VALLEYReporter YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter.
No.92 – March/April ‘12
F2C SWANS USA Tour 2012
© Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
See Page 10 for the full story
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PAGE 2 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Community Contacts Roleystone Community Youth Workers Stuart Hight and Joyce Arnott 0408 956 559 Email: Roleystone Badminton Club Trudie 9397 6920 Roleystone Hall Tues 9.15-11am, Wed 7.30-9.30pm Roleystone Girls’ Brigade Yvonne 9397 5153 RK Snr Cricket Club Graham Fuller (Pres) 0400 195 061 RK Jnr Cricket Club in2cricket Jnrs 5-9yrs Mike 0448 878 257 Roleystone Jnr Football Club Sean Ashby (Pres) 0467 814 004, Connie Saffioti (Reg) 9397 5191 Roleystone Snr Football Club Jason Hammond (Pres) 0411 702 504, Jocelyn Jones (Sec) 0437 887 930 Roleystone Gymnastics Melanie Berson (Pres) 0437 057 642, Email: Phone (Gym) 9496 1484 Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club Sue 9398 7426, Helen 9397 5939 / 0438 923 477 Roleystone Tee-Ball & Baseball Club Inc. Sandy Johnson (Pres) 0419 875 277 & Tanya Taylor (Reg) 0409 112 373 Organic Growers Assoc. meets 2nd Wed of the mth Lisa 9399 2312 Roleystone Redback’s Little Athletics Club Boys & Girls U6-U17’s Ph: Sarah 0408 959 436 or Alyce 0430 835 047 Roleystone Community Church 1 Croyden Rd Roleystone Minister David Bardsley Wk: 9397 5955 Hm: 9397 9303 Roleystone Schools P&C Amy Boughton (Sec) 9397 5559 1st Roleystone Scout Grp Karragullen Hall Joanne Meuli 9496 0290 St Christopher’s Anglican Church 9293 8273 Child Health Nurse Thurs & Fri by appointment 9397 5813 Kalamunda District Bridge Club Weekly Day & Evening Sessions, Andy Leal 9291 6451, Roleystone Gumnut Playgroup Kym Graham (Reg) 9397 9158 Alcoholics Anonymous Meet every Sat at 7pm 9325 3566 Australian Sewing Guild Southern Hills Neighbourhood Grp meet 2nd Sun of the mth, Karen Anderson 9354 7806 Patchwork Quilting Friendship Days Lyn 9397 5207 Armadale PCYC 2 Townley St 9399 1091, The Rivercare Group Pat Hart 9496 1634 Armadale-Kelmscott Swimming Club, Patty Blackwell (Pres) 9497 8197 (8am-8pm) The House of Bamboo Carol 9397 7679 City of Armadale - Roleystone Ward Councillors Caroline Wielinga 0488 900 307, Grant Nixon 9397 6939, 0418 449 611, Roleystone Netball Club Vanessa Mason (Pres), Amy Boughton (Reg) 9397 5559 and Diane Bunten (Sec) 0404 012 462 Roleystone & Districts Basketball Chris Webb 0414 166 401, Kirk Allnutt 0423 433 449 Training @ Roleystone Basketball Crts Fri 5pm Darling Range Wildlife Shelter 9394 0885 Armadale Toastmasters meets every Tues 6.30pm Armadale PS Peter Law 0408 936 623, Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre 9291 3900 Kanyana provides advice & assistance 24hrs a day, 7 days a week DEC’s Department of Environment and Conservation WildCare Hotline 9474 9055. WildCare hotline operates 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, diverting to after hrs numbers at nights & weekends, to provide immediate assistance Roleystone Guides Suellen Mackay 9496 1375 Art Classes RNFC Mon-Tues & Thur 9496 1115 Landscape Painting Tues 6.30-9.30pm Ian 9496 0034 Roleystone Lawn Bowls Gerry Chapman (Pres) 9397 5730 ISADD Intervention Services for Autism & Dev Delay Darryl Cooper 9397 5970 Kelmscott History Group meet at the Congregational Church Rundle St Kelmscott, Colleen 9496 1817 National Seniors Armadale Branch meet on the 1st Thurs of the mth RSL Hall Commerce Ave Armadale 10-12noon. Lots of interesting speakers all old & new members welcome.Ph: 9397 5880, 9390 2230 Hants & Dorset Social Club Pearl Sibley 9496 1243 Cat Sterilisation Society 9397 5062 9-4pm Mon-Wed Parents Without Partners Foothills Branch, Weekly Activities organised, Greg 0402 252 230, Marylena 0422 108 711 Bushfire Ready Groups Bedfordale-Ian Thompson 9399 3006, Kelmscott Hills-Peter Jago 0439 997 373, Roleystone-Chris Cairns 0417 983 019, Robert Littmann 0427 977 190, Craig Popperwell 0438 904 485
YOUR Region. YOUR Magazine. YOUR Valley Reporter. Fiona Newland – EDITOR/PUBLISHER Firstly, I would just like to highlight the great people within our community who are essential to the successful production and delivery of The Valley Reporter to you each month. Log on to The Valley Reporter website and you’ll be able to see The Valley Reporter Team on the ‘About Us’ page. You might already know someone within the team! Thanks to the Drewry family’s initial enquiries last month, The Valley Reporter will start deliveries to 130 homes in a small part of Mt Nasura for the very first time. This development brings The Valley Reporter’s letterbox delivery total to a whopping 3547 copies every month! For added convenience, you can pick up a copy of The Valley Reporter at 54 local (and very convenient) other locations. That’s another 453 copies getting out there every month! This month’s issue is jammed packed with a variety of articles, proving once again that this publication is truly “your Region, your Magazine, your Valley Reporter”, so please keep the interesting articles and photographs coming. A local resident was so touched by a previous Valley Reporter article “Preparing to Say Goodbye to My Dog” by Dr. Judith Congrene, that
they felt compelled to tell their own story too. Turn to page 16 to find out how they found themselves in the same difficult situation. Personally I found the article to be very touching and I very much appreciate Mike and Cyn Shord for responding. One bold and very brave local resident has completed her World’s Greatest Shave challenge, with all the funds raised from the shave going to the Leukemia Foundation. Thank you to Joanne Hunter for inviting The Valley Reporter along to capture her special moment. On the day a large group of residents from the Seaforth Gardens Hostel joined her to show their support (see page 20). The City of Armadale has had their official opening of their Youth Skatepark and Activity Area, which The Valley Reporter got some great photographs of for you to enjoy (see page 28). This development has only increased support and demand for our own local skatepark to come of age, which is slowly but steadily approaching reality. A follow-up workshop took place with the interested young people and a Convic Designs consultant on Thursday 23 February. A slideshow of the draft concept was presented, to an overwhelming response
from the kids. From here, following the submission of the final Convic Designs’ report and plan, the City will then prepare a report for Council on the preferred design and location of the skatepark at Cross Park. To the youngsters of Roleystone, all this just proves that we are getting that little bit closer to having a first-rate skatepark of our own. Check out the draft concept photographs on page 23. Lastly, in this month’s Valley Reporter, there is an unique calibre of news about our youth achieving some pretty amazing things. The Fit2Cheers Swans is just one such group achieving victory on their recent USA Tour. They had some very difficult financial hurdles to overcome just in order to compete, but within just 3 months, the team managed to raise a staggering $34,000 in fund raising and sponsorship to help them get on their way. Their achievement was further spurred on by the valuable support of our local businesses. Read the full story on page 10.
23 Wygonda Road Roleystone WA 6111
for all articles, pictures and advertising for “The Valley Reporter’s” next issue is set for no later than 12 noon on Thursday 12 April
Delivered at your door 3rd WEEK of Every Month Issue dates: 19 April 24 May 21 June
FAX 9397 5136
Disclaimer “Subject to any rights and remedies available under the law of any State or Territory of Australia or the provisions including the schedules of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified, the publisher: a) does not provide any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in any material published; b) excludes all liability for any misrepresentation which may arise out of the publication of any material; c) shall have the right to refuse or cancel any material requested for publication.” Articles published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter.
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The VALLEY Reporter considers its “Inbox Letters to the Editor” section to be a very important public forum. We make every effort to publish all letters, with those from persons in our readership area taking precedence. All letters to the editor must contain the writers full name, home address and daytime telephone number so the editor may contact the writer if there is a question or concern. For The VALLEY Reporter’s “Inbox Letters to the Editor” full list of guidelines go to;
had been on my side of the car, and had she not stopped, it would have been me who felt the sickening bump as the tyre beneath my passenger seat rolled over her. It seems that this time, everyone who could have been affected by this has been dealt a lucky hand. Next time, we may not be so fortunate. I obviously felt a huge sense of relief that no one was hurt, but more than anything I felt a great deal of frustration that the situation came so close to tragedy. For one, those three young children were left completely unattended by an adult business support supervisor or guardian, and from the looks of it, knew very little about road safety Julia Berkhout protocols. As a teenager, I understand MYOB® Certified Consultant 0409 203 512 that one day children will learn about being independent from their parents, but Fax: (08) 6311 7220 Email: these children were far too young to be PO Box 418 Kelmscott WA 6991 playing without someone older and more responsible keeping watch over them, especially near a major road. Parents, please don’t neglect your duties Jewels bus b-card.indd 1 15/12/08 6:44:40 PM as the protectors of your children, because it could very well be the reason you lose • Plans arranged & submitted to shire requirements them forever. In addition, make sure your Phone 9496 1262 kids know about road safety, particularly 2 Merton Road Roleystone WA 6111 if you live near major roads or on busy Mobile: 0408 959 340 Fax: 9496 1862 streets. It could save your children’s Email: lives, and keep innocent drivers like my Website: Dad from facing serious jail time and a lifetime of unnecessary guilt. Elise Kelly, Roleystone.
One of the kindest, smartest and most decent people I have ever known passed away on the morning of February 21, in a cherry-picker accident in South Perth. I have had the honour and pleasure of working with him on and off for 23 years, watching him take the people of Perth to new heights for almost three decades. He loved his job, took pride in what he did, and was the safest cherry-picker operator in Perth. Without a doubt or exception, he held safety above all else. This is a warning to all large plant operators in Perth, even the best can fall victim to tragedy. Please check and re-check your plant and operating procedures. Rest in peace my friend, until we meet again. Phil Barnett, East Victoria Park.
“Inbox Letters to the Editor” published in The Valley Reporter include contributions by persons independent of The Valley Reporter, and their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of The Valley Reporter. Please feel free to submit your letters highlighted as “Inbox Letters to the Editor” so we can include them in for the next monthly issue of “The Valley Reporter”. Email:, fax: 9397 5136 or
Power tools Air tools Hand tools Measuring equipment Welding Compressors Generators
PAGE 3 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
In mid-February my Dad and I were driving home to Roleystone on Armadale Road when we came to what you could call a “crossroads of fate”. My Dad is a capable and experienced driver, who was traveling at the speed limit, and yet we almost had a head-on collision with disaster because of a parent’s negligence and a child’s ignorance. Just before the railway and the Armadale Shopping Centre, my Dad and I spotted three very young children playing alongside the road we were driving on, which it’s safe to say is a very busy street. As we got closer, we were both shocked to see one of the children, a little girl, suddenly start gliding on her scooter from the path and up to the curb. She looked as though she was about to roll out onto the open road, right in front of our car, and for a single terrifying moment I thought we were going to run her over. Even if my Dad had put on the brake or swerved as soon as he saw her, it would have been an inevitable collision. Luckily, at the last second, she stopped right at the edge of the curb as we drove past. I don’t know if it was because I had watched the paranoia-inducing movie “The Adjustment Bureau” the night just before, but that moment on the road really made me think about how a small intervention by what we call fate or chance made such a huge difference to the lives of those children and the drivers on Armadale Road. The what-if’s and maybe’s that flashed through my mind as we continued on our way home were horrifying to consider, and made so much scarier by the fact that they had come so close to being an unchangeable reality. If that little girl hadn’t decided in that last split-second to stop her scooter, there would have been nothing anyone could have done to have stopped my Dad’s car from instantly crushing her little body on the bitumen. If she had continued gliding for a few seconds more, right now she would be dead, her parents would be devastated, my Dad would be guilt-ridden, (and probably facing a jail sentence for manslaughter) and I would be psychologically traumatised. She
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On Sunday 18 March, Araluen Botanic Park in Roleystone hosted the Austin Seven Club of WA’s public display of their legendary cars. The display was open for public viewing from noon until 2pm, with only normal Park entry fees applying. The Austin 7, often called the “Baby Austin”, was produced from the early 1920’s to the late 1930’s, and was one of the most popular cars made in the British market. The very first BMW car was in fact a licensed Austin 7! The Austin 7 design was used as the basis for many more popular cars all the way into the late 1950’s.The Central Concourse area of Araluen was just the perfect setting for this event, where these enthusiasts’ vehicles were enjoyed in the pleasant natural environment provided by Araluen’s unique setting. The Park features a mild microclimate, running creeks and stunning gardens that all combine to enhance the viewing experience
of what was mostly definitely an impressive collection of meticulously prepared Austin 7 models. The Araluen Botanic Park Foundation is delighted to announce the launch of its new website located at ‘While retaining the same web address as the previous site, the new version has been developed to be more responsive to visitor needs,’ says ABPF General Manager, Rod Ross. ‘It has also adopted the fresh contemporary feel and style consistent with the recently produced Park brochure and conveys the new Heaven in the Hills branding,’ he adds. The new site includes an image gallery that is segmented into history, gardens, weddings, shopping and events. It also provides a comprehensive separate page and blog for the popular annual Araluen’s Fremantle Chilli Festival.
