VALLEYReporter YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter.
No.88 – Nov/Dec ‘11
L-R: Local residents Eilis Slaney and Jessica Ruck both received the highest national award, the Pioneer Pin at the recent Girls’ Brigade State Presentation held in Kalamunda
The Girls’ Brigade Western Australia
What a great achievement!
Read the full story on Page 4
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© Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
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Community Contacts Roleystone Badminton Club Trudie 9397 6920 Roleystone Hall Tues 9.15-11am, Wed 7.30-9.30pm Roleystone Girls’ Brigade Yvonne 9397 5153 RK Snr Cricket Club Graham Fuller (Pres) 0400 195 061 RK Jnr Cricket Club Donna 0402 221 448, Cathy 9397 5942, in2cricket Jnrs 5-9yrs Mike 0448 878 257 Roleystone Jnr Football Club Sean Ashby (Pres) 9496 1421 Roleystone Snr Football Club Sean Kenworthy (Pres) 0407 768 020, Email: Roleystone Gymnastics Melanie Berson (Pres) 0437 057 642, Email: Phone (Gym) 9496 1484 Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club Sue 9398 7426, Helen 9397 5939 / 0438 923 477 Roleystone Tee-Ball & Baseball Club Inc. Craig Edmonds (Pres) 0409 114 683, Sandy (Reg) 0419 875 277 Organic Growers Assoc. meets 2nd Wed of the mth Lisa 9399 2312 Roleystone Redback’s Little Athletics Club Boys & Girls U6-U17’s Ph: Sarah 0408 959 436 or Alyce 0430 835 047 Roleystone Community Church 1 Croyden Rd Roleystone Minister David Bardsley Wk: 9397 5955 Hm: 9397 9303 Roleystone Schools P&C Amy Boughton (Sec) 9397 5559 1st Roleystone Scout Grp Karragullen Hall Joanne Meuli 9496 0290 St Christopher’s Anglican Church 9293 8273 Child Health Nurse Thurs & Fri by appointment 9397 5813 Kalamunda District Bridge Club Weekly Day & Evening Sessions, Andy Leal 9291 6451, Roleystone Gumnut Playgroup Kym Graham (Reg) 9397 9158 Alcoholics Anonymous Meet every Sat at 7pm 9325 3566 Australian Sewing Guild Southern Hills Neighbourhood Grp meet 2nd Sun of the mth, Karen Anderson 9354 7806 Patchwork Quilting Friendship Days Lyn 9397 5207 Armadale PCYC 2 Townley St 9399 1091, The Rivercare Group Pat Hart 9496 1634 Armadale-Kelmscott Swimming Club, Patty Blackwell (Pres) 9497 8197 (8am-8pm) The House of Bamboo Carol 9397 7679 City of Armadale - Roleystone Ward Councillors Caroline Wielinga 0488 900 307, Grant Nixon 9397 6939, 0418 449 611, Roleystone Netball Club Vanessa Mason (Pres), Amy Boughton (Reg) 9397 5559 and Diane Bunten (Sec) 0404 012 462 Roleystone & Districts Basketball Chris Webb 0414 166 401, Kirk Allnutt 0423 433 449 Training @ Roleystone Basketball Crts Fri 5pm Darling Range Wildlife Shelter 9394 0885 Armadale Toastmasters meets every Tues 6.30pm Armadale PS Peter Law 0408 936 623, Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre 9291 3900 Kanyana provides advice & assistance 24hrs a day, 7 days a week DEC’s Department of Environment and Conservation WildCare Hotline 9474 9055. WildCare hotline operates 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, diverting to after hrs numbers at nights & weekends, to provide immediate assistance Roleystone Guides Suellen Mackay 9496 1375 Art Classes Roleystone Family Centre – Mon, Tues & Thurs 9496 1115, Landscape Painting Tues 6.30-9.30pm Ian 9496 0034 Roleystone Lawn Bowls Gerry Chapman (Pres) 9397 5730 ISADD Intervention Services for Autism & Development Delay, Darryl Cooper 9397 5970 Kelmscott History Group meet at the Congregational Church Rundle St Kelmscott, Colleen 9496 1817 National Seniors Armadale Branch meet on the 1st Thurs of the mth RSL Hall Commerce Ave Armadale 10-12noon. Lots of interesting speakers all old & new members welcome.Ph: 9397 5880, 9390 2230 Hants & Dorset Social Club Pearl Sibley 9496 1243 Cat Sterilisation Society 9397 5062 9-4pm Mon-Wed Parents Without Partners Foothills Branch, Weekly Activities organised, Greg 0402 252 230, Marylena 0422 108 711
YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter. Fiona Newland – EDITOR/PUBLISHER Front Cover: Eilis and Jessica, who received their Pioneer Pins - a national award from the Girls’ Brigade WA - from Mrs Tonya McCusker, State Patron of Girls’ Brigade (and the WA Governor’s wife) at the recent State Presentation held in Kalamunda. Eilis and Jessica were two out of 14 girls in the state to receive the award. It’s a great achievement! I am also amazed at the continual generosity from Roleystone residents, with Roleystone Recreation Centre’s High Tea Buffet and Climb for a Cure event raising $3,610.90 (page 14) and the annual Girls on the Porch for breast cancer raising a staggering $21,341.06 (page 22-23). These events just don’t happen without volunteers, so consider joining in with a local fundraising event near you. The everpopular Melbourne Cup day was also celebrated in high spirits by a small group of neighbours and friends hosting a High Tea at their Roleystone home. This event managed to raise $280 for Pulmonary Hypertension Australia (page 9).
As I look around, a few people have already become complacent with maintaining their blocks. This month’s issue of The Valley Reporter has some interesting articles to give you the know-how to best prepare your home for summer. Smarter than Smoking Young Directors’ Festival saw the local primary and high school take out several awards, with Roleystone District High School’s overall winning commercial to be screened at local cinemas. Turn to page 29 for the full story. Our local students have not left a stone unturned, they seem to be out and about doing all matter of things. Check out the great articles and photographs from the Year 5 Camp, then there’s the Year 4 “scientific” sleepover experience at Scitech in West Perth last month (page 31). The magnificent efforts of the Roleystone Volunteer Bushfire Brigade have received well-deserved public recognition at the 2011 Firefighting Awards. The brigade is pretty sure that it’s a first for an entire brigade to be nominated for
two awards. Check out the great photographs on page 32. Lastly can I kindly remind people when submitting articles that you please refrain from exceeding 300 words and also limit the accompanying photographs to a maximum of three (3), if possible. This guarantees The Valley Reporter is kept interesting for people to read and allows for everyone in the community to have a chance of getting their stories published.
23 Wygonda Road Roleystone WA 6111
for all articles, pictures and advertising for “The Valley Reporter’s” next issue is set for no later than 12 noon on Thursday 8 December Delivered at your door 3rd WEEK of Every Month Issue dates: 15 December 19 January 16 February 15 March
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On Sunday October 30th, my husband and I attended the Roleystone Street Coordinators Meeting on the corner of Peet and Urch Roads. It was well supported and enabled us to not only discuss our concerns with the fire fighters personally, but also to receive interesting information from other members of our community regarding fire-fighting equipment available etc. What came across very strongly was that most of the houses that burnt down in February were due to “spot fires” taking over after the initial fire front had passed. To avoid this happening in the future, the fire fighters want neighbours to come together and form a plan of action for their street. There would be two households interacting with one another, 10 houses in each group and one house to be selected as a “safe house” in each area. It was also pointed out that if residents could take responsibility for the nature strip on the roadside in front of their properties and keep the dry grass cut short, or removed, it would do a lot to reduce the spread of fire. Some people may say “that’s the Council’s job!”, however, logically, that would be an impossible job for the Council and is a matter that we should be able to attend to ourselves. There are two other similar Street Coordinators Meetings on Sunday 20th November, 10am12pm cnr Chevin Road and Moseri Road and Sunday 27th November, 10am-12pm, cnr Raeburn Road and Brookton Highway. There is a Street Coordinators Meeting on 1st December at 7.30pm at the Roleystone Fire Station to organise the street plan. Let’s keep ourselves, our families and our homes safe this summer. Shirley Dercksem, Roleystone. I refer to an article published in the Oct/ Nov edition of your magazine and written
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by “Friends of Robin Rd Green”. It is with great interest that I note that draft plans have been drawn up for the redevelopment of the primary school site on Robin Road, having been a resident of Robin Road for nearly 30 years. What I find most interesting is that these “friends” have, to my knowledge, made no effort to make contact with, or seek the views of, those most affected by any such redevelopment. That is, the residents of Robin Road and Tyers Road. It would seem that these “friends” are friendlier to the grass on the oval than they are to the people who live in the vicinity. As the old adage goes: “With friends like these, who needs enemies?” Steven Towler, Roleystone. I would like to relate an encounter I experienced while walking my dog on Saturday 29th October. I was walking through the reserve from Valley View Road next to Lina Hart Park (Westbourne Road). There were no people, children or other dogs around, so I let my dog off his lead. As I walked around the bend, I noticed another person walking his dog and immediately I called my dog back, who was about two metres ahead of me sniffing a bush. My dog began to walk back towards me and the man, who was about 6m away, mentioned his dog had been attacked by a black dog like mine and “that’s why I carry this bat with me”. Before I was able to respond, my dog heard the man speak and then he approached the man in a friendly manner. The man immediately took a lunge and began to swing his baseball bat at my dog. I immediately said “do not swing that bat at my dog” and the man stopped. I called my dog back and started to place his lead back on and the man shouted, “you stupid woman, your dog should be on a lead” and repeated it as he walked away. My heart was racing at this stage. I was 18 weeks pregnant at the time and I felt scared and angry. Thankfully, my 3-year-old son wasn’t with me, because I wouldn’t have wanted him to experience what I experienced. I can just begin to imagine how this man must have felt, seeing a black dog approaching him and his dog especially since his incident only happened a few weeks prior to our encounter. I believe we were both in the wrong. However, there is no need to swing a bat at any dog if it is not displaying any aggressive behaviour. I wouldn’t let my dog off his lead if I believed he was aggressive in any way. I really feel if my dog had been attacked, I don’t think I would walk my dog (especially through any parks) until I felt comfortable. I have seen a lot of dogs off their leads at Lina Hart Park and everyone I have encountered has respected each other and either placed their dogs back on their lead, or communicated. If both dog owners are comfortable, they leave their dogs off leads and they have a wonderful play time together. Name & address supplied.
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The VALLEY Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. For The VALLEY Reporter’s “Inbox Letters to the Editor” full list of guidelines go to; www. Please remember that the opinions expressed by our readers in the “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section do not necessarily reflect those of The VALLEY Reporter. Please feel free to submit your letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” so we can include them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Email: or Fax: 9397 5136.
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Aaron, I read about your voyage with interest and enjoyment; your trip to the USA and the theme on baseball. I found it most interesting the observations and feelings you registered in your report and also to receive it through a young person’s view. To travel to the home of baseball, or any sport for that matter, must both enhance and help one’s understanding of baseball and help your own level of attainment in the sport. I sense there was a fine appreciation of your performance and that you could pitch as well as the home players. One day I may see you play, it doesn’t matter the level, but state will do. Who knows, even in the good old USA. Aaron, you may not have heard of St Ildephonsus College, New Norcia, but back in 1913, baseball was played as a sport at the boys’ college. Believe me, at that time it was a very, very isolated place. How baseball reached there must have been some curving pitch. How did it get from Coopertown, USA to New Norcia, Western Australia? All the best with your pitching and sporting career. By the way are US pizzas as good as ours? Benjamin Seabrook, Roleystone.
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top Awards go to local girl’s brigade members
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Local residents Jessica Ruck and Eilis Slaney who attend Roleystone Girls' Brigade Company were awarded the highest national award, the Pioneer Pin, from Mrs Tonya McCusker, State Patron of The Girls' Brigade WA at the recent Girls' Brigade State Presentation held in Kalamunda. Lesmurdie Senior High School student Eilis was also presented with a bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award gained through Girls' Brigade. Sixteen year old Jessica who has been attending Girls' Brigade for 10 years and is a member of the Australian Youth Choir also sang at the presentation attended by The Governor of WA, Mr Malcolm McCusker. The Pioneer Pin took three years to complete and included leadership training, service in the community, leading groups and volunteering in the Roleystone GB Company. Jessica said “Girl's Brigade has taught me to serve others and to become a good leader.” Roleystone Girls' Brigade meets on Tuesday nights at St Christopher's
Eilis Slaney and Coral Anderson, National Commissioner GBWA - Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Jessica Ruck and Mrs Tonya McCusker, State Patron of Girls Brigade WA
Anglican Church, 8 Hall Road, Roleystone and is for girls from Pre-Primary to age 21. Girls take part in a range of fun and educational activities. If you would like further information please contact
Shirley Brindley email: shirley@girlsbrigadewa., phone: 9478 1822 or Wendy Ruck email: wendy.ruck@hotmail. com, phone: 9397 6607.
Ember Protection Screens – locally designed
Protecting your home, special memories and family from fire
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They say necessity is the mother of invention and Bedfordale university student, Ashley Swarts, can attest to that. Ashley has designed an ember protection screen to fit evaporative air conditioners that can help prevent homes from burning down in the event of a fire. Says Ashley: “Half of the homes burnt down in the Roleystone-Kelmscott disaster caught fire from embers igniting their evaporative air-conditioner, according to the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA). “Latest FESA research shows that unprotected evaporative air conditioners last as little as two minutes in an ember attack.
“Ember protection screens are recommended by FESA, but no-one, apart from myself, as yet makes them. Lots of people want them, but cannot find out who makes them.” Ashley, a second year uni student studying Mechanical Engineering, has not only designed an ember protection screen. He has established a business, Ash Screens, to manufacture and sell them. He has also joined the Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade in Bedfordale! With fire season around the corner, it might be just the right time to consider ember protection for your evaporative air conditioner. Ref:
Please remember that the opinions expressed by our readers in the “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section do not necessarily reflect those of The VALLEY Reporter. Please feel free to submit your letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” so we can include them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Email: or Fax: 9397 5136.
