is available and I ask residents to please contact my office if I can be of any assistance.” The following assistance is currently being made available: Relocation and recovery centre Armadale Arena, Cnr Forrest Road and Townley Street, Armadale. The relocation and recovery centre is being managed through the City of Armadale – 9399 0111. Information and support can be accessed via the centre. Immediate financial assistance The Federal Government has announced it will provide assistance for communities in Western Australia recently hit by severe bushfires. The activation of assistance follows the declaration by the Western Australian Government of five Local Government areas as natural disaster zones – the City of Armadale, Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, City of Canning, City of Swan and Shire of Chittering. The declaration gives communities Commonwealth/State Government assistance under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA). This includes: • Personal Support Assistance Emergency assistance for people who have suffered personal hardship, including: • The provision of emergency assistance including emergency accommodation, food, essential clothing and other personal items – payments of up to $388 per eligible adult and up to $194 per eligible child on the 1st day of assistance (with reductions in payment levels on subsequent days); • Temporary living expenses of up to $110 per day per adult/family in the metropolitan area and up to $150 per day per adult/family in country areas;

Governor Ken Michaels visits City of Armadale

PAGE 34 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Is proud to announce it’s 2011 season: WaItIng for godot (Play) Mar 11, 12, 16, 18, 19 Influence (Play) May 20, 21, 25, 27, 28 grumble bum & the trIcky WItch (Pantomime) July 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23 one-act-SeaSon (Plays) Sept 2, 3, 9, 10 lIttle Women (Musical) Nov 18, 19, 23, 25, 26, 30, Dec 2, 3 Bookings 9397 5730

The Governor of Western Australia, His Excellency Ken Michaels, visited the City of Armadale today to show his support for the local community affected by bushfires. Dr Michaels attended a multi-agency bushfire recovery meeting at the City, before visiting the City’s Community Recovery Centre at Armadale Arena and touring the fire zone with his wife Mrs Michaels. He said it was a credit to all involved in the emergency that no lives were lost, although 72 homes were destroyed and 38 were others damaged. Dr Michaels also praised the community spirit so evident among both fire-affected residents, volunteers and those wishing to donate. Armadale Mayor Linton Reynolds said the Governor’s visit was a boost for those involved in the recovery effort. “The hard work is just beginning for many people and after a traumatic few days, it is great to see support coming from all quarters,” Cr Reynolds said. “We are gratified and humbled by the incredible donations and offers of assistance from the public. “Many organisations such as schools and community groups are holding events and planning activities to raise funds for people who have lost their homes. “720 ABC Radio is showing its support by hosting the Saturday Breakfast Show 6am to 10am with James Lush and Sabrina Hahn at Kelmscott’s Rushton Park on Saturday 12 February. “It would be wonderful to see our residents down at the park and participating in this community event. “In coming weeks 6PR will be hosting a thankyou event for firefighters and emergency services personnel.” Community support for the bushfire victims can be shown in two ways: • To make a cash donation to the City of Perth Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Appeal visit www.cityofperth.wa.gov.au. • Register with Volunteering WA to volunteer or donate goods at www.volunteeringwa. org.au.


ROLEYSTONE THEATRE BROOKTON HWY TICKETS $25.00 TEL 9397 5730 The theme for the night is songs from the Musicals A Giant Raffle is going to be offered. Bookings Essential! This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter

Roleystone Kelmscott Bushfire Tony Simpson was shocked at extent of the damage that our community has suffered from the bushfire on Sunday. The Member for Darling Range, Tony Simpson MLA visited the fire affected Roleystone area yesterday with Premier Colin Barnett and the federal member Don Randall MHR and they were all stunned by the complete destruction of homes. “I have seen firsthand the devastation these bushfires caused. At many of the properties I saw, there was simply nothing left,” Mr Barnett said. “I really feel for the people who have lost their homes. It will be heartbreaking for families as they return to the remains.” Mr Simpson attended the first evacuation area at the Kelmscott Stargate Shopping Centre on Sunday night and was impressed how quickly our community came together to support one another in this time of need. Just one example of this is that the following morning owner of the Supa IGA was still delivering much needed water to both

