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Your local independent monthly journal ! 01963 351256 www.thevisitormagazine.co.uk
Issue 389 April 2016
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9 – 11 Princes Street, YEOVIL, BA20 1EN Tel: 01935 428791
Inside features on: Crewkerne; Glastonbury; National Pet Month; Sherborne; Street. Plus regular features on: Antiques; Business & Professional; Gardening – A Spring Bonanza; House & Home; Leisure & Travel; Looking Good & Feeling Fine – A New Look for Spring; Motoring; Pubs; Wine & Dine.
In Passing ...
HEN Parson James Woodforde visited friends and family in his former parish of Ansford in 1782 he left London at 10.00pm on the stagecoach to Salisbury and arrived there some 14 hours later. In his diary he records that he then travelled by post-chaise via Hindon and Stourton to reach Cole (near Bruton) at 10.00pm. A journey that then took 24 hours now takes around 90 minutes by train to Castle Cary. The twin inventions of steel rails and steam locomotives in the first half of the 19th century revolutionised the transportation of people and freight, and if speeds were initially very modest – Stephenson’s Rocket reached a maximum speed of 29mph at the Rainhill Trial on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in 1830 – they were faster by far, hauling far greater loads, than horsedrawn transport could ever achieve. And they inspired engineers to design more powerful locomotives and an ambitious network of rail routes, not just in Britain but worldwide. By November 1934 Sir Nigel Gresley’s A3 Flying Scotsman had become the first steam locomotive to reach an authenticated speed of 100mph. The new age of railways and trains also excited the architects who designed the stations, viaducts and other railway buildings. And they became a source of ideas and inspiration for writers, painters, photographers, dramatists and musicians. These were new subjects to paint or to write about; a new landscape and machinescape of fire, smoke, noise and speed. It was not only the trains and rails that excited their interest, it was also the drama of the great railway stations that inspired them. They saw crowd scenes of meetings and farewells taking place in architectural surroundings as different, as modern and as new as the trains themselves. Railways and trains changed not only transportation and travel but also so many other aspects of everyday life and popular culture as they became subjects for paint, prose, poetry and song. By the 1960s the railways were showing signs of old age and decrepitude as they faced increasing competition from the internal
combustion engine and motorways. British Railways stopped using steam locomotives, withdrew countless services and ripped up thousands of miles of track in a bid to modernise the system and stem financial losses. But railways evoke nostalgia. Many thousands turned out to see Flying Scotsman, now preserved by the National Railway Museum, when it made its inaugural main line run on 25th February after being restored to running order. And events in and around Visitorland in early March to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the closure of the Somerset & Dorset Railway drew the crowds and gained much media attention. Preserved lines and locomotives are major tourist attractions where parents can show their children the railways as they themselves like to remember them, conveniently forgetting that in the steam days of 50 years ago the trains were dirtier, noisier, slower and less frequent than they are today. NN
Advertising Deadlines May Issue published Thursday 28th April Deadline Friday 15th April
PO Box 1, Castle Cary Somerset BA7 7BG
Tel: (01963) 351256, 351998 Email: info@thevisitormagazine.co.uk Website: www.thevisitormagazine.co.uk facebook.com/thevisitormagazine twitter.com/thevisitormag Proprietor, Accounts & Subscriptions Helen Dunion Production Manager Jeff Farrow Advertisement Manager & Features Editor Michelle Trulock © The Visitor Ltd. 2016
(Items marked ©GT are the copyright of Geoff Thompson)
CONTENTS Our FRONT COVER is almost entirely due to a baby born on 21st April 1926 ANNOUNCEMENTS & CLASSIFIED ‑ 66 ANTIQUES & COLLECTING ‑ 28 BUSINESS ‑ 26 CREWKERNE ‑ 51 CROSSWORD ‑ 66 GARDENING ‑ A Spring Bonanza ‑ 55 GLASTONBURY ‑ 19 HOUSE & HOME ‑ 37 LEISURE & TRAVEL ‑ 28 LETTERS ‑ 4 LOOKING GOOD & FEELING FINE A New Look for Spring ‑ 9
NOTE TO ADVERTISERS Advertisements are accepted subject to our standard terms and conditions as printed on our rate card, available upon request. We cannot guarantee any specific page or position, but will always do our best to comply with clients’ wishes. ARTWORK Artwork & design by our production department and photographs taken by our photographers are the copyright of The Visitor Ltd. Clients or agencies supplying artwork or images should send uncompressed TIFs, JPEGs or PDFs, 300 dpi minimum if actual size, or at a higher resolution if smaller than size required, along with a hard copy print-out. For advertisement sizes see our Rate Card. The views expressed in articles & letters contributed to this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher.
THE VISITOR April 2016 3
Letters To the Editor Inaugural meeting of Wincanton/Bruton/ Castle Cary Group campaigning to leave the EU
Sir, On Monday 14th March a well attended meeting was held in Bruton to campaign for Gt Britain to leave the European Union, representatives of most political parties were present and nationalities as diverse as English to Russian. Topics discussed were on two fronts, firstly the positive reasons for us to take this opportunity to leave which included: 1) Jobs: It was felt removing Britain from the overly bureaucratic control of the EU would help business create more employment for British people and that the risk to jobs was misplaced as Britain buys far more from the EU than the EU buys buy from Britain, it was felt there was no way the EU would jeopardise this situation. In fact by leaving we would become the EU's single biggest export market and therefore of great importance to them. 2) World view: It was agreed that the view of Europhiles was small thinking and that we should be looking to create a world trading market free from trading barriers, promote world peace, travel and friendship. 3) Immigration: It was agreed that as an island already more densely populated than Europe and proving to be a very popular destination with immigrants the current situation was unsustainable with housing needed to be built on many areas previously thought unsuitable. It was stated that this had nothing to do with nationalities but numbers causing great stresses and strains on our infrastructure
and that by leaving the EU we would be able to reduce numbers significantly to a more manageable level and select those wishing to come to Britain on the basis of the contribution they could make to our society. 4) Economy: As the 5th largest economy in the world Gt Britain is more than strong enough to Govern itself by people with a direct interest in this country rather than by unaccountable bureaucrats from 28 diverse nations. Secondly to plan a campaign. Nick Colbert was asked to act as a central liaison point for the group and Barry Moorhouse (01963-350027 or barry. moorhouse@outlook.com) would act as a recruitment officer. It was stated that we were up against the establishment who had vested interest in staying in as the EU using our money to buy friends and loyalty, but that the vast majority of the people of Gt Britain could see through this. Lastly it was thought the In campaign had failed to provide any positive reasons to stay in but only played on unrealistic fears to attempt to frighten people. It was agreed to look at the various groups campaigning to leave and select the best from what they had to offer in terms of support and literature. With the thought that we have the first chance in over 30 years to free ourselves from the unelected bureaucracy in Brussels anyone wishing to help should please contact Barry Moorhouse as above. Nick Colbert By email.
Sir, Both our Prime Minister and his Chancellor together with those supporting the ‘Remain' campaign for the UK’s retention of EU membership are beginning to sound more and more like supporters of the flat earth society in that if the UK leaves
the EU we are doomed. 'Mr Mannering, Sir.' Remember the electorates of Denmark, Holland, France and the Republic of Ireland when faced with various EU referenda (joining the Euro and the original EU Constitution Treaty, which following electorate defeat morphed into the Lisbon Treaty)? The pressure the electorates came under from their respective governments and establishments, together with the leaders of specifically their big businesses. Also much of their national media that if they didn’t vote in favour various kinds of catastrophes would certainly follow. Well, they didn’t and neither did the catastrophes. Admittedly much EU fleet footwork and behind closed doors deals followed and another white rabbit with inducements was offered but in the short term and having been told there was only the one opportunity (lie) the electorates voted against the pressure. Just an initial judder to the EU Project Remember in the UK when our joining the ill-fated euro was punted around our establishment, big business and banking names warned of the catastrophe if the UK didn’t abandon the pound for the euro. Those same ‘big’ names, businesses and banks, are once again surfacing to spell out their doom ladened messages if the UK electorate vote Brexit. They were wrong about the euro and they are wrong now. How does our Prime Minster expect any credibility in this matter when only a long few months ago he was repeatedly saying that if he didn’t get what he wanted (he didn’t by the way) then he would campaign to leave the EU. Why wasn’t the earth flat then? Why is it 'Apocalypse Now' to leave when it wasn’t then? Better Off Out and governing our own business and trade not only in Europe, in addition to the EU, but also in the wider world. Our business; our decisions; our trade; our agreements; our sovereignty and our government … to be replaced when the UK electorate decide. Colin McNamee 4 Neville Park Baltonsborough
Cameron package is a good deal for Britain
Sir, The Prime Minister has secured a historic reform deal which now paves the way for a referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union as promised in the Conservative's 2015 manifesto. 4 THE VISITOR April 2016
The Cameron package has put the UK in a unique place; and it is a good deal for Britain. We have full membership of and equal access to the largest and wealthiest single market in the world bigger than even the USA. We do not have to join the Euro and our taxpayers will not have to pay for Eurozone bailouts. We are not members of the Schengen zone; that means we are under no obligation to accept refugees, migrants or third country nationals unless we choose to do so. We have legal recognition that the UK is an independent sovereign country in charge of its own destiny; our parliament has a stronger role and we are not committed to ever closer union. Far too often this debate is about emotions and not facts. The 'out' campaign has not offered any credible alternative, and it is not simply enough to say leave for leave's sake. Why step out of the world's largest, wealthiest single market, putting industry, jobs and growth at risk for a leap into the dark? I support the Prime Minister's reform deal and Britain will be stronger, safer and better off remaining a member of the European Union. Julie Girling Conservative MEP for South West England
Flood Warden Training
Sir, What is it that makes 20 local community volunteers give up their Saturday to spend it at the Somerset Fire & Rescue Station in Bridgwater? Well, given the heavy rain that we seem to suffer on a regular basis in the area, it seemed daft not to take advantage of the opportunity to be part of a free training programme offered by the Cornwall Community Flood Forum. Labelled as ‘Flood Warden Training’ I am fortunate in that I live on a hill, and at first felt a bit of a fraud when compared with those that live on the levels and other low lying areas in the county. However, what is quite clear is that flooding affects us all in one way or another and the more we know about what resources are available and how each of us as individuals can help to support each other the better. When the services involved are pro-active in their attempts to reach out to provide information and support I feel that it is incumbent upon us to take advantage of the offer. It was certainly heart-warming to see a wide cross section of both representatives of local
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Letters To the Editor communities, with a strong contingent from Langport, along with those from the Flood Resilience Team and other services involved in protecting us from the impact of flooding. The usefulness of such sessions quickly became apparent. Planning ahead, and using community plans to identify risks is clearly important. There was a focus on the impact that a lack of planning can have on small businesses as well as individual homes; not just in terms of the floods themselves but also what happened when access it cut off. We certainly saw the impact of this in Ilminster with one road closed for the best part of a year. In addition to this, the benefits of such formal training, with official certification, that enables insurance to be obtained, along with access to funding for resilience equipment such as HiViz jackets, generators and storage facilities can be of real benefit to the community. Flooding is certainly not a new phenomenon, and describing an event as being ‘1 in 100 years’ merely means that in any given year there is a 1% chance of a particular area flooding. There are many factors involved, only some
of which we can control. Whilst it is easy to enter into the blame game, in many cases it is our own actions that are the cause of much localised flooding; for example, rubbish fly-tipped into rivers that can block culverts, or leaves blocking drains in the autumn. We also looked at the rights and responsibilities of ‘riparian owners’, and how to effectively use sandbags. When flooding occurs, in the past we may have been able to rely on the various services to come to our aid but it is shortsighted not to help ourselves where we can. I have only been flooded on one occasion, and in real terms this was a minor incident, but it did cause me to take action to avoid a recurrence. During the training, which was professional and thorough, we were given some very useful tools to enable us all to take sufficient precautions, including signing up to the Environment Agency and Met Office flood warning services. Overall it was well worth getting out of bed for on a cold, wet weekend. Forewarned is forearmed. At least I now know how to build a sandbag wall! Linda Piggott-Vijeh Combe St. Nicholas
New TV Programme How Britain Shops
Sir, I wonder if you might be able to help? We’re looking for people from the North Dorset area for a new prime time TV programme we’re making for a major UK
broadcaster. It’s a feel good programme that also provides information on how and why supermarkets do what they do. We need families, couples and friends who would like the opportunity to take part and I wondered if you could help us spread the word; either through the website, social media or any other ideas you might have? It would be great to let people know about the opportunity. Hopefully it will be of interest and something a bit different to do! The programme will be following various people as they embark on their weekly food shop in different stores across the UK; from the high street supermarket to the independent store, the local deli or specialist food shop. One of our stores is located in North Dorset and it would be fantastic if you could help us reach out to people so they can get involved. What do our shopping baskets say about us? Are we impulse buyers, browsers or brand addicts? Do we love a good offer or are we drawn to the most reassuringly expensive items? How much do we think about what we put in our basket? Is it healthy, sustainable, organic? In this bold and enlightening programme, we rig shopping trolleys in different supermarkets around the country to show how Britain really shops, and what our spending habits reveal about us, and the nation as a whole. Using innovative filming techniques, we’ll highlight the differences and similarities in people’s approaches, budgets, and tastes as they fill their trolleys and baskets. We’ll see how families interact with each other; their aspirations, lifestyles and relationships all reflected in this essential life experience. RDF is one of the country’s largest independent production companies, producing programmes for all the terrestrial channels including the award-winning Secret Millionaire, the acclaimed Secret Life of Four Year Olds for Channel 4, the hit documentary series 100 Year Old Drivers for ITV and, of course, BBC One’s highest-rating consumer show Eat Well for Less. If readers would like to be considered for this programme either email or telephone. Claire Parry RDF Television West E:shopping@rdftelevision.com Tel: 0117 970 7634
Unprofessional Journalism
Sir, Chronicler writes about the poor professionalism in journalism these days. How much more demoralizing 6 THE VISITOR April 2016
then to find it corrupting our society, its laws, the administrators of it and the justice we are supposed to enjoy. Law, is a rule, a guide, explicably honest in its application but it is corrupted by human beliefs which allows linguistic argument for the legal professionals to exploit, it is a licence to make money expounding hot air. Language should be written accurately to be read correctly, so no word can be interpreted to suit a persons belief, or social propaganda, or fashion, but it is. If you doubt my contention, just peruse the oldest English dictionary and compare its definitions to that of the latest versions to see. The old sages adage ‘to question every word you’re told and believe only half that you behold’ is even more relevant now, than when first uttered. D. Knight Brook Street Milborne Port
Public and Patient Liaison Group
Sir, The phrase ‘patient centred care’ is frequently said but how often do we, as patients, feel that we have a voice and can influence the quality of care that we and our loved ones receive? Nine out of 10 patients who go to hospital will see a radiographer. Either a diagnostic radiographer who produces images such as xrays, CT or ultrasound scans, or a therapeutic radiographer who uses radiation to treat cancer. The Society and College of Radiographers wants more people to join its Public and Patient Liaison Group, which is made up of patients and carers. Members of the group can influence the radiography profession about the issues that are important to them. If readers go to the ‘About radiography’ section of the Society’s website at www.sor.org they can read more about the group and its work. Or they can email Liz Robinson at lizr@sor.org and she will provide more information and answer questions. It is important that patients use this opportunity to share in decision making about the care and treatment that they receive. Thank you very much for the opportunity to ask your readers to take part in this important work. Richard Evans Chief Executive Officer The Society and College of Radiographers Philip Plant Chair of the Public and Patient Liaison Group
Buckland Dinham to mark Queen’s birthday with Royal Village Day on 11th June
Mentioned in
Dispatches Bra Bank in aid of Cancer Research
Claire Hebron Wheatley of Hebron Hairdressers in Ilminster is thrilled at the response to their support of the Cancer Research Bra Bank. Said Claire, ‘I cannot believe the response we have had so far, even before we have taken delivery of our official bra bank. In the space of less than a week we have had dozens of bras donated, many of which are still new and in their original packaging. This is such a tremendous scheme and in addition to helping to provide funds for Cancer Research it is great that the bars will be going to Africa for re-cycling, and where apparently they are held in such high esteem that they often wear them outside their clothing! I have had a long standing relationship with our local Rotary Club and applaud initiatives such as this which shows them getting the local community involved in such good causes, not just by donating money.’
RAF Triple Bill at Air Day
The Royal Air Force will be out in force this year, contributing the Red Arrows, the Typhoon FGR4 and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight to the RNAS International Airshow at Yeovilton on Saturday 2nd July. Spectators to the Show will be able to watch a five hour flying programme. One of the world’s premier aerobatic teams, the RAF Red
Ladies, donate your unwanted bras to the Bra Bank at Hebron Hairdressers in Ilminster to raise money for Cancer Research. This Rotary-led initiative supports the nationwide scheme. Linda Piggott, pictured, president of the Rotary Club of Ilminster, and Hebron staff are delighted with the response so far.
Arrows are now into their 53rd season. Always a fantastic spectacle, their display combining formation and opposition manoeuvres will surely draw all Air Day visitors’ eyes skywards once more. Led by Squadron Leader David Montenegro, 2016’s Red Arrows have two new team members on board: Flight Lieutenants Matt Masters (Red 2) and Si Taylor (Red 3). The RAF’s Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 is among the most capable multirole fighters in service today. Its speed, agility and sheer presence will be showcased at Air Day by Flight Lieutenant Mark Long from No 29 (R) Squadron at RAF Coningsby. That same base is also the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s long-term home. Formed in 1957, the Flight operates in perpetual tribute to the men and machines of Summer 1940. Its Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane formation is among aviation’s most iconic sights. Leading the flying display will
be rare historic naval aircraft and their modern day counterparts in spectacular role demonstrations to acknowledge the contribution Naval Aviation – Past, Present and Future has made to protect our nation’s interests. Further display team, fast jet and historic aircraft participation news will be announced in due course. Discounted advance tickets can be purchased from www.royalnavy.mod.uk/yeoviltonairday
Buckland Dinham’s Village Hall will be at the centre of the village celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday this year. Details of what’s becoming a packed Royal Village Day programme are still being finalised but already in hand are arrangements for a shared lunch in the 150 year-old hall with a bouncy castle, a children’s fancy dress competition with a royal theme, tombola, raffle, a bar, a birds of prey demonstration along with other attractions entertaining villagers and visitors alike until an evening of live music brings the day’s events to a close. The day will involve many of the village’s groups and organisations who want to celebrate what will be a unique day in the nation’s history. Anyone wanting to attend the shared lunch should put their names down as soon as possible as numbers are limited. Everything else is open to the public, entry is free and all proceeds from the day will be divided between those groups who are helping to bring it all together. For more information – or to
RAF Typhoon FGR4, just one of the many attractions at the RNAS International Air Show at Yeovilton this year. THE VISITOR April 2016 7
Mentioned in
Dispatches put your name down for the lunch – contact Sara Corbett on 01373 466536, willigogs@outlook.com
South Petherton Events
An event to raise funds for Petherton Folk Fest - scheduled this year for Saturday 18th June - will take place in South Petherton in April. A ceilidh will take place in the Church of St Peter & St Paul on Friday 22nd April, proceeds will be split between the church and Petherton Folk Fest. This is the third successive year that the church has held a ceilidh to benefit both parties. The church and grounds will again be one of several locations to provide entertainment for people of all ages – including children during the Folk Fest Music for the ceilidh will be provided by local band Fiddlestix & Friends, with popular caller, Will Antell. Tickets cost £8 for adults – £4 for under-16s – and include a ploughman’s supper.
Available from N&D News in South Petherton and can also be reserved, and paid for on the night, by phoning 01460 249 288. 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
Langport & District History Society
The next meeting of the Society will be on Monday 4 April, when Richard Neale will give a talk on Langport's Saxon burh. It is free to members (annual membership is a bargain £12!): non-members are welcome; admission £2, including refreshments. Anyone interested in joining the Society, or participating in the Society’s forthcoming guided visit to Sherborne Castle on Tues 17 May, should contact Sue Standen 01458 273471, or email: suzanne standen471@btinternet.com
The RVS Penguin Big Knit in Dorset
The Royal Voluntary Service delivers practical support through the power of volunteering so every older person can live the life they want. They need to raise £3000 this year to help support services for older people. Any money raised stays locally and supports local older people in their own homes. Last year a knitted Penguin pattern designed by a member of
Call the Visitor office (01963 351256) if you would like a copy of the pattern to knit one of these cute penguins to help raise money for the RVS.
The Martinsey Isle Trust in Sturminster Newton, specifically to help with RVS fundraising, raised over £300. All the knitted penguins donated sold out before Christmas and the RVS are now looking for knitters to make more. If you are a knitter or know of anyone who likes to knit, the pattern is free to use for charitable purposes. Call The Visitor on 01963 351256 for your free pattern and contact the Royal Voluntary Service Hub on 01305 236666 to arrange collection of your donations.
