Add style and warmth to your home with a WOODBURNER
Your local independent monthly journal 01963 351256 ·
Issue 364 March 2014
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Inside features on: Mothering Sunday Gifts. Business profile on: Shepton Mallet. Plus regular features on: Antiques; Arts; Business - Tax Affairs; Cycle Babble; Gardening; House & Home - Spring Home Improvements; Leisure & Travel; Looking Good & Feeling Fine including Acupuncture Week; Motoring; Pubs; Wine & Dine.
Including 11 Pages of Spring Home Improvements
“A voyage of discovery”
Interiors to inspire ... 1000s of fabrics to choose from Spring collection now in SofAS ★ ChAirS MAdE–To–MEASurE CurTAinS CArpETS ★ rugS ★ pAinTS
High Street • Castle Cary • Somerset • BA7 7AN 01963 351352
In Passing ...
RIDAy EVEnInG. A gale has been howling up the valley since lunchtime, scattering fences and rubbish bins across gardens and fields. Trees are down, blocking roads awash with water. The electricity has been off for three hours. I’m sat in front of a log fire, watching a saucepan of water slowly heat on the camping stove and trying to write this column in flickering candlelight. My planned evening out has been cancelled. A power cut is a sharp reminder of how much I rely on electricity for so many of my everyday activities. But at least I’m warm and dry. Media images of the floods that are blighting so much of Visitorland paint a different and heartbreaking picture – of homes engulfed, businesses devastated, farmland submerged, lives dramatically altered for what will surely be many weeks to come. Compared with this, my predicament is nothing more than a mild inconvenience. The Somerset Levels have been prone to flooding ever since the monks of Glastonbury and Athelney started reclaiming the marshes in medieval times. More than 800 square miles of upland Somerset and Dorset drain into the 250 square miles of the Levels, and all the rivers that carry this water are slow-flowing – for example, between Langport and Bridgwater, a distance of more than ten miles, the bed of the River Parrett drops just 11ft 6ins, a gradient of 1 in 5280. Most winters some fields are under water for several weeks, and that’s no bad thing. Water gushing down from the hills carries silt and nutrients that enrich the Levels and ensure a good crop of grass the following the summer. However, when extremely wet weather in the hills coincides with high tides in the Bristol Channel more serious flooding is inevitable. But seldom has it been of the severity and frequency we have seen in recent winters. It’s the few exceptional floods that get remembered. In their 1986 book ‘Wetland: Life in the Somerset Levels’, Patrick Sutherland and Adam nicolson describe the great flood of December 1929. ‘Every house in Athelney, Stathe and
Curload had water in it . . . walls of houses collapsed, others only tilted. People lost hay and potatoes. The wads of tied-up withies drifted in rafts around the moorland fields. Furniture washed out of the houses. A chicken house full of dead fowl was discovered wedged up in the branches of a willow.’ Such floods are not so exceptional now, and the climate-change sceptics should take note of the warning from the Met Office’s chief scientist that the country should prepare itself for more similar events in future. ‘Extreme daily rainfall rates are becoming more intense,’ she said last month, and ‘all the evidence suggests that climate change has a role to play in it.’ Dredging the rivers, upgrading the pumping stations and strengthening the sea defences will all help to alleviate the effects of intense rainfall, but they won’t tackle the cause. NN.
PO Box 1, Castle Cary Somerset BA7 7BG Tel: (01963) 351256, 351998 Fax: (01963) 350552 Email: Website: Proprietor, Accounts & Subscriptions Helen Dunion Production Manager Jeff Farrow Advertisement Manager & Features Editor Michelle Trulock Printed by The Blackmore Press © The Visitor Ltd. 2014
(Items marked ©gt are the copyright of geoff thompson)
Advertising Deadlines April edition published Thursday 27th March Deadline Monday 17th March Wells Frome • Shepton Mallet Glastonbury Bruton Street Castle Mere Cary Somerton Wincanton Gillingham langport ilchester Shaftesbury Martock Marnhull Sherborne Stalbridge • ilminster Stur. Newton Yeovil Crewkerne
Note to Advertisers Advertisements are accepted subject to our standard terms and conditions as printed on our rate card, available upon request. We cannot guarantee any specific page or position, but will always do our best to comply with clients’ wishes. ArtWorK Artwork & design by our production department and photographs taken by our photographers are the copyright of The Visitor Ltd. Clients or agencies supplying artwork or images should send uncompressed TIFs, JPEGs or PDFs, 300 dpi minimum if actual size, or at a higher resolution if smaller than size required, along with a hard copy print-out. For advertisement sizes see our Rate Card. The views expressed in articles & letters contributed to this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher.
THE VISITOR March 2014 3
Quality Meats — from —
Andrew Barclay traditional Family Butcher
All our meAt is NAturAllY reAreD AND sourCeD from the West CouNtrY BeeF from Clanville Manor and Round Hill Farm lAmB from Shepton Montague and Charlton Musgrove FRee RAnGe PORK from Somerset FRee RAnGe CHiCKen & DuCK from Creedy Carver
✿ sPrING saVers ✿
Free Range Bone-in PORK CHOPs Buy THREE ... GET ONE FREE
Cook her something special on Mother’s Day
Chicken Breasts
Sunday 30th March
2kg minCeD BeeF £5.99
Buy with Confidence OuR Own FResHlY mADe BuRGeRs & sAusAGes Large selection of Local Cheeses inc. Award Winning
mOnTGOmeRY mATuRe CHeDDAR and Keen’s mATuRe CHeDDAR AnnAmmA’s Cuisine
FRee RAnGe eGGs
Homemade Authentic Southern Indian Curry Sauces made locally by a delightful Indian Lady
wADmAn's wORlD FAmOus CReAm from their Jersey Herd
Orders taken for our meat at North Cadbury Village Stores
★ Daily deliveries to the surrounding area ★
45 High street, winCAnTOn, somerset BA9 9Ju Tel: 01963 34880 * Fax: 01963 440525 4 THE VISITOR March 2014
Wine & Dine National Butchers’ Week 24th - 30th March 2014
IT'S SEVEn yEARS since national Butchers’ Week was founded by the Meat Trades Journal who wanted to promote the skills of butchers throughout the UK. The focus on independent butchers continues to grow as consumers look for assurance and the personal touch of dealing with butchers who offer a shorter supply chain. Meat is not just the basis of a satisfying meal, it is a major provider of nutrients including protein, iron and some of the B vitamins, so is important to a healthy, well-balanced diet. Meat needn’t be the most expensive ingredient in a dish as price varies according to the cut of meat used in any recipe. you pay more for the parts of the animal which have had less exercise, so are more tender. Tougher cuts, which have more muscle, are cheaper and need slower cooking to make them more tender. nutritionally, there is nothing to choose between tender and tough meat and the flavour of both is good, if cooked correctly. The 2014 national Butchers’ Week campaign will see the focus shift onto younger consumers and young families and how butchers can make themselves more visible to a consumer generation that is used to shopping online and in the supermarkets. Consumers are urged to speak to their local butchers should
A friendly service from butchers who ‘know their meat’ at Andrew Barclay Butchers in Wincanton.
they need any advice on meat. Butchers can tell you about special ways of cutting meat or offer you some interesting recipes. Many butchers will be holding events to showcase the knowledge they have as well as offering information about getting value for money. And by the sound of a recent national Butchers’ Week survey, we could do with the advice! Two out of ten Britons interviewed thought that tofu was meatbased - while three out of ten
admitted to having no idea how long it takes to cook a chicken. Unsurprisingly over half of 1824 year olds were found to have no knowledge on how to cook a Sunday Roast. So great news
that in 2014 the week will encourage butchers to focus on making themselves more visible to the younger age group. Go on, visit your local butcher today!
TRUFFLES Restaurant & Bistro 95 High Street Bruton, BA10 0AR ★ MOThERINg SuNdAy 30th March ★ FRENch BuFFET LuNch every Sunday ... so you can try the best of French Cooking (Chef loves showing off on a Sunday) or TRAdITIONAL SuNdAy ROASTS ... early booking advised to avoid disappointments
Enjoy a meal at the ...
Orangery Brasserie Delicious food served in a relaxed atmosphere with stunning views over looking the gardens ... snug Bar
We are currently closed for an exciting new refurbishment of the bar and restaurant
Lunches dinners Weddings
Re-opening Saturday 8th March 2014
We look forward to welcoming you to The Devonshire Arms
Parties for up to 56 seated
Long Sutton, Langport, Somerset, TA10 9LP Tel: 01458 241271
For further details & bookings telephone – 01935 822036 41 Main street, Ash near Martock, tA12 6PB or visit – THE VISITOR March 2014 5
Antiques & Collecting Gold & Silver Jewellery Wanted Best prices paid for wedding rings, pendants, chains, bracelets, and broken items, etc.
Phone Jenny Martin Castle Cary
01963 350733
Beaminster Antiques, Vintage & Collectables Fair Saturday 8 th March Public Hall Beaminster Dorset
9.30am – 4.00pm
✱ Next Fair ✱ Saturday 12 th april Bookings & Enquiries Meadow Fairs 01297 24446
The Visitor
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3 Westbury, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3EH
AntIqueS & CoLLeCtIng a regular Visitor feature
reaching over 60,000 readers! this size advert 4 cms x 2 columns is just £38.40 ex-vat per month tel: 01963 351256 to pLACe your AdVert or email: 6 THE VISITOR March 2014
Letters to the editor it's never ending ...
Sir, They come, they see, they go, they appear on the TV and the radio, they are in the press and yet they never mention the elephant in the room. Weather (sic) it’s Messrs Cameron, Clegg, Pickles, Hammond, Miliband nationally or locally Browne, Heath, LiddellGrainger or Ms Munt; certainly not the Chairman of the Environment Agency, Lord Smith, they collectively avoid that Westminster and the Agency is, and historically has been, following the EU Directive on rivers and flood management. The Environment Agency CEO 2000-08 was Baroness young who wanted to remove the pumping stations on the Somerset levels to embrace and enthusiastically follow EU requirements to create ‘washlands’ and naturally allow the sea to re-claim land, whether or not it was viable for food production. UK politicians know that once again they are not actually in control even down to the dredging of the rivers. EU permission must be sought, the silt placed 39 inches from the river edge, the remainder removed from the site for landfill. The important matter is to keep it from the electorate otherwise the voters will begin to consider just what they are voting for as the governing authority lies over the water. Silt incidentally is rich in minerals and nutrients to feed and replenish the land for agriculture whilst when spread over the adjoining land gradually raises the land level. A proven river management practice followed for centuries in the UK until the formation of the Environment Agency and the EU Directives. The elephant in the room? The EU. It is pathetic that professional journalists do not challenge politicians more robustly on their concealment of the EU Directives and involvement. It is worth remembering that it was the Labour Deputy Prime Minster John Prescott who actively pursued a policy of building houses on flood plains. Another well thought through policy of the Labour government. For those interested in checking for themselves: EU Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the European Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework
for Community action in the field of water policy. Small wonder that the three main UK political parties, plus the EU enthusiastic Green Party, avoid mentioning yet another matter of sovereignty which they have collectively passed overseas along with common-sense. Colin Mcnamee 4 neville Park Baltonsborough Somerset BA6 8Py
Thank You from Castle Cary Museum
Sir, On behalf of Castle Cary Museum, I would like to thank Mike and Mathew for arranging the generous donation of four Exhibition Cabinets from the Haynes Motor Museum. With a special thanks to the following for their help loading and unloading these very heavy items: Haynes - Bob and his Crew. Transport - Bob Gilbey and Anthony Hill for loaning their pickups. Castle Cary Museum - Anne, Chris, Graeme, Stephen and John. Everyone's help was greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Ann Brittain Chairman Castle Cary Museum
University of the Third Age (U3A)
Sir, The U3A is a long established worldwide organisation for people over the age of 50. Castle Cary
has a thriving Branch, which has classes from Art to Wine. Appreciation with Mah-Jong and Poetry in between. Groups usually meet monthly and there is a gathering, with a speaker, at the end of each month at Caryford Hall. Annual membership is only £12. To find out more, visit the website - and on June 5th there is an Open Day / Enrolment Day. Why not come along and see for yourself what U3A is all about? Helen Tracy U3A
Flooding in Somerset
Sir, It is very noticeable to anyone on the ground that many politicians have been using the flooding in Somerset as a photo opportunity and it has to be asked that apart from a few photos and TV cameos, where have the Liberal Democrats been when it comes to helping and getting their
hands dirty? The Rt Hon David Heath has been seen on TV vying to get into camera shots behind Owen Patterson first then likewise with nick Clegg. Liberal Democrat South Somerset District Council has also been remarkable in its absence, whilst the County Council quickly called a state of emergency and encouraged Ministers to get down here and sort out the problems it has to be asked: ‘Where were the Liberal democrats?’ David Heath has been an MP for this area since 1997 and a DEFRA minister for 2 years, during which time nothing meaningful has been done, I am told he turned up for the photo shoots without his wellies. I saw David Heath on TV saying we should have been dredging. He has been our MP for 15 years and, as the Environment minister for 2 of those years, he could have instructed dredging
Dog tired of high prices? visiT
CROssROADs PeT suPPlies suppliERs Of
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Tel: 01935 411859 .
“prayer and Healing place” We are a team of Christians that offer: prayer for Healing • prayer from Addiction Feel free to come in and see us for a chat or for any other specific prayer requests. the Women’s Institute Hall, MISterton nr. Crewkerne, tA18 8LZ (opposite school) ✴ First Thursday of every month, 10.30am – 3.30pm ✴
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9am – 12.30pm, or by appointment
Morley House, Market Place, SOMERTON, Somerset, TA11 7LX • THE VISITOR March 2014 7
Letters to the editor to be done, but he did nothing about it, so it is all the more galling to see him now saying it should have been done when he is the man who could have done it. In contrast to this it has been noticeable how David Warburton, C o ns e rv a t i v e ca nd i d a t e f o r Somerton Frome, has been constantly active helping residents in the floods. David has been working for over a year to get Owen Patterson down here to see for himself the problems and what needs doing to sort it out once and for all – which culminated in the Secretary of State for Environment visiting Somerset. David lobbied the minister and pressed the case for dredging and maintaining the rivers on the Levels and moors. Prior to that he also invited George Eustice MP, Environment Minister, to flooded Long Sutton at which it was discussed how to solve the problem of flooding on the Levels for the next 20 years. The Lib Dems are used to not being in power and to criticising others from the safe place of opposition and being not held accountable. Sadly for them they have been in power for 4 years as part of the Coalition Government, with David Heath as Environment Minister for 2 of those years, during which time they did nothing even though they were in the perfect position to do so. To have been the Environment Minister for 2 years and then say dredging should have been done typifies Lib Dem hypocritical politics. nick Colbert Burrowfield Bruton BA10 0HH
First Meeting
Sir, The High Tea Society met for the first time on Thursday 6th February at the Manor Hotel. We were treated to a lovely tea and an informative talk by Valerie Singleton. Feedback has been very positive; a few of us have since met to discuss how we proceed and what events to compile for the coming months. Our next meeting will be at the Manor Hotel on the 6th March and we have decided not to have such a lavish tea, due to the costs and time of day, but we do ask you all to attend to give your views on the way forward. 8 THE VISITOR March 2014
Tea and cakes will be served at 3pm at a cost of £7.50p, Liz Pike will entertain us with books she has found interesting and read us some humorous poetry, and will discuss with us anybooks we have enjoyed. Please join us for a fun afternoon. Christine Owen The High Tea Society yeovil
Britannia Carnival Club
Sir, Despite rumours, The Britannia Carnival Club HAS nOT CLOSED. With 15 members and 1 visitor in attendance at the AGM held in the new year, a committee with new officers was formed – Chairman David Smith, Secretary Christine Stone, and Treasurer Kara Pinnions. So we have a very small nucleus of keen carnivalites, but still require many more (builders, electricians, painters, welders, engineers, dancers and tractor drivers). If we go out this year as a cart, major necessities will need to be dealt with – a new chassis for the main float, sound system and new roofs both for the ‘Jenny’ cart and the main cart. Therefore sponsorship would be really gratefully received, as fund raising does prove more and more difficult each year. We all thoroughly enjoyed last year’s time on the carnival circuits. Winning a few cups ‘Best Improved Float’ from ‘Gangs’ and at Wells Carnival ‘Best Local Costume’. At the presentation evening for the latter, costume maker Jenny Kingston after collecting the cup came back to her table beaming, saying ‘I’ve waited for this for years, you just don’t know how chuffed I am’. Well done Jenny those costumes won the crowds over at each carnival (especially the men). So even if we only do a walking troupe this year, we will be seeing you somewhere on the Bridgwater Circuit. Should you be interested in becoming a member of the club (first years membership is free), or would like more information, please contact Chairman David Smith on 01458 274213. Christine Stone Secretary Britannia Carnival Club Castle Cary
We Hear That Lin Penn of Shepton Mallet sometimes finds it hard to chop a chop. That Simon ‘Mr Posh’ of Kingsbury Episcopi will consider having flotation gear as an optional extra on his next car. That the England Cricket Team have been taken to a kangaroo rescue centre, for rest and recuperation. That yeovilton Military Wives Choir have been known to sing in their slippers! That Dawn Weeks of Wincanton had an encounter with some scaffolding on a wet and windy day! That Henry VIII was last seen promoting sausages in Baltonsborough back in August 2011. That there was a noticeable dip in Gas pressure as the Olympic Cauldron was lit. That renowned chimney sweep John Sansom of Templecombe made for an entertaining interview on Somerset Sound recently. That the annual Mells Daffodil Festival normally held in April is cancelled due to the unprecedented rainfall. That congratulations go to Gillingham’s Richard Cumming at Orchard Park Garden Centre on his tenth year anniversary - where have the years gone? T ha t co nt ro v e rsy re ig ns in Visitorland and beyond ... ‘Sam Cam’ is not our First Lady (as mentioned in last month’s House at Yah Boo Corner). Her Majesty the Queen is surely our First Lady. God Save the Queen! That clothing by young up-andcoming fashion & print designer Alice Farrow of London (formerly of Butleigh Wootton and Street) has recently been seen on morning television. That contributions to this column are always welcome by post, fax, email or telephone. Entries supplied anonymously however, will not be published.
80th Birthday
“ted” gliddon Fools Paradise aSHWater, Devon ( formerly North Cadbury)
happy Birthday dad 21st MarCh Love Chelley & Ian Helen and allan Malcolm, Karen and alex
Mentioned in
Dispatches The Market House Castle Cary opens as a Venue, everybody is invited to come and view Saturday 1st March 9.30am - 12noon
Extensive renovation of The Market House is now complete and this iconic building offers internal and external areas to let for community and commercial events. ‘The Shambles’ situated inside towards the back of the building is now a superior venue for productions, lectures, exhibitions, films etc., complete with a glazed roof, underfloor heating, seating for up to 50 people and top of the range AV equipment. From the Shambles, step out to ‘The Undercroft’ which is enclosed and covered with one side open towards the street. The Undercroft is a perfect over-spill area for events in The Shambles and covered area for extended markets and social events. Below The Undercroft is the cobbled area which will be the focus of regular Tuesday general street markets from 18th March December, 9am - 2pm. This is a wonderful achievement for Castle Cary which already boasts some of the best retail outlets in the area including fashion, interior design, galleries galore, antiques, hair and beauty salons, food, wine, delicatessens plus tea and coffee houses. The official opening will be performed by Lady Gass, Lord Lieutenant of Somerset and Bruton’s King’s School Big Band will provide the music. Refreshments and a tour of the building will be available. Contact: 01963 359631 email:
Urgent - Knitters Wanted!