evacuees and the hard working volunteers on the front line. This cold water was very much appreciated by all recipients and he is to be congratulated for this community service. The Premier also said he was proud to see how West Australians had pulled together. He advised that the State Government will donate $1million to the Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund on behalf of all West Australians and Tony would also like to encourage all readers to contribute to this fund where they are able. “I would like to thank FESA, WA Police, St John Ambulance, the local shire and the State Emergency Service for keeping people safe these past few days,” the Premier said. “With the intensity of the fire and the extreme weather conditions, fire crews did a remarkable job to save the homes they did.” The State Government has provided immediate assistance payments of $3,000 to people who have lost their primary place of residence and $1,000 for people who have suffered significant damage to their primary place of residence.

PAGE 35 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Photograph courtesy of Jason Newland.

Photograph courtesy of Lyndal McArdell. Photographs courtesy of Scott Baker. Photograph courtesy of Jason Newland.

Smile! Meet Denny, Rainbow Riding School’s Newest Resident With Rainbow Riding School’s original students growing up fast, and increased interest from many of the parents (and why should the kids have all the fun?!), clearly a bigger pony was needed Enter Denny, a bay pure Arabian gelding who, at almost 15 hands high, is even taller than Peppe, Rainbow’s ‘gentle giant’. Denny was originally called Buddy, but the name was simply too plain for such a character. Besides, Rainbow already has a pony named Holly, so to have a Buddy as well…?! Following spirited discussion amongst the regular riders, he was renamed Denny, after the Man from Snowy River’s buckskin horse. Denny is five years old, a teenager in equestrian terms, and loves everybody. Chief Instructor Anita Moor had Denny staying in the paddock at home when he first arrived, and had to promptly shut the door to prevent him from clopping on into the kitchen to say hello. Denny debuted during Rainbow Riding School’s recent summer holiday program, going along on the Wungong Gorge ride-out and a Beach Day. He is being gradually ridden by more and more of the experienced riders, all of whom love him Roley rider Aviv Cohen was Rainbow’s first-ever student, and is now

an Instructor’s Assistant. Aviv is helping to train Buddy up to attend Wallangarra Pony Club in 2011, along with five other experienced Rainbow ponies. A new horse needs a new arena, and Darryl and Anita have been hard at work all summer extending, re-fencing and resurfacing the existing one. Development of the adjacent paddock into a new jumping arena is also well underway. Rainbow’s main arena is now ten metres longer, or 200 square meters larger, and resurfaced with 60 cubic meters of new pine wood chips, and was officially unveiled at the Gymkhana held on January 29. This event marks the end of the holiday program and was well attended, despite the 40°C-plus heat. Aviv successfully completed six events on Denny, and while he was pipped by the experienced ponies (including our feisty little Shetland Bella!), he is eager to learn and shows heaps of potential. A big congratulations goes to Taylah Smith, riding Lori, who took out the Champion Rider trophy on the day. Rainbow Riding School’s regular term lessons are now back in full swing; ring Anita on 0438 687 666 to check class availability. See you in the saddle- “Hot to trot”!! Karen Fouweather.


Denny smiles for the camera!



PAGE 36 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

3. Pictured: 1) Gymkhana crew in the new arena, 2) Roleystone riders at the beach - Jayde, Abby, Aviv and Anna, 3) Aviv on Peppe, 4) Anita on Valley the Powerboat, 5) Wungong Gorge riders January 2011 and 6) Taylah Smith - Gymkhana Champion.





