PPGH Viewfinder March 2019

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Green with Envy by David Johnson, CPP

Registration is Still Open! 6 Classes Left! The 2019 edition of the Texas 10 Workshops is open for Registration. These workshops are located across the state and are hosted by TPPA members. These hands-on workshops provide you with an intimate educational experience as the class sizes are kept very small. The Texas 10 Workshops cover a variety of topics including; wildlife photography, maternity and newborns, dance photography, CPP preparation and business and marketing.





Live Concert Photography Hosted by Cliff Ranson

Getting Started in Photography Hosted by Chelsea Williams, CPP


The Ins and Outs of Newborns Hosted by Alison Montgomery, Cr. Photog., CPP

CPP Cram Class Hosted by Steve Kozak

Welcome to the Jungle of Wildlife Photography Hosted by Dennis Kelley, CPP

WACO – MARCH 25 Leadership Training Hosted by Steve Kozak

Registration is open to everyone!

Hello everyone!

STAFF Publisher

Duane Blocker, CPP

Graphic Design/Layout Theresa Campbell, CPP Laura King, CPP Proof Readers Karen Butts, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Kevin Falcon, Cr. Photog., CPP Aileen Harding, M. Photog., Cr., CPP Photographers Nicky LaWell, Cr. Photog., CPP Laura Mansur Guerra, CPP

Coming up next in March we have Doug and Laura Bennett who will be giving a PPA merit program, starts at 1:00 PM, on Landscape Photography. If you’re like me you love landscapes but aren’t sure what to do with them. This should be a great program. In the afternoon Doug will be addressing Craft and Technique and it the evening Laura will be talking on Art and Expression. In April we have Mark Sykes who will be giving an evening program on The 5 Minute (or less) Retouching Workflow. Mark is with the Brazos Valley Guild and has been their president. He is so excited to come and share this program with us. Mark did a workshop on Lightroom last year that I had the pleasure to attend. Meanwhile Aileen is lining us workshops for the year, be on the lookout for those. Please come and join us on the third Tuesday of the month for our Monthly Guild meeting. ~Duane Blocker, CPP, PPGH President

THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral


Editor Theresa Campbell, CPP

I wanted to thank all of our members, we’re 213 member strong. January we had Dan Ferguson talking about Photoshop techniques to make merit worthy images and giving you a chance to offer additional products. Then in February we had Jenni Knezovich talking about how to fill those slow time with great ideas and an emphasis on making lifelong customers by offering amazing service. I and the board would love to hear feedback on what you Duane Blocker, CPP think of the programs so far. Email me any comments you have, areas for improvement, we’re here to serve you. (dbblocker@comcast.net)

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To contact your officers or director, just click on their name.

Chairman of the Board Kevin Falcon, Cr. Photog., CPP

President Duane Blocker, CPP

Vice-President Kathy Kinser, CPP

Executive Director Teri Whittaker, M. Photog., Cr., CPP

Board Member Theresa Campbell, CPP

Board Member Michael Crawley, CPP

Bylaws (No planned activity for 2019) Communications/Graphic Design Teri Whittaker, M. Photog., Cr., CPP

Treasurer Alison Montgomery, Cr. Photog., CPP

Board Member Tara Flannery, CPP

Board Member Cornell McGee, CPP


Fellowship Chair: Kathy Kinser, CPP Financial Review Board Liaison: Kathy Kinser, CPP; Chair: Kim Christensen, Armando Chacon, M.Photog., Cr. Photog., CPP; Kat Mack Image Competition Board Liaison: Tara Flannery, CPP; Chair: Sherry Piché, M.Photog, CPP; Kevin Falcon, CPP Librarian Chair: Curley Marshall, Cr. Photog., CPP; Booker Shelton, Jr.

