a roll of toilet paper. “I’ve learned that life is like The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.” -Andy Rooney
I was awoken at 5:25 am from a cozy deep sleep one recent frigid morning. Not just a gentle whisper, but a persistent nudge compelling me to get out of bed and write words that were tumbling loudly into my awareness. Could this not wait until daylight at least? Apparently not. This untimely download prompted me to recognize the good the bad and the ugly associated with the often-dreaded crone years and how our perception of their onset is key to fully embracing them.
The ugly is the centuries long patriarchal history that we have read about, experienced, and continue to deeply feel in our bones, of a tortured and brutal female lineage. Before we were perceived as ugly old hags, beyond our best before date beginning at age fifty, crones were called the “Crowned Ones” and were venerated for their wisdom. From a history of being burnt up to our present state of feeling burnt out, within the conditioning that we can never do enough and are never good enough, messages are perpetuated via social media, with constant pressure to show the world someone much different than our authentic selves.
"We were perceived as ugly old hags, beyond our best before date beginning at age fifty."