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Nashi Pure Keratin natural smoothing therapy repairs and rejuvenates your hair instantly. It protects your hair against humidity, effectively eliminating frizz and giving a smooth and natural look without using aggressive chemicals. This is a revolutionary treatment formulated with exclusive Cashmere Keratin that reconstructs deep down, rejuvenating damaged hair, doing away with frizziness, reducing volume over the long term, and giving you smooth, tamed and silky hair for the next three months. Nashi Pure Keratin is safe, natural and eco-friendly,
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containing no chemicals like formaldehyde, it’s by-products, Parabens or aggressive chemicals and sulphates. It is a new innovative, effective and long lasting treatment that contains certified hydrolised keratin instead of a keratin derivative. Nashi’s Pure Keratin comes from cashmere, so the quality is more refined. Cashmere bioliss complex is a special protein complex (100% natural) which crystalises keratin at high temperatures, making it insoluble and locking it permanently into the hair. This restructures the hair and reduces frizziness. Nashi Pure Keratin natural smoothing therapy respects the environment by using a selection of biodegradable raw materials not derived from petroleum. Packaging is from 100% post consumer recycled plastic, 100% recycled paper and even the energy used to manufacture is 100% energy from renewable sources such as wind, solar and water. The product will make your hair easily manageable and reduce volume, but it is not designed to straighten curly hair. The effects will last for three months. It enables you, the client, to decide day to day how you will wear your hair. You can come in for a complimentary consultation and quote, which is recommended since the cost will depend on how much the hair needs treating. Nashi Pure Keratin is exclusively available to you at Billy Shears The Hair Club, which has been promoting and teaching the technical side of this product to hairdressers in Australia, call 9397 9219 for some expert free advice.
Food - Wine - Functions - Food - Wine - Cof fee - Functions
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Ph. 9397 5244
John Wollaston Anglican Community School Graduation Ball held at Parmelia Hilton Hotel on
Group Photograph (top) L-R: Tiana Phipps, Hayden Fort, Jayde Heaton, Hayden Roydhouse, Kurtis Sydoruk, Paige Doy, Renee Barlow, Nishani Jayawardena, Luke Gallagher, Amy Willis, Andries Mercer, Bree Rickard, Jetarah Holmes, Anthony Haring, Kirsty Kennedy and Elliot McPhail. (above) L-R: Amy Willis, Nishani Jayawardena, Kirsty Kennedy, Paige Doy, Jetarah Holmes and Bree Rickard.
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Thank you Maggie Burke! Our home sold in 6 weeks in a “down” market. Couldn’t have asked for any more. Your communication was excellent. You constantly kept us up to date with the progress on the property and I felt informed at all times. I’m sure your enthusiasm for the task was a major factor in the early sale of the property. I would also like to commend both you and your staff on your professionalism. Absolutely wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you to others.
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Fran Ibbotson formerly of Roleystone
For All Aspects Of Plumbing and Gas Contact Andy
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On Wednesday 7 March some workshops were run by the Small Business Development Corporation and the City of Armadale at the Manse Restaurant. Tourism Boost is a workshop program designed to give your tourism business the competitive edge that will boost your sales. In 2011 there were 26 Tourism Boost workshops conducted all over Western Australia. The workshops received rave reviews from local businesses and industry professionals. The workshop is divided into three sessions, so you can attend all of them, or just the one that best suits your business needs. The workshops cover the three most important topics necessary to make major improvements in your tourism business: Understanding the Tourism Industry This session is for new and existing small business operators and their employees. You can find out more about distribution channels, commission structures, tourism accreditation, specialised tourism industry research, and who does what and why. This is an ideal opportunity to give your business a head start in navigating your way around the tourism industry. How to Make Your Business Stand Out From the Crowd Whether you’ve been in the industry for a while, or are new to tourism, this practical session will help you boost your business. You will learn how to work collaboratively to package and market
your business and get tips on how to sell your business in two minutes. We’ll also show you how to ensure your brochure leaps off the rack and how to write a winning media release. Succeeding Online This workshop will show you how to make your website extraordinary, and how to successfully promote it. Most consumers now search online for travel options, so if you’re not well represented in this space you’re lagging behind. We’ll also show you how to market your business on a budget. The Tourism Boost presenter at the Manse workshops was Kym Francesconi, a 15year veteran of the WA tourism industry who has been on the WA Tourism Awards judging panel for three years. With her wealth of experience and enthusiasm on the topic, businesses truly do come away from the workshops with a competitive edge.
PAGE 8 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Karragullen Gravel Gravel Karragullen Garden Supplies Supplies && Garden
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Treasure Island, the show of the year is nearly upon us, and being the big job that it is to put together the Visual and Performing Arts Department are seeking helpers of all kinds - staff, parents, students, grandparents, siblings and even old boys are all welcome to volunteer! If you have some time to contribute we would be very appreciative. We will need help on the performance days (28 – 31 March - including a Saturday Matinee) with Front of
House and on the door ticket sales, serving intermission refreshments, backstage crew, make up assistants and general supervision. Any interested parties can call the PAC office on 9291 1535, or email: bell. As a department is would be impossible for us to run a successful show without the help of others, and so we thank you in anticipation for your generosity of time and effort.
Mazenod College Open Day Wednesday 4 April 3.30pm-6pm
Tours of the College and Boarding House 3.30pm-5.15pm • Interviews are currently being held for Year 7, 2014 • Academic and sporting exhibitions• Jazz bands and ensembles • Afternoon tea and sausage sizzle
Bee Jay’s
Both products of the Roleystone Tee-Ball & Baseball Club, Trent McDonnell and Aaron Newland travelled down the hill this season to gain some valuable experience while playing in the Victoria Park Reds U17.1 team. This season has been a real learning curve for both boys, and has seen them play games for the Reds U21 side, with Aaron making his senior debut as starting pitcher for the Reds AAA side, a game in which he pitched 8 scoreless innings. His efforts helped Vic Park win the game 12 – 0. To cap off their great season, both boys have been selected to represent Perth in the South East Asian Youth Baseball & Softball Tournament, held in Perth from 28 – 31 March. Trent will play in the Allstars U15A side, while Aaron is in the U19 side, and will take on teams from Bangkok, Singapore, Jakarta and Manila. All the best for the tournament, boys! Fingers crossed for victory!
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F2C SWANS USA Tour 2012 With the support of parents, families and sponsors, the Fit2Cheer Swans were able to compete in the USA from January 25 – February 8. The girls trained hard three times a week in preparation from October to January right up until they left for the USA Tour. Within three months, the team raised $34,000 in fund raising and sponsorships to pay for their new uniforms, tour shirts and Swans banner, with the rest distributed between the girls to assist with the costs of the tour. A special mention must go out to the wonderful businesses in the local Roleystone area which helped the girls with donations, such as Roleystone Supa IGA, Roleystone Family Meats, Roleystone Newsagency, Roleystone Chemist and Aura Hairdressing. As a result of this amazing community-powered effort, the Swan girls came home with 4 banners including Level 2 Grand Champion, 2 international titles and 1 international runner-up title! At the All Things Cheer Starz International Championship in Seattle, the Small Junior Level 2’s and Small Senior Level 2’s both came first place in their respective categories, with the Small Junior 2 also winning the Level 2 Grand Champions title. The Swans’ Level 2 Group Stunt Team, including Georgia Gillard, Amie Fuduric, Teneal Fleming and Nerissa Dertwort, took second place for their category, despite competing against much higher level teams. At the Spirit Sports Cheer & Dance “Duel in the Desert” in Palm Springs, California, the Small Junior Level 2’s came second place, just missing out on the top spot by 0.3 of a point! For more on the girl’s wonderful results, see the link: http://www. Starz-InternationalChampionship-Results. pdf, or you can go to website for All Things C h e e r : h t t p : / / w w w. a l l t h i n g s c h e e r. c o m / competitions-national. php, or Duel in the Desert: http://www.spiritsports. com/index.php/Duel_In_ The_Desert/. Well done Swan girls!
Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services Compassionate convenient care of your pet at home Dr Judith M Congrene BSc BVMS Veterinary Surgeon
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Excellent service, reasonable prices vaccinations, microchipping, routine health checks, treatment of common problems including arthritis, allergies, abscesses, compassionate euthanasia of pets at home
Amy’s Passing to Rainbow Bridge by Dr Judith Congrene Sadly, my beautiful 15 year old Staffy cross dog Amy passed away in my arms on February 13. She and I spent a peaceful morning together amongst burning candles and incense, the lulling sounds of with her Enya’s “Benediction Moon” album playing in the background, before I then helped Amy to go on her peaceful journey to Rainbow Bridge. The next day, in the early hours of Valentines Day, I sat alongside her grave whilst sipping a cup of tea, during which time the words of this poem came to me. I penned them down and dedicate them to my precious and sadly missed companion.
Darling sweet Amy – joy of my heart With me each morning as the day starts Lovingly beside me until the night ends My special companion and wonderful friend. The sadness is shattering, the pain is real I grieve for your presence and the love that I feel I sit by your graveside missing your warmth and devotion My head is in shock, my heart in emotion. Emptiness fills me but I thank God for this day The hours shared together as beside you I lay. My arms wrapped around you in a loving embrace The special pink LOVE teddy bear close by your face The space in my heart will always be yours, I watched you slip away calmly whilst holding your paws. I have helped many animals to Rainbow Bridge Who knows if you will meet them and what you will say I think of you smiling and happy each day I know you are at your peace and Im relieved for the gentle passing to be free at Rainbow Bridge where we will meet again. Until then, dear Amy, whenever that may be, I count all my blessings for the privilege that 15 years ago, you chose me. The words flow freely and so do my tears It’s so hard to lose you after so many years. I feel comfort visiting you, sipping my tea Another early morning in your company Sadly the midnight visit to the horses without you along Reminds me precious puppy I have to be strong. Photograph courtesy of Emma Hardy Photography.
Closed Tuesdays
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My Ode to Amy
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Shop 4, 198 Brookton Hwy Kelmscott
Proudly sponsored by
Since 2001, one Agent has to dominated the local real estate
Consistently selling more than twice the a local property than any other agen Michelle Meads and Amy Boughton at KidSport Registration Day.
Roleystone Netball Club Flying high in 2012 With fantastic local business Roleystone Netball participated in Roleystone Real Estate back on an Open Day at Armadale Arena board as principal sponsor for the for the new government KidSport sixth straight year, Roleystone program, which enables Western Netball Club is flying high in 2012. Australian children to participate President Vanessa Mason, recently in sport, regardless of their re-elected at the club’s AGM, said financial circumstances. KidSport Roleystone netballers directly contributes $200 towards club fees benefited from Roleystone Real for kids aged 5-18 with a health care card or pension concession Estate’s financial support. card. “Roleystone Real Estate’s + Individual & Sole Traders members Amy sponsorship has helped us keep Committee registration fees down, provide Boughton and Michelle Meads + Partnerships services such as training courses signed up several new players and and manuals for our coaches, distributed information about the + Company support representative players club to many families. and allowed us to invest in new Roleystone is the only stand+ Family Trusts uniforms and bibs for players in alone netball club in the City of every age group,” Ms Mason said. Armadale. + Self Managed Super “The whole club thanks Sam Uniforms: If you or your child Funds Saffioti and Roleystone Real requires a uniform for this season, Estate for their ongoing support of please contact Tianah Fallon on + BAS/GST 0418 932 455 or email: ltfallon@ Roleystone Netball.” + Multiple years welcome While it still feels summery, the as soon as possible, club has been active over the last for ordering and sizing purposes. month preparing for the coming Uniforms cost $60. For more information about winter season. The AGM was held and a new Roleystone Netball Club and registration enquiries, please Jacqueline T. Hunt committee has been elected. Fax: 9496 1887 is a CPA Practice Thank you to all who attended contact Registrar Amy Boughton and volunteered your support for on 9397 5559 or Vice President Email: Heather Quinlan on 0419 204 870. netball in Roleystone. Registration days proved popular, Please phone or email for an appointment with a host of new players signing Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. up, along with the “veterans”.