Kris and Sarah at the Sherborne Tapestry Centre, 1 Cheap Street Sherborne, are working to help the folks affected by this winter’s floods. Their first challenge is, with the help of all you knitters, to donate 100% wool wellie socks. Wool retains it’s warmth value even when wet, so these socks will help make a very difficult time a little easier. Kris has developed a pattern for Aran weight wool using two needles and no difficult shaping. Wool has
been very generously donated by The Dorset Forest Garden and in memory of Jo Bagwell. Come into the shop to pick up your wool and pattern. They also have patterns for crocheted keychain wellie socks and odd-sock sheep to help raise funds. Kris has set up a facebook page, Woollies on the Level, so you can follow their progress and lend a hand. will also be selling fundraising products and accepting donations. Finally, Riverdrift House has donated 10%, matched by The Sherborne Tapestry Centre, of the most beautiful cross-stitch kit (£2.99) for each kit sold as well as giving a kit to be made up and presented to the people affected. Kris will be stitching the kit and The Old Barn Framers have offered to frame it. This is a long-term problem and many need our help. Just one pair of socks will make a difference.
Somerset Chamber calls for overhaul of business rates
Following the package of business rate and local support measures announced by the Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP on 29th January, which includes £1,000 off the next tax bill for 300,000 small retail firms, the Somerset Chamber is calling for a complete overhaul
community are heard at all levels of government.
Support for Local Charities
Fast Fit Express, the tyre bay at Bakers of Gillingham, nominated two local charities to benefit from their recent Kumho Tyres ‘Cash for Causes’ scheme. Brian Tarling of Fast Fit Express was delighted to be able to present two cheques for £250 each to St. Marys Scout Group and Gillingham Town Museum.
Brian Tarling of Fast Fit Express, Gillingham presents a cheque for £250 to St. Mary’s Scout Group.
of business rates. Alongside the British Chambers of Commerce, the Somerset Chamber insists that anything less than a full reform of Britain’s broken business rate system is ‘just a sticking plaster.’ Commenting on the announcement, Rupert Cox, CEO of the Somerset Chamber of Commerce, said, “One of the biggest bugbears that every business faces is the unfair tax of business rates that are based on space and not profitability and that have no bearing on the rental market. ‘Even during the depths of recession, the government still increased the business rates tax on commercial property, and while there are some exemptions
for small retailers, most businesses are paying more than they did in 2010 even though rent might have stayed the same or even decreased. ‘The government must now address this unfair tax and completely overhaul the business rate system, making it fair and equitable so that businesses are not paying a disproportionate amount of the tax burden.’ As one of only five accredited Chambers in the South West and 53 in the whole of the UK, the Somerset Chamber works closely with the British Chambers of Commerce to make sure Somerset businesses stay well connected at both a local and national level, and that the voices of the Somerset business
AgustaWestland contracts give economic confidence in South Somerset
The announcement that AgustaWestland has been awarded two contracts by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD), valued at £760 million will help the economic confidence in South Somerset grow. They have been awarded contracts to convert 25 AW101 Merlin helicopters for maritime operations under the Merlin Life Sustainment Programme (MLSP) and to provide the Apache AH Mk.1 Attack Helicopter fleet with comprehensive support and maintenance services for five years. The awarded contracts will help sustain approximately 175 highly skilled jobs at AgustaWestland and more than 500 jobs in the
t S i l a i C e p S SerViCeS
5 Shirts Laundered and Finished for £6
March Promotion
Extra Shirts charged at £1.20 each Dress Shirts are not included. This is the minimum price, no further discounts or promotions allowed on the offer price. Applies in our Bond Street Shop (Yeovil) only.
have you been flooded? cARpETS & RugS cLEANEd ON ThE pREMISES Flood and Fire Damage Restoration
● Wedding dresses – cleaning & finishing also boxes available for long term storage ● Repairs & Alterations to most garments ● Large Agency Network – contact us to find your nearest agent
Puffin CLEANERS 17 / 18 Bond Street, yeovil
Tel: 01935 421238
17 / 18 Bond Street, Yeovil
Tel: 01935 421238 THE VISITOR March 2014 9
Mentioned in
Dispatches supply chain, including many SMEs.
Mayor appeals to community in campaign against Dog fouling
Cllr Val Pothecary, Mayor of Gillingham, is committed to tackling the problem of dog fouling
which has substantially increased in recent weeks. Having received several complaints, Cllrs Pothecary and Cllr David Walsh met with the Environmental Protection Manager and the Dog Warden at nDDC to discuss the procedure for reporting the problem and the evidence required to impose fines on offending dog owners. Currently the Dog Warden can impose an on the spot fine of £50 if she witnesses an offence being committed, however she is only employed on a part time basis and has to cover the whole district. Members of the public who witness
A. J. WAkEly & SONS lTD Independent Family Funeral Directors • Golden Charter Pre Paid Funeral Plans • 24 Hour Service • Private Chapel of Rest
Golden Charter Brochure available on request Clive Wakely Dip F.D. M.B.I.E. The Old Police Station, Carrington Way WINCANTON BA9 9JS Tel: 01963 31310
an offence are required to attend court in order for the court to impose a fine of up to £1000 and it is thought there would be a risk of reprisals. It was agreed that other dog owners and concerned members of the community should be encouraged to report any incidence of dog fouling to the Town Council offices where confidential details will be taken and passed on to Cllrs Pothecary and Walsh to follow up. This should give the public reassurance and enable them to support the campaign without risk as both Councillors would be happy to act as witnesses. The Mayor said, ‘I want to appeal to the great majority of responsible dog owners to keep a look out for anyone allowing their dog to foul and not picking up, and to report the offender to the Town Council. We need to put an end to this extremely unsociable practice and return the streets and public areas of our town to their former level of cleanliness, for the enjoyment of everyone.’
Competition Winner
The winner of last month’s competition on our website was Simon Haines of Ilminster who chose to spend his £25 voucher at Andrew Barclay Butchers, Wincanton.
South Somerset District Council’s Careline Service has reached a new landmark by having a total of 2000 customers currently registered and receiving the service. The Careline service provides an emergency alarm button and pendant that can be worn at all times, which links to a control centre where emergency staff are on hand to answer calls 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Mrs Jean Boobyer, age 79 of Yeovil, the 2000th customer, receives a bouquet of flowers from Cllr Ric Pallister, Leader of South Somerset District Council. To find out more about how Careline can help, contact 01935 479815 or visit careline
private nursing Care from £700.00 per week the aurora Care group offers private nursing care in our Somerset nursing homes at prices from £700.00 per week 166 Hendford Hill, yeovil, BA20 2rg 01935 470400 10 THE VISITOR March 2014
our homes are spread across south Somerset and variously offer: ● 24 hour nursing care in purpose built accommodation ● Large single en suite rooms with ensuite wet rooms ● Comprehensive social programmes with several activities a day, designed to stimulate physically, intellectually and socially ● restaurant standard dining in own rooms or dining rooms ● Frequent trips out in our own minibus ● beautiful landscaped gardens with breathtaking views over the Somerset countryside Hurst, Martock, tA12 6Ju 01935 823467 Higher Holton, nr. Wincanton, BA9 8eA 01963 33370
Gifts for Mothering Sunday 30th March Make your own cards!
It is always nice to receive a handmade card that has been specially made for the occasion. Hanson’s of Sturminster newton are holding a Demonstration Day on the 15th March for papercrafts and peel offs - giving you plenty of new ideas for card making. With Mother’s Day in mind there are plenty of gift ideas too, such as sewing boxes, sewing machines, crafts and books.
Williams Florist and Garden Shop
Williams Florist and Garden Shop is situated in the heart of Stalbridge, and their service is second to none, offering floral designs and arrangements perfect for Mother’s Day. Planted baskets
and tubs for the garden can be made to order and indoor plants beautifully wrapped. Being eFlorist members, they can arrange delivery of beautiful flowers to your Mum wherever she may live, locally, nationally or internationally. The garden shop has all that a Gardener should need with an extensive range of garden sundries, compost, tools, and trellis plus onion sets, seed poatoes and seeds ready for spring planting. national Garden Gift Vouchers on sale make a welcome gift. Why not pop along and see the smart new florist shop and the newly designed garden shop – with a large free car park opposite it couldn’t be any simpler.
Sherborne Tapestry
Give mum a present that is practical and pretty - a sewing box complete with threads,
needles etc! Choose from a selection at Sherborne Tapestry. If mum is into sewing she may like one of the tapestry or cross stitch kits – there are plenty of designs to suit all abilities. Also on sale a range of attractive knitted scarves and bags.
Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol - just one of many prints available from Scenes of Gillingham, who are now offering Crystal Clearwater float glass as standard on all framing. Artwork framing using crystal clearwater float glass which gives purer colour rendition – at no extra charge SpEcIALITy gLASS such as ultraview water white anti-reflective glass also available, optically coated to create a nearly invisible High Street, Gillingham finish for clarity of image. Tel / Fax 01747 824050
email: •
treat your Mum for Mother’s day Whatever her age we will have something just for her from ... ✿ Bouquets & Arrangements ✿ Planted Baskets ✿ A lovely selection of Spring Flowers ✿ A vast choice of House Plants ✿ Balloons We offer free delivery in the local area, or there is a free car park opposite - so make your Mum feel special and visit Williams Florist! Also available seed potatoes, bulbs, seeds, compost and everything a Gardener should need. STATION ROAd, STALBRIdGE, dORSET, dT10 2RQ Tel: 01963 362355 ▪ Email:
Send mum flowers for Mothering Sunday - Andrea’s of Middle Street, Yeovil have a wonderful choice including basket arrangements, hand ties and arrangements in vases. Interflora Agents.
Andrea’s of yeovil Beautiful flowers for mum Beautiful Bouquets - plants - Arrangements Why not add a Box of Chocolates, Balloon or Teddy? orDer eArlY for suNDAY 30th mArCh
FreepHone: 08000 92 93 50 78 Middle Street, yeovil, BA20 1Lt THE VISITOR March 2014 11
Gifts for Mothering Sunday 30th March Mayflowers
Mayflowers of Gillingham always have a delightful range of cut flowers and house plants. Local Interflora Agents they can deliver locally, nationally and internationally. Why not call in and see the complete range for yourself. The new spring blooms are arriving - daffodils, tulips, irises etc., plus planted bowls of spring bulbs. Place your order early for Mothering Sunday.
One World
you are bound to find a suitable gift for mum when you visit One World in South Petherton. Beautiful silver jewellery, wooden ornaments, glass vases, or perhaps a useful environmentally friendly wicker basket for her shopping. All items on sale are ethically sourced from around the world – many handmade. There is a good choice of cards, gift wrap and stationery too! Please do call in - the shop has several showrooms over two floors.
Service with a smile! Proprietor Heather Burch of Heather’s Flowers Castle Cary. Inset is Carly, an experienced florist who has recently joined her. For a wonderful choice of flowers - expertly and imaginatively arranged - do call in.
Heather’s Flowers Make Mum’s Day!
Bouquets Planted Pots Baskets Delivered To Your Door Free DeLiverY in cAsTLe cArY eflorist Delivery service
Open Sunday 30th March from 8.30am
Francis House, Fore Street, Castle Cary BA7 7BQ 01963 350525
17 St. James Street South Petherton Somerset TA13 5BS 01460 241166
Mayflowers Your local Interflora Florist
MotHerS dAy – Sunday 30th March For a super selection of fresh cut flowers and plants visit us at ...
2A HIgH Street, gILLIngHAM or why not order by phone or website?
tel: 01747 824424 12 THE VISITOR March 2014
There are plenty of pretty gifts to choose from at Living Pretty in Curry Rivel. A scarf perhaps or something for the home. If you can’t decide, how about a voucher for a Champagne Afternoon Tea - a real treat for Mum!
Gifts for Mothering Sunday 30th March Special Mother’s Day Dinner
Shine cafe bar of Sturminster newton are opening especially for Mothering Sunday on the evening of 30th March. The restaurant will be transformed with flowers and candlelit tables and most importantly Chef Andy
A gift that is both attractive and practical - this range of place mats depicting country scenes and animals with matching coasters available. Just one of many gift ideas at Wheathill Garden Centre - why not book for Sunday Lunch in their cosy tea rooms?
Elegance Beauty Clinic
We all like to be pampered and mums are no exception! Whether it’s a relaxing pedicure to revive tired aching feet, or a luxurious facial, mums are sure to love it. Elegance Beauty Therapy Clinic in Wincanton offers gift vouchers redeemable against any of the extensive range of treatments offered. Beauty products are also available such as nail varnish, aromatherapy products, foot soaks, skin care ranges and lots more. Make sure your mum has a beautiful Mother’s Day - with a visit to Elegance.
Mandy (proprietor) holding a ‘Mum in a million’ mug and Carol get ready for Mothers Day at Wild Cardz in Wincanton. Here you will find a host of beautiful cards for Mothers’ Day and every other occasion!
April’s of Castle Cary
The Dressing Room has now opened within April’s Fashions in Castle Cary. April’s offer affordable fashions including easy to wear jersey tunics for just £29. The newly openend Dressing Room will offer vintage clothes, designer prom dresses and evening wear, plus embroidered linen, handmade jewellery and more. With Mothering Sunday approaching there are gift vouchers plus many other gift ideas such as scarves, accessories, photo frames, cushions, slippers, knitwear and more - do call in.
Special Mothering Sunday dinner Delicious 3 Course Candlelit Dinner cafe bar Including a Bottle of Wine per Table – £25 pp – 7pm ✳ Early Booking Advised ✳ Market cross, SturMinSter newton 01258 472460
Jackson has created a delicious 3 course meal with wine (a bottle per table) for just £25pp. Shine is open daily 7 days a week for delicious homemade breakfasts and lunches. Shine can be booked for evening party bookings and private functions.
Mother’s Day: Sunday 30 th March VisiT us for a suPeRB CHOiCe of CARDs “Mummy” – “Mum” – “Wife” – “nan” – etc. ★ Special MotHer’S dAy Mugs, Key rings, pens ★ Blue Nose range of teddy bears & gifts St. pAtrICK’S dAy Cards and eASter Cards now in stock Visit Google + ... and have a virtual tour of our shop!
Wild Cardz
35 High Street, Wincanton, Somerset BA9 9Ju • tel: 01963 31234
e Dressing Room NeW ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴
established 1983
Élégance Designer Prom Dresses Evening Wear Vintage Clothing Handmade Jewellery Embroidered Linen, etc.
April’s, e Black & White Shop 13 Fore Street, Castle Cary Somerset, BA7 7BG 01963 351626 Email:
Beauty Therapy Clinic Sandie Barrett m.B.A.B.T.A.c. • c.i.D.e.s.c.o.
Give mum a treat ... GiFt VOuCherS - the ideal GiFt A full range of beauty treatments available A LADies onLY sALon
8b Church Street, Wincanton (01963) 34115
march into the Garden at wheathill Garden Centre! Spring Planting
Mother’s Day Gifts
Tea Rooms
Seed Potatoes bulbs Primroses Perennials trees & Shrubs
❀ Houseplants ❀ Bronnley toiletries books, China, Stationery Placemats, Coasters Colourful Gardening Gloves & Secateurs
Booking now for ...
Mothering Sunday roast
Main and Sweet - £8.95 Specials, Light Snacks & Homemade Cakes
wheathill lane • milborne Port • DT9 5eY Tel: 01963 251500 OpEn: 9am – 5pm Monday – Saturday and ... 10am – 4pm Sunday
THE VISITOR March 2014 13
Leisure & Tra vel Cycle-Babble OVER THE PAST few years sportives have become increasingly popular amongst the UK's cycling fraternity. These mass-start events bring hundreds, sometimes thousands, of amateur riders together to ride on closed roads. For many it brings a unique opportunity to ride in a large bunch and to experience the special camaraderie that comes with the taking on of a personal challenge amidst hundreds of others doing exactly the same. That creates a special bond between hitherto strangers. These are not races but singular tests of courage. And everyone wants everyone else to succeed. Many of the most famous sportives take place in Europe. The Etape du Tour is one of the most popular. The Etape's route changes each year as it follows a stage of that year's Tour de France – in fact the Etape has become so popular in recent years that there are now two each year based on different stages. The
Marmotte is probably the best well known of the sportives that maintain the same route each year and it is also one of the toughest. Starting in the French alpine town of Bourg d'Oisans, the Marmotte takes its riders over some of the Tour's greatest climbs – the Glandon, the Telegraphe, the Galibier and then up the 21 hairpins of truth that are Alpe d'Huez. It's 174km of leg-breaking, lung-burning hell, with over 5000m of climbing. So why am I telling you about sportives in Europe? Well, this week an email popped into Cycle Babble's in-box that announced there is a new kid on the block; one that, when CB looked into it further, made its eyes water; one that threatens to make even the Marmotte look like an afternoon pedal in the park. It is the AlpenTraum. Billed as the sportive to make the ‘dream of every road rider sure to come true’ the AlpenTraum takes in 252km of riding and over 6000m of climbing. It
crosses the width of the Alps, from Sonthofen in Germany's Bavarian Alps, to Sulden in northern Italy, via Austria. The event premièred in 2013, when 500 plucky souls took on the challenge, braving snow en route before emerging in brilliant sunshine at the end (another 250 opted for the ‘short’ route of 146km). The route takes in no fewer than six major alpine passes, and the climbing starts early. The 6km long Oberjoch will ease the riders in with its relatively modest maximum gradient of 6% (average 4%) before things quickly get serious. The Hahntennjoch pass (14.7km at 6%, max 15%), the Pillerhöhe (7.5km at 9%, max 16%) and the Reschen Pass (16.5km at 3%, max 11.5%) are all thrown at you mercilessly. Then, with 200km already in the legs, comes the highlight: Stilfser Joch. The Stilfser Joch pass is better known in cycling circles as the Stelvio. This climb will strike both fear and awe into anyone who knows it from following the Giro d'Italia. It is one of the Giro's greatest and toughest and most legendary climbs. Fantastic stories have been written into cycling's history books on this climb. The Alpen-Traum route tackles it via
So, you think you know your pop music, do you? By John Osborne • Answers can be found on page 43 1. ‘Life’s too Short’ declares who, at the moment? 2. name the band behind the album ‘Modern Life is rubbish’ 3. name the band who topically declared ‘I Can’t Stand the rain’ in 1978? 4. ‘Flying’ is unique among beatles tracks. Why? 5. ‘Zenyatta Mondatta’ a triple-platinum album by which trio? 6. Lyric - ’I stand up next to a mountain, and chop it down with the ledge of my hand’ 7. name the band who won the eurovision Song contest with ‘Love Shine a Light’ in 1997 8. We associate Ian broudie best with which band? 9. Where in the West Country did ‘tears for Fears’ come from? 10. according to alan Price, who had an ‘amazing dancing bear’? Bonus question Who said they had ‘the Weaver’s answer’ in 1969, which became their signature tune. extra Bonus question What song did Paul Simon write whilst sat on the railway station of the north-West town, Widnes? question Impossible ‘the Diamond Hard blue apples of the Moon’ was the ‘b’ side of which prog-rock hit? great quotes in Music (68) "they (the band ‘Journey’) defined the genre a.O.r. virtually on their own” – bob Harris
the Umbrail Pass, a slightly easier climb than the sides the Giro usually uses, eventually branching onto the Stelvio's southern slopes. That said, all things are relative here. The Stelvio / Stilfser Joch tops out at 2757m and it is a 16.5km climb to get there, averaging 8% and maxing out at 16.5%. After all that uphill there is however the sweeping descent through the climb's famous hairpins to look forward to. But the climbing still isn't done. The route climaxes with an 8km climb up to Sulden, and with a maximum grade of over 15%, it is no soft finish. There is a pasta party once you are there though. This is a serious ride and one for the serious bike riders among you out there – even the short version is 146km and over 4000m of climbing. If your appetite has been whetted then it all happens on the 13th September. Head over to for more information and details on how to apply. Giles Belbin.
