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Dear Editor,


I am writing to you with regard to items in last weeks edition of your paper. I am at a loss at quite where, or how, to start.

First off, we have an interesting article regarding the unwanted increase of accidents involving electric scooters alongside an article on the laws governing same.

So far, so good. But then we have the page provided by the N332 group on road safety. Not a mention of electric scooters anywhere. And, to make matters worse this organisation is apparently sponsored by the very company that is flooding the area with these scooters which can be hired by absolutely anybody regardless of age, experience, etc: all the hirers need is the means to pay for them. Hirers then set off breaking just about every rule as shown in your paper and endangering anybody whether they are walking or driving. Youngsters of all ages, 2/3 persons to a scooter, using mobile phones or listening to music whilst attempting to control the machines, on roads and pavements without a care about any other road user. Sadly, many a police vehicle has been seen totally ignoring these misdemeanours.

How can an organisation that is concerned about road safety take sponsorship from the biggest offender??

Barry Weston


A very valid point Barrry so we sent your letter to the N332 for comment. This is what they had to say:


We have just posted the article about the scooters published on your paper in the N332 Facebook page. If we have not published more articles about scooters it is just because there is nothing new to say.

On our page we talk about all subjects relating to road safety, there are no restrictions, we have published all the information that we have about scooters; regulations, and how to register them. If we have not published any new posts it is because there have been no national or local updates.

Yes, Hoop is the sponsor of the page; this is because they are a legal company. They have sponsored all the talks that we cane undertaken in many schools, explaining the regulations about the scooters in the Murcia Region. We have also visited many local secondary schools explaining the regulations and as soon as the new year starts in September we have an agreement with Hopp to give presentations in more schools.

Remember that during summer we had a serious problem with taxis in Orihuela Costa, and the bus service is a disaster. Many of my neighbours used the scooters instead of being waiting 1 hour for a taxi. Indeed, I even use them. The problem is the bad ways in which they are used by some people.

Hopp is a legal company operating in Orihuela Costa, they have licence and they have everything in place to work in the area.

I fully understand the writer’s frustration but despite the fact that we have many accidents brought about by drunk drivers we still advertise bars, pubs, and events.

Just because of the bad behaviour of some people, we can’t stop collaborating with legal businesses.

Local Police should enforce the laws and fine those drivers of scooters who break the law, or who drink and drive. The solution is not to ban scooters or cars at night because there are accidents.

Look out fornesting Loggerhead Turtles

By Andrew Atkinson

everyone must pay attention across the whole of the Spanish Mediterranean coast. If you see a loggerhead turtle trying to nest on any of the beaches, call 112 and do not disturbit.

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