VALLEYReporter YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter.
No.91 – Feb/Mar ‘12
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International Camellia Society Garden of Excellence Status can’t afford to trade in your current car just yet!
© Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
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PAGE 2 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Community Contacts Roleystone Community Youth Workers Stuart Hight and Joyce Arnott 0408 956 559 Email: Roleystone Badminton Club Trudie 9397 6920 Roleystone Hall Tues 9.15-11am, Wed 7.30-9.30pm Roleystone Girls’ Brigade Yvonne 9397 5153 RK Snr Cricket Club Graham Fuller (Pres) 0400 195 061 RK Jnr Cricket Club in2cricket Jnrs 5-9yrs Mike 0448 878 257 Roleystone Jnr Football Club Sean Ashby (Pres) 0467 814 004, Connie Saffioti (Reg) 9397 5191 Roleystone Snr Football Club Jason Hammond (Pres) 0411 702 504, Jocelyn Jones (Sec) 0437 887 930 Roleystone Gymnastics Melanie Berson (Pres) 0437 057 642, Email: Phone (Gym) 9496 1484 Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club Sue 9398 7426, Helen 9397 5939 / 0438 923 477 Roleystone Tee-Ball & Baseball Club Inc. Craig Edmonds (Pres) 0409 114 683, Sandy (Reg) 0419 875 277 Organic Growers Assoc. meets 2nd Wed of the mth Lisa 9399 2312 Roleystone Redback’s Little Athletics Club Boys & Girls U6-U17’s Ph: Sarah 0408 959 436 or Alyce 0430 835 047 Roleystone Community Church 1 Croyden Rd Roleystone Minister David Bardsley Wk: 9397 5955 Hm: 9397 9303 Roleystone Schools P&C Amy Boughton (Sec) 9397 5559 1st Roleystone Scout Grp Karragullen Hall Joanne Meuli 9496 0290 St Christopher’s Anglican Church 9293 8273 Child Health Nurse Thurs & Fri by appointment 9397 5813 Kalamunda District Bridge Club Weekly Day & Evening Sessions, Andy Leal 9291 6451, Roleystone Gumnut Playgroup Kym Graham (Reg) 9397 9158 Alcoholics Anonymous Meet every Sat at 7pm 9325 3566 Australian Sewing Guild Southern Hills Neighbourhood Grp meet 2nd Sun of the mth, Karen Anderson 9354 7806 Patchwork Quilting Friendship Days Lyn 9397 5207 Armadale PCYC 2 Townley St 9399 1091, The Rivercare Group Pat Hart 9496 1634 Armadale-Kelmscott Swimming Club, Patty Blackwell (Pres) 9497 8197 (8am-8pm) The House of Bamboo Carol 9397 7679 City of Armadale - Roleystone Ward Councillors Caroline Wielinga 0488 900 307, Grant Nixon 9397 6939, 0418 449 611, Roleystone Netball Club Vanessa Mason (Pres), Amy Boughton (Reg) 9397 5559 and Diane Bunten (Sec) 0404 012 462 Roleystone & Districts Basketball Chris Webb 0414 166 401, Kirk Allnutt 0423 433 449 Training @ Roleystone Basketball Crts Fri 5pm Darling Range Wildlife Shelter 9394 0885 Armadale Toastmasters meets every Tues 6.30pm Armadale PS Peter Law 0408 936 623, Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre 9291 3900 Kanyana provides advice & assistance 24hrs a day, 7 days a week DEC’s Department of Environment and Conservation WildCare Hotline 9474 9055. WildCare hotline operates 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, diverting to after hrs numbers at nights & weekends, to provide immediate assistance Roleystone Guides Suellen Mackay 9496 1375 Art Classes RNFC Mon-Tues & Thur 9496 1115 Landscape Painting Tues 6.30-9.30pm Ian 9496 0034 Roleystone Lawn Bowls Gerry Chapman (Pres) 9397 5730 ISADD Intervention Services for Autism & Dev Delay Darryl Cooper 9397 5970 Kelmscott History Group meet at the Congregational Church Rundle St Kelmscott, Colleen 9496 1817 National Seniors Armadale Branch meet on the 1st Thurs of the mth RSL Hall Commerce Ave Armadale 10-12noon. Lots of interesting speakers all old & new members welcome.Ph: 9397 5880, 9390 2230 Hants & Dorset Social Club Pearl Sibley 9496 1243 Cat Sterilisation Society 9397 5062 9-4pm Mon-Wed Parents Without Partners Foothills Branch, Weekly Activities organised, Greg 0402 252 230, Marylena 0422 108 711 Bushfire Ready Groups Bedfordale-Ian Thompson 9399 3006, Kelmscott Hills-Peter Jago 0439 997 373, Roleystone-Chris Cairns 0417 983 019, Robert Littmann 0427 977 190, Craig Popperwell 0438 904 485
YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter. Fiona Newland – EDITOR/PUBLISHER This month’s issue has a particular focus on the great work people are accomplishing within our community, either academically or in volunteer roles. These wonderful achievements don’t just happen, but because of people like them, we are building a greater community. Congratulations to you all! One particular man is making a huge difference to a lot of lives with the last tool you’d expect to use for charity - a lawnmower! Read about his Rotary Ride for A Reason story on page 23. A lovely gesture has been made by local resident Erin McKenzie and a few other photographers, who want to help those who lost their homes in the Kelmscott/ Roleystone bushfires by filling their lost family photo albums again. They are kindly offering a photo session at NO COST. Sessions are limited, so if you know someone, make sure you nominate them soon! Erin’s contact details can be found on page 6.
Funky fashion from Peachy the ReStyle caravan, original music and an interactive art space are just some of the major attractions confirmed for Armadale’s exciting Evolution@Jull Street festival on Sunday April 22nd. The coordinators of the festival are aiming for it to be WA’s biggest and most spectacular National Youth Week celebration, so make sure you mark the date down in your calendars to be a part of it all. Within this issue of The Valley Reporter, there are two local job positions on offer. The Roleystone Junior Football Club is currently calling for expressions of interest to fill their Canteen Manager position for the up and coming football season, and Darling Range Electrical are offering an exciting opportunity for an Electrical Trades Person. If you think you’re the right person for either of these jobs, then don’t hesitate to contact the respective employer. See pages 6 and 14 for full details.
If you want or need to get your children into a sport, The Valley Reporter has several Club’s promoting their registration dates and all their full contacts details. See inside for it all! There are several businesses new and old that we’d like to welcome, so please show your support by shopping smart and shopping local. These businesses are Roleystone Firewood, JK Legal, A Touch of Class by Tamukami, artist Susan Angwin, Habitat WA, Earthbound Organics and Care West Liquid Waste Recycling. Lastly, a big thank you must go out to the many people who have helped make Araluen Botanic Park a recognised International Garden of Excellence. With Araluen right on your doorstep, make sure you find the time to visit the Park sometime and see the camellias at their very best for yourself.
23 Wygonda Road Roleystone WA 6111
for all articles, pictures and advertising for “The Valley Reporter’s” next issue is set for no later than 12 noon on Thursday 15 March Delivered at your door 3rd WEEK of Every Month Issue dates: 22 March 19 April 24 May 21 June
FAX 9397 5136
Disclaimer “Subject to any rights and remedies available under the law of any State or Territory of Australia or the provisions including the schedules of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified, the publisher: a) does not provide any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in any material published; b) excludes all liability for any misrepresentation which may arise out of the publication of any material; c) shall have the right to refuse or cancel any material requested for publication.” Articles published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter.
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The VALLEY Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. For The VALLEY Reporter’s “Inbox Letters to the Editor” full list of guidelines go to;
“Inbox Letters to the Editor” published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter. Please feel free to submit your letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” so we can include them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Email:, fax: 9397 5136 or
Dr Oladipo Ajayi MBBS, DA, FRACGP Dr Ayodele Mejiuni MBBS, FMCP Dr Pam Williams MBBS, DTM&H Unit 1, 9 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Ph. 08 9397 7122 Fax. 08 9397 7132 caring for the total man...
tone eys
Dr graham Wheeler B.D. Sc. (WA)
Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre Incorporated It was good to read about the upcoming partnership between the Roleystone Community College and the Mulberry Tree Out of School Hours Care, and also good to hear that the students will benefit from the income that will be generated. For the Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre however, the outcome is not so positive. After 20 years of providing the community with the facilities for an OSHC program, this aspect of our involvement in providing such services will cease. For the Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre, which is a community organisation, this means a significant loss of funding, as well as changes to our staffing and programs we are able to provide to the community. As a volunteer management committee, we are embracing this challenge and looking for new ways to source funds and thus allow us to continue to provide the community with programs and facilities that are currently regarded by the family centre organisation as the gold standard in WA. If any community members have ideas on how we can navigate this challenge we would welcome the input. We are located at 19 Wygonda Road in Roleystone, and you can contact us by calling us on 9496 1115, faxing us on 9496 1114, emailling us at manager@, or going to our website, where you can also see more information about us and our services.
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9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone WA 6111 Ph: 9397 6337 Fax: 9496 2563
PAGE 3 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
It has now been 12 months since the devastating fires, and I would like to say thank you to The Valley Reporter for being of assistance in the process of rebuilding our property. Through the ads and business directory, we have been able to locate and use many local businesses for things such as fencing, gardening, building, pool equipment, air conditioning, painting and carpets etc. Local trades people turned up on time, quoted on time and were also genuinely interested in doing the work. We were not always able to find exactly what we needed, but someone in the advertisements could always suggest someone that could help. We live on Buckingham Road, and out of 4 local free community newspapers The Valley Reporter is the only publication we receive. Whilst currently living in Kelmscott, we still use many services in the Roleystone area, and I try to do as much shopping as I can to support local business. I am sure the businesses in Roleystone appreciate people coming up the hill to do business or to support people in the area.
Thank you once again to The Valley Reporter and local tradies in Roleystone for your continued excellence. Name and address supplied.
Ro l
Is there anyone out there who knows anything about wasps? I have a wasp nest outside my kitchen window that I assumed was made by the usual small black and yellow wasps we see around. Just recently I noticed a large wasp, light orange all over, that appeared to be trying to get into the nest. I got the impression it was a ‘rogue wasp’ endeavouring to get to the young inside, which it did not succeed in doing, since the entrance hole to the nest was too small for it. I’ve never seen a wasp this size or colour before. Any knowledgeable advisors? Yours sincerely, Shirley Dercksen, Roleystone.
JEWbusiness ELSsupport Julia Berkhout
Kelmscott Roos Summer Soccer Fun
From January 23rd to January 25th, the Kelmscott Roos Soccer Club hosted its very own soccer camp. This was the first Fax: (08) 6311 7220 Email: of its kind for the club’s junior players, and by all accounts was a huge hit with PO Box 418 Kelmscott WA 6991 the kids. The children were coached by Ann Gourley (Coaching Development ewels bus b-card.indd 1 15/12/08 6:44:40 PM Officer), Dorte Hansen (U10 Coach), Rob Clarke (U9 Coach), Shelby Lane (Senior Player) and Tamara Warwick (Volunteer • Plans arranged & submitted to shire requirements Supervisor). Phone 9496 1262 Even in the searing heat, the children 2 Merton Road Roleystone WA 6111 participated in fun games, soccer skill Mobile: 0408 959 340 Fax: 9496 1862 tests, as well as speed, agility and Email: quickness training. The children ranged Website: from 5 years old to 13, and they all worked very well together. Dylan Lyonnet U8 player said, “I had a great time with my friends, and I can’t wait to start soccer training again”. Toby Robinson U8 player said, “I went home and practiced what I’d learnt that day, and I love the new skills they showed us.” With about 40 local children in attendance each day, the soccer camp appears to have been a great success. The Kelmscott Roos are now registering players for the new 2012 season, so anyone interested can visit the website at www.kelmscottroos. for more details or contact Jackie Olive (Registrar) on 0415 319 676 or by email at Ann Gourley. MYOB® Certified Consultant 0409 203 512
Jenny Whitney (A.M.A.N.F.) Dream Consultant
PAGE 4 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Mobile: 0417 945 988 Phone/Fax: (08) 9496 1348
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ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCATE In recognition of her tireless efforts in creating awareness of environmental issues across the region, Pat Hart was awarded the City of Armadale Environmental Contribution of the Year (Individual Category) Award. Pat, who has been a dedicated environmental advocate in her community for more than 30 years says, “I see my role as an advocate for our natural environment with a key focus on our waterways. I believe we all have an obligation to future generations to do whatever we can to ensure we leave our natural environment greatly improved and sustainably managed than how we first found it.” Congratulations Pat!
Collecting domestic firewood in the Perth Hills
MAIN: Five spiced, smoked chicken breast with a saffron, pinenut and raisen pilaf and spicy battered broccollini.
Dessert: Roley’s moist nectarine frangipani tart with zingy homemade plum sorbet and double cream.
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Within the Perth Hills, firewood collectors must purchase an ‘Authority To Remove Firewood For Personal Use’ at an outlet listed on the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) website before collecting firewood. There is a fee in place for all areas: • Summer season - $7.70 1 November to 30 April of the following year. • Winter season - $15.40 1 May to 31 October. Between 1 June and 31 September restrictions apply - a collector is only permitted to collect one load in any 60 day period. This is called the ‘Restricted period’. Firewood permits are available locally from Tomeo’s Service Station 1287 Brookton Highway Karragullen Ph: 9397 5822 and Peak Service Station 770 Brookton Highway Roleystone Ph: 9397 5993. Ref:
A year on from the Kelmscott/ Roleystone bush fires, I want to let the families who lost their homes know that you are not forgotten. I too, was evacuated on that day and could have lost my home, but I was one of the lucky ones. I thought about all the things I would have missed the most and family photos were on the top of my list. I remember feeling truly helpless at the time, wishing I could do more to help the families who were not as fortunate as mine, and now I can! I want to help you fill those family photo albums again. A few photographers and I have decided to chip in and help the families who have lost their homes. We are offering you a photo session, paired with a disk of photos at NO COST. If you lost your home in the fires or have friends or family members who have, please contact me Custom timber doors and windows P: (08) 9397 9838 M: 0413 148 460 E: W:
HABITAT WA Timber doors and windows
Use our Online Booking Form to book your car in for a service today, go to
and I will arrange a session with me, or one of the amazing photographers who have donated their time. So far we have 25 sessions available and are hoping to offer more, with the help of other interested photographers. If you are a local photographer who is keen to give something back, contact me and I will work to pair you with a family. Families who would like to take up our offer can contact me by email. Please give details such as family names and a contact number or email. All that we ask is that nominations and applications be genuine, since we don’t want families to miss out because of someone being untruthful. I am sure everyone understands. Sessions are limited, so if you know someone, make sure you nominate them soon! Erin McKenzie Email:
roleystone junior football club Registration for the RJFC will be held at the Roleystone IGA Shopping Centre on Jarrah Road from 10am to 1pm on Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 19th of February. All new players MUST bring their birth certificates,
and fees are payable directly at registration. You can check RJFC’s Facebook page and website for fee costs per age range. If you have any enquiries, please call President Sean Ashby on 0467 814 004 or Registrar Connie Saffioti on 9397 5191. The details regarding Mouthguard Day for 2012 are yet to be announced.
expressionS of interest PAGE 6 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
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The Roleystone Junior Football Club is currently calling for expressions of interest to fill the Canteen Manager position, which will involve running its well renowned and highly profitable canteen located at the home ground at Springdale Park, Roleystone. They would be expected to be available on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the 2012 football season, which commences on the 28th of April. This person would be responsible for ordering stock, and must be available to pick up and/or be on site for deliveries (approximately 3 days
in total). The RJFC is willing to negotiate remuneration and is also willing to accept interest from two or more parties keen to share the position. The RJFC is a family orientated, parentrun, not-for-profit club, which has a reputation as one of the most successful junior football clubs in the South Fremantle District. If you are interested in joining a club with a reputation for fairness, good management and great sportsmanship, then please call Vicki Sallur on 9496 0151 to arrange an interview time with Club President Sean Ashby.
