Add style and warmth to your home with a WOODBURNER
Your local independent monthly journal 01963 351256
Issue 388 March 2016
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OVER 300 APPLIANCES ON DISPLAY Full Installation Service ... Chimneys Relined + Flue Systems Fireplaces Created Hearth & Home Accessories Chimney Sweeping
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A unique opportunity!
Travel behind a double-headed steam-hauled train at the GARTELL LIGHT RAILWAY on 6th March, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the closure of the Somerset & Dorset Railway Line. Early booking advised! See See page page 25 25 for for full full details. details. Inside features on: Gifts for Mothering Sunday; Ilminster; Out & About Over Easter; Shepton Mallet. Plus regular features on: Antiques; Business & Professional; Gardening; House & Home – over 10 pages of Spring Home Improvements; Looking Good & Feeling Fine; Music Review; Motoring; Pubs; Wine & Dine.
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In Passing ...
F you hAVE EVER delved into the history of your town or village, your house or family, you will know that it can be like doing a jigsaw puzzle with some of the pieces missing. It is well nigh impossible to get the complete picture, but often an old photograph can provide some clues if not the solution. Thumbing through an album of old photos of Shepton Mallet recently, it was not just the images of buildings and people that brought the past alive but also the detail they contained – the trades being plied, the vehicles on the streets, the clothes people were wearing and the activities and events in which they were involved. There seems to be an insatiable public demand for just that sort of photograph album, judging by the number of similar picture books in the shops, the growing interest in collecting old postcards, and the response we get from readers when we publish archive photos. Not only do such images revive nostalgic memories for old Sheptonians, they have the power to intrigue and fascinate newer residents of the town. They also provide social historians with a vast amount of detail about the way life was lived all those years ago. Some 15 years ago I helped to compile a book of archive photographs of a rural Visitorland parish, drawn from the albums of around 35 local families. Some of the images dated back to the late 19th century while others were as recent as the 1970s, but a recurring problem we faced was captioning them accurately. In many cases a contributor didn’t know when the photograph had been taken, or was uncertain about the precise location, or couldn’t remember the names of the people portrayed, or was unsure of the reason it was taken. And discussions with other villagers involved in the project often produced conflicting information. Memories fade as the years pass and often become hazy and die. Nowadays more photos are being taken than ever before, thanks to digital
technology. Cameras incorporated into mobile phones give instant results – no waiting for days while the film is being processed – that can be sent almost anywhere at the click of a button and can be kept on the phone itself, on disc or somewhere that’s hard to imagine in the far reaches of the internet. No sticking prints in albums to pore over at leisure. All of our digital pictures can be retrieved and viewed wherever we are and whenever we want them, so long as our digital filing system is well organised. But will our digital albums be of any value to future generations of social historians? I suspect they will curse us for not recording the when, where, who and why of the best of our photos while we could still remember. Without this information the photos are unlikely to add any pieces to whatever historical jigsaw they’re tackling. NN
Advertising Deadlines
April Issue published Thursday 31st March Deadline Friday 11th March
PO Box 1, Castle Cary Somerset BA7 7BG
Tel: (01963) 351256, 351998 Email: Website:
Proprietor, Accounts & Subscriptions Helen Dunion Production Manager Jeff Farrow
Advertisement Manager & Features Editor Michelle Trulock © The Visitor Ltd. 2016
(Items marked ©GT are the copyright of Geoff Thompson)
Our FRONT COVER is almost entirely due to a 50th anniversary
HOUSE & HOME spring home improvements - 27
LEISURE & TRAVEL out & about over Easter - 25
NOTE TO ADVERTISERS Advertisements are accepted subject to our standard terms and conditions as printed on our rate card, available upon request. We cannot guarantee any specific page or position, but will always do our best to comply with clients’ wishes.
ARTWORK Artwork & design by our production department and photographs taken by our photographers are the copyright of The Visitor Ltd.
Clients or agencies supplying artwork or images should send uncompressed TIFs, JPEGs or PDFs, 300 dpi minimum if actual size, or at a higher resolution if smaller than size required, along with a hard copy print-out. For advertisement sizes see our Rate Card.
The views expressed in articles & letters contributed to this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher.
MUSIC for the MONTH - 26
WINE & DINE - 41
ThE VISIToR March 2016 3
Letters To the Editor Ilminster Literary Festival
Sir, As a lifelong lover of words, and with a collection of books that has long since taken over the house, I was really excited to be invited to help with the first ever Ilminster Literary Festival. To be held in June, early indications are that it is going to be a resounding success. Supported by the Rotary Club of Ilminster, along with funding and sponsorship from other local organisations, it has taken the steering committee, headed by Brenda Lake, months of hard work to ensure that website and social media links are now up and running. 30 local authors have been booked to attend all manner of events, to be held at local venues offering sessions which range from lectures to workshops, readings, Q&A sessions, lunch and tea and dinner; clearly intended to appeal to all age groups. It is certainly all there for anyone with an interest in literature in all its forms. So successful has the pre-launch
activity been that entries for the short story competition have already started to come in. My reluctance to join committees is well known as I tend to be more of a doer, and find that committees can become a seemingly endless talking shop; I like decisions to be taken with a sense of urgency, with clear aims and objectives. It is the end result that interests me most, and it is good to see this project reaching its exciting conclusion. In pulling together the literature required to promote the events I have always believed that the ability to spell is vital, although I would be the first to admit that I am rubbish at attempting to edit my own efforts online; give me a hard copy to peruse any day. I know many people who are dyslexic and try to be tolerant of their aberrations, as its something that is not strictly their fault; using ‘spell check’ is not without its dangers though as it does not acknowledge the context in which the chosen word is being used. Likewise, inaccurate grammar can alter the meaning of the message you are trying to get across. Certainly when I am looking to do business with anyone accuracy is one of the first things I pay attention to. In a professional
capacity such errors say a lot about their attention to detail, or lack of it. In this age of text speak, and in the interests of speed, much of the way in which we communicate is now in an abbreviated form; pure gobbledegook to many of us. It was with some surprise therefore that during the recent social media workshop I attended a great deal of emphasis was put on the importance of accurate spelling and grammar. This got me thinking about some of the discussions that have recently taken place at planning meetings for the Literary Festival. With the best will in the world we all make mistakes, but there is a feeling that with an event so tightly linked to the written word, that there is no room for error. This is a view that I concur wholeheartedly with but, really and truly, given that the vast majority of us are not that hot on grammar or spelling ourselves, perhaps what really matters in the end is that everyone should have the opportunity to engage with their favourite authors, discover some new ones, whilst having a good time at a wide range of events for a reasonable price, and at the same time bring visitors flocking to our wonderful market town; once the road works are finally finished. Linda Piggott-Vijeh Combe St. Nicholas
Support for blind and partially sighted people in Somerset
4 ThE VISIToR March 2016
Sir, Are you visually impaired? Do you know anyone living with sight loss? Could a Volunteer Visitor from Somerset Sight help? our independent charity has been in existence nearly 100 years providing services for people with sight loss. one of these services is the Volunteer Visiting Service which is provided in conjunction with Somerset County Council across the county. Local, trained, police checked volunteers visit people with sight loss in their own homes on a regular basis to offer companionship, trips out and help with a variety of things. This service has been extremely successful in enabling sight impaired people to remain independent in their own homes, our 150 people with volunteers very much look forward to the regular visits, these are usually either weekly or fortnightly. If you are visually impaired or know someone who is, Somerset Sight can advise on how to access this Somerset County Council supported service. For an initial
informal chat please contact Claire Packwood the Volunteer Co-ordinator on 01643 708382 or email Claire.packwood@ Thank you. Claire Packwood Somerset Sight Charity number 1154472
The UK in the EU - A political truism
Sir, Given numerous examples, historical and current, politicians are much like nappies. They should be changed regularly and much for the same reason. This is not possible in any meaningful sense for the individual electorates of any of the 28 member States of the European union as the individual State has minimal or no influence in the Eu Parliament therefore neither does its electorate. The uK for example has circa 8% of MEP representation in the Eu, therefore neither in the European union ‘Parliament’, and certainly not in the Eu unelected Commission - uK representation 1 in 28 - or its bureaucracy, is the uK electorate able to effect any real change that represents the will of its electorate. Straightforwardly, by whom do you wish to be governed? Those whom we elect 100% in our Westminster house of Commons, being directly accountable to us, for the laws by which we agree to be governed or the unaccountable being the other Eu 92% plus the over arching unelected Eu Commission? After over 40 years of uK membership of the Eu/EC/EEC, we joined the latter in 1973, and morphed from that state to that of union without consultation or the will of the electorate being involved. Clearly we are Better off out whether the argument is Trade, Defence, Justice or Sovereignty. Sovereignty only very recently coming to the fore as part of the membership argument as historically our leading politicians and their respective Parties, whether Conservative, Labour or Liberal Democrats, have repeatedly, individually and collectively, denied that uK Sovereignity was an issue. They mislead, or lied, to the uK electorate otherwise why is the current Prime Minster making such an issue of ‘achieving’ the return of matters that should never have been given away in the first place? Nappy change long overdue on that score alone. Colin McNamee 4 Neville Park Baltonsborough
ANDREW BARCLAY TRADITIONAL FAMILY BUTCHERS 45 High Street, Wincanton, Somerset BA9 9JU Tel: 01963 34880 Email:
Offer Extended to 13th March
MOTHER’S DAY SUNDAY 6th MARCH ** **** ****
Mentioned in
New Chairs for St Nicholas Church Henstridge
When henstridge village hall suffered a fire some years ago, their soot-damaged upholstered metal chairs were thrown out and replacements given to the village hall by Furnicare. Members of St Nicholas church salvaged the damaged chairs and cleaned them up. For the past few years these chairs have been used when extra seating was required in the church, however they were a mixture of colours and the Church wished to replace them with 30 new wooden upholstered chairs. The Blackmore Vale Lions - at the request of Parochial Church Council member Mrs Gill Egan - donated £500 and the remainder of the money required to purchase the chairs came from a legacy to the church from Mrs. Anne Locke of henstridge which the PCC considered would be appropriate to use for this purpose. Thanks to these generous gifts the church has been able to buy 30 light-weight upholstered stacking chairs - 15 with arms, 15 without.
These new church chairs will allow the parish church to be used more flexibly for both church and community events, e.g. in the chapel as a separate quiet space, for special occasions such as extra-large congregations, or events such as concerts when refreshments or meals are served. The original chairs have now been returned to the village hall where they have been gratefully received for use at events when large numbers are expected.
Castle Cary Museum
Castle Cary Museum will be opening on Good Friday 25th March for the new season. The Museum started life in John Crossley’s Shop (now Needful Things) but 40 years ago this year, moved into their present home at the Market house. Exhibits this year will include an update on the 1914-1918 Great War and a special display by the Local Living history Group who are Celebrating 20 years. They have created several books documenting Local Items. The Museum is open Mon – Fri 10.30 – 12.30 & 2 - 4 and Sat mornings 10.30 – 12.30, admission is free but donations are always welcome Come along and lose yourself for an hour in a walk back through Castle Cary’s past and appreciate the progress made in all walks of life.
Mendip Decorative & Fine Arts Society
1st March 2016 The Rose Red City and the Nabataeans: A talk by Group Captain Michael Clegg, RAF (Retd) about the city of Petra, capital of the Nabataean kingdom, early 1st Century AD. MDFAS meet at the Bath and West Bar & Restaurant, B&W Show Ground, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6QN at 11am. Details from Guests Welcome. Contact 01934 862435.
Langport & District History Society
The next regular meeting of the Society will be on Monday 7th March, when Martin hornby will speak on Padres of the Great War. It is free to members (annual membership is a bargain £12!): non-members are welcome; admission £2, including refreshments. Anyone interested in joining the Society should contact Sue Standen (01458 273471, or email suzannestanden
Royal Air Forces Association
Support of the Royal Air Force Family is the motto of the Royal Air Forces Association and ‘Friendship’ is an important key element of its work. The local branch is aware that there are many members of that family in the area with which we have little or no contact or knowledge. We would like to rectify that omission. The current members of the branch would like to invite all former members of the RAF,
WAAF, WRAF, RAF Regiment, Reserves and Auxiliaries and spouses in the area to a Coffee Morning on Monday 21st March, at 11 o’clock, in the Royal British Legion in Sturminster Newton for a get-together and to rekindle contact and camaraderie. We realise that not all will have access to this magazine so, if you should know of such a veteran, widow or widower, may we ask if you would be so kind as to relay the invitation. We are also aware that not all will have transport in which case please contact Loraine Lampkin on 01258 473393; she may be able to help.
Cafe for Carers at Queen Camel
If you are a carer for someone close to you, it is likely that most of your time is spent looking after them. occasionally you might feel the need for some respite. The Carers Cafe at Queen Camel Memorial hall, Marples Room opens on the fourth Wednesday of each month, between 2.30pm and 4.00pm, (next date 23rd March) offering a warm welcome and the opportunity for carers to come out to meet other carers, enjoy free refreshments, exchange experiences, and share information. hosted by The local churches in partnership with Somerset Partnership NhS Foundation Trust Carers’ Development, and the Community Council for Somerset, all are welcome. It is an informal gathering, also attended by people from various
Dog tired of high prices?
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A. J. WAKELY & SONS LTD Independent Family Funeral Directors • Golden Ch arter Pre Paid Funeral Plans • 24 Hour Service
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6 ThE VISIToR March 2016
Th e Old Police Station, Carrington Way WINCANTON BA9 9JS Tel: 01963 31310
Mentioned in
Dispatches carers’ services who can help with advice on issues or concerns. occasionally there will be a guest speaker, invited by the carers themselves. Further details from Revd John Davies, 01935 851324, or Cath holloway, 07968 521746.
Blackacre Farm hatches a plan for new educational campaign
With reports of over 6 billion eggs consumed in the uK last year and the nation’s growing appetite for free-range, awardwinning Somerset-based egg producer, Blackacre Farm, has
launched a new educational campaign, No Multi-Tier Here, to give people a better understanding of their eggs journey from the farmyard to the kitchen. highlighting the fact that many free-range eggs are now produced in industrialised multitier units, the No Multi-Tier Here campaign will be taken to exhibitions and conferences throughout the uK in 2016, supported by interactive presentations in schools, online resources and social media activity using the hashtag #NoMultiTierhere. Blackacre Farm’s eggs are available exclusively from independent retailers, including Fortnum and Mason, Selfridges, Bayley and Sage, Chatsworth Estate and other good independent delis, farm shops, butchers and grocery stores in the uK.
restoration of the Victorian Valley Gardens of Ninesprings. Rangers and volunteers have started the process of revealing the now mostly hidden heritage of the Valley Gardens. Councillor Sylvia Seal, Portfolio holder for Leisure & Culture said, ‘We are very excited about this fantastic opportunity to restore Ninesprings to its former glory. We will open up the lost views and vistas of the Valley Gardens and ensure that the streams and waterfalls continue to flow for many generations. The investment of the heritage Lottery Fund has made this project possible and we hope many people will get involved along the way with building a site
archive and delivery of practical works’. As part of this project they are researching the history of Ninesprings and yeovil Country Park. Becky Russell, Community Ranger is keen to hear from anyone that has stories or images to share with them as part of the project. ‘We would love to have a better understanding of what Ninesprings has meant to people over the years and also to build an archive for the future of images, stories and maps that will inform future generations enjoyment of the fabulous valley gardens. Please get in touch with Becky on 07971 111970 if you have items to share or would like to be involved in the project.’
Yeovil Country Park restores The Victorian Valley Gardens of Ninesprings
yeovil Country Park, run by South Somerset District Council (SSDC) received a grant from the heritage Lottery Fund (hLF) for its V3 Project: inVolve, Visit, Volunteer in July 2015. one aspect of this grant is the
Hom e Visit s
ing Walk s c i t S k
Step inside!
We have a wonderful choice of
Rise and Recline Chairs & Beds Scooters to suit all budgets
On-the-premises servicing
10 Falkland Square CreWkerne, TA18 7JS Near the Co-op 01460 271172 ThE VISIToR March 2016 7
Gifts for Mothering Sunday 6th March
Reed & Russell Florist Wincanton
Flowers always make a very acceptable gift on Mother’s Day and with Interflora they can be sent locally, nationally and internationally if you can’t be with your Mum on her special day. Local Interflora agent Reed & Russell of Wincanton can assist you with your floral requirements. They can also provide decorative plants and trees for corporate events and private functions.
Elegance BeautyTherapy Clinic - Wincanton
We all like to be pampered and mums are no exception! Whether it’s a luxurious Facial including neck, shoulder and face massage, a Manicure to leave her hands looking glamorous or a relaxing pedicure to revive tired aching feet, mums are sure to love it! Elegance Beauty Therapy Clinic in Wincanton offers gift vouchers redeemable against any of the extensive range of treatments available or products including Aloe
Vera, Aromatherapy, Skin Care and Mineral Make-up. Make sure your mum has a beautiful Mother’s Day - with a visit to Elegance!
shopping. All items on sale are ethically sourced from around the world – many handmade. New in are attractive wine glasses and tumblers made of recycled glass from Spain - also some very cheerful cotton rugs. There is a good choice of cards, gift wrap and stationery plus the childrens toy department with traditional wooden toys and books. Do call in - the shop has several showrooms over two floors and the stock is constantly changing.
One World South Petherton
you are bound to find a suitable gift for mum when you visit one World in South Petherton. Beautiful silver jewellery, wooden ornaments, glass vases, or perhaps an environmentally friendly and very useful wicker basket for her
Established 1983
Beauty Therapy Clinic Sandie Barrett
M.B.A.B.T.A.C. • C.I.D.E.S.C.O.
Bespoke • Corporate • Events Parties • Weddings • Sympathy Local & Nationwide Deliveries
01963 32367
11 Church Street, Wincanton, BA9 9AA
Give mum a treat ...
GIFT VOUCHERS - THE IDEAL GIFT A full range of beauty treatments available A L ADIES O N LY SALO N
8b Church Street, Wincanton (01963) 34115
‘In Love’ by Mackenzie Thorpe Featuring the iconic Duffle and Heart. Mixed Media limited edition signed print, hand embellished with diamond dust adding an extra dimension to the ivy leaves. This is a technique Mackenzie has never used before, but it adds that extra sparkle. Edition size 75. Image size 51cm x 51cm (20" x 20"). Mounted price £575.00. Framed price £725. Available from Martock Gallery, Martock, one of the few galleries in the South West to be stocking Mackenzie Thorpe’s prints and sculptures. Originals are also available and the gallery can offer a free valuation service to collectors of his work.