JACQUELINE T. HUNT B. Com., CPA Certified Practising Accountant
PAGE 12 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
When it comes to selling your hom there is only one choice.
Tel: 9496 1886
It’s our birthday, thanks to Celebrate our 5th birthday, Saturday 31 March 9.30am. We’re having a party to celebrate Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Branch’s 5th birthday. Everyone is invited to come along and share our birthday cake and other festivities. Meet Piggy, guess the money in the jar, enjoy a slice of birthday cake, face painting and learn more about your bank. Come and celebrate with us at Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Branch, Shop 8, Roleystone Shopping Centre, 21 Jarrah Road, Roleystone.
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited, The Bendigo Centre, Bendigo VIC 3550 ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL 237879 (S39060) (02/12)
Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Branch Roleystone Shopping Centre Shop 8, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone, WA 6111
We’re open 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday and 9am – 12pm Saturday
Roleystone-Karagullen Community Bank® Branch
PAGE 13 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Visit or phone 9397 7466
oleystone Tee-Ball R and Baseball Club Inc.
Steve Fish slides in to help the U8’s train Steven Rouse
Fully Qualified Therapeutic Massage Therapist (Dip. Rem/Sports)
meNSaNa pRofeSSioNal maSSage SeRviceS
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We recently had the pleasure of one of the Perth Heat coaches Steve Fish joining us at an U8’s training session to help teach the kids how to slide. He taught us about the figure 4, sliding in to base and keeping our eyes on the ball and on the game play. After a few demos by Steve, the kids had a go practicing their sliding on a 10m long tarp full of water and detergent that made one massive slip-n-slide! Thanks again Steve and everyone else involved for making the afternoon possible, it was an action-packed training session that the kids just didn’t want to leave. The RTBC held its AGM and Presentation Day on March 11. Despite the extreme heat, it was a great turnout with added fun from the bouncy castle, gladiator duel, and face painting. All committee positions were declared vacant at the AGM and a new committee was voted in. The executive committee for 2012/13 now stands with Sandy Johnson as President,
TV Antennas
When Quality and Service Matters 20 Years Experience Andrew
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Major SponSor
Bo Olesen as Vice-President, Michelle London as Secretary, Louise Sandiford as Treasurer, and Tanya Taylor as Registrar. There is also a great group of general committee members. Thank you to all new committee members who have volunteered, and to those moving on from last season. Congratulations to Liam Olesen and Dylan Taylor for representing our club in Supersquad this season, to Matthew Sandiford and Connor Olesen who both played in winning teams at the recent WA States carnival, and to Liam Cooper for winning this year’s Perpetual Trophy. Finally, congratulations to Jason Newland, Tracy Howell, Darryn Groves and John McDonnell who were presented with Life Memberships by Cr Caroline Wielinga for their contributions to the club. Thanks to both Caroline and our major sponsor Sam Saffioti from Roleystone Real Estate for joining us on the day. Sandy Johnson, President.
C r eCreative a t i v e Driveways
PAGE 14 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Driveways & Fencing & Fencing
GLocal r a v e Gravel, l , R o aRoad d Bbase, a s e , Recycled L i m e s tBitumen one & Recycled Bitumen. Colour, Exposed and Exposed Concrete, Red Bitumen and & Stencil Concrete. Retaining Walls, Rural Concrete Curbing, Automatic Gates, Post and Rail Rural Fencing. Fencing. Bobcat and Truck Hire. C om p l e te La n d s caping & Garden Makeover’ s
Jo h n McSweeney
Lo c a l l y O wned and Operated
Own e r / O p e r a t o r
Phone John: 0418 953 591 0418 953 or Mobile Anna Ph/Fax: 9397591 6854 Email: Phone/Fax 9397 6854
Office Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm 6 days Mon to Sat
Above: Liam Olesen and Dylan Taylor. Below: Steve Fish at the training session.
Above: Liam Cooper.
WA Treeworks Pick up a stick, get fit and havE fun If you want to put some real work into that New Year resolution to get fit, then come join us and learn some new skills, build up some much-needed stamina, and have fun with a great bunch of women. The only requirements are that you are a female aged 13 years or above. If you can or are willing to play goalie we can supply all the gear required, and we would more than welcome you. Go on, take the plunge and call one of the following ladies for more information Sue on 9398 7426, Yvonne on 9397 5153, or Helen (after 6pm) on 9397 5935.
Local Council Items by Caroline Wielinga
Cross Park-Springdale Master Planning The Council has endorsed $50,000 for consultants to “Master Plan” Cross Park and Springdale Reserves. This item has arisen from a previous study (“Active Sporting Reserves and Community Hubs Study” Community Services Agenda 07/02/2012) which looked into twelve of the City’s older reserves to “investigate the current and future needs of the City in the provision of active reserves for community and sporting groups”. Three of the twelve parks were in RoleystoneKarragullen (Cross Park, Springdale and Karragullen oval). Cross Park was identified as a “community focused hub” and Springdale as a “sporting focused hub”. Cross Park was further identified as a high priority for review focusing on “consolidation of built facilities” and its “potential to be a community hub in this area”. All clubs and groups should be contacted by the consultants during this process and the outcome should provide a long term plan for all users in the area. Araluen Council has endorsed a new traffic management plan, which was
developed by specialist consultants for Araluen for the 2012 Springtime Festival (Technical Services Agenda 07/03/2012). Parking will be at Araluen, Camp Simons across the river, and Croyden Road between Brookton Highway and Araluen. Measures will be taken to limit the effect on local residents. Visitors to Araluen will enter from Croyden Road, but will have to leave via Gardiner Road. Setting the traffic flow this way will reduce confusion and congestion, and keep incoming and outgoing traffic from crossing other traffic lines. Survey Results from the Friends of Robin Green Survey Survey results from the Friends of Robin Green survey conducted through the local papers, on Roleynet and at the Roleystone Shopping Centre stall have shown that the most popular first preference was to save the green with seniors accommodation to the east. Although some responses from some households were identical, (as if one filled out numerous forms) if these were omitted from the count, the results would still be relatively the same in proportions.
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PAGE 15 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
The Roleystone Women’s Hockey Club is now looking for players for the 2012 season. If you are an experienced player kept from playing the game you love by the high costs of metro hockey clubs fees and turf costs, we can offer you an enjoyable challenge at a quarter of that cost. All the teams entered in the Hills Women’s Hockey Association competition play Sunday afternoons at the same venue, with games followed by tea or coffee and accompaniments. We can even accommodate players who want a double boost for extra training, as long as your metro club approves.
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Goodbye Jana, from Mr Jones
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The article “Preparing to Say Goodbye to My Dog” by Dr. Judith Congrene certainly had us reading with some interest. Last November, we found ourselves in the situation, having to say goodbye to our beautiful old English Mastiff, Jana. At 10 years of age, she had become very grey, slow-moving and less eager to play now that she was so short of breath. She had reached the end of her time with us, so with the heaviest of hearts, the decision was made to have her quietly and peacefully euthanised at home. We had arranged for our lovely vet Jo, from Ark Veterinary Centre to come to our home at 6:15pm that day, a Thursday. On the Wednesday morning prior, Jana stopped eating and was content just to lie on her mat out on the verandah. On the Thursday morning, however, she took herself to a sandy shady area in the garden, where she drifted in and out of consciousness. Our younger English Mastiff, Mr Jones, showed very obvious concern about what was happening, by nudging Jana and whining at her. Mistakenly, we
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thought that he was annoying her, so he was put outside the garden fence, where he just sat and watched. However, about 2 hours before Jo was to visit, Jana struggled up into a sitting position and looked around for Mr Jones. We let him back in with her, and for about 40 minutes they had this wonderful opportunity to interact together before Jana lay back down and closed her eyes. As the photographs show, Mr Jones did not leave Jana’s side, preferring instead to remain quietly with her. It was the most touching show of emotion we had ever seen. Jo arrived and when Jana had finally been put to sleep, Mr Jones put his nose up against Jana’s nose, as if to check that she was really gone. He whined mournfully and then checked again. He finally laid down beside her, so we left them undisturbed until sometime later, when he got up and moved away. Jana was buried in the garden, and afterwards Mr Jones laid down by her resting place for the night. The photographs taken beautifully capture the emotionally farewell shared between two good friends. It has taken a long time for Mr Jones (and us) to get used to Jana not being with us. Even to this day, he will every so often go and lie in the garden next to where Jana is buried, but he is no longer mournful. I am just so grateful that Jana stayed long enough for Mr Jones to say his goodbyes. Regards, Mike and Cyn Shord.
Update on Men’s Shed and Community Garden Projects
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Tel: 9397 5580
PAGE 17 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
What seems like a very long time ago, Sheds back in the late 90’s, the growth of the Roleystone-Karragullen Community the number of sheds has risen to over 500 Bank held a forum to explore what the and is continuing to grow week by week. Roleystone community’s ideas were for We hope the Roleystone Men’s Shed its future perceived needs and priorities. and Community Garden will both be in The ideas which were clearly top priorities operation by the middle of this year. The two included a Men’s Shed, a Community Committees formed to get these projects Garden and an upgraded Skate Park, among going agreed from the beginning that the others. The upgrade of the present skate projects should be co-located, as this would park to a completely new redesigned one, lead to cooperation between themselves has been taken up by the City of Armadale and stronger community integration. We and is at present well into the design phase. will not, however, share buildings, as this The Men’s Shed project, as well as the would defeat the idea of men being able Community Garden, is also now well under to work on “men’s business” in a male atmosphere. It is the intent of both groups way. After many meetings and a little good to hold education and information days or fortune, the Roleystone Men’s Community evenings for each other and the community Shed will open in the temporary residence as a whole utilising the facilities of both groups. of Cluster 2 of the Photographs courtesy of the Fremantle Men’s Shed One strong principle old primary school of both the Men’s on Robin Road. Shed and the The Community Community Garden Garden will be is to be inclusive located essentially of all, but to start on the front lawn with, our Shed will area in front of the have a lower age original primary limit of 18 years of school building and age. The shed will P&C house. We are welcome younger fortunate to have people accompanied the Roleystoneby their parent or Karragullen Bendigo guardian. Community Bank as All new members our initial sponsor will be assessed on to help us get whatever machines started with both the or tools they wish shed and garden. to use (we will be The Roleystone keeping a register) or Neighbourhood be taught how to use Family Centre them properly before has also been being “let loose” instrumental in within the Shed. We supporting us with intend to open on a the use of the Family regular basis with Centre for our many the woodworking meetings! shed being the For those who are first developed, wondering why the closely followed by community is getting metalworking. Once a Men’s Shed, or even what a Men’s Shed actually is, Men’s these two core work areas are established, Sheds provide a space for men of all ages we hope to expand into automotive and backgrounds to meet in familiar and maintenance and hobbies. The mode supportive surroundings to work on their and flavour of the Shed will be dictated own or on group projects, for themselves or to a great degree on the things in which for the community. As most men are aware, members wish to be involved, so there is talking about things that affect our lives no rigid structure. All sheds have their own personally is sometimes difficult to do. Men individual skill sets and interests and ours do not have the gene that women appear to will be no exception. have, that allows us to impart confidences Whilst we have been very fortunate in to our fellows with ease. Working on your being offered an interim lease of some of own, side by side with other members the facilities and area of the old Primary or on group project, provides the space School until it is sold for redevelopment, we and atmosphere to reflect on and vocalise are continuing to discuss locations for the problems and troubles. This in turn leads permanent home of our Shed and Garden to friendships being formed, a sense of with the City of Armadale. In the near mateship and better well-being for all those future, we will be advertising membership for both the Shed and the Community concerned. One of the main supporters of the Men’s Garden in local publications, and for the Shed idea is “Beyond Blue”, the National Shed on our website www.roleymensshed. Depression Initiative, which recognises the For further information contact Phil importance of awareness of men’s general Aked 0429 688 844 or Chris Johnston 0427 health, mental health and well-being, and 462 921. If you’d like to know more about Men’s Sheds, try the Australian Men’s Shed the good achieved by Men’s Shed groups. Since the inception of the idea of Men’s website
9397 7799
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mobile car detailing call 0411 654 119
Business Trading Hours: 7am-3pm 5 Days Mon-Fri
Roleystone Gumnut Playgroup Well we are nearly through the first term already, and the gumnuts are keeping very busy and enjoying the recent cooler weather. With a new committee in place, we are planning lots of exciting activities and events for 2012. The first event we will be getting involved with, the World’s Greatest Shave, will run from 19 – 23 March, and will give the children, parents and carers the opportunity to colour their hair for a $5 donation at each session. All of this will be in support of brave mum Ellie Fairweather, who is shaving off the lot! The tickets for the Easter raffle which is in place are selling like hot cross buns, and with first, second and third prize hampers up on offer, it’s no surprise! To keep up with the crowd, we have joined Facebook, and also have a new and improved website, which you can visit at any time: You are also welcome to join our Facebook group. To enquire about available session times and days, please email Marie Hoffman or Ellen Southgate at Julie Stack-Horgan.