Major Sponsor of RJFC
With 89% of the local Real Estate housing market, buyers look for Roleystone Real Estate first!
The above stated figure being company listings of established homes as at 07.02.2012. Source REIWA
PAGE 7 – Š Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
All other local Agents
Online Safety review: invite to parents/teachers Safer Internet Day 2012 is a reminder that more work needs to be done to better protect children and young people from the dangers of the internet. Canning Steve’s Unique MHR Don Randall said the new Coalition Online Safety Working Group is an important initiative in helping equip parents, carers and teachers with measures Eco Handmade to address internet and social media safety. Art & Handycrafts Mr Randall said the Coalition’s Online Safety Working Group would consult with key technology, education and cyber-safety leaders, parents and young people, as well as other interested parties, to further develop its online safety 0418 916 366 policy in the areas of regulation, enforcement and education. 2/2 Soldiers Rd Roleystone “This Working Group is not a repeat of Labor’s big-brother attempt to put a filter on the internet or to hinder the dynamic nature of the online environment,” he said. “What we want to do is assist parents and teachers in their work of protecting our children and preparing REpaiR woRk specialising in them for adulthood. wrought iron, wood, mosaics, “I’m asking parents, carers and teachers to let me know about their own experiences in dealing with the small steel fabrication, sculpture, challenges faced with young people using the internet. This will help the Working Group make the best fences, gates, balustrading, recommendations possible.” handrails, lighting & security doors Mr Randall said an estimated 2.2 million Australian children actively engage online and he understood many children have been tormented by online bullying. “As we are aware, the online environment is constantly changing,” Mr Randall said. “It’s not just websites and email. It’s now more interactive with tools like social media sites, SMS, Skype, apps and games. “And the internet is no longer only accessible through the household PC – it’s on t o ta l ipods, tablets, games consoles and phones.” ro o f c a r e People wanting to make a submission to the Working Group should contact Mr Howe WA Pty Ltd Randall in writing with their views at PO Box 465, Kelmscott, WA, 6991 or email: Talk to a tradesman, not a salesman
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PAGE 8 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
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Canning MHR Don Randall and Darling Range MLA Tony Simpson recently paid an unexpected visit to local, unsung, bushfires hero, Leonida Martin. Mr Randall said Ms Martin was remembered because she offered coffee and tea from her Kelmscott home to bushfire evacuees in February last year. Mr Randall and Mr Simpson observed Ms Martin on the night of the fires and were humbled by the way her simple actions provided comfort to those who had fled their homes. Mr Randall presented a community service award to Ms Martin during the visit. The last line of the certificate read: “A year on, you are not forgotten.”
Canning MHR Don Randall and Darling Range MLA Tony Simpson share a cuppa with unsung hero, Leonida Martin.
“Between Ms Martin and Glenn Woods and Rob Jonas-Green from the IGA at Kelmscott Plaza, evacuees were able to get a hot drink, water and a sausage sizzle - all thanks to their generosity and kindness. The IGA also provided fruit for evacuees,” Mr Randall said. He said Ms Martin was one of many bushfires heroes in addition to other local residents, fire‐ fighters, police, SES workers, ambulance officers and aid organisations such as the Salvos and Red Cross. “I still have constituents contact me with issues stemming from the fires, including insurance problems and concerns about correct burn-offs,” Mr Randall said. “Houses may be re-built, and trees may have grown back, but the event will never leave the minds of those involved, including me.” Mr Randall said he had a limited number of FESA bushfire survival guides in his office and would happily mail them to people who would like one.
Roleystone resident Danni Close is taking the famed story of a 15th century French peasant girl and mixing it Danni Close, third from left (crouching) is appearing in the Australian up with the smooth premiere of Virgin Warrior with Jayde Clark, Gilbert Hewett, Crystal grooves of the ’80s Suche, Melissa Kiiveri, Gary Ienco and Anthony Dillon. this March. The unlikely pairing is all part of the Australian premiere of rock opera Virgin Warrior at Phoenix Theatre, written by Zig Byfield and Peter Perchard. Directed by Jane Sherwood, it follows the story of 14-year-old Joan of Arc through song as she leaves home and demands an army from a nobleman, repeatedly defeating the English enemy. But at age 20 she is found guilty of heresy by the French church and burned alive. First staged in 1986, Virgin Warrior uses a mix of strong dramatic songs ranging from haunting ballads to striking rock and choral anthems. Close plays one of the voices persuading Joan of Arc to go on her epic journey and an inquisitor who decides her fate after she is captured by the English. With a love of theatre from a young age, Close won the dux award for theatre at high school and went on to study sound for performance at the WA Academy of Performing Arts. But her love for being on stage took precedence and she left to perform with Roleystone Theatre, Arena Arts and Entertainment and the Kalamunda Youth Theatre Company, also designing sound Northanger Abbey and composing music for Phoenix Theatre’s The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds. Director Jane Sherwood said she was excited to be directing an Australian premiere. Virgin Warrior plays at 8pm, March 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10, 2pm matinee March 11. A one-off special show will be held in Perth’s Supreme Court Gardens on March 17 at 5.30pm. Tickets $20 adults, $15 concession – book on 0450 158 851 or at Phoenix Theatre is located at the corner of Rockingham Road and Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill, within the Hamilton Hill Memorial Hall.
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PAGE 9 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Roleystone resident finds ’80s retro all go in Australian premiere of Joan of Arc rock opera
Roley Riders Rally for MS Charity
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When the opportunity came up to go riding and support a great cause, Rainbow Riding School was there. A record crew of ten (including two diehard Roley riders) went along to the twilight Mega Fun Show Day organised by Kelmscott Pony Club, in support of Multiple Sclerosis on Saturday 21st January. The event was an unofficial dressage and showjumping day, which gave riders the opportunity to practice their eventing skills, check out the new grounds of Kelmscott Pony Club in Oldbury (which they now share with Peel Pony Club) and most of all, to have fun. All of the riders competed in 2–3 rounds, up against a total of 65 competitors on the day across 109 jumping rounds and 63 dressage tests. Sashes were awarded to sixth place, with the dressage winners scoring bonus earrings. Highlights of the day included Aviv’s speedy turns on Denny, Bradley and Janae impressing in their first ever show jump competition, and the chance to see Chief Instructor
Anita Moor in action. Proving she is our glorious leader for good reason, Anita pulled first place in the giddy 90cm round on reliable Chantilly. To cap off a great day, Rainbow Dad Terry Woods won second place in the raffle, picking up a Bendigo Bank account and accommodation. The event raised almost $2,500 for the MS Society of Western Australia and helped to raise awareness about this debilitating condition. Thanks are due to event organisers Dianne Ould, Gail Ware and Carole Indriolo, and also to Michelle Telford and all of the Kelmscott Pony Club crew for their brilliant work on a hot day and for making us all feel so welcome. Rainbow Riding School’s regular school term lessons are now back in full swing: call Chief Instructor Anita Moor on 043 8687 666 to check class availability. See you in the saddle! Karen Fouweather. Photographs courtesy of JG Photographics.
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Above from THE left: Louise, Taylah, Hannah, Shannon, Janae and Abby. Left: Anita has fun on Denny.
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domestic I industrial I commercial
HIGH PRESSURE WASHING (HOt & COLd) dRIVEWAYS PAVING WALLS PAtIOS MACHINERY BOAtS BUILdINGS WORkSHOPS CHEWING GUM REMOVAL biological or forensic cleaning death & trauma scenes scene rehabilitation odour elimination distress home cleaning
0447 905 500
Bradley on Peppe.
Jess rides Lad.
Preparing to Let Go (Continued) by Dr Judith Congrene Wow, I have been absolutely amazed by the incredible response from people who read my article from last month’s issue about preparing to let my beautiful dog Amy go from this life. Fortunately, she is still with me, and I feel very blessed to have had this extra time with her. I am very grateful to the Editor of Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services The Valley Reporter for her genuine interest and understanding of the situation I was Compassionate convenient care of your pet at home sharing in that article. The response I have received shows that many people have faced the same dilemma where they have had to make that hard decision, and it is a Dr Judith M Congrene BSc BVMS grief that is close to their hearts. Veterinary Surgeon Whilst I was visiting the Roleystone Shopping Centre, a man recognised me from the cover photograph of Amy and I, and offered his condolences about my dog. I thought I had adequately explained in the article that Amy had decided it wasn’t time to go and that she was still with me, and when I asked him about that, he told me he hadn’t Excellent service, reasonable prices vaccinations, microchipping, routine health checks, treatment been able to finish the article because he was crying too much. It is truly amazing just of common problems including arthritis, allergies, abscesses, how close to the surface our emotions about animals can be, and how easily a trigger compassionate euthanasia of pets at home can bring them forth. A lady from South Perth emailed me to share that her aunt had sent the article to her, and she was clearly still struggling with the loss of her beloved Dalmatian Heidi, who had been put to sleep before Christmas. In her email she sent me a photo and some of the poems she had written about her companion Heidi, which made me think how touching it is that complete strangers can so willingly share their loss with others. Having to say goodbye to a much loved family member of the furry kind is often expressed more readily than we are able to do so for human family. A riding friend from Kondinin asked me to send a copy of The Valley Reporter out to her so that she could read the article. She also has a lovely old Staffy dog that is in “Heaven’s Waiting Room” who she has brought to Perth for me to treat. She knows that I understand and empathise with the difficulty of knowing when it is the right time, which is a very emotional decision to make, one that pet owners need a fair amount of support to get through that process. My personal experience as a vet is that often the best help I can give to a pet is to help their owner prepare to let them go.
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
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Phone: 0433 2137 28
MEN’S & WOMEN’S HAIRDRESSING exhibition of new artworks by
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Local Roleystone artist Felicia Lowe is holding her 3rd solo exhibition “daydreaming” at the recently opened gallery at the Zigzag Cultural Centre located in the heart of Kalamunda. This contemporary gallery covers some 90m2, complete with striking jarrah floors and specific track lighting, providing an ideal setting to showcase Felicia’s unique and wonderful acrylic and pastel artworks. Felicia has always been fascinated by colour, light and form, and has pursued her passion for this in her artwork over the past 20 years. Since relocating from Kalgoorlie to the Roleystone area some 6 years ago, Felicia’s focus has been to develop a wider and more diverse art practice, and this will be evident whilst viewing the Daydreaming exhibition.
You will be taken upon a journey through the local landscape together with the movement of the daylight, being drawn to look upon delightful scenes that we see each day yet mostly overlook. Through her artwork Felicia subtly reminds the viewers to observe the simple pleasures and joys that surround them everyday. The “Daydreaming” exhibition opens on March 23rd and continues to April 18th 2012 at the Zigzag Cultural Centre at 50 Railway Road, Kalamunda. Entry is free, and opening hours are 9am to 5pm on weekdays, and 10am to 4pm on weekends. Felicia will be in attendance on most days, with several workshops scheduled during the exhibition. Further information can be found on Felicia’s website -
Shop 1, 2223 Albany Highway, Gosnells Western Australia 6110
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Telephone: (08) 9490 2100 Fax: (08) 9490 3622
Storytelling Takes on a New Dimension in Bear and Bairn
Bear and Bairn is a boy-meets-girl love story with a twist, the odd complication and some resolutions. The twist - he can talk and his girl can’t (you see, she’s a baby and he’s a bear). Not only that, he’s a teddy bear who’s supposed to be English but looks Scottish. He is also meant to work on a farm, but he sees no sign of a farm, and his wee bonnie Scottish lass takes ages to arrive. Bear is a talented story teller who tells his tale through words and pictures, the internet and the World Wide Web. His first
book, Bear and Bairn has its own website (, a home page, links to the characters, email addresses, related sites and editorial information. Interested? I’m glad. We’ve enjoyed bringing Bear and Bairn this far. Thanks to Fiona’s and Jayne’s talents (FN Grafix; Creative Web Design and Hosting) we can share the first Bear and Bairn for free. If you are still interested, be on the lookout for Bear and Bairn’s ‘Our Words And Pictures Story’ website www.
Most people think that lawn mowers have one purpose and one purpose only, but Craig Alford has found another use for it that could very well make a huge difference to a lot of lives. From March 11th to March 16th of this year, Craig, along with Fremantle Dockers player Aaron Sandilands, will be taking a 6 day roadtrip from Perth to Kalgoorlie on a Hustler Lawn Mower! Sponsored by Armadale Mower World and Powerup Lawncare Products, the “Rotary Ride for a Reason”, will cover a distance of approximately 670km in less than a week, a unique endeavour which Craig believes has never before been done in Western Australia. With an average of just under 120km per day, this lawn mower ride was driven by, in Craig’s own words, “madness”, but is aimed at raising both awareness and money for Rotary Club projects and the WA charity Wheels for Hope. On the long road to Kalgoorlie, Craig plans to stop and participate in various events to raise even more money, such as sausage sizzles and BBQ’s, visits Dockers Legend Aaron Sandilands will be joining to rotary clubs and Craig on the ride to Kalgoorlie. Photograph courtesy men’s sheds, and of maybe he’ll even mow a few lawns for people. Throughout the journey Craig will keep fans of his trip up to date through social media, including TV coverage. If you’d like to see for yourself, go to the website rfar.htm, where you can view the video about his impending trip. Craig hopes to one day push the limits even further by taking the Hustler mower on a 1400km trip around Australia. The Valley Reporter wishes him the best of luck in both of these endeavours.
C r eCreative a t i v e Driveways Driveways & Fencing & Fencing
The City of Armadale is inviting applications from community groups and organisations seeking funds for programs which benefit the Armadale community. Annually the City contributes more than $100,000 towards community focused initiatives which service Armadale residents. Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones encourages more local organisations to utilise the Annual Contributions funding in 2012/2013. “The City welcomes applicants from a variety of categories including sporting, welfare, educational, arts/ cultural, youth, seniors, children’s and ethnic groups. “In previous years Annual Contributions have assisted organisations such as Armadale PCYC in providing sports and recreational activities, Armadale Youth Resources to coordinate
programs which empower young people and Starrick House with much needed maintenance work for the women’s refuge. “The City contributes in the order of $1,000 to $20,000 towards organisations, subject to the conditions of the funding program, which have a strong focus on programs that benefit residents. “The provision of funding from the City encourages local groups and organisations to continue to provide invaluable opportunities for the Armadale community. Their hard work and diligence is recognised and greatly appreciated,” said Cr Zelones. To find out how to apply for Annual Contributions visit www.armadale. and go to the Community Support page or call 9399 0642. Applications close Friday 2 March.