The VALLEY Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. For The VALLEY Reporter’s “Inbox Letters to the Editor” full list of guidelines go to;
relatively small piles of leaves, grass and branches which could quite easily be disposed of by alternative means. I understand Armadale Council have relaxed restrictions on limits usually placed on the amount of greenwaste collected by kerbside pickup - such a collection is happening shortly in Roleystone. This is a marvellous way to get rid of a substantial amount of green waste without polluting the air, or having to stand by supervising a burning fire. There is also the option of filling your rubbish bin occasionally to maintain fire reduction without burning. It’s amazing just how much can be fitted in your bin. We all need to be diligent with reducing fire hazards, but please bear in mind those with asthma and consider other ways besides burning. Clean air for all, Roleystone. Name & address supplied.
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With the fires earlier this year we have been regularly made aware of reducing our fire hazards. However, on behalf of the increasing number of asthma sufferers who live around Roleystone, I would urge residents to consider other means of reduction besides burning whenever possible. Many sufferers (including myself, other family members and friends) came to Roleystone to escape the pollution of cities for the beautiful fresh air here. Non-sufferers may not realise, but on a day when there is smoke in the air, we are forced to become prisoners in our homes, with all windows, doors and vents shut and blocked. Any outdoor activity has to cease, including any fire hazard reduction we may be involved with on our blocks - in ways other than burning. Increasingly I see people burning
Canning betrayed over carbon tax vote
The passage of the carbon tax through Parliament was confirmation in law of the Gillard‐ Brown Government’s betrayal to Canning voters, Canning MHR Don Randall. said. “The carbon tax is a toxic tax based on a lie and it puts many in my electorate at risk of income decreases, expense increases – and worse, complete loss of jobs,” he said. “The Centre for International Economics (CIE) research predicts average household earnings will fall by $11,360 by 2020 – more than double the forecasted $5,110. “CIE also predicts electricity prices are set to leap 30 per cent. That’s three times the 10 per cent predicted by the Gillard‐Brown Government. “We mustn’t forget that on the Government’s own figures, many dual income families will be worse off once they reach the typical income of a policeman and part‐time nurse, and CIE’s research confirms this fact. “While many countries, including Canada and the US, have dismissed introducing a carbon tax, Australia will pay the highest carbon tax of all.” Skin & Beauty Skin & Beauty The tax is set to begin at $23 per tonne from mid‐2012, then rise to $29 by 2015 when it Om Veda Skin Care • Creative Nail Design Om Veda Skin Care & Creative Nail Design •& Skin Skin Beauty Beauty becomes a trading scheme. However, European businesses will pay between $8.70 and Ph: 9390 0583 Om OmVeda Veda Skin Skin Care Care• •Creative Creative Nail NailDesign Design Ph: 9390 0583 $12.60 per tonne after carbon prices crashed to four year lows amid new doubts about the Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageWaxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massagePh: Ph:9390 93900583 0583 Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicureGift vouchersnails-manicurewaxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massage-acrylic Greece bailout. Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicure- Gift vouchers Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageWaxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageShop1/198 Brookton hwy 6111 pedicure-gift vouchers-spraytan-naturally handcrafted products Mr Randall said people in Canning were already struggling with the cost of living citing Shop1/198 Brookton hwyKelmscott Kelmscott 6111 Acrylic Acrylicnails-manicure-pedicurenails-manicure-pedicureGift Giftvouchers vouchers Skin & Kelmscott Beauty mortgage delinquency statistics from Fitch Ratings showing Armadale as having the Shop1/198 Shop1/198Brookton Brookton hwy hwy Kelmscott6111 6111 Om Veda Skin Care • Creative Nail Design sixth highest delinquency rate of any suburb in the country, while Mandurah was rated at Ph: 9390 0583 thirteenth. He said the electorate of Canning was listed fourth in having the most mining Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageoperations in Western Australia and had great concern over project scale‐back and loss of Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicure- Gift vouchers income and jobs for constituents. Shop1/198 Brookton hwy Kelmscott 6111 “Once again we see the green tail wagging the red dog just so the Prime Minister can keep the keys to The Lodge,” Mr Randall said.
Rising from the ruins
After the destructive Roleystone-Kelmscott bushfires, a local family wanted to bring some spirit back into what was once a beautiful back garden. After consulting with Steve Melville, from Steve’s Unique Eco Handmade Art & Handycrafts, the family has ended up with a beautiful, decorated gazebo as the centrepiece of their re-growing garden. The family would thoroughly recommend Steve’s handy work if you have the odd job, repair work or handycraft need.
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Interview with Dr Ros Worthington by Petra White Who is the woman on the front cover of the WA White Pages telephone directory? She is a doctor, philanthropist, inspirational public speaker, positive role model for women and a huge voice for the voiceless. Ros Worthington established and helped raise funds for Make a Wish Foundation, Breast Cancer Care, Love Angels Foundation and now the HelpME campaign with Lifeline. I felt privileged and excited to meet up with Ros - a warm, honest, down-to-earth woman of substance. Recently we sat over a cup of coffee and Ros shared some of her life’s journey. Q: What was your experience in foster care? A. I was 3½ years and my brother only 18-months-old when we were both abducted in the middle of the night from my mother’s house in Collie (by my father's family). We were taken to Geraldton and were left with our paternal grandmother for only a couple of months, when she decided she did not want us. We went to Nazareth House in Geraldton for a few weeks, where my brother and I were separated. An advertisement was placed in the local paper for us to be fostered. We were taken east of Geraldton to a farm in Chapman Valley by our foster carers, called Nan and Pop. Devastatingly, I was sexually abused by six different persons, from four to 15 years of age. I carried this hurt and trauma and remained silent about the abuse for 17 years. Q: Do you have advice for foster carers/ foster children? A. Foster children are the most vulnerable little people in our community - they should be protected. It does not matter the adversity you have been through, it is how you deal and cope with it. I own myself and I own my own power. When I was a little girl, my power was taken away from me. We need to empower children to know that they can do good and wonderful things in their life. What we go through in our childhood does not have to determine what we turn out to be as adults. Q: Who was your role model when you were young? A. My headmaster; Mr O'Hara, was a kind and gentle person – I felt safe with him. He instilled in my brother and I: “You are a good person - you can do anything you want”. These words offered us both a glimmer of hope and helped to turn pain into power. Q: What drives you? A. I am driven by a passion within me called humanity; when I see a child suffering there is an innate desire to reach out and help and try to make a difference. We need to educate our children to be caring and compassionate to children who have less. Through the Love Angel school project we teach not only to be caring in society, but to be kind to others - especially
to those children who have had to endure more than most. Q: How do you transform your visions into reality? A. I surround myself with people who have the same values and commitment and then delegate. With any vision, you need to include people with special skills (eg. lawyer, accountant, marketing, advertising). I always have a person working alongside me who has lived the experience (breast cancer survivor for breast cancer project, survivors of suicide for Lifeline project etc). A good leader delegates and a great leader leads by example. Q: Has a lack of formal education held you back? A. I left school when I was 14 years old – do not use lack of formal education as an excuse not to be able to achieve your goals. Q: What is your greatest achievement? A. My sons; they have been my best teachers. Q: What lies in the future? A. The Love Angels Foundation will go global (visit: love When I am 65 I will write my autobiography. Q: How do you relax? A. Every morning I do some meditation, I then work all day, which, for me, is not work. My day consists of meeting wonderful people. My true relaxation is my grandchildren. I re-live the innocence of my childhood through my grandchildren (aged 10, 9, 8, 7 and baby Maddie). My biological mother came back into my life when I was 15. My brother and I went to Collie to meet her - it was like meeting a stranger. After I married and lived in New Zealand for 15 years, my mother came to visit me for three weeks. It was during this visit that I discovered the pain that she had lived through … of her two small children being ripped away from her (I had two small boys of my own at that stage). Over the years we built a very loving relationship and were close until the day she died, three years ago. My brother has been the constant companion in my life – we always turn to each other for support. There is no hate in my heart for my abusers; in order for me to grow as a human being and to do everything I do with an open and loving heart, I needed to forgive those people. To really make a difference in the world, you have to first and foremost love yourself.
Melbourne Cup day was celebrated by a small group of neighbours and friends at the home of local Roleystone resident, Trehna Rouse. Trehna and Mandy Lensink put together a sumptuous high tea, with prizes for best hat or fascinator and best dressed man. This event managed to raise a donation of $280 for Pulmonary Hypertension Australia (Inc.) and being in November, it fortuitously coincided with Lung Health Month and Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month. Some of you may have spotted Trehna in the village – she is the lady pulling along an oxygen cylinder! Trehna suffers from some very rare pulmonary diseases – Pulmonary Sarcoidosis and Pulmonary Hypertension. These diseases are incurable and require risky, lifelong medication and ultimately, double lung transplantation. Trehna helps run an organisation for the support of patients with pulmonary diseases and which also promotes awareness in the community. What is Pulmonary Hypertension? Visit Pulmonary hypertension occurs when the for more information.
Together we are stronger
blood vessels in the lungs receiving the low oxygen blood from the heart become narrowed. Like a kink in the hose, as the pulmonary arteries narrow, the pressure required to keep the same amount of blood flowing needs to go up. Eventually, the heart is not able to sustain the same flow rate and symptoms of breathlessness, fatigue and dizziness result. If you have symptoms such as these and your GP is unable to find the answer, ask your GP to consider and/or investigate this disease.
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Melbourne Cup High Tea
roleystone gumnut playgroup Family Fun Day
Dr Job Kayode Ojo
Dr Oladipo Ajayi MBBS, DA, FRACGP Dr Ayodele Mejiuni MBBS, FMCP Dr Pam Williams MBBS, DTM&H Unit 1, 9 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Ph. 08 9397 7122 Fax. 08 9397 7132 caring for the total man...
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Despite unseasonably rainy weather, Roleystone Gumnut Playgroup’s annual Family Fun Day was enjoyed by all who attended. We would like to thank all our wonderful volunteers, who helped to make this a great day. Also thanks to all our local business, who donated money, food and raffle items. We could not have done it without you. Raffle sales generated over $300 for our playgroup. A Fantastic effort! It is now time to organise a new committee for 2012. All positions are up for nomination and we urge members to step forward and have a go. A detailed explanation of each role is located on the playgroup notice board. Committee members receive a 50% discount on term fees and the opportunity to contribute towards a very worthwhile community organisation. Please email the current President Joanne Richardson on jrrandvmg@bigpond. com, if you are interested. Remember, no committee means no playgroup. Photographs courtesy of Adele Miles Photography.
Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services Compassionate convenient care of your pet at home Dr Judith M Congrene BSc BVMS Veterinary Surgeon
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Excellent service, reasonable prices vaccinations, microchipping, routine health checks, treatment of common problems including arthritis, allergies, abscesses, compassionate euthanasia of pets at home
Glen Weaver 0421 567 423 9397 6015 EC9305 Email:
The Arabian State championships are one of three, prestigious A-grade shows held by the WA Arabian Horse Association each year at the State Equestrian centre in Brigadoon. Purebred and Derivative Arabian horses from around WA are entered into two days of spectacular and highlycharged competition as the entrants contest the State titles in each class. The horses are trained and prepared for serious competition, so that when the championships arrive, each horse is magnificently presented. This prospect is fairly daunting for newcomers to the event – so our local mobile veterinarian, Dr Judith Congrene, gave very thoughtful consideration as to the wisdom of taking on this challenge for the first time with her nine-yearold purebred Arabian mare, Top Fancy Tamara. Having been selected for the Arabian WA Talent squad in August this year, it seemed a perfect time for Judith to “take the bit in her mouth” and give it a go, encouraged by friends and clients! Judith and Tammy usually compete in a variety of events, including Adult Riders clubs, one day events and endurance
To find out more call: Nicole Lloyd 9498 1450 Accredited Simply Music Teacher
rides, but preparing for this new challenge required a different type of preparation. For one thing, just riding a horse in an indoor arena can be quite spooky for Simply Music is a revolutionary, Australian-developed piano learning method that offers horses that aren’t used to it, so a couple a breakthrough in music education. This remarkable approach has students of all ages playing great-sounding contemporary, classical, gospel, blues and accompaniment of lessons were booked for experience in pieces, immediately, from their very first lessons! this environment. FOR A FREE INTRODucTORY sEssION CAll Emma milanEsE (RolEystonE) 0488 0424 630 813 811 The spectacle of beautiful horses and licensed Simply Music Teacher their elite riders and handlers is also quite intimidating for rookie competitors, but the only way to overcome this is to get in there and give it a go! Judith and Top Fancy Tamara were entered in one halter class and five ridden classes. Apart from surviving the experience and being proud to participate in the Arabian championships, the rewards were five lovely Finalist sashes draped around Tammy’s neck. The excitement and energy of the event will always be remembered. Photographs courtesy of Justin Wake for Redfoto. Simply Music is a revolutionary, Aust ralian-developed method that offer piano learning s a breakthrough in music education approach has stud . This remarkable ents of all ages playi ng great-soundin classical, gospel, g contemporary, blues and accompa niment pieces, imm their very first lesso ediately, from ns!
To find out more call: Nicole Lloyd 9498 1450 Accredited Simp ly Music Teacher
PAGE 11 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Local vet rides at State Arabian championships
Simply Music is a revolutionary, Australian-developed piano learning method that offers a breakthrough in music education. This remarkable “thank you for supporting your local electrician” approach has students of all ages playing great-sounding contemporary, classical, gospel, blues and accompaniment pieces, immediately, from their very first lessons!
C r eCreative a t i v e Driveways Driveways & Fencing & Fencing
GLocal r a v e Gravel, l , R o aRoad d Bbase, a s e , Recycled L i m e s tBitumen one & Recycled Bitumen. Colour, Exposed and Exposed Concrete, Red Bitumen and & Stencil Concrete. Retaining Walls, Rural Concrete Curbing, Automatic Gates, Post and Rail Rural Fencing. Fencing. Bobcat and Truck Hire.