Sherborne Castle & Gardens
Built by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1594 and home to the Digby family since 1617, the Castle’s staterooms display glorious art, furniture and porcelain collections from the great periods of English history. In the Castle’s cellars see Raleigh’s kitchen and a museum displaying relics from the Civil War, fascinating documents from the archive, family curiosities and a collection of fossils. The gardens and pleasure grounds surrounding the 50-acre
aN adVert iN February the puB paGeS 28th BArrY PAULL as ELViS - Quicksilver Mail, yeovil eNSureS a Free 28th rAiLHOGS (in the bar) - Quicksilver Mail, yeovil MeNtiON here! 28th PAUL Da ViNCi - Marston Inn, Marston Magna March 1st FLATLAND BOOGiE BAND - Lord nelson, norton Sub Hamdon 14th FiNiAN McGUrK - Quicksilver Mail, yeovil 21st SNAKE DAViS - Quicksilver Mail, yeovil 23rd THE PrODUCErS - Quicksilver Mail, yeovil 17th SKELAD - Montague Inn, Shepton Montague 28th SWEET FA - Quicksilver Mail, yeovil 29th KEViN BUTT - Wyndham arms, Kingsbury episcopi 30th US - Lord nelson, norton Sub Hamdon 30th SHErBOrNE TOWN BAND / FrEE TiME OLD DiXiE JASS BAND - Quicksilver Mail, yeovil
eAster issUe
The Easter issue of The Visitor will be Published on 27th March Deadline 17th March Book your advert early ...
Tel: 01963 351256
or email: 14 THE VISITOR March 2014
Leisure lake form a magnificent ‘Capability’ Brown landscape, with sweeping lawns, borders and majestic specimen trees. Delightful walks lead round the lake to garden features such as Raleigh’s Seat, the Cascade and the Folly. Shorter walks lead you to the walled garden, the Ginkgo Lawn and the Orangery, next to the boathouse and pier where there are wonderful views of the medieval castle ruins. Colour is provided throughout the season: during their spectacular Spring Bulbs & Daffodils Weekend 22nd-23rd March, (see advert inside cover) through summer plants and borders to the breath-taking colours of autumn reflected in the lake. This natural and tranquil location is fabulous for watching a host of wildlife on the lake and adjacent grounds. It’s a perfect setting to relax, and for a picnic too! The tea room serves morning coffees, light lunches and delicious afternoon teas. The Gift Shop has a selection of gifts, souvenirs and their very own Sherborne Castle wines.
Swing in the Church
In Kingsbury Episcopi Methodist Church on Friday 21st March at 7.30pm there will a concert by the Swing Band and Singers from Queen’s College, Taunton. Under Mr Miles Quick, the Director of Music at the College, these very talented youngsters provide an evening of excellent music from the swing era, with some more contemporary items to add variety. This is the third ‘Swing in The Church’ concert by the College band, and always guarantees a great evening of musical entertainment. Tickets are £5 each and available from 01935 823751. Hurry - numbers are limited!
Concert in Dorchester
A concert is being held at the United Church Dorchester on 22nd March, featuring well-
known local folk acts Paul Openshaw and ninebarrow. All proceeds will go to Mercy Ships to support the work they do providing medical care in Africa.
Lakeside Florida Villa
Business robert Stone & Co., chartered accountants and tax advisers in ilminster answers questions from small businesses in Somerset
Located just 35 mins for Orlando airport and within easy distance of Disney World, this luxury villa can sleep ten. There are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. The south facing pool and spa has an extended sun deck and overed lanai. It has stunning views of the lake which has many visitors including turtles and ducks. The Villa is air conditioned and has a fully equipped games room. Community facilities include floodlit tennis court, volley ball, childrens play area and more. For further details visit or call 01935 420899 - Steve or Sharon Tucker.
Q1. i work through my own personal service company. When i go abroad on business my customer normally pays for the cost of hotels and meals. Can i still claim the personal incidental expenses (PiE) from my own company?
Q2. My investment property was let as furnished holiday accommodation until 31 August 2013. As i was not getting enough income from holiday lets, i have let it on rolling six month tenancies from September onwards. How do i report the income? Should i split the year at 31 August, with the first five months treated as holiday lettings and the remaining period as normal property let?
Including Circus Memorabilia Exhibition The Half Moon Inn, Horsington In Aid of Horsington & South Cheriton Defibrillator
6 liVe BAnDs & OPen miC’ COmPeTiTiOn Saturday 5th April, 10am ‘til Late BBQ • Live Music • Bar • Child Rides Craft Stands • Bouncy Castle Tickets from – Papertrees, Wincanton Half Moon Inn, Horsington • Templecombe Stores John Sansom: 07974 662145 Tickets £3 in advance or £5 on the door
spectra musica in
Musical Director: SIMON TWISELTON Piano: ANITA D’ATTELLIS — performing —
Faure: Requiem ‘West Side Story’ Medley Saturday 5 th April 2014, 7.30pm St. Luke & St. Teresa’s RC Church WinCAnTon TiCkeT £10 includes refreshments during the interval TiCkeT SALeS onLine oR on The dooR Charity number 1114436
Villa in Florida USA ■ Sleeps Ten – from £600 pw ■ 15 minutes to Disney World ■ 30 minutes from Orlando Airport ■ South facing Pool and Spa ■ Lake View with extended deck ■ Fully equipped Games Room ■ Many Championship Golf Courses nearby ■ FREE wi-fi ■ Supermarket & Restaurant nearby For details contact Steve & Sharon Tucker: 01935 420899
robert Stone replies:
yes you can still claim the PIE, which is £10 per night for overseas trips, when you are abroad on business. The PIE is supposed to cover incidental expenses such as phone calls, newspapers and laundry, not the cost of hotel or meals.
robert Stone replies:
For the property to qualify for the special tax reliefs due for furnished holiday lettings (FHL), it must qualify as FHL for the full 12 months. One of the conditions is that it must be available for holiday lettings for 210 days in the year. your property was only available for holiday letting for 149 days, so it does not qualify for FHL for 2013/14. you should treat all of the income from the property as ordinary let property income in 2013/14. Assuming the property qualified as FHL in 2012/13, your FHL business is treated as ceasing on 5 April 2013. you may need to calculate closing balances
for capital allowances at April 2013. We can certainly help you with that.
Q3. i've heard that i won't be able to reclaim the sick pay i pay to my employees from April. is this true? robert Stone replies:
Unfortunately yes. Employers can currently recover statutory sick pay (SSP) as an off-set against PAyE due, if the SSP exceeds 13% of the class 1 nICs the employer pays over for the tax month. The excess SSP above the 13% threshold is the off-set amount. For SSP paid on and after 6 April 2014 no off-sets will be given. The SSP will be an absolute cost to the employer, although it is a legal requirement to pay SSP to eligible employees. In return the Government is going to provide more help to employees who have been off sick for four weeks or more, in the form of a ‘back to work plan’. If you have an urgent query, do not hesitate to contact Robert Stone on 01460 55661 or email your questions to: info@the
Claire Downes Web Design
Claire Downes is a small Bruton based company who pride themselves on their personal friendly service offering Web Development Services to suit any needs, large or small. Claire Downes completed a degree in Computing and Internet Technologies, and has years of experience in web development having undertaken many varied projects. Services include website builds and alterations, eCommerce websites, newsletter creation, social media, Logo creation, SEO, Domain name and Email registration, and image manipulation. They can also help with your current website, and work in a range of technologies and platforms. Please call for a free no obligation quote
THE VISITOR March 2014 15
Business & PROFessiOnAL End of year tax planning 5 April 2014 Local Accountant and Financial Planner - Old Mill
With offices in yeovil and Wells employing 170 staff between them Old Mill are the local choice for all your accounting, tax and financial planning needs. Whether you are a private individual, self-employed, run as small business, a farmer or are the owner/ manager of a larger business, we have the expertise to help you. As a client you have the confidence that our Chartered Accountants will look after all your compliance needs and will ensure that you are only paying the tax you need to. On top of that we help our clients plan to achieve financial independence in later life. Whether it is around pensions or investments our Chartered Financial Planners are there to help.
Chalmers & Co.
Whether you are a business person, property landlord or pay significant amounts of tax as an employed or retired person there is now a short window of opportunity to examine your likely earnings for the 2013-14 tax year and, more importantly, see what can be done to minimise those liabilities. It is impossible to outline all
of the possible tax planning issues that could be of benefit. We have listed below a few and would suggest that you give us a call to discuss your individual circumstances. • Have you maximised your ISA investments this year? • Have you maximised your pension contributions? • If possible have you utilised your Capital Gains Tax personal exemption? Currently £10,900 for 201314. • If your employer still pays for the private fuel used in your company car you can effectively avoid the car fuel benefit charge if you repay your employer for the private fuel before the end of the tax year. It may be worth crunching the numbers as the tax on the benefit in kind is expensive and the private fuel refund may be less. • For Inheritance Tax purposes each person can give £250 a year to any number of recipients, as well as £3,000 annually over and above that amount. They can also make regular gifts out of their income (not capital) that should fall to be exempt. • If you are married or in a Civil Partnership and one partner/spouse has a much lower level of earned income, consider transferring income producing assets to the lower income earner. With Income Tax rates at a maximum 45% this current tax year, savings
could be significant. • If you or your partner/spouse are affected by the Child Benefit claw back for high income earners, have you considered equalising your income (if possible) to avoid the charge, or have you considered your obligation to file a Self Assessment tax return to disclose your liability? • If your income is likely to exceed £100,000 this tax year have you considered the potential reduction or loss of your personal tax allowance? • If you are a high income earner paying tax at the 45% additional rate could you take advantage of charitable donations reliefs or other planning opportunities to defer, reduce or eliminate the impact the 45% rate? • Is it likely you will have business tax losses for 201314? As indicated above every person’s circumstances are different and the above list is by no means exhaustive. Please call if you would like to organise a review of your tax planning opportunities for 2013-14.
A Grim Weather Warning for Businesses in Dorset
Britain’s favourite forecaster, weatherman Michael Fish, will give a dire warning to Dorset next month – years of even worse weather are on the way and it’s too late to stop it.
Mr Fish, who became a national icon through his forecasts on the BBC, is to spearhead a grim reality check on future weather for Dorset’s Climate Week (March 1st-6th). Pulling no punches, Mr Fish is to deliver a lecture at the Dorchester Corn Exchange on Monday March 3rd entitled Climate Change – The Ultimate Weapon Of Mass Destruction. The weather expert who spent 42 years with the Meteorological Office says the storm-battered nation faces a future of more floody hell! The weather has been known to be worsening for more than 40 years. ‘The basics were identified in the 1880s, the severity in the 1970s,’ he said. The storm-bashed West Country is forecast a bleak future of sodden winters and scorched summers. Free tickets for Michael Fish’s lecture can be booked at For more information on Climate Week 2014, go to
Woodside Court Sparkford
Looking for new office facilities? Then visit the attractively converted former dairy farm Woodside Court at Sparkford. It offers well- appointed ‘out of town’ business units to rent. Within easy access of the A303 and with ample free parking, Woodside Court comprises 15 business units plus warehousing
CHALMERS & CO. CHartereD aCCOuntantS personal & Business tax Advisors • Business Start ups payroll Bureau • Accounting and Audit Specialists Full Business Support Services • VAt returns & Advice A personal & friendly approach to business that will work for you Free InItIaL COnSuLtatIOn
yeovil 01935 476499
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the old emporium, Bow Street, Langport, Somerset register on our website at
for Free monthly newsletters updating you on all business matters 16 THE VISITOR March 2014
Business and storage. Modern, light and airy offices with full facilities including kitchen, toilets and meeting room facilities - ideal for start-up or expanding businesses. Rentals are competitive and tenancy agreements flexible. For more information contact
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Stationery, Cards and Gift Wrap Office Equipment & Furniture Printer Inks and Toners Competitive Prices
Chartered Certified Accountants and Registered Auditors
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See our ColouR BRoCHuRE with over 18,000 products, or view online
Stockists of Lamy, Sheaffer & Parker Pens Filofax & Collins Organisers
business and limited company accounts, self assessment tax returns, vat, Payroll, book-keeping and training
Call at our shop ...
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Personal and professional service
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BUsiNess opportUNities ~ at ~
Woodside Court, Sparkford
Office spaces to let in this pleasant well appointed business centre attractive out of town premises within easy access of the a303 Ideal for start-up / expansion businesses Full amenities – including toilets, kitchen, meeting room facilities and ample free parking Competitive rental – flexible tenancies
How to ‘future proof’ your assets By Sally Manning, Lawyer in the Wills and probate department of Battens Solicitors in Sherborne A FAMILY FRIEnD was telling me recently that she felt ‘prepared for the future’ because she had made a will. But what happens if an illness or accident leaves you unable to deal with your own affairs? It’s something we should all consider however well we feel today. Waiting too long could burden your loved ones with a costly court process to take control of your affairs. The answer is a legal document known as a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). With this, you appoint a close friend, relative or trusted professional such as a lawyer to make decisions on your behalf as and when the time comes. You can make two types of LPA, one to handle medical and personal welfare decisions and the other to cover your property and financial affairs. The management of your property and finances could grind to a halt if you do not have a LPA. Even with the best of intentions such as to pay for your care, your spouse will not be able to access assets in your sole name, for example ISAs, without a court application. Decisions on your personal welfare will not be held up, but may be made ‘by committee’ and not necessarily by the people who you would have chosen. An LPA creates robust safeguards. Firstly, it requires a ‘Certificate Provider’, a professional or someone that you have known for at least two years who signs to confirm that you have capacity and are aware of the power of the document. The firm of solicitors preparing the LPA can act as your Certificate Provider. Secondly, the LPA needs to be registered at the Office of the Public Guardian before it can be used. At this time, a third party, again of your choosing, will receive notification of the registration in case they have any objection. Making an LPA is all about planning for the future. The process is relatively easy and can save a huge amount of time, distress and cost. It doesn’t mean that your attorneys take over your affairs straight away. You carry on dealing with matters and making your own decisions as you always have done. The LPA is there for peace of mind. As always, the best advice is to speak to the experts. Battens Solicitors has been established for 300 years, is a Legal 500 firm and LEXEL accredited. This means we undergo rigorous independent assessment every year to ensure we meet the Law Society’s required standards of excellence. I can advise you on which type of LPA is required, prepare the documents and deal with the registration. For an initial chat, ring me on 01935 811304 or email You can also find more information at OFFIcES IN ShERBORNE, yEOVIL, dORchESTER and WEyMOuTh
non restricted opening hours enquiries: Maryanne Stokes 07747 676833 or email: THE VISITOR March 2014 17
MoTor I NG VINTAGE Motor Cycling AS I WRITE there are thousands of acres of land under water, the rain and gales continue, and the misery for many people continues. My heart goes out to those affected. March is upon us and the promise of spring and of better weather should not be far away. For any old vehicle club now is an important time after the slumbers of winter. Events gather pace and frequency and the mysteries of the winter shed work will be revealed as the latest restorations see the light of day. During March the Somerset Section of the VMCC has its autojumble on the 1st at the Bath and West Showground, their club night at Cossington on the 6th will have a guest speaker, and on the 17th they have the Spring Run at Nether Stowey. The Wessex Veteran and Vintage Section has a talk on its club night on the 10th. This will be Club President Vic Blake talking about a motorcycling personality. The Dorset Section has a Winter Run on the 2nd starting from the Top-of-Town Car Park, Dorchester, a guest speaker at the club night on the 12th at The Halsey Arms, Pulham, and The Blandford Run on the 23rd which starts at The Corn Exchange at Blandford. Lastly the monthly Lunch Meet will be on the 5th and the Breakfast Meet is on the 29th, both at The Riverside Café, West Stour. As usual you can get further information on any of these events by ringing 01935 872528. A date for your diary: On 8th June the Wells Classic Motorcycle Club will be holding its annual ‘Tortoise & Hare Run’. Starting from Wells Football Club the Mayor will be flagging everyone away from 10am. This run has a longer route and a shorter one
which allows for machines of all ages. A thoroughly good day is promised and this event always makes a generous donation to the Somerset & Dorset Air Ambulance afterwards. Give it a try and enjoy the lovely local scenery. Information is available on their club website: www.wells This year the Westlands Classic Motorcycle Club will be celebrating thirty years since its formation. Originally established in connection with the Westland Aircraft Company these days it is completely separate. Now the only criteria for joining is that you must have an interest in motorcycles of any age, so every motorcyclist will be made welcome. The club meets on the second Tuesday of the month at the Sports Club, behind the primary school, in Chilthorne Domer. This club has always raised lots of money for local charities, in excess of £160,000 to date. Check out their activities on and see for yourselves. Rumour has it that special celebrations will be held at their March club night to mark this celebration. Any motorcyclists who missed the Bristol Classic Bike Show on 8/9th February missed a real treat. The standard of machine restorations goes upwards every year and this year was no exception. Held at the Bath and West Showground, the awful weather may have deterred some show-goers but still a good crowd gathered. Fascinating machines of all ages and descriptions were everywhere, and this year it seemed that a greater number of true Veteran and Vintage machines were displayed. The trade and club stands were excellent, as always, and reflected the thought and hard work that goes into their construction. Of local interest was the stand of Wells Classic club. They always
due to expansion we will shortly be moving to larger premises
Yeovil Auto Tuning
• • • • • • •
EstablishEd OvEr 30 YEars
Repairs and Servicing Specialists MOT Testing • Engine Tuning Brakes, Clutches, Gearboxes Competitive Rates Professional, Reliable, Friendly Service Specialising in VW T4 + T5 Vans Revo Engine Re-Mapping (VW & Audi Group)
Alexandra Road, Yeovil Tel: 01935 426515 / 01935 411946 18 THE VISITOR March 2014
Gabby Hunt and his restored 1929 San Sou Pap.
spend months in preparation and this years theme was a horse racing stable. A stable block with a thoroughbred Triumph in each section and equipped with all the paraphernalia associated with a racing stable. (With that and the Tortoise & Hare Run perhaps someone there has a fetish for all things animal). A splendid effort by all concerned. The machines displayed represented the many thousands of hours spent by owners restoring and cleaning their chosen steeds. Non more so than the brilliant restoration of a 1929 San Sou Pap by Charles (always known as Gabby) Hunt. This advanced French machine had laid dormant for many years. Gabby tried to purchase it in the 1970’s but failed, then 18 months ago a second chance to purchase it became available and so he seized the opportunity. The machine uses a Swiss MAG engine but the remainder is all French, and it is extremely rare as less than 50 machines were manufactured, and probably only
three or four remain. Gabby’s attention to detail shines through and the machine is perfect in every way. His labours paid off as he was presented with the Best in Show Award. He will now go forward to the Stafford Show in October to compete for the Classic Bike of the Year Award. My photograph this month shows Gabby with his shiny new mount. Our congratulations go for a job thoroughly well done. Spring of course is the time to get those old vehicles out of hibernation, clean and service them, and then get out and use them. Providing the salty days of winter are behind us, and good weather permits, then we should make use of our old vehicles. More legislation is on the horizon which may restrict our use and the only way to deter its introduction is to prove that we can, and do, use these old vehicles. As more information becomes available I will try and understand it and pass it on to all interested parties. Rod Hann.
