3 minute read

Across: 1 With; 8 Inadequacy; 9 Dislodge; 10 Cape; 12 Person; 14 Stands; 15 Make-up; 17 Crease; 18 Peri; 19 Leathery; 21 Malefactor; 22 Tank.
DOWN: 2 Incinerate; 3 Hill; 4 Madden; 5 Recess; 6 Purchase; 7 Type; 11 Pedestrian; 13 Specimen; 16 Pillar; 17 Crafty; 18 Pomp; 20 Hurt.
ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Opus; 8 One too many; 9 Couple up; 10 Rise; 12 Stormy; 14 Select; 15 Missed; 17 Plains; 18 Glee; 19 Forecast; 21 Past belief; 22 Fops.
DOWN: DOWN: 2 Put on trial; 3 Soap; 4 Merely; 5 Coupes; 6 Umbrella; 7 Type; 11 Second slip; 13 Respects; 16 Differ; 17 Purlin; 18 Gape; 20 Cuff.
Across Across
7.100 being struck dumb by the final utterance? (7,6) 8.Likely to be fit for investigation? (8) 9.Is in possession of ring with three points (4) 10.Artist could be among the scorers at cricket (6) 12.The crime of the large girl ... (6) 14.... with strange boy standing more than even chance? (4-2) 16.Formerly cheeky person with above average skills (6) 18. Paradise in the dentist's surgery! (4) 20.Any hitch could be result of broken bulb (8) 22.Entry without paying evokes voluntary confession? (4,9)

Down Down
1.Non-specialised - and no square? (3-5) 2.Ablues composition that can be performed (6) 3.Turn one's nose up at small cakes that have risen (4) 4.See lambs come together (8) 5.Take a fair bit of time to feel one fits? (6) 6.I study the image (4) 11.Use hands for protection against strong rays (8) 13.Hat on, arm bent and off goes the long-distance race! (8) 15.Scorching vocalist? (6) 17.Minister is pert? Can't be right! (6) 19.Read about challenge (4) 21.Anumber got up war-time alliance (4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)
1. Easy Mythical Questions. a. Which city was founded by Romulus & Remus? b. Which warrior women were famed for their exploits in the Trojan War? c. Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea, what did the Romans call him? d. What is the normal occupation of a leprechaun? e. Where did the Greek gods live?
2. In early 17th century Europe what was known as 'Arabian wine'?
3. The following are famous for which 'Mr.' songs? a. Jerry Jeff Walker, b. ELO, c. Chordettes, d. Lenny Kravitz, e. Peggy Lee or Ruby Murray 4. What was Dr Zhivago's first name? 5. In which American state would you expect to find corn as high as an elephant's eye"? 6. Which song did HAL the computer sing shortly before his deactivation in the film 2001? 7. What are the first six words to Lord Tennyson's 'The Charge Of The Light Brigade'? 8. During the height of the assembly line production of Model T Ford's, how many cars were built each day in December 1924? a. 72, b. 723, c. 7,235, d. 17,235 9. Which actor has played all of the following roles in film? Heinrich Himmler, Lt. Colin 'forger' Blythe and the US President 10. We present you with a line from a famous song from the year 1982. Your job is to identify the song title as well as the name of the artist that scored a hit with that song in 1982. a: You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar. b: Superman will be with us While he can. c: You gotta have a dream, If you don't have a dream, How you gonna have a dream come true? d: Pool old Johnny Ray. e: Good morning miss. Can I help you son? 11. The book entitled "David Balfour: Second Part" is the sequel to another famous book. Can you name the (Scottish) author. 12. Which man, who earned a million dollars as a teenage singer song writer, composed Tom Jones hit song 'She's a Lady'? 13. Which two cities were the targets for the majority of V2 rockets launched in 1945? 14. Which makers built the following exotic sounding cars? a. Testerossa, b. Countach, c. Lagonda 15. What was unusual about Alphonse Allais' 1883 work of art with the title 'First Communion of Anemic Young Girls in the Snow'? 16. Shogi, Renju, Irensei and Sugoroku are all examples of what? 17. According to the nursery rhyme 'Sing A Song Of Sixpence', where was the king? 18. Geographically speaking, why are the following European locations famous: a: Lizard Point, b: Cape Fligely, Rudolf Island, c: Jungfraujoch train station d: Caspian Sea shore, Russia. 19. In which two songs did the Beatles sing, "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah"? 20. The battle of Rourkes Drift was fought between the British and which other people?