‘All is Love’
Prints ★ Paintings ★ Bronzes ★ Mirrors ★ Framing Passport Photographs ★ Prints to Canvas
– by – Mackenzie Thorpe Limited Edition Giclee Print Edition Size 125 Image Size 45cms x 50.2cms Framed Price
Martock Gallery Open: Monday - Friday 9.00 - 5.00, Saturday 9.30 - 4.30
Water Street • Martock • Tel: (01935) 823254 •
17 St James Street South Petherton Somerset TA13 5BS 01460 241166
8 ThE VISIToR March 2016
Gifts for Mothering Sunday 6th March
Thorngrove Garden Centre Gillingham
By March, Thorngrove is in full production mode, the plant plugs are arriving thick and fast and our glasshouses filling up with young bedding and herbaceous plants. Every year, we like to introduce something new to our range as well as keeping old favourites. Keen gardeners are always able
to find something a bit different among our wide selection of herbaceous and shrubs. For Mothers Day, we can offer standard roses called ‘My Mum’ or ‘Simply the Best’ at only £19.99 – simply perfect! Double primroses with their tiny rose-like clusters of blooms make an ideal gift – we can offer 5 different colours at £2.99 each. A pot of spring-
flowering bulbs such as Narcissi or tulips is always well-received. Looking for something more spectacular? Magnolia stellata are full of bud, Camellias are very showy and we have a good selection of flowering cherries. Thorngrove Garden Centre grows most of their own plants and welcomes you to explore the whole nursery for inspiration.
Mayflowers - Gillingham
Mayflowers of Gillingham always have a delightful range of cut flowers and house plants in store. And as Local Interflora Agents they can deliver locally, nationally and internationally. Why not call in and see the complete range for yourself? The new spring blooms are arriving daffodils, tulips, irises etc., plus planted bowls of spring bulbs. Place your order early for Mothering Sunday.
Needful Things - Castle Cary
you will always find an inspirational range of gifts at Needful Things. For Mothering Sunday there are some beautifully packaged toiletries from heathcote and Ivory - body and hand lotions, bath oils and soaps - ideal for a spot of pampering. Photo frames, beautiful miniature bronzes, prints, vases, mirrors, scarves and scented candles are just a few examples of the gifts available. Gift wrap and cards are also available. If you can't decide why not give a Needful Things Gift Voucher?
Say you saw it in The Visitor
Something for the home, or a piece of jewellery, Mum is sure to be delighted with a gift from Milly’s Antiques & Vintage of Crewkerne.
of Castle Cary
For an inspiring range of gift ideas ... ideal for Mother’s Day
7 High Street, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7AN 01963 351352 •
Mayflowers Your local Interflora Florist
MOTHERS DAY – Sunday 6th March
For a super selection of fresh cut flowers and plants visit us at ...
2A HIGH STREET, GILLINGHAM or why not order by phone or website?
Tel: 01747 824424
Common Mead Lane, Gillingham Dorset, SP8 4RE
01747 822242
Turn into Broad Robin off the B3081, continue past Mellowes Residential Home: Thorngrove is next on right
Lots of Spring Flowering Shrubs and Plants ... PERFECT GIFTS FOR MOTHER’S DAY & EASTER
OPEN: 9am – 5pm EVERY DAY including SUNDAYS and BANK HOLIDAYS from Monday 29th February
ThE VISIToR March 2016 9
Gifts for Mothering Sunday 6th March A colourful display of spring flowers outside The Market Garden, Castle Cary. Don’t forget to order your bouquets early for Mothering Sunday and Easter.
For a wonderful range of Mothers Day cards, call into Wild Cardz of Wincanton, where you will also find gift ideas, such as mugs & teddies.
Mother’s Day: Sunday 6 th March
VISIT US for a SUPERB CHOICE of CARDS “Mummy” – “Mum” – “Wife” – “Nan” – etc. ★ Special MOTHER’S DAY Mugs, Key Rings, Pens ★ Blue Nose range of Teddy Bears & Gifts St. PATRICK’S DAY Cards & EASTER Cards now in stock
UPS drop off / collection point
Wild Cardz
Visit Google + ... and have a virtual tour of our shop!
35 High Street, Wincanton, Somerset BA9 9JU • Tel: 01963 31234
Beautiful flowers for Mother’s Day
The Market Garden
Pot Plants, Cut Flowers, and more! FREE Local Delivery National Delivery with ...
Three Counties Landscaping & Tree Services @ Julian Shave
A rare and limited edition print of The Artful Fox by Mick Cawston. Just one of many prints available from Scenes of Gillingham.
For a wide range of prints on all topics
On the premises framing Artists Materials
Craft Materials
Art and Craft Books High Street
Soft and Hard Landscaping Project Design and Advice Plant Search Garden Maintenance - one off or regular maintenance
Tel / Fax: 01747 824050
Office: 01963 31226 • Quotes: 07738 524254 •
Hart House, Fore Street, Castle Cary, BA7 7BQ
10 ThE VISIToR March 2016
The Visitor
Shepton Mallet a business focus
Two years successful trading – and an offer not to be missed!
KeyRing Lettings are now into their second year of trading as a new concept in the property lettings market. The Social Enterprise, which is a non-profit making community interest company (CIC) provides a comprehensive, caring, high quality lettings and management service throughout the Mendip area. To celebrate their second year of successful trading, KeyRing Lettings will be offering a special promotion on fully managed properties that sees their monthly management fees 50% cheaper than other local leading companies and the deal also includes a full rent guarantee and No VAT (subject to a 12 month contract). Landlords are invited to call into their offices at 50 high Street, Shepton Mallet BA4 5AS any time between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday or Saturday from 9.30am until 12.30pm or
email them at welcome@keyring for more information.
Fitted Kitchens Direct
Fitted Kitchens Direct is a local independent company working throughout the south-west. They can offer a supply & fit or a supply only service – they also offer replacement doors if you simply wish to upgrade. When you decide to change your kitchen you can have the confidence that this local supplier can give you the variety, alternatives and value that you want. They have an outstanding range with hundreds of different styles and finishes from vinyl wood effect and gloss doors, to bespoke timber and painted timber styles. They also can supply your sinks, accessories, worktops and appliances from an extensive range. They offer a complete service from design to installation plus all those extras such as flooring,
plastering and tiling. They pride themselves on providing a quality product at a sensible price. To find out more why not call in and have a chat at their display area within haskins Retail Centre, 64 high Street, Shepton Mallet BA4 5AX, or give them a call to discuss your personal requirements.
Ridgeway Garage
If you are looking for a reliable secondhand car then pop along to Ridgeway Garage, situated on the Ridgeway Estate to the south of the town near Mendip District Council, in Kingsland Road. A family run business established for over 40 years you can be sure of helpful and professional service.
Gil the Python and his friends are available for parties and talks with a difference - call in to Repxotics in Shepton Mallet or visit their website for full details.
Kids parties with a difference!
REPTILE PARTIES Meet Gil the Burmese Python and Herbie the Tortoise plus Spiders, Scorpions and more
Learn about these interesting reptiles complete with a handling session! Also available for school visits, social groups, residential homes, scouts etc.
TO BOOK YOUR PARTY Tel: 01749 938082 Repxotics, 17 Town Street, SHEPTON MALLET, BA4 5BE ... or visit website
An independent kitchen company offering good old fashioned service
We offer a complete service from design to installation ... What this customer said
“Hi Ken and Graham. We want to express our sincere gratitude for our wonderful kitchen that you planned and installed for us. The meticulous and professional workmanship displayed by Graham was outstanding! In addition to the work in the kitchen we are very pleased that Graham was also able to lay a large amount of floor tiles and re-plaster ceilings / walls which was a great help to us during the renovation of our bungalow. We have no hesitation in recommending you to anyone thinking of similar work. Kind regards. Tony & Trisha, Wincanton.”
If you just want to change your doors for a simple upgrade we can help!
Fitted Kitchens Direct, Haskins Retail Centre 64 High Street, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5AX Tel: 01934 838649 / 01749 939435
ThE VISIToR March 2016 11
Shepton Mallet a business focus
All cars come with a new MoT, a Service, Cam Belt replacement if required and a warranty. Part exchange is welcome, finance is available if required and credit cards are also taken. Should you be looking for a particular make/model of car they will be happy to try and source it for you. Visit or give them a call. Stock changes regularly.
Temp of the Year 2015 Breaking News! Red Berry Temp of the Year Winners Announced!
At the end of every year, one Temporary worker from each Red Berry Recruitment office is singled out to receive our 'Temp of the year' award. We send out nomination forms to our clients so they can nominate an employee and explain their reasons why. our consultants in each office then choose an overall winner. The winner of 'Temp of the year' for our Shepton Mallet office is Ernest Sanderson. This is his second year in a row winning the award! The shift team leaders gave some outstanding comments as to why Ernie should win the award.
Ernest Sanderson winner of ‘Temp of The Year’ for the Shepton Mallet Office of Red Berry Recruitment Ltd. for the second year running.
"Ernie is well known in the factory and he is a great asset to the team. From our perspective as team leaders, the main advantage of having Ernie as part of our team is his reliability. his attendance and time keeping are absolutely brilliant, always early and the last the leave as he ensures he provides an in depth handover to the incoming operator. If we ask Ernie to do something, we don't need to double check to make sure it gets done. overall we thoroughly believe Ernie deserves to win 'Temp of the year' as a recognition for his hard work and support over the last year."
RIDGEWAY GARAGE Family run business - established over 40 Years
For quality used cars at affordable prices - PART EXCHANGE WELCOME -
Kingsland Road, SHEPTON MALLET • Tel: 01749 342938
12 ThE VISIToR March 2016
The winner of 'Temp of the year' for our Bridgwater office is Andreea Berinde. Andreea came to the uK for the first time back in March. She came to the office, very nervous, looking for work. Despite her initial lack of confidence she was always smiling and keen to learn. Within a few weeks she was placed at a local company, where she hit the ground running, establishing herself as a favourite with the client. She is always required back, usually the first name asked for and is always on time and has great work ethic. When
The Mini Ranger dismantles into easy pieces and folds away snugly into the boot of your car. This portable model gives you mobility wherever the road takes you this Easter - Sutton Stairlifts Mobility Showrooms of Shepton Mallet.
Shepton Mallet a business focus
the client has little work on we can send her to other companies and she always turns up, gives the same required effort and never complains. She is an absolute joy to work with and as a candidate she has set the bar high. our client said "Andreea is very positive as well as always wanting to learn, a great quality to have". And finally, the winner for our yeovil office is Charlotte Melling. We had some great feedback from her Manager, who said the following "Charlotte has been a godsend and has basically saved our lives. She came to help out as one of our team was on longterm sick and fitted in immediately. She has taken on a number of roles that would fell the fainthearted and throughout has been amazing. Charlotte has taken all the madness in her stride, offered her own excellent ideas, dealt with sick students. She has very quickly become a valued member of staff and is always a joy to have around. We really could not have done
without her and are eternally grateful that she came to us before she was offered another position".
Moggs - Sales, Service and Repairs on Lawnmowers and Garden Machinery
Moggs offer genuine, impartial and enthusiastic advice about a wide range of garden machinery from several manufacturers, so that you can make the right choice for your particular needs. They believe they stock the best quality machines available which will give you reliable and faithful service for many years. They have a comprehensive range of quality chainsaws in stock. Moggs avoid retailing cheap foreign chainsaws as these are poor value for money. All new machines are fully assembled by engineers at Moggs, including petrol and oil, and are properly tested before they leave their workshop. They can deliver your new machine if required, and give you a full explanation of the controls, and how to get the best out of your new purchase. Their fully equipped workshop can service your machine, carry out repairs, and perform any warranty work required, so you may rest assured that when you walk out of their showroom, you walk into their care.
Shepton Classic Stone
Friday is Shepton Mallet Market Day when parking is free. Fresh fish, bread, pet food and much more.
It is already looking like another bumper year at Shepton Classic Stone, just the same as 2015. Shepton Classic Stone has been producing dry-cast garden stoneware, stone planters, bird baths, stone balustrade and many other items for over ten years now. Sales of their garden stoneware in 2015 surpassed all previous sales records, although now the majority of their customers come from outside Somerset. They are however very pleased to be also
getting a lot more local customers. To look at their garden products and fantastic prices simply click on the Shepton Classic Stone website Like many businesses these days, the internet has enabled them to build a far larger customer base than would have been possible in the past.
★ QUALITY★ CHOICE ★ ★ VALUE ★ Garden Machinery stockist of ...
3 Year Warranty on all Cub Cadet Mowers Ride-On Mowers from ... £1,299 Pedestrian Mowers from ... £219
Garden Tools
Unit 2, Beardly Batch Depot, Cannards Grave SHEPTON MALLET, BA4 4NB Tel: 01749 343881 • SALES – SERVICE – REPAIR ThE VISIToR March 2016 13
IN BARToN ST DAVID ... early booking is advised for Sunday Lunch at The Barton Inn ... if you are looking for some cheerful works of art, take note of the Art Exhibition at The
Natterjack Inn, Evercreech whilst you enjoy your meal ... Truffles Brasserie of Bruton was mentioned in The Sunday Times Magazine as one of the best three ‘truffles’ named restaurants in the uK ... don’t forget it’s quiz night at The Orchard Inn, Galhampton on the last Sunday of the month ... and folk night is proving popular at The Catash Inn, North Cadbury.
Give your mum a treat this MOTHERING SUNDAY 6th March LUNCHTIME: Two Sittings 12noon – 1.30pm and 2.30pm – 4pm EVENING: 6.30pm – 9pm Traditional Roast and Full Range of Specials early booking advised
Book now for EASTER!
LOCALLY SOURCED HOME COOKED FOOD Choose from our Main Menu or our ever changing Specials Board ... not forgetting our Homemade Pies! Real Ales Fine Wines Good Food all served in a convivial atmospere
ART EXHIBITION by Alce Harfield
NOW ON “Colour to lift your soul”
The Natterjack Inn, Nr. Evercreech Junction Evercreech, Somerset, BA4 6NA
Email: Website:
The Halfway
House Inn Country Lodge
Delicious Sunday Carvery
Mothering Sunday 6 March th
Easter Sunday 27th March Our latest trip advisor review (9/2/16)
Thanks to Mike W of Yeovil “The Sunday carvery is the best I've ever had and would recommend to epicures anywhere. Apparently the restaurant has had a change of staff which works. I've never seen such an array of old English vegetables used on a carvery before. Other restaurants take note ... The Halfway has raised the bar and doubt others will even get close to. Simon & Mike have got it spot on.”
FUNCTION SUITE for up to 90 Ideal Wedding Venue Beautiful Lakeside Views and Gardens
Tel: 01935 840350
14 ThE VISIToR March 2016
Your hosts, Mick, Jean and Garry welcome you to
Lower Street, West Chinnock A charming country inn serving home cooked fayre lunchtime & evening
MOTHERING SUNDAY and EASTER SUNDAY Early booking advised
SUNDAY LUNCH £7.95 - choice of roast Larger parties catered for
Bookings now taken for ... and
Moving on to Marston Magna where we welcome new hosts at The Marston Inn ... checkout details on the website of the home brewing course in April at The Queens Arms, Corton Denham ... if you like to sing, pop along to The Crown Inn, Sherborne where they have started The Crown Community Choir on a Friday night - over eighteens - all types of songs sung ... and in Templecombe The Templars Retreat is up for sale. Chugging onto Chilthorne Domer where there is an excellent choice of menu and friendly service at The Carpenters Arms ... Sunday Lunch Carvery is a winner at The Halfway House, and the recently introduced breakfasts are proving popular too ... excellent Sunday Lunch and service at The Northover Manor, Ilchester ... calling all Guinness lovers - £3 a pint at The Wyndham Arms, Kingsbury Episcopi on 17th ... and in yeovil we learn that Pete at The Quicksilver Mail is an ace with the shuttlecock and it’s congratulations for his 14th anniversary at the Quickie - he must be doing something right! Nipping on to Norton Sub hamdon and The Lord Nelson
With home-made beer batter
STEAK SPECIAL - Two 8oz Rump Steaks £16.50 Sunday to Thursday
Daily Specials • Real Ale • Skittle Alley • Beer Gardens • Accommodation
Tel: 01935 881235
Greenhill, Sherborne, DT9 4EP
NEW Chef • NEW Menu • NEW Dining Area Book now for Mothering Sunday and Easter March 17th: St. Patrick’s Day ... enjoy the ‘craic’ WEDNESDAY MUSIC
March 2nd: Blues • March 9th: Trad Jazz March 16th: Traditional Folk March 23rd: Open Mic’ Night March 30th: ‘The Unforgetables’
Tel: 01935 816115
where the golf team are on their way - watch out Portugal! ... a warm welcome awaits at The Cat Head Inn, Chiselborough and a good p int ... in West Chinnock the question being asked at The Muddled Man is ‘Will there be a Cuban influence on the menu now that Garry has returned from his holiday?’...
onwards to over Stratton where Jill has launched her new spring lunch menu at The Royal Oak, which includes Chicken Tikka Marsala and Moroccan-spiced Vegetarian Curry ... and don’t forget, you can watch the rugby whilst enjoying your meal at The Rose & Crown, Bower hinton.
Vinny pops into his local to talk ‘romance’ with the landlord
by P. A. BAXTER ... will be back next month
Home-Made Food Served 7 Days a Week
Real Ales - Garden Skittle Alley
TRADITIONAL COUNTRY PUB Serving Sensibly Priced Food & Drink
Dinnington, Nr. Hinton St. George • Tel 01460 52397
The CATASH INN North Cadbury • BA22 7DH
FOLK NIGHT first Tuesday every month ... next meeting Tuesday 1st March
MOTHERING SUNDAY 6th March r Large Bee Gardens
Sunday Carvery 12noon – 3pm £8.95 early booking advised
North Cadbury 01963 441531
Lord Nelson
Skittle Alley
Rectory Lane Norton Sub Hamdon
Mark, Helen and staff welcome you to ‘The Nelson’
The Rose and Crown Bower Hinton, Martock
Open Tuesday – Sunday all day from 12pm Come and watch Six Nations Rugby on our Large TV Screens Friday 4th March – Music Quiz Friday 18th March – General Knowledge Quiz Saturday 26th March – ‘Elvis’ Tribute starts 9pm Fortnightly Sunday Roast with choice of two meats ... plus all the trimmings £7.95 Plus dessert £9.95 Next Roast on Mothering Sunday 6th March Weekly Fish ‘n’ Chip Friday served 5pm – 8pm £6 Fortnightly Friday Quiz and Regular Live Music Evening Please ring for full details & bookings 01935 822393 or e-mail
Why not join us for ...
