The Visitor Magazine Issue 344 July 2012

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In Passing ...


oRsE even than a jukebox and the dreaded karaoke for killing the social art of pub chat must surely be sky TV. More and more town pubs in Visitorland seem to be installing this conversation killer, and for major sporting events like the Euro 2012 soccer tournament it might draw in a few extra drinkers. For the rest of the time, instead of having to shout to be heard above the din, you must speak in whispers – and like it or not, your eyes seem to be drawn involuntarily to the screen no matter what it is showing. Thankfully most of our village pubs have not yet succumbed to this disturbing trend. If I remember rightly, it was David Frost who described television as the invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn’t have in your home. At home you can at least switch them off. No such luck in the pub. since the arrival of digital television we can receive all the traditional TV channels and around 40 Freeview channels, and for a monthly subscription we can receive up to 340 more channels. But more does not necessarily mean better; bigger choice doesn’t mean better choice. For sports fans more also means more expensive as the pay channels outbid the BBC for the top events. In my local pub and in the newspaper correspondence columns I come across so many complaints about the poor quality of programmes on offer, about the number of repeats being served up, about the time wasted wading through the proliferation of pay-for TV channels to find an old movie they haven’t seen already a dozen times or more. Perhaps that is why, despite the growing number of channels, people are viewing less television these days. The local pub is fast disappearing as a place where people have traditionally

gone, not just for a drink but also for sociability and conversation. Fast disappearing, too, as a place where young people traditionally learnt to drink sensibly under the watchful eye of adults. Not enough local residents are popping into their ‘locals’ regularly for a drink or two to make them profitable. It’s a pattern repeated throughout Visitorland, in the towns as well as the villages, that I have mentioned repeatedly in this column over the years. Can this decline be halted? I like to think that disenchantment with television will tempt people away from passive viewing at home and that they will flock to their local pubs to rediscover the pleasure of conversation in convivial company. How sad it would be if the first thing they see on entering the bar is an enormous TV screen! NN.

Advertising Deadlines August edition published Thursday 26th July Deadline Monday 16th July Wells Frome • Shepton Mallet Glastonbury Bruton Street Castle Mere Cary Somerton Wincanton Gillingham langport ilchester Shaftesbury Martock Marnhull Sherborne Stalbridge • ilminster Stur. Newton Yeovil Crewkerne

Note to Advertisers Advertisements are accepted subject to our standard terms and conditions as printed on our rate card, available upon request. We cannot guarantee any specific page or position, but will always do our best to comply with clients’ wishes. ArtWorK Artwork & design by our production department and photographs taken by our photographers are the copyright of Badger Publications. The Visitor is compiled in Quark Xpress (Apple Macintosh). Clients or agencies supplying artwork or images should ideally send uncompressed TIFs, JPEGs or PDFs, 300 dpi minimum if actual size, or at a higher resolution if smaller than size required, along with a hard copy print-out. For advertisement sizes see our Rate Card. The views expressed in articles & letters contributed to this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher.


PO Box 1, Castle Cary Somerset BA7 7BG Tel: (01963) 351256, 351998 Fax: (01963) 350552 Email: Website: Proprietor, Accounts & Subscriptions Helen Dunion Production Manager Jeff Farrow Advertisement Manager & Features Editor Michelle Trulock Printed by The Blackmore Press © The Visitor Ltd. 2012

(Items marked ©gt are the copyright of geoff thompson)

CONTENTS Our FRONT COVER is almost entirely due to a quadrennial sporting event ANNOUNCEMENTS & CLASSIFIED - 51 ANTIQUES & COLLECTING - 16 ARTS - 7 BUSINESS - 6 CAMELOT COUNTRY business focus - 10 CROSSWORD - 54 CYCLE BABBLE - 15 GARDENING - 44 HOUSE & HOME kitchens & bathrooms - 32 LANGPORT - 25 LEISURE & TRAVEL - 14 LET’S MAKE MUSIC - 12 LETTERS - 5 LOOKING GOOD & FEELING FINE a new look for summer - 22 MAD HATTER PARTY SHOP, Yeovil, profile - 5 MARTOCK business focus - 18 MENTIONED in DISPATCHES - 7 MOTORING - 40 MUSIC for the MONTH - 12 NOTICE BOARD - 8 PAPERCHASE - 50 PHONE-A-FIRM - 52 PUBLIC NOTICES - 7 PUBS - 46 SOMERTON - 28 SOUTH PETHERTON business focus - 17 THEY SAY - 50 WE HEAR - 8 Drawings by GEOFF THOMPSON

THE VIsIToR July 2012 3

ANDREW BARCLAY TraDiTioNaL FamiLY bUTCHerS 45 High Street, Wincanton, Somerset BA9 9JU Tel: 01963 34880 • Fax: 01963 31249

New SeaSoN SpriNg Lamb ... from Sam Stables, Charlton Musgrove butchered to your requirements

£65 Half Lamb

All our meAt is NAturAllY reAreD AND sourCeD from the West CouNtrY beeF from Roundhill Farm and Clanville Manor Lamb from Shepton Montague and Charlton Musgrove Free raNge porK from Somerset Free raNge CHiCKeN & DUCK from Creedy Carver

Free range bone-in porK CHopS Buy THREE ... GET ONE FREE

Chicken breasts

SaLaD LeaveS - from Charles Dowding


HaLF LegS of Lamb (old season) £9.99 each  New LiNe: hurdlesbrook farm Guernsey Wholemilk Yoghurts awarD wiNNiNg moNTgomerY maTUre CHeDDar & KeeN’S CHeDDar

large selection of Local Cheeses including

Orders taken fOr Our meat at nOrth Cadbury Village stOres

wadman’s world Famous Cream ... from their Jersey Herd

aNNamma’S CUiSiNe

Homemade Authentic Southern Indian Curry Sauces made locally by a delightful Indian lady

Free raNge eggS

We take all major credIt and debIt cards

DaiLY DeLiverieS To THe SUrroUNDiNg area 4 THE VIsIToR July 2012

Letters to the Editor Volunteers Wanted

sir, Could you spare 2 hours per fortnight to visit a local Visually Impaired person in the Mendip area? We are looking for local people to regularly visit blind or partially sighted service users for support such as help with correspondence, reading, shopping and company. you can be any age and need no qualifications other than a caring and friendly personality and a desire to help someone who needs it. you could be making a big difference to somebody’s life by simply visiting them once a fortnight or week. Many of our Volunteers say that they enjoy visiting as much as the person they visit enjoys it! We would give you full support in your role as a Volunteer and would love you to join our large group of Volunteer Visitors in somerset. We provide you with training on working with people with sight loss and will pay your out of pocket expenses. Please contact me if you would be interested in knowing more or have questions you would like to

ask and I will tell you more about it, my number is 01643 708382 or email me on claire.packwood Thank you so much for your support. Claire Packwood Volunteer Visitor Co-ordinator

Jubilee Jubilate

sir, Following the notice you placed in The Visitor about the above concert I would like to express my thanks on behalf of the Wincanton Area Parkinson’s Group to all those who helped to make it such a great evening. over £1000 was raised to help fund monthly activities and outings for local members and their carers living with Parkinson’s. The concert was held in Caryford Hall on May 19th and was a resounding success. The hall was filled to capacity with a very appreciative audience and The Mill Singers presented a great programme of songs and

amusing readings. The gentlemen sang superbly and wowed the audience with their sense of fun and the obvious enjoyment they had from singing together. It had the feel of the last night of the Proms and as such The Queen’s Jubilee was well celebrated. Centaur Services Ltd sponsored the event and we are very grateful to them for their generous support and morale booster. Dave Marsh Kitchen Essentials and Camelot Photographic helped to sell tickets, Annette Bedford did a grand job on our publicity banner and we had generous raffle donations from Holbrook House Hotel, Andrew Barclay Family Butchers, Camelot Photographic and many individuals. We are very grateful to them all. Wincanton Area Parkinson’s Group meets every 3rd Wednesday between 2.30 and 4.30pm in the lounge of yarlington sheltered Housing scheme in Wincanton. If you would like to join us please call steve Beech on 01963 824854. Thank you to everyone who came, cooked, decorated, donated, sang, cleared up and helped in anyway. We really appreciated your support. Julie Verney (Events organiser) North Cadbury

Local Lady Photographer

sir, I read your magazine with enjoyment every month. There is always something different being reported and everything always seems fresh and topical. on this note, I came across a new website - and the photographer is a local lady who enjoys taking photographs of the surrounding areas. There are so many different seasons, different lights and different scenes, all of which are local. In a country where we seem to be suffering with a double dip recession, it is so good to see someone who is trying to expand their horizons. Elizabeth Goddard The Annexe Priory stables Castle Cary

send flowers     

mad hatter Opens new Party shop


F you HAVE ever wanted to hold a party in the Caribbean - you now can! With a visit to the newly opened Mad Hatter Party shop you can choose your favourite destination or theme and then set the scene. start with a scene setting backdrop, for example a tropical beach then add props, such as cut-out Hula dancer, inflatable Palm Tree, a limbo game - the only limit is your imagination! The shop is set out in themed areas including Hollywood - with life size cut-outs of Hollywood legends such as Marilyn and Humphrey Bogart; Casino - complete with roulette wheel; Rock & Roll/Disco; Medieval - with castle backdrop and dragons; Circus; Pirates - with shark infested waters, skull and crossbones, goblets, and ... if you fancy yourself as Billy the Kid choose your props from the inspirational Western Saloon setting complete with life size horse and cowboy! Mums will love this shop - it is also a one-stop shop for children’s parties - themed tableware, hats, masks etc., including Mickey Mouse, Spiderman and Toy Story. There are party bag fillers galore! Plus ready-filled party bags for just a couple of pounds which will save busy mums time. A range of party pack games for both indoor and outdoor use are available including sack packs for sack races, an inflatable clown which children have to toss a ball into and an old

favourite, pin the tail on the donkey. Also in stock a large range of Mexican Pinatas which are guaranteed to keep the children amused while Mum has a well deserved rest. Life size cut-outs of various characters such as pirates with a cut-out face for party goers to pop their head through, make for a fun photo opportunity. No special occasion would be complete without helium balloons and there are hundreds to choose from to suit any event. Bulk orders are welcome. There are even life-size cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse! Fun ideas can be found on the dedicated Hen/Stag Party Night section and for the big day itself champagne bottle-styled confetti bombs and table confetti in a variety of shapes! Tableware disposables such as cloths, cutlery, plates and cups are available in a host of rainbow colours. To add a WoW factor to any party Mad Hatter are renowned for their fireworks both indoor and outdoor plus sky lanterns. Now in stock is the world’s largest sky Lantern measuring 6ft in height, but for those who prefer something a little more modest 18inch lanterns. All are biodegradable. once again Mad Hatter has pushed the boundaries of the imagination. Visit the Party shop for yourself - it is truly a unique experience.

Party shOP

MAD HATTER FAncy DREss & JokEs HousE oF HoRRoRs 42 Princes Street, Yeovil  01935 471545 A Visitor Profile

THE VIsIToR July 2012 5

Business & Professional robert Stone & Co, chartered accountants and tax advisers in Ilminster answers questions from small businesses in Somerset ... Q1. I'm thinking of starting a new company. Will it qualify for the NIC exemption? robert Stone replies:

It depends where your business is based. Businesses in the east and

south east of England, or London don't qualify for the so-called NIC holiday. The south-east region stretches all the way up to Northamptonshire border, so you need to be quite clear where your principal place of business is. secondly, it must be a new business, not an existing business that has been transferred to a new company. There are also some excluded sectors such as road freight, coal and export

businesses. you need to talk though the detailed rules with your accountant before you apply for the NIC holiday.

Q2. My business is VAT registered, but the sales have dropped back, so my turnover is less than £75,000 per year. Can I stop charging VAT on my sales? robert Stone replies:

you must not stop charging VAT until you are given permission to do so by the VAT office. you need to apply to deregister for VAT on form VAT7, and send the completed form to the VAT deregistration office in Grimsby. you must continue to charge VAT on your sales until your application to deregister from VAT is accepted, and this has been confirmed by the VAT office.

robert Stone replies:

you need to make a new tax credits claim as soon as possible, don't wait until the new baby arrives. your reduced family income may mean that you qualify for working and child tax credits already, and if you don't, you will at least have submitted a protective claim for 2012/13. under the new rules, from 6 April 2012 couples with children must work at least 24 hours per week between them, and one member of the couple must work at least 16 hours per week. There are exceptions if one person is disabled, incapacitated or a carer. If you have an urgent query, do not hesitate to contact Robert stone on 01460 55661 or email your questions to:

Q3. Last month the Tax Office wrote to me saying I would no longer receive tax credits, but I did nothing about it. Now my wife is expecting another baby so has reduced her working hours. Can I get my tax credits back?


call livingstones now on

01935 706258

Your local insurance experts

August Advertising Reach over 60,000 potential customers ... advertise in The Visitor Regular monthly advertising brings results

August Issue

Deadline: Monday 16th July Published: Thursday 26th July

Tel: 01963 351256

Or email:

6 THE VIsIToR July 2012

Max Foote associates Ltd Chartered Certified Accountants and Registered Auditors 26 Lower Woodcock Street Castle Cary Ba7 7BH tel: 01963 351052 business and limited company accounts, self assessment tax returns, Vat, Payroll, book-keeping and training Personal and professional service

Mid-West The Stationers Stationery, Cards and Gift Wrap Office Equipment and Furniture Printer Inks & Toners Competitive Prices FREE Local Delivery

Back-To-School Promotions Now Available Stockists of Lamy, Waterman, Sheaffer & Parker Pens Filofax & Collins Organisers Call at our shop ...

21 Cheap Street, Sherborne Tel: 01935 814225 or visit our website ...


A local Diary

Mentioned in


Three Friends Art Exhibition

A somerset benefice has a wealth of artistic talent within its boundaries. Diane Coe of Charlton Musgrove, Angela Grant of stoke Trister and Margaret Kelly of Bayford are all working artists and they have decided to come together to present an exhibition of their work, aptly called the Three Friends Art Exhibition. Their work reflects and combines their personal interests as well as their artistic talents and the exhibition can be seen in the Memorial Hall, Charlton Musgrove on saturday 14th July from 10.30am until 3.30pm. The Local artist Diane Coe at work. paintings will be for sale and prices start from £10. invitation elsewhere. Di’s realistic pet portraits are Refreshments will be available throughout the day and all v e r y p o p u l a r a n d s h e h a s proceeds will be donated to st. recently begun selling paintings of her favourite subjects Margaret’s Hospice. animals, birds and flowers. The Glastonbury Arts Collective - exhibition is an opportunity to see a variety of her work. The First Exhibition As Part of Gardens are open Tuesday the Glastonbury Fringe 2012 Glastonbury Arts Collective’s first s a t u r d a y 1 0 a m – 5 p m a n d exhibition opened at The Grail August Bank Holiday Monday. Centre, 24 Chilkwell street, on (Closed sundays in August and 19th June 2012. The exhibition, all other Mondays). which can be viewed until sunday 1st July 2012 consists of artwork including paintings, jewellery, arT exHibiTioN leatherwork, perfumery, textile East Lambrook Manor Gardens art, sculpture, ceramics, South Petherton, TA13 5HH Saturday 28th July through photography, drawings and to Monday 27th August etchings from over thirty artists of Free Admission ★ Open 10am – 5pm the Glastonbury Arts Collective. Tuesdays to Saturdays and Bank Holiday Monday The exhibition is open from 10am until 6pm and admission is free.

Card Payments Accepted

Advertisers in The Visitor Magazine are now able to settle their accounts by Debit or Credit Card. To make a payment call 01963 351998 or 01963 351256.

Students Support Homeless Charity

yeovil College’s Health and social Care students have marked the end of a successful fundraising year by presenting a cheque to Peter’s House, formerly known as yeovil Night shelter. The Health and social Care

staff and students have supported the charity for three years and work hard to raise both funds and awareness of it and the vital role it plays within the community. This year, the students raised more than £330 for Peter’s House.

Competition Winner

The winner of our Diamond Jubilee Competition in the June Issue of The Visitor was Mrs M. Atwell of somerton, who chose to spend her £25 voucher at Andrew Barclay Butchers in Wincanton.

Samaritans need more volunteers

yeovil, sherborne and District samaritans are looking for night owls and larks and everyone in between to join the volunteer listening teams at their centre in yeovil. samaritans, an organisation

2012 VOLUNTEER INFORMATION EVENINGS Thursday July 26th and Tuesday October 23rd all starting at 7pm at 25 The Park, Yeovil, BA20 1DG

Find out about joining our vibrant TEAM of VOLUNTEERS who are committed to giving emotional support to the community 24 / 7. No need to book; just turn up on the night. Or call 01935 414015. Or apply via the Yeovil page of our website:


Di Singleton

Exhibition at East Lambrook

Local artist Di singleton will be holding an exhibition of her original paintings at The studio, East Lambrook Manor Gardens, south Petherton, from saturday 28th July through to Monday, 27th August. Admission is free. A qualified decorative artist, Di has been painting for over 20 years and selling her work on gift pieces and as cards, as well as teaching classes and workshops at her studio in Ashill and by

SCENES Gillingham of

Bespoke Picture Framing

of oils, acrylics, Water colours, drawings, tapestries, cross stitches, Photographs, sports shirts, medals, ephemera, memorabilia

Artist Materials

Winsor & Newton Premier art centre Daler Rowney - Derwent - Sennelier - Conte

Craft Materials

Inc. balsa Wood, Firing clay, card making sundries

Limited Edition Prints & Posters Greetings Cards

High Street, Gillingham Tel: 01747 824050

THE VIsIToR July 2012 7

We Hear That Anita young of shaftesbury is now the ‘fast lady’ of the town in her new black sports car admired by her father and favourite uncle uJ. That fisherman steve Dimmer of sturminster Newton and his good lady Margo can be viewed Carping and Cooking on u Tube. That baby-faced David Mounsteven of yandles Woodworking, Martock, is still awaiting his saga brochure. That Gillingham’s green-fingered picture framer Phil Robson can be found hedge vegging. That pop quiz fan Chris Lowe at Acorn Music, yeovil points out that Lionel Richie should not be confused with that well known biscuit Rich T. That you would have to be a ‘dummy’ to be caught speeding at seavington st Mary - whilst admiring the ‘Queen’. That congratulations go to the residents of Queen Camel and North Cadbury on their recent ‘bunting’ efforts. That Castle Cary groundsmen Gwyn Phillips and Roger Webber would not give an inch - but gave 2 feet - according to umpire steve Biddick. That south Barrow’s Dave stone has embarked on a new career - as a mobile barber. That according to steve Bridges and Charles ‘Nick’ Miller customers will start using North Cadbury stores again, once the abusive tenant is off to Portugal. That John Lawrence of Needful Things in Castle Cary has recently invested in a ‘heavy’ duty carpet. That shay Ansell brought a touch of occasion to the very enjoyable Jubliee street Party at Chiselborough with her decorative floral bonnet. That according to Jeremy Hill of shaftesbury businesses have to have a usB to get themselves noticed - a usP is also helpful. That Barb Moody and Colin of Chiselborough are now the proud owners of a small holding, complete with duck and goat. That the vehicle of Roger Hardisty of stoke sub Hamdon has been known to go places without him. That Anne Brodie of Norton sub Hamdon thought that swindon had won the Eurovision song Contest. 8 THE VIsIToR July 2012

July Notice Board GILLINGHAM

sunday 15th July, Free Car Boot sale, (Booking essential on 01747 822242) in the Thorngrove Garden Centre car park. (Donations to scope). sellers 9am, buyers 10am-1pm.

Mentioned in

Dispatches much in the news recently following the sad death of Claire squires in the London marathon, offers confidential and non-judgemental support to people who have reached rock bottom. Anyone interested in becoming a listening volunteer

can find out more at the open Evening being held at the samaritans centre at 25, The Park, yeovil BA20 1DG 7pm to 9pm on Thursday 26th July when they can meet current volunteers and watch a short video about the work of samaritans. otherwise, further information can be obtained by calling 01935 414015.

