14 minute read


Los Montesinos - La Herrada

2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, Galleria.


Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport, Priced to sell at E79,995

Tel: +34 634 383 099.Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744.

Cello Lessons required for mature student. Call David Last on 638 108 078 people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


Experienced cook required for The Laughing Leprechaun, Cabo Roig. To apply call +34 651 135 687 or email CVto: laughingleprechaun23@gmail .com

Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ gmail.com or see http://www.los-alcazarescamera.club/ for details.

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and

Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website rafa.org.uk.

Walker Rollator, perfect condition. 55 Euros. Mil Palmeras, Tel. 628 110 078

Last week, following a visit to the National Police office in Torrevieja, the Oficina de Documentación, The Leader sat down with Gitte Lund Thomsen, the Councillor for International Residents, to discuss the importance of both the padrón, and residencia.

We discussed the padrón last week, and if you missed it, you can find it on the website, theleader.info, and this week we are looking at residencia.

Quite simply, you must become a resident if you plan to live in Spain.

Since Brexit, the rules for UK citizens travelling to the EU changed and are now considerably more restrictive. Becoming a resident removes many of these post-Brexit barriers, but only if you live, or plan to live in Spain.

There is a specific process for applying for residencia, a process which is different for those who were already in the country, but a process which must be followed in order to qualify. The administration of the residencia process is handled by a specific department of the National Police.

Although both the UK and Spanish Governments already offer advice on how to apply for residencia, you will most likely find it easier to appoint an expert to handle your application with you.

You are likely to have heard of the TIE, Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero, which is an identity card issued to foreign residents in Spain. This is a requirement now for living in Spain.

Many existing residents will have a paper based residencia certificate, and although this is technically still valid, you should really consider swapping it for a TIE, as there is an ever-increasing number of places and administrations who no longer accept the paper document. The good news is that this is one of the simplest processes.

The bad news is that although this process used to be carried out by the National Police office in Torrevieja, this is no longer the case, and you will have to go to either Alicante or Elche.

One process which is still carried out by the National Police in Torrevieja is the termination of residency status. So, if you now plan to leave Spain and return to the UK, you can attend the Police office in Torrevieja to have your residencia withdrawn. You can also do this without an although you may have to wait to be seen, as the office is often very busy. Another function which can be carried out at the National Police office, again without an appointment, is to check your residency status.

So, if you have any doubts, you can visit them, although you will need a translator if you don’t speak Spanish.

The Oficina De Documentación De Españoles Y Extranjeros is located on calle Arquitecto Larramendi in Torrevieja. There is a noticeboard outside, which has lists of documents and procedures required for a number of functions they carry out.

Gitte would like to remind us that her department exists for the benefit of international residents, and if you need help or advice, you can contact them.

The International Residents Department in Torrevieja can attend to residents in English, as well as French, German, Scandinavian, Russian, Bulgarian, and, of course, Spanish.

You can email them, at: pangea@tor revieja.es, and you can make an appointment to visit them in person via the website, torrevieja.es, where you should look for the Residentes Internacionales Oficina Pangea, and you can visit them in La Mata town hall, or the office in La Siesta, calle Paganini, again, by appointment.

The Inadequacy Of The British Police Force


Astory to contradict the headline, we were lucky in the early part of our marriage to own a toy and cycle shop. One morning, in one of the rear doors, someone had cut a round hole in the glass, obviously with an attempt to enter the shop. Feeling a little vulnerable we went to Battersea Dogs Home and ëRowdyí, a full-grown black Labrador, joined us to protect the business.

We lived above the premises and Rowdy, after spending the evening with us, would retire on the command of ëgood nightíto the storeroom, to the rear of the shop. It was late and we were fast asleep when there was barking, crashing, and banging, where Rowdy, in his haste to get to the front, had knocked shop articles over. With my heart racing I jumped out of bed. The shop was a mess. Standing in it was a uniformed policeman, he had tried the front door as part of his duties and found it open, as I had forgotten to lock it, he wasnít moving as the dog was at his shining boots snarling with a low growl. Yes, it was at a time when there was a friendly policeman on the beat looking after the community.


In Gwent, last week five people, after leaving a public house, disappeared on their way to Newport. The Police, it is alleged, did not put a lot of effort into finding them.

