From the Be Brave Studio
Monte Alban Archaeological Site
An Artists Journey into the Creative Process Earth! So vast and large, so many directions,
Pulls me in, telling me get your feet on the
north, east, south, west, beyond and into,
ground, plant yourself, stand tall like a tree,
overwhelm. So many thoughts and ideas I
take nourishment from the soil, grow where
wanted to do everything, excitement, and
you are. This was a crazy ride, I could often
enthusiasm I hit the ground running. The
feel the spin and tilt of earth as the days,
thought of doing something big and
weeks and months moved past faster and
impressive was stuck in my head, I got lost in
faster. I wanted to move in every direction in
it, I kept trying to do things that I was not
the beginning, I moved around the studio
prepared for.Earth is so big it challenges you
gathering, creating idea collections,
to be ok with who you are and what you do,
organizing, editing, clearing some space,
stop trying to be something you are not, to be
nothing took root. What is it about earth? It
me that one in 8 billion, just like you, no one is
wants us to move while standing still, maybe
the same, no one will make art and create the
that is because that is exactly what it does,
exact same. Finally, gravity!
always in motion but the movement is so -24-