Band Headlining Motcombe Festival (Fête)

As part of their on-going programme for 2012, Gillingham Imperial silver Band are headlining the Motcombe Village


July Concert: opera Barcarola. young, vibrant RCM-trained soprano, Mezzo & Tenor, with piano accompaniment/solos, sing melodies from operas and musicals. saturday 21st July, 7.30pm, Martock Parish Church. Tickets £8 on door, £7 in advance from 01935 822706. see www. for details of the singers. If you liked our Belinda Evans or Blagovest concerts you will love opera Barcarola.


FoCus & FEEL: Parelli Natural Horsemanship Clinic with 3* Licensed Professional sharon Crabbe. saturday July 28th 10.00am-4.00pm at Heaven for Horses. Riders £80. spectators £25. Booking essential as rider places are limited. Enquiries: 07903-902940/01747-826985 (awaiting cheque £8.25)


the Bakery, West Camel, celebrating 100 years of baking on the A303 - 14th July. stop by and see us!


Pilgrim singers Charity Concert in aid of Help for Heroes, saturday 7th July, 7pm at The Dogs, Wincanton Manor, south street. Tickets £10 from Divine Wines & Wincanton Post office.

Advertise your AUGUST EVENT HErE!

A listing under our Notice Board costs just £5 - send details of What? When? Where? to The Visitor, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7BG. All entries to be pre-paid, maximum 20 words. Deadline for August issue, Monday 16th July.

summer saVers

½ PrIceg

duVet Cleanin

Single £7.35 Double £7.90 King £8.50 free local collection and delivery on orders over £20

Summer & Winter Duvets count as two. Minimum prices not to be used in conjunction with any other offer, or discount cards.

Direct sale only - not available through Agencies

17 / 18 Bond Street, Yeovil

Tel: 01935 421238

Mentioned in

races and games. There will also be lots of interesting stalls, sideshows, activities and

refreshments and it promises to be a superb family afternoon, all in aid of local charities.

Dog tired of high prices? visiT


CroSSroaDS peT SUppLieS suppliERs Of

Fête on saturday 30th June from 1pm onwards. Enjoy a fun day out for all the family, eat, drink and be merry. stalls will include; Barbecue, Inflatable Assault Course, Beer Tent, Tea Room, Crockery smashing, Traditional skittles and Pony Rides. something for everybody, and all monies raised will help to support The Memorial Hall or a village club or organisation. The Fête is open from 12.30pm 5pm, entry is by donation and parking is free.

• Pet Foods • Bird & Pigeon Seeds • Full range of Toys, Hutches, Accessories ... all at competitive prices Ample FREE PARking outside the Door Find us at Forward Garage on the main A30 between Sherborne & Yeovil

Tel: 01935 411859 .

Woodland Trust to plant new wood at Alhampton

Following a donation of 28 acres of land to the Woodland Trust the conservation charity is drawing up plans to plant a new woodland in somerset to fulfil the donor’s wishes and is inviting the public to a consultation meeting on 5th July. The Trust is currently at the design stage and are encouraging everyone to input their views into the consultation. However the charity is committed to the plan that the trees will be native species which are the richest for wildlife and the site will be open to the public to enjoy. Jon Burgess, Woodland Trust site Manager for somerset said: ‘To receive a donation of land is a wonderful gesture and we hope that we'll be able to fulfil the wishes of the donor. We want local people to be fully involved in the process from the beginning and I'd like to see plenty of people attending on the day.’ up for discussion will be everything from species choice, location of things like paths and view points, even the name of the new wood. A meeting is being held on 5th July at Ditcheat Village Hall at 6pm, for further information contact Jon Burgess on 08452 935 754.

Chetnole Annual Flower Show & Fete

Chetnole Flower show & Fete will take place on saturday 4th August at 2pm. During the afternoon there will be live music, Circus Workshops, a Dog Agility show, and children's

FUNERAL SERVICES Wakely BrOTherS lTd independent Family Funeral directors • Golden Charter Pre Paid Funeral Plans • 24 hour Service. • Private Chapel of rest

Brochure upon request - contact Clive Wakely dip F.d. M.B.i.e. The Old Police Station, Carrington Way WinCanTOn Ba9 9JS Tel: 01963 31310

Castle Cary museum’s tribute to roger Otton CAsTLE CARy MusEuM is greatly indebted to Roger Otton who died suddenly on 11th June 2012. Roger, born and bred in Castle Cary, was a co-founder, along with Miss Pam Pope and Mr Gordon stockman, of Castle Cary & Ansford District Museum and Preservation society in 1975 / 6. An appeal was made for items of local interest and historical importance and the museum was born. The museum was first housed in an old disused cafe and carpet emporium in the High street. It then moved into the former caretaker’s flat in the Market House where it thrives to this day. Roger always showed a very keen interest in and extensive knowledge of local history, particularly that of his beloved Castle Cary. He ‘starred’ in the video Castle Cary Captured in Time produced by 1st Take Video, which explored the history of the town Roger called The Jewel in somerset’s Crown. years later in 2006 he was interviewed and filmed when the present museum committee undertook to produce an interactive CD Rom outlining the history of Castle Cary from Roman times to the present day. This CD Rom entitled Castle Cary Through Time was distributed free to over 30 primary schools in our part of somerset. Roger was always keen to encourage youngsters to be interested in their own local history. Having done a brief excavation of the castle site in the 1970s before it became a scheduled site, Roger was very supportive when the museum applied for and was granted Lottery funding to carry out a geophysics survey of the castle site to determine its size and layout, the results of which are displayed in the museum. The museum acknowledges with gratitude Roger’s support and enthusiasm throughout the years. He will be sadly missed by the whole community whose heartfelt sympathy is extended to his family. one thing is sure, Roger will not be forgotten. Annette Bedford, Hon Sec Castle Cary Museum. THE VIsIToR July 2012 9

Camelot Country - a business focus The Camelot Inn

David has been at The Camelot pub for 5 years this month so watch out for some very special offers. They are still growing and enjoy regular and new customers alike, with a new menu and a soon to be introduced new wine list and with the ever-changing real ales there is always something for everyone. Barbeques have started but are wholly dependent on the weather, live music makes a big return in the coming weeks with appearances by JD and the Longfellows, Paul Davinci (of Rubettes fame) and No Fixed Abode to mention just a few. They also offer an outside bar

Approved contractor to Dorset & Somerset C.C.

and event service where they can cater for small or large parties, from sandwiches to full buffet and canapés, and from Barbeques to hog and lamb roasts, please enquire at www.thecamelot or phone 01963 440448.

Dave Braybon - Arborist

David Braybon went ‘into the woods’ as a trainee forester on the Duchy of Lancaster Estates in North yorkshire in 1972. He subsequently moved to the south West where he worked in tree surgery and landscaping before going to Merrist Wood College, Guildford in 1975 where he completed his Certificate in Agriculture. It was the only

college offering arboricultural courses at the time. He started his own business in l976. The business has grown over the years and is now highly respected, carrying out work for County and District Councils, numerous local estates, farms and National Trust properties. Work covers a broad spectrum from tree pruning and dangerous tree removal to woodland planning and management.

Dave Hoddinott General Builder

Dave Hoddinott will be a familiar face to many in the Camelot area having been born and bred in Queen Camel. A qualified builder





Utilise the generous grants now available to restock neglected woodland or areas of wasteground

and plumber, established for over 39 years, he offers a friendly and reliable service, whether you require an extension to your property, a wall removed, or a washer changing on a dripping tap. If you’re thinking of replacing your kitchen or changing your bathroom suite, Dave will see the job through from beginning to end, including wall and floor tiling and any electrical work that needs to be carried out. Renovations, roofing and carpentry work also undertaken, so give him a call.

North Cadbury Village Stores

Not only is this store an asset to the local community, it also serves many of the surrounding villages such as yarlington, Galhampton, south Cadbury, Compton Pauncefoot, sutton Montis, Little Weston and Corton Denham. Alongside groceries and green grocery the store offers fresh, locally sourced beef, lamb and


• Renovations & Extensions • Roofing + Carpentry • Plumbing & Heating • Ceramic Wall & Floor Tiling • Painting & Decorating • Electrical Contracting Competitive prices - No Job Too Big or Too small FrieNDLY & reLiabLe ServiCe

Tel: (01963) 440256

24 hour emergency call out

The Village Stores NOrTH CADBUrY • Tel: 01963 440201 An extensive range of goods and services available OPEn 7 DAyS A WEEk • Fresh meat from ANDrEW BArCLAY of Wincanton • daily deliveries of 'specials' and your orders taken • selected local farm cheeses including ... MONTGOMErY'S World Famous Farmhouse cheddar • cream from WADMAN'S famous jersey herd • LONGMAN'S Farmhouse butter • ANNAMMA'S CUISINE curry sauces - made locally • FUDGES and BOrDEr biscuits in stock • Fresh bread, cakes & PIes - baked on the premises • groceries - Fruit & Vegetables & milk delivered daily • Pet foods & Household goods - mobile Phone top-ups • colour / b&W Photo-copying - Faxing - laminating • dry cleaning with PUFFINS of Yeovil - shoe repairs • off licence - newspapers and magazines • greetings cards, stationery & stamps FRee HoMe DeLIVeRIeS (min. £10) 10 THE VIsIToR July 2012

Camelot Country - a business focus pork from Andrew Barclay of Wincanton; a range of local produce including Archie Montgomery’s Estima potatoes and Jamie Montgomery’s famous cheeses, all of which have won GoLD at the World Cheese Awards; Wadman’s famous Jersey cream: Longman’s Farmhouse butter; a selection of Fudges and Border biscuits. Newspapers, magazines, greetings cards and postage stamps can all be purchased. other useful services offered include colour and black and white photocopying, faxing, laminating and mobile phone topups - all very convenient. They are also agents for Puffin dry Cleaners ... and shoe repairs. so, from a fresh pint of milk or a loaf of bread, to ordering your weekend joint, pop in to see Ted and April who will be pleased to help. The Village store is open Monday - saturday 8am - 1pm and 2pm - 5.30pm (closed Wednesday and saturday afternoons). sunday 9am - 12.30pm.

The Queens Arms

gARDEn MACHinERY servicing undertaken No VAT on labour

JEREMY WinDSOR SPARkFORD Tel: (01963) 440241

The Fabric Barn

Luscious, juicy strawberries grown outside for that proper strawberry taste, at The Vale of Camelot Growers.

As well as offering a local, seasonal restaurant menu, the Queens Arms also offers a The Queens Classics menu, with traditional favourites such as fish and chips and Ploughman’s. There is also a great kids menu with main and pudding offered for £5.50. The Queens Arms has now opened a second dining room. This room can be hired for private events, hog roasts, weddings and

business meetings. They have installed a projector and will be holding cinema nights. Events and menus are available on the pubs web site.

Jeremy Windsor

Jeremy Windsor has been in the garden machinery repair business

The Fabric Barn on the edge of Queen Camel has been established since 1999 and provides the south west with the largest selection of curtain and upholstery fabric on the roll for miles. Designer fabrics at reduced prices in a wonderful rural setting with room after room of up to date looks gives the customer real inspiration for curtains, loose covers, upholstery and cushions. Experienced staff can assist you with choice, quantities and samples. Ample parking and a relaxed atmosphere, visit the Fabric Barn Tuesday to Friday 10am – 4pm or call in the week for a saturday appointment. To find out more about us look at our website www.thefabricbarn.

ale of Cam eenvSparkford & South Cadbury on oeld lo h A3 TBetwe 03


The Queens Arms in Corton Denham have this year been awarded an AA Rosette, a Taste of the West Award and somerset CAMRA Cider pub of the year; this reflects the pubs policy of providing food and drink of the highest quality sourced from local suppliers, many from the village itself.

for over 20 years. He repairs and services all makes and models of mowers, chainsaws, hedge trimmers, ride on mowers etc. He offers a collection and delivery service and he does not charge VAT which makes repairs and servicing very competitive.


Plants - Hanging Baskets - Pots 01963 440636 OPeNiNg HOurS Mon – Sat 9am – 6pm Sun 10am – 4pm And always ring for availability of fruit 07969 372979

( ClOsEd MONdays )

Corton Denham • • • •

AA Pub of the Year 2008/9 CAMRA Somerset Cider Pub 2012 AA Rosette Restaurant 4* Inn Accommodation Moor Beer’s Justin Hawke will be presenting a Beer Festival on saturday 18th august ... from 12noon tel: 01963 220317 • email: the Queens arms, Corton Denham, sherborne, Dt9 4lr THE VIsIToR July 2012 11

Acorn Music

Acorn Music are featured in Graham Jones’ book Last Shop Standing as one of the few independent record stores still trading in the uK. (Copies of the humorous and nostalgic Last Shop Standing are on sale at Acorn and the film is shortly to be released). After 39 years under the same ownership the staff have built up a wealth of

knowledge, covering all musical styles plus the experience and contacts to enable them to source almost any CD that is still in production. There are a lot of great condition secondhand vinyl LPs now in stock. To compliment their vast range of CDs Acorn now stocks a range of guitar accessories including picks, strings, straps, leads, tuners and capos, as well as a

aCorN mUSiC

Yeovil’s independent Music stoRe music books - Drumsticks guitar Strings - picks - Straps Tuners - Capos - Leads Still stocking the wiDEST rANGE of CDs for miles around Classical - Jazz - Folk - blues - rock and lots more  Acorn Tokens make ideal Gifts 

variety of drumsticks. Music, song and teach yourself books are also available.

Jaywalk Guitars

Jaywalk Guitars is home to somerset's widest range of guitars, amplifiers and accessories. As a specialist guitar shop run by guitarists, for guitarists, they have a fantastic selection of products at great prices from the best brands to suit all ability levels and budgets. Brands stocked include Fender, PRs, schecter, Martin, stonebridge, Tanglewood, Takamine, Blackstar, Vox and Roland to name just a few! Plus they have the expertise to help you choose the best equipment to suit your needs. As well as loads of beautiful new acoustic and electric guitars, amps and accessories, they also stock good quality second hand gear. If your current equipment is in need of some attention they provide repairs and servicing on guitars and amplifiers. A part-exchange service is also offered.

Ace Acoustics

Ace Acoustics the music shop in Castle Cary continues to grow from strength to strength. They stock a huge range of instruments, audio and lighting equipment, accessories and gifts. Drum tuition is also available on site by talented

tutor Ben Cornish. Business Partners Martin and Niki Atkins have increased their hire catalogue to suit demand, with Mobile staging, P.A. sound & Lighting, Discos and sound & Lighting Engineers. They cater for all kinds of events from school and Theatre productions to Indoor/outdoor Events. Ace Acoustics, Castle Cary, BA7 7Bu. Tel: 01963 351313 (open Tuesday – saturday, 10am – 5pm).

Wessex Music

Wessex Music has been looking after local musicians for over ten years. Gary and Tim are both professional members of the National Association of Musical Instrument Repairers (NAMIR) and are well placed to advise on any aspect of your musical journey. They stock a very wide range of instruments, accessories and sheet music and their friendly approachable attitude means you can ask them any question and get an honest answer. Wessex Music only sell instruments they would be prepared to play themselves so call in, look around and have a go – you will enjoy it.

Wired for Sound!

simon Beard of Godden & Curtis in sherborne has over 20 years of experience in electronics. As many

CD and DVD Collections in good condition bought for CASH Collection Arranged Follow us on Facebook at

3 glovers walk, Yeovil

 01935 425503








June 29th BArrY PAULL as ELVIS - bakers arms, martock July 7th LADY GAGA TrIBUTE (ticket event) lord nelson, norton sub Hamdon 13th JOHN rAMON - Quicksilver mail, Yeovil 14th CrOSSWIrED - rose & crown, bradford abbas 14th SOMErSET PADDIES - Unicorn, Wincanton 14th NIAMH - rose & crown, bradford abbas 14th NO FIXED ABODE - lord nelson, norton sub Hamdon 14th EVOLVE - bakers arms, martock 20th DUB LIBErATOrS - Quicksilver mail, Yeovil 20th SEAN SCANNEL - rose & crown, bradford abbas 27th PAUL SMITH - rose & crown, bower Hinton 27th STATE OF UNDrESS - Quicksilver mail, Yeovil 12 THE VIsIToR July 2012

 Keyboards  Guitars  Drums  P.A. Equipment   Stage, Sound & Light Hire 

FOR ALL YOUR EVENTS Tel: 01963 351313

aN aDVeRt IN tHe puB pageS eNSuReS a FRee MeNtIoN HeRe


The Music Shop in Castle Cary

readers will be aware, Godden & Curtis offer an on-the-premises electrical repair service – what people may not be aware of is simon repairs all leading makes of amplifiers, specialising in Marshalls. simon, having played guitar in a band for seventeen years, has first hand knowledge of amplifiers and the sounds required. simon is currently with the popular classic rock band Bleedin Hartz who will be appearing at the Ashcott Festival on the 30th June. They are also available to play local pubs, clubs and private parties.

A Bluegrass Concert

Simon Beard of Godden & Curtis, Sherborne, at a gig.

The Carrivick sisters and stompin’ Dave Allen bring another great concert to The David Hall on Friday 6th July. This time it’s the turn of one of the uK's top young bluegrass and folk acts The Carrivick sisters. Despite there youth twins Laura and Charlotte are very experienced performers having played all over the uK, in Europe, and in Canada. Finalists in the prestigious BBC Radio 2 young Folk Awards 2010 the Carrivick sisters were named band/duo of the year in the 2011 FATEA Awards. Most recently Charlotte won first place in both old-time banjo and fiddle at FoAToMAD festival Gainsborough 2012. Also appearing is local favourite stompin’ Dave Allen who has been very active the past ten years working across the south of the uK and beyond. Described as ‘one of the world’s greatest performers’ by Maverick Magazine, Dave was

musicians did you know we offer an excellent repair ServiCe on ...

guitar amplifiers valve audio p. a. Systems

winner of the FoAoTMAD oldtime banjo contest 2011.’ you can expect banjo, fiddle, guitar and Dave’s trademark flatfoot dancing. Advance tickets £10, on the door £12. Box office open Weds & Friday 11am - 1.30pm. Tel 01460 240340. For online tickets visit

Compton Pianos

Established in sherborne for over 25 years this well-known family business offers knowledgeable and practical advice to both its private and commercial customers. so whether you are an experienced musician, or just a novice they are happy to discuss your needs and let you try out their instruments. Their product range includes new and used pianos - acoustic, upright and grand, plus digital pianos and keyboards - Yamaha and Kawai are just two of the popular makes stocked. Piano stools and musical accessories for woodwind and brass instruments are also available. A professional tuning service is offered too. Visit the Compton Pianos showroom at Coldharbour in sherborne to see their extensive range for yourself. open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm (closed Wednesday), saturday 10am 12.30pm (other times by appointment) or call 01935 312047.


... giving sound advice for over 25 years

 01935 312047 • New and Used Pianos • Acoustic Pianos - Upright & Grand • Digital Pianos and Keyboards Yamaha and Kawai • Piano Stools • musical Accessories including Woodwind & Brass Instruments Along with expert advice we also offer a tuning service

Compton Pianos, Coldharbour SHERBORNE DT9 4AG

All leading makes repaired including SaLeS • ServiCe • repair

Your Local Independent Television and Audio Specialists

greenhill • Sherborne • Dorset • DT9 4ew • Tel: 01935 813451 “Where customer care and after sales service is paramount”

THE VIsIToR July 2012 13

Leisure & Tra vel New Health Walks in Yeovil and Broadway

People living in and around yeovil and Broadway are being encouraged to put their best feet forward and take part in two brand new ‘beginners’ health walks. The new short walks form part of south somerset District Council’s expanding Health Walk programme, which is accredited as part of the Walking for Health initiative. Cheryl Lingard, Healthy Lifestyles officer at ssDC said, ‘We have six walking groups in the district which are growing in numbers and also increasing

the distances they are walking, hence the need for shorter ‘beginners walks’ to enable new walkers to continue to be able to join in. ‘We are lucky in south somerset to have volunteers with the ‘get up and go’ to set up opportunities such as this. Currently seven out of 10 adults are not active enough to benefit their health and walking is an activity that can be accessed by all, regardless of age or ability and does not require any expensive equipment or skills.’ The walks in yeovil will be led by Jean Philips and other leaders from the yeovil Health

Walks Group. since taking part in ssDC’s free health walk leader training, Jean has led dozens of health walks in and around yeovil. Jean commented, ‘These new walks are an ideal way for anyone recovering from illness or injury to take part in exercise. We positively welcome people to join us on these 30-40 minute level walks.’ Details on these walks and many others in south somerset can be found on www.south or by calling 01935 462462 and asking for the Healthy Lifestyles Team. sylvia seal, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture at south somerset District Council said, ‘Health Walks in south somerset form part of a national programme that focuses on creating more opportunities for people to exercise in their local community, reducing the need to travel and providing low cost activity. ‘our walks in south somerset are sustainable and enable people to explore their local countryside whilst becoming more active and sociable in a safe environment.’

