The Leader in Spain 26 December 22, Edition 951

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Well it’s over for yet another year, the El Gordo Christmas lottery, or the Fat One, which dished out e2.5bn (£2.2bn) in prize money, much of it, I’m delighted to write, in the province of Alicante, where it deposited e33 million euro, although it still needs to get much, much, closer if I am to benefit.

El Gordo is a lottery tradition which dates back to 1812. It’s as much a social event as a sweepstake with relatives, co-workers, friends and members of social and sport clubs pooling their funds together to buy tickets.

With prices well beyond the amount that most people would spend on a lottery ticket the usual purchase tends to be a decimo, or 1/10th of a full ticket which costs e20 and which, should you be a winner, returns to you 10% of the amount that is won.

As such, despite the huge amount in prize money, a decimo of the winning ticket saw hundreds of winners from across the country pocket e325,000 each, after taxes.

Stories of the winners dominated the Spanish media on Thursday with the local press reporting on ten first prize winners in Torrevieja alone, each receiving a decimo of the main 4,000,000 euros prize. The series was sold at the outlet in the main Carrefour store, next to Habaneras. (Photo courtesy of Objectivo Torrevieja, shows the outlet owner)

Last year the Alicante province received just 12 million euro in prizes. This year the total has risen to 32.6 million.

"El super Quijote", in La Zenia Boulevard shopping centre in Orihuela Costa, sold a fourth prize winning ticket, 200,000 euros so if you hold a decimo of number 25296 you are now 20,000 euros better off.

Thankfully, as in 2020 and 2021, the winners who receive prizes of under e40,000 will not need to pay taxes on their windfall.

Meanwhile, an outlet in Pilar de la Horadada, at 62 C/Mayor, sold a fifth prize winning ticket, number 87902, which netted it’s lucky owners e60,000.

In total, people living in the Alicante province spent 137,472,380 euros in the Christmas Lottery, a record amount, which represents an increase of 6.69% compared to 2021, when 128,855,340 euros were gambled in this Extraordinary Christmas Draw.

No 951 Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 637 227 385
On behalf of all the staff and advertisers at The Leader Newspaper we wish all our readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year

Apanee Torrevieja celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus!

Apanee Torrevieja celebrated its great Christmas party with a special visit of Santa Claus and his elves, along with Mickey and Minnie!

"The arrival of Santa Claus came with the wonderful gift that we have received this Christmas of an adapted 9-seater vehicle.

"Accompanied by the elves, Mickey, Minnie and the collaboration of the Torrevieja City Councillor for Sports, Diana Box, as a special assistant to distribute all the gifts to our superheroes.

"Without a doubt they enjoyed with great enthusiasm hot chocolate and Christmas carols.

"One more year from Apanee we want to thank the great collaboration of Casey Shaddock, from Villamartín Plaza, so that at this party all the children have a toy.

"To our favourite Santa Claus and Diana Box, who, like every year, enjoy being with us and contribute to making it unforgettable for all.

"Thanks to the effort and dedication of all the professionals and Board of Directors of Apanee Torrevieja we

A pod of Dolphins off the coast of Torrevieja.

Photo: Juan Carlos.

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managed to make it a complete success, together we want to wish you all a Merry Christmas," said a spokesperson from Apanee.



If you would like to see your

poem published on this page send to:

PAGE 2 Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Enough already, there's ample sufficiency We're up to here, there is no deficiency I grumble and moan with growing proficiency Please somebody, Stop the rain !! The housework's done, its never been cleaner The wife's
as happy as I've ever seen her This forced confinement affects my demeanor Can't somebody, Stop the rain !!
Here in Spain we're not used to such rain Another day starts and its pouring again I don't walk the dog, we both aquaplane I'm begging you, Stop the rain !!
But hold on a sec, the sun's peeping through The clouds are dispersing, the sky cobalt blue Break out the bottle, the glass and corkscrew Cos somebody, Stopped the rain !!
by Kevin Dale

On December 30 even Valencia’s Air Ambulance will be without a doctor.


Aunion representing medical staff across Valencia reported that Primary Care doctors now only have around 2 minutes, at times, to see a patient, due to the saturation of the service.

The Sindicato Médico is demanding a daily maximum limit be set for patients, as the current situation of on-site and telephone consultations does not allow doctors to attend to patients with a minimum quality of care.

Daily appointment schedules with 53, 60, 63, 68 and up to 72 patients is what Primary Care doctors increasingly find. But politicians simply bluster and talk about the problems in Madrid in order to avoid accepting their own shame.

These figures are for scheduled appointments, and do not include those who arrive at the health centres requiring "urgent" treatment and who did not have an appointment. The lack of primary care physicians, and their saturation, is coupled with the difficulty that people find in accessing primary care services, with waits for appointments of up to 15 days in some cases.

This in turn is collapsing both hospital and extra-hospital emergency services as the public is increasingly turning to these centres, collapsing them equally, they say.

It is not only at health centres where doctors are under pressure, but also on the road, dealing with emergencies, with ambulances which should carry a doctor, the SAMU, frequently being sent to incidents without the necessary, mandatory, medical support.

SAMU ambulances are required to be staffed with a doctor, a nurse and a technician, but, once again, this week, they are being sent to incidents with two technicians and a nurse, and no doctor present, a situation which is set to continue over the holiday period in manyplaces.

On December 23, San Juan and Benidorm have no doctors assigned to SAMU. On 24 December, neither Sueca nor Morella will have doctors in their SAMUs. On Christmas day, Paterna and Massamagrell without a doctor. On December 26, up to 8 SAMUs will not have an assigned doctor.

This is a pattern which will continue and is even set to be worse as on December 30 there is also no doctor assigned to the air ambulance.

Guardia Civil get Christmas Day pay increase

The Guardia Civil has approved an increase in the amounts established for the days classed as of special significance in 2022,when officers had to work.

After negotiations with the main union representing Guardia Civil officers,the AUGC,they will now receive 41.60 euro for their service on December 24-25 and December 31-January 1.Previously,the amount they were set to receive was 22.90 euro.

“This is a first step says the AUGC,although the amount is still insufficient.

For this reason,they will “continue working to improve said remuneration and adjust it adequately to the work of the Guardia Civils operational services.

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UKScientists help monitor Orihuela Pollution

Orihuela’s Councillor for the Environment, Patricia Menárguez, announced the start of work to help monitor air quality in the municipality, as part of the Air Quality Improvement Plan.

50 air pollution measurement points have been installed in different parts of the municipality, both in the urban area, on the coast and in the districts, the councillor explained, stating that the results of the analysis will allow "detection of problems related to pollution and provision of a solution”.

Miguel Ángel Ceballos, from the company in charge of providing technical assistance, said that the installed metres will serve to determine the levels of nitrogen dioxide, the gas emitted by vehicle exhausts.