ANTENNAS Roleystone Antennas Ph: 0411 536 883 Antenna Home Theatre Install/Repairs ARTIST Susan Angwin Classes to be held at the Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy. Phone: 0400 037 818 ART WORKSHOPS Jackie Hoeksema Phone: 9496 1537 jackie@topazedesigns.com AUTO-MECHANICAL A Grade Mechanical 11 Wygonda Road Phone: 9397 5244 WJ & KS Automotives 447 Chevin Road Phone: 9397 5666 BANK Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Open M-F 9-5pm Sat 9-12pm 9397 7466 BEAUTY THERAPISTS Holly’s Skin & Beauty Shop 1, 198 Brookton Hwy Kelm. Ph: 9390 0583 Pure Indulgence Unit 6 1 Soldiers Rd Brackenridge Village 9496 2922 blinds / trimming All Out Blinds www.alloutblinds.com Paul Liva 0408 721 937

BOBCAT & TIP TRUCK Roleystone Bobcat 0418 625 925 Call Joe Dirt 9397 9860 Stonybrook Contractors Phone: Sam 0407 381 440 Over 20 Years Experience Terry Close Enterprises 0428 853 591 25 Years Local Experience T.L.H. Contracting Services Call Terry 0433 895 551 bore servicing New Pumps/Repairs, Bore Clean/ Dev, Windmills/Solar Pumps Nick 0413 058 943 or 9496 0290 BRAKE REPAIRS AAA Mobile Brake Repairs Unit 1, 15 Gillam Drv Kelm P: 9390 0277 F: 9390 0388 Mob: 041 993 4142 BRICKLAYING S & LJ Rigby Contractors Stan Mob: 0418 920 148 A/Hrs: 9397 5768 BUILDER David J Willis Building Phone: 9496 1262 Mobile: 0408 959 340 White Rose Building Co David Fowler P: 9498 3843 Mob: 0402 785 894 BUS CHARTER Roleystone Transfer and Charter Call David Mackey on 0412 953 638