The Pilgrim Singers Charity Concert

So, you think you know your pop music, do you? By John osborne • answers can be found on page 51 1.

name the band who said they were ‘blinded by the light’ in 1976?


name the band who is presently singing about ‘only the Horses’.


‘Help me rhonda’ asked which surfing band in the 1960’s?


Who was the lady who visited ‘tom’s diner’


‘Polythene Pam’ comes from which beatles album?


Who were the bearded wonders who asked you to ‘gimme all Your lovin’


name the lady who once said ‘one day I’ll Fly away’?


Who is the now much slimmed-down chap who declared ‘two out of three ain’t bad’?


steveland morris is best known as … who?

10. Who recorded the album ‘Private eyes’? Slightly Anoraky Bonus Question Who made no. 3 in 1984 with ‘together in electric dreams’? Great Quotes in Music (52) “to stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable” aaron copland (1900 – 1990)

14 THE VIsIToR July 2012

Enjoy an evening listening to The Pilgrim Singers in the delightful gardens of The Dogs, Wincanton Manor, Wincanton. The gardens open at 6pm, so bring a picnic to enjoy before the concert begins at 7pm (remember to bring rugs or chairs). The singers will perform an eclectic mix of songs with something to suit all tastes from choral and jazz to sacred and world music. Help to make this an evening to remember whilst raising funds for the Help for Heroes charity. For more information telephone 01963 31077. (See Notice Board for ticket details).

The Gartell Light railway

The fifth annual Steam & Vintage Show is to be held on the 28th and 29th July, from 10.30am – 4.30pm. Attractions include steam vehicles both on and off the rails, stationary engines, vintage vehicles of all genres, crafts and models with both static and working displays, model boats on and off the water, trade stands and much more. This is organised by one of the volunteer GLR stalwarts, steve Rodd, who ensures that there are plenty of real ales and cider in the licensed bar! Admission is just £3 for adults; under-16’s are FREE. (Please note; this does not include train fares for the railway). see our advertisement below, the steam and Vintage site on Facebook, and the GLR web-site. P.A.B.

Fundraising Events

The Friends of Wincanton Community Hospital (still widely referred to as Verrington Hospital) have had a very successful period of fund raising in the last few years. Improvements to the wards and car park three years ago were jointly funded between the ‘Friends’ and the NHs with some £2million being invested. since then the ‘Friends’ have funded a specialist ARJo bath, which includes a patient hoist, a slit Lamp for the treatment of eye injuries in the outpatients department, and a Diabetic Retinopathy Camera which saves patients having to travel to yeovil, Taunton or Dorchester. The ‘Friends’ are now in consultation with the NHs to install an X-Ray unit and a scanner at the Hospital with a view to this being up and running early in 2013. so far £240,000 has been raised for these two pieces of equipment and the balance of £30,000 being raised at the fund raising events planned for 2012 /13.

Leisure & Tra vel The first fund raising event is the FETE to be held in the Hospital Grounds on saturday 14th July 2012 from 2pm to 4pm. The Fete will be opened by Mr steve Lafferty who will have his olympic Torch with him which he carried in the torch relay in somerset recently. Later in the year the ‘Friends’ will be organising a Race Day in conjunction with st Margaret’s Hospice at the Wincanton Racecourse. This takes place on sunday 28th october and anyone interested in coming along or donating an auction prize can contact the ‘Friends’ Treasurer Alan Judge on 01963 824539.

Friday 6th july Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil

FRiEnDS of WinCAnTOn COMMUniTY HOSPiTAL (formerly verrington)

aNNUaL FeTe In the grounds of Wincanton Hospital, Dancing Lane SaTUrDaY 14 th JULY, 2pm – 4pm

LOTS of STALLS including ★ Cakes ★ Bric-a-Brac ★ Books ★ And More plus: refreshments, raffle, tombola, games, face painting Also featuring The King Arthur’s Band and the Wincanton Junior School Dancers Further information available from Alan Judge 01963 824539

Cycle-Babble THE WoRLD's BIGGEsT bike race, the Tour de France, starts on the 30th June. The opening stage of the race, known as the Grand Depart takes the form of a 6.4km prologue, an individual ride against the clock, around the city of Liège. The Tour stays in Belgium for another two days before crossing the border into France on stage three. There are two tricky looking days in the Vosges and Jura regions, where some new, sharp climbs are lying in wait. Then comes the first time trial, a 41.5km long race against the clock from Arc-et-senans to Besancon. stage 10 takes the riders into the Alps and on to another new Tour climb, the Grand Colombier. But it is stage 11 that is the big alpine day, with three mountain ascents, including the Col de la Madeleine and the Col de la Croix de Fer, on the way to a summit finish at the ski resort of La Toussuire. It is going to be one of the race's key days. out of the Alps, and after a couple of flat, transitional stages, the race hits the Pyrenees. The highlight of the Pyrenean stages is stage 16, from Pau to Bagneresde-Luchon, which takes in four legendary climbs – the Aubisque, Tourmalet, Aspin and Peyresourde. These climbs are rich in Tour history. They featured in the very first high

mountain stage the Tour ever took on in 1910 when the four climbs were tackled in reverse order to 2012. After the 1910 stage they were collectively nicknamed the Circle of Death. With a finish at the Peyragudes ski station the next day, the race then heads north towards Paris. The final, crucial time trial comes on the penultimate day with the traditional parade in to France's capital then bringing the curtain down on the 2012 Tour de France. The Tour is nearly always won in the mountains or in the time trials as this is where the largest amount of time can be won (or lost). Despite spending five days in the Alps and Pyrenees, the mountain stages are perhaps not as difficult as previous years. Therefore, it is the two long time trials in this year's Tour that are likely to prove decisive. At 41.5km and 53.5km long respectively, and with no team-mates around to help, there are likely to be huge time differences on these two days alone. Anyone who wants to win the Tour de France in 2012 will have to be good at riding time trials. Which is one of the reasons why Britain's Bradley Wiggins is rated as one of the two top favourites, along with last year's winner Cadel Evans. Wiggins is one of the best in the business in a time trial. He is no slouch going

uphill either, able to stick with the world's best climbers if not actually attack them. The Team sky leader also has a very strong team around him. During his recent victory in the highly regarded, week long, Criterium du Dauphine race, Wiggins was escorted through the toughest mountain stage by three teammates. Four Team sky riders, riding at the head of the bunch, on the Col de Joux-Plane, one of France's toughest climbs, was a fearsome display of strength. No other team had anything like that number of riders in the lead group, and Evans was completely isolated. If Team sky can replicate that sort of performance

in July then, by the time the olympics come around, Britain could have her first ever Tour champion. They certainly think so in France. Bernard Hinault won the Tour five times in the 1980s and so understands perfectly what it takes to win the race. of the Brit's chances he said, ‘Wiggins ... has a real chance of becoming the first English winner of the Tour. In the mountains he can follow Evans. [In the time trials] he has the advantage ... really, I regard him as the main favourite.’ you can follow all the action of this year's Tour de France on ITV4. Giles Belbin.

THE VIsIToR July 2012 15

sale including medals, sandbags. armoured vehicles, cannons, jeeps etc. see the range for yourself at Mark’s Models inyeovil.

Phone Jenny Martin Castle Cary

01963 350733

Beaminster Antiques, Vintage & Collectables Fair Saturday 14 th July Public Hall beaminster, Dorset 9.30am – 4.00pm

small Furniture * textiles china * Glass * silver Jewellery * books * Pictures etc. Homemade refreshments ✽ Next Fair – Saturday 11 th August ✽

Bookings & Enquiries

Meadow Fairs 01297 24446

Albert Brown has come to town!

The Albert Brown British Infantry 1914 - 1918 Figure is the latest release in the range of collectable military figures. At 1/6th scale the figures are extremely detailed and historically correct. The range includes Gladiators, samurai, Napoleonic, WW1, WW2 right up to modern day figures, to include the parachute regiment from the Falklands conflict. Prices start from £40 to £100. A range of detailed accessories are also on

dAiry House ANtiques Station road, Semley, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9AN tel: 01747 853317 • Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm • Sunday 11am - 4pm

Sylvie Hamblin of Mark’s Models, on the Pen Mill Trading Estate Yeovil, with the new collectable military 1/6th scale figures. Do call in and see this finely detailed range.

always something interesting at ...

CreWkerne anTiQUeS CenTre

With 50 dealers and 30 display Cabinets Jewellery, Silver, Glass, rocking horses, China and an extensive range of Furniture ✿ Garden nOW OPen ✿ Statues – Patio Sets – Benches – and More! anTiQUeS BOUGhT & SOld Open: Monday – Saturday 9.30am - 4.30pm

16 MarkeT STreeT • CreWkerne Tel: 01460 77111

(Not Bank Holiday Mondays) Approximately 3 miles north of Shaftesbury just off the A350 signed Semley Industrial Estate

We pay top pRices for old toYs - any condition Trains • Cars • Lorries • Soldiers • Etc. Britains * Dinky * Corgi * Hornby Meccano * Tri-ang * Etc. shop open mornings 9.30am - 1.00pm monday to saturday

tel: 01935 816072 Mob: 07527 074343 Home VIsIts bY arrangement

3 Westbury, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3EH 16 THE VIsIToR July 2012

miLiTarY FigUreS 1:6 Scale, RECENT RELEASE ➤ Albert Brown, British Infantry 1914 – 1918, which includes Dorset Infantry Badge. ➤

PASTIMES of Sherborne


“Rourkes Drift” Zulu War Soldier

CAll iN AND see our exteNsive rANGe

Unit 6, 15 oxford road pen mill Trading estate Yeovil, ba21 5Hr Tel / Fax: 01935 4 71154

oad dR

Oxfo r

Best prices paid for wedding rings, pendants, chains, bracelets, and broken items, etc.

Do you still have your toys from when you were a child? Are they hidden away in the attic? They could very well be a collectors’ item like the electric model racing cars by Scalextric pictured above. Visit Pastimes in Sherborne to find out!

Lyde Road

gold & Silver Jewellery Wanted

Antiques & Collecting is a regular feature in The Visitor

Vale Road Buc kland Ro



S outh P etherton and finger puppets through to ‘science’ packs and traditional wooden toys. Baby gifts such as comforters are also available. on the first floor there is a

selection of rugs, mirrors and clothing such as hemp shirts for men, knitwear etc. stationery, cards galore and gift wrap can all be found at one World.

17 St James Street South Petherton Somerset TA13 5BS 01460 241166 Chris & Jill welcome you to the ...

rOYAL OAK Over Stratton, South Petherton Tel: 01460 240906

A Charming Country Inn

relax on the Patio and enjoy our neW summer menu lunchtime special 2 Courses - £8.50 (Tuesday to Saturday)

H. R. Hodge of South Petherton have a superb choice of Panasonic televisions and offer an on the premises repair service.

The royal Oak

originally built in the 1600s as a farmhouse, the Royal oak was later converted to farm workers cottages. Around the 1850s it received a licence to become a beer house. Now 160 years later this attractive thatched pub with Ham stone walls, flagstone floors and solid oak beams serves more than beer! A wide range of ales and wines compliment an extensive home cooked menu. There is also a large car park and secure children’s play area along with a spacious patio which makes this the ideal family pub. A choice of 3 roasts are served sunday lunchtime and evening. Daily specials along with fresh fish, vegetarian dishes and a full menu are available Tuesday to sunday lunchtimes and evenings.

One World

one World at south Petherton is well worth a visit. Deceptive from the outside the shop goes back along way and has a second floor totalling six rooms in all. Filled to over-flowing with a wonderful range of gifts from around the world.

silver jewellery, ceramic pots, figurines, small items of wooden furniture, such as tables - many items are Fair Trade. Passing through the shop there is a wonderful selection of children’s toys, ranging from colourful parrots

Wednesday & thursday sPeCial

surf, turf, swine & Wine night

TWO rump Steaks, or TWO Beer Battered Haddock or TWO Gammon Steaks, or aNy tWo with a Carafe of Wine ... £19.95 per couple (Booking Advised)

✴ traditional sunday roast ✴

repAir serviCe ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

All makes of TV repaired On the premises workshop Loan TV whilst being repaired Estimates On the bench or in the field service

full rANGe of pANAsoNiC tvs iN stoCk for sAle - Do CAll iN

H.R. Hodge

Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm • Saturday 9am - 1pm

38 St. James Street SoUTH peTHerToN Ta13 5bw  01460 240645 THE VIsIToR July 2012 17

MARTOCK - business focus Pet Wood

Recently opened in Martock, Pet Wood offer a wide range of pet food at competitive prices whether you have a dog or cat, rabbit or something more exotic. They also stock a selection of wild

bird food and nuts. Leading brands currently stocked are Burns, James Wellbeloved, Wagg, Royal Canin and arriving shortly is IAMS and Eukanuba. Anything not in stock can be ordered and local free

delivery is available. In addition to pet food and accessories, Pet Wood offer hutches, kennels and bird tables. A good selection of childrens climbing frames and wooden garden furniture is available to order – why not call in and discuss your requirements. Free parking outside the door.


The Nisa store in North Street is looking good - run by manageress Shona Needs it is open from 7am to 11pm daily, stocking a wide range of grocery items and frozen foods. There is also an extensive off licence. The Paypoint facility is also available. Bread is baked on the premises and a tasty

For all your Pet Food & Accessories at Competitive Prices Including ...

Dog and Cat – Wild Bird Small Animal & Exotic Pet Feeds Royal CanIn  James Wellbeloved buRns  Wags  Iams  eukanuba

Hutches, Runs, Kennels and Bird Tables Available Wide Choice of kids Climbing Frames To order Handmade Wooden Garden Furniture

North Street, Great Western Road Martock, Somerset, TA12 6HB  01935 825868

Ride into the future with the RASCAL 940 ★ ★ ★ ★

8mph top speed Streamlined design Up to 32 miles range Luxury seating

Call in and see the RASCAL 940 plus our full range of scooters ... everything you need from a walking stick to a stairlift Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.00pm Saturday 9.30am - 12.30pm Closed Bank Holidays • Other times by appointment

making a difference locally

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7am – 11pm

Units 1 & 2, Great Western Road, Martock

for Groceries - Newspapers Off Licence - Paypoint

SaleS - SeRvice - RepaiRS

North Street • Martock

0800 731 7078

18 THE VISITOR July 2012

A2B Mobility of Martock offer a complete range of Mobility aids and accessories from scooters through to slippers. Pictured is the new Rascal 940 scooter. Call in and discuss your requirements with their friendly staff today.

MARTOCK pottery and paintings and is the ideal shopping venue. With free parking and a superb Café serving home cooked food why not join us for this two day special or if you cannot make it, then the shops are open 7 days a week and

are ideal for that unique shopping experience. All at Yandles, Hurst Works, Martock, TA12 6JU. Tel: 01935 822207, E-Mail: Website:

Bower Hinton Farm Shop - Martock Just off the B3165 at the top of Bower Hinton Still Picking Home Grown Strawberries ...

Bower Hinton Farm Shop recently held a very successful open day. Why not pay them a visit for gloriously fresh vegetables and local produce. The new coffee shop is now open so you can enjoy coffee and cake too! Ask about their local veg box scheme.

selection of hot pasties and pies are on offer. Children’s toys, haberdashery, greetings cards, gift wrap, confectionery and newspapers can all be found at this new look store - not forgetting of course the pick ‘n’ mix sweet selection! Should you require any help whilst shopping the staff will be only to pleased to help. For a friendly and personal service pop into Nisa. Ample parking outside the door.

yandles of Martock

Yandles of Martock is giving their customers three good reasons to visit their complex on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st July. Firstly, the Woodworking Centre is holding a Record Power weekend where Record’s staff will be on hand to give advice and offer special deals on all their woodworking machinery range which includes lathes, bandsaws, planes etc. Yandles will also be offering 20% off all their timber in the Selfselection Centre where visitors will find an extensive range of hardwood and softwood planking. The Woodworking Centre has recently undergone a massive revamp and is now stocking many new products and the Company has also put a vehicle on the road to do local deliveries. The Hobbies Shop, which is packed full of artist materials, card making and paper craft materials, wools and haberdashery will be holding a two day sale at the same time. The shop is one of the largest craft and hobbies stores in the area and stocks a wide range of goods for many crafts with visitors always amazed at the amount of stock on offer. Finally the 303 Gallery will be holding its new ‘going for gold exhibition’, attracting visitors

from all over the West Country. The Gallery is packed full of unusual and often unique gifts from jewellery and fabrics to

Also Harvesting: Bunched Carrots, Broad Beans, Cabbage, Broccoli, Cucumbers. Harvesting Soon: Cauliflower, Courgettes, Vine Tomatoes. A big thank you to all those who attended our recent Open Day. It was a great success with, thankfully, some fine weather! Now Open: OUR COFFee SHOp ... come and enjoy tea, coffee (from Read’s Coffee of Sherborne) and a slice of Jj’s cake. Coming Soon: A Veg BOx SCHeMe for TA12, 13 and 14. paid for online and delivered free to your door!

Follow our page on FaceBook

 01935 827743 •

Summer HobbY & CrAFT SALe Friday 20th & Saturday 21st July

OUR EXTENSIVE HObby SHOP has a wonderful selection of ARTS & CRAfTS Specially Discounted for the Sale ... • Watercolours • Acrylics • Wools • Card Making • Jewellery • Beading • Pyrography • ‘Sculpty’ - and much more!

reCord Power roAdSHow & Timber SALe Friday 20th & Saturday 21st July, 10am - 4pm

Record Power will be demonstrating their latest selection of machinery with advice on all aspects of woodworking. There will be special offers which will only be available at this event, not to be missed if you are after a good deal. We will also be offering a 20% dISCOUNT on Timber from our new look SElf SElECTION CENTRE. Now open our WOOdWORkINg CENTRE stocking softwood, sleepers, posts, fencing and more!

New Summer exHibiTioN ‘GoiNG For GoLd’ now showing at the

303 GALLerY

AT yANdlES WOOd CENTRE until the end of August 10am - 5pm Monday - Saturday • 11am - 4pm Sunday

Yandle & Sons Ltd

Hurst Works, Martock, Somerset, TA12 6JU

Tel: 01935 822207 • Fax: 01935 824484 • Email: Website:

PLeNTY oF PArkiNG AvAiLAbLe THE VISITOR July 2012 19

MARTOCK Aerial Photographs of Martock dating from 1930s – 1970s

£39.50 framed ★ Martock Railway and Village Pictures Also Available ★ ★ On The PreMiSeS FrAMing ★ Martock gallery Open: Monday - Friday 9.00 - 5.00, Saturday 9.30 - 4.30

Water Street • Martock • Tel: (01935) 823254 • Renowned for High Quality Food, Inventive Cuisine & Fresh Fish ... Peter and Isabelle Halkyard welcome you to the

White hart hotel FREEHOUSE

East Street, Martock • 01935 822005 u u u u Accommodation - Function Room / Skittle Alley

Bistro Lunches - £6 Evenings - A La Carte Menu Specials Bar Meals - £8 ✳ SundAy LunChES ✳ 1 Course £7.95 • 2 Course £10.95 • 3 Course £12.95 ( No food Sunday Evenings or Mondays)

Say you saw it in The Visitor

‘Prelude to an Afternoon of Fauna’ by Richard Thorn. Image size 43 x 54cm. Framed price £225.00, available from Martock Gallery, Water Street.