cheap oaten/ wheaten hay
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PAGE 18 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
W e’re just down the hill!
cheap oaten/ wheaten chaff
93 97 6041
Roleystone’s Majestique School of Dance has been named an official Angelina Ballerina™ Academy member studio. As seen on the popular ABC television show, Angelina Ballerina is a remarkable little mouse who dreams of becoming a prima ballerina. For over 25 years, she has inspired little budding dancers (both boys and girls), through her best-selling books. To become an Angelina Ballerina Academy, studios must meet specific criteria, including membership of a recognised national and/or international dance teaching organisation and recognised teaching qualifications. Studio owner Nicki Divitini says the school is “really excited to be associated with Angelina Ballerina”. Majestique School of Dance prides itself on introducing children to dance in a fun and caring way, with children able to start classes from just 2 years of age. ABA classes will include some Angelina Ballerina themed activities and incentives, as well as all the traditional elements of dance class. Students will be able to earn “little stars’ stickers” and other rewards to place in their very own journal. In just 5 weeks, demand for new classes has doubled the Saturday morning 3-5 year old classes in Roleystone. Demand has also called for classes for an even younger age bracket, such as 2-3 year olds. There is also potential to start new classes in Kelmscott, Gosnells, Armadale, Kalamunda, Seville Grove, Byford, Pickering Brook, and surrounding areas. For more information please visit or call Nicki on 9397 6041 or 0408 924 338.
PHONE CHRIS 0421 222 138 SPECIALISING IN: • Wall & Floor Tiling • Waterproofing • Polished Porcelain • Silicon Jointing • Marble • Stone • Travertine • Epoxy Grouting • Internal & External • Domestic & Commercial
Fri 30th March 7.30pm til late NOW 1st Friday live Music & PeRFORMANces: L-R: Caroline Legg, Dorte Hanson, Justine Davis, Eunice Judge and Jenny Stevenson.
Volunteers cook up a storm
• scott Mitchell - sitar • Jeromy Zwick - performing artist - juggling • izzy & Gordon - acoustic blues
of every month! upcoming: Fri 4th May ORGANic FOOd
available: If you wind down your beginning of changes on the • savoury cold platters windows as you drive past Other people involved school menu. The students so far; Nicole Brand, & nibbles the Roleystone Community of the Roleystone College • fruit/veg cocktails Alina Cooper, Caren College on the right day, are also now eating locally & smoothies you may just catch the sourced food on campus. Dorman, Gemma • cakes/sweets - tea/coffee delicious aroma of home- Davies, Pam Hoggarth- A generous donation of cooked meals wafting fruit was made by Sally Gray, Lisa Liva, through the air from the Rainoldi from Roleystone eNTRY $5 Rebecca Purchon, College canteen. That’s Orchard, along with a great BOOKiNGs esseNTiAl Mary Rodger, Sandi right, parent volunteers have deal on meat courtesy of organic•biodynamic•natural products & cafe•brackenridge village, shop 4/1 soldiers rd, roleystone Dai, Carly Smith, Tanya banded together to prepare Brian and Sandy Weir from open 7 days•t: 9397 7899•m: 0433 521 342•e: Conlin, Vanessa Barrett, healthy and tasty food for Roleystone Family Meats. as well as a huge the College students to buy. “We’ve got support from the P&C such “You don’t have to be Jamie great 57 Ridgehill Rise especially two hard Oliver to make a difference”, produce in Roleystone WA 6111 says Cook-Up Coordinator working woman Penny the area and Phone/Fax: 9397 9253 Justine Davis. The P&C such a great Walmsley and and parent volunteers have community Tracy Howell. Mobile: 0437 853 253 created a plan to keep the feel, it’s good Email: canteen working by providing delicious to see this reflected in our nutritious meals. Canteen staff now take College”, says Justine. ABN 40 305 326 211 the time to cook fried rice and quiche If you think you might be fresh on the day, and once a fortnight able to help in anyway, parent volunteers cook up lasagna and either as a parent volunteer ACCOUNTANCY spaghetti bolognese. By all accounts the preparing the delicious meals have been selling well, and the kids meals, or by donating For your complete accounting, are responding well to having meals that some fresh produce, please taxation and auditing services they know are made by the parents. contact Justine Davis on • Accountancy and Taxation for This new healthy eating is just the 0448 218 135. Partnerships, Trusts, Companies and Super Funds
• Auditing of Clubs and Not for Profit Organisations
Araluen Accountancy is a CPA Practice
• Audit of Self Managed Super Funds • MYOB Assistance
NEXT FIELD DAY: April 15 Is to be a Dieback Treatment Day to be held at the Roleystone Hall. Treatment will be around the Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre and the Hall, in Wygonda Road and will commence at 9am and finish at 12pm. Participants will be able to borrow the equipment to treat their own trees against dieback. New volunteers are welcome. If you require any further information please visit our website This and other information is also shown on the notice board at the Roleystone Shopping Centre. Morning Tea will, as usual, be provided. Hope to see you there. Horst Seecamp.
• Tax - Business & Personal (Multiple Years Welcome) • Tax Planning & Advice • GST and BAS Returns • 14 Day Refunds (subject to ATO processing)
Ray McManus CPA
For Professional & Friendly Service Phone/Fax Ray on 9397 9253 for an appointment Email: Mobile: 0437 853 253 Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
PAGE 19 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
loveliest of trees
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Marri Tree Mick (thanks to a.e. Housman) Wayside Wander, Seabrook.
Loveliest of trees, the marri now Is hung with bloom along the bough, And stands about the bushland tracks Wearing white for Eastertide. Email: Email: E:
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And since to look at marris in bloom Ten springs are little room, About the bushlands I will roam To see the marri wreathed in summer snow.
That Great Big log on Wygonda Road
I sometimes wonder just how much local traffic drives past that great big log on Wygonda Road which boldly displays the name of “The Roleystone Country Club”. There must be those who think “what lies beyond that boundary?” as they drive past, going about their daily business. There may have even been a few who have been tempted enough to venture down that driveway to investigate and satisfy their curiosity. Why not join them and come see for yourself? What you will find nestled
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One Night Only
Wednesday 16 May at 6.30pm
in the history of popular music there are few vocal groups who qualify as members of the rOCk ‘N’ rOll hall Of fame, the Drifters are one of those groups! they have maintained a reputation as one of the world’s finest vocal groups, so get a group of friends along to make up a table – members and non-members welcome.
1/198 /198 Brookton Brooktonhwy hwyKelmscott Kelmscott6111 6111
Om Veda Skin Care • Creative Nail Design
Pamper your skin with a deluxe facial and receive Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massagea Skin free eyebrow wax and tint Om OmVeda Veda SkinCare Care• •Creative Creative Nail Nail Design Design Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicureGift vouchers or Shop1/198 Brookton hwy Kelmscott 6111 Show off Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageyour feet with a deluxe pedicure and finish Waxing-tinting-makeup-facials-massageSkin Beauty off your look with a free&mini manicure Acrylic Acrylic nails-manicure-pedicurenails-manicure-pedicureGift Giftvouchers vouchers
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Ph: 9390 0583
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Shop1/198 Brookton hwy Kelmscott 6111
SmorSgaSbord dinner & Show $60 per person (Limited to 120 Tickets)
Om m Veda VedaSkin SkinCare Care••Creative CreativeNail NailDesign Design
PAGE 20 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
in a quiet secluded area of Roleystone is a Country Club which will be celebrating its 40th birthday this year! This is the Country Club, frequented (particularly on Fridays) by locals who come in and enjoy the fine cuisine and refreshing drinks, not to mention the convivial atmosphere and some of the best views in Roleystone. You don’t have to be a member to sample this unique local spot. See you soon, Lester North (President).
Ph Jack 0412 860 310 or 9496 3206
Now, of my threescore years and ten, Twenty will not come again, And take from seventy springs a score, It only leaves me a decade more.
Call Paul 0408 073093 073 ul or Christine Paul orPlease Christine Ph: 9525 1704 Ph: Mobile: 9525Mobile: 1704 0408Mobile: 093 093 073 0408
Tickets are available from the Roleystone Country Club after 5pm Phone: 9397 5665 or call Lester North (President) on 9397 5645
hair studio unisex salon
Specialising in: • Hair Extensions • Brasil Cacau Keratin Straightening • NAK & MATRIX Organic Australian Made Products • Ghd Stockists hours of operation mon, tues, fri 9am-5.30pm wed, thurs 9am-7.30pm sat 8am-2pm
shop 2/198 brookton hwy kelmscott wa 6111 9390 7506 or 9390 2901
BE BRAVE & SHAVE! Local resident Joanne Hunter participated in the World’s Greatest Shave challenge on Friday 16th of March at the Seaforth Gardens Hostel in Gosnells. Having two sisters who both survived breast cancer, as well as knowing many others who’s lives have been affected by cancer, Joanne had no doubts in registering. On the day a large group of residents joined her to show their support for her efforts, which all the funds from will go to the Leukaemia Foundation. Congratulations Joanne!
2012 House Captains
Your Family Law Team.
Jude Keatley
The Roleystone DEC Bushranger Cadet Unit invites new members to come and join!! Bushranger Cadet’s is suitable for children in Years 7 – 12 from the Roleystone Community. The Roleystone DEC Bushranger Cadet unit is an environmentally based group, affiliated with the Department of Environment and Conservation. We have many exciting hands-on projects, incursions, excursions and camps planned for the year ahead. The Roleystone DEC Cadets believe living in the Roleystone Community, in a jarrah forest habitat comes with a responsibility. Through the Cadet program we hope to encourage an appreciation and education of the environment and the natural setting in which we live. The Cadet unit has been lucky enough to win a grant from Lotteries West to build a greenhouse near the ‘kiss and drive’ on the College site. In conjunction with Roleybushcare, the unit plans to use the greenhouse to propagate seedlings from local plants, rehabilitating the Roleystone Community College site and surrounding areas. We will also begin to tackle the growing jarrah dieback issue, injecting trees on the school grounds. We hope to have the greenhouse up and running by second semester, to be used in a cross-curricula manner. The unit is currently organising a 3-day camp to Perup Natures Guesthouse, a DEC managed area of National Forest, 30 minutes from Manjimup. This will be our third visit to Perup home of many
rare and endangered native mammals, where the Western Shield Project was established through the use of ‘1080’ baits to control the feral cat and fox problem in the area. In the past, under the guidance and expertise of Manjimup DEC Rangers the Cadets have had the opportunity to radio track and search for evidence of breeding dalgytes (bilbies), dig reptile pits for the study of small reptiles and trap, identify and record details of native animals including brush-tailed possums, chuditch (western quoll) and quenda (burrowing bettong). Through the Cadet program we also aim to teach camping, bush survival, first-aid and self management skills. These skills are routinely tested with a camp (in tents) where, amongst other things, the Cadets plan and cook their own meals. Bushranger Cadets meet every Tuesday from 3.15pm – 5pm, they are supplied with a Cadet uniform (to be returned when the student leaves the program). There is no cost for week to week sessions. Camps, incursions and excursions are partially funded by Department of Communities but may incur a small cost. If your child is interested in finding out more about the Bushranger Cadets please contact Katrina Curtis on 9397 6222.