CHIROPRACTOR MORTGAGE BROKER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Roleystone Chiropractic Retravision-Hills Loan Market Josh Morton 0451 675 100 Appliances Armadale Call Glynis 0417 987 515 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Shop 1-3, 40 Fourth Rd glynis.anderson@loanmarket.com.au Phone: 9399 5577 COMPUTER REPAIRS NATUROPATHY/IRIDOLOGY ELECTRICIAN Healing Solutions Bigsi Computer Solutions Darling Range Electrical 4/259 Bannister Rd Canning call Simon 9397 9046 Mobile: 0433 838 394 Call Glen Weaver Vale Ph: 9455 2959 0421 567 423, 9397 6015 CONCRETE ORCHARDS High Point Electrical Decorative Concrete Raeburn Orchard Call Marius 0419 004 475 Resurfacing System Phone: 9397 5325 Fax: 9497 8596 4 Raeburn Rd Roleystone Transforming Crete Designs FENCING Call Pete now 0438 979 582 ORGANIC PRODUCTS Armadale Fencing K & K Concrete Catabree & Magnolia Ph: Marcel 0408 957 987 Kevin Campbell 52 Fourth Rd Armadale or Ph/Fax 496 3142 Mobile: 0433 728 478 Phone: 9399 2992 Fence Heroes deli & general store Earthbound Organics Pat Childs 9397 5160 Open 7 Days 9.30amRoleystone Deli & General Mobile: 0407 470 673 5.30pm Ph: 9397 7899 Store Ph/Fax: 9397 5845 Rural Fencing Call John Shop 2, 508 Brookton Hwy PAINTER 0418 953 591 or (Opp. Peet Rd) Roleystone Brush Worx Terry Griffiths Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 DIEBACK 0430 115 178 FIREWOOD supplies Dieback Treatment Brush_Worx@bigpond.com Roleystone Firewood Services Ph: 1300 785 311 PARTITIONS & CEILINGS Free Local Delivery info@diebacktreatments.com Jacmo Partitions & Call Simon on 9397 6313 DOG GROOMING Ceilings Mob: 0418 943 320 FRENCH TUITION WA Dog Grooming & Ph/Fax: 9496 1015 (Rod) Jeanne-Marie Clipping Academy PERSONAL FITNESS Mobile: 0447 441 707 Phone: 9390 1009 TRAINER chaanappel@gmail.com DOGWASH Stephen Flanagan GARDEN SUPPLIES It’s A Dogs Life www.wakeupgetfit.com Call Monique on Karragullen Gravel & steve@wakeupgetfit.com 0413 261 352 Garden Supplies Mob: 0421 926 804 Phone/Fax: 9397 6854 DREAM CONSULTANT pest control HAIRDRESSING Jenifer’s Pillow Talk SWAT*A*PEST Mobile: 0417 945 988 Billy Shears The Hair Club Daniel Bremer 9313 8484 pillowtalk.zzz@bigpond.com Unit 2a Brackenridge Village 0411 808 383 davidmackey@iinet.net.au Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd DRIVEWAYS PIANO TUITION BUTCHERS 9397 9219, 0431 908 074 Creative Driveways & Simply Music Roleystone Family Meats Fencing Call John Ph/Fax: Catabree & Magnolia Emma 0424 630 813 Phone: 9397 5580 52 Fourth Rd Armadale 9397 6854 or 0418 953 591 www.simplymusic.com 2, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone Phone: 9399 2992 EARTHMOVING plastering Enve Me Hairdressing CABINETMAKER F & M.J. Armenti Garry’s Plastering at the Roleystone SC Cabinetmaker-Frank Phone: 9397 6372 Obligation Free Quote Phone: 9496 3950 9496 0037 (after 5pm) Fax: 9397 6374 0438 399 464 Karizma Hair Studio CANVAS EATERIES Roger Brickwood 0419 955 749 2, 198 Brookton Highway Anita Lackner Plasterboard Specialist Kim Valley Restaurant Phone: 9390 7506 Phone: 9497 1596 brickwoodceilings@bigpond.com 4, 198 Brookton Hwy Kelm jewellery designer Mobile: 0421 545 536 Phone: 9495 1188 PLUMBING Olil Jewellery Design CAR DETAILING ABM Plumbing Roleystone Deli & General 4, 2 Soldiers Rd Roleystone Once Over Mobile Car Call Andy 0419 986 923 Store Ph/Fax: 9397 5845 9496 1100, 0415 692 322 Detailing – Call Jason Office: 9293 7524 Shop 2, 508 Brookton Hwy LAWNMOWING 0411 654 119 (Opp. Peet Rd) Roleystone Findlay Plumbing & Gas Bee Jay’s Garden Services Phone/Fax: 9390 1940 CHILDCARE Roley’s on the Ridge 9397 6264, 0412 509 526 Mobile: 0409 297 939 Cnr Soldiers Rd & Magic Moon Childcare Brookton Hwy massage therapist PRINTING Phone: Linda 9399 1838 Phone: 9496 0666 101 Forrest Rd Armadale Mensana Professional FN Grafix, Call Fiona The Manse Restaurant Massage Service Steven on 0400 428 119, 23 31 Church Ave Armadale Rouse 0438 955 419 Wygonda Rd, Roleystone Phone: 9399 6078

PAGE 37 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

ACCOUNTANTS Araluen Accountancy 57 Ridgehill Rise Phone/Fax: 9397 9253 Jacqueline T. Hunt Phone: 9496 1886 jackie@mytaxaccountant.net.au Stokes & Associates 10 Wygonda Road Phone: 9496 1247 AIR CONDITIONING AKA Airconditioning Daniel Faranda 0400 211 453 Australian HVAC Services Please call LEONIE on 9497 1244 Season Makers Call Nigel Bray now on 0400 074 844 AIRPORT TRANSFERS Roleystone Transfer and Charter Call David Mackey on 0412 953 638

This is a free service where every advertiser that places an advertisement with “The Valley Reporter” automatically is listed on this page. The idea of it is for it to be used as a fast reference to businesses and services. Each business will have a maximum of three (3) lines which will include a company name, address and contact details and these will be categorised and listed alphabetically. As another free service you will find every advertiser is also listed under our Local Business Directory at www.thevalleyreporter.com.au