The White Hart Hotel

The deliciously flavoured French / English style cuisine offered at The White Hart reflects the care taken in cooking fresh local ingredients. From light snacks, to the £6 Bistro menu, to the candlelit dinners, the food is superb and the ambiance always welcoming. The strong emphasis Peter and Isabelle keep on high quality food and the excellent level of service has strengthened the White Hart

MOT Testing Station

MOT Testing Station


Bridge garage, Water Street, MArTOck, Somerset TA12 6Jn Tel: 01935 822547

MOT’s - REPAIRS - SERVICE FOR CLASS 4, 5L and 7 Book On Line for Services & MOT’s

reputation. Their well kept ales often feature in the Good Beer Guide and their accommodation has a 4 diamond accreditation.

book your Service and MOT on line!

Brooks Garage of Martock are now pleased to offer their customers the new facility of being able to book their service and MOT on-line at www. This is particularly useful for those who find it difficult to telephone during the day due to work and other commitments. At Brooks Garage customer convenience and care is paramount. Brooks have the latest Boston ATL automated MOT testing lane which mean they can undertake MOTs for 4, 5L and 7 class vehicles. The MOTs and repairs are done on site – Brooks being the only garage within 6 miles to offer this service. Why not log on and book today?

Richard P. kemp, b.A. Solicitor

The firm of Richard P. Kemp, B.A., Solicitor has been established in the pleasant country town of Martock since 1986. It is the successor to a continuous line of legal practitioners in the town for more than 160 years and it has been at its present premises for upwards of 50 years. It strives to deliver a high quality, efficient

RICHARD P. KEMP B.A. Solicitor Quality assured legal advice and services for private and corporate clients. Tel: (01935) 822572 31 North Street, Martock, Somerset TA12 6DH 20 THE VISITOR July 2012

and friendly legal service to everyone at a reasonable price. All types of legal work, are undertaken - no problem is too small or too large. The loyal and helpful staff are always pleased to help clients, both old and new.

The Nags Head

The Nags Head is situated in East Street, just a short distance from Martock Post Office. With summer upon us why not dine alfresco in the picturesque walled gardens? Enjoy a meal with a refreshing jug of Pimms. The lounge and bar serves a

wide range of home-cooked food, from local suppliers, freshly prepared to order. A £6 lunch is available Monday to Saturday. Food is served every lunchtime from Noon - 2pm, Monday Wednesday 6pm - 8pm, Thursday - Saturday 6pm - 9pm. There is always a good choice of real ales, wines and ciders to enjoy, also a Sunday Evening Quiz with snacks. There is ample parking and wheelchair access to the inn. Dawn and Steve look forward to welcoming you. For buffets, skittles etc., please telephone for enquiries and bookings.

MARTOCK The Rose and Crown Bower Hinton 01935 822393 July

Fri 6th Sat 14th Fri 20th Fri 27th

AuGuSt Fri 3rd Sat 11th Fri 17th Sat 25th Fri 31st

General Knowledge Quiz live Music ‘Niamh’ Music Quiz live Music ‘Paul Smith’ General Knowledge Quiz BBQ Music Quiz live Music ‘Best Kept Secret’ General Knowledge Quiz

Food Available - Basket Meals, Jacket Potatoes and Baguettes for under £6 Newly Refurbished Skittle Alley / Function Room Available For Hire OPeNiNG HOuRS: Monday Closed • tuesday – Sunday Open All Day

The Nags Head

east street, Martock • Tel: 01935 823432 Just down from your local Post Office Home cooked lunch / early Bird Special £ 6 Monday to saturday specials Board, Vegetarian and Kids Menus also available

Traditional Sunday Roast from £7.25 Fun Quiz every Sunday evening Open all day Friday, saturday, sunday & Bank Holidays Beautiful Secluded Walled Garden Bookings advised • small Buffets • guest ales

Inside the newly refurbished Bakers Arms at Martock. Open all day they offer tasty bar food and have two big screens on which to follow Sky sporting events. Outside bars a speciality.

Totally refurbished and under new ownership Lee and Louise welcome you to the ...


north Street, Martock, TA12 6er  01935 823346

OPEn ALL DAy EvERy DAy ■ Bar Meals Served every day All day Panini, Baguettes, Ham & Chips etc.

■ Function room for hire Menu To Suit • In-house Disco Available

■ Skittles - Pool - darts New Teams Welcome

■ Sky Sports coverage - 2 Screens TWO England Shirts to be Won during Euro 2012 - call in for details

■ regular Quiz nights ... see website

MUSic PrOgrAMMe Friday 29th June - Barry Paull as elvis Saturday 14th July - evolve Friday 3rd August - Snappa Friday 24th August - Fair Play Saturday 8th September - Smoking guns OPen Mike nighT ALTernATe WedneSdAyS Next Date Wednesday 4th July - all welcome

 hAPPy hOUr 5pm ‘til 6pm 

✱ OutSiDE BARS A SPEciALity ✱ THE VISITOR July 2012 21

L o o k i n g G o o d fo r S u m m e r Enzo’s Hair & beauty

Look good for your holiday with a visit to Enzo’s of Sturminster Newton and beautician Sarah Allen. This month GELeration manicures and pedicures are just £25. Gel nails are ideal for holidays as they stay looking good (with no

chipping) for up to 3 weeks. Hollywood lash extensions can give you a glamorous look - Sarah offers a range of treatments including Hopi Ear Candling, Waxing, Massage, Threading, Sienna Tanning and the very popular CACI non-surgical facelift.

Melbury gallery wins Retail Award

On Thursday 17th May 2012, Progressive Gifts and Home Magazine held it’s tenth ‘Greats Jubilee’ Retail Awards Ceremony, to celebrate excellence within Gift retailing. The prestigious black tie

awards ceremony was held at the Lancaster in London and attended by Retail giants, Marks and Spencer’s, John Lewis and Selfridges as well as Independents from across the country. Melbury Gallery of Sherborne and Dorchester had been

Thelma Drabik of Melbury Gallery attended the ‘Progressive Gifts and Home Magazine’ Retail Awards ceremony, with Sarah Whyberd, Dorchester Shop Manager and was presented with her Trophy by the category sponsors – Jewellery Company, ‘One Button Ltd.’

Fitflop Ciela sandals in bronze or black, rrp £50, reduced to £30 in the Sandal Clearance Sale now on at Sydney Brock & Son of Wincanton.

beautiful clothes from . . .

• oska • Sandwich • adini • Sahara • Masai • noa noa • Flax amazing . . .

• accessories • Jewellery • cushions & gifts

SHeRBORNe 01935 814027 DORCHeSTeR 01305 265223 EvERything hALF PRiCE oR LESS ...

WaReHoUSe Sale Friday 6th July, 5pm – 8pm Saturday 7th July, 9am – 4pm Sunday 8th July, 10am – 2pm

3 THe old YaRn MillS, SHeRBoRne dT9 3RQ Tel: 01935 814027 “Definitely not to be missed”

22 THE VISITOR July 2012

✴ SUMMeR Sale ✴

Starts Wednesday 27th June at Sydney Brock & Son Hundreds of genuine reductions in summer shoes and sandals At least 1⁄3 OFF - Hotter - Fitflop - padders - earth Spirit ... MANy MORe at HALF PRICe OR LeSS

1 - 3 High Street, Wincanton • 01963 32337

Hair & Beauty Salon

Look your best this holiday ! July Special Jessica GELeration Nails Gel Manicure or Pedicure ... only £25 ■ Sienna X tanning ■ Hollywood eyelash extensions PLUS ... a Full Range of Beauty Treatments

Market Cross, Sturminster Newton Tel: 01258 473123

L o o k i n g G o o d fo r S u m m e r rooms. The new shop will continue to stock Pomodoro, In Town and Pachamama alongside Jack Murphy, Lazy Jacks and a range of bags, scarves and jewellery. In addition, they will be launching 2 new brands as autumn approaches which will add to their ever popular 'everyday wear' and smart/casual separates. Call in to see their fun summer clothing which is proving to be very popular this year.

nominated for the Best National Independent Gift Retailer of Jewellery category. There were 5 nominees in this category, 2 from London, 1 from Cardiff and 1 from Bath. Progressive have been hosting the awards for the past ten years as a means to celebrate and reward passionate, visionary retailers – all of whom have demonstrated flair, imagination and strong business acumen, especially in our current difficult business climate.

Elegance beauty Therapy Clinic

Relax in the stylish surrounding of Lawrence House Styling Hair design and beauty of Wincanton.

Ideal for your holiday, a range of pretty, printed summer tops by Pachamama, available from Needful Things, Castle Cary.

Melbury Gallery are delighted to announce that they won their nominated category. The company has been owned and run by Thelma Drabik for the past 32 years. Thelma originally opened in Shaftesbury in 1980 and relocated to larger premises in Sherborne two years later. The Dorchester shop opened two years ago and has been a massive business success in terms of expanding the company. Thelma attended the awards ceremony, with Sarah Whyberd, Dorchester Shop Manager and was presented with the Trophy by the category sponsors – Jewellery Company, One Button Ltd. Despite another tough year in the Retail sector, when all we hear on the news are the names of the retail firms going into administration, here in Dorset, we have a home-grown family run business that is bucking the trend, leading the way, a retail success story to be proud of.

Needful Things

Needful Things are working hard to create an exciting new space for their fashion ranges throughout July. Having acquired the shop opposite them for their Soft Furnishings to expand into, they are now busy re-furbishing their old soft furnishings shop and transforming it into a new clothes shop with a dedicated shop window and ample changing

‘Summertime and the living is easy’ – well it is once you’re waxed, tanned, manicured, pedicured, tinted and moisturised! So make it easier by visiting Elegance Beauty Therapy Clinic and letting a professional do it for you. Sandie has thirty years experience as a Beauty Therapist and can wax your legs £14, spray tan from £10, manicure £17.50, pedicure £25, eyelash tint £10, massage £17.50 and give you a facial from £30 – then all you have to do is spend the summer looking beautiful!


Sandie barrett M.B.A.B.Th.C. C.I.D.e.S.C.O.

Summer’s Here!

Full range of beauty treatments available

eyelash Tinting • Waxing • Pedicures Body Wraps • Airbrush Tanning Ladies only

8b Church Street Wincanton Tel: (01963) 34115

——— Hair inspired team ——— Latest Cutting Techniques L’Oreal Professional Colour ✴ Racoon Hair extensions Children Welcome OPI Manicures, Pedicures, Fibre glass extensions & gel Nails CNd shellac Caflon – ear piercing ✴ spray Tanning Lash Perfect – Lash extensions Wedding Packages To make an appointment please ring or call into the salon LaTe NIgHTs By aPPOINTMeNT

southgate Road, Wincanton, Ba9 9eB Tel: 01963 32026 THE VISITOR July 2012 23


Looking Good which together with a professional make-up service, can be offered as a wedding package. Whether you require hair extensions or perhaps highlights for your holidays - why not call in to B’ Dazzled?


family Health

(or free spare pair)


Jenna evans

... with any frame from our £75 range or above

Superfoods – Part 21 Sophie of Jacqueline’s Dress Agency Sherborne, where you will find a wonderful selection of preowned designer clothes, handbags and accessories. They have a sister shop in Castle Cary - so check them both out this summer for some fabulous bargains.

b’ dazzled

B’ Dazzled of Sherborne offer a full range of hair design and colour treatments using products from L’Oreal and Bed Head. Wedding day hair is a speciality and a home visit can be arranged for the special day if required. Nail treatments have just been introduced to the salon including OPI non-chip GELeration nails,

THIS MONTH we’re back with our series on ‘super’ foods and we’ll be starting to take a peek at the properties of nuts and seeds. A great source of valuable nutrients including essential fatty acids and minerals, nuts and seeds are quite the under rated superfoods. Nuts in particular have a bad reputation for being a very high fat, calorific food. Whilst this is true, the fats contained are ‘healthy’ fats and the level of nutrition in small amounts (thus avoiding the fattening issue) can be impressive. So including nuts and seeds in your diet you could really be doing your body a favour. First though a few general

✴ ✶ ✴ B’ Dazzled


eYeS riGHT oPTiCiANS St. audries Station Road, Gillingham


Beautiful Nails using OPI GELeration Polishes Professional Hair Design & Colouring Wedding Day Hair (Home Visits Available) Hair Extensions by Indian Remy Why not make an appointment today?

Unit 2 Greenhill, Sherborne, DT9 4EW Tel: 01935 816708

Tel: 01747 831010

3 Market place Sturminster newton

Tel: 01258 473992 Low PriCeS ANd QuALiTY ServiCe *30% OFF spectacles applies when choosing any frame from our £75 range or above. Excludes “free spare pair / prescription sunglasses” offer. Pick up a leaflet or ask our staff for full offer details. 24 THE VISITOR July 2012

Designer Dress Agency

New and nearly New Designer Clothing, Shoes, Bags, Hats and Accessories Now accepting Bridal Wear and Prom Dresses New and existing clients please ring to make an appointment SHeRBORNe 52a Cheap Street 01935 816651

CASTLe CARy Fore Street 01963 350069

fo r S u m m e r cautions. It is recommended that you source nuts and seeds from a reliable supplier (you’ll be hard pushed to beat sourcing from your local health food store, especially one who has in-house packing facilities such as Ceres!) Nuts and seeds are prone to contamination, especially from fungi such as aspergillus which produces the poison aflatoxin – bird lovers will no doubt be familiar with this as good quality commercial bird feeds are aflatoxin tested. When seasonally available, nuts in shells are often preferred. Leave them in their shells until you eat them. For unshelled nuts and seeds, keep them refrigerated and use within 6 months. A lot of nutritionists and raw food fans like to soak nuts and seeds overnight in water to start the sprouting process. This disables some of the enzyme inhibitors present, allowing for better nutrient absorption. Nuts are high in the amino acid arginine and low in lysine. Arginine has some important health benefits but this high-to-low arginine-tolysine ratio is not ideal for sufferers of cold sores/herpes infections. Arginine promotes this virus while lysine inhibits it. Nut allergy sufferers too should of course stay well clear of these foods. Almonds (Prunus amygdalis) come from a small tree related to the peach and cherry. Almonds come in two varieties, sweet and bitter. Sweet almonds are the eating almonds, whereas bitter almonds are made in to an oil used in flavouring. Almonds are a great source of good fats, protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and vitamin E. Almonds are

considered a heart protective and anti-cancer food. Because of the fibre levels they may also benefit bowel regularity. In fact the levels of nutrients in Almonds have meant they are often classed as little nutritional powerhouses, benefiting every part of the body. Unfortunately it doesn’t count if you eat almonds in my favourite form – as marzipan! Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) come from a giant evergreen tree in the Amazon. Attempts to cultivate in other areas of the world have not been successful. In Brazil, the bark of the tree is brewed into a medicine for liver problems and stomach aches. Brazil nuts provide polyunsaturated fats as well as being an excellent source of selenium and a good source of chromium. High selenium intake is associated with lower rates of certain cancers and a reduced risk of heart disease. Selenium is also thought to play a role managing inflammation and allergies. Yields of nutrients in plants will vary from batch to batch due to factors such as soil condition, location and climate, but as little as two Brazil nuts a day could provide enough selenium to prevent deficiency. That’s all for this month, back with more nuttiness next time! Jenna Evans. Never dramatically change your diet without the guidance of a health professional, especially if you have an existing health issue. Ceres Natural Foods in Yeovil have a good selection of nuts and seeds and can help with any further queries you may have. See front page of this month’s Visitor for details.

LANGPORT A COUPLE of years ago I commented on the new housing development then under construction in the grounds of the former Kelways Nursery, on the road into Langport from Somerton. The estate is not far off completion now and many of the houses – a mixture of attractive terraced and detached homes designed to sit comfortably alongside the historic Kelways buildings – are occupied. Much use has been made of traditional materials such as natural stone, render, weatherboarding, slate and clay tiles, so the Old Kelways development should blend naturally into its setting as it matures. The nursery was founded on this site by James Kelway in 1850 and by the end of the 19th

century it covered more than 200 acres of land and comprised several buildings so fine that they have since acquired Grade II* listed status. In the early 1990s the business was bought by Barry and Beatrice Moignard and relocated to a new site half a mile along the road towards Somerton. The company is still trading there, very successfully by all appearances, and is home to the national collection of peonies. Well worth a visit! Back in 1998 the former nursery buildings were transformed into a public house and offices. The pub now offers luxury accommodation for overnight visitors in The Lodge (and football on wide-screen TV in the bar), and tucked away behind the main building is the aptlynamed Potting Shed café.

Smart new houses are spreading over the grounds of the former Kelways Nursery at Huish Episcopi.

... relax and enjoy breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea in the beautiful shabby chic surroundings of the tea shop. Our home interiors shop is full of stunning pieces from soft furnishings, elegant lamps and pretty pottery to catch your eye... We look forward to welcoming you soon

THE VISITOR July 2012 25

LANGPORT The increase in population that Old Kelways and other new housing developments are bringing to the area bodes well for Langport’s traders and should help the town to thrive. But the reality is that most of the new development is not in Langport at all but in neighbouring Huish Episcopi – a large parish that girdles the town on all sides except the west and has a population more than twice the size of Langport’s. According to the Oxford Dictionary of English PlaceNames, Huish comes from an OldEnglish word meaning ‘measure of land that would support a family’ (and Episcopi referring to its early possession by the Bishop of Wells). It’s home to more than a thousand families now. A car is most convenient for visiting the two Kelways sites, but other parts of Huish can easily be explored on foot. The best place to start is in the centre of Langport where there is a large free car park alongside the river at Cocklemoor. Walk up The Hill at the eastern end of Cheapside

Trinity Barn, Aller Somerset TA10 0QW Makers and restorers of traditional English clocks since 1830. Hand-made movements and cases of the finest quality. Colour brochure or information on request. Antique clocks bought and sold. Oak Longcase standing at 6’ 7” high, the brass dial showing phases of the moon in the arch. Commissioned for a Somerset Chapel.

Tel: 01458 252157

The parish church of Huish Episcopi is framed by Langport’s most-photographed building, the Hanging Chapel.

and you will reach the elegant 19th century houses that were once homes to local businessmen. The large stone house opposite the church was built by Vincent Stuckey, a descendant of George Stuckey who, with Thomas Bagehot, formed the Parrett Navigation Company in the 18th

FORSey & SON ] Funeral Directors ] Monumental Masons ] Private Chapels of Rest ] Pre-payment Funeral Plans Funerals conducted with dignity and reverence by a family firm, established over three generations, offering reliable and caring service with 24-hour call out facilities.

langport (01458) 250509 Somerton (01458) 272297 butleigh (01458) 850654 Members of N.A.F.D., B.I.F.D. and S.A.I.F. •

just off A372 Langport to Aller road 26 THE VISITOR July 2012

century. The banknote circulation of Stuckey’s Banking Company was second only to that of the Bank of England when it was taken over in 1909, such was the importance of Langport’s bank. And in the churchyard you will find the tomb of Walter Bagehot and his wife. Walter is probably

the best-known of the 19th century Bagehots – born in Langport in 1826 he became one of the century’s most brilliant and influential economists and succeeded his father-in-law as editor of The Economist in 1860. Langport’s imposing All Saints parish church is, alas, no longer in use. It dates from the 15th century but contains remnants of a much earlier building on the site and some fine stained-glass windows. The building is kept securely locked but the Langport Information Centre on Bow Street can sometimes arrange for a guide to show you the inside if you give advance notice. Incidentally, the Information Centre is the place to visit to find out about the countless events and activities happening in and around Langport. Beyond the church is Langport’s most-photographed building, the Hanging Chapel, built as a gatehouse in the fortified town wall in the Civil War period. In its long life it has served as a town hall, school, museum and armoury and is nowadays used as a masonic lodge. Walk through the arch below the chapel and you’re in Huish with the tower of its beautiful parish church looming high above the houses. St Mary’s Church, which now serves Langport as well as Huish, has a history going back to the 12th century if not earlier. Its most famous feature, the grey and gold tower with its intricately-carved stone filigree work, was added in the 16th century, and its design has been described as ‘a finesse of style and proportion hard to match in Perpendicular tower building’. One can only admire

LANGPORT the skills of the masons who built it some 500 years ago. Turn right at the road junction beyond the church and a short way ahead you’ll reach the popular Rose and Crown pub, known nationwide simply as Eli’s after Eli Scot who was the publican for many years. The building, inside and out, has changed little in 100 years. In the tap room the beer and cider are served straight from the barrels in the traditional way, and the several small rooms surrounding it provide ample secluded seating space. Members of the same family have held the licence for over a century and thankfully they have made no attempt to ‘modernise’ it, so it remains a living example of what many a homely village beerhouse was like in bygone days. A pleasant route back to Cocklemoor is alongside the river – on a warm afternoon the birds, butterflies and many colourful wild flowers provide a neverending source of interest. Retrace your steps to Huish church and turn left just beyond it. A short way down the slope take the track on the right which leads down to the confluence of the rivers Parrett and Yeo at Huish Bridge. Don’t cross it; simply turn right and stroll along the river bank till you’re back in the centre of Langport. Time now for a browse around the shops of Langport’s many independent traders, most of them housed in the attractive old buildings on Cheapside and Bow Street and in the modern arcade between the Town Hall and the

Sue Atwell Soft Furnishings Handmade Curtains, Blinds and Cushions All Blinds Now Available extensive Range of Fabrics Fivehead Service Station, Fivehead 07930 278600

The commercial postcard above, from just over a century ago, shows that Eli’s has changed very little in the last 100 years. Pictured right is Eli’s today.

car park – and perhaps rest your legs in one of the town’s cafés and pubs. Roger Richards. Business update Bow dental Centre has recently opened in Langport. The practice shares the same premises as the Dental Design laboratory and allows the dental team to work much more closely together. The benefits for the patient in this unique Somerset practice are numerous and include:


Denture repairs, additions and relines can be carried out whilst the patient waits. Having all the facilities on one site allows for a shorter turn around between appointments. Shade taking (colour matching to patients teeth) can be a

collaborative process between dentist and technician to ensure the finest aesthetic finish. Dentures are made by the highly experienced on-site team and their Clinical Dental Technician is able to provide continuity of care from initial impression to final fit. Children are treated free (until 18) providing at least one parent is a regular attender to the practice. Stephanie Cowburn took over Maya Boutique in Langport earlier this year. With a background in retail fashion Stephanie has put together a range of smart casual clothing. Amongst the labels stocked are Jumping Ship (British Made) Mint, Ella Moda (Italian Linen) and Adini. Dresses and separates can be coordinated to mix and match so you can put together a working wardrobe. There is a selection of stylish fascinators (handmade in Devon), handbags, jewellery and scarves to complete your outfit. Sizes 8 to 18+. Open Monday to Saturday 10am - 5pm (4pm Wed). Call in and browse (see advert on inside cover).