Unit 6/26 Prospect Road, Armadale PO Box 670 Armadale WA 6992 Phone 6196 0401 FAX 6196 2413 eMAIL
White Rose Building Company Pty Ltd BRB Reg No: 11837
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• Builder of quality - from cottage units to Builder of new homes - from cottage prestige country homes units to prestige country residences • Receive personalised service directly from the company principle • Local area specialist 20+ years experience • 20 years experience • Design service available
Visit for more details or phone David on 9498 3843
Contemporary Designs Traditional Approach
Jewellery Design by Andrew Hurst
4/2 Soldiers Rd, Roleystone WA 6111 08 9496 1100 | |
PAGE 21 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Front Row – Roger Mills (Dean of Raeburn), Pat Watson (Dean of Peet), Anne Bullock (Dean of Croyden) & Karen West (Dean of Chevin). Second Row – Keaton Reinhardt & Danelle Tilley (Raeburn), Kimberley Miller & Shane Allison (Peet), Felicity Pheasant & Mark Fraser (Croyden), Abbey Jones & Alex Zavatteri (Chevin). Top Row – Peter Thatcher, Indy Hamilton (Head Girl) & Phil Springett.
Julia humphries
McAuliffe’s Wrought Iron Metal Art Specialising in Individual Designs For all your Wrought Iron requirements
Phone/Fax: (08) 9496 1348 Mobile: 0417 966 599
PARTITIONS and CEILINGS GYPROCK SPECIALISTS • Renovations & New Homes • Fancy Cornice & Ceiling Roses • Partitioning & All Commercial Ceilings
MOBILE: 0418 943 320 Rod: Ph/Fax: 9496 1015 Barry: 9397 5598
A Touch of Class By Tamukami
For all your Bridal & Formal Accessories
Shop 2 / 2155 Albany Highway, Gosnells Phone: 9490 9909 Opening Hrs: Tues-Fri 9.30am-4pm & Saturday 9am-1pm
Could you be a Gatekeeper? These days, knowing the basics of First Aid, CPR and perhaps even burns management is quite common among the general populace. The average Joe knows how to deal with the obvious physical problems, but what about the less conspicuous issues that can lurk beneath a blank face? What happens when someone we know is struggling with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety or contemplating suicide? The likelihood is that you won’t be as confident in your ability to handle those situations, even though the results could end just as badly. Gatekeeper Training is the modern day First Aid Course for people who want to know what steps to take when dealing with someone who is in need of emotional help. Gatekeeper is the only nationally recognised suicide prevention training in WA. One Life Gatekeeper Training is a comprehensive and modern approach to reduce suicidal behaviour, which promotes family, school and workplace environments as avenues of social support. Studies reveal that approximately eight out of ten people who take their own lives give definite warning signs of their suicidal intentions, so it makes sense that more people should be trained to be alert to these signs and have the skills to take appropriate action when the signs are exhibited. A “Gatekeeper” refers to a worker and community member who is able to identify and support people at risk of suicide. The premise of the Gatekeeper Training is that by developing a strong relationship with an “at risk” person and connecting them with appropriate support, their sense of hopelessness and of being alone in their struggle is lessened. By implementing effective intervention, the likelihood of suicide is significantly reduced. One Life Gatekeeper Training is a two day workshop designed to provide participants with a wide range of skills and knowledge to improve their ability and confidence to work with suicidal people and make referrals to professional help. The two day workshop modules cover the following: Extent of the Problem, Mental Disorders, Recognising Warning Signs, Linking and Raising the Issue, Intervention Guidelines, Intervention with Low-Moderate High Risk, Understanding the Problem, Self-Harming Behaviour, Understanding Needs, Framework for Risk Assessment, Intervention with High Risk and Postvention. This training is open to the public, so please email or call if you would like to attend. The next training dates are April 12 – 13, and will be located in Armadale. A special training day has been set for those working in the Education Department or alongside children. Please advise which course you will attend. The training is FREE and is funded by the West Australian Suicide Prevention Strategy and promoted by Roleystone Community Alive. For more information please call Evie Molson on 0418 956 519.
What’s on at Kelmscott Plaza!
PAGE 22 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
The Easter Bunny will be hopping around handing out Easter Eggs to all Kelmscott Plaza customers*!
Thursday 5 April, 10am to 6pm Saturday 7 April, 10am to 4pm *While stocks last. No chocolate giveaways will be given directly to children without Adult consent.
In celebration of Disney’s Beauty & The Beast, releasing in magical 3D for a limited time only May 3, pick up a colouring competition entry form from any specialty store for your chance to win a ‘Special Prize Pack’ valued at over $115! Competition closes 5pm Wednesday 18 April 2012, see entry form for more details.
Now Open
Las Vegas Nails
Limited Leasing Opportunities Available Now! For more information please contact: Anthony Unmack 9261 6649 or 0434 659 832 or
FOOD • Dancin’ Wok 9390 8886 • Four Seasons Patisserie Cafe & Bakery 9495 1878 • Karradale Meats 939 06179 • Subway 9390 6502 • Woolworths 9390 5722 FASHION • First in Fashion 9390 2063 GIFT/HOMEWARES Home Elegance 9390 8182 SERVICES • Flight Centre 9369 0300 • Kelmscott News 9390 5252 • Las Vegas Nails 9390 2554 • Wizard Pharmacy 9390 5777 • Zev’s for Hair 9390 7363
Wednesday 18 - Saturday 21 April 9am to 4pm The WA Snake display is a fun and educational activity for the whole family!
Cnr of Albany Highway and Denny Avenue Ph: 9304 0212
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design, taking into consideration the feedback from both workshops. FREE LOCAL DELIVERY The City will then prepare a report for Council on the preferred design and location of the skate-park Call Simon on 9397 6313 at Cross Park. The attendees will be notified when the report goes to Committee and then to Council and local residents are always welcome to Full Head Foils y. attend these meetings. Cut n blow dr EE FR a e iv Consultation is ongoing and members Rece o& Fix it Shampo of the public have regularly been r. ne tio di on C encouraged to be involved in the development of this new facility.
+ 1/2 Head Foils n ut C r ou ol C ceive blow dry. Re it Fix EE FR a Shampoo & Conditioner.
Experience a 30 minute al ENVIRON Faci for only
FREE 10 min Youngblood ver Mineral Makeo RON with any ENVI facial booked
Breathe new life into your hair and skin, Call Kym & Jane Photographs courtesy of Convic Designs.
Shop 4a/2756 Albany Hwy Kelmscott. Call
PAGE 23 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
On Thursday 23 February, a follow-up workshop took place with the young people from Roleystone and a consultant from Convic Designs, regarding the Cross Park Skate Park. Local residents were posted information inviting them to the workshops with the initial consultation held on Thursday 8 December. The young people were very interested with the draft design and gave positive feedback, discussing a few other aspects that could be integrated into design, budget allowing. There was also a follow-up stakeholder workshop with members from the local community to discuss the draft design. The discussions were positive and included topics of connectivity with paths, visibility, lighting, complexity and diversity elements of park to suit differing skill levels, interest factor for young people, railings and safety, drainage, platforms, parking and activation opportunities. From here, Convic Design will create a report and a final
182 JULL JULL STREET, STREET, ARMADALE, ARMADALE, W.A. 22//182 W.A.6112 6112 Email: EMAIL: Web:
i n t u i t i v e
Community Tree Sand Mandala Workshop
g u i d e d
h e a l i n g
Janet Bushby Dip Couns. BA (Art). Reiki Master Gentle, Safe and Caring Healing Modality Help with Childhood Issues, Anxiety, Trauma, Depression, Relationship Problems, Health Issues. Phone: 0488 705 555 Email:
Centre of Being. Art.Sound.Play.
MAGIC MOON CHILDCARE Small friendly centre SPecialiSinG in 2-6yr oldS
28YRS Same qualified Owner/CO-OrdinatOr SinCe 1983-26yrS • experienced, caring staff • first aid police clearance • food safe/ nutritious meals • Safe, loving & fun environment • High quality care accredited • educational program and equipment, safe and secure adventure playground and garden hidden from view of public • away from traffic fumes Phone linda 9399 1838 for a time to visit and see for yourself 101 Forrest road armadale
Contact Colin 0429 383 275
PAGE 24 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
No Job too Small Limestone Walls Brushwood & Pinelap Fencing Lawn Removal & Laying Trencher Lawn Aerator Rock Pitching Mulch Supply & Spread Shed Pads Post Hole Digger Rock Breaker (1m access) Stump Grinder ... Plus More
ART CLASSES Established W.A. Artist ART Established HAVECLASSES ART CLASSES Established W.A. W.A. Artist Artist HAVE ART CLASSES Established RESUMED HAVE Established W.A. W.A. Artist Artist RESUMED HAVE Established W.A. Artist WITH TWO RESUMED ART CLASSES Established W.A. Artist WITH TWO Invites you to join her RESUMED Established W.A. Artist VACANCIES WITH TWO HAVE ART CLASSES Invites you to join her Established W.A. Artist VACANCIES WITH TWO claSSeS Invites you to join her AVAILABLE..... VACANCIES RESUMED HAVE Invites you to join her Established W.A. Artist AVAILABLE..... VACANCIES Invites you to join her ENQUIRIES have Established W.A. Artist AVAILABLE..... WITH TWO RESUMED Invites you to join her Established W.A. Artist ENQUIRIES AVAILABLE..... Invites you to join her WELCOME ENQUIRIES Established W.A. Artist VACANCIES WITH TWO reSumed Invites you to join her WELCOME ENQUIRIES 0400 037 818 Invites you to join her WELCOME AVAILABLE..... VACANCIES ART CLASSES Established W.A. Artist 0400 037 818 WELCOME WiTh Invites you to join her Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, 0400 037 818 ENQUIRIES AVAILABLE..... HAVE037 818 Invites you to join her Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, 0400 Established W.A. Artist vacancieS Invites you to join her WELCOME invites to join her Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, ENQUIRIES RESUMED Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Invites you to join her Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Established W.A. Artist 0400 037 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, WELCOME Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Established W.A. Artist available WITH TWO818 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Invites you to Skills join her Charcoal & Drawing 0400 037 818 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, VACANCIES Charcoal & Watercolour, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Charcoal & Drawing Drawing Skills Invites you to Skills join her Instruction in Pastel, painting Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, AVAILABLE..... Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Charcoal & Drawing Skills Invites you to join her both beginners & advanced Charcoal & Drawing Skills Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, ENQUIRIESFor Invites you to Skills join her For both beginners & advanced Instruction in painting Acrylic, Charcoal & Drawing Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, both beginners & Oil, advanced Charcoal & Drawing Skills WELCOMEFor Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, 5x 3 hour Classes $115 Charcoal & Drawing Skills Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, For both beginners & advanced Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Charcoal & Drawing Skills 0400 037 818 5x 3beginners hour Classes $115 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, For both & advanced
Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Studio Classes Susan Angwin Susan Angwin Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Studio Classes Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Susan Angwin Studio Classes Studio Classes
Studio Classes Studio Classes $115 5x 3beginners hour Classes $125 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, For both & advanced Studio Classes Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, Charcoal & Drawing Skills $115 For both beginners & advanced Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, 5x 3 hour Classes $125 Studio Classes Wednesday, Thursday, Charcoal &Classes Drawing Skills $115 5x 3beginners hour $125 For both & 10am-1pm advanced
Charcoal & Drawing Skills 5x hour $115 Instruction inThursday, painting Acrylic, For both & Oil, advanced Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm $125 Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, 5x 3 3beginners hour Classes $115 Wednesday, 10am-1pm Charcoal &Classes Drawing Skills Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, 5x 3 hour Classes $115 For both beginners & advanced Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, Instruction in painting Oil, Acrylic, 5x 3 hour Classes $125 Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm For both beginners & advanced Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm $115 Charcoal & Drawing Skills Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm For both beginners & advanced Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, $115 Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 5x 3 hour Classes $125 For both beginners & advanced Charcoal & Drawing Skills Watercolour, Pastel, Mixed Media, 2Saturday, Mount Street Roleystone 5x 3 hour Classes $115 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 5x 3 hour Classes $115 2 Mount Street Roleystone Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm ForChurch both beginners & advanced Charcoal & Drawing Skills 2 Mount Street Roleystone Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm 5x 3 hour Classes $115 Old Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy Charcoal & Drawing Skills E:Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 2 Mount Street Roleystone Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday For both beginners & advanced Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm E: Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm 2 Mount Street Roleystone Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy 5x 3 hour Classes $115 E: Wednesday, Thursday, 2 Mount Street Roleystone Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd10am-1pm & Brookton Hwy T: 0400 037 818 For both beginners & advanced Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm 10am until 1pm E: 2 Mount Street Roleystone Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm $115 5x 3 hour Classes $125 For 2 both beginners & advanced T: 0400 037 818 Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm E: Mount Street Roleystone T:Saturday, 0400 037 818 Roleystone 10.30am-1.30pm 2 Mount Street Old Church Hallhour Cnr Croyden Rd10am-1pm &$115 Brookton Hwy E: Wednesday, Thursday, 5x 3 Classes T: 0400 037 818 E: Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm 5x 3 hour Classes $115 T: 0400 037 818 E: 2 Mount Street Roleystone Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy E: 0400 T: 037Thursday, 818 Wednesday, 10am-1pm 2 Mount Street Roleystone T: 0400 037 818 E: Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm T: 0400 037 818 2 Mount Street Roleystone Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm T: 0400 037 818 E: 2 Mount Street 10.30am-1.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-1pm T:Saturday, 0400 037 818 Roleystone E: E: 2 Mount Street Roleystone Saturday, 10.30am-1.30pm T: 0400 037 818 E: T: 0400 037 818 Saturday, T: 0400 03710.30am-1.30pm 818 T: 0400 818 2 Street Old Church Hall037 Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy E: Mount T: 0400 037 818 Roleystone
On Sunday 19 February, a very special community event was held at the Centre of Being. Families with children as young as two years old coming together to make simple but beautiful magic. Under the patient and watchful guidance of Anaku, the children mixed food pigment and sand together to create vibrant colours for a mandala, which is a geometric symbol that represents the universe. The children explored different shapes and patterns with the sand, becoming immersed in the colours as the mandala grew and took shape before them. Each child had their own small piece to complete, but they also got to work together to fill in the spaces around their particular piece. The result was a beautiful day of sharing, cooperation and fun. Families shared lunch on the shaded lawn in between these wonderful bursts of creativity. Many thanks must go to all those who attended to make this day a very special and memorable event. Many more wonderful community events are planned
for the Centre of Being this coming year, so please follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with what’s happening.