Mothering Sunday Lunch (early booking advised)
LIVE MUSIC: Good Friday Evening ‘No Fixed Abode’ CURRY NIGHT: every Wednesday
QUIZ NIGHT: every last Sunday of the month High Road • Galhampton • Somerset • BA22 7BA 01963 440751 •
Sunday 6th March: Mothering Sunday early booking advised Sunday 6th March: Quiz Night in aid of Montacute F.C.
Tuesday 8th March: Film Night – ‘The 100 Foot Journey’ Saturday 12th March: Heart & Soul duo/saxophone Sunday 27th March: Rod’s Face 9pm
Monday to Friday – 2 Course Lunch £8 – 3 Course Lunch £12 6 NATIONS RUGBY SHOWING
Tuesday and Wednesday – Steak Night 2 Steaks and a Bottle of Wine £30
Tel: 01935 881473
ROYAL OAK Chris & Jill welcome you to the ...
Over Stratton, South Petherton Tel: 01460 240906
A Charming Country Inn
TRY OUR NEW SPRING LUNCHTIME MENU 2 Courses £8.95 Tuesday – Saturday Lunchtimes
TWO Rump Steaks, or TWO Beer Battered Haddock or TWO Gammon Steaks, or ANY TWO with a Carafe of Wine £23.50 per couple • Booking Advised BOOK EARLY FOR ...
★ Traditional Sunday Roast ★
ThE VISIToR March 2016 15
They Say
That Ben ‘Skinny’ Sweet of yeovil has a favourite song, Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd. That Sparkford's Dawn and Dave Graham got a little ‘flustered’ on New year’s Eve. That due to forthcoming holiday commitments Paul Sherrell of Castle Cary is investing in a large notepad and pencil.
That Big Tony Pugsley of Wincanton will go to the ball with his new glass slippers!!
That Wincanton's Anita Schatomski has got rid of her designer hangbag ... she's got a new back-pack instead. That former Wincanton resident Normal Leeks is to be a Great Grandfather - at 87.
That the worlds most destructive forces are children - just ask Santa. That Cathy Mathews of Charlton horethorne took nine lambs to market but on the wrong day. Silly ewe Cathy! That John hamblin of yeovil is thinking of buying a new lamp - for the cat! That at The George hotel Castle Cary they have ‘splashed’ out on newly designed carpet.
That Souvenir Water is on sale at The Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland along with a free drop of Bushmills Whiskey - BoGoF. That Nichola Sherrell of Castle Cary finds that her exercise bike has dual functions - as a workout machine and as a clothes horse.
That when Mike ‘mayonnaise’ Pollard of yeovil asked Philip ‘do you know who I am’ oram also of yeovil to name the only English football team ending in ‘G’ - he promtly replied Gillingham!
That a certain Chiselborough gentleman will soon be known as Gok, after his recent foray into the purchase of vintage handbags.
That ‘the spoons’ are coming back into fashion in North Cadbury.
That the Viz office was recently treated to a private viewing of a caterpillar with a Hollywood smile and a Dog-apillar - the latest whimsical creations of Garry ‘the woodman’ Thomas of Evercreech. That in future volunteers at the GLR in henstridge must remember to ‘watch the birdy’.
16 ThE VISIToR March 2016
Pete Lambden & Staff welcome you to .....
168 Hendford Hill YEOVIL
“When you knew that it was over Were you suddenly aware That the autumn leaves were turning To the colour of her hair”
THE FIRST PERSON to tell me the above song wins a free drink. Last month the song was “Heroes” by David Bowie ... I can’t remember who was first to tell me, so you had better remind me so that you can have your free drink . We had a couple of great parties last month. Two young ladies by the names of Ruth and Di had a double celebration here with a big crowd of friends, some great music, some food and a few drinks, which made for a great evening. Congratulations to you both. Last month Brian Kingsmill celebrated his retirement from Honeywell by inviting his colleagues to join him for some beers and sandwiches and it turned into a great send off. Brian and his friends arrived just after lunch and were some of the last to leave the pub that evening. Lots of good stories and reminiscing and a well-earned retirement instore for Brian. Well done mate . We l l , w e h a v e b e e n b u s y decorating up here at the top of the hill and the dining room has had a bit of an update. Do please come along and tell me what you think. Our Thursday Night Grill Night is proving very popular. Come on down and give it a go – 2 Selections from our Grill Menu with a Bottle of Wine for £22 – some easy brownie points to be had there boys . Next month we have 5 LOTS OF MUSIC FOR YOU TO ENJOY! On the 11th helping me celebrate 14 years (yes 14!) of being the captain of this ship, Mr. D’Arcy will be here to entertain us. On Saturday 12th Mark Morriss he of The Bluetones is here in the function room. Tickets (£8) are available from the pub. On Friday the 18th Barry Paull brings his ELVIS Tribute Show to The Quick. Tickets are £5 with the proceeds going to The Hospice. On the 25th The Fat Marrow Blues Band are live in the bar. And on Easter Sunday LIVEWIRED are playing here in the function room, and that’s a free gig as well you lucky people . And finally: I was cleaning out the attic the other day with the wife – filthy dirty and covered in cobwebs. But she is good with the kids . TOOT TOOT!!!
01935 424721
Wyndham Arms
A delightful country inn ... OPEN ALL DAY EVERY DAY Delicious Homecooked Food Served Lunchtimes and Evenings Traditional Sunday Roasts choice of meats Book now for
Mothering Sunday 6
March 3 Courses £18.95 2 Courses £14.95 th
St. Patrick’s Day Thursday 17 th March Guinness £3 Pint
— LIVE MUSIC — Saturday 26 th March Justin Daish Songs and instrumentals across the decades
Quality Real Ales ... all at £3 Pint Tel: 01935 823239
Please visit us on our website: to see full menu details somerset’s best kept secret
Delicious FOOD served 7 days a week 12noon – 9pm
Monday – Wednesday: Two Course LunChes £9.95 Sunday 6 th March: MOTher’s Day Luncheon ... treat your mother to our SPECIAL MENU
Thursday 17 th March: st. PaTriCk’s Day Promotion FREE GIVE-AWAYS and OFFERS on ... Guinness, Jamesons, Baileys and Bushmills Whiskey Traditional sunDay LunCh £8.95
Try our Fine Dining restaurant or Private Function room ... enjoy Open Log Fires and superior accommodation available in this 16th Century Traditional inn
Tel: 01935 850456 email: Conveniently situated just 600 yards from the a303 and only 6 miles from yeovil and sherborne
Monday 29th February All You Can Eat CURRY NIGHT Plus LIVE MUSIC with ‘Lewis Clarke and the Essentials’ Sunday 6th March Mothering Sunday ROAST & PRESENT for Mum Thursday 17th March St. Patrick’s Night SUPPER & LIVE MUSIC with ‘No Fixed Abode’ Wednesday 2nd March and Thursday 10th March WINCANTON RACES Lunch, Taxis to and from the Course Premiere Enclosure Badges and Supper, £50 Thursday 24th March Supporting Wincanton Young Farmers SUPPER NIGHT with an AUCTION OF PROMISES
St. Mary’s Parish Church can be found in Silver Street.
ILMINSTER is an attractive town with a good variety of shops and businesses here are just a few of them ... Ilminster Home Hardware
There’s nothing quite as satisfying as growing things in our own garden and while there’s
little in the way of flowers and vegetables that can’t be bought as bedding plants, seeds offer an easy and affordable method. The propagation of seed is something we were all taught at school – remember growing cress on soggy paper towels, or broad beans on cotton wool pads in jam jars? We can all do it, but maybe we’ve forgotten the excitement we felt on seeing those first green shoots appear. All it took was warmth, daylight and some moisture. Nature did the rest! At Ilminster home hardware we stock a wide range of gardening products for the propagation of seed. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener, an absolute beginner, or you’re
Get going with the sowing
6 NATIONS will be shown in the Bar and on BIG SCREEN
12a Silver Street, Ilminster Somerset, TA19 0DJ
Tel: 01460 52506
ThE VISIToR March 2016 17
coverings can be sourced for those requiring a full interior design service. So if you are looking for new soft furnishing for the spring look no further. Why not take a virtual tour of the shop interior via google? From concept to completion – A Touch of Elegance.
Ilminster Warehouse
Ilminster Warehouse is a family run business established in 1969. here you can furnish your house from top to bottom – all under one roof! The extensive warehouse covers 28,000 sq ft over two floors. Bedroom furniture from Welcome – in a wide choice of
There’s furniture for every room in the house at Ilminster Warehouse.
looking to help inspire your children’s interest in gardening, we’ve got everything you’ll need. unless you have a heated greenhouse or polytunnel, you’re going to need a propagator. Essentially a shallow seed tray with a ventilated transparent lid, propagators come in a variety of styles and sizes with many designed to fit conveniently on a window ledge where the seedlings can be exposed to maximum daylight and the gentle warmth of winter sun. Propagators create a micro-climate conducive to germination and initial development of the seedlings until they are ready to be potted on. At this point you are going to need seed trays, growing-on pots, flower pots, pot trays and, of course, plant labels. our friendly, knowledgeable people here at Ilminster home hardware can help you chose exactly what you need and also recommend the right seedling and potting
compost for nourishing your growing plants. Seeing your garden ablaze with colour or harvesting fresh vegetables all nurtured from seed is well worth the effort. And since there are plant varieties that can be started from seed at all times of the year it isn’t just the onset of Spring that should get you going with the sowing!
A Touch of Elegance
Whether you are looking for loose covers for your favourite arm chair or a complete interior design service – visit A Touch of Elegance, Ilminster. Proprietor Sue Woodbury has over 20 years’ experience and will be pleased to offer her services. The shop has an extensive fabric library with hundreds of fabrics to choose from – including leading makes such as Zoffany, Sanderson, Harlequin and Colefax & Fowler. Co-ordinating paints and fabrics too are available plus furniture and floor Take your time to browse around Remains To Be Seen there’s always an interesting display of antiques and collectables on show.
24 East Street, ILMINSTER Somerset, TA19 0AJ 01460 53028 A friendly little shop where a number of dealers offer a diverse range of ...
... including militaria, furniture, silver, ceramics and lots more besides! Pearls & Beads Re-Threading Service
18 ThE VISIToR March 2016
Say you saw it in The Visitor
Quality Names • Quality Furniture See our exciting new range of siLenTnighT beDs
We have an extensive range of beDrOOM FurniTure in a wide range of finishes
4ft 6in Classic 1200 Pocket Mattress from £349 reCLiners anD seTTees Manual recliners from £499
CO FiresiDe Chairs
Fireside Chairs from £209
Tel: 01460 57247 Email:
FREE DELIVERY 30 mile radius
finishes, Dining furniture from Corndell, plus there is a dedicated bed showroom on the first floor with beds to suit all budgets and requirements including leading brands such as Silent Night and Rest Assured. In addition to the comprehensive range of 3 piece suites and sofa beds the Celebrity range of rise and recline chairs are extremely popular as are the traditional fireside chairs. Ilminster Warehouse also offer soft furnishing, hardware and DIy/decorating supplies – including Dulux paints which can
For all your flooring requirements Westcombe Trading Estate Station Road, ILMINSTER Somerset, TA19 9DW
Tel: 01460 55077 Fax: 01460 55133
meals such as toasties, jacket potatoes and panini plus main meals including Lasagne, Chilli and daily specials. A variety of teas and coffees are available. There is a separate childrens’ menu and childrens’ lunch boxes are available to take away. Next time you are in Ilminster pop into the Lemon Tree, you are sure to find something to tempt you on the menu.
Broomhead & Saul
You’ll find a variety of interesting and independent shops along Silver Street.
be mixed on the premises to the colour of your choice. A free delivery service is available within a 30 miles radius and there is ample free parking outside the door. They also have a sister company at Crocker Furniture Centre, Warminster BA12 8AP. Tel: 01985 211690.
The Carpet Shed
The Carpet Shed in Ilminster has been established since 1993. Paul Clothier, proprietor, has over 30 years experience in the flooring
industry and will be pleased to advise on the best floor covering for your particular requirements, whether it is carpet, laminate, vinyl or safety flooring. The extensive showrooms offer carpets and flooring from all leading makes including Vusta Luxury Vinyl Tiles. The adjoining warehouse has between 300 and 400 remnants and over 50 rolls of stock carpet. There is a Free Estimate and Measuring service and ample free parking outside the door. open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-1 Saturdays.
The Lemon Tree
have you tried The Lemon Tree Tearoom and Restaurant? This bright and cheery venue is open 6 days a week offering everything from the very popular all day breakfasts through to toasted teacakes! There is a good choice of light
Broomhead & Saul Solicitors have been providing expert legal advice to personal and business clients since 1895. With offices in the centres of Taunton and Ilminster, they also offer home and hospital visits if required. Services include: Conveyancing – purchasing and selling your home, Conveyancing Quality Scheme Accredited, freehold or leasehold, Agricultural, Transfers of equity, Equity release, General Issues and disputes, i.e.: boundaries. Wills and Probate – Drawing up wills/trusts, obtaining grants of probate, preparing and registering Powers of attorney. Family Law – Shared or full residence and contact, Care proceedings, Divorce. For any further information then please contact them on the following numbers; Ilminster – 01460 57056 or Taunton – 01823 288121 or via email –
Established in 1895
Wills and Probate Family law Call in at
11 – 13 East Street ILMINSTER (opposite the Post Office)
Tel: 01460 57056
20 ThE VISIToR March 2016
A warm welcome awaits at The Lemon Tree, a popular place to meet friends for coffee or lunch.
e Lemon Tree Tea Room & Restaurant
Breakfasts Lunches Afternoon Teas 14 Silver Street, ILmInSTer, TA19 0DJ 01460 57050
Shirley Allum
Shirley Allum has been in the fashion industry for 40 years and in her current premises for 20 years this year. The Shaftesbury premises is 3000 sq ft. devoted to ladies fashion (sizes 8 to 30) and lingerie (sizes 28aa-50k) – not forgetting over 1,500 pairs of trousers and a full range of accessories.
Amongst the famous names stocked are:-Joseph Ribkoff, Gerry Weber, Not your daughters jeans, Brax, Joules, Seasalt and White Stuff. With footwear from Ugg, Fly, Fitflop, and Radley. Lingerie brands include Triumph, Sloggie, Bestform, Fantasie, Freya, Lepel, Charnos, Shock absorbers, Anita Care, plus many more. In the lingerie department, the
staff are fully trained to measure clients, and know their stock. As many brands vary slightly in sizing they will help you find the bra that is exactly right. Shirley Allum Fashions and Lingerie gift voucher experience. Vouchers from £100 to include bubbly, chocolates and personal shopper. Whether you are looking to change your style or find the perfect new seasons piece. The experience is ideal for anyone who loves fashion or the voucher can be used in the lingerie department relax over a glass of bubbly or coffee and discuss your needs with one of the fully trained and knowledgeable staff (by appointment only). A perfect gift for someone very special.
Family Health with
Jenna Evans
Shingles or herpes zoster is a nerve condition caused by the same virus responsible for Chicken Pox. It generally presents as a painful rash on one side of the body, erupting into itchy blisters. It is thought that a weakened immune system caused by stress,
Hairdressing Salon New in, this seasons collection at Shirley Allum - where hats can be dyed to match your outfit.
7 High Street, Bruton Somerset, BA10 0AB
Under New Ownership
Treatment Room available for Holistic Health & Beauty
01749 813210
THE VISITOR March 2016 21
depression, certain medications and health conditions triggers the virus that has been lying dormant in the nerves. You can only get shingles if you have had Chicken Pox, it cannot be ‘caught’ although Chicken Pox can be caught from infected shingles blisters by those who have not had the infection. Shingles is much more common in older people and can be very debilitating, especially if it affects one of the eyes. At the first sign of a rash always consult with your GP. Shingles can last around a month and may happen more than once. Persistent nerve pain can sometimes be an issue and this is called postherpetic neuralgia. From an holistic perspective we would want to boost immunity, fight the virus and soothe and strengthen the nervous system. Here are a few of my favourite remedies. Lowered immunity can be caused by many factors and if any of those are medical conditions or medicines many of the remedies in this section may not be appropriate as they could interact with existing treatments. See below for homeopathic and topical
The Dress Circle Dress Agency
EYES RIGHT OPTICIANS St. Audries Station Road, Gillingham Tel: 01747 831010
3 Market Place Sturminster Newton Tel: 01258 473992
LOW PRICES AND QUALITY SERVICE 2 x Reading or Distance Specs from just £50 2 x Bifocal Specs from just £84 2 x Varifocal Specs from just £109
*All frames are priced including Single Vision Lenses. Please ask our staff for full offer details.
