3 minute read

Law, order and justice must prevail


by Bob Sweeney

We seem to be a nation that is restless and angry. The pandemic has impacted our lives, jobs, and the future seems uncertain. Will we return to normal, or has America and the world suddenly changed in such a short span of a few months? I think naught.

The world of business has been changing with the advent of social media and the rise of Internet commerce and the impact of Amazon.

Main street business firms are dwindling, once the only havens for commerce were the local market and drug store. These stores were the source of jobs and incomes for entrepreneurs where we all shopped. Free enterprise has exploded and expanded; we now have more small business sites than ever in history.

Presently small business is threatened by this economic shutdown and coronavirus and government and governors are attempting to save lives until the virus can be controlled by modern medicine and hopefully a virus that is safe and effective for all to receive.

In the meantime, we ponder what to do, where to go, and many of us plod forward adjusting to the new normal, wishing for the past.

The pandemic has taken the world by surprise and created great frustration; we have gone from three percent unemployment to around 20 percent in 90 days. The anger is apparent, especially among the younger generation who see education, jobs, and visions disappear. Schools, churches and government buildings closed, parking lots empty, and many banks with only drive-up windows open. It has been a strange time for all, and it moves forward slowly.

It does seem time to take a risk and open business doors, courts, restaurants, and take our chances. Proceed at our own risk and pray that if we do become ill that we will recover.

The second part of the pandemic has been the protests over the death of George Floyd who largely is a vivid symbol of racism that still exists in parts and places in America. His death was the spark that ignited the protests and fueled the violence in many cities.

The seizure of six blocks in Seattle is illegal and taking private property of others for political purposes. This is something very unusual in a nation of law and order and private ownership.

I’m not sure what message the land pirates are sending but demands for “free stuff” are starting to trickle out of the commune. Police are under attack and the best way to weaken law and order is to take away funding that is in progress in some cities where the violence has been the worst.

America has always resisted having military troops invade cities dating back to the colonies where British troops invaded homes. It is rare that the military has to quell civil unrest but has happened under several presidents. It almost happened in Washington D.C. several weeks ago. The secret service placed the president in the White House bunker for his anticipated protection if the mob breached the fence.

We must support our police now more than ever, uphold property rights, and listen to the legal protesters over their concerns and fears.

If we want to return to normal, we cannot rewrite history as many wish decades after the facts and past intent of the deceased. We can change sports team names, forts, statues, universities, but who chooses the names and erases the living history of the past?

There is much work to do and we need strong leadership but unfortunately that seems to be mired in political quicksand.

We haven’t heard much from the “silent majority” but we’re out there and we’re paying attention, our time will come in November. Hopefully the wisdom of American voters will prevail for law, order, and justice for all to prevail.

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