A fabulous Seniors Week morning tea was hosted by the RoleystoneKarragullen Community Bank® Branch on Wednesday 9 November for the “golden oldies” of our area. Held at the Roleystone-Karragullen Seniors Club, the morning tea goodies were provided by branch staff, Denise Hart, Christine Heavey and Frances Jacobs, while there were door prizes generously donated by local businesses. There was even entertainment from the Older Women’s Network (OWN) and local musician, Mel Young. Branch Manager Tony Jacobs said the morning tea was “a small token of appreciation for the support that the local Community Bank has received over the past four years. “The more the Roleystone Community Bank grows, the more it can put back into the local community. So for those of you who do not bank at the local Community Bank, please give us the opportunity to see how we can assist you via our friendly staff.” Bendigo Bank was this year’s major sponsor of WA Seniors Week, held from 6-13 November. The theme for Seniors Week 2011 was “Setting the trend” acknowledging the leadership role of seniors in the community and how they inspire others with their ideas, innovation and dedication.
C o m p l e te La n d s c a p i n g & G a rd e n Ma ke ove r ’ s
Jo h n M c S we e n ey
Lo c a l l y O w n e d a n d O p e ra te d
Phone John: 0418 953 591 0418 953 or Mobile Anna Ph/Fax: 9397591 6854 Email: Office Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm 6 days Mon to Sat
Licensees: RaeLene & neiL PaRsons
Phone/Fax 9397 6854
PAGE 12 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
FREE Courtesy Bus Service
The Rock Inne Tavern has pleasure in being able to offer a FREE Courtesy Bus Service to its patrons and guests, available anytime day or night to & from The Rock Inne Tavern (local area only) Maximum 20 People Bookings Essential Phone: 9397 5964
Friday 4th November saw the Roleystone District High School Yr 6/7 Choir, the RDHS Recorder Ensemble and the Year 5 Senior Choir from the Roleystone Primary School performed at the annual Dale Districts Music Fest. This event was held at the Salvation Army Hall in Armadale and was attended by many other schools in the local and wider Armadale district. This event provided an opportunity for each school to showcase music in their schools and also the joy of some massed unison singing. The performances of all 3 groups representing the Roleystone community was outstanding and a very positive reflection of the music program at both school sites. Congratulations and well done to all
involved. Karen West, RPS Deputy Principal and Music Specialist. Photographs courtesy of Ed Blaker.
FRIDAYS 3PM – 7PM CHASE THE ACE SATURDAY NIGHTS KARAOKE and $18 PINT & A STEAK 1360 Brookton Highway Karragullen Phone: 9397 5964
Dale Districts Music Fest
It’s on again. The first series of Community Bowls begins on Wednesday 23rd November and teams are now being accepted. Get your team together and put your nominations in now. Community Bowls is a great, fun night out that will test your skill - so come along and be part of it. Meanwhile, the Ladies’ Gala Day is proudly supported by Shelley and Colin Hickinbotham’s Roleystone Settlements and is being played on Friday 25th November, with teams from as far afield as Sorrento already entered for the event. Once again it promises to be a big day on the ladies’ calendar. In club competition, the Roleystone Theatre Mixed Drawn Fours
was a close-fought tournament played over two weekends, with the eventual winners Malcolm Clements, Arnold Martin, Carolyn Deas and Ken Brown. Keith Rinaldi.
Karragullen Gravel Gravel Karragullen Garden Supplies Supplies && Garden
Soils,Mulches, Bush Mulch, Sand,Landscaping Blended Soils, Rocks,
Blended Mulches, Brickie & Paving Sand, Landscaping, Garden Makeovers, Local Gravel, Roadbase, Top Dressing Loam, Blue Metal, Moss and Laterite Rock.
Ornamental Trees and Agapanthas
C o m p l e te La n d s c a p i n g & G a rd e n Ma ke ove r ’ s
Jo h n M c S we e n ey
Lo c a l B u s i n e s s w i t h Lo c a l K n ow l e d g e
O w n eDELIVERY r/Operator FREE
Phone John: 0418 Mobile 0418 953953 591591 or Anna Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 Phone/Fax 9397 6854 Email: Office Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm 6 days Mon to Sat
PAGE 13 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Roleystone Bowls News from the Greens
Earthbound Organics is the place to be.... If you are looking for somewhere cosy, serene and nurturing. The outdoor area is now a great venue for different events including: Grannyfunk Beginners Crochet, Saturday 19 November to 10 December, from 10-11.30am. Enquiries 0423 362 270; raw food classes (dates to be confirmed) and the long awaited Earthbound by Night launch, from Friday 9 December and every Friday onwards. Anais and Alice will be hosting the evenings with live music, organic food, savoury/sweet small mixed platters, nibbles and organic•biodynamic•natural products & cafe light dishes, fruit and vegetable cocktails, teas, coffees, performances including poetry readings and much more! You are all welcome – find us at Brackenridge Village, corner Soldiers Road and Brookton Highway, Roleystone. Ph: 9397 7899.
“ONE in every TWO Australians will be diagnosed with cancer”
PAGE 14 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Cancer prevalence is not only a devastating statistic, but a very real story that can hit close to home at any given moment. The Cure Cancer Australia Foundation continually funds the best cancer scientists and clinicians dedicated to help the thousands of people affected by cancers. Their vision is to have a world without cancer, nothing less. Last month, on a surprisingly sunny Sunday afternoon, Affinity Café at Roleystone Recreation Centre, hosted a High Tea Buffet and ‘Climb for a Cure’ event to raise funds for this cause and to support cancer research. This includes everything from the development of better treatments, to finding ways to prevent,
diagnose and cure cancer. The ‘Climb for a Cure’ event managed to collect a magnificent sum of $3,610.90 and all proceeds have gone to fund this vital cancer research. The organisers of this event, Audrey Wee and Kim Ong, as well as mountaineers David Zhang and Marcus Fernihough, would like to give a big thanks to all the wonderful people who joined us for a lovely afternoon and also to those who donated not only their money, but volunteered their time to help out. Without you, this event could not have been such a great success! You can support a worthy cause and bring us closer to a cure for all cancers, by making a donation online at www.
Perth Mint unveils largest ever gold coin Perth Mint Chief Executive Officer, Ed Harbuz, presents the largest coin in the world – the 2012 Australian Kangaroo One Tonne Gold Coin.
JEWbusiness ELSsupport Julia Berkhout
MYOB® Certified Consultant 0409 203 512 Fax: (08) 6311 7220 Email: PO Box 418 Kelmscott WA 6991
internationally, the [coin] reverse features our classic bounding red kangaroo design. Jewels bus b-card.indd 1 15/12/08 6:44:40 PM “Issued as Australian legal tender, the coin also bears a giant effigy of her Majesty • Plans arranged & submitted to shire requirements Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse.” Roleystone resident Stephanie Glasgow, Phone 9496 1262 who works at Perth Mint, saw the gigantic 2 Merton Road Roleystone WA 6111 coin being polished on several occasions Mobile: 0408 959 340 Fax: 9496 1862 prior to its release as part of the recent Email: CHOGM activities attended by Queen Website: Elizabeth II. Stephanie says: “The one tonne coin’s estimated value is $62 million (depending on gold prices, which fluctuate) and for those of you in Perth, it is on display at The Perth Mint Shop.” Perth Mint is one of the few mints in the world capable of a coin project of such magnitude and it took the Mint’s team of Cleaning of Limestone Walls artists and technical staff months to cast and handcraft. • Driveways • Pavers • Concrete The one tonne gold coin is being marketed & Colorbond Fencing to worldwide investors. The same design Free Quotes, All Areas, Competitive Rates also features on the Mint’s 1kg Australian Kangaroo coin, released annually. Ph Jack 0412 860 310 or 9496 3206 Visit for more information. Or see it in person at the Perth Mint Shop, 310 2010 Gold Plate Finalist Hay Street, East Perth.
Jack’s Brick & High Pressure Cleaning
Issued as Australian legal tender, the Australian Kangaroo One Tonne Gold Coin features the Ian Rank-Bradley effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse.
Want to be part of a choir in Roleystone? Roleystone Family Centre is thinking about forming a choir in 2012. This will be a fun activity! You don’t need to read music and there are no auditions or tests - just come along if you enjoy singing. Before we get into the nitty gritty of organising this, could you please contact us if you are interested and tell us what sort of music you would like to sing. If we get enough people, then we will have a meeting next year and you can be part of our inaugural choir. For more information, or to express your interest, contact the Family Centre either by ringing the office on 9496 1115 or by emailing Sue
Anse restAurAnt
AwArd winning B.Y.O. restAurAnt
new menu
PAGE 15 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
If you have $62 million and a love of gold, then the Perth Mint has just the investment for you! The Mint unveiled the world’s largest gold bullion coin during last month’s Commonwealth Business Forum State Dinner, attended by Premier Colin Barnett and dignitaries from around the globe. Weighing a massive ONE TONNE of 99.99% pure gold, the coin is nearly 80cm in diameter and more than 12cm deep. Alexandra Lucchesi, Public Relations Manager at Perth Mint, said: “Created to help us promote the Australian Kangaroo Gold Bullion Coin series and gold
2009 & 2010 2009 Gold Plate Award Finalists GoldRestaurant Plate Restaurant Award Finalists ServingServing only the bestthe cuisine in a in a only best cuisine Categories; Unlicensed Dining & Family Dining Categories; Unlicensed Dining & Family Dining superbsuperb rustic rustic setting 2010 Restaurant & Catering Award Finalists 31 C hurCh A vesetting 31 C hurCh A ve • Fine Dining • 3 Rooms • Children Meals A rmAdAle A rmAdAle • Fine Dining • 3 Rooms • Children hurCh hurChve ve • Romantic Evening • FamilyMeals Dining • Gift Vouchers • Romantic Evening • Family Dining • Gift Vouchers
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Fire Conscious Vegetation Management
Heavy scrub fuels the fire
The Homeowner’s Bush Fire Survival Manual FESA, June 2007
• Crossovers • Foot Paths • Driveways • Carports • Sheds • Patios
Mobile: 0433 728 478 A/Hrs: 9397 6919
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Fineline Email:
Currently there are clear guidelines on how to prepare your house structure “Fill all the gaps. Prevent sparks from entering your house by blocking all the gaps.” (FESA, The Homeowner’s Bush Fire Survival Manual 2007, page 5). However, landscaping guidelines, that are seemingly straight-forward, can be difficult to apply in practice. The Western Australian Planning Commission, WAPC, with FESA, in Planning for Bushfire Protection Guidelines 2010 (page 45), recommend a 20m Building Protection Zone around your home that has: • “Fuel load reduced to and maintained at 2 tonnes per hectare; • Trees are low pruned (lower branches trimmed) at least to a height of 2 metres; • No tall shrub or tree is located within 2 metres of a building (including windows); • There are no tree crowns overhanging the building.” Reducing the “fuel load” on the ground in bushland is done manually by collecting up leaves and twigs or by burning off every 3-5 years. However, if you have a modified bush yard with grasses, mulches and other plants, it requires mowing/ slashing of lawn/weeds, in addition to collecting up the leaves and twigs, and raking may be more suitable than burning. “Low pruning” or “skirting”, is a more common technique over East and in the United States, that limits the spread of fire upwards, creating a vertical firebreak and reducing the amount of fuel to burn. For the local gum trees this usually only applies to the younger saplings that have bushy low branches to trim off, as the big trees are often tall and straight. For other small local trees it depends what is around them, and what height and shape they are. It is better to prune down surrounding bushes and up surrounding large trees than to prune up or down a small tree –
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Prune branches up to two metres off the ground to stop a ground fire spreading into tree tops.
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as there would be nothing left. Having “no tall shrub/tree within 2m of the house” is to reduce flame attack directly onto the structure – authorities recommend paving, small shrubs/ground covers and/or lawn instead. Having “no tree crowns overhanging” simply means pruning overhanging branches. The NSW Rural Fire Service, NSW RFS, also produced similar documents Planning for Bushfire Protection and Standards for Asset Protection Zones 2006, as did the Country Fire Authority Victoria, CFA VIC, Managing Vegetation Around Your Home. All of these documents promote similar methods of fuel load reduction (raking, mowing, slashing, pruning and burning) to reduce the fine fuel load on your property. There is no single management plan because every yard is different. My dumbed down version is: Rule of thumb 1: If it is dead, remove it (dead leaves, twigs, branches, bushes). Rule of thumb 2: If it is a weed, remove it (especially grasses). Rule of thumb 3: If it is a bush as high as your head and near your house prune it or remove it. Rule of thumb 4: If it is a tree, prune the lower branches and overhanging branches. Rule of thumb 5: If it is a shrub under your knees it is a quenda house and probably ok. Caroline Wielinga. References: bushfire/pages/publications.aspx State08/Attachment_20070301_0A17F845.pdf Attachment_20060130_7DE0A145.pdf ID=1060 ID=1060
Bushfire Ready Street meetings Chris Cairns, facilitator for Bushfire Ready at the Roleystone Fire Brigade has organised three street meetings to allow people to come and ask questions and find out what Bushfire Ready is all about. The first meeting was held on the corner of Urch and Peet on Sunday October 30 and 70 people turned up. The next two are on Sunday November 20 on Chevin Road cnr of Moseri Rd and Sunday November 27 on the Roleystone SHS Oval on Raeburn Road. Both will start at 10am until 12ish. A free sausage sizzle is available. There will be lots of information and Chris will be telling everyone about Bushfire Ready.
The City’s renewal of its Orchard Avenue precinct into a bold new community space with something for all, is steadily taking shape. The innovative Youth Activity Area (YAA) opposite Memorial Park incorporates contemporary materials, steel structures and multimedia features that are taking considerable time, but will be worth it in the end. This state-of-the-art project worth approximately $1 million will have a range of features including viewing areas, seating and an innovative, versatile sculptural steel surface. The project has been the work of Convic Design, a company who specialise in the design of youth parks. They have been the mastermind behind numerous public spaces across Australia and the world. Each element involves painstaking design and specialist construction. Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones says, “This project has been on the Council’s wish list for several years and it is pleasing to see that it is finally coming to fruition.” Local young people participated
in the design consultation stage, ensuring the park was equipped with features that they will find interesting and attractive. The space will act as a recreational hub for local youth and will also be of interest to park users. The modern “street real” and digital elements are notable features of the park which will be utilised for community and youth specific events in the future. Staged completion is expected by February 2012. For more information visit www.armadale. or call 9399 0111.