2 MAR 2019 THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral

Secretary Laura Mansur, CPP

Membership: Chair: Cornell McGhee, CPP; Michael Reiland; Sandy Buller

Scholarships Board Liaison and Chair: Kevin Falcon, Cr. Photog., CPP

Mentor Program /Certification Chair: Karen Butts, M.Photog., Cr., CPP

Social Media Board Liaison and Chair: Kevin Falcon, Cr. Photog., CPP

Nomination Chair: Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., Cr., CPP; Aileen Harding, M.Photog., Cr., CPP, Kim Christensen; Mitch Daniels, Cr. Photog; Belinda Higgins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP; Teri Whittaker, M.Photog., Cr., CPP PPGH Workshop Series Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, M. Photog., Cr., CPP; Chair: Aileen Harding, M.Photog., Cr., CPP, Procedures and Controls Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, M. Photog., Cr., CPP

Telephone Board Liaison/Chair: Open ViewFinder Board Liaison: Theresa Campbell, CPP Viewfinder Editor/Chair: Theresa Campbell, CPP; Laura King, CPP; Karen Butts, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Web Site Board Liaison and Chair: Kevin Falcon, Cr. Photog., CPP Welcoming Curley Marshall, Cr. Photog., CPP


for TPPA $695 ($570 members) Priceless!




Left to Right Back Row: Armando Chacon, Mitch Daniels, Major Arnaud, Tom Hathcock, Dean Grimes, Charles Falk; Second Row Aileen Harding, Alvin Gee, Janice Jones, Sunny Arrant, Teri Whittaker, Buz Marvins Front Row: Greta Jacobs, Kevin Falcon, Belinda Higgins

PPGH IMAGING USA ATTENDEES: Left to Right Back Row: Alison Montgomery, Laura Waguespack, Kathy Kinser, Joan Reynolds, Duane Blocker, Randy Stanford, Cornell McGhee, Aileen Harding Front Row: Sadie Sevier, Laura Mansur, Teri Whittaker, Janice Jones, Belinda Higgins

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Los Angeles. Between the 10 of us, we shared ideas, techniques, and community as we developed our skills, and each eventually turned it into a business. I joined PPGH after meeting Tara Flannery in 2018 and realized how much I missed the community of other photographers after we moved to Texas. It is good to have “coworkers” when you are a solo-prenuer. Couch Adventures started as a blog when our family of four moved to Los Angeles from rural Ohio ten years ago. We had left all our friends and family and set out into the world and I wanted to keep our family up-to-date with our new adventures in LA. Today, Couch Adventures Photography is dedicated to creating images for families & seniors. Last year I added Personal Branding and Corporate Headshots to my line up. I also love to photograph flowers, landscapes, and travel photography. I have been married to Cory for 19 years and we have two children, Paris (17) and Ascher(12).

NEW MEMBER: BARBARA HAWLEY Greetings! This letter is to give you a little information as to who I am, My name is Mrs Barbara Haverly and I'm married to my wonderful husband Charles and we have two children ages 34 & 21. I was born and raised in Beaumont, Texas and I'm a 31 years of Service Postal Employee. I've always has a strong passion for photography . I love love the camera and capturing almost anything . I decided after taking care of a sick mother with COPD and a young brother with ALS having both pass that its MY TIME TO DO WHAT I LOVE!! I meet MR. Curley Marshall and attended a few workshop and I know that I want nothing more than to learn the art of the camera and light. Thats what my intentions are. Mr. Marshall told me about PPHG and the amazing members and was confident that with my desire and ambition that this is where I need to be and I respect his opinion and know where i want to be so I applied to get the education and knowledge that I desire to

have . I'm a beginner with the will and drive to learn what I love. most times I capture pictures of my family,friends and flowers. Recently I've had the privilege of capturing a few babies which was really fun and challenging but I accept both. I'm grateful that PPHG has allowed me to become a member and have every intention to learn as much as I can. As far as having a favorite photographer I can't say at this moment that I do but I definitely admire the work of many. I look forward to meeting you and the members . God bless and All...


