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Brit Arrest in Torrevieja Cannabis Raid
The Guardia Civil arrested of four people in Torrevieja, believed to be part of a gang dedicated to drug trafficking in premises registered as cannabis associations.
Following investigations, people could be seen from the public highway consuming narcotic substances inside, following the illegal purchase by customers of substances such as hashish, marijuana and hallucinogenic mushrooms. Searches of the premises were carried out, resulting in the arrests of two men, one British and the other a Spaniard, aged 24 and 28, and two women, one Spanish and the other Romanian, of similar ages.
Health Offers Return To Work For 249 Retired Doctors
Valencia’s Ministry of Health has contacted 249 Family doctors who have passed the legal retirement age of 66 years and four months, but who are still under 70 years, to offer them, what they term as, active retirement.

The invitation allows these doctors to continue working or return to work, full-

In addition, the police seized 1,600 grams of marijuana, 590 grams of hashish, 24 joints prepared for sale, 20 doses of cannabis derivatives, dosing bags, 5 precision scales, 2 brass knuckles, 4 daggers of large dimensions and 7,000 euro in cash.
For clarification, the consumption of marijuana and its derivatives inside cannabis clubs, being private and closed premises, are under the legal protection of LO 1/2002, of March 22, which regulates the right of association, but the act of cultivation, preparation or illegal trafficking of narcotic and psychotropic substances, or that otherwise promote, favour or facilitate the illegal consumption of toxic drugs, as well as possession
Cost of marrying in Spain
Spain is the second most expensive country to get married in with couples spending an average of almost e22,000 on weddings, second only to the US among the 14 countries analysed, despite lower average salaries compared to other countries.
The average price of a wedding has risen by e1,000 since 2019.
and consumption on public roads, is totally prohibited. Following their appearances in court the four individuals were all released on bail.

Primary Care Paediatrics, that meet certain criteria, voluntarily, to be able to reconcile their remuneration with a part of their retirement pension.
time or part-time, while simultaneously receiving 75% of their pension.
This possibility is brought about because of the modification of the Social Security Law approved on December 28 and allows the staff of Family Medicine and
So far the Ministry has received 33 requests for an active extension, and 2 for reinstatement after retirement. Another 31 professionals who are going to retire this year could also apply for active retirement.
The measure, seeks to encourage the prolongation of the working life of these professionals to respond to the needs of the National Health System.