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PAGE 17 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Ground breaking Youth Activity Area for Armadale CBD
52 Fourth Rd Armadale
ab C at
Caring for the M.E. Patient
Phone/Fax: 9399 2992 Mob: 0422 894 714 • Organic Colours
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• Seniors Cuts from $13 • Acrylic & Gel Nails • Children Cuts from $9
Hello, my name is Jodi Bassett and I live in Bedfordale. I have an illness called Myalgic H ai Encephalomyelitis – also known as r – Beauty – Nails Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am • Debbie bedbound but have recently managed to • Debbie • Shelley • Shelley • Jayme write a book to help other patients with • Della M.E. This month sees the release of a 1mage One Studio book which discusses the enormous suffering of thousands of Myalgic Hair + Beauty + Nails Vegetarian Encephalomyelitis patients in Australia restaurant and many more worldwide. The book Unit 2/47 Railway andRdCafé describes how people’s lives can be made Kalamunda WA 6076 Current exhibition “A Dialogue with the Elements” by local artist: worse by medical ignorance and abuse, Tel/Fax (08) by 9293 2688 Eugene Chattelle, December Exhibition textile artist: Trudi which leaves them with lives of quiet Pollard. Excellent freshly made Food & Cakes, quality Coffees Debbie + Jennie Bonnie & Teas. Live Jazz1st Saturday of the+month desperation and immense distress. “Community Creative”- Our NEW Community Shop The author of the book ‘Caring for the Open: Thurs 10.30-5pm M.E. Patient,’ Western Australian artist, fri,saT,sun 8.30-5pm 124 CrOyden rd rOleysTOne writer and patient advocate, Jodi Bassett, suffers from M.E. herself. Jodi provides helpful information for SpecialiSing in: anyone who deals with M.E. patients, • Western power such as doctors, carers, friends and family authorised contractors members, as well as patients themselves. • Trained & certified Jodi discloses her own battles with the complex Tree climbers medical profession and how mistreatment • Free Tree pruning and has left her bedbound for the last decade. Removal advice • large Tree Removal Most of all, this book is about how to make things better. no job too big or too small It provides simple ways for patients Please call Dale – 0408 399 922 and families to recognise what they are facing, guidelines for carers and information 57 Ridgehill Rise on how to test for M.E. Roleystone WA 6111 for doctors. ‘Caring for the M.E. Patient’ also Phone/Fax: 9397 9253 includes check sheets to Mobile: 0437 853 253 help patients measure their Email: disability levels over time. The foreword to this book was written by Dr Byron ABN 40 305 326 211 Hyde, of the Nightingale Research Foundation in ACCOUNTANCY Canada. Dr Hyde is the world’s most experienced For your complete accounting, M.E. expert and has studied both epidemics and taxation and auditing services individual cases of M.E. • Accounting for over 30 years. • Auditing - Internal & External Dr Hyde writes: “There is so much false information • Audit of Self Managed Super Funds Araluen Accountancy • Waxing & Makeup Available • Waxing Available • Lash Extension from $6 & Tinting Available • New Ionic Detox Foot • Hair & Beauty Bath Spa at $30 Packages Available (Half• Ladies, price with any full Gents colour Hairdressing or foils) & Childrens
9397 7799
PAGE 18 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
• Family Trusts & Companies
that is picked up and disseminated. Any attempt to seek the truth is always a major difficulty. Somehow, Jodi Bassett and Hummingbird have managed to plough through this field of weeds. “Jodi is a very courageous young woman, who not only runs one of the few, balanced online M.E. world newsletters and websites, but recently has completed a serious book on the subject of M.E. “This book deserves being read, not only by patients and physicians with an interest in M.E. but the bureaucrats in the USA Centers for Disease Control. I recommend her book to all and wish it every best success.” ‘Caring for the M.E. Patient’ makes it clear that politics and financial interests can too often heavily influence, or even control, understanding of an illness. This can easily mean that patients too ill to speak out in more than a whisper become silent and isolated victims and have to struggle to be given basic respect, let alone proper care. While this book is especially important for anyone dealing with M.E., it is also a timely reminder to all those who have contact with illness and disability that it is always important to begin patient care with a willingness to listen. More information is available from www.
is a CPA Practice
Submissions for the rezoning of the Primary School site open from 16th November - 9th January 2012
• MYOB Assistance • Tax - Business & Personal (Multiple Years Welcome) • Tax Planning & Advice • GST and BAS Returns • 14 Day Refunds (subject to ATO processing)
Ray McManus CPA
For Professional & Friendly Service Phone/Fax Ray on 9397 9253 for an appointment Email: Mobile: 0437 853 253 Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
"Advertising of Scheme Amendment No. 61 - Reserve 24458 Robin Road, Roleystone (Roleystone Primary School) The application will commence advertising to surrounding property owners on 16 November 2011, for a period of 54 days. The advertising period has been extended from the usual 42 days due to the Christmas and New Year period, as is standard practice. The closing date for submissions will therefore be 9 January 2012. A sign is to be erected by the applicant prior to the commencement of advertising, and advertisements will be placed in the West Australian and in a local community newspaper, to provide notification of the proposal." Submissions addressed to CEO by mail or email to Locked Bag 2, Armadale WA 6992
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an Aura Hairdressing Gift Voucher that any woman, man or friend would love to receive. With any gift purchased, Aura can have it all gift wrapped for you, ready for Christmas. Book early for Christmas and New Year for all women’s, men’s and children’s hair services on 9496 3950. Anna and the team at Aura Hairdressing, Roleystone Shopping Centre.
OPENING HOURS FOR CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR Monday 19th December, Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st 8.30am-5pm Thursday 22nd 8am-6pm, Friday 23rd 8am-5pm Saturday 24th (Christmas Eve) 8am-4pm CLOSED: 25th-28th December OPEN: Thursday 29th December 8.30am-6pm Friday 30th 8.30am-5pm Saturday 31st (New Year’s Eve) 8.30am-3pm. CLOSED: January 1st and 2nd (New Year’s Day Public Holiday)
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With summer fast approaching, Aura Hairdressing is giving you the chance to “Lighten up for summer” with 5 free foils with any other service. Call Aura Hairdressing on 9496 3950 to book your appointment. Aura Hairdressing is now using and selling “Pure” hair care products. With 10 specific 100% organic extracts, it is sulphate free, paraben free, alcohol free, cruelty free and stress free, which is less harmful to you and the environment. This is something Aura Hairdressing cares about. Buy any “Pure” hair care product and you’ll have a chance of winning a fantastic “Pure” hair care products gift basket worth over $100. With Christmas coming up soon, Aura Hairdressing is helping you with a range of gift suggestions. Pamper your loved ones with a beautiful selection of natural “Pure” hair care Christmas gift packs, or the sensational box set of Classic and Deluxe Scarlet GHDs, or
9397 6264 • 0412 509 526
Roley Riders in Fifth Birthday Celebration
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PAGE 20 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Ph Stan: 0418 920 148 A/h: 9397 5768
The Roley riders were a big part of Rainbow Riding School’s fifth birthday celebrations, with an extra special 20th Gymkhana and Show Jumping Competition held over two days on the 14 15th October. Exclusive ‘VIP Commitment Award’ sashes were presented to each long-standing client of over four-and-a-half years. This select group included Roley riders Tammy Nairn, Abby Fouweather and Trainee Instructor Aviv Cohen, as well as Instructor’s Aide Hannah Woods, her sister Louise Woods, Janae Shire and Shannon Meakins. Rainbow Riding School has come a long way in five years, when Chief Instructor Anita Moor and Director Darryl Meakins bought a rundown Wungong property six months earlier with big dreams and plenty of determination. Months of work went into the property before lessons could commence, as the ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos show. The arena was a major undertaking with special thanks going to Phil and Del Nash of “Nash”, a local earth moving company, and Dale and Kylie Hardisty of Roleystone’s “Darling Range Tree Services.”
Above: Arena in (AFTER) in 2011 Right: Arena view from verandah (BEFORE) in 2006
The birthday gymkhana had something for everyone, with the usual six events per rider plus some added ‘party games’. These included the inaugural Hobby Horse races which were originally intended for the Little Guys, but somehow almost everyone got involved. Great care was taken to ensure that the gate remained shut at all times, to prevent these mighty steeds from escaping - especially during the Mum’s Heat, when several riders looked a little unsteady on their mounts. Later on, the more experienced riders had fun trying Mounted Games, including barrel races and keyhole heats. The show
jumping events took up both arenas over two days and challenged eventers of all ages and levels. Champion Show Jump Trophy went to Hannah Woods, Champion Gymkhana Junior Rider Sash went to tiny fouryear-old Alyssa Maddern, and Champion Senior Rider Sash went to Taylah Smith. The celebrations finished up as all great parties do - with birthday cake for everyone. Rainbow Riding School’s regular school term lessons are now back in full swing: call Chief Instructor Anita Moor on 0438 687 666 to check class availability. See you in the saddle! Karen Fouweather.
Left: Rainbow Riding School (BEFORE) in 2006 Below: Rainbow Riding School (AFTER) in 2011
Heather Quinlan
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Left: Lt. Andy Shearman, Year 12 student Tayla Phillips and John Wollaston Principal Anne Ford.
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Defence Force career in Tayla’s sights also gave a plaque to the school to acknowledge its support. He said the award was presented to students who had excelled during the Australian Defence Force recruitment process. “Recipients can feel justifiably proud, as the selection process is extremely competitive,” Lt Shearman said. “They go through psychometric testing, psychological and recruiting officer interviews, and finally a selection panel board and then all applicants are ranked in order of merit.” Tayla said she was looking forward to her new adventure. “I’ve wanted to join the navy for about two years now – initially I wanted to be an accountant and the navy provides an opportunity that combines excitement and a serious business side as well,” she said.
Major milestone for John Wollaston John Wollaston Anglican Community School is celebrating becoming only the third school in Western Australia authorised to teach the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program. The formal announcement has come after an intense five-year commitment by staff to implement what is globally acknowledged as best practice in primary education. Scotch College and Presbyterian Ladies’ College are the only other schools in the state certified as World Schools of the PYP. Representatives from the International Baccalaureate Organisation’s AsiaPacific headquarters in Singapore visited John Wollaston in late August to tour the campus, observe students and teachers in the classroom, meet the Chairman of School Council, staff and parents, review documentation and view the PYP in action. Their follow-up report congratulated the school community for genuinely embracing the PYP framework and noted that its philosophy had become pervasive across the school. It observed that students were living the ‘learner profile’ – which encourages children to become inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers, knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, balanced and reflective. JWACS Principal, Anne Ford, said formal authorisation was an outstanding achievement for the school community. “We now join a global network of schools which are committed to best practice in teaching and learning in the Primary years,” she said. “Each child is involved in the learning process, which creates excitement about their education. Staff can adapt the programme to suit the range of interests, abilities and learning styles within their classes. “The aim of the program is to develop the whole child as a life-long learner.” The International Baccalaureate Organisation will re-evaluate the School in 2015.
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PAGE 21 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Bedfordale resident Tayla Phillips is eagerly awaiting the results of her Year 12 examinations as she pursues her dream job in the Royal Australian Navy. The John Wollaston Anglican Community School student has been offered a position at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) in Canberra, subject to a satisfactory Australian Tertiary Admission Rank and a fitness test. She will fly to Canberra on January 23, 2012. Tayla’s quest to become a Supply and Logistics Officer, providing support at sea for navy ships, received a helping hand in late August when she was awarded an ADFA Education Award. The award is bestowed annually to a select group of Year 12 students around the country in recognition of leadership potential and academic and sporting achievements during Year 11. Tayla was one of only four West Australians to receive the honour. Lieutenant Andy Shearman, Senior Military Recruiting Officer – Perth, presented Tayla with a new laptop to assist her to complete her final year of schooling and
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Girls on the Porch
Ladies you are ALL an inspiration!
Contact Colin 0429 383 275 No Job too Small Limestone Walls Brushwood & Pinelap Fencing Lawn Removal & Laying Trencher Lawn Aerator Rock Pitching Mulch Supply & Spread Shed Pads Post Hole Digger Rock Breaker (1m access) Stump Grinder ... Plus More
Since Girls on the Porch started in 2007, each year has been bigger and better than the one before and this year we have done it again. Our aim was to reach $17,000, but - hold onto your hats - we raised... $21,341.06! Amazing, thank you so very much. This money will help the great research being done to find a cure for breast cancer. Now to the evening. Preparations for an event like this started back in April, when Melissa and I started hounding (in the nicest possible way) ■ Sand Supplies companies local and further Rock pitch afield to donate fantastic ■ Rock Supplies Landscaping prizes for our raffles. This ■ Rock Site works/sand pads year we were blown away Retaining Walls by the many prizes we received, so we were able to run three pamper raffles, two product raffles, a food and wine raffle, a home wares raffle (new), a deluxe raffle ■ Drainage ■ Leach (new), an accommodation Site Works / Sand drains Pads raffle and of course, the one ■ Firebreaks ■ Driveways Drainage / Leach Drains Landscaping everyone wants, the Big ■ Rock ■ Driveways One! Congratulations to breakingFirebreaks Limestone walls Pools regular Girls on the Porch donator Sue Chipchase, For Hire with Operator of Pet Magic Cannington/ ■ Bobcat ■ Tip Truck Bobcat Tip Truck Success, who won this ■ 20 Tonne Excavator 20 Tonne fantastic prize. ■ Rock Breaker As always, Brad and Mel Excavator ■ 3.6 Tonne from Roley’s on the Ridge, Excavator were there with open arms to welcome us back. Each year they out-do themselves in regards to their menu and their staff on the night were great - thank you Brad, Mel and staff. The evening started with a short speech welcoming
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9397 6418 0418 625 925
Call Karl Preece 925 Call Joe Dirt 0418 9397625 9860
guests, especially newbies to Girls on the Porch. It was also lovely to see the many faces of ladies who return each year. After door prizes had been drawn, the external raffle drawn and entrees eaten, it was time for a heartfelt, emotional and totally inspiring speech by Mim. Mim explained how she and her family were coping with her treatment of breast cancer, the effects of the treatment and what the future may hold. For sure there was not a dry eye in the restaurant and Mim was deservedly given a standing ovation at the end. It was a very raw, timely reminder that everyone knows someone who is, or has been, affected by this disease. A new addition to members of Girls on the Porch in 2011, Maria Ford, coordinated the external raffle and she was a force to be reckoned with! After organising all the relevant permits required and printing of tickets etc, she arranged with Bendigo Community Bank and its board members to help sell the tickets. Rosters were arranged, tickets were sold outside Supa IGA on four consecutive weekends (thanks Supa IGA) and over $9,000 was contributed towards our final figure. The Girls on the Porch raffle winners were: 1st Prize: A Gordon, 2nd Prize: M Warren and 3rd Prize: S Potter. As in previous years, we put the word
“out there” for old bras to be brought to the event so these could be donated to ladies not as lucky as ourselves - a total of 249 were donated. Amazing job ladies and remember to bring them again next year. As with any event, there are always people to thank. Without a doubt Melissa has been my “wing woman” for 2011 and she has done an incredible job. I am going to miss our 10pm, two-hour progress chats and the many, many, many emails! Stacey, Sarah and Liz are the other “pink ladies”, who are always there helping: wrapping, scouring for prizes, more wrapping again and giving their all on the night - a heartfelt thank you. To the many companies who just keep on giving and giving, our sincere appreciation. I implore you all to support each and every one of these wonderful businesses whenever you can. If they didn’t donate, we wouldn’t have the prizes for the raffles and we wouldn’t be able to raise such amazing amounts of money for the National Breast Cancer
Foundation. Thank you again to all those who helped Girls on the Porch in whatever way, big or small and we would love to hear your comments or suggestion, email us at: Thank you and see you all 2012. Wendy Scott.