"They have been placed on streets with a lot of traffic, such as Calle Sol, Fernando de Loaces and the N-332," said Ceballos, at the same time that he pointed out that, to contrast these data, others have also been arranged, such as the Palmeral, the

The results will be sent to a laboratory in the United Kingdom and, once they are available and together with the data provided from the station in the Vega Baja hospital, "air pollution maps" will be drawn up. "From there, the City Council will be able to take measures, such as the delimitation of low emission zones or measures related to the noise map or the sustainable mobility plan", he pointed out.



A deluge of criticism has been made towards Torrevieja city Council as the subject of dangerous footpaths raises its head once again.

The complaints are of pavements in Torrevieja,with footpaths and walkways, raised tiles and manhole covers,as well as broken and missing tiles and paving slabs.

Criticism has been pointed towards mayor Edward Dolon and the complaints department.? It's all so sad," said Carmen Maria Serrano Muñoz.

Maricarmen Schefle said: "You have to walk on the road,because the pavements are dangerous.If you have little mobility the problems are huge."

M José Coloma points out long term,dangerous footpaths that will cost the city Council financially with compensation.

"It will be more expensive,if a claim is made for a fall,or a sprain,due to the pavement being in poor condition,with the City Council having to compensate you," she said.

When accidents occur members of the public are advised to register the incident with the police,and also get a reference number,especially if the emergency services are involved.

Maite Marco has flagged up potential damage to her property: "On Caballero de Rodas,on the street corner of Virgen de la Paloma there aren't even tiles and a dangerous tree is also nearby my house."

Ana Vazquez Arroyo said: "People should take a video

and send it to the town hall.

If you are affected by any safety issues you can also file a neighborhood complaint with the city Council.

However,Pilar Garcia said: "With the voting campaign for municipal elections approaching,year-after-year they promise us the same thing."Then nothing is done.It doesn't matter who you vote for."

Jon Andoni Pipiripipi said: "The state of pavements and roads is pitiful,especially for the elderly and disabled. "They keep spending money on events - and nonsensewhile the town rots!".

Dozens of dangerous pavements and obstructions can be found across the city

Antonio Escudero selected as Horadada’s mayoral candidate

The PSOE hopes to recover control of the Pilar de la Horadada council in the next Municipal Elections with Antonio Escudero unveiled last Sunday as the man who will carry their hopes.

His candidacy was announced at an event that was attended by many political heavyweights including the Minister Josefina Bueno; the provincial secretary of the PSOE, Alejandro Soler, and his counterpart in Vega Baja, Joaquín Hernández. There were also several mayors and many other party officials at the ceremony.



Staff Collect 500 Kilos of Food and Toys

Staff at the Torrevieja health department have collected more than 500 kilos of non-perishable food and a thousand toys for families without resources during the month of their collection campaign.

The initiative was promoted by the members of the centre’s communication committee.

The "Asociación Donación Torrevieja y Alrededores" will now take charge of distribution.

Social Security is NOT suspending health cards (SIP Cards) by SMS

Spain´s internet security office (OSI) has issued a warning of a scam that impersonates the Social Security department by sending fraudulent SMS (smishing) messages, urging the user to click on a link, in order to request a new health card, since the previous one has been suspended.

When responding to the SMS, you are asked to provided your personal and/or bank details.

Elche Sets New Spanish Dictionary Word

After four years of trying to get it included in the official Spanish dictionary,Elche has finally succeeded in having the word 'palmerero' included into the official dictionary of the Spanish language.

The word means "Belonging or relative to the palm tree" and "Person who is dedicated to the cultivation and care of palm trees”.

A spokesperson for Elche town hall said,“this is a traditional trade that has been carried out in Elche since time immemorial.”

Gran Alacant School Building Work Will

Commence in January

The construction works of the second school in Gran Alacant will begin at the end of January, at a cost of 12.5 million euro, with a completion period of 18 months.

The project, to be built in the Monte Faro urbanisation will have capacity for 700 infant

and junior students and will have a dining room, library and gym, as well as classrooms for teaching support and for subjects such as music and computing.

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Gabriel Miró roundabout, and the Miguel Hernández University. UKScientists help monitor Orihuela Pollution
Complaints are useless.Doesn't the mayor have eyes?


Transport, Raquel S·nchez; the President of the Murcia Community, Fernando LÛpezMiras and the Secretary of State for Transport, Isabel Pardo de Vera.

The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig, also joined the train when it

stopped at Elche.

The other AVE services originate and end at the Puerta de Atocha station in Madrid with stops in Orihuela, Elche, Alicante, Villena, Albacete and Cuenca. Travel time for this journey is 3 hours and 25 minutes.


Following the official inauguration of the service on Monday by the King of Spain, regular passengers on the first high-speed train to leave Murcia for Madrid on Tuesday were delayed, only by 4 minutes, but considering the normal punctuality of trains in Spain that was a little disappointing for some.

The first train was scheduled to depart Murcia at 06:25, but due to a fault with one of the luggage control machines, the departure was delayed.

There were 302 passengers on board from Murcia, with another 15 joining at Orihuela, and 26 jumping on in Elche. Therefore, a total of 343 passengers were taken to Madrid on the train which had capacity for 354, making it

almost full.

In total, on the first day, 2,100 passengers travelled on the new service, according to Renfe, of which 1,900 began in Murcia.

The service was launched with a special offer ticket price of 19 euro each way for the first 30,000 tickets, thus bringing in just short of 40,000 euro on the first day.

With a journey time of 2 hours and 45 minutes, it will start and end at the Madrid ChamartÌn Clara Campoamor station with intermediate stops in Orihuela and Elche.

On the previous day His Majesty the King travelled from Madrid to Murcia on the inaugural journey of the new high speed train link between the two cities together with Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, the Minister of

Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 PAGE 7 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The King seated next to Prime Minister Sanchez

A Fiery Tale of Combustion

How the first caveman's eyes must have glowed when he discovered fire. It has mesmerised humans ever since. It must have paved the way -this was during the Early Stone Age -- for the first barbecue, the first burnt sausages, the first singed eyebrows.

People themselves have sometimes burst into flames for no apparent reason, selfigniting like the Harpo Marx candle that burned at both ends in the film Horse Feathers. One of the earliest examples of this spontaneous combustion was the Italian countess Cornelia Bandi, who used to sprinkle brandy on herself to relieve physical pain, I wonder if that's a clue? Personally, I prefer the more traditional method involving a glass and some sugared almonds, which originated in Italy like the lady herself.

I believe we can dismiss the theory propounded in the book Fire from Heaven that spontaneous combustion is connected to poltergeist activity. And as for the fate of Mr Krook, an alcoholic rag dealer in Bleak House, well, Charles Dickens has often been accused of making things up.

Recorded cases were often heavy drinkers and elderly females, and past investigations frequently pointed to means of ignition (not car keys, obviously) located near the victims. Candles, lamps, chair stuffing and fireplaces were in close proximity to the deceased, so most of us are safe enough in this day and age, unless we still use coal fires or sit too long in armchairs.

If 'spontaneous' combustion exists, why don't we see it more in everyday life?