Affordable Private Dentistry all your dental needs in one place Open Hours Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm

All Dental Appliances Manufactured in our On-Site Laboratory

We deliver newspapers and Magazines Cards, Stationery, Balloons for all occasions Service with a Smile ✴ 2013 cALendArS nOW in ✴ Open Mon - Sat 5am - 5pm. Sun 7.30am - Noon

Sue & Tony at Fosters newsagents Bow Street, lanGpoRT Somerset Ta10 9pQ Tel: 01458 250607

COCklEMOOR lTd Traditional Weigh-out Sweets Cards  Gifts  Toys and Games Wool Department Knitting and yarns, Haberdashery Dylon Dyes and much more! bow Street, lANgPORT • Tel: 01458 253145

Our Professional Private Dental Team are ready to help you Enjoy Life with a Confident Smile

New Patients and Families Welcome Appointments Tel: 01458 253888 THE VISITOR July 2012 27

SOMERTON THE NATION celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in June. Somerton is celebrating the Silver Jubilee of its Summer Arts Festival in July. So the town was awash with flags and bunting when I visited recently – including some English flags that had, I suspect, more connection with football than with royalty or the arts. The ‘arts’ in the Festival’s title is something of a misnomer – it’s not ‘arty’ in the manner of, for example, the Frome Festival (which doesn’t mention arts in its name). The programme is unashamedly



Carpets Proprietor ROGER WILLIS

populist but none the worse for that. By providing a wide variety of entertainment with something for most tastes and ages at a reasonable cost, the committee has hit on a winning formula that ensures not only a high level of local involvement but also a lot of visitors to the town to enjoy the events – a formula that has enabled the Festival to reach its 25th year. It is now one of the most popular and most successful celebrations in an area extending far beyond Visitorland, and this year the organising committee

For a reliable and personal service n Select from over 1000 Carpet and Vinyl samples

The streets of Somerton leave passers-by in no doubt that Festival time is fast approaching.

n All leading makes supplied n Prompt Delivery n Professional Fitting Market Place, Somerton, Somerset TA11 7LZ

Tel: (01458) 273042

n FREE Estimates and Planning “Over 45 years experience in the carpet trade”

FORSey & SON ] Funeral Directors ] Monumental Masons ] Private Chapels of Rest ] Pre-payment Funeral Plans Funerals conducted with dignity and reverence by a family firm, established over three generations, offering reliable and caring service with 24-hour call out facilities.

Somerton (01458) 272297 langport (01458) 250509 butleigh (01458) 850654 Members of N.A.F.D., B.I.F.D. and S.A.I.F. •

HOUSE OF TALBOT Traditional Market & Craft Fair on Saturday 14th July 10 – 4 with live music, childrens entertainment & food and drink. Family Fun Day on Sunday 15th from 12 – 5 at the Somerton Sports Field with stalls, rides, games, music and childrens play area.

• • • • • •


28 THE VISITOR July 2012

SOMERTON has again managed to shoehorn well over 30 events into the nine days commencing on Friday 13th July. It has catered for a wide range of musical tastes, from tribute bands and an Elvis impersonator to country-andwestern and the Cwmbach Male Choir, but the Festival is about much more than music. There are talks by BBC Points West weatherman Ian Ferguson and local MP David Heath, a drama production, a street magician, a quiz night, a local history exhibition and more. The familiar mainstays of the Festival are all there – the Flower Festival on the 13th and 14th in the Methodist Church, the

Market Fair on the 14th in the Market Square, the Funday on the 15th on Somerton Sports Field, the Art and Photography Exhibition from the 17th till the 21st in the Parish Rooms, and the Cabaret Evening on the 21st in the Festival Marquee. The Marquee on the sports field at Gassons Lane is the principal venue for the larger events because it is large enough to accommodate audiences of more than 200 people in comfort and still leave enough room for the stage, bar and toilets. Other venues include local pubs, churches, schools and the parish rooms. To find out the times, dates and

When the weather is warm, Somerton’s Market Place is an attractive place for a spot of alfresco dining.

The Somerset Guild of Craftsmen

Blooming Linda’s

Going for Gold

47 West Street, Somerton tA11 7PR

7th July – 1st September

✿ Flowers for all occasions and same day delivery

Summer Exhibition • Free Admission

✿ Funeral flowers a speciality – home visits available Unusual designs created for your loved ones

@ The Courthouse gallery, Market place West Street, Somerton, TA11 7Lx

Come in and see us ... or order direct through our


Tel / Fax: 01458 273030 • Email:

 01458 274653 • Open six days a week 10am – 5pm

David M. Brown - Sundials

THE VISITOR July 2012 29

SOMERTON venues of all the events you will need to buy a copy of the souvenir programme. It’s excellent value at only £2.50, not only as a comprehensive guide to the festival but also as the source of some prize competitions including

a sudoku, an anagram brainteaser and some puzzles for children. It also includes a street map showing the location of all the venues and a voucher giving 10% off the already inexpensive prices for tickets bought in

Maintain your lawn with ease!

advance. The programme is available from the festival office in Overt Locke’s shop on West Street, telephone 0870 777 1413 or email festivaltickets and you can find out more about the festival by logging on to Somerton’s community website If the weather is kind on Saturday 14th the Market Fair will surely attract the crowds. The Market Square with its 17th century butter cross and old town hall provides an ideal setting for the entertainers, magician, craft stalls, bric-a-brac, home-made



cut and collect twin blade tractor


ATCO Lawn Mowers - the finest cut of all your LocAL ATco DEALEr ...

Brunel Pet Centre

5a Brunel Shopping Precinct



Own BRAnD complete Dog Food ‘charlie’s choice’

15 Cary Court, Bancombe Business Park SOMERTON

• Toys & Accessories • Wild Bird Food - well priced • Drontal & Frontline stocked • Horse Wormers now available

Garden Machinery Tel: 01458 274261

The 19th century Morley House, formerly the town’s weighbridge house, is nowadays the home of A. W. Rule and Sons Gunsmiths Ltd.


 01458 274980 Among the interesting old buildings on Broad Street is The Narrow House, just 11ft 6ins wide and built originally as an extension to the house next door in the 1750s.

The Dress circle Dress agency

QUALiTy FAShiOn iTeMS WAnTed TO SeLL On A cOMMiSSiOn BASiS Wedding hats, wedding outfits, cruise wear and good quality casual wear and accessories, accepted every day ... 10am - 4pm Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm Saturday For large quantities collections can be arranged

4 Brunel Shopping centre Somerton Ta11 7py  01458 273485 30 THE VISITOR July 2012


SAVE £££s

Bargain Basement

Somerton’s Biggest Discount Store Seasonal Bedding / plants 40 litre organic compost ... THREE BAGS for £6 Free local delivery on compost Wild Bird Feeds ... from £1

Jane Lazenbury

Dress Agency For a superb choice of quality ladies wear (sizes 8 - 26) at a fraction of their original price new Many Designer Labels

large Range of Gardening Sundries ... from just £1 Stock changing regularly BeST pRiceS FoR MileS Over 500 items at £1 or less including food lines!!!

46 West Street, Somerton

business Update

The former Emma B coffee shop situated within the Gifted Company has now moved across the road to new premises and has been renamed Full of Beans. The Buttercross tearoom is now under the new ownership of Helen McDonald, who looks forward to welcoming customers old and new.


others residential. Many have interesting histories, like the former Free Grammar School which dates from 1676, the intriguing Narrow House just 11ft 6ins wide and built in the 1750s as an extension to Craigmore next door, and the 19th century Morley House, formerly the town’s weighbridge house and nowadays the home of a gunsmith company. In the other direction, a stroll the length of West Street reveals numerous fascinating shops, their size much larger than their narrow frontages would suggest, also the almshouses built for the

cakes, bacon butties and goodness knows what else. It’s all happening from 10.00am until 4.00pm. However you might prefer to visit the Market Square when it is quieter and you can enjoy a spot of alfresco dining while watching the world go by. Pick a day between the 17th and 21st and you will be able to take a leisurely look round the Art and Photography Exhibition in The Ladysmith Memorial Hall, otherwise known as the Parish Rooms, by the front gate to the churchyard. And perhaps explore the nearby streets and browse the shops, for Somerton is renowned for its historic buildings and its fine shops, cafés and pubs. The buildings on Market Place and Broad Street provide a fascinating mix of different styles and periods but almost all are built in local lias stone and meld well to create a timeless atmosphere. Broad Street, the road northwards from Market Place, is lined with trees planted to commemorate the wedding of the Prince of Wales who later became King Edward VII, and with elegant town houses, some of them in commercial use and

the atmosphere. In July the Summer Arts Festival provides an extra reason for coming and celebrating its Silver Jubilee. Roger Richards.

uNder New mANAGemeNT

Recently opened on West Street is the Full of Beans licenced cafe.

town by Sir Edward Hext in 1626, two chapels, an old timber-framed house and the imposing Unicorn inn, all of architectural interest. West Street still boasts a goodly number of independent retailers including traditional butchers, home furnishers, gift shop, florist and Overt Locke’s department store full of house and home products of every description and where the Festival ticket office can be found. A newcomer since my last visit is the Full of Beans licenced café in the shop that was formerly a delicatessen. Off West Street, hidden away in old brewery buildings, is the modern Brunel Shopping Centre which houses a selection of small shops and leads to the independent Williams supermarket. And towards the far end of West Street is The Triangle with the town’s post office, a ladies’ dress shop, country-style furniture showroom and Tony’s famed fish and chip shop. Somerton is well worth a visit at any time of year, whether for shopping, admiring the architecture or simply imbibing

Market Place, Somerton (01458) 273168 Homemade Cakes & Scones Morning Coffee, Cream Teas Lunch Served 12 – 3pm Open: Mon – Sat 9 – 5pm

TONY’S FISH & CHIPS Celebrating 25 Years — OPeNINg TImeS — Tuesday 12.00 - 2.00 5.00 - 9.30 Wednesday 12.00 - 2.00 5.00 - 9.30 Thursday 12.00 - 2.00 5.00 - 9.30 Friday 12.00 - 2.00 5.00 - 9.30 Saturday 12.00 - 2.00 5.00 - 9.30

Tel: 01458 272532 The Triangle, Pye Corner Somerton, Somerset

The Triangle • Somerton 30 yARDS FROM THE POST OFFICE

Tel: 01458 273711

We have moved to new premises across the road the former ‘Emma B Coffee Shop’ is now


Somerton Hobbies FOr A FULL rAnge OF FigUreS And AcceSSOrieS interested in playing Warhammer Fantasy or 40,000? Would you like to paint and build your army in a friendly atmosphere with others with the same interests? Then come and join us ... Table Top War Gaming, Painting, Model Making, Tutorials, Competitions and Much More. entrance Fee £2 per person, 10% discount on Purchases. Monday 6pm – 10pm (adults) • Sunday 12noon – 4pm (open) Visit our website: Open 7 Days: Monday – Saturday 9am – 5.30pm, Sunday 12noon – 4pm

Unit 4 half Moon car Park, West Street, Somerton TA11 6QQ  01458 273755

Props. Sarah & Darren Edmonds

6 West Street, Somerton Homemade Cakes – Light Lunches Freshly Filled Baguettes & Panini Speciality Coffees and Teas – Jacket Potatoes ✳ SEClUdEd SUn GARdEn ✳ Loyalty Cards Available

A friendly welcome awaits customers old and new Open: Monday – Saturday, 9am ‘til 5pm THE VISITOR July 2012 31

House & Home BATHROOMS Wet Rooms

Wet rooms are the latest trend in bathrooms - simple, stylish and uncluttered. A wet room is completely watertight, simply furnished with a shower. There is no shower tray just the shower area which is a continuation of the floor. To make more use of the space a basin and loo can also be incorporated. The right materials must be used to make the room completely waterproof - mosaics or large tiles are very popular. The benefit of a wet room is that they can be used by young and old alike. If you are thinking of adding a wetroom to your own home - it

may be better to convert an ensuite rather than make over the family bathroom, as upon resale some families do like the option of a bath.

Hider Heating

Hider Heating is a family-run business and has been established since 1973 carrying out various plumbing and heating works in and around the Yeovil area. Their services include: Plumbing and heating works; Full central heating installations; Boiler installations, repair and service; Landlords gas safety checks; Fully fitted bathrooms; Showers, tiling etc. To arrange an appointment for eddy to visit or call, please phone on 01935 426209 or 07836 773152 or email:

Tile Market

Tony Howell of the Tile Market in Yeovil has over 25 years experience in the trade. The Tile Market is situated on the Lynx West Trading estate with parking outside the door. The Showrooms, over two floors, offer a choice of thousands of tiles including natural stone, slate, travertine, lime stone and marble. There is a host of colours and designs, plus matching grouts and silicones. A fitting service is available if required. Delivery for most tiles is within a week. Bathrooms can also be supplied and fitted.

Ensuite Bathrooms

ensuite bathrooms are becoming increasingly popular - saving the need to queue first thing in the morning or when you have guests staying. ensuites can be fitted in quite small spaces - but certain things do have to be taken into consideration. Make sure you measure the loo and the basin at all angles - what may look compact in the showroom can prove to be a lot larger when in situ. If space is at a premium try sliding doors, made out of frosted glass perhaps, to give more space and light. A matching glass shower panel will also help. When it comes to tiling choose


Specialists in Installation & Service All Types of plumbing Central Heating Systems, Boiler Replacement Landlord Safety Checks and Servicing Gas and Oil established over 40 years Rely on us for all Plumbing & Heating Needs Specialist in Bathroom Designs including all Tiling & Electrics

Reg. No. 700 Tel: 01935 426209 • Mobile: 07836 773152 11 Hillgrove Avenue, Yeovil, Somerset

The Tile Market

Ceramic Tile Specialists ◆ Wall and Floor Tiles Unit 1 Brympton Way Lynx West Trading Estate


◆ Marble / Mosaic / Granite / Travertine Limestone / Slate ◆ Full Range of Adhesives / Sealants and Tiling Accessories in stock  SHOWROOMS OVER TWO FLOORS  

Open Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5pm, Saturday 9am - 4pm

Tel: 01935 426737


Handmade solid oak vanity unit and matching mirror made by Simply Bathrooms and Bedrooms of Sherborne. Splashback and shower floor in a multi mosaic with natural stone Travertine floor and wall.

Established Since1957

 Specialists in renovation and restoration of older properties

Cary Tiles Ltd

 Extensions and alterations undertaken  Specialists in barn conversions  Purpose built joinery, doors, windows, etc. All Work Guaranteed

Tel: NORTH CADBURY (01963) 440931 Yard Office adj. Orchard Leigh, Long Street Galhampton, Yeovil, Somerset

32 THe VISITOr July 2012

Spoilt for Choice Over 300 Sample Boards Floor and Wall Tiles

Cary Tiles Ltd, Unit 6 Torbay Industrial Estate Torbay Road, Castle Cary Somerset BA7 7DW Tel: 01963 359388 Open Monday to Friday 9am - 2pm Saturdays 9am - 1pm After hours by appointment only

Free Quotation and Measuring Service Professional Fitting Service available Free Local Delivery Commercial & Domestic Work Undertaken

House & Home either very large or very small tiles to create the illusion of space. If you are leading off of a bedroom try to keep the colour theme

continuous. Good lighting is essential such as halogen spots and open shelving for storage will take up less space than cupboards.

JW TILING & BATHROOM INSTALLATIONS Professional & Fully Qualified Tiling Service • Stone • Ceramic • Porcelain • Wet Rooms • Under Floor Heating Huppe bespoke shower enclosure with Grohe multifunction controls and large 400 x 400 deluge head. All Travertine stone floor and walls. Simply Bathrooms and Bedrooms of Sherborne.

Complete Bathroom Installations • Supply • Electrics • Carpentry • Plastering • Plumbing


Call James: Daytime 07976 372909 Evening 01963 359630

GOODIER HEATING Established 1975

01935 471829

Make a SplaSh

Heating • Plumbing • Bathrooms Fully Guaranteed Work Emergency Call Out - 24 Hour Gas Safety Checks • Landlord Certificates FrEE EStimatES

Enjoy the freedom of a wet room – stylish with easy access Bathrooms traditional & contemporary Full planning and design service Complete project management to include electrical work etc. Supply only service also available ... a family run business you can rely on!

• All Types of Blinds Supplied Domestic & Commercial • Excellent Prices first time, no gimmicks • Conservatory Roof Specialists INTU and PERFECT FIT Blinds - ideal for conservatories, glazed doors, tilt ‘n’ turn windows. No holes, no screws, just style • Internal Shutters and External Awnings

All Visitor area covered

Simply Bathrooms & Bedrooms The Old Bakery, Half Moon Street Sherborne, DT9 3LN

01749 346658

(Through Archway by Half Moon Inn)

Tel: 01935 817111

THe VISITOr July 2012 33

House & Home New Solar Panel Rate Announced

The Department of energy and Climate Change (DeCC) introduced new regulations on the 24th May to put the Feed-in Tariffs (FITs) scheme on a more predictable and sustainable footing for householders, businesses and the solar industry. Following consultation with industry and consumers, the Government is introducing a range of changes to the FITs scheme with effect from 1st

August 2012. The tariff for a small domestic solar installation will be 16p per kilowatt hour, down from 21p, and will be set to decrease on a 3 month basis thereafter, with pauses if the market slows down. All tariffs will continue to be index-linked in line with the retail Price Index (rPI) and the export tariff will be increased from 3.2p to 4.5p to better reflect the real value of electricity exported to the grid. Householders who have been thinking about investing in

Bryan G. Paully Ltd

Domestic / Commercial Installations / Replacements Suppliers of Tanks, Fuel Stations, Temporary Tanks • Free Site Survey / Quote / Advice Registered Waste Hauliers • All Tank Manufacturers Approved Installer • 24 Hour Call-Out

Tel: 01963 363870 • Mob: 07836 502683 • Fax: 01963 362785 •

solar energy are encouraged to sign up before the 1st August deadline to obtain the current 21p rate and a return of investment (rOI) of 10%! The new tariffs should give a rOI of over 6% for most typical installations and remains a good investment and householders should be reassured the new Tariffs will still provide more attractive returns than can be found elsewhere today. The industry has been very successful in bringing solar technology costs down swiftly over the last two years and the improved scheme will reflect this trend. energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Barker said: ‘Today starts a new and exciting chapter for the solar industry. The sector has been through a difficult time, adjusting to the reality of sharply falling costs, but the reforms we are introducing

today provide a strong, sustainable foundation for growth for the solar sector. ‘UK solar continues to be an attractive proposition for many consumers considering Microgeneration Technologies and that having placed the subsidy support for this technology on a long-term, sustainable footing, industry can plan for growth with confidence.’ Within the new regulations, average tariff reductions of 3.5% every 3 months will take place with reductions being bigger (up to 28%) if there is rapid uptake. This is likely to motivate many consumers to invest in solar power sooner rather than later to avoid a decrease in the tariff whilst the products costs are now stabalising. Article provided by: Wessex Renewable Energy (

Enjoy front seats at The Olympics with a Perfect Panasonic Picture call in at our showroom Poor reception? Aerial problems? GIVE uS A RING Our engineer covers your area!