When I was a kid, I wanted to be an architect. I love the beauty of building design through the years. There is a quote from the movie “The Lake House” about buildings and how you must always consider the light. “... Casa de la Caritat. It drinks the same light….You know as well as I do that the light in Barcelona is quite different from the light in Tokyo. And, the light in Tokyo is different from that in Prague. A truly great structure, one that is meant to stand the tests of time never disregards its environment. A serious architect takes that into account. He knows that if he wants presence, he must consult with nature. He must be captivated by the light. Always the light. Always.” I realized at that moment that is what photography is about, too. I want to drink in the light. I was given my first DSLR about 11 years ago when my little point and shoot would not keep up with my rambunctious two-year-old. I took a basic camera class at UCLA and joined a photography group at my church in

B. love

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Dan Ferguson

1st and 2nd Place Master Armando Chacon

3rd Place Active Alison Montgomery

1st and 2nd Place Active Maryanne Keeling

Duane Blocker, CPP

Allison Schmidt, CPP

Ron Vachon, CPP

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1st and 2nd Place Master Armando Chacon

3rd Place Active Karen Butts

1st Place Active Maryanne Keeling

2nd Place Active Theresa Campbell

2018 Master Photographer of the Year Karen Butts

2018 Photographer of the Year Maryanne Keeling

1st Place Aspiring David Johnson

THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral

MAR 2019 7

PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION by Tara Flannery, CPP Ready to enter the image competition? Need some help on where to start? This step-by-step guide will help! WHY YOU SHOULD ENTER A PPA PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION? Earn Your PPA Degree PPA offers three different photographic degrees representing different areas of expertise.


• Photographic Craftsman (Cr. Photog.) • Master of Photography (M.Photog.) • Master Artist (M.Artist) Each degree is earned through an accumulative merit system. The Photographic Craftsman degree requires 13 speaking merits of the total 25 merits for this degree. The Master of Photography and the Master Artist degree each require 13 exhibition merits as part of the 25 total merits you must earn to receive one of these degrees. Improve as an Artist Want to continue to grow in your photography skills? PPA offers constructive critiques of your entries. • Have your entries professionally critiqued by trained, professional, approved PPA jurors. You will be provided with comments, suggestions, and ideas for how you can improve the image and also what you did RIGHT. • Critiques can be ordered when you register for your local district competition and/or for the international level competition. • Critiques are uploaded to your PPA profile for you to review approximately two to three weeks after the judging event has ended. LEVELS OF COMPETITION As with any competition, it may be useful to start at the local level to gain an understanding of the process, hone your skills, and gain confidence. Then move forward with your images to the district and international levels. Local Enter your local PPGH image competition. See below for the step-by-step guide to entering the PPGH competition. Then attend the monthly PPGH meeting 8 MAR 2019 THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral

and see your images judged live and get feedback in person! The judges are helpful and will perhaps have suggestions on how your image can move successfully to the next level of competition. District Each district is established by the geographical grouping of specific states and territories. Texas is in the Southwestern District for competition. Fine-tune your four best images and submit either prints or digital copies. Earn a score of 80 or above at a district competition, and you will receive a Seal of Approval. Sealed district images entered in the IPC then receive a PPA merit. DEADLINES for 2019: Registration opens April 8. The early deadline is May 8 and late deadline (additional fee) is May 22. Judging is June 2-7, 2019. International Photographic Competition (IPC) After the district competitions, you’ll want to enter PPA’s International Photographic Competition, the IPC. Images that earn a Seal of Approval and score between 85-94 at the district level are also considered for the Loan Collection, published in the annual Loan Collection book and exhibited at Imaging USA. Images scoring 95-100 will automatically be in the Loan Collection. All images must be submitted to IPC to be eligible for the Loan Collection. DEADLINES for 2019: Registration opens June 14 and the early deadline is July 18 and late deadline (additional fee) is August 1. Judging is August 18-23, 2019. PPGH IMAGE COMPETITION RULES To review all of the PPGH Image Competition Rules, visit www.ppgh.org and navigate to the Members-only section and click on “Image Competition and Entry”. At the bottom of the last paragraph is a link to the “Image Competition Rules”. A couple of things to highlight from the rules: Image Categories 1. Portrait Category: Features people or animals in a studio or scenic setting. The Portrait category is subdivided into six groups. • Portrait: Images that do not fit into any one category below • Child: Includes one or more pre-teen children • Woman: Portraits of women • Man: Portraits of men • Animals: Portraits of animals that the creator wants judged with professional portraiture




THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral



techniques in mind. Examples include studio Judging Criteria settings, or nature settings with the emphasis The Twelve Elements listed below are in accordance to of the image on the portrait of the animal. their importance. • Group: Includes one or more children, adults, • Impact is the sense one gets upon viewing an or animals, or any such combination. image for the first time. Compelling images evoke laughter, sadness, anger, pride, wonder or another Illustrative Category: consists of scenic/landintense emotion. There can be impact in any of scapes, still life, sports, artistic images, nature, wild these twelve elements. animals, and similar subject matter. Portraits and • Technical excellence is the print quality of weddings are not appropriate for this category. the image itself as it is presented for viewing. • Illustrative: Images that do not fit into any one Retouching, manipulation, sharpness, exposure, category below printing, mounting, and correct color are some • Scenic subcategory: Scenic, landscapes, and items that speak to the qualities of the physical similar images of nature print. • Animal: Images of animals in nature that the • Creativity is the original, fresh, and external creator does not want judged as a portrait expression of the imagination of the maker by Wedding: Bridal/groom portraits and wedding using the medium to convey an idea, message day images or thought. • Style is defined in a number of ways as it Commercial: Images of products, buildings, and applies to a creative image. It might be defined architecture, where the purpose of the image is to by a specific genre or simply be recognizable sell the product or location to consumers as the characteristics of how a specific artist applies light to a subject. It can impact an Digital Artist: (Formerly Electronic Imaging) Images created or enhanced by Electronic/Digital image in a positive manner when the subject manipulation. Digital artist entries are judged matter and the style are appropriate for each on the artistic proficiency in digital imaging; other, or it can have a negative effect when composites, paintings, photo restorations, and they are at odds. other digital manipulations. The entrant must have • Composition is important to the design of performed all digital work on the entry. Directing an image, bringing all of the visual elements the work is not sufficient to enter this category. together in concert to express the purpose Entries in the Artist category shall include any of the image. Proper composition holds the subject and must have Guide (“before”) images. viewer in the image and prompts the viewer They must be included on the submitted digital to look where the creator intends. Effective canvas to show the work that was done. composition can be pleasing or disturbing, • Album – Albums of weddings, events, or nondepending on the intent of the image-maker. events. • Presentation affects an image by giving it a finished look. The mats and borders used, NOTE: Images created or enhanced by digital either physical or digital, should support and means do not have to be entered into the Digital enhance the image, not distract from it. Artist category, they can be entered into other • Color Balance supplies harmony to an image. subject appropriate categories but all the images An image, in which the tones work together, within the image, must be captured by the maker. effectively supporting the image, can enhance The Digital Artist category is for the entrant who its emotional appeal. Color balance is not always wants the image to be judged on the digital work harmonious and can be used to evoke diverse that was done, not just the final image alone and feelings for effect. none of the images have to be created by the • Center of Interest is the point or points on the maker only the final image. image where the maker wants the viewer to stop as they view the image. There can be primary and secondary centers of interest. Occasionally there

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PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION (Continued) by Tara Flannery, CPP


will be no specific center of interest, when the entire scene collectively serves as the center of interest. • Lighting —the use and control of light—refers to how dimension, shape and roundness are defined in an image. Whether the light applied to an image is manmade or natural, proper use of it should enhance an image. • Subject Matter should always be appropriate to the story being told in an image. • Technique is the approach used to create the image. Printing, lighting, posing, captures, presentation media, and more are part of the technique applied to an image. • Story Telling refers to the image’s ability to evoke imagination. One beautiful thing about art is that each viewer might collect his own message or read her own story in an image.

HOW DO I ENTER PPGH IMAGE COMPETITION? STEP 1: CREATE AN ACCOUNT Go to www.printcompetition.com. This is the website used for print competitions for PPGH, District, and PPA’s International Photographic Competition (IPC). You must register and create an account. • Standard membership is $9 per year. • Premium membership is $13 per quarter.

