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© Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
W ne l na KDN i F Read the article on Page 4 A 2 0 11 G r a n d Photograph courtesy of Sue Alexander
e n n
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No.87 – Oct/Nov ‘11
YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter.
• 4 0 0 0 c o p i e s • 4 0 f u l l c o l o u r pa g e s • 3 4 6 9 h o m e s • 5 4 o u t l e t s
PAGE 2 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Community Contacts Roleystone Badminton Club Trudie 9397 6920 Roleystone Hall Tues 9.15-11am, Wed 7.30-9.30pm Roleystone Girls’ Brigade Yvonne 9397 5153 RK Snr Cricket Club Graham Fuller (Pres) 0400 195 061 RK Jnr Cricket Club Donna 0402 221 448, Cathy 9397 5942, in2cricket Jnrs 5-9yrs Mike 0448 878 257 Roleystone Jnr Football Club Sean Ashby (Pres) 9496 1421 Roleystone Snr Football Club Sean Kenworthy (Pres) 0407 768 020, Email: Roleystone Gymnastics Melanie Berson (Pres) 0437 057 642, Email: Phone (Gym) 9496 1484 Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club Sue 9398 7426, Helen 9397 5939 / 0438 923 477 Roleystone Tee-Ball & Baseball Club Inc. Craig Edmonds (Pres) 0409 114 683, Sandy (Reg) 0419 875 277 Organic Growers Assoc. meets 2nd Wed of the mth Lisa 9399 2312 Roleystone Redback’s Little Athletics Club Boys & Girls U6-U17’s Ph: Sarah 0408 959 436 or Alyce 0430 835 047 Roleystone Community Church 1 Croyden Rd Roleystone Minister David Bardsley Wk: 9397 5955 Hm: 9397 9303 Roleystone Schools P&C Amy Boughton (Sec) 9397 5559 1st Roleystone Scout Grp Karragullen Hall Joanne Meuli 9496 0290 St Christopher’s Anglican Church 9293 8273 Child Health Nurse Thurs & Fri by appointment 9397 5813 Kalamunda District Bridge Club Weekly Day & Evening Sessions, Contact Andy Leal 9291 6451 or email: Roleystone Gumnut Playgroup Kym Graham (Reg) 9397 9158 Alcoholics Anonymous Meet every Sat at 7pm 9325 3566 Australian Sewing Guild Southern Hills Neighbourhood Grp meet 2nd Sun of the mth, Karen Anderson 9354 7806 Patchwork Quilting Friendship Days Lyn 9397 5207 The Rivercare Group Pat Hart 9496 1634 The House of Bamboo Carol 9397 7679 City of Armadale - Roleystone Ward Councillors Caroline Wielinga 0488 900 307, Grant Nixon 9397 6939, 0418 449 611, Roleystone Netball Club Vanessa Mason (Pres), Amy Boughton (Reg) 9397 5559 and Diane Bunten (Sec) 0404 012 462 Roleystone & Districts Basketball Chris Webb 0414 166 401, Kirk Allnutt 0423 433 449 Training @ Roleystone Basketball Crts Fri 5pm Darling Range Wildlife Shelter 9394 0885 Armadale Toastmasters meets every Tues 6.30pm Armadale PS Peter Law 0408 936 623, email: Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre 9291 3900 Kanyana provides advice & assistance 24hrs a day, 7 days a week DEC’s Department of Environment and Conservation WildCare Hotline 9474 9055. The WildCare telephone hotline operates 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, diverting to after hours numbers at nights & weekends, to provide immediate assistance Roleystone Guides Suellen Mackay 9496 1375 Zumba Thurs 7-8pm held at the Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre, Anne Marie 9397 7005 Landscape Painting Tues 6.30-9.30pm Ian 9496 0034 Roleystone Lawn Bowls Gerry Chapman (Pres) 9397 5730 ISADD Intervention Services for Autism & Development Delay, Darryl Cooper 9397 5970 Kelmscott History Group meet at the Congregational Church Rundle St Kelmscott, Colleen 9496 1817 National Seniors Armadale Branch meet on the 1st Thurs of the mth RSL Hall Commerce Ave Armadale 10-12noon. Lots of interesting speakers all old & new members welcome.Ph: 9397 5880, 9390 2230 Hants & Dorset Social Club Pearl Sibley 9496 1243 Cat Sterilisation Society 9397 5062 9-4pm Mon-Wed Parents Without Partners Foothills Branch, Weekly Activities organised, enquiries call Greg 0402 252 230, Marylena 0422 108 711
YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter. Fiona Newland – EDITOR/PUBLISHER Everyone these days seems to be trying to do a million things all at once in smaller amount of time, so it’s not surprising to hear that many are crying out for the daylight saving weather, when the nights will go on and on. It’s not that far away, so don’t despair! As the seasons change, so do our community sporting activities. Registrations have already been held, so by the time this magazine gets into your letterboxes, most kids will have started their summer sports. Now that the warmer weather is well on the way, please remember to slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat, and of course drink lots of water. This month’s issue is proud to have the undefeated Roleystone Netball team, which has won its inaugural Grand Final in the junior 7 division, on the front cover. Congratulations girls - all the effort you put in has definitely paid off! Page 6 features a couple of photographs of something that Roleystoners don’t normally see in their backyard, so check
them out! The Rock Inne Tavern has recently shown a bit of an initiative and introduced a free courtesy bus service to its patrons and guests. With the Christmas festivities just around the corner, this is a fantastic idea. Now there are no excuses not to enjoy the odd drink or two at our local establishment. Remember, bookings are essential! The state government has acknowledged and thanked our seniors for their ongoing commitment and contribution to communities and families through “Senior Week”. The RoleystoneKarragullen Community Bank® Branch will be hosting a morning tea at the Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club, on Wednesday 9 November from 10:00am to noon. All are welcome. It’s not everyday someone within our community receives recognition for their long and commendable service. However, thanks to the recommendations from the Roleystone Schools Parents and Citizen’s
Association Inc. Terri Murray has recently been awarded a certificate of appreciation. Turn to page 10 to find out more about it. Congratulations Terri! The Valley Reporter wishes to welcome some new advertisers to its pages, including Heather Quinlan Freelance Writer/Editor, Aura Hairdressing, Carry On Fishing and Camping World, Roleystone Lunchbar and Takeaways, Lino’s Mobile Mechanical Services and Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services. Show your support to them by shopping smart and shopping local. Lastly, The Valley Reporter was informed by a local resident about some photographs of Roleystone on the Curtin University archives. Check out the photographs on page 14, it’s definitely a time to reminisce about the good old days, so enjoy!
23 Wygonda Road Roleystone WA 6111
for all articles, pictures and advertising for “The Valley Reporter’s” next issue is set for no later than 12 noon on Thursday 10 November Delivered at your door 3rd WEEK of Every Month Issue dates: 17 November 15 December 19 January 16 February
FAX 9397 5136
PHONE 0400 428 119
Disclaimer “Subject to any rights and remedies available under the law of any State or Territory of Australia or the provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974 which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified, the publisher: (a) does not provide any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in any printed material published; (b) excludes all liability for any misrepresentation which may arise out of the publication of any printed material; (c) shall have the right to refuse or cancel any printed material.” Please remember the opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter.
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Roleystone Transfer & Charter Licensed: 1-12 passengers All credit cards, cabcharge accepted 0412 953 638 Bookings Essential Full transfer service to and from all airports, City & East Perth Terminal Charter service for any event, occasion or gathering
The VALLEY Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. For The VALLEY Reporter’s “Inbox Letters to the Editor” full list of guidelines go to;
the need to ensure Roleystone is free from flammable materials, please contact the Armadale Council and lodge your protest. A concerned resident of Mackie Road. (Name and Address supplied) Like most residents of Roleystone, I travel up and down Brookton Highway up to what seems like 100 times in a week. With the fluctuating speeds of 90kmph down to 60kmph, I take advantage of my car’s cruise control to make sure I am just under the speed limit. Recently, whilst traveling down to Kelmscott on a Saturday evening, I had two vehicles right up the back bumper literally tailgating me. One of the drivers even insisted on turning on his high beam headlights, flashing them madly at me and leaving them on as he proceeded closer. At separate points, these two vehicles then decided to overtake me, on a stretch of road that had DOUBLE LINES. It wasn’t as though I was doing 40kmph in a 60kmph zone! What could have been so urgent that they have to get from A to B in 60 seconds? Slowing down is the single most effective and immediate way to improve road safety. If we all slowed down, our chances of crashing, being killed or seriously injured on the road would dramatically be decreased. It’s that simple! With the Christmas festivities soon upon us, I hope everyone will please slow down and enjoy the ride. Name and Address supplied.
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Please remember that the opinions expressed by our readers in the “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section do not necessarily reflect those of The VALLEY Reporter. Please feel free to submit your letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” so we can include them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Email: or Fax: 9397 5136.
WAKE UP GET FIT – HEALTH TIP How to start to lose weight
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Find an exercise you enjoy, do it for at least 4-5 times. Exercise for 30-40 minutes. Intensity 60-80% of your maximum heart rate or at least an effort where you can still manage a conversation. Listen to your body, if it’s hurting ease off, if you feel it’s too easy increase the intensity. Find your worst eating habit, cut it back to half for the week.
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PAGE 3 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Pamphlet Deliverers Littering in Roleystone I wish to draw your attention to a problem that has managed to prevail, despite the Armadale Council’s swift actions upon it after my complaint in August. I presume that other residents of Roleystone have had a pamphlet delivery agency throwing wrapped up copies of advertising material onto their properties from a vehicle. The practice, which is both unsightly and hazardous, has been carried out by this agency or individual for the past months and is in direct contravention of anti-littering. Other pamphlet deliverers use our letter boxes to distribute their material, which is a perfectly acceptable practice that doesn’t count as littering, and doesn’t create bushfire hazards. The name of the deliverer is unknown, but the advertised businesses in the “drop” include Getaway Outdoors, Super Amart, The Good Guys, Target, Bunnings, Oztrail, Mitchell’s Homemakers Catalogue Perth, Lowes, FlooringXtra and Crazy Clark’s. The Ranger has interviewed the printers and asked for the deliverer to deposit the items into letter boxes instead of just throwing them onto properties. They were also advised that for each complaint a fine of $100 could be made. The printer stated that they were not aware of the method of distribution and that they would ask the deliverers to change their ways. It has become apparent that the delivery people in Roleystone have chosen to ignore the Ranger’s and printer’s requests to make the necessary changes, as the practice is still continuing. If you feel
Proudly sponsored by
Since 2001, one Agent has totally Steve’s Unique dominated the local real estate scene! Eco Handmade Art & Handycrafts
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Consistently selling more than twice the amount of 0418 916 366 local Rd property than any other agent. 2/2 Soldiers Roleystone Angela Mulligan and Caitlin Williams, 2011 Club Champion Award. REpaiR woRk specialising in wrought iron, wood, mosaics, small steel fabrication, sculpture, fences, gates, balustrading, handrails, lighting & security doors
ROLEYSTONE netball winners
Outstanding local netballer Caitlin Williams has capped off a remarkable season to win her second Club Champion Award for Roleystone Netball Club. With her undefeated team winning its inaugural Grand Final in the Junior 7 Division, 13-year-old Williams collected the Best & Fairest and Club Champion trophies for accumulating the most 3-2-1 votes throughout the winter Kalamunda and Districts Competition. She also won this award in 2007. When it comes to selling your home…. there is only one choice. Williams, a year 8 student at Lumen Christi All Types of Earthmoving College, was presented with the major All Materials Supplied award by Angela Mulligan from Roleystone Real Estate, the club’s principal sponsor, Specialising in all at the Roleystone Netball annual trophy types of Earthmoving presentation in September. Including: • Sand Pads • Construction of Driveways Together with Sophie Boughton, Williams – Gravel, Brickpaving, has represented Roleystone at KDNA and Hot Mix, Concrete and Darling Range regional netball levels this 2 Coat Spray Seal year – a fantastic achievement for these • Retaining Walls • Site Consultation talented players. • Leach Drains – installed, rejuvenated, relocated Among the other major awards distributed at FULLY INSURED – BLUE CARD ACCREDITED the presentation function – held for the first 0418 942 103 (Fred) time at Roleystone Country Club – were the Senior Club Person of the Year to tireless FAX: 9397 6374 0417 950 784 (Mary) Registrar, coach and KDNA committee email: member, Amy Boughton. Over 20 Years Experience in Earthmoving Retiring Armadale Councillor Pat Hart was delighted to present the award to Mrs Boughton, whose dedication to the smooth running of the club has been inspirational. The Junior Club Person of the Year Award went to Kate Farley, who was honoured for her efforts as Association player, umpire and coaching mentor in 2011.
F & M.J. Armenti
Bobcat & Tip Truck Hire
9397 6372
PAGE 4 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Pat Hart and Amy Boughton, 2011 Senior Club Person of the Year.