GLocal r a v e Gravel, l , R o aRoad d Bbase, a s e , Recycled L i m e s tBitumen one & Recycled Bitumen. Colour, Exposed and Exposed Concrete, Red Bitumen and & Stencil Concrete. Retaining Walls, Rural Concrete Curbing, Automatic Gates, and F e n c i n g Post . Bo b c Rail a t Rural a n d Fencing. Truck Hire. C o m p l e te La n d s c a p i n g & G a rd e n Ma ke ove r ’ s
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Phone John: 0418 953 591 0418 953 or Mobile Anna Ph/Fax: 9397591 6854 Email: Phone/Fax 9397 6854
Office Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm 6 days Mon to Sat
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City of Armadale now accepting Annual Contribution applications
Premier’s Australia Day Active Citizenship Awards Winner Glen Weaver
Well 0421 567 423 done, 9397 6015 Gary EC9305 Email: “thank you for supporting your local electrician”
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Gary Smith, winner of the 25 years+ category of this prestigious honour, was presented with his award for fostering Australian pride and spirit through active citizenship and outstanding contribution to community. Gary volunteers much of his time to City of Armadale projects and services, including the Lions Club, Meals on Wheels, Foster Care programs and the local football clubs. Congratulations Gary, you deserve it!
Electrical Trades Person Wanted Darling Range Electrical is expanding and is now offering an exciting opportunity for an Electrical Trades Person to join this fun and outgoing group of electricians, which takes pride in being known as a reliable and professional business, focused on community. The right person for this job requires an A grade electrical licence, a dedicated approach to workplace health and safety, a willingness to work as part of a team and a high standard of work ethics. For the right person, we’ll offer an above average award pay rate, safe work conditions, and a friendly, easygoing work environment. If you believe you would be suitable for this position and reside in Roleystone or a nearby suburb, we would be very excited to hear from you. Please forward a letter of application and resume to or contact Glen Weaver on 0421 567 423.
+ BAS/GST + Multiple years welcome
Tel: 9496 1886 Fax: 9496 1887
Jacqueline T. Hunt is a CPA Practice
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NEXT FIELD DAY – March 18, 2012 Is to be a Dieback treatment day to be held at Lina Hart Memorial Park in Westbourne Road (opp. Welch Road.). Treatment will commence at 9.00am and will finish at 12.00pm. Participants will be able to borrow the equipment to treat their own trees against die back. New volunteers will be welcome. If you require any further information please visit our website: This and other information is also shown on the notice board at the Roleystone Shopping Centre. Morning Tea will, as usual, be provided. Hope to see you there. Horst Seecamp
volunteer to rescue, treat and care for injured, sick, and displaced wildlife with the aim of returning wildlife to its natural environment. Susan Leighton, previous manager of the Café, handed over a cheque of $2,011 to Sharron Goldfinch, the fundraising coordinator of the Shelter. The Café has been supporting the Shelter since 2009, and has helped raise hundreds of dollars for the Shelter to rehabilitate wildlife. Sarah and Gianni Ruffino, the new owners of Café on the Dam, are delighted that the relationship between the Shelter and the Café will be ongoing. For more information please contact the Darling Range Wildlife Shelter on 0400 802 409.
Much Needed Financial Support Handed to Wildlife Shelter B.Y.O. Takeaway Dine-In
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The Darling Range Wildlife Shelter received over $2,000 as an unexpected donation from Café on the Dam in December 2011. The unforeseen (but very much welcomed) funds were used to purchase specialised intensive care units for immature and debilitated wildlife in need of a constant warm environment. The units have already been occupied by orphaned furless bandicoot joeys, which not only require around the clock feeding, but also an environment similar in warmth and humidity to their mothers’ pouches. The Shelter is a volunteer only and notfor-profit wildlife rehabilitation centre which rehabilitates Australian native wildlife in need. Over 100 members
John Wollaston graduates set their sights high Two high-achieving graduates of John Wollaston Anglican Community School have started the next chapters of their education. Kelmscott resident Kimberly Dasborough is pursuing a double degree in Neuroscience and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, at the University of Western Australia, after ✓ Mulch sales developing a love of Science during her final ✓ Prompt & reliable service years of secondary schooling. She credited the ✓ Free quotes & advice tutelage of John Wollaston Head of Science ✓ Fully insured and Technology Stephen Fox for her decision to reconsider her original aim of applying for a ✓ Power line clearance Commerce or Law degree at university. ✓ Stump grinding/mulching “I always thought I wanted to do Law but after ✓ 20 17 years experience studying with Mr Fox, I changed my mind – he David Barker was very passionate about understanding the ✓ Local to Roleystone world around us and it helped me to become ✓ Authorised Western Power Contractor really interested in Science,” Ms Dasborough For all your Treelopping needs we said. Kimberly Dasborough Achieving an Australian Tertiary Admission have a solution contact David on Rank (ATAR) of 98.1, which ranked her in the top two per cent of students sitting the WA Certificate of Education, Ms Dasborough was awarded a Curriculum Council Certificate of or Excellence for obtaining ‘A’ grades in at least nine of the courses she studied in Year 11 or Freecall: 1800 088 733 We accept 12. While she has also been assured entry into a post-graduate Law degree at UWA, she is most major Email: keen to keep her options open and is considering heading towards Medicine and sitting the Email: credit cards Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test. Five other John Wollaston students Website: achieved an ATAR above 90. Vocational Education and Training student Tara Procter, who lives in Roleystone, also received a Curriculum Council Certificate of Excellence. In addition to studying English, Mathematics, Health, and Business Studies/Career and Enterprise, she worked at a child care centre in Seville Grove and a primary school in Armadale in 2011. She completed a Certificate III in Childcare and commenced work towards the Diploma. “I am now studying for a Diploma in Children’s Services and hoping to work part-time at a child care centre, because I really enjoy working with kids,” Ms Procter said. “I would like to enrol in an early childhood teaching degree in 2013 at Notre ■ Sand Supplies Rock pitch Dame or Murdoch.” ■Rock Supplies Landscaping John Wollaston Principal Anne Ford said many Year 12 graduates had worked diligently throughout their final years of secondary education to ■ Rock Site works/sand pads Retaining Walls achieve their goals. “Ms Dasborough and Ms Procter made strong contributions to the School and thoroughly deserve their successes,” she said.
WA Treeworks
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To celebrate the opening of AQWA’s new Turtle Pool the AQWA Foundation and Grill’d Healthy Burgers Hillarys are teaming up for the turtles this February. The AQWA Foundation is a non-profit organisation established by AQWA to increase awareness, understanding and appreciation of WA’s oceans by funding important marine endeavours, such as the rehabilitation of sick and injured marine life. To add your support all it takes is a visit to AQWA to see the turtles currently in our care at the new Turtle Pool, or by grabbing a bite at Grill’d and voting for the AQWA Foundation! With every meal purchased at Grill’d this February customers will receive a token to vote for their favourite local cause - the cause with the most tokens at the end of the month will receive a donation from Grill’d. So head down to Grill’d Hillarys and have a bite for the turtles! FACT – Turtles don’t have any teeth! They use their tough beak and crushing plates to chow down on tricky food like jellyfish... probably not as tasty as a Grill’d burger.
Get Your Pooch Ready! Every man and his dog is invited to attend this years Corymbia Festial. That’s right! For the first time ever the Corymbia Festival 2012 will include a Dog Show. The Show will be held as a part of the Corymbia Fun Day events set to be held on on Saturday March 10 from 2pm till 8pm at Hartfield Park in Forrestfield. Events Coordinator Marilyn Keys said, “As well as getting to show off your pampered pooch we will also have micro-chipping being carried out on site.” “We cant wait to see all of our Shire of Kalamunda resident’s most beloved family members – their dogs, in a one-off dog show as a part of the festival.” Registrations can be made by calling into the Shire of Kalamunda 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda, forms are also available at The Corymbia Festival is a highlight of the Shire of Kalamunda calendar held in early March each year. The Festival is an opportunity for the community to join together, celebrate and enjoy a wide range of activities and entertainment, with something for the whole family and it’s all free! The 2012 Festival on 9-10 March will kick off will the Corymbia Movie Night at Fleming Reserve, High Wycombe on Friday, 9 March from 6.00pm. The evening will kick off with the Foothills Got Talent Quest heats, followed by a spectacular fireworks opening and a movie for all the family to enjoy. The Corymbia Festival Fun Day is on Saturday, 10 March at Hartfield Park Recreation Centre in Forrestfield from 2.00pm to 8.00pm with a huge range of free fun activities throughout the day. See our budding singers in the Foothills Got Talent Final, and for the first time, the pampered pooches in the Corymbia Dog Show. Do not miss the grand finale of the Corymbia Festival Funday with the Murphy’s Lore Free Concert and a spectacular Firework Finale. The Corymbia Festival is proudly presented by the Shire of Kalamunda. For more information contact the Shire on 9257 9953.
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Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 NEWS RELEASE MADDINGTON MAN APPREHENDED Armadale Detectives have charged a 21 year old Maddington man with a number of offences in the investigation into a police officer being injured after being allegedly run over by a stolen police vehicle. It will be alleged that the man was a passenger in a car stopped by police at around 1.30am on 27 January near the intersection of Olga Road and Atfield Street in Maddington. While speaking to the driver of the vehicle, the man alighted from the car and sat in the driver’s seat of a police vehicle. As an officer attempted to remove him from the car, the man allegedly reversed the car at speed resulting in the officer being dragged backwards and falling to the ground. The man continued to reverse the car, running over the feet and legs of the officer. The man then ran from the scene. A comprehensive search has been ongoing in relation to the man and he was apprehended overnight after having been identified as a passenger
in a vehicle in Maddington at around 7pm. After refusing to stop when requested, a short pursuit occurred before the vehicle stopped and the man allegedly ran into the nearby residential area around Kelvin Road. Police Airwing, Canine Section and other units conducted a search for the man, and he was located lying near the side of a house a short time later. The man has been charged with Acts Likely to Cause Bodily Harm, Fail to Render Assistance, Fail to Report Accident, 2 x Steal Motor Vehicle and Drive Recklessly, 2 x Fail to Stop, 2 x Reckless Driving, 4 x Steal Motor Vehicle, 2 x No MDL, Armed Robbery, and Aggravated Burglary and Commit. He appearred in the East Perth Magistrates Court on 4 February 2012.
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Steven Rouse
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New Art Exhibition by renowned Indian Spiritual Teacher and Artist Sri Chinmoy
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9397 7799
Vegetarian restaurant and Café
Breakfast, Lunch, Quality Food, Cakes, Coffees & Teas New Art Exhibition by renowned Indian Spiritual Teacher and Artist: SRI CHIMNOY Lunch Live Jazz - first Saturday each month Open: Thurs 10.30-5pm fri,saT,sun 8.30-5pm 124 CrOyden rd rOleysTOne
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Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) was well known as a spiritual teacher, but was also a prolific artist, poet, author, sportsman and musician. All his activities were dedicated to the noble cause of world peace. He composed over 21,000 songs, published over 1300 books and performed over 800 free peace concerts around the world, at venues such as Carnegie Hall, Royal Albert Hall and our very own Sydney Opera House. As a child in India, Sri Chinmoy learnt to meditate up to eight hours a day, a skill he applied when painting, drawing, and composing songs or poems. He chose birds as his main artistic focus and painted over 16 million of them in his lifetime. “The bird,” he said, “knows no boundaries. It is a messenger of peace and freedom, born in the garden of the soul and taking flight in the heart”. He called his art “Jharna-
Kala”, which in his native tongue means Fountain Art, a name that accurately describes the creative capacity he feels we all have within. Sri Chinmoy’s art has been exhibited at Parliament House, Canberra, at the Carrousel du Louve in Paris, the United Nations Headquarters in New York and the Commonwealth Institute in London. The Exhibition at Genesis will be a special selection of quality framed prints chosen for the occasion.
Early risers make a splash with new pool opening hours
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PAGE 19 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning the Kalamunda Water Park will open its doors three hours earlier - much to the delight of early risers. The Water Park will now be opening from 6am three times a week from February 1 until the summer season comes to an end on March 31. “There was a demand in the community for extended operating hours to cater for early morning swimmers and we thought it was a great idea, which we have taken on board,” said YMCA Recreations Office Manager Travis Doye. “We hope that the new opening hours give people a chance to come down and have a dip before work or school and an extra opportunity to dedicate some time to staying healthy through exercise.” The Kalamunda Water Park, formerly Kalamunda Wet’n’Wild, re-opened last month after $2.1 million worth of upgrades were made to the facility, including the re-turfing of grassed areas, landscaping, improvements to the main pool filtration and chlorination
system and a tiered grandstand with shading. Kalamunda Water Park is a multi-purpose aquatic facility owned by the Shire of Kalamunda and professionally managed by the YMCA of Perth. Shire President Donald McKechnie congratulated YMCA on their sound management of the park to date, saying, “I believe that the morning swim times are a very significant indication of the YMCA’s willingness to listen to and be a part of our community.” The YMCA is a not-for-profit organisation with over 150 years of experience working with children, young people and families. YMCA delivers programs and services to help build strong people, strong families and strong communities across WA. The organisation relies on a strong business model where missiondriven revenue generating activities such as childcare, facility management, accommodation and training, support a suite of youth and community programs, all of which can be viewed at The Kalamunda Water Park is one of four WA locations where Australia’s biggest swim, the YMCA Swimathon, will take place on Sunday March 11. The event is the YMCA’s first national fundraiser and aims to raise $1 million and secure a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records.
