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ANSWERS Week 973



ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Desk; 3 Agrarian; 8 Nice; 9 Comprise; 11 Maiden voyage; 13 Tongue; 14 Lissom; 17 Supernatural; 20 Outdated; 21 Disc; 22 Faltered; 23 Next.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Dynamite; 2 Suction; 4 Groove; 5 Asphyxiate; 6 Icing; 7 Need; 10 Recuperate; 12 Implicit; 15 Service; 16 Inhere; 18 Until; 19 Loaf.



1.Tedious (9)

2.Unending (9)

4.Jeer (4)

5.Banish (5)

ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Lids; 3 Sterling; 8 Fast; 9 Initiate; 11 Housebreaker; 13 Lassie; 14 Stench; 17 Small mercies; 20 Capitals; 21 Sham; 22 Eldorado; 23 Wren.

DOWN: 1 Left-half; 2 Discuss; 4 Tenure; 5 Retractors; 6 Inane; 7 Grey; 10 Legislator; 12 Chessman; 15 Neither; 16 Smiled; 18 Moped; 19 Acne.


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23


3.Order treatment before the writer (9)

8.In such a car, a rear window is unusual (4)

9.Attacker makes idiot suffer before worker (9)

10.Does one have to be marred to get a return, then? (6)

11.Cut verse (5)

14.Dispense with a view (5)

15.Atear for the letting? (4)

16.She is not quite of the usual standard (5)

18 and 20Ac. Car loader at the end of carriageway repairs (4,5)

20.See 18 Ac.

21.Allowed to go round because smallest (5)

24.Wartime leader found bent nail on street (6)

25.Sneer at poor diet range (9)

26.Many in the sale (4)

27.Can use gin without stopping (9)


1.Vexed utterance is a puzzle (9)

2.Capital sum for the college head (9)

4.Flower got bigger (4)

5.Atest for the country (5)

6.Wave or wave-maker? (6)

7.Run away to find somewhere to sleep (4)

9.Foreign article contains untruth (5)

11.Traps mackerel-catcher (5)

12.Revolting beast rising (9)

13.Severity at the back? (9)

17.Sharp accent (5)

19.Pollute a narrow valley (6)

22.Types one is not very well out of (5)

23.Incline to be the reverse of fat (4)

24.Stupefy some of the most unlikely people (4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. "Where the devil are my slippers?" are the last words to which very popular Oscar winning film?

2. The title of which 1961 Hollywood romantic comedy is also a 1996 No 1 UK hit single (number 5 in the US)?

3. Between 2010 and 2013 Carlos Slim Helu was number one on which list?

4. The oldest existing fort (fortress) in the United States is located in which state?

5. The world famous Blue Mountain coffee beans used to flavour the original Tia Maria are from which country?

6. Which 1994 action comedy with an oxymoronic title had the following movie poster tag line? "When he said I do, he didn't say what he did"

7. Measured in metres below sea level, which city in the West Bank is the lowest city in the world?

8. Which nickname was given to the early 20th century American entertainer Bill Robinson?

9. A Mediteranean island, an active volcano, an Italian pasty (or turnover) and the villain in Disney's Pinocchio.

10. The following lyrics are all from songs with the word "Always" somewhere in the song title. Can you name the song? a. If I made you feel second best. b. I walk along those city streets. c. She can ruin your faith with her casual lies. d. She was practiced at the art of deception. e. I'm no good a chatting up and I always get rebuffed

11. Kumis is a fermented dairy product made from the milk of which animal?

12. Oniomania is the technical term used for which compulsive desire?

13. Which French player scored a record 13 goals during the 1958 FIFA World Cup?

14. What was the name given to the anti-foreign uprising in China between 1898 and 1900?

15. Which mathematical term is the Latin word for womb?

16. Which fish, very adept at camouflaging itself as a rock, has the most potent neurotoxins of all fish?

17. Which famous Spanish renaissance artist was born on the Greek island Crete?

18. Which name do both Antoine Domino and Thomas Waller share?

19. In which Audrey Hepburn film is there, a. a goldfish named George, b. a cat named Cat?

20. Nagy is the most common surname in which European country? a. Bulgaria b. Romania c. Andorra d. Hungary

Zenia Boulevard Active Listening

The Zenia Boulevard Shopping Centre, managed by Nhood and owned by Ceetrus and CBRE Investment Management, has launched the "Listening Project": An active listening program whose objective is to directly involve customers in all the improvement actions that are currently being carried out, with a planned investment of 18 million euros. With this the management hopes to attract their suggestions in aspects such as the business aspect, services, children's areas, playgrounds, marketing campaigns, sustainability and digitization of the commercial area.

Cristina Ros, director of the shopping centre, said, "for the whole team, the "Listening Project" is an opportunity to find out first-hand the opinions and thoughts of our customers, involving them directly in the project that we are currently developing. Every year we carry out market studies that are fundamental in the process of improving our shopping centre, adapting our objectives to the needs of our visitors. For us, transparency and co-creation with our clients is of vital importanceî.

The meetings (focus groups) that are held with clients within the framework of the "Listening Project" began at the beginning of last March, coinciding with the beginning of the first phase of the reform of the centre. Meetings have subsequently been held on a weekly basis.

The focus groups are divided into two parts: First, the participants are asked in detail about

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