GLIDEROL GARAGE DOORS All garage doors are different, so as a roller door specialist, (I don’t replace windows, etc.) I can survey, quote and install to your requirements and make the most of your garage opening, as generally no frame is necessary. With the option of automated operation with remote control, a top quality garage door need only be a phone call away.
G.H. SALES. Tel: 01935 891414
Jenna Evans Superfoods for Women
INTERNATIONAL Women’s Day is on the 8th March, so with that in mind, the theme this month is nutritional helpers for PMS and the menopause. PMS - Typical symptoms can include mood swings, breast tenderness, cramps, low energy, insomnia, headaches and fluid retention.
What to avoid - Animal products. Time and again I have seen great improvements in those suffering from PMS when they cut down on meat and ditch the dairy. It is thought that veggie/vegan women excrete more oestrogen from their bodies and it is often found that high oestrogen to progesterone ratio is one of the triggers for PMS. If mood issues, insomnia or anxiety are the bane of your cycle, eliminating caffeine is a must - so no bingeing on giant lattes and choccie bars, however comforting that may seem! Try snacking on nuts and seeds great sources of magnesium, essential fatty acids, zinc and calcium, all supernutrients for women. Excess sodium in the
diet, especially when coupled with low potassium is a big no-no and can contribute to the monthly ‘bloat’. Cut out added salt from processed foods and stick to only using good quality sea or rock salt when you do use it. What to eat - Chickpeas. These are a great source of manganese, magnesium and vitamin B6 - all supportive to the female cycle. Bananas are a source of tryptophan which the body converts into mood boosting and sleep regulating serotonin. They are also packed with B vitamins and potassium helping balance energy and fluid levels. Seaweed is filled with minerals such as Iron, a nutrient often lacking in menstruating women
as well as magnesium which helps to relax cramping and ease stress. Dulse is a seaweed particularly rich in iron and potassium and can be easily added to most meals. Flaxseed is especially rich in the essential fatty acid omega 3, important for brain and nervous system function. Flaxseed also contains lignans, which behave as ‘p hytoestrogens’ help ing to smooth out fluctuations in the hormones. Lignans may also offer protection against certain hormonally dependent cancers. Flaxseed also contains calcium and magnesium important for building strong bones and alleviating muscle cramps. Rosemary is a powerful herb for
Osteopath Andrew Knight
Somerton TA11 6QH Castle Cary BA7 7BA
Trundle Cottage Manor Lodge
01963 351477
A fond farewell! Jane Lazenbury of Jane’s Dress Agency in Somerton retires after 20 years of successful trading in the town. The business will re-open as ‘Debra Jane’ under new ownership from 7 April.
Of Somerton
Dress Agency
Jane Lazenbury
edding W e g F a t
Sunday 9th March 10am – 4pm
Capture the glamour of bygone eras ...
will ceAse trADing on saturday 29th March
Vintage Wedding Dresses to Buy / Hire Photography • Cars • China • Flowers Jewellery • Accessories & More
Jane would like to take this opportunity to thank her staff Kirsty, Jeanne and Elaine for all their hard work, also her many loyal customers and friends for their support over the past 20 years – all of whom she will miss greatly.
The shop will re-Open on Monday 7th April under the new OwnerShip of Debra harman trading as DebrA JAne – to welcome customers old and new.
Forever Fashion - Vintage For Life
The Triangle, Somerton, TA11 6QJ Tel: 01458 273711
30 yards from the Post office
Church Street • WINCANTON • BA9 9AF Tel: 01963 34308 THE VISITOR March 2014 19
FrEE sparE pair with any frame from our £75 range or above
EYEs right Opticians St. Audries Station Road, Gillingham Tel: 01747 831010
3 Market Place Sturminster Newton
Tel: 01258 473992 lOw pricEs and QualitY sErvicE *30% OFF spectacles applies when choosing any frame from our £75 range or above. Excludes “free spare pair / prescription sunglasses” offer. Pick up a leaflet or ask our staff for full offer details. 20 THE VISITOR March 2014
boosting circulation, improving mood and concentration. The scent alone can trigger this effect. Including this herb as a seasoning provides anti-oxidant, antiinflammatory and anti-septic properties. Nettles are a wonderful iron rich tonic and can easily be included on a daily basis as a herbal tea. Menopause - with symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, headaches, anxiety, vaginal dryness, urinary tract infections and brain fog, it’s no wonder many women dread this time of life. Thankfully nutrition can play a big part in helping us through this time. What to avoid - Much as with PMS, having a healthy, plant based diet and cutting out the added salt and caffeine can be very helpful. I would also add that alcohol seems to be one of the worst offenders at this time especially if you suffer from flushes/sweats. The simple measure of skipping the booze for a while has worked wonders for many women. What to eat - Seaweed - see above. The seaweed Wakame is particularly good as it is so high in calcium (for bone support) and potassium (for blood pressure). Flax - also see above. Other food sources of phytoestrogens include nuts, wholegrains, fennel, celery, parsley, alfalfa and soya (though I would steer clear of heavily processed soya products such as milks, cheeses and processed ‘meats’). Essential fatty acids such as those found in flax, hemp and sea buckthorn are also very useful if vaginal dryness is an issue. Olives are useful for women concerned about bone and heart health. They have been well studied as part of the Mediterranean Diet and are thought to help prevent osteoporosis, cancer, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Olives are also rich in anti-oxidants that have cell protective and anti-inflammatory effects. Using sage as a seasoning (or indeed drinking the tea or taking a supplement) can be very helpful for hot flushes and night
sweats. Sage is also traditionally used to improve mood and memory - a double whammy of effects prized by menopausal women. Jenna Evans ©2014 Ceres Natural Foods in Yeovil have a great range of supplements. Jenna is available instore at Ceres to advise by appointment, please pop in or call 01935 428791 for details. Claim a free ‘Women’s Info Pack’ instore at Ceres during March, whilst stocks last! Always check with a health professional before making any dramatic changes to your diet and lifestyle or starting a new supplement, especially with any existing health conditions.
Needful Things
Spring and Summer Fashions have arrived at Needful Things!
Following on from a very successful Autumn / Winter Season the new designs from Pomodoro, Great Plains and InTown fill this delightful store and are complimented with a range of scarves, handbags and other accessories. Classic Navy and White is definitely on trend with stripes and simple floral prints. Other colours this season include bright corals and soft, sunny yellows. Needful Things Clothing is always good value for money but this season, more than ever, their choice and value will be sure to surprise and delight you.
at ...
Fresh – New – Versatile StyliSh ladieS FaShionS
new collection now arriving
7 high street • castle cary • somerset • Ba7 7aN 01963 351352
LOOKING GOOD Acupuncture Awareness Week 3rd – 10th March Acupuncture for Back Problems - Effective Help!
The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), the UK’s largest professional body for the practice of acupuncture, has designated 3 10 March 2014 as Acupuncture Awareness Week. It fully supports NICE’s (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) decision that acupuncture be made available on the NHS for chronic lower back pain. Traditional acupuncture has been used for over 2,000 years to alleviate back pain and British Acupuncture Council members have for many many years been successfully treating patients for this condition either in private practice or working within the NHS. In effect, therefore, these new guidelines are a rubber stamp of the positive work already being undertaken as well as an endorsement of the wealth of research evidence now available in this area.
Back pain affects a staggering 1.1million people in the UK, with 95% suffering low back problems in particular. It is one of the nation’s main reasons for work-related sickness absence. Acupuncture is best known for aiding pain relief - for which it is indeed very effective - but not everyone appreciates that Traditional Acupuncture is a complete system of medicine and can be used for a very broad range of problems, from gynaecological disorders to skin disease, depression/anxiety to hayfever, or less specific symptoms such as lack of energy, temperature regulation, poor immune system etc. Traditional Chinese Medicine views good health as the balanced and harmonious state of the body, mind and spirit. This balance can be upset by many factors such as diet, emotions, trauma, living conditions, lifestyle, posture, work conditions to name a few. Imbalances manifest in symptoms
of ‘disorder’ of health or disease. Most people find treatment wonderfully relaxing, as acupuncture is known to calm the nervous system and also increases production of endorphins (‘happiness hormones’). Traditional acupuncture is a natural system of healing that has been practised for over 2,500 years. It is a safe and effective treatment that involves inserting sterile needles, no bigger than a human hair, painlessly at specific points on the body. With 2.3 million acupuncture treatments carried out each year, traditional acupuncture is one of the most
popular complementary therapies practised in the UK today. Check out the BAcC website in order to find out more information and to find a fully qualified acupuncture practitioner near you The practitioners below are all BAcC members, and also part of Wessex Acupuncture Group who proudly maintain high standards of CPD (Continuing Professional Development). Some of these practitioners will be offering special discounts or promotions for back-related conditions during March. Jane Robinson.
The Dress Circle
~ at ~
The barber’s Shop winCAnTOn Memorial hall Mondays 1.00pm – 5.30pm Thursdays 9.00am – 5.30pm Saturdays 8.00am – 12noon MilbOrne pOrT Town hall *Wednesdays 10.00am – 6.00pm * Please note new time
SpArKfOrD Village hall Fridays 12.45pm – 5.45pm Lance Wells & Mike Baker State Registered Or phOne for a hOMe ViSiT 01935 814074 or ... 07767 027798 (mobile)
Dress Agency
Quality fashioN items waNted to sell oN a commissioN Basis Wedding hats, wedding outfits, cruise wear and good quality casual wear and accessories, accepted every day ... 10am - 4pm Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm Saturday For large quantities collections can be arranged
4 Brunel Shopping Centre Somerton TA11 7PY 01458 273485
safe – ProfessioNal – holistic the southwest acupuncture Group are fully qualified members of the British Acupuncture Council which is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. You can call any of the Southwest Acupuncturists for a free chat to see if Acupuncture can help you and during acupuncture awareness week many practitioners listed below are giving a special offer. 1. deborah mannion: Blandford Centre for Complementary Health Care, 3 Old Sarum House, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7AA. 01258 458120 • 2. franka Jannoe: Harbour House Clinic, Horsington, Templecombe, Somerset, BA8 0DA. 07815 070228 •
5. carol wayne: Hidden Depths, Corner House, Park Walk, Shaftesbury, Wiltshire, SP7 8JR 01747 858976 / 07985 141616 6. lesley Jenkins: Nine Springs Natural Health Centre, 70 Hendford, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1UR. 01935 422488 •
3. Kay hay: Not Just Backs, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 6HH. 07882 793528 • • Clinic also in Salisbury.
7. Jane robinson: Nine Springs Natural Health Centre, 70 Hendford, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1UR. 01935 422488 •
4. Kerry wratten: Ilminster Medical Centre, Canal Way, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 9FE • Clinics also in Hemyock and Seaton. 07901 730897 •
8. lori hillman: Abbey View Medical Centre, 1 Salisbury Street, Shaftesbury, Wiltshire. Clinics also in Taunton & Cullompton. 07523 635988 • 3
2 7
4 4 6
THE VISITOR March 2014 21
A local Diary
March Notice Board HENSTrIDGE
Blackmore Vale U3A, Tuesday 4th March 2.30pm at Henstridge Village Hall. Talk on Weird Musical Instruments. Members and non-members £1.50.
Toby Buckland, well-known TV gardener and author is giving a Talk on Changes in Television Gardening over the Decades in Henton Village Hall (near Wells) on Wednesday 19th March at 7.30pm. Tickets £10 from Diana 01749 672084.
From the left: work of new artists Sarah Weyman, Chris Shaw and Jane Morgan on display at Martock Gallery.
Yeovil Amateur Operatic Society is proud to be one of the first societies in the country to present the stage version of Sister Act from 11th to 22nd March 2014 at the Octagon Theatre, Yeovil. Weinberger, the rights holders, have offered the show to a limited number of companies only, before it is on general release in 2015, so this is a real coup for the local society. Sister Act tells the hilarious story of Deloris Van Cartier whose life takes a surprising turn when she witnesses a crime and the cops hide her in the last place anyone would think to look - a convent! Under the suspicious watch of Mother Superior, Deloris helps her fellow sisters find their voices as she unexpectedly rediscovers her own. The part of Deloris demands an exceptionally powerful singer who can not only act, dance and sing with great sensitivity and control, but also command the stage as a soul and disco performer – not a common feature of YAOS regular shows!
So the Society is delighted to welcome Kat Stevens, who is well equipped to fulfil the huge demands of the role. Kat is a music teacher and lecturer in performing arts at Bridgwater College and she is well known as
Kat Stevens plays the lead in Yeovil Amateur Operatic Society’s production of Sister Act at The Octagon Theatre in March.
An exhibition of work by new ArTiSTS 29 th March – 5 th April Prints ★ Paintings ★ Bronzes ★ Mirrors ★ Framing Passport Photographs ★ Prints to Canvas
Sarah Weyman Art Chris Shaw Jane Morgan
Martock Gallery Open: Monday - friday 9.00 - 5.00, Saturday 9.30 - 4.30
water Street • Martock • Tel: (01935) 823254 • 22 THE VISITOR March 2014
the musical director of Yeovil Youth Theatre. Kat also formed the Bridgwater Show Choir in 2010, that was so successful in Channel 5’s Don’t Stop Believing, reaching the semi-final. They were also winners of the Best Glee Club UK in conjunction with Wicked. Being on stage in Sister Act is fulfilling an ambition for Kat, since she went to New York on honeymoon and Sister Act was on Broadway. After watching the show, Kat hoped that it could one day be available to the amateur theatre. So to perform the lead role on the Octagon stage in her home town of Yeovil is a dream come true for this gifted young lady. Tickets, £17 or £14 for under 18’s and both Saturday matinees, are selling fast at the Octagon Theatre, Yeovil. Don’t miss this feel good show that is a sparkling tribute to the universal power of friendship. Tickets: 01935 422884.
Shaftesbury Arts Centre
Local artist Tom Sleigh brings his unique sense of colour and landscape to Shaftesbury Arts Centre in Bell Street, from Thursday 20th until Wednesday 26th March with a mixed exhibition of works. His inspiration comes from both home and away in the colours and textures of the land and the built environment.
Yeovilton Military Band & Corps of Drums plays marches, classics, show tunes and big band numbers, at Martock Church on 20th March at 7.30pm. Their 3rd time here. £7 on door, £6 from 01935 822706.
Jumble Sale, Saturday 15th March at the Village Hall. Doors open 11am. Bargains galore. Admission 30p. Contact: Jennie Harris on 01935 881718.
15 Sherborne Young Musician of the Year final concert Saturday 15th March, 7.30pm, Tindall Recital Hall, Music School, Acreman Street, Sherborne. Tickets, including glass of wine and programme available from Sherborne TIC 01935 815341 and from Mary at or 01963 251255.
Moscow Drug Club, West Coker Commemoration Hall, 22nd March at 7.30pm. Tickets from West Coker Post Office and Garage or
A listing under our Notice Board costs just £5 - send details of What? When? Where? to The Visitor, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7BG. All entries to be pre-paid, maximum 20 words. Extra words 30p each. Deadline for April issue, Monday 17th March.
House& Home: Spring Home Improvements YOUR PROPERTY is probably the biggest investment you are ever likely to make so keeping it in good repair will safeguard your investment. Now’s the time to freshen up your home - spring cleaning, decorating, new soft furnishings, or a bigger project such as a conservatory or extension.
CountryBuild SW Ltd
CountryBuild SW prides itself on providing exceptional workmanship and extensive experience coupled with a thorough understanding of the build process and restoration of properties located in the country. Whether its a full extension on a listed building, a new build, or
restoring and maintaining existing properties, CountryBuild will sympathetically and professionally take you through the entire process
from conception to completion. All work is fully insured and guaranteed ensuring peace of mind. No hidden extras.
Specialists in renovation and restoration of older properties Extensions and alterations undertaken Specialists in barn conversions Purpose built joinery, doors, windows, etc. Before and after pictures of an extension, designed by architect Tim Cole Downes, show just what a difference an extension can make to your property.
All Work Guaranteed
Tel: NORTH CADBURY (01963) 440931 Yard Office adj. Orchard Leigh, Long Street Galhampton, Yeovil, Somerset
READER OffER From Conception to Completion With over 30 years of building experience — No hiddeN extras — All works completed by our experienced & reliable team
Services Include but not limited to: Project Management New Build Planning Loft Conversions Carpentry roofing Ground Works refurbishment renovation Commercial Property Maintenance Joinery all aspects of Building & Maintenance all insurance Works Undertaken
Contact us for a free estimate
(01935) 823346
You are personally invited to ...
£250,000 STOCK CLEARANCE 2 DAY SALE — by —
Top Quality Furniture BEDROOM • DININg • OCCASIONAl ... everything must go!
Sat 29th and Sun 30th March
10am – 4pm Westland Sports & Leisure Complex Westbourne Close, Yeovil, BA20 2DD Why not book for lunch? 01935 848380 THE VISITOR March 2014 23
House& Home: Spring Home Improvements Hire it!