Browne’s Garden Centre helps Pilton Pre-School celebrate 50 years – Spring Artisan Market – 2 April
Browne's Garden Centre, Wells are thrilled to announce their charity partner for 2016 is Pilton Pre-school. The Pre-school said 'We are absolutely delighted to have been chosen, Pilton preschool is a small, but thriving, pre-school and we rely on fundraising opportunities such as this to maintain our excellent provision. We were established in 1966 and this is a great way to celebrate our 50th anniversary.
We strongly believe in promoting healthy active lifestyles and are very excited that the money raised through this partnership with the Artisan Market will be used to help us to develop our onsite forest school provision and resources.’ At the Artisan Market on 2nd April from 10am will be new and exciting local artisans who will be joining the regulars Karin and Andy from Dragon Willows Farm with their locally grown produce from Godney. The coffee shop will be open as usual and there is plenty of space for youngsters to enjoy the swings and slide and plenty of free parking. All proceeds from the raffle will go directly to Pilton Pre-School.
Mere Carnival Fundraising Event
Bingo on Friday 15th April, eyes down 7.30pm at The Grove Buildings. There will also be a raffle and refreshments, along with two specials. Come along for a fun evening suitable for all the family and win some lovely prizes whilst helping boost Carnival funds.
A. J. WAKELY & SONS LTD Independent Family Funeral Directors • Golden Ch arter Pre Paid Funeral Plans • 24 Hour Service • Private C hapel of Rest
Golden Charter Brochure available on request Clive Wakely Dip F.D. M.B.I.E. Th e Old Police Station, Carrington Way WINCANTON BA9 9JS Tel: 01963 31310 8 THE VISITOR April 2016
Looking Good – a new look for spring SPRING IS IN THE AIR, time to discard those winter blues and get yourself a new look!
Ladies - an Invitation from Shirley Allum!
Visit Shirley Allum, Shaftesbury to see the exciting new range of Spring Fashions and enjoy the following:
Tuesday 12th April
*Lepel and Charnos representative Angela, 10am to 3pm. Enter into a free draw with each Lepel and Charnos bra set purchased. *Hidden Depths Beauty & Holistic Salon in store to advise, free skin analysis using a Hydratest, a device that provides an instant analysis of your skin, measures the oil and hydration levels in your skin which can help tailor a specific skin regime to benefit your skin. Plus a raffle 10.30am to 3pm.
Wednesday 13th April
*Fantasie/Freya representative will be in store 10.30am to 3pm to advise on fit and style. *Brax representative Lydia will
Looking for a special piece of jewellery to compliment a new outfit? Visit Ward & Sibley, the jewellers of Yeovil, friendly and helpful advice from this well-established family run business.
be in store to advise on styles and fitting of their jeans. A free watch with each pair of Brax jeans sold. *Sloanes bespoke hair salon in store with Aveda - rituals
including a 3-minute head and shoulder massage and hand massages, express make up, free of charge and Goody bags containing travel size products
for clients to try and to include a money off voucher for their next or first visit to Sloanes. 10.30am to 3pm. Complete your ladies day
WARD & SIBLEY The Jewellers of Yeovil
AS GOOD AS NEW! Our repair section of the business is pleased to offer:
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Car park at rear for customers while visiting the shop
THE VISITOR April 2016 9
Looking Good – a new look for spring Step into SPRING ... with a NEW LOOK FREDERIC’S
● WE SUPPLY a colourful range of easy flip in HAIR EXTENSIONS – these come in different lengths, real hair, and fashion colours. This is a great way to instantly change your look for that special occasion. Our well trained staff will give a FREE CONSULTATION. ● For those with major problems of hair loss we supply a full range of modern FITTED WIGS. ● We also have a HAIR CLINIC which can help with dandruff, oily scalp, and hair loss.
CALL: 01935 476460 10 Hendford, YEOVIL Somerset, BA20 1TE
experience on Wednesday 13th April by contacting The Grosvenor Arms Hotel to make a reservation - they are offering a special menu at £10 for 2 courses.
Thursday 14th April
*Not Your Daughter’s Jeans representative Liza 10.30am to 3pm - free entry into a draw with each purchase of N.Y.D.J to win a pair of jeans.
Neal’s Yard Coffee Morning at April’s Ladies Fashions
On Saturday 2nd April – April’s Ladies Fashions of Castle Cary is having an open house coffee
morning 10am til 1pm. Come and learn about free and half price shopping. See, sample, buy or order products. All Neal’s Yard orders/events booked on the day will receive a free goodie bag. New Spring/summer catalogue is available. Spring clean your skin, see their make-up ranges – enjoy a relaxing hand massage with wild rose hand cream. In Neal’s Yard Year of Well-Being – the month of April is for Focus – try their aromatherapy products or refreshing teas, both help with concentration whether at work, home or exams.
Crea Concept – just one of the many exciting designer labels to be found at The Room, the newly opened ladies fashion boutique in Somerton. Call in today.
New Spring Range Arriving in ... Italian Fashion from Goose Island Neal’s Yard Remedies PAMPER DAY Saturday 2nd April Come and try our samples!
April’s, The Black & White Shop 13 Fore Street, Castle Cary Somerset, BA7 7BG " 01963 351626 Email: aedmills@btinternet.com
The Dress Circle Dress Agency
QUALITY FASHION ITEMS WANTED TO SELL ON A COMMISSION BASIS Wedding hats, wedding outfits, cruise wear and good quality casual wear and accessories, accepted every day ... 10am - 4pm Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm Saturday For large quantities collections can be arranged
4 Brunel Shopping Centre Somerton TA11 7PY " 01458 273485 10 THE VISITOR April 2016
Looking Good – a new look for spring The Beauty Barn
The Beauty Barn at Trent offer a wide range of treatments including the Environ Advanced Active Vitamin Treatment (10 areas). Packed with nourishing, antiageing ingredients, the Active Vitamin Treatment will leave your skin looking radiant and dewy. The freshest, most active forms of vitamin A, C and antioxidants are driven deep into the lower layers of the skin using soundwaves and small electrical pulses. This scientific approach stimulates collagen to soften lines and improve elasticity, increase hydration and boost radiance. The Active Vitamin Treatment is suitable for all skin types and is particularly effective at addressing sun-damage, pigmentation, premature ageing, dryness, uneven skin tone and scarring, with noticeable differences after just one session. To find out more give them a call or visit their website. Take advantage of this months Visitor special offer, 3 treatments for the price of two!
Elegance Beauty Therapy Clinic
If you'd like to get a ‘New Look’ this Spring with a fantastic range of Aloe infused Mineral Make-up come along to Elegance Beauty Therapy Clinic on Wednesday 20th April and try it out for yourself. Through demonstration and guidance you'll be able to make yourself up and try new colours seeing how it looks and feels before making the commitment to purchase.
Simply Stunning ... our
Ideal for a spring or summer wedding, this attractive outfit by designer Tina Taylor. Available from Preview, Wincanton.
Spring Wedding Collection ... for the complete outfit
on all beauty treatments
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Treatments to be taken in one appointment Visit our website for full range of treatments
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fashion boutique & designer room
Market Place • Wincanton ! 01963 31676
THE VISITOR April 2016 11
Step out in style!
Tickets are very limited - £5 (refundable against any purchase of make-up on the night) and there'll be a goody bag to take home with you. Bring some
★ Mix ‘n’ Match ★ Separates
★ Elegant Dresses ★ ★ Accessories ★ Give your wardrobe a fresh new look!
Grace Haine Eye Care
7 High Street, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7AN 01963 351352 • www.needfulthings.uk.com
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Styles to suit everyone ...
■ Spectacles ■ Complete Price Sunglasses ■ Contact Lenses ■ Eye Care Make-Up
Eye care for the whole family ... ■ NHS & Private Examination ■ Dry Eye Clinic
★ Hearing Care Service ★ 1 Skye House, Ring Street STALBRIDGE, Dorset, DT10 2LZ
OPENING HOURS: Tuesday to Friday 9.00am – 5.30pm Saturday 9.00am – 1.00pm • Monday Closed
12 THE VISITOR April 2016
Springtime at Needful Things
With the brighter days now with us our thoughts turn to Spring Breaks and Summer Holidays. At Needful Things in Castle Cary they have a host of new clothing lines from Pomodoro, In Town and Miss Baron for the new season. These include stylish but easy-to-wear separates and beautifully simple dresses that can be transformed into a ‘special’ outfit with the addition of accessories such as the Tutti muted metallic fashion jewellery. The colour palette this season includes warm coral, classic navy and white, fresh turquoise and pretty florals. Accessories also include a range of handbags, scarves and silver jewellery. Call in and see for yourself!
NEW IN for Spring / Summer
The Visitor
friends along and have some fun or book an event to have at home! For details please call Sandie on 01963 34115 or pop in.
Mix ‘n’ Match separates in wonderful colours, available from Needful Things, Castle Cary.
Are you suffering from scratchy, uncomfortable or sore eyes? That dry feeling can cause your eyes to become extremely irritated, affecting daily activities. ‘Dry eye syndrome’ is a common, treatable condition that is caused by a lack of adequate tears.
Looking Good – a new look for spring At Grace Haine Eye Care, in Stalbridge, we offer a dedicated Dry Eye Clinic to help manage and treat your symptoms. By carefully examining your eyes and performing specialist tests to determine the cause of your symptoms, we can devise a bespoke treatment plan for your specific needs. This is partnered with a review of your treatment later on to assess results and make any adjustments to your care plan. We also offer special prices for dry eye care and
products as part of our Eyeplan scheme. For more information please call 01963 362775.
Angel’s Place
Jacqui has just moved to Martock in Somerset attracted by the wonderful healing energies of the county. She explored, and qualified in, holistic healing after years of serious illness. Her therapies work alongside modern medicine and are especially effective for relieving stress and anxiety, lightening depression and increasing energy
Angels Place Healing & Holistic Therapies ◆ Hands-On, Distant and Crystal Healing ◆ Indian Head Massage ◆ Angelic Reiki ◆ Intuitive Card Readings jacqueline.haskell@ukgateway.net 07816 764656 (TEXT ONLY PLEASE) Central Martock Location: day, evening & weekend appointments
Receive a free pattern when you buy your knitting yarn from Hanson’s Fabrics & Crafts of Sturminster Newton. Pictured is just one of the lovely patterns available for you to knit.
Clothing, Accessories & Fine Toiletries for women and men Summer shirts £32.99, available from Oxford Mill, Castle Cary.
The Market Place, Castle Cary, BA7 7AG • Tel: 01963 350230 www.oxfordmillclothing.co.uk email: oxfordmillcastlecary@gmail.com THE VISITOR April 2016 13
Looking Good – a new look for spring levels. Treatments can help with conditions such as ME, arthritis, migraines, headaches, and IBS. Massage, hands-on healing and crystals aid the elimination of toxins, and allow the body to relax and heal at its own pace; at a spiritual level they bring much needed peace and joy back into our lives.
Bellissimo Boutique & Dress Agency
Do you have a special occasion coming up, a wedding perhaps, a
Pre-Loved to Re-Loved We are situated at the TOP OF SHERBORNE on THE GREEN Offering you a unique range of designer and quality clothing all at unique prices just for you! Call us: 01935 816651 Find us: www.claresdesignerdressagency.com Visit us: The Ground Floor, The Music House On The Green, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 3HX www.facebook.com/claresdesignerdressagency
Christening, a day out at the races, tea with royalty? Need something nice to brighten up your wardrobe? Not sure what to wear ... then come shopping at Bellissimo where you are sure to find something to suit, from high street clothing brands to designer wear, all at affordable prices. From ladies casual fashions to designer wedding dresses. Mother of the Bride/Groom, wedding guest outfits, hats, fascinators shoes and bags, long/short evening wear along with prom dresses. Friendly service and stock changing constantly. They look forward to seeing you. Check out the website www.bellissimo boutiquedressagency.com or find them on facebook.
Charity Fund Raising Day 30th April at Hanson’s Fabrics & Crafts of Sturminster Newton
day plus 10% savings on all knitting yarns, patterns and accessories. Between 12noon and 2pm there will be delicious cakes and tea -
with proceeds going to Julia's House Charity. Come along and support this worthwhile cause and pick up a bargain at the same time!
Inside Clare’s Designer Dress Agency of Sherborne where you will find a host of pre-loved designer outfits to choose from.
Join Hanson’s Fabrics & Crafts for their Yarn Shop Day on the 30th April. There will be demonstrations throughout the
Your Partner In Fashion
SPRING COLLECTION NOW IN Hanover House Cheapside, Langport Somerset, TA10 9PW 01458 254014 www.maya-boutique.co.uk
14 THE VISITOR April 2016
Proving a firm favourite is this pretty floral dress by Braintree available from Maya Boutique in Langport.
Boutique & Dress Agency 33 Silver Street, Ilminster Somerset, TA19 0DW Tel: 01460 55905 • Prop. Caroline Kenshole
Looking Good and feeling fine Family Health with
Jenna Evans Beta Glucans
You may not have heard of this group of compounds but you have certainly eaten them! Beta glucans are a group of complex sugars found in the cell walls of yeasts, mushrooms and some grains such as oats and barley. They have been intensively studied for several decades and in the last couple of years have started to get some mainstream attention. As beta glucans are naturally present in, or indeed on the surface of many foods (as yeasts), there is an idea that before extensive food processing and the abundant use of fungicides, our diets would have been much richer in these helpful little molecules.
There are two broad groups with differing activity. Beta 1,3 1,4 glucans from grains are soluble fibres. They form a kind of gel within the digestive system and are used to help manage cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Soluble fibres attach to and carry out of the body cholesterol found in foods and also the cholesterol present in bile during the digestive process. This limits the absorption of cholesterol from food sources and means the body has to use more cholesterol to create more bile acids. Soluble fibres also encourage a steadier break down of sugars during digestion, helping to regulate blood sugar making them helpful for diabetics or indeed those with pre-diabetes conditions. These Beta glucans have been granted a health claim for use on packing by the European Food Safety Authority related to lowering cholesterol and Heart UK recommends regularly including oats in the diet for this purpose. The daily dose is 3 grams per day minimum and there are several
branded oat and barley based products on the market that can provide this level if munching lots of porridge and oatcakes is not to your taste! The other group are the Beta 1,3 1,6 glucans. Found in mushrooms and the cell walls of yeasts this family of beta glucans has a very interesting effect on our immune systems. When ingested the 1,3 1,6 glucans make their way through the stomach and on to our small intestines where special areas of lymphatic tissue known as Peyer’s patches take them in. Cells such as macrophages that are part of our immune system can be found in these tissues. Macrophages sweep about the body, ‘eating’ invaders, making them a very useful part of our defences. Macrophages actually have receptors or ports on them that allow these glucans to attach. Once present 1,3 1,6 glucans seem to have a strong immune priming effect, switching our macrophages onto a higher level of alert and making them more effective enemy scavengers.
So unlike many other herbs and s u ppl emen ts th at w ou l d be considered immune ‘stimulating’ or possess specific and direct antibacterial or antiviral ability, these helpful fibres have an immune ‘modulating’ effect - they take what we have and supercharge it! Beta glucans are commonly available as food supplements and are generally derived from yeast. A note for those with yeast intolerance or candida - beta glucans are heavily refined and taken from the dead cell walls and as such are not considered to be a problem. Beta 1,3 1,6 glucans have a huge range of potential application for upper respiratory infections, to allergies and even cancer support. They are considered to be one of the safest compounds you can take naturally if you have any kind of auto-immune disorder, cancer or have had an organ transplant, please discuss their use with your health professional. Dosages will often be between 250mg and 750mg depending on need.
Bramley Care When you are looking for personal care, either for yourself or for a loved one, you need to have peace of mind ● Bramley Care is a well-established family run firm offering a complete care package both long or short term. Founder of the business, Richard Wagner, first started in the The Old Rectory, Stalbridge. care sector 16 years ago when he and his family took on the running of The Old Rectory residential home in Stalbridge and more recently, Bramley House at Mere before setting up Bramley Home Care - domiciliary care. The Old Rectory and Bramley House residential homes are both set in attractive grounds and whilst individual in their style they both offer the home-from-home atmosphere and high attention to individual care. The residents have a full programme of activities and family members are encouraged to come along and join in. Staff are fully trained to a high standard and the homes have achieved the Gold Standard For further Framework in end-of-life care. Each home also has a Dementia Champion - a member of information please staff specially trained to cope with patients with dementia. In-house training is ongoing for telephone all staff within the Bramley Care umbrella to ensure the best possible care. In the community The Bramley Home Care Service offers a complete made-to-measure solution to enable older people and younger adults with disabilities to remain living in Or call in person at their own homes. The services available are varied and include personal care, domestic Unit 24b duties, transportation, the preparation of meals, pet care, home maintenance or just a Wincombe Business Park simple checking service. The amount of time spent at each visit and the number of visits can be tailored to suit the customers’ exact requirements. Shaftesbury ● Bramley Care domiciliary care covers South Wiltshire, North Dorset and South East Email: info@bramleycare.com Somerset with a team of around 30 carers - all of whom are fully qualified and who put into www.bramleycare.com practice the firms ethos ‘to enable customers to retain independence whilst maintaining privacy, dignity, choice and respect at all times’.
01747 855844
THE VISITOR April 2016 15
Looking Good Beta glucans may end up becoming one of the most popular food supplements for immune support especially as we seem to be increasingly beset with pesky bugs that don’t seem to lose their grip very easily. Jenna Evans ©2016. ■ JENNA is an Holistic Health Coach and creator of bespoke beauty products. She can be found on Facebook at ‘Alchemical Beauty UK’. Jenna is also a multi-award winning Product Advisor at Ceres Natural Foods, Yeovil. To make an appointment, please pop in or call 01935 428791 for details. Find Ceres on Facebook as ‘Ceres Natural Foods Ltd’. Always check with a health professional before making any dramatic changes to your diet and lifestyle or starting a new supplement, especially with any existing health conditions.
Special Offer from The James Main Dental Partnership
Somerset residents who would like to improve the look, feel and function of their teeth and mouth can take advantage of a special deal offered by The James Main Dental Partnership in the centre of Glastonbury. They are providing a comprehensive oral review and clinical assessment for only £76. The review includes a lifestyle dental consultation, where the patient's current and future aspirations for the appearance and function of their mouth will be discussed. Then a clinical oral health examination will be carried out. This will include an inspection of the condition of the patient's teeth and any restorations, along with oral cancer screening. The teeth will be checked for signs of enamel
staining, erosion and abrasion. Digital X-rays of tooth roots and bone will also be taken. A full assessment of gum health, oral function, chewing and bite will be carried out and nutritional advice to improve the patient's dental health will be given. Once this comprehensive review has taken place, the patient will be provided with a fully costed plan for any resultant treatment. To attain a perfect smile there are a range of cosmetic treatments available including: tooth whitening, short-term orthodontics, natural-coloured fillings, dental implants, crowns, bridges and veneers. For more information, or to book an appointment, please contact the practice team on 01458 831883. See their advert on page 21.
Healthwatch - independent health & care watchdog
Healthwatch Dorset are holding an event on Wednesday 27th April at Riversmeet Leisure Centre, Gillingham where you can visit them from 2-5pm to find out more about them. Healthwatch Dorset works with local people to discover what's really going on in health and care services across the county. They offer free independent information to help you find your way through the system and use your feedback to influence the way local services are provided. Over the last year Healthwatch Dorset has made improvements to GP surgery patient information across Dorset, improved access to dentistry and gathered feedback about homecare from over 700 people across Dorset.
STREET STREET is a large village in Somerset, situated at the end of the Polden Hills in the Somerset Levels. Situated just 2 miles from Glastonbury much of the history of the village is dominated by Glastonbury Abbey until the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and indeed its name comes from a 12th-century causeway from Glastonbury which was built to transport local Blue Lias stone from what is now Street to rebuild the Abbey, although it had previously been known as Lantokay and Lega. Street attracts visitors for many reasons: Clarks Village; Millfield School (an independent co- educational boarding school); Strode College (one of only two colleges graded as ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted last year); The Shoe Museum (which provides information about the history of Clarks and footwear manufacture in general); a fine choice of independent shops on the high street, and the popular Strode Theatre, providing a venue for films, exhibitions and live performances.
If you are looking for a new carpet or new flooring look no further
than Floorcraft of Street. A family run business with 30 years experience you can be sure of personal and friendly service plus an excellent choice - and all at sensible prices. The popular Karndean flooring is available at Floorcraft. This versatile flooring is hard wearing and is available in a wide range of designs to suit any room in the house. There is always a selection of rugs in stock to choose from. Call in today - find them in the Bayliss Centre with free parking outside the door.