CASTLE CARy - WINCANTON - GILLINGHAM - SHERbORNE - SHAFTESbuRy ETC. Confederation of Aerial Industries Membership Number C1361 • Trained Engineers Safety at Heights Certificate • C.R.B. Checked Staff • Full Public Liability Insurance • 12 Month Warranty

Panasonic ideas for life

All Major Cards Accepted

Units 10 & 11 Brickfields Business Park, Gillingham, SP8 4PX 01747 826714 / 01747 826721 •

34 THe VISITOr July 2012

House & Home KITCHENS Planning a Kitchen

The kitchen is probably the most import and the most used room in the home. It’s important therefore to get the right layout and design for you - ensuring best use of available space. The first step is to draw out your kitchen with exact measurements including fixtures such as windows, doors, pipes, radiators etc. When planning a kitchen you need to take into considration the working triangle. A. Food preparation and storage B. Cooking and serving area C. Washing up Area A - the food storage area will need cupboards and worksurfaces / preparation area, plus the fridge. Area B - is the cooking area and care should be taken when positioning the hob and oven, ensuring there is a worksurface either side - so you can put hot pans down when you take them from the cooker. A serving up area is also required. Area C - the washing up area.

Choose the style of sink you require with either a left-hand or right-hand drainer. You will also need storage for china and cutlery near by.

Appliance Planning

1. Do not site the fridge next to the cooker. 2. ensure appliances will fit under the worktops. 3. Make sure that fridge and freezer doors can open freely. 4. Try not to position items such as dishwahers in front of pipes, as this will push the appliance out into the room and will therefore require deeper worktops. 5. Tall larder units are extremely useful but try to position them at the end of a run of units. 6. There are all sorts of extras that can make your kitchen more individual such as spice racks, wine racks, water softeners etc. Visit your local kitchen showroom and take along your measurements and they will help you decide on the right kitchen for you. Many suppliers offer a free, no obligation plan using CAD (computer-aided design), you will then see how your new kitchen could look. Always get more than one quote - using local trades people

can often work out cheaper than the big sheds.

Kitchens & Updates of Yeovil

Kitchens & Updates showrooms offer a huge choice of quality kitchens to suit all budgets. even their entry range includes soft closing doors and drawers as standard. Having worked for many years producing and installing kitchens Neville, the owner, pays great attention to the quality of every product on offer with particular attention to durability and long term use. They have currently over 400 individual kitchens available from foil and vinyl wrapped to solid wood and painted, as well as high gloss finishes in various styles including Country, Traditional, Shaker, Saponetta and ultra clean handleless designs. The new granite showroom is now open.

Exciting new range of kitchens!

Simply Kitchens of Sherborne are currently giving their showrooms a make over. The new displays include kitchens from

Master Class and Crown – with something to suit all tastes from a gloss shaker kitchen in cream through to a traditional in-frame kitchen. The new range of appliances from Luce, for which Simply Kitchens are the local agents, will be on display including a HD gas hob. A stylish range of taps and sinks from Franke are available including the kettle tap – make a pot of tea straight from the tap. To complement your kitchen there is a wide choice of worktops in easy care formica, granite and

RepaiR SeRvice ★ All makes of TV repaired ★ On the premises workshop

★ Loan TV whilst being repaired

★ Estimates ★ Bench or field service Full Range oF panaSonic TvS in STock FoR Sale ... do call in

H.R. Hodge

Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm • Saturday 9am - 1pm

38 St. James Street South Petherton TA13 5bW  01460 240645

For the kitchen you’ve always dreamed of ... ■ We offer a bespoke kitchen service ■ Contemporary or traditional ■ Painted ... gloss, the finish of your choice ■ Worktops supplied including granite ■ ‘Luce’ kitchen appliances - only available from registered dealers


01935 472100

3A & 4 Higher Preston Farm, Preston Road YEOvIl, BA20 2ET (Just down from ASDA) Town Centre

Kitchens & Updates Zoe’s Hair


Town Centre Houndstone


Find our showrooms ... Half Moon Street Sherborne

(Through Archway by Half Moon Inn)

Tel: 01935 817111 •  Fax: 01935 817119

Preston Road Ilchester

Our complete service includes - supply & installation carpentry - plumbing - electrics - plastering small extensions - patios - staircases - and more

Retail Park

THe VISITOr July 2012 35

Homemaker of Shaftesbury the kitchen experts

House & Home solid wood. Proprietor Malcolm Helyar is a fully trained carpenter and has been in the kitchen industry for over 10 years. Simply Kitchens offer a complete service from start to finish, whether you want to knock through to make a kitchendiner or just replace an existing kitchen. Give him a call to discuss your personal requirements and for a no obligation quotation.

New Kitchen Showroom Opens in Ilchester Homemaker is a family owned independent company, supplying kitchens, and electrical appliances from all the major manufacturers. They stock a comprehensive range of domestic appliances, all geared towards making your life simpler. You can choose from a number of leading brands and types of appliance, from budget options through to luxury models. Homemaker are part of the Euronics buying group which is the largest independent electrical buying group in europe. Euronics ensures both their prices and their products remain very competitive. With fully trained staff always on hand to discuss your requirements, they pride themselves on clear explanations of all the features and benefits of any appliance. Their revolutionary “Live Kitchen” means you can actually see different types of stoves / cooking methods working – such as a steam oven. Delivery is normally within 24 hours from stock, ensuring customer satisfaction. Homemaker stock modern German kitchens made by Hacker, and more traditional wooden kitchens by Charles Mackintosh and many others. In addition to new kitchens, Homemaker also offer replacement doors, new worktops, sinks and taps, that can transform your kitchen. These can be fitted within 48 hours and a fraction of the cost new. All doors are individually made for you whatever size. A choice of over 1500 designs and colour combinations, plinths, pelmets and edging ensure a complete transformation. The doors can normally be fitted within one day – and no mess! A complete new kitchen? Free innovative design and kitchen planning service, a full range of German kitchens to suit all budgets: granite, solid wood, laminate worktops and a wide choice of sinks from stainless steel, granite etc. to complement your kitchen. Homemaker offer a range of styles to suit any home traditional, modern, painted, high gloss, wood finish and period kitchens.

Adam Porter of AP Kitchen Solutions has been supplying and

Whatever you need for your kitchen – Homemaker is a complete one-stop kitchen shop. Free computer kitchen design service in-store or in the comfort of your own home – no obligation or pressure.

20% OFF

Homemaker, Longmead Industrial Estate Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8PL Tel 01747 851476 ♥ Also at Bath and Warminster

36 THe VISITOr July 2012

fitting kitchens for six years and has now opened his own purpose built kitchen showroom in Ilchester. Adam brings a fresh new approach to kitchen design. The light and airy showroom has over 10 displays on view with something to suit all tastes and budgets from traditional warm oak finishes, through to ultramodern high gloss finishes in bold colours. Granite and Quartz worktops are a speciality and there is a good selection to choose from. A free no obligation quotation is offered. For those on a budget kitchen

Jeremy Hill of Homemaker in the ‘Live’ kitchen at Shaftesbury. Here you can see for yourself the different methods and styles of cooking in operation, such as induction and steam, so you can make an informed choice when purchasing your appliances. Regular demonstrations are planned in the kitchens. The Homemaker Kitchens and Appliances Showrooms can be found on the Longmead Industrial Estate, Shaftesbury.

All “Style” Made-ToMeasure Curtains and Fabric

Offer Ends 14th July 2012

House & Home of having all your heating, hot water and cooking in one, you can use valuable additional space in the kitchen for other appliances. And with solid fuel and ‘A’ efficiency rated gas and oil options, the rayburn is the ideal choice for those who care for the

environment as much as they care about good food and a warm home. In keeping with the latest home heating and hot water systems, all modern rayburn cookers are fully programmable, fitted with thermostats. Some even benefit

NOW OpeN exciTiNg NeW kiTcheN ShOWrOOMS

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

Over 10 different kitchen displays Wide choice of granite and quartz worktops Kitchen refurbishments available Made to measure replacement doors FREE No oBLIgATIoN quoTATIoN To discuss your requirements call adam

Pull out spray taps let you do so much more in your sink. The powerful spray makes it much easier to wash and rinse items. Used in most professional kitchens. The secret is the nozzle. This can be pulled out on the end of a long flexible hose, allowing you to move the tap around the sink. Available from AP Kitchen Solutions of Ilchester.

refurbishments are also available. The showroom is open Monday to Saturday with a late night opening on a Thursday. Out of hours appointments available.

Thinking of buying a Rayburn?

For more than 60 years, rayburn has been the warm heart of many British homes, leading the field in central heating range cookers. With its iconic design, absolute reliability and flexibility, it’s easy to see why the rayburn has been such an enduring success. Beneath the classically beautiful exterior lies a highly efficient heating and cooking system that creates mouthwatering dishes, a wonderfully warm home and piping hot water, just when you need it. What’s more, with the added convenience

01935 849557

AP Kitchen Solutions, Northover, Roman Road ILCHESTER BA22 8LD

... at SJH CarpetS renowned for our quality and choice of carpets and flooring, we are now pleased to offer

Floor & Wall Tiles “SJH for all your flooring needs” SJH CARPETS Tythings Commercial Centre WinCAnTon  01963 824418


open: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday 9am - 1pm

THe VISITOr July 2012 37

House & Home from digital controls. Sophisticated digital sensors monitor both the oven and the boiler to ensure constant temperatures and an advanced control unit will alert you of any issues. The flexibility to decide when you need your rayburn on

or off, in turn means lower fuel bills. The combination of ovens and hotplates ensures perfect cooking of every kind. Hotplate - the large hotplate with its stylish insulating lid is simple to use, offering gentle

simmering at one end and boiling at the other. It can also be used for toast, drop scones, pancakes, scallops and more - a truly versatile cooking surface. Main Oven - the large capacity main oven can be used for a variety of cooking techniques


Transform an area in your home into a stylish and practical office space ■ Choose from a wide range of styles and finishes ■ Contemporary or classic ■ FREE no obligation quotation ■ FREE planning and design “a place for everything and everything in its place” Call in to discuss your requirements Full colouR bRochuRe available Find our showrooms ...

Half Moon Street, SHERbORNE (Through Archway by Half Moon Inn)

Tel: 01935 817111 • Fax: 01935 817119

38 THe VISITOr July 2012

from roasting to grilling or baking, and because the ovens are all vented into the flue the flavours from one dish will not taint another, so a whole range of foods from cakes to succulent roast joints can be cooked together, maximising the capacity of the rayburn. Lower Oven - complementing the hotplate and main oven the lower oven has the same benefits of all round heat and runs up to half the heat of the main oven. It is ideal for gentler items such as slow cooked and rich tasting casseroles. rayburns are available in a range of colours to suit both traditional and modern kitchens. For more information contact local stockists Sandpits Heating Centre, Curry rivel, Langport, 01458 251476.

Needful Things

Needful Things have exciting news this summer! They have taken on the shop opposite for additional showroom space for their ever growing soft furnishings business. These elegant new showrooms will be

House & Home opened early in July and will house their curtain making, blinds, bespoke furniture, window dressing accessories, paint, wallpaper and poles. In an exciting development, they will be adding carpets and carpet fitting, including wool carpets and natural flooring such as sisal and seagrass!

Needful Things will now be able to offer you a complete room make-over from floor to ceiling! Also, look out for a beautiful selection of Persian rugs from the renowned Bakhtiyar family. These rugs will include antique and collectable carpets, handmade in the heart of Persia.

Make a statement - striking fabrics by Prestigious Textiles, just one of the many designers available from Needful Things, Castle Cary.

The nautical theme is very popular this season. Pictured are fabrics from Clarke and Clarke available from Hanson’s Fabrics & Crafts of Sturminster Newton, who have a wide range of fabrics to choose from.


Wide range of materials For all your re-upholstery requirements contact

DAvID J. DIMENT UPHOlSTERERS CASTlE CARY (01963) 351194 Units 1 & 2 Torbay Road Industrial Estate Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7DW

3a Church Street, Wincanton Professionally Made To Measure Curtains, Blinds etc. Supply your own Fabric or choose from a ... Superb Range of Fabric Books including Prestigious Textiles, Fibre Naturelle, Biggie Best & more! Curtain Poles & Tracks - Haberdashery Ribbons, Threads, Cushions, Remnants, Linings etc. OPEN: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9.30am - 4.00pm Thursday - Closed Friday 9.30am - 3.00pm Saturday 9.30am - 12.30pm

Melody 07883 089 333 THe VISITOr July 2012 39

MOTORINg VINTAgE Motor Cycling I STArT THIS MONTH with a long list of forthcoming events during the month of July. If nothing else it shows how active these old bike clubs are, specially in the height of our summer. The Somerset Section has a guest speaker at its club night on the 5th. This is followed on the 8th by the Veteran and Vintage and Anniversary run which is again followed on the 19th by an evening Meet at Priddy. The Dorset Section has a Car and Bike Meet for its club night on the 11th. The 15th sees the running of the Veteran and Vintage run which starts at Allweston, and on the 18th they have a Mid-Week run which starts near Wincanton. The Wessex Veteran and Vintage Section have a barbecue on its club night on the 9th and on the 29th they have the Beaded edge run which starts at Shillingstone. The Wells Classic Club has its Lady’s Sunday run on the 1st followed on the 22nd by Dave’s Sunday Breakfast run. The Westlands Classic Club has its club night on the 10th. They have the choice of two events on the 15th, either the Three Moors run or the Sunday Classic Cruise. On the 29th they have a visit to Bletchley Park. Surely there is something listed to suit all tastes. For further details of all these events ring 01935-872528. I have mentioned before of the Westlands Classic Club organising an event known as The Spirit of the Sixties run. This is a well

established event run over many years which has raised many thousands of pounds for local charities. Machines should be from the 1960’s or of a type used during that decade. This year there was around 300 to 400 taking part and good weather made for a good day out, whilst raising yet more for charity. My picture this month shows Maurice Marston with his wife Margaret from Henstridge. Maurice won a trophy for his very original BSA C15 which is a machine within the true spirit of the event. There are few classic motorcyclists who do more miles per year on an old bike than Maurice and he thoroughly deserves this recognition. The Dorset Sections Weymouth Week in May went without a hitch. The Weymouth run on the 20th was held in cloudy but dry conditions. In excess of 200 machines took part from the seafront with two routes being provided. From Monday to Friday the daily rides covered the whole county and all were held in glorious sunny weather. At times it was too hot for some of us. Places of interest were visited each day to make the rides more pleasurable. One such place was Tyneham village near Lulworth, which I had not been too since I was a kid. The village was requisitioned by the government during the last war for military training purposes and never given back. Many legal battles have taken place over the ensuing years but the military still need and use this area and so retain it. The village has fallen into disrepair somewhat but the powers

GLIDEROL GARAGE DOORS All garage doors are different, so as a roller door specialist, (I don’t replace windows, etc.) I can survey, quote and install to your requirements and make the most of your garage opening, as generally no frame is necessary. With the option of automated operation with remote control, a top quality garage door need only be a phone call away.

that be are now trying to conserve what is left. A beautiful spot right on the coast it would be a shame if it were to be allowed to become even more dilapidated. The village is open to the public most weekends and bank holidays and well worth a visit. If you have time and energy to spare you may even consider becoming a helper involved with the conservation work. All vehicles registered before the 1st January, 1960, will be exempt from the MOT requirements as from November this year (exact starting date not known yet). This means no annual check upon the condition of these older vehicles. I am not convinced if this will be a good thing. An independent check as to roadworthiness is probably desirable unless all owners are conscientious about their maintenance. Some of the horrors taken for an MOT at present will now go unchecked. Some owners are not mechanically minded and probably unable to carry out the basic checks needed. I know that any MOT certificate is only proof of condition on the day of that particular test. I also know that owners can voluntarily submit their vehicles for a test, but I wonder how many will use this facility. It will necessitate owners becoming even more vigilant in the maintenance of their vehicles. remember that at all times it is the drivers responsibility to ensure the good condition of the vehicle, and failure to do so could result in heavy fines and the possibility of accidents. This concession is bound to be monitored by the government departments and any rise in injuries and accidents will soon see this concession rescinded. You have been warned, keep a careful check on those brakes, lights, steering, tyres etc. Are you contemplating taking your bike (old or modern) abroad this summer? Most european


01935 812720 Western Ways Yard Bristol Road, SHERBORNE, Dorset DT9 4HR 40 THe VISITOr July 2012

A delighted Maurice Marston with his rosette, with Margaret standing by.

RIDGEwAy GARAGE Family run business - established over 30 Years 10 Kia Picanto 1, 7 year warranty, 13k, £30 tax, alloys... 56 Vauxhall Zafira, 1.6 Club, 7 seater, 31k .................. 04 Suzuki Alto, 1.1 GL, 5dr, pas, £30 tax .................... t reg Mazda MX5, 1.8, hard / soft top, aBS .................

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countries have differing rules which you might consider would have been standardised by now. For example France restricts all motorcycles to 100bhp. From next year they also stipulate that riders must have four reflective patches on their helmets and have at least 150 square centimetres of reflective clothing on their upper bodies. riders will have compulsory retraining every five years, and major cities will ban motorcycles from their streets. These are extra requirements to the many already in existence. The moral is to have a good holiday but make sure you have done your homework before you leave, otherwise hefty fines will spoil your trip abroad. It seems like only yesterday but this issue will complete three years of me writing these articles. I hope you enjoy the reading. I get feedback from many sources and, for example, I am often amazed when elderly ladies with no apparent interest in motorcycling still say they read and enjoy my scribbling every month. Many thanks for reading. I look forward to your comments, both good and bad, and if I have not covered topics or items of interest to you then I will try to remedy this. It could contribute to interesting articles in the future. Rod Hann.

A company built on an excellent reputation

Yeovil Auto Tuning • • • • • •

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Alexandra Road, Yeovil Tel: 01935 426515 / 01935 411946

GARDENING gARDENINg MONTHLY by Richard Cumming Orchard Park

High Summer

I AM eNJOYING a few days off, catching up with work in the garden. Fantastic; an absolute joy for any gardener where the day job interferes with the plot, and to be honest, the cold wet weather in late May and early June had really put things behind schedule. Crops that went in early during good weather in March have done well, but the main sowings have really struggled. Cold wet weather slows up seed germination, and those that have made it out of the shell, can suddenly stop growing. It happens and the best you can do is re-sow and try again. Then there are the hungry mouths! Wet weather encourages slugs to move freely around the garden, they must eat their own weight in young shoots every night. Not easy to control, and it needs a consistent and concerted effort to protect vulnerable plants. There are two principal methods of dealing with the slug problem; kill them, or prevent them from reaching the plant they are set on devouring. Slug killers have moved on in recent years; you still have a choice between traditional blue slug pellets and the wild life friendly version. Blue pellets contain metaldehyde which is very effective but lingers in the food

chain and can be harmful to either wildlife picking up dead slugs, or pets coming across the pellets and eating them. I have no idea if they are palatable or not but why leave poison lying around? If you do use them, then use them sparingly. They contain a bait which draws the poor doomed slug towards them – a light scattering is more than enough. Liquid versions are worth looking at and they have the advantage of killing those molluscs that are hiding in the dark damp layer under the surface of the soil. Ferrous phosphate slug killers are a very good option; they are usually combined with a bait to attract slugs and snails, kill only slugs and snails, and do not go on to kill birds, hedgehogs etc. that would normally feed on slugs and snails. Sounds about right to me. You will never wipe out the entire mollusc population which is good because they form

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part of the food chain breaking down old (and new!) plant material and providing a food source for others. Prevention? Barriers that discourage the slug are useful. Clay granules, sharp materials, copper tape will all work if used properly. The barrier needs to be complete as they will find their

way through a gap or weakly defended point, and the barrier must be maintained and renewed if washed away by wet weather. The last resort? A trap – a half buried jam jar or something similar, filled with beer is irresistible, but you will probably find a few friendly beetles in there as well so empty regularly.