Whatever job you are undertaking, having the right tools for the job makes it easier. Sydenhams of Gillingham and Frome offer a comprehensive range of tools and equipment from mini diggers and cement mixers through to power tools. Hire can be from just four hours and a local delivery and collection service is available. With the gardening season shortly upon us don’t forget they can also hire out rotavators, lawn scarifiers and other garden equipment. Give them a call today.
Energy prices and thoughts about how to keep your home warm have been the concern of many this winter. A maze of information is offered by the energy industry and householders struggles to make
sense of it. Local company was launched to provide online guides to cut through the confusion and maintain a warm, healthy home. The website gives straight forward advice on how to plan to stay ahead of rising energy and fuel prices. Quick and easy energy saving tips at can make hundreds of pounds worth of savings every year. The guides offer the low down on the world of home generation and sustainable energy and helps you consider the options, so you can make the best informed choices. A warm welcome awaits you at
letting agents and the general public in the Somerset area. They offer their customers all aspects of plumbing and heating including: full central heating installation; boiler repairs and servicing; bathrooms; landlord gas safety certificates and general
plumbing. Their Gas Safe registration number is 700 so you can see that they have been in the business a long time, giving you confidence that only the highest standard of workmanship is offered as standard - they also have great testimonials.
Hider Heating
Hider Heating, established since 1973, is an expert in the plumbing and heating sector, working with estate agents,
KEvAN DAvIS Plumbing & Heating Ltd Reg. No. 177361
4 Fairview Terrace, Castle Cary Telephone: 07976 741029
Specialists in Installation & Service All types of pluMbing Central Heating Systems, Boiler Replacement Landlord Safety Checks and Servicing Gas and Oil established over 40 years Rely on us for all Plumbing & Heating Needs Specialist in Bathroom Designs including all Tiling & Electrics
reg. No. 700
‘Stepping Stones’ an attractive pebble design tile to enhance your bathroom floor. Also in this collection ‘Walk in the Park’ which has the appearance of grass, ‘Infinity’ the appearance of water and a charming ‘Vintage Rose’ design. Just some of the many tile styles available from Yeovil’s Tile Market on the Lynx West Trading Estate. They also have an upstairs kitchen and bathroom showroom.
The Tile Market Tel: 01935 426209 • Mobile: 07836 773152 11 hillgrove Avenue, Yeovil, Somerset
Ceramic Tile Specialists ◆ Wall and Floor Tiles Unit 1 Brympton Way Lynx West Trading Estate
DIGGERS• DUMPERS• POWERTOOLS GARDEN MACHINERY HIRE Huge range of DIY and construction tools available to hire Low cost delivery service available • Friendly knowledgable staff
DIY & TRADE WELCOME Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30am – 5pm Saturday 8am – 12noon
GILLINGHAM DEPOT 01747 834462 FROME DEPOT 01373 472321 Authorised Dealer
24 THE VISITOR March 2014
◆ Marble / Mosaic / Granite / Travertine Limestone / Slate ◆ Full Range of Adhesives / Sealants and Tiling Accessories in stock SHOWROOMS OvER TWO FLOORS
Open Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5pm, Saturday 9am - 4pm
Tel: 01935 426737
House& Home: Spring Home Improvements A & r Tiles
Tiling doesn't have to be hard. A&R Tiles have their solution to make tiling even easier for you.
Let them welcome you to their new showroom in Shaftesbury to see the latest designs and leave it to them to do the tiling for you. As a family business, A&R Tiles take pride in offering all aspects of wall and floor tiling, including the installation of under floor heating. A&R Tiles have on show the widest selection of tiles and stones, as well as hand-made ceramics from Original Style, suitable for any tiling project you may be thinking of.
More than Electrical!
Does your home need rewiring? JEANS ELECTRICAL established 1916
WE UNDERTAKE WIRING, new and repairs, installations, sockets, lights & more Elecsa Part P ★ All work given full certification Also full certification on existing wiring Fully qualified electricians SAME DAY DELIvERY available on DOMESTIC APPLIANCES on stock items from our Chapel Showroom LET US PUT YOU IN THE PICTURE! Aerial, Freesat and Sky Installation Repairs ★ New installations ★ Upgrades Realignment ★ DAB Installations ★ Retunes ★ Magic Eyes FM Radio Aerials ★ Sky & Sky HD ★ Freeview Freesat and Freesat HD
01747 860215
salisbury street, mere, wiltshire, Ba12 6hB • Also: chapel showroom, Boar street, Ba12 6dd
The Chapel Showrooms of Jeans Electrical at Mere - here you will find an extensive range of electrical goods for immediate delivery or Cash & Carry. As part of the Euronics Group you can be sure of a good deal.
Jeans of Mere are now pleased to offer Solar PV Panels. Jeans of Mere are MCS registered for the supply and installation of Solar PV by their own technicians, subject to survey. They are also registered with the Renewable Energy Consumer Code. From low energy light bulbs to a wide choice of energy saving electrical appliances such as washing machines and cookers, pay them a visit.
Inside Walter Wall Carpets in Princes Street, Yeovil. This well established family run business offers a wide range of flooring and a good choice of rugs. Do call in.
100s of rugs
in stock Extensive range of quality carpets Natural flooring specialists . . . do call in !
34 Princes Street, Yeovil. Tel: 01935 478100
Bryan G. Paully Ltd
Domestic / Commercial Installations / Replacements Plastic / Metal Tanks • Temporary Tanks leaking Tanks • Tank Cleaning / Moving / Disposal Above or Below ground Tanks
Tel: 01963 363870 • Mob: 07836 502683 •
2 Salisbury Road, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 8BT Tel: 01747 855733 • THE VISITOR March 2014 25
House& Home: Spring Home Improvements Pictured left: Exciting new range of fabrics from Clarke and Clarke with a shabby chic look - 100% cotton in a choice of colours and six designs, now available at Hanson’s Fabrics & Crafts, Sturminster Newton.
Chameleon Fitted Bedrooms & Kitchens
designed with you in mind Kitchens for the way you are ❑ High gloss & modern ❑ Painted wood and traditional
Conveniently situated on the Bancombe Road Trading Estate Chameleon Fitted Bedrooms and Kitchens offer a superb choice. Run by husband and wife team Jo and Steve Cooke, Chameleon offer a friendly and professional service with a no obligation quotation. Steve has over 25 years experience in the trade. The showroom has both traditional and modern kitchens on display and a full range of accessories such as taps and worktops, and appliances are readily available. A fitted bedroom can make a world of difference by creating more storage space. Chameleon is expert in making furniture that fits into awkward places such as sloping ceilings in a loft conversion or under the stairs. Do call in and see the displays – there is ample free parking outside the door. See their advert on the inside cover.
RepaiR SeRvice ★ All makes of TV repaired ★ On the premises workshop
★ loan TV whilst being repaired
★ Estimates ★ Bench or field service
We can design a kitchen for you
Full Range oF panaSonic TvS in STock FoR Sale ... Do call in
❑ Refurbishing? ❑ Replacement doors? We can give your existing kitchen a make over
Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm • Saturday 9am - 1pm
Quality Kitchens - Sensible Prices Personal Service
H.R. Hodge
38 St. James Street South Petherton TA13 5BW 01460 240645
The benefits of choosing a range Cooker
Whatever the size of your kitchen, a free-standing range cooker has many advantages over a built-in oven. With cooker sizes ranging from 90cm to 110cm in width, as well as providing a centrepiece to your kitchen a range cooker offers so much more in terms of cooking capacity and flexibility. Choose a Rangemaster range cooker and you can benefit from a bigger oven – two ovens if you prefer – including a multifunctional oven that can defrost, fan grill, brown and fan assist, with rapid response for faster heat-up times. You’ll also have a high-powered grill, a choice of gas, ceramic or induction hob, powerful wok burner and storage drawer. That’s a lot packed into a cooker that’s only 30cm wider than a standard built-in oven. The ovens in a range cooker are bigger - typically 20% bigger than an average 60cm built-in oven. This means you can cook more and worry less about timing your dishes and keeping food warm. Whether you’re catering for a large hungry family or you’re entertaining friends, there’s plenty of cooking space so all your dishes can be cooking at the same time, leaving you free to spend time with your guests. Plus, range cookers vent through the rear of the cooker so cooking odours and steam are more readily extracted through the cooker hood, particularly useful when cooking fish dishes ... or cabbage! With up to seven burners on some models and with a choice of stunning colours: such as Latte, Orange, Cranberry and Regal Blue (to name just a few), bring your kitchen alive by choosing a range cooker - the ultimate all-inone solution.
KEMPF CONSERVATION sPecialists iN rePairiNG decayed stoNe & metal features
★ No obligatioN quotatioNs
Over 30 Years experience residential and ecclesiastical
Home visit or visit our showroom give adam a call today to discuss your requirements ...
01460 241288 • 07502 400986
01935 849559
Old fashioned craftsmanship at sensible prices
AP Kitchen Solutions, Northover, Roman Road ILCHESTER BA22 8LD
Mullion Windows • Flagstones • Fireplaces Lime Plastering • Porches & Doorways • Brickwork Steps & Iron Railings • Metal Window Casements etc.
26 THE VISITOR March 2014
House& Home: Spring Home Improvements Just Maria of Ilchester
Just Maria of Ilchester, renowned for her floristry and gift range now stocks Annie Sloane Chalk Paints. But what is Chalk Paint®? Chalk Paint®is very easy to work with. It very rarely requires any preparation, such as sanding or priming, and can be used indoors or outside, on just about any surface - from wood to metal, and matt plastic to terracotta. It can revitalise old furniture, walls, ceilings and floors with ease. It's easy, fun and makes amazing results accessible to everyone. With a colour palette inspired by 18th and 20th Century decor and design, you can easily mix the colours together to extend the range. Chalk Paint®is ecofriendly too. It contains extremely low volatile organic compounds Pictured right: Currently available from Homemaker in Shaftesbury an offer too good to miss. A Rangemaster hood and splashback for half price when you purchase a Rangemaster Range Cooker before 31st March 2014.
(VOCs) and has no odour. Add a little water to it to make it smooth, thicken it up by leaving the lid off, make it into a wash by adding even more water. Use flat brushes for a smooth look or bristle brushes for a more textured aged look. Gorgeous results have never been so simple and straightforward.
SEWING MACHINE SERvICE CENTRE Repairs & Servicing To All Makes - Domestic & Industrial Collection and Delivery Available
Embroidery Engineering Services Suppliers of Computerised Embroidery Machines Telephone: 01963 350068 • Mobile: 07947 725315 Email: robert UniT 8, Torbay indUsTrial EsTaTE CasTlE Cary ba7 7dW
unique items for the home ... Bespoke Painted furniture Stockists of chalk Paint™ a decorative paint by annie Sloan
The Old Chapel, Church Street, ilCheSTer Tel: 01935 706121 • Mobile: 07837 385734
A Range Cooker ... the heart of the kitchen We have a Range Cooker to suit you! We have a WIDe cHOIce of
Styles – Sizes – Fuel Type – Colour Leading MAnuFActurerS include
★ Stove ★ Rangemaster ★ Belling ★ ★ Falcon ★ Britannia ★ Gas – electric – Dual – Induction
Save up to £700 on selected models extenSIve rAnGe OF AppLIAnceS – buILt-In AnD StAnD ALOne
Homemaker Ltd, Longmead Industrial Estate Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 8PL Tel: 01747 851476 │ Also branches in Bath and Warminster THE VISITOR March 2014 27
House& Home: Spring Home Improvements Viewed from the front or the rear, Preston Doors will create an imposing entrance or the perfect backdrop to your garden and property. For added security the locking bar, as pictured, and a double throw mortice lock can be fitted as an optional extra. Contact Sparkford Sawmills for all your fencing and garden gate/door requirements on 01963 440414.
Needful Things
need a new conservatory? Replacement windows or doors? contact
TUrnEr WindoWS – of –
SomErTon LTd ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
FULL RANGE OF Replacement Windows Replacement Doors Conservatories Fascia / Soffitt / Guttering Secondary Glazing
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QUALITY PRODUCTS All products adhere to as endorsed by celebrity world snooker champion Steve davis PERSONAL SERvICE No faceless sales team: Craig turner (proprietor) will be happy to discuss your requirements, or alternatively call in to the showrooms CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
PvC-U Aluminium
“This installation is the best we have ever had. You did what it said on the tin. Your men started on time, your team of two (Jason and Alec) were courteous ... nothing was too much trouble ... took great care and left the house clean and tidy. We employ an assortment of tradesmen and there are only two or three that we would endorse. Welcome to the club.” – david & Pam Watts (February 2013) Just one of many testimonials from satisfied customers ★ See online for further personal recommendations
Turner Windows of Somerton Ltd
Unit 3 Bancombe Trading Estate, Somerton, TA11 6SB
Today for a FREE no obligation quote
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28 THE VISITOR March 2014
Call 01458 272555
Spring has sprung at Needful Things ... despite the storms, as their windows start to lift our spirits out of the gloom. Needful Things are very excited about the new launch of Fabrics and Wallpapers from Sanderson called, 'Voyage of Discovery', which is full of exotic ferns and bright, full scale statements including birds and maps of the world ... simply flicking through these pattern books gives you the hope of warmer times to come! Needful Things also report a surge of interest in their unusual and very comfy chairs. The 'Camilla' chair proving to be their best seller. This cute design is very versatile and has been sold as a fireside chair, a bedroom chair and even a chair for next to the telephone table in a hall. Why not pop into Needful Things and get inspired for a Spring makeover for your home? See their advert inside cover.
Cullingford Carpets
Cullingford Carpets in Wincanton have one of the largest flooring and soft furnishing showrooms for approximately a 25 mile radius. The newly expanded Soft Furnishing Showroom has a splendid selection of fabrics over two floors. Fabrics on the roll, Oil
The Old Well House Shepherds Hill, Buckhorn Weston GillinGHam, Dorset SP8 5HX Tel / Fax: 01963 371715 mobile: 07802 393344
House& Home: Spring Home Improvements Cloth, ready-made curtains, blinds, tracks and poles all available from stock to take away. There is a large stock of wallpapers and paint from Farrow & Ball plus bespoke blinds and curtains made to measure to fit all sizes of windows and doors from your choice of fabric. With an extensive range of fabrics from Sanderson, Swaffer, Harlequin, Scion, Design Forum, Clarke & Clarke, Villa Nova & Romo to name but a few, there is something for every taste and budget. If it’s soft furnishings and advice you want ask for Lizzie, Catherine or Samantha in the Soft Furnishings showroom!
Cullingford Carpets is open Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.30 and Saturdays 9.00 - 4.30 and is easy to find just off the A303 at Wincanton on the Business Park.
Exclusive new range of carpets in Somerton
M. J. Carpets of Somerton are pleased to announce the arrival of the Home Living range of carpets. A superb choice of hardwearing berbers and plain twists - 80/20 mix, stain proofed and beautifully
resilient. M. J. Carpets have a wealth of experience in the carpet and flooring industry. Do call in and see their complete range and discuss your requirements. The showroom is conveniently situated near The Market Place in Somerton.
Complete Flooring celebrate the first anniversary of their Taunton Showroom
Complete Flooring is celebrating their 1st Anniversary. Their
showroom, with ample parking is situated at 90 Wellington Road, Taunton, TA1 5LA. They pride themselves on quality flooring – both domestic and commercial, excellent customer service and competitive prices. They offer a free comprehensive quotation and if you accept the job they like to fit within 14 days. Call now to book your free measure on 01823 254555 or email: completeflooringsomerset
Don’t despair - we repair ...
Tvs - Radios - Recorders - Hi-fi - CD Players etc. We can REPAIR most makes and models in our ON-THE-PREMISES WORKSHOP ✴ Specialist audio repairs undertaken ✴
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Don’t be blue - we also sell new! Our fully stocked showroom offers the very Latest Tvs & Audio from Panasonic Free local delivery, installation, and disposal of old appliance
Add a little luxury to your home with the sumptuous fabrics available from Cullingford Carpets of Wincanton.
Greenhill, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4EW 01935 813451
Celebrating our (Taunton-based) Showroom’s 1st Anniversary
“where the customer comes first”
Carpets Proprietor ROGER WILLIS
Suppliers of Carpets, Laminates, Traditional Wood, Vinyl and All Types of Safety & Commercial Flooring
n Select from over 1000 Carpet and Vinyl samples n All leading makes supplied n Prompt Delivery
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254555 or email: 90 Wellington Road • tauNtoN • ta1 5la
For a reliable and personal service
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Call now to book your free measure: 01823
market Place, Somerton, Somerset TA11 7LZ
Tel: (01458) 273042
n FREE Estimates and Planning “Over 45 years experience in the carpet trade”
THE VISITOR March 2014 29
House& Home: Spring Home Improvements New Bed Shop opens in Wincanton
The Beds and Mattresses shop has recently opened in Church Street, Wincanton. A family run business the shop offers a comprehensive range of beds and mattresses to suit all budgets and requirements. Prompt delivery is offered and many payment options are available. They have successfully run a sister shop in Amesbury for the past 15 years. To find out more about their ranges why not call in or visit their website www.beds
Legion Helping Maintain the Homes of the Armed Forces Community in Somerset
Having trouble with small household repairs or minor adaptations around your home? The Royal British Legion’s Poppy Calls service may be able to help. Poppy Calls offers a trusted, secure, high quality service which helps members of the Armed Forces community live independent lives and stay in their own homes longer in old age. The initiative is offered free to beneficiaries who are either in
receipt of a Means Tested Benefit, or are aged 75 or over. Help can be given to those who have served in the Armed Forces, and their widows or dependents. Poppy Calls can help with dripping taps, installing shelves, replacing door locks, and many more household jobs which people often find difficult to complete. In addition to the maintenance service provided by Poppy Calls, all staff are case worker trained and will assess a beneficiary’s needs to ensure they get the help and support they need. Somerset has a dedicated Fitter in Tony Pearce, who is always available to visit between the hours of 9am and 5pm weekdays. The Legion’s National Poppy Calls Manager, Russell Rolph said: ‘Over nine million people in the UK can call on the Legion’s support. Some of these people can find it difficult to keep up home maintenance over time, or find they need adaptions following injury or illness to maintain the lifestyle they once did in their own homes, and that’s when Poppy Calls steps in.’ To find out more about the service call 0800 032 0306.
