December 2015 November 2015
Pendland Photo
Francie Baltazar-Stonestreet
President’s Message
December 2015
Belinda Standford,M.Photog., Cr., CPP
Whoa!! It is amazing how fast this year has flown by! It seems like just yesterday we were gearing up for January’s program. It has truly been my privilege and honor to serve as your 2015 president as we celebrated our 65th anniversary. As we focused on ‘Honoring our Past, Embracing our Future,’ we joined our hands, heads and hearts to raise the bar higher than ever with continuing education and fellowship. I thank God for the outstanding team of dedicated and committed board members, committee leaders and members always thinking of new ways to improve our services for PPGH. Their willingness to accept change and move forward as opportunity and challenges presented themselves never ceased to amaze me. Growth never stands still. As we continue to enjoy our year-long celebration of PPGH’s 65th anniversary, the excitement at PPGH continues to build! You can all be very proud of belonging to PPGH and for being part of its rich legacy. PPGH continues to stand strong as one of the busiest guilds in the nation. As our membership grows, PPGH is still a wonderful family of photographers and artists…truly a tremendous community for education, networking and sharing. One of PPGH’s strong suit is providing a safe haven where everyone can not only become a better photographer but also become better business professionals. 2015 found many successes and challenges, and we grew stronger through every step of the way. - 15 Workshops and 5 of those were all day Continuning Education programs sponsored by PPA - 11 monthly programs…7 of those were all day Continuning Education programs sponsored by PPA - 1 holiday party Just wait till you see the speaker line up, workshop schedule, and the many new and exciting plans for 2016! Wowzers! It’s fantastic. I am finding it very difficult to find the right words to express my gratitude for this opportunity to serve as cont. P4
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December 2015
Alison Carlino
Tips and Tricks for Newborn Sessions
We’ve seen a huge wave of babies being born around here and there is no time like the present to spout off a few tips that have really proven successful for our newborn photo shoots. It starts way before the shoot too as you will find out. We visit mom before she even checks out of the hospital for a half hour mini session of baby and family present in room. The majority of our moms are already signed up for a plan by that point and they have alerted us that they are in labor and what hospital/room to find them in. They know that the full newborn session will happen before day 10 of life. We typically wait to schedule that session until the birth actually happens. We also want to wait a couple days for any boy that has been circumcised. They are still hurting and too much motion with posing is a strike against success for all. So why do we want them so very little? Two huge reasons! First, babies tend to be sleepier the first few days of life and second, their bones are not fully formed so they are more flexible and can curl up into those sweet newborn poses. We ask mom to keep the baby awake a few hours before the session. Give baby a bath and interact with a lot of face time and noise. This will help them become more worn out so that they will eventually sleep. We also ask them to wait until right before the family photos start to feed so that baby is full and happy. We often ask mom to top baby off just before the photos of baby alone start. That way, baby is really what we call “milk drunk.” Those two things alone will give you a great chance of a sleeping baby. Other things we do on shoot day involve having a heater close by, swaddling the baby tightly, and using any free white noise app on the phone. For the family photos, if mom is nursing, we will often pose baby with dad first. If baby smells mom, he/she is more apt to want food. A good trick to get tiny bows to stay in place when baby has no hair? A little Vaseline goes a long way to hold it in place. Newborns are very rewarding to photograph and will help build your patience. The best reward is the honor of watching them grow up through your lens!
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December 2015 cont. P2 your 2015 president. Not only has it been my honor but also a blessing. There are so many people I need to thank for this opportunity and help making this year such a success, that I cannot list them all here. But, I would like to thank YOU for your support and the courtesy you have extended to me over the past year. It has meant so much to me. Even though my term as president is winding down, my commitment and active involvement in the PPGH will continue. I look forward to continuing our endeavor together, serving as Chairman of the Board, and trying to finish my ‘to do’ list. Here’s to a wonderful 2016 filled with beautiful images and great friends old and new! See you in January! Blessings, Belinda
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December 2015
January’s Speaker Presented by
George Dean Boost Your Sales Without “cheesy sales techniques” Learn how to Give Your Clients What They Deserve! How to Get Amazing Client Experience Emails (just look on my website to see examples) How to Create An Emotionally Bonded Experience Discover My Step-by-Step Customer Management System How to Design a Simple Price List How to Get Quick 45 Minute Sales Presentations How I netted $24,528.12 From My Last Mailing How to Get Tons of Referrals (lots of little things add up!) How to “Complicate” (yes, complicate!) Your Business Mindset for the Entrepreneurial Photographer How to Use the “Artist Within” To Shape Your Sales Process & Results Specific Low Cost Highly Effective Marketing Campaigns How to Break Your Sales Barrier & Stop Sabotaging Your Sales Projection Sales Strategy & Techniques How to Get Your Clients to Send You Referrals How to Deserve Referrals & Repeat Business plus a TON more… This is an All-Day PPA Sponsored Merited program. PPA member will receive a merit for attending
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December 2015
PPGH 2015 Board of Directors Contact your officers or director, just click on their name.
