10 minute read
A.I. ain’t what it used to be ....
A.I.is again grabbing the news headlines these days ñ same as it was in my part of the world back in the 1950s. There is however a monumental difference in how the invention of a couple of generations ago and the breakthrough of todayís A.I. will affect the worldís inhabitants. ëArtificial Intelligenceí undoubtedly will bring many benefits, but it is also to be feared and with repercussions for the Globe not yet fully understood.
The ërealíA.I; Artificial Insemination, was a different story altogether and was welcomed enormously in rural Ireland ñ unless you were a bull of course! There was an old Act on the statute books to control the breeding of livestock, but it really hadnít been widely enforced until around the time we are talking about.
ëScrub Bullsíbecame outlawed and the only lover a cow was entitled to take up with was a ëregistered bull.í This didnít make the job easy for small farmers with their own unregistered bull. You need to remember that getting the cow in calf was the foremost priority and papers and pedigree were only an irritant!
There is a hilarious story told concerning the convolutions of above and the great parliamentarian, James
Dillon ñ widely regarded as our Dailís greatest ever orator and debater.
It was election time and Dillon was delivering a speech from the back of a lorry somewhere in the west of Ireland. The TD found himself being continuously heckled by a man near the front, who wasnít in favour of
National News In Brief
They think it´s all over… It isn´t, at least not just yet!
Even before the dust had settled on the recent elections, Pedro Sánchez, announced plans to hold a general election on 23 July. Although it could be a risky move for the socialist leader, given that the opposition PP gained power in many areas, and in others are most likely having to rely on coalitions with the far-right Vox group, the PSOE seem confident in their plan to prove their actions have the support of the electorate.

Unlike the elections last weekend, foreign residents are not eligible to vote in national elections.
having to offer his ëgrand little heiferíto several licenced bulls around his area, because she wasnít ëholdingíto any of these uppity pedigree bullsíñ and the man was adamant he had a ëlad of his owníin the field that would do the job.
The unhappy heifer owner really laboured it, naming all the licenced
Metal fragments warning in tofu brand
A new food safety alert has been published, warning of the risk of metallic remains in a brand of Tofu from Germany, of the Taifun brand, warning that if you have this product at home, don't eat it.

Tofu, also known as "vegan cheese", is a food that is prepared from soybeans, and is usually eaten alone, or as an ingredient in salads or stews.
The lots affected by the presence of metallic remains are: lot 254 (with expiration date June 2, 2023) and lot 274 (expiration date June 22, 2023). bulls he tried who ëwerenít worth a damn.íAfter an hour he was still at it when James Dillon was trying to wind up the meeting. ëWhat about my grand little heiferí, the man shouted. Dillon had a powerful booming voice ñ a necessary requisite for a politician in those days and he turned now and fixed his steely gaze on his tormentor. ëWell, my good man, all I can say is that you made a right ëhooríout of your grand little heifer!í
I was delighted when the A.I. station opened in our area. Instead of my brothers and I struggling to drive a randy cow along the road to Tormeyís or Gillís bull; the cow was left tied in the byre and a man arrived and inseminated the cow. Mind you, the downside of this advance was that the man had to be paid - and maybe a lump of an uncastrated bullock out in Andy Cosgroveís field more than willing to do the job for nothing!
The much talked about A.I. of today is no laughing matter and nobody knows where it might end. Artificial Intelligence is an extremely worrying phenomenon.
I read or heard somewhere that even the man who invented it is scared of its potential to do harm to the world. It is too complicated for a fellow who left school at fifteen to figure out, but it seems to me that this A.I. can get out of control very easily. Those in favour will insist that there will always be human overview, but
Police Officer In Court For Slapping Suspect
A Local Police officer from Burjassot was in court Thursday, not giving evidence against a suspect, but rather defending himself as he is on trial accused of slapping a man who had been stopped on a street in the municipality. The Prosecutor's Office requests a fine of 4,320 euro for a crime of injury that took place in 2019.

According to the public accusation, the agent asked the victim to stop, and he did so, but not until after continuing for 50 metres. The policeman allegedly slapped a man on the left side of the face, which punctured his eardrum.
many experts in the field of this sort of technology fear that A.I. can take over and override human instructions as soon as it no longer needs humans ñ and who will check it for disinformation. (Disinformation is the new nice name for lies.) At this point in time, I wonder how much control humans are willing to hand over to machines. We live in a quare world indeed Ö

Of course, same as with so many other modern inventions, A.I. has enormous capacity for good. It has already helped with advances in medical science, climate change, outer space and so on.
Journalism is a profession which will suffer greatly due to A.I. This machine can churn out articles and reports on any and every subject with just the touch of a button. According to the Lads, I will be the first to go. ëAll your editor has to do is ask the machine to write a s***e column of 800 words on the first thing that comes into its head Ö if it had a head; and the YCBS bit of space could be worth reading.í
As Iím no James Dillon, I donít have a comeback for that one!
When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time they can seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Think of it, always. (Mohandas Gandhi)
Church Present Child Sex Abuse Plan To Episcopal Conference
The Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) presented its paper on the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable people on Thursday, with which the bishops seek to "strengthen the regulatory commitment of the Catholic Church in Spain to prevent and deal with abuses against minors", as well as "guaranteeing a unitary way of proceeding throughout the country". By approving it as an instruction for the Church in Spain, the bishops have added the new provisions established by the definitive text of 'Vos estis Lux mundi', which was approved by Pope Francis.