22 THE VISITOR March 2016
QUALITY FASHION ITEMS WANTED TO SELL ON A COMMISSION BASIS Wedding hats, wedding outfits, cruise wear and good quality casual wear and accessories, accepted every day ... 10am - 4pm Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm Saturday
For large quantities collections can be arranged
4 Brunel Shopping Centre Somerton TA11 7PY 01458 273485
interventions that would be more fitting. Age, lifestyle pressures and stress may all contribute to a compromised immune system. It is important to eat well, rest well and top up with a good multinutrient. In the elderly digestive enzymes, vitamin D and various minerals may be of particular note. An old fashioned herbal ‘tonic’ may be helpful. Herbs such as ashwagandha and rhodiola can also be useful when dealing with periods of physical and mental strain. Some herbs and supplements have a directly anti-viral action that may be helpful and these include St John’s Wort, Lemon Balm and Lysine. St John’s Wort may also help lift the mood and support the nerves. Be careful if you are taking other medicines as SJW has many drug interactions. Lemon Balm is anti-viral and a wonderful nerve soother. It can be taken as a tea or tincture and an infusion can also be used as a wash for the rash. Lemon Balm has a good record for helping treat other viruses in the herpes group with cold sores (herpes simplex) responding well to products containing extracts. Lysine is another anti-viral also used to treat cold sores and so based on the fact it is a related virus can be worth trying to treat shingles. It is important to keep the rash clean and loose fitting clothes can be wise to prevent aggravation. There are also some herbs that can be very helpful for pain relief when applied to the area. Cayenne balms, peppermint oil and St John’s Wort oil have all had good feedback over the years. Cayenne can be a useful pain killer for many skin, nervous and muscular conditions due to the pain blocking molecule capsaicin. Peppermint oil also possesses pain killing effects
SHOE SALE 50% OFF ~ up to ~
stockists of ladies and gents footwear from
First Floor • The Chiropody Clinic 22 High Street • WINCANTON • BA9 9JF Tel: 01963 31500 Closed Tuesdays
as well as being an anti-viral. I would start cautiously with either of these and check your skin’s response - the last thing you want is to use anything irritating to your skin on top of shingles! Patch test and work upwards from a low dilution - they can both be very effective. St John’s Wort as an oil is also traditionally used to help soothe the skin and nerves.
Lastly homeopathy has a few OTC remedies worth looking at, especially if you have a compromised immune system or are taking medications. Hypericum (St. John’s Wort again!) as a general nerve helper; Aconite may be helpful when there is great anxiety, restlessness and pain and Rhus Tox for small red very itchy blisters that feel better for warm
baths and compresses. See you next month for more Family Health. Jenna Evans ©2016
JENNA is an Holistic Health Coach and creator of bespoke beauty products. She can be found on Facebook at ‘Alchemical Beauty UK’. Jenna is also a multi-award winning Product Advisor at Ceres Natural Foods, Yeovil. To make an appointment, please pop in or call 01935 428791 for details. Find Ceres on Facebook as ‘Ceres Natural Foods Ltd’. Always check with a health professional before making any dramatic changes to your diet and lifestyle or starting a new supplement, especially with any existing health conditions.
The Room - newly opened in Somerton
Ward & Sibley, Family Jewellers of Yeovil, don’t miss their March promotion.
& SIBLEY 70 WARD The Jewellers of Yeovil
Louise Gray proprietor of The Room says ‘Having recently moved back to Somerset after 25 years ... my exciting new project, is The Room, after having a ladieswear business in Bakewell, and starting the very successful Vintage Rooms in Derbyshire, I decided on a mini project by opening another shop. My taste is quite eclectic and a little quirky, combining my thoughts of comfort, wearability and casual lifestyle, working with the accomplished Annie and Charlotte, I feel we have come
up, with some fab makes: Sarah Pacini - stylish, casual and knitwear is all one size. Xenia - diverse, edgy and individual. Elemente Clemente - fluid eclectic. Crea-Concept - safe, gentle, good lines and gentle colouring. Beautiful cashmere, and the luxury of Pazuki scarves, masterpieces in their own right. Branche de Olive - French fragrance from Provence. Geodesis - just French luxury. Lots of bits and bobs , baskets, scarves, and jewellery. I do not cater for the Mother of the Bride look, and certainly no garish colours or brass buttons, just pure style and maybe a little off beat, In my buying I have been very mindful of sizing, what suits a smaller size doesn't necessarily suit a larger size, and vice versa, it's all about balance. Occasionally we will have the beautiful Mya on hand, an accomplished stylist who dresses the elite of Manchester. Looking forward to meeting new friends.’
Our repair section of the business is pleased to offer
FREE clean & setting check on gemstone rings (ends 31/ 03/2016)
Complete refurbishment of jewellery –
soldering charms onto bracelets, sizing rings, repairing chains, jewellery cleaning
Watch repairs including battery replacements
Jewellery handmade to your own design Seal, hand, and machine engraving
Valuations for insurance and probate Pearl and bead re-threading
THE CASKET, 103 MIDDLE STREET, YEOVIL Tel: 01935 474065 Car Park at Rear for customers while visiting the shop
THE VISITOR March 2016 23
The Beauty Barn - Trent
The Beauty Barn is set in Trent, between Yeovil and Sherborne. We aim to provide a calm and relaxing atmosphere to pamper our clients with our wide range of treatments. The treatments we offer use the highest quality products, delivered in a friendly, professional manner in our private and comfortable treatment rooms. Our treatments include Decleor Facials, CND Shellac, manicures and pedicures, St.
Tropez tanning, Body massage, Electrolysis and advanced Electrolysis to treat facial thread veins, skin tags and milia, Semi permanent eyelash extensions, Waxing and Tinting as well as complimentary therapies including Hot Stone
Massage and Indian head massage. With over 20 years experience and knowledge of our industry, Catherine and Kay are always here to help and guide you with any beauty concerns so feel free to pop in for a chat!
End oF SEASon SALE Great reductions on Lily & Me range Tunics and Knitwear STOCKISTS OF
Ideal for a summer holiday, this outfit is from the Spring/Summer collection of Italian designer Latte. Local stockist Preview of Wincanton.
Neal’s Yard Remedies Come and try our samples Buy … and enjoy! Ideal gifts for Mother’s Day
April’s, e Black & White Shop 13 Fore Street, Castle Cary Somerset, BA7 7BG 01963 351626 Email:
Classic Fashion for Spring ... see our exciting new collection
fashion boutique & designer room
Market Place Wincanton
01963 31676 24 THE VISITOR March 2016
Red Pandas and Chinese Lanterns. These exciting new fabrics from the Minshan collection are now in stock at Hanson’s Fabrics & Crafts of Sturminster Newton. Manufacturers, Lewis and Irene, will donate profits from the collection to Act Now For Wildlife led by Chester Zoo to protect the Giant Pandas and Red Pandas from extinction. The collection is inspired by the Pandas and the Orient.
tel: 01935 851221
on all beauty treatments
during March and April (cheapest free)
Treatments to be taken in one appointment Visit our website for full range of treatments
1 Trent Court, Trent, Sherborne, DT9 4AY
Yeovil Amateur Operatic Society are delighted to present Evita
This popular musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyricist Tim Rice tells the story of Eva Duarte (Jenny Holland-Brewer), following her journey from illegitimacy and childhood poverty through to extraordinary wealth, power and iconic status which ultimately led her to being heralded as the ‘spiritual leader of the nation’ by the Argentine people. An icon both loved and hated in her own country. The show opens with the announcement of her death on July 26, 1952 at the age of 33 and the story is told and commented on by the narrator Che, (Luke Whitchurch). We then go back in time to 1934, when Eva was 15. Her first love affair was with a tango singer, Magaldi, (Paul Dyke) whom she begs to take her to Buenos Aires. Once she is in the city, Eva realises that Magaldi is married and she begins sleeping her way to the top with whoever will help her fulfil her goal as an actress and radio star. Che tells us about the changing political face of the wealthy country of Argentina and we see the rise of Colonel Peron (Steve Williams) in 1943. Eva meets Peron at a charity concert in 1944 and she rapidly beguiles him and becomes his latest flame, ousting his then mistress. They marry in 1945, much to the consternation of the established aristocracy, and Peron is elected as President in 1946. Together they fight for ‘A New Argentina’ threatening to take down anyone who stands in their way. Eva is adored by the descamisados (the shirtless ones) and she stands on the ‘Balcony
of the Casa Rosada’ to address the thousands of working people who worship her, singing the ever-popular Don’t Cry For Me Argentina. Evita is on at the Octagon Theatre from March 8th to 19th with 2 Saturday Matinees. Tickets are available from the theatre. See advert on cover.
Gartell Light Railway to commemorates the 50th anniversary of the closure of the S&D
The Gartell Light Railway, which for the past 25 years has been operating a regular passenger service along part of the former S & D track bed just south of Templecombe, will be running two special trains on Sunday, 6th March to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the closure of the much-loved line. The two nine-coach trains will be steam hauled and double headed in order to replicate as far as possible, on the narrowgauge, the last two steam-hauled
passenger trains over the S & D. They will operate as closely as possible to the times that the two final trains ran along the section of the S & D currently used by the Gartell Light Railway. One will depart from Common Lane, the GLR’s principal station, at 11.30 and the other will leave Common Lane at 14.15. Passengers will be issued with a special commemorative ticket and may, if they wish, book either a two-course buffet lunch after the return to Common Lane of the 11.30 train or an afternoon cream tea if they travel on the 14.15 service. The venue for both meals will be the GLR’s spacious
Pines Buffet, where there will be an extensive display of S & D photographs, diagrams and other memorabilia collected over many years by local railway historian and S & D expert Ian Matthews, who will be on hand to share memories with visitors. Former S & D fireman Mike Baker will be on the footplate of one of the two steam locomotives. This unique opportunity to travel behind double-headed steam along part of the S & D route exactly fifty years after its closure is certain to prove very popular and the demand for tickets is expected to be high. Early booking is therefore
Running until 15th March an exhibition by wildlife artist Greg Poole, at The John Leach Gallery, Muchelney Pottery, Langport, TA10 0DW.
Friday 8th and Saturday 9th April
For further details check out our website on
Yandle & Sons Ltd.
Hurst Works, Martock, Somerset, TA12 6JU Tel: 01935 822207 • Email: “The Largest Woodworking Show in the South West”
THE VISITOR March 2016 25
advised. For more detailed information and to obtain a booking form for the two special trains and for the two optional meals, please telephone 01963 370752.
Always an interesting place to visit, The Shoe Museum at Street.
Shoe Museum
The Shoe Museum houses hundreds of historic shoes and also tells the story of Clarks. There are Roman and medieval shoes and beautiful Georgian and Victorian shoes as well. Every school holiday the Museum puts on family events including craft activities and trails which highlight the collection. This Easter come along and make an Easter Bunny shoe. There are also temporary exhibitions and this year to celebrate the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II we will be displaying shoes with a royal
So, you think you know your pop music, do you? By John Osborne • Answers can be found on page 47
1. Who had ‘Spirits In The Material World’ in 1981?
2. ‘Armchair Theatre’. The first solo album by which male?
3. Name the female singer who joined Coldplay on their recent single ‘Hymn for the Weekend’ 4. A Beatles record that has ‘Eleanor Rigby’ on one side, has what song on the other?
connection. The exhibition is due to open in May. Visit the Museum or check the website for more details.
Concert at St. Michael’s Church, North Cadbury
Spectra Musica are delighted to be returning to St. Michael’s Church, North Cadbury, under their Musical Director Peter Leech, on Saturday 2nd April at 7.30pm. ‘All in the April Evening’ will be a concert for Springtime, including works by Brahms, Elgar, Holst and Kern. To acknowledge the 400th Anniversary of Shakespeare’s
death , the choir will also perform items from Shearing’s ‘Songs and Sonnets’. Their very talented accompanist Anita D’Attellis will also be featured. Tickets: Tel. 01747 841263 or on the door. For further information 01749 860457 or
Put a Spring in your step and ‘Swing into Spring’
If you are interested in keeping fit and active, getting out and meeting people, or just having a bit more fun and you live in Sherborne, Milborne Port, Templecombe or the surrounding area, then our monthly ‘Swing Your Partners’ dance club could have the answer. Our folk dancing is nearly all done to a simple walking step - the moves are always explained and walked through before the dance and, in addition, every evening starts with a half-hour introductory workshop for complete beginners. Our next dance is planned for Friday March 18th at 7.30 in Church House, Bathwell Lane, Milborne Port DT9 5AN, just £5 on the door and we would love to see you there. Contact Colin Everest 01963 251533 for more information.
Harriet Sandys
Decorative Items from Central Asia & India EASTER BANK HOLIDAY Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th & Monday 28th March Open 2pm — 5pm
Afghan and Persian Oriental Carpets, Rugs, Runners and Kilims Carved Wood Furniture from the North-West Frontier Unusual Table Lamps and Afghan Tribal Jewellery Indigo Jackets and Cotton Kaftans for the summer
The Barn at the Manor House, West Compton Shepton Mallet, BA4 4PB
5. Who sang about ‘True Colours’ in 1986?
Directions from A361
Tel: 01749 890582 •
6. Who was the vocalist with ‘The Animals’?
— Credit/ Debit Cards Accepted —
7. ‘Piece by Piece’. A 2015 release from whom?
8. ‘Eye to the Telescope’ the first album from which solo female?
9. Lyrics: ‘On the day that you were born the angels got together, and decided to create a dream come true’
10. ‘The Pretenders’ once declared they were ‘Back On the ...’ What? Bonus Question Name the year in which the album in Q2 was released. Question Impossible Name the 1960's psychedelic band formed by brothers Derek, Phil and Ray Shulman.
Great Quotes in Music (84) “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” CONFUCIUS, The Book of Rites 26 THE VISITOR March 2016
February 29th
LEWIS CLARKE & THE ESSENTIALS Montague Inn, Shepton Montague
1st 2nd 9th 11th 12th 12th 16th 17th 18th 25th 25th 26th 26th 27th 27th 30th
FOLK NIGHT - Catash, North Cadbury BLUES NIGHT - Crown, Sherborne TRAD JAZZ - Crown, Sherborne Mr. D’ARCY - Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil HEART & SOUL - Lord Nelson, Norton Sub Hamdon MARK MORRISS (The Bluetones) - Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil TRAD FOLK - Crown, Sherborne NO FIXED ABODE - Montague Inn, Shepton Montague BARRY ‘ELVIS’ PAULL - Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil NO FIXED ABODE - Orchard Inn, Galhampton FAT MARROW BLUES BAND- Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil JUSTIN DAISH - Wyndham Arms, Kingsbury Episcopi ELVIS TRIBUTE - Rose & Crown, Bower Hinton ROD’S FACE - Lord Nelson, Norton Sub Hamdon LIVEWIRED - Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil THE UNFORGETTABLES - Crown, Sherborne
Buttercross Tearooms
The Buttercross Tearooms Somerton, ensures that all items are homemade, fitting in with the seasons. Whenever possible, local produce from local suppliers is used. Light lunches include homemade quiche, seasonal soups and a selection of breakfasts - all served until 3pm. Fancy an afternoon treat? Why not try their delicious scones with fresh clotted cream. Pop in for some Taylor’s Yorkshire tea or D J Miles Coffee and enjoy the comfortable atmosphere that the Buttercross team has created.
Jazz at the Philharmonic Friday 11th March
Following on from their first two sell out concerts, Drayton Events have this time chosen a bigger venue to reflect the growing demand and accommodate a bigger band. The Edgar Hall in Somerton is perfectly attributed
for both. Jazz at the Philharmonic, Friday 11th March 2016. Doors open at 6.30. Concert starts at 7.30. Edgar Hall, 8 Cary Court, Bancombe Road Trading Estate, Somerton, TA11 6SB. Tickets: £17.50. Entry by ticket only from: Enquiries: 01458 253492
Market Place, Somerton (01458) 273168
Homemade Cakes & Scones Morning Coffee, Cream Teas Lunch Served 12 – 3pm Open: Mon – Sat 9 – 5pm
Antiques & Collecting Antiques Fair
Chasty Cottage Antiques
Saturday 26th March Digby Hall, Hound Street Next to Library, Sherborne, DT9 3AA 9.30am – 4.00pm • Trade 8.30am Admission £1
Say you saw it in The Visitor
House & Home
SOME OF US, after living with artificial light for the past few months, look at our homes once the days begin to lengthen and think ‘this room could do with a lick of paint’. So if you’re planning some redecoration, here are a few tips to help.
Painting Tips
1. Choose the colour scheme and the right paint for the right job. 2. Know the square footage of
your room - approximately 1 gallon of paint per 350 sq ft. 3. Buy enough paint to complete the job. 4. Clean walls, skirting and dusty ceiling corners. 5. Apply masking tape. 6. Put down drop cloths. 7. Paint the room top to bottom: ceiling, then walls, then skirting. Priming walls and ceilings is mandatory whenever you're painting new drywall or painting
FROM CONCEPTION TO COMPLETION With over 30 years of building experience — NO HIDDEN EXTRAS —
All works completed by our experienced and reliable team
Services Include but not limited to: Project Management ★ New Build Planning ★ Loft Conversions Carpentry ★ Roofing Ground Works ★ Refurbishment Renovation ★ Commercial Property Maintenance ★ Joinery
All aspects of Building & Maintenance All Insurance Works Undertaken
Contact us for a free estimate
(01935) 823346 •
FUTURE DATE Saturday 9th April Sunday 6th March Salisbury Racecourse, SP2 8PN 01963 370986
Hazy-Maes Auctions Auctions and House Clearance Services
AUCTIONS HELD FORTNIGHTLY ON A SATURDAY Viewing all day on Friday prior, 9.30am – 6.00pm
12th and 26th March from 11.00am NOW AT: Unit 4, Beckery Road, Glastonbury, BA6 9NX Tel: 01458 833550 • Mobile: 07709 038620 Visit our website:
INSTANT CASH FOR YOUR OLD TOYS! ANY TOYS CONSIDERED Established business paying BEST prices for old toys in any condition Dinky Britains Corgi Meccano Hornby Bing Matchbox Scalextric Home visits or shop valuations ... whatever suits and happy to travel
Kitchens replaced for a fresh new look – at a reasonable price
Complete new kitchens designed to suit you
Replacement doors – “don’t replace it, reface it”
Huge choice of granite and quartz worksurfaces Full range of accessories and appliances
Full project management & qualified local installers We offer an expert and friendly service
01935 849559
To discuss your personal requirements contact Adam or call at our showroom
Northover, ILCHESTER, BA22 8LD
THE VISITOR March 2016 27
House & Home ... Spring Home Improvements
over a dark colour. But it's smart to prime any time you paint. Primer serves three main functions. First, it blocks stains from bleeding through. Second, it allows one-coat coverage for the paint. Third, and most important, it improves paint adhesion, which greatly reduces blisters and peeling. Professional painters will often tint the primer toward the finished color by mixing a small
amount of topcoat paint into the primer. This trick greatly enhances the ability of the topcoat to completely hide the primed surface.You can now buy paints that contain primers, but nothing covers as well or improves adhesion as much as a dedicated primer. Invest in a canvas cloth to protect you carpets/furniture etc. Canvas absorbs paint drips, unlike plastic drop cloths, which
KEVAN DAVIS Plumbing & Heating Ltd
Reg. No. 177361
4 Fairview Terrace, Castle Cary Telephone: 07976 741029
Genuine reductions on 100s of appliances
become slippery when spattered with paint. Canvas drop cloths can be easily folded around corners and doorways, something that's impossible to do with plastic sheeting. Canvas drop cloths will last a lifetime. A telescoping extension pole for your paint roller is a must for ceilings. Extension poles come in various lengths, up to 18 feet long, but one that extends from 18 to 36 inches is good enough to paint rooms with 8 or 9 foot-tall ceilings. When shopping for extension poles, look for one that has a soft, non-slip grip and a rigid metal core. And be sure the threaded end of the pole is also metal. All-plastic handles are too flexible!
YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS Cookers, Cookers, ranges, ranges, fridge fridge freezers, freezers, washing machines washing machines & & more! more! Immediate Immediate delivery delivery on on most most items items
Longmead Industrial Estate, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8PL • 01747 851476 • • Est 1994
If you're done painting for the day but still have more to do tomorrow, you don't have to go through the laborious process of cleaning your paint-brushes and paint-roller sleeves. Instead, simply brush or roll off the excess paint, then tightly wrap them in plastic food wrap. If necessary, double up the plastic to seal out any air, then place the wrapped brushes and roller sleeves in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. This might sound crazy, but it works - it'll keep the paint from drying overnight and rendering your equipment unusable. The next day, simply remove the gear from cold storage 30 minutes prior to painting, and it'll be supple and ready for use. Properly wrapped paint-brushes and roller sleeves can be stored in this manner for several days if you're tackling a really ambitious job.
Excellent range of Appliances
Homemaker on the Longmead Industrial Estate, Shaftesbury have an extensive range of kitchen appliances for immediate delivery. Most leading makes are stocked all at competitive prices. Homemaker are part of the Euronics buying group so they can buy at favourable rates and pass the savings on to their customers. They are also pleased to offer a comprehensive choice of Range cookers in a variety of styles and colours. Homemaker have recently refurbished and extended their kitchen showrooms and can offer both British made kitchens and German designed kitchens. There is something to suit all tastes and budgets – and of course a complete range of built in appliances to complete your kitchen. Free local delivery is offered. Friendly and expert advice is always available – whether you are looking for a vacuum cleaner or an American-styled fridge – visit Homemaker. Free Parking outside the door.
Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neighbours Retro Rattan Get Your Own!
28 THE VISITOR March 2016
As the days lengthen we’re already thinking towards spring, sunshine and lighter evenings. With that comes thoughts of home decorating and shaping up the garden. In 2016 rattan remains a coveted addition to
House & Home Bryan G. Paulley Ltd
homes and gardens. With vintage designs still highly sought, designers have been putting contemporary accents on orginal designs and DesResDesign is very excited about a new collection they offer exclusively to the UK market. Inspired by archived drawings, these updated 'orginals' are made to today's standards of comfort and durability. The elegant designs are made from natural rattan and polystrand weave for extra strength and durabilty. Used indoors the black or natural rattan oozes relaxed style and charm. If used and kept outside, very slowly over time the rattan
The Delphi 100cm twin range cooker with hood save £1,250, now £2,988 available in gloss red - just one of several special offers on range cookers at Andrew Bishop Electricals of Castle Cary.
The Old Well House Shepherds Hill, Buckhorn Weston GILLINGHAM, Dorset SP8 5HX Tel / Fax: 01963 371715 Mobile: 07802 393344
will 'weather' to a beautiful grey patina whilst the polystrand weave elements will maintain their strength and colour. This rattan will last a lifetime ... it is not an Ikea comparable. This rattan is high end and made to last. Each piece is hand crafted with 'skin' on rattan using stainless steel screws, making these chairs really hard wearing and weather resistant. Very little maintence - a quick wash with soapy water is all that's required. The polystrand weave is resistant to UV rays and will not loose its elasticity even after years of use.
Domestic / Commercial Installations / Replacements
Plastic / Metal Tanks • Temporary Tanks Leaking Tanks • Tank Cleaning / Moving / Disposal Above or Below Ground Tanks
Tel: 01963 363870 • Mob: 07836 502683 •
FANTASTIC PROMOTIONAL DEALS Superb Kitchens designed and installed for you
Our personal service gives you the ideal style & equipment you need. Discuss your requirements with one of our staff.
THE VISITOR March 2016 29
House & Home
Furniture to be enjoyed and admired for years, definitely a 'get what you pay for' piece. When kept outdoors the natural rattan colour will turn silvery grey in time which adds to the character of the furniture. Used indoors they keep their honey hue.
Prestigious award for Harts of Sturminster Newton
Harts of Stur have walked away with the prestigious Housewares Innovation Award for Britain’s Best Retail Website for the second year in a row. This year the awards took place in Birmingham
Somerset Stone Conservation and Masonry Services
Repairs to old and historic buildings Over 15 years experience using lime mortars Use of lime mortar for re-pointing, stone repairs, wall building Stone replacement, stone cleaning Masonry paint removal and more Sole trader – no VAT
Tel: 07870 626914
Harts of Sturminster receive the prestigious Housewares Innovation Award for Britain’s Best Retail Website.
Suppliers & Installers of PVC-u & Aluminium Windows Doors and Conservatories ■ ■ ■ ■
Replacement Windows Replacement Doors Conservatories Fascia / Soffit / Guttering
■ ■ ■ ■
Window Repairs Handles / Hinges Misted Up Units Secondary Glazing
Before and after. Removal of 1960's pebbledash to reveal a property with stonework in good condition, but badly damaged brickwork, so with a combination of brick repair/ replacement and with a re-point using lime mortar, this building was restored to its former glory by Somerset Stone Conservation and Masonry Services.
A WINNING TEAM QUALITY PRODUCTS ... All products adhere to
“I just wanted to thank you and the team for the excellent service I have experienced whilst having my doors and windows replaced. Firstly your product is excellent the solid construction and the positive locking mechanism have really solved a soundproofing problem and as a bonus I am looking forward to reduced heating bills this winter. Your fitters on site were brilliant, they kept the place clean and tidy and were very careful when working around existing tiles which as you know I was concerned about. It’s a major consideration and worry to hand over your keys when you cannot be around for the fitting but I need not have had any concerns as from start to finish everything was carried out with the upmost professional manner.” Kelv Gibbs – October 2014
30 THE VISITOR March 2016
as endorsed by Celebrity World Snooker Champion Steve Davis ... AND PERSONAL SERVICE Craig Turner (proprietor) will be happy to discuss your requirements, or alternatively call in to our Site Showroom in Somerton. CALL today for a FREE no obligation quote
Turner Windows of Somerton Ltd
Unit 3 Bancombe Trading Estate, Somerton, TA11 6SB
Call: 01458 272555
to coincide with the Spring Fair and nearly 400 people descended upon the Vox Conference Centre to celebrate excellence in the housewares sector. The evening kicked off with a champagne reception, before award-winning journalist, writer and broadcaster Jay Rayner took to the stage to welcome guests and present the first few awards. A sumptuous three course meal was then served, before Jay returned to the stage to reveal the remaining winners to a now very lively audience! Commenting on the evening, event director, Hannah Dedman said: ‘These awards are designed to shine a spotlight on the UK’s most outstanding retailers and suppliers for ensuring that the end user, the consumer, gets the service, quality, style and functionality they expect.’ Harts of Stur were up against some pretty tough competition including Lakeland, the Aga Cookshop and ProCook. MD Philip Hart commented: ‘We are absolutely delighted and honoured to win this prestigious award for the second year running. We have worked very hard to ensure our company continues to offer the best experience for our online customers. To beat one of the biggest online retailers to the award is the icing on the cake!’
Buying a Bed? Look for the Big Tick Logo
MARCH is National Bed Month – and for the first time ever, consumers can now buy a new bed with the reassurance that it is ‘officially’ safe, clean and honest. The National Bed Federation’s ‘NBF Approved’ large tick logo means the manufacturer who made that bed has been independently audited to make sure they follow all the required procedures to produce safe, clean and hygienic mattresses. In short, that they are what they say they are. The move follows increasing mistrust among consumers about the products they are buying – particularly those where the contents are unseen and taken on trust. It covers everything from ready-made meals to lotions and potions. And beds. The NBF is the UK trade association for British bed manufacturers. And to meet its
Oakham twist heavy domestic 80% wool, 20% nylon, 50oz twist pile carpet 10 colours available, 4 metres wide, £15.99m2 Super soft pastel in six colours 4 metres wide, £12.99m2
Riviera sisal weave, 100% wool, heavy
domestic, in 4 colours, 4 metres wide, £25.99m2
Heavy domestic vinyl flooring
Over 30 designs available from stock, from £7.99m2
Wood flooring in stock from £29.99m2
(All prices include VAT)
The only carpet supplier in the South West who can guarantee your old carpet and underlay will be 100% RECYCLED and will not go to landfill.
Over 100 TONS of WASTE now goes to be RECYCLED rather than to land fill.
Open: Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm Saturday 9.00am – 4.30pm
Wincanton Business Park WINCANTON Somerset BA9 9RR 01963 33574
Open: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.30pm Saturday 9.00am – 4.30pm
Newbury GILLINGHAM Dorset SP8 4QL 01747 835394 • *One of the largest showrooms in the area!
THE VISITOR March 2016 31
House & Home ... Spring Home Improvements
new Code of Practice, member companies have had to go through rigorous and independent audits. ‘We wanted to ensure that our mark of approval really meant something,’ said Jessica Alexander, executive director of the NBF. Particularly important to anyone buying a new bed is its safety and the reassurance that the mattress meets strict British flammability regulations. If it
doesn’t - and recent publicity has highlighted the growing number of illegal mattresses being sold with counterfeit FR labels – then it could prove fatal if ignited. Less dramatic but still concerning are health and hygiene issues. We all want to think the nice new bed we are getting in to is clean and hygienic – and the NBF Approved logo means consumers can be sure that the bed they are buying
Specialists in renovation and restoration of older properties Extensions and alterations undertaken Specialists in barn conversions
Purpose built joinery, doors, windows, etc. All Work Guaranteed
Tel: NORTH CADBURY (01963) 440931 Yard Office adj. Orchard Leigh, Long Street Galhampton, Yeovil, Somerset
32 THE VISITOR March 2016
With March being National Bed Month, is it time to buy a new bed?
House & Home ... Spring Home Improvements
comes from a manufacturer with all the right procedures in place to be sure it is just that. And lastly, we want to know that the mattress we are buying contains exactly what it says it does. Not to do so contravenes the Trades Descriptions Act – and again, the big tick logo means you can be assured the product you are buying is as described. It’s an initiative that The Sleep Council both supports and endorses. Said spokesperson Lisa Artis: ‘This is great news for consumers and we would urge anyone buying a bed to look out for the NBF’s new mark of approval – it’s designed to keep people sleeping safe as well as sound.’ Said Jessica Alexander: ‘For reputable manufacturers, the NBF Approved logo is merely confirmation that they are – and always have been - following all the right procedures. ‘Unfortunately there are less scrupulous traders out there who are now selling products that can’t be trusted – and with a mattress it’s hard to know what you are buying.
‘The new NBF Approved logo means people can buy a mattress in the certain knowledge that it is safe, clean and honest.’
What’s Hot in the World of Beds
If you haven’t bought a new bed for at least seven years, you could be missing out on all sorts of new improvements and comfort features. Your bed could have deteriorated by as much as 70% from its ‘new’ condition in that time, for starters! And from the latest sleekly upholstered divans to technical advances that are making hot beds a thing of the past, The Sleep Council says there’s never been a better time to buy a new bed. Here’s its guide to all the latest developments.
A new Gel-eration of beds
Gel is a new filling that is taking the bed market by storm. The new ground-breaking technology is known for its cooling thermoregulating properties and the benefits it delivers such as breathability, pressure relief and body support.
This traditional sink from the Burlington range of sanitary ware is available from J2 Tiles of Yeovil.
Carpets Proprietor: Roger Willis
“Over 45 years experience in the carpet trade”
For a reliable & personal service Select from over 1000 Carpet and Vinyl samples
All leading makes supplied Prompt Delivery
Professional Fitting
FREE Estimates and Planning
Market Place, Somerton, Somerset, TA11 7LZ
Tel: (01458) 273042
Quality Floor & Wall Tiles Distributors of Porcelanosa and other leading brands
Professional fitting service Free Measuring & Estimate Design Advice Supply & Fit or Supply Only Full Range of Sanitary Ware, Basins, Baths, etc.
Open: 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm Saturday Free parking outside the shop
J2 Tiles, Unit 16, Venture 20 (Opposite Wicks)
Lynx West Trading Estate YEOVIL, BA20 2HP
01935 472088 ·
THE VISITOR March 2016 33
House & Home ... Spring Home Improvements It’s your choice!
When it comes down to it – are you a technoholic or someone who prefers ‘au naturale’? Mattress construction is going both ways – latching on to high-tech material like space-age memory foam and gel or reassuringly returning to all natural, even organic, cottons, wool, cashmere etc.
Climate change for the better
Pretty kitchen tiles in green & white with the added interest of herb tiles. Just one of many designs available from The Tile Market, Yeovil.
The Tile Market
Ceramic Tile Specialists
◆ Wall and Floor Tiles Unit 1 Brympton Way Lynx West Trading Estate
◆ Marble / Mosaic / Granite / Travertine Limestone / Slate ◆ Full Range of Adhesives / Sealants and Tiling Accessories in stock
Tel: 01935 426737
Open Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5pm, Saturday 9am - 1pm
Unit 11, Brickfields Business Park, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4JX
Tel: 01747 826714
As your Local Sky Expert we can offer you exclusive savings on your first year’s subscription to Sky TV – don’t go online, come and speak to us first!
Get the most from your Smart TV We can help with ...
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Smart TV connection / networking
TV aerial & satellite dishes - supplied, installed, repaired Extra points
Commercial installation - multipoints e.g. flats, holiday parks, care homes, etc. Experienced engineers
c soni Pana pplied su TVs and lled insta
Work in conservation areas, listed buildings, etc.
WE COVER YOUR AREA ... Yeovil, Sherborne, Gillingham etc.
Your local Sky expert 34 THE VISITOR March 2016
All beds – but particularly foam ones - do need to be well ventilated and manufacturers are coming up with various novel solutions – from the cellular construction or the composition of the foam itself; to specially constructed ventilation layers; special springs to enhance air circulation; to warm sides and cool sides; to covers with the sort of technology you see in high performance clothing: fast drying and capable of allowing moisture to evaporate quickly. Whether it’s space age technology or letting nature do its best, climate control is at the forefront of the beds of today.
Divans on display
You might have thought the good old divan was on its way out; but these days they’re fighting back. Manufacturers are making full use of the gorgeous fabrics out there to upholster their bases and co-ordinate their headboards, which in turn have got higher and higher to make more of a statement. So whether your fancy turns to opulent satins, crushed velvets, fashionable florals or even luxury leathers, you’ll no longer need to hide your base beneath a fussy valance – it’s meant to be seen!
All action – or no action!
If you’re that way inclined, you can find beds with built-in flat screen TVs which glide gracefully up from the foot of the bed or even ones with surround sound and iPod docking. Naturally, if you’re going to watch telly in bed you’ll need an electrically adjustable head rest; why not throw in an integral massage unit at the same time, for good measure? Adjustability has come of technological age and is definitely
Your local independent Television and Audio Specialists
Panasonic TVs many with 5 Year Warranty DVD Recorders, Blu Ray, etc.
Delivery and installation service available Roberts Radios
Repair and servicing on the premises by our own Experienced Engineers
Audio Repairs Guitar Amps Valve Audio PA Systems Sensible prices, friendly and helpful service
Greenhill • SHERBORNE • DT9 4EW 01935 813451 Where customer care comes first and after sales service is paramount
House & Home ... Spring Home Improvements
You’ll find plenty of beds to choose from at Ilminster Warehouse in Ditton Street, Ilminster.
The afterlife
More and more companies are considering what happens to your bed when you’ve finished with it. If it’s no longer providing you with the optimum sleeping environment then it won’t be any good for anyone else either but it would be a crime if it just ended up in landfill. Fortunately mattress recycling is on the up and up – so make sure you check out what arrangements your retailer or local council has for sustainable disposal .
And finally...
When you’re looking for a new bed, whatever catches your eye in terms of style, construction or clever features, we urge you not to forget The Sleep Council’s basic rules for buying the right one for your comfort and support needs, too. * Set aside enough time. You can’t buy a good mattress in a hurry or if you’re tired or distracted – they will all feel wonderful! *Choose the correct support for your weight and build. A good mattress will gently support your body at all points and keep your spine in the same position as good standing posture. *Comfort is paramount. Whether you like firmer or softer cushioning, if you’ve got the core support the rest is up to you. A bed doesn’t have to be hard to be good for you.
*If possible, try a selection of beds for comparison. Spend at least 10 minutes on each bed on your shortlist. *Lie down in your normal sleeping position and test out how easy it is to turn and to get in and out of bed. Wear comfortable clothing and remove any outdoor gear. *Shop together, if the bed’s for two. And consider separate mattresses or different tensions if there’s a big difference in height and weight. *Don’t forget a bed is a mattress and a base working together - don’t consider them in isolation. *Think big – larger beds are more comfortable. *You get what you pay for – both in product and service – so spend as much as you can afford. *Most warranties and guarantees protect against manufacturing defects – not gradual loss of comfort and support.
*Look out for the NBF Approved label to be reassured that the mattress you’re buying is safe, clean and honest.