Underfloor Heating
CURRENTLY ON SPECIAL OFFER Suppliers of thermonet and Comfort Zone – economical to run ... from as little as 1p a day subject to local tariff & type of equipment purchased GIvE US A CALL TODAY hundreds of wall and floor tiles to choose from FREE Quotation and Measuring Service
Unit 6, Torbay Industrial Estate, Torbay Road, Castle Cary Tel: 01963 359388 Open: Monday 9am – 2pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 9am – 5pm, Thursday 10am – 2pm Saturday 9am – 1pm (Closed Friday and Sunday) • Part of GWM Tiling
Now available 5 tonne load deliveries by small lorry
large and small loads TraDe enquirieS WelcOme
We can deliver to your area inc. Castle Cary, Bruton, sherborne, Wincanton etc. For advice or information ring Tim or Heidi or call in and see us 30 THE VISITOR March 2014
The right bed is extremely important to our health and wellbeing because our sleeping environment will affect the quality of our sleep – which in turn has a big effect on how well we feel, both physically and psychologically. A bed with the correct support, comfort and space will ensure you wake less, move about less, are less disturbed by your partner and are less likely to wake up feeling tired or aching. So, what is the right bed? It’s not easy to make specific recommendations – there’s such a huge choice on the market place and the key deciding factor – is it comfortable – is such a subjective measure. ‘All we can do is give people an overview of the different types of bed available and tips on how to go about the process of choosing the right bed for them,’ explains Sleep Council spokesperson Jessica Alexander. The Sleep Council was set up to provide an independent source of advice on bed buying – as well as to raise awareness of the importance of getting a good night’s sleep to health and wellbeing. According to The Sleep Council, Goldilocks had the right idea: the right bed’s neither too soft nor too hard – but it suits everyone’s very individual needs. First and foremost it must give you correct support and comfort – but individuals might also have to consider factors such as back pain, allergies, breathing problems, available budget, storage or space requirements let alone style preferences.
The right bed is also not more than seven years old. After seven years a bed used regularly will have deteriorated by as much as 75% from its ‘as new’ condition. Nor is it ever second hand: it’s not hygienic (we sweat as much as half to a pint of liquid a night!); nor healthy (dust mites accumulate in beds – bad for asthma sufferers). Nor will it be properly supportive (having been moulded to someone else’s sleeping habits). Size is important. The most common British double bed size of 4ft 6in x 6ft 3in really isn’t big enough for two to sleep well without disturbing each other: studies have shown that more space – even a slight move up to a 5ft x 6ft 6in King size bed – can make a lot of difference to nighttime comfort. Where bedroom space allows, there are of course much larger beds available – even special sizes and shapes, to order. Zip and link beds, which join two single beds together also have advantages for those who have widely differing comfort and support requirements. Always consider both the mattress and its support, whether divan base or bedstead. They work together to create the overall feel and performance of a bed, with different combinations producing differing results. There are many types – and prices of beds – from which to choose, each offering their own features and benefits. Mattresses come with various types of internal spring unit – open coil, pocket sprung or continuous springing – in ordinary foam, visco-elastic or latex foam, filled with cotton or other fibres (futons!) – even water (flotation
New to Wincanton
March - National Bed Month Are you sleeping on the right bed?
Beds and Mattresses 3a Church Street, Wincanton, BA9 9AA ★ ★ ★ ★
MAttreSSeS from ............... £65 MeMory FoAM from ...... £150 PoCket SPrung from ... £175 BedSteAdS from ..................£79
Free local delivery, assembly, and removal of old beds and mattresses After hours viewing by appointment
08000 612 512 07901 593959
House& Home: Spring Home Improvements the quality of your sleep and the different types of beds available. Call freephone 0845 058 4595 or visit the website at .
Time for an M.o.T. Mattress / Marriage obsolescence Test?
Are things up to scratch? Research* shows that an uncomfortable mattress can rob you of up to an hour’s vital, restful sleep. The Sleep Council’s M.O.T. will help you determine if a new mattress would improve your chances of a better night’s sleep – but it might equally be applied to the state of a relationship! It’s recommended
The new, bigger premises of SJH Carpets in Wincanton offers a huge choice of flooring. Friendly, professional advice is available from business founder Simon Howell (right) and Seb Davis.
spoilt for choice!
visit our new showroom to see our extensive range of flooring ■ carpets ■ vinyls ■ naturals ■ woods ■ laminates ■ tiles
Domestic & Commercial Flooring Friendly & Helpful Advice Free Measuring and Quotation FREE PARking OuTSidE THE dOOR Call in today! Fire station
SJH CARPETS, Southgate Road, Wincanton 01963 824418
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Also at: High Street, Tisbury 01747 871178
southgate road
beds). Don’t be too distracted by the pattern or colour of the cover – it’s called the ticking: it’s going to be concealed by bedding most of the time. There are many different base options, too – from simple upholstered divans (which you can still get on legs if preferred, although retailers rarely show them this way) to metal or wooden bedsteads or all-singing, all-dancing adjustable beds. If you are not buying a base and mattress from the same supplier, make sure the mattress is suitable for use with the type of support you are considering: if you don’t, lack of durability could be a problem, with no comeback to the supplier. You should spend as much as you can afford on a new bed – it’s probably one of the most important investments you’ll make, not just for your home but also for your own wellbeing! Remember, every £100 you spend represents just 3.9p a night over seven years. When you go shopping for a new bed consider your priorities – support, comfort, availability, luxury, is the bed for you, the kids or the spare room – and choose the type of outlet which offers the best service to fit those needs. Ideally you should try before you buy, as comfort and support are very individual assessments. Discuss your needs with the sales person and then try out a small selection – not more than three – for comparison. Take your time, spending at least five minutes on each bed – lie down in your natural sleeping position (wear comfortable clothing and take off any outdoor coats) – together if the bed’s for two – it needs to be right for both of you. Once you’ve got your new bed, do remember that it won’t stay wonderful forever – beds get a lot of wear and tear! Over time, your comfort and support needs change, too. Do the Bed MOT Test once a year – when the clocks go back in the autumn and you get an extra hour to spend in bed on a Sunday morning (if you’re lucky) is a good time to consider the state of your bed and your sleep and comfort quality. Two free leaflets from The Sleep Council – the Bed Buyer’s Guide and the Sleep Good Feel Good Guide – provide more information on how to improve
nEw sJh tythings centre
Old sJh
Make Showering a Pleasure ... Get in and shower easily Stand securely on non-slip floors Move confidently with easy-grip handrails Easy-clean wall tiles Comfortable sit-on folding seat
RegAl SoluTionS (South West) ltd Bathroom design & installation – Specialist in disabled walk-in showers
6 Cranleigh Court, Palmer Street, South Petherton, TA13 5eA Tel: 01460 241753 / 929151 • Mob: 07843 339338 / 07702 888895 Website: • “ We take better care of you” THE VISITOR March 2014 31
House& Home that you conduct this M.O.T. every year after the first three years of new bed ownership. If you answer ‘Yes’ to three
questions, you’re not getting the most out of the relationship with your mattress or your marriage. Five or more ‘Yes’ answers and
it’s time to get a new bedmate. 1. Is it seven years old or more? The critical ‘Seven year itch’ can be a make or break moment for many marriages and mattresses. 2. Are you given enough space? 3. Does it still appear fresh? 4. Does it feel lumpy in the night? 5. Does it make suspicious noises
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01747 826714 / 826721
On demand and catch up services require a broadband connection 32 THE VISITOR March 2014
in the night? 6. Do you and your partner roll towards each other unintentionally? 7. Is it sagging? 8. Are the legs worn out? 9. Would it be embarrassing if neighbours saw it without its covers? 10. Did you have your best night’s sleep recently with another one? 11. Are you waking up more frequently unrefreshed and aching? * A ground-breaking study in 1998 by sleep expert Dr Chris Idzikowksi, which measured the amount and quality of sleep people were getting on a new bed compared to their old one, found that, when replacing an uncomfortable bed, a new bed was associated with an increase of 42 minutes sleep. Research on Over The Counter (OTC) sleep aids has never shown a better improvement than 5-10 minutes extra sleep.
It’s a King Thing
Build bigger bedrooms for bigger beds! That’s the message to new homes builders across Britain from The Sleep Council. According to The Sleep Council, people are much more likely to enjoy an undisturbed night’s sleep on bigger beds. ‘But because so many new homes have such small bedrooms, couples are forced to sleep on a standard 135cm by 190cm (4ft 6ins by 6ft 3ins) double bed. This gives each partner just 2ft 3ins of space – about the same as we give a baby in a cot,’ says bed expert Jessica Alexander. Proof that new houses are shrinking came with a study by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors published in April 2003. It showed that the average semidetached house has shrunk from 1,647 sq ft and four bedrooms in 1920 to today’s average of 925sq ft and three bedrooms. Add to that the fact that the average British adult has grown larger and taller than we were just 40 years ago, and the scale of the problem becomes clear. People in Belgium, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Finland and Switzerland all sleep on much bigger beds than Brits and top the world league for the largest double beds (160cm by 200cm). The UK and USA come bottom with our most popular double bed size (135cm by 190cm) being the narrowest and among the shortest in the world. But it hasn’t always been so. Historically, British beds and bedrooms were often larger and
Spring Home Improvements grander than they are now. When mass production of metal bedsteads started in the nineteenth century, beds were made in a number of different width sizes, but were normally 200cm (6ft 6in) long. Today’s standard 190cm (6ft 3ins) length bed means at least one partner will have their feet hanging over the end of the bed. Says Jessica Alexander: ‘Ergonomic studies have shown that couples sleep better in a bigger bed. Before trials only 15% said they would buy a larger than standard bed while afterwards, 50% said they would.’ Figures certainly show that king
and super-king sized beds are on the increase. In 1993, 20% of people bought new beds that were 5ft or more wide. Ten years later sales of king and super-king sized beds represented about 30% of sales. ‘In an age when we all want the biggest and best of everything, it is clear that the main barrier to buying bigger beds is the squeeze on space,’ says Jessica Alexander. ‘We spend a third of our lives in bed and it’s time new home designers kept this in mind instead of giving us rooms we can hardly swing a cat in, never mind a decent sized bed and space for a wardrobe.’ The Sleep Council.
Bad back? stiff joints? Give yourself a treat!
LuxuRY RanGE of rise and recline chairs & sofas Over 150 fabrics and 25 leathers ... wide choice of designs
electric Beds
for the perfect sleeping position ... 7 zoned multi-layered spring system, providing support and comfort exactly where it is needed
■ Scientifically proven to help you sleep better ■ Endorsed by Chiropractic Patients Association The Sherborne Range of rise and recline furniture is British made and has a five year guarantee. There is a superb choice of luxurious fabrics and leather. Choose from a wide range of styles - from single chairs through to suites. To find out more visit The Bed Specialists at Huish in Yeovil.
Within SJH Carpets The Tythings Commercial Centre Southgate Road, Wincanton Professionally Made To Measure Curtains, Blinds etc.
■ Brilliant for backs and joints ■ Medical performance foam ■ No turn mattresses
■ Keeps you cool at night
the home of relaxation
Supply your own Fabric or choose from a ... Superb Range of Fabric Books including Prestigious Textiles, Fibre Naturelle, and more! Curtain Poles and Tracks, Haberdashery Ribbons, Threads, Cushions, Remnants, Linings etc.
Melody 07883 089 333 OPEN: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9.00am - 4.00pm (Thursday - Closed) Friday 9.00am - 3.00pm Saturday 9.00am - 12.30pm
THE VISITOR March 2014 33
Pub Pages
LAST MOnTH we gave a bit of mileage to the state of the Pub Companies and their treatment of their tenants. Being a member of the FSB (Federation of Small Businesses) I am privileged to receive the magazine ‘First Voice’ which deals with some of the challenges that we self-employed have to handle. Yes, it’s not all a bed of roses, but at least we don’t have a boss breathing down our necks! Pub landlord Rod Stoneham has spent his life in the business, and has been brave enough put his head above the parapet and voice his opinion on the way he is treated – which will
no doubt be the same for many. Rod complains that he is charged too high a rent and that he is also charged too much for the products he sells. So nothing new there then. I am still confused however, as to why so many people get into the business knowing the terms and conditions imposed on them by their masters, and then make a noise about it. Tenants; please let me know why – none have been forthcoming so far, so please do get in touch, anonymity is guaranteed. With Pubcos forcing their tenants to buy beer at up to 70% higher than on the open market something has to give – and managed houses can sell beer at £1 cheaper with impunity – Wetherspoons for example. This is where I am further confused. CAMRA want to save pubs, and rattle on about real ales / quality / pubs etc., however, they give £20 worth of Wetherspoon tokens for every member, every year, which means sometimes one can get a pint of ale for about a pound. Yes; £1! A contradiction – paradox even. A ‘please explain’ note to CAMRA I think! Have you ever fancied hurtling head-first down an icy trough at 80 miles an hour on a tea tray? Well, I probably might have some years ago, but as tempus is inclined to fugit I find bits that once just became bruised or bent now tend to break, so I think I
The Rose and Crown
Bower Hinton • Martock • TA12 6JY 01935 822393 HoMeMade Food available from our Bar Menu ... all for £7 plus Light Bites including Baguettes and Jacket Potatoes We host regular Live Music on Saturday evenings ... plus a Fortnightly Friday Night Quiz
Vinny pops into The Quicksilver Mail to give the new carpet the once over
will decline. Yes, I’m talking about the Winter Olympics, and whilst I don’t find most sports particularly interesting, this has held my attention. Even better; one Lizzie Yarnold proved that on the day she was better than the rest and came back with a Gold medal. Well done Lizzie! As I write, our curling teams are having some mixed results, although the girls seem to be doing better than the chaps.
Somewhere nearer target bowls – but on ice – than skittles, I found it rather amusing that there needed to be so much yelling and screaming at members of ones own team. This reminds me of a skittle team I used to play for! Skilled it may be, but overall, the ‘get one on target, the other team knock it out’ seems to be the normal for the entire game. Whilst I recall a move to get tenpin bowling into the (summer)
UndeR neW MAnAgeMenT A warm welcome awaits from Sue and her team
Bookings now taken for Mothering Sunday 30th March
Delicious Bar Menu and A La Carte Menu
Come and watch all the Sporting action on our Large TV Screen with Surround Sound
Sunday Lunch – prices start from £7.50 for a Full Roast Lunch
For further details please see our Website:
Senior Citizen Lunch Wednesdays ★ Steak Night Thursdays Visit our website for full menu details:
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 12pm ‘til Close
Holton nr. Wincanton BA9 8AR • Tel: 01963 32002
Lord Nelson
Rectory Lane Norton Sub Hamdon
Mark, Helen and staff welcome you to ‘The Nelson’
good Food - good BeeR - gReAT ATMoSpHeRe Saturday 1st March: Flatland Boogie Band Sunday 2nd March: Quiz Night Saturday 8th March: “Black Tie Night” with ... Rat Pat Singer Jon Paull + 3 Course Meal for £20 Tuesday 11th March: Film Night Sunday 30th March: Mothering Sunday Lunch – book early 3.30pm: Acoustic Duo “Us” Monday to Friday – Two Course Lunch £8 Tuesday & Wednesday – Steak Night – Two Steaks ... and a Bottle of Wine £25 CoURTyARd H BeeR gARden AT ReAR AMple pARking open All dAy FRidAy, SATURdAy & SUndAy
34 THE VISITOR March 2014
Tel: 01935 881473
Maggie and Mike welcome you to ...
The Dolphin Inn Peacemarsh
Gillingham • SP8 4HB Join us for Sunday Lunch
MaIn Menu or DeLIcIouS SunDay carvery served 12noon – 3pm • adults £8.95, OaP /child £ 6.95 Sunday evening bookings only – main menu
WeDneSDay carvery 6pm – 9pm ... Two Meals for £15
Beat the Winter Blues with our £5 Menu Lunches: monday to saturday evenings: monday, Tuesday and Thursday Quiz night – every Thursday, 8pm start Book early for MoTHerInG SunDay 30th March
Tel: 01747 822758
Pub Pages
Olympics, a move about which I was not enthralled, I now think it would not be so removed from the skill levels of curling. In which case, perhaps skittles would be a better option than ten-pin, where one can’t miss the pins, where as in skittles, one can go from hero to zero in two seconds! (Slight pause whilst the noise subsides from the ten-pin fans). An article on the BBC news web-site of January 28th gave some coverage to the times when the Thames froze over. Interestingly, between 1309 and 1814 it froze over more than twenty times, and on five of these
occasions it was thick enough to hold a fair. not having photography, obviously, at least there were some who were clever enough to record some of the scenes in the style of the day, with several rather graphic examples being able to stand close scrutiny. It wasn’t long before I found a cameo of some in the picture playing skittles! Would you also believe an elephant was led across the ice near Blackfriers Bridge? The last time the Thames was able to support all these activities was 200 years ago exactly – The BBC eloquently referred to it thus; ‘People didn't know it then but this ‘frost fair’ - a cross between a Christmas market, circus and illegal rave - would be the last. In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated’ and ‘Londoners stood on the Thames eating gingerbread and sipping gin. The party on the frozen river had begun on 1st February and would carry on for another four days’. There were several
different activities going on besides skittling, including Oxroasting (a food historian reckons it would take at least 24 hours to cook and would have fed 800 people) and also tea, coffee and hot chocolate were sold. There was stilt-walking, sledging, hunting a fox, bull-baiting and ‘throwing at cocks’ as well as plenty of drinking. new to me is the drink called ‘Old Tom’ a particularly strong gin, described as ‘particularly ardent’ which I think we can get the gist of. Two other beverages new to me were ‘Purl’ which was gin mixed with wormwood wine and drank hot and a ‘very spiky’ beer called ‘Mum’, which was infused with spices and sounds very much like a ‘winter warmer’ ale as CAMRA describe them. These were drunk in impromptu structures made of sails and oars called ‘fuddling tents’ where people passed out after imbibing or where various illegal gambling games took place. There was of course at
that time, no police force, so it was up to the watermen (those who operated the river taxis of the day) and the lightermen (who would use the river to transport goods) to keep order of some kind. Being unable to carry out their normal activities they would charge people for access to the ice. Enterprise was clearly alive and well at the time, and believing them to be a tough breed, I can imagine their actions if any payment was not forthcoming! They would also be the ones who ‘policed’ the event (using the term in its loosest sense no doubt) as the river was ‘their’ property! Can you imagine what would happen if anything like this was attempted in this day and age? Hmmm … In this column we do regularly have to report the passing of so many pubs. It would be sad to have to name them all, even in the Visitor area, but at least our favourite pub game keeps going, despite the loss of so many
Dean & Lou welcome you to the
Marston Inn Marston Magna nr. Yeovil
LIVE MUSIC Friday 28th February: Paul Da Vinci Original voice of “Sugar Baby Love” – from 9pm ✿ Mothering Sunday 30th March: early booking advised ✿ Sunday Carvery using quality local somerset meats Main £8.50 • Two Courses £11
Join us for a delicious
Monday – Saturday: Lunchtime Special – Two Meals for £12 Thursday: Steak Night – Two Steaks £14 Friday: Beer Battered Fish Supper £5.50
01935 850020
White Lion Inn
Home-Made Food Served 7 Days a Week
Real Ales - Garden Skittle Alley
TRadITIoNaL CoUNTRY PUB Serving Sensibly Priced Food & Drink
Steak Night Wednesdays £22.50 inc. Bottle of Wine delicious 3 Meat Carvery every Sunday £8.95 Fresh Fish From Beer every Friday Value Meals £9.00 per couple Monday to Saturday Lunchtimes Book Now for Mothering Sunday 30th March You can be sure of great value and a good time when you visit ...
dinnington docks Dinnington, Nr.Hinton St. George • Tel 01460 52397 email Chris & Jill welcome you to the ...