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Community Noticeboard Join a FREE Heart Foundation Walking Group Would you like to be more active? In need of some motivation? The Heart Foundation runs FREE Walking groups in your area it’s a great way to have fun, meet new people and look after your health. Beginners are welcome. Call 1300 36 27 87 or visit www. French Art Exhibition Sunday 30 October - 20 November It is a collection of work (watercolour, charcoal, pen and ink) of images of French towns, country and people. Carl Haanappel – Studio Gallery, Corner Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Road Roleystone. Mob: 0447 441 707 Website: Hot Rod Show & Open Day! Armadale Auto Parts November 27th 10am-2pm Unit 7, 23 Gillam Drive Kelmscott Tel: 9495 1932 • Sausage Sizzle • Live Music • Prizes • Product Demos Saturday 19th November World Kickboxing Association sanctioned Fight Night To be held at the Ray Owen Sports Centre, Gladys Road Lesmurdie. A showcase of local, state and international fighters in the final WKA competition for 2011. Doors Open 6pm, First Fight 7pm. For ticket info contact Murray 0419 942 318. Joseph Ashton Circus To be held at the Fleming Reserve Cnr Sorensen Rd & Newburn Ave, High Wycombe. Friday 18th Nov 7.30pm, Saturday 19th Nov 2pm & 7.30pm, Sunday 20th Nov 12noon. For tickets sales call our hotline: 0411 302 095 or tickets online at (booking fee applies through website) Pricing: Ringside - $20 child; $30 adult, Elevated seating - $15 child; $20 adult. 2011 TOUR DE Perth November 25th, 26th and 27th $20,000 prize money, something for everyone! A variety of events for Men, Women and Juniors. For more information contact Cycling WA P: 9328 3422 E: Website: Don Russell Performing Arts Morning Melodies: Silver Threads Nand Wed 7 December. Our favourite Big Band returns with quality music and plenty of fun in this festive season concert. Help us share some Christmas cheer. Admission $11 standard, $10 group (10+), $3 registered carers. Sneak Peaks in 2012; Kings of Swing - Saturday 18 February, Motherhood The Musical - Saturday 24 March 8pm. How to book tickets, go to au, click on Don Russell Performing Arts Centre & go to “buy tickets here”, select your show and follow the steps or call 9493 4577 or visit the Box Office between 9-5pm Mon-Fri, cash and credit card only.
art exhibition Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre Art Students invite you to a Art Exhibition of their work on the weekend of November 19th and 20th at the Family Centre, Wygonda Road, Roleystone. Saturday 19th Nov 10am 5pm and Sunday 20th Nov 11am - 4pm. Please come and support your local budding artists and their work is for sale! The Kelmscott History Group Will be conducting a heritage walk on Sunday 27th November, commencing at 1.30pm at the Kelmscott Hall in River Road Kelmscott. Visitors on the walk will explore the history of the heritage houses in River Road and learn of the people who lived there over 100 years ago. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat after the walk, call Kath on 9390 0804. St Brigid’s College Lesmurdie Art Exhibition and Sale November 18th-20th in the College Gymnasium at 200 Lesmurdie Road Lesmurdie. On show will be over 300 work from 75 of Western Australia’s most prominent artists including Carl Haanappel. The official Champagne Opening will take place at 7pm on Friday November 18th. Tickets are $20ea & include drinks & nibbles. To book a ticket please contact Annamaria Cream by email: cream. or call Carol on 9290 4245 for phone bookings. We look forward to a wonderful evening & hope that many of you will be able to join us. The exhibition continues Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th 10-3pm. The College fair also takes place on November 20th 10-4pm. Exhibition by Perth Illustrators at Little Creatures 40 Mews Road Fremantle Part proceeds go to Medical Oncology at Royal Perth. One of the artists Julie Fearns Pheasant (RDHS Art Teacher) is an outpatient who went through the department as an inpatient with breast cancer in 2006. She is donating one of her works 100% to the department. All works on sale can be purchased as unframed editions. Whilst the opening has passed, the exhibition is on until 18th November. Julie is the spokesperson and contact for the group, E: or P: 0407 975 614. CARRADINE CHOIR CONCERT Carradine Choir will be presenting HERE WE COME A-CAROLING at 7.30 pm on Saturday 3rd December. Also on the progam will be talented guest artistes Paul and Patrizia Leeder. This concert will include a mix of mostly seasonal and some secular music, including favourites like Over The Rainbow, O Holy Night & Lullaby of Broadway. Held at the Southern Districts Alliance Church, 267 Warton Rd, Canning Vale. Tickets $15ea (which includes light supper at interval) are available from the choir’s secretary 9496 0319 or from Classic Sounds, Railway Ave, Kelmscott.
a lot of tannin and is usually associated with spices, often tasting of pepper, cardamom, espresso coffee, blackberry, cloves, licorice and nutmeg. There are fruit-driven shirazes, but in Australia they tend to be more the exception rather than the rule. Due to the big, mouth-filling sensation that a shiraz will give you, it needs to be complemented by an equally big meal, like a roast, grilled meats or wild game. Rose´ Now the interesting thing about rose´ is that this is not a grape varietal, but tends to be a shiraz or cabernet that hasn’t been left on the skins for long. The reason that red wines are red is because the grape juice (which is clear) is allowed to take on colour from the skins - and it is the skins that also give off the tannin. Rose´ is not given that opportunity so it tends not to have much of a tannin structure and as a consequence, is more fruit driven. This makes the wine perfect for Asian-style foods. Next month: White wines.
FOOD and wine
How often have you stepped into a liquor store intent on buying a nice bottle of wine only to be left in total confusion due to the vast number of choices available? How do you know which one is good and if you will like it? Do you go with what you know, or try something new and take the risk of being disappointed? Do the medals on the label guarantee the wine will be good? What is the difference between a merlot and a shiraz? What you need is some help and I can provide it! Now I could tell you what I think is great, but that won’t necessarily help you, because tastes vary. Instead, I am going to give you a general outline of the different varietals so you can match them with your tastes. But before I do that, what makes me an expert and qualifies me to give you advice? Well, I have years of experience in the liquor industry and currently run my own liquor outlet (Karragullen Celebrations). I am trained in wine tasting and have tasted thousands of different wines, but I wouldn’t call myself a wine snob as I can get as much pleasure from a $5 bottle of wine as I can get from a $600 bottle. Let’s start with reds, as they tend to be my favourites. Merlot Merlot tends to be a lighter style of red wine with a flavour resembling mulberries, plum, blueberries and currants. It doesn’t give you that big, furry full-bodied mouth feel of a shiraz or cabernet. This is because, as a general rule, it is a thin-skinned grape and therefore doesn’t impart a lot of tannin. Merlot is commonly blended with other varietals like cabernet or shiraz to soften them. Being a lighter style, this wine is great at BBQs or with a tomato-based pasta or pizza. Cabernet Sauvignon A cabernet tends to be a bolder, more full-bodied wine, with characteristics that include dark cherry, plum and dark chocolate. It tends to contain more tannin, so you will usually get that furry feeling around the outside of your tongue. Drink it with bolder foods, so that it doesn’t overpower your meal. Foods like a good steak or tuna, a big tomato-based curry (the dominant fruit in the wine can often complement the spices in the curry). Shiraz Shiraz (the proper name for the grape Syrah) is another big, full-bodied wine and for many wine buffs it is seen as the king of wines. Shiraz tends to impart
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PAGE 25 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Roleystone Karate’s exciting return to the Yoseikan circuit Kofukan Karate Roleystone brought home a wheelbarrow full of trophy ‘bling’ from the Yoseikan-Ryu Spring Open tournament, held on 23rd October at the Morley Sport and Recreation Centre. Almost all of the twelve-strong crew placed first, second or third across twenty-five events throughout the day, spanning novice juniors all the way up to Shodan (black belt) and veteran (over 35yo) events. The months of extra training the crew put in made up for their relative lack of experience at a state-level event on the day. Our ‘tuff-nut trio’ of nine-year-olds kicked off the program, with Abby Fouweather, Lochlann MacKay
Tournament crew with trophy bling.
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
and Bruce Thonell all competing in the 9 Years and Under Novice Kata. It then became a race for the coaching team of Sensei’s Darren, Brooke and Cameron (together with the ‘peanut gallery’ of enthusiastic supporters) to keep up with the action throughout the day across four competition mats. Our veteran competitors, Kate McWalter and Yagan Bibby, excelled in the morning kata events, picking up a lovely set of ceremonial samurai swords and golden cups respectively. Kate will now have a job keeping her kids from ‘practicing’ with Mum’s swords, whilst Yagan promised he would drink bubbly out of his oversized goblets. It was during the kumite (sparring) events that the Roley crew really stepped up, despite the underBruce’s Kata. 16yo’s having to deal with ramped-up safety equipment regulations. One of our Little Guys complained that they ‘looked like a Power Ranger’ in their ensemble, which now includes body armour, mitts, mouthguard, instep protectors and the dread face masks. The kumite match-ups were nail-biting to watch, including Cameron’s punishing bout, Kaitlin’s awesome technique and Gabby and Jake overcoming a throat infection and toe injury respectively to place first and second. The only major let-down on the day was the last-minute cancellation of Sensei Brooke’s kumite event, after months of training. Like the champion and role model that she is, Brooke shook off her considerable disappointment and got on with her coaching duties. She has already set aside her entry refund for the first Yoseikan tournament in 2012. Declaring the event ‘a good day at the office’, Sensei Darren is already considering the next Yoseikan tournament in March 2012 and then, Who knows? The Nationals in Melbourne may beckon after that! And the results were: Kata: Lochlann Mackay 4th Place Novice, Bruce Thonell 3rd Place Novice, Yagan Bibby 4th Place Novice & 2nd Place Veterans, Kate McWalter 3rd Place Novice & 1st Place Veterans, Karly Mattheisen 4th Place Novice. Kumite: Yagan Bibby 2nd Place Veterans, Kate McWalter 1st Place Novice, Cameron Carling 2nd Place Open, Abby Fouweather 2nd Place Novice, Kaitlin Brindley 1st Place Open & 3rd Place Novice All Grades, Bruce Thonell 2nd Place Novice, Lochlann Mackay 3rd Place Novice, Gabby Purser 1st Place Novice, Jake Davison 2nd Place Novice, Karly Matthiesen 2nd Place Novice. Karen Fouweather.
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Photographs courtesy of Pam Thonell.
Gabby’s (red) winning bout.
Farewell to the Robin Road Primary School Site to be held at the Primary School Oval Robin Road Roleystone
With live entertainment from the Roleystone Combined Schools Choir, The Old School Boys Ensemble, The Ferrymen & the Roley Bush Band with food available from the P&C Food Stall & Donut Stand
(for further information call Fraser Williams on 0439 092 248)
This community event is proudly supported by The VALLEY Reporter
PAGE 27 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Saturday 26th November, 5pm start
Ph: 9497 2755 Mob: 0409 497 275
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WIN A TROPHY FOR THE BEST MEAT PIE & A $50 PRIZE FOR THE BEST CHRISTMAS TREE Both kids & adults can participate in the competitions! Bring along your meat pies & decorated metre-high Christmas trees between 8-9am. These will be judged in the afternoon. There will be loads of stalls selling gingerbread houses, plants, crafts, produce, Christmas crackers & decorations. There will also be food & drinks to take away or eat there. Entertainment for the day will be courtesy of Classic Sounds & Kelmscott PS Choir. We’ll have a children’s corner with face painting & things to make, plus a visit from Father Christmas. If you have any queries, phone June on 9497 5047.
Armadale stirs character with launch of inaugural film festival It’s set to rival Fremantle and Joondalup, the inaugural Armadale Independent Film Festival (AIFF) will showcase the best of Perth and Australian film-making in a star studded explosive line-up in Armadale from Thursday 1 to Saturday 3 December. The films will be screened at Grand Cinemas in Armadale and in the outdoor amphitheatre in Memorial Park as a free community event. Executive Director of the AIFF Chris Veerhuis says, “We’ve got a great line-up of films for our inaugural event with Red Dog, Blame and an emotional indigenous documentary Our Story: Six Sisters of the Stolen Generation all on the big screen, plus our short film competition.” “We have these amazing films, all with a strong link with Armadale and Western Australia. We wanted to showcase the films right here in Armadale” said Mr Veerhius. Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones said, “Armadale can lay claim to some of the best film making talent in Perth. The producer of Blame, Ryan Hodgson and well known actor and MC for the Indigenous film night Kelton Pell, are from Armadale.” “Blame was shot entirely in the City of Armadale and features the Armadale Town Hall and the hills of Roleystone. A sister in the indigenous documentary, Our Story: Six Sisters of the Stolen Generation also resides in the City.” “The Best Organisation in Armadale is a unique category that encourages local, not for profit, community minded organisations to take part and promote their work through an alternate avenue.”
