12 minute read


The world now knows that Boris Johnston was a lying, cheating rogue - something I was banging on about years ago. He has caused so much damage to the UK - forget partygate, what's important is lying to Parliament, on parties in number 10, and far more importantly, on Brexit, and this has caused the UK so much damage, which more and more people are discovering to their cost.


Theresa May knew the Brexit deal, as it was, could be a disaster to Britain, because it meant Britain doing business with the EU would be far more difficult, and, as for Northern Ireland, it would be a disaster.

But did Boris care? Not on your life. He and his right-wing supporters gave her hell and they knew how to play the British public. Claiming Boris had an “oven-ready” deal to sort out the Brexit impasse was, as we all now know, merely his willingness to sign a document regardless of what was written on it.

The result? Everyone in Britain is 5% less well off than it would have been if we were still in Europe. Boris and his right-wing friends also claimed that the NHS would benefit from hundreds of millions of pounds if we were not contributing to the EU. Look out of your window...see all those pigs flying by?

In addition, he and his supporters” claimed they would have more ability to secure our borders and prevent illegal immigrants entering Britain. With all these promises who wouldn’t think getting out of the EU would not be good for Britain?

But in reality, it was all lies, half-truths ladened with a huge dollop of bullshit. And we are still paying the price for not being in the EU – so many extra hurdles if you want to have an extended holiday in Europe, or buy a property, or start a business, or driving in Europe. The extra massive layers of bureaucracy has now hit thousands of people to their cost.

Would that vote, if taken now, be one in favour of Brexit? Like hell it would. Going to the polls is not like going to a betting office. A voter should not be thinking who is going to be the winner

Fumigation of mosquitos Increases after rains

The Department of the Environment has intensified the spraying of mosquito larvae following the rainy episodes experienced in recent weeks.

Mild temperatures shorten the life cycle of mosquitoes, which is why massive hatchings of adults can occur. In order to avoid this, CTLis applying larvicidal treatments in the areas of Molino de la Ciudad, OciopÌa, Los Huertos and different green areas of the city centre.

Rain channels in the city, districts and Orihuela Costa are also being fumigated, in addition to the areas that have been flooded after the rains.

This campaign also includes the use of adulticides to eliminate specimens that have already reached adulthood.

The treatment is being applied in green areas of the urban area, the banks of the Segura river, the Palmeral, the Molino de la Ciudad and the surroundings of OciopÌa, as well as in the districts and in Orihuela Costa.

Once this campaign ends, the company will continue with the regular treatment to control mosquito larvae, in order to prevent new hatchings of adults.

and just putting a vote on that basis. People should be thinking very, very carefully before thy cast their vote. Because there is such a danger in voting a wrong’un into office. Just look at the mess the Germans got into in voting Hitler into office, and, more recently, Putin in Russia. It can cost thousands if not millions of lives.

Boris was a popularist clown. He appealed to party-going people, mostly women who appear to be drawn to such men. Goodness knows why. But you don’t need or want a clown as a prime minister. You need someone who puts plain common sense before playing around and someone who knows right from wrong and who does not distort that when it suits.

What we have now is a failed Tory party. It now has no mandate from the public, who dearly would love a general election. There must be and should be a mechanism in Parliament which dictates that when a government is running second in the polls for more than a year it triggers a General Election. Britain needs a change of government so badly.

But voters, don’t ever make the same mistake again. We don’t want or need a government with an 80+ seat majority which allows a huge right wing power base, or a huge extreme left-wing base either (rabid right or loony left).

We need moderates in the majority in Parliament, so think where they come from …a party waiting in the wings which deserves far more support and far more TV and radio air times than it gets. And while I am at it, don’t be fooled by the Reform Party, which is an extreme right-wing lot disguised in a popular name. So beware.

San Luis Bowls Club


After last weekís rain, this week has been scorching but, fortunately, our team members have survived. With just one match to go in each league, itís still all to play for and points to win. South Alicante summer league Monday 12th SPITFIRE Div.