On a Wing and a Prayer On Wednesday 29 February, the Palm Beach Rotary Club proudly presented a community talk and screening at the Gary Holland Centre in Rockingham. It was very well attended, and all proceeds made from donations at the door were given to the Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Rehabilitation Centre. The night’s main attraction was DEC Senior Wildlife Officer Rick Dawson’s in-depth talk on the biology and ecology of the endangered Carnaby’s cockatoo. Rick was joined by Chris Phillips from the Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Rehabilitation Centre, who spoke
about the Centre’s work in conserving black cockatoos. There was also a chance for attendees to meet Harmony and Ebony, the beautiful black cockatoos who were there to ‘sign’ autographs. After the talk, there was a community screening of “On a Wing and a Prayer”, the engaging story of one Carnaby’s Cockatoo family, and Senior Wildlife Investigator Rick Dawson, who made their survival his life’s mission. For those that managed to see it, the ABC screened the “On a Wing and a Prayer” documentary on Tuesday 13 March. Valerie Turnell.
~~ Great Cocky Count ~~ Our iconic Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos need your help, join us as we carry out our annual snapshot survey. It’s simple, fun and every survey counts. When: Sun 15 April at sunset. Where: Night roosts across the SW from Geraldton-Esperance. Call Tamara Kabat 0457 333 177 or email:
Natural Disaster Assistance Program Helping to Rebuild Business Confidence
Real Estate News Release - Roleystone 21st Edition
Real Estate Secrets Exposed
Dr Job Kayode Ojo
Dr Oladipo Ajayi MBBS, DA, FRACGP Dr Ayodele Mejiuni MBBS, FMCP Unit 1, 9 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 Ph. 08 9397 7122 Fax. 08 9397 7132 caring for the total man...
tone eys
Dr graham Wheeler B.D. Sc. (WA)
Ro l
A Geneva based research centre described 2010 as the deadliest year from natural disasters in two decades - and Australia ranked in the top ten countries affected (source: ) The Small Business Advisory Services – National Disaster Assistance (SBAS-NDA) program was set up to provide support to small businesses directly or indirectly impacted by all the natural disasters that occurred in Australia from October 2010 to now. Some of these disasters included cyclones, floods and fire and they affected multiple States in Australia. The Belmont Business Enterprise Centre (Belmont BEC) is one of twenty-five not-forprofit business advisory organisations that received Australian Government funding to assist small businesses affected by natural disasters. Belmont BEC is providing national assistance ‘virtually’ through ‘My business incubator’ which delivers support via one-on-one telephone assistance, email, mentoring through web meetings and group training webinars. All services are provided free or low cost, by specialist business advisors and with assistance from industry professionals. Webinars are offered to small businesses by the Belmont BEC in disciplines such as business planning, finance, marketing, ecommerce, HR, websites and social media. Legal and accounting support is also be available to those needing specialist advice. Carol Hanlon, CEO of Belmont BEC said, “By participating in the program, we are finding that the confidence of business owners who have sadly been affected by natural disasters is improving, and so are their business results, which is fantastic. Our services are offered online, so any business can access our project easily and this support will be available until May 2012”. More information about other organisations that were successful in obtaining SBAS-NDA funding grants is available at, via the Hotline 13 28 46, or by emailing To find out more about the business advisory services offered by Belmont BEC or to find out about the project, log onto au/register or
g ta l S u r
9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone WA 6111 Ph: 9397 6337 Fax: 9496 2563
Please email me your favourite related topic
by Fraser Willi
Those of you who keenly follow interest rates will know that the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) kept the cash rate on hold on the 6th March 2012. The RBA in doing this is inadvertently restricting the economy but also helping to restrict the Australian Dollar from going any higher to help Australian exports and investment in Australian companies. The Australian Dollar is currently trading at approximately 104 United States (US) cents, down a little on the last 7 weeks (due to recent positive economic reports on the US economy) but still at a level that sees off shore investors looking to invest in US stocks over the Australian Stock Exchange(ASX) due to currency and yield advantages. The RBA also believe that world growth will be below trend pace and are comfortable that a deep economic downturn is not occurring as Australia, the US, China, and Asia have moderate economies whilst Europe’s financial pressures have been reduced. All in all, we know that time is the great comforting factor in real estate - in 1996 you could buy a 4 bed, 2 bath home for $180,000 and the same home is now selling for between $600,000 to $700,000 - we look forward to seeing the same returns in the future so wether rates go up, down or are on hold, it’s always a good time to buy real estate - in 10 years time, purchasers will be wishing that they had bought two properties instead of one!!! For further Real Estate News please see on Facebook: Fraser Williams – Property
PAGE 25 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Why the RBA put Interest Rates on hold in March 2012
One Night Seminars give an over view, some tips and answers to your questions. In depth learning and skills development are offered in our longer courses.
MUMS RAISING TEENAGE BOYS However well-prepared mothers are logically, the emotional response to having a boy is often still, ‘Wow! This is unknown territory.’ It is true that for many mothers, the idea of raising a son carries its own set of worries. DATE: 8 May DAY: Tuesday TIME: 6.30 – 9.00pm COST: $25 per person All of the above workshops are held at the Lotteries House, 2232C Albany Highway Gosnells.
Places are limited so book now on 9489 6322.
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
From 9am to 4pm on Saturday 21 April, you are all welcome to come along to the Claremont Showgrounds where we will celebrate the Maori New Year at the 2012 Matariki Festival Matariki, the Maori name for the Pleiades star cluster also known as The Seven Sisters, is also the name used to refer to the traditional Maori New Year. The word “matariki” has two meanings, both of which involve the stars. Mata Riki means “Tiny eyes”, and Mata Ariki means “Eyes of God”. Traditionally, the coming season’s crop was thought to be determined by the visibility of Matariki in the night sky. The brighter the stars, the warmer the season, and thus the more productive the harvest. It was also seen as an important time for family to gather and reflect on the past and the future. Traditionally families would gather to perform songs and hakas, weave, carve, prepare food delicacies, hunt and fish. Competitiveness is a dominant factor in Maori culture and the time of Matariki still emphasizes this. It provides a time when we can show off our talents and allows for recognition of achievement and success. Today, Matariki is all about celebrating the unique place in which we live, giving respect to the land we live on, showing our admiration and appreciation for our mother earth. We learn about those who
2012 came before us, our history, our family and our bones. It’s a time of new beginnings, a time to pause and reflect on the year that was and the year that will be. It’s a time of change, preparation and of action. For children, it’s an important time to learn about our ancestry, the land, the stars, and what it is to be Maori. Matariki is a time of coming together with family and friends to share food, festivities and fun, as well as a time to acknowledge what we have and what we have to give. We invite you to come celebrate the diversity of life in a celebration of Maori culture, language, spirit and people. Entry costs $10 per person, with children under the age of 12 getting in for free. Carparking is only $2. Entry is through gates 5 and 8, or you can jump on the Fremantle train and get off right outside the Showgrounds. From 6pm to 11:30pm, there will be a Matariki Ball featuring Ardijah and Ria Hall held at the Jim Webster Pavilion in the Showgrounds. For more information, call Olivia on 0430 949 940, Pani on 0404 004 824 or Jo on 0423 180 800.
Specials available from Mon 26.3.12 until Sun 1.4.12 *Pictures for
21 Jarrah Rd ROLEYSTONE Ph: 9397 5549, 9397 5585
illustration purposes only
PAGE 26 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Trading Hours: Mon, Tues & Wed 8am - 7pm, Thurs 8am - 8pm, Fri 8am - 7pm, Sat 8am - 7pm, Sun 8.30am - 7pm
Asstd. Peters Ice-cream 4 Litre
a tub
399 a tub
a tin
Asstd. MeadowLea 1kg
Asstd. Greenseas Tuna 95g
a box
Asstd. Pepsi 2 Litre
a bottle
Fiona Newland
the Theatre, replacement of Theatre roofing and guttering, plus new carpets and vinyl throughout. Zyg has always been a vocal supporter of the City of Armadale, and often commented on how many jobs were set up and completed without us even asking for them to be done. No sooner had we discussed an issue at a committee meeting, and Zyg would notify the committee that the Council was onto it already. The Theatre is certainly a lucky community group to have such a benevolent landlord dealing with the excellent upkeep of the heritage-listed building. Zyg commented at our recent Annual General Meeting, in which he did not re-nominate, that he felt he achieved all he had set out to achieve as President of the Roleystone Theatre. He also said that whilst it had been hard work, he was proud of his part in maintaining the good name of our Theatre. Thank you Zyg, from all our members, for all your time, ideas and efforts throughout the last 6 years. Thank you, Bree Hartley (President 2012).
WA Premiere: Mamet Marriage Play of mockery and manners A script from famed, Pulitzer Prize-winning US playwright David Mamet is coming to WA for the first time this April. Premiering at the Roleystone Theatre and directed by Eliot McCann, Boston Marriage focuses on two women living together at the turn of the 20th century, scheming away on the fringes of upper-class society. Their intimate relationship sails into troubled waters as both grapple for the upper hand after one becomes a wealthy man’s mistress and the other becomes infatuated with a young girl. The play’s title comes from the phrase “Boston Marriage”, a term used to describe two women living together, independent of a man’s financial support, a term which can also refer to a long-term loving relationship. Among Mamet’s many credits are the plays Glengarry Glen Ross and Sexual Perversity in Chicago and the screenplays The Postman Always Rings Twice and The Untouchables. Dispelling widespread belief he could only write for men, Mamet wrote Boston Marriage, a play focusing exclusively on three women. McCann said he had been a long-term fan of Mamet’s writing, but had not previously heard of this play. “My interest was piqued on that level and I was further intrigued by the fact it was written for an all-female cast, which was unusual for an author renowned for his ‘alpha-male’ characters,” he said. “After reading three pages of the script, I was chortling audibly in the library – I was sold on the idea of directing the show. The over-arching story concerns friendship and how, no matter what wedges are driven between two people who care deeply for each other, their friendship will invariably survive.” With more than 20 years’ experience in Perth theatre, performing and directing for the Graduate Dramatic Society, Playlovers and KADS, Stirling, Limelight, Marloo and Blak Yak Theatres, McCann most recently directed Lifex3 at the Old Mill Theatre. On top of directing Boston Marriage, he’s also writing and recording all the incidental music for the show. “The big challenge will be to monitor and conduct the flow of the language (known as ‘Mamet-speak’) while keeping the story clear with all its inherent twists and turns,” McCann said. Boston Marriage plays at 8pm, April 13, 14, 18, 20 and 21. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for children. You can book by calling 9397 5730 or through the new online booking and payment system at Roleystone Theatre is located at 587 Brookton Highway, Roleystone.