SCORING The following point system will be adhered to. • 100-95 Exceptional • 94-90 Superior • 89-85 Excellent • 84-80 Deserving of a Merit • 79-75 Above Average • 74-70 Average • 69-65 Below Exhibition Standards CHALLENGE PPGH utilizes the majority challenge. This is when 2 of the 3 judges agree the image is either a merit image or not. For example: image scores 77,78,82 or image scores 82,81,79. This will result in a majority challenge. Any image which a judge scores 10 points from the average score will be an automatic challenge. A judge can challenge any image, which the final score is above or below that judges original score. When a challenge is presented the judges must speak to the 12 elements of the merit. They are asked not to just speak to the quality or technical aspects of the image.

10 MAR 2019 THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral

The biggest advantage of the premium membership is that you can look at the archives. The archives allow you to search categories and merited images and review images that have previously been judged. Take some time here to review images and see how they are presented for judging. STEP 2: PREPARE YOUR IMAGES. Create new images for print competition or work on existing images that you think are merit-worthy. Be sure to review the rules, consider the presentation (borders and key lines), and title. The title is important and should enhance the experience of viewing the image. Uploaded files must be sized so the longest dimension is 4,000 pixels (20 inches at 200 ppi). Each file must contain an embedded color profile of either sRGB or Adobe RGB1998 and be saved at a JPEG quality setting of 10. Example: See_Spot_Run.jpg

STEP 3: ENTER IMAGES. On printcompetition.com, find the PPGH icon and click.

If you have questions about PPGH print competition, see Sherry Piche or Tara Flannery or any of your PPGH board members. GOOD LUCK!!


Then answer questions, review rules, and click on Create New Image Entry. Entries are $6 each and a maximum of 2 images may be submitted each month. Upload your images and pay for the entries. Non-paid entries will be disqualified. The deadline for submissions is midnight on the Monday prior to the meeting day.

If you can’t make it to the meeting, you can still see the judging and scoring with audio if you have a premium membership. Log in to www.printcompetition.com. Go to GAME DAY APP. Click Game Day and enter PPGH for Association. The audio is not live but is uploaded after the meeting.

STEP 4: WATCH LIVE JUDGING. Attend the PPGH meeting. Judging begins at 5:30pm. All entries are anonymous – no names are assigned or announced with the images. Sign in on the image competition sign-in sheet in order to be considered for PPGH awards. If you’d like, talk to the judges after the competition to ask questions or get clarification. THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral

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Did you know you can enter the PPGH Local Photographic Competition at any level of membership? The image competition held at our monthly PPGH meetings is a great way to hone your skills and get feedback from proven and respected professionals in this industry. These talented individuals volunteer their time to judge images and provide valuable feedback utilizing the 12 elements of a merit image. You can earn merits on a local level and progress your image to the next level of competition to earn recognition and even degrees through the Professional Photographers of America. All district competitions lead to the annual International Photographic Competition. Visit these links to learn more about entering competition.

To learn about the guidelines for entering image competition at PPGH meetings visit:

http://www.ppgh.org/Resources/ Documents/Image%20Competition/2015%20PPGH%20Image%20 Comp%20Rules.pdf

Follow along with image judging on the Game Day App, downloadable from https://printcompetition.com/. Membership is optional but if you join PrintCompetition.com you can search thousands of archival images to see scores and hear audio from the image competitions. It is a terrific resource.

To learn about upcoming competitions throughout the region visit:


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First Place

Time Keeper by Armando Chacon, M.Photog., Cr.Photog., CPP

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Second Place

T'was the Night Before Christmas by Armando Chacon, M.Photog., Cr.Photog., CPP

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First Place

Asian Beauty by Alison Montgomery, Cr. Photog., CPP

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Second Place

Maria Mi Amor by Maryanne Keeling, CPP 16 MAR 2019 Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral




Third Place

From Eastern Shores by Maryanne Keeling, CPP

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Honorable Mentions

Drifting by Diana Waguespack

Captivating the Audience by Jaime Castro

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Honorable Mentions

Here Comes the Smolder by Allison Schmidt, CPP

Christmas Whiskers by Michael Reiland, CPP THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral

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Honorable Mentions

Taking My Final Bow by Cornell McGhee, CPP

Goddess by Cornell McGhee, CPP 20 MAR 2019 Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral




Honorable Mentions

Beauty in the Castle by Sonia Ahmad, CPP

Game Day by Sonia Ahmad, CPP

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Honorable Mentions

Sunset Over Western Iceland by Jaime Castro

Twin Peaks by David Johnson, CPP 22 MAR 2019 Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral