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ARALUEN BOTANIC PARK AWARDED INTERNATIONAL CAMELLIA SOCIETY GARDEN OF “Heaven in the Hills… An extraordinary EXCELLENCE STATUS garden in a breathtakingly beautiful setting”
NOW 1st Friday of every month! upcoming: Fri 30th March Fri 4th May ORGANIc FOOd available: • savoury cold platters & nibbles • fruit/veg cocktails & smoothies • cakes/sweets - tea/coffee
In 2001, the International Camellia Society (ICS) launched a program to recognise camellia gardens of excellence. These are gardens that meet organic•biodynamic•natural products & cafe•brackenridge village, shop 4/1 soldiers rd, roleystone a set of criteria developed by the ICS to encourage open 7 days•t: 9397 7899•m: 0433 521 342•e: excellence in the growing of camellias, where visitors will see camellias at their best. At the 2010 ICS Congress in Kurume, Japan, six gardens were awarded 57 Ridgehill Rise this accolade, bringing the total number of these fine gardens to just 17, Roleystone WA 6111 around the world. Phone/Fax: 9397 9253 After a visit of the gardens by ICS President Pat Short this year, Mobile: 0437 853 253 Araluen Botanic Park was invited to submit an application to join this prestigious group of gardens. Araluen is both proud and honoured to Email: announce that its submission has been successful. The outcome will be decided at the World Congress, which is to be held in Chuxiong ABN 40 305 326 211 (Yunnan), China, sometime in February this year. This achievement is a testament to all the people that have worked hard to build Araluen into a Botanic Garden, starting with Boss Simons back ACCOUNTANCY in 1929. It was the Boss who planted the first camellia in the gardens around the Chalet Healy back in 1939. This camellia is still alive today, For your complete accounting, and stands approximately 5 metres tall. taxation and auditing services Since the Park was saved in 1990, the Araluen Botanic Foundation has worked with the WA Camellia Society to continue planting and caring • Accountancy and Taxation for Partnerships, Trusts, Companies and for the camellias, and endeavour that continues to this day. We now Super Funds have over 350 camellias planted amongst the gardens, all providing Araluen Accountancy • Auditing of Clubs and Not for fantastic colour from May through to early Summer. is a CPA Practice Profit Organisations Camellias are evergreen and long-living, brightening gardens with their blooms from simple single-form flowers to formal doubles. • Audit of Self Managed Super Funds They are easily cultivated in gardens or pots, growing to be sizeable • MYOB Assistance trees, dense spreading shrubs or dwarf plants suitable for containers and • Tax - Business & Personal hanging baskets. They originated from subtropical regions in China, (Multiple Years Welcome) Japan and neighbouring Asian countries. They love warm wet summers • Tax Planning & Advice and moderately cold dry Ray McManus • GST and BAS Returns winters, but can prosper CPA surprisingly well in a • 14 Day Refunds (subject to ATO processing) range of adverse climatic conditions, tolerating dry summers and wet winters. We would like to thank For Professional & Friendly Service all the people who have Phone/Fax Ray on 9397 9253 for an appointment helped to make Araluen Email: a truly International Mobile: 0437 853 253 Garden of Excellence. ENTRY $5 P/PERSON BOOKING ESSENTIAL
PAGE 20 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Are you feeling the pinch with the budget of everyday living and want to save some pennies? Are you sick of getting a Budget Haircut that’s just not right with no care at all? Local hairdressing salon Karizma Hair Studio is the place that will provide that little extra service and personal touch along with a discount. Our hairstylists rely on repeat business to keep their chairs occupied, and in return for your patronage, they are willing to offer discounts to keep you coming back. Karizma Hair Studio specialise in modern and fashionable looks for older men and women, and can give you handy tips for hairstyles that will be easy for you to manage. We also have an extensive range of hair care products to enhance the natural beauty of your hair. We’re offering a 10% Pensioner Discount* every day of the week, but you can save even more on Thursdays plus 10%, so ask about our special prices today! Simply phone us on 9390 2901 or 9390 7506. (*Discount is strictly for Aged Pensioner card holders only)
City of Armadale seeking community input
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Director and as a Superintendent the Brookton Shop1/198 Shop1/198 Brooktonhwy hwyKelmscott Kelmscott6111 6111 state’s maximum security prisons. As a Skin & Beauty result of his experience Jim is familiar Om Veda Skin Care • Creative Nail Design SUMMERTIME SPECIALS with management of maximum prisons Ph: 9390 0583 Pamper your skin with a deluxe facial and receive Skin Skin & & Beauty Beauty and the daily lives of inmates. Please call Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massagea Skin free eyebrow wax and tint Om OmVeda Veda SkinCare Care• •Creative Creative Nail Nail Design Design Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicureGift vouchers Armadale Library on 9399 0125 to book or Shop1/198 Brookton hwy Kelmscott 6111 Ph: Ph: 9390 9390 0583 0583 your place. Show off Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageyour feet with a deluxe pedicure and finish Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageSkin & Beauty off your look with a free mini manicure Acrylic Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicurenails-manicure-pedicureGift Giftvouchers vouchers Positive Ageing Om Veda Skin Care • Creative Nail Design Shop1/198 Shop1/198Brookton Brooktonhwy hwyKelmscott Kelmscott6111 6111 Working Group The City of Armadale is developing a Positive Ageing Working Group to guide the City’s efforts in engaging and supporting older people. This is an initiative aims to provide opportunities for interaction and ensure the City is aware of trends and needs. The group will work on a range of issues which affect the quality of life for the older person living in the City of Armadale. We are inviting organisations, community representatives and senior’s club representatives to be part of this group. If you are interested in working with the City to ensure a better community for the older person, we encourage you to contact Community Services on 9399 0642 or by email to
The Roleystone Tennis Club WELCOME is currently NEW MEMBERS taking enrolments for its Term 1 programs. The Social TenniS iS for played aTjunior Thesocial clubplay, club offers coaching all ages, pennant play and adultmorningS social play. Contact Club adulTS; WedneSday from 9am Coach Cameron Fenner for details and information and Junior TenniS about starting out in tennis or taking your game to COURTS FOR HIRE DAY NIGHT the next level on 9457 9704, 0439 OR 960 629 or email Bookings and keys for public court hire are available through the Roleystone Network Video Phone: 9496 1616
PO Box 172 Kelmscott WA 6991. Email:
Ph: 9390 0583
Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageAcrylic nails-manicure-pedicure- Gift vouchers
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PAGE 21 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Eat, Act, Live The City of Armadale, in partnership with the City of Gosnells, has successfully received over $560,000 in funding from Department of Health and Ageing as part of the Healthy Communities Initiative (HCI). HCI is a federal community based physical activity and healthy eating program aimed at improving the health and lifestyle choices of Australians. The City will be introducing FREE healthy living and eating initiatives to residents through the Eat, Act, Live program. With this announcement, Council will be calling on the community to register for Eat, Act, Live by calling Community Development on 9399 0642. Prison Life You have read the books and seen the television programmes, but what is it really like to live and work in prison? Jim Fisher, who has had an extensive career in Western Australian Corrective Services, will be at the Armadale Library on Wednesday 22 February from 6.30pm-8pm to share his knowledge about and experiences of working in this remarkable industry. Jim has worked in a range of positions including: Assistant
Hair Colour & Style Experts
Youth Activity Area on Orchard Avenue officially opens
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Armadale’s unique Youth Activity Area (YAA) has been in the making for more than a decade. After much research, design and anticipation the community space will be officially opened on Friday 17 February at 3.30pm. The YAA is a state-of-the-art community space and the only of its kind in Western Australia. International designers Convic Designs, in consultation with local young people, have created a space which incorporates features including viewing areas, multimedia screens, seating and an innovative, versatile sculptural steel surface. Hon. Terry Waldron will be in attendance as well as MC’s - Nathan, Nat & Shaun from Nova. There will be freestyle demostrations, music and a free sausage sizzle until 5.30pm. Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones said the one-of-a-kind project has been on the Council’s wish list for several years and it has been encouraging to see young people already using the park. “The space will act as a recreational hub for local youth and will also be of interest to park users. “The area’s unique multimedia feature allows users to watch themselves on large screens. The ‘real-time’ projection on screens allows users to view themselves doing tricks on their skateboards, BMX bikes and scooters. “The modern “street real” and digital elements are notable features of the park. The City is looking forward to utilising the YAA for future community and youth specific events” said Cr Zelones. The space is open to all members of the local and surrounding community. The Youth Activity Area is part of the City of Armadale’s 15 year plan for the development of important facilities in the district. For further information please visit or contact 9399 0642.
Cross Park Redevelopment
PAGE 22 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Come and have your say on a draft design for the skate park.
Thursday 23 Feb Young People - 4pm @ Roleystone Hall Local Residents - 6:30pm @ Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre
RSVP by Tuesday 21 Feb Refreshments provided. Contact or 9399 0642 for more info
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Pictured: Carradine Choir’s 2011 Christmas Concert Call Paul 0408 073093 073 Paul or Christine Paul orPlease Christine Ph: 9525 1704 Ph: Mobile: 9525Mobile: 1704 0408Mobile: 093 093 073 0408
Email: Email: E:
Carradine Choir has resumed rehearsals for 2012 and is now seeking new members to boost its numbers. With conductor Robyn Hamilton and accompanist Frances Beadle at the helm, the mixed 4-part community choir meets to rehearse each Thursday evening at the Greendale Hall on Coombe Avenue in Armadale. This friendly choir includes show songs, folk and spiritual music in its repertoire.
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Public concerts are usually held twice a year, and the choir also performs at local aged care centres. All men and women who enjoy singing, regardless of age, are most welcome to join the choir. No audition is necessary, and further information can be obtained from Secretary June Hooper on 9496 0319. Jean Macdonald.
Your Family Law Team.
dec volunteers awarded Rehabilitation Centre, who was presented with a Volunteer of the Year Award. Deputy Director of General Parks and Conservation Jim Sharp, along with the Parks and Visitor Services Director Peter Sharp praised the efforts of the volunteers, especially their level of commitment, which in some cases spans over 20 years. It was noted by Jim Sharp that each volunteer provides outstanding service to nature conversation in WA and many projects would simply not be possible without them. Congratulations Terry!
Jude Keatley
Julia humphries
Unit 6/26 Prospect Road, Armadale PO Box 670 Armadale WA 6992 Phone 6196 0401 FAX 6196 2413 eMAIL
It’s school Formal tIme!
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Cut, 1/2 head Foils and Blow dry or GHD finish
School Ball hair Updo & Makeup application
PAGE 23 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
At the recent Department of Environment and Conservation Awards, held at the WA Conservation Science Centre in Kensington, local volunteer Terry Edmett was presented with an Outstanding Service Award for his contribution to the Perth Observatory. Nominations were invited from DEC volunteer group peers and volunteers across WA, and from the 3,602 volunteers active in the past year, 57 were nominated. Winners came from a wide range of programs including wildlife rehabilitation, such as Louise Hopper from the Kaarakin Black Cockatoo
A Touch of Class By Tamukami
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PAGE 24 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Call Simon on 9397 6313
ART CLASSES Established W.A. Artist *Must be ordered and delivered byEstablished 1.3.12 to receive the summer discount ART HAVECLASSES ART CLASSES Established W.A. W.A. Artist Artist HAVE ART CLASSES Established RESUMED HAVE Established W.A. W.A. Artist Artist RESUMED HAVE Established W.A. Artist WITH TWO RESUMED ART CLASSES Established W.A. Artist WITH TWO Invites you to join her RESUMED Established W.A. Artist VACANCIES WITH TWO HAVE ART CLASSES Invites you to join her Established W.A. Artist VACANCIES WITH TWO claSSeS Invites you to join her AVAILABLE..... VACANCIES RESUMED HAVE Invites you to join her Established W.A. Artist AVAILABLE..... VACANCIES Invites you to join her ENQUIRIES have Established W.A. Artist AVAILABLE..... WITH TWO RESUMED Invites you to join her Established W.A. Artist ENQUIRIES AVAILABLE..... Invites you to join her WELCOME ENQUIRIES Established W.A. Artist VACANCIES WITH TWO reSumed Invites you to join her WELCOME ENQUIRIES 0400 037 818 Invites you to join her WELCOME AVAILABLE..... VACANCIES ART CLASSES Established W.A. Artist 0400 037 818 WELCOME WiTh Invites you to join her Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, 0400 037 818 ENQUIRIES AVAILABLE..... HAVE037 818 Invites you to join her Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, 0400 Established W.A. Artist vacancieS Invites you to join her WELCOME invites to join her Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, ENQUIRIES RESUMED Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Invites you to join her Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Established W.A. Artist 0400 037 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, WELCOME Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Established W.A. Artist available WITH TWO818 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Invites you to Skills join her Charcoal & Drawing 0400 037 818 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, VACANCIES Charcoal & Watercolour, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Charcoal & Drawing Drawing Skills Invites you to Skills join her Instruction in Pastel, painting Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, AVAILABLE..... Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Charcoal & Drawing Skills Invites you to join her both beginners & advanced Charcoal & Drawing Skills Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, ENQUIRIESFor Invites you to Skills join her For both beginners & advanced Instruction in painting Acrylic, Charcoal & Drawing Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, both beginners & Oil, advanced Charcoal & Drawing Skills WELCOMEFor Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, 5x 3 hour Classes $115 Charcoal & Drawing Skills Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, For both beginners & advanced Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Charcoal & Drawing Skills 0400 037 818 5x 3beginners hour Classes $115 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, For both & advanced
Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Studio Classes Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Studio Classes Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Studio Classes
Studio Classes Studio Classes $115 5x 3beginners hour Classes $125 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, For both & advanced Studio Classes Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Charcoal & Drawing Skills $115 For both beginners & advanced Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, 5x 3 hour Classes $125 Studio Classes Wednesday, Thursday, Charcoal &Classes Drawing Skills $115 5x 3beginners hour $125 For both & 10am-1pm advanced
Charcoal & Drawing Skills 5x hour $115 Instruction inThursday, painting Acrylic, For both & Oil, advanced Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm $125 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, 5x 3 3beginners hour Classes $115 Wednesday, 10am-1pm Charcoal &Classes Drawing Skills Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, 5x 3 hour Classes $115 For both beginners & advanced Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, 5x 3 hour Classes $125 Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm For both beginners & advanced Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm $115 Charcoal & Drawing Skills Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm For both beginners & advanced Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, $115 Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 5x 3 hour Classes $125 For both beginners & advanced Charcoal & Drawing Skills Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, 2Saturday, Mount Street Roleystone 5x 3 hour Classes $115 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 5x 3 hour Classes $115 2 Mount Street Roleystone Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm ForChurch both beginners & advanced Charcoal & Drawing Skills 2 Mount Street Roleystone Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm 5x 3 hour Classes $115 Old Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy Charcoal & Drawing Skills E:Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 2 Mount Street Roleystone Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday For both beginners & advanced Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm E: Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 2 Mount Street Roleystone Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy 5x 3 hour Classes $115 E: Wednesday, Thursday, 2 Mount Street Roleystone Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd10am-1pm & Brookton Hwy T: 0400 037 818 For both beginners & advanced Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm 10am until 1pm E: 2 Mount Street Roleystone Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm $115 5x 3 hour Classes $125 For 2 both beginners & advanced T: 0400 037 818 Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm E: Mount Street Roleystone T:Saturday, 0400 037 818 Roleystone 10.30am-1.30pm 2 Mount Street Old Church Hallhour Cnr Croyden Rd10am-1pm &$115 Brookton Hwy E: Wednesday, Thursday, 5x 3 Classes T: 0400 037 818 E: Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm 5x 3 hour Classes $115 T: 0400 037 818 E: 2 Mount Street Roleystone Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy E: 0400 T: 037Thursday, 818 Wednesday, 10am-1pm 2 Mount Street Roleystone T: 0400 037 818 E: Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm T: 0400 037 818 2 Mount Street Roleystone Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm T: 0400 037 818 E: 2 Mount Street 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm T:Saturday, 0400 037 818 Roleystone E: E: 2 Mount Street Roleystone Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm T: 0400 037 818 E: T: 0400 037 818 Saturday, T: 0400 03710.30am-1.30pm 818 T: 0400 818 2 Street Old Church Hall037 Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy E: Mount T: 0400 037 818 Roleystone
Community Noticeboard The Glades Arts & Produce Markets Saturday, February 18, 2012 4pm until 9pm Where: Percy’s Park Meads Street Byford (off Warrington Road) Come along to The Glades Arts & Produce Markets we have lots of free kids entertainment which includes an awesome arts workshop, we have 100 arts and craft stalls, come and have a wander around grab dinner at one of our many food vendors and grab a drink at the bar whilst watching our live entertainment Country Western Band. Come one, Come all !!!! For further information please call Mandi on 0409 115 880. Cranksters 8th Annual Pipeline Picnic Open to all pre 1978 customs, classics & hot rods. Sunday 11th March leaving from Carousel Shopping Centre Albany Hwy Cannington. Departure time: 9.30am sharp, pre-entry to 150 cars, $20 inc. guaranteed parking and event t-shirt! Pre-entries available at Armadale Auto Parts & Cool Rides & Classics. Dusk Bridal Fair 10-11 March 2012 Perth’s Premier Bridal Exhibition 9.30am-5pm, Tickets $16, Fashion Parades Daily, held at the Perth Convention Centre & Exhibition Centre, for more information go to www. Serpentine Country Markets Cnr South West Highway & Karnup Roads, Serpentine First Sunday of every month 9am-2pm. Local Arts & Crafts, Plants & Garden Arts, Local Fresh Produce, Community
Fundraising, Live Acoustic Music, New Stalls every month, Pony Rides, Bouncy Castle, Face Painting, Sausage Sizzle Turner Cottage Tours. Please contact Miles on 0428 859 118 or mc.walton@ for all stall information. Feel free to leave a message if there is no answer and Miles will return your call ASAP. Stall costs are $10 and we require the following month’s in advance. REMINDER, Roleystone Netball Club AGM Please be involved in your daughter’s netball club and come along to the Roleystone Netball Club AGM on Saturday February 18 at the Roleystone Country Club, Wygonda Road, starting at 4pm. Our committee is FUN! We share the jobs so no-one is over-loaded and focus on making our children’s sport an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Join us and make an important contribution not only to your child’s club, but to the entire community. We welcome your ideas - all committee members, players, parents and coaches are encouraged to attend. For more information about Roleystone netball or the AGM, please contact Vice President Heather Quinlan on 0419 204 870 or heatherm.quinlan@ or Registrar Amy Boughton on 9397 5559 au. POTTERY CLASSES Weekly classes every Thurs commencing Feb 9, classes run for 3 hours from 101pm, beginners & more experience potters welcome, cost $25 for each Thurs session, clay available for purchase at cost, additional cost for firing & glazing of pots, are you interested? Then please call Maureen on 9397 6682.