SLWellingtons were at home v Vistabella Fairways. As expected this was a close fought match, 95 shots- 89, 8 points-4.Winners: Stuart Wilson, June & Keith Jones 30-15, Neil & Sandra Burrows, Scott Malden 16-14, Dee Hoey, Caroline & John Smyth 17-15.

HARRIER Div. SLHercules: travelled up to La Marina with hope but had a bad day at the office, losing 0-12, 73 shots ñ 115. Valencian Championship League Wednesday 14th. DIVA. Falcons had a good result, away v San Miguel Sheriffs, winning 8 points - 4, 92 shots - 77. Well done to our winners: Menís Singles: 21-17, (Ladiesísingles so close 20-21), Pairs: 23-6, Triples:18-14. VCL. DIVB. Hawks were at home and had a real battle v Emerald Isle Earls for 4 points - 8, 73 shots ñ 93. Well done to our winners: Menís singles: Kevin McKenna 21-19, Rinks: Brenda Reid, Dave Notley, Jane & Stewart Hamill 23-10.

We are a friendly club with competitive and hard-working members, we welcome new and experienced members to expand our teams. Come and meet us, or better still, come and join us.

Greenlands Results

Greenlands Warriors played host to Country Bowls who proved to be a strong side and won 8-4 with the shots 90 to 69

Greenlands GIANTS played Quesada which also proved to be a tough match,but they dug in and came out on top with a 7- 5 victory,shots of 82 to 79

In the Greenlands TITANS match against La Siesta there were some really tight games.Ladies singles was won by Mandy from Greenlands who really dug in deep,well played.

There was a brave effort by the trips team getting a draw and such an effort by the rinks,only losing by 1 shot.

The final result was a win for La Siesta 9-3

Monte Mar Toros v Country Bowls Red Kites

On Monday 12th June after the long journey to Country Bowls we only managed to win on one rink and lost by only one shot on another.Well done to the winning rink Lynne Armitage,Diane Horsington skip Photo Goble.

Shots Toros 75 - 108 Red Kites,Points Toros 2 - 10 Red Kites

Vistabella Bowls Club

Sth Alicante Summer Lg - San Luis Wellingtons v Fairways

Played in a friendly atmosphere but very competitive. Vistabella tried their best but were beaten to the post. Scores 95 - 89 to San Luis. Two good winning rinks for Rosemary & Ken Savage plus Paul Durham 23 - 14 and Keith Black, Richard Willey & Carol Thorpe 23 - 18. San Luis Wellingtons 8pts Vistabella Fairways 4pts.

VCL summer league. Emerald Isle Dukes v VB Saxons

El Rancho Bowls

On Tuesday our VCL team played it's rearranged match at home against Country Bowls, a tough game with Country Bowls taking the honours with their 4 rinks to El Rancho's 1.

But as we all know the result is often contrary to the effort and skill put into the play.

Mens singles: Keith Longshaw 10-21. Ladies singles: Diane Yates 21-6.

Played in very hot and humid conditions all bowlers played extremely well with some very close matches. Well done to Sue Wilson winning her singles 21-17,also Richard Willey & Gary Thorpe(pairs) 17 - 14 and our triples of Denise Howell, Steve Baxter & Carol Thorpe 15-14. Overall scores 89 - 88 to Emerald Isle Dukes. Result: Emerald Isle Dukes 6pts and Vistabella Saxons also 6pts. Roll ups Saturday & Tuesday mornings 10am. Please come and join us or have a go with our qualified coaches.

Contact: Vistabella BC richardwilley321@gmail.com / tel: 698 925 932

Pairs: Peter Blackburn and Sheila cox 12 -22. Trips: Frances Johnston, Sue Ziepe and Steve Ziepe 8-37. Rinks: Judith Foley, Ron Greenstreet, Bill Johnston and Jim Eastwood 12-19. Wednesday found our team playing host to La Siesta Parakeets in our last match of the league, taking 2 of the 5 rinks.