Honorable Mentions

Lady in Red by David Johnson, CPP

Asian Beauty by Alison Montgomery, Cr. Photog., CPP THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral

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First Place

Time Continuum by Armando Chacon, M.Photog., Cr.Photog., CPP 24 MAR 2019 Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral




Second Place

Today's Bounty by Armando Chacon, M.Photog., Cr.Photog., CPP

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Third Place

Sweet Adoration by Karen Butts, M.Photog., Cr.Photog., CPP

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First Place

Carolina Dreamin' by Maryanne Keeling, CPP

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Oliver by Theresa Campbell, CPP

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Second Place



Third Place

Green with Envy by David Johnson, CPP THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral

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Honorable Mentions

A Night in the Pool by Sabrina Casas

Sleeping Angel by Alison Montgomery, Cr. Photog., CPP

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Honorable Mentions

The White Kitchen by Sabrina Casas

Comp'ny Man by Tara Flannery, CPP THE VIEWFINDER Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral

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Honorable Mentions

Pleasant Thoughts by Sadie Sevier, CPP

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First Place

Self Embrace by David Johnson, CPP

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CORNELL MCGHEE: LOW KEY LIGHTING by Laura Mansur, CPP Five PPGH members were treated to a low key lighting workshop given by Cornell McGhee on Sunday, Feb 24. CT, as he is known by his friends,spoke about lighting ratios, how to use an incident light meter and how to create a low key image even when the background is white. He presented a slide show of the Old Masters and their usage of the northern light to create a Rembrandt pattern on the face. Throughout history painters have played with shadows and highlights in their portraits to create low key images. Cornell explained that many themes for IPC competition images are sparked by looking at the Old Masters’ portraits. The second half of Cornell’s workshop was a hands on session with many lovely models. We practiced the lighting techniques that CT had just spoken about. A few of the participants were especially happy that Cornell was able to teach them how to use their newly purchased light meters. He spoke about the strength

of the key light and the fill light as each light crosses the model’s face. It was a very hands-on method to teach lighting ratios. It was an enjoyable learning experience for all of the participants.


Jenni offered day and evening events full of ideas about how to maintain balance between your personal and professional life. She led the meeting by reminding us that even though photographers are emotional, we should never let others tell us who we are or what we should do. While our business involves serving others, our vision and success has to be based on our goals, not the goals of others. Jenni doesn't believe in letting the client dictate her schedule. A typical week for her includes: Monday - bookwork, marketing, graphic design, discussing what to accomplish for the week, and developing a to-do list. Tuesday through Thursday - heavy booking Friday - light booking, closing out, placing orders

She doesn't schedule anything on the 1st or 15th of the month so she can do her taxes and pay bills. Keeping this schedule helps her under promise and over deliver while ensuring her business and her client's needs are met. To keep honing her skills, Jenni also schedules one or two sessions a month for print competition. Her approach is to visualize what she wants to do then execute the session. 34 MAR 2018 Fonts: Aparajita and Mistral


She says it is important to determine your "time suckers" and outsource what doesn't make you money. She also says it is a good idea to develop additional income producing products that make you money even when you are not working. For example, she sells Scentsy and uses a specific scent in her studio so her clients connect with her emotionally when the smell that scent. They order these products from her and pick them up at her studio, which reminds them to set up their next appointment. The Scentsy business builds on itself as others sell it and she gets paid for their work too. Jenni works very fast. Her average session is 15-30 minutes. Our business is based on time and time is money. She said the more important you tell your client your time is, the more important their time is to you. If they run late, it comes out of their session or it has to be rescheduled. This approach sets the expectation up front that you respect their time and expect them to respect yours. Especially if you offer mini sessions or donate to auctions. There are no reschedules or refunds for no shows. Lastly, Jenni always has only one or two sessions left, no matter what her actual schedule is, to a prospective client she has a time at X or X, which do they prefer? This method feeds human nature's FOMO, fear of missing out. Jenni shared so many marketing ideas they couldn't possibly be listed here. I highly recommend her class.






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