The report tells us a friend who was out looking for them noticed the tyre marks where they had left the road. Hidden in the trees they found three dead people in a car with their two badly injured friends. What were the police doing all that time, no doubt, as other reports state, looking through the internet for ëhate crimesí.


Alittle further north, on 27th January, Nicola Bulley, a lady in her forties, disappeared near the River Wyre while out walking her dog. The Police, after bringing in specialist teams, including divers, searched the river. Twenty-three days were to pass without any trace of her despite all the resources available to the constabulary.

The report said that people out walking, as stated, three weeks later, found her remains amongst the rushes on the side of the river, not too far from where she had disappeared. So, what were the Police doing in all that time, no doubt looking at their computers.

Helleborus attract bees into the garden

Helleborus - the Christmas rose - bear large round, white flat faced flowers, above low growing leathery, deep green foliage.

It’s perfect for growing in dappled shade, full shade, full sun and partial shade position.


In the past in this column, I have written about the Police ineptitude and waste, for instance when they arrived mob handed at a nightclub after a man complained that a woman had touched his bottom. She was arrested and received one hundred hours community service. I may be old fashioned, but I thought that type of social establishment is where sexual overtones happen regularly.


In the following case it seems to me the Police and the courts have lost the human touch, or is it because the ëWokeíbrigade have taken control.

Disabled, Auriol Grey, whose brain was damaged at birth, is partially sighted, suffers from Cerebral Palsy, has a cleft foot, and walks with a splint. She was making her way along a pavement on her way to do some shopping in a Sainsbury store. Coming towards her was Celia Ward, riding a bicycle on the pavement. The video of the event clearly shows Auriol Grey waving to the oncoming Ward to get off the pavement and it is not until the cyclist is trying to pass the disabled person that she gestures more strongly and shouts. The bike riderís decision is to swerve around her onto the road where she was in collision with a car, which killed her.

Now it seems to me if you are walking along a pavement and a cyclist is hurtling towards you the natural reaction would be to wave your hands. However, the judge, after the Police decided to take this poor harmless disabled woman to court, decided the gesture was aggressive and sent her to prison for three years.

Not a thought by the authorities that a cyclist has the responsibility to take care of their own health. Perhaps the Police would be better employed with their real job of nicking those persons that are aggressive, thieving, knifing, and attacking people.


Going back, alright a long time, to the early eighteen hundreds, in Robert Peelís time, he was the founder of the Police forces, the idea was to catch criminals. That seems to me to have sadly changed. Gone are the public servants, the humane officer on the beat who would solve a problem with a few words of advice, but a shambles of uniformed personnel governed by a woke initiative where the control of the populationís thoughtsíare paramount ñ why else would the West Yorkshire Police charge a fourteen year old boy with a hate crime for dropping, what the lad says ëaccidentallyí, a copy of the Quran.

KINGS NORTON, BIRMINGHAM: www.facebook.com/percy chattey

Not many people will have heard of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, nor ëMarch for Lifeíñ no, nothing to do with the month, but an anti-abortion group of which Spruce is a director, in Kings Norton, Birmingham, where it seems it is acceptable to beg and sleep on the streets, and where there are plenty of sad people doing just that, as there are also in most cities. However, she, that is Isabel, a devout catholic, was arrested for praying in the street outside an abortion clinic. She was told that praying is an offence. The Police took her into custody not once but twice, the first time the court cleared her of any wrongdoing, but it would appear the Police were not satisfied so they arrested her again for the same offence of ëpraying in the streetí.

Take care.

Not too picky on soil type, as they will tolerate acidic, chalk, alkaline, clay, heavy. But for best results it needs to be moist, well draining.

They make an excellent cut flower, by simply floating the blooms in a bowl of water to display them.

Mulch annually with well rotted compost or manure, and cut back the old leaves as flowers and new foliage appear. Think about their final position, as they dislike being moved once established and should not be divided. Given the right conditions, it will self-seed to provide you with replacements.

They are well known for attracting bees, due to thier nectar/pollen rich flowers.