Log on, to plug in Blood donors can now save lives more easily by making an appointment to give blood online. The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is today launching online bookings for plasma and platelet donations. Previously, donors could only book a whole blood donation and would have to call the Blood Service’s contact centre to book for platelet or plasma donations. Blood Service spokesman Shaun Inguanzo said people could visit, or use their mobile phones to visit to make an appointment. “One in three of us will need blood in our lifetime yet only one in 30 actually give,” he said.
“We’ve now made it easier for donors to book or re-book online from either their computer or mobile phone. “Every donation you make save three lives, and by giving plasma and platelets you can donate more frequently, saving more lives more often.” Mr Inguanzo said Australia needed 27,000 blood donations every week. “For just an hour of your time, you can help save the lives of burns victims, road trauma patients, unborn babies and people undergoing emergency surgery,” he said. To donate visit or call 13 14 95.
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Travel and Cruise CenTre Introducing the Cindy, Santo, George and Sarah who have Introducing the staff: Cindy, Santo and Melissa who Introducing thestaff; staff: Cindy, Santo, George and Danielle who ahave combined 65 years experience. Specialists in the areas UK, combined 65 years have aa combined 65 experience. Specialists in theofareas Italy, South Africa, AsiaAsia andand Cruising. of UK, UK, Italy, of Italy, South Africa, Cruising.
Funky fashion from Peachy the ReStyle caravan, original music and an interactive art space are just some of the major attractions confirmed for Armadale’s exciting Evolution@Jull Street festival on Sunday April 22. Aiming to be WA’s biggest and most spectacular National Youth Week celebration, Evolution@Jull Street will showcase the talent, inspiration and enthusiasm of young people aged 12-25 through fashion, art and music. Taking centre stage in Armadale’s revitalised and bustling city centre, the all-day event will stretch from Armadale train station, through the Jull Street Mall to the Memorial Park amphitheatre. Evolution@ Jull Street will feature: • Market stalls run by Perth’s dynamic youth artists, craftspeople and fashion designers; • Young musicians vying for glory in the annual AMP IT UP music festival; • An interactive art space; • Screenings of short films by young people; • Peachy the ReStyle caravan, a crowd-puller at last year’s Perth Fashion Festival. Peachy is the brainchild of businesswomen Hannah McGrath and Emma Bergmeier, from All Of The Above Creative, whose ReStyle project promotes op-shopping and highlights its importance in the community and to the environment. Ms Bergmeier and fellow professionals from All Of The Above will help young people redesign vintage clothing sourced from the Kelmscott Drug ARM WA op-shop at special workshops in February. The finished pieces will feature in an Evolution@ Jull Street fashion parade, while the cute, retro Peachy caravan will be a sales hub on the day. All profits from the ReStyle clothes at Evolution@ Jull Street go to Drug ARM WA. Local textile artist and designer, Charlene O’Brien, will also host youth workshops in February as part of the festival build-up. Youth artists, fashion designers and craftspeople can be a part of the Evolution@ Jull Street event by securing a market stall at an affordable rate. Organisers are also seeking short films by young people – these will be FLASH• WS FLASH•NEWS shown at the temporary theatre in The Old Post Office, Jull Street. •NEWS FLASH•NE To book a stall, contribute a film or find out more about Evolution@ and UP Music Festival arket IT P AM g Jull Street, contact Armadale Youth Resources on 9497 1722 or lindy@ in ur at Fe style m e caravan and Re Peachy the Restyl ort Film Festival Evolution@Jull Street is a National Youth Week initiative of Armadale and the Sh SPONSORED BY Youth Resources, supported by Community Arts Network WA (CANWA), Department for Communities – Youth, Healthway and EvolutionatJullStreet Propel Youth Arts. **National Youth Week will be held from 13-22 April and is the largest Muso’s Swap Meet and Market enquiries to celebration of young people in Australia. The 2012 theme is Imagine. all other enquiries to This community event is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter Create. Aspire. RESOURCES
PAGE 25 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Evolution@Jull Street – Armadale’s National Youth Week Fashion, Music and Arts Festival
182 JULL JULL STREET, STREET, ARMADALE, ARMADALE, W.A. 22//182 W.A.6112 6112 Email: EMAIL: Web:
“Heaven in the Hills… An extraordinary garden in a breathtakingly beautiful setting”
CELEBRATING ONE HOT DECADE… Go for 2&5 ARALUEN’S FREMANTLE CHILLI FESTIVAL 2012 On the Esplanade, Fremantle Weekend of 10/11 March, 2012
Preparations are well underway for the ten-year anniversary celebrations of Araluen’s popular Chilli Festival. This event has grown from humble beginnings at Araluen Botanic Park, Roleystone to now rank as one of WA’s premier cultural events. The Go for 2 & 5 Araluen’s Fremantle Chilli Festival will be held on the Esplanade, Fremantle on the weekend of 10th & 11th March. Opening times are… Saturday, 11am – 5pm and Sunday, 10am – 5pm. “This event has grown enormously in popularity since inception due to its unique character and culture of sensational taste treats, infectious vibrant entertainment, plants, produce, demonstrations and much more,” says Araluen Botanic Park Foundation General Manager, Rod Ross. “The move to Fremantle from Araluen Botanic Park in 2010 facilitated an expansion of the popular cultural theme and offers visitors greater accessibility options. The proximity of public transport plus the day-of-entry festival pass-out availability will allow patrons the opportunity to explore and experience all that this great port city offers, “ he adds. Here’s what’s on offer: • Around 70 stallholders offering a diverse range of chilli plants, foods, beverages (including exotic beers, wines and spirits), tastings, products and information; • ‘Masters of Chilli’ interactive cooking demonstrations from a central stage all weekend, involving a number of WA’s leading chefs and personalities; • Non-stop roving entertainment all weekend; • Family-friendly ‘Carnival’ atmosphere’; • ‘Sow-A-Veg’ by Beyond Gardeners. Free fun activity for kids of all ages – ‘plant a seed, take it home and watch it grow’; • Non-Chilli lovers will also be well catered for. Most stallholders also offer mild and non-chilli or products; • Quirky Chilli Garden on display; • Affordable Entry Fee – Adults $15 Accompanying Children (up to 17yrs) FREE; • SmokeFree Event. “This event continues to be embraced by the Port City community through the excellent support of the City of Fremantle and the vibrant local business community, many of whom are introducing initiatives to leverage off the ‘Chilli’ theme over the festival weekend.” “The Araluen Botanic Park Foundation sees this event as an excellent fundraising and promotional opportunity to assist its important cause at Araluen Botanic Park. Patrons are encouraged to take advantage of a special Araluen Botanic Park entry offer that will be provided as they enter the festival.” A celebration on Fremantle Esplanade of everything Chilli including fresh foods, plants, pickles, chutneys, olives, cheese, chocolate, wine, beers and much more. Enjoy the carnival atmosphere, great The ‘chilli’ theme will continue into April at Araluen with a variety of music and experience ‘Masters of Chilli’ with celebrity chefs´ interactive cooking demonstrations. fruiting chilli plants on display. Adults $15 (children 0 - 16 free when accompanied by an adult). “We are delighted to acknowledge that this event is proudly sponsored 362 Croyden Road, Roleystone WA 6111. Phone 9496 1171. Email by Healthway to promote the Go for 2&5 message. For the health and Presented by comfort of others both this event and Araluen Botanic Park are Smoke Free venues.” Like to learn more? Simply phone 9496 1171 or visit the new website that now has a dedicated Chilli Festival page – www.araluenbotanicpark. Araluen Botanic Park is proudly supported by the Department of Environment and Conservation. THIS EVENT IS PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY THE VALLEY REPORTER
Catch the Chillies at Fremantle. Ara luen ’s Fr ema n tle Frema
Chilli F ntle Es estiv planade al
PAGE 26 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Join the celebrations on Sat. March 10, 11am-5pm and Sun. March 11, 10am-5pm.
City of Armadale Ward Review by Caroline Wielinga Local Governments are required to review their Ward systems every eight years, and the City of Armadale’s are now due for a review. The City currently has 7 Wards (Jarrah, River, Neerigen, Palomino, Minnawarra, Heron and Lake) with 2 Councillors in each (see http://www.armadale. Council/Councillors). Each Councillor should represent roughly the same number of residents, but due to the rapid urban expansion in the west around Forrestdale, this is not the case. As a result, at the least a review would be aiming to redraw the Ward boundaries and hence even up the numbers per Ward a bit.
There is likely to be another adjustment, however, as the State Government would prefer for there to be less Councillors per Local Government, with a goal between 6 and 9. The Council may try to retain 14 or so Councillors, or reduce their numbers to 9 or less. If a significantly lower amount of Councillors is the chosen option, there will probably be significant Ward boundary changes, or as was the case for Gosnells, a removal of the Wards altogether. There may also be Wards with different numbers of Councillors in each, depending on their size. Wards are roughly established to have residents with similar demographics/needs etc. In any event, it appears likely that the Hills region of the City of Armadale will have less Councillors representing it soon.
Real Estate News Release - Roleystone 20th Edition
Real Estate Secrets Exposed
Please email me your favourite related topic
by Fraser Willi
Total Listings Moving Towards Equilibrium of 12,000
Fraser Williams...
The amount of listings on the market in the Perth Metro area is going down!! You will notice that the number of listings peaked at 18,023 in April 2011 and has since dropped by 4,250 in January 2012 which equates to a 23.6% reduction in stock levels in the past 9 months.
in Roleystone than any other Sales Representative from any other company! (From 1.7.11, Source: REIWA)
The listing reduction has come about through a number of reasons including reduction of interest rates (costs less to borrow), increased housing affordability (you have to borrow less) and increasing rents (you may as well take the plunge and purchase a property instead of paying high rent). There has also been a modest increase in house prices as ‘upgraders’ are back in the marketplace – this is evident in the Southern Hills with good interest in homes between the $500,000 and $700,000 price bracket. First Home Buyers are busy as well; they currently form 29% of all sales. At this point in time, 2012 is looking like a very positive year in real estate. For further Real Estate News please see on Facebook: Fraser Williams – Property
Why compromise, it’s your call... Fraser Williams - Property
0439 092 248
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OVER TWICE as many properties
safari 2012 gaining speed The 2012 Australasian Safari is quickly gaining speed, with planning for this year’s event already firmly underway. Road crews have already locked down the first few legs of the race, with the course set to take a different direction to previous years. Discussions are being held in a number of Western Australian towns to find new locations for 2012. The course aims to stay in the mid west coast area, covering the Murchison and Gascoyne regions. There are some stunning stages planned that will showcase Western Australia’s diverse terrain, and provide a great challenge for competitors. Expressions of interest are open now, with less then two months to go for
discounted entries. We’ve already received interest from around Australia, as well as internationally from South Africa and Europe. A new addition to the 2012 event is the Safari Challenge, a great way to experience the thrill of the race first hand. It will allow road-registered 4WD’s to enter the competition elements of the Safari without the need for a competition vehicle. Also new for 2012 will be the inclusion of UTV’s and Side by Sides. More
details can be found in the Pre Event Guide, available to download online from For any assistance or additional information please contact the Australasian Safari office on 9445 2645 or email
WORKSHOP Workshop 21st March & 28th March (Intermediate) (Intermediate) 6:30 to 9:30pm 21st March & 28th March 21st March & 28th March
Limited places 6:30 to 9:30pm 6:30 to 9:30pm
Limited places Limited places Designed for those who know the basic functions and features of their digital camera and are looking to expand their knowledge.
PAGE 28 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Designed for those who know the basic functions and features of their digital camera and are looking to expand their knowledge.
Content: 21st March (Bring along your Camera and equipment)
*Getting21st the most your digital priority *Shutter priority Content: Marchfrom (Bring along yourcamera Camera*Aperture and equipment) *Program *Creative modes *Macro *Sportspriority *Nightlife *Jpegpriority quality *Getting the*Manual most from your digital camera *Aperture *Shutter *Portraiture/photographic recompose *Speed-lights for a mini home studio *Program *Manual *Creativecomposition/focus modes *Macro *Sports *Nightlife *Jpeg quality *Portraiture/photographic composition/focus recompose *Speed-lights for out a mini homedigital studioSLR *Getting the best out of your point and shoot camera *Getting the best of your *Getting the best middle out of your and shoot camera *Getting the best out of your digital SLR *Understanding greypoint *Photographing children *Understanding middle grey *Photographing children Content: 4th April Content: 4th April (This will be given to you the first week as a 2 week project to bring back and share with the class, for (This will be given to you the first week as a 2 week project to bring back and share with the class, for shared learning) shared learning) Challenge:portraiture portraitureininauto autoand and aperture and shutter Manual Challenge: aperture and shutter andand Manual Challenge:focus focusrecompose recomposeand and negative space Challenge: negative space Bookings - Tea and Coffee supplied. Bookingsare arelimited limited- $40 - $40per perperson person - Tea and Coffee supplied.