Brackenridge Village PROPERTY MAINTENANCE TAVERN Roleystone Property The Rock Inne Tavern once letterbox deliveries have been completed extra copies of Maintenance Phone: 9397 5964 The Valley Reporter will be available at these very convenient locations Call Alex 0401 979 866 • The Grape Gallery • Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital Kiosk 1360 Brookton Hwy Karragullen • Gull - Karragullen • Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School REAL ESTATE TRAVEL AGENTS • Armadale Visitor Centre • Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre • Roleystone Auto Centre • Armadale, Kelmscott & Seville Grove Libraries Maggie Burke Real Estate InterAsia Tours • Roleystone Real Estate • Roleystone - Karragullen Seniors Club P: 9496 1111, F: 9496 1120, • Cellarbrations - Karragullen Ph: 1300 133 001 • Pickering Brook Primary School • Tomeo’s Service Station • Pickering Brook General Store M: 0419 939 110 www.interasia.com.au • Earthbound Organics • Pickering Brook Sports Club Roleystone Real Estate Travelways Ph: 9490 2100 • Roleystone Fish & Chips • Raeburn Orchard • Roleystone District High School • Roleystone Orchard Cnr Brookton Hwy & Fax: 9490 3622 • Roleystone Primary School • BWS - Roleystone Soldiers Rd Roleystone • WJ & KS Automotives • The Rock Inne Tavern 1, 2223 Albany Hwy Gosnells • WA Classic Sounds • Araluen Nursery & Garden Tearooms Ph: John 0419 912 469 Travelworld Ph: 9497 2554 • Araluen Botanic Park • Kim Valley Restaurant Ph: Fraser 0439 092 248 • Roleystone Theatre • United Petrol Station Fax: 9497 2949 Phone (Office): 9397 6300 • Araluen Golf Resort • The Roasted Bean Café 2/182 Jull St Armadale • Roley’s On The Ridge • Roleystone Newsagency REIKI / REFLEXOLOGY • Feedman Stockfeeds • Roleystone Recreation Centre TREES • Genesis in the Hills Restaurant • Roleystone Deli & General Store Intuitive Energy Healing • Valley Grower Supermart • Bedfordale Child Care Centre Ornamental Tree Company Physical-Mental-Emotional • Roleystone Country Club • Roleystone Fire Station Phone/Fax: 9397 5941 • City of Armadale • Hills Appliances - Armadale Call Julz 0407 756 752 • The Manse Restaurant • Lesmurdie Senior HS (Community Library) These various locations are NOT distributors but have kindly made the ROOF restorations latest issue of The Valley Reporter readily available for you to enjoy! Total Roof Care FREE 10+ Cardboard boxes, Ring Steve0400 0419 854 Mobile: 428587119A4 size, strong, sturdy, The totalroofcare@westnet.com.au 23 WYGONDA ROAD ROLEYSTONE WA 6111 clean, ideal for packing or Fax: 08 9397 5136 Email: fngrafiSEPTICS x@ozemail.com.au when moving call Fiona www.thevalleyreporter.com.au Care West Liquid Waste 0400 428 119 YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter. Domestic or Commercial Join us for an evening of A fresh new approach with what’s happening in Roleystone... ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty Ltd ACN: 121 488 515 as Trustee for the Newland Family Trust 9525 1704, 0408 093 073 live musical entertainment, ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty ABN: Ltd ACN: 121579 488862 515 as Trustee for the Newland Family Trust trading as The VALLEY Reporter 25 121 trading as The VALLEY Reporter ABN: 25 121 579 862 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION canapés and an intro to SHOPPING CENTRE the beautiful handmade for as little as $35.00 per Fionayear Newland Telephone: 9397 5424 Roleystone Supa IGA Editor and Publisher Please send TheROAD VALLEY Reporter subscription to: (please print) 23 WYGONDA ROLEYSTONE 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC pieces within the gallery. mrs/ms/miss/mr name/initial Open: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Email: fngrafix@ozemail.com.au Ph: 9397 5549, 9397 5585 Hosted by Head Jeweller Facsimile: 9397 5465 Website: www.thevalleyreporter.com.au and Designer Andrew surname SIGNWRITING Hurst from Olil Jewellery address Fineline Signs Design. Silent auction for suburb state postcode Ph: Adam 0401 781 341 a number of pieces from alley Reporter b-cards.indd 1 29/8/08 12:20:34 PM tel fax mob Phone/Fax: 9397 7877 the Olil collection. Sat 26 email Feb 5-8pm 4/2 Soldiers STOCKFEEDS Post form to: 23 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Rd Roleystone. Tickets FEEDMAN Stockfeeds Fax: (08) 9397 5465 Email: fngrafix@ozemail.com.au 70 Mills Rd West Martin $75 Ph: 9496 1100 email: Website: www.thevalleyreporter.com.au Payments can be made by Cash, Cheque, Credit Card or Direct Deposit P: 9398 2242 F: 9398 3051 info@oliljewellerydesign. Bank Details: Bendigo Bank, BSB (Branch): 633000, com.au. Tickets limited. All STUDIO GALLERY/tuition proceeds after costs will be Acct No:��� 130630304, Acct Name: Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty. Ltd. The Valley Reporter is committed to ensuring the privacy of your information. Carl Haanappel 0447 441 707 donated to the Lord Mayor’s The information on this form is used for subscription purposes only. Watercolour Impressionist Distress Relief Fund RESIDENTS OF ROLEYSTONE & SURROUNDING AREAS