Street Cellular
Street Cellular is one of the few independent mobile phone specialists left that are unbiased to which Network or mobile you have. Established for over 25 years you can be sure that they have expert knowledge and experience. In addition to selling a wide range of mobile phones, both new and used, they also offer a fast repair service for most models including iPhones and iPads and Galaxy Tab’s - normally with a same day turnaround - whatever the problem, from unlocking to liquid damage. There is a choice of tablets and Established
30 Years
Bedroom or Bathroom ... Lounge or Conservatory we have the flooring you require
Excellent Choice • Prompt Service Carpets • Vinyls • Laminates • Natural Flooring Good choice of Rugs
★ Karndean and Polyflor stockist ★ PLANNING – MEASURING – FITTING A family run business established over 30 years. Proprietors: Janet & Ken Burgess Free Parking outside the door
4 Bayliss Centre, High Street, STREET Telephone: 01458 447950
# Unlocking Service
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! E-Cigarettes and E-Liquids !
Pay monthly, pay as you go & Sim only
5 The Bayliss Centre, Street • 01458 841741 website: www.streetcellular.com email: sales@streetcellular.com
16 THE VISITOR April 2016
STREET business focus accessories and they are now stocking smart watches. For those trying to cut down or quit smoking e-cigarettes and accessories are now also available from Street Cellular.
Mendip Mobility
Mendip Mobility have been successfully trading in Street for 9 years. They offer a wide range of mobility aids from scooters
through to walking sticks. They have recently increased the size of the showroom and now carry a larger range of fireside chairs and recliners in a wide choice of designs and fabrics. They have a comprehensive range of scooters from a portable power chair through to an 8mph high clearance Pride Epic. Why not call in and see for yourself and have a test drive if
Beautiful Lingerie ...
anache no’ by P ‘Portofi Are you wearing the correct sized bra? Call in and see Elaine Buckley (pictured) at Oomph and Lift of Street and see the new spring collection.
Panache: 28 – 46, D – K ‘Sculptresse’ Range: 36 – 46, D – K ... also Sports Bras Charnos: 30 – 38, A – H Lepel: 30 – 38, A – G Curvy Kate Now In
Royce Non-wired Bras * Girls First Bras Mastectomy Bras * Nursing Bras Miraclesuits: 10lbs lighter in 10 seconds
Vestry Court, Vestry Road, STREET
" 01458 898952 • Turn by William Hill - opposite Living Homes
Get out and about this spring
Mendip visit
“Great gear to be getting on with”
We have a comprehensive range of ... ■ Rise and Recline Chairs & Beds ■ Scooters & Wheelchairs for Sale & Hire ■ Everyday Living Aids ■ Bath Lifts Call in to our showrooms where our knowledgeable & helpful staff will be pleased to advise!
146 High Street, STREET, BA16 0ER " 01458 448355 20 Westway, FROME, BA11 1BS " 01373 464373 www.mendipmobility.co.uk THE VISITOR April 2016 17
STREET business focus you require a scooter? The staff will be pleased to advise and there is free parking outside the door.
The Shoe Museum
The Shoe Museum houses hundreds of historic shoes and also tells the story of Clarks. There are Roman and medieval shoes and beautiful Georgian and Victorian shoes as well. Every
school holiday the Museum puts on family events including craft activities and trails which highlight the collection. There are also temporary exhibitions and this year to celebrate the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II they will be displaying shoes with a royal connection. The exhibition is due to open in June. Visit the Museum or check the website for more details.
Abbey Garage SW Ltd
Abbey Garage offer an ‘all makes value service’ for £129 and MOT test for £30 with any MOT repairs at £35 per hour. Never forget again with their customer friendly reminder service. As a reputable Ford Dealer they offer Scheduled Servicing, Repairs, Free loan cars, New & Used Car Sales, Parts and Self drive hire. All the staff are fully
trained and have access to all the latest technology and equipment. They have been keeping their customers on the road for over 60 years and are situated within walking distance of Clarks Village for those who want to drop, shop or lunch and collect later. If you would prefer to wait free WIFI is provided in their seating area.
Looking to change your car or just wanting a service or MOT, Abbey Garage in Street is your ‘one stop’ vehicle shop.
18 THE VISITOR April 2016
Glastonbury believe. The Court House stood on the opposite side of the High Street. In last year’s Glastonbury article I wrote about some of the town’s beautiful old buildings but didn’t have enough space to
mention all of them, so this year I decided to take a closer look at Magdalene Street, a road full of interest. Walking from the Market Cross in the pedestrianised area where Magdalene Street, Benedict
Even on a chilly March afternoon the cafes on the Market Place and Magdalene Street sport a continental air.
IF YOU’RE visiting Glastonbury for the first time, a good starting point is the Tourist Information Centre on the High Street which can provide you with plenty of leaflets about what to see and do. It’s housed in The Tribunal, a 15th century former merchant’s shop and home where the ground floor front room was used for commercial purposes and the back room was the dining room, with living quarters above. The kitchen was in a detached building at the rear, a characteristic medieval method of reducing the fire hazard.
Originally the house would have had a half-timbered front, but precisely when the stone facade we see today was installed is something of a mystery. Most of the guide books suggest ‘around 1500’, but this is probably too early as the stonework is secondhand and probably came from the Abbey, presumably after the Dissolution in 1535. The name Tribunal, meaning ‘court house’, is something of a misnomer as the building was never the Abbot’s Court House, despite what one of the Glastonbury guide books would have readers
Tree Care & Garden Services
The tall slim Market Cross was erected in 1845 but its site at the junction of High Street, Northload Street, Benedict Street and Magdalene Street has been the centre of the town’s market area since medieval times.
Offices at: Glastonbury, Castle Cary, Shepton Mallet and Cheddar 11 Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8DL Tel: 01458 832510 • Fax: 01458 832202 Email: glastonbury@bgw-solicitors.co.uk • www.bgw.uk.com
A family business with over 25 years experience
Tree Services: Trees Felled, Trimmed, Shaped & Pruned Fruit Trees Pruned, Hedges Trimmed, Boxed & Shaped Shrubs Pruned and Shaped Free Written No Obligation Quotation • Fully Insured Work Guaranteed • Licensed Waste Removal Landscaping – Property Maintenance
FREEPHONE: 0800 0837152
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Edward Howells Associates Limited CHARTERED CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS Registered Auditors * Preparation of Accounts Personal & Corporate Taxation * VAT & Payroll Business & Limited Company Set-Ups Business Planning & Advice Registered Office: 20a High Street, Glastonbury Somerset BA6 9DU Tel: 01458 831700 * Fax: 01458 831189 Email: accounts@edwardhowells.co.uk
THE VISITOR April 2016 19
Glastonbury Street, Northload Street and High Street meet, take a look on the left at the medieval archway to the Abbey grounds. The Visitor Centre at the entrance tells the story of the Abbey, its authenticated history and its enduring legends, and this year a series of events and exhibitions will celebrate the legend of King Arthur, based on research into the archaeological records of excavations at the Abbey between 1904 and 1979 which has revealed some surprises. Next to the archway is the Georgian Town Hall, built to
replace the former market house. It was designed as an open market hall on the ground floor – the arches were originally open for the market stalls – with the town hall above, and was first used in December 1814. From St Dunstan’s car park a few yards beyond the Town Hall you can get tantalising glimpses of the Abbey ruins, especially the Abbot’s kitchen which is the only building to survive in its entirety apart from its four corner chimneys. Incidentally, if you’re planning to visit Glastonbury Tor a special bus service runs from
Hazy-Maes Auctions
Auctions and House Clearance Services AUCTIONS HELD FORTNIGHTLY ON A SATURDAY Viewing all day on Friday prior, 9.30am – 6.00pm
9th and 23rd April from 11.00am NOW AT: Unit 4, Beckery Road, Glastonbury, BA6 9NX Tel: 01458 833550 • Mobile: 07709 038620 L I V E AU C T I O N S
Visit our website: www.hazymaesauctions.co.uk
Telephone 01458 831536
T E L E P H O N E • G A S • E L E C T R I C I T Y • WAT E R • G I R O T R A N S A C T I O N S
this car park every day of the week from April till the end of September, departing every halfhour from 9.30am. The last bus back from the foot of the Tor leaves there at 7.15pm. As parking in the vicinity of the Tor is well nigh impossible, it makes sense to park in the town and enjoy a bus ride up to the Tor. Almost opposite the car park the Roman Catholic Church of St Mary houses the restored shrine of Our Lady of Glastonbury and a large tapestry depicting some of the other Glastonbury saints. Just beyond St Mary’s is an attractive old house named Copper Beech, home in the 19th century of local solicitor J G L Bulleid. He possessed an immense knowledge of the town and its history and was instrumental in establishing Glastonbury Antiquarian Society and its museum. In 1885 when serving as town mayor for the sixth time he proposed that a museum should be set up during his year of office, so the arches of the market hall beneath the Town Hall were blocked up to allow the space to be used to display the many exhibits and books given or lent by members of the society. His son Arthur discovered the remains of an Iron Age Lake Village on the nearby levels in 1892 and over the subsequent 15 years unearthed a large number of bronze, iron, wood and pottery artifacts which were added to the museum’s collection. Nowadays many of them are displayed in the Lake
E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 4 6
INDEPENDENT FAMILY FUNERAL DIRECTORS MEMORIAL MASONS • PREPAYMENT PLANS Pound Pool, Somerton, Somerset, TA11 6LZ 01458 272297 or Langport 01458 250509 Willowfields, Lowerside Lane, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9GY 01458 831020 28 High Street, Butleigh, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8SY 01458 850654 or Street 01458 443677 www.forseyandson.co.uk 20 THE VISITOR April 2016
Tucked away off Magdalene Street is one of Glastonbury’s hidden gems - St Margaret’s Chapel.
Village Museum in the Tribunal. Next comes the Old Pump House, a reminder of the brief period when Glastonbury was a spa town. The water flows underground from the Chalice Well and Gardens high above the town, finds its way beneath the grounds of the Abbey where it joins other underground streams, and emerges at the south end of Magdalene Street where Chain Gate Mill once stood. In the middle of the 18th century many people swore by its medicinal powers, claiming that drinking it had cured their asthma, leprosy and various other ailments, and as many as ten thousand people are said to have visited the town in one month to take the water. Mrs Anne Galloway bought some land in Magdalene Street opposite the Chain Gate spout and built the Pump Room which opened in 1754, but the bubble didn’t last and by the 1830s invalids rarely visited the town. Venture down the narrow alley just past the Pump House and you’ll discover one of Glastonbury’s hidden delights, the remains of the Royal Magdalene Almshouses and St Margaret’s Chapel. When constructed around 1250 or possibly earlier by the monks of Glastonbury Abbey as a hospital for the poor men of the town, the building consisted of two facing rows of small cubicles beneath a single roof. The chapel, built in 1444, originally opened off the central passage. Much of the original building was destroyed in the Dissolution of the Monasteries but in the 16th century the cubicles were rebuilt as two separate terraces of five small almshouses. One terrace was demolished in 1957 and has been transformed into a garden
Business Update The James Main Dental Partnership
The Old Pump House stands as a reminder of the town’s 18th century reputation as a health spa.
but the remaining rooms are all well worth a closer look and the chapel possesses a timeless simplicity. The Mary & Margaret Charity which cares for the site and has undertaken a major restoration and refurbishment
programme has published a leaflet explaining what to look out for. Although it is a consecrated Anglican chapel it doesn’t hold regular services, but it is open all day, every day in the summer months and at weekends in the
winter, for people wanting to pray or meditate. It’s the ideal place to visit if you want a brief respite from the clamour of 21st century Glastonbury’s busy shopping streets. Roger Richards.
Glastonbury’s James Main Dental Partnership is committed to delivering a high quality private dental service and the best possible clinical care. They offer a comprehensive range of services, focusing on cosmetic and implant dentistry. All patients are treated in a trusted and caring environment with everything that modern dentistry has to offer. Their aim is to ensure patients attain a Comfortable Mouth with a Confident Smile treated in a Caring Environment with high quality Cost-effective Dentistry. They offer their patients help to make informed choices about their dental care and they are committed to providing firstrate, value-for-money treatment and advice. Conveniently located close to the centre of Glastonbury, The James Main Dental Partnership welcomes patients from across Somerset.
THE VISITOR April 2016 21
The George at the top of Cheap Street is resplendent in its fresh white coat of paint.
I DROVE TO Sherborne on a sunny Sunday morning in midMarch. Not a day I would normally choose as most of the shops are shut, and I do enjoy shopping in Sherborne – Cheap Street, Long Street, South Street and Half Moon Street are packed with an incredible variety of
thronging with shoppers . . . and surprised to find plenty of people on the streets, in the cafés, at the Waitrose and Sainsbury supermarkets and outside the pubs awaiting opening time. And wherever I looked there were signs of the town sprucing itself up for the influx of Spring and Summer visitors. I started my meander at the top of Cheap Street where The George is resplendent in its fresh white coat. Built on the site of an earlier inn which certainly existed in 1459, it dates from the early 16th century and is now Sherborne’s oldest surviving hostelry, reputed for its real ales and home cooking. The adjoining
property, The Julian, is known to have been there in 1405 as the hospice La Julianys Inne. It was endowed to the town’s almshouses in 1437 and rebuilt in the 16th century. The halftimbered house next door, currently occupied by an estate agent, has its origins in medieval times and is eye-catching and much photographed by tourists. The adjacent house on the corner of Cheap Street and Newland, currently occupied by Retail Therapy, is similarly ancient and freshly-painted. A little further down Cheap Street the Post Office occupies an imposing building that was built as a private house in the mid-19th
specialist traders too numerous to mention by name and there are yet more independent businesses tucked away on The Green, Hound Street, Trendle Street and Digby Road. But I was tempted by the prospect of a quiet wander around a town that on other days of the week is
Sherborne Post Office on Cheap Street occupies an imposing building that was originally a private house.
22 THE VISITOR April 2016
SHERBORNE TOWN century and bought by Royal Mail in 1919. Tubs of flowers, the red telephone box and the goldpainted pillar box add delightful splashes of colour to the street scene and enhance the honeycoloured stonework of the
building’s facade. And lower down the hill the frontage of the Abbey Pharmacy has been recently renovated and redecorated and looks magnificent. It is an 18th century building, but the windows on either side of the shop entrance
are early-Victorian and the other ground-floor window of matching design was installed as recently as the late 1980s to replace two smaller windows similar to those on the first floor. The shop on the left with the first-floor bow window appears to have originally been an integral part of the same building, with the bow window being an early-19th century addition.
At this point I should mention that the town’s excellent museum contains much about the history of the town and exhibits include maps, photographs, prints and facsimiles of medieval documents as well as an extensive collection of tools, implements and relics. It’s always worth a visit! You’ll find it tucked away in the Abbey Gatehouse behind Bow Arch off Cheap Street, with opening times
Greenhill, Sherborne, DT9 4EP NEW Chef • NEW Menu • NEW Dining Area
WEDNESDAY MUSIC April 6th: Blues April 13th: Trad Jazz April 20th: Traditional Folk April 27th: Open Mic’ Night
The frontage of the Abbey Pharmacy on Cheap Street has recently been renovated and redecorated and looks magnificent.
Bring your memories to life ...
Tel: 01935 816115
We can transfer cinefilm, slides, photos, camcorder and memory cards to DVD and Blu-ray! Call in to discuss your requirements
Prop. Simon Beard in the Workshop
Repairs on all makes and models of TV, HiFi and Audio equipment on-the-premises by our experienced engineers
If you are having difficulty getting in and out of the bath a WET ROOM is the perfect solution. Wet rooms can be tailored to suit your personal requirements. Hansgrohe ★ Kudos Catalano ★ Laufen
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(Through Archway by Half Moon Inn)
Tel: 01935 817111 www.SimplyBathAndBed.co.uk info@SimplyBathAndBed.co.uk THE VISITOR April 2016 23
SHERBORNE TOWN currently 10.30am till 4.30pm daily from Tuesday to Saturday. It was here that I found the answer to a question about some properties on Long Street which runs eastwards from the Conduit at the bottom of Cheap Street to Pinford Lane near the Old Castle. It has long been one of Sherborne’s most important streets and almost every building displays something of interest, but what intrigued me were the names of three adjoining buildings on the right-hand side – Bank House, Pretor’s Office and The Old Bank House. Pretor was Simon Pretor, a tradesman who opened the Sherborne and Dorsetshire Bank sometime in the 1740s and moved
Sherborne’s excellent museum is tucked away in the Abbey Gatehouse behind Bow Arch.
it to Long Street in the early 1770s, into the early-18th century house now called The Old Bank House where he died in 1804. His bank, subsequently run by his grandson Samuel and partners, amalgamated with the National Provincial Bank in 1843 and moved i nto the newl y-bu i l t Pretor’s Office next door. This was built on the site of an old cottage in a style matching The Old Bank House, and nowadays the frontages are smartly-painted in contrasting grey and cream. The National Provincial Bank merged with the Westminster Bank in 1968 and became a branch of NatWest. The branch closed in 1997 and the premises were acquired by a firm of insurance brokers, but it is currently available to rent. I’m told that Bank House was the town’s Post Office until the 1840s after which it was lived in by the manager of the National Provincial Bank, and in 1973 it became the offices of Battens, a firm of solicitors. Its frontage matches that of Abbots Litten, the house on the other side of The Old Bank House. The stalwart Sherborne in Bloom volunteers put in a lot of effort to ensure that the town’s parks and gardens are a riot of colour, but it was a little too early in the year for me to see the swathes of daffodils that surround the delightful Pageant
Gardens. A few were in flower but most were still just buds – but I’m sure they will look glorious by the time this magazine is published. The delightful Gardens, opposite the railway station, are named after the great pageant held in 1905 to commemorate the 12th centenary of the town’s foundation by St Aldhelm and they provide an attractive welcome to the town for visitors arriving by train. With a picturesque Edwardian bandstand as the centrepiece and countless mature trees and shrubs, the gardens can justly claim to be one of Sherborne’s great charms and a pleasant place to escape the bustle of the town centre. Just round the corner from the Gardens, on Cooks Lane, is the Digby Tap, a mecca for real ale enthusiasts. This 16th century building was formerly the parish workhouse before becoming the tap house for the now-closed Digby Hotel, providing beer and
food for the servants of its affluent guests. Across the road on the other side of Westbury stands the Britannia Inn, its ancient building having been recently refurbished and given smart new signage. Above the entrance is a stone dated 1743 recalling that this was the original Lord Digby’s School where poor girls were taught to read and sew. Nowadays it caters for drinkers, diners and overnight guests, and its close proximity to the Abbey makes it popular with tourists exploring the town. There always seems to be plenty happening in Sherborne’s shops, schools, pubs, churches and halls, and the best ways to get the details are to log on to www.sherbornetown.com which provides comprehensive information about the town, its services, facilities and events, or telephone the Tourist Information Centre on 01935 815341. The TIC, just a few doors down Digby Road from the Abbey, is open from 10.00am till 3.00pm daily
Sherborne Shoe Repairs ★ ★ ★ ★
2 Swan Yard, Sherborne Tel: 01935 817978
01935 812720 Western Ways Yard Bristol Road, SHERBORNE, Dorset DT9 4HR 24 THE VISITOR April 2016
The grey-painted Old Bank House, the cream Pretor’s Office and the stone-fronted Bank House all played a part in the history of the Sherborne and Dorsetshire Bank.
INSTANT CASH FOR YOUR OLD TOYS! ANY TOYS CONSIDERED Established business paying BEST prices for old toys in any condition ■ Dinky ■ Britains ■ Corgi ■ Meccano ■ Hornby ■ Bing ■ Matchbox ■ Scalextric Home visits or shop valuations ... whatever suits and happy to travel
SHERBORNE except Sundays. Finally, a reminder that Sherborne’s two castles have re-opened to visitors for the summer – for opening days, times and entry charges at the ‘old‘ castle phone the custodian on 01935 812730, and for the ‘new’ castle call the Digby Estate office on 01935 813182. And don’t miss the ever-popular Sherborne Castle Country Fair, this year on 30th May. Roger Richards.
is constantly changing. In addition to sales they offer a jewellery repair and rethreading service, furniture restoration, vintage lighting repairs and reupholstery. Their own in-house coffee shop/cafe offers everything from homemade cakes and a cuppa through to light lunches. Acreman Street Antiques also buy antiques - to find out more do call in or visit: www.acreman streetantiques.co.uk
Business Update Acreman Street Antiques
Since opening at the end of October Acreman Street Antiques have gone from strength to strength. The light and airy premises are welcoming and offer a diverse range of antiques and collectables, as far ranging as ancient Egyptpian pieces through to industrial items. There are 45 dealers over two floors and stock
KITCHENS & HOUSE RENOVATIONS We project manage from start to finish!
