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Carp R Us Angling

After having to cancel Round 8 of the Carp-R-Us Spring Series due to poor conditions it was pleasing that after another week of rain the club was able to fish Round 9 in bright warm conditions with a very slight breeze on the Canal del Progres (Mercadona). The canal was about 1 inch below the ledge when we started and dropped over an inch while we were fishing. It had some colour, but conditions have been worse, and it looked good for fishing as there were fish moving in every peg. However, that is where the story changes.


Only Jeremy Fardoe (peg 2) caught fish in the first three hours although there was an improvement later and it was Willy Moons who eventually ran out winner with 3.16kg caught on the method feeder from peg 7. Jeremy finished second with 2.26kg caught on pole and bread with Nick Bastock third and Tony Flett fourth.

One competitors (John Down) experience of the SAMM racing on May 31st............

First race anti clockwise, wind SSW at 4.5 knots. First mark 90 degrees to left of start gate so everyone trying to get to port side of gate. Ginetta on my starboard side and Tres coming in on my port between me and the port start buoy. We crossed together very tight! Tres took my wind and set off for the first buoy but I caught him, overtook him on his windward side and he couldn't round the buoy until I had. It’s called tactics.

The wind shifted to SSE and built to an average of 9 knots, perfect for my Radial and I was up on the plane several times between buoy 3 and the gate. No mistakes and flat out all the way. I saw a couple of port/starboard near misses between the two Sailfish boats.

The race officer had set 10 mins between the first and second races, perfect.

Second race clockwise due to the wind shift during race 1. I sat back hove to about 2 meters from start line which put me in good position to cross the line first, and off to buoy one, with the other 6 boats hard on my heels as they had all started within 37 seconds of the gun.

Wind stronger at up to 11 knots at times and waves really got up. Being slapped hard and drenched by waves. I led to first buoy and decided to sail on a little before turning towards buoy 2. I didn’t go far enough and I was dropping below buoy. Others boats behind saw it and sailed on further in attempt to get a clear run to the buoy. I had to tack up to buoy so lost ground.

On the 2nd lap at 1st buoy, Tres coming in on Starboard with me having just gone onto a port, phew 6 inches from full speed contact. Got caught out at gibe mark buoy 3 trying to switch my “sailing by the lee” over to the other side and whilst sorting it out missed gate. Had to turn back to go through the gate which cost me time.

At buoy 1 most people sailed on so to make up ground. I turned sharp up towards buoy 2 which looked like a good move until in the tack near buoy 2 I got stuck in irons costing me yet more time! Continued to chase Tres and Dos, slowly catching up by lap 5, when Tres capsized in front of me and I had to take avoiding action. Started to close gap on Dos. Did not hear about to finish signal but support boat told me. My hull was full of water when the bung took out, need to investigate why. Best sail for ages

Results - First race: Ginetta 367 secs, Vision + 5 secs, Uno + 16 secs, Radial (me) 6 secs, Cuatro + 5 secs, Tres + 15 secs, Dos + 3 secs

Second race: Ginetta 336 secs, Uno + 4 secs, Cuatro + 9 secs, Vision + 5 secs, Dos + 3 secs, Radial (me) + 28 secs, Tres + 26 secs

With club matches held on the Segura every two to three weeks, let`s hope this rainy spell ends soon.

Further information about the club can be found on its website www.carp-r-us.weebly.com or on the Facebook page Carp-RUs Fishing Costa Blanca


CD Murada make regulr appeals to the Orihuela council surrounding the conditions of the club's facilities.

A statement from the club read: "From Club Deportivo Murada we want to thank the Department of Sports - Orihuela and the Orihuela City Council for giving us the use of the facilities of the Los Arcos Stadium to be able to train and play our match against Novelda Union. These are enviable facilities like those in the vast majority of Orihuela.

"Unfortunately, in La Murada we do not have that. We have increasingly deteriorated turf, that causes countless injuries to all our players and makes playing good football impossible.

"The Orihuela council has changed the grass in Espeñetas and in the Palmeral, s well as reseeding Los Arcos and many other renovations of sports centres. We have been waiting for the change of grass for years.

"Our question is obvious: Why is CDMurda forgotten, we have the second highest level team in terms of senior category (after Orihuela CF) and our facilities are terrible.

"We have a swimming pool in poor condition, changing rooms without water when the grass is watered (we have to choose between showering or watering the grass).

“How much longer will you keep us waiting…".



On My Mind (Willie Nelson), b.Always Something There To Remind Me (Sandie Shaw), c.

She's Always A Woman To Me (Billie Joel), d.You Can't Always Get WhatYou Want (Rolling Stones), e.You'll Always Find Me In The Kitchen At Parties (Jona Lewie).11.Horse (mare's milk), 12.To shop (onios is Greek for 'for sale'), 13. Just Fontaine, 14.Boxer uprising or Boxer rebellion, 15.Matrix, 16.Stonefish, 17.El Greco, 18.'Fats'.19.a.Sabrina, b. Breakfast at Tiffany's.20.d.Hungary

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