Mobile: 0400 428 119
Office Hours: 8am-4pm 5 Days Mon to Fri Fax: 9397 5136 Email: 23 WYGONDA ROAD, ROLEYSTONE WA 6111
Is proud to announce it’s 2012 Season: Boston Marriage April 13, 14, 18, 20, 21 Much Ado About Nothing July 20, 21, 25, 27, 28 Blithe Spirit September 7, 8(+ matinee), 12, 14, 15(+ matinee) Avenue Q (musical) November 16, 17, 21, 23, 24(+ matinee), 28, 30, December 1 Bookings: The Chapmans - 9397 5730 / or book and pay on the website The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports the ROLEYSTONE THEATRE
This community group is proudly supported by The Valley Reporter
PAGE 27 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
The Roleystone Theatre Committee recently had our AGM, resulting in the new committee being voted in. The committee for 2012 is President - Bree Hartley, Vice President - Gerry Chapman, Secretary - Kylie Grima, Treasurer - Jack Barker, Committee - Daniel Ramsell, Nicole George, Ben Davis, Gerry Chapman, Paul Treasure and Katherine Ramsell. For Treasurer Jack Barker and Committee member Gerry Chapman, 2012 will be their last year, and we wish them both a wonderful year to conclude their valued work. Outgoing President Zyg Woltersdorf first took on his leadership role of President at Roleystone Theatre in 2006. Zyg has been an active President who liaised with the City of Armadale to ensure that necessary upgrades to the Theatre building were kept a priority, all the way through to completion. During Zyg’s presidency, the Roleystone Theatre saw many substantial upgrades, including earth works and retaining walls to two sides of the Theatre, completion of an alternate pathway into the Theatre, new front signage, refurbishment of the auditorium and male restroom, re-wiring of
New Commmitte for 2012
FREE workshops with Freestyle Now
FREE workshops coordinated by professionals, Freestyle Now, who will teach BMX, skateboarding and scooter skills and techniques. Thursdays, from 23 Feb – 12 April, 4pm – 6pm. All ages welcome. Major competition on Friday 13 April, 4pm – 6pm Youth Activity Area, 7 Orchard Ave, Armadale (Opp. Administration Building) . For more information visit or contact 9399 0462.
PAGE 28 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
Some of the Hush Dance crew with Nathan, Nat and Shaun from Nova.
Some of the photographs from the Youth Activity Area official opening on Friday 17 February. It’s one of the most innovative youth spaces in Australia and it includes; skate plaza with ramp, rails, steps and flat bank, two ‘taco’ skate features, freeform ‘moon’ structures catering from BMX, heavy duty skateable seating, custom designed steel structures, a large video wall, made up of 9 47” Sony LCD panels, a 10-speaker audio system with in-ground garden speakers, shaded lawn areas and native garden beds.
Season Makers Call Nigel Bray now on 0400 074 844 AIRPORT TRANSFERS Roleystone Transfer and Charter Call David Mackey on 0412 953 638
ANTENNAS AAA TV Antennas When quality & service matters 20Yrs Exp Andrew 0413 779 537 Roleystone Antennas Ph: 0411 536 883 Antenna Home Theatre Install/Repairs ARTIST Susan Angwin Classes to be held at the Old Church Hall Cnr Croyden Rd & Brookton Hwy. Phone: 0400 037 818 AUTO-MECHANICAL A Grade Mechanical 11 Wygonda Road Phone: 9397 5244 Lino’s Mobile Mechanical Services 0425 125 207 WJ & KS Automotives 447 Chevin Road Phone: 9397 5666 BANK Roleystone-Karragullen Community Bank® Open M-F 9-5pm Sat 9-12pm 9397 7466 BEAUTY THERAPISTS Holly’s Skin & Beauty Shop 1, 198 Brookton Hwy Kelm. Ph: 9390 0583 Studio One Skin Health & Beauty 4a 2756 Albany Hwy Kelmscott 9390 2313 BOBCAT & TIP TRUCK Roleystone Bobcat 0418 625 925 Call Joe Dirt 9397 9860 bookkeeper & myob software Jewels Business Support call Julia 0409 203 512
BRICK & HIGH PRESSURE CLEANING Jack’s Brick & High Pressure Cleaning 0412 860 310, 9496 3206 BRICKLAYING S & LJ Rigby Contractors Stan Mob: 0418 920 148 A/Hrs: 9397 5768 BRIDAL & FORMAL SHOP A Touch of Class by Tamukami 2/2155 Albany Hwy Gosnells 9490 9909 BUILDER David J Willis Building Phone: 9496 1262 Mobile: 0408 959 340 White Rose Building Co David Fowler P: 9498 3843 Mob: 0402 785 894 BUS CHARTER Roleystone Transfer and Charter Call David Mackey on 0412 953 638
BUTCHER Roleystone Family Meats Phone: 9397 5580 2, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone CABINETMAKER Cabinetmaker-Frank 9496 0037 (after 5pm) CANVAS Custom Canvas & Tonneau call Anita Ph: 9497 1596 Mob: 0421 545 536 CAR DETAILING Once Over Mobile Car Detail Jason 0411 654 119 CARPENTRY Habitat WA Timber doors & windows Ph: 9397 9838 M: 0413 148 460 CHILDCARE Magic Moon Childcare Phone: Linda 9399 1838 101 Forrest Rd Armadale CHIROPRACTOR Roleystone Chiropractic Josh Morton 0451 675 100 19 Wygonda Rd Roleystone COMPUTER REPAIRS Bigsi Computer Solutions call Simon 9397 9046 Mobile: 0433 838 394 CONCRETE Decorative Concrete Resurfacing System Transforming Crete Designs Call Pete now 0438 979 582
CONCRETE GARDEN SUPPLIES PIANO TUITION K & K Concrete Karragullen Gravel & Simply Music Kevin Campbell Garden Supplies Emma 0488 630 811 Mobile: 0433 728 478 Phone/Fax: 9397 6854 dance classes HAIRDRESSING PLUMBING Majestique School of ABM Plumbing A New Do Hair-n-Beauty Dance Ph: 9397 6041 Call Andy 0419 986 923 4a 2756 Albany Hwy Office: 9293 7524 Mob: 0408 924 338 Kelmscott 9390 2313 Findlay Plumbing & Gas Aura Hairdressing dentIST Phone/Fax: 9390 1940 Shop 10/21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone Dental Mobile: 0409 297 939 Phone: 9496 3950 Surgery Ph: 9397 6337 PRINTING 9 Wygonda Rd Roleystone Billy Shears The Hair Club Unit 2a Brackenridge Village FN Grafix Call Fiona DOGWASH Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd on 0400 428 119, 23 It’s A Dogs Life 9397 9219, 0431 908 074 Wygonda Rd, Roleystone Call Monique on Catabree & Magnolia REAL ESTATE 0413 261 352 52 Fourth Rd Armadale Maggie Burke Real Estate DREAM CONSULTANT Phone: 9399 2992 P: 9496 1122, F: 9496 1120, Jenifer’s Pillow Talk Karizma Hair Studio M: 0419 939 110 Mobile: 0417 945 988 2, 198 Brookton Highway Roleystone Real Estate Phone: 9390 7506 Cnr Brookton Hwy & Soldiers DRIVEWAYS HARDWARE Rd Roleystone 9397 6300 Creative Driveways & Roleystone Hardware John 0419 912 469 Fencing Call John Ph/Fax: 17, 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone Phone: Fraser 0439 092 248 9397 6854 or 0418 953 591 9397 5643. Open: Mon-Thur 9-5.30, RECREATION CENTRE EARTHMOVING Fri 11-5.30, Sat 8.30-4, Sun 10-2 Roleystone Recreation Dingo Guru jewellery designer Centre 8 Wygonda Road Ph: Colin 9397 5769 Roleystone Ph: 9397 6538 Olil Jewellery Design Mobile: 0429 383 275 4, 2 Soldiers Rd Roleystone ROOF restorations 9496 1100, 0415 692 322 F & M.J. Armenti Total Roof Care Phone: 9397 6372 LAWNMOWING Ring Steve 0419 854 587 Fax: 9397 6374 Bee Jay’s Garden Services EATERIES 9397 6264, 0412 509 526 SEPTICS Genesis in the Hills LAWYER Care West Liquid Waste 124 Croyden Rd Roleystone JK Legal Your Family Law Domestic or Commercial Phone: 9397 7799 Team 6/26 Prospect Rd Please call Paul 0408 093 073 Kim Valley Chinese Armadale Ph: 6196 0401 SHOPPING CENTRES Restaurant 4, 198 Brookton massage therapist Kelmscott Plaza Hwy Kelm Ph: 9495 1188 Mensana Professional Cnr of Albany Highway & Views 101 on Araluen Massage Service Steven Denny Avenue Kelmscott Araluen Golf Resort Country Rouse 0438 955 419 Roleystone Supa IGA Club Ave Roleystone MEDICAL CENTRE 21 Jarrah Rd Roleystone SC Ph: 9397 9000 Ph: 9397 5549, 9397 5585 Roleystone Family ELECTRICIAN Medical Ctr Ph: 9397 7122 stockfeeds Darling Range Electrical Unit 1/9 Wygonda Rd Feedman Stockfeeds Call Glen Weaver ORGANIC SHOP 70 Mills Road West Martin 0421 567 423, 9397 6015 Ph: 9398 2242 Earthbound Organics High Point Electrical Open 7 Days 9.30amTILING Call Marius 0419 004 475 5.30pm Ph: 9397 7899 Anfield Tiling Service PAINTER Wall & Floor Tiling Roleystone Property Phone Chris 0421 222 138 Brush Worx Terry Griffiths Maintenance 0430 115 178 Call Alex 0401 979 866 tool centre FENCING Toolmart Aust P/L PARTITIONS & CEILINGS Sales, Service, Spares & Rural Fencing Call John Repairs Kelm 9390 9000 Jacmo Partitions & 0418 953 591 or Ceilings Mob: 0418 943 320 Ph/Fax: 9397 6854 TRAVEL AGENTS Ph/Fax: 9496 1015 (Rod) FIREWOOD Travelways Ph: 9490 2100 Fax: 9490 3622 Roleystone Firewood 1, 2223 Albany Hwy Gosnells Free Local Delivery Call Simon on 9397 6313
PAGE 29 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
ACCOUNTANTS Araluen Accountancy 57 Ridgehill Rise Phone/Fax: 9397 9253 Jacqueline T. Hunt Phone: 9496 1886 Stokes & Associates 10 Wygonda Road Phone: 9496 1247 AIR CONDITIONING
This is a free service where every advertiser that places an advertisement with “The Valley Reporter” automatically is listed on this page. The idea of it is for it to be used as a fast reference to businesses and services. Each business will have a maximum of three (3) lines which will include a company name, address and contact details and these will be categorised and listed alphabetically. As another free service you will find every advertiser is also listed under our Local Business Directory at
Did you know.... Our first priority is to make sure we deliver to every household in Roleystone & it’s surrounding areas but if you are not a Roleystone resident, & still would like to get a copy of The Valley Reporter, you can always pick one up at our 54 convenient other locations • Roleystone Orchard • Roley’s on the Ridge • Araluen Nursery & Garden Tearooms • Roleystone Newsagency • Roleystone Recreation Centre • Earthbound Organics • Kim Valley Chinese Restaurant • Roleystone Community College • Lesmurdie Senior HS (Community Library) • The Roasted Bean Café • Armadale Visitor Centre • Valley Grower Supermart • Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital Kiosk • Cellarbrations Karragullen • Pickering Brook Sports Club • Roleystone Fish & Chips • Pickering Brook General Store • Tomeo’s Service Station • Roleystone Lunchbar & Takeaways • Araluen Golf Resort • Bedfordale Child Care Centre • Raeburn Orchard • Holly’s Skin & Beauty • Roleystone Country Club • Karizma Hair Studio • Good Shepherd Catholic PS • WJ & KS Automotives • Gull - Karragullen • Roleystone Family Medical Centre • Genesis in the Hills • Stokes & Associates • RK Seniors Club • United Petrol Station - Roleystone • Roleystone Real Estate • City of Armadale (Council Offices) • Araluen Botanic Park • Waterford Executive Conferencing • Roleystone Karate • Rainbow Riding School • The Manse Restaurant • John Wollaston Community Anglican School • Roleystone Theatre • Roleystone Neighbourhood Family Centre • Roleystone Auto Centre • Armadale, Kelmscott & Westfield Libraries • The Grape Gallery • A New Do Hair-N-Beauty & Studio One • Roleystone Fire Station These various locations are NOT distributors but have kindly made the latest issue of The Valley Reporter readily available for you to enjoy!