Note: Helleborus can be toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Match Results For 16 March

2nd Half Of Season Week 2


CC´s Bees4-8Hub Hyenas

Mind The Gap9-3Tipsy Toad Toppers

El Capitan6-6CC´s Flyers


Freakie Taverners6-6Fallen Angels

Ck1 Lads6-6Milo´s

Leeson StTrotters7-5Danny´s Bar


Hub Hellraisers4-8Ck1 Ladybirds

Tipsy Toad Tiaras8-4Pint Depot Queens

Angel Delights7-5Domino´s Desp

League Tables


Hub Hyenas2416

Mind The Gap2315

Tipsy Toad Toppers2210

CC's Flyers2111

CC´s Bees2110

El Capitan2110


CK1 Lads2314

Danny's Bar2212

Freakie Taverners2212


Leeson Street Trotters2211

Fallen Angels2111


CK1 Ladybirds2417

Tipsy Toad Tiaras2415

Domino's Desperados2216

Angel Delights2212

Pint Depot Queens207

Hub Hellraisers205

MOST 180´S: Mark Ellis & Dave Rowlinson x 5.

THIS WEEK: Mark Ellis Hub Hyenas, Ed Klimonis

(2) El Capitan, Steve Monk Dalton CK1 Lads, Jesus Madrid CC´s Flyers, Paul Moody Mind The Gap, Chris Logan El Capitan

HIGHEST FINISH TO DATE: 154 - Mario Garcia -

Freakies. THIS WEEK: Dave Rowlinson CC´s Bees

137 T19-T16-D16, James Brown Mind The Gap 134

T18-D20-D20, Jay Wilkinson Hub Hyenas 116 20-

T20-D18, John RodfordTipsy Toad Toppers 111

D20-T13-D16, Andre WingHub Hyenas 110 T20-20-

D15, Che LiamMind The Gap104 4-T20-D20, Hugh GallowayTipsy Toad Toppers100 T20 - D20 Mark Farmer Leeson St. Trotters 96 20-T20-D8, Amanda

Skinner Leeson St. Trotters 90 1-T19-D16



This match enjoyed some impressive "stats". 52

Cracking darts in the 2nd half, Brown opening with a 134 out (T18,D20,D20), Che Liam overcoming Winterbourne 2-1 with a 104 out, and a real corker from Cowan, 6 tons or more in his 2-1 defeat of Rodford 5 tons including a 111 out.

Graham Solomans and Hugh Galloway added 2 more legs for Toppers, before Paul Moody concluded the match 2-0 with a 180. lncidentally Rodford scored 10 tons or more, but figured in only 1 winning leg, a triple. POTM - Brown - Winterbourne.


All square in the result, Caps just edging out Flyers in the 180 stakes, Ed Klimonis claiming 2, Chris Logan 1 for Caps, Jesus Madrid replying for Flyers. Three apiece at half time, Vycka Bobinas finding 4x100, Ben Kernahan 3x100, Arold K. 2 outs for Caps, Charles Pritchett 100,121,135 in response for Flyers.

Shared spoils again in the 2nd half, Andres "Limmo" hitting D16 in the 3rd leg against Chelsea Campbell, Suso Madrid knocking in 5 tons in his demo of Ed K. for 4-4.

Matt Smith got the better of maxi hitting Logan, Bobinas nailing D16 twice and 4 tons to level at 44. Kernahan got the better of another maxi hitter Jesus M. needing 3 legs, leaving Andy Flavell to make it a draw with 2x100's and D20. POTMKernahan - Suso M.

By Paul Durrant

via Livsey, Ernie Willis, Mario Garcia and Halliday, all 2-0. Steve Godwin and Tony Spiers saved the Angels day, the former taking out 91, Spiers closing on D10 and 2x100. POTM - Livsey -Godwin.

Division 3

Angel Delights V Dominos Desperados

Delights recorded their 1st win since October with a surprise victory over Despos, the likely Division 3 champs. Nikki Dean and Maria Ross nailed Delights 1st half points, the other 4 going the way of Ray Hayes, Graham Eagles, Kathy Wallbanks and Steve Harding.

tons and over, 67 scores of 80+, a 180 and a 177, plus 3 game shots of 100+, the best of which a 137 from the in form Dave Rowlinson (T19,T16,D16), the other 2 courtesy of Hubs' Jay Wilkinson 116 (S20,T20,D18) and Andre Wing 110 (T20,S20, D15 ). Rowlinson hit his 137 out in the 1st leg after Hyenas had missed with 5 arrows, Bees going on to win the triples 2-1. Mark Ellis gained his maxi in the 1st pairs and a 0-2 victory with partner Paul Durrant.