Bring the warmth of scented candles made of soy wax into your life and feel uplifted and renewed. Environmentally friendly and non-toxic. Making your own candle is easier than you may think, and you will leave this class with some beautiful creations that infuse your home with the fragrance of your choice. Make gifts for your friends and family of simply treat yourself
23rd March - 1pm to 3pm - Friday This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter NOTE: COMING SOON ThisCOURSE community group is proudly supported by Valley Reporter NOTE:PHOTOSHOP PHOTOSHOP COURSE COMING SOON $20The for the class and $20 for the supply kit.
19 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 19 Wygondafax. Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Ph.94961115 94961114 Ph.94961115 fax. 94961114 Email.
Email. This community 19 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 group is proudly Ph.94961115 fax. 94961114 supported by Email.
The Valley Reporter
Are you a Mum in Roleystone? Then check out the “Roleystone Mothers Rock” group on Facebook What was once just a handful of school mums invited to the Roleystone Country Club for a few Friday night drinks has now become a group boasting over 160 members! The Facebook page is a wonderful networking tool in an open forum setting for Roleystone mothers with children of all ages to spread information on local events (including sports), some of the mother’s business ventures, and of course updates on when the next girls night out is! The last girls night out was Friday 3rd of February at the Country Club, and had about 40 mothers in attendance. At each event the mothers hold a raffle to raise money for a different charity, the most recent of which resulted in $90 raised for Childhood Cancer Research. Other events planned include big family picnics at the local park, Christmas in July, which they just might let the husbands come to this time! “The main idea was for us Mums to keep each other posted on information and events within the community that affect us or interest us as mothers, and to also inform everyone about when the girls nights out are planned!” said Caren Dorman, administrator of the group. “It’s basically all us Mums having a bit of fun” added Emma Milanese. In addition to joining the group on Facebook, (or if you aren’t using Facebook) you can also join the email list! Just send an email with your name, advising you wish to join the list to and you will be added! While you won’t get all the forum information, you will still be advised of any upcoming events. PAGE 29 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Thanks goes to Ian Colquhoun from Roleybushcare for bringing this to The Valley Reporter’s attention
Bureau of Meteorology Statistics for September 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 8.6 C Maximum: 17.3 C Total Rainfall 168.4mm Statistics for October 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 11.0 C Maximum: 21.4 C Total Rainfall 78.8mm
© copyright 2012 Bureau of meteorology
Bickley – Western Australia
Statistics for November 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 12.3 C Maximum: 23.5 C Total Rainfall 64.6mm Statistics for December 2011 Temperature Average Minimum: 15.2 C Maximum: 27.9 C Total Rainfall 41.0mm Statistics for January 2012 Temperature Average Minimum: 16.9 C Maximum: 30.5 C Total Rainfall 52.8mm Western Australian Regional Office Bureau of Meteorology Ph: 9263 2222 Fax: 9263 2233. Accessed from the Bureau of Meteorology website
if exotic diseases such as footand-mouth disease (FMD) were accidently introduced to Australia. An outbreak of FMD in England in 2001 cost their economy equivalent to $16 billion dollars (in 2001 figures) and involved over 2000 cases and 10 million sheep and cattle were destroyed. An outbreak of similar magnitude in Australia would cause enormous damage to our economy, impact heavily on communities and farmers, and have significant consequences to our environment. What FeralPigScan provides: • A website on feral pigs providing useful information on feral pigs, their impacts, control techniques and where to go for assistance; • A mapping tool to help anyone map feral pigs, the damage (or problems) they cause, and areas where control is being undertaken; • A facility for landholders, landcare or community groups, local government, research groups or education institutions to access resources, connect with others, and find out about available funding support; • Joining FeralPigScan is easy. To read more go to
Pictured (left): A small mob of feral pigs can destroy hectares of crop in an evening, and rip up large areas search of food. Image source: S Lapidge. (right) Disturbed soil can lead to soil erosion, weeds, and reduced productive capacity of farmland. Image source: P West.
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Disclaimer; This product contains real-time data, loaded automatically with only limited quality control. The Bureau does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, correctness, accuracy, reliability, or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the information presented. The user accepts sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and results of this product, irrespective of the purpose to which such use or results are applied. in no event shall the Bureau of meteorology be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action contract, negligence or tort, rising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this product.
FeralPigScan is a new project that anyone can participate in. It is part of a citizen science project through the Invasive Animals CRC and provides a free web-based mapping tool to assist farmers, community groups, and individuals with the management of feral pigs and their impacts anywhere throughout Australia. Recent rainfall in many regions is expected to allow feral pig populations to increase and landholders, community groups and researchers are worried their numbers will boom in coming years. That is why we need to gather up-to-date information about where feral pig populations are located, so they can be controlled to prevent the damage they can cause. Feral pigs are estimated to cause $106.5 million damage each year to primary production, our environment and social values (estimated in 2004 dollars). They are also listed as a key threatening process for biodiversity, meaning they are a major threat to our native flora, fauna and ecosystems. Farmers face major problems with feral pigs each year as they damage crops, fences, water points, and spread livestock disease. Feral pigs threaten our food security and also pose a significant risk
Artsmartz is Back for 2012 Everyone is welcome to join the Artsmartz Club. Mrs Fez is excited and raring to go with lots of new ideas and lots of mediums to work with. Come to Roleystone Community College every Thursday, from 3.10pm – 4.30pm and head to the Artroom in Block 7. Parents are more than welcome, with tea and coffee provided. All we ask is a gold coin donation. Artsmartz begins in Week 3, children under 8 years of age must be accompanied by a parent.
The Leukaemia Foundation is calling on Australians to ‘be brave and shave’ during this year’s World’s Greatest Shave, to help raise $15 million for blood cancer research and support. The Leukaemia Foundation’s biggest fundraiser is back from 15-17 March, and thousands of people will get sponsored to shave or colour their hair to raise funds to help people with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders. Each week, approximately 17 West Australians are expected to be diagnosed with leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma. “Blood cancers are devastating. Treatment can begin within 24 hours and continue for years. It’s especially tough for the regional families who need to relocate to the city for treatment,” said Carolyn Turner, General Manager for the Leukaemia Foundation in WA. The money raised from the World’s Greatest Shave funds free services to support patients and their families, including information, emotional care, transport to and from treatment and accommodation for regional West Australians required to move closer to city hospitals. “Money raised also funds vital blood
cancer research. It will surprise many to learn that blood cancer is Australia’s biggest cancer killer after lung cancer, claiming a life every two hours,” she said. The Leukaemia Foundation is the only national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the care and cure of patients and families living with blood cancer and related blood disorders. It receives no ongoing government funding and relies on support from the community and corporate sector. “We are aiming to raise $1.9 million in WA and we need people of all ages and walks of life to take part at home, work or school. Happening again this year is our Mining Challenge and in schools across the country is ‘Crazy Hair Day 4 Kids’. It is great fun for a great cause,” said Carolyn. New this year and launching this week, is the World’s Greatest Shave “Chinface Yourself” app on Facebook. The app allows users to upload their own photo and create a ‘Chincharacter’, similar to those seen in the distinctive World’s Greatest Shave ads. Sign up early and give yourself the best chance of reaching your fundraising goal at worldsgreatestshave. com or 1800 500 088.
MAGIC MOON CHILDCARE Small friendly centre SPecialiSinG in 2-6yr oldS
28YRS Same qualified Owner/CO-OrdinatOr SinCe 1983-26yrS • experienced, caring staff • first aid police clearance • food safe/ nutritious meals • Safe, loving & fun environment • High quality care accredited • educational program and equipment, safe and secure adventure playground and garden hidden from view of public • away from traffic fumes Phone linda 9399 1838 for a time to visit and see for yourself 101 Forrest road armadale This community group is proudly supported by The VALLEY Reporter
Armadale PCYC creating opportunities for young people in the community through the delivery of recreational and educational activities & programs. Activities include Gymnastics for Boys & Girls, Jiu Jitsu, weightlifting & Police Rangers. Portable Climbing Wall also available to hire for all occasions. For information call: Armadale PCYC 2 Townley Street Armadale P: 9399 1091 E:
The Valley Reporter’s customers can now have the best online reading experience, it’s ventured into the world of digiTal publishing. having it online helps us get all your local news across fast and easily to all corners of the world. go to to view our current and past issues. leT’s sTay connecTed Facebook is the world’s largest social network service, with over 500 million users. let’s connect today, so we can share information more efficiently with you - our customers! The-Valley-Reporter
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Calling on all Aussies to be brave & shave to raise $15 million for blood cancer
“We must become the change that we want to see”
Capture the Memories
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Check out some of The VaLLey Reporter’s favourite photos collected over the years at These photos are available for purchase as are many other photos within The VALLEY Reporter. Please email: for details on how to obtain a photograph either as an A4 size or a 6” x 4” standard photo.
From the Principal On behalf of the Executive and staff I would like to formally welcome all families both new and existing to our College for 2012. There has been an enormous amount of work completed by a dedicated and committed group of parents and staff that has enabled us to reach this most important moment – week one of the Roleystone Community College journey. The community information and tour sessions were extremely well supported with over 600 individuals attending – generating much interest. As an outcome we have pleasingly secured far more enrolments then anticipated which has taken our College commencement numbers to over 700 students. Community representatives, Penny Walmsley, Kylie Arotis and Stacey Lochmuller have led, in recent weeks, a large group of ‘mums and dads’ who collectively have generated over ‘350 volunteer hours.’ This enabled a highly successful and strategic ‘Uniform Shop’ process to roll out seamlessly and ensure our students have been dressed so smartly. To all the uniform volunteers, once again I thank you for your hard work in what was extremely hot and uncomfortable conditions.
Indy Hamilton has been made Head Girl of Roleystone Community College for 2012. Indy said “As the first Head Girl of Roleystone Community College, I am looking forward to connecting with the younger children in activities and welcoming students to our fantastic new and improved College. I will be joined by 8 other students who are House Captains. As the Head Girl of RCC my role
Our Staff faculty for 2012 is rich in both experience and talent, complimented by youth and an unbridled enthusiasm for the year ahead. Families over the next few weeks should avail themselves of the opportunities to meet with their appropriate teachers during ‘classroom information’ sessions to occur over the first few weeks of term. I did advise at the ‘Information Sessions’ that the first set of College assemblies will occur in Week 5 where we will celebrate and present the Student Leadership Cohort for 2012 with their badges. At this time, I would like to congratulate Indy Hamilton on her appointment to the position of Head Girl and wish her every success in her role. She will be ably assisted by a suite of ‘to be elected’ Student Leaders from Years 5 – 10. In addition, our Deans of House will be initiating a selection process to identify our ‘House Captains’ for this year. In closing, I would like to wish staff, students and families a most enjoyable and successful Roleystone Community College experience and thanks once again to those families who have featured so strongly these past two years in terms of support and encouragement. Sincerely, Peter Thatcher.
will also require me to represent the College in Community forums when required by the Principal, Mr. Peter Thatcher”. Congratulations Indy!
Now serving a
The Minnawarra Festival is truly a community celebration. There is something for everyone, with displays, crafts, food stalls, games and rides, free activities for children and live music. Many local community groups also have a presence on the day. This event spreads across Minnawarra and Memorial Parks, Armadale Town Hall and Jull St Mall.
6 Wygonda Rd Roleystone
Minnawarra Festival Sunday 18 March
Friday Night Meals • New Caterers • Great Atmosphere • Nonmembers welcome
Event Schedule Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm. Venue: Minnawarra Park. For more information phone 9399 0642 or Email:
• Great Prices • Bring along your family and friends
ComingWedSneosdoaynNi!ght Meals event, a great way to celebrate the night and help raise funds for WWF. Finally, don’t forget to check out this year’s WWF Earth Hour Awards - celebrating grassroots community action by the people for the planet. At the end of the day, Earth Hour is not about saving an hour’s electricity, it’s about uniting people to protect the planet. And the best thing? Each one of us can be a part of it. Ref:
LOCAL stars
Do you know someone who has a hobby or a special interest?
To make a booking Ring 9397 5665 afTeR 5pm
*Pictures for illustration purposes only
This printing has been proudly supported and reproduced by FN GRAFIX –
500 With Comp Slips
500 Stickers
Laminating from $4.00
Start the year off with a big
250 Flyers
500 B-Cards
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Colour P-Copies from $3.50
500 L-Heads
We would like to feature these interesting people within The Valley Reporter, but we need you to tell us who they are. Any age counts, who is our community legend?
Please feel free to submit your details to me in the following ways so I can add them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Phone: 0400 428 119 Fax: 9397 5136 Email: 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone
Mobile: 0400 428 119
Office Hours: 8am-4pm 5 Days Mon to Fri Fax: 9397 5136 Email: 23 WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE WA 6111
PAGE 33 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
uniting people to protect the planet Held each year at 8:30pm on the last Saturday in March, Earth Hour is a WWF initiative which symbolises the collective power of individuals, businesses and governments to reduce our environmental impact on this one and only planet we call home. From it’s beginnings in one city in one country - Sydney - Earth Hour has grown to millions of people in over 5000 cities across 135 countries, a truly global community committed to creating a more sustainable planet. Want to get involved? The first step is signing up to show your support. Next step, planning something fun for the evening! In 2012 we’re encouraging communities around Australia to throw a local “Earth Hour Unplugged”
Boston Marriage
Is proud to announce it’s 2012 Season: Boston Marriage April Much Ado About Nothing July Blithe Spirit September Avenue Q (Musical) November / December Bookings: The Chapmans - 9397 5730 or book and pay on the website The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports the ROLEYSTONE THEATRE
Roleystone Theatre is preparing for their 2012 program with the WA premiere of David Mamet’s comedy “Boston Marriage”, which is currently in rehearsal. Under the direction of Lesmurdie resident Eliot McCann, “Boston Marriage” follows the story of Anna and Claire, two 'women of fashion' who live together on the fringes of upper class society in early 20th century America. Anna (Cicely Binford) has just become the mistress of a wealthy man, from whom she has received an enormous emerald and an income to match. Claire (Lisa Skrypichaiko), meanwhile, is infatuated with a respectable young lady and wants to enlist the jealous Anna's help for an assignation. As the two women exchange barbs and take turns tormenting Anna's hapless maid (Amy Russotti), Claire's young inamorata suddenly appears, triggering a crisis that put both the valuable emerald and the women's futures at risk. The acclaimed playwright David Mamet is best known for the Pulitzer Prize winning drama “Glengarry Glen Ross”, and his screenplays for “Wag The Dog” and “State and Main”. A sharp and fast paced comedy reminiscent of Oscar Wilde, Roleystone Theatre’s production of “Boston Marriage” plays April 13, 14, 18, 20 and 21 at 8pm. Bookings can be made on 9397 5370 or at
Locals Paul Treasure, directs and Penny Ramsell features in Kwinana Theatre Workshop’s production of
WANT TO EARN EXTRA POCKET MONEY? A mature person is required to deliver The Valley Reporter’s around to our 54 convenient other locations on a Monday once a month in Roleystone, Kelmscott and Armadale, worth $60! (must have own transport) Interested then phone Fiona 0400 428 119
PAGE 34 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Open: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Fax: 9397 5136
Next Club Nights:
Saturday 18th Feb & 17th March 5:30pm Setup
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
“The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society Production of Macbeth” Kwinana Theatre Workshop is becoming the venue for one of the most disastrous evening's entertainment in many years. The ladies of the Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society are putting on their annual production, and this year it is a certain Shakespeare play that is well known for things going wrong... and boy, do they go wrong! Written by David MacGillivray and Walter Zerlin, Jr. this uproarious comedy play within a play, directed by Paul Treasure introduces the housing estate ladies and their producer, Plummer, and stage manager Henry. Their startlingly original production of Macbeth should get them to the Welwyn Garden City Finals, but with the carefully mascara’d eye of adjudicator George Peach, events conspire against them. Set in a village hall in a small country town somewhere in the south of England, the lovely ladies from Farndale do to Shakespeare’s Macbeth what Macbeth does to Scotland! The Farndale society are renowned for their legendary stage mishaps and audiences will again be keen as mustard to live their best performance, no matter what the play. In best comedic style as the play dictates, their dedication and enthusiasm is not matched by their ability. If anything possibly can go wrong it most probably will and generally does! Director, Paul Treasure explains that this play is a hilarious parody of one of Shakespeare's most notorious play. “The play was first performed for the Edinburgh Comedy Festival, where it won first prize.
