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[New] The Mimosa Tree YOUR VOTE HAS POWER

Once again the Orihuela Town Council, led by a coalition of the PSOEand Ciudadanos, has shown itís true hand with their Intransigence directed at Orihuela Costa,

Not so long ago there was a National Alzheimerís Day, then there was a Mobility Week, these were both marked with events in Orihuela, BUTNOTA SIGN OF ANYSUCH EVENTS HERE ON THE COAST


Do we not have the same issues In Orihuela Costa?

As we reported on several occasions, the coast is a most unfriendly place for those many hundreds of people who depend on wheelchairs, mobility scooters etc to get around.

Everyday tasks that we take for granted, like shopping or going to the beach, can be nigh on impossible for those who are less able, because of the state of the pavements, with many of them forced to plan their journeys well in advance.

Surely, just weeks away from the Municipal Elections, there can be no more sitting on the fence from either residents or businesses who choose to ignore what is going on arond them, thinking that what is happening around Orihuela Costa has nothing to do with them. Those thoughts cannot be any further from the truth.

Directly or indirectly, what goes on is affecting your everyday life. It is time to sit up and take notice.

Investment projects in Orihuela Costa are virtually none existent, rarely. if ever, keeping pace with those in the remainder of the municipality.

We know exactly what Carolina, the PSOE mayor thinks of us on the coast!

ITIS NO USE BEING SILENT, NOWIS THE TIME TO ENGAGE. Is she really oblivious to the needs of the masses and to the continually deteriorating state of Orihuela Costa.

Orihuela has always paid little heed to its neighbours, hence the situation that we now find ourselves in.

PIOC has spent many months legalising itís situation. It has now succeeded in becoming a legal political party with the eventual aim of independence.

In 10 years there will be more residents

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