Tylee Sinnamon received the SubJunior Encouragement Award, which goes to a player the club is keen to see continue their netball development at the club. Roleystone Netball was honoured to have several Life Members attend the trophy presentation including former President’s Deb Carruthers and Wendy Royer, along with its most recent inductee, Nicole Herd (nee Rabbitt). The club would like to sincerely thank all of its coaches and umpires, who volunteered their services this season and to acknowledge the efforts of all 11 players selected in Association Representative Teams. The club is proud to have Roleystone Real Estate as its principal sponsor and we thank those local businesses who contributed so generously to the trophy function and raffle: Fiona Murphy from Intimo, Vanessa and Dale Mason at Mason Roofing, Lee and Tianah Fallon at Fallon Fabrications, Lotterywest, Roleystone Supa IGA, Roleystone Family Meats, Armstrong Family, Roleystone Country Club and the Ashby, O’Neil, Quinlan and Armstrong families. Roleystone KDNA 2011 Grand Final Winners - Front Cover Photograph courtesy of Sue Alexander, other photographs courtesy of Anna Palma.
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Roleystone team 6 at 2011 trophy presentation.
Picturerd L-R (top-bottom): Roleystone Primary School’s recent Cross Country winners were Mia Williams, Tomas Koval, Ernie Berrington, Harry Conlin, Abena Selormey and Rachel Charlesworth. Congratulations to all! Fundraising Star Certificates were awarded at the assembly on the 16th September to Thea Sinclair and Callum Bond in recognition of their very valuable fundraising efforts for Roleystone Schools P&C.
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PAGE 5 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
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The Climb for Childhood Cancer Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania October 1-11
In early October I am travelling to Tanzania, Africa in an effort to summit the continent’s highest peak Mt Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageKilimanjaro. I am part of a team called Om Om Veda Veda Skin Skin Care Care • • Creative Creative Nail Nail Design Design Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicure- Gift vouchers The Telethon Adventurers who undertake Shop1/198 Brookton hwy Kelmscott 6111 similar adventures all through the year in Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageWaxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageSkin & Beauty Acrylic Acrylicnails-manicure-pedicurenails-manicure-pedicure-Gift Giftvouchers vouchers an effort to raise donations and awareness Om Veda Skin Care • Creative Nail Design Shop1/198 Shop1/198Brookton Brooktonhwy hwyKelmscott Kelmscott6111 6111 of childhood cancer research. As we are Ph: 9390 0583 Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massagefunding the trips as individuals, 100% of Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicure- Gift vouchers the donations will go towards finding a Shop1/198 Brookton hwy Kelmscott 6111 cure for childhood cancer. At 5895m high, Mt Kilimanjaro is the highest point on the African continent and is over 2.5 times higher than Australia’s tallest mountain. The trip to the summit and back will take around 10 days, with a total vertical ascent of more than 4.5km. The altitude at the summit leaves it
PAGE 6 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Om Veda Skin Care • Creative Nail Design
permanently snow capped, and with less than half the oxygen found at sea level. If you would like to donate and help raise funding to find a cure for childhood cancer, please follow the link below. If you could add my name in the comment box to help track my fundraising efforts, it would be much appreciated. It would also be appreciated if you could promote this anyone you think would like to support our cause. donation.asp?0105=5a52&00004cd2=86 e3b72ead948521ca019482a75ae526. Regards, Gavin Zimmer.
Couldn’t resist sending you these photographs of our recent visitors. Very exciting, until they started to attack my garden. Ros Lutz, Roleystone.
Karizma hair studio
testimoniAl October 2011 To whom it may concern, I first listed my property for sale with another real estate agent in early 2010 who offered a low priced sales commission. It is said that that if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys - and that is exactly what I got. Little communication, seemingly little interest in actually getting the property sold, and after having the property on the market for four months, I ended up exactly where I had started. Listing my house for sale with Maggie Burke Real Estate was a completely different experience. Certainly not the cheapest agent to list with, but there is another saying - you get what you pay for, and in this case it was a high level of professionalism. The first stage in the sales process was to work out how to enhance the presentation of the property. I believe that the work that was put in at this stage was critical to achieving the end result. Throughout the sales process I was kept up to date continually, and home opens were held consistently. Being a small agency with a limited number of homes for sale meant that the level of service provided throughout the sales process was much higher than that which you would get from a larger agency with a larger volume of listings. Maggie and her team displayed a level of enthusiasm and tenacity that you don’t see with most other agents.
After dealing with many Real Estate Agents during my professional career, I would be pleased to recommend Maggie Burke Real Estate to any prospective home seller.
Christian Buttle Formerly of Clifton Hills, Kelmscott
“Always impeccable service”
t: 9496 1122 f: 9496 1120 m: 0419 939 110
538 Brookton Highway Roleystone WA 6111 email: web:
PAGE 7 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
The end result was that my property was under offer within four weeks and I achieved my listing price.
Now with a local office in Mt Nasura
Get yourself ready for the Spring Racing Season with a Multi–Mini package!
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Please bring along your meat pies and decorated metre-high Christmas trees between 8:00am and 9.00am. These will be judged in the afternoon. There will be a trophy for the best meat pie, and a $50 prize for the best Christmas tree. Last year set a pretty high standard, so do your best! There will be loads of stalls selling gingerbread houses, plants, crafts, produce, Christmas crackers and decorations. There will also be food and drinks to take away or eat there. Entertainment for the day will be courtesy of Classic Sounds and Kelmscott Primary School Choir. Both kids and adults can participate in the competitions with some great prizes up for grabs. We’ll have a children’s corner with face painting and things to make, plus a visit from Father Christmas is on the cards. Christmas starts with us at St. Christopher’s, so come on down! If you have any queries, phone June on 9497 5047.
Specials available from Mon 24.10.11 until Sun 30.10.11 *Pictures for
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PAGE 8 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
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Asstd. Surf Laundry Powder 2kg
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Asstd. Berri Australian Grown Juice 2 Litre
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Libraries into nature for Children’s Week community to support and encourage these founding developmental phases of a child’s early life.” “The libraries have organised activities, games, storytelling and crafts for children to take part in.” Monday 24 October Story Time 10.30am-11am, Kelmscott Library. Tuesday 25 October Toddler Activity Morning 9am-12noon, Memorial Park. The morning will feature storytelling, arts and crafts, Sunny the Sunflower, activities for children, giveaways and a special guest. Wednesday 26 October Picture Book Picnic with storyteller Glen Swift 10.30am, Blackburn Oval. The children are encouraged to dress up as their favourite story book character and bring along their teddy bears. Thursday 27 October Story Time 10.30am-11am, Seville Grove Library. Events throughout the week are being coordinated by the City of Armadale, in conjunction with Communicare, Department for Communities, Armadale Community Family Centre and Complete Advantage.
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PAGE 9 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
A week of fun and play begins at the City of Armadale on Monday 24 October as we celebrate Children’s Week 2011. This year’s theme of “Nature Play” will have the little ones enjoying story telling, games and activities in the beautiful local surrounds of Memorial Park and Blackburn Oval. Through the week children from Challis Primary, Neerigen Brook Primary and Westfield Park Primary School will also take part in tree planting across various local sites. In line with this year’s theme the City will be promoting the benefits of playing outside and participating in activities such as gardening, sand play and sport. The City will also host a range of free activities across the libraries for all local families from Monday 24 to Thursday 27 October. Mayor Linton Reynolds is a strong supporter of Children’s Week activities and says Children’s Week is an opportunity for the community to participate in a range of activities that encourage children to participant, learn and grow together. “The libraries across Armadale will be offering some wonderful free events to celebrate Children’s Week.” “As a grandfather I can see the importance play, socialisation and encouragement has on the early development of children. Children’s Week is a chance for the
Time to Apply: Latest round of funding for Men’s Sheds has been released!
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PAGE 10 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
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Applications can now be submitted for funding from the Australian Government for tools, new activities and more local workspaces under the men’s sheds program Senator for Western Australia Glenn Sterle, said today. “Up to $10,000 in federal support is available to men’s sheds in our region – and I encourage them to apply under the Government’s latest funding round, which continues until the 28th of October,” Senator Sterle said. There now are more than 700 men’s sheds in Australia, with more than 55,000 members. The sheds are facilitated locally by a number of organisations. They provide tools and space primarily for men to work together on meaningful projects. The program is proudly funded by the Australian Government because it helps encourage preventative health care among men who work in the sheds alongside their friends. The sheds offer social connection and opportunities for men to work together on positive activities. They can also provide a
way to overcome the tendency of men not to speak about their wellbeing to others. “I encourage men’s sheds, or those wishing to start one up, to apply for up to $10,000 in funding under this unique Australian program,” Senator Sterle said. “Our local sheds can apply for up to $4,000 for tools and equipment such as power and hand tools, wood or metal lathes, work benches and safety equipment. “Sheds can also apply for up to $6,000 to improve existing buildings or make improvements like better disability access, insurance and connection to utilities such as power, water, and communications. “Or they can apply for up to $5,000 to help improve their local fundraising through events like sausage sizzles. This may cover costs of venues for public meetings, barbeques, cold storage, print flyers or other promotional items.” Application forms are available for the three types of funding from the Australian Men’s Sheds Association website at: http://
In recognition of long and commendable service to students in Government Schools this Certificate of Merit has been awarded in appreciation to TERRI MURRAY by The Western Australian Council of State School Organisations Inc. on the recommendation of Roleystone Schools Parents and Citizen’s Association Inc. Pictured: Ken Walker presented Terri Murray with her certificate at the whole school assembly held on Monday the 19th of September.
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MOBILE: 0418 943 320 Rod: Ph/Fax: 9496 1015 Barry: 9397 5598
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At the assembly on the 16th of September were Cameron Kraima, Amy Harris, Callum Leske, Jasmin Jeronimo, Shelley from the Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank© Branch with Chloe Stoakes and Danny Brooke (front). Virtue Award Winners at the assembly on the 30th of September were Charlize Nicolaou, Flynn Johnson & Jason Rustandi (absent) with Debbie & Shelley from the RoleystoneKarragullen Community Bank© Branch.
Pictured: Mrs Cotter and Mrs West with West Coast Eagles Club Mascot – Rick “The Rock” Eagle. He made a special visit to the Roleystone Primary School on Thursday the 29th of September. Rick “The Rock” Eagle entertained the students by strutting his stuff and getting up to his usual antics. Fun was had by all!
(left) Reece Ashby Courtney Lindgren & Rick ‘The Rock’ Eagle. Photographs courtesy of Mr Blaker.
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virtue award winners
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Dr Oladipo Ajayi MBBS, DA, FRACGP Dr Ayodele Mejiuni MBBS, FMCP Dr Pam Williams MBBS, DTM&H Unit 1, 9 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Ph. 08 9397 7122 Fax. 08 9397 7132
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A nationwide petition to get bowls back on the ABC has been supported by Canning MHR Don Randall. Lawn bowls is one of the largest participation sports in Australia with around 800,000 people taking part annually. “After 30 years of having bowls on the ABC, the broadcaster has decided to dump its programming of lawn bowls,” Mr Randall said. “The petition even has the support of Commonwealth Games bronze medallist Barrie Lester and under-25 world champion Sam Shanahan.” Mr Randall said bowls was a favourite pastime for many people in his electorate and he would like to see the Coalition fund the construction of new club rooms at the Pinjarra Bowling and Recreation Club if in Government following the next election. “The ABC has a Charter in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 that
Service at its Best
states it should broadcast programs that contribute to a sense of national identity, inform and entertain, and further requires it to provide a balance between wide appeal and specialised broadcasting programs,” he said. “I don’t’ understand why bowls was axed when both participation and viewership numbers are strong.” Mr Randall said the petition would give people a chance to have their voices heard. “Bowling clubs are an important part of Australian communities, and they are an important part of the Canning community. Particularly in regional areas,” he said. Mr Randall said he would write to the bowling clubs in his electorate to provide them with a copy of the petition ready for signing. Copies of the petition can also be downloaded from www.bowlsaustralia.
don adds his support to the every australian counts campaign
Recently the Federal Member for Canning, Don Randall MHR, joined many of his colleagues in supporting the Every Australian Counts NEW campaign, which is calling WEBSITE for the implementation of a National Disability Insurance Scheme. Following the release of the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report on Disability Care and Support, it has become clear that the existing structure in place to support those with a disability is insufficient and is in desperate need of an overhaul. “This is one sector where reform simply cannot wait – there are many thousands of Australians living with a disability who require Comprehensive Vehicle Maintenance ongoing assistance from our Federal Government and ✓ Maximise Fuel Efficiency ✓ Maximise Safety ❍ ❍ to date we have not been ✓ Maintain Existing Warranties successful in implementing ✓ Minimise Breakdowns ❍ ❍ a system that is adequate and efficient,” Mr Randall said. MECHANICAL REPAIRS, BRAKES, STEERING, SHOCKS, EXHAUST, TYRES & WHEEL ALIGNMENTS “The core recommendation of the Productivity Commission’s Report on Motor Vehicle Disability Care and Support Industry Board is the introduction of an Repairers & insurance scheme that will Business Nos: Lifetime Warranty Tyres ensure Australians with a MR1776 & MRB2417 disability, their carers and families will be sufficiently cared for - this is well overdue and I welcome the 11 Wygonda Rd, Roleystone (United Service Station) support that such a scheme has attracted. I recently met Eddie Worsnop Servicing Roleystone Since 1999 with a local resident, Stacey
Ph. 9397 5244
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Petition to get bowls back on the ABC
Marasco, who cares for her daughter who suffers from a number of severe disabilities. While I have always been of the opinion that we needed to be doing much more for our disabled Australians, Mrs Marasco’s experience has highlighted the reality of what families and carers also require in terms of support and assistance. “Mrs Masaco’s family have endured significant challenges in the 25 years she and her husband have been caring for their daughter and have all too often found accessing funding and respite problematic. I know of several other similar stories in the community and this is one issue that can no longer be ignored,” Mr Randall said. As a former teacher who spent several years working with children with disabilities as well as participating in the Politician Adoption Scheme*, Mr Randall said he has gained a greater understanding of the needs of those who require such assistance. “It is not just the immediate funding and hands-on support that is important to the families of those with a disability – parents and family members require peace of mind that when the time comes that they are no longer able to support their loved one, there will be an adequate, functioning system in place that they have confidence in,” Mr Randall said. While it was encouraging to see the Federal Government appearing keen to implement the NDIS, Mr Randall was concerned that like many necessary reforms, the Gillard Labor Government could place the scheme on the backburner. *The Politician Adoption Scheme is an initiative of the Developmental Disability Council of WA which supports politicians to represent the rights & needs of people with disabilities within their electorate by providing an on-going personal insight into a family’s life.