Citizens bursting into flames while walking their dog, or sitting in the cinema watching The Towering Inferno, or standing in a queue outside a bank? Although the last-

mentioned might become incandescent when refused an overdraft.

Self-immolation, as seen memorably in one Wallander episode, is a form of suicide, an extreme type of political protest, or the result of unrequited love. "I'm just a hunk of burning love," sang Elvis in Hawaii, where the sun is a source of burning pavements.

Lots of people were famous either before or after they burned to death. Joan of Arc, burned at the stake aged just 19 in 1431, after her own side betrayed her to the English, was accused among other things of wearing men's clothes when she had been warned not to. Fashions have changed a lot in France since then.

Archbishops of Canterbury, Knights

Templar, Norwegian witches -- religion and superstition were on numerous occasions what caused persecutors to reach for the matches. The actress Linda Darnell died in a house fire when she refused to jump from the window of a burning building because she suffered from vertigo. A dizzy blonde whose film Star Dust was showing on TV later that same evening.

Let's not even speculate about the last moments of Buddy Holly and The Big Bopper the day the music died.

I just heard on the news that the coronavirus is "heating up again." Let's hope it spontaneously combusts, immolates, disintegrates or otherwise self-destructs when it sees a vaccine-filled needle approaching, ready to... "Fire!"

4,003 people died by suicide in 2021, finds report 4003 people died by suicide in 2021, the figure representing a slight increase of 1.6% on 2020. The number has skyrocketed this year. From January to June 2022, 2,015 people have taken their lives, according to National Institute of Statistics.

This is 5% more than the same time period in 2021; this refers to an increase in mental health issues among Spaniards.

Spain working on creating its own 'artificial sun' in 2023

Spanish scientists at the University of Seville are working to create the country's first 'artificial sun' in 2023. They are working on SMART, an acronym for SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak.

The objective of the artificial sun is not to supply heat and light but instead generate a limitless amount of energy that could potentially power cities and countries.

Barcelona could soon ban electric scooters after accident this year

Barcelona is planning to ban electric scooters as a mode of public transport after a fire severely injured three people this November.

The board of directors of Barcelona's metropolitan area transport authority urged for action to be taken to ban the scooters. The scooters will be suspended temporarily while authorities study their usage by the public.

Alicante awards its citizens City Medal for behaviour during pandemic

City Medal for Alicante Residents

The Alicante City Council has awarded the City Medal to all its citizens for their "exemplary behaviour" during the covid-19 pandemic.

"For what we have all had to suffer and what the city of Alicante has suffered, we give the Medal of the City to the people of Alicante which is a historic milestone," announced the mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala.

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What we might see in twenty-three?

If you think for one moment that I might be writing this week about New Year’s resolutions, well you have another thought coming! You totally ignored my tips on resolutions last year – and the year before that – and the year before that. Feel free to carry on as before and exercise your right to make up your own mind. We live in a free country …

In a more serious vein and as we reflect on the year just passed, we have to appreciate once more the beauty of living in a free society. Our TV screens beam horror into our living-rooms of slaughter and genocide in Ukraine, atrocities in Iran, ‘clamp-downs’ in China and basic human rights being denied all over the world. Anybody who thinks this could never happen here, needs to think again. According to Freedom House and World Population Review, the number of free countries has decreased between 2005 and 2021.

The number of ‘partly free’ has increased over the same period, as has also ‘not free’. It is good to see Ireland listed in the top ten of free countries. We come in at number six, where for example, the United States doesn’t register in the top ten. About 42 per cent of countries are classified as free.

Looking ahead to the New Year, most people’s thoughts will dwell on trying to figure what ’23 has in store. Like the New Year resolutions, an awful lot of it won’t pan out as

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

projected. You will hear many people lament around now; ‘we won’t be sorry to see the end of that one’, but for some, time will prove that the one gone by doesn’t compare badly with what lies ahead.

I got a present of ‘Old Moore’s Almanac’ (thanks Jerry) the other day. It must be thirty years ago since I last looked at this famous annual which carries a feature on predictions for the New Year for the past 259 years.

‘Old Moore’ forecasts a recession for next year … a safe enough prediction, I would say: But Moore goes further; ‘This year will mark the end of buying ‘stuff’. There will be a total reordering of the world and how finances work. Banks and governments have failed the people as have big pharma and corporations. The people will be untrusting of existing structures.’

‘UK has a huge political problem.’ (Another ‘banker’ I would say!) and ‘the Commonwealth starts to disband.’ ‘Germany and Switzerland in deep economic trouble.’

‘Many people will move to Spain, Portugal and Italy, challenging the infrastructure there.’

‘Artificial sweeteners will be connected to health issues.’ (Now there is something that this column has commented on before Old Moore – as well as preservatives in food.) ‘A disease will be released from the ice caps.’

‘There will be a return to traditional values and conservative politics will usher in a return to religion-led lifestyles with mixed results.’

‘Birthrate falls drastically. We are not replacing ourselves. Women will leave the workforce as a return to tradition becomes trendy.’

‘Donald Trump has a severe health warning.’ (Very difficult to restrain oneself from adding

Bernie has published four books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí. Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info.

GARDEN FELIX - Showcase Natal Lily-Forest Lily

It has stocky stems that are topped with large, rounded heads of colourful flowers, from late winter to spring.

Foliage is architectural and attractive year round, with wide, dark green, strap-shaped evergreen leaves that grow from a swollen, fleshy root.

Flowerheads are made up of eight to 10 bell-shaped blooms, usually in shades of orange;yellow-and red-flowered varieties are sometimes available.

They can live for many years and will grow to around 45cm high and 40cm wide.

Position in good bright light, out of direct sunlight.Water regularly in summer, moderately, so compost stays damp but not wet.

something to that one!)

Anyway, so as that we don’t rely entirely on plagiarism to fill the space I get paid for, let us throw in a few ‘Old Comaskey’ predictions.

Kerry will retain the Sam Maguire with David Clifford cementing his claim to be the greatest all-round Gaelic footballer of all time. Limerick, the hottest of favourites to retain the Liam McCarthy, will be shocked by a team wearing maroon. Galway will be crowned champions for the first time in six years.

Camogie and ladies football will continue to grow in popularity, after providing some of the best sports entertainment of the year. Westmeath hurlers and footballers will be noted with ‘favourable mention’, give their fans a few great outings – but fall short of landing any silverware.

Despite all the hype and their number 1

ranking; Ireland’s rugby team will have a disappointing six-nations; but all will come good in October when they reach the World Cup Final.

February will be one of the mildest on record, but then the ‘sucker’s punch’; a ‘beast from the east’ will strike suddenly in March. We will witness the first concerted movement of people away from flood-risk houses in Ireland. Irish people will talk about the weather!

Sharon Ni Bheolain will have her hair cropped so she may use both eyes when reading the news. The RTE 9 o’clock TV news will surprise everybody by being shown at 9 o’clock some Saturday night. Liam Brady will suffer a fit of the giggles on the soccer panel.