Chairman of the Board Kim Christensen
Executive Director Tom Hathcock M.Photog.,CPP, PPGH-Past President
President Belinda Stanford M.Photog., Cr., CPP
Director Sherry PichĂŠ, CPP
Vice President Teri Whittaker, CPP
Treasurer Kevin Falcon
Secretary Aileen Harding M.Photog., CPP
Director - Membership Laura Mansur, CPP
Director Orpha Garcia-Labohm
Director Nikky LaWell, CPP
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December 2015
PPGH Committees
Bylaws Chairman: Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Alvin Gee, M.Photog., CR., CPP Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Kelly Willis
Ethics Chairman: Janice Jones-Bosnic, CPP Dixie Dobbins, M. Photog., Cr., CPP Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Mindy Harmond, CPP
Audit Chairman: Greta Jacobs-Mee, CPP Fellowship Chairman: Teri Whittaker, CPP Shelia Richards Kathy Kinser Image Competition Board Liaison: Sherry Piche´, CPP Telephone Chairman: Cat Dybala, M.Photog. Board Liaison: Blair Haynie, CPP, Orpha Garcia-Labohmn Sandy Buller Kathy Kinser, Teri Whittaker, CPP Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Nikky LaWell, CPP Sherry Piché, CPP Mary Blackwell, Irma Furnish Vera Brock, Kevin Falcon, Kim Christensen, Blanca Duran
Procedures and Controls Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, CPP Vicki Longoria Mentor Program /Certification Chairman: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Web Site Board Liaison: Kevin Falcon Web Master: Vicki Longoria Marvin Labohm, Duane Blocker Social Media Board Liaison and Chairman: Kevin Falcon Events Board Liaison: Belinda Standford, M. Photog., CR., CPP Librarian Chairman: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Booker Shelton
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PPGH Workshop Series Board Liaison: Alieen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP Dixie Dobbins, M. Photog., Cr., CPP, Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP Buz Marvins, M.Photog., Cr. Kathleen Kinser, Brenda Logan Kim Christensen, Vicki Longoria, Meghan Holton, Teresa Casillas.
Nominating Chairman: Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP Alvin Gee, M. Photog., Cr., CPP Dixie Dobbins, M. Photog.,Cr.,CPP Kim Hartz, M. Photog., CPP Karen Butts, M. Photog., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Welcoming Board Liaisons: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Clean Up Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, CPP Membership Chairman: Laura Mansur, CPP Karen Butts, M. Photog., CPP Kevin Falcon, Kathy Kinser, Laura Mansur, Hallie Keller, Kim Christensen, Sandy Buller,
December 2015
December 2015
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December 2015
How I Used My PPGH Scholarship By Kevin Falcon, CPP Being the recipient of a PPGH scholarship, I chose to attend TX School in 2015. The benefit of the scholarship allowed me the opportunity to learn more about off camera lighting. I chose to study with Mike and Suzy Fulton. I have used my camera’s flashes off camera, or wirelessly before, but with not much success. Maybe many of you have tried using your flashes off camera too. And like me, you may have had some success and failure too. Here’s a few things that I learned during my week of education: • Technical discussion about flashes that I “thought” I knew but really didn’t • Techniques to improve the chances that off camera flashes work properly during a session. • Review of current crop of high speed sync flashes and their best uses • Refresher in posing subjects
Kevin Falcon, CPP
The course was more than just lessons in off camera (wireless) flash training. Mike Fulton is known for his use of speed lights to take advantage of high-speed sync TTL that speed lights offer. Until recently, there were little options in the way of any studio lights with these features. Profoto and Phottix now offer the power of studio strobes with the high-speed sync capabilities (yeah!). Note: There may be more now so please don’t crucify me for not doing an extensive search before writing this article. I use Canon and have a couple of 580EX flashes as well as two newer 600EX flashes I invested in this year. What’s the difference you ask? The newer flashes use a radio frequency to communicate with each other and the camera to eliminate the line-of-sight requirement that the 