Since then has been performed all over the world, and spawned a number of sequels, where the Farndale ladies take on everything from Noel Coward through to Science Fiction and even Gilbert and Sullivan. While the play uses the Scottish Play as its basis, it doesn't require a knowledge of the Shakespeare to enjoy its humour”. "In recent years I have been mainly directing big musicals, like Shout! and Charlotte's Web at Mandurah Performing Arts Centre, and thought that one of the Farndale plays would be a nice antidote to all the stress that comes from these mammoth ventures. It is good just getting back to roots again, and working with some of my favourite actors." 11 performances only (including two Sunday matinees) Featuring: Don Lee, Kharlee Hamel, Peter Carr, Rachael Hayter, Mel Sklenars, Penny Ramsell, Pamela Brown, Claire Ashcroft, Mark Thompson. Performance Dates: Feb 16, 17, 18, 19*, 23, 24, 25, 26*, March 1, 2, 3 Time: All shows commence at 8pm, *except Sunday Feb 19 & 26 at 2pm Doors open 30 minutes prior to curtain Venue: Koorliny Arts Centre, Sulphur Rd, Kwinana Tickets: Full $20, Conc $17 Bookings: Koorliny Arts Centre phone: 9467 7118 Book online - www.
A Great Community Night Out Last Saturday, our beautiful bush setting at the Karragullen oval was the venue for the Roleystone Scouts first ever Movies Under the Stars event. As the big rig picture screen from Rural Cinemas was being set up, the first of 200 families, grandparents and kids started to arrive, bearing picnics, chairs and beanbags to settle in for a fantastic community night. Everyone enjoyed the locally made Roleystone high anti-smoking short film “No Reason”, as well as the inspiring 2013 promo for the Scout jamboree, which showed as they chowed down on a gourmet sausage sizzle with home made chutneys and sauces. In true Roleystone fashion, things didn’t go quite to plan and contingency plans had to be made. First, the antique toilets (which seriously need an upgrade) had the gentlemen easing the bushland drought, and the women finding their way in the dark... that is until the Casurina truck rolled This community group is proudly supported by Theinto Valleytown Reporterwith all the spotlights, headlights, pretty lights, beepers and whistles you could imagine. During the feature film, Pixars “Up”, the retic came on and the kangaroos came out, but luckily none were close enough to upset the nights proceedings. All in all, it was a great community night out and successful fundraiser, which had many people asking when the next one would be held. A big thanks must go to our many sponsors, in particular the Roleystone Cricket club, who kindly helped out with a double booking on the oval. Also, thanks to Cr Grant Nixon who did a bit of council wrangling on our behalf. Let’s do it again! Denise Hardie, Roleystone Scouts Fundraising Committee.
Photographs courtesy of Leone Cottam-Williams.
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
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mobile car detailing call 0411 654 119
Business Trading Hours: 7am-3pm 5 Days Mon-Fri
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
10 reasons to shop local … things to let your customers know
Local shops sell a wide variety of great products at affordable prices. You’d be surprised by the range of products and gifts available at your local stores. Shopping local saves you money. Out-of-town shops have done a great job convincing us that sole trading = expensive, but the evidence doesn’t back this up at all. If you consider how much it costs your wallet (and your watch) to travel to shops further away, plus parking, and the fees to transport larger items home, the overall cost is much higher. Shopping locally retains our communities. People don’t like losing shops and services in small towns and villages, but often neglect to show this in how they spend their money. Shops will only survive if customers spend locally, so if you want to keep your vibrant town centre, where people can socialise as well as shop, make sure you shop locally. Shopping local retains our uniqueness – no clone towns allowed! Many town centres across the country can start looking the same, what with certain recurring franchises and multinationals. Independent shops create distinctive shopping experiences, and keep traditional local products in stock. They respond more quickly to the needs of local customers, providing products to meet the changing population’s needs. They can also be more innovative! Shopping local saves the environment. We are all aware of CO2 emissions and the impact we have on our environment. Local shops, which stock a high percentage of local sourced goods and products do not require long car and bus journeys to get to, meaning that shopping local helps reduce your carbon footprint. Shopping local creates jobs. Shops in our town centres and villages generate local employment and self employment for people, who in turn spend their money in the local economy. Over half a million people are employed in retail in our rural towns and villages. Local independent shops invest more in our community. Sole traders and independent stores are proportionally more generous in their support for local charities, carnivals, schools and community events. Supporting local shops means a financial return for our community. Local shops are for everyone! Even the elderly, the very young, or those without access to transport can get to their local shops easily. Keeping your shops open by buying locally helps the whole community. Local shops value you more. Evidence shows people receive better customer care and service in local shops, where their individual needs can be catered to. Traders often survive solely by their reputation and repeat business - so shopping local means that you get a higher standard of service. Shopping local saves services. Private, voluntary and public sector services cluster around shops. The loss of the high street often corresponds to a reduction in these services. As shops disappear, so do hairdressers, vets, dentists etc. SO… shop smart, shop local
PAGE 36 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
SPORTS stars
ore ordable More More affordable More affordable than affordable affordable ever! than than than ever! than ever! ever! ever!
Do you know someone who excels at sport? We want to feature sports achievers within The Valley Reporter, but we need you to tell us who they are. Any age counts, who is your living legend?
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your “Give s something “Give customers your “Give your customers they your customers something are customers more something something they likely something are to they more keep” they arelikely they more are more are tolikely keep” more likely to keep” likely to keep” to keep”
8siwi 515 (WA) Enterprises asKiwi Pty Trustee Ltd Enterprises A.C.N. (WA) for Kiwi the Pty 121 Enterprises Newland (WA) Ltd 488 A.C.N. Pty 515 Family Ltd (WA) as 121 A.C.N. Trustee Trust Pty 488Ltd 121 515 trading forA.C.N. 488 as theTrustee as Newland 515 121 FN as488 Grafi for Trustee Family the 515 x A.B.N. Newland as for Trust Trustee the 25trading Newland Family 121 for579 the as Trust Family 862 FN Newland trading Grafi Trust xFamily A.B.N. as trading FNTrust Grafi 25as121 trading FN x A.B.N. 579 Grafi as 862 x25 FN A.B.N. 121 Grafi 579 25 x A.B.N. 121 862 579 25862 121 579 862
Office Hours: 8am-4pm Office 5 DaysHours: Mon Office to8am-4pm FriHours: Office 5Hours: 8am-4pm Days OfficeMon 8am-4pm Hours: 5 to Days Fri 8am-4pm 5Mon Days toMon 5FriDays to Fri Mon to Fri Fax: 9397 5465. Email: Fax: 9397 5465. Fax: 9397 Email: Fax:5465. 9397 Fax: Email: 5465. 9397 Email: 5465. Email: 9397 5136. 23 WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE 23 WYGONDA 23 WYGONDA WA ROAD, 236111 WYGONDA ROLEYSTONE 23 ROAD, WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE WA ROLEYSTONE ROAD, 6111 ROLEYSTONE WA 6111 WA 6111WA 6111
Call Fiona now on Call 0400 Fiona 428 Callnow 119 Fiona Call onFiona Call now 0400Fiona on now 4280400 119 on now 0400 428 on119 428 0400119 428 119
“First chance to“First makechance a“First lasting “First chance to Impression” make “First chance toachance make lasting to make a to lasting Impression” make a lasting Impression” a lasting Impression” Impression”
Please feel free to submit your details to me in the following ways so I can add them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Phone: 0400 428 119 Fax: 9397 5136 Email: 23 Wygonda Rd Roleystone
Season Makers Call Nigel Bray now on 0400 074 844 AIRPORT TRANSFERS Roleystone Transfer and Charter Call David Mackey on 0412 953 638
BOBCAT & TIP TRUCK Roleystone Bobcat 0418 625 925 Call Joe Dirt 9397 9860 bookkeeper & myob software Jewels Business Support call Julia 0409 203 512 BRICK & HIGH PRESSURE CLEANING Jack’s Brick & High Pressure Cleaning 0412 860 310, 9496 3206 BRICKLAYING S & LJ Rigby Contractors Stan Mob: 0418 920 148 A/Hrs: 9397 5768 BRIDAL & FORMAL SHOP A Touch of Class by Tamukami 2/2155 Albany Hwy Gosnells 9490 9909 BUILDER David J Willis Building Phone: 9496 1262 Mobile: 0408 959 340 White Rose Building Co David Fowler P: 9498 3843 Mob: 0402 785 894 BUS CHARTER Roleystone Transfer and Charter Call David Mackey on 0412 953 638
ANTENNAS AAA TV Antennas When quality & service matters 20Yrs Exp Andrew 0413 779 537 Roleystone Antennas Ph: 0411 536 883 Antenna Home Theatre Install/Repairs ARTIST Susan Angwin Classes to be held at the Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy. Phone: 0400 037 818 AUTO-MECHANICAL A Grade Mechanical 11 Wygonda Road Phone: 9397 5244 BUTCHER Lino’s Mobile Roleystone Family Meats Mechanical Services Phone: 9397 5580 0425 125 207 2, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone S&E Automotives Easy pick CABINETMAKER up & drop off for Roleystone Cabinetmaker-Frank Residents Steve 9258 6962 9496 0037 (after 5pm) WJ & KS Automotives CANVAS 447 Chevin Road Custom Canvas & Tonneau Phone: 9397 5666 call Anita Ph: 9497 1596 BANK Mob: 0421 545 536 Roleystone-Karragullen CAR DETAILING Community Bank® Open M-F Once Over Mobile Car 9-5pm Sat 9-12pm 9397 7466 Detail Jason 0411 654 119 BEAUTY THERAPISTS CARPENTRY Holly’s Skin & Beauty Habitat WA Timber doors Shop 1, 198 Brookton & windows Ph: 9397 9838 Hwy Kelm. Ph: 9390 0583 M: 0413 148 460 Studio One Skin Health CHILDCARE & Beauty 4a 2756 Albany Magic Moon Childcare Hwy Kelmscott 9390 2313 Phone: Linda 9399 1838 blinds / trimming 101 Forrest Rd Armadale All Out Blinds CHIROPRACTOR Roleystone Chiropractic Paul Liva 0408 721 937 Josh Morton 0451 675 100 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone
COMPUTER REPAIRS ELECTRICIAN MEDICAL CENTRE Bigsi Computer Solutions Roleystone Family Roleystone Property call Simon 9397 9046 Medical Ctr Ph: 9397 7122 Maintenance Mobile: 0433 838 394 Unit 1/9 Wygonda Rd Call Alex 0401 979 866 ORGANIC PRODUCTS COMMUNITY EVENT FENCING Aura Hairdressing Cross Park Skate Park Rural Fencing Call John Shop 10/21 Jarrah Rd Redevelopment Young People0418 953 591 or Phone: 9496 3950 4pm @ Roley Hall, Local Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 Residents-6.30pm @ RFNC Catabree & Magnolia FIREWOOD 52 Fourth Rd Armadale CONCRETE Roleystone Firewood Phone: 9399 2992 Decorative Concrete Free Local Delivery Resurfacing System Earthbound Organics Call Simon on 9397 6313 Transforming Crete Designs Open 7 Days 9.30amGARDEN SUPPLIES Call Pete now 0438 979 582 5.30pm Ph: 9397 7899 Karragullen Gravel & K & K Concrete PAINTER Garden Supplies Kevin Campbell Phone/Fax: 9397 6854 Brush Worx Terry Griffiths Mobile: 0433 728 478 0430 115 178 HAIRDRESSING CONFERENCE VENUE A New Do Hair-n-Beauty Waterford Executive PARTITIONS & CEILINGS 4a 2756 Albany Hwy Conferencing Kelmscott 9390 2313 Jacmo Partitions & Phone: 9399 7272 Ceilings Mob: 0418 943 320 Aura Hairdressing dentIST Ph/Fax: 9496 1015 (Rod) Shop 10/21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone Dental Phone: 9496 3950 PIANO TUITION Surgery Ph: 9397 6337 Billy Shears The Hair Club Simply Music 9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Unit 2a Brackenridge Village Emma 0488 630 811 DOGWASH Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd 9397 9219, 0431 908 074 It’s A Dogs Life plastering Call Monique on Catabree & Magnolia de GRAAF PLASTERING 0413 261 352 52 Fourth Rd Armadale Obligation Free Quote Phone: 9399 2992 DREAM CONSULTANT 0438 399 464 Karizma Hair Studio Jenifer’s Pillow Talk PLUMBING 2, 198 Brookton Highway Mobile: 0417 945 988 ABM Plumbing Phone: 9390 7506 Call Andy 0419 986 923 HARDWARE DRIVEWAYS Office: 9293 7524 Roleystone Hardware Creative Driveways & Findlay Plumbing & Gas Fencing Call John Ph/Fax: 17, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone Phone: Phone/Fax: 9390 1940 9397 6854 or 0418 953 591 9397 5643. Open: Mon-Thur 9-5.30, Mobile: 0409 297 939 Fri 11-5.30, Sat 8.30-4, Sun 10-2 EARTHMOVING PRINTING HIGH PRESSURE WASHING F & M.J. Armenti FN Grafix Call Fiona (HOT & COLD) Phone: 9397 6372 on 0400 428 119, 23 Grime Scene Clean Fax: 9397 6374 Wygonda Rd, Roleystone 0447 905 500 Domestic, EATERIES REAL ESTATE Industrial, Commercial Genesis in the Hills Roleystone Real Estate jewellery designer 124 Croyden Rd Roleystone Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Olil Jewellery Design Phone: 9397 7799 Rd Roleystone 9397 6300 4, 2 Soldiers Rd Roleystone John 0419 912 469 Kim Valley Chinese 9496 1100, 0415 692 322 Fraser 0439 092 248 Restaurant 4, 198 Brookton LAWNMOWING Hwy Kelm Ph: 9495 1188 RECREATION CENTRE Bee Jay’s Garden Services Roley’s on the Ridge Roleystone Recreation Cnr Soldiers Rd & Brookton 9397 6264, 0412 509 526 Centre 8 Wygonda Road Hwy Ph: 9496 0666 LAWYER Roleystone Ph: 9397 6538 The Manse Restaurant JK Legal Your Family Law ROOF restorations 31 Church Ave Armadale Team 6/26 Prospect Rd Total Roof Care Phone: 9399 6078 Armadale Ph: 6196 0401 Ring Steve 0419 854 587 ELECTRICIAN massage therapist Darling Range Electrical Mensana Professional SEPTICS Call Glen Weaver Massage Service Steven Care West Liquid Waste 0421 567 423, 9397 6015 Rouse 0438 955 419 Domestic or Commercial High Point Electrical Please call Paul 0408 093 073 Call Marius 0419 004 475
PAGE 37 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
ACCOUNTANTS Araluen Accountancy 57 Ridgehill Rise Phone/Fax: 9397 9253 Jacqueline T. Hunt Phone: 9496 1886 Stokes & Associates 10 Wygonda Road Phone: 9496 1247 AIR CONDITIONING
This is a free service where every advertiser that places an advertisement with “The Valley Reporter” automatically is listed on this page. The idea of it is for it to be used as a fast reference to businesses and services. Each business will have a maximum of three (3) lines which will include a company name, address and contact details and these will be categorised and listed alphabetically. As another free service you will find every advertiser is also listed under our Local Business Directory at
Did you know.... Our first priority is to make sure we deliver to every household in Roleystone & it’s surrounding areas but if you are not a Roleystone resident, & still would like to get a copy of The Valley Reporter, you can always pick one up at our 54 convenient other locations • Roleystone Orchard • Roley’s on the Ridge • Araluen Nursery & Garden Tearooms • Roleystone Newsagency • Roleystone Recreation Centre • Earthbound Organics • Kim Valley Chinese Restaurant • Roleystone Community College • Lesmurdie Senior HS (Community Library) • The Roasted Bean Café • Armadale Visitor Centre • Valley Grower Supermart • Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital Kiosk • Cellarbrations Karragullen • Pickering Brook Sports Club • Roleystone Fish & Chips • Pickering Brook General Store • Tomeo’s Service Station • Roleystone Lunchbar & Takeaways • Araluen Golf Resort • Bedfordale Child Care Centre • Raeburn Orchard • Holly’s Skin & Beauty • Roleystone Country Club • Karizma Hair Studio • Good Shepherd Catholic PS • WJ & KS Automotives • Gull - Karragullen • Roleystone Family Medical Centre • Genesis in the Hills • Stokes & Associates • RK Seniors Club • United Petrol Station - Roleystone • Roleystone Real Estate • City of Armadale (Council Offices) • Araluen Botanic Park • Waterford Executive Conferencing • Roleystone Karate • Rainbow Riding School • The Manse Restaurant • John Wollaston Community Anglican School • Roleystone Theatre • Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre • Roleystone Auto Centre • Armadale, Kelmscott & Westfield Libraries • The Grape Gallery • A New Do Hair-N-Beauty & Studio One • Roleystone Fire Station
SHOPPING CENTRE Roleystone Supa IGA 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC Ph: 9397 5549, 9397 5585 TILING Anfield Tiling Service Wall & Floor Tiling Phone Chris 0421 222 138 tool centre Toolmart Aust P/L Sales, Service, Spares & Repairs Kelm 9390 9000 TRAVEL AGENTS Travelways Ph: 9490 2100 Fax: 9490 3622 1, 2223 Albany Hwy Gosnells
VALLEYReporter A fresh new approach with what’s happening in Roleystone...