Modesty prevents me from predicting the nominees for ‘Husband of the Year’. Stay safe ….

Water sparingly from November to March when the plant is resting, which is key to getting your clivia to flower every year. When the flower spike becomes visible, feed once a week with a general plant fertiliser, and continue until the end of summer.

Cut off the faded head and stem once flowering has finished and they are really easy to propagate from offsets in spring. If grown in pots you can re-pot in spring, but, only when absolutely essential, as clivia really dislikes being disturbed. Replace the top 5-8cm of compost with fresh potting compost, annually in early spring.

Clivia is mildly toxic;the sap may cause skin irritations.Eating any part of the plant can cause mild stomach upset.

PAGE 10 Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Clivia miniata - Natal Lily and Forest Lily - is a showy plant that makes a bold feature in the garden!
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Bob makes a difference to RBLAppeal

The Orihuela Costa and District Branch was delighted to award a Certificate of Appreciation to member Bob Smith,who contributed enormously toward the success of the Poppy Appeal collection.

Bob worked alongside ‘Mick the Grip’ with the administration and management of the appeal across 22 golf societies,attending and supporting their golf days and competitions,as well as helping to organise two 'stand alone' tournaments during the latter half of the year.

He also establish a team of ‘helpers’ in Campoverde

The presentation was made by the Branch Poppy Appeal Organiser,Eddie Coleman.

Hamiltons Bake Up Christmas Cheer for local orphanage

"Wow, what

"52 children needed a present for Christmas day and they all got an amazing present," said Martin Hamilton from Hamiltons Bake House. "It has been overwhelming with your generosity and thanks go to you from the bottom of my heart," said co-organiser Vincente.


Mingle Bells partners with

Cruz Roja

The recent event "Mingle Bells" at the Marina Bar Calle de las Rosas on the 12th December was once again a success raising money for the Cruz Roja Torrevieja.

Starting with a delicious two course Christmas lunch,followed by Quiz,spot prizes,rendition of the "Twelve Days of Christmas" with diners actively joining in and a visit from Santa himself it was destined to be a successful afternoon.

Fund raisers David and Lorraine Whitney were on hand to host the event leaving the Marina Bar team to cater for the meal in their usual proficient style.

David's recital of a personal poem touched the hearts of many and the excellent raffle was a welcome finale to a very enjoyable afternoon.

Thanks must go to Rita, Dave and the Marina Bar team and to all those generous people who donated prizes for the event.

500 Euros worth of food will be heading to the Cruz Roja,from the money raised at this event to help the charity bring joy to those in need this Christmas.

Rodulfo showcasing Flamenco at Cuevas

An extraordinary and surprising performance showcased in the Sala Mengolero, Cuevas del Rodeo de Rojales, by the painter Rafael Rodulfo and dancer Sandra Satin Sandy.

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Students of the Willow International School celebrated the Christmas Festival with secondary school students performing Charles Dickens play OliverTwist at the Capitol Municipal Theatre, Rojales. San Jose Orphanage Orihuela children received Christmas presents following donations by customers arranged by Hamiltons Bake House, based in Benijofar and Cabo Roig. a great collection for the San Jose Orphanage, you are amazing people you really are.

As well as national holidays (Red days),and regional holidays,municipalities also celebrate local holidays, some of which revolve around local fiestas and events.

The VALENCIA REGION has this week published a list of those local holidays for 2023,from which here are a selection:

Alicante– 20 April and 23 June. Benijofar– 17 April and 25 July. Bigastro– 17 April and 16 August. Catral– 6 February and 7 December. Crevillente– 6 April and 10 October. Daya Nueva– 17 April and 29 September. Daya Vieja– 17 April and 8 September. Dolores – 31 March and 18 September.Elche– 17 April and 29 December. Guardamar del Segura – 25 July and 6 October. Los Montesinos– 31 July and 11 October. Orihuela – 17 July and 8 September. Pilar de la Horadada – 11 October and 13 October. Rojales – 29 June and 7 October. San Fulgencio– 16 January and 17 January.San M iguel de Salinas– 29 September and 26 December. Santa Pola– 17 April and 8 September. Torrevieja– 17 April and 26 December.


municipality isn´t listed,we apologise,but you can check with your local town hall,or the local Social Security office if you have one.


Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Los Montesinos - La Herrada 2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, Galleria. Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport, Priced to sell at E79,995 Tel: +34 634 383 099.Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744.
3 L
2 0 2





Across: 1 With; 8 Inadequacy; 9 Dislodge; 10 Cape; 12 Person; 14 Stands; 15 Make-up; 17 Crease; 18 Peri; 19 Leathery; 21 Malefactor; 22 Tank.

DOWN: 2 Incinerate; 3 Hill; 4 Madden; 5 Recess; 6 Purchase; 7 Type; 11 Pedestrian; 13 Specimen; 16 Pillar; 17 Crafty; 18 Pomp; 20 Hurt.


ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Opus; 8 One too many; 9 Couple up; 10 Rise; 12 Stormy; 14 Select; 15 Missed; 17 Plains; 18 Glee; 19 Forecast; 21 Past belief; 22 Fops.

DOWN: DOWN: 2 Put on trial; 3 Soap; 4 Merely; 5 Coupes; 6 Umbrella; 7 Type; 11 Second slip; 13 Respects; 16 Differ; 17 Purlin; 18 Gape; 20 Cuff.


7.100 being struck dumb by the final utterance? (7,6) 8.Likely to be fit for investigation? (8) 9.Is in possession of ring with three points (4) 10.Artist could be among the scorers at cricket (6) 12.The crime of the large girl ... (6) 14.... with strange boy standing more than even chance? (4-2) 16.Formerly cheeky person with above average skills (6) 18. Paradise in the dentist's surgery! (4)

20.Any hitch could be result of broken bulb (8)

22.Entry without paying evokes voluntary confession? (4,9)


1.Non-specialised - and no square? (3-5)

2.Ablues composition that can be performed (6)

3.Turn one's nose up at small cakes that have risen (4)

4.See lambs come together (8)

5.Take a fair bit of time to feel one fits? (6)

6.I study the image (4)

11.Use hands for protection against strong rays (8)

13.Hat on, arm bent and off goes the long-distance race! (8)

15.Scorching vocalist? (6)

17.Minister is pert? Can't be right! (6)

19.Read about challenge (4)

21.Anumber got up war-time alliance (4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. Easy Mythical Questions. a. Which city was founded by Romulus & Remus? b. Which warrior women were famed for their exploits in the Trojan War? c. Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea, what did the Romans call him? d. What is the normal occupation of a leprechaun? e. Where did the Greek gods live?