roleystone junior football club MAJOR SPONSOR
16’s Best & Fairest Ryan Hunt Runner up Best & Fairest - Jarrod Rudkin
15’s Best & Fairest Bryce McRae-Lea Runner up Best & Fairest Oliver Sexton
17’s Best & Fairest Monty Sallur Runner up Best & Fairest - Sean Campbell Club Champion Jarrod Johnston Runner up Club Champion Samuel Maclean
Established W.A. Artist Established W.A. Artist Susan Angwin Established W.A. Established W.A. Artist Artist Susan Angwin Invites you to join her Susan Angwin Susan Invites youAngwin to join her Invites you Invites you to to join join her her Studio Classes
Studio Classes Studio Studio Classes Classes
Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Instruction in Pastel, painting Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Charcoal & Drawing Skills Watercolour, Mixed Media, CharcoalPastel, & Drawing Watercolour, Pastel, MixedSkills Media, For both beginners & advanced Charcoal & Drawing Skills Charcoal & Drawing Skills
For both & advanced 5x 3beginners hour Classes $115 For both beginners & $115 5x 3beginners hour Classes $125 For both & advanced advanced Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 5x 3 hour Classes $115 5x 3 hour Classes $115 Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm
Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, 10am-1pm Saturday,Thursday, 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 2Saturday, Mount Street Roleystone 10.30am-1.30pm Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm 2 Street Roleystone Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy E: Mount 2 Mount Street Roleystone E: 2 Mount Street Roleystone T: 0400 037 818 E: T: 0400 037 818 E: T: 0400 T: 0400 037 037 818 818
Sophie Sallur and Alexandra Worth
Volunteer of the Year Judy Thorne Life Members Sam & Samantha Saffioti
Come in and see Ian Owen, your friendly local car dealer for a relaxed no pressure car buying experience. Contact Ian Owen on 08 9452 5619.
PAGE 13 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
The Roleystone Junior Football Club Committee would like to thank all volunteers, players, parents, Life Members, and sponsors (including our major sponsor Brendan Leahy) for coming along and making our Youth Presentation night on September 17th such a fantastic evening. Thank you to The Manse Restaurant of Armadale for the catering. Thanks to Sophie Sallur and Alexandra Worth for selling the drinks. A big thanks also to Samantha Saffioti and Jeanette Spanjers for organising and setting up of the evening, you did a fantastic job! Congratulations to all the trophy winners and milestone achievers from each team for the 2011 football season. 13’s Best & 14’s Best & Fairest Fairest Jarrod Johnston Samuel Runner up Best Maclean & Fairest Runner up Luke Gava Best & Fairest Justin Burrows
150 Games - Outstanding achievement (over a decade of committed football for the RJFC) Michael Saffioti, Cody Spanjers, Monty Sallur & Sean Campbell
A Community Thank You was held for Councillor Pat Hart on Sunday the 16th of October at the Roleystone Country Club. Attendees expressed their well wishes to Cr Hart on her retirement of over 13 years of service to the Roleystone and Karragullen community as a City of Armadale Councillor. Thanks must also go to Denise Hardie for organising the event and Dee Hart for the lovely cake.
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GLocal r a v e Gravel, l , R o aRoad d Bbase, a s e , Recycled L i m e s tBitumen one & Recycled Bitumen. Colour, Exposed and Exposed Concrete, Red Bitumen and & Stencil Concrete. Retaining Walls, Rural Concrete Curbing, Automatic Gates, Post and Rail Rural Fencing. Fencing. Bobcat and Truck Hire. C om p l e te La n d s caping & Garden Makeover’ s
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Phone John: 0418 953 591 0418 953 or Mobile Anna Ph/Fax: 9397591 6854 Email: Phone/Fax 9397 6854
Office Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm 6 days Mon to Sat
The Valley Reporter was recently informed by a local resident of some photographs of Roleystone on the Curtin University archives and with their permission we have published them within this issue for you to enjoy! John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library. Records of Hazel Hawke. 1) Hazel Hawke and Edith Masterson, Roleystone Pool 1946. JCPML01289/1/11. 2) Truck carrying luggage to Easter camp at Roleystone, April 1946. JCPML01289/1/13. 3) Easter camp at Roleystone, April 1946. JCPML01289/1/15.
Tuesday 1st November Racing Action Catch the race on the big screen Sumptuous Buffet Luncheon Glass of Bubbly on Arrival Plus Entertainment $30.00 per head Come watch Bookings Essential
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The Rock Inne Tavern has pleasure in being able to offer a
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FREE Courtesy Bus Service
the Rugby World Cup Final on the big screen Sunday 23rd October 4pm
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Kelmscott/Roleystone Branch RSL Remembrance Day 2011 The Kelmscott Roleystone Branch of the RSL invites all current and former military service men and women, along with members of their families to attend a Remembrance Day service at Rushton Park, River Road in Kelmscott. The service will take place at the Cenotaph on the corner of Orlando Street and River Road in Kelmscott with the assistance of students of the Kelmscott Primary School, school cadets, boy scouts and girl guides. The Service will begin at 10:30am and conclude at approximately at 11:15am. Members of the public are invited to lay their Remembrance Wreaths during the service. For more information contact the Secretary on 9495 4838 during business hours.
Stokes & Associates Pty Ltd
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Karragullen Gravel Gravel Karragullen Garden Supplies Supplies && Garden
Soils,Mulches, Bush Mulch, Sand,Landscaping Blended Soils, Rocks, Blended Mulches, Brickie & Paving Sand,
Landscaping, Garden Makeovers, Local Gravel, Roadbase, Top Dressing Loam, Blue Metal, Moss and Laterite Rock.
Ornamental Trees and Agapanthas
C o m p l e te La n d s c a p i n g & G a rd e n Ma ke ove r ’ s
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O w n eDELIVERY r/Operator FREE
Phone John: 0418 Mobile 0418 953953 591591 or Anna Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 Phone/Fax 9397 6854 Email: Office Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm 6 days Mon to Sat
On Tuesday 20th September, 2 buses full of excited Year 5, 6 and 7 students from Roleystone Primary School and Roleystone District High School headed to the Burswood Theatre. Their destination, an annual event of the WAGSMS Concert Series, was about to begin and the children from Roleystone were 2 of the superior acts to appear in the program for the nights performance. After a nervous rehearsal and trip back to school, the Burswood Theatre was once again filled with eager performers in the evening. The
Year 5 Choir entertained the first half of the show with 3 energised numbers, looking resplendent in their black and white costumes, with silver and black top hats! After a long and patient wait, the Year 6 and 7 Choir stole the show with the final act of the evening. Their beautiful voices thrilled the audience and gave everyone a show to remember for their journey home. Choir Director Mrs Karen West is very proud of all her students and grateful to staff members and parents for all of their support. Photographs courtesy of Mr Blaker.
Roleystone Residents Receive $64,000 in Bushfire Relief but they have been able to get back on their feet, thanks to the support of people right across Australia”. Bendigo and Adelaide Bank WA State Manager David Boromeo said “Bendigo Bank is dedicated to supporting communities to prosper and committed to improving the lives of Australians in times of need. It’s been really tough for the communities in the Roleystone and Kelmscott region, and many still need support and funding to get back on their feet. We hope the donation to the Salvation Army will ease the pressure for many people who may still be coming to terms with loss of property and livelihood, and I’d like to thank everyone who donated for digging deep to give what they could,” he said. The Salvation Army will provide gift vouchers for local hardware stores to those still suffering hardship so that they can purchase materials to rebuild their properties. Vouchers are redeemable at either Roleystone Hardware or at Colli’s in Kelmscott. Donations to the Roleystone and Kelmscott Bushfire Appeal can still be made at the Bendigo Bank branch or online at Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. Application forms are also available from the Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Branch.
For 26 years, the state government has acknowledged and thanked seniors for their ongoing commitment and contribution to communities and families through ‘Seniors Week’, which first commenced in 1985. The Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Branch will be hosting a morning tea at the Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club, 46 Jarrah Rd Roleystone on Wednesday 9 November 10-12noon. The theme for this years Awards is “Setting the Trend”, acknowledging the role our seniors have played in leading the way as role models for younger generations to follow as well as inspiring others with their ideas, innovation and dedication.
PAGE 17 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
The Salvation Army received $64,000 to go toward the Roleystone and Kelmscott Bushfire Appeal, which assists residents in Western Australia’s Roleystone and Kelmscott region to recover from this year’s fires. Severe bushfires caused extensive damage in Roleystone and the surrounding districts in January, with many of those bushfire-affected communities still trying to rebuild or restore their properties to their former state. Roleystone and Karragullen Community Bank® Branch Chairman, Roy Hamilton, said the funds would enable the Salvation Army to provide assistance to those still suffering hardship. “It’s been a long road to recovery for our local people, but the $64,000 raised for the Salvation Army to support fire-stricken communities just goes to show what people can achieve when they work together,” Mr Hamilton said. “Thanks must go to Ed and Leone Donnes, who are victims themselves, but helped to formulate the voucher system. There are so many communities in our state that have been faced with similar challenges, such as bushfires and floods,
Refurbishment of Ward House On Wednesday the 7th of September, Assistant Director of Catholic Education Mr Wayne Bull officially opened the original 34 year old refurbished Ward House as part of the Federal Governments Building Education Revolution. Mrs Marie Taylor, a Whadjack Balardong Noongar Elder conducted the Welcome to Country whilst the blessing of the crosses and new facilities The new facilities include 5 classrooms, music room, specialist room, offices, art room and a multipurpose area. were conducted by Good Shepherd Church Assistant Parish Priest, Father Cyprian Shikokoti. Representing the Loreto Sisters, Sr Margaret O’Sullivan and past Good Shepherd Parish Priest Father John Gandini represented the Salesians as they unveiled an art piece in the centre of the building, visually representing the schools motto – Living through Faith, Love and Laughter. The school’s choirs performed throughout the ceremony, which concluded with a morning tea amongst the rejuvenated landscapes overlooking the outdoor classroom, creek and animals.
Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School
mply Music is a revolutionary, Australian-developed piano learning method that offers a breakthrough in music education. This remarkable pproach has students of all ages playing great-sounding contemporary, assical, gospel, blues and accompaniment pieces, immediately, from heir very first lessons!
o find out more call: icole Lloyd 9498 1450 ccredited Simply Music Teacher Simply Music is a revolutionary, Australian-developed piano learning method that offers a breakthrough in music education. This remarkable approach has students of all ages playing great-sounding contemporary, classical, gospel, blues and accompaniment pieces, immediately, from their very first lessons!
Simply Music is a revolutionary, Aust ralian-developed method that offer piano learning s a breakthrough in musi c education. This approach has stud Emma milanEsE (RolEystonE) 0424 630 813 0488 811 remarkable ents ofCAll all ages playing grea classical, gospel, t-sou nding cont emporary, blues and licensed Simply Music Teacher accompanime nt pieces, immedia their very first lesso tely, from ns! To find out more call: Nicole Lloyd 9498 1450 Accredited Simp ly Music Teacher
PAGE 18 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Athletics Carnival Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School held its annual sports carnival starting with field events on Thursday the 8th of September and track events on Friday the 9th of September. Sports teacher Miss Lauren Shaw, was extremely pleased with all the effort and sportsmanship the students showed throughout the carnival. Congratulations to Forrest Faction who were crowned 2011 Athletics Champions. In late September the Interschool Team competed against other schools in our region.
aussie of the month award winners Ph: 9497 2755 Mob: 0409 497 275
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aussie of the month award winners Aussie of the Month has been awarded to CANDICE LARKIN Everybody notices Candice’s cheerful disposition and energetic personality. Since arriving at our school Candice has proved to be a very positive person who can mix readily with a variety of students and staff alike. She is always polite and well-behaved and thinks kindly of others. During school work Candice pays attention carefully and answers questions thoughtfully. Congratulations Candice! Aussie of the Month has been awarded to drew gunning Drew is always pleasant, polite and well-behaved during school activities and mixes readily with both staff and students. He has a studious nature and has achieved excellent results over a long period of time. His assignment work and research activities are creative, thoughtful and very neatly presented. Drew is very well organised and always has the correct equipment for every lesson. Congratulations Drew!