580EXs. Because the 600EX also includes line-of-sight wireless flash, they are backward compatible with the older 580s. This is great because I can use these older flashes, if needed, allowing me to increase the amount of flash power used in a session. We spent one day on the science behind different types of flashes and how each has it’s advantages and disadvantages in their use. And then we spent the remaining part of the week learning and practicing off camera techniques to retain that blue sky when in outdoor settings. I know many of you have had that image that is an fantastic portrait except that the sky is dull gray or white because you exposed for your subject and the sky gets blown out. This course allowed ample practice to get the process down. Like I said earlier, I have tried this technique before with mixed results. The way Mike explained this technique with a good helping of his lessons learned was a great help. I experienced a few “A-Ha” moments too! A PPGH scholarship is just one of the many benefits of membership with PPGH. I believe that my scholarship along with the networking, friendship and mentoring I have experienced has enriched my professional growth since joining PPGH. If you are an eligible member, I encourage you to apply for a scholarship but more than that; I encourage you to get more involved with the guild. I did. And that has had one of the biggest impacts on my photography business growth.
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December 2015
November Image Competition First Place Masters Division
Cat Dybala, M. Photog.
Surreal Reality
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December 2015
November Image Competition Second Place Masters Division
Cat Dybala, M.Photog.
A New Day Begins
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December 2015
November Image Competition Third Place - Masters Division
Dixie Dobbins,M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
Sisterly Love
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November Image Competition First Place - Active Division
December 2015
Francie Baltazar-Stonestreet, Cr., CPP
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December 2015
November Image Competition Second Place - Active Division
Teri Whittaker, CPP
Timeless Beauty
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December 2015
November Image Competition Third Place - Active Division
Francie Baltazar-Stonestreet, Cr., CPP
Sweet Dreams
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December 2015
PPGH’s Newest Certified Professional Photographers
Photo by, Booker Shelton
L to R: Kevin Falcon, CPP, Sandy Buller, CPP, Monty Orr, CPP Not pictured, Kim Kulhlman, CPP, and Allison McPhail, CPP
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Other Guilds Around Texas Join Texas PPA
December 2015
April 24-29, 2016
PPGH Members receiving the scholarships to Texas school will be announced at the Christmas Party..... Don’t Miss It. Page 18
December 2015
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Other Guilds Around Texas
Other Guilds Around Texas
December 2015
Brazos Valley PPA
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December 2015
Other Guilds Around Texas
Annual Holiday Party (members & guests only)
When 07 Dec 2015
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6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Location Norris Conference Center, 2525 West Anderson Lane #365, Austin, TX 78757 (across Anderson Lane from Precision Camera)
December 2015
Other Guilds Around Texas Fort Worth Professional Photographers Association Annual Member Christmas Party
When 12/09/2015 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM (CST) Location 7101 Camp Bowie W Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76116
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December 2015
Other Guilds Around Texas
For a festive, fun and relaxed evening of fellowship make plans to attend the annual SPPPA Christmas party. We will be having a gift exchange this year. This years theme is “Decades” Come dressed in the style of your favorite decade. Pencil skirts of the 50s, boogie shoes to parachute pants from the 80s and everything in between. Please bring a “White Elephant” gift under $10. One per person. Heavy Hor’s de Voures and wine will be provided. Special meal pricing is available.