Royal oak over Stratton, South Petherton Tel: 01460 240906
A Charming Country Inn
A Night at the Opera
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Saturday 29th March ✳ 6 Course Italian Taster Menu ✳
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Soprano: Maria Danishvar Brown Mezzo: Arabella Heaton Pianist: Elaine Korman Baritone: William Tyson Smith
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SURF, TURF, SWine & Wine nigHT
TWo Rump Steaks, or TWo Beer Battered Haddock or TWo Gammon Steaks, or Any Two with a Carafe of Wine ... £20.95 per couple • Booking Advised Book eARly FoR ...
MoTHeRing SUndAy 30th March
★ Traditional Sunday Roast ★ THE VISITOR March 2014 35
Pete Lambden & Staff welcome you to .....
168 Hendford Hill YEoViL “So round ‘n’ round ‘n’ round we go Where the world’s headed, nobody knows” The firsT person to tell me the above song will win a free drink. Last month Mark Hadigan of Ilchester was first among many to call in and tell me it was ‘Blue Moon’ . Lots going on here at the top of the hill, more of which you will be reading about in next months Visitor. We have had some fun here at The Quick’ this past month. alan Flint celebrated his 50th birthday here with some great music some nice food, and loads of great friends. Alan and i were at school together ... trouble is these days he looks like he has just finished Uni’ and i look like one of the Old Dons!!! Congratulations Alan! Nick and Dorothy Griffin had a joint Birthday Party here on the 1st: people travelled from miles around. They laid on some top nosh and had entertainment from Mr D’arcy, so a great night was had by all. Well done you two. XX In March it will be 12 years since I took on this super pub. We have lots going on to help me celebrate what these days is a bit of a rarity (a pub that stays open). Sadly two more pubs closed their doors in yeovil this month. Although i am sure they will reopen – it just goes to show that it is still very hard work keeping all those balls in the air and trading conditions are still challenging. Anyway on the first friday we have karaoke with addy. on the 14th Finian McGurk will be here doing his thing. on the 21st of March SNakE DaVIS will be here with his band - check him out on on the 23rd The Producers will be here live in the function room. And on the 28th Sweet Fa will be performing live in the bar. Last but not least we are teaming up with The Sherborne Town Band who have invited their friends The Free Time old Dixie Jass Band all the way from Holland who will be performing in the function room from 12.30 lunch time on the 30th. Tickets for all the above events are available from the pub. and finally: politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly – and for the same reason.
Pub Pages
venues. Indeed, some existing venues have had extra alleys built. Interestingly, they have tended to be in clubs, and off the top of my head I cannot think of a pub with two alleys. In Yeovil, Westlands
have had more than one alley for many years, and have expanded or moved them on at least two occasions. Tintinhull working men’s club has had a two alley venue for years and the latest to join them in that area is Yeovil Labour Club. It does make it slightly crowded when they are both in use, but, (moving swiftly on) at least it will help the club and help the survival of the game. I also hear that the Snooker Club just over the road from the Labour Club, has now got four alleys – possibly due to the decline in the interest for snooker, as well as the need for more skittle alleys. We have reasons to be optimistic!
your hosts, Mick, Jean and Garry welcome you to
lower Street, West Chinnock A charming country inn serving home cooked fayre lunchtime & evening
Book now for MoThering Sunday Sunday Lunch £7.95 - choice of roast Larger parties catered for
FreSh FiSh day Friday
... with home-made beer batter
STeaK SPeciaL - Two 8oz rump Steaks £16.50 sunday to Thursday
Daily SpecialS • Real ale • Skittle alley BeeR GaRDenS • accommoDation
Tel: 01935 881235
EASTER ISSUE The Easter issue of The Visitor will be Published on 27th March Deadline 17th March Book your advert early ...
Tel: 01963 351256
or email:
01935 424721 36 THE VISITOR March 2014
H o U S E S In YEOVIL ... please wipe your feet when entering The Quicksilver Mail, Pete has a splendid new carpet - very smart! ... delicious Sunday Lunch served at The Northover Manor, Ilchester with excellent service ... book early to avoid disappointment for the forthcoming Black Tie Night at The Lord Nelson, norton Sub Hamdon ... Garry back at the helm at The Muddled Man, West Chinnock ... the money off voucher proved very popular at The Royal Oak, Over Stratton ... woodburners lovely and warm at The Barrington Boar in Barrington ... all change at the Piccolo di Piazza in Ilminster ... Friday night is fish and chip night at The Rose & Crown, East Lambrook at £8.95 ... live music on a Saturday night at The Rose and Crown Bower Hinton ... and don’t forget The Orangery at Ash Country House, Ash is open for lunch as well as dinner. Shifting on to Sherborne where congratulations go to The Eastbury Hotel, who were awarded Silver at the South West Tourism Awards 2013-14 and where Matt Street is now head chef ... The Queens Arms at Corton Denham have been invited to participate in this years Trencherman’s Guide as a ‘rising star’. The Trencherman’s Guide recognises the best dining establishments in the South West and will be launched on the 24th March 2014 ... The White Post at Rimpton has now re-opened ... welcome to new host Craig at
March Diary Dates ... Monday 10th March
Fun Quiz: Teams of 4 – 6
Starts 8.15pm • £5 Per Team including a Bowl of Chips!
Friday 14th March St. Patrick’S cElEbrationS
SHOW niGHT with TiM PiTMan Irish Specials Board + Guinness Promotion Traditional Irish Music plus Roy Orbison Tribute ... an evening of fun for all
Give your mum a treat this MOTHerinG SunDay 30th March
LunChTIMe two sittings: 12noon – 1.30pm & 2.30pm – 4pm eVenInG: 6.30pm – 9pm Traditional Roast and Full Range of Specials
TooT TooT!!!
Email: Website:
the natterjack inn, nr. Evercreech Junction Evercreech, Somerset, ba4 6na
Pub Pages
The Catash Inn, north Cadbury ... and fish lovers will be in for a treat with the newly opened restaurant at The Walnut Tree, West Camel.
Bumbling on to Bruton we find there is a French twist to Sunday Lunch at Truffles Restaurant which is shortly to be refurbished ... and at The Montague Inn Shepton Montague they’ll be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with Paddies Party Menu ... there’s a Cheese & Wine event planned for April at The Natterjack Inn, Evercreech Junction ... oysters served on ice is just one of the tasty dishes from the Tapas menu at The Old Inn, Holton, which is under new management ... and opera lovers are in for a real treat at The White Lion, Bourton, where tickets are now on sale for a special evening of opera.
Sean & Suzy welcome you to the
Montague Inn
Shepton Montague BA9 8JW Tel: 01749 813213 Monday 17 th March ...
St. PATrICk’s nIgHT The
Wyndham Arms
£ 10 Paddies Party Menu and live MuSic with ...
Irish Band ‘SkeLAD’ Come and enjoy the craic
KingsbUry episCopi nr. MArToCK soMerseT TA12 6AT
a delightful country inn ... open all day - every day
MoTHerIng SunDAy 30 th March Classic Sunday roast
Delicious homecooked food served lunchtimes and evenings
... and a Present for Mother!
Traditional Sunday Roasts - choice of meats
6 nATIonS rugBy
St. Patrick’s Day Monday 17 th March
Guinness - £3 Pint Book now for
Mothering Sunday 30
Showing in The Bar
★ 2 Course Lunch Deal £10 ★ Monday to Saturday
3 Courses - £18.95 • 2 Courses - £14.95
★ Simple Supper nights ★
★ Steak nights ★
saturday 29 th March kevin Butt
Function Room & Skittle alley available for private hire / parties
Tel: 01935 823239 Please visit us on our website:
Tuesdays Mondays Hidden away amongst the Somerset country lanes is the Montague inn: a traditional 18th century local where everyone receives a warm welcome. THE VISITOR March 2014 37
Shepton Mallet ~ business focus target the vulnerable groups with flu jabs but the fitter groups get sick less. At Mendip Chiropractic Health we improve the function of your body and nervous system and can advise on lifestyle so you can thrive. We consider this true health care. You’ll feel better and function better. How would your life be better with improved function? Call 01749 988046.
Ridgeway Garage
Pictured is the showroom at Moggs of Wells, Shepton Mallet, where you will find a splendid selection of new garden machinery plus, a variety of sensibly priced second-hand machinery to choose from. Spring is on its way and the grass will soon be growing again - visit them soon and be prepared!
Why you will benefit from visiting the Chiropractor in Shepton: Reason 2 – Charles Darwin /optimal function
Medicine typically identifies a symptom and attempts to quash it with a pill. But health is a spectrum of function, not just the absence of a symptom. The best approach is to do things that move you further up the spectrum of health. Healthier people thrive whilst those at the other end of the spectrum have problems. Charles Darwin understood this as ‘survival of the fittest’. This is why pharmaceutical companies
If you are looking for a reliable secondhand car then pop along to Ridgeway Garage, situated on the Ridgeway Estate to the south of the town near Mendip District Council, in Kingsland Road. A family run business established for over 40 years you can be sure of helpful and professional service. All cars come with a new MOT, a Service, Cam Belt replacement if required and a warranty. Part exchange is welcome, finance is available if required and credit cards are also taken. Should you be looking for a particular make/model of car they will be happy to try and source it for you. Visit or give them a call. Stock changes regularly.
Repxotics of Shepton Mallet is one of the very few independent shops in the area to specialize in the sale and care of exotic reptiles and tropical fish. The shop stocks reptiles such as Bearded Dragons, Corn Snakes, Agamas, Tortoises, Royal Pythons and Chameleons. Repxotics has several breeding projects including Geckos and Snakes.
Ridgeway gaRage For quality used cars at affordable prices
57 nissan Micra 1.5 dci Spirita Diesel, low road tax, 5 door £3995 57 Peugeot 107 1 Litre urban, £20 road tax £3895 09 Fiat Grand Punto 1.4, one owner £4495 CLean CaRS BOuGhT FOR CaSh – LICenSeD CReDIT BROkeR
Kingsland Road, Shepton Mallet • tel: 01749 342938
SeRVICInG on most makes & models Be prepared for spring
“last year i invested in over 60 hours of additional training”
To be a better all-round Chiropractor * BeTTeR FoR yoU ... BeTTeR HipS, kneeS & SHoUldeRS + SpineS i see better results + Research evidence reveals Chiropractic has a broad range of benefits Make me your 1st choice, call 01749 988046 Dr. ben Gait Dc @ Mendip chiropractic Health SHEPton MallEt ● read testimonials at: *In addition to a 5 year full time course and years in practice
38 THE VISITOR March 2014
Shepton Mallet ~ business focus Pictured right: whether you’re looking for comfortable seating for your garden or conservatory or perhaps dining furniture with a difference - a visit to Avalon Cane Furniture is a must.
Repxotics can supply all you require to keep an exotic reptile including heated tanks, lighting and decor. Live and frozen food is available and for those going on holiday a boarding service is offered. There are twenty one tanks of tropical and cold water fish offering a varied selection including rarer species such as L-Plecs, Apistogramma and shrimp. See the special fish offers available in their advert.
D.R. Carpets & Styletile
D.R.Carpets are now stocking quality solid and engineered hardwood flooring available in a choice of grades and finishes. This attractive flooring is guaranteed for 35 years. D.R. Carpets have a wide choice of carpets including the stylish range of striped carpets which is currently on trend. Rugs and runners can be made to order using remnants from your carpet – ideal for the hall or in front of the fire. Floor tiles, safety flooring and vinyls are also readily available. next door at Styletile there are hundreds of tiles to choose from – plain, patterned, ceramic, glass and more. Bathrooms can also be supplied and fitted. Call in for details. Find them at Evercreech Junction, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6nA.
If you are a company who wishes to come along and meet the team and enjoy a glass of bubbly then email: helen@red to have your name on the guest list. If you are a candidate looking for work, please pop along, no appointment necessary so the team can sign you up for work. Or visit www.redberry to see current vacancies in all our offices.
cane Furniture The Largest selection in the West Country! We can offer prompt free delivery within a 50 mile radius Or come in and see us ... you won't be disappointed!
Update your suite with made-to-measure cushions with removeable covers
CAne fUrniTUre
EstablishEd ovEr 60 YEars
Open 7 Days: Monday - Saturday 9am - 5.30pm, Sunday 10.30am - 4.30pm
Say you saw it in The Visitor
In store at haSKinS reTaiL cenTre ShePTon MaLLeT, Ba4 5aX • 01749 343414
Red Berry Recruitment
Red Berry Recruitment is delighted to be opening its third office. On March 28th, Red Berry Bridgwater will hold its open day between 10am and 2pm.
Stock Rolls & Remnants StockeD ● Carpets and flooring ● Vinyls and Laminates ● solid & engineered Wood ● safety floor specialists ● porcelain and floor Tiles ● natural flooring inc. sisal & seagrass ● Mats / runners Made-to-Measure ● Domestic & Commercial
Wall & Floor Tiles
u u u A superb Choice u u u
‘ideal’ Standard Bathrooms Showers and Saunas on display Supplied and Fitted all types of Building and Renovation Work Undertaken
Free Estimates – Professional Fitting Available Showrooms, evercreech Junction, Shepton Mallet, Ba4 6na on the main A371 between shepton Mallet and Castle Cary
Tel: 01749 831578
Tel / Fax: 01749 831666
For all your reptile & Fish needs
Snakes ★ Chelonians ★ Invertebrates amphibians ★ Cold & Tropical Fish ★ Lizards LiVe FoodS: 2 Tubs for £4 Set up Roaches – Beetles – Locusts – Flies – Crickets – Grubs – Worms deals FiSh Neon-Tetra £7 for 10 available oFFer Goldfish (2 - 3 inches) Buy 2 Get 1 Free
repxotics, 17 town Street 01749 938082 SHEPton MallEt ba4 5bE THE VISITOR March 2014 39
GARDENING GaRDENING MoNTHly by Richard Cumming Orchard Park Whatever space you’ve got, it Starts With a Pot!
WHAT STARTS with a pot you might ask? Well a whole range of things and this is one of the projects we are working with this year to help get youngsters, nongardeners as well as the converted, thinking about gardening in a way that is easy to understand. The baby-boomers [born 1946 - 1960] often benefitted from the advice handed down from their parents who in many cases were gardening to produce essential foods before and
during WW2. Later generations lost out to some extent as the need to garden reduced and the size of our gardens shrunk. But it is still one of the most useful, creative and therapeutic activities known to man. The satisfaction of growing a beautiful, useful or tasty plant is enormous and the exercise you can get is as good as going to the gym. Yes I know, there are a hundred ways to ruin your back and knees gardening but most of them can be avoided by approaching the work in a sensible manner - like any
GraS nd to scarif S & b r U u ro g h g u tinG ro 160 plan ying, orcha S H c U t t i ta n rotava . Tel: 07659 550 rd s d Tel: 0 tions, play s, paddock G e seed b ing fie 7659 s 55016 lds et , 0 c. hig h lift Mi ni Di GG in G an d 60 01 55 9 65 07 l: Te er. dump aninG MoSS H c l E ng etc. t Prob a P ti spiking, l P a t i o chanical poin coring, EMS scarify e m Tel: 076 in and 0160 59 5501 g 659 55 60 Tel: 07
Spring into action ❀
with ... L i m i t e d
Book now for your Regular Garden Maintenance Landscaping Tasks also Undertaken: Patios, Turfing, Fencing etc. NEW All Aspects of TRee SuRGeRy undertaken Commercial & Domestic Contracts Undertaken Phone now for a Free Quote QuotE ‘the Visitor’ when you call to receive a Discounted Rate
caLL JuLian on 07738 524254 40 THE VISITOR March 2014
physical activity. After all, you wouldn’t start a gym session without warming up, would you? So, ‘It Starts With a Pot’ is all about an easy way to start, perhaps sowing a seed or planting a bulb that will grow right in front of your eyes. Making a new plant from an old plant is also a good way to get going; it might be a cutting, a layered shoot or a piece of a perennial plant dug from the garden. There are so many ways to experiment. Then the pots themselves can be anything that holds compost and water but allows drainage; it might be an old bucket, a teapot, a wellington pot, an ancient Chinese jardinière, a regular terracotta or a plastic pot. Starter pots should be small as if the pot is too big the plant or the seed will get lost. Then once growth has started and the plant has reached a size that fills the pot, it should be moved to the next size up or if with other plants in a mixed arrangement given more room for its roots to develop. This could be a fun project for everyone this year and certainly gives lots of opportunities for
schools to get involved. We will be running workshops and competitions at Orchard Park and hope for some great creativity and even the wild and whacky!
Plant of the Month
I know it has been a wild and wet winter but there are an awful lot of plants out there flowering fit to bust! Some of the winter and spring bedding has taken a beating but pansies and violas are so resilient that they quickly recover with a few days good weather. March is the perfect time for a garden spring clean after the winter, re-invigorating and livening up existing flower beds, borders and containers. Pansies are the perfect spring plants - along with primulas, forget-me-nots and wallflowers and are perfect contenders for patio pots, hanging baskets and window boxes, ideal and easy to plant. Pansies and violas are two of the most popular bedding plants and are great for filling the gaps in borders once you have cleared away bedraggled or dead plants. Their names are often used
GARDENING interchangeably. Plants considered to be pansies have four petals pointing upwards, and only one pointing down. Violets have three petals pointing up and two pointing down. Both are hardy annuals that offer colourful flowers in your garden. They both need watering regularly and need to be planted in moist, well-drained soil. Pansies and violas like sun and cooler temperatures. Make sure you remove faded or dead flowers to prolong blooming and encourage more flowers to grow bringing a joy of spring to a garden following cold winter months. Plant of the month: violas.