Did you know....

Open by appointment only TREE SERVICES JMC Tree Services Phone: 9497 1596 Mobile: 0409 118 912 TREE SERVICES WA Treeworks Phone: David 9496 0306 Freecall: 1800 088 733 water tanks Waterwise Tanks Phone: 9495 2828 Mobile: 0417 171 998 WROUGHT IRON/REPAIRS McAuliffe’s Wrought Iron Metal Art



Prices subject to change without further notice. ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VALLEY Reporter




XBOX old style (black box), extra memory chip, various demo games, 2x cord controllers $40 the lot call Fiona 0400 428 119 WANTED handyman, suit retiree for household repairs, range of small jobs, call Fiona 0400 428 119 for sale two pipe beds with inner spring mattresses (can even deliver if need be) Phone Lorna 0439 954 133 Carers position available in the crèche for Kofukan Karate - Roleystone Dojo Tues 6-7.30pm. If you’re interested and can help, please call Stacy Brooke on 9397 5688 or email: stacy12@iinet.net.au for further details



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The VALLEY Reporter – proudly supporting Roleystone Sporting and Community Groups

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PAGE 38 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

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other IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Armadale Police 9399 0222, Healthdirect Hotline 1800 022 222, Poison Information Centre 13 11 26, Fire & Emergency Services 1300 657 209, SES 132 500, Western Power 131 351, Alinta Gas 13 13 51, Telstra 132 203, Roleystone Volunteer Fire Services (Robbie van Uden) 9397 5406, CoA Ranger Services 9399 0111 or 1300 886 885, Smoky Vehicle Reporting 1800 076 659, Synergy (faulty street lights) 1800 622 008, Water Corporation 131 375, FESA Information Line 1300 657 209, Mensline 1300 789 978, Family Helpline & Domestic Violence 1800 643 000, Samaritans 9381 5555, Life Line 13 11 14, Relationships Australia 1300 364 277, Quitline 13 78 48, Prostate Cancer Foundation 1800 220 099, Suicide Helpline 1300 362 787, Cancer Helpline 13 11 20, Drug Info 1800 069 700, Gamblers Assist 1800 633 635, Mens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599., For passenger assistance on Transperth train services call 1800 800 022 (Freecall)

What’s On

– your local community calendar

Your not-for-profit event or activity can be listed here FREE and is open to local community and sporting groups courtesy of The Valley Reporter