Stylish kitchens to suit you North Dorset & South Somerset
PREMIER ART SHOP Winsor & Newton Premier Art Centre Daler-Rowney Main Stockist for South Somerset & North Dorset area Exclusive Premier Art Centre Promotions Helpful Advice Available
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Struggling with the technical bits ... worktops, sink, etc? Why not let us help? We can also supply accessories such as taps and sinks!
Study / Home Office Furniture
Situated on the edge of this historic town we specialise in quality from antique to retro and 20thC, jewellery, silver, and decorative items for the house and garden, with an ecletic mix of interesting and unique pieces. ■ 45 dealers in over 4,500 square feet over 2 floors ■ Cafe 121 on the premises ■ Free customer parking Open: Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday 11am – 4.30pm
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Working from home? Surfing the net? Do it in comfort and style ... with our “Home Office Design” CALL INTO OUR SHOWROOMS TODAY
KITCHENS & HOUSE RENOVATIONS The Old Bakery, Half Moon Street SHERBORNE, DT9 3LN Through the archway next to the Half Moon Hotel
Tel: 01935 817111 Email: sales@sherbornekitchens.com See our new website: www.sherbornekitchens.com THE VISITOR April 2016 25
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS Q1. What are the implications of selling my Scottish home? I own and live in a property in Scotland. What are the implications of me selling the house to a relative, who will buy it using a buy-to-let mortgage, and allow me to stay in it and pay rent to her as a tenant? Answer: If the house has always been your main residence, there should be no capital gains tax implications for you. Depending on the purchase price, your relative may have to pay the Scottish land and buildings transaction tax (LBTT), which replaced the previous stamp duty land tax (SDLT) in Scotland from April 2015. With regards to the new lease allowing you to remain in the property as a tenant, there may be relief from LBTT under the sale and leaseback provisions. For further information on LBTT, see the Revenue Scotland website at www.revenue.scot/land-buildingstransaction-tax and of course, your relative will have to declare and pay tax if applicable, on any rental income she receives from you.
Q2. Should we register for VAT to reclaim input tax on the costs of conversion? My brother owns a commercial business unit, and we have decided to convert it into
MAX FOOTE Associates Ltd Chartered Certified Accountants and Registered Auditors 26 Lower Woodcock Street Castle Cary BA7 7BH Tel: 01963 351052 Business and limited company accounts, self assessment tax returns, VAT, Payroll, Book-keeping and Training Personal and professional service 26 THE VISITOR April 2016
residential units. Although I will be project managing the conversion, I will not be charging my brother. As you can imagine, there will be a lot of expenditure on building materials, which are subject to VAT and potentially contractors who are VAT registered. Will it be advantageous to set up a VAT-registered business for the development so that we can claim back the VAT incurred? Answer: Broadly, where an individual converts nonresidential property into residential property they can zero rate the sale of the completed residential units. Where this is the case, it will be worthwhile registering for VAT as much of the input VAT incurred can be reclaimed. However, there are many rules and conditions that can apply in such circumstances. VAT Notice 708: buildings and construction should provide a useful reference tool. I would recommend that you read it in detail as it will help you satisfy yourself as to the correct liability of the supplies of goods and services being made by suppliers and contractors to you. The Notice can be found on the GOV.UK website at www.gov.uk/ government/publications
Q3. Is inheritance tax due on a gift? I have an elderly friend who has said he would like to give me a gift of £10,000 to help with my planned kitchen extension. Will there be any tax to pay on this very generous gift? Answer: If you make a gift during your lifetime, there will not usually be any inheritance
BUSINESS for SALE Due to retirement Well Established
TREE SURGERY BUSINESS FOR SALE A thriving business for the right person. For full details please call 07974 085186
tax (IHT) to pay. Lifetime gifts are usually treated as potentially exempt transfers (PETs) and will only become chargeable to IHT if you die within seven years of making the gift. However, if you make a gift to a company or to some types of trust, the gift is immediately chargeable and you may have to pay some tax in your lifetime - if the total value of those gifts exceeds the IHT threshold (currently £325,000). Any money you give away during your lifetime that doesn't fall under the exempt transfer rules may escape IHT as a potentially exempt transfer (PET). There are no limits on the amount of PETs you can make during your lifetime. Basically, for a PET to escape IHT completely you need to make sure that you survive for seven years after making the gift. If you die within the seven year period, the PET will be partially chargeable depending on the number of years that have elapsed. The reduction is given in the form of taper relief. This is a sliding scale used to determine tax liabilities on gifts between three and seven years before death. The rates of taper relief are as follows: - Between 0 to 3 years, the reduction is 0% and the actual tax rate is 40% - 3 to 4 years, the reduction is 20% and the actual tax rate is 32% - 4 to 5 years, the reduction is 40% and the actual tax rate is 24% - 5 to 6 years, the reduction is 60% and the actual tax rate is 16% - 6 to 7 years, the reduction is 80% and the actual tax rate is 8% - More than 7 years, the
reduction is 0% and the actual tax rate is 0% Taper relief is only of real benefit if you can also fully use the nil rate band for other transfers. Taper amounts are set against the free slice first. If you give £100,000 away during your lifetime and die four years later, leaving a further £350,000 in your will, the first £100,000 lifetime gift counts against your nil rate band first. So your estate will only have £225,000 (in 2015/16) left in nil rate band to set off against the remaining £350,000. This means that your executors will end up paying as much tax as if you had not made the gift at all. Taper relief is worthwhile for those with large estates. Giving away £1 million and living for seven years takes the money right out of the IHT net. But if you only live for six years, the £1 million less the nil rate band is charged at only 8% tax instead of 40%. Obviously, anything that is transferred at death will be chargeable at the full 40% rate as the nil rate band will have been used up. Many people use special life insurance policies to make sure that a potential liability to IHT is covered if they don't live for the full seven years after making a PET. These types of policy are designed to fit in with the tax taper. The proceeds are usually written into trust so they are outside your estate when you die.
STAFF WANTED If you have a staff vacancy ... why not advertise it here in The Visitor?
✱ THIS SPACE COSTS just £48 + VAT ✱ (5 centimetres x 2 columns mono) Next issue published: Thursday 28th April Deadline: Friday 15th April
Tel: 01963 351256
Email: info@thevisitormagazine.co.uk
BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL Use five-year averaging to free up cash flow, advises Old Mill Accountants
Farmers could make use of the new five-year tax averaging to help fund new machinery purchases and reduce tax liabilities in the current year, according to accountant Old Mill. Although many farming businesses are under extreme financial pressure due to low commodity prices, and are likely to be suffering from very tight cash flow, making use of new tax rules could prove extremely beneficial. ‘Understandably most farmers will be tightening their belts this year and rigorously questioning whether they need to make any equipment changes during the current difficult trading conditions,’ says senior director Mike Butler. ‘But by using fiveyear tax averaging they may be able to generate tax refunds on previous, more profitable trading years, and in doing so free up cash to invest in the farm this year.’ From 6 April 2016 farmers operating as sole traders or in a partnership will be able to average the tax year 2016/17 with the previous four tax years. ‘Most farmers will have suffered a serious downturn in profitability in 2015/16 and potentially 2016/17 – but averaging back will merge that with more profitable years,’ says Mr Butler. ‘Any profits brought forward from previous years will generate tax refunds, which could ease cash flow during the current difficult period.’ However, there is then the danger that producers will face an Income Tax liability this year as a result of bringing past profits forward. ‘In that situation, it could present an ideal opportunity to invest in the farm, and take advantage of the 100% Annual Investment Allowance for 2016, potentially slashing your tax bill to nothing.’ The AIA for 2016 is £200,000 – so investment in eligible plant and machinery can be completely written off against Income Tax up to that threshold. Over and above that level, investments are typically written down at 18% a year. Of course, there is never any circumstance where buying machinery can be advocated purely to save tax, he warns. ‘But
a lot of businesses need to keep their machinery up-to-date or else they will soon become exposed to excess farm repairs and lack of reliability. If a machine is going to be changed then understanding how to get the most tax relief out of it will make all the difference.’ For more information contact Mike Butler on 01749 355029.
Sixth anniversary celebrations for Red Berry Recruitment
Red Berry Recruitment Ltd in Yeovil will be celebrating 6 years this November. Wow how time flies! With Shepton Mallet opening in March 2007 and Bridgwater in March 2014, this
Somerset based recruitment agency has grown from strength to strength. Supplying to the Commercial and Industrial sectors across Somerset and into Devon, Dorset and Wiltshire, they provide temporary and permanent staff to many different business areas. From Engineers to PAs, Accounts staff to Labourers and Welders to Sales, Red Berry Recruitment Ltd are an award winning, multisector agency. Whether you are looking for staff or looking for a job Red Berry can help! In Yeovil the team comprises of Joanne Roberts, Branch Manager and recruiter for all permanent roles, Matthew Dixon, Recruiter for all Temporary roles,
Callie Church, Resourcer for the consultants and Clare Little, Administrator and Support to the office. The 4 strong team are also supported by Rae Haynes, Operations and HR, Andrew Fry, Sales and Development Manager and all are overseen by Helen Lacey, MD. Red Berry prides itself on excellent customer service and some snippets of the testimonials quoted below are a testament to the hard work and dedication that the team put in. “I just wanted to also say a big thank you to yourselves and specifically to Matt for everything that you have done for me over the last four months both here and in my previous role as PR & Brand Assistant. Red Berry has been a delight to work with and I wish you all the best for the future.” Jack Thomson, Candidate. “A HUGE thank you for the Yeovil team for finding me a permanent position in Yeovil. All was managed in a very professional way.” Laurence, Candidate. So, if you are looking to change jobs or looking to recruit why not call Red Berry on 01935 432001, visit their website at www. redberryrecruitment.co.uk, find them on Facebook www.facebook. com/RedBerryRecruitment1 or Twitter (@RedBerryRec) or even better pop in and have a chat with one of the team at the office - 16C Hendford, Yeovil BA20 1TE.
THE VISITOR April 2016 27
Kingsbury May Festival
‘One of the six best May Day celebrations in the UK’, that was the accolade awarded to Kingsbury May Festival by Country Life magazine last year. If you have been, you will know why – the rural, small village setting, the friendliness, the fun and the variety of attractions all make for a great day out. If you haven’t been perhaps this year you should. For a community of only some 1200 Kingsbury Episcopi pulls well above its weight. Each year
more than 5,000 visitors are drawn to the festival on May Bank Holiday Monday and probably the majority have been before. As a regular visitor noted last year: “the festival is always changing but it always stays the same”! Yes – all the same traditional elements are there each year, the May Pole dancing, Green Man, Morris Men, music, stalls, food, exhibitions, displays, country games and competitions, but there is always something fresh. Twenty years ago the festival
So, you think you know your pop music, do you? By John Osborne • Answers can be found on page 63 1. Which continent were 'Toto' visiting in 1982? 2. What is the weather like in Ohio right now, according to Jamie Lawson? 3. Martha Reeves and the Vandellas sang about 'Jimmy ...' Who? 4. Released in 1990 'The Power' was a international hit from which German dance band? 5. Whose latest album is entitled 'Another Country'?
all took place in the heart of the village between their two main churches, St Martin’s and the Methodist Church. Church Street remains the hub of the festival; l i ned wi th stal l s i t has the Maypole at one end and the Children’s Area at the other. For some years though two overspill fields have accomodated the large part of festivities. The Cabbage Patch (!) is edged with food stalls, craft demonstrations, entertainers and the Green Man Stage, while the centre is the assembly point for the Green Man Procession. The line-up for the stage this year includes The Gin Bowlers, Kezia, Sophie Negus and Johnny Button. ‘Harry’s Field’ is the site of most of the silly and bucolic games – Tossing the Sheaf, Treasure Hunt, Bungee Running, Climbing Wall, Egg Throwing and Water Rockets, but also the Dog Show arena and the Vintage and Classic vehicle display. Though everything will be up and running by 11 am, the Green Man procession from the Cabbage
Patch at noon marks the official start. It winds its way up Church Street to the Maypole where the opening speech, Maypole Dancing, Mummers Play and Morris Dancing take place. There are singers, musicians and displays in both the Methodist Church and St Martin’s Church, while next to the Church Rooms is the Children’s Area with loads of games and displays (magician, roundabout, puppets, wild animals, coconut shy....) for children of all ages. As always entry to the festival is almost free – cyclists and pedestrians are asked to give a small donation. Motorists have to pay for parking. Parking is more expensive this year at £5 per car, as the village needs to raise almost £100,000 to add to their Lottery grant to build a Community Centre. Still, for all that is included £5 is surely still a bargain! If music and evening entertainment is your thing, Music in the Marquee, on the Saturday preceding the festival,
1st 6th 10th 13th 15th 15th 20th 22nd 22nd 27th 29th
MUTTER SLATER - Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil BLUES - Crown Inn, Sherborne CHARLIE BATEMAN - Lord Nelson, Norton Sub Hamdon TRAD JAZZ - Crown Inn, Sherborne STAND ALONE EMPIRE - Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil BARRY ‘ELVIS’ PAULL - Lord Nelson, Norton Sub Hamdon TRADITIONAL FOLK - Crown Inn, Sherborne FINIAN McGURK - Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil PAUL SMITH - Rose & Crown, Bower Hinton OPEN MIC’ NIGHT - Crown Inn, Sherborne FREEFALL - Wyndham Arms, Kingsbury Episcopi
May 1st
BEACH BOYS TRIBUTE - Lord Nelson, Norton Sub Hamdon
6. Who was the front man and vocalist with 'The Smiths'? 7. 'Revolution' was a Beatles 'B-side'. Name the song on the 'A-side'. 8. How do we best know James Michael Aloysius Bradford? 9. Lyrics: 'Other people stared as if we were quite insane, someday my name and hers are going to be the same' 10. 'Men at Work' were a band from ... where? Bonus Question Name the year in which the song in question 7 was released. Question Impossible When Peter Gabriel stood upon 'Solsbury Hill', which city could he see below him? Great Quotes in Music (85) "Music happens to be an art-form that transcends language." HERBIE HANCOCK
Antiques Meadow Fairs Antiques, Collectables & Flea Market
Now including vintage clothes, fabric and accessories, 50s / 60s era
Saturday 16 th April Beaminster Town Hall Dorset DT8 3EF 10am – 3.30pm
★ NEXT FAIR ★ Saturday 14th May BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIES Meadow Fairs 01297 24446
07977 591736
28 THE VISITOR April 2016
Chasty Cottage Antiques
Antiques Fairs
Saturday 9th April Digby Hall, Hound Street, Next to Library SHERBORNE • DT9 3AA 9.30am – 4pm • Trade 8.30am • Admission £1
★ FUTURE DATE Saturday 28th May ★ ! 01963 370986 www.chastycottageantiques.co.uk
is the gig to go for. The large tented area occupies the space in Church Street where the Children’s Area will later be. Three great acts: Coco and the Butterfields, Leylines and the Gin Bowlers, plus a fully licensed bar at ridiculously low prices, burger bar and hog roast – all for only £6.50 a head. Entry by ticket only, from Kingsbury Community Shop at the Recreation Ground (01935 824159).
Woodworking Show Yandles of Martock
Yandles of Martock are pleased to announce that we will be holding one of Britain’s largest dedicated Woodworking Shows on Friday 8th (10am – 5pm) and Saturday 9th (10am – 4pm) of April. For our 2016 Spring Show we will be holding Masterclasses where you will be able to come along and sit in on a free class from some of our big manufacturers such as Record Power and Robert Sorby, Charnwood and Triton. Nick Agar, Dave Appleby, Gianni Deidda (new to Yandles), Paul Hannaby and Bryan Milham (new to Yandles) along
with Les Thorne (sponsored by Chestnut) and Mark Sanger (sponsored by Crown) will be amongst our Woodturning demonstrators. Along with this we have demonstrations in carving, chain saw carving, willow making and Blacksmith/ knifemaking to name but a few. If you add our hobby demonstrations and taster sessions to the equation and then let us mention that its free entry and parking, you can appreciate it’s a show not to be missed. Yandles of Martock have a comprehensive Hobbies & Crafts Centre (pictured right) where there will be taster sessions and demonstrations during the Woodworking Show.
FANTASTIC DEMOS in Wood & Crafts plus Taster Sessions in our Hobby Marquee Check out our website www.yandles.co.uk for further details Trade Stands with Special Show Offers
Drayton Street Fair
Outstanding Selection of Timber with Special Show Discounts
Saturday 3rd September 2 016 11.00am – 4.00pm Craft & Local Produce ★ Stalls Wanted ★ F R E E PA R K I NG
01458 251687 (day/evening) for further details
Friday 8th and Saturday 9th April 2016
Come along and sit in on a free class from some of our big manufacturers such as Record Power and Robert Sorby.
Visit our Gallery, Cafe, Hobby Shop and Refreshment Marquee A perfect day out for everyone, from the professional, to the hobbyist, to the family DON’T MISS OUT FREE ENTRY AND PARKING YANDLE & SONS LTD Hurst Works Martock • TA12 6JU Tel: 01935 822207 Email: info@yandles.co.uk www.yandles.co.uk 10am – 5pm Friday 10am – 4pm Saturday THE VISITOR April 2016 29
The show is one of Britain's longest running Woodworking Shows and attracts thousands of visitors from all over the UK and Europe. It takes place in our traditional Sawmill, which was founded over 150 years ago and helps make our Show unique. Our manufacturers who include Record Power, Charnwood, Draper, Triton, Ashley Iles, Chestnut, Classic Hand Tools, Robert Sorby and Mirka will be launching new products and offering special show deals. On top of this our very large selection of timber from our Self Selection Centre is discounted along with discounts
in the Woodworking Centre and a Sale in the Hobby Shop. Don’t forget to look around our outstanding 303 Gallery and when you need a break, there is the Cedar Tree Café or the refreshment marquee where you can purchase a welcoming drink and snack. For further details visit wwwyandles.co.uk, or e-mail us on info@yandles.co.uk
and the English landscape. 'Walking down country lanes or climbing a hill to watch the sun going down, I notice the seasons turn. The timeless landscape with its curves and hollows, shows every shade of green, red and gold as the farming year progresses. From the tracery of
winter trees to the billowing summer woodland, each month has a beauty that I don't want to see the end of. What a blessing that it all comes around again. I aim to capture Somerset's beguiling places; ancient apple orchards next to old stone barns, big fiery skies over the levels,
John Leach Gallery
The Gallery are delighted to welcome back Angie Rooke with a solo exhibition In the English Landscape - her latest acrylic paintings on the theme of nature
On display until 31st May an exhibition by Angie Rooke at The John Leach Gallery, Muchelney.
Support your local traders! Visit the market
And browse the variety of stalls on offer including ... ★ hot & cold food ★ local produce ★ fresh fish ★ clothes ★ gifts and accessories
Yeovil Street Markets are held 9am – 3pm on Tuesdays and Fridays in Lower Middle Street CALLING ALL BUDDING ENTREPRENEURS If you run a small business or you are thinking of starting a new business read on ... Yeovil Market could provide you with an opportunity to sell or showcase your products. More information is available for traders and customers at: www.southsomerset.gov.uk/yeovilmarkets or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/yeovilmarket Alternatively call Lisa or Julia on 01935 462746 or 07973 725913 to discuss your requirements
30 THE VISITOR April 2016
sheep grazing on a steep hillside. Coming home from walking there, I apply colour to canvas and can look from my attic studio to the wooded hills around and the sky above me for further inspiration.' Angie Rooke. Shop and gallery open Monday to Saturday, 9-1, 2-5 (including bank holidays), Muchelney Pottery, Muchelney, Nr. Langport, Somerset, TA10 0DW. www.johnleachpottery.co.uk 01458 250324
Sherborne Artslink
Thanks to funding from The Lottery, Sherborne Artslink is able to offer activities free of charge and on Thursday 7th April a family fun session for under 12’s and their families takes place at the Digby Hall, Hound Street, DT9 3AA from 10am - 12noon or 1.30pm - 3.30pm. There’s no need to book for this messy, arty session, just turn up. For more information visit www.sherborneartslink.org.uk
Flower Arranging Workshops
Local ladies set the Spring season off to a fashionable start by making floral cards at a flower arranging workshop held on 25th February at Combe St Nicholas Village Hall, near Chard. During a step-by-step demonstration by their tutor, Jackie Nicholls, the scent of the spring flowers filled the air – together with lots of fun and laughter. Kim Hill from Horton, Ilminster said ‘It was very relaxing and friendly and great doing something new, as well as seeing all the different designs created.’ The next workshop - Time for Tea - Vintage and Contemporary takes place on Thursday 21st April from 10am - 12.30pm. A tea-cup (and saucer) may not seem the obvious choice for a vase, but for small-scale floral snippets from your garden these designs are absolutely delightful and so versatile. You will learn how to make either a lovely vintage or stunning contemporary design linked to the colour and style of your tableware. A perfect design for you to keep - or repeat to give as a lovely gift. Cost is £20 per person per workshop including basic kit and refreshments. For more information contact Jackie on 01460 67795 or 07906 259683 or visit www.ashvilledesign.co.uk
Mendip Decorative & Fine Arts Society
5th April 2016, Take a Pinch (of Snuff): Mr Ian Pickford, well known for his expertise on silver from BBC TV’s Antiques Road Show, will talk about the development and decline of snuff boxes, the designs and social impact of these and other items, reflecting on the reasons behind it. MDFAS meet at the Bath and West Bar & Restaurant, B&W Show Ground, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6QN at 11am. Details from www.mdfas.org.uk. Guests Welcome, contact 01934 862435.