QuALITy FENCING PANELS AND TIMbER CLANVILLE SAWMILLS LTD Clanville • Castle Cary (on the B3153) Monday to Thursday - 8am to 5pm Friday - 8am to 4pm

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Suppliers of quality lawn turf Full ground preparation and laying service available Telephone Somerton 01458 272091 Mobile 07850 310998

TREE SuRgERY SpECIAlISTS Crown Thinning and Reduction Dead and Dangerous Trees Removed New Trees Supplied and Planted Tree Stumps Removed Approved Contractor to Somerset County Council and Local Councils Phone B. P. MONTgOMERY for a FREE Estimate Tel: 01963 240532 Mobile: 07970 397248 Email: THe VISITOr July 2012 41

GARDENING Plant of the month

Dahlias – Invaluable for the summer border, in patio containers or as cut flowers, often flowering until the first frosts. With many excellent recent introductions, they offer a wide range of flower types, often with very showy, double forms in warm vibrant colours. Dahlias are enjoying a much deserved return to popularity. They have an interesting history. The first tubers arrived in europe at the end of the 18th century, sent over to Madrid by the Spanish settlers in Mexico. Andreas Dahl after whom the plant is named regarded it as a

vegetable rather than a garden flower. The first flowering cultivars were bred in Belgium and in Victorian times many cultivars were listed. Today it is the large decorative and cactus flowered cultivars which catch the eye and their popularity is definitely on the up. The plants range from the dwarf bedding types to the giant cactus flowered heads of magnificent flowers which adorn gardens in the late summer and early autumn. Some flower heads can be as small as 25mm and others

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GARDENING can be the size of dinner plates. Dahlias flower from July through to the first hard frosts of the autumn and have a variety of uses. They can be used as bedding plants and borders plants. Dahlias can be added to the mixed border alongside herbaceous perennials like Phlox, Monarda, Aster and Sedum. If you have the space to dedicate to a border of just dahlia, then they can be displayed in their full glory. A rockery of dwarf cultivars can be an interesting alternative to extend the season. They can also be grown as cut flowers and often feature on the show benches at local horticultural society shows. The dahlia will thrive in a well drained loam, with plenty of sunlight. Bone meal or

Growmore will aid growth when worked into the planting area. When growing dahlias, staking will be beneficial for the taller growing types and good mulch will not go amiss in preventing weeds and preserving moisture. They can tolerate a little shade but do best in a well prepared border. Stakes and string, ties are all required to support the larger dahlias.

Jobs for the Month

In the grow-your-own garden, things have not all been plain sailing but salads are cropping, early peas picking now. Beans have been really slow to get going and courgettes are a bit behind. The key now is to keep things going. regular cropping is essential otherwise plants

Yeovil Carpentry & Fencing Services All your home and garden maintenance needs FREE QUOTE – FREE SMILE

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nOW is the time to perk up your paths and dress up your driveways!

We can deliver to your area inc. Castle Cary, Bruton, Sherborne, Wincanton etc. For advice or information ring Tim or Heidi or call in and see us

CoMe and viSiT uS ThiS SprinG for all your GardeninG needS • The best selection of plants in the local area • huge range of pots, composts and sundry items • Seasonal bedding plants and bulbs • Many special offers! • help and advice always available Open: 9am - 6pm Monday - Saturday * 10am - 4pm Sunday Stockists of National Gardens Gift Tokens

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THe VISITOr July 2012 43

GARDENING believe they have done all they need to do. At the same time, keep plants well fed, especially the tomatoes. The other good

move is to sow fresh crops – a little but often works well. A short row of salad leaves every couple of weeks will give a

The Quatro 18S ATCO Lawnmower - this high performance mower comes complete with a mulching kit and is currently on sale at local ATCO retailer Lee Holmes Garden Machinery of Somerton, for just £349 including VAT.

Podimore Recycling Ltd suppliers of Quality recycled aggregates

TOP SOIL / Sub SOIL  Crushed Concrete All types of Stone • Sand • Tarmac Road Plannings and Screened Top Soil Small Tip for Clean Building Rubble & Bricks Small & Large Quantities Collected or Delivered Site Clearance Specialist • Tipping Facilities Tipper Lorries • 180° - 360° Excavators Fully mobile Crusher and Screener hire Barns Down • Farm Yard Demolition Yards Crushed • Stone Supplied DIGGER AND CRuSHER HIRE AVAILAbLE Tel / Fax: 01935 849250 Mobile: 07973 844145


continuous supply of tasty fresh green goodness. There’s still time to sow spring onions, radishes, Swiss chard, spinach, late carrots, spring cabbages and cauliflowers to overwinter. Summer pruning and thinning can be helpful if you want to grow larger flowers or fruits. In a good blossom year when almost every flower sets a fruit, the plant can’t possibly support all of them and a bit of strategic thinning taking out the weaker fruits will give the others the chance to really develop. Pruning out surplus shoots helps preserve the shape of a plant, or in the case of a fruit tree or bush, helps produce the right shape and framework for next year’s flowers, and most importantly lets light in which will help ripen the crop. In the fruit garden, bush fruit need picking, and tree fruits may need thinning or at least some summer pruning to make sure the crop gets a good chance to develop to a good size. Young trees will benefit from watering. Weeds grow all year round

but never more so than when you are away on holiday! Hoeing is the safest and most environmentally friendly way of controlling them but has to be done frequently and in dry conditions. Good gardeners usually have a hoe close to hand to fill in the odd spare moments. G r e e n h o u s e s a n d conservatories get very hot and most plants should be outside. If not then the glass should be shaded with white shading paint or green netting. Many houseplants enjoy a summer holiday outside and especially like a shower of rain which can really freshen them up. Make sure they also get a feed to support new growth. Tubs and baskets need regular care to be at their best. Dead-heading, watering and feeding are all vital. repeat flowering herbaceous perennials also benefit from dead-heading and a feed. Warm sunny weather encourages blanket weed and algae on ponds. You will need to remove the muck from the pond and keep it topped up.

Fine Quality Made To Measure

Oak Barrels

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Colourful bedding at Wheathill Garden Centre! Garden


Tea Rooms

Colourful Herbaceous and Perennials Pentstemons & Hardy Fuchsias £3.49 ... or 3 for £9 Decorative Forest Bark £5.99 ... or 3 for £15

Pond Plants Pumps - Fish Food Tanks etc.

Open daily for ... Specials, Light Snacks & Homemade Cakes

✴ Many offers in Store ✴

BEAuTIfuL ACErS in shades of pink, cream and green, various sizes 44 THe VISITOr July 2012

Own Grown Hanging Baskets ... from £9.99

SUNDAY ROASTS bookings advised

Wheathill Lane • Milborne Port • DT9 5Ey Tel / Fax: 01963 251500 Open: 9am - 5.30pm Monday - saturday and ... 10am - 4pm sunday


Pictured left: Browse at your leisure around the Lynash Nursery and gift shop, then enjoy a coffee in their newly opened coffee shop. Lynash Nursery can be found approximately 2 miles from Crewkerne.

is a regular feature in The Visitor Call 01963 351256 to place your advertisement

Colourful Summer bedding Plants

Open Wednesday to Sunday 10am – 5pm

NeW CoFFee STop NoW opeN hanging Basket Planting Service Veg Plants • Shrubs Soft Fruit • Fruit Trees

Wall Ditch Lane, Boozer Pit, Merriott, Somerset TA16 5PW GiFt Tel: 07747 822045 • Email: Shop Lawns are best not cut too close in dry weather, and if you do remove the clippings then be sure to give a quick acting summer feed, especially if a spring treatment was not given. evergreens can be trimmed, especially topiaried plants such as box. Keep wall shrubs and climbers tied in and prune off the growth that is obviously heading in the wrong direction.

MONTACuTE nr. Yeovil, Somerset

ViLLAgE gArDENS OPEN: Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th July 11am – 5pm In Aid of Village Hall

SOME 15 LOVELy GARDENS INCLuDING NEW ONES Parking ★ Refreshments £5 Per Person ★ Children Free

Common Mead Lane, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4RE

Turn into Broad Robin off B3081, continue past Mellowes Residential Home: Thorngrove is next on right

 01747 822242 Email:

Add a touch of colour with late bedding plants and own grown herbaceous plants ... Wide range of hardy FuCHSIAS from £2.99  ❀ Three 70 litre COMPOST for £12 TREES  ❀ SHRubS  ❀ HERbS  ❀ SuNDRIES Thorngrove Garden Centre was set up by SCOPE, a national disability charity, whose vision is a world where disabled people have the same opportunities to fulfil their life ambitions as non-disabled people. By purchasing goods and services from Thorngrove you are supporting Scope's work in our local community. Thank you. Open: Monday – Saturday 9 – 5, Sunday 10 – 4

info: 01935 823572

cut grass directly into grass box even in wet / difficult conditions Club Cadet £3,299


TREE SERVICES All Aspects of Tree Surgery Tree Inspection • Stump Removal Hedge Cutting and Reshaping All Types of Fencing Supplied & Erected Tree and Hedge Planting Woodland Management NPTC Qualified to British Standard 3998 Grass Cutting • Fully Insured Free Quotations Tracked Wood Chipper / Log Splitter For Hire

Bycott Farm, Halberton, Tiverton EX16 7BH

OLIVER VERNON 07766 168162 • 01884 820839

Say you saw it in The Visitor

FREE CAR BOOT SAlE Sunday 15th July No Charge for Stands Booking Essential (Donations to Scope) 10am – 1pm 9am Sellers



★ 41 inch cut ★ 16 inch turning radius ★ Grass box holds 350 litres of grass ★ Safe cutting in reverse

A direct collect tractor - suitable for gardens of 1 acre or more

Call in and see our full range of ride-on and pedestrian mowers SaleS • SeRvice • RepaiRS

Ben Joh nson Garden Machinery 17d Wincombe business Park, SHAFTESbuRy, Dorset, SP7 9QJ  01747 851021  •

THe VISITOr July 2012 45


Pub Pages


IN THESE TIMES when so many pubs are going under, or being shut by the pubcos, it is always good to report on those that are bucking the trend and doing well. One such pub that has done just that, and hopefully will continue to do so is the ‘Lime Tree’ at Thornford. Having opened a new restaurant and refurbished the bar, the pub still retains its ‘village pub’ appeal and the rebranding from the Kings Arms announced to the world that it was a new beginning. We have paid more than just the

occasional visit of late, and I must apologise for mentioning their wonderful beers last month but not the fact that we had them there! (Those beers were from the Sixpenny Brewery and the Bristol Beer Factory by the way). Landlord Andy Evans has also made a move that wholeheartedly gets my support as well as from my contemporaries - he’s got rid of the television from the bar! You want to know why? Well pop in and have a pint of Andy and Ann’s excellent ale, and ask the man himself. As for me, like I said earlier, it really does retain that village pub appeal. According to the odometer on my bicycle, a mere two miles away from Thornford lies the village of Bradford Abbas, where the beers of the historic Rose & Crown await our attention. A regular advertiser in this very magazine, landlady Mary has worked hard to return the pub to its former glory. This of course is not so easy; for when a pub loses a reputation climbing back uphill is that much harder. A Marston’s house, we were treated to Bank’s bitter – a low-gravity session bitter at 3.8% that is pleasant although not one to rave about, and there is always at least one more ale to sample. The collection of pump clips above the bar bear

witness to the amount of ales which Mary has had on - and we haven’t had one bad pint. Bank’s also produce a cask mild that is not one of the dark variety, as well as a keg version called ‘Dark Mild’. Other ales in the Marston’s portfolio include the classic Pedigree, and other brewers under their jurisdiction include

none other than Ringwood Forty-Niner, Best, Old Thumper, Boondoggle and the elusive Porter, still not seen for several years by ourselves. There is also Jennings (Best, Cumberland, Sneck Lifter, Cocker Hoop plus a host of seasonal ales). Marston’s also own Mansfield brewery and I have to admit to never having

Vinny visited The Half Moon at Horsington and took advantage of their beer festival

Richard & Jayne welcome you to ...

The Halfway House Inn Country Lodge CHILTHorne Domer nr. YeovIL

Bayford Hill, Bayford, Wincanton Telephone: 01963 34941

Email: •

delicious food served daily 12noon - 2pm and 6pm - 9pm daily specials Monday to friday

Light Lunches - TWo for £10 - available Monday to Saturday Lunch

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Starting Tuesday 3rd July - £5.55 per person Proper Pub grub ... good Choice of dishes ... or Choose from our Main Menu

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30p oFF A PInT Ample pArking • pArties Welcome 46 THE VISITOR July 2012

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New Menu Now Available

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Lord Nelson

Rectory Lane Norton Sub Hamdon

Mark, Helen and staff welcome you to ‘The Nelson’

Good Food - Good Beer - Great atmoSphere Saturday 7 th July - Charity Night ‘Lady Gaga’ Tribute including Free Buffet £10 TICKET - tickets only - all proceeds to charity

Saturday 14 th July - ‘No Fixed Abode’ IrIsh band

Saturday 4 th August - ‘Powercut’ Monday to Friday - TWO COURSE LUNCH £8 Tuesday & Wednesday - TWO STEAKS & BOTTLE of WiNE £25 Courtyard H Beer Garden at rear ample parkinG open all day Friday, Saturday & Sunday

Tel: 01935 881473

seen their beers in this region, and of course they also own Hobgoblin, whose beers also appear in the Rose & Crown from time to time. The skittle alley is, I’m pleased to report, wellused with various leagues keeping the pins and balls warm. I hear that a local skittler hit a 27 spare here a couple years ago, and I guess what must be the equivalent to a golfer’s hole-inone, the perpetrator did the honourable thing and bought everyone in the pub a drink. I think I would do the same! However, the alley, although short, can be very unforgiving and on our visit I scored an amazing 31 … total. Definitely a ‘don’t give up the day-job’

moment. As one who spends much too much time in front of the computer researching the ‘beautiful game’ I was pointed in the direction of the Movietone news web-site. This all came out because of a mention of the ‘Lads of the Village’ a famous picture of five ‘lads’ taken in the pub and used as an advertisement for the brewer Eldridge Pope of Dorchester, now sadly no longer in extant. Indeed, there are several pictures of the ‘lads’ adorning the walls in the Rose & Crown, and several beer books in my possession have this famous picture. I am sure most of those who are of a certain generation will know what I am talking

The Rose & Crown

about. However, these lads are George Chainey – 87, James Higgins – 87, Samuel Ring – 90, Thomas Coombs – 89, and Sidney Parsons – 81. The total of these ages coming to 434 years! Some of the descendants still live in the village; this famous picture being taken in 1934. Certainly this is still World-famous, as a village resident tells me he saw it adorning the wall of a pub in Sydney, Australia, and author Arthur Taylor recently saw it in a pub in Cheshire. Amazingly there is more, for not only is there a picture, but Movietone news has a film of the ‘lads’ playing skittles

right there in the Rose & Crown alley. According to the Movietone web-site, it is dated 19th October 1936, or in other words, over three-quarters of a century ago! Is this the oldest visual record of skittles being played? Thomas Coombs is not in the film, as he had departed for the Eternal Great Skittle Alley in the sky earlier that year. Research has shown that whilst he was born in Winsham, Somerset, his wife Sarah (six years older than him), was born in Bradford Abbas in 1837, which to put things into perspective, was 23 years before the Salisbury to Exeter railway

Home-Made Food Served 7 Days a Week

Bradford Abbas • Tel: 01935 474506

Real Ales - Garden Skittle Alley

Tuesdays: STEAK NIGHT - 2 x 8oz rumps & bottle of wine £18.95

Dinnington, Nr Hinton St. George Somerset Tel: 01460 52397 • Email

Wednesdays: MIdwEEK LuNcHTIME cArvEry Senior citizens £6.75

Traditional Country Pub Serving Sensibly Priced Food & Drink

Thursdays: curry NIGHT - help yourself choice of 3 curries + drink £7.95

Fresh Fish From Beer every Friday - eat in or takeaway with chips

Fridays: FISH ‘n’ cHIpS LuNcH + free tea or coffee £7.95

Steak Night Wednesdays * 3 Meat Carvery every Sunday 15% OFF All Drinks Fridays 4.00pm to 6.00pm

Saturday 14th July: ‘croSSwIrEd’ Friday 20th July: SEAN ScANNEL Monday 23rd July: cLoG dANcING (outside the pub, evening)


SuNdAy cArvEry – Family Friendly Garden simon & ivor welcome you to the

QUEENS ARMS larGe Car park at rear

Wraxall nr. Shepton Mallet Tel: 01749 860201 OPEN 7 DayS a WEEk

Beer Garden

Docks Transport Society - Vintage Cars and Motorcycles every 1st Wednesday 7.00pm Back by Popular Demand Sunday August 5th The Wizards Of Avalon - Traditional Jazz Band


lnut Tree a W FREEHousE

Shaftesbury Road, Mere, Wilts

Lunchtimes & Evenings Bookings Advised at Weekends - Children Welcome

SuNDay LuNch ★ Roast Beef or Chicken ...... £7.95 ★ ★ sunday Lunch Puddings ... £2.95 ★

NEW for the Summer TWO Main courses for ... £12 Monday to Thursday children Eat FREE friday, Saturday and Sunday

CHARITY RACE NIGHT Friday 13th July TICKET £10 to include ... Dinner & First Drink

One FREE Main course with each Adult Meal purchased off Main Menu Not including Sunday Lunch We have a wide and varied Menu including coeliac Dishes and have added some NEW Vegetarian choices Also NEW to the Menu is the Smaller Portion


Shaftesbury Road, Mere, Wiltshire


haViNg a SPEciaL cELEbraTiON?

Then we can help with Menus Tailor Made to suit you!

Dinner Served from 6pm First Race OFF at 8pm Ticket Sales and Sponsorship Details contact Mark Proceeds in aid of Mere Junior Cricket Team • 01747 861220 “Good food - good wines - good times”

THE VISITOR July 2012 47

Pete Lambden & Staff welcome you to .....

168 Hendford Hill YEoViL “i may not always love you But long as there are stars above you you never need to doubt it i’ll make you so sure about it” firST PErSON to tell me the above song gets a free drink. Last month John Penny (is he the only one who reads this?) correctly guessed that it was ‘How Deep is your Love’ by The bee gees. Well this is a great summer don’t ya think? still we have had quite a nice month here at the top of the hill. on the 3rd bob crosby, or bing as he is known to his chums, came all the way from new Zealand for a reunion of his family and friends. it really was a great afternoon with loads of people swapping stories from the last 15 years or so, plus they were all very well entertained by The Ship of fools who gave us all a fabulous show to help celebrate bob coming home and The royal Jubilee!!! We had a couple of fantastic School re-unions this month. first we had the class of ‘82 from bucklers Mead then the following week The Preston class of ‘87. Both were great fun - a credit to both schools. nice to have grown up do’s here . This month also saw the first appearance here by Errol Linton - he really took the place by storm and everyone who was here agreed that he was some talented harmonica player! now then, next month got quite a bit on. The first friday of the month addy will be here with his karaoke Show. on sunday July 8th we have a charity football Match against corals of yeovil, its up at Bucklers Mead and the kick off is at 2pm followed by a Quiz in the evening. All the money raised is going to charity. it should be a good laugh so do come along. on the 13th of July we have the fabulous John ramon entertaining us in the bar. We will have a bit of a Spanish feel about the place that night - Music, Tapas, etc. on the 20th The Dub Liberators will be live in the bar and on the 27th in the function room State of undress will be playing. Tickets are a fiver but they are well worth seeing. finally ... a man is sitting in the pub when he hears a bowl of peanuts on the bar saying “oooh, you really are amazing. oooh, you are lovely.” Then the fruit machine shouted “Rubbish. Look at the state of that haircut. And those socks don't go with those shoes.” The barman apologized. “i'm sorry” he said, “The nuts are complimentary but the fruit machine is out of order.”  TOOT TOOT !!!