2. In early 17th century Europe what was known as 'Arabian wine'?

3. The following are famous for which 'Mr.' songs? a. Jerry Jeff Walker, b. ELO, c. Chordettes, d. Lenny Kravitz, e. Peggy Lee or Ruby Murray

4. What was Dr Zhivago's first name?

5. In which American state would you expect to find corn as high as an elephant's eye"?

6. Which song did HAL the computer sing shortly before his deactivation in the film 2001?

7. What are the first six words to Lord Tennyson's 'The Charge Of The Light Brigade'?

8. During the height of the assembly line production of Model T Ford's, how many cars were built each day in December 1924? a. 72, b. 723, c. 7,235, d. 17,235

9. Which actor has played all of the following roles in film? Heinrich Himmler, Lt. Colin 'forger' Blythe and the US President

10. We present you with a line from a famous song from the year 1982. Your job is to identify the song title as well as the name of the artist that scored a hit with that song in 1982.

a: You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar. b: Superman will be with us While he can. c: You gotta have a

dream, If you don't have a dream, How you gonna have a dream come true? d: Pool old Johnny Ray. e: Good morning miss. Can I help you son?

11. The book entitled "David Balfour: Second Part" is the sequel to another famous book. Can you name the (Scottish) author.

12. Which man, who earned a million dollars as a teenage singer song writer, composed Tom Jones hit song 'She's a Lady'?

13. Which two cities were the targets for the majority of V2 rockets launched in 1945?

14. Which makers built the following exotic sounding cars? a. Testerossa, b. Countach, c. Lagonda

15. What was unusual about Alphonse Allais' 1883 work of art with the title 'First Communion of Anemic Young Girls in the Snow'?

16. Shogi, Renju, Irensei and Sugoroku are all examples of what?

17. According to the nursery rhyme 'Sing A Song Of Sixpence', where was the king?

18. Geographically speaking, why are the following European locations famous: a: Lizard Point, b: Cape Fligely, Rudolf Island, c: Jungfraujoch train station d: Caspian Sea shore, Russia.

19. In which two songs did the Beatles sing, "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah"?

20. The battle of Rourkes Drift was fought between the British and which other people?

PAGE 14 Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 950
ACROSS ACROSS 7.Dispossession (13) 8.Captive (8) 9.Observed (4) 10.Abduct (6) 12.Interior (6) 14.Submit (6) 16.Chatter (6) 18.Worry (4)
DOWN DOWN 1.Practice (8) 2.Appeared (6) 3.Bridge (4) 4.Shrill (8) 5.Strain (6) 6.Rod (4) 11.Cripple (8) 13.Delicately (8) 15.Diversion (6) 17.Vie (6) 19.Stave (4) 21.Quote (4)
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 23 CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE?

Torrevieja settles on SOLARIS sustainable buses

The procurement board of the Torrevieja City Council selected Solaris for the purchase of 32 zero and low-emission buses for the city's new urban transport service. This new fleet of vehicles, which is envisaged to be delivered over the course of 2023, consists of six 100% electric units and 26 hybridpowered units.

It should also be pointed out that, over the past few weeks, Solaris completed bus supplies to a further three Spanish cities, supplying models of vehicles equipped with different technologies, ranging from hybrid and electric vehicles through to compressed natural gas vehicles.

The city of Elche in Alicante unveiled their recently purchased

17 Solaris Urbino hybrid buses whereby half of its fleet of city buses are now hybrid buses; a major milestone in the city's plans to shift towards more sustainable public transport. It is further noted that these vehicles will soon be supplemented by a further 8 new 100% electric Solaris buses, with these scheduled to arrive in Elche in the second quarter of 2023.

In excess of 500 CAF Group buses are currently operating in various Spanish cities as a result of the supply of these new units.

Van Driver pulled from Crash

The Provincial Consortium of Alicante Firefighters were called to a crash at one of the roundabouts just after the AP-7 bridge, in the municipality of Crevillente, in the direction of Catral on Monday morning.

The driver of a van, a 62-year-old man, was trapped in the cab and had to be rescued over the side of the vehicle.

The injured man was transferred to the Vinalopó hospital in Elche.

Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, English-speaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: www. Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@

The Meetings of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch are held at 7 for 7.30 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome incl non members. However, due to closure there will be no meeting in Jan. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99.

need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Mike Cockman 670 224 822

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.

The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We

The RAFACosta Blanca RMG replaces the RAFACosta Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFAwebsite

Over 50 - On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Reflections Bar/Restaurant, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at;

PAGE 16 Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023


In case you don’t know LCL is back in the ‘hot’ news ??. Netflix are the latest to tap into this D H Lawrence bonkbuster with a very sexy version of country life in the 1920s.

The actual story by one of our great British classic authors has a lot going for it: First World War and its effects, politics, class wars, upstairs/downstairs, love, passion - and a lot more.

The two main actors are young and largely unknown - but they won’t be after this ‘exposure’. For inside, outside, in milady’s chamber read in the gamekeeper’s hut, outside it, running around the fields naked in the rain and everywhere else it seemed. There are some very graphic sex scenes.

Question: where do entertaining classics and explicit raunchiness part company? Incidently ‘the end’ in the book and this film strangely differ - should that be allowed? But hey, all in all this is a fascinating story of illicit love, suspense and impending doom. It’s well worth a watch - but Scouts honour - be prepared…

D H Lawrence was born in Nottinghamshire, my own home county. My particular story of Lady Chatterly’s Lover concerns the period shortly after the book’s clearance for publication in 1960, following its court case for obscenity. Pan Books had published Lawrence’s last novel in the UK thirty-two years after it was published in Italy where Lawrence was living with his family.

In 1962 aged thirteen I went on a school trip from Nottingham to London for the day. The purpose of the visit was to go to the Science museums and we went on the train

and the Underground. From memory we enjoyed the travel and the museums but we found ourselves with some spare time before the return journey.

I should add at this point that although I went to a good grammar school some of my fellow schoolmates had quite surprising ‘talents’. I was no angel but I was out of my depth sometimes.

On this occasion my mate Steven and I found ourselves outside a posh London bookshop. Steve instructed me to engage the man in the shop in literary conversation while he had a look round.

After a few minutes of discussing my favourite author, Richmal Crompton of ´Just William´ fame I noticed Steve going out of the shop. I thanked the helpful assistant and followed my friend down the road.

When we were well out of sight of the shop Steve pulled a brand new copy of Lady Chatterly´s Lover from under his coat. For the rest of the trip until well under way on the return train we pored over the book and digested the naughty bits. My only memory is of Mellors, the gamekeeper explaining the ´f´ word to Lady Chatterly during intercourseboth verbal and sexual.

As we neared our home city Steve nonchalantly went down the corridor train and returned ten minutes later with two pounds. He had sought out some likely looking candidates and it didn’t take him long to sell the book. So that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Netflix did you say? Well, I´ve started wading through the modern classic called Megan and Harry. As I get older in life the maxim ´There’s two sides to every story´ seems to make more sense. I’m only half-way through the six part saga of our new Kings younger sons meeting and betrothal to a young American actress and all the brouhaha that went with it. Watch this space…

For yet another year, Torrevieja town hall has been running a competition to award the best-dressed retail store in the town, and this year, the top prize has gone to a dentist.

The Councillor for Commerce and Hospitality, Rosario Martínez, announced that the jury had made their decision to narrow down the 27 establishments that took part.