Wells Cathedral
Escape for a few hours to the peace of Wells Cathedral. Described as ‘the most poetic of the English Cathedrals’ visitors are welcome every day of the year. Join a free scheduled daily tour with a highly trained Cathedral Guide. Available every day (except Sundays) highlights could include the magnificent West Front, stunning scissor arches, one of the most substantial collections of medieval stained glass in England and medieval Vicars’ Close. The Cathedral also runs free ‘Window Walks’ & ‘Embroideries Tours’ on most Saturday and Wednesday mornings (AprilOctober) from 11.15am. No booking required. Family trails and holiday workshops are also available. Visitors are welcome to join daily services or to simply take
Lace Corset by Fletcher Sibthorp. Original Silk Screen Print. Limited Edition of 95 copies. Framed size 770mm x 905mm £695.00. New in at Martock Gallery, Martock.
‘Can’t You Sleep Little Bear’
Prints ★ Paintings ★ Bronzes ★ Mirrors ★ Framing Passport Photographs ★ Prints to Canvas
– ILLUSTRATIONS by – Barbara Firth from the ‘Little Bear’ childrens books. Official collectors edition of 495. Other images available on our website. Framed size 380mm x 440mm.
Martock Gallery Open: Monday - Friday 9.00 - 5.00, Saturday 9.30 - 4.30
Water Street • Martock • Tel: (01935) 823254 • www.martockgallery.com
THE VISITOR April 2016 31
Milborne Port Opera
time out and enjoy refreshments in the popular café. A second Cathedral shop is also now open in Wells Market Place.
Say you saw it in The Visitor
April Notice Board BUCKLAND NEWTON
Jazz at the Church of the Holy Rood, with Sunset Cafe Stompers on Saturday 30th April, 7pm. Tickets £10 (under 12s free, 12-17yrs £5) from 01300 345251 / 345427.
Pop-up Shop for Antique & Vintage at Hannah More Cottage, Cheddar BS27 3HE, April 9th & 10th from 10am - 5pm.
Flower Festival at St Andrews Compton Dundon, May 28th to 30th, 10am-5pm. Theme ‘Anniversaries’. Refreshments provided and donations appreciated.
The famous West Front of Wells Cathedral.
Brympton House
A group of volunteers is providing guided tours of Brympton House near Yeovil on Tuesdays from April until September by kind permission of the owners. Brympton estate includes the main house, unchanged since the 17th Century and the Chantry Building originating in the 13th Century. St Andrew’s Church is adjacent and is still used for formal worship.
Brympton has its origins around 1220, but is a house that is still earning a living today whilst usually remaining completely hidden from public view. The famous historical architect Nickolaus Pevsner wrote about Brympton:- ‘the ensemble of the house with its gardens and outbuildings, chantry house and church is of exquisite beauty, one of the most perfect the country house has to offer.’
28th April at 7.30pm in the Parish Church (TA12 6JL), sixth visit by The Sunset Cafe Stompers, playing New Orleans jazz and popular tunes from last Century plus Mike Denham's ragtime piano solos. Tickets £8 on door, £7 from 01925 822706.
Yeovil Art Group’s 69th Annual Exhibition, 12th April - 16th May, Octagon Theatre, Yeovil, daily except Sundays 1-4pm, and all performance evenings.
Brympton House & Gardens Yeovil • BA22 8TD
A listing under our Notice Board costs just £5 - send details of What? When? Where? to The Visitor, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7BG. All entries to be pre-paid, maximum 20 words. Extra words 30p each. Deadline for May issue, Friday 15th April. 32 THE VISITOR April 2016
A unique house with a unique history starting in the 13thC. The house is still lived in and working today in the 21stC. House and gardens OPEN for TOURS ON TUESDAYS ONLY from 11am - 4pm • (April to end of September) Group bookings available contact: tours@brymptonhouse.org
Milborne Port Opera’s next production is Gilbert & Sullivan’s comic opera The Sorcerer. MPO has updated it to 1958, the beginning of the rock n’ roll era, and set it in a fantasy version of Milborne Port. The Sorcerer of the title puts ‘something in the tea’ at a village wedding – Ven House no less, with catastrophic and chaotic results. It’s very funny, with great music and singing. The show runs from April 1316 at 7.30pm in Milborne Port Village Hall. Tickets £12.00. Concession tickets, £10.00 on the Wednesday. Milborne Port Opera always aims to punch above its weight, putting on ambitious and successful musical shows in a transformed village Hall. This year you can book using credit or debit cards 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To book tickets go to www.milborneportopera.co.uk and follow the links, or tickets are available from Wayne’s Butchers or the Post Office in Milborne Port. The box office phone will continue, but with limited hours. MPO were awarded the ‘Challenge Trophy’ in the annual David Beach Awards for Musical Theatre, for their original show Spring Fate, written, composed, arranged, directed and scored by MPO’s Neil Edwards, presented to them by the Somerset Fellowship of Drama. Spring Fate was Neil’s third show for the MPO. It played last year to considerable critical acclaim. This is the second time MPO has won the Challenge Trophy. In 2013 they won it for the way in which they so cleverly transform the Village Hall into a theatre, and also an award for the best set. In 2015 they won the Show Stopper award for best musical number.
This Sounds Like Fun!
On Sunday 17th April, 3.30 – 5.30pm, a Wine Dance (a Tea Dance with alcohol for those who like it!) will take place at The David Hall, South Petherton. The event will be very retro, with great music from the 1930s and 1940s, played on original gramophones. There will also be the opportunity to learn a few steps with a trained dance teacher. You’ve seen Strictly – now try it for yourself! Tickets: £5, including a slice of home-
made cake can be reserved by calling 01460 240340 or by emailing boxoffice@the davidhall.org.uk they can also be booked and paid for via www.thedavidhall.org.uk
Camperex is coming to the Bath & West Showground on the 8th10th April. Camperex is an event that supports and encourages people to get out and explore the world in fun and innovative ways. The perfect place to buy … and have fun! Whether you’re looking for a new or used caravan, motorhome, campervan or tent,
Bob Mills will be entertaining the visitors at Camperex.
or you just want to explore the show, purchase some accessories and have some fun – Camperex is the perfect destination. There's lots of things to do, a climbing wall for the kids, giant chess, badminton, learn some bush craft skills. Or why not try your hand at manoeuvring a caravan, courtesy of The Caravan Club experts and enter their competition for a chance to win a brand new Knaus Sport & Fun Caravan! Come for the day, or stay for the weekend. Campers get to enjoy some great entertainment, including a fabulous night of comedy hosted by the hilarious Bob Mills! For tickets and more information: www.camperex.com Pictured right. Tone Bridge and Taunton Castle, just two watercolours of one of Somerset’s best known artists Harry Frier (1849 - 1921). The exhibition ‘Captured in Time: The Art of Harry Frier’ is currently on display in The Museum, Taunton Castle, until 22nd October. Entry is free.
THE VISITOR April 2016 33
National Pet Month NATIONAL PET MONTH 2016 runs from 1st April - 2nd May and its aim is to promote responsible pet ownership. Pets provide us with companionship and love and bring benefits to individuals and households alike.
New Trail for Ferne Animal Sanctuary
A new plaque rubbing trail at Ferne Animal Sanctuary, provided by Bovis Homes, has just been launched and put to the test by pupils of Buckland St Mary C of E Primary School. Pictured left: One of the new plaques at Ferne Animal Sanctuary, Chard, TA20 3DH, provided by Bovis Homes.
1st April – 2nd May 2016 The accessible trail meanders throughout the Sanctuary from the grassed play area of the Gazebo, through the woodland with the Lily and Dragonfly ponds and past the play equipment area, finishing outside the cafe. Jenny Wheadon, Head of External Funding for Ferne said, ‘The plaque rubbing trail at Ferne will be a welcome new addition for our many visiting families. It’s a lovely accessible walk in all weathers and will now also provide a great opportunity to create a memory of Ferne’s wildlife to take home. We are grateful to Bovis Homes for kindly providing these plaques and delighted that the students of Buckland St Mary had so much fun giving them a trial run.’ The engraved plaques were designed by local wildlife artist Patrick Moran and include pictures of a frog, toadstool, ferns, kingfisher, deer, oak and acorn. The plaque rubbings were kindly provided by Bovis Homes, who are building properties at Cloakham Lawns in Axminster, as an added attraction for the many visitors from the local community and beyond to enjoy whilst visiting Ferne. Kate Brewer, Marketing
A wide range of food and accessories for your pet can be found at Brunel Pet Centre, Somerton.
Brunel Pet Centre 5a Brunel Shopping Precinct — SOMERTON — Tel: 01458 274980 Email: info@brunel-pets.com Website: www.brunel-pets.com
Many Brands of Dog & Cat Food Stocked Dog & Cat Treats, Toys & Beds Small Animal Foods, Treats Hay and Straw Wide Selection of Wild Bird Food & Feeders ORDERS WELCOME
If there is something you require which we don’t stock, we will endeavour to order it for you
34 THE VISITOR April 2016
National Pet Month Manager for Bovis Homes said ‘We are excited to be working with Ferne, which is a real hidden gem and a wonderful community facility. We’re proud to support the communities in which we work and we are glad to be able to do our bit to help encourage visitors to the centre.’
Vet Practice Offers New Protection Against Emerging Dog Diseases
New emerging strains of one of the most common and potentially deadly dog diseases –Leptospirosis – have prompted Delaware Veterinary Group, with branches at Castle Cary and Yeovil to launch a new vaccination policy in a bid to protect the local dog population from this and other fatal diseases. Leptospirosis is a widespread disease which is carried by rodents such as the rat and other animals. It is a serious disease that infects dogs, and even people, potentially fatal to both. It is passed via an infected animal’s urine or from contaminated water, so almost any dog that goes outside is at risk. Following infection some dogs become long-term carriers that whilst appearing healthy, can put others at risk of disease. However, the good news is that like Parvovirus the disease can be prevented by vaccination. In recent years, more strains of Leptospirosis have appeared so Delaware Veterinary Group is now using a new vaccine that provides higher levels of protection against four strains of leptospirosis, rather than just two strains covered by traditional vaccines. This vaccine also helps to protect the local dog population and environment by preventing the spread of this disease via dogs’ urine. Parvovirus is a highly contagious and particularly nasty disease that can kill a puppy or dog within two to three days of the symptoms first being noticed. Vaccination is the only effective way of preventing parvovirus and over the years different strains of the disease have emerged. As a result Delaware Veterinary Group is now offering pet owners this new dog vaccine that covers the most common type of Parvovirus in the UK. As well as dog owners benefiting from this up-to-date vaccine, there is also good news for puppy owners as this vaccine can be used in puppies as young as 7 weeks of age, if needed. Delaware Veterinary Group comments:
‘Vaccination is the only way to protect your dog from serious diseases like parvovirus and leptospirosis, as well as distemper, hepatitis and parainfluenza. Many of these diseases are sadly still around and are very difficult to treat and often fatal, so prevention through vaccination is vital.’ To further support the introduction of the new vaccine, Delaware Veterinary Group are running a vaccination amnesty which offers a full Primary course for the cost of a single booster together with a full health examination by a veterinary surgeon at £43.99. For more information or to book your dog in for a vaccination, contact Castle Cary on 01963 350307 or Yeovil on 01935 474690.
Isle Valley Vets
A microchip is a small chip implanted under the skin of an animal. At Isle Valley Vets they have inserted chips into dogs, cats, tortoises and rabbits as well as horses, ponies and donkeys. They use minichips which are half the size of a grain of rice. The chip barcode is registered on a database. A found animal can be scanned, identified and reunited with the owner. Vets, animal charities and the dog warden will scan any lost animals which are brought to them. By law from April 2016 all dogs must be microchipped, and owners must keep contact details up to date. Microchipping your animal gives you peace of mind.
1st April – 2nd May 2016
Protect your pet from fleas and ticks - visit Crossroads Pet Supplies on the Sherborne/Yeovil causeway.
Dog tired of high prices? VISIT
• Pet Foods • Bird & Pigeon Seeds • Full range of Toys, Hutches, Accessories
... all at competitive prices Ample FREE PARKING outside the Door Find us at Forward Garage on the main A30 between Sherborne & Yeovil
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THE VISITOR April 2016 35
MOTOR ING VINTAGE Motor Cycling I ALWAYS CONSIDER APRIL to be one of my favourite months. The temperature starts to climb, the profusion of spring flowers, the hedgerows and trees green up with that vibrant brand new look about them, and of course motorcycling activities gain apace as the better weather arrives, what joy lies ahead. During April the Somerset Section have a guest speaker at their club night on the 7th. This is followed on the 16th and 17th by the Cheddar Weekend and from the 23rd to the 26th they have the Twin Dragon Run. This event is a four day ride up into Wales exploring some of its finest scenery. The Wessex Veteran and Vintage Section has a guest speaker for their club night on the 11th and on the 17th will be the Hinton St Mary Run for veteran and vintage machines only. The Dorset Section start the month on the 6th with their Lunch Meet at West Stour. On the 10th they have the Blandford Run which starts in the Market Place. Club night is at Pulham on the 13th and also from Pulham will be the Bluebell Run on the 24th. Lastly we return to West Stour on the 30th for the Breakfast Meet. As usual more details of any of these events can be found by ringing 01935 872528. Coincidence can be a funny thing. I recently visited our Cornwall Section for a club night and they had a guest speaker giving an illustrated talk on vehicles made in Cornwall. This I found fascinating as he described literally dozens of different vehicles all made in Cornwall. Some were purely one-offs but others went into production, even if in small quantities. They ranged from lorries to all manner of kit car type vehicles and of course various motorcycles. I have only heard part
Organiser of the Dorset Section Winter Run, Phill Allen (right), signs in Peter Winch of Bristol who travelled to Gillingham to participate in the February run.
two of this man's talk so I have no idea of total numbers but I was still amazed at the number of makes and variety of vehicles. The coincidence is that a few days earlier I had been lent a book describing the life and times of one motorcycle enthusiast called Jack Pouncy who lived in and around Dorchester. He started his two wheeled career before the First World War and soon got into competitive riding. He soon realised that the lightweight machines he needed were not good enough, nor strong enough, to cope with the rigours of competition. His solution was to build his own machines to his own specification. He became very well known, even at national level, and the more successes he had so fellow riders were wanting him to build machines for them. And so small scale production commenced and upgrades were made as the years rolled by. Pouncy enjoyed a long competitive career ending in the 1960's. I have never seen a Pouncy and wonder if any still exist? I now turned my thoughts as to how many different makes of vehicle had been made in my home county of Dorset. Pouncy of course came immediately to mind, as did AJW motorcycles which originated in Exeter but later went to Wimborne before ending
production in Bournemouth. I also know of the Hamblin Cadet cars made in Sherborne. And that is as far as my knowledge and research has taken me. So why should it be that Dorset can muster so few makes whilst Cornwall can boast dozens of them? I can only assume that being at the extremities of our island the Cornish men had to do their own thing and be more resourceful than the rest of us. If you know of other Dorset makes then let me know. I have not even started to think of the inventiveness of Somerset folk. I made mention last month of the February Winter Run from Gillingham, organised by the Dorset Section. It turned out to be a chilly but dry day and 12 gallant souls took to the roads. My picture
this month shows event organiser, Phill Allen (right), signing on Peter Winch who had travelled down from Bristol to take part. Peter travels many miles to ride in events all over this area, I feel we should all follow his lead and get out on our bikes to make more use of them. Now is certainly time to put words into action. Should you gain information about a Brough Superior available for sale locally for £10,000 remember the 1st of the month is a special day. Do not be surprised if this information turns out to be false, but should the information prove to be correct then can I propose that my phone number should be the first you dial. Rod Hann.
Cheque Presentation
Organisers of Classics at the Mill presented a cheque for £2,256.70 to Patrick Bagg from the Motor Neurone Disease Association. The money was raised at last April's Classics at the Mill event, a classic car show and family fun day. The organisers would like to thank the following: Haselbury Mill for allowing the event to be held in the grounds and barn; Mini Muckers Car Club for the extra money raised from their cake sale; everybody who attended and made this event a success. This years show is on Sunday 17th April 10am to 4pm. Anybody requiring more information or a booking form for their classic car should visit www.classicsatthe mill.co.uk spaces are filling up fast so booking is advised to avoid disappointment.
Organisers of Classics at the Mill presented a cheque for £2,256.70 to Patrick Bagg from the MND Association after last years event.
GLIDEROL GARAGE DOORS All garage doors are different, so as a roller door specialist, (I don’t replace windows, etc.) I can survey, quote and install to your requirements and make the most of your garage opening, as generally no frame is necessary. With the option of automated operation with remote control, a top quality garage door need only be a phone call away.
G.H. SALES. Tel: 01935 891414 36 THE VISITOR April 2016
House & Home Lighting/Lamp Information from Jeans Electrical of Mere
The EU have announced that as of February 2016, all the following incandescent lamps will be banned from import in to the UK. Rough Service Candle lamps Rough Service Golf ball Rough service GLS Reflector Cooker hood lamps Strip lamps 221mm and 284mm Jeans still have a large stock of traditional lamps in stock in their Salisbury Street shop and they are happy to order (any quantity) for customers as long as they are able to obtain them. Some lamps are already in short supply.
They also stock a range of more efficient lamps of various types and fittings and they are happy to show you catalogues with the ranges available to order including, Halogen and LED. In addition they have a selection of energy saving lamps that are ‘dimmable’ and they can order these in specific base fittings suitable for your lighting. Telephone Jeans Electrical for further details on 01747 860215 or visit their Salisbury Street shop in Mere.
think and the benefits include: Automatic top up technology orders gas so you don’t have to. No tank replacement costs with Calor there’s no tank to buy. A new efficient boiler - can save you energy and money. Greener and cleaner - than oil and solid fuel. Controllable cooking - with a gas flame. No fuel theft - it’s virtually impossible to steal gas. Storage options - above ground or hidden underground.
What Does Your Front Door Say About You?
When it comes to curb appeal it's all about the first impression. New Home Finder reveals all! There are few things quite as pleasing as decorating your brand new home. It is what makes a new build house feel like yours by reflecting your taste and your personality. However, we all know that it is the first impression that often counts the most, so forget your beautifully decorated interiors
Calor Gas
Many people living in rural areas have already enjoyed a worry-free winter with Calor gas. If you switch from oil, solid fuel or electricity you can experience all the benefits of gas, off grid. It’s easier to switch than you
for all your Tool Hire Requirements including Mini Digger Hire and Garden Machinery Higher Farm, Sutton, Ditcheat Tel: 01749 860199 • Mob: 0777 163 2221
Fabrics from Prestigious Textiles Iliv ✽ Clarke & Clarke Fibre Naturelle and more OPEN: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, 9.30am – 3.00pm Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm Thursday closed or by appointment
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House & Home with carefully chosen furniture, because it could well be the colour of your front door that reveals most about you ‌
1. The Orange Front Door
Orange is the colour of warmth. It is an expression of energy,
38 THE VISITOR April 2016
happiness and confidence. A blend of the primary colours red and yellow it represents a mixture of the qualities associated to each; the happiness of yellow and the boldness of red. People who paint their front door orange are often social
butterflies. They love to entertain and certainly don’t shy away from the challenge of playing host.
2. The Red Front Door
Red is the colour of passion. It is vibrant, lively and exciting and so too is the person behind the
door. People who choose to paint their front door red are often some of the most welcoming and hospitable souls, delighting in entertaining and having guests.
House & Home This explains why traditionally, red has represented a hospitable home. A red door says ‘welcome’ and it means it.
3. The Yellow Front Door
Yellow is the colour of logic. It represents the left side of the brain responsible for critical thinking and original thought. As the lightest colour in the spectrum it also inspires feelings of cheerfulness, fun and positivity. The person living behind a yellow door is going to be both logical and lively with lots of vitality for life. Their positive attitude gives them the ‘get up and go’ attitude.