If you would like to book an appointment or receive any further details of treatments or courses,then please contact Christine Quinlan at Body Harmony
Tel :966 795 103 Email:bodyharmony44@gmail.com
What are Hopi Candles?
Hopi Ear Candles are hollow tubes made of cotton, soaked in beeswax, honey and herbs. When lit, the candle acts like a chimney, causing warm air inside it to rise and creating a vacuum at the bottom.
This vacuum gently stimulates the ear, facilitating removal of excess wax and impurities
It is important to note that the candle does not suck wax out of the ear. It stimulates the ear to eliminate the wax naturally, ensuring maximum safety.
How are the candles used?
The treatment should be carried out in a relaxed, draught free atmosphere and the patient should lie in a comfortable position on his/her side with their head supported on a pillow.
Asmall cotton towel should cover the hair.
The lit candle is inserted into the outer ear and the flame is allowed to burn down to within a short distance of the marked red line, when the candle is then removed gently and extinguished in some water.
The practitioner then massages gently around the ear, using draining movements towards the neck.
The procedure is repeated on the other ear, and then the patient lies on his/her back for a gentle drainage massage on the face.
It is then important for the patient to have a drink of water and lie still for at least 10 minutes before he/she stands up

See our advert below.
What are the benefits?
Hopi candles can be used for many conditions including deafness caused by excess wax, congested sinuses, irritation in the ears, ringing or noises in the ears, helps with tinnitus, glue ear, colds, flu, headaches and migraines.
As their action is so gentle, this treatment is particularly suitable for children
What are the effects?
In most cases the treatment is extremely soothing and relaxing, leaving the patient with a sense of well-being and reduced pressure in the ears or head. Alittle warmth is felt, and hissing and crackling noises are heard, with a little popping.
Most people say that it is a very pleasant experience!
The initial effect can be an improvement in hearing or freer nasal breathing and an improved sense of smell. However, improvements can continue occurring for a day or two.
When should candles not be used?
Use of the candles is contra-indicated if:
*The ear drum is perforated Ö........... (perforated ear drums can heal up)
*Grommets are in places
*The ear is infected
*The patient is allergic to any of the candles components ..e.g. beeswax Safety
I use BIOSUN Ear Candles which are medical products Class IIa according to medical device directive 93/42/EEC, and are regularly tested by independent institutes.
You can therefore be confident that the candles are made of the highes quality and safety standards.

Body Harmony offers a one day course in learning Hopi Ear Candling which will enable you to offer treatments to others. With this course you will get a certificate, and a comprehensive manual.
From the Molino Quintin on Avenida del Puerto a dike starts with the Mar Menor on one side and salt lakes on the other. In the first shallow salt lake, many visitors go looking for pots full of mud to smear their bodies with.
It is claimed that this mud has medical powers due to the presence of, among other things, a lot of salt, calcium, magnesium and iodine.
Try to apply the mud as thinly as possible over your entire body. Then it's best to take a walk on the dike until the mud has completely dried out. This is of course also the ideal time for a nice photo. Finally, you go back into the salt lake to wash the mud.
Even those who do not rub in mud can enjoy this last part. The water in the salt lake is considerably warmer than in the Mar Menor on the other side of the dike. Due to the high salt content, you can also easily float there, you should definitely try this.
A few more tips: don't take your best bathing suit to the mud baths. Multiple washings may be required to get this (largely) clean again. Water shoes to step into the salt lake are also recommended. Also keep in mind that the penetrating odour can linger in the car; a towel to put on the seats can help.
And finally, it can also be useful if one person does not take part so that someone can keep an eye on your valuables
Image: A group of visitors to the famous Lo Pagán 'muds' donned themselves with the medicinal nutrients, dancing and singing along the Mar Menor coast.


Relaxes the musclesImproves blood circulation
Good for skin and hairLoosens stiff joints
Relieves pain and inflammation
Improves metabolism having positive impact on digestion
The launch of the first Spanish space rocket, the Miura 1, manufactured in Elche by the Elche company PLD Space, has been postponed due to unfavourable weather conditions. Strong Gusts of wind have forced the company to abort Monday’s takeoff moments before countdown.
At 8:29 a.m., it was announced during live Youtube screening that the was aborting takeoff due to the "unfavourable weather conditions" , with gusts of wind at altitude, between kilometre 8 and 12, which would have endangered the mission.
Two Injured As Car Plunges Onto Murcia Railway Line
Two people were injured on Monday after their car left the road on a roundabout and plunged off the bridge onto the railway line below in the Murcia town of Cieza.
The railway line is on the Cartagena-Chinchilla route, and the road in question was the A-30.
According to the Guardia Civil, the car was completely destroyed in the impact, and the two occupants were seriously injured, although they had not lost consciousness.

One of the injured parties is a 28-year-old woman, who was transferred to the Virgen de la Arrixaca hospital in Murcia. The other is a man, whose age has not been specified, and who was transferred to the Lorenzo Guirao de Cieza hospital.
According to Sara Poveda, however, an employee of PLD Space, and Roberto Palacios, the systems engineer of Miura 5, the rescheduled launch will now take place in a ‘few’ days time.

An earlier wind measurement balloon launched by PLD Space showed gusts of more than 30 metres per second, exceeding the established limit. However, both the launch ramp and the rocket "are in perfect condition and the team faces the next few days even more determined," the team announced in a statement”.
PLD Space had a launch window, authorised by the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA), which closed on May 31. Now they must request new windows to be able to launch what will be the first Spanish rocket to enter space. The launch was initially to take place at 6:30 a.m., but due to abnormal behaviour in the main liquid oxygen reservoir of the launch platform, with the process being abnormally slow," said Raúl Torres, but that was solved only for the weather to intervene two hours later.