Araluen Botanic Park 362 Croyden Rd, Roleystone Ph: 9496 1171 www.araluenbotanicpark.com.au Araluen Golf Resort Country Club Ave, Roleystone Ph: 9397 9000 www.araluenresort.com.au Brackenridge Village & Roleystone Village Corner of Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone. Enjoy great food, wine, jewellery, giftware, unique arts & crafts, organic food, beauty and an art gallery. Karragullen Expo October 2011 Ph: 9293 7152, Hills KOFUKAN KARATE-DO INTERNATIONAL Orchard Improvement Group. Email: fennell@iinet.net.au Kelmscott Annual Show October 2011 Ph: 9495 4001, ROLEYSTONE DOJO info@kelmscottshow.com.au www.kelmscottshow.com.au Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Pickering Brook Agricultural Show May 2011 Confidence, Respect & Discipline Ph: 9293 8263 Email: pbsclub@bigpond.com Improve your personal well being & Roleystone Theatre Inc. 587 Brookton Highway Roleystone. Improve your social awareness For Bookings Ph: 9397 5730. www.roleystonetheatre.com.au Enquiries 9397 Enquiries Ph. 9397 Ph. 5688 or5688 0419 946 661 Valley View Garden Golf Earthbound Organics Brackenridge KIDS ADULT www.karateroleystone.com.au or 0419 946 661 Village, Shop 4, 1 Soldiers Road Roleystone. Ph: 9397 7899 CLASSES Qualified Karate Instructor & NCAS Accredited CLASSES Kalamunda District Bridge Club Holds weekly day & Free créche available evening sessions 10wk beginners course, 1st sess free. Starts 7 Sept 7pm, Alan Harper 9293 4805 Training Days Training Times Roleystone Hall If I have forgotten to mention you in the What’s On - your Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah Tuesdays & Thursdays Rds, Roleystone Closed during school holidays Snrs (13yrs & older) 6-7.30pm local COMMUNITY CALENDAR section please feel free to submit your contact details to fngrafix@ozemail.com.au. The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports roLEYstonE kArAtE



held on the 1St Sunday Roleystone Primary School of eveRy month

Meetings are held every month (can be every 2nd) on Monday nights with a 7pm start time. Attendees are not limited to committee members as a public interest is warranted. Anyone wishing to attend can call Evie Molson on 0418 956 519.

• Plants • Toys • Gift Ideas • Sausage Sizzle Opens 7am for stalls ($5 a bay) and • Music9am • Clothes • Cakes • Jams, Pickles & to 12pm for customers Chutneys • Bric-a-Brac • Books Sizzle • Jewellery • Plant Stalls • Sausage •• And many more.... and many others If you wouldlike like aa stall stall atatthe If you would themarkets, markets, callJuliette Juliette on Call on9397 93975037 5037

  


 

joinNOW! now! JOIN

we are open Tues 1.45-2.30pm & Sat 9.30-10.30am during the school term. ALL ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE Any enquiries please call 9496 1115 or HEATHER WHITEHEAD 9496 0119 email roleystonetoylibrary@yahoo.com.au

  

  



TenniS played aT The club • SocialSocial Tennis Monday nightsiS7-8.30pm • Wednesday mornings 9am adulTS; morningS from(run 9am onwards (10am inWedneSday Winter time) • Friday mornings 9-11am through Family Centreand with Creche) • Sunday afternoons 2-4pm Junior TenniS


Bookings and and keys for public court hire are available through Bookings through the the Roleystone Video Network Store, Jarrah Shops - 9496 Roleystone VideoRoad Phone: 9496 16161616. PO roleytennisclub@iinet.net.au POBox Box172 172Kelmscott Kelmscott WA WA 6991. Email: roleytennisclub@iinet.net.au Wendy Shearwood(Sec.) (Sec.)9496 9397 5305 WendyTucker Tucker(Pres.) (Pres.)9397 93976620, 6620,Graham Tracey Backhouse 0053 Helen & Brendan Virginia Diss Bird (Club Capt.) Capt.) 9397 93906280 7668 HelenMantle Mantle (Treas.) (Treas.) 9390 2335 &



For enquiries phone Gerry 9397 5730

Noel 9397 6370 Rob 9397 5406


Roleystone Toy Library

Youth Group, Sunday School, Craft Group, Bible Study, Prayer Group, Missionary Support