In first place, winning a prize of 1,000 euro, is Clínica Dental Dr. Jorge Requena. Second place went to Farmacia Vera, who won 800 euro, and in third place was the florist, Floristería Carmina, who will win 500 euro.

Another ten companies won 300 euro for their efforts, all awarded by an independent panel made up of local business and community representatives.

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Car and motorbike racers have been thwarted in illegally racing on the CV-950 in the mountainous area of Pedrera, Torremendo, Orihuela.

"Finally - at last - the racing ends," Derek Rey exclusively told The Leader.

Action has been taken with 12 speed bumps installed on the road nearby to Lake Pedrera reservoir that has now ended the racing.

Derek and his wife Jenni, former proprietors of the famed 'Grand Design' House featured on TV show Grand Designs Abroad, spent years listening to the noise created by speeding cars and motorbikes.

"It's awesome to hear the news," said Derek, who recently returned to the UK with Jenni after almost two decades in Torremendo.

The Grand Design Abroad picturesque property, formerly owned by the Rey's, that overlooks Lake Pedrera, was sold to private owners this year.

"Racing has been going on for as long as we can remember," said Derek.

In 2019 The Leader reported barriers being erected at Lake Pedrera, Torremendo, in an attempt to stop bikers and cars using the winding roads as a racetrack.

The move also affected fishing clubs that frequently used Lake Pedrera, including La Florida Orihuela Costa Abbey Fishing Club.

Rods N Reels Angling Club and La Florida switched to fishing from Lake Pedrera to El Bosque.

Illegal racing brought to an end at Lake Pedrera

Hidraqua had erected barriers near to the Tower, overlooking lake Pedrera from the winding roadside. Also a 60km speed sign was put in situ at the CV-950 Vistabella side, with a warning of cyclists.

Jenni, who was raised tens of thousands of euros for charities in staging Flamenco shows


Police have made an arrest following a knife attack in the municipality of Los Montesinos on December 21.

Following the incident a spokesperson from Los Montesinos local police said in a statement:

"There was an attack with a knife, in our municipality. That after the actions and subsequent inquiries carried out by the patrol of the afternoon shift and thanks to citizen collaboration, the alleged perpetrator was located.

"The person was detained by the patrol of the night shift, together with a Civil Guard patrol and has been transferred to the Civil

at their magnificent home, including donations to the Elche Children's Home, said: "It's awesome that the racing has ended." It was reported in 2019 that a fatality had occurred, a victim of speeding racers. "They drove at incredibly high speed - I witnessed three accidents," added Jenni.

Woman´s Death in Guardamar Under Investigation


A 62-year-old woman dies in a San Fulgencio fire

A 62-year-old woman has been found dead by firefighters in a bungalow-type house at Parque Mundo,65,in the La Marina de San Fulgencio urbanization.

The fire happened last Thursday during the early afternoon,with the authorities informed just before 3.30pm.Fire Brigade attended the scene from the Orihuela and Almoradí parks.As they arrived a large amount of smoke and flames were coming out of the property.As the entered the building they found the deceased in the living room.

According to the report,the firefighters completed their actions at 4:31 p.m.,although the Civil Guard remained at the scene.A Primary Care doctor also attended to confirm the death.

The Guardia Civil is investigating the causes of the violent death of a 77-yearold woman of Spanish nationality, in conjunction with injuries suffered by her 51-year-old son, during an event that occurred at a home in the town of Guardamar del Segura.

The alarm was raised at 6:25 a.m. on Wednesday morning, warning that there was an elderly woman dead at her home in the coastal town while her son had injuries.

Aaccording to sources, it was the injured man who called the emergency services to alert them of what had happened. he said that they had been victims of an assault on the house by a group of between three and four people.

The alleged assailants hit him on the head, which caused him to lose consciousness and, when he recovered he saw his mother already deceased. He immediately raised the alarm.

The Guardia Civil is investigating how the events occurred and is collecting evidence and preparing a report.

The Emergency Information and Coordination Centre (CICU) dispatched emergency teams to the scene, but the medics could only confirm the death of the woman, while they attended the man who was suffering from a head trauma. The injured man was subsequently transferred to the Torrevieja hospital in a basic life support ambulance.

Menwhile the Guardia Civil is continuing with it’s investigation.

Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Guard Post of San Miguel de Salinas to continue with the investi-


On 15thof December 34 members and Guestsof AGS at the Lucky Lion took to the course at Las Colinas Golf Course for our final Match on the 2022 season.

The day wasa littlecloudy and cool at times with everyonelooking forward to their game, we did have a shower of rain for a couple of holes but itdidn'tlast long.

The course was in reasonable to goodcondition, andthegreenswere a little slower than expected.

The course played a little difficultIthinkit’s fair to say resulting in no players breaking Par, however we all enjoyed the day.

A Championship Dinner was held at "The View" in the evening where presentations were made both fore this match and for the winners of end of season competition, Champion Golfer, most improved golfer etc

The captain’s chosen charity is Help at Home, with the total raised by AGS at the Lucky Lion totalling Euro1558,05 for the current year which will be presented to the charity at Lucky Lion in January.


N P in 2, Hole 4 went to Dan Jones

N P Hole 7 went to George Dawidow

N P Hole 10 went to Derek Fleet

N P in 2, Hole 13 went to Wayne Stevenson

N P in 3, Hole 18 went to nobody on the day

All the above won a Euro10 Voucher for Lo Romero Golf Course

The Longest Drive Hole 12 was won by Denis McCormack – bottle of Brandy

The Best Net score Hole 17 was won by Steve Barlow with a net 2 – bottle of Brandy

The Silver Division runner up was Mac McLean with 34 points – Lucky Lion Euro12.50 voucher

The Silver Division, and over all Winner was Wayne Stevenson with 34 points on countback– Lucky Lion Euro 25.00 voucher

The Gold Division runner up was Alan Connell with 31 points – Lucky Lion Euro12.50 voucher

The Gold Division winner was DenisMcCormack with 32 points – Lucky Lion Euro25.00 voucher

The Champion Golfer 2022 was Wayne Stevenson with 185 Championship points from 8 games over the year.

Thank you to our main sponsor "The Lucky Lion" for their support, and all attending members and guests.

We would also like to thank the following committee members who are stepping down after many years of invaluable service. Tony Hall, Sandie Hall and Ian Connell. We wish them well.

Our first fixture of the 2023 season is at La

Finca. Details can be found in the Lucky Lion at La Ronda, or contact our secretary at as we have limited availability.

Derek Fleet, Captain

Mack and Forsterling finish top at La

Manga LETQ School

German duo Polly Mack and Alexandra Försterling ended the Final Qualifier of LET Q-School as joint-winners with a total 15-under-par.

Försterling, who led after round four, has got to know La Manga Club pretty well after progressing through the European Pre-Qualifier last week.

The 23-year-old produced a round of level par on the South Course with three birdies and three bogeys to secure LET playing rights for 2023. She explained: “I feel really good! I’m a little bummed about 18 as I missed a short putt to win outright but that’s how it is sometimes.”