Paul Christopher found both doubles in the 2nd pairs, Dario Sierra 2x140 and Andre Wing taking the 3rd pair for a half time 3-3 score. Paul and Reg Christopher easily found the T20, in the 1st 2 singles, but both went down to Ellis and Wilkinson respectively. Rowlinson was the sole B's singles winner meriting his POTM, Ellis, Hub's POTM.


Division 2


A case of bubbly for anyone predicting the finishing order in Division 2 (closing date 22nd March). Lads seemed to have the advantage at 6-4, but credit to Milos Raul Rocamora and Cain Garcia both hitting 2x100 and rescuing a point.

Steve M. Dalton hit 2x100,180 in his singles victory but found a winning double more difficult needing D1 for 2-0 and POTM. Darren Hurcombe put in a decent shift with 4x80+ and 3x100+.

Javier de Gea meriting Milos POTM with a nice 0-2 singles and 100,115,121,140 plus a 57 out.


Trotters virtually had this game in the bag by the break at 5-1, Mark Farmer claiming 3 legs, Yvonne Rouffignac and Barry Shingler the other 2. Paul Robinson D5 replying for Dannys, skip Bob Smith contributing 135,139,140,2x80+.

Rouffignac 121,123,123,D8 got Trotters 7th and both points and POTM, Smith inflicted a rare defeat on Farmer 4x100,140 and a 96 out, Smith scoring 2x100,120,123,125 and D19 in the 3rd leg for POTM.

Doms could only add one further leg to their tally via POTM Paul Chick, as Angels bagged the 1st 4 singles, Winnie Mackay ensuring a point on D20. Deservedly Rita Carr gaining POTM by finding D2 for the match and 2 points.

Tipsy Toad Tiaras V Pint Depot Queens

The pink-clad Queens could almost out-do the Hellraisers for their love of high heels, especially for reaching those difficult little places- even then, Alison Ward needed some assistance. All the Tiaras could muster up was a pair of mid-heel slingbacks.

They did however take a good and early lead, getting all but one of the first half legs. Queen Marie Cummings (102) and Tiara Sharon Crane (120), the only ladies to break the ton barrier. Another MOTM performance for Lorraine Cox this week who clobbered a D18 in her pairs, but credit due too to Debbie Wright (D8), Alison (D1) and Jeannette Crooks (85, 92, D1) in their singles.

Tiara Eillen Askew (80, 15-D8; 80, 1-D16) collected two double-dart finishes and Lisa (83, D3) and Simone (81, 95, D2) had one apiece. Outright POTM for the Tiaras - Pat Schofield who won all the other 4 legs (95, 81, D10; D1; D13; 81, 11-D8) - in the slingbacks no less!


Gap returned to winning ways this week with a convincing victory over fancied Toppers. Just a Paddy Winterbourne out in the 2nd Triple and 5 straight tons from John Rodford were all Toppers had to show for a 5-1 half time score.

James Brown's 2x140,125,100 plus 4 outs, Gordon Cowan's 140,122,100, and Darren Sanderson's 2x140 and 5x81+ too strong for the visitors.


Fallen Angels failed to capitalise on their 2-4 lead at the break, the score reversed by Freakies in the singles for an overall draw. Graham White found 3 of Angels 1st half outs Joe Cuyt the other. Freakies "Birthday Girl" Mitch Halliday and Bryan Livsey gaining the hosts points.

Freakies ensured a draw, taking the 1st four singles

Raisers early lead via Lesley Dolling on D8, was soon countered by 'Birds Angie Mullen D3 and Kirsty Green 100, D20. Skip Cheryl McGlynn levelled with a showboat D10,D5 out, Sue Christie 93, D2 regaining the visitors advantage. Gina Woods 83, D2, closing the 1st half for 2-4.

'Birds reeled off the 1st 3 for the match courtesy of Mullen D7, Sandra Crabbe D1 and Green 92,96,D8. Raisers added 2 more legs through Ali Scammell 80,D5 and POTM Sue Spiers recording 5x80+ scores. Birds - POTM - Christie 2x100+.







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