Buying Online:
Shopping online can often be cheaper and more convenient than shopping on your local high street. You may also find some products online which are not available in the shops. But for millions of online shoppers in the UK, it's vital to know your rights and trust your retailer. Here’s our top tips for shopping securely online. *Choose reputable shopping sites. If you haven't heard of the company, search for them on which lists only shops that offer secure credit card transactions, clear delivery prices and returns policies. *Check the website has contact details, phone numbers etc. *Stick to reputable brands such as NBF Approved members. You
Carpet to suit all tastes & budgets
Visit our new showroom to see our extensive range of flooring
■ Carpets ■ Vinyls ■ Naturals ■ Woods Wincanton ■ Laminates ■ Tiles ■ Blinds Roll Stock ... vinyls & carpets now available
Corner of Showroom
★ Free Estimate ★ Free Measuring ★ Professional Fitting by our own Expert Fitters ★ Friendly and Personal Service ★ Competitive Prices “Just nice people to do business with”
SJH CARPETS, Southgate Road, Wincanton 01963 824418 Also at: High Street, Tisbury 01747 871178
Fire Station
Southgate Road Wi nc .T ow n
not just for the oldies. More good news, you can now buy mattresses which don’t need turning over – sprung ones as well as non-sprung. And as a nation we become more and more tech-savvy it’s only time before we see more inbuilt technology within bed frames, bedside tables and headboards.
can check with them that they do regular business with that retailer. *Ensure you are satisfied that the product descriptions you are given are true to accurate – you can’t look inside a mattress! *Is there any indication of country of origin? *Ensure the website is secure before entering payment details. *Check sellers’ privacy policy and returns policy. *Buying a mattress online may be cheaper and more convenient but there are drawbacks to not being able to see and touch items. That's why the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 give you extra protection. For more information visit *Remember a really cheap offer is cheap for a reason and you might not get what you bargained for! Remember you’re going to spend over 20,000 hours on your bed during its seven year lifespan so it’s worth taking a little time and effort in the beginning to make sure you make the right choice. The Sleep Council.
Tythings Centre
THE VISITOR March 2016 35
House & Home ... Spring Home Improvements
Drapes Direct
Drapes Direct are a one-stop-shop for all your Curtains & Blinds, whether you are looking to do one window in your country cottage or you are refurbishing a whole commercial property! With literally hundred’s of fabrics to suit all budgets and tastes and new fabrics from the latest collections coming in each season, they are bound to have something for everyone! They make beautiful made-tomeasure curtains with a choice of headings, matching accessories a nd a ll t y p es of b lind s t oo, including Romans, Rollers, Verticals, Aluminium and Wood Venetians, Pleated, Vision, Perfect Fit and conservatory blinds and sails! Markus has been in the trade for well over 20 years now so he’s able to give sound and practical advice on those difficult spaces
and you know you’ll always get guaranteed quality products and a professional fitting service! So for a truly personal service, give Markus or Tracey a call to arrange a free measure visit, or pop in and visit them at their factory showroom at Unit 2, Kelly’s Yard, Parrett Works TA12 6AE (next door to Castle Reclamation and across from Southfork Caravan site). The showroom is open to the public Mon-Thurs 9-3pm, Fridays 91.30pm and Saturdays 9-12noon!
Forge Fabrics
Forge Fabrics of Stalbridge is run by mother and daughter team Wendy and Emily. They offer a professional curtain making service, with a choice of headings such as eyelet, goblet, pinch pleat and pencil pleat. They have a good choice of fabric samples from leading
of Castle Cary
Made-to-Measure Curtains and Soft Furnishings
makes to choose from including iLiv and Chatham-Glyn – or if preferred customers can supply their own fabric. The workshop is on the premises – where they also undertake other projects such as cushions and blinds. The shop offers a full range of haberdashery, cross-stitch, tapestries, wools and patterns including Debbie Bliss. Currently there are end of line designer fabrics at greatly discounted prices. If you are thinking of taking up sewing or knitting ask about their workshops.
requirements with their helpful and professional staff. The Living Pretty Tea Room is within Sandpits - here you can enjoy everything from a morning coffee and slice of cake through to a delicious lunch or afternoon tea.
Home is where the hearth is!
At Sandpits Heating Centre in Curry Rivel you will find over 300 appliances on display. They have an extensive range of woodburners suitable for any type of home, with many working models on display. Sandpits is a family-run business offering a complete service from sales through to installation and service. They use their own fully qualified engineers and currently employ over 15. They can install flue systems, re-line chimneys and create new fireplaces - they can even sweep your chimney! There is a good selection of fireside accessories such as log baskets, companion sets and rugs. Sandpits are stockists of the ever popular Rayburn which is not only a dream to cook on but can heat the home and water too. Do call in and discuss your
The well-established family-run business of Walter Wall Carpets in Yeovil offers a wide choice of carpeting and rugs.
100s of rugs
... wonderful choice of fabrics
in stock Extensive range of quality carpets Natural flooring specialists
7 High Street, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7AN 01963 351352 •
Within SJH Carpets
The Tythings Commercial Centre Southgate Road, Wincanton
Professionally Made To Measure Curtains, Blinds etc. Supply your own Fabric or choose from a ... Superb Range of Fabric Books including Prestigious Textiles, Clarke & Clarke, and more!
Curtain Poles and Tracks, Haberdashery Ribbons, Threads, Cushions, Remnants, Linings etc.
Melody 07883 089 333
OPEN: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00am - 3.00pm Thursday 9.00am - 1.00pm, Saturday 9.00am - 12.30pm
36 THE VISITOR March 2016
. . . do call in!
34 Princes Street, Yeovil. Tel: 01935 478100
Forge Fabrics
Curtains & Blinds Soft Furnishing Fabric Dress Fabric Haberdashery Knitting Supplies Sewing Machines Workshops The Forge, Ring Street, Stalbridge Dorset, DT10 2LZ Emily
& Wendy 01963 548138
House & Home ... Spring Home Improvements
MIKE TUCKER of City Decorating Wells answers readers questions Q. After having windows closed in the winter I'm getting mould on my bathroom walls and ceiling, is there an easy way of fixing this?
A. Many of us struggle with mould problems in kitchens and bathrooms, especially in winter! Luckily it's very simple to fix and can be prevented from happening again. Firstly you need to clean off all of the mould and mildew as spores will penetrate paint if left untreated, a really reliable cleaner is advised as this is an important stage. Once all surfaces are clean and dry, a stain block primer needs to be applied to stop any stains bleeding through and shellac based primers are the best for this. We only keep the best quality primers and ours will even be dry in 15 minutes! Now it's all about the top coat, whether you want to go brilliant white or have a more historic colour it's important to have some protection against mould. A standard white can be bought off the shelf with mould inhibitor included and works for years but for Farrow & Ball, Little Greene and Mylands lovers we can now put in the additive for you and turn any premium paint into an anti-mould version. This way you're also limiting your exposure to chemicals as all our paints come in water-based versions and are incredibly low in VOC. Try and leave the freshly painted room for as long as you can and if you have a spare bathroom use it. The longer you can leave the paint to cure the better it will perform, a fortnight is ideal. It's important to note that these anti-mould coatings will only work if left exposed, if
you paint over them they will lose their fungicidal properties. If you're still unsure give us a ring or come into the shop and we can advise you further! This treatment for mould advice - can be used anywhere you have mould - not soley bathrooms.
The difference between Mould and Mildew, both can be rectified.
Switching event to help residents save money on energy bills
A switching event in Wincanton on 1 March will help show how residents can save money on their energy bills with the help of the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE). The Warmer Improved Somerset Homes (WISH) event is part of a project organised by the CSE who have helped people in Somerset tackle their energy issues since 2006. South Somerset District Council’s Environmental Health team will be at the event to offer advice on the work they do with the Home Aid service, grants available in relation to home improvement, energy advice, damp and mould and also housing condition issues. Representatives from Wessex Water will also be there to offer advice and solutions on reducing your water bill with special
gadgets that will help you save money. The event is being held at The Balsam Centre, Wincanton, BA9 9HB on Tuesday 1 March 2016 between 12.30pm and 3.30pm. Councillor Carol Goodall, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health said, ‘Switching fuel supplier can save an average household £240 a year on energy bills and is easy to do, if you know how. Experts from the Centre for Sustainable Energy will be on hand at this event to show you how. ‘Our Environmental Health team can also offer you advice on making sure your home is energy efficient and can tell you if you
are eligible for a grant to help improve your home or whether our Home Aid service can help you. Come along to this free event and see if you can save yourself money on your energy bills’. Lisa Evans, Project Manager at the Centre for Sustainable Energy added, ‘Too many of us are paying over the odds for the fuel and water that we use in our homes – it is definitely worth shopping around to get a cheaper deal, we can even make savings just by changing the way that we pay for it! ‘If you have never switched fuel supplier and or have any questions at all, come along on the day and see how you go about it’.
Bring the countryside into your home with these beautiful fabrics from Sandersons - newly arrived at A Touch of Elegance, Ilminster.
Introducing Farrow & Ball’s 9 new beautiful colours Full range of tester pots in stock
Come and view our window display showcasing the additions
City Decorating Supplies
Mould - We've all experienced this at some point!
No.1 The Old Chapel Union Street Car Park WELLS BA5 2PU 01749 677299
Open: Monday – Friday 9am – 5.30pm, Saturday 9.30am – 3.30pm Email Orders: Deliveries available throughout UK & Europe
THE VISITOR March 2016 37
SPRING is on the way. Time to give your vehicle a thorough clean to get rid of all the salt / grit /mud it may have picked up from the roads over the winter months. Time too for a service ... to get ready for Spring driving and the Easter holidays.
Norris Body Repairs Ltd
Norris Body Repairs is a familyrun business near Yeovil town centre which carries out car body repairs and re-sprays. If you have an insurance claim you can choose where your car is repaired and Norris Body Repairs offer a friendly alternative to the larger body shops. Richard Norris has over 22 years experience in the industry and will ensure you receive individual attention – together with a free estimate and highly skilled repair. They also specialise in vehicle restorations offering a chance for the customer to inspect and instruct as the restoration is carried out. Norris Body Repairs also carry out welding work on vehicles that may have failed their MOT. Call Mary Norris to book your car in for repair today!
Westover Garage Langport
Westover Garage has been established for eight years and is run by business partners Gary Webb and David Huntley, who are both local to the area. The
purpose-built workshop is fully equipped including the latest diagnostic equipment. Work is carried out by the team of mechanics who are all fully qualified. There are seven members of staff in total. Services offered include MOTs, body repairs, exhausts and batteries, car valeting and servicing on all makes and models of car - Ford specialists. Westover also offer a vehicle recovery service. Open from 7am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday, 7am - 11am Saturday.
Yeovil Auto Tuning
Yeovil Auto Tuning are conveniently located at 9 Oxford Road, on the Pen Mill Trading Estate, Yeovil – easily located and with plenty of parking. Yeovil Auto Tuning is a family run business, established for 33 years. Proprietor Colin Frost runs the business with his wife Anita and their two experienced mechanics Jamie and Ross. They offer a full range of services - repairs, servicing, engine tuning and MOT testing which includes class 1V, V and V11 Light Vans plus motorhomes. A collection and delivery service is available.
Rich’s Auto Services
Richard Cross opened Rich’s Auto Services on the Torbay Road
NORRIS BODY REPAIRS LTD ■ Insurance Claims ■ Private Jobs ■ Restorations ■ Resprays ■ Welding Work
South Street • YEOVIL • BA20 1QQ Tel: 01935 411095
Email: • Fax: 01935 473119
RICH’S AUTO SERVICES ◆ Servicing and repairs on all makes of car ◆ MOTs by appointment TYRES — EXHAUSTS — BATTERIES OPEN: MONday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm Saturday mornings by appointment
Unit 4, Torbay Road Trading Estate Torbay Road, CASTLE CARY, BA7 7DT
01963 350568
38 THE VISITOR March 2016
Trading Estate in 2014. Richard has over 18 years experience as a motor mechanic (working for many years at One to One Motor Repairs). Rich has a fully equipped workshop complete with diagnostic equipment and can undertake servicing and repairs on most makes of cars. MOTs by appointment and air conditioning service by prior arrangement.
Regular tyre checks will reduce thousands of road casualties and save millions of pounds says TyreSafe
Every year, tyre-related incidents result in thousands of casualties and cost the economy tens of millions of pounds – motorists could help dramatically reduce the number of incidents and costs by carrying out regular monthly safety checks says TyreSafe. The not-for-profit organisation’s compilation of its own research, and government and road safety stakeholders’ data, highlights the pressing need for a change in driver behaviour. TyreSafe urges all Britain’s motorists to ensure their tyres are inflated to the vehicle manufacturer’s
recommended pressures for the load, that they have sufficient tread depth and they are in roadworthy condition.
The Facts
The total number of casualties resulting from tyrerelated incidents over last five reported years* is 5,677 of which 989 people were killed or seriously injured, annually averaging 1135 and 198 respectively. Where casualties arise from an accident caused by a vehicle defect, tyres are the single largest contributory factor over the last five reported years*, accounting for 36% of the total. The estimated cost of tyrerelated incidents to the economy over the last five reported years* is £416 million, averaging £83.2 million annually. Annually, 2.2 million cars fail the MoT due to tyre-related defects** Over the past three years there have been more than 15,000 convictions for tyrerelated offences*** TyreSafe’s survey in partnership with Highways England revealed potentially up to 10 million, or more than one-in-four cars and vans on Britain’s roads, was driven with an illegal and dangerous tyre in 2015****
Additionally, Highways England attended 38,247 tyrerelated callouts on the motorway and major ‘A’ road network alone in 2015. The vast majority of
Westover Garage Ltd.
The Willows Business Park, Westover Trading Estate, Langport, TA10 9RB
Tel: 01458 252252 NEW MOT TESTING CENTRE
Class 7 Commercial Vehicles • Class 4 Cars & Light Vans • Class 1 & 2 Motorcycles Appointment Basis Only • Re-tests FREE of Charge (within 10 days) Car Service & Car Sales — all makes and models FREE Collection & Delivery plus Loan Car Large selection of Tyres in stock at competitive prices
these incidents resulted in the vehicles coming to a halt on the hard shoulder of these high speed roads, leaving them in a vulnerable and potentially dangerous situation. On average a vehicle is included in Highways England statistics if you are on the hard shoulder for just 12 seconds. ‘What we’re urging motorists to do is carry out tyre safety checks on a monthly basis which will substantially reduce their risk of becoming involved in a tyre-related incident on the roads,’ said Stuart Jackson, TyreSafe chairman. ‘Vehicles have become progressively more reliable over the years so fewer of us need to carry out the weekly maintenance we once did on components like oil and water, but tyres are still in direct contact with the road and all the potential physical objects on them. Even new tyres lose pressure over time and can become damaged by potholes or kerbing. ‘ has a wealth of advice on how to carry out these routine tyre checks but if they are not confident, or unable to do so themselves, they should visit their local TyreSafe retailer who will be able to help.’
How to Check
TyreSafe recommends drivers check their tyres’ Air pressure, Condition and Tread depth at least once a month and before long journeys. The simple maintenance routine can be carried out in just a minute or two. A tyre’s air pressure influences the way a vehicle handles and how much fuel it uses. If it is not inflated to the manufacturers recommended inflation level, the vehicle will not brake and steer as it should, there is an increased risk of a sudden deflation and the fuel consumption will rise. The correct pressures are often to be found in the door
Topping up with fuel or having new tyres fitted - for a friendly and efficient service visit Phillips Tyres of Castle Cary.
shut or filler cap, but it will certainly be in the owner’s manual or on TyreSafe’s pressure checker ( Drivers are reminded there are two pressures, one for when partlyloaded and the other when fully-loaded. While you’re checking pressures, it’s a good opportunity to have a look at the tyre’s condition. Tyres are never manufactured with lumps, bumps or objects sticking in them, so if you see any of these, you’ll need to have the tyre inspected. If objects like stones are wedged in the tread, remove them if you can. The minimum legal tread depth is 1.6mm, the maximum penalty for driving with a tyre below that is three penalty points and a fine of up to £2500 – FOR EACH TYRE. TyreSafe’s ‘20p test’ provides you with a quick check to see how close your tyres are to that limit. Place a 20p coin into the main tread grooves at three points across the tyre and then repeat around its circumference. If the outer band is visible, the tyres may be unsafe or illegal and need to be checked by a tyre professional. *DfT five years to 2014 **DVSA 2012 to 2014 ***Ministry of Justice 2012 to 2014 ****Survey conducted in Q2 2015
VINTAGE Motor Cycling
WITH WINTER behind us, spring signals the start of greater activity within the old vehicle movement. During March the Somerset Section has a guest speaker at their club night at Cossington on the 3rd. Just two days later they have the twice yearly autojumble at the Shepton Mallet Showground (more on this subject later). Next they have a skittles night on the 12th and finally they have the Spring Run from Nether Stowey on the 20th. The Wessex Veteran and Vintage Section has a guest speaker for its club night on the 14th at East Stour. The Dorset Section start with its Lunch Meet at West Stour on the 2nd, followed by a Winter Run from Dorchester on the 6th. Club night at Pulham on the 9th will be a guest speaker, and the month is rounded off by the Breakfast Meet back at West Stour on the 26th. Ring 01935872528 for further information.
The autojumble mentioned earlier takes place at the Bath and West Showground on the 5th. Always well organised by the Somerset Section this is a must for any motorcycle enthusiast whether his/her interests be in old or modern bikes. With around 400 stalls selling everything from new riding gear and those consumables we all need, to masses of rusty bits and pieces which just might be the very piece you need to complete your old bike. With thousands of people there a very social day out is guaranteed and with an entrance fee of just £3 then it has to be good value as well. Do not miss it. Last year I became a member of the British Motorcycle Charitable Trust and for various reasons I did not use its services. The Trust raises money for various motorcycle related projects and spends money on the restoration of old machines which then go into museums for specific purposes and for the public to enjoy. Membership of the Trust costs just £20 per year, and when a member you receive a card which allows free access to about a dozen museums scattered around the country. I recently had occasion to use my card and the museum I visited had an entrance fee of more than half the amount I had paid to become a member. If I visit only one other museum this year then from my membership fee I shall be in profit, and with the knowledge that my money is being spent on good causes. The only condition applicable is that if any museum has a special event on at the time of your visit then the card cannot be used. An example of the Trust's work is the complete restoration of a First
All garage doors are different, so as a roller door specialist, (I don’t replace windows, etc.) I can survey, quote and install to your requirements and make the most of your garage opening, as generally no frame is necessary. With the option of automated operation with remote control, a top quality garage door need only be a phone call away.
