The Viper Vibe Volume 19, Issue 2

Page 7

Aro u n d Varela | N ew s

Every Viper Has a Tale: Ariel Stewart

father have made this an on-going competition between each other. Everybody has a hob- “We challenge each by they are interested in other by seeing who can whether it be birdwatch- stack the most dice in a ing, stone skipping, or row, I can do it about 5 even extreme pen spintimes while my dad can ning. Junior Ariel Stewdo it about 10 times,” art has a unique talent said Stewart. and hobby of her own Stewart, who is origcalled dice cup stacking. inally from New York, Dice cup stacking moved to Miami when is a performance art in she was three-years-old which the performer because of extended scoops dice off a flat family being here, the surface with a dice cup weather being warmer, and then sets the cup and her family believing down while moving it it was a safer and cleanin a pattern that stacks er environment to raise the dice into a vertical their children. column without any of Stewart and her them falling. family visit New York at Although she does least once a year, mostly not compete for anyto see family that was thing, she uses her skills left behind along with to impress friends and feeling the New York city family. atmosphere. As a matter of fact, “I really miss going Stewart picked up on on the subway and the the talent when she was noises in the busy city, 11-years-old to amaze it’s so quiet here comher father. She and her pared to New York,” she By Kiana Paulino Editor IG: KiANAARAAE

said. Since Stewart was so young when she moved here, she considers Miami her home. She loves school here and has made friendships that have lasted since kindergarten. Academically, she has flourished, making her parents proud. Stewart hopes to continue on to college and become a nurse. Her inspiration comes from her aunt, who was a nurse, who passed away last year due to breast cancer. “Helping people has been the most important thing in my life; I never want to see people struggle or in pain. Being a nurse would put me in the position to give people the aid they need,” she said. “Rather than being in a cubicle somewhere, I would be making a real difference in the world.”

Junior Ariel Stewart performs her dice cup stacking trick. She has been doing the trick since she was 11 in order to play with her father. photos by Matthew Melton

Materials: Any cup of your choice, 3-6 dice

Step 1: When you pick up the first dice, swing the cup back and forth, alternating between a 45 degree angle and 90 degree angle.

Step 2: In order to stack the dice you must finish your swing of the cup but stop short.

Step 3: Your dice will be stacked (after tons of practice).

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