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December 2015
Other Guilds Around Texas
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December 2015
December 8: Christmas Party and Award Ceremony
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December 2015
Other Guilds Around Texas
“When you are traveling around Texas, stop by and vist one of the local affiliate guilds. Click on the links below to find out more about each one. Be sure to tell them you are from PPGH.” Local Affiliates Austin · Austin Professional Photographers Association Bryan/College Station – Brazos Valley Professional Photographers Association Dallas · Dallas Professional Photographers Association Ft. Worth · Fort Worth Professional Photographers Association Lubbock · South Plains Professional Photographers Association San Antonio · Professional Photographers of San Antonio Tyler · Professional Photographers Forum of East Texas Waco · Heart of Texas Professional Photographers
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December 2015
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倀爀漀昀攀猀猀椀漀渀愀氀 瀀栀漀琀漀 瀀爀椀渀琀攀爀猀Ⰰ 猀甀瀀瀀氀椀攀猀 愀渀搀 攀砀瀀攀爀琀椀猀攀
匀漀昀琀眀愀爀攀 猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀猀 昀漀爀 瀀爀漀昀攀猀猀椀漀渀愀氀 瀀栀漀琀漀最爀愀瀀栀攀爀猀
December 2015
November Image Winners
Photo by, Booker Shelton L to R: Terri Whittaker, CPP, Francie Baltazar-Stonestreet, Cr., CPP, Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP, Cat Dybala, M.Photog.
Calling all students! There are awards available during the monthly print competition for the Student Membership. You MUST sign in your image with the image competition team before or right after judging to qualify for an award. You also must be registered and present at the meeting to win the award. A PPGH ribbon will be presented to any student that scores an 80 or above. In the event that no student scores an 80 or above, the highest student score above a 75 will be recognized. If you are a student and enter the monthly image competition, please come up immediately after the judging to have your image personally critiqued by one of the judges to help improve your photographic skills. Sherry Piche, CPP., Image Competition Chairman
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December 2015
Don’t miss this eight state event that covers the entire Southwest area. There will be workshops and programs each day. The Expo will have exclusively dedicated time on Saturday and Sunday for everyone to look at and buy all of the newest photographic products and services. The Southwest PPA District competition will also be held here on April 1st and 2nd.
April 1 ‐ 4, 2016 Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center Frisco (N Dallas), Texas Your Hotel Room includes a Full Buffet, Cook‐ to‐order Hot Breakfast for each person plus a Manager’s Reception each evening with snacks and two adult beverages per person. All hotel rooms are two room suites. Special Nightly Rate only $134.00
You can get information and register online at You can purchase a full event pass, a one day pass, attend special workshops and safari’s plus there will be Expo Only passes. Select which option works best for you. Questions?? Contact Michael Scalf at 405‐485‐ 3838 or email him at
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December 2015
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December 2015
PPGH Member’s Gallery
Cat Dybala, M.Photog.
Emerald River
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December 2015
PPGH Member’s Gallery
Laura King
Circle of Life
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December 2015
PPGH Member’s Gallery
Francie Baltazar-Stonestreet, Cr., CPP
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December 2015
PPGH Member’s Gallery
Armando Chacon, M.Photog.,Cr.CPP
Yellow Harmony
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December 2015
PPGH Member’s Gallery
Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Something Old, Something New
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December 2015
PPGH Member’s Gallery
Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
The Archer
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December 2015
PPGH Member’s Gallery
Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
H Town
Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP
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December 2015
PPGH Member’s Gallery
Teresa Cassillas
Blue Eyed Boy
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December 2015
PPGH Member’s Gallery
Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP
The Good Shepherd
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December 2015
