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ANSWERS Week 968



ACROSS: 1 Counterfeit;

9 Nod; 10 Situation; 11 Essay; 13 Isolate; 14 Fright; 16 Trying; 18 Scuttle; 19 Dingo; 20 Loathsome; 21 Wan; 22 Gesticulate.

DOWN: DOWN: 2 Odd; 3 Nasty; 4 Entail; 5 Flavour; 6 Imitation; 7 Unselfishly; 8 Underground; 12 Stipulate; 15 Hatchet; 17 Heroic; 19 Dwell; 21 Wet.


ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Proletarian;


7.Dismay (13)

8.Ancestry (8)

9.Skulk (4)

10.Insult (6)

12.Disappear (6)

14.Forever (6)

16.Affectionate (6)

18.Smooth (4)

20.Vibrate (8)

22.Paradox (13)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

1.Mighty (8)

2.Desire earnestly (6)

3.Period of time (4)

4.Break (8)

5.Purloined (6)

6.Bitter (4)

11.Confusion (8)

13.Endorse (8)

15.Shrewd (6)

17.Pride (6)

19.Appearance (4)

21.Dirty (4)

9 Ebb; 10 Manifesto; 11 Fount; 13 Talents; 14 Eldest; 16 Ostend; 18 Version; 19 Riser; 20 Chain gang; 21 Pot; 22 Meteorology.

DOWN: 2 Rib; 3 Limit; 4 Tenets; 5 Raffles; 6 Absentees; 7 Self-service; 8 Considerate; 12 Undertake; 15 Science; 17 Unfair; 19 Regal; 21 Peg.

7.They should present no danger to the strikers (6-7)

8.Not early, maybe, but in the Decorated Style (8)

9.Nonsense written about one insurrection (4)

10.Bitter individual who doesnít socialise, we hear (6)

12.Heavenly paths leading to a reconstructed bistro (6)

14.Father gets fine material for a superb building (6)

16.Heís unlikely to enjoy being in an outstanding position (6)

18. One spot near the top of the road for the tree (4)

20.Revolution is not a riot in disorder (8)

22.Barometer used at times of inflation? (8,5)


1.At Capri I upset the girl (8)

2.Quite a lot to digest about what has gone before (6)

3.Sounds like one who pays the price for a farm building (4)

4.Top cover in infancy (8)

5.Beetle to leave a mark on the sailor (6)

6.U.S. city in Grenoble (4)

11.Uncomplicated laceration is sharply outlined (5-3)

13.Painstaking although crude (8)

15.Stop fluctuation in rates about the end of the year (6)

17.Private servant? (6)

19.Snappy dog with a bit of a tail (4)

21.Edward holds one in bonds (4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. Street artist Banksy is originally associated with which British city?

2. In song, who "lives in a very bad part of town"?

3. Cape Agulhas (Cape of Needles) is the southernmost point on which continent?

4. The 12th century Italian Flavio de Gioia is considered by many to be the father of which useful rose?

5. Name 3 Oscar winning films with a city in the title.

6. Which famous hill is named after Prince Carlo III?

7. Which impeccably dressed gentleman drove a 1926 4.5 litre Bentley in a popular TV series?

8. The following lyrics are from songs with 'S-T-A-R' somewhere in the title. Can you name the song? a. Ye cannae change the laws of physics, laws of physics, b. Jamming good with weird and gilly, c. Keeps a ten bob note up his nose, d. Gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy.

9. In most Arab countries Homer Simpon's first name is what?

10. The dockyards in which city were the largest industrial complex in the world for much of the 19th century?

11. Which little song ditty ends with the words "Cyril Connelly"?

12. Charlie Chaplin shared his cabin with Arthur Jefferson on his first Atlantic crossing in 1910. Who was Arthur Jefferson?

13. Thomas Tompion (16371713), John Arnold (17361799), Abraham-Louis Breguet (1747-1823) and FerdinandAdolf Lange (1815-1875) were all world famous makers of what?

14. Name the three original members of The Supremes?

15. Which controversial actor played all of the following historical figures in film? Fletcher Christian, George Armstrong Custer and Gentleman Jim Corbett

16. The largest wine cask in the world in Schloss Heidelberg, holds how many litres? a. 2,200 b. 22,000 or c. 222,000

17. xn + yn = zn is associated with which famous French mathematician?

18. Which expression is associated with the fate of the HMS Birkenhead?

19. The so called Ararat anomaly appears in certain photographs. What is it that can apparently be seen in these photos?

20. Cinematic History: a: What was the British studio that produced comedies such as The Lavender Hill Mob and Kind Hearts and Coronets?. b: Who succeeded Marlon Brando as the head of the Corleone family in the Godfather movies? c: Who directed Clint Eastwood in the so-called Spaghetti Westerns? d: Who won Britain's first Oscar when he was voted Best Actor for The Private Life of Henry VIII in 1934? e: If Burt Lancaster is to Kirk Douglas, Kurt Russell is to whom, and why?

21. Who was the head of state in Japan during the second world war?

22. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?

23. Who wrote the novels Gone Girl and Sharp Objects?

24. Which legendary surrealist artist is famous for painting melting clocks?

25. The football club plays its home games at Loftus Road?

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