A final round of 71 (-2) saw Mack draw alongside her compatriot, after she rolled in four birdies and two bogeys in Spain.

It has been a busy end to the year for the 23year-old, who secured both her LPGA Tour and Ladies European Tour cards for 2023 in December.

“It feels great,” said Mack. “These last couple of week couldn’t have turned out any better and I’m

honestly just really really happy with this outcome and going into the off-season with this feeling is really nice. I’m ready to get some rest!

French amateur Nastasia Nadaud rounded off her excellent week with a 71 (-2) on the final day to finish in third place on 14-under-par and the teenager plans to turn professional and compete on the LET in 2023.

Slovenia’s Ana Belac ended the tournament in fourth place after firing the round of the day with a 67 (-6) which included an eagle on 18, to be on 13-under-par.

Thailand’s Trichat Cheenglab was fifth on 11under, while Switzerland’s Albane Valenzuela finished in a share of sixth place alongside Austria’s Emma Spitz with Australia’s Gabriela Ruffels in outright eighth place.

Rounding out the top 10 on six-under-par were Australia’s Kirsten Rudgeley and England’s Annabel Dimmock with Germany’s Sophie Hausmann and Sweden’s Emma Nilsson in T11.

A total of 24 players secured Category 12 LET membership for 2023 while 28 players clinched Category 16 membership.

PAGE 20 Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Las Colinas – Thursday 15th December 2022
Our retiring Committee Members



Thirty two pairs contested the leagues annual Mixed competition, most but not all league teams represented.

Running concurrently with the main event, the committee added a 9 dart challenge for 1st round fallers.

Last years winners Amanda Skinner and Mark Farmer once again joined forces, to face some formidable opposition from Bliss Wright partnering James Brown, plus League sponsor Matt Smith sharing the oche with Orihuela Costa's equivalent to Picasso, Chelsea Campbell.

It was after all a fun night, with plenty of Santas, Reindeers, Christmassy jumpers and a dodgy looking Fairy, all contesting for the Fancy Dress 1st prize.

On the oche, bottles of Vino were available for the nights best finish, early leader Bob Smith's 74 out, soon eclipsed by Farmer 78, Steve Tilley, 87 and Matt Smiths 97, Bob Smith 120.

That's the way it stayed until the semi final when Skinner took out 111 in the winning 4th leg.

Partner Farmer going one or two better in the 3rd leg of the final requiring 132, opted for Bull, Bull, D16 and the title.

Probably the best dart playing Reindeer I've ever witnessed.

Plenty of 140's in the main event via, Les Adams, Bob Smith, Terry David, Barry Shingler, Steve Tilley, Chelsea Campbell (and a Bull out), not for-

getting 2x133 from Pat Schofield.

Match of the night, Smith and Campbell's semi final encounter with Skinner and Farmer, the Flyers duo amassing 5x100,121,140 and 4x90+, Skinner and Farmer (Leeson St) just 95,100, but 3 splendid outs of 78 and 82 from Farmer and a 111 from Skinner.

Steve and Karen Collins qualified top in the 9 dart challenge, joined by Sue Christie and Les Adams as top scorers from the original 16.

The 2 pairs simultaneously played a 15 dart challenge prior to the main final, Christie and Adams the winners by a creditable 80 points.

Simone de Lacy, Bob Smith and myself wish all Serenity Insurance teams and players a very Happy Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2023.


PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday
January 2023
Venue - New Tavern, San Miguel
Chelsea Campbell & Matt Smith1 - 3 Amanda Skinner & Mark Farmer Sharon Crane & Steve Tilly3 - 0 Sue Cam & Terry David FINAL Sharon Crane & Steve Tilly 0 - 3 Amanda Skinner & Mark Farmer Winners Amanda and Mark Runners Up Steve and Karen 9 dart Challenge winners Les and Sue Challenge Runners Up Karen and Steve Santas helpers, Simone, Bob, Sharon and Jane Fancy dress winner Amanda with Chelsea and Mark


2023 Valencia Cycle Race to Start in Orihuela

The first stage of the 74th edition of the prestigious VCV – Volta a la Comunitat Valenciana Gran Premi Banc Sabadell cycle race will start from Orihuela,on February 1,2023.

Carolina Gracia,the Mayor of Orihuela,together with Ángel Casero,director of the Cycling Tour of the Valencian Community,Patricia Menárguez, Councillor for Sports and Manuel Villalgordo, Regional Director of Orihuela Vega Baja Banco Sabadell,gathered to announce the news at a presentation at the Puerta de la Olma,the point from where the starting gun will be fired to this new edition of the VCV 2023,a race that the city will be hosting for the twelfth time.

For this reason,Ángel Casero has statedd that Orihuela is "the home of cycling".

The 2023 edition will feature nearly 20 teams,10 of them of outstanding international prestige comprising of more than a hundred riders.

Casero,director of the event,has confirmed that the first stage of the VCV 2023 “will provide a very tough test for the riders.

We wanted to develop a route in the five days of the race in which sprints will practically disappear and

Carolina Gracia, the Mayor of Orihuela, together with Patricia Menárguez, Councillor for Sports, the race director and main sponsor

as such we have put two high finishes into all the stages,with quite hard climbs with inclines of 20 or 24% and a great deal of unevenness”.

He also said that in 2022 the event had a follow-up impact in Europe across 17 million households through Eurosport and through Tele Deporte in Spain,and reached 550 million impacts in the media, so "in the month February we can also sell our territory through sports tourism”.

Manuel Villalgordo,Regional Director of Orihuela Vega Baja Banco Sabadell,the main sponsor highlighted that "the event has values that are fully shared with the group it represents,such as personal effort,solidarity,persistence and teamwork".

The Mayor of Orihuela,Carolina Gracia,confirmed that for Orihuela it is a great honour to be the venue for the first stage,"it is a very striking spectacle,it is a cycling festival that we are very happy to start in the city and obviously,for a city like Orihuela is a clear opportunity for the name of the city and its attractions to become better known”.

She has also thanked the organisation of 'La Volta' for having the city as a trial start and has encouraged all citizens to "embrace and support the event on 1st February".

Children’s Activities at Playa Flamenca Sports Centre

Orihuela will once again host their recreational and sports event, JUVE 2023 "the adventure of sport", organised by the Department of Sports, on January 2, 3 and 4 with sports-based events taking place across the municipality, including the city, local villages, and of course the Orihuela Costa.

craft workshops, face painting and activities with children's staff, plus, if that’s not all, fifty shows will be held.

reduced mobility from those with functional diversity.


Montgo Golf Society Played a 2 Man Texas Scramble at Oliva Nova GG today 23rd December 2022 Sponsored by the Society. Mince Pie’s and a nip of Brandy was provided on the 1st Tee to set members off in good spirits.

The winning pair was Pete Turner & Sally Cottrell playing of 8 and scored 38 Stableford points. Well played you two. In 2nd place on 36 Stableford points was Mick Connolly & Keeping it in the family Keith Cottrell. In 3rd place and out of the prizes was George Braddick & Sue Burman.