“I encourage all budding filmmakers to enter the short film competition which is still open for entries”, said Cr Zelones. Categories include: • Narrative Film • Indigenous Film Maker • Documentary Film • City of Armadale Secondary School Section and • The Best Organisation in Armadale. A $2,000 cash prize courtesy of the City of Armadale will be awarded to the winner of The Best Organisation in Armadale. The winner will also have their short film promoted through the City. Entry is open to any not for profit organisation in Armadale. Entrants will have three minutes to showcase the organisation, its activities and staff. Entries close on Monday 21 November. For more information on AIFF or to find out how to enter please visit www. or contact Chris Veerhuis on 0422 245 678. Movie: “Blame!” – shot entirely in Armadale Where: Grand Cinemas, Armadale Shopping Centre When: Thursday 1 December, 6.30pm Cost: $15 per ticket
St Christopher’s Christmas Fair
held at the Roleystone Hall, Wygonda Road Roleystone Saturday 26th November 9am - 2pm The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports st christophEr’s church
Movie: Indigenous Film Night – “Our Story: Six Sisters of the Stolen Generation” Where: Memorial Park When: Friday 2 December, 7pm Movie: “Red Dog” Where: Memorial Park When: Saturday 3 December, 7pm
“The Armadale Independent Film Festival is giving young people of the Armadale area a chance to be heard through the medium of short films, but is also giving people of all ages an event that can hopefully be something to look forward to each and every year. I hope everyone that would like to see Armadale put on the map for a great reason turn out on one of the three days of the festival.” Daniel Holliday AIFF Board Member, and RDHS Film & TV Specialist
The Roleystone District High School Interhouse Athletics carnival was held on Thursday 27th October, featuring the houses Gairdner, Kendrew, Hampton and Stirling for the final time. The event will be back next year at the new Roleystone Community College with houses Raeburn, Peet, Croyden and Chevin battling it out for overall athletics supremacy. Last month’s carnival was a huge success, with many students running, jumping and throwing their way to personal best results. Participation was the key – everybody was trying their best to get their faction into a winning position. Thanks go to the parent helpers, who gave their time to assist in all aspects of the carnival and the early bird crew who helped set up. School staff not only coordinated their teams, but also participated in many events, which made for great memories of the day. A special thanks also to the Roleystone District High School gardener, Geoff Hoskins, who had the oval in pristine shape for the carnival. After much effort and excitement, there could be only one winner, with Gairdner taking out the 2011 title by only 39 points. Congratulations one and all! The event coordinator, Daniel Holliday and the foundation Principal of Roleystone Community College, Peter Thatcher, would also like to congratulate members of the winning teachers’ leaderball team, who won the title for the second straight year.
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The Valley Reporter was recently invited to attend the inaugural Western Australian Smarter than Smoking Young Directors’ Festival Awards Night. Keen and eager students from within the City of Armadale have been busily involved in the creation of a smoking prevention commercial. As well as Roleystone District High School, four other schools have been involved: Willandra Primary School, Kelmscott Senior High School, Roleystone Primary School and Kingsley Primary School. Students have worked with Murdoch University’s School of Media Communications and Culture, South Metropolitan Public Health Unit (SMPHU) and the Smarter than Smoking Team to create these commercials. The awards night showcased the commercials to the participating schools, their families and the wider community. Megan Milligan from South Metropolitan Public Health Unit, Armadale and Josie Janz (West Coast Fever netballer), from the David Wirrpanda Foundation, helped present trophies to the schools for their great achievements. The awards are listed below and the overall winning commercial will be screened at local cinemas. Best Primary School - Willandra Primary School Student Participation Award - Roleystone Primary School Strong Single Issue Message - Kelmscott Senior High School Best Story Board - Willandra Primary School Best Filming - Roleystone District High School Best Understanding of the Youth Target Group - Kingsley Primary School Overall Winner - Roleystone District High School All commercials created by the students will later be featured on the national youth smoking prevention website Some photographs courtesy of Ed Blaker.
Mobile: 0400 428 119
Office Hours: 8am-4pm 5 Days Mon to Fri Fax: 9397 5136 Email: 23 WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE WA 6111
Fiona Newland
Roleystone Sporting Club Inc (Snr Football Club) Annual General Meeting to be held at Cross Park clubrooms Jarrah Rd, Roleystone Sunday 20 November 11am–2pm Followed by a bbq to welcome in the New Committee. Players, members, volunteers and other interested persons are encouraged to attend and support their local Football Club. Expressions of interest for committee positions and coaching roles. can be directed to: Jocelyn Jones 0437 887 930 or Jason Hammond 0411 702 504.
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Welcome to our second edition of the Heritage Calendar for 2012. The new 2012 calendar pays tribute to that mighty machine – “the train” and the timber workers who helped to establish the railway system up the Darling Scarp and into surrounding towns, mills, and timber settlements scattered throughout the forest.
Labor Senator for Western Australia and Duty Senator for Canning marked National Recycling Week by welcoming a significant step towards the Gillard Government’s National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme. The industry-led scheme, which will boost the national recycling rate for televisions and computers to 80 per cent by 2020-21, came a step closer today with the commencement of regulations under the landmark Product Stewardship Act. Senator Sterle said it was fitting that regulations to significantly reduce the impacts of electronic waste commence during National Recycling Week, a week that brings a national focus to recycling and minimising waste. “These measures mean that industry-run TV and computer collection and recycling services will soon be rolled out across the country,” Senator Sterle said. “Progressively from 2012, households and small businesses will be able to drop off unwanted televisions or computers at designated service points, free
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You can grab a copy of the calendar at these outlets: Gull Karragullen-1207 Brookton Hwy Karragullen, Roleystone Auto Centre-770 Brookton Hwy Roleystone, Pickering Brook General Store-1 Canning Rd Pickering Brook, Hills Cold Store-Canning Rd Pickering Brook or you can call Beverley – 9293 8203, Gordon – 9293 8338 or Susan – 9293 8185 or email us on
of charge.” “This is particularly important in Canning, where the scheme will dramatically reduce this increasingly common and costly form of waste. “A national recycling scheme for televisions and computers will provide a safe, environmentally friendly solution for households in Canning wondering what to do with old televisions and computers when they reach the end of their useful life. “Televisions and computers contain valuable materials like gold, glass and plastics that can be re-used. They also contain hazardous materials like lead, bromine, mercury and zinc that are better kept out of the environment.” Nationally, only 10 per cent of televisions and computers were being recycled in 2007-08, and these products are an increasing part of the waste stream. “It is estimated there were around 16.8 million televisions and computers in Australia in 2007-08 and that number is expected to grow to more than 44 million units by 2027-28, Duty Senator for Canning, Senator Sterle said. “This scheme is good for households, good for the environment and good for local councils, including the Shire of Serpentine – Jarrahdale, the Shire of Murray, the City of Armadale, the Shire of Waroona and the Shire of Boddington, here in Canning, where over time it will help reduce the eyesore of unwanted TVs and computers littered on our streets, the burden of collection, and the difficult task of disposal.” Collection services will be progressively rolled out by industry across Australia over the next two years from 2012. The television and computer industry-run scheme will be regulated by the Government under the Product Stewardship Act 2011, a key element of the Government’s landmark National Waste Policy. More information on the scheme can be found at www.environment.
Year 5 Camp 2011 For the second year in a row Roleystone Primary School Year 5 students were treated to a week of outback living at Outback Boshack, a working farm with various types of accommodation 30km north-east of Toodyay. As soon as we arrived it was down to business, with the first job of herding the sheep a good way to stretch the legs after a couple of hours on the bus. Following a morning of activities, students settled into their comfortable tents in readiness for the first tent inspection later on that afternoon. Boshack offers activities including team building, orienteering and bushwalking, obstacle course, fish netting, farm animal feeds, outdoor education, boomerang throwing, lakeside and bush sketching, raft building, organic gardens and plant growing and more, so we had plenty of choice! We were able to dodge the rain throughout the week and make the most of the cooler than usual conditions, with afternoon canoeing a favourite among most of the students. The good food, fun activities, along with fantastic behaviour and attitude from all students made for an enjoyable camp for everyone involved. Thank you to Mrs Anne DeAndrade and Mrs Simone Kraima, who volunteered their time to help out on camp - your assistance was much appreciated. Phil Springett, RPS Deputy Principal (Photographs courtesy of Phil Springett)
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Scitech sleepover Year 4 students from Roleystone Primary School had a wonderful “scientific” sleepover experience at Scitech in West Perth last month. We left school at 2.30pm and travelled to Kings Park to the Rio Tinto Naturescape Playground. The children had a wonderful time climbing ropes on the upside down Rottnest Island Pines, climbing towers, crawling into dens, collecting ‘treasures’, making potions in rock pools and many other exciting things. With Mrs Watson, Mr Blaker, Mr Fraser, Mrs Liva, Mrs Warrington, Mrs Graham and I, the group then proceeded to Scitech, where we unloaded all our luggage and met with staff. They explained the rules and our timetable - we had free time on the displays and then met for pizza and soft drink for dinner. We divided into three groups and then had turns to make circuits with brain boxes in the lab, see a show about Tesla Coils and make animated stick figures in the digital lab. After Milo and biscuits for supper, we had more free time on the displays. At 10.30pm it was time to bed down, on the floor, between the equipment. You’d think that we would be tired after all that excitement, but it took some people a little while to go to sleep. Comfortable is not a word that I would use to describe sleeping on Scitech’s floor! Some people woke at 5.30am, but we were officially allowed up at 6am. Then it was time to pack, clean up, eat breakfast, have a last play and then collect our gear and head for the bus. Some people actually managed to sleep on the bus, but I’m sure a few kids crashed when parents collected them at school and took them home. Some of us had to teach all day before we could crash! Luckily, the next day was a public holiday. The parents were a great help and we thank them very much for giving up their time. The staff, school and Scitech were great too. The children had a wonderful time and were a credit to their parents, as well as teachers. For some it was their first time visiting Scitech. I highly recommend it, for future exploration, as well as the Rio Tinto Naturescape. Helen Cotter, RPS Science Specialist (Photographs courtesy of Ed Blaker)
This community group is proudly supported by The VALLEY Reporter
Armadale PCYC creating opportunities for young people in the community through the delivery of recreational and educational activities & programs. Activities include Gymnastics for Boys & Girls, Jiu Jitsu, weightlifting & Police Rangers. Portable Climbing Wall also available to hire for all occasions. For information call: Armadale PCYC 2 Townley Street Armadale P: 9399 1091 E:
The magnificent efforts of the Roleystone Volunteer Bushfire Brigade during February’s devastating hills fires have received well-deserved public recognition at the 2011 Firefighting Awards. The brigade members won the top gong, the WA Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Award and also the Murray Lang Bushfire Service Award of Western Australia “for their camaraderie and team support while protecting the community and recovering from the Roleystone-Kelmscott fire.” New FESA Chief Executive Officer, Wayne Gregson, congratulated the award winners. Roleystone Brigade captain Noel Plowman and Roleystone Fire Control Officer Robbie Van Uden accepted the awards on behalf of the brigade’s 50 active volunteer firefighters, 15 junior members and seven support members. Brigade secretary Chris Gairns said:
“We’re pretty sure that it was a first for an entire brigade to be nominated for either award, so we are all very proud to think that we are so well thought of.” Hear, hear! All of Roleystone thanks the brigade members for their dedication, professionalism and outstanding service to the community. Photographs courtesy of FESA.
Real Estate News Release - Roleystone 18th Edition
Please email me your favourite related topic
Real Estate Secrets Exposed
by Fraser Willi
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Interest Rate Reduction!!
With the recent cut in official interest rates, we are moving towards a much needed boost in consumer sentiment within both existing mortgage holders and those who are looking to buy a home says the latest Westpac Melbourne Institute Index of Consumer Sentiment. Westpac’s Chief Economist Bill Evans said that the increase in consumer confidence is within their expectations and clearly due to the reduction of the official cash rate. The Index of Consumer Confidence has tipped over the 100% in November 2011 meaning that there are more optimistic consumers than pessimistic consumers. Overall, it seems that the Reserve Bank of Australia is looking to move to an ‘easing cycle’ on interest rates over the coming months whilst constantly reviewing how the recent rate reduction will influence consumer confidence overall. For further Real Estate Market News please see on Facebook: Fraser Williams – Property
’Tis the Season to be Mindful In particular support groups solely for; Men (in-line with the Men’s Shed initiative); Bereaved Parents and Families; Parents with ‘at risk’ teens. If you feel you have some good ideas, or would like to participate in these groups next year, please let me know. Meanwhile, the third course of Gate Keeper Training is being rolled out in November in Roleystone. The training provides critical skills and advice for those dealing with ‘at risk’ people in the community and will aid in confidence for those who come into contact with those needing support. More training will be delivered next year. The Edith Cowan University survey on Roleystone’s Wellbeing will come to an end shortly and those results will assist greatly in allocation of youth resources in the area. If you are a sporting group or club looking for support, or public speakers for your event/ social night, we can look at getting you some assistance. For more information about assisting people in need visit: Life Line 13 11 14 or;; Relationships Australia 1300 364 277. Evie Molson,
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
It is time to register your dogs
The City of Armadale is encouraging all dog owners to ensure their pets are registered and their details are up-to-date. The West Australian Dog Act 1976 requires that all dogs over the age of three months must be registered by 31 October 2011, for a one (1) year or three (3) year period. Rangers are currently conducting random registration checks throughout the district. Anyone failing to register their dog may be issued with an on the spot fine of $100, the maximum penalty for keeping an unregistered dog is $500. If your dog has died or you are no longer the owner you must advise the City so that our records can be adjusted accordingly. Registering your dog is simple and affordable. For a sterilised dog (proof is required) registration is $10 per year or $18 for three years. Unsterilized dog registrations are $30 per year of $75 for three years Current pension cards must be shown to claim the appropriate concession rates: Dogs kept as working dogs qualify for a concession, (working dogs used for the tending and droving of livestock); Retired working dogs and property guard dogs do not qualify for concessions. For more information on dog registration visit www.armadale. or contact Ranger Services on 9399 0111.