Not a bad result, remembering that losing a match does not mean that you played badly.

San Miguel Bowls

On Monday San Miguel Moors were home to Quesada Lancaster's where they recorded a great win of 10 - 2, 120 shots to 67. The best winning triple were Allan Patterson, Sheila Booth and Derek Farmer 32 shots to 11.

San Miguel Christians were away to Emerald Isle Victors, where they lost 12 - 0, 98 shots to 67.

On Wednesday San Miguel Sheriffs were home to San Luis Falcons where they lost 4 - 8. 77 shots to 92. In the Ladies Singles Gail Willshire won 21 - 20. In the Rinks Margaret Patterson, Sandi Hannan, Steve Cantley and Fred Willshire won 19 - 10. San Miguel Deputies were away to County Bowls Foxes, where they lost 3 - 9. 69 shots to 78. Jan Farmer won 21 - 11 in the Ladies Singles, In the Rinks Tom Dalgleish, Sharon Louise, Barbara Scotthern and Derek Farmer drew 13 - 13.

Areminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - Ä5 for an afternoonís bowling with shoes and bowls. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm, by appointment ONLY. To book, please call Dave or Lynn Greenland on +34 667 207 508.

We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique clubwe only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES.

For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118. BYBARRYJONES

Mens singles: Judy Foley 21-11.

Ladies singles: Bill Johnston 7-21.

Pairs: Bob Day and Mike Cox 17-22.

Trips: Sheila Cox, David Haynes and Marion Haynes 14-8. Rinks: Peter Blackburn, Pam Harris, Lesley Day and Ron Greenstreet 5-33.

Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at: micksheilacox@gmail.com.

Emerald Isle Bowls Club

The week began with the Vulcans playing at Quesada Blenheims and they came away with points, although going down 5-7, Aggregate of 84-87. N Prior G Wallis D Jones 31-7, C Udell S Marks R Marks 16-14, N Davis M Willicott C Lindgren got a 17-17

Victors were at home against San Miguel Christians and they had a fantastic win by 12-0, Aggregate of 98-67. J Forrest S Ellis G Odell 25-10, B Eldred M Odell J McGregor 21-12, M Nash J Ball A Forrest 17-13, M Riley J Sayers R Pollock 18-16, M McLelland C Wilson B Carter 17-16

Dukes were at home against Vistabella Saxons in VCL league and it finished all square at 6-6, Aggregate of 8988. D Jones 21-13, M Oakley S Elvin S Marks R Marks 23-22

Earls travelled to play San Luis Hawks and they had a fine win 8-4, Aggregate of 93-73, B Eldred 21-15, A Forest M McLelland 18-7, J Forrest S Ellis B Carter 25-7

The Highjackers visited the Isle on Tuesday and in a competitive game Home Advantage won the day with Isle taking all the trips

SAPS is on SAT at 9-15am. You can learn to Bowl, Shoes and Bowls supplied with Coaching, all for 5Euros and a bar. BY ELWYN MORRIS

La Marina Gs

This week was the 1st round of the Summer Cup for the members of the La Marina Golf Society.

The venue for today’s game was the Alenda golf course, the fairways were in excellent condition although the rough was indeed rough, and the greens were a little worse for wear, nevertheless, we all had a thoroughly enjoyable day in the Spanish sunshine. Afterwards the members met back at the La Marina Sports complex for the day’s presenta- tion, and a nice cold pint or two.

In third place for today’s game with 37 pts was Gerry McCabe in second place was Sue Saunders with 40 pts and the day’s winner with 42 pts was Vic Smith, our Captain Iain Lyall was on hand to present the winners with their prizes.

The nearest the pin winners were Colin Taylor for hole 3 and also winning the two’s pot.

Mike Pearce for hole 5, Gerry McCabe for hole 13 and Jeff Wiszniewski for hole 16.