G.H. SALES. Tel: 01935 891414
THE VISITOR March 2016 39
World War Royal Enfield sidecar outfit which has now been lent to the Bovington Tank Museum for permanent display. I consider this to be a win-win situation for all concerned. I therefore recommend this Trust to you. I have just returned home after spending two and a half exhausting days at the Bristol Classic Bike Show held at the Bath and West Showground. But what a splendid show it was, and with literally thousands of people attending the social aspect of the event could not be bettered. The standard of display machines was as good as always and with about one thousand machines on display there was bound to be something of interest for everyone. All aspects of motorcycling was covered. The auction was well attended and prices for most lots were as strong as ever. No signs of deflation here as yet. A lot of machines in original and unrestored condition were displayed this year, which is very pleasing to see. I wrote of this a few months ago and it does seem these machines are the ones in demand at the moment and reach a premium. Of particular interest this year was a stand assembled by Somerset enthusiast Henry Body. On this stand was a 1912 Williamson and sidecar which appears untouched from new and so it won the Most Original Award. Also on that stand was a 1938 DKW/Auto Union. It was manufactured in Germany and featured a 500cc two stroke twin engine and this export model had dual controls for clutch and gear lever which allowed the rider to use hand or foot for these controls. It also featured a Dyna Start which is in effect a dynamo and starter combined, this is not unique but very advanced for a motorcycle made before the Second World War. So unusual is this machine that it was given the Most Technically Interesting Award. At the show there were many outstanding machines and it seems unfair to feature just one, but my photograph this month is of a machine displayed on the Stonehenge Sections display. The picture shows a 1932 Calthorpe Ivory Minor of 250cc. Calthorpe was a very small manufacturer but always seemed to be able to produce a very attractive machine. This bike is owned and was restored by John Guy from Hampshire. John is a seasoned restorer and his machines are always done to the highest of
40 THE VISITOR March 2016
standards and this latest restoration is of equal standard, and very pretty it looks. Rod Hann.
March Notice Board DITCHEAT
Easter Family Bingo Thursday 10th March, doors open 7pm, Ditcheat Hall, £2 entry includes tea, coffee, squash and biscuits. Any funds made for church.
Blackmore Vale U3A talk, 7 Years in China, Tuesday 1st March, 2.30pm Henstridge Village Hall. Members £1.50, Visitors £2.50. Refreshments included.
Saturday 19th March at 7pm concert for The Guardians in Martock Parish Church: The famous Barnstaple Ladies Choir (30 strong & founded in 1984) singing classical items and songs from famous musicals. Tickets just £6 on the door or £5 from 01935 822706.
PROMPTLY at 3.18pm on 14th December the first ever timetabled through train from London Waterloo drew into Bruton station. Representatives of the town council and the Friends of Bruton Station group, a band and a small crowd of local residents gathered on the platform to welcome the arrival and cut a celebratory chocolate cake to mark the historic occasion. The train, which runs on weekdays only, leaves Waterloo at 12.50pm, calls at Westbury, Frome, Bruton and Castle Cary and reaches Yeovil Pen Mill at 3.37pm. The sole return through train to London on this route leaves Pen Mill at 4.55pm, stops at Castle Cary (5.07pm) Bruton (5.12pm), Frome (5.24pm) and Westbury (5.33pm) and arrives in Waterloo at 7.50pm. So the new service is of no use to anyone wanting a day trip to London or to Visitorland from London, but it does augment the sparse service of Bristol to Weymouth trains that call at these stations. It is part of South West Trains’ efforts to provide a better service from London to West Wiltshire, North Dorset and South Somerset. On weekdays the aforementioned 12.50pm departure from Waterloo formerly terminated at Salisbury. The 1.50pm and 3.50pm departures formerly terminated at Gillingham but have now been extended via Templecombe and Sherborne to Yeovil Junction and Yeovil Pen Mill. The 4.50pm and 5.50pm trains to Yeovil Junction have been extended to Yeovil Pen Mill, and the 6.50pm to Salisbury has been extended via Gillingham, Templecombe and Sherborne to Yeovil Junction and Yeovil Pen Mill. In the reverse direction, as well as the new 4.55pm from Pen Mill via Castle Cary and Bruton, a new 3.42pm from Pen Mill runs via Yeovil Junction, Sherborne and Templecombe to Gillingham where it replaces the former 4.18pm departure for Waterloo. Talking to people on Bruton station it is clear that they would have been happier if the 6.50pm from Waterloo to Yeovil Pen Mill been routed via their line rather than the direct line through Gillingham, and a morning departure reaching London before midday would be greatly welcomed. It would be better still, one man told me, if two Great Western Railway trains in each direction on the main line between Paddington and the south-west stopped at Bruton - his preference would be for departures for London at about 9.45am and 6.55pm, and from London arriving at around 10.25am and 8.20pm - which would allow for days out for business and leisure purposes. If the new South West Trains service is improved in the future, perhaps Great Western Railway will yield to the competition and seriously consider his suggestion. Roger Richards.
Mere Drama Society present a Mere Variety Show at the Lecture Hall, Mere, on 17th/18th/19th March at 7.30pm. Tickets £8.00 to include buffet supper. Available from Mere Library or on 01747 861257.
A listing under our Notice Board costs just £5 - send details of What? When? Where? to The Visitor, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7BG. All entries to be pre-paid, maximum 20 words. Extra words 30p each. Deadline for April issue, Friday 11th March.
The first through train from London Waterloo draws into Bruton Station.
The Pink Champagne Widows
THIS MOTHER'S DAY there can be nothing better to put mum in the pink than a classy bottle of pink bubbly. However, all champagnes are not necessarily equal, and this selection is special if for no other reason than that each of these renowned champagne houses achieved their status due to the tireless work of the women, yes women, who took over the helm to drive them forward at a time when the wine world was dominated by men, thus paving the way for women wine makers everywhere.
PERHAPS the most famous of these women was Barbe-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin, known nowadays for 'Veuve Clicquot', with its striking yellow label, the word 'Veuve' meaning 'widow'. She became a widow in 1805, at the age of 27. With a young daughter and no knowledge of the business, she eagerly took control of the organisation and even developed the unique system of removing sediment from Champagne bottles (remuage) by cutting holes in her kitchen table!
Wine & Dine
persistent bubbles. The berry and redcurrant flavours also have a hint of pomegranate and kiwi fruit, offset by a toastiness reminiscent of almond cake. Suitable as an aperitif it is perfect with poultry, shellfish and red fruit desserts.
LAURENT-PERRIER, founded in 1812 by André Michel, was run by cellar master Eugene Laurent with his wife, Mathilde Emilie Perrier. After Eugene's death in 1887, Mathilde combined the 2 names and Laurent-Perrier was born. At the time of World War I, their successful production of 50,000 cases per year was hit hard. To offset this Mathilde began to market Laurent-Perrier in the UK. When she died in 1925 Mathilde left the company to her daughter Eugenie, who with the threat of war again in 1939, sold the company to Mary-Louise Lanson de Nonancourt. She eventually handed over the reigns to her son Bernard who became Chairman and Chief Executive, maintaining an important role in the business until his death in 2010.
Veuve Clicquot Rosé NV Champagne, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, 12.5%, £56
This medium bodied rosé is an elegant, creamy wine, with a soft red-fruit core. A fairly recent addition to their offerings, it has a refreshing back bone making it a perfect match with food such as smoked salmon or strawberries and cream. It is reminiscent of the power and finesse of the nonvintage label, with a soft red-fruit core.
ANOTHER famous widow, Louise Pommery, took control of the Pommery winery in 1858, at the age of 39 and with two children to care for as well. She developed the 'brut' style of Champagne much loved by the British and turned her small winery into a large Champagne house, gaining world-wide respect.
Pommery Springtime Rosé 12%, £44.50
Pommery is the only Champagne house that creates 'seasonal' Champagne variations. This is a bubbly pale, tender pink colour, lively, with fine,
Laurent-Perrier Cuvée Rosé Brut NV, 12.5%, £43.99
This champagne with its distinctive bottle is much loved by connoisseurs and is one of my personal favourites. Using only
Pinot Noir from grand cru villages and the more unusual soak-on-the-skins method, it has delicious raspberry and redcurrant flavours.
LOUIS ROEDERER inherited the estate in 1833, establishing the wine's unique style, character, and also buying up some of Champagne's grand cru vineyards. In the 1870s, Louis Roederer began to export its wines and over the next 135 years it remained an independent family run Champagne house. In 1932, Madame Camille OlryRoederer took over the business and also her family's race horses, keeping both running during the depression and both world wars. The annual production of its wines (which includes the famed Cristal) represents just over three million bottles, distributed to 100 countries.
Louis Roederer Brut Rosé 2010 62% Pinot Noir, 38% Chardonnay, £55
Vinified in oak tuns without malo-lactic fermentation this cuvée is aged for four years on its lees and is left for a minimum period of six months after disgorging to attain optimum maturity. A delicate pink colour with a lively stream of fine bubbles, the aromas of honeysuckle, lily and mandarin zest are accompanied by typical smokiness. An excellent wine, oozing with finesse and elegance, with a long finish. A fantastic pairing, equally at home with salmon or lamb, veal, guinea fowl, or pheasant; and soft cheeses such as Chaource and BrillatSavarin.
THE HISTORY of Bollinger starts with Athanase de Villermont who had an interest in Champagne who, due to his nobility, was forbidden to enter in to the trade directly. On meeting German born champagne enthusiast Joseph Bollinger and local man Paul Renaudin in 1829, RenaudinBollinger & Cie was founded. Joseph married Athanase's daughter Louise-Charlotte in 1837, they had 2 sons Joseph and Georges. Bollinger continued to be passed down through the family, with Madame Lily Bollinger, wife of Jacques, the founder's grandson, taking control in 1941, a difficult time
for any Champagne house to be in operation, eventually doubling production.
Bollinger Rosé Brut NV Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Chardonnay, 12%, £43.99
The first new Bollinger release for 30 years this is a truly stunning champagne. It is a very seductive, toasty and crisp rosé with summer berry fruit flavours, a smooth soft texture and a long finish.
Jon Thorner’s Lamb springs into March
As spring approaches we welcome new season lamb – a delicate and subtle flavour, which is incredibly tender. A whole leg of lamb is a fabulous centre piece for the table if serving a large group of friends or family, but if you want something more manageable or for 2 to 3 people, ask your butcher to butterfly and portion a leg of lamb. The main bone is removed from the whole leg and you can get 34 mini roasting joints. These joints are perfect to roast as they are with some simple seasoning or for added flavour, try: 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 tbsp fresh mint, finely chopped 1 tbsp olive oil Salt and pepper
Rub the marinade into the mini joint and leave for at least an hour, but ideally overnight. Preheat the oven to Gas 4-5, 180°C, 350°F and cook for 25 minutes per 450g. This dish is perfect served with minted new potatoes, freshly steamed spring greens and baby carrots. Speak to your local Jon Thorner’s butcher about new season lamb at Bridge Farm Shop in Pylle, Farrington’s Farm Shop in Farrington Gurney and Whiterow Farm Shop in Beckington. See their advert on the Back Cover.
THE VISITOR March 2016 41
Robert Stone & Co.
Chartered Accountants & Tax Advisers in Ilminster answers questions from small businesses in Somerset Q1. Can I claim for laundering my uniform? My employer provides me with a uniform that bears our company logo. I am required to maintain the uniform at my own expense without a contribution from my employer. Can I claim tax relief for the costs of keeping it clean? The Visitor
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Robert Stone replies:
You may be entitled to a uniform tax allowance if your work requires you to wear a uniform that is provided by your employer and bears a company logo. Depending upon your employment, this could be anything from a polo shirt with the company's logo on it, to a high-visibility jacket and overalls. If you are then required to maintain that uniform at your own expense without a contribution from your employer, you are likely to be entitled to the allowance. Flat rate expenses for cleaning costs have been negotiated for operatives in particular industries (including shop workers wearing a branded uniform). You can find a full list of flat rate expenses on the HMRC website at anual/EIM32712.htm. There are also separate flat rate expenses available for nurses and other health care workers. The cost of clothing worn at work has been considered by the Courts on a number of occasions and in many cases they have ruled that the cost of work clothing is not incurred wholly and exclusively in the performance' of the taxpayer's duties. In general terms, you will not be able to claim a clothing allowance for the cost of upkeep, replacement and repair of ordinary clothing, even if you only wear it for work.
Q2. Did my extended leave constitute a cessation of trade? I have been the sole director of a trading limited company for many years. Last year, I decided to take a long holiday and travelled around the world with my wife indeed, we got on so well that we stayed away for around 12 months! Whilst I was away the company continued to collect outstanding payments, but it received no other income. I have now taken on another director/shareholder (50%) and company trading has resumed. Should I have informed HMRC that I was going away and how should the losses in the period of temporary non-trading be treated? Robert Stone replies:
According to the HMRC Business Income Manual (para BIM80500 onwards), your 'intention' to continue to trade at a later date will be an important factor in deciding whether there was a cessation. The Manual states: '... if activity is recommenced, and the question is whether the new business is a continuation of the old, evidence of the proprietor's intention will be relevant (BIM80580). A mere decision to wind down or dispose of the business does not of itself amount to a permanent discontinuance if trading activity in fact continues after the decision (J & R O'Kane & Co v CIR (1922) 12TC303).' If HMRC rule that the old trade did not cease, and therefore a new trade has not commenced, then any losses can simply be carried forward and set off against future profits from the same trade. Also, if it is decided that there was no cessation of trade, there is no requirement to notify HMRC.
Q3. Should I transfer my rental property to my wife? I own a flat which has a buyto-let type mortgage on it. I am a higher rate taxpayer, but my wife doesn't work and doesn't pay tax. Can we arrange things so that she receives the rental income and is responsible for any tax due? Robert Stone replies: 42 THE VISITOR March 2016
If you want your wife to receive the income from the flat, you will
need to transfer the property to her, so that she owns it. You could do this by a formal conveyancing, or less formally, by using a deed of trust, which should work for income tax purposes. Information on trusts of this nature for tax purposes can be found in the HMRC Trusts, Settlements and Estates Manual at para. TSEM9520. You should also be aware of the stamp duty land tax (SDLT) implications here. If you transfer the responsibility of the mortgage to your wife, but the mortgage is less then £125,000, there will be no SDLT to pay. Above this amount, you will have to factor in the additional expense.
Q4. Is my season ticket loan taxable? My employer says he will give me an interestfree loan to purchase my annual rail fare ticket. This is very kind of him, but as the annual cost of the ticket is £6,000 I am worried that I will have to pay tax on the loan. Robert Stone replies:
Strictly, the taxable benefit on cheap or interest-free loans is the difference between any interest paid and the interest payable at the 'official rate' (currently 3.00%). However, there is no charge where the total of all beneficial loans made to an employee do not exceed £10,000 at any time in the tax year. You should note that tax is charged on the amount written off of any loans, whether or not the recipient of the loan is still employed.
Old Mill - Accountants
Old Mill makes a point of not only looking after their clients businesses but looking after their personal interests and the interests of their family as well. We help our clients ensure they can meet both their business and personal aspirations. Whether you are a private individual, a small business owner, or running a larger company Old Mill have enthusiastic staff who can proactively help you. The secret behind this success is being passionate about looking after our clients’ interests. We now have around 250 staff in four full service offices across the West Country.
If you are a small business and require mobile phones get independent advice and competitive prices from Street Cellular, one of the few independent mobile phone specialists. Established for over 25 years you can be sure that they have expert knowledge and experience. In addition to selling a wide range of mobile phones, both new and used, they also repair them together with iPhones and iPads - normally with a same day turn around - whatever the problem, from unlocking, damaged screens and liquid. There is a choice of new and used phones and tablets from around £60. Sim only, Pay Monthly and Pay as you go tariffs, Android Smart Watches are also in stock. Also for those trying to cut down or quit smoking, ecigarettes and accessories are also available from Street Cellular.
Papertrees - Printing
Papertrees of Wincanton offer a complete printing service from posters and leaflets through to training manuals and brochures.
Binding and laminating is also available. On the premises photocopying up to A3 size is a very popular service. Business accounts for office stationery are welcome – with free local delivery and a discounted price structure. A boards and banners are now also available. Visit their website for further details or call in to the shop.
Chalmers - Accountants
If your company has a 31 March year end, you only have a few weeks to consider available planning options that may save you tax for the current financial year 2015-16. There are also a number of practical matters that should be considered. They include:
Directors: Are there any monies owed to the company by directors? If the amounts owed exceed £10,000 has interest been charged on any balances owing? If not, beneficial interest will need to be declared on form P11D for 2015-16.
Dividends: •Is the correct paperwork in
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place: dividend vouchers and board minutes? •Have dividends been paid out of distributable reserves? •Have all dividends voted been paid or credited to a loan account?
Salaries: •Were any outstanding salaries or bonuses claimed in the 201415 accounts paid within 9 months of the year end? If not, the deduction for corporation tax will be disallowed. •Have bonuses been considered for 2015-16? Would it be prudent to defer voting bonuses to assist with personal tax planning issues? For example, reducing taxable income for 2015-16 may save tax allowances if the intended bonus increased total income above the critical £100,000 ceiling. Company car users: •Have steps been taken to recover the full cost of any private fuel paid to company car users during 2015-16? This needs to be completed by 5 April 2016 to
avoid possibly significant car fuel benefit charges for the employee and NIC Class 1a contributions for the company.
Pension contributions: •Make sure that any company contributions for 2015-16 clear the company bank account before the year end.
Deferring significant costs or fixed asset investment: •Consider deferring or bringing forward, significant revenue costs (for example allowable repairs to plant or other equipment). •Consider deferring or bringing forward, significant capital costs (for example equipment or commercial vehicles).
Losses: •Consider tax strategies to take advantage of past or current year losses. This list is by no means conclusive. If you would like to set-up a planning meeting please contact us on 01460 279000. The sooner the better – the clock is ticking …
Street Cellular - Phones
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A personal and friendly approach to business that will work for you Visit our website at or email us on Offices at Yeovil, Crewkerne & Langport 01460 279000 THE VISITOR March 2016 43
GARDENING MONTHLY by Richard Cumming
Mad March!
Orchard Park
THIS WINTER has been a real mishmash of wet and dry, cold and warm. Both plants and gardeners are thoroughly confused, but in general all things do even out at some point with those behind catching up while those ahead slow down. I know there will be things to look out for especially those plants such as lavenders that like well drained conditions. Spring is surely nearly here and growing conditions will improve. I don’t think the grass has stopped growing at any time over the past 12 months, and if it had been dry enough, you would have found me with the mower out at least once a month over the winter! The important thing for plants and seedlings is the soil and air temperatures, as most seeds will refuse to germinate if the soil is cold; 7°C or 45°F is the minimum. Weeds
seeds and grasses may be the exception but that’s just nature’s way of getting one-up! You can warm the soil with a cloche or even a simple layer of black plastic that harvests the heat of the sun and makes the soil beneath it more hospitable. [Don’t forget to remove the plastic once the seed bed is prepared and the seeds are sown!] Most flower seeds can be started off indoors or hang on for a little while, it is the veg gardeners that will be anxious to get crops going. We are so lucky living here in the south west, our climate is pretty good, soils are mostly reasonably and easily imported, and with the inspiration of the countryside around us it is hard to miss or ignore the message that spring is for growing. Gardening shouldn’t be a chore; with a bit of planning easy gardening in easy stages is within
the reach of any of us with a plot to tend.
