The Leader Newspaper Edition 810

Page 22


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th April, 2020

Monte stalwart MonteStan Maccan sends and his Bias best wishes to fans on behalf of club Last week we covered a bit on bias so let’s continue on bias and see how this affects the art of bowling. Right we know the bowls have bias but how do we go about using this facility.

Racing San Miguel training programme - via video links With football amongst sports on lockdown in the COVID-19 crisis Chief sports editor Andrew Atkinson talks to CD Montesinos player Maccan and applauds Racing San Miguel in their training programme, via video links.

Andrew Atkinson with Maccan

"THE players, coaches and management are waiting for this coronavirus pandemic to be resolved," said CD Montesinos stalwart Maccan. CD Montesinos, relegated to the Valencia 2nd Regional G14 last season, were on course to return to the 1st Regional Group 8, topping the league at the time of football lockdown. "We are awaiting to see what will happen to the soccer league - and how the Championship will be organised to end soccer games that could not be played," said Maccan. During the coronavirus situation the Ayunmiento de Los Montesinos have been active in various measures, including spray disinfection of the town, in an attempt to keep the 5,000 inhabitants safe. CD Montesinos have been one of the main focuses of the Vega Baja hamlet, when it comes to sport, with financial support in the construction of a new stand and playing surface, along with hundreds of fans attending fixtures at the Municipal stadium, with the Full Monte supporters club formed. "We send our best wishes to the followers of the Montesinos soccer team," said Maccan. "We convey their peace of mind, because the entire CD Montesinos team is waiting to finish the league - and return to the 1st Regional and move up the category. "A big hug goes out to all the supporters and to the people of the town," added Maccan. Racing San Miguel first team play in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8, being one of a plethora of teams based in San Miguel. "Despite the exceptional situation in which we find ourselves, due to the coronavirus situation, Racing San Miguel want to resume training as much as possible - aided by new technologies," said a spokesperson from RSM. "The youth teams have gathered (by video) to prepare for their return to training - and playing games. Soon the rest of the categories will also begin," said the spokesperson. Captions: Racing San Miguel - training programme - via video links. Maccan (left) with Andrew Atkinson: Best wishes to fans in COVID-19 lockdown.


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We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed retrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. Keep safe. Vivienne Shepherd Quesada Fitness Gym.

For one, if the bowls did not have a bias, the game would take on as an elongated form of skittles. You would be just bowling straight at the jack and as the game progressed the only way to get at it would be to knock opponent’s bowls out of the way.

Okay this is a rudimentary observation leaving rules of play and numbers out which I will come to later on. Having a bias to the bowl enables you to do the latter but also to come round bowls, come into the jack from the side or position your bowl behind it from either left or right. This makes the game more technical and interesting and requires good judgement and skill. Okay you say I get that. But how do I know what side has the bias and if I am right or left handed how do I go about it? All manufacturers mark their bowls on one side with their logos and also a personal identification logo with large rings on one side and normally a small ring including the technical specification and WB stamp, serial number and date of the bowl on other side. This does differ from each manufacturer but generally they are all similar. They place their large data on the side so that when delivered by a right handed player when facing outwards towards the right, the bowl swings to the left (Forehand). By reversing the positon with the large data facing out to the left the bowl will swing in to the right (Backhand). So you can see that by this way of marking you can, by just rotating the bowl, swing it either left or right to come into the desired position. For left handed players the same applies, so by having the large data facing outwards to the left it will swing in to the right and inwards to the left. Sounds confusing, but it’s very easy to get once you have try. Going back to marks on the bowls. Here are

some of the rules that cover the above: 52.1.8 The Controlling Body can supply adhesive (stick on) markings for players to temporarily fix to both sides of their bowls, or allow players to use their own markings. When these are used: They are part of the bowl for all purposes under the Laws of the Sport of Bowls. They must not be put over the serial number and World Bowls Stamp. All bowls belonging to players within a team or side must have these markings on them and the markings must all of the same design and colour. However players may use markings which are a different size from those used by others in their team or side where this is necessary due to differences in sizes of either the manufacturer’s rings or distinguishing marks on the bowls. On the light hearted side, and without going into rules of play at the moment, everyone, either at the top of the game or beginner, has sent a bowl down with the wrong bias. If your just practising or playing with mates not a problem apart from shouts “It’s your round at the bar” or similar. However if

you’re in a league match or competition were rinks next to yours are in play the fun starts. Players start doing a modified version of the Creole Rain Dance or hop about like fleas on LSD shouting “stop that bowl” as the rogue ball heads towards their head at about 12 m.p.h. where someone hopefully grabs it before it plough’s in and destroys their “head”. As mentioned there are some terms and rules that apply here but we will cover them later on. Bye for now! Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. The Winter league is sponsored by Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends. Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain David Jenkins or Charlie Watkins

Spurs boss apologises after training session BY ANDREW ATKINSON

Tottenham boss Jose Mourinho has apologised after taking a training session in a London park despite UK Government legislation in the wake of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. "I accept that my actions were not in line with government protocol and we must only have contact with members of our own household," said Mourinho. Mourinho and his "It is vital we all play our squad were pictured part and follow governin a Barnet Park ment advice in order to

support our heroes in the NHS and save lives," added Mourinho. Former Real Madrid, Porto, Chelsea and Manchester United boss Mourinho was training after the government's social distancing guidelines, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Mourinho, 57, was pictured in Barnet. Government guidelines are to be 2 metres apart. Mourinho insists he remained the required distance apart during their training session.

A Spurs spokesperson said: "All of our players have been reminded to respect social distancing when exercising outdoors. We shall continue to reinforce this message." A government spokesperson said: 'Our advice is clear and applies to everybody: stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives." The revelation comes amid a fall out between some Premier League clubs including Spurs - and politicians to furlough staff under government finance, despite being rife with financial wealth.

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