4. The Pink Front Door
Pink is the colour of love. A mix of red and white it blends the qualities of these two colours. The passion and boldness of red is softened by the purity of white making it romantic, loving and thoughtful. As you may well guess then, the person living behind a pink door is the neighbourhood’s
A corner of the kitchen showroom at Homemaker of Shaftesbury. Homemaker offer a complete design and installation service.
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House & Home hopeless romantic! They will make a good partner and a great friend thanks to their caring nature and thoughtfulness.
5. The Brown Front Door
Brown is the colour of earth. It
is warm, stable and organic. Whether painted brown or natural wood, the person behind this door will share the same characteristics as the colour. They will be grounded, down to earth, warm and friendly.
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6. The Green Front Door
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Green is the colour of health and wealth. It is tranquil and traditional. With the combined power of representing health and wealth, the individuals living behind the green door are often successful and ambitious. They value the well-being of their family as well as working hard and self-improvement.
.T ow
However, should the shade of brown be on the darker side of the spectrum then it could reflect a more private soul, looking to avoid too much interaction with the outside world.
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7. The Purple Front Door
Purple means extravagance. It reflects wealth, fantasy and risk. It is no surprise then, that the person who picks purple is more than comfortable taking a risk or two. They will also enjoy the finer things in life, indulging in treats and pleasures where ever they can. More than that though, the person behind the purple door will dream big and even consider themselves free spirited.
8. The Black Front Door
Black is the colour of sophistication. It is classic, authoritative and stylish. Painting your front door black makes a bold statement. It tells the world your home is a place of order and control. That means the person living behind the black front door is
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THE VISITOR April 2016 41
House & Home likely to have a place for everything and everything in its place. They are a strong, sophisticated person of substance and style.
9. The White Front Door
White is the colour of perfection. It represents wholeness, equality and perhaps surprisingly, creativity. White is the sum of all
colours in equal measures and that’s why it has connotations of wholeness and equality. Like the colour, the person living behind the white door will be someone who is very fair. They will be open to all sides of an argument, carefully balancing each side to arrive at a fair resolution. They are also likely to be highly imaginative, able to
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fill the blankness of white with ideas and creativity.
10. The Grey Front Door
Grey is the colour of contentment. It is calm, practical and reserved. Being a mix between black and white, grey can also be considered the colour of indecision and even indifference. The person who has a grey front door will be looking for a quiet life. They don’t like to stand out too much and are happy making the compromises often demanded by modern life, to ensure stability and balance in their lives.
ocean waves have often been used as examples of peace and relaxation, so it is no wonder that blue represents these qualities. Someone who chooses to paint their door blue will value the peace and tranquillity it brings and will view their home as a place of refuge from the pressures of the outside world. They will also be grounded, honest and true to themselves.
11. The Blue Front Door
Blue is the colour of peace. It is calming, relaxing and honest. The sound of the sea breeze and the
12. The Glass Front Door
Last but by no means least, the glass door. Like the material itself, the person behind the glass door has nothing to hide. They are friendly, outgoing and open. So, does your front door suit you or will you be making a change? New Home Finder provides everything you need to know about buying a new home. Visit www.newhomefinder.co.uk
Ten Reasons to Buy a Rayburn
For more than sixty years, Rayburn has been the warm heart of many British homes, leading the field in central heating range cookers. Below are just a few reasons why hundreds of thousands of happy Rayburn owners love the range of products. To experience why the Rayburn has such long standing popularity, why not visit a Rayburn Stockist, request a brochure or visit one of their Rayburn demonstrations to see 42 THE VISITOR April 2016
House & Home their products first hand and experience the difference they could make to your home.
1. A central heating system and cooker in one neat package
Beneath the classically beautiful exterior of a Rayburn lies a highly efficient combined heating and cooking system that creates mouth-watering dishes, a wonderfully warm home and piping hot water, just when you need it. What's more, with the added convenience of having all your heating, hot water and cooking in one, you can use valuable additional space for other appliances - or creative space!
2. Workhorse in the home
This attractive oak dining suite is just one of many styles and sizes available for immediate delivery from Fit & Furnish of Yeovil.
Nothing's more honest than a Rayburn. Throughout history Rayburn has been inseparable from life in the country. When Shire horses ploughed the fields and generations of families worked the land, a Rayburn range was always at the centre of family life providing heating, hot water and cooking for all.
Our spring savings are in full bloom. Hand-picked deals on a range of built-in and freestanding appliances.
Bosch is number 1 brand for major domestic appliances in Europe.*
Ask in store for details. bosch-home.co.uk Promotion dates: 17.03.16 – 04.05.16. Offer applies to selected models only, chosen by the retailer. * Source Euromonitor, volume sales, 2015.
vice Beyond The Sa r Ser le Fo
Yo ur
Local Electrical Retaile
59 Cheap Street, Sherborne 01935 389665
34 Market Place, Sturminster Newton 01258 472564 THE VISITOR April 2016 43
House & Home 3. Better food
The Rayburn is a brilliant cooker that produces amazing succulent food from cast iron ovens. Using the principle of indirect heat, the ovens gently cook food and lock in flavour, moisture and goodness.
4. Controllable, flexible and programmable
In keeping with the latest home heating and hot water systems, all modern Rayburn cookers are fully programmable, fitted with thermostats. Some even benefit from digital controls. Sophisticated digital sensors monitor both the oven and boiler to ensure constant temperatures and an advanced control unit will
alert you of any issues. The flexibility to decide when you need your Rayburn on or off, in turn means lower fuel bills.
of the 200 Series perfectly suit smaller kitchens, whilst the 600 has the largest hotplate on the market and a main oven that's a full 16% bigger than other smaller Rayburn models.
7. Proud heritage
For 65 years, the Rayburn has been made by skilled craftsmen at the company's historic foundry in Coalbrookdale, Shropshire the birthplace of the Industrial
5. The green choice
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44 THE VISITOR April 2016
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Wine & Dine Wine with Religious Connections
KNOWING I WAS TO ENJOY a few hours away from the daily toil over Easter and prompted by the gift of a book entitled Divine Vintage, which follows the wine trail from Genesis to the modern age, I have been giving some thought this month to the origins of some historic vineyards which have strong religious connections. The Catholic religion, dominant in Europe during the Middle Ages, needed wine for its liturgy and it is of course an integral part of the sacrament of the Eucharist, where the priest and the faithful are called to communion with Jesus by drinking the wine, the Blood of Christ. Wine is also very common in Christian symbolism with many references to be found in the Bible. Jesus turned water into wine during the wedding at Cana and prays over a glass of wine at the Last Supper. In St. John’s Gospel Jesus said: I am the true vine, and my Father is wine grower. I am the vine. You are the branches.
From early Christianity onwards the abbots of monasteries and bishops throughout Europe became wine growers and cultivated vineyards. A number of Catholic saints were also associated with vineyards at the end of the Roman Empire and early Middle Ages. Interest in wine was economic, as wine surpluses were sold and the profits kept to help maintain the monasteries which developed between the 9th and the 13th century. A large quantity of wine was consumed by the monasteries, as it was generally accepted as a part of the daily diet in the Middle Ages. Wine was also used for the care of the sick and elderly. Long before the wines of Champagne were famous, it was monks from the abbey of Saint Remi in Reims who first realised the quality of the vineyards in the area known as La Grande Montagne, all now classified as Premier Cru. Champagne Dom Pérignon, Moët et Chandon’s top cuvée, is
Farm Shops & Local Produce
Tel: 01458 272777
FRESH LOCAL MEAT, HOT PASTIES, PIES & SAUSAGE ROLLS Shop opening hours Tuesday – Friday 8am – 5.30pm, Saturday 8am – 2pm
★ Somerset Reared Pork ★ Dry Cured Maple & Black Strap Bacon ★ ★ Dry Aged Beef – including Dexter Beef ★
★ Handmade Sausages and Burgers with Gluten Free Options Available ★ Come and see us on our OPEN DAY Saturday 30th April, 9.30am – 2pm Free Tasters • Artisan Butchery Demo • Free Hog Roast Cut this advert out and bring it to our open day to receive 10% DISCOUNT on ANY PURCHASE
46 THE VISITOR April 2016
named after the famous 17th Century Benedictine Monk, who is arguably said to have discovered Champagne, exclaiming ‘Come quickly, I am drinking the stars!’ Dom Pérignon is only made in exceptional vintage years from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes picked from only the very best crus of the region. It is readily available but prices can vary widely by several hundred pounds depending on the vintage; expect to pay at least £120. Pope Clement V, a native of Bordeaux, owned the vineyard estate in Graves that is today known as Château Pape Clément. It produces wine from the PessacLéognan appellation, ranked among the Grands Crus Classé. The 1995, available at £96 a bottle, is an excellent example of a classic Bordeaux, made in a textbook Pessac-Léognan style; full-bodied fleshy wine with plenty of weight, backed up by polished tannins, with an earthiness to its fruit flavours. The famous Clos de Vougeot vineyard was created by the Cistercian monks of Cîteaux Abbey, who acquired the land over a period of two centuries. By 1336 a wall had been built around it and it became their flagship vineyard, highly regarded, with prices to match but well worth splurging on. These stunning Burgundian wines produce exceptionally pure Pinot Noir characteristics; a fragrant, perfumed nose with red cherry, raspberry, rose petals and violets, and a smooth, plump, ripe palate. The 2005 Jean Grivot, Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru is available at around £120. At the other end of the price scale, and popular in the 1970s and 80s, is Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio (meaning the tears of Christ on Vesuvius). The Bianco DOC, Terredora 2014, is just £12.30. One of the myths
surrounding this wine, include the story of when Jesus ascended into heaven, on casting his eyes over the beautiful Bay of Naples he wept tears of joy, which fell upon Mount Vesuvius. Made from the rare Coda di Volpe grape variety, this has a ripe New World style, with a fresh tropical fruit nose and a dry palate. Châteauneuf-du-Pape roughly translates as "The Pope's new castle" and the history of this appellation is firmly linked to papal history. In 1308, Pope Clement V relocated the papacy to Avignon. He and subsequent "Avignon Popes" were lovers of Burgundy wines and widely promoted it. Prior to this, viticulture of the area had been intended largely for local consumption. Clement V was succeeded by John XXII, who did much to improve viticultural practices, and was responsible for erecting the famous castle, now the symbol for the appellation. The wines became known as "Vin du Pape", later changed to Châteauneuf-du-Pape. The Blason des Papes Châteauneufdu-Pape 2014, at £20.99, has a rich texture and spicy red fruit flavours, bursting with heady redcurrant fruit followed by a smooth layer of cherry liqueur and a spicy finish, ideal with roast lamb. LP-V.
Wessex Butchers Open Day 30th April
Are you a meat lover that enjoys proper dry aged beef, local free range pork and succulent grass fed lamb? Then why not join the Wessex butchery team on their Open Day on Saturday 30th April, with a free hog roast and tasters of their award-winning sausages and prime hand-made beefburgers, along with Wyke Farm cheese! There will also be a butchery demo. Cut out the advert to receive 10% discount on any purchase on the day.
Wine & Dine pages ...
May Deadline: Friday 15th April Published: Thursday 28th April
Ilchester, Yeovil, BA22 8LD Tel: 01935 840447 www.northovermanor.com
Come dine with us!
April Dinner Promotion S TA R T E R S Caramelised Onion and Cider Soup Po"ed Shrimp and Prawns Pulled Aromatic Duck, Walnut and Crispy Shallot Salad Grilled Brie with Grape Chutney and Toasted Ciaba"a Cured Salmon, Brixham Crab and Crème Fraiche
MAINS Pork Belly, Spring Vegetables and Puy Lentils Spiced Chicken Breast with Mango and Coriander Cous Cous Roast Onion Risso"o Beef Ball Stroganoff, Potato Rosti and a Tomato Salsa Marinated Fish Skewers with Cucumber, Ginger and Chilli Salad
DESSERTS Dark Chocolate Fondant Lemon Posset with Berry Consomme West Country Cheese and Biscuits Crepe Suze"e Apple Sorbet, Jelly and Calvados Sabayon
✶ 3 Courses plus a Glass of House Wine for £20 ✶ Monday to Friday with this Voucher
Comedy Night Friday 29th April Tickets £12 on the day ‒ £8 in advance Special Two Course Menu £12.95 Dinner at 7.30pm • Show starts 8.45pm
Charity Dinner Saturday 30th April Charity Dinner in aid of Action Medical Research with Guest Speaker Tickets £40 • Arrival 7pm
Pub Pages
Well, perhaps it was too much to expect ...
I WAS EXCITED to see that the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) produced a two page article about pub games in their recent magazine 'Beer', and was naive enough to think this was going to be the start of a series; something 'big' perhaps. It was however, not to be, and after just the one article it came to an end. Those couple of pages were of interest to all of us who love pub games, and entitled 'Game of Throwns' (sic) it dealt with the more unusual tossing, pitching and throwing games. Most of these would not too difficult to construct, and a scan of the internet soon gives some ideas as to what one could make to stimulate interest in the local
pub. Pitch penny, tossing the penny, toad in the hole are simple throwing games as their names suggest and each involves tossing coins or discs from variable distances into a hole - even a hole in a bench or settle will do. Whilst they tend to be very parochial (games can be seen being played at perhaps just one pub) whereas the simple game of 'corks' boasts a league of 14 teams in South Wales. To play one sets up 5 wine corks (in a sort of 'star' formation) and then players aim to knock them over with 3 more. Easy to set up but perhaps not so easy to play. Other games featured were brief descriptions of what we here in the West Country would call table skittles, and the Northampton and Leicestershire versions which involve delivering a small cheeseshaped wooden missile at a table of skittles, which are surrounded by various types of barriers and even a net or 'hood' which hopefully prevent any misdelivered cheeses or errant skittles doing damage to the surrounding scenery or worse, ones glass of beer. Another game described was 'ring the bull' where a large-ish metal ring on a length of cord is swung in an arc before landing on a hook - hopefully. The 'bull' part comes from the fact, or myth (take your pick), that the first game had been invented where a bull's head, mounted on the wall of a pub, had a hook screwed into his nose. Since then any variety of animals have been sacrificed
Home-Made Food Served 7 Days a Week
Real Ales - Garden Skittle Alley
TRADITIONAL COUNTRY PUB Serving Sensibly Priced Food & Drink
Dinnington, Nr. Hinton St. George • Tel 01460 52397 Your hosts, Mick, Jean and Garry welcome you to
Lower Street, West Chinnock A charming country inn serving home cooked fayre lunchtime & evening
SUNDAY LUNCH £7.95 choice of roast Larger parties catered for
On 17th March Vinny popped over to The Wyndham Arms at Kingsbury Episcopi ...
in pursuit of this crazy game, or simply a hook placed on a beam or wall, has been utilised. As usual, I would be delighted to hear from you if there is a pub you know and love that plays interesting games. Recently by pure chance we had a pub short-listed for a Saturday night and a visit to their Facebook site revealed that they played Sjoelbak, a Dutch form of shuffle-board, as well as 'rings' which I am sure we all remember from our childhood days of tossing rings at a gaily painted board which featured a clowns face, upon which there would be ten or a dozen hooks all with various points value. Inevitably, as children we would lose some of the rings so a raiding party to our mother's pantry was in order to 'borrow' a few sealing rings from her Kilner jars! We have yet to pay a visit to this pub, but I am delighted to say that it is well within the 'Visitor' area. Perhaps some of you out there
know this pub already...? I have to admit, that I did submit to the editor of the previously mentioned magazine some of my highly educated writing, in the hope we could expose more of our wonderful English pub games to the 170,000 plus members of CAMRA, but I can only surmise my erudite, intellectual and learned contributions are still being reviewed. One would think two years was enough though. I am pleased to report that the article did bear reference to the fab book 'Played at the Pub: the Pub Games of Britain' by Arthur Taylor. I cannot praise this book enough, and Arthur paid a visit to our local to research the game we all know and love - skittles. I believe he is still working on it and continues to do research. His dedication in visiting so many establishments is of note! In my opinion it matters little what pub game you play as long as one gets involved with a league
The Rose and Crown Bower Hinton, Martock
Open Tuesday – Sunday ALL DAY from 12pm Food Served 12pm – 2.30pm and 5pm – 7pm Loyalty Card – Buy FIVE Bar Meals ... get SIXTH Meal FREE !!! Fortnightly Sunday Roast with choice of Two Meats ... Plus all the Trimmings £7.95 ★ Plus Dessert £9.95 Next Roasts on Sunday 3rd April & 17th April
With home-made BEER BATTER
Weekly Fish ‘n’ Chip Friday served 5pm – 8pm £6
STEAK SPECIAL two 8oz rump steaks £16.50
Sky Sports & BT Sports are shown on our two large screens
Sunday to Thursday
✱ RAMBLER GROUPS welcome ✱ Daily Specials • Real Ale • Skittle Alley • Beer Gardens • Accommodation
Tel: 01935 881235 48 THE VISITOR April 2016
Friday 1st, 15th & 29th April Fortnightly Quiz Friday 22nd April – LIVE MUSIC with Paul Smith starts 9pm Please ring for full details & bookings 01935 822393 or e-mail tracy@therosiebowerhinton.co.uk www.therosiebowerhinton.co.uk
Pub Pages
of some sort. Firstly it will get one off the settee and away from the haunted fish-tank, secondly it will increase ones circle of acquaintances, thirdly it will add that little bit of competitive edge to ones life, and fourth it will support the local pubs. One other thing; it will be FUN!! Whilst I cannot consider myself a regular to Wetherspoons by any means I do think they have filled a gap. Indeed, they have taken over many a pub that would no longer be with us I am sure, and made it a thriving joint. They've also re-opened former Banks, Cinemas and the occasional furniture shop as a pub too. As we have mentioned before,
CAMRA and 'Spoons had an upand-down relationship but one can only assume all that is well in the past as an annual CAMRA membership gives you £20 worth of 50p tokens for discounted pints of real ale. Wetherspoons are also known for their low beer prices so this truly is a bonus. Whether 'Spoons (sic!) think they are doing the populace a favour with their prices or, as I suspect, all decisions are based purely on commerce, I leave you to make up your own mind. However, never having had a bad pint (or indeed an expensive one) and never having had reason to complain about the food, I think there’s a proportion of the public who are just a bit too picky. We note with interest that the Sunday roast has been dropped from their menu, but no matter; there are excellent Sunday roasts in many pubs these days, quite possibly including your very own local. I thoroughly recommend these to be checked out - the prices may make you wonder why you go to the trouble of cooking it yourself and still have to do the washing up! So with summer just around the corner (he says optimistically)
and the second summer league season for us, I'm looking forward with some excitement. Okay I have a low excitement threshold, but we thoroughly enjoyed our first year playing in the warmer days and walking to the pub in shorts and T-shirts! I'm also off to the deepest depths of our garage (aka 'Black hole') to find
and dust off our 'Bat and Trap' equipment. Never heard of it? Pop it in on the inter-web and see what you can find; the kit is easily made and reasonable to buy if you would rather do so, but don't blame me if you start playing and find it addictive, because it certainly is! Go on - you know you want to.
Chris & Jill welcome you to the ...
ROYAL OAK Over Stratton, South Petherton Tel: 01460 240906
A Charming Country Inn
TRY OUR NEW SPRING LUNCHTIME MENU 2 Courses £8.95 Tuesday – Saturday Lunchtimes
TWO Rump Steaks, or TWO Beer Battered Haddock or TWO Gammon Steaks, or ANY TWO with a Carafe of Wine • £23.50 per couple Booking advised
★ TRADITIONAL SUNDAY ROAST ★ £8.95 Main • £6.75 Smaller Appetite Bookings essential to avoid disappointment
Wyndham Arms
A delightful country inn ... open all day - every day Delicious Homecooked Food Served Lunchtimes and Evenings ! Traditional Sunday Roasts: choice of meats ! The
Lord Nelson
Rectory Lane Norton Sub Hamdon
Mark, Helen and staff welcome you to ‘The Nelson’
Sunday 3rd April: Quiz by Phoenix Voices Sunday 10th April: Charlie Bateman (acoustic set) 3.30pm Friday 15th April: ‘Elvis’ Barry Paull Sunday 1st May: Beach Boys Tribute Monday to Friday – 2 Course Lunch £8 3 Course Lunch £12 GLUTEN FREE DISHES AVAILABLE
Tuesday and Wednesday – Steak Night 2 Steaks and a Bottle of Wine £30
Tel: 01935 881473 www.thelordnelson.biz
Want a change of venue next season? Try out our Skittle Alley refurbished in 2015 Top skittle food £2 per head • All real ales £3 pint ! FREE WiFi ! No Charge for Cash Back ! ! No Minimum Card Spend !