We had two Nearest the Pin prizes on offer today on the 5th & 16th Holes and taking home the spoils was Mick Connolly & Nigel Siddall. We had one 2 today on the 6th Hole with Pete Turner taking home a coveted Montgo Golf ball. We also had a prize for the best Santa and that went to John Macritchie. Sorry no photos off members in Santa Attire as temperatures were high and players removed Santa garb prior to prize presentation.

Next weeks competition is a Stableford sponsored again by the Society.

Patricia Menárguez, the councillor in charge of sport, announced, “the location will be between avenida de la Vega and parque Severo Ochoa. And it will also take place in three districts, being on the 2nd of January in San Bartolomé (municipal sports centre), on the 3rd in Torremendo (municipal sports centre), and on the 4th in La Matanza (municipal sports court).

While on the Coast, events will also be held from January 2 to 4, at the Municipal Sports Centre.

She explained that the event will feature children's activities such as "bouncy castles, a 'wipe out' area with at least three tests, a climbing wall, jumping with four trampolines, a sports area with skill games, another with traditional strategy and board games, a human table football, multi-sports, volleyball net, calisthenics and skating circuit”, in addition to family and children's

Although JUVE is aimed at all audiences, the programmed activities have been organised taking into account the interests of the different age groups, paying special attention to the infant and school age groups, in addition to taking into account the participation of children and girls with special abilities and

The enclosure will have an information and lost property point, an information board that includes the technical, safety and conditions for each of the activities, posters in each activity with its description, distribution plan and location, as well as measures safety and hygiene.

Menárguez said that she hopes "everyone will participate in this great recreational-sports adventure".

On the Coast, events will be held from January 2 to 4, at the Municipal Sports Centre.

PAGE 22 Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Without a doubt, the ‘standout’ tie in last week’s draw for the round of 32 in the Copa del Rey will involve local Alicante side, Club de Fútbol Intercity, a team based in Sant Joan d'Alacant, which plays in the Primera División RFEF –Group 2, the third tier of the Spanish football structure. They have been drawn at home to one of the country’s, and of course Europe’s, elite sides, FC Barcelona.

“Infinite joy for the club, we could not have wished for anyone better”, said a spokesman.

The other big prize went to Cacereño, who will face Real Madrid.

Both of the ties will be played over a single leg, Real on 3 January, Intercity on 4th. Intercity is a newly created club. Founded in 2017, it plays home games on a natural grass field at the Estadio Antonio Solana, which has a capacity of 2,500 spectators. As such it is thought that the tie will be moved down the road to the Estadio Rico Perez, home of Hercules FC and with a capacity of almost 30,000.

Thanks to a major investment, the club has achieved four promotions in five years. It is the first and only football team in Spain to be listed on the stock market.

Although the two teams have never met the managers do know each other. Xavi Hernández, in his early years with the Barça first team, faced the Argentine, Gustavo Siviero, now the Intercity coach and, at the time a centre back with Real Mallorca, on a number of occasions.

Siviero agreed that it is not being an easy tie for Intercity, despite being at home.

“We are currently down in the bottom third of the league in the relegation zone but there are still many games to go, and salvation is only one point away”.

However the club has only won two of their last thirteen league games played since the beginning of October, so beyond a lucrative financial windfall they are not expecting to get too much from the match.

La Nucía and Eldense are also considered to have lucrative draws with their clashes against Valencia and Athletic

Club. Elche, meanwhile, will face Ceuta at home in search of a win that will take them to the round of 16.

Another local side, Cartagena will play against Villarreal at the Cartagonova stadium. Europa League champions in 2021, and Champions League semi finalist on two occasions, the yellow submarine will be an excellent test for the Segunda Division side.

That game will be played on Tuesday, January 3 at 7:00 p.m. and will be live on television.

National title for Torrevieja Gymnast

Last week, the Spanish Individual Base Cup Championship was held in Zaragoza, where, in the alevín (Juvenile Category, the gymnast Ilona Boichuk, from Torrevieja’s Jennifer Colino

Rhythmic Gymnastics Club, won the Gold Medal and was proclaimed Champion of Spain.

Ilona was making her debut, her first national-level competition, in which she

demonstrated her great quality in the hoop exercise.

Her training partner, Valeria Vorontsova, achieved a top 10 finish in her category, also after an elegant hoop exercise.

paper. 16. Japanese board games. 17. In His Counting House. 18. a: Southernmost point in the United Kingdom (Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall), b: Northernmost point of Europe (remote Russian Island), c: Highest European location attainable by transportation (Switzerland), d: Lowest land point in Europe (Russia, -28 metres). 19. "She Loves You" and "All You Need Is Love" 20. The Zulus.

Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
SUDUK O SOLUTION O SOLUTION ALICANTE’S CF INTERCITY DRAW BARCA’ IN COPA del REY QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. a. Rome, b. Amazons, c. Neptune, d. Shoemaker, e. Mount Olympus. 2. Coffee. 3. a. Mr Bojangles, b. Mr Blue Sky, c. Mr Sandman, d. Mr Cab Driver, e. Mr Wonderful. 4. Juri. 5. Oklahoma! 6. A Bicycle Built for Two. Also known as 'Daisy Daisy' or 'Daisy Bell'. 7. "Half a league half a league," 8. C. 7,235 A total of 224,289 cars were built in December 1924. 9. Donald Pleasence. Himmler in 'The Eagle has Landed', Lt. Colin 'forger' Blythe in 'The Great Escape' and the US President in 'Escape From New York'. 10. a: Don't You Want Me - The Human League, b: Land of Make Believe - Bucks Fizz, c: Happy Talk - Captain Sensible, d: Come on Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners, e: House of Fun – Madness. 11. Kidnapped - Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson. 12. Paul Anka. 13. London and Antwerp. 14. a. Ferrari, b. Lamborghini, c. Aston Martin. 15. It was a blank sheet of white
CFIntercity following their 2-0 2nd round win at home to Mirandes
PAGE 24 Monday 26th December 2022 - Sunday 1st January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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[New] National title for Torrevieja Gymnast

page 23


pages 22-23


page 22


page 21

[New] Mack and Forsterling finish top at La Manga LETQ School

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page 20

[New] A 62-year-old woman dies in a San Fulgencio fire

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[New] Results are in for the Torrevieja Christmas Window Competition

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[New] Van Driver pulled from Crash

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[New] Torrevieja settles on SOLARIS sustainable buses

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[New] Rodulfo showcasing Flamenco at Cuevas

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[New] Mingle Bells partners with

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[New] GARDEN FELIX - Showcase Natal Lily-Forest Lily

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[New] What we might see in twenty-three?

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[New] A Fiery Tale of Combustion

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[New] Health

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[New] UKScientists help monitor Orihuela Pollution

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[New] Guardia Civil get Christmas Day pay increase

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[New] Apanee Torrevieja celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus!

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page 1
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