~~~~art exhibition~~~~
Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre Art Students invite you to a Art Exhibition of their work on the weekend of November 19th and 20th at the Family Centre, Wygonda Road, Roleystone. Saturday 19th Nov 10am - 5pm and Sunday 20th Nov 11am - 4pm. Please come & support your local budding artists and their work is for sale!
2010 Gold Plate Finalist
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Aussie of the Month has been awarded to ISAAC PLACE Isaac is a considerate and friendly student who often takes the initiative to help others. He consistently works to a high standard letting his engaging personality show in his written work. Congratulations Isaac! Aussie of the Month has been awarded to rachel charlesworth Rachel is a very considerate, conscientious and reliable student who takes every opportunity to apply herself to all tasks presented and gives 100% of herself. She shows enthusiasm for learning and is always willing to help and assist others in their endeavours. Congratulations Rachel!
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Roleystone Karate brings home Interclub Trophy In a record field of 110 competitors from four dojos, Roleystone won the 2011 Kofukan Karate Interclub Tournament
Pictured (top-botom): Melanie’s winning smile, Frank gets the The 2011 Kofukan Karate Interclub Tournament was held on upper hand on Sensei Cameron, The Battle of the Crispy Fish the 18th of September at the Kwinana Requatic Centre. The Eyes, Sensei Brooke vs Yagan and Roleystone’s winning crew. Roley crew competed throughout the day in up to four events each, including kata (performing a set sequence of karate moves) and kumite (sparring). The kata events included team and individual divisions from Pee-wees up to Seniors. The Pee-wee category attracted a whopping thirty entrants aged from four to eight-years old. business support Our youngest karate kids all earned themselves an achievement trophy for demonstrating their moves with loud Kai’s (shouts) Julia Berkhout and were individually scored on the mat by three referees, just MYOB® Certified Consultant like the older guys. 0409 203 512 The morning events finished up with a karate Fax: (08) 6311 7220 Email: display from each dojo. Warnbro dojo’s comparatively diminutive Sensei Karen took PO Box 418 Kelmscott WA 6991 apart an armed opponent in a self defence display, whilst Kalgoorlie’s Sensei Brian executed a complex kata using tonfa, or ewels bus b-card.indd 1 15/12/08 6:44:40 PM wooden batons. Roleystone’s 2nd Dan black belts, Sensei’s Brooke Williams and Cameron • Plans arranged & submitted to shire requirements Carling, performed two Pinan katas and then Phone 9496 1262 convincingly demonstrated their application on 2 Merton Road Roleystone WA 6111 an opponent. Our own Sensei Darren wound Mobile: 0408 959 340 Fax: 9496 1862 up the Roley crew’s demo by decking not only Brooke and Cameron, but Frank and Yagan Email: too, all of whom enthusiastically attacked him Website: at once. It happened so fast that the audience demanded an encore, despite Darren pointing out that he is just not as young as he used to be. The finale was provided by hosting dojo Kwinana, with Sensei Don McKay leading Black Belts Ian and Russell Humphreys in the epic Battle of the Crispy Fish Eyes. Kitted out as simple farmers to depict the ancient origins of karate, the boys’ antics included demonstrations of traditional Cleaning of Limestone Walls weapons the sai (three-pronged dagger), tonfa, • Driveways • Pavers • Concrete nunchuka, kama (scythe) and bo (staff)…and & Colorbond Fencing just to prove that in karate almost anything can Free Quotes, All Areas, Competitive Rates be adapted as a weapon if needed, a Tickle-Me Elmo, a fairy wand, a nail gun and a pool noodle. Ph Jack 0412 860 310 or 9496 3206 The afternoon was noisily devoted to the kumite events, headed up by our future champions from the junior ranks starting at seven- years old. There were also many exciting match-ups amongst our teenagers, some of whom are looking to grade to 1st kyu (senior brown belt) or Shodan (black belt) in November. Among them were Kaitlin Brindley and Gabby Purser, who took out first and second respectively in the Girls 12-15yo All Grades Kumite. Our senior members then stepped up, with Yagan Bibby, Frank Van der Heijden and Jeremy Anderton securing first, second and third respectively for Roleystone in the Male Open kumite. The day finished up with the Team Kumite events, where pretty much every competitor of any age who was still upright fought for dojo points in ‘sudden death’ rounds lasting a minute and a half. Our Roley crew left tired but happy, taking the Interclub Trophy back to its rightful home. Preparations are already underway to field a smaller team at the Yoesikan Tournament in October. Bring it Roley! Karen Fouweather. Photographs courtesy of Melissa Carling and Jayne Pleysier.
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Centre of Being - Art, Sound, Play
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Mobile: 0433 728 478 A/Hrs: 9397 6919
Every Monday from the 7th of November to the 12th of December, the “Centre of Being” will be holding Sound Healing Circle classes, from 10:30am to 11:30am. Come and relax and re-energise as Nicole and Janet take you on a journey with the beautiful sounds of the crystal singing bowls and other sacred instruments. Here you will receive your weekly dose of vibrations to keep your energy buzzing for the rest of the week! The cost is only $20 per session, or $100 for 6 sessions (yes, you get one for FREE) if you pay upfront. The Therapeutic Art Group is much more about expressing yourself than it is about painting. Each week we will guide you through a process that will enable you to openly and creatively express your inner truth, and leave you feeling liberated and energetically awakened. This group will be on every Wednesday evening from the 9th of November to the 14th of December, 7:00pm to 9:30pm. It will cost $135 for 6 weeks. There will be an opportunity for those who are interested to continue again in January. Why not come along to our Open Day, and try your hand at throwing a bowl on the Potter’s wheel, or doing some intuitive painting in the garden. We invite you to be mesmerised and immersed in the healing and soothing tones of the crystal bowl as you enjoy a cuppa and a friendly chat. There will be an opportunity for class registration on the day. For more information, please call Janet on 0488 705 555 or Nicole on 0419 285 500.
Retaining Walls, Garden Beds, Water Features, Paving & Garden Design FOR RELIABLE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Call Francis: 0403 588 858 Email:
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PAGE 21 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
After a number of years spent discussing and stirring up their creative juices, Janet Bushby BA(Art) Dip (Couns) and Nicole Lloyd B(Mus) are finally bringing their unique creative skills together to create a “Centre of Being” that’s practically right at your doorstep! As soon as you step out of your busy stressful lives and into the nurturing space they provide, you will find yourself being transformed back to your true centre of being, your true self. Janet and Nicole both want to share with others the magic of using creative tools, which anyone can use, as a portal to remembering their natural way of being, the way they believe we were born to live. After all, we are “Human Beings” not “Human Doings”. The inspired sessions that will be held at the “Centre of Being” all incorporate art, sound and play to bring people back into the present moment as they are nurtured by the co-creative processes that are provided for them. These sessions, which are held in Roleystone’s beautiful surroundings, tap into the vibrant energy that emanates from Janet and Nicole working (or rather, playing) together, and will no doubt inspire, empower and revitalise your beings. We would both love to meet you at our OPENING DAY from 2:00pm to 5:00pm on Sunday 30th October at 91 Peet Road in Roleystone, where you can enjoy a taste of what we will be offering on a weekly basis at the Centre of Being. The Opening Day will feature sound healing sessions, therapeutic art sessions, painting, mosaics, pottery, healthy snacks, cuppas galore, unconditional love and acceptance, cosy warm fires in winter, listening hearts, bubbling joyful energy, fun, laughter and connection.
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Armadale’s newest resident, Fergus the Frog, has made his ever first public appearance at Armadale Central on Thursday 13 October. Fergus is a 13 year old male frog who is currently in training as a Junior Lifeguard at Armadale Aquatic Centre. He will soon be moving into his new pad at Splash Town - Armadale Aquatic Centre’s most exciting development. Splash Town is a brand new, innovative water area for children. It is a zero-depth water playground that has the latest in water entertainment including interactive water sprays, water cannons, spray grounds and large over head tipping buckets. Kids get to splash, play and spray, keeping them entertained for hours. Splash Town officially opens on Sunday 11 December.
57 Ridgehill Rise Roleystone WA 6111 Phone/Fax: 9397 9253 Mobile: 0437 853 253 Email: ABN 40 305 326 211
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For your complete accounting, taxation and auditing services • Accounting • Auditing - Internal & External • Audit of Self Managed Super Funds • Family Trusts & Companies
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Five new Councillors for Armadale Five new Councillors are joining Armadale Council following the local government election held at the City’s administration building on Saturday 15 October. Kerry Busby (Minnawarra), Melissa Northcott (Palomino), Jim Stewart (Heron), Mark Geary (Neerigen) and Grant Nixon (Jarrah) are the new elected members and Cr Jeff Munn retained his seat (Lake) for another term while sitting Councillors Keith Lethbridge (Neerigen) and Wayne Mauger (Palomino) were not returned. Cr Henry Zelones was returned in the River ward unopposed. Sitting Councillors Donna Shaw (Heron), Ruth Butterfield (River) Guenter Best (Neerigen), Caroline Weilinga (Jarrah) June MacDonald (Lake), Matthew Norman (Minnawarra) and Laurie Sargeson (Palomino) are mid way through their term and will be up for re-election in October, 2013. The new Councillors will be officially sworn in at the Council meeting on Monday 17 October where the first item of business will be the election
of the new Mayor. Former Mayor, Linton Reynolds has retired from Council. Armadale CEO, Ray Tame, thanked the Returning Officers and all 2011 election candidates for the manner in which the election was conducted. “Several wards were strongly contested which is a healthy sign for our community.” “We now have our new team for the immediate future and look forward to setting direction for the task ahead.” “I would like to pay tribute to retiring Mayor Linton Reynolds and retiring Councillors Bob Tizard and Pat Hart and thank them for their contributions over their many years of service.” A total of 15 candidates in seven wards contested the 2011 City of Armadale election, which was conducted by the WA Electoral Commission on behalf of the City. HOT OFF THE PRESS: Cr Henry Zelones has been appointed the new Mayor and Cr Ruth Butterfield is the new Deputy Mayor for the City.
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I hate bookwork, and because of that I have had several bookkeepers in the past. I have heard the promises of, “Don’t worry, I’ll do the work and worry for you”. Until I met Susan from ‘Yes U Can 4 Business Solutions,’ those promises were only wishful thinking. Now I can send all my paperwork to Susan, confident that it will be all sorted and sorted very well without any additional stress to me. It’s great that I can concentrate on doing the work I love and leave the business solutions to Susan. Jamie Thomas-Hairrods for Hair, Roleystone. Susan helped me to get my office and my bookwork systemised and organised. We also worked on growing my business. I am now busier than ever. My business is still growing and my desired outcome is now well within reach. Thanks to Susan for her guidance, support and encouragement. I would recommend Susan to anyone in small business, whether it is for growth or for a more organised way of doing things. I would also recommend Susan for her integrity and her professionalism. Paul Arnold-FHI Bathrooms, Kalamunda. For the past few years Susan has been our mentor, MYOB tutor and bookkeeper for the family business. We have found Susan to be an excellent teacher who is trustworthy, reliable, extremely patient, thorough, and with an impeccable attention to detail. Susan’s positive attitude and perseverance have pulled us through our most stressful times, and helped us find resolutions to many issues that have challenged us. We have recommended Susan’s professional services to many colleagues and friends, and will continue to do so in the future. Craig and Rebecca, Bedfordale.
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You are invited to “The Art of Playing” art exhibition by Stephanie Boyle, being held at Genesis in the Hills from Saturday 8th October to Saturday 6th November. Stephanie, who has been indulging in her passion for painting since 1992, said “I can’t think of a better way to spend the day”. After starting out painting simple watercolours at her local recreation centre, Stephanie eventually studied Art and Design at the West Coast College of TAFE. Even to this day, she continues to learn at every opportunity by attending workshops to develop and improve her artistic career. Stephanie and her husband moved to Roleystone from the Northern suburb of Duncraig three years ago, primarily in order to have more land for an art studio. It must have been quite a tree change for them, especially Stephanie’s
9397 7799
Vegetarian restaurant and Café
husband, who was born and bred in Scarborough. Stephanie views her relatively new “country” residence with great affection, saying she feels very home amongst the beautiful rolling hills of Roleystone. Stephanie’s paintings have a recurring Australiana country look to them, most likely inspired by her childhood spent on a farm in the tiny wheatbelt town of Dudinin. In her own words, Stephanie says, “I really believe the freedom I had as a child to roam without restrictions has helped my artistic vision”. On a final note, Stephanie would like to take a moment to give special thanks to Ita and Rivka from Genesis in the Hills for providing the great food on her opening night and giving her this opportunity to exhibit her paintings. Stephanie intends to continue painting for as long as possible, and the Valley Reporter looks forward to hearing of her future successes.