12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty Ltd ACN: 121 488 515 as Trustee for the Newland Family Trust trading as The VALLEY Reporter ABN: 25 121 579 862
Prices subject to change without further notice. ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VALLEY Reporter
$35.00 per for as little as 5424 $50.00 Fionayear Newland Telephone: 9397
Editor and Publisher Please send The VALLEY Reporteris subscription to: (please print) 23 WYGONDA ROAD ROLEYSTONE Please Note: Postage withiN australia oNly
mrs/ms/miss/mr name/initial Open: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Email: Facsimile: 9397 5465 Website: surname address suburb
alley Reporter b-cards.indd 1
BUSINESS FOR SALE The Roasted Bean Café for all enquiries please contact Julie 9397 9927 Horse Agistment Roleystone. New fencing, lge yards, other agisters, endless trail riding in bush. Call Helen on 0402 403 269 or 9397 5921 for more info or to come and view
29/8/08 12:20:34 PM
email Post form to: 23 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Fax: (08) 93979397 51365465 Email: Website: EFTDirect or Paypal Payments can be made by by Cash, Cash, Cheque, Cheque, Credit Credit Card, Card or Deposit Bank Details: Bendigo Bank, BSB (Branch): 633000, Acct No: 130630304, Acct Name: Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty. Ltd.
Have you recently celebrated a special occasion? Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary, Christening, then let everyone know by putting it in The Valley Reporter
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Cleaner Roleystone area $25 per hour. Honest, reliable, police and working with children clearances. Available from 1pm daily volunteers wanted Phone: Sue 9397 7999, Radio Lollipop urgently 0419 397 711 requires volunteers for the Armadale Hospital HOUSE SITTER Mature, Children’s Ward. If you active, responsible, have a spare 2hrs p/wk, trustworthy 40yr old fem are over 18 & would like exp in house/pet sitting. I to bring some happiness love animals, I’m a nonto a child’s hospital stay. smoker & non-drinker & I Ph: Helen 9390 8850, have a National Police clear 0458 888 498 or Radio & refs for house-sitting, Lollipop on 9340 8835 employment & prev rental.
Having a Garage Sale? Then let everyone know by putting it in The Valley Reporter
The Valley Reporter is committed to ensuring the privacy of your information. The information on this form is used for subscription purposes only.
water tanks Waterwise Tanks Phone: 9495 2828 Mobile: 0417 171 998 WROUGHT IRON/REPAIRS McAuliffe’s Wrought Iron Metal Art 9496 1348, 0417 966 599 Steve’s Unique Eco Handmade Art Shop 2, 2 Soldiers Rd 9496 2099
These various locations are NOT distributors but have kindly made the latest issue of The Valley Reporter readily available for you to enjoy!
TRAVEL AGENTS Travelworld Ph: 9497 2554 Fax: 9497 2949 2/182 Jull St Armadale TREE SERVICES JMC Tree Services Phone: 9497 1596 Mobile: 0409 118 912 WA Treeworks Phone: David 9496 0306 Freecall: 1800 088 733 veterinary service Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services Call Judith Congrene 0433 2137 28
I wrk 3-4 days p/wk in educ with children w/special needs & admin. I don’t have children or pets of my own & I’m usually relaxing at home when I’m not out at wrk. I’m looking for house sits of 4wks or longer for 1 Feb-17 May & 18 JunNov’12. Please contact Suezi 0415 035 247
other IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Armadale Police 9399 0222, Healthdirect Hotline 1800 022 222, Poison Information Centre 13 11 26, Fire & Emergency Services 1300 657 209, SES 132 500, Western Power 131 351, Alinta Gas 13 13 51, Telstra 132 203, Roleystone Volunteer Fire Services (Robbie van Uden) 9397 5406, CoA Ranger Services 9399 0111 or 1300 886 885, Smoky Vehicle Reporting 1800 076 659, Synergy (faulty street lights) 1800 622 008, Water Corporation 131 375, FESA Information Line 1300 657 209, Mensline 1300 789 978, Family Helpline & Domestic Violence 1800 643 000, Samaritans 9381 5555, Life Line 13 11 14, Relationships Australia 1300 364 277, Quitline 13 78 48, Prostate Cancer Foundation 1800 220 099, Suicide Helpline 1300 362 787, Cancer Helpline 13 11 20, Drug Info 1800 069 700, Gamblers Assist 1800 633 635, Mens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599, Womens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339, Kids Helpline 1800 551 800, For Passenger Assistance on Transperth Train Services call 1800 800 022, Illegal Dumping Hotline: 1300 766 541
Your not-for-profit event or activity can be listed here FREE and is open to local community and sporting groups courtesy of The Valley Reporter
Armadale Visitor Centre 40 Jull St, Armadale Ph: 9399 0410 Araluen Botanic Park 362 Croyden Rd, Roleystone Ph: 9496 1171 Araluen Golf Resort Country Club Ave, Roleystone Ph: 9397 9000 Brackenridge Village & Roleystone Village KOFUKAN Corner of Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone. Enjoy KOFUKAN KARATE-DO KARATE-DO INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL great food, wine, jewellery, giftware, unique arts & crafts, ROLEYSTONE DOJO organic food, beauty and an art gallery Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Karragullen Expo October 2012. Showcasing the latest Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Confidence, Respect & Discipline in Horticultural Machinery. Gates open 9-4.30 Adults $10, Confidence, Respect & Discipline Improve your personal well being & Pensioners & Children over 12yrs $5, Children under 12yrs Improve your personal well being & FREE. Karragullen Oval, Old Station Rd Karragullen Improve your social awareness Improve yourPh. social awareness 113th Kelmscott Annual Show October 2012 Enquiries 9397 5688 Rushton Park, Kelmscott. General Enquiries 9495 4001 KIDSEnquiries Ph. ADULT Enquiries 9397 9397 5688 or5688 0419 946 661 or 0419Ph. 946 661 CLASSES KIDS ADULT email: Qualified Karate NCAS Accredited CLASSES or Instructor 0419 946& 661 CLASSES Qualified Karate FreeInstructor créche available & NCAS Accredited CLASSES Pickering Brook Agricultural Show May 2012 Ph: 9293 8263 Email: Free créche available NewTraining TrainingDays Times for Tuesdays Training & Thursdays Times2012 Roleystone Hall Roleystone Theatre Inc. 587 Brookton Highway Roleystone. Jnrs 5.30-6.30pm (up to 12yrs), Snrs 6.30-8pm Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah Tuesdays & Thursdays (13yrsTraining & up), Jnr Beginners & WhiteTraining Belts Tuesdays only Days Times Roleystone Hall Closed during school holidays Snrs (13yrs & older) 6-7.30pm For Bookings Ph: 9397 5730. Rds, Roleystone during schoolJnrs holidays Thursdays (5-12yrs) 5-6pm Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah Tuesdays & Closed Valley View Garden Golf Earthbound Organics Brackenridge The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports roLEYstonE kArAtE Rds, Roleystone Closed during school holidays Snrs (13yrs & older) 6-7.30pm Village, Shop 4, 1 Soldiers Road Roleystone. Ph: 9397 7899 The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports roLEYstonE kArAtE Kalamunda District Bridge Club holds weekly day & evening sessions for both competitive and social bridge. A beginners’ course commences on Oct 3rd 7pm. Contact Andy Leal 9291 6451 or email: If I have forgotten to mention you in the What’s On - your local COMMUNITY CALENDAR section please feel free to submit your contact details to Email: thevalleyreporter@
Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club (Inc) 46 Jarrah Road, Roleystone Phone : 9496 3166 E-mail:
We are an energetic group of “Over 50’s” and some of our regular activities for members are: • Mahjong • Bingo • Book Club • Lunches • Whist • Indoor Bowls • Cards • Members Lending Library
up-dates • Plants • Toysfor • Gift Ideas • Sausage Sizzle what may on • Music • Clothes • Cakes •the Jams, Pickles & unfold for Chutneys • Bric-a-Brac markets • Books • And many more....
If you would like a stall at the markets, call Juliette on 9397 5037
Roleystone Toy Library
joinNOW! now! JOIN
we Sat Weare areopen openTues Wed1.45-2.30pm 11.30-12.15 &&Sat 9.30-10.30am the school term. 9.30-10.30am during school term. ALL ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE Any enquiries please call 9496 1115 or HEATHER WHITEHEAD 9496 0119 email
Community Coordinator E:
Mobile: 0418 956 519 Phone: 08 9496 0035
Co-Community Coordinator E:
Mobile: 0407 445 473 Phone: 08 9397 6534
Meetings are held every month (can be every 2nd) on Monday nights with a 7pm start time. Attendees are not limited to committee members as a public interest is warranted. Anyone wishing to attend can call Evie Molson on 0418 956 519.
Roleystone Community Alive Group Supporting a Community that supports each other This printing has been proudly supported & reproduced by FN GRAFIX –
A Church of Christ
SUNDAY SERVICE 9.30am Youth Group, Sunday School, Craft Group, Bible Study, Prayer Group, Missionary Support
For enquiries phone Gerry 9397 5730
this spaceSchool WatchPrimary Roleystone
KETS HELD ONMAR THE 1ST SUNDAY 2012??? OF EVERY MONTH ll We are sti this! 9am 12noon ng on workitill
Roleystone Volunteer Fire Brigade Jarrah Rd every Monday 5-8.30pm or phone
Noel 9397 6370 Rob 9397 5406
Social TenniS iS7pm-8.30pm played aT The club • Social Tennis Monday nights • Wednesday mornings adulTS; WedneSday morningS from 9am 9am onwards • Friday mornings 9am-11am (run through Family Centre with Creche) • Sunday afternoons 2pm-4pm and Junior TenniS
Bookings and and keys for public court hire are available through Bookings through the the Roleystone Video Network Store, Jarrah Shops - 9496 Roleystone VideoRoad Phone: 9496 16161616. PO Box 172 Kelmscott WA 6991. Email: PO Box 172 Kelmscott WA 6991. E: Wendy Shearwood (Sec.) 9397 5305 WendyTucker Tucker (Pres.) (Pres. &9397 Club6620, Capt.)Graham 9397 6620, Tracey Backhouse (Sec.) Helen Mantle (Treas.) & Virginia Bird (Club 9496 0053,9390 Myles2335 Hay-Hendry (Treas.) 9390 Capt.) 4740 9390 7668
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– your local community calendar
One lucky winner will receive
Worth of prizes... In the ‘RRE Ultimate Family Giveaway’ $2,500 Roleystone IGA account - $2,500 Better Choice Roleystone fuel account $2,500 Credit Card Payment - $2,500 Travel Voucher
To enter the draw simply register for a copy of our monthly electronic ‘Property Guide’ E-mail your name & address to
PAGE 40 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
(Entries close 12:00 noon 1st June 2012)