11/11/15 Speaker Aileen Harding Class What Judges Look for In Your Images. What an informative class... We had a great turnout to go over what judges are looking for in a merit print. She covered the 12 elements along with the 4 different merit types. We learned about the grading scale and what it means. We even went over the 3 degrees offered by PPA and how to earn them. So much more information was given and everyone walked away learning so many new things. Aileen offered great handouts and referred us to additional resources to help improve our prints for future competitions. 11/8/15 Speaker Blair Haynie Class High Key This was a wonderfully small hands on class with an abundance of information. Blair covered how to light for High key along with clothing choices. We covered paper colors for different looks in high key and the use of masonite for flooring. Blair covered camera settings and optimal lighting settings to achieve the perfect white background without loosing details and blowing out the whites. Handy charts were passed out on exposure that will assist in the field. Blair also covered different equipment options for on location versus in the studio and covered the benefits of each. Anyone that brought a camera was encouraged to use the model and demonstrate the lighting and posing techniques that were demonstrated. 11/6/15 Speaker Scott Viallabos Class Shoot-Design- Sell Scott offered a wonderful class on the art of selling Albums. Even though the class was geared for weddings, the principles could be applied to almost any business niche. Scott covered how to up-sell an album without a hard sell that makes most every client feel good about paying more. Scott covered different selling techniques and different ways to offer an album in your current packages. He went over the importance of client questionnaires, contracts and pricing for success. Some of the key things that were covered were how to shoot for an album that has your customers begging to upgrade. Scott’s event was sponsored by Finao (Albums) and Proshow (Slideshow). Eric Hoffland was the lucky winner of a year subscription for Proshow. Denzal Lovett won a 12x12 Finao album and the remaining class received a complimentary 10x10 album valued at $90 Page 40
December 2015
PPGH Video Library The PPGH has a library with videos on a variety of topics to help photographers better themselves in their careers. If you’d like to check out a video, email or call Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP at 281856-8915 or Let him know which video you’d like to rent and he will bring it to the PPGH monthly meeting where you can pick it up. Then return the video at the next month’s meeting. Video rentals are $5 for 30 days, but there is a $3 late fee per day if the video is not returned on time. Video rentals are only available for members in good standing. PPGH Video Library #001—Kirk Voclain - High School Seniors #002—Larry Peters - Senior Photography #003—Kalyn Mendez - Seniors #004—Ralph Mendez - Seniors #005—Tammy Mars - Seniorography #006—Panel of Wedding Photographers #007—Lanren Larsen - Creating Timeless Wedding Photography #008—Vaughn Eleanor #009—Tomas Ramso - Destination Weddings #010—Lewis Kinckloe - 3 Weddings and A Funeral #011—Tony Corbell - The Power of Light #012—Winn Fuqua - Killer Studio Lighting #013—Jim Monteity - Traditional Lighting #014—Don Blair - Outdoor Lighting #015—Doug Box - Fill Flash #016—David Peters - Portraiture #017—Bruce and Sue Hudson - Portraiture #018—Clay Blackmore - Portrait Posing #019—Pat Mercer- Portrait Photography #020—Will O’Hallarun - Portraiture #021—Doug and Rita Loy - Portraiture #022—Alvin Gee - The Family Friendly Studio #023—Ron Whitfield - Model Portraiture #024--Robert Suddarth - Photographing Children #025—Ted Lane - Children #026—Cindy Mekanna - Children #027—Scott Kelby - Photoshop Retouching #028—Eddie Tapp - Photoshop #029—Steve Ervin - Photoshop and Painter #030— Ann Monteith - The Business of Photography #031—Marian and Mike - Marketing Weddings #032—Curt Campbell – Business #033—Ron Harris - Business of Photography #034—Carol Andrews - Growing the Money Tree #035—Bruce Berg - Out Sell-Out Shoot-Out Smart #036—Michael Cate - Targeted Exchange Advertising #037—Randy and L.Ann Pollard - Boudoir and Pinup
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#038—Jim Stevens – Commercial #039—Paul Gittings - The Future on Photography #040—Bentkey Skeie and Jeff Locklear - Digital Imaging Myths #041—Richard Sturdevant - Composited Photographs #042—Gene Worsley - You Can Judge the Book by it’s Cover 044—Teri Quance - Marking a Merit Print #045—Steven and Came - Creating a Desire and Respect for your Photography #046—John Landauer - Selling Images and DIgital Files #047—Ron Nichols - Digital Workflow #048—Michael Ayers - Digital Photography Workflow #049—Steve Kozak - Forum Discussion #050—Dwayne Lee - “ABC” Absolutely Brilliant Concepts #051—Lizbeth Guerrina - Finding Inspiration #052—Dick Pennington - Stress/ Avoiding Burnout #053—Nancy Poole – I Feel Lucky #054—Evin Thayer - Finding your Niche #055—Michael Barton - Think Big #056—Tana Wild Surbet/ Frame Company - How to Display in your Dtudio #057—Tom Krieger
Contact Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP, Author 281-856-8915
December 2015
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December 2015
Looking Forward Next Month’s Issue
President’s Message Speaker Information PPGH-Workshop Series PPA Deadlines New Members Member Profiles PPGH Image Comp Other Guilds around Texas
Publisher Belinda Stanford, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Editor Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Copy Editor & TPPA Rep. Nicki Evans Simpson Proof Readers Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog.,CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Kevin Falcon, Teresa Casillas , Kathy Scalf Photographers Kevin Falcon Nicki Evans Simpson Denzal Lovett
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Photo by:
Kelly Willis