Excellent freshly made Food & Cakes Excellent quality Coffees & Teas “The Art of Playing” Art Exhibit by Stephanie Boyle 8.10-6.11.11 Live Jazz- 1st Saturday of the month “Community Creative”- Our NEW Community Shop
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community creative shop
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Rivka from Genesis in the Hills has used some initiative to set up a ‘Community Creative’ Shop on the grounds of their popular restaurant. Initial plans have the opening hours set at 11:00am to 3:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays, but with the warmer weather and popular demand, there’s a good chance it could end up opening more hours. The overwhelming number of local artist exhibitions got Rivka thinking, which eventually led to the creation of the community shop. Rivka has taken the demand on board and wants the word out there to artists and other crafty people in the local and surrounding areas that if they are interested to supply their wares to the ‘Community Creative’ Shop for sale, they are very welcome to let her know. The shop, which has an array of products
including hemp, organic cosmetics, picture frames, metalwork, soaps and creams, clay, patchwork and gift cards all on display has been so far received with much gratitude by the Organic Society, along with local painters and artists. The Community Creative Shop definitely has a quirky feel to it, and there is bound to be something within for everyone to enjoy. Why not grab a cuppa and a cake on a Saturday or Sunday at Genesis in the Hills, then take a leisurely stroll over to the Community Creative Shop and pick up an unique early Christmas present for that special someone. Any artists who want to display their wares can contact Rivka on 9397 7799 to discuss further terms and conditions.
Armadale City Concert Band Presents Song & Dance Special Guests-Heritage Country Choir. 2.30pm Sunday 23rd October Serpentine Jarrahdale Recreation Centre Mead Street Byford. Family $40, Adult $15, Concession/ Student $10, Child 5-12yrs $5, under 5yrs free. Ph: 9487 4044 or book online at www. Whiteman Park – Children’s Week Family FunSafe Day On Sunday 23rd October from 10-2pm, Meerilinga celebrates the official opening of Children’s Week with loads of opportunities for kids to enjoy PLAYING! Activities and attractions include: Bubblemania, farm yard animals, wall climbing, Scitech displays, Fairy Queen Caroline and much, much more! Picture Book Picnic Wednesday 26 October 10am-12noon at the Seville Grove Library. Join us for storytelling, games and much more. Dress up as your favourite picture book character, bring your teddy and a picnic lunch. Bookings are essential, phone 9399 0800. Black Cockatoo Preservation Society of Aust Inc. Karrakin Wildlife Australia Inc. gARAGE SALE Sausage Sizzle/Cool Drinks to be held at 87 Kenwick Rd Kenwick Sat 29 & 30 October 8am-1pm Wildlife Australia Inc. is a not for profit animal welfare organisation totally reliant on donations. All proceeds will be used to benefit the Wildlife we have in our care for food, veterinary care & shelter. Payments over $2 are tax deductible, a receipt will be issued if required. We have a variety of wildlife including the endangered Black Cockatoos, Kangaroos, Wallabies, Dingoes, Emus. On display will be some of the wildlife in our care. All items (have to be seen to be believed) at the Garage Sale have been donated by the 50 volunteers who unselfishly give their time supporting our cause. New volunteers are always welcome, if interested please phone Cathie on 0400 277 611. Whiteman Park NEW Guided Tours As part of our 25th Anniversary celebrations, there are four fantastic tours on offer. Dates and details are on the Whiteman Park website, but here is a brief outline of them all! Horse Swamp Guided Tours - Check out the amazing birdlife living around Horse Swamp, on the Werillyiup Bush Trail. Wildflower Walks - Did you know that there are over 500 flowering species found in Whiteman Park? Join us as we show you what’s in flower in the Park, from orchids to peas and more! Revolutions Collection Tours - For the first time, you can experience Revolutions behind the scenes, and see some pieces from The Whiteman Collection. Nocturnal Woylie Walks + Owl Experience - A special edition of these fantastic evening tours of Woodland Reserve that includes getting up close and personal with some of the Park’s native owls. Bookings essential or
recommended for these tours. Contact us on 9209 6000 or visit the website for details. Mandurah Performing Arts Centre CAPERCAILLIE Presented by arrangement with the Commonwealth Festival 2011, Tuesday 1st November, 8pm. From their home and roots of Argyll in the highlands of Scotland, Capercaillie is credited with being the major force in bringing Celtic music to the world stage. Fusing Gaelic culture and contemporary sound, this multi-award winning group has notched up over a million sales world-wide, and now they’ve made their way to WA to share their mesmerising sounds with fascinated audiences. “The most vibrant and exciting band in the field of Celtic music today.” Billboard. Adults $59 - Concession $55 - FOMPAC (Max 4 tickets per member) $52 - Students $30.00 - Groups (10+) $52ea. Box Office: 9550 3900. Better Beginning Parent Workshop: Kindy Ready Friday 4 November, 10am-11.30am at the Seville Grove Library. This session will provide tips and advice on skills you can teach your child to promote a successful start to kindegarten. Bookings are essential, phone 9399 0800. Armadale Auto Parts Open Day & car Show Sunday 27th November 10am until 2pm, live music, prizes, product demos’ and of course sausage sizzle available Calling Roleystone Youth The search is on! Have your say in your community! We are looking for a group of young people from Roleystone to be part of the design team for the new skate facility at Cross Park. Design Workshops scheduled for late Nov/Dec 2011. To get involved and have your say contact 9399 0426 or Swimming WA Open Water Swim Series 2011-2012 Round 4 Saturday 26th November: 12.5km, 2.5km, 5km & 10km at Champion Lakes. To register for an event please visit www. Event location information, race start times and course maps are available online. Loads of prizes to be won! Enter more events, build your points and claim the crown of overall series winner! Male and female distance and age category winners. Are you interested in either advertising, or becoming an outlet for Rego Reminder stickers. Check out “Becoming an Outlet” and/or “Advertise” links on the website Halloween @ The Grape Gallery Public Holiday: Fri 28th, Sat 29th, Sun 30th. Food, drink and witches brew, the only thing we still need now, is you! It might be Scary... It might be a Fright... But it’s sure to be Fun on Halloween Night. Please book early or miss out you might. Free glass of witches brew on arrival, door prizes for the lucky table throughout the night. Phone: 9496 0088 or Email:
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Community Noticeboard
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Free family fun day Our annual free family fun day is scheduled for Saturday 5th November, which is approaching fast. All playgroup families are invited to share in this fantastic event, which will include an animal farm, bouncy castle, Banana’s the Clown, face painting, sausage sizzle, donuts, coffee and cold drinks. Thanks to all the playgroup members who have been helping in the organisation of the event. We are also very grateful to the following generous local businesses who have donated money, food or raffle prizes for our event, including Roleystone Supa IGA, Roleystone Family Medical Centre, Roleystone Community Chemist, Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank®, Roleystone Real Estate, Roleystone Family Meats, Roleystone Newsagent, Roleystone Florist & Gifts, Cellarbrations, Roleystone Skin & Body Care, Mia Flora, Hairrods For Hair, Roleys on the Ridge, Pure Indulgence, Earthbound Organics, Roleystone Family Centre and Aura Hairdressing. Thank you!
Member for Darling Range
Lotterywest funding for Grass Roots 13 October 2011 Tony Simpson MLA has presented a Lotterywest cheque to Grass Roots Inc.
Lotterywest funding for Grass Roots JACQUELINE T. HUNT B. Com., CPA
Grass Roots Growing Intellectually Impaired People Inc. was presented a cheque for $45,779.00 Mr Tony Simpson MLA, the Member forto Darling Tony Simpson MLA has presented a by Lotterywest cheque Range, at their Holiday Haven this week. Tierney, their CEO, advised him that Grass Roots is a not-for-profit GrassFranRoots Inc. tax deductible charity owned and operated by parents with a professional Board of Directors and lots of hard working volunteers. Grass Roots Growing Intellectually Impaired was presented a cheque for The work People of the groupInc. includes crisis care, and support groups for single $45,779.00 by Mr Tony Simpson MLA,parents the Member for Darling Range, at their and children, marriage, family and holiday facilities for parents with a disabled person, with an onsite respite program daily to enable Holiday Haven this week. parents quality time whilst their disabled person is in a safe environment, + Individual & Sole Traders enjoying whilst learning Fran Tierney, their CEO, advised him that Grass Rootslifeisskills. a not for profit taxThe grant is for equipment to support the Associations activities and will + Partnerships deductible charity owned and operatedenable by parents a beprofessional board of Haven. a number ofwith items to purchased to improve the Holiday These items include; + Company directors and lots of hard working volunteers • 3 water tanks • Fire-fighting equipment + Family Trusts • Radioand communications a new PABX system The work of the group includes crisis care, supportandgroups forphone single parents and • White goods + Self Managed Super children, marriage, family and holiday facilities parents with a disabled person, • Upgrades tofor the pool and sewage system. Funds Grass Roots is located just an hour south of Perth in the bushland near with an onsite respite program daily to Jarrahdale enable parents quality time whilst their and + BAS/GST provides a relaxing disabled person is in a safe environment, enjoying whilst learning life skills. setting to recuperate + Multiple years welcome from the daily stresses The grant is for equipment to support the Associations activities and will enable a of life. Lotterywest in number of items to be purchased to improve the Holiday Haven. These items include; 2010/11 generated $238.8 million to • 3 water tanks the WA community Jacqueline T. Hunt including $101 Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice • Fire-fighting equipment Million to our public hospitals, Email: • Radio communications and a new PABX phone system $12.6 Million to arts organisations and Please phone•or email for an appointment White goods $12.6 Million to Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. sports organisations.
Certified Practising Accountant
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Upgrades to the pool and sewage system.
Photo of Tony Simpson MLA and Fran Tierney.
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Robin Road Green: A Compromise
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
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‘bases’ in the stumps of great trees felled over a hundred years ago and played under the leafy canopy, whilst enjoying nesting bird species in their school grounds. The oval was also an important mustering point for the media and emergency services during our bushfire emergency # earlier this year.
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
Term Four is upon us already, and before we know it we will be farewelling Roleystone Primary School and looking ahead to the opening of the new Roleystone Community College in 2012. During this busy time, it is also important to consider the future of the Roleystone Primary School site, in order to ensure that it benefits our community as widely as possible into the future. Following the closure of the Roleystone Primary School, the Department of Education has determined that the site is surplus to their requirements and is looking to have the land redeveloped. A considerable amount of work has gone into ensuring that the site be used for Seniors’ Accommodation, in order to address the needs of our valued ageing population who wish to retire in Roleystone. At the same time, the Primary School site, which is becoming widely known as the Robin Road Green, is a well utilised and centrally located venue. Its natural amphitheatre is currently being used for community markets and smaller concerts, as well as by junior sporting groups. The oval is one of the few smaller public open spaces in Roleystone that is centrally located, yet away from creeks, set back from busy roads and not frequented by larger sporting groups. This makes it an ideal location for family recreational activities, in particular those with young children. The treed perimeter has been enjoyed by generations of Roleystone school children who made
The Friends of the Robin Road Green are seeking a ‘win/win’ instead of an ‘either/ or’ solution to the future of this important site by lobbying to preserve the western treed perimeter, together with a reduced section of the oval, for community use. Roleybushcare have identified the environmental importance of the site and are willing to assume care of the bush area, including partial revegetation of the understory. The remaining majority
portion of the site could house at least 40 Seniors’ accommodation units, addressing the future needs of this important demographic. With enough community support, this equitable compromise is possible. Please take a few minutes to complete and return the survey provided, which will then be submitted to the City of Armadale and state government as part of the rezoning process for the site.
**NEW ADDRESS** 27 Wheatley Street Gosnells WA 6110 Tel: 9394 0233 Email:
Term 4 2011 enrolmenTs: Tue 18th oct to Thurs 20th oct 10am-1pm Patchwork (Beginners / Advanced) 8wks Touch Typing (Self paced) 8wks 4wks Computing (Internet for Beginners) Computing (Working with Digital Images) 4wks French (Beginners continuing) 8wks Internet (Beginners) 4wks Dressmaking (Beg/Int/Stretch Sewing) 8wks Card Making 8wks Patchwork Friendship Grp (No Tutor) 8wks Computing (Beginners) 8wks Computing (Intermediate) 8wks Belly Dancing/Drumming (Evening) 8wks Craft & Chat (bring your own project) 8wks Workshops (Daily fee) 8wks
9-2.30 9.30-11.30 7-9 9.30-11.30 9.30-11.30 9.30-11.30 9.30-12.30 1-3 9-2.30 9.30-11.30 12.30-2.30 7-9 9.30-12.30 1-3
$90 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $55 $45 $70 $70 $70 $50 $24 $20
Classes commence week beginning 24.10.11. Yearly Membership: $30 or Term Membership $10. All fees payable on enrolment - No concessions - Cash or Cheque only. Air conditioned premises and plenty of free parking. The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports the McfArLEAnE housE LEArning cEntrE inc.
PAGE 28 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
McFarleane House Learning Centre Inc. McFarleane House Learning Centre is approaching its 4th term of 2011. Enrolments will be held # from 10:00am to 1:00pm, Tuesday 18th October to Thursday 20th October 2011. Courses will commence the following Monday 24th October 2011. McFarleane House Learning Centre is now located at 27 Wheatley Street in Gosnells, close to the bus and train station. We have all settled into our new premises very well, and the house has a very welcoming, homely and friendly atmosphere. This term we are offering a wide range of computer courses,
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
and are continuing with all the popular patchwork, cardmaking, sewing, belly dancing and French classes. Our Craft & Chat class on Friday mornings is enjoyed by all, so please bring along your own project and enjoy the company of others as you work on it. McFarleane House is able to operate the courses at a reasonable cost to members because of our tutors, who volunteer their time. We are always looking for new tutors to offer their services, just for a few hours during the week or on Saturday mornings. If you have an interesting hobby or skill that you can share with your community, please put yourself forward. If you would like any more information about our courses, please phone the Centre on 9394 0233 email us at:
Our next field day, on November 13th, will be a Dieback Treatment Day at Boulder Rock in Leslie. Boulder Rock is approximately 8.5km’s east along Brookton Highway from the intersection of Chevin Road, Roleystone. Treatment will commence at 9:00am and finish at noon. Participants will be able to borrow the equipment to treat their own trees against dieback if they wish. As always, morning tea will be provided. If any volunteers require a lift to the site, please email us at info@ New volunteers will be welcome. If you require any further information please visit our website Hope to see you there! Horst Seecamp.