PAGE 33 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
As the Christmas period approaches it’s time to remind ourselves of the not-so-rosy picture that some families will be waking up to on the big day. The Brady Bunch template doesn’t fit every family and it’s important to remember this. Many people become nervous at this time of year and it is possible that anxiety about facing a holiday without custody of the kids, or a good family connection, or even financial stress, for example, are weighing heavily on people’s minds. Unfortunately, increased numbers of suicides, suicide attempts, risky behaviour and drug and alcohol abuse are prominent during the Christmas season. So keep a look out for your friends and family and know what to do if they need a hand. Roleystone and its surrounds have been exposed to the benefits of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy and its resources and assistance have been utilised, but there is still a way to go. If you want to get involved, please call or email me via the contact info below. There is a long term plan in place to provide a onestop-shop for counselling, youth support, resources, training and much more. For now I am putting the feelers out to see who is interested in the idea of support groups?
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Our three-week journey to Vietnam started in Nui Dat. This place is the site of the former Nui Dat Task Force base during the Vietnam War. Little remains of the vast camp except the columns of the main gate. The runway is now a wide street in the local village and what was the helipad is now the soccer field. A school nearby was established by Australian veterans. Driving on to the local police station, we stopped to pick up a plaque and some roses and continued on to Long Tan Cross. Laying the roses and placing the plaque on the cross was a moment of quiet reflection and remembrance. Then we were off to see the Long-Phoc tunnels used by the Vietcong. What a feat of ingenuity these are - four underground layers deep and
continuing on for many kilometres with kitchens, schools, hospital, laundry and everything to keep the army going. Flying out to Dalat, a surprise was in store to see this beautiful town, the flower growing centre of Vietnam. There are hot houses by the hundreds and coffee plantations that thrive and mountains, waterfalls, parks and lakes encircled by many delightful coffee and eating places. Our driver and guide, nicknamed “Tom and Jerry”, drove us on to Nha Trang on the west coast with its beautiful beaches. We caught a private speed boat across to “Vin Pearl” island which is absolute luxury at its best. Underwater world, adventure world, shops, restaurants, tuktuks and the largest swimming pool in Asia ... what more could one wish for?!
NEXT FIELD DAY – sunday 11th DECEMBER Is to be a Dieback treatment day to be held at Midgegooroo National Park, Araluen Country Club Estate. The site is reached via Croyden Road, Roleystone and then turn into Heritage Drive. Follow this until you see our signs indicating the treatment location. Treatment will commence at 9am and will finish at 12 noon. Participants will be able to borrow
Then it was off to Da Nang and Hoi An. With guide and driver once more, we headed off to My Lai, where the infamous American massacre took place on March 16, 1968. Up to 500 civilians were killed, woman and children included and houses and animals burned. When the incident became public knowledge in 1969, it prompted widespread outrage around the world. The small area is now a shrine to those people. Sadness permeates this place, but also a feeling that something good came from it, as it was this incident that prompted the end of the Vietnam War. Meeting up with friends in Hoi An, a busy time was had by all. Shopping, eating, more coffee, being stopped by the police and our car confiscated for a couple of hours, then on to a friend’s
the equipment to treat their own trees against dieback. New volunteers will be welcome. If you require any further information please visit our website: au. This and other information is also shown on the noticeboard at the Roleystone Shopping Centre. Morning Tea will as usual, be provided. Hope to see you there. Horst Seecamp.
interested in peaceful sightseeing of the earth, and then decided to live there. After an overnight stop in Hanoi we flew to Hong Kong and home. All arrangements and itineraries were made by Inter Asia in Melbourne and Trails of Indochina in Vietnam. From start to finish, our trip was absolutely perfect. We were looked after like precious jewels. Never opened a car door, never carried a bag, driven where we wished to go stopped when we wished to stop. My experiences with these travel people are of the highest esteem. Bureau of Meteorology I would never hesitate in recommending them to anyone anticipating travel to Statistics for June 2011 Asia and especially Temperature Average Minimum: 9.0 C Vietnam. This Maximum: 16.4 C wonderful country Total Rainfall 196.8mm with the most hospitable and Statistics for July 2011 friendliest people I Temperature Average Minimum: 7.8 C have ever met on my Maximum: 14.9 C travels throughout Total Rainfall 270.0mm the world is indeed a place to put on your Statistics for August 2011 travel list. Temperature Average Minimum: 8.3 C Marjorie.
Bickley – Western Australia
Total Rainfall
© copyright 2011 Bureau of meteorology
house for a delightful dinner. Such hospitable people, it was an honour to share their home. Next day, we enjoyed a visit to the ancient Cham Kingdom, which was established in approximately the 7th century. Driving up to Hue with another guide and driver, sightseeing en route through Cloud Pass (which, I might add, lives up to its name), we visited Duc Son Orphanage run by Buddhist nuns, who look after 200 children. Meeting with Minh Tu, the head nun, was a humbling experience. Their small garden was an inspiration and all the children were so well behaved and welcoming. From there, there was a tour to the former demilitarized zone - the Hein Luong bridge over Ben Hai River used to be the border between North and South Vietnam. Up to Hanoi, then across to Halong Bay for a two-night cruise. Halong Bay means “Descending dragon bay” and constitutes 1,960 islets, most of which are limestone. According to local legend, when the Vietnamese were fighting Chinese invaders, the gods sent a family of dragons to help defend the land. This family of dragons began spitting out jewels and jade. These jewels turned into the islands and islets dotting the bay, linking together to form a great wall against the invaders. The people kept their land safe and formed what later became the country of Vietnam. After that, dragons were
Maximum: 16.9 C 205.8mm
Statistics for September 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 8.6 C Maximum: 17.3 C Total Rainfall 168.4mm Statistics for October 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 11.0 C Maximum: 21.4 C Total Rainfall 78.8mm Western Australian Regional Office Bureau of Meteorology Ph: 9263 2222 Fax: 9263 2233. Accessed from the Bureau of Meteorology website
Gift vouchers now available
We’re making it easy for you to find unique presents - how about the gift of entertainment? You can now purchase gift vouchers for Roleystone Theatre - valid at any show. Call Gerry and Bobbie on 9397 5730 to order yours now!
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Disclaimer; This product contains real-time data, loaded automatically with only limited quality control. The Bureau does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, correctness, accuracy, reliability, or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the information presented. The user accepts sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and results of this product, irrespective of the purpose to which such use or results are applied. in no event shall the Bureau of meteorology be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action contract, negligence or tort, rising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this product.
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In this, the final year of Roleystone Primary School, we have been looking at ways of While Stocks Last marking, remembering, commemorating and celebrating the school. The P&C was approached by Lyndal (a parent at the school) who suggested putting together a recipe book of recipes supplied by families of the school and the wider community. The P&C were delighted to support the idea, and have worked over the last 6 months with Lyndal to produce this wonderful book. Carolyn Bathgate also collaborated on the photography of the book, giving it a very professional look. The result is this wonderful, colourful recipe book which the P&C are selling for just $15. It is available at both schools as well as at a range of venues in Roleystone. T H I S F U N D R A I S I N G I N I T I AT I V E I S P RO U D LY S U P P O RT E D B Y T H E VA L L E Y R E P O RT E R A N D F N G R A F I X
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Season Makers Call Nigel Bray now on 0400 074 844 AIRPORT TRANSFERS Roleystone Transfer and Charter Call David Mackey on 0412 953 638
ANTENNAS AAA TV Antennas When quality & service matters 20Yrs Exp Andrew 0413 779 537 Roleystone Antennas Ph: 0411 536 883 Antenna Home Theatre Install/Repairs AUTO-MECHANICAL A Grade Mechanical 11 Wygonda Road Phone: 9397 5244 Lino’s Mobile Mechanical Services 0425 125 207 S&E Automotives Free Courtesy Car Stephen Molson 9258 6962 WJ & KS Automotives 447 Chevin Road Phone: 9397 5666 ASHSCREENS Ashley Swarts 0438 486 709 BANK Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Open M-F 9-5pm Sat 9-12pm 9397 7466 BEAUTY THERAPISTS Holly’s Skin & Beauty Shop 1, 198 Brookton Hwy Kelm. Ph: 9390 0583 Pure Indulgence Unit 6 1 Soldiers Rd Brackenridge Village 9496 2922 blinds / trimming All Out Blinds Paul Liva 0408 721 937
BOBCAT & TIP TRUCK Roleystone Bobcat 0418 625 925 Call Joe Dirt 9397 9860 bookkeeper & myob software Jewels Business Support call Julia 0409 203 512 BRICK & HIGH PRESSURE CLEANING Jack’s Brick & High Pressure Cleaning 0412 860 310, 9496 3206 BRICKLAYING S & LJ Rigby Contractors Stan Mob: 0418 920 148 A/Hrs: 9397 5768 BUILDER David J Willis Building Phone: 9496 1262 Mobile: 0408 959 340 White Rose Building Co David Fowler P: 9498 3843 Mob: 0402 785 894 BUS CHARTER Roleystone Transfer and Charter Call David Mackey on 0412 953 638
COMPUTER REPAIRS ELECTRICIAN massage therapist High Point Electrical Bigsi Computer Solutions Mensana Professional call Simon 9397 9046 Massage Service Steven Call Marius 0419 004 475 Mobile: 0433 838 394 Fax: 9497 8596 Rouse 0438 955 419 Roleystone Property MEDICAL CENTRE CONCRETE Maintenance Decorative Concrete Roleystone Family Call Alex 0401 979 866 Resurfacing System Medical Ctr Ph: 9397 7122 FENCING Transforming Crete Designs Unit 1/9 Wygonda Rd Call Pete now 0438 979 582 Rural Fencing Call John MULCH SUPPLIES 0418 953 591 or K & K Concrete C & M Firewood t/a Magic Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 Kevin Campbell Mulch Ph: 9397 0082 Mobile: 0433 728 478 Fishing & camping CONFERENCE VENUE Carry On Fishing ORGANIC PRODUCTS & Camping World Waterford Executive Aura Hairdressing 2880 Albany Hwy Kelm Conferencing Shop 10/21 Jarrah Rd Phone: 9495 1940 Phone: 9399 7272 Phone: 9496 3950 dentIST FREELANCE Catabree & Magnolia WRITER / EDITOR Roleystone Dental 52 Fourth Rd Armadale Surgery Ph: 9397 6337 Phone: 9399 2992 Heather Quinlan 9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone PAINTER Mob: 0419 204 870 DOGWASH Brush Worx Terry Griffiths GARDEN SUPPLIES It’s A Dogs Life 0430 115 178 Karragullen Gravel & Call Monique on Garden Supplies 0413 261 352 PARTITIONS & CEILINGS Phone/Fax: 9397 6854 DREAM CONSULTANT Jacmo Partitions & HAIRDRESSING Jenifer’s Pillow Talk Ceilings Mob: 0418 943 320 Aura Hairdressing Mobile: 0417 945 988 Ph/Fax: 9496 1015 (Rod) Shop 10/21 Jarrah Rd PIANO TUITION Phone: 9496 3950 DRIVEWAYS Simply Music Billy Shears The Hair Club Creative Driveways & Emma 0488 630 811 business solutions Unit 2a Brackenridge Village Fencing Call John Ph/Fax: Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Yes U Can 4 Business 9397 6854 or 0418 953 591 plastering 9397 9219, 0431 908 074 Solutions 29 Yrs Exp. EARTHMOVING de GRAAF PLASTERING Susan 0430 118 733 Catabree & Magnolia Dingo Guru Obligation Free Quote 52 Fourth Rd Armadale BUTCHERS 0438 399 464 Ph: Colin 9397 5769 Phone: 9399 2992 Roleystone Family Meats PLUMBING Mobile: 0429 383 275 Karizma Hair Studio Phone: 9397 5580 ABM Plumbing F & M.J. Armenti 2, 198 Brookton Highway 2, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone Call Andy 0419 986 923 Phone: 9397 6372 Phone: 9390 7506 CABINETMAKER Office: 9293 7524 Fax: 9397 6374 HARDWARE Cabinetmaker-Frank Findlay Plumbing & Gas EATERIES Roleystone Hardware 9496 0037 (after 5pm) Phone/Fax: 9390 1940 Genesis in the Hills 17, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone Phone: Mobile: 0409 297 939 CANVAS 124 Croyden Rd Roleystone 9397 5643. Open: Mon-Thur 9-5.30, PRINTING Custom Canvas & Tonneau Phone: 9397 7799 Fri 11-5.30, Sat 8.30-4, Sun 10-2 call Anita Ph: 9497 1596 FN Grafix, Call Fiona Kim Valley Restaurant HIGH PRESSURE WASHING Mob: 0421 545 536 on 0400 428 119, 23 4, 198 Brookton Hwy Kelm (HOT & COLD) Wygonda Rd, Roleystone CAR DETAILING Phone: 9495 1188 Grime Scene Clean pump services Roleystone Lunchbar & Once Over Mobile Car 0447 905 500 Domestic, Takeaways Shop 2, 508 Detail Jason 0411 654 119 Industrial, Commercial Statewide Pump Services Brookton Hwy 9397 5845 CARPENTRY 9497 2755, 0409 497 275 jewellery designer Roley’s on the Ridge U3/61 Brant Rd Kelmscott Hills Lifestyle Carpentry Olil Jewellery Design Cnr Soldiers Rd & REAL ESTATE Services call Mick Beech 4, 2 Soldiers Rd Roleystone Brookton Hwy 9397 9838, 0413 148 460 9496 1100, 0415 692 322 Maggie Burke Real Estate Phone: 9496 0666 CHILDCARE P: 9496 1122, F: 9496 1120, LAWNMOWING The Manse Restaurant M: 0419 939 110 Magic Moon Childcare 31 Church Ave Armadale Bee Jay’s Garden Services Phone: Linda 9399 1838 9397 6264, 0412 509 526 Roleystone Real Estate Phone: 9399 6078 101 Forrest Rd Armadale Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers LIQUOR STORE ELECTRICIAN Rd Roleystone 9397 6300 CHIROPRACTOR Cellarbrations @ Darling Range Electrical Ph: John 0419 912 469 Roleystone Chiropractic Karragullen 1615 Canning Ph: Fraser 0439 092 248 Call Glen Weaver Josh Morton 0451 675 100 0421 567 423, 9397 6015 Rd Karragullen 9397 5902 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone
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ACCOUNTANTS Araluen Accountancy 57 Ridgehill Rise Phone/Fax: 9397 9253 Jacqueline T. Hunt Phone: 9496 1886 Stokes & Associates 10 Wygonda Road Phone: 9496 1247 AIR CONDITIONING
This is a free service where every advertiser that places an advertisement with “The Valley Reporter” automatically is listed on this page. The idea of it is for it to be used as a fast reference to businesses and services. Each business will have a maximum of three (3) lines which will include a company name, address and contact details and these will be categorised and listed alphabetically. As another free service you will find every advertiser is also listed under our Local Business Directory at
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RECREATION CENTRE Roleystone Recreation Centre 8 Wygonda Road Our first priority is to make sure we deliver to every household in Roleystone & it’s surrounding areas but if you are not a Roleystone resident, & still would like to get a copy Roleystone Ph: 9397 6538 of The Valley Reporter, you can always pick one up at our 54 convenient other locations • Armadale, Kelmscott & Westfield • Araluen Nursery & Garden Tearooms ROOF restorations Libraries • Araluen Botanic Park • Roley’s on the Ridge • Roleystone Theatre Total Roof Care • Roleystone Deli & General Store • Roleystone Auto Centre Ring Steve 0419 854 587 • Roleystone Orchard • WA Classic Sounds • Roleystone Newsagency • Roleystone Recreation Centre • Earthbound Organics • Roleystone District HS • Kim Valley Restaurant • Lesmurdie Senior HS (Community Library) SHOPPING CENTRE • The Roasted Bean Cafe • Armadale Visitor Centre • Roleystone Neighbourhood • Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital Kiosk Roleystone Supa IGA Family Centre • Valley Grower Supermart 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC • Cellarbrations Karragullen • Pickering Brook Sports Club • Roleystone Fish & Chips • Pickering Brook General Store Ph: 9397 5549, 9397 5585 • Tomeo’s Service Station • Bedfordale Child Care Centre • Araluen Golf Resort • Roleystone Fire Station SIGNWRITING • Raeburn Orchard • The Manse Restaurant • Roleystone Country Club • Holly’s Skin & Beauty Fineline Signs • Roleystone PS • Karizma Hair Studio • Good Shepherd Catholic PS Ph: Adam 0401 781 341 • WJ & KS Automotives • Gull - Karragullen • The Grape Gallery Phone/Fax: 9397 7877 • Genesis in the Hills • Roleystone Family Medical Centre • Feedman Stockfeeds • Stokes & Associates TAVERN • The Rock Inne Tavern • United Petrol Station - Roleystone • RK Seniors Club • Pickering Brook PS The Rock Inne Tavern • Roleystone Real Estate • Waterford Executive Conferencing Phone: 9397 5964 These various locations are NOT distributors but have kindly made the latest issue of The Valley Reporter readily available for you to enjoy! 1360 Brookton Hwy Karragullen tool centre The Toolmart Aust P/L Sales, Service, Spares & Repairs Kelm 9390 9000 TRAVEL AGENTS A fresh new approach with what’s happening in Roleystone... ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty Ltd ACN: 121 488 515 as Trustee for the Newland Family Trust Ph: 9490 2100 trading as The VALLEY Reporter ABN: 25 121 579 862 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION Travelways Fax: 9490 3622 for as little as5424 $35.00 per $50.00 Fionayear Newland Telephone: 9397 1, 2223 Albany Hwy Gosnells Editor and Publisher Please send TheROAD VALLEY Reporter subscription to: (please print) 23 WYGONDA ROLEYSTONE Travelworld Ph: 9497 2554 mrs/ms/miss/mr name/initial Open: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Email: Fax: 9497 2949 Facsimile: 9397 5465 Website: surname 2/182 Jull St Armadale address TREE SERVICES suburb state postcode alley Reporter b-cards.indd 1 29/8/08 12:20:34 PM Darling Range Tree tel fax mob Services Free Quotes email Dale - 0408 399 922 Post form to: 23 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Fax: (08) 93979397 51365465 Email: JMC Tree Services Website: Phone: 9497 1596 Payments can be made by by Cash, Cash, Cheque, Cheque, Credit Credit Card, Card or Deposit EFTDirect or Paypal Mobile: 0409 118 912 Bank Details: Bendigo Bank, BSB (Branch): 633000, Acct No:��� 130630304, Acct Name: Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty. Ltd. WA Treeworks The Valley Reporter is committed to ensuring the privacy of your information. Phone: David 9496 0306 The information on this form is used for subscription purposes only. Freecall: 1800 088 733
Prices subject to change without further notice. ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VALLEY Reporter
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WROUGHT IRON/REPAIRS McAuliffe’s Wrought Iron Metal Art 9496 1348, 0417 966 599 Steve’s Unique Eco Handmade Art Shop 2, 2 Soldiers Rd 9496 2099 YOGA Prana Yoga 629 Canning Mills Road Martin Bronni Ph 9496 0528
CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS FOR SALE The Roasted Bean Café for all enquiries please contact the selling agent Realm Estates Consultant, Barry Economo on 0417 943 710 Karragullen Expo ColouringIn Competition Winners: Junior First Prize - Lincoln Ellen Roleystone PS Year 1. Junior First Prize - Simmone Della Franca Clifton Hills PS Year 1. Junior Second Prize - Celeste Cooper Gwynne Pk PS Year 1. Intermediate First Prize - Eve Rosie Walliston PS Year 4. Intermediate Second Prize - Lydia Della Franca Walliston PS Year 3 Senior First Prize - Kirsten Armstrong Westfield Pk PS Year 7. Senior Second Prize - Nikita Hayward Clifton Hills PS Year 6 New committee for Roleystone Gumnut Playgroup urgently needed for 2012. Contact Joanne Richardson on for nominations or position descriptions. No committee means NO PLAYGROUP! Having a Garage Sale? Then let everybody know with an advert in The Valley Reporter Classifieds
� �
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veterinary service Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services Call Judith Congrene 0433 2137 28 water purification Pure Water Systems Call David 0415 470 011 water tanks Waterwise Tanks Phone: 9495 2828 Mobile: 0417 171 998
volunteers wanted Radio Lollipop urgently requires volunteers for the Armadale Hospital Children’s Ward. If you have a spare 2hrs p/wk, are over 18 & would like to bring some happiness to a child’s hospital stay. Ph: Helen 9390 8850, 0458 888 498 or Radio Lollipop on 9340 8835 Horse Agistment Roleystone. New fencing, lge yards, other agisters, endless trail riding in bush. Call Helen on 0402 403 269 or 9397 5921 for more info or to come and view Roleystone Sporting Club Inc (Snr Football Club) Annual General Meeting to be held at Cross Park clubrooms Jarrah Road, Roleystone on Sunday 20 November 11am–2pm. Followed by a bbq to welcome in the New Committee. Players, members, volunteers & other interested persons are encouraged to attend & support their local Football Club. Expressions of interest for committee positions & coaching roles. can be directed to: Jocelyn Jones 0437 887 930 or Jason Hammond 0411 702 504.
other IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Armadale Police 9399 0222, Healthdirect Hotline 1800 022 222, Poison Information Centre 13 11 26, Fire & Emergency Services 1300 657 209, SES 132 500, Western Power 131 351, Alinta Gas 13 13 51, Telstra 132 203, Roleystone Volunteer Fire Services (Robbie van Uden) 9397 5406, CoA Ranger Services 9399 0111 or 1300 886 885, Smoky Vehicle Reporting 1800 076 659, Synergy (faulty street lights) 1800 622 008, Water Corporation 131 375, FESA Information Line 1300 657 209, Mensline 1300 789 978, Family Helpline & Domestic Violence 1800 643 000, Samaritans 9381 5555, Life Line 13 11 14, Relationships Australia 1300 364 277, Quitline 13 78 48, Prostate Cancer Foundation 1800 220 099, Suicide Helpline 1300 362 787, Cancer Helpline 13 11 20, Drug Info 1800 069 700, Gamblers Assist 1800 633 635, Mens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599., For Passenger Assistance on Transperth Train Services call 1800 800 022 (Freecall), Illegal Dumping Hotline: 1300 766 541
Your not-for-profit event or activity can be listed here FREE and is open to local community and sporting groups courtesy of The Valley Reporter
Araluen Botanic Park 362 Croyden Rd, Roleystone Ph: 9496 1171 Araluen Golf Resort Country Club Ave, Roleystone Ph: 9397 9000 Brackenridge Village & Roleystone Village Corner of Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone. Enjoy great food, wine, jewellery, giftware, unique arts & crafts, KOFUKAN organic food, beauty and an art gallery KOFUKAN KARATE-DO KARATE-DO INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL Karragullen Expo October 2012. Showcasing the latest ROLEYSTONE DOJO in Horticultural Machinery. Gates open 9-4.30 Adults $10, Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Pensioners & Children over 12yrs $5, Children under 12yrs Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Confidence, Respect & Discipline FREE. Karragullen Oval, Old Station Rd Karragullen Confidence, Respect & Discipline Improve your personal well being & 113th Kelmscott Annual Show October 2012 Improve your personal well being & Improve your social awareness Rushton Park, Kelmscott. General Enquiries 9495 4001 Improve your social awareness email: Enquiries Ph. 9397 5688 KIDSEnquiries Ph. ADULT Enquiries 9397 9397 5688 or5688 0419 946 661 or 0419Ph. 946 661 Pickering Brook Agricultural Show May 2012 CLASSES KIDS ADULT Ph: 9293 8263 Email: Qualified Karate NCAS Accredited CLASSES or Instructor 0419 946& 661 CLASSES Qualified Karate FreeInstructor créche available & NCAS Accredited CLASSES Roleystone Theatre Inc. 587 Brookton Highway Roleystone. For Bookings Ph: 9397 5730. Free créche available Training Days Training Times Roleystone Hall Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah Tuesdays & Thursdays Valley View Garden Golf Earthbound Organics Brackenridge Training Daysholidays Snrs (13yrs Training Times Roleystone Hall Closed during school & older) 6-7.30pm Village, Shop 4, 1 Soldiers Road Roleystone. Ph: 9397 7899 Rds, Roleystone Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah Tuesdays & Thursdays The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports roLEYstonE kArAtE Rds, Roleystone Closed during school holidays Snrs (13yrs & older) 6-7.30pm Kalamunda District Bridge Club holds weekly day & evening sessions for both competitive and social bridge. The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports roLEYstonE kArAtE A beginners’ course commences on Oct 3rd 7pm. Contact Andy Leal 9291 6451 or email: If I have forgotten to mention you in the What’s On - your local COMMUNITY CALENDAR section please feel free to submit your contact details to Email: thevalleyreporter@
Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club (Inc) 46 Jarrah Road, Roleystone Phone : 9496 3166 E-mail:
We are an energetic group of “Over 50’s” and some of our regular activities for members are: • Mahjong • Bingo • Book Club • Lunches • Whist • Indoor Bowls • Cards • Members Lending Library
If you would like a stall at the markets, call Juliette on 9397 5037
joinNOW! now! JOIN
we Sat Weare areopen openTues Wed1.45-2.30pm 11.30-12.15 &&Sat 9.30-10.30am the school term. 9.30-10.30am during school term. ALL ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE Any enquiries please call 9496 1115 or HEATHER WHITEHEAD 9496 0119 email
Community Coordinator E:
Mobile: 0418 956 519 Phone: 08 9496 0035
Co-Community Coordinator E:
Mobile: 0407 445 473 Phone: 08 9397 6534
Meetings are held every month (can be every 2nd) on Monday nights with a 7pm start time. Attendees are not limited to committee members as a public interest is warranted. Anyone wishing to attend can call Evie Molson on 0418 956 519.
Roleystone Community Alive Group Supporting a Community that supports each other This printing has been proudly supported & reproduced by FN GRAFIX –
SUNDAY SERVICE 9.30am Youth Group, Sunday School, Craft Group, Bible Study, Prayer Group, Missionary Support
For enquiries phone Gerry 9397 5730
Roleystone Volunteer Fire Brigade
• Plants • Toys • Gift Ideas • Sausage Sizzle • Music • Clothes • Cakes • Jams, Pickles & Chutneys • Bric-a-Brac • Books • And many more....
Roleystone Toy Library
A Church of Christ
Roleystone Primary School
Jarrah Rd every Monday 5-8.30pm or phone
Noel 9397 6370 Rob 9397 5406
Social TenniS iS7pm-8.30pm played aT The club • Social Tennis Monday nights • Wednesday mornings adulTS; WedneSday morningS from 9am 9am onwards • Friday mornings 9am-11am (run through Family Centre with Creche) • Sunday afternoons 2pm-4pm and Junior TenniS
Bookings and and keys for public court hire are available through Bookings through the the Roleystone Video Network Store, Jarrah Shops - 9496 Roleystone VideoRoad Phone: 9496 16161616. PO Box 172 Kelmscott WA 6991. Email: PO Box 172 Kelmscott WA 6991. E: Wendy Shearwood (Sec.) 9397 5305 WendyTucker Tucker (Pres.) (Pres. &9397 Club6620, Capt.)Graham 9397 6620, Tracey Backhouse (Sec.) Helen Mantle (Treas.) & Virginia Bird (Club 9496 0053,9390 Myles2335 Hay-Hendry (Treas.) 9390 Capt.) 4740 9390 7668
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– your local community calendar
2,051,729 Online Property Viewings For The 6111 Postcode. Of
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The Agency Buyers Look Fo (Figures based on statistics period 1/07/2011 - 30/10/2011)