Jarrah Rd every Monday 5-8.30pm or phone

We are an energetic group of “Over 50’s” and some of our regular activities for members are: • Mahjong • Bingo • Book Club • Lunches • Whist • Indoor Bowls • Cards • Members Lending Library


Roleystone Volunteer Fire Brigade

Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club (Inc) 46 Jarrah Road, Roleystone Phone : 9496 3166 E-mail: rksc@iinet.net.au

PAGE 39 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Situated the Roleystone HELD ON on THE 1ST SUNDAY Primary School MONTH oval, corner OF EVERY of Jarrah & Robin Roads 9am till 12noon

No.1 No.1 No.1 No.1 No.1 No.1 No.1 LD! O S sam saffioti’s sam sam sam saffioti’s saffioti’s saffioti’s sam saffioti’s sa

Selling roleystone real estate Roleystone’s

Agent since 2001 Selling Agent

sam saffioti’s

roleystone real estate Roleystone’s since 2001 roleystone real estate Selling Agent roleystone roleystone real real estate estate Roleystone’s since 2001 Selling Agent roleystone real estate Roleystone’s Roleystone’s Roleystone’s since 2001 Selling Agent HasSelling Selling Agent Agent H[FHOOHQFH ZLWK SDVVLRQ Yours? Roleystone’s H[FHOOHQFH ZLWK SDVVLRQ since 2001 since since2001 2001 Selling Agent Sam Saffioti

Wendy Scott

John Bulich

Sam Saffioti

Wendy Scott

John Bulich

Sam Saffioti

Wendy Scott

John Bulich

Sam Saffioti

Wendy Scott

John Bulich

Director Director



Associate Associate



Associate Associate



Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Road, Roleystone WA 6111


t: 08Brookton 9397 6300 08 9397Road, 5608 Roleystone e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au Cnr Hwy &f: Soldiers WA 6111

w: roleystonerealestate.com.au

t: 08 9397 6300

w: roleystonerealestate.com.au

f: 08 9397 5608

Sam Saffioti


e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au

since 2001

Wendy Scott


John Bulich Associate

Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Road, Roleystone WA 6111 t: 08 9397 6300

f: 08 9397 5608

Sam Saffioti



e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au

Wendy Scott


w: roleystonerealestate.com.au

John Bulich Associate

Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Road, Roleystone WA 6111 t: 08 9397 6300

f: 08 9397 5608

Sam Saffioti



e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au

Wendy Scott


w: roleystonerealestate.com.au

John Bulich Associate

PAGE 40 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter

Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Road, Roleystone WA 6111 t: 08 9397 6300

f: 08 9397 5608

Sam Saffioti Director Sam Sam Saffioti Saffioti Sam Saffioti DirectorDirector Director


e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au

Wendy Scott Associate Wendy Wendy Scott Scott Wendy Scott Associate Associate Associate

w: roleystonerealestate.com.au

John Bulich Associate JohnJohn Bulich Bulich John Bulich Associate Associate Associate

Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Road, Roleystone WA 6111 t: 08 9397 6300

f: 08 9397 5608

Sam Saffioti


e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au

Wendy Scott

w: roleystonerealestate.com.au

John Bulich

Selling TWICE the number of properties H[FHOOHQFH ZLWK SDVVLRQ than any other local agent! H[FHOOHQFH ZLWK SDVVLRQ H[FHOOHQFH ZLWK SDVVLRQ Director



Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Road, Roleystone WA 6111 t: 08 9397 6300

f: 08 9397 5608

e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au

w: roleystonerealestate.com.au

Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Cnr Brookton Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Hwy Road, Roleystone Road, Roleystone WA 6111 WA Cnr Hwy & &f: Soldiers Soldiers WA 6111 6111 t: 08Brookton 9397 6300 08 9397Road, 5608 Roleystone e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au w: roleystonerealestate.com.au t: 08 9397 t: 08 6300 9397 6300 f: 08 9397 f: 08 5608 9397 5608 e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au w: roleystonerealestate.com.au t: 08 9397 6300 f: 08 9397 5608 e: reception@roleystonerealestate.com.au w: w: roleystonerealestate.com.au roleystonerealestate.com.au

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