27th Annual
PAGE 29 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
This yearly event is organised and run by the Hills Orchard Improvement Group, meaning it’s always presented with good old-fashioned community spirit and with a unique atmosphere. This committed group of volunteers are always dedicated to running a quality event designed to cater to horticulturists, home gardeners, hobby farmers and orchardists alike. The day showcased an array of horticultural machinery and products on demonstration.There was something for the whole family to enjoy, from local produce displays, the latest small farm agricultural equipment, horticultural innovations, plant sales and plenty of entertainment for the kids, including free pony rides and a free bouncy castle all day. The expo’s gates opened at 9am and the ever popular Go for 2 & 5 marquee opened from 10am with fruit and vegetable kebab making, fresh fruit packs and a variety of promotional material all available, free of charge. Karragullen Expo Colouring-In Competition Winners: Jnr 1st Prize-Lincoln Ellen Roleystone PS Yr 1. Jnr 2nd PrizeCeleste Cooper Gwynne Pk PS Yr 1. Interm 1st Prize-Eve Rosie Walliston PS Yr 4. Interm 2nd Prize-Lydia Della Franca Walliston PS Yr 3. Snr 1st PrizeKirsten Armstrong Westfield Pk PS Yr 7. Snr 2nd Prize-Nikito Hayward Clifton Hills PS Yr 6. The cooking demonstrations by Perth’s homegrown Top 20 Master Chef contestant Arena Dunn were also well received throughout the day. At 1pm the expo was officially opened by MP Don Randall MP, followed by an array of award presentations. It was a great day had by all!
Bureau of Meteorology Statistics for May 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 10.4 C Maximum: 20.5 C Total Rainfall 28.2mm Statistics for June 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 9.0 C Maximum: 16.4 C Total Rainfall 196.8mm
© copyright 2011 Bureau of meteorology
Bickley – Western Australia
Statistics for July 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 7.8 C Maximum: 14.9 C Total Rainfall 270.0mm Statistics for August 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 8.3 C Maximum: 16.9 C Total Rainfall 205.8mm
Week 10 saw our squad of 51 State Country Week representatives test their skill, resilience and ability against quality opposition in the sports of Netball, AFL, Volleyball and Soccer. Our coaches Mr Thatcher, Mrs Gray, Mrs Hodge, Mr Mills, Miss Curtis, Mr Evans and teams Coordinator Mr Holliday did an excellent job of preparing the teams. Our Team Captains badges were handed out at an official presentation on Monday 19th of September – AFL (Brendan Mazengarb, Jade Evans) Volleyball (Tom Shale), Netball (Abbey Jones, Sophie Boughton), Soccer (Laughlan Dwyer, Will Carrigan) – Congratulations leaders! Overall State Country Week produced some excellent team contributions across all four representative sports. It was extremely rewarding for our squad with our younger students receiving a real insight into ‘Competition’ on a larger scale which augers well for the years ahead. The weather provided some challenges, however the resiliency demonstrated by our group and their coaches was exceptional. I look forward to commenting further and providing all the results in next month’s Valley Reporter. Peter Thatcher, Principal Roleystone District High School.
Statistics for September 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 8.6 C Maximum: 17.3 C Total Rainfall 168.4mm Western Australian Regional Office Bureau of Meteorology Ph: 9263 2222 Fax: 9263 2233. Accessed from the Bureau of Meteorology website
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Disclaimer; This product contains real-time data, loaded automatically with only limited quality control. The Bureau does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, correctness, accuracy, reliability, or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the information presented. The user accepts sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and results of this product, irrespective of the purpose to which such use or results are applied. in no event shall the Bureau of meteorology be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action contract, negligence or tort, rising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this product.
Captains & Co-Captains of our squad (L-R): Jade Evans, Will Carrigan, Abbey Jones, Sophie Boughton, Connor Bullimore, Mickayla Williams, Tom Shale, Brendon Mazengarb, Laughlan Dwyer with Mr Daniel Holliday and Mr Peter Thatcher.
LOCAL stars
Do you know someone who has a hobby or a special interest? We would like to feature these interesting people within The Valley Reporter, but we need you to tell us who they are. Any age counts, who is our community legend? Please feel free to submit your details to me in the following ways so we can add them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter” Mob: 0400 428 119 Fax: 9397 5136 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone E:
Farewell to the Robin Road Primary School Site to be held at the Primary School Oval Robin Road Roleystone
Saturday 26th November, 5pm start With live entertainment from the Roleystone Combined Schools Choir, The Old School Boys Ensemble, The Ferrymen & the Roley Bush Band with food available from the P&C Food Stall & Donut Stand (for further information call Fraser Williams on 0439 092 248) This community event is proudly supported by The VALLEY Reporter
It contains over 150 recipes • Slices • Cakes • Dips, Jams & Sauces • Soups • Salads • Mains • Desserts • Vegetarian & Allery Free • A Little Extra for the Kids and it even has Measurement Conversions and Oven Temperatures for you! BON APPETITE!
00 each
In this, the final year of Roleystone Primary School, we have been looking at ways of While Stocks Last marking, remembering, commemorating and celebrating the school. The P&C was approached by Lyndal (a parent at the school) who suggested putting together a recipe book of recipes supplied by families of the school and the wider community. The P&C were delighted to support the idea, and have worked over the last 6 months with Lyndal to produce this wonderful book. Carolyn Bathgate also collaborated on the photography of the book, giving it a very professional look. The result is this wonderful, colourful recipe book which the P&C are selling for just $15. It is available at both schools as well as at a range of venues in Roleystone. T H I S F U N D R A I S I N G I N I T I AT I V E I S P RO U D LY S U P P O RT E D B Y T H E VA L L E Y R E P O RT E R A N D F N G R A F I X
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A Great Christmas Gift Idea!
ROLEYSTONE BOBCAT Sand Supplies Rock pitch Rock Supplies Landscaping ■ Rock Site works/sand pads Retaining Walls ■
■ Leach Site Works / Sand drains Pads Drainage ■ Drainage Landscaping Firebreaks Driveways / Leach Drains ■ Rock ■ Driveways Firebreaks Pools breaking Limestone walls ■ ■
For Hire with Operator
■ Bobcat ■ Tip Truck Bobcat Tip Truck ■ 20 Tonne Excavator 20 Tonne ■ Rock Breaker
Excavator ■ 3.6 Tonne Excavator
9397 6418 0418 625 925
Call Karl Preece 925 Call Joe Dirt 0418 9397625 9860
Roleystone Bowls News from the Greens
The Roleystone Cup, which is a mixed team event along the lines of the Hopman Cup, was held recently and produced an exciting finale. Eileen Green and Ken Brown headed one pool of the draw and were up against Marcia Kitson and Wally O’Brien in the final. Wally and Marcia took out the mixed pairs, while Eileen was victorious in the Ladies’ singles. That left the men to battle it out for the cup and it went down to the last end with Wally just managing to edge out Ken for a welldeserved victory. The match was enjoyed by an enthusiastic gallery of spectators and the success of the event was a tribute to Malcolm Clements, who organised the day. In other competition news, the Ladies’ Drawn Pairs was won by Margaret Munn and Pauline Wally and Marcia show their Smith, with Eileen Green and Alison Brown winning style watched on by the winners of the Plate. runners-up Ken Brown and It was heartening to have several newcomers Eileen Green. attend the “Have A Go” Day, and the club was able to attract some new members as a result. Don’t forget you are all welcome on the bowling green, and we have a number of membership categories and offers for prospective members. Simply contact the Roleystone Country Club on 9397 5665 to be put in touch with a member of the bowls division. Our featured sponsor this month is WJ & KS Automotives, who supported the President’s Day on Sunday 16th October. We are grateful to Wayne van Uden and his staff for their ongoing generous support of lawn bowls in Roleystone. Keith Rinaldi. Real Estate News Release - Roleystone 17th Edition
Please email me your favourite related topic
Real Estate Secrets Exposed
by Fraser Willi
PAGE 32 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Resource Sector To Drive Future Property Growth
It sounds like a given ‘Resource Sector To Drive Future Growth’ – and it seems as though it is, HOW LUCKY ARE WE !! A common theme with ‘Real Estate Secrets Exposed’ is commentary on the real estate market’s supply and demand linked with property prices/ growth. During the past 12 months we have seen an above average supply of property to the market and a below average demand - which has resulted in low growth over this period. Looking ahead, QBE LMI (QBE’s Lenders Mortgage Insurance business which has been operating for 45 years) has recently stated that ‘Perth property prices could rise by as much as 20 per cent within the next three years due to a growing deficiency in household dwelling supply forcing property prices significantly higher’. We are already seeing an increase in the number of buyers in Roleystone from the recourse sector and as the level of investment in mining increases overall in our state, income and population growth will be positively driven creating future positive demand. For further Real Estate Market News please see on Facebook: Fraser Williams – Property
Roleystone Lunchbar might just make the best-tasting burgers in Roleystone.... The Roleystone Lunchbar, renowned beef and gravy rolls, Pies, Pasties, for making the freshest and most and our special Homemade Sausage delicious burgers in town has made Rolls. We also offer Sandwiches, the official transition from Deli to Rolls, Sushi, Cakes, Milkshakes, Lunchbar, and is now serving the hot and cold drinks, confectionery, public, especially those hardworking icecreams, free range eggs, turkish tradies. We have great-tasting coffee breads and continental rolls. We do freshly roasted in Western Australia take EFTPOS and offer cash out, for by Simon from Bean to Heaven, plus your convenience. A special mention all your daily needs like newspapers, must go to Bob, John, Darcy and milk, bread, magazines and phone my ‘old man’ for their help with the credit. Our range of products includes minor renovations and construction hot foods such as our Hamburgers, of the shop’s new layout. Bob, you Steak burgers, Bacon and egg burgers, need to work on your painting skills! Hawaiian burgers, Schnitzel burgers, For all those local Tradesmen, don’t Chicken strip subs, Chicken fillets, forget the noticeboard out the front Hot chicken rolls, Croissants, Hot of the Lunchbar, feel free to leave a chips, BLT’s, Killer hot dogs, Roast business card. Christmas Trading Saturday 24th December 6am - 3pm Sunday 25th December CLOSED Monday 26th December CLOSED Tuesday 27th December - Friday 30th December 6am - 3.30pm Saturday 31st December 6am - 3pm Sunday 1st January CLOSED Monday 2nd January CLOSED Tuesday 3rd January - Friday 6th January 6am - 3.30pm
10th of December 2011. All shows are at 8:00pm, with an additional matinee at 2pm on Saturday 3rd of December. Bookings can be made through Bobbie and Gerry Chapman on 9397 5730, or online booking and payment is now available on our website au. Tickets are $15 for ages 17 and under and $20 for all adults.
Shop 2, 508 Brookton Hwy (Opp. Peet Rd) Roleystone WA 6111
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
ROLEYSTONE THEATRE PRESENTS This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
Bookings can be made through Bobbie and Gerry Chapman on 9397 5730, or online booking and payment is now available on our website Tickets are $15 for ages 17 and under and $20 for all adults. This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
PAGE 33 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
The Broadway musical version of Little Women will have it’s WA premiere at Roleystone Theatre this November and December. The musical follows the story of the well known semi-autobiographical novel, by Louisa May Alcott, of the same name. The story centres on the character of Jo March and her struggle to find artistic fulfillment, family harmony and love amidst the American Civil War. It is a lovely musical that is both nostalgic and romantic, harking back to times when family was everything and people made their own entertainment, making it perfect for the end of year. The songs are beautiful, lyrical and range from light-hearted fun right through to heart-breaking pathos. Director Paul Treasure, who has led various productions of “Nine”, “The Sound of Music”, “Assassins” and many more at Roleystone Theatre, has worked with the very talented musical director Tim How to put together a very strong cast. Kimberley Harris (who we saw as Eliza Doolittle in last year’s My Fair Lady), stars as Jo March, with Emma Davis as Meg March, Cassie Skinner as Beth March, LizaMari Scwindt as Amy March, Lindsay McNab as Marmee, Bree Hartley as Aunt March, Alan O’Neil as Professor Baer and Owen Measday as Laurie Laurence. The performance dates are the 25th, 26th and 30th of November, as well as the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 9th and
Roleystone Lunchbar & Takeaways 9397 5845 Open 6 Days
Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services Compassionate convenient care of your pet at home Dr Judith M Congrene BSc BVMS Veterinary Surgeon
Phone: 0433 2137 28
Excellent service, reasonable prices vaccinations, microchipping, routine health checks, treatment of common problems including arthritis, allergies, abscesses, compassionate euthanasia of pets at home
TRAVELWAYS License NO. 9TA 1019
The Best Deals And Service Shop 1, 2223 Albany Highway, Gosnells Western Australia 6110
Telephone: (08) 9490 2100 Fax: (08) 9490 3622
Why I Love My Job Assisting Pets For the last ten years I have enjoyed the concept of being a mobile vet who comes to people’s houses to visit pets. It is so wonderful getting to know new clients who are already very grateful for my services before I even arrive at their house, or examine their pet. It’s great having such a fabulous working environment before I even start! The veterinary services that I offer for clients at home are non emergency procedures and treatments, which means they can usually be scheduled for a mutually convenient time. Vaccinating animals at home is very simple and allows a clinical examination of the pet in their own surroundings, a quick injection and just a little bit of paperwork while
the victim goes off to play or sleep in a corner. Simple treatments for arthritis and skin allergies can also bring much relief to the pet and their owners, especially when it is difficult to get a large dog into a car to seek treatment. Providing compassionate euthanasia services at home is a very rewarding aspect of my daily work. I value the trust that is given to me to perform this service of a peaceful, dignified and private transition for clients’ pets. I really cherish this difficult task - it is a very meaningful process and I am relieved each time to know that a traumatic part of the pet/owner’s life together has been overcome just because I was able to offer this service at home. Thank you to all my lovely clients who have helped me to love my job. If we haven’t met yet, and you’d like to arrange a home visit for your pet, please call Dr Judith Congrene on 0433 2137 28.