Well done to all the day’s winner


Thank you for supporting Smiling Jack's golf society. We had a beautiful day at the beautiful Vistabella. The course was in excellent condition and the staff were excellent.

A big thank you to Al and Lisa for looking after us today.

A special thank you to Julie for getting out of her sick bed to prepare out lovely food for us. We had some good scores today but only one winner. NTP on 2 Tommy Fahey, on 11 Tony

Clark, in two on 17 was again Tony Clark. In second place with 35 points was Tommy Fahey while our winner today with 37 points and a new handicap of 21 was Tommy Power. Winner of the famous Blue Johnny was Tom Holy. The winner of the raffle was Mandy Christie. A big shout out to Ger for donating a free day of golf with Smiling Jack's

Our next outing is on Thursday 6th July at the fabulous Altaona

Once again a big thank you to you all for your support..... El Presidente


Apologies for not having a report for the last 2 weeks. Senior blonde moments when I didn’t remember what day it was so missed the deadline.

Anyway, this week the Blenheims were at home to Emerald Isle & collected 7 points. Brian Trinder, Ann Linley & Peter Morgan 22-7, Graham Phillips, Mark France & Jason Prokopowycz 29-13. With George Carnell, Chris Brazier & Allen Bowen getting a draw 17-17. Overall shots 89-84.

The Lancasters were away at San Miguel. Unfortunately they managed just 2 points courtesy of Chrissie Edwards, Paul Edwards & Peter Bottle 24-12.

On Wednesday in the VCL the Lions were at home to Greenlands. They picked up 5 points thanks to Terry Morgan 21-17, Brian Trinder, Peter Farrell, Bryan Elliott & Allen Bowen 18-8, George Carnell, Carol Lowry & Keith Lowry drew 14-14. Losing out on the shot difference by just 3 shots.

The Tigers were away at La Marina where they collected 4 points thanks to Cathy & George Skinner 17-14 and Ken Gordon, Don Conlon, Peter Bottle & Ray Cole 28-12.

LA SIESTA BOWLS (Members Run Club)

By Alan Carr

Hurricane Division The Wasps travelled to Greenland’s for their game against the Gladiators which resulted with wins on two rinks for a result of 4-8 (Shots 69-101). The winning rinks were; Ramsay Sinclair, Harold Charleton & John Taylor (16-14).

Harrier Division La Siesta Hornets welcomed Country Bowls Bluebirds to La Siesta, which saw two of our rinks win quite comfortable by, Peter Ayres, June & David Whitworth (2716). Mags Haines, Irene Laverick & Mike Inns (23-15). The game ended with a result of 48 (Shots 87-97).

VCL League The Parakeets travelled the short distance to El Rancho for their game, they needed a good result from this game to remain top of this League which they achieved with wins on three of the disciplines by, Singles: Jim Taylor (21-7). Pairs: Martin Harley & Karen Kirk (22-17). Rinks: Pauline Johnson, Gordon Paton, Derek Biggs & David Blackie (33-5). We also collected an additional 2 points for the overall (Shots 95-64) for a result of 8-4.

The Hoopoes had a bye this week but will be playing a rearranged game against Greenland’s Titans on Friday, the report for this game will be next week.

Gold Medals forLos Montesinos Taekwondo Club

By Andrew Atkinson

Taekwondo Draco Kwan de Los Montesinos club travelled to L'alcora, CastellÛn, to compete in the II Jornada de Liga and II Jornada Del Josc Esportius Taekwondo 2022-23, returning with Gold medals.

Ricardo Villalba became Champion of Spain 2023, winning Gold in the Para-TKD Senior Men's category (Poomses). Ander Majon won the Bronze medal.

Francisco MaÒogil won Gold in the Senior 2 Men category (Poomses). Jasmina Garmins finished in 5th place, with an exceptional performance. Pepe Carmona returned an excellent performance. MarÌa del Carmen BernabÈ finished in 2nd place in the Female Master 2 Category (Poomses).

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