Pub Pages

was built which effectively cut the village in half! If you wish to view this on-line, the film number is 4818, and entitled ‘Athletics,

your hosts, Mick, Jean and garry welcome you to


48 THE VISITOR July 2012


Lower Street, West chinnock

A charming village inn serving delicious home cooked food in a traditional atmosphere Food Served every Lunchtime & Evening 

friDay is frESh fiSh Day  With Delicious homemade beer batter

 SuNDay LuNch - choice of roasts - £7.95 Booking Advised 

steAk speciAl From Sunday to Thursday - TWO 8oz. rump Steak Meals for £14 accOMMODaTiON NOW aVaiLabLE Homemade daily specials • Real Ale • skittle Alley

Beer gArden

tel: 01935 881235

Maggie and Mike welcome you to ...

The Dolphin Inn Peacemarsh Gillingham • SP8 4HB

Delicious Homecooked Food Served Daily

Sunday Lunch served 12noon – 4pm and 6pm – 9pm adults £8.95 • children £5.95 Special £5 Lunch served monday – saturday Afternoon Cream Teas £4.95 Quiz Night every Wednesday, 8.30pm for 9pm Monthly Charity Quiz first sunday each month 8pm start  AttrActive Beer gArdens 

Tel: 01747 822758



A regular feature each month in ... The

Visitor Shouldn’t you be advertiSing here?

August Issue

Deadline: Monday 16th July Published: Thursday 26th July

tel: 01963 351256


 01935 424721

Bradford Abbas old men and skittles’ Personally, I love the ‘Athletics’ bit! (You may have to sign in by the way, but the site has a host of interesting ‘stuff’ including the ‘lads’ in another clip, taken in April 1935). Oh and incidentally, the alley is now a lot more inviting than it is in the film! Interestingly, there is talk that there is at least one ghost in the pub, with several sightings quite recently. Could this even be one of the ‘lads’ still intent on keeping a presence I wonder? As for me, well I’m not too sure, but why did that clock fly off the wall and crash to the floor whilst we

Or email:

were talking about it? A recent pub crawl saw us pay a visit to several in the region on a recent Saturday night. I was delighted to see all were doing so well, and two in fact were so full access to the bar was nearly impossible. One of note was the Prince of Wales, atop Ham Hill, where two ales were served straight from the cask by gravity. One was the Teignworthy ‘Reel Ale’ and the other I seem to remember was ‘Doom Bar’ (Sharps). I’m afraid I have mislaid my notes for that night. We had to sit outside with several others as the pub was so full. I’d have preferred to stay inside as it was a little chilly and I’d espied a couple playing Backgammon, possibly the first time I have ever seen this played in a pub, but lack of elbow room prevented more than a quick chat with them. All power to you and anyone else who does play this in pubs; I do not understand why this game is not a pub favourite. Another pub of note was the Royal George at West Coker, where we had some quality Palmers IPA. This is a good pint if kept well which this clearly was, and we always enjoy their range of beers. The ‘200’ and ‘Tally-Ho’ is acceptable in bottles, and tremendous if found in the cask, but this seems all too rare, up here in The Visitor area, despite Palmers being only in Bridport. I’m off out now for an evening’s skittles. They say bowls promotes longevity, but if this month’s offerings are anything to go by, it would seem that ‘Beer and Skittles’ does the same!

caMra Pub of the year 2012 – heart of Wessex branch

The Heart of Wessex Branch of CAMRA has again named the Nog Inn, South Street, Wincanton, as their Pub of The Year 2012. Against excellent competition the Nog has now succeeded in defending its title against the 100 other pubs in the branch area. The pub will now go forward to compete in the Wessex Regional Championship (Wessex Region covers East Somerset, Dorset, Hampshire, South Wiltshire, Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands) and, if successful, will then compete against the other 15 regional pubs for the title of CAMRA National Pub of The Year. Last year it did win the Regional competition and only just missed out on a place in the National Final. The branch has again chosen the Nog for its continued support

for real ale and the excellent service provided by Will and Amy Cutts. There is always a choice of competitively priced real ales and draught and bottled foreign beers together with changing farmhouse ciders. The welcome is always warm and sincere with professional attendance to all customers. Food is available most sessions and is excellent in both quality and value for money. The building has parts dating from the 16th Century (possibly a bakehouse), but is mainly Georgian from around 1750. The frontage is deceptive as the building retreats from the road some distance with a very attractive walled garden at the

rear. There is a separate function room and small car park. This is Will and Amy’s first pub as owner / landlords, they have previously been in managed premises.

Lionfest 2012

Enter the competition to win tickets to this extraordinary event. Visit www.whitelion and click on facebook where the answer can be found, just follow the links. Don’t miss out on the chance to listen to a mix of bands covering the full musical spectrum from Folk to Blues Rock and Dub to Reggae, including nineties favourites Dreadzone, Status Quo supporting act Wille

and the Bandits, the Kings of Lounge, Theya, Tom Clements, Izzy Thatcher, Heifer, The V and Gs and the Mankinis. Add to the mix 20 local ciders and a massive BBQ and you are guaranteed a day to remember. For more details, call 01747 840866 or email: visitorcomp@


H o U S E S IN WINCANTON ... the CAMRA Heart of Wessex Branch presented Will and Amy Cutts of The Nog Inn, with their award

for Pub of The Year on Tuesday 5th June ... cider lovers are in for a real treat when the annual Cider Festival takes place at The Unicorn, Bayford this month ... don’t forget to enter the competition in this month’s Visitor for a chance to win tickets to Lionfest 2012 on Saturday 14th July at The White Lion Inn, Bourton ... enjoy a ‘flutter’ - all for a good cause at The Walnut Tree, Mere ... and in Peacemarsh, Gillingham you can enjoy a ‘naughty, but nice’ cream tea at The Dolphin. Dancing on to Ditcheat where The Manor House Inn has a Dining Club, please ask for further details ...try El Otro - a delicious Chilean wine at The

COMPETITION anSwer the question below for the chance to win 4 tickets (worth £15 each) for Lionfest 2012 on Saturday 14th July, from midday to midnight at the White Lion Inn, Bourton.

‘How many of Wille and the Bandits current line up went busking across Australia?’ Email your answer to:

Wille and the Bandits are performing at Lionfest 2012 on Saturday 14th July. Enter the competition for a chance to win tickets.

~ The ~

Manor house inn ditcheat (See advert inside cover)

Rob & Lin welcome you to the


Nr. Shepton mallet BA4 6rB • Tel: 01749 860276

A friendly country inn our Tasty menu changes monthly and includes ...

vegetarian options Daily Fish and meat Specials Steaks Hand-Cut To order Why not join our DiNiNG CLuB? See website for Sample Menus and further information

 BAr oPen ALL DAY  “so if you are looking for ... a candlelit dinner ... a light bite ... a drink in a friendly countryside pub ... or a quality venue for a small gathering ... please contact us and we will be happy to accommodate your needs”.

Delicious Homecooked Food served lunchtimes & evenings ... Why not try our NEW Summer Menu? ✳ Traditional Sunday Roasts ✳ choice of meats cAMRA Rated beers and ciders Function Room & Skittle Alley available for private hire/ parties Tel: 01935 823239 Please visit us on our website: THE VISITOR July 2012 49

They Say That congratulations go to Sandie Barrett of Wincanton and Steve, who will shortly be enjoying a nice slice of wedding cake - courtesy of mum. That a certain Dairycrest milkman is delivering his milk in style - accompanied by an Olympic torch. That Yeovil’s Princes Street Dental Practice has entered its lilac period. That in order to avoid that morning-after feeling, next time Marston Magna’s Malcolm ‘Teasy Weasy’ Edwards is holidaying abroad he will remember what his mother said about not talking to strangers. That Furnicare - the reuse charity - has just celebrated its 21st anniversary. That for church-goers time stands still in Bradford Abbas. That in Newlands Car Park, Sherborne - the parking tickets issue by West Dorset District Council welcome you to Sherbourne!! That the animated Royal Salute along the A303 by North Cadbury will bring a smile to many a driver - probably the best effort yet! That an extension will need to be built at the village hostelry in Bradford Abbas, if they win many more skittle trophies! That Wincanton’s ‘Secret Society’ has a new member - all deposits are now non-refundable. That Joyce Jefferies of South Brewham will go to the extreme NOT to bake a cake. That Simon “Molehusband” Hinchliffe of Wincanton has had his car key deliverd by a midwife. That Melvyn and Pegg Keirl of South Brewham like to lock up the house and car keys SECURELY. That Mike Burt of Yeovil’s Mad Hatter Joke Shop is cut out to look very fetching in a grass skirt. That thanks to Mrs Mo Cutler of South Petherton and a set of screwdrivers, the Norwegian Blue Parrot is not extinct. That Bob Foot, AKA Michael Flatley, and his partner, fullon Flo, wowed the crowds by re-enacting Riverdance at Pen Selwood Jubilee Gala. That silver wedding anniversary congratulations go to Christine and Andrew Colley of Abingdon for the 4th of July. 50 THE VISITOR July 2012

the Pub end Pages bit... The

Natterjack, Evercreech Junction ... get jazzed up at The Montague Inn, Shepton Montague on the 15th July ... and friendly and efficient waitresses serving Sunday Lunch at The Camelot Inn, South Cadbury. Buzzing on to Bradford Abbas we find landlady Mary celebrating her first year at The Rose & Crown where the secure children’s play area is now complete ... Charity Night in aid of Help for Heroes is being held at The Lime Tree, Thornford on 28th July with entertainment by Sean Scannel ... enjoy a jug of Pimm’s in the walled garden of The Nags Head, Martock ... we welcome Lee & Louise at The Bakers Arms to these pages ... enjoy live music at The Rose & Crown, Bower Hinton ... always a good pint served at The Castle, West Coker ... Early Bird diners are in for a treat at The Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil where between 6pm and 7pm main courses are just £6.95 and starters and puds just £3.75 ... and check out the new website for The Halfway House Country Lodge, Chilthorne Domer. Nipping on to Norton Sub Hamdon we hear that Jez of The Lord Nelson likes to go driving in his golf shoes ... the gardens are looking good at The Cat Head Inn, Chiselborough ... Garry at The Muddled Man, West Chinnock was in the stocks over the Jubilee celebrations - the festivities raised in the region of £300 for local charities ... Apricot & Ginger Chicken with vegetables and potatoes followed by Sticky Toffee Pudding & Custard is just a sample of the £8.50 two-course menu available at The Royal Oak, Over Stratton Tuesday to Saturday ... getting into the spirit of footie, The Old Bakehouse at The Brewers Arms, South Petherton, tantalised diners tastebuds with a 5 course menu with dishes from around Europe ... enjoy the new summer menu at The Wyndham Arms, Kingsbury Episcopi ... and finally ... in Blandford, Hall and Woodhouse have celebrated the opening of their new brewery.


EARLIER this year I mentioned the launch of the Fosse and Mendip News as a free fortnightly publication following the demise of the weekly Fosse Way Magazine last autumn. Looking very much like its predecessor, especially the front page masthead, and covering much the same geographical patch – the five towns of Mendip district plus Somerton and the surrounding villages – I’ve been watching its progress with interest. The most recent issue I’ve managed to lay my hands on is no.7, dated 24th May, which runs to 40 pages, is printed on heavier paper, makes plenty of use of colour and contains some interesting features and a useful ‘What’s Happening’ listing that provides plenty of detail. Despite being thin on news stories, a drawback of the fortnightly frequency because the weeklies can be much more current, it is really quite good.

But it can’t be cheap to print and distribute, and I wonder whether there is sufficient advertising revenue to be drawn from its circulation area to allow it to survive where the Fosse Way Magazine, backed by the mighty Northcliffe Media group, failed. Time will tell. Towards the back of the Western Daily Press the paper runs a page or two called Register, an odd mixture of short items such as pub quiz questions, unusual facts, birthdays of famous folk and suchlike. A regular feature is ‘Quotes of the Day’, a short column containing a handful of topical comments. The 28th May issue had quotes from Julian Clary, Hugh Laurie, Jeremy Clarkson and four other people and included a photo of Mr Clarkson to give a little light relief in the slab of text. The 29th May issue again had seven quotes, from the same seven people, saying exactly the same things as before – and again a photo of Mr Clarkson. The paper’s usual excuse for this sort of slipshod recycling of page content is to blame a ‘technical error’ but somehow it doesn’t ring true this time. For someone had gone to the trouble of finding a different photo of old Jeremy, writing a different caption for it and placing it in a different position in the column. All very strange.



t. m.

Fill in the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers 1 to 9.

Send Details to: The Visitor, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7BG 25p per word (£3 minimum) - pre-payment essential If you require a receipt a s.a.e. must be enclosed with payment

Classified Ads

NAME ........................................................................................................................................................................ ADDRESS ................................................................................................................................................................. Tel: ............................................................................. Cheque Enclosed for £ .................... Minimum £3

Mobile Homes


From £1000 • Large choice of sizes I sometimes wonder whether Western Gazette journalists really attend some of the events they write about. A recent report which again aroused my suspicions appeared in the 7th June issue. ‘The Royal Bath and West Show is the economic heart of the West Country, said its chief executive’, it stated. ‘Millions of pounds are spent at the showground’ and ‘business deals worth millions of pounds are also struck’ it continued. So far so good, but what followed told readers that ‘crowds thronged the miles of walkways for the last day on Monday, turning the showground into a sea of faces’. Lively descriptive writing, to be sure, but the show closed on the previous Saturday. When, if at all, did the reporter go to the show? A couple of times last year in this column I included several examples of sub-editors not getting round to finishing the job properly, resulting in some very strange things appearing in print. It still

Solution to June


happens – and nobody on the paper seems to give a damn or apologise. This latest example, pictured below, comes from the 14th June issue of the Western Daily Press where whoever was laying-out the letters pages was clearly lacking inspiration at the time and simply threw in the towel. Chronicler.

DELiVERY ARRAngED Big Sales Site Open 7 Days • 2 miles west of Shaftesbury

Blackmore Vale Leisure Tel: 01747 851497

Mobile Bars / Catering HARRy’S MObilE bARS, all occasions, weddings, parties, etc. Tel: 01747 825553

bAKERS ARMS MObilE bARS - 25 years experience, all occasions. Call lee: 07834 788073.

Dog Holidays HOliDAy FOR yOUR DOG. let your dog stay with us when you are away. 24-hour attention and long walks. Fully licensed and insured. vet approved. References available. Tel: 01963 240650.


1. ‘Manfred Mann’ 2. ‘scissor sisters’ 3. ‘Beach Boys’ 4. suzanne Vega 5. ‘Abbey Road’


8. ‘Meatloaf’ 9. ‘stevie Wonder’ 10. daryl Hall and John oates This Month’s bonus Question ‘georgio Moroder’

TO pURCHASE: STADDlE STONES (Mushrooms). £150 paid for good examples. Tel: 07836 230541. DElivERy pERSON – must be reliable, to delivery The Visitor Magazine once a month in and around Shepton Mallet Town Centre. Would suit school pupil or retired person. please telephone 01963 351256 1960s / 70s plASTiC TOy SOlDiERS, knights, cowboys, castles, garden. Timpo trains. Tractors. WW1 helmets, posters. Tel: 07823 443474. COllECTOR REQUiRES TO bUy whole collection of classical lps. Cash paid. Tel: T. Hammond 07931 837783.

For Sale MObiliTy SCOOTER for sale. Rascal 850, two speed (4mph & 8mph). GWO. £350 ONO. Tel: 07980 234421. yeovil. SiNGlE HEADbOARD, black scroll design, as new, £40 ono. Casio Electric Organ with adjustable stand, bargain £150 including manual. Tel: 01935 413440.

Situations Vacant FREE TRAiNiNG with TAbS, yeovil. Employability, Maths, English, CSCS, FlT, SAGE. Call 01935 411711.

T.V. Rental T.v. RENTAl - long or short term, domestic & commercial, up to 50-inch plasma. H. R. Hodge. Tel: 01460 240645.

Converted Barn On edge of small market town Sleeps 2 – 5 • Well equipped • Pool 20km Bergerac Airport • from £310pw


01935 850532

6. ‘ZZ top’ 7. Randy Crawford

REDUNDANT MOTOR MOWERS, rotavators, chainsaws, strimmers, cement mixers, etc. Tel: 01460 77844. DAvE bUyS All TypES OF TOOlS, useable / collectable. Sheds & workshops cleared. Tel: 01935 428975.

QUiCKSilvER MAil OUTSiDE bAR facilities for any occasion. Call pete: 07779 306751.

Answers to pop music quiz on page 14


Storage STORAGE for furniture in locked cubicles. lock-up garages to let. Tel: Sparkford Storage on 01963 440045 or 440526 or 440692.

Musical MUSiCAl iNSTRUMENTS - brass, woodwind and strings, for sale and rental. Tel: 07974 412269.

Building GENERAl bUilDER - extensions built at affordable prices. Tel: 07501 585777.

Personal OvER 40? We offer a traditional approach to finding someone special. Tel: Sian England on 01935 431396.

Say you saw it in The Visitor THE VISITOR July 2012 51

phone - a - Firm Transport & Storage The key to all your storage needs! Fully insured Storage at Highly Competitive Rates call us today for a quote!

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your guide to local services AUgUST DEADLinE Monday 16th July

Domestic Appliances


YoU CAn’T i CAn PAUL CHEDzoY Property & garden Maintenance Decorating, Gardening, Building and General D.I.Y.  01935 472669 / 07884 345511 email:

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01963 220366 Email: covering the areas between Wincanton castle cary, Sparkford, Sherborne and Yeovil

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Services gooD PoTAToES Takeaway bags of Coal • Calor Gas Car & van Rental Competitive prices Anchor Hill Service Station WiNCANTON 01963 32609

Say you saw it in The Visitor


DENTurE rEPairS While you Wait collection & Delivery Denture advice Mr. C. dunn

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THE VISITOR July 2012 53


your guide to local services

phone -aFirm

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Correct entries are placed in a hat and the winner is the first name drawn. The prize is a £10 voucher to spend with any one advertiser in this issue of The Visitor - please do not forget to state your choice of advertiser and your name and address.

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Tel: 01460 242557 Mob: 0780 31 76 489

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SEND COMPLETED ENTRIES TO: The Visitor Crossword, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7BG to arrive by Monday 16th July.

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May a wage be fixed when never at home? [4-4] Looks hard and sounds like a flight. [6] one book in a newspaper is very gently done. [8] The Queen (when queen) may rub out. [6] fall an officer blunder? [8] Renounce cast seed in a row. [6] freak meter-setting allows prices to vary. [4,6] A sane Mabel could become an ordinary crew-member. [46] Eek! Rep arranged guard. [6] switzerland, and person in the R.A.f. presides at meetings. [8] Heartthrob later found hiding description of a spheroid. [6] did you hear how it's a gun? [8] Emma blows as oddly to raise in relief. [6] Climbed when a hundred finished. [8]

15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21.

girls' High school initially thrown into Trent: That shows how strong! [8] umpire with remains of fire and charged particles alters shape. [10] spine? Vote for B1. [8] Evenly pencil in bugle parts for u.s. song group. [4-4] A call for help (about best) leaves little chance of fire. [8] 75% of dividend will split. [6] Astonished hedge puzzle now about. [6] End rib broken from closelyrelated parents. [6]

Solution to crossword 308









Down 1. 2.

3. 4. 6.


54 THE VISITOR July 2012



dress bad cut and kidnap. [6] diary re-ordered about last fall in a very dry way. [6] gate (with gold) for tea? [6] small-timer makes changes to drive the wheel. [10] Contents of ermine consumed by teal: That finishes it! [8] Half-dances with stork and replaces what has been sold. [8]

The winner of our Crossword 308 was Miss s. Markham of street, who chose to spend the £10 voucher at The Two Brewers, street.

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