The Valley Reporter’s customers can now have the best online reading experience, it’s ventured into the world of digiTal publishing.
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having it online helps us get all your local news across fast and easily to all corners of the world. go to to view our current and past issues. leT’s sTay connecTed Facebook is the world’s largest social network service, with over 500 million users. let’s connect today, so we can share information more efficiently with you - our customers! The-Valley-Reporter
ION SPORTS DA T C A F Y RPS The very last Athletics Carnival to be held at Roleystone PS
Photographs courtesy of Mr Blaker.
PAGE 35 – Š Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
was a fun day of activity and competition for all involved. A beautiful day along with a huge turnout of parents made for some exciting racing and closely fought team games. Blue Faction began the day in the lead before Green Faction powered home after a fantastic display in the team events. Well done to Abena Selormey, Tomas Koval, Hunter Bennet, Rachel Charlesworth, Hollie Dunsire and Lachlan Fraser who all received champion medals for their effort over the three days of events. INTERSCHOOL The Dale Districts Interschool Athletics Carnival was held at Roleystone DHS on Friday the 23rd of September. Starting the day with a slight lead after the jumps day, Roleystone never looked back winning 5 of the first 6 races of the day. With a great display in the individual sprints, team games and the relays the Roleystone team finished the day on top of the 5 other schools to win its second Interschool Athletics Carnival in a row. Abena Selormey, Callum Walmsley, Hunter Bennet, Brooke Fallon, Selena Grieves and Kieran Blanchard all claimed championship medals along with Kiara Davin and Harry Conlin who claimed the second runner up medallions. All in all it was a great team effort from all students and staff involved. Phil Springett, RPS Deputy Principal.
New Consultants wanted for our Spring/Summer Range, begin your own business for only $399 Size range 6-28 mostly Australian Made Garments Dianne Owen 9397 7884 Email:
There are so many things I love about the job that I do... I get to meet such fabulous ladies, many of whom I have been seeing for years now, who bring over all the latest fashions for us to try. We always have a great time experimenting with new styles and colours for the season ahead. I have been with Postie now for just over 13 years, and during this time I’ve managed to have 2 children, maintained all of my customers and continued to earn a great income along the way. Postie has taken me to Vietnam, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumper, Port Douglas, Singapore, Melbourne and I’ll be heading off to Bali next in 2 weeks time, thanks to another promotion I won from Postie! With Postie, it’s not only a job, it’s a lifestyle. There is so much flexibility available! Where else could you choose how much you want to earn for the month? If you’re in need of some extra money for Christmas (which is only 11 weeks away!) give me a call so I can share this opportunity with you. Postie offers our customers a great range of mostly Australian-made clothing at very reasonable prices, direct to your door. Plus, with our sizes ranging from 6 to 28, there is something for everyone. If you would like to see our new Summer brochure, then check out our website or phone me on 9397 7884 to organise a time to view our range.
Welcome to the first edition of “What’s on at the Club”! The new committee is working hard to reinvigorate this O INC UN fantastic venue in the hopes that we LU T RY C can encourage our members and local residents to come up and enjoy a meal or drinks, or see what we have on offer. The Performers Nights every Wednesday from 7:30pm have been a huge hit with local talent and guest performers. Wednesday 12th October saw the Classical Sounds Orchestra bring some musical culture to the club as they performed to a large crowd. The night was a fantastic success. Next Wednesday we look forward to Chris Murphy performing. We would like to thank Bobby and Pete for their hard work in organising these Performer nights for us. We also have a Halloween Quiz Night Welcome to our second on Saturday the 29th of October, edition of the Heritage starts at 7.30pm. Food available, PICKERING BROOK Calendar for 2012. bring nibblies if you want, fancy AGE GROUP HERITOR D TE The new 2012 calendar RA PO dress (optional), prize for the ‘Best INC Dressed’. Prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd pays tribute to that mighty Place. Licensed Bar, NO BYO! machine – “the train” and the Come along for a fun night out! timber workers who helped to Our Melbourne Cup Luncheon is establish the railway system on Tuesday the 1st of November, up the Darling Scarp and into starting from 10:30am. Come surrounding towns, mills, and watch the races on the big screen timber settlements scattered and enjoy a buffet lunch for the great price of $35. Remember we also have throughout the forest. fantastic meals every Wednesday ALENDAR and Friday night, courtesy of our C 12 20 Y On sale now TR US ND RAILWAY I caterers Baileys Coffee and Cream, for only who also can cater for any special event. What better place to hold it Get immersed in the exciting past of Pickering Brook than at the club? We also have new drink prices, so come in and be pleasantly surprised. If you have not You can grab a copy of the calendar at the Karragullen Expo Saturday 15th October, been to the club before or have not or you can call Beverley – 9293 8203, Gordon – 9293 8338 or Susan – 9293 8185 come in a while we hope to see you or email us on there. Michael Hansen.
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What’s on at the Club?
Season Makers Call Nigel Bray now on 0400 074 844 AIRPORT TRANSFERS Roleystone Transfer and Charter Call David Mackey on 0412 953 638
ANTENNAS AAA TV Antennas When quality & service matters 20Yrs Exp Andrew 0413 779 537 Roleystone Antennas Ph: 0411 536 883 Antenna Home Theatre Install/Repairs ARTIST Susan Angwin Classes to be held at the Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy. Phone: 0400 037 818 AUTO-MECHANICAL A Grade Mechanical 11 Wygonda Road Phone: 9397 5244 Lino’s Mobile Mechanical Services 0425 125 207 WJ & KS Automotives 447 Chevin Road Phone: 9397 5666 BANK Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Open M-F 9-5pm Sat 9-12pm 9397 7466 BEAUTY THERAPISTS Holly’s Skin & Beauty Shop 1, 198 Brookton Hwy Kelm. Ph: 9390 0583 Pure Indulgence Unit 6 1 Soldiers Rd Brackenridge Village 9496 2922 blinds / trimming All Out Blinds Paul Liva 0408 721 937 BOBCAT & TIP TRUCK Roleystone Bobcat 0418 625 925 Call Joe Dirt 9397 9860
bookkeeper & myob software Jewels Business Support call Julia 0409 203 512 BRICK & HIGH PRESSURE CLEANING Jack’s Brick & High Pressure Cleaning 0412 860 310, 9496 3206 BRICKLAYING S & LJ Rigby Contractors Stan Mob: 0418 920 148 A/Hrs: 9397 5768 BUILDER David J Willis Building Phone: 9496 1262 Mobile: 0408 959 340 White Rose Building Co David Fowler P: 9498 3843 Mob: 0402 785 894 BUS CHARTER Roleystone Transfer and Charter Call David Mackey on 0412 953 638
COMPUTER REPAIRS ELECTRICIAN MEDICAL CENTRE Roleystone Property Bigsi Computer Solutions Roleystone Family Maintenance call Simon 9397 9046 Medical Ctr Ph: 9397 7122 Call Alex 0401 979 866 Mobile: 0433 838 394 Unit 1/9 Wygonda Rd FENCING ORGANIC PRODUCTS CONCRETE Armadale Fencing Catabree & Magnolia Decorative Concrete Ph: Marcel 0408 957 987 52 Fourth Rd Armadale Resurfacing System or Ph/Fax 496 3142 Phone: 9399 2992 Transforming Crete Designs Call Pete now 0438 979 582 Rural Fencing Call John PAINTER 0418 953 591 or K & K Concrete Brush Worx Terry Griffiths Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 Kevin Campbell 0430 115 178 Mobile: 0433 728 478 Fishing & camping CONFERENCE VENUE Carry On Fishing PARTITIONS & CEILINGS & Camping World Waterford Executive Jacmo Partitions & 2880 Albany Hwy Kelm Conferencing Ceilings Mob: 0418 943 320 Phone: 9495 1940 Phone: 9399 7272 Ph/Fax: 9496 1015 (Rod) dentIST FREELANCE pest control WRITER / EDITOR Roleystone Dental SWAT*A*PEST Surgery Ph: 9397 6337 Heather Quinlan Daniel Bremer 9313 8484 9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone 0411 808 383 Mob: 0419 204 870 DOGWASH PIANO TUITION GARDEN SUPPLIES It’s A Dogs Life Simply Music Karragullen Gravel & Call Monique on Emma 0488 630 811 Garden Supplies 0413 261 352 Phone/Fax: 9397 6854 DREAM CONSULTANT plastering HAIRDRESSING Jenifer’s Pillow Talk Garry’s Plastering business solutions Aura Hairdressing Mobile: 0417 945 988 Obligation Free Quote Shop 10/21 Jarrah Rd Yes U Can 4 Business 0438 399 464 Phone: 9496 3950 Solutions 29 Yrs Exp. DRIVEWAYS PLUMBING Susan 0430 118 733 Billy Shears The Hair Club Creative Driveways & ABM Plumbing BUTCHERS Unit 2a Brackenridge Village Fencing Call John Ph/Fax: Call Andy 0419 986 923 Roleystone Family Meats 9397 6854 or 0418 953 591 Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Office: 9293 7524 9397 9219, 0431 908 074 Phone: 9397 5580 EARTHMOVING Findlay Plumbing & Gas 2, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone Catabree & Magnolia Phone/Fax: 9390 1940 F & M.J. Armenti 52 Fourth Rd Armadale CABINETMAKER Mobile: 0409 297 939 Phone: 9397 6372 Phone: 9399 2992 Cabinetmaker-Frank Fax: 9397 6374 postie fashions Karizma Hair Studio 9496 0037 (after 5pm) EATERIES Dianne Owen 9397 7884 2, 198 Brookton Highway CANVAS Genesis in the Hills Phone: 9390 7506 Custom Canvas & Tonneau 124 Croyden Rd Roleystone E: HARDWARE call Anita Ph: 9497 1596 Phone: 9397 7799 PRINTING Roleystone Hardware Mob: 0421 545 536 Kim Valley Restaurant FN Grafix, Call Fiona 17, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone Phone: CAR DEALER 4, 198 Brookton Hwy Kelm on 0400 428 119, 23 9397 5643. Open: Mon-Thur 9-5.30, Phone: 9495 1188 Range Ford Wygonda Rd, Roleystone Fri 11-5.30, Sat 8.30-4, Sun 10-2 Call Ian Owen 9452 5619 Roleystone Lunchbar & pump services HIGH PRESSURE WASHING Takeaways Shop 2, 508 1882-1888 Albany Hwy Madd (HOT & COLD) Statewide Pump Services Brookton Hwy 9397 5845 CAR DETAILING 9497 2755, 0409 497 275 Grime Scene Clean Roley’s on the Ridge U3/61 Brant Rd Kelmscott Once Over Mobile Car 0447 905 500 Domestic, Cnr Soldiers Rd & Detail Jason 0411 654 119 Industrial, Commercial REAL ESTATE Brookton Hwy CARPENTRY jewellery designer Maggie Burke Real Estate Phone: 9496 0666 Hills Lifestyle Carpentry P: 9496 1122, F: 9496 1120, Olil Jewellery Design The Manse Restaurant Services call Mick Beech M: 0419 939 110 31 Church Ave Armadale 4, 2 Soldiers Rd Roleystone 9397 9838, 0413 148 460 9496 1100, 0415 692 322 Roleystone Real Estate Phone: 9399 6078 CHILDCARE Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers LAWNMOWING ELECTRICIAN Rd Roleystone 9397 6300 Magic Moon Childcare Darling Range Electrical Bee Jay’s Garden Services Ph: John 0419 912 469 Phone: Linda 9399 1838 9397 6264, 0412 509 526 Call Glen Weaver Ph: Fraser 0439 092 248 101 Forrest Rd Armadale 0421 567 423, 9397 6015 massage therapist RECREATION CENTRE CHIROPRACTOR High Point Electrical Mensana Professional Roleystone Recreation Roleystone Chiropractic Call Marius 0419 004 475 Massage Service Steven Centre 8 Wygonda Road Josh Morton 0451 675 100 Fax: 9497 8596 Rouse 0438 955 419 Roleystone Ph: 9397 6538 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone
PAGE 37 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
ACCOUNTANTS Araluen Accountancy 57 Ridgehill Rise Phone/Fax: 9397 9253 Jacqueline T. Hunt Phone: 9496 1886 Stokes & Associates 10 Wygonda Road Phone: 9496 1247 AIR CONDITIONING
This is a free service where every advertiser that places an advertisement with “The Valley Reporter” automatically is listed on this page. The idea of it is for it to be used as a fast reference to businesses and services. Each business will have a maximum of three (3) lines which will include a company name, address and contact details and these will be categorised and listed alphabetically. As another free service you will find every advertiser is also listed under our Local Business Directory at
Did you know....