May Festival Weekend Friday 29th April: Freefall from 9pm
Tel: 01935 823239 Please visit us on our website: www.wyndhamarms.com to see full menu details THE VISITOR April 2016 49
They Say That cider is the cause of ... and the solution to ... all life’s little problems. That Laurence Wadman of Holton claims to be playing football on Saturdays, but we understand that he is, in fact, practising his Morris Dancing. That ‘Gypsy Caravans’ was an interesting talk by Brian Phelps at the Queen Camel Tuesday Group meeting in March, made all the more fascinating when he produced half a dozen of his beautifully detailed models. That Dave Brodie of Norton Sub Hamdon does a delightful rendition of Nellie the Elephant as his golfing partners in Portugal will confirm. That there was recently a lot of ‘horsing’ around at The Lord Nelson, Norton Sub Hamdon thanks to Ed Clifton Brown thankfully things are now more stable! That a certain Chiselborough gentleman assured his good lady that he had in fact done her a favour, as she definitely would not have liked the taste of the chocolates - a present from Italy. The get well quick wishes are delivered to Mr Richard Jones of Glastonbury. That when playing the game Labyrinth it is adviseable to play prior to imbibing. That the quick wit and repartee of the talented Evercreech ‘woodman’ will be sorely missed at The Flax Mills in Castle Cary. That David Mounsteven of Hurst will put his glasses on - prior to buying a new pair. That the signs on the Queensway roadworks are up for discussion - Slow Workers Ahead! That Shepton Mallet is shortly to have its very own flamingos. That the Red Arrows are sure to draw the crowds to this year’s International Air Show at Yeovilton in July. That Mr Tony White of Bradford Abbas has been Duck shooting at the Griffin’s Head Nether Compton again this season. That ‘housey-housey’ is the new entertainment for staff at the Visitor office this year - and all in a good cause. That congratulations go to Pete of The Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil who is celebrating 14 years as a landlord and who will be raiding the Christmas Cracker Box to stock up on funnies so normal service can be resumed in next month’s ad - TOOT TOOT!!! 50 THE VISITOR April 2016
Pete Lambden & Staff welcome you to .....
168 Hendford Hill YEOVIL
“If I were to say to you ‘Can you keep a secret?’ Would you know just what to do Or where to keep it?” FIRST PERSON to tell me the song above with the artiste gets a free drink! Last month Jackie Buckle from Baltonsborough was first to guess that it was Noel Harrison and “The Windmills of Your Mind” ☺. Well, weather seems to be picking up and the year is moving on ... which is more than I can say for the shambles at the bottom of Hendford Hill. Do you know they started work on that fiasco in the first week of September? And it is still not finished. It will probably be April by the time you read this and there still looks like no end in sight for these roadworks that have turned Yeovil’s town centre into a very slow moving car park. In March yours truly CELEBRATED 14 YEARS as the captain of this ship called The Quicksilver Mail. We had a great night here in the company of Mr. D’Arcy and lots of good looking regulars. Thank you very much folks. Here’s to the next 14 !!! The fabulous Barry Paull brought his Elvis show to The Quickie’ and it was probably the best supported to date. We all had a great time and we managed to raise a few quid for St. Margaret’s Hospice as well. So all in all a winwin situation. Our chef Liam has been working hard putting some new menus together for us to enjoy. Now would be a good time to come along and check out what he has been up to ☺. Next month on the 1st of April we have Mutter Slater live in the bar. On the 15th a welcome return visit from The Stand Alone Empire featuring Aaron Clements bringing his one man show to the bar. And on the 22nd Finian McGurk brings his Celtic Music show here. For those of you who have not been in for the last few weeks, we have had a mini re-fit of the restaurant: new colours, new pics, new menus. It all looks very smart so get yourself along and see what it’s all about. ☺ TOOT TOOT!!!
" 01935 424721
Steak Night Every Monday
Ribeye, Pork Loin, or Salmon with Salad and Fries for only £10 per head
Simple Supper Every Tuesday
Delicious 2 Course Set Menu for only £10 per head
Moules et Frites Night Every Thursday All you can eat £13.50
Check Out Our Wincanton Racecourse Deals
If they’re racing at Wincanton ... we’re there!
H O U S E S IN ILCHESTER ... enjoy fine dining at a budget price this month at The Northover Manor with the coupon in this month’s Visitor - don't forget to cut it out ... at The Cross Keys, Lydford on Fosse, there is a new menu including pan-fried hake ... on Saturday 16th April the Mystic Rockers are playing at Bruton’s Dub Club ... new comfortable seating area at Truffles Brasserie ... live music with Band Substance on the 1st April at The White Lion, Bourton and bookings for Sunday Lunch at The Catash Inn, North Cadbury are strongly advised. Cantering on to Corton Denham we find The Queens Arms has been awarded Gold in the Dining Pub Catergory at the Taste of the West Hospitality & Retail Awards 2016 ... make a note in your diary for a lazy Sunday afternoon on the patio on 19th July when Toned F will entertain you at The Mildmay, Queen Camel ... and for those who like to sing, pop along to The Crown at Sherborne where there is a community choir on a Friday evening - all welcome (over 18s). Bumbling on to Bower Hinton where there is a regular fortnightly quiz at The Rose & Crown, see their advert for dates ... congratulations go to newly weds Jo and Vicky Broughton who enjoyed their reception at The Lord Nelson, Norton Sub Hamdon where Montacute FC will be a little better off thanks to quizmaster Harry Purdy ... a cheery welcome and bow tie await you at The Cat Head Inn, Chiselborough ... Rambling Groups are welcome at The Muddled Man, West Chinnock where you can enjoy well-kept real ales ... Jill’s cooking always a delight at The Royal Oak, Over Stratton where you can pick up your holiday reading from the charity bookshelves ... always a good pint at Dinnington Docks, Dinnington ... Sunday Carvery proving popular at The Castle, West Coker ... Classic Car Show at The Hazelbury Mill, Hazelbury Plucknett on 17th April from 10 til 4, proceeds in aid of the Motor Neurone Disease Association ... and finally lemon sole, pollock and pot roasted beef - just three of the dishes cooked to perfection at River Cottage Canteen & Deli Axminster on Mothering Sunday.
CREWKERNE ~ a business focus CREWKERNE is a bustling town with a diverse range of shops and businesses. It’s a Mecca for collectors of antiques and curiosities as there are many outlets in the town. A Weekly Market is held on Wednesday mornings. Eagerly awaited is the opening of Costa Coffee which will compliment the wellestablished independent cafes / coffee shops already in the town. Its Sunday opening will be welcomed by those who like to shop on a Sunday. As is the trend nowadays, and in addition to the supermarkets, many of the town’s shops are open on a Sunday, such as Homefayre (hardware), The Antiques Bazaar, Countrywide and M&Co Fashions. Recent additions to the town are Boudicca Hair Salon and Take a Peek giftware.
Environ Facial - Launch Day
Harmony Health & Beauty, Crewkerne are pleased to be introducing Environ Facials to the salon. This exciting launch will take place on 7th April 2016 when an Environ Skin Expert will be in the salon to carry out Skin Analysis using the Visia machine, to identify skin problems, recommend skin care and treatments to prevent signs of damage before they reach the surface. There is a £10 deposit payable when booking, which will be redeemable against purchases. If you would like to make an appointment for 7th April please call in or telephone 01460 74447. If you are unable to attend but would still like an Environ Facial they are offering readers of this magazine 25% off their first facial.
Chalmers Accountants
Incorporation v self-employment. Prior to 6th April 2016, selfemployed traders could make overall tax and NIC savings by incorporating their business if their annual income from selfemployment exceeded approximately £10,000. The saving generally arose by taking a low salary and the balance as dividends thus avoiding NIC charges. Unfortunately, changes to the tax system from 6th April 2016 may mean that this strategy is no longer beneficial (or less beneficial) in certain
circumstances. The relevant changes are to the taxation of dividends. The starting point, where it continues to be beneficial to incorporate is largely unchanged in 2016-17 although the amount of cash saved thereafter will be less than in 2015-16 and previous years. An unintended result of the tax changes in 2016-17 is that it is still beneficial to incorporate and adopt the low salary high dividends strategy, until profits generated exceed £143,000, at which point you will pay more tax by incorporating your business. This is due to the higher rates of dividend tax that are
applied to dividends received in excess of £5,000 a year. Does this mean that previously incorporated businesses should consider returning to a selfemployed structure if their business earnings exceed this £143,000 break point? The answer may indeed be yes, but each person’s circumstances need to be considered in some detail and professional advice should be taken before getting into disincorporation mode. There is no doubt that the Treasury are intent on reducing the tax and NIC advantages of businesses incorporating and taking the low salary high dividend option. As the goal posts
Harmony health & beauty ✶ ENVIRON FACIAL L AUNCH ✶
Thursday 7th April Book your personal skin analysis with the ENVIRON SKIN CARE EXPERT ✶ Learn the best treatment for your skin (£10 deposit)
25% OFF your first ENVIRON FACIAL WITH THIS ADVERT Unit 3 Pollard House, 20 Market Street, Crewkerne, TA18 7LA " 01460 74447
Chalmers ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Personal & Business Tax Advisors Business Start Ups Payroll Bureau Accoun!ng & Audit Specialists Full Business Support Services VAT Returns & Advice
Free initial consultation A personal and friendly approach to business that will work for you Visit our website at
www.chalmersaccountants.co.uk or email us on
info@chalmersaccountants.co.uk Offices at Yeovil, Crewkerne & Langport 01460 279000 THE VISITOR April 2016 51
CREWKERNE ~ a business focus have moved, a new look at your business structure may be appropriate. If you would like to discuss the above changes and how they may affect your business please contact Simon Bachrach on 01460 279000.
Regency Mobility
Regency Mobility have just refurbished their shop and are now able to offer a wider range of living aids, walking sticks and rollators. They always have a comprehensive stock of both new and used scooters in stock to suit all requirements and there is an on-the-premises workshop for servicing. Should a customer be unable to visit their Crewkerne
shop they are happy to make a home visit. They are stockists of the Cosyfeet range of ladies and gents footwear and slippers which are proving extremely popular. Situated in Falkland Square, Regency Mobility is within easy distance of the car park and next door to Costa Coffee which will be arriving soon. If you are looking for a scooter or need advice call into Regency Mobility who will be pleased to assist you.
Buttercup. Regularly described by customers as a ‘treasure trove’, here you will find an eclectic mix of gifts from organic cotton babywear to hand-bags made in North Wales, gifts for gardeners, silver jewellery made in Devon, pewter jewellery from a husband
and wife team in Cornwall, beautiful stitched gifts from Somerset and Hampshire, including a fun chicken and heart range, organic facial oils from the widely acclaimed Lucy at OV Naturals in Somerset, amazing and locally made fused glass gifts from the very creative Sally, handmade cushions and lampshades from the very talented Melissa here in Crewkerne, beautiful hand-made baby shoes, hats and jackets from
Bluebird and Buttercup
Nestled in a corner within the George Shopping Centre, is the delightful Bluebird and
A “treasure trove” of delights from many local designers Open Tuesday – Saturday 10am – 4pm
Bluebird and Buttercup No. 4, The George Shopping Centre CREWKERNE, TA18 7LU Tel: 01460 77728 www.bluebirdandbuttercup.co.uk
Homefayre is a really useful shop selling a diverse range of products, such as DIY, hardware, bedding and pet food! For your convenience they are open 7 days a week.
WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYS and every day for ...
Beautiful Bedding We stock a superb range of ... Duvet Covers, Sheets, and Pillow Cases All Sizes ★ All Colours
Ready Made Curtains
Towels ★ Cushions ★ Cushion Covers
Pet Food
Dried & Tinned ★ Wild Bird Food Huge range of Pet Beds & Accessories
D.I.Y. and Garden Requisites
And Bakeware ★ China ★ Arts & Crafts more! — OUR STOCK CHANGES REGULARLY —
Homefayre, 22 Market Street, CREWKERNE " 01460 72650 Also at:
Buy & Save, High Street, CASTLE CARY (Not open Sundays) " 01963 350969 52 THE VISITOR April 2016
CREWKERNE ~ a business focus the very clever Julia also from Crewkerne amongst many other treasures. ‘The level of craftmanship that is on our doorstep is quite incredible,’ says Sam, owner ‘there is simply no need to venture far to find talented, creative people who put so much love, care and passion into their
products. Buying a gift for a friend or family, or indeed treating oneself, is made far more pleasurable if you know it has been made individually with love and care rather than in a mass produced environment. I consider myself to be very lucky to be dealing with such talented, creative people.’
AllGlass & Glazing Ltd
2016 marks thirty years of trading for AllGlass & Glazing Ltd, Crewkerne. The late Jock Messer founded the company in 1986 and the business proudly
remains run by his family. True to its name, AllGlass continues to cut glass to size, manufacture sealed units on site and offer replacement glazing. They also supply and install
Dekorative Kollective has a diverse range of antiques and collectables. Situated in the main street they make up the trio of neighbouring antique shops which includes Crewkerne Antiques Centre and Attic Antiques.
THE VISITOR April 2016 53
CREWKERNE ~ a business focus windows, doors and conservatories throughout the local area: AllGlass are providers of Kommerling, Solidor, SMART Aluminium and Hurst products. All of their staff are fully employed, no deposit is required and installations come with a ten year fully comprehensive insurance backed guarantee. Please call 01460 73570 or email admin@allglass-glazing.co.uk for more information.
a sympathetic ear to a customer or visitor. Stock changes very rapidly, and with over 100 dealers on site at Antiques Bazaar, variety and choice is never a problem. So it’s not only the staff at Antiques Bazaar who are friendly and welcoming. Next time you visit, why not strike up a conversation with one of their dealers, I’m sure you will be pleasantly surprised.
Antiques Bazaar
Antique, vintage and retro dealers are a delightful group of people, judging by the friendly bunch they have at Antiques Bazaar, Crewkerne. Of course they are all looking for the opportunity of a profit, but they also work very hard sourcing their stock all over the UK, with a few venturing into mainland Europe. But it’s their knowledge, professionalism and friendliness which really impresses. Always happy to discuss an item, offer an opinion (usually sound advice), help out another dealer, or give
Attic Antiques
The Attic Antiques in Market Street Crewkerne opened its doors in January this year. It has the largest collection of Militaria in the South West. Tribal Art Coins and Antiquities are also housed at this amazing venue. Other traders selling quality Furniture, Clothing, Curtains, Fabrics and a large stock of Pictures, Paintings and Prints, can all be found at Attic Antiques above Harmony Health and next door to the Crewkerne Antiques
Centre. Crewkerne is fast becoming a very vibrant and interesting little market town full of Antique, Vintage and Gift shops. There are now six antique shops in the town centre all very near to each other and the Antiques Bazaar a 10 minute walk from the town in South Street making it a destination town for all lovers of Antiques. On street parking is free for an hour or you can park in the West Street car park all day for just £2. A warm welcome awaits you.
Interesting things to see at the Antiques Bazaar in South Street.
Attic Antiques, where you will find a large range of Militaria and other interesting items. Find them on the first floor above Harmony Health.
Militaria & Tribal Art also
Antique & Vintage Clothing Collectables ★ Furniture Please call in, our stock is constantly changing
First Floor • 20 Market Street CREWKERNE • TA18 7LA " 07824 115889 Open: Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 5pm 54 THE VISITOR April 2016
g n i r Sp GARDENING MONTHLY by Richard Cumming Orchard Park
Spring Changes Everything! DO YOU NOTICE how a few sunny spring days can wipe out weeks of miserable winter gloom? They do for me anyway, but I am labelled as a hopeless optimist always believing that everything will turn out alright. Sometimes I’m right and sometimes I’m wrong but who’s counting? Not me, just keep travelling forward and that applies to the garden as well. I do always say that the garden is a dynamic thing, always changing. What might have started out as a sunny border can get overshadowed and changed
to partially shade which offers new opportunities for changing the plant mix. By the same token, take out a big shrub or even a hedge to reveal a new spot for sun loving plants. Soil types tend not to change unless you add large amounts of organic matter or gravel, both of which can have a dramatic effect on the soil conditions and allow different plants to be grown. Talking of daylight, which we were more or less, the equinox is passed (March 20th), the clocks have changed so days are gradually becoming longer than nights and there is more daylight at the end of the working day to get a little gardening done!
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Easter being a movable feast confuses the picture a little. It falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. The really amazing thing, unless you are a knowledge filled astronomer, is that at the equinox day and night are more or less the same length all over the planet! So you could be in Cape Town, Fairbanks, Timbuctoo, Croydon or Gillingham and you would have the same amount of daylight hours. There’s a common bond for the people of the world. Moving on, I am sowing seeds and planting out. Our local soils can vary in the speed with which they warm up in spring. Wet clay soils tend to be colder and take longer to get going than sandy loams. The key temperatures are measured at 10cm below the surface; 6°C will see many seeds germinate but
an extra couple of degrees will get things going faster. Tender fruit and veg such as Aubergine and Cucumbers really need 16°C, tomatoes will start at a bit lower, but the important thing is to avoid starting seeds off then letting them get set back by cooler temperatures or drying out. Biggest challenge I have here are the bank voles and slugs! Bless ‘em. Fencing & Gates Supplied and Erected by the
FREE Estimates • No VAT Pressure Treated Material 10 Year Guarantee
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Suppliers of Quality Recycled Aggregates Top Soil – Crushed Concrete – Road Planings All Types of Limestone Aggregates Sand and Gravel – Decorative Aggregates Asphalt Plant / Asphalt Products – Hot Box Hire Grab Lorries – Tipper Hire – Muckaway
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Michael is our newest member of the team. He’s been in the trade for over 12 years and has built up a wealth of knowledge about plants. He will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
56 THE VISITOR April 2016
g n i r Sp perfect choice of tree for any small, compact or courtyard garden. Their character and appeal makes them ideal for creating a focal point in your garden, brightening a shaded corner, or elegantly overhanging a pool or water feature. Many acers are commonly called Japanese maples, but their parents could be derived from several different species including
R. C. Landscapes and Fencing Summer Houses Garden Sheds ✽ Decking Patios ✽ Fencing ✽ Gates
FREE ESTIMATES Established Landscape Contractor with over 30 years of experience
Tel: 01458 841077 Mobile: 07761 446029
Acer japonicum, Acer palmatum, Acer shirasawanum or others. Among them are some extremely slow-growing forms, with trees remaining a small, manageable size without the need for regular pruning. With their Eastern origins in Japan, Korea and China, these small trees are suitable for developing gardens with Oriental themes and designs, choosing
other suitable planting partners for them, like ferns, hostas, bamboo, azaleas, camellias, and more. Their natural shape and growing habit of branches make Japanese maples an ideal choice of small tree for gardens or growing in large patio pots. Their leaf shapes, sizes and colours vary immensely. Many have a broad palm shape, but these are often
C O M P O S T E R S • I N C I N E R AT O R S
VIOLET FARM Growbags £1.99 3 x Large Economy Multi-Purpose Compost only £12 Violet Farm Compost, Ericaceous, Levington Cactus and Orchid Compost Stocked
EVERGREEN Complete (400m ) £22.99 2
... FREE Loan of Spreader with Purchase Seeds ... from 89p • Seed Trays • Hanging Baskets • Water Butts Wood & UPVC House Signs Made To Order
High Street, Wincanton Tel: 01963 32249 Established 1929
So many things to look at. Traditionally it is a month still carrying spring bulbs plus the beauty of shrubs that grow in partial shade (woodland glade and forest edge origins) that really have to do their thing before the canopy of taller growing plants shades them out. Rhododendrons and Azaleas are a must but need acid conditions (non-limey or chalky soils) or grown in tubs with ericaceous compost. Fruit and ornamental blossom is everywhere but it is worth looking at a group of shrubs and small trees that have delightful foliage at this time. The maples are a big family of plants ranging from exquisite Japanese maples to the robust tall growing Norway and Canadian maples. Colour and shape are evident in all of them. Japanese maples are the
Plant of the Month
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TO O L S S H A R P E N E D • N E T T I N G
Football pitch or pocket handkerchief ... we have a mower to suit your needs
17-inch S/P Roller Rotary Mower
Self-propelled Briggs & Stratton engine. Mulch plug can be set to discharge, collect, or mulch.
Z-Force SZ-48
Ride-on has all the manoeuvrability of a zeroturn rider, with 48-inch deck, and stable on all terrain.
16-inch S/P Roller Rotary Mower 16-inch steel deck. Lightweight, ideal for smaller garden. Briggs & Stratton engine.