TRAVEL AGENTS Travelworld Ph: 9497 2554 Fax: 9497 2949 2/182 Jull St Armadale TREE SERVICES JMC Tree Services Phone: 9497 1596 Mobile: 0409 118 912 WA Treeworks Phone: David 9496 0306 Freecall: 1800 088 733
veterinary service Pet Assist 332 Home Vet Services Call Judith Congrene 0433 2137 28 water tanks Waterwise Tanks Phone: 9495 2828 Mobile: 0417 171 998 WROUGHT IRON/REPAIRS McAuliffe’s Wrought Iron Metal Art 9496 1348, 0417 966 599
FRENCH TUITION Ph: 0438 634 902 Children and Adults
Horse Agistment Roleystone. New fencing, lge yards, other agisters, endless trail riding in bush. Call Helen on 0402 403 269 or 9397 5921 for more info or to come and view WANTED Wildlife Park needs volunteers 0439 904 147
Prices subject to change without further notice. ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The VALLEY Reporter
ARTIST TUITION Ph: 0447 441 707 Watercolour and Acrylic
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LAND FOR SALE Beachside living 358sqm battleaxe blk in prime ctr of Rockingham Waterfrt Vill Precinct. Suit sgle/dble storey res http://privatesale. au/9ray/ FOR SALE Toyota Forerunner 1984 2.4 diesel, raised suspension, near new 265 x 7016 tyres, roo bar with side steps new clutch, extractors and exhaust system with CB radio and Tow Bar, well maintained 5mths lic $1800 ono Dave 0438 801 812
Healthdirect Hotline 1800 022 222, Poison Information Centre 13 11 26, Fire & Emergency Services 1300 657 209, SES 132 500, Western Power 131 351, Alinta Gas 13 13 51, Telstra 132 203,
� � � � � �
Roleystone Volunteer Fire Services (Robbie van Uden) 9397 5406, CoA Ranger Services 9399 0111 or 1300 886 885, Smoky Vehicle Reporting 1800 076 659, Synergy (faulty street lights) 1800 622 008, Water Corporation 131 375, FESA Information Line 1300 657 209,
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Mensline 1300 789 978, Family Helpline & Domestic Violence
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� �
Have you got something to sell,or are you looking for something inparticular? Then let everyone know by putting it in The Valley Reporter
other IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Armadale Police 9399 0222,
Listings in���������������������������������������������� the classifieds section are only for free household ������������������������������������������ items, for sales under $100, lost & found, wanted, situations �������������������������������������������� vacant, garage sales, community notices etc. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (they���������������������������������������������� are not to be used to promote your business)
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Having a Garage Sale? Then let everyone know by putting it in The Valley Reporter
volunteers wanted Radio Lollipop urgently requires volunteers for A fresh new approach with what’s happening in Roleystone... the Armadale Hospital ©Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty Ltd ACN: 121 488 515 as Trustee for the Newland Family Trust Rod Coxell Sound trading as The VALLEY Reporter ABN: 25 121 579 862 Children’s Ward. If you have 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION Productions located in a spare 2 hours per week, $35.00 per for as little as 5424 $50.00 Fionayear Newland Telephone: 9397 Girrawheen. Anyone Editor and Publisher are over 18 and would like Please send The VALLEY Reporter subscription to: (please print) 23 WYGONDA ROAD ROLEYSTONE Please Note: Postage is withiN australia oNly interested; businesses, mrs/ms/miss/mr name/initial Open: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Email: students, budding musos, to bring some happiness Facsimile: 9397 5465 Website: to a child’s hospital stay. surname bands etc. check out Ph: Helen 9390 8850, address 0458 888 498 or Radio suburb state postcode I have recently moved to the alley Reporter b-cards.indd 1 29/8/08 12:20:34 PM Lollipop on 9340 8835 tel fax mob Churchman’s Brk Estate & email have a young child. I would Post form to: 23 Wygonda Road, Roleystone WA 6111 like to meet other mum’s Fax: (08) 93979397 51365465 Email: on the Estate & would like Website: EFTDirect or Paypal Payments can be made by by Cash, Cash, Cheque, Cheque, Credit Credit Card, Card or Deposit to start a Churchman’s Brk Bank Details: Bendigo Bank, BSB (Branch): 633000, Mum’s Grp, if interested ��� Acct No: 130630304, Acct Name: Kiwi Enterprises (WA) Pty. Ltd. The Valley Reporter is committed to ensuring the privacy of your information. call Maxime Dawson on Have you recently The information on this form is used for subscription purposes only. 0403 908 414 celebrated a special occasion? Birthday, ��� Wedding, Anniversary, ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Christening, then let ���������������������������������������������������� everyone know by putting it in The Valley Reporter ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������
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WROUGHT IRON/REPAIRS Steve’s Unique Eco Handmade Art Shop 2, 2 Soldiers Rd 9496 2099
1800 643 000, Samaritans 9381 5555, Life Line 13 11 14, Relationships Australia 1300 364 277, Quitline 13 78 48, Prostate Cancer Foundation 1800 220 099, Suicide Helpline 1300 362 787, Cancer Helpline 13 11 20, Drug Info 1800 069 700, Gamblers Assist 1800 633 635, Mens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599, Womens Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339, Kids Helpline 1800 551 800, For Passenger Assistance on Transperth Train Services call 1800 800 022, Illegal Dumping Hotline: 1300 766 541
What’s On A SAFE, FUN PLACE FOR CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES. SESSIONS MONDAY TO FRIDAY REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL Contact ourOUR new registrars’ Ellen Southgate contact our new registrar CONTACT OUR NEW REGISTRAR CONTACT NEW REGISTRAR ROBYN 9397 7116 6396 2498graham &DAWSON Marie Hoffmann 6196 2236 kym 9397 9158 CAROLYN BATHGATE 9498 1968
Your not-for-profit event or activity can be listed here FREE and is open to local community and sporting groups courtesy of The Valley Reporter
Armadale Visitor Centre 40 Jull St, Armadale Ph: 9399 0410 Araluen Botanic Park 362 Croyden Rd, Roleystone Ph: 9496 1171 Araluen Golf Resort Country Club Ave, Roleystone Ph: 9397 9000 Brackenridge Village & Roleystone Village KOFUKAN Corner of Brookton Hwy & Soldiers Rd Roleystone. Enjoy KOFUKAN KARATE-DO KARATE-DO INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL great food, wine, jewellery, giftware, unique arts & crafts, ROLEYSTONE DOJO organic food, beauty and an art gallery Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Karragullen Expo October 2012. Showcasing the latest Self-defense, Competition, Fitness, Confidence, Respect & Discipline in Horticultural Machinery. Gates open 9-4.30 Adults $10, Confidence, Respect & Discipline Improve your personal well being & Pensioners & Children over 12yrs $5, Children under 12yrs Improve your personal well being & FREE. Karragullen Oval, Old Station Rd Karragullen Improve your social awareness Improve yourPh. social awareness 113th Kelmscott Annual Show October 2012 Enquiries 9397 5688 Rushton Park, Kelmscott. General Enquiries 9495 4001 KIDSEnquiries Ph. ADULT Enquiries 9397 9397 5688 or5688 0419 946 661 or 0419Ph. 946 661 CLASSES KIDS ADULT email: Qualified Karate NCAS Accredited CLASSES or Instructor 0419 946& 661 CLASSES Qualified Karate FreeInstructor créche available & NCAS Accredited CLASSES Pickering Brook Agricultural Show May 2012 Ph: 9293 8263 Email: Free créche available NewTraining TrainingDays Times for Tuesdays Training & Thursdays Times2012 Roleystone Hall Roleystone Theatre Inc. 587 Brookton Highway Roleystone. Jnrs 5.30-6.30pm (up to 12yrs), Snrs 6.30-8pm Jnrs (5-12yrs) 5-6pm Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah Tuesdays & Thursdays (13yrsTraining & up), Jnr Beginners & WhiteTraining Belts Tuesdays only Days Times Roleystone Hall Closed during school holidays Snrs (13yrs & older) 6-7.30pm For Bookings Ph: 9397 5730. Rds, Roleystone during schoolJnrs holidays Thursdays (5-12yrs) 5-6pm Cnr Wygonda & Jarrah Tuesdays & Closed Valley View Garden Golf Earthbound Organics Brackenridge The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports roLEYstonE kArAtE Rds, Roleystone Closed during school holidays Snrs (13yrs & older) 6-7.30pm Village, Shop 4, 1 Soldiers Road Roleystone. Ph: 9397 7899 The VALLEY Reporter proudly supports roLEYstonE kArAtE Kalamunda District Bridge Club holds weekly day & evening sessions for both competitive and social bridge. A beginners’ course commences on Oct 3rd 7pm. Contact Andy Leal 9291 6451 or email: If I have forgotten to mention you in the What’s On - your local COMMUNITY CALENDAR section please feel free to submit your contact details to Email: thevalleyreporter@
Roleystone Karragullen Seniors Club (Inc) 46 Jarrah Road, Roleystone Phone : 9496 3166 E-mail:
We are an energetic group of “Over 50’s” and some of our regular activities for members are: • Mahjong • Bingo • Book Club • Lunches • Whist • Indoor Bowls • Cards • Members Lending Library
this spaceSchool WatchPrimary Roleystone
up-dates • Plants • Toysfor • Gift Ideas • Sausage Sizzle what may on • Music • Clothes • Cakes •the Jams, Pickles & unfold for Chutneys • Bric-a-Brac markets • Books • And many more....
If you would like a stall at the markets, call Juliette on 9397 5037
Roleystone Toy Library
joinNOW! now! JOIN
we Sat Weare areopen openTues Wed1.45-2.30pm 11.30-12.15 &&Sat 9.30-10.30am the school term. 9.30-10.30am during school term. ALL ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE Any enquiries please call 9496 1115 or HEATHER WHITEHEAD 9496 0119 email
Community Coordinator E:
Mobile: 0418 956 519 Phone: 08 9496 0035
Co-Community Coordinator E:
Mobile: 0407 445 473 Phone: 08 9397 6534
Meetings are held every month (can be every 2nd) on Monday nights with a 7pm start time. Attendees are not limited to committee members as a public interest is warranted. Anyone wishing to attend can call Evie Molson on 0418 956 519.
Roleystone Community Alive Group Supporting a Community that supports each other This printing has been proudly supported & reproduced by FN GRAFIX –
A Church of Christ
SUNDAY SERVICE 9.30am Youth Group, Sunday School, Craft Group, Bible Study, Prayer Group, Missionary Support
For enquiries phone Gerry 9397 5730
RKET HELD ONMA THE 1ST SUNDAY 2012??? OF EVERY MONTH ll We are sti this! 9am 12noon ng on workitill
Roleystone Volunteer Fire Brigade Jarrah Rd every Monday 5-8.30pm or phone
Noel 9397 6370 Rob 9397 5406
Social TenniS iS7pm-8.30pm played aT The club • Social Tennis Monday nights • Wednesday mornings adulTS; WedneSday morningS from 9am 9am onwards • Friday mornings 9am-11am (run through Family Centre with Creche) • Sunday afternoons 2pm-4pm and Junior TenniS
Bookings and and keys for public court hire are available through Bookings through the the Roleystone Video Network Store, Jarrah Shops - 9496 Roleystone VideoRoad Phone: 9496 16161616. PO Box 172 Kelmscott WA 6991. Email: PO Box 172 Kelmscott WA 6991. E: Wendy Shearwood (Sec.) 9397 5305 WendyTucker Tucker (Pres.) (Pres. &9397 Club6620, Capt.)Graham 9397 6620, Tracey Backhouse (Sec.) Helen Mantle (Treas.) & Virginia Bird (Club 9496 0053,9390 Myles2335 Hay-Hendry (Treas.) 9390 Capt.) 4740 9390 7668
PAGE 31 – © Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter
– your local community calendar
PAGE 32 – Š Kiwi Enterprises (WA) P/L as the Trustee of the Newland Family Trust t/as The Valley Reporter