ROOF restorations Total Roof Care Ring Steve 0419 854 587 Our first priority is to make sure we deliver to every household in Roleystone & it’s surrounding areas but if you are not a Roleystone resident, & still would like to get a copy of The Valley Reporter, you can always pick one up at our 54 convenient other locations • Armadale, Kelmscott & Westfield • Araluen Nursery & Garden Tearooms SHOPPING CENTRE Libraries • Araluen Botanic Park • Roley’s on the Ridge • Roleystone Theatre Roleystone Supa IGA • Roleystone Deli & General Store • Roleystone Auto Centre 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC • Roleystone Orchard • WA Classic Sounds • Roleystone Newsagency • Roleystone Recreation Centre Ph: 9397 5549, 9397 5585 • Earthbound Organics • Roleystone District HS • Kim Valley Restaurant • Lesmurdie Senior HS (Community Library) SIGNWRITING • The Roasted Bean Cafe • Armadale Visitor Centre • Roleystone Neighbourhood • Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital Kiosk Fineline Signs Family Centre • Valley Grower Supermart Ph: Adam 0401 781 341 • Cellarbrations Karragullen • Pickering Brook Sports Club • Roleystone Fish & Chips • Pickering Brook General Store Phone/Fax: 9397 7877 • Tomeo’s Service Station • Bedfordale Child Care Centre • Araluen Golf Resort • Roleystone Fire Station STONE MASONRY • Raeburn Orchard • The Manse Restaurant • Roleystone Country Club • Holly’s Skin & Beauty Zoblazo Quality • Roleystone PS • Karizma Hair Studio • Good Shepherd Catholic PS Traditional Stone Work • WJ & KS Automotives • Gull - Karragullen • The Grape Gallery Call Francis 0403 588 858 • Genesis in the Hills • Roleystone Family Medical Centre • Feedman Stockfeeds • Stokes & Associates TAVERN • The Rock Inne Tavern • United Petrol Station - Roleystone • RK Seniors Club • Pickering Brook PS The Rock Inne Tavern • Roleystone Real Estate • Waterford Executive Conferencing Phone: 9397 5964 These various locations are NOT distributors but have kindly made the latest issue of The Valley Reporter readily available for you to enjoy! 1360 Brookton Hwy Karragullen tool centre The Toolmart Aust P/L Sales, Service, Spares & Repairs Kelm 9390 9000 TRAVEL AGENTS A fresh new approach with what’s happening in Roleystone... ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty Ltd ACN: 121 488 515 as Trustee for the Newland Family Trust Ph: 9490 2100 trading as The VALLEY Reporter ABN: 25 121 579 862 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION Travelways Fax: 9490 3622 for as little as5424 $35.00 per $40.00 Fionayear Newland Telephone: 9397 1, 2223 Albany Hwy Gosnells Editor and Publisher Please send TheROAD VALLEY Reporter subscription to: (please print) 23 WYGONDA ROLEYSTONE Travelworld Ph: 9497 2554 mrs/ms/miss/mr name/initial Open: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Email: Fax: 9497 2949 Facsimile: 9397 5465 Website: surname 2/182 Jull St Armadale address TREE SERVICES suburb state postcode alley Reporter b-cards.indd 1 29/8/08 12:20:34 PM Darling Range Tree tel fax mob Services Free Quotes email Dale - 0408 399 922 Post form to: 23 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Fax: (08) 93979397 51365465 Email: JMC Tree Services Website: Phone: 9497 1596 Payments can be made by by Cash, Cash, Cheque, Cheque, Credit Credit Card, Card or Deposit EFTDirect or Paypal Mobile: 0409 118 912 Bank Details: Bendigo Bank, BSB (Branch): 633000, Acct No:��� 130630304, Acct Name: Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty. Ltd. WA Treeworks The Valley Reporter is committed to ensuring the privacy of your information. Phone: David 9496 0306 The information on this form is used for subscription purposes only. Freecall: 1800 088 733
Prices subject to change without further notice. ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VALLEY Reporter
veterinary service Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services Call Judith Congrene 0433 2137 28 water purification Pure Water Systems Call David 0415 470 011
water tanks Waterwise Tanks Phone: 9495 2828 Mobile: 0417 171 998 WROUGHT IRON/REPAIRS McAuliffe’s Wrought Iron Metal Art 9496 1348, 0417 966 599 Steve’s Unique Eco Handmade Art Shop 2, 2 Soldiers Rd 9496 2099
CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE TEAC Portable CD player $15, Sony Walkman CD Player $10 0400 428 119 Chrohn’s disease – WE NEED YOUR HELP We are looking for a support group for people affected by the disease to share information and knowledge. What worked for you and what didn’t, in the Roleystone - Kelmscott - Armadale and areas. Can you help us? please call 0433 338 401, we’d appreciate all feedback BUSINESS FOR SALE The Roasted Bean Café for all enquiries please contact the selling agent Realm Estates Consultant, Barry Economo on 0417 943 710
volunteers wanted Radio Lollipop urgently requires volunteers for the Armadale Hospital Children’s Ward. If you have a spare 2hrs p/wk, are over 18 & would like to bring some happiness to a child’s hospital stay. Ph: Helen 9390 8850, 0458 888 498 or Radio Lollipop on 9340 8835 Lumen Girls winter sports uniforms size 14 9397 5485 Horse Agistment Roleystone. New fencing, lge yards, other agisters, endless trail riding in bush. Call Helen on 0402 403 269 or 9397 5921 for more info or to come and view
Having a Garage Sale? Then let everybody know with an advert in The Valley Reporter Classifieds
������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� Listings in���������������������������������������������� the classifieds section are only for free household ������������������������������������������ items, for sales under $100, lost & found, wanted, situations �������������������������������������������� vacant, garage sales, community notices etc. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (they���������������������������������������������� are not to be used to promote your business)
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PAGE 38 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
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other IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Armadale Police 9399 0222, Healthdirect Hotline 1800 022 222, Poison Information Centre 13 11 26, Fire & Emergency Services 1300 657 209, SES 132 500, Western Power 131 351, Alinta Gas 13 13 51, Telstra 132 203, Roleystone Volunteer Fire Services (Robbie van Uden) 9397 5406, CoA Ranger Services 9399 0111 or 1300 886 885, Smoky Vehicle Reporting 1800 076 659, Synergy (faulty street lights) 1800 622 008, Water Corporation 131 375, FESA Information Line 1300 657 209, Mensline 1300 789 978, Family Helpline & Domestic Violence 1800 643 000, Samaritans 9381 5555, Life Line 13 11 14, Relationships Australia 1300 364 277, Quitline 13 78 48, Prostate Cancer Foundation 1800 220 099, Suicide Helpline 1300 362 787, Cancer Helpline 13 11 20, Drug Info 1800 069 700, Gamblers Assist 1800 633 635, Mens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599., For passenger assistance on Transperth train services call 1800 800 022 (Freecall)
Your not-for-profit event or activity can be listed here FREE and is open to local community and sporting groups courtesy of The Valley Reporter
Araluen Botanic Park 362 Croyden Rd, Roleystone Ph: 9496 1171 Araluen Golf Resort Country Club Ave, Roleystone Ph: 9397 9000 Brackenridge Village & Roleystone Village Corner of Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone. Enjoy great food, wine, jewellery, giftware, unique arts & crafts, KOFUKAN organic food, beauty and an art gallery KOFUKAN KARATE-DO KARATE-DO INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL Karragullen Expo October 2012. Showcasing the latest ROLEYSTONE DOJO in Horticultural Machinery. Gates open 9-4.30 Adults $10, Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Pensioners & Children over 12yrs $5, Children under 12yrs Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Confidence, Respect & Discipline FREE. Karragullen Oval, Old Station Rd Karragullen Confidence, Respect & Discipline Improve your personal well being & 113th Kelmscott Annual Show 21st & 22nd October Improve your personal well being & Improve your social awareness Rushton Park, Kelmscott. General Enquiries 9495 4001 Improve your social awareness email: Enquiries Ph. 9397 5688 KIDSEnquiries Ph. ADULT Enquiries 9397 9397 5688 or5688 0419 946 661 or 0419Ph. 946 661 Pickering Brook Agricultural Show May 2012 CLASSES KIDS ADULT Ph: 9293 8263 Email: Qualified Karate NCAS Accredited CLASSES or Instructor 0419 946& 661 CLASSES Qualified Karate FreeInstructor créche available & NCAS Accredited CLASSES Roleystone Theatre Inc. 587 Brookton Highway Roleystone. For Bookings Ph: 9397 5730. Free créche available Training Days Training Times Roleystone Hall Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah Tuesdays & Thursdays Valley View Garden Golf Earthbound Organics Brackenridge Training Daysholidays Snrs (13yrs Training Times Roleystone Hall Closed during school & older) 6-7.30pm Village, Shop 4, 1 Soldiers Road Roleystone. Ph: 9397 7899 Rds, Roleystone Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah Tuesdays & Thursdays The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports roLEYstonE kArAtE Rds, Roleystone Closed during school holidays Snrs (13yrs & older) 6-7.30pm Kalamunda District Bridge Club holds weekly day & evening sessions for both competitive and social bridge. The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports roLEYstonE kArAtE A beginners’ course commences on Oct 3rd 7pm. Contact Andy Leal 9291 6451 or email: If I have forgotten to mention you in the What’s On - your local COMMUNITY CALENDAR section please feel free to submit your contact details to Email: thevalleyreporter@
Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club (Inc) 46 Jarrah Road, Roleystone Phone : 9496 3166 E-mail:
We are an energetic group of “Over 50’s” and some of our regular activities for members are: • Mahjong • Bingo • Book Club • Lunches • Whist • Indoor Bowls • Cards • Members Lending Library
If you would like a stall at the markets, call Juliette on 9397 5037
joinNOW! now! JOIN
we Sat Weare areopen openTues Wed1.45-2.30pm 11.30-12.15 &&Sat 9.30-10.30am the school term. 9.30-10.30am during school term. ALL ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE Any enquiries please call 9496 1115 or HEATHER WHITEHEAD 9496 0119 email
Community Coordinator E:
Mobile: 0418 956 519 Phone: 08 9496 0035
Co-Community Coordinator E:
Mobile: 0407 445 473 Phone: 08 9397 6534
Meetings are held every month (can be every 2nd) on Monday nights with a 7pm start time. Attendees are not limited to committee members as a public interest is warranted. Anyone wishing to attend can call Evie Molson on 0418 956 519.
Roleystone Community Alive Group Supporting a Community that supports each other This printing has been proudly supported & reproduced by FN GRAFIX –
SUNDAY SERVICE 9.30am Youth Group, Sunday School, Craft Group, Bible Study, Prayer Group, Missionary Support
For enquiries phone Gerry 9397 5730
Roleystone Volunteer Fire Brigade
• Plants • Toys • Gift Ideas • Sausage Sizzle • Music • Clothes • Cakes • Jams, Pickles & Chutneys • Bric-a-Brac • Books • And many more....
Roleystone Toy Library
A Church of Christ
Roleystone Primary School
Jarrah Rd every Monday 5-8.30pm or phone
Noel 9397 6370 Rob 9397 5406
Social TenniS iS7pm-8.30pm played aT The club • Social Tennis Monday nights • Wednesday mornings adulTS; WedneSday morningS from 9am 9am onwards • Friday mornings 9am-11am (run through Family Centre with Creche) • Sunday afternoons 2pm-4pm and Junior TenniS
Bookings and and keys for public court hire are available through Bookings through the the Roleystone Video Network Store, Jarrah Shops - 9496 Roleystone VideoRoad Phone: 9496 16161616. PO Box 172 Kelmscott WA 6991. Email: PO Box 172 Kelmscott WA 6991. E: Wendy Shearwood (Sec.) 9397 5305 WendyTucker Tucker (Pres.) (Pres. &9397 Club6620, Capt.)Graham 9397 6620, Tracey Backhouse (Sec.) Helen Mantle (Treas.) & Virginia Bird (Club 9496 0053,9390 Myles2335 Hay-Hendry (Treas.) 9390 Capt.) 4740 9390 7668
PAGE 39 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
– your local community calendar
There is only one local agency respected by its peers as revolutionising the marketing of Roleystone property. That raises the bar with new records and achievements. That has been chosen, above all other agencies as Roleystone’s No1 selling agent since 2001. An agency that supports their local community with undivided interest, sponsorship and publicity. An agent that over the last 6 months – while most analysts consider that the market has slowed, continued revolutionising marketing and maintained a strong property turnover. A contemporary agency, in touch with an evolving industry that continues to move forward with new levels of client services and marketing initiatives that generates exceptional results above client and industry expectations.
PAGE 40 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Always one step ahead – Excelling, Striving, Achieving... 9397 6300