Plants stars this month
Without doubt the Primulas. This is a really useful group of plants that includes Primulas, Polyanthus as well as a number of species. They bring so much colour into our lives at this time of year and you can, literally, plant a rainbow of colour to welcome in spring by packing patio pots and filling flower beds. These cheerful bedding plants offer great value, flowering their hearts out for weeks on end to brighten your outlook on even the
dullest of days. New varieties are continually being bred from parent lines which originated as hybrids from wild primrose, cowslip and oxlip, offering outstanding garden performance, larger flowers and better resistance to the vagaries of our weather. Although singlecoloured flowers are always popular also look out for bicolour, double and rosebud types, plus wonderfully scented new varieties too. Bold blocks of primulas always look striking, but impressive displays can also be created by combining them with other spring
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bedding, flowering bulbs and foliage plants too. Small pot grown plants are available now in full flower, making them perfect for creating instant displays in any garden, patio or courtyard. Primulas are one of the most popular wildflowers too, and you can make your own grassy meadow or plant banks, verges and other natural areas with dainty Primroses (Primula vulgaris) and Cowslips (Primula veris). They need to be kept watered if conditions are dry and these hardy perennials will quickly establish, flowering and setting seed to slowly spread and cover the area with their progeny. Primula enthusiasts often move on from growing bedding varieties to picking choice varieties of P. auricula to grow and display in small terracotta pots on patios or shelved ‘Auricula Theatres’. A Victorian favourite, hundreds of exquisite varieties of these evergreen perennials have been bred over the years. Many have deeply coloured and patterned petals surrounding a white or golden eye, with rosettes of leathery leaves often intriguingly coated with a powdery bloom.
Jobs for the month
As I said before, gardening is not a chore! But there are a few jobs that need doing; we are after all working with nature and take our timing from her. Lengthening days and increasing temperatures will help. First job should be general tidying up, clearing debris that hasn’t been dealt with over winter, hitting perennials weeds either digging them out or a squirt of glyphosate weed killer. Where tough weeds have established in clumps of herbaceous plants, it really is worth digging them up, splitting them, teasing out the weeds and replanting. Spring flowering alpines are wonderfully hardy plants but will really appreciate a couple of handfuls of grit or small gravel as a top dressing to help the drainage around the plant. Next on my list is to get some fertiliser and mulch around shrubs, roses, and perennials. Winter pruning of deciduous, late flowering ornamental shrubs and climbers should be all done by now but you can get away with finishing off now if needs be.
Shrubs grown for their colourful stems such as dogwoods and willows, can be cut back hard this month, before the new growth starts. Evergreens can be tackled as well with the risk of really cold weather passed. If you’ve got pots and planters with hardy plants in them, rake off the top layer of compost, add a granular slow release fertiliser, and top up with fresh compost – I like to use a rose fertiliser followed by a mix of multipurpose and John Innes no 3 composts. In the veg garden, some early sowings are possible of broad beans, Brussels sprouts, carrots, parsnips and peas, with radish and turnips later in the month. Seed potatoes should be chitting in readiness for planting out probably at the end of March, and onion sets can be planted. Finally a few thoughts about lawns. Wet winters leave lawns on heavy poorly drained soils in bad condition. Puddling, thin grass and too much moss won’t give you a luxurious lawn this summer. Wait until its has dried out enough to walk on, then spike it, brush in some gritty compost and spread a ‘complete’ feed
which will feed the grass, kill the moss and the weeds, evenly over the lawn. It is a really good investment which will last well into summer. If there are a lot of bare patches rake in some grass seed and cover with a soil based compost. It’s great to be back in the garden! Enjoy!
Call for information over missing historic wellhead
Information concerning an historic wellhead, thought to be an early example of Venetian Byzantine, is being sought by Hestercombe Gardens, near Taunton in Somerset. The wellhead was originally placed in the Formal Garden at
Do you know the whereabouts of this Wellhead? If you do, Kim Legate at Hesterconbe Gardens will be pleased to hear from you, call her on 01823 413923.
Hestercombe by the Hon Mr and Mrs Portman in 1904. It was later noted in two of the four pre-war articles that were written on Hestercombe by Country Life in 1927.
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Ride-on mowers LARGE or small ... we have them all! Rider 27M Compact Lawn Rider
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The wellhead stood in the garden until just after Mrs Portman's death on May 4, 1951, after which time it was sold by the Commissioners of Crown Lands along with five fireplaces and an assortment of other garden ornaments from Hestercombe. It was purchased by A Crowther of T Crowther & Son Ltd., dealers in antiques from Fulham, and A Crowther travelled personally to Hestercombe to inspect the goods. From here the piece disappeared into private ownership and is presumed to be resting in a private garden somewhere. The wellhead was initially willed by Mrs. Portman to her sister, who apparently didn’t want it. The dream for Hestercombe would be to find the wellhead and Fencing & Gates Supplied and Erected by the
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reinstate it in the grounds, but any information from the public as to its whereabouts would be gratefully received so that the Hestercombe archives can be updated with its new location. If you have any information about the wellhead, you can contact the Hestercombe archivist Kim Legate on kimlegate@ or by calling 01823 413923. You can find out more about the history of Hestercombe Gardens and House by visiting
NGS Garden of the Month March 2016 Ston Easton Park
Ston Easton Park is a hidden treasure in the heart of the Mendips. The Palladian mansion, built in 1740, is grade 1 listed, and surrounded by 36 acres of award-winning romantic gardens and parklands, created by the renowned landscape architect Humphry Repton in the 18th Century. Ston Easton Park is in fact the only remaining Repton landscape in Somerset and we have a version of his 'Red Book', documenting his 'before' and 'after' plans illustrated in wonderful watercolours available to view in reception. Our gardeners are constantly
working to maintain the extensive 18th century estate, paying particular attention to the Victorian Kitchen Garden which supplies the kitchen with almost 80% of their fresh produce. All the flower displays throughout the hotel are created by the hotel’s in-house florist, using freshly-cut flowers from the gardens. We’re also the only known hotel in the UK to grow and harvest our very own loofahs! Take a leisurely stroll along the banks of the cascading and unassuming River Norr and enjoy all the natural beauty which can mesmerise and sooth at the same time, venture into the woodlands to explore or for an invigorating walk to the old Ice House, there’s a great deal to see and enjoy. The rose garden, Victorian kitchen garden, herbaceous borders and cutting garden invite close inspection. When exploring, the house
spaniel, Oscar, is always happy to oblige guests and show them the way should you wish to do so with four-legged companionship. On your return to the hotel, refreshments will be available should you wish to complete the enjoyment of your visit. Disability information: Wheelchair Access. Gravel paths, steep slopes, shallow steps. Facilities: Dogs Allowed, Plants For Sale, Accommodation, Coaches, Tea in the hotel as signed, light refreshments of tea/coffee and cake. Booking essential for lunch and full afternoon tea, please phone 01761 241631 to make reservation, Open Wednesday 30 March, from 10.30am to 4pm. For other opening times and information, please phone or see garden website. Admission: £4.50, children free. To see more gardens open for the NGS go to:
Tree Care & Garden Services A family business with over 25 years experience
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46 THE VISITOR March 2016
Explore the thirty-six acres of award-winning gardens and parkland at Ston Easton Park on Wednesday 30th March.
for all your Tool Hire Requirements including Mini Digger Hire and Garden Machinery Higher farm, sutton, ditcheat Tel: 01749 860199 • Mob: 0777 163 2221
GRAS und to scarif S & B R U ro g h g u y S TING ro 160 plant ing, orcha H C U T T I NG ROTAVA . tel: 07659 550 rd s, p ations s ad , tel: 07 seed bed 659 5 playing fie docks, lds et 50160 c. t lif gh hi , EW SL / G IN G G DI I M IN 9 550160 dumper. tel: 0765 G EANIN MOSS T H C L e tc . te l: PROB A P O spiking L ti n g , PAT I , coring EMS scarif g , p o in y , tel: 07 le v e ll in 50160 659 550 ing 5 160 07659
the end bit ...
REGULAR READERS of this column will know that I hold the Langport Leveller in high regard. This monthly publication includes a directory of businesses, events, local councils, councillors and MPs, and plenty of features, up-to-theminute items of news of relevance to the communities in its circulation area, and letters from its readers. The magazine has a punchy vitality and gives a good service to the Langport area.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
on page 26 ‘The Police’ Jeff Lynne Beyonce ‘Yellow Submarine’ Cyndi Lauper Eric Burdon Kelly Clarkson KT Tunstall
In the post this month there came an equally good publication from the other end of Visitorland, the February issue of Forum Focus which serves Blandford and surrounding villages. It was new to me, but I see that it has been around for almost four years. The current issue runs to 24 A4 pages, is printed in full colour on art paper throughout, and contains local news, club and society reports, readers’ letters, an events diary, a couple of short feature articles of local interest and plenty of relevant photos. It is a community newspaper produced entirely by volunteers, and it’s free! Forum Focus, like the Leveller, is funded largely by local advertisers, and is a shining example of what local people can achieve for their community. I will certainly be looking out for future issues. In the electronic post this month came an email from a reader telling me that ‘I read the Visitor each month and I find your monthly rant about the Western Gazette and the
Solution to February
9. ‘Close to You’ - Carpenters 10. ‘Chain Gang’
Bonus Question 1990
Question Impossible
‘Simon Dupree and the Big Sound’. Simon Dupree as a person never actually existed, it was just the name of the band.
T. M.
Fill in the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers 1 to 9.
Western Morning News totally inappropriate, very boring and wholly unprofessional journalism’, adding that ‘you don’t even have the guts to add your name’. Although I can’t recall ever mentioning the Western Morning News in this column, I agree that Paperchase is often filled with items from the Western Gazette and the Western Daily Press. But it gives me no great pleasure to report on the continuing decline of Visitorland’s regional paid-for papers – I would much rather see vibrant, authoritative, accurate newspapers than the slipshod rags that come through my letterbox these days. There’s nothing unprofessional in wanting to see standards raised and highlighting the things that need attention. My constant carps about these papers have included facts that have not been checked, copy that has not been proofread, and page layouts and headlines that have not been carefully scrutinised before being passed for print. And most of this stems from inadequate staffing. There seem to be fewer reporters around these days; they are paid peanuts, stay for a few months then go before they have had time to learn much about the area, the issues and the personalities. Typesetters and proofreaders have gone too, since computers have enabled direct input of copy by reporters. And the mistakes in the page layouts and
the headlines, if they are acknowledged at all, are blamed on ‘a production error’ or ‘a technical error’; never on a human error by a sub-editor who is, or should be, employed to check such things. I commend to sub-editors these wise words of former Times and Sunday Times editor Harold Evans, whose instruction manuals on communication skills used to be essential reading for trainee reporters and sub-editors – and should still be today, judging by what sometimes appears in the papers. Writing about headlines he stated: ‘Accuracy, intelligibility and vigour are the requirements, and any newspaper which is careless with its headline writing is careless with its own purpose and vitality. Where headlines are wordy, vague or confused, the newspaper seems to be in its dotage. Where every headline goes unerringly to the point with precision or wit, the whole newspaper comes alive.’ What, I wonder, would he make of this headline from the 7th January issue of the Western Daily Press? If ‘fugures’ was intended to be ‘figures’, then ‘says’ should be ‘say’. Chronicler.
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THE VISITOR March 2016 47
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01458 210039
Home visits a speciality
Small and Large Loads
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April Deadline Friday 11th March
Domestic Appliance Repairs
Denture Repairs
Artist Materials & Gallery
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Fires / Chimneys / Stoves
Multifuel Stoves ... over 200 on display Chimneys Relined ★ Full Installation Service HETAS • OFTEC • GAS SAFE
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High Street, Curry Rivel, Langport 01458 251476
TELEPHONE: 01935 609300 / 01747 470212 / 01460 220660 / 01458 298212 For your nearest technician
Taylors Domestic
Appliances Ltd. Sales & Repairs for Dishwashers, Washing Machines, Cookers, Tumble Driers etc.
Ridge View, Penmore Road Sandford Orcas DT9 4SE
Professional repairs by qualified engineer on most makes of appliances.
01963 220366
Email: Covering the areas between Wincanton Castle Cary, Sparkford, Sherborne and Yeovil
48 THE VISITOR March 2016
This Space
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Transport & Storage
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Specialists in period and listed properties
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Exterior and interior decorating Gutters cleared and cleaned High level painting and cleaning Conservatories washed down Removal of disused sky dishes and cabling Repointing of stone and brickwork Patios cleaned Many other jobs undertaken No V.A.T. competitive rates for seniors
Contact JAMES CADE on 01963 34272 or 07967 307179
GOOD POTATOES takeaway Bags of coal • calor Gas car and van rental • competitive Prices
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G.O.T. Decorating
Gareth Tanner – City & Guilds interior & exterior decorating free estimates no vat
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April Deadline Friday 11th March
Plumbing & Heating Leadwork Chimneys Fascias Gutters Flat Roofs
26 Stembridge, nr. Kingsbury, Martock TA12 6BN Telephone: 01460 240229 • Mobile: 07917 411961
Tel: 01747 861479 Mob: 07561 120828 For all your roofing requirements
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34 White Road, MERE, Nr. Warminster Wiltshire, BA12 6EX
Fire & Security Alarms
Clock Repairs
CLOCK REPAIRS Antique and Modern Clock Repairs. Free pick up and delivery 40 years experience
Tel (01935) 477582
Business Telecom Specialist For All Your Telecom Needs For free, friendly & professional advice call ...
John Penny on 07976 967349
THE VISITOR March 2016 49
Classified Ads
Send Details to: The Visitor, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7BG. 30p per word (£5 minimum) pre-payment essential. For a Box Number please add £2. Payment can be made by Cash, Cheque, Postal Order, BACS, Credit / Debit Card.
✽ If you require a receipt a s.a.e. must be enclosed with payment, or your email address.
Prize Crossword No. 353 Set by Frank Butler
SEND COMPLETED ENTRIES TO: The Visitor Crossword, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7BG – to arrive by Friday 11th March.
Correct entries are placed in a hat and the winner is the first name drawn. The prize is a £10 voucher to spend with any one advertiser in this issue of The Visitor. Please do not forget to state your choice of advertiser and your name and address. 1
NAME ..................................................................................................................................................................... ADDRESS ..............................................................................................................................................................
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Passport Photographs
PassPorts - passports - passports - also studio sittings, weddings and golden weddings. any time to suit you. easy parking opposite the Quarry inn. tel: Graham cox, Photographer, 01458 223769.
storaGe for furniture in locked cubicles. lock-up garages to let. tel: sparkford storage on 01963 440045 or 440526 or 440692.
Personal country linK social GrouP. fresh air, fun, food and friendship. tel: andy 01225 834834 or val 01749 342918.
Dog Holidays
Holiday for your doG. let your dog stay with us when you are away. 24-hour attention and long walks. fully licensed and insured. vet approved. references available. tel: 01963 240650.
Mobile Bars / Catering
Harry’s MoBile Bars, all occasions, weddings, parties, etc. tel: 01747 825553
Piano Accordion Lessons
tuition Provided for Piano accordion by experienced player and leader of the Wessex accordion Band. for more details ring Gail luffingham on 01258 473254 or email:
50 THE VISITOR March 2016
dave Buys all tyPes of tools, salvage, bygones and collectables. daves tools - tel: 01935 428975
Postcards, pop memorabilia, coins, badges, old toys, games, and anything military. tel: clive 01749 675456.
all sPorts ProGraMMes and books, memorabilia and ephemera – especially football. large collections welcome. cash paid. tel: clive 01749 675456.
r e d u n d a n t M o t o r M o W e r s , rotavators, chainsaws, strimmers, cement mixers, etc. tel: 01460 77844. 1960s / 70s Plastic toy soldiers, knights, cowboys, castles, garden. timpo trains, tractors. WW1 helmets, posters. tel: 07823 443474.
HouseHold & Garden ruBBisH cleared, old sheds / oubuildings demolished, etc. tel: 01460 77844.
France • Dordogne
Tel: 01935 850532 Visit Chez Nous 3441
8. Loud rumpus in game. [4] 9. Last part of river lost? That’s nothing! [3] 10. A fool returns to hospital with hard sponge. [6] 11. Talk a little, including mention of what has a high pH value. [6] 12. Oh, plug in, arranging to cover with soil. [6,2] 13. Heat forbids fear in panic, flocking together. [5,2,1,7] 15. Sue about ruined perm is best. [7] 17. Domestic manager with confused set to draw back. [7] 20. Expecting failure, hearing wet forts in disarray. [7,3,5] 23. Muse of love poetry follows non-rocker at a reasonable speed. [8] 25. Lies about fifty-one flowers. [6] 26. Ever returning before Jolson shows something! [6] 27. Skinned chick has hiccups! [3] 28. Not so honest content in London. [4]
7. Thanks eleven provided transport. [4] 14. Listener made earthen (not then). [3] 16. Part us easily for employment. [3] 18. Points around lots: growing no trees. [8] 19. A prize to wither away. [7] 21. Point to include, around the east with drugged cigarette. [6] 22. Lo! Article to be boiling with rage. [6] 24. Beheaded lover is finished. [4]
Solution to Crossword 352
Down: 1.
converted barn, sleeps 2 – 5, and house sleeps 6, both well equipped. Pool and Wifi.
Uncle I used to find atomic parts. [6] Article in less-warm clothing found in the kitchen. [8] Tall men envy iron about the surroundings. [15] Applaud pig-meat in London. [7] A. L. Perth Lovelace mixed up and out of order. [3,4,3,5] Looked for first sign expressing duty. [6]
THE WINNER of our FEBRUARY CROSSWORD was Mrs. H. Barnes, of Shepton Mallet, who chose to spend the £10 voucher at the Mildmay Arms, Queen Camel.