£139 Self-propelled £199
BenJohnson Push
HANDHELD TOOLS ● Curve Shelfline Trimmer, 26cc £109 .99 ● Brushcutter, 26cc £149 .99 ● Brushcutter, 43cc £169 .99 ● Blow-Vac £139 .99 ● Hedgecutter, double sided 26cc, 56cm £149 .99
Ben Johnson, 17d Wincombe Business Park SHAFTESBURY, SP7 9QJ Tel: 01747 851021 • www.benjohnsonmowers.com THE VISITOR April 2016 57
g n i r Sp divided and dissected into the most delicate and intricate forms. Add to this their wide range of colours, from deep greens to yellow, gold, purple or even variegated patterns and you have
immense variety of maple magic! While some green or purpleleaved varieties will tolerate an open position in full sun, this can scorch the more delicate foliage of golden, variegated or dissected
! a z n a n o B
... well worth waiting for!
forms. A sheltered site is more suitable, and particularly one that provides shade during the hottest part of the day and protection from drying winds. Japanese maples put on a show right through the year, starting as soon as foliage unfurls in spring and continuing until their autumn transformation into shades of gold and bronze before they eventually fall. There are lots to choose from and always worth asking the
Approved contractor to Dorset & Somerset C.C.
Utilise the generous grants now available to restock neglected woodland or areas of wasteground
Common Mead Lane, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4RE
Turn into Broad Robin off B3081, continue past Mellowes Residential Home: Thorngrove is next on right
" 01747 822242 Email: thorngrove.staff@scope.org.uk Hanging basket orders now being taken for new or refills, or book a place on our ever-popular hanging basket workshops ... ring for details Explore our vast glasshouses, filling daily with glorious home-grown bedding & vegetable plants
★ Trees & Planters AVAILABLE TO HIRE for Weddings and Special Events ★ Thorngrove Garden Centre was set up by SCOPE, a national disability charity, whose vision is a world where disabled people have the same opportunities to fulfil their life ambitions as non-disabled people. By purchasing goods and services from Thorngrove you are supporting Scope's work in our local community. Thank you.
OPEN: MONDAY – SUNDAY 9.00 - 5.00 58 THE VISITOR April 2016
garden centre or nursery about the varieties they offer and the best way to grow them.
Top Tips for Growing Japanese Maples
1. Choose a sheltered site where trees are protected from late spring frosts, cold winds and scorching summer sun. 2. Maples prefer well-drained soil containing plenty of compost to lock in moisture and ensure the ground never dries out. 3. Spread a deep mulch of leafmould, compost or shredded bark over the soil around maples to retain moisture and reduce annual weed growth. 4. For growing in containers choose large and stable terracotta pots with several drainage holes in their base. Line pots with a sheet of plastic before filling with compost to reduce water loss through the sides. 5. As trees can remain in pots for several years it's best to plant them using a loam-based John Innes No.3 compost with extra grit added to ensure good drainage. Do remember that established trees will need repotting into larger pots every few years. 6. Keep the top of the compost
ROTAMOW ◆ Grass Cutting
Paddocks, Plantations Scarifying Lawns
◆ Rotavating
Rough Ground to Seed Bed
◆ Mini Digging
And High-Lift Dumper
◆ Patio Cleaning Paths, Drives, etc.
07659 550160
g n i r Sp
The upstairs showroom at Lee Holmes Garden Machinery in Somerton where you will find a wide range of Atco ride-on mowers. Proving popular in the range is the GT 38H mulching model with side discharge, fitted with a Briggs and Stratton motor. It comes with a 5 year guarantee. Normally £1,499, special price £1,299.
a few inches below the pot rim to make watering from above easier, covering the surface with a mulch of pebbles or ornamental gravel. 7. Water regularly with collected rainwater, and stand pots in saucers of water to provide a reservoir for trees to take up each day during hot, dry periods. 8. Tree roots can be susceptible to frost damage in winter, so either move pots to sheltered sites or wrap with bubble polythene insulation.
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wildlife friendly slug killer ‘Slug Rid’ which generally does exactly that. Small galvanised fence netting over pea seedlings should keep the birds off, and horticultural fleece over seedlings is a great help as it warms the soil and protects young sprouts! Lawns benefit from early attention. There has hardly been a month over the last year that hasn’t seen the mower in action as the grass has kept growing which it does down to 5ºC. Here are the most important steps to getting a great lawn. At this time of the year I would give the lawn the proper application of a complete lawn treatment which feeds, weeds and kills the moss. Then rake out the dead moss and old lawn thatch, scarify and aerate to help the drainage.
Finally top dress with Lawn Dressing and over-seed the bare patches. It does take some effort but the results will be worth it especially if you want to entertain in your garden this summer or even just have a good lawn for the kids to play on!
Midney Gardens - Somerton
After what seems like a long winter, spring is especially welcome this year! In addition to celebrating the warmer weather, garden owners Dave and Alison will also be celebrating the 5th anniversary of their garden. They moved to Somerset in 2009 to create a new garden which they opened in 2012. Dave, who has gardened all his life, took inspiration for the garden from some of the
beans and peas, spinach, carrots beetroot and radishes of course, parsnips and turnips all outside, and French beans, celeriac and a few brassicas in trays under cover. I suspect I will buy cucumber, pepper and tomato plants as it’s just so much easier. A couple of rows of early spuds (chitted) went in on Good Friday. Everything here needs protecting from slugs and I use two methods: a barrier of wool pellets called ‘Slug Gone’ and a
Jobs for the Month
Always something to do but here are a few key tasks that will make life easier later on. Gardening is all about improving your living environment and your way of life, but it doesn’t have to be hard work. Gardeners tend to be busier in some months more so than in others, and it is worth planning it out as best you can. By now I have sorted the perennial flower beds and shrubs with debris cleared, weeds killed, pruning done, granular slow release fertiliser added and a mulch spread on top; it’s not perfect but it will keep going until mid-summer, so now my time can go back to the veg plot. Raised beds make life easier, and the soil can be improved with some wellrotted compost or bought in soil improver. I am sowing broad THE VISITOR April 2016 59
g n i r Sp great designers of the past: Gertrude Jekyll and Sylvia Crowe. Originally he planned to create a really contemporary garden. However, with its Victorian cottage and beautiful surrounding landscape, such a garden would have been out of place. So Dave has added some contemporary touches to an otherwise country cottage garden in a unique design, creating a place of real beauty, enhanced by its natural setting. Laid out as a series of interlinked areas it combines beautiful colour themes, interesting features and quirky touches! In addition to the various areas in the plantsman’s garden, the kitchen garden has an interesting mix of fruit, vegetables, herbs and herbaceous plants and the woodland walk and wildlife pond provide an area of natural interest and beauty. The garden is increasingly known for its wildlife planting and attracts a wide variety of insects, butterflies, moths and birds throughout the year. There are some new features for 2016 – a few new seats and a labyrinth with simple paths and planting, which adds a mystical touch to a peaceful area of the garden. Spring is a lovely time of year in the gardens and at Midney with its spring blooms, swathes of grasses and layers of planting there are some lovely vistas and a real feeling of seasonal optimism. A garden visit is always enhanced by a slice of homemade cake - so why not visit the tearoom at the same time!
A Garden & Property Maintenance Service
J & P Gardening & Property Services and CPC Fencing & Decking have joined forces to offer a complete service. Yeovil based business partners, Peter Brock and Chris Canterbury, can offer a wide range of services including: hedge trimming, grass cutting, site clearance, fence and shed erecting, decking etc., plus general property maintenance such as painting and decorating. Amongst their vehicles they have a flatbed tipper truck and are licensed to carry waste. They can offer a one-off service or contract work. Why not give them a call – estimates are free. To find out more visit www. jandpservices.weebly.com or www.cpcfencing.weebly.com
Gardeners recreate Jekyll planting scheme for Victorian Terrace at Hestercombe
The gardeners at Hestercombe have been busily emptying one of the fl ower beds around the balustrade of the Victorian Terrace, to ensure the original planting schemes designed by Gertrude Jekyll, are followed. The plants that have been taken out are a mix of fuchsias, penstemon and roses, which were planted in the 1970s by Somerset County Council. The Hestercombe archivist Kim Legate has researched a selection of photographs from the Victorian era and tried to establish the original planting schemes. Photographic evidence has shown that there had been two different schemes, an earlier photograph
J & P GARDENING & PROPERTY SERVICES ● Grass / Hedge Cutting ● General Garden & Property Maintenance ● Clearances
showing a row of annuals as a continuation of the ribbon border bedding scheme, and a latter photograph which shows climbers along the balustrade and shrubs in the beds. Head gardener Claire Greenslade (pictured below) said: ‘We felt the earlier scheme was more important as it made the whole terrace look more finished and was in keeping with the Victorian style of gardening. It gave a clearer view down to the Jekyll garden and kept the Victorian garden looking more separate from the Edwardian garden. From a practical point of view the bedding scheme would provide colour all year round, whereas the climbers could look tatty out of season.’ Now the beds have been cleared and dug over to remove bindweed and oxalis. Organic matter has been added in the form of our home made compost. Edging boards will be replaced to give a
CPC FENCING & DECKING ● All Types of Fencing ● Sheds and Decking ● Light Landscaping
SINGLE VISITS or CONTRACT WORK ★ REGISTERED WASTE CARRIER “For a complete service ... call for a free quote”
07583 966485
www.jandpservices.weebly.com 60 THE VISITOR April 2016
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07864 809729
better edge and keep this garden really sharp. The plants that were in here will be potted up and sold on in plant sales to aid the charity. New bedding should be ready to go in at the end of May to complete the new look. For more information about Hestercombe, visit www. hestercombe.com
Natures Therapy - Create A Garden Retreat
Whether you have a small balcony or a large outdoor space, invest in a few key elements that will draw you outside and enjoy a self-made sanctuary to retreat in. 'Nature deprevation' is more and more common in today's technology-led lifestyles. Yet connecting with natures elements is scientifically proven to soothe our senses and reduce stress and depression. What could be more relaxing than sipping a glass of wine in swing chair as you gently sway, enjoying the breeze, the
The original planting scheme at Hestercombe Gardens and below, head gardener Claire Greenslade prepares the flower bed by the Victorian Terrace.
g n i r Sp flowers and the sounds of natures evening song. Gentle lighting will add to the ambiance too. The simple lines of the Birch Wood & Glass Candle Holders from DesResDesign are made from coils of Birch wood bark that's naturally peeling - it’s what
gives these candle holders that back to nature feel. They can be used inside or out and are large enough to be a focal point particularly when grouped together. They will hold a group of small votives or tealights or one larger candle.
! a z n a n o B
NGS Garden of the Month April 2016 Kilver Court Secret Gardens
The 3.5 acre garden, created in 1800s and restored in 1960s by the Showering family, boasts undulating lawns, herbaceous borders, a lake, mill pond and a Chelsea Gold Medal winning rockery with waterfalls designed by George Whitelegg in 1963. All this takes advantage of the most stunning backdrop, the Grade II listed viaduct built for the historical Somerset and Dorset railway. The north side is dominated by a rock garden, a gushing recirculated stream flows from pool to pool over a variety of rocky outcrops and waterfalls into the lake. The planting is varied and thrives in fertile soil thanks to the care and attention to detail by the dedicated gardeners. The lake; an original mill-pond,
legacy of days long gone when water power reigned supreme; its mirror-like surface reflects and blends the hues of flowers, foliage and sky, adding a dimension that only the magic of water can provide. The Gardens at Kilver Court have a beauty and serenity which is quite unique and has been enjoyed by thousands of visitors. It is a garden for all seasons, Spring sees flowering shrubs, Summer is serenaded by the buzz of insects from the rockery and borders, Autumn is a blaze of fiery colours and Winter has the crisp, architectural structure of the parterre. The garden has recently been featured on BBC Gardeners' World. Today, visitors to the gardens can also enjoy a visit to the Designer Outlet Emporium, Gift Shop and Harlequin Cafe that make up Kilver Court.
★ QUALITY★ CHOICE ★ ★ VALUE ★ New & Used Garden Machinery stockist of ...
Birch Wood & Glass Candle Holders from desresdesign.co.uk - simple lines and natural elements perfectly balanced. These tall hurricane candle holders will ensure a beautiful glow without the frustration of the candles being blown out by the wind. From £25.00 for small, £28.00 medium and large £30.00.
3 Year Warranty on all Cub Cadet Mowers Ride-On Mowers from ... £1,299
PLANT WORLD For the best plants!
Pedestrian Mowers from ... £219 Garden Tools
For all your gardening needs Do Call In • Open 7 Days a Week • Ample FREE Parking
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Unit 2, Beardly Batch Depot, Cannards Grave SHEPTON MALLET, BA4 4NB Tel: 01749 343881 • www.moggsofwells.com SALES – SERVICE – REPAIR THE VISITOR April 2016 61
g n i r Sp
A recirculated stream flows from pool to pool over a variety of rocky outcrops and waterfalls into a lake at Kilver Court, Shepton Mallet.
Facilities: Plants For Sale, Light Refreshments in the Sharpham Pantry Restaurant and Harlequin Cafe, Coaches. Wheelchair Access - Some slopes and rockery not accessible for wheelchairs but can be viewed. Disabled parking in lower car park. Open: Tuesday 19 April, from 10am-5pm. Admission: £5.00,
child £2.50. Kilver Street, Shepton Mallet BA4 5NF (opp Cider factory). To see more details go to: http://www.ngs.org.uk
! a z n a n o B
prospect then why not consider getting a helping hand from some of the latest technology on the market? Robomow is one of the leading robotic lawnmowers on the market, designed to mow your lawn automatically at regular intervals, regardless of your commitments, time constraints – or whether you’re even at home. Transforming your garden in time for the BBQ season has never been so easy with the new 2016 series from Robomow, the world’s only dedicated robotic lawnmower manufacturer. With a special Turbo Mow feature to sail through the first cut of the season, a unique edging mode that cuts beyond the wheels of the mower and a powerful mulching system that means there’s no grass box to empty, it’s everything you need to produce a lush lawn without the legwork.
Whether it’s a small, sloping or large lawn, Robomow’s improved capabilities can cover virtually any terrain. There are six Robomow models to suit lawns up to 3,500m2 – almost an acre. Sharp steel blades enable the widest, most efficient cut in the category, giving you more time to enjoy your lawn. Robomow robotic lawnmowers mow the lawn at regular, adjustable intervals. The new 2016 features mean each model is now smarter and faster than ever, with dual 56cm blades on larger models enabling the widest, most efficient cut in its category. Robomow is available from selected dealers nationwide; visit http://www.robomow.com/enGB/wheretobuy for further information. RRP starts from £1,199.00 for the RC304, increasing to £2,799.00 for the RS635 model.
Introducing the Robomow 2016 Series
With the clocks having gone forward last weekend we start to embrace the warmer days and lighter evenings and thoughts turn to our outside space and making the most of our gardens. But if spending hours getting your lawn ready for summertime lounging sounds like a daunting
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Are you a lazy gardener? Fancy a robotic lawnmower? The Robomow 2016 series could be just what you’re looking for.
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All Buildings are hand‑made at Bourton using Scandinavian Redwood Shiplap Timber. Bourton, Gillingham on the old A303 Nr. Zeals For Free Survey/Estimate/Brochure
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the end bit... PAPERCHASE
IT PROBABLY hasn’t escaped your notice that the Independent has ceased to publish a print edition and now exists only as an online newspaper. Circulation had dropped to around 40,000 copies a day and was still falling, and the paper was losing money hand over fist, so the digital edition was clearly thought to be its only hope for survival. In contrast, on 29th February a new national daily paper was launched. Called The New Day, the first issue told readers that ‘there’s no shortage of information being hurled at us. Sometimes it can feel quite overwhelming keeping up with everything that’s going on. Which is why with just 40 pages we’re dedicated to ruthlessly editing the world’s events. We’ll tell you everything you need to know without bombarding you.’ But who and where are all these ‘overwhelmed’ people, I wonder,
and will they want to buy the paper. It’s published by MGN Ltd, a subsidiary of Trinity Mirror plc, owner of the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, Liverpool Echo, Western Mail and other regional papers. Back in November of last year Trinity Mirror acquired Local World, publisher of 16 daily papers including the Western Daily Press, 36 paid-for weeklies including the Western Gazette, and numerous freebies including the Blackmore Vale Magazine. So I was interested to read on 1st March that Trinity Mirror had announced that ‘pretax profits fell 18% . . . amid print circulation and advertising declines’, that it expects ‘print markets to remain difficult in 2016’ and that ‘the group plans to make £15 million of savings this year’. But still it launched The New Day which could turn out to be a costly mistake. I’m sure I won’t be alone in worrying about where these savings will be made. According to the headline at the top of page 17 of the 15th March issue of the Western Daily Press, ‘Archbishop gushes over Mary’s cake’. Apparently the Archbishop (of Canterbury) was praising Mary Berry’s Simnel cake which she had taken to Lambeth Palace for filming a TV programme. The story informed readers that a Simnel cake is ‘traditionally a light fruit cake mix layered and topped with
marzipan’, and the caption below the accompanying photograph of Mrs Berry stated that she ‘arrived bearing a Simnel cake to film Mary Berry’s Easter Feast for television’. But the plate she was holding clearly contained one large fish garnished with herbs, and not a cake in sight. Perhaps she was preparing to make a fishcake. I’m grateful to readers who continue to send me newspaper cuttings, among them some headlines that would never have passed a proofreader’s scrutiny. From Pulman’s View from Somerset comes ‘Fire service grant to fun smoke alarms for Careline
customers’, and from the Western Daily Press there are ‘Cows can also sruggle in the winter doom’ and ‘Clocks destined to becme part of the local landscape’. But I can’t recall ever having received so many phone calls, emails and letters as those drawing my attention to the headline (below) on page 17 of the 29th February issue of Western Daily Press. You won’t be surprised to learn that I had already noted this prominent howler and was wondering why nobody at the paper had spotted the gobbledegook before it went to print. Chronicler.
T. M.
Fill in the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers 1 to 9.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Solution to March
Africa 'Cold' 'Mack' 'Snap Rod Stewart (Steven Patrick) Morrissey 'Hey Jude' Jimmy Nail 'Bus Stop' - The Hollies Australia
Bonus Question 1968
Question Impossible The City of Bath.
Say you saw it in The Visitor THE VISITOR April 2016 63
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Prize Crossword No. 354 Set by Frank Butler
SEND COMPLETED ENTRIES TO: The Visitor Crossword, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7BG – to arrive by Friday 15th April. Correct entries are placed in a hat and the winner is the first name drawn. The prize is a £10 voucher to spend with any one advertiser in this issue of The Visitor. Please do not forget to state your choice of advertiser and your name and address. 1
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Passport Photographs
PASSPORTS - passports - passports - also studio sittings, weddings and golden weddings. Any time to suit you. Easy parking opposite The Quarry Inn. Tel: Graham Cox, Photographer, 01458 223769.
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Services HOUSEHOLD & GARDEN RUBBISH CLEARED, old sheds / oubuildings demolished, etc. Tel: 01460 77844.
66 THE VISITOR April 2016
ALL SPORTS PROGRAMMES and books, memorabilia and ephemera – especially football. Large collections welcome. Cash paid. Tel: Clive 01749 675456.
9. 10. 11.
R E D U N D A N T M O T O R M O W E R S , rotavators, chainsaws, strimmers, cement mixers, etc. Tel: 01460 77844.
12. 13.
CLASSICAL LPs, violin concertos, chamber music. Also EPs and singles. Whole collections sought. Tel: 07731 534424.
GUNS WANTED for cash. Any size, any condition, make or model. By registered firearms dealer. Tel: 07970 742471.
France • Dordogne
18. 20. 21. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28.
Owl, eh? Re-ordered the lot! [5] Two dead, he arranged with ruffled flaxen hair. [3,6] In season, I find rousing. [9] Limestone fissure girly skier oddly revealed. [5] One is left returning with girl within. [5] Imp lent me parts of a tool. [9] Exam around bit of an electron’s path. [7] Barrage grew old: No longer perfect! [7] Women cry ‘PT is hard!’ Put into code within. [7] Apostle has rug, article, and first wand. [7] Irritated after return of web put under a spell. [9] O, to be carried in posh car, going around. [5] Fright beheaded! That’s a mistake! [5] Reinstating in Treforest or in Gwent. [9] Shinty ace arranged with uncertainty. [9] It’s a different thing when it’s dark. [5]
7. 8. 14. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24.
Dangle thy confusion about solar exposure time. [3,6] Lived bawdy, returning on time. [5] Renovate drawbacks in reverse. [9] Changing North Moor warns of approach. [5,4] Utterly remodel third gown. [9] Capital earthen mixture. [7] Tom’s dye modified for decency. [7] Busy one above small church in a tree. [5] Fortune-teller with empty tart. [5] No thin gentleman can hold the object. [5]
Solution to Crossword 353
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4. 5. 6.
Yorkish symbol otherwise arranged. [5-4] Nothing as is a desert waterhole. [5] Dive back gently losing head clearly. [9] Six in trial of little significance. [7] Gad! A pew damaged! A record for earnings? [4,3] Bird of prey decapitated dog. [5]
THE WINNER of our MARCH CROSSWORD was Mr. A. Foot, of Shepton Mallet, who chose to spend the £10 voucher at The Natterjack Inn at Evercreech.