Jobs for the Month
There have been so few days this year so far that encourage gardening, so the job list is a real mix of what should have been done as well as what needs to be done. Clearing, pruning, weeding, feeding and mulching would cover it! In the flower beds, the dead growth from last year should be cut back before the new growth
gets too far ahead, especially with ornamental grasses and clumps of perennials. Spring flowering shrubs should be left until after they have flowered but any overgrown summer shrubs could be thinned out by removing old wood (take out about a third of the plant) or cutting back low the fast growing Spiraeas and Buddlejas. Perennial weeds
Approved contractor to Dorset & Somerset C.C.
usually need to be dug out unless you can apply a systemic weed killer such as glyphosate, without touching other plants. If you do use a weed killer then be sure to let it do its job properly; don’t apply it if it is going to rain in the next 6 hours, and let the plant die back before you tidy it away. Feeding and mulching are the best way to make your garden
for all your Tool Hire Requirements including Mini digger Hire and garden Machinery higher Farm, Sutton, Ditcheat Tel: 01749 860199 • Mob: 0777 163 2221
QuaLiTy Fencing PaneLS and TiMBer CLANVILLE SAWMILLS LTD Clanville • Castle Cary (on the B3153) Monday to Thursday - 8am to 5pm Friday - 8am to 4pm
castle cary (01963) 350881
‘grow’, a slow release multipurpose feed such as Vitax Q4, TopRose or Miracle-Gro Granular is ideal, or if you prefer a liberal dressing of Blood Fish and Bonemeal. The best mulch would be your own well-rotted garden compost from your carefully tended compost heap, bagged re-cycled green waste or bark mulch. All of these work well keeping the weeds at bay, retaining moisture and feeding the soil over a longer period of time. Summer flowering bulbs and corms such as lilies, gladioli and dahlias can be planted out later in March, and overgrown perennials lifted, divided and replanted. In the edible garden, fruit trees and bushes are budding up nicely, but the soils may still be too wet to cultivate. It really does need to dry up a bit but from experience it will happen and
TRee SURgeRy SpeCiAliSTS Crown Thinning and reduction Dead and Dangerous Trees removed new Trees supplied and planted Tree stumps removed
Approved Contractor to Somerset County Council and Local Councils
Utilise the generous grants now available to restock neglected woodland or areas of wasteground
Phone B. P. MoNTGoMERy for a free estimate Tel: 01963 240532 Mobile: 07970 397248 email:
Podimore Recycling Ltd Suppliers of Quality Recycled Aggregates
ToP SoiL / SuB SoiL Crushed Concrete all types of Stone • Sand • Tarmac Road Plannings and Screened Top Soil Small Tip for Clean Building Rubble & Bricks Small & Large Quantities Collected or Delivered Site Clearance Specialist • Tipping Facilities Tipper Lorries • 180° - 360° excavators Fully Mobile Crusher and Screener hire Barns Down • Farm Yard Demolition Yards Crushed • Stone Supplied digger and cruSher hire aVaiLaBLe Tel / Fax: 01935 849250 Mobile: 07973 844145
THE VISITOR March 2014 41
Make the most of your garden! With summer just a few months away, now’s the time to start thinking about adding a garden room. The Forster, above, with its double glazed bi-fold doors would make an ideal hobby room or guest room for visitors.
Spring in to the Garden!
To book your advert in the easter issue of the ViSitoR Telephone: 01963 351256
or email:
April Issue Published: Thursday 27th March Deadline: Monday 17th March
when it does it will happen quickly. The soil can be improved with the addition of grit and organic manure. If you have time, energy and the materials then raised beds are worth making. They don’t have to be too big, even 1m x 50cm would make a useful space, and raised beds are very much more productive as they are easier to cultivate and maintain. If you are working on small beds then sow some early leaf crops indoors to get a head start, quick maturing salads and spinach are usually successful. Root crops such as early carrots and beetroot are usually best sown direct as they don’t transplant quite so well. Potato growers should have their selected seed potatoes set out in a light frost free place to chit [letting the shoots start to grow]. The early varieties can probably be planted out early to mid-March if the weather is good and the soil temperature is rising. A soil thermometer is a useful thing to have as ideally the
The ideal ride-on mower for smaller areas £1249
AtCo RIDER 27M R Compact Lawn Rider
A compact lawn rider, the Atco Rider 27M is suitable for gardens of up to ¾ acre. With a Briggs & Stratton 875 Series ES Pro engine and manual gearbox, it has a 66cm working width and 6 cutting heights from 30mm to 80mm. The 150 litre capacity grass collector can be emptied from the driving seat. Optional accessories include a mulching kit and trailer hitch.
LEE HOLMES Garden Machinery
15 Cary Court, Bancombe Business Park, SoMERtoN tel: 01458 274261 •
All types of Fencing • Gates • Trellis • Fence Panels • Tool Sheds • Summer Houses • Garages • Workhouses • Greenhouses • Field Shelters All Buildings are hand-made at Bourton using Scandinavian Redwood Shiplap Timber. Bourton, Gillingham on the old A303 Nr. Zeals For Free Survey/estimate/Brochure
Telephone 01747 840752 42 THE VISITOR March 2014
Alan Dodge BSc
temperature should be over 7ºC and rising. Onion sets and shallots can go in now as they are quite tough. Birds love to pull them out as they start to grow so either firm them in really well or protect them with a layer of fleece until, they have put roots down. Here’s a few other jobs to tackle – if you have a pond, check the plants in baskets before they start to grow. If they need dividing and replanting use an aquatic compost. Well-established pond plants can be fed with a special aquatic plant tablet that is formulated for pond use and doesn’t encourage the growth of algae. Finally the lawn; give it a light trim on a dry day and see what treatment it needs. A complete weed, feed and moss kill will sort most problems especially if used alongside a good raking over and aeration using a fork, then reseed bare or thin patches or re-turf as this is often an easier and economic option.
Martock and District Gardening Society
On Tuesday 11th March, neil Lovesey from Picket Lane nursery will give a talk about Gardening on Clay - a particularly pertinent topic! There will also be a Seed Swap during the evening. Meetings are held at Martock Primary School, unless otherwise stated, 7pm for 7.30pm. Annual membership £8, - visitors welcome, £1.50 per meeting, tea/coffee and biscuits included. For further information please contact Hon. Sec. Jenny Becker on 01935 822144.
Suppliers of quality lawn turf Full ground preparation and laying service available Telephone Somerton 01458 272091 Mobile 07850 310998
the end bit... PaPerchaSe
BY THE TIME you read this the post office in Wincanton will have been refurbished with a modern open-plan layout. If all went according to plan the work started on Thursday 20th February and the branch reopened at lunchtime on the 28th. I gleaned this information from the 23rd January issue of the Western Gazette which reported the week-long closure under the headline ‘Month closure as post office is given a revamp’. Sensational enough to worry the pensioners and annoy the businesses who rely on their local post office but who perhaps didn’t read the report beneath the headline. Talking of the Western Gazette, I mentioned in last month’s column that the cover price is now 90p (and has been since the end of last September). Three years earlier it cost 60p, so the price has increased by 50% in that short period, far outstripping inflation. Editor Emma Slee didn’t mention this when she lauded the ‘host of offers and promotions which ensure you get
the money you’ve paid for your newspaper back in your pocket’. Who’s kidding who? After months of waiting, the Blackmore Vale Magazine now has a new editor in place of Fanny Charles who ‘retired’ at the end of last June. When the post was advertised in early September it called for ‘a journalist with a vision for the future – combining strong editorial leadership with an ability to develop commercial platforms’. The successful applicant is Tim Lethaby who has worked on several other papers from the same publishing empire (northcliffe) including the Mid Somerset Series, the Western Morning News and the Bristol Post. Educated in Shepton Mallet and Street and married with four young children, he wrote in the 31st January issue that he is ‘passionate about local news’ and believes that ‘local newspapers, magazines and websites provide a vital link to the communities they serve’. If he’s as good as his word the BVM is again in a safe pair of hands that will build on the firm foundations laid by Fanny Charles over so many years. I wish him well. Writing headlines and photo captions to meet the tight deadlines of a daily newspaper is not always easy, but whoever came up with this photo caption in the 15th February issue of the Western Daily Press might now be wishing that he (or she) had given it a little more thought. Pictured was a piece of 18th century manuscript, with the
T. M.
Fill in the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers 1 to 9.
caption: ‘A rare letter written by nelson with his left hand while recuperating after losing his right arm which is to be auctioned.’ What’s nelson’s right arm worth, I wonder. I can think of several people who would bid their right arm for it. In last month’s column I mentioned that the best of the three freebies that had come to my attention recently was The Langport Leveller and I’ve saved enough space this month to say a little about it. now in its fourth year, this monthly publication runs to 44 A4 pages printed throughout in black and white, and the issue I’m looking at includes a six-page directory of businesses, events, local councils, councillors and MPs, and no fewer than 20 pages of editorial features. And most of these are not simply revamped press releases and ‘advertorials’; they are up-to-the-minute items of news of relevance to the communities in its circulation area plus some letters from its readers. Most are very well written, and if some are opinionated and contentious they are none the worse for that. They give the magazine a punchy vitality. The circulation runs to 5,050 copies in an area stretching from Bridgwater and Taunton in the west to Lydford-on-Fosse and Mudford in the east, from Meare
Solution to February
in the north to Ilminster in the south. Hence the title. It’s published from Langport but strives to serve most of the Levels. And that’s my main worry: it’s too large and diverse an area to be described as ‘our community’. Such items as planning controversies in Somerton and Huish Episcopi are unlikely to generate much interest in Henlade or Seavington St Michael, and a feature on Strode College in Street will have little relevance to residents of Taunton or Yeovil. I appreciate that a broad circulation area might appeal to some advertisers, but it would be a great pity if the editorial team’s resources are stretched to cover such a wide area at the expense of the current good service it gives to the communities closer to its Langport home. You will gather that I rate the Langport Leveller very highly indeed and can only congratulate the editorial team and endorse their front-page slogan that boasts ‘not just FREE – Priceless’. Chronicler.
Answers To PoP music Quiz on page 14
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
paul Carrack ‘blur’ ‘eruption’ it is their only instrumental track ‘The police’ ‘Voodoo Chile’ – Jimi hendrix ‘Katrina and the Waves’ ‘Lightning seeds’ bristol ‘simon smith’
This Month’s Bonus Question ‘family’ Extra Bonus Question ‘homeward bound’ Question Impossible ‘America’ – The nice THE VISITOR March 2014 43
Send Details to: The Visitor, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7BG 30p per word (£5 minimum) pre-payment essential
Classified Ads
pHone - a - FiRM Fires/Chimneys
✽ If you require a receipt a s.a.e. must be enclosed with payment
HEATING & HOME STORE Multifuel Stoves ... over 200 on display Chimneys Relined ★ Full Installation Service HETAS • OFTEC • GAS SAFE
✴ Chimney Sweeping Service ✴ Showrooms Open: Monday to Friday 8am – 5.30pm and Saturday 8am – 4.30pm Email:
High Street, Curry Rivel, Langport 01458 251476 nAME ........................................................................................................................................................................ ADDRESS ................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................. Tel: ............................................................................. Cheque Enclosed for £ .................... Minimum £5
Passport Photographs
PaSSPORTS - PaSSPORTS PaSSPORTS and I.D. any legislative size. any time to suit you. easy parking. Tel: Graham Cox, Photographer, 01458 223769.
ReDunDanT MOTOR MOWeRS, rotavators, chainsaws, strimmers, cement mixers, etc. Tel: 01460 77844.
Mobile Bars / Catering haRRy’S MOBILe BaRS, all occasions, weddings, parties, etc. Tel: 01747 825553 QuICkSILVeR MaIL outside bar facilities for any occasion. Call Pete on 07779 306751.
For Sale
DaVe BuyS aLL TyPeS OF TOOLS, salvage, bygones and collectables. Daves Tools - Tel: 01935 428975 VaLVeS & VaLVe aMPLIFIeRS wanted by local collector. also valve tester and 50s & 60s hi-fi. Graham: 07800 512889.
Services hOuSehOLD & GaRDen RuBBISh CLeaReD, old sheds / oubuildings demolished, etc. Tel: 01460 77844.
eLeCTROnIC ORGan - good home wanted for dearly loved organ. Donation to charity. Tel: 01935 815893. STRaW FOR SaLe. Large and small bales, wheat, barley, oats. Delivery 07854 377649.
Musicians Wanted The WeSSeX hIGhLanDeRS - The Scottish Bagpipe Band for the South West. If you are an experienced piper or drummer, The highlanders can offer you an exciting opportunity to play in a successful band. For further information see
Say you saw it in The Visitor
Denture Repairs
Are you a denture wearer? De to m nture smi ake y s o le a gain u !
Denture repairs while you wait ...
STORaGe for furniture in locked cubicles. Lock-up garages to let. Tel: Sparkford Storage on 01963 440045 or 440526 or 440692.
Dog Holidays hOLIDay FOR yOuR DOG. Let your dog stay with us when you are away. 24-hour attention and long walks. Fully licensed and insured. Vet approved. References available. Tel: 01963 240650.
T.V. Rental T.V. RenTaL - long or short term, domestic & commercial, up to 50-inch plasma. h. R. hodge. Tel: 01460 240645.
DENTuRE REPaIRS While you Wait Collection & Delivery Denture advice Mr. C. Dunn
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44 THE VISITOR March 2014
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01963 220366
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01935 472669 ... or
07884 345511
Trading for over 6 years CUSTOMER REFEREnCES AvAiLABLE
Email: Covering the areas between Wincanton Castle Cary, Sparkford, Sherborne and Yeovil
Clock Repairs CLoCk REPAiRS Antique and Modern Clock Repairs. Free pick up and delivery 40 years experience
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Exterior and interior decorating Gutters cleared and cleaned High level painting and cleaning Conservatories washed down Removal of disused sky dishes and cabling Repointing of stone and brickwork Patios cleaned Many other jobs undertaken no v.A.T. competitive rates for seniors
Contact JaMeS cade on 01963 34272 or 07967 307179
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Electrical Contractors
Transport & Storage The key to all your storage needs! Fully Insured Storage at highly Competitive Rates call us today for a quote!
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Specialists in period and listed properties
Leadwork Chimneys Fascias Gutters Flat Roofs
26 Stembridge, nr. Kingsbury, Martock TA12 6BN Telephone: 01460 240229 • Mobile: 07917 411961
For all your roofing requirements
Flat roofing • Tiling • Slating grP roofing All New Work Fully Guaranteed
For further information & estimates contact allan Carey
01963 33528 / 07885 723915 Email:
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... or 07866 296453 email:
Oven Cleaning Mister Oven
Independent Oven Cleaning Specialist Ovens - Hobs - Agas etc
Tel: 01935 475065 Mob: 07752 695264
TV Aerials daVe ParMiTer aeriaLS TV aeRIaL SeRVICe SaTeLLITe / VIDeO SySTeMS CCTV SySTeMS - PeRSOnaL SeRVICe
Tel: YEoViL (01935) 422088 or mobile 07850 405433 nO CaLL-OuT ChaRGe
Takeaway Bags of Coal • Calor Gas Car & Van Rental Competitive Prices
Anchor Hill Service Station WInCanTOn 01963 32609
WESTlINE CoMMuNICaTIoNS business Telecom specialist For all your telecom needs For free, friendly and professional advice call ... John Penny on 07976 967349
THE VISITOR March 2014 45
Plumbing & Heating
Prize Crossword No. 329 Set by Frank Butler
SEND COMPLETED ENTRIES TO: The Visitor Crossword, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7BG to arrive by monday 17th march. Correct entries are placed in a hat and the winner is the first name drawn. The prize is a £10 voucher to spend with any one advertiser in this issue of The Visitor. please do not forget to state your choice of advertiser and your name and address. 1
Plastering tel: 01747 861479 Mob: 07561 120828
34 White Road, MERE, nr. Warminster Wiltshire, BA12 6EX
East Lydford 01963 240185 or Mobile 07811 211586
Framing SCENES
Artist Materials & gallery
« picture framing « restoration « Large selection of prints & paintings « greeting Card blanks High St. Gillingham Tel 01747 824050
See our main advertisement in the House & Home Feature Contact us for a free estimate
(01935) 823346
HALLWORTH LTD BUILDERS “A company of traditional values” Telephone: 01935 829037 or 07771 907340 A family business with over 30 years of building excellence, Members of the Guild of Master Craftsmen, covering all areas of Somerset & Dorset ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
Complete design & build package Extensions & alterations Barn conversions Renovations
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Refurbishments GRP roofing Commercial works Small works /maintenance also undertaken
Please call for a fRee qUotation or to discuss your requirements
Dave Hoddinott
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brat cast around for summary. [8] stop up request for fine cloth. [6] Unconcealed river in yorkshire? That's the opening! [8] spy with tiny stomach is short and thick. [6] shows about everything where you paddle. [8] And let there be confusion concerning teeth. [6] Technical expert adjusting trench coat. [10] Whisky-making plant: i sell it around in dry surroundings. [10] Maker of pictures in part is teaching. [6] i leave billion around open University with a strong broth. [8] relate mischievous child with skill. [6] Musically detached cats backing away before Cato. [8] After short time michaelmas daisy gives a sample. [6] playing the lead, heavenly body with a loop. [8]
8. 13. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21.
Lock escutcheon with A flat dish. [8] The rat, swallowing most, keeps temperature steady. [10] notion rota shows believer in perfection. [8] e.g. 235 U and 238 U perhaps, i.e. stoops around. [8] "Die, sir!" aerogram carrying news to rome of day of wrath. [4,4] Collier swallows first of cakes with cook's helper. [6] Kill AA organization: it's not acidic. [6] performing well, like a bird seeking a mate. [2,4]
Solution to Crossword 328
Down 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7.
break oar before use? Wake up! [6] observe proverb in the playground. [6] Lot put back in red coat we've heard before. [6] Watch reels making sideways somersaults. [10] Where to find cream in real milk. [2,3,3] Dreadful trauma re the rotor in the motor! [8]
The Winner of our february Crossword 328 was peter bartle of yeovil, who chose to spend the £10 voucher at Crossroads pet supplies, babylon hill, yeovil.
Over 20 displays on view in our showrooms ... Bedrooms Kitchens Home Office ■ frEE design service ensuring best use of space ■ Extensive choice ■ Excellent quality – sensible pricing ■ Traditional and modern styling ■ A family-run business “Transform your home” with ...
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Tel: 01458 272699 • Ample Free pArKing
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Four bay garage crafted in oak with slate roof SPARKFORD SAWMILLS Ltd, Sparkford, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 7LH
Tel: 01963 440414 • Visit our website to see our extensive range ... or call in to discuss your requirements
MaD MarCh DealS at ... Husqvarna 216 AWD
BenJohnson GarDeN MaChINery
Compact and versatile with 7 steps of height for cut from 25mm – 75mm. Excellent manoeuvrability. Single cylinder Briggs and Stratton 9.6kw engine. All wheel drive transmission, ideal for medium sized residences with soft ground / banks. rrp £4,599 OUR PRICE
Husqvarna 213 C
Husqvarna LT 154
McCulloch M125-85F
Compact ride on with side discharge suitable for verges, orchards and paddocks, as well as maintaining lawns. 6 step height cut, 38mm – 102mm. Kohlar Command 8.1kw engine. OUR PRICE £1,650 ... to include mulching kit.
Ben Johnson, 17d Wincombe Business Park ShafteSBury, SP7 9QJ • tel: 01747 851021
Easy to use ride on. Excellent manoeuvrability supplied complete with a combi 94cm deck with 7 step height cut 25mm – 75mm. Briggs and Stratton 6.7kw engine. Suitable for use with a range of all year use towed accessories. rrp £3,699 OUR PRICE £3,190
Efficient front mower with superior overview of working area thanks to front mounted cutting deck. Briggs and Stratton 6.5kw Engine. 85cm cutting area. 2-in-1 cutting deck offers both mulching and rear ejection. OUR PRICE £2,400 For a complete range of garden machinery, ride on and pedestrian mowers please visit our Shaftesbury showrooms.