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Your local independent monthly journal
01963 351256
Issue 398 January 2017
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OVER 300 APPLIANCES ON DISPLAY Full Installation Service ... Chimneys Relined + Flue Systems Fireplaces Created Hearth & Home Accessories Chimney Sweeping
Also: LIVING PRETTY Tea Rooms & Interiors
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HIgH STREET, CuRRy RIVEL, LAngpORT J Tel: 01458 251476 • Warm wishes to all our customers this Christmas – and a happy 2017
FOR 2017
The Old Bakery, Half Moon Street SHERBORNE, DT9 3LN
Through the archway next to the Half Moon Hotel
Tel: 01935 817111
Email: See our new website:
In Passing ...
N THE RUN-UP to Christmas V sitorland’s towns have sported Vi trees, lights and decorations and have staged special seasonal events – street fairs, markets, shopping evenings and suchlike – to attract people into town, imbue them with the festive spirit and tempt them to spend. Blessed mostly with dry (but cold) weather, the events I’ve attended have been successfu f l fu sociable community occasions well supported and enjoyed by local families and visitors alike. But they could all be a thing of the past within the next fo f rty years, if the experts are to be believed. The experts are the digital marketing agency Holition which, in a recently published report called ‘The Future of Shopping’, predicts that high street retailers could be a thing of the past by the middle of this century. Instead, we will all be doing ‘virtual reality shopping’, using virtual reality headsets to view the goods, virtual reality changing rooms to try on clothes, artifi f cial intelligence apps to get fi help and advice on purchases, and robot drones to drop what we’ve bought into our gardens. Co-author of the report, Russell Freeman, claims that this fu f ture of shopping ‘offers personalised experiences for people dependent on their taste and mood’ and ‘at Holition we see it as the humanising of technology’. It’s an exciting time, he says, ‘on the cusp of a revolution’. Holition, of course, has its own commercial drum to beat in producing the report. This digital marketing agency is probably right in predicting what technology will make possible in the years ahead, but I suspect it is wrong in suggesting that virtual reality will take over the way we shop and spell the end of high street traders. The majority of people have fi f rst to be persuaded to invest in and use the technology. Will they be happy to deal with artificial intelligency apps ‘that know your interests and tastes better than you do
and can pre-empt purchases’ when all they want to do is pop to the shops fo f ra pair of shoelaces, a torch battery, a loaf of bread and a friendly chat with the shop assistants? Will they be prepared to see their town centres become little more than coff f ee shops, charity shops ff and betting shops, with nowhere to buy their shoelaces and no small local businesses selling the sort of goods that the national chains don’t stock? I doubt it. Faced with the option of donning a virtual reality headset to do a spot of Christmas shopping or mixing with the crowds at Castle Cary’s Big Christmas, Somerton’s Victorian Fayre or Crewkerne’s Lighting Up Night, I’m confi f dent that I know what the majority fi would choose. Sadly I won’t be around in 2050 to see if I’m right. NN. NN N.
Advertising Deadlines
February Issue published Thursday 26th January Deadline Friday 13th January
PO Box 1, Castle Cary Somerset BA7 7BP
T (01963) 351256, 351998 Tel: Email: info f fo W Website:
Pr Proprietor Helen Dunion Accounts, Editorial & Subscriptions Rachel Hancox Production Manager Pr Jeff Farrow Advertisement Manager & Featur Features Editor Michelle Trulock T © The Visitor Visitor Ltd. 2017
(Items marked ©GT are the copyright of Geof Geoff Thompson)
Our FRONT COVER is almost entirely due to a cold snap
HOUSE & HOME new year, new look - 30 LAST MINUTE GIFT GUIDE - 17 LEISURE & TRAVEL - 28 LETTERS - 5
LOOKING GOOD & FEELING FINE ... a healthy new year - 22 NOTE TO ADVERTISERS Advertisements are accepted subject to our standard terms and conditions as printed on our rate card, available upon request. We cannot guarantee any specific page or position, but will always do our best to comply with clients’ wishes. ARTWORK Artwork & design by our production department and photographs taken by our photographers are the copyright of The Visitor Ltd.
Clients or agencies supplying artwork or images should send uncompressed TIFs, JPEGs or PDFs, 300 dpi minimum if actual size, or at a higher resolution if smaller than size required, along with a hard copy print-out. For advertisement sizes see our Rate Card.
The views expressed in articles & letters contributed to this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher.
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 3
45 High Street, Wincanton, Somerset BA9 9JU Tel: 01963 34880
Andrew Andr ew – pr prepar epares epar es fr fresh esh turkeys
Friendly and experienced staff
Naturally rrear eared, ear ed, locally sour sourced ced meats
Delicious pies and savouries
ORDER NOW FOR NEW YEAR We would like to thank all of our customers for their support during the year and to wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
4 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Poppy Day Update
Sir, Further to my letter in the December issue of The Visitor, I should be gratefu f l if you could let fu your readers know that a total of £4,110.58 was raised fr f om this years local poppy appeal. Many thanks Bridget Laver Poppy Appeal Organiser Castle Cary
Thank You Y
Sir, Just a word to thank you for your warm mention of The Dove and our team in your December issue, which I’ve just seen. It’s very gratifying to know that our hard work and terrifi f c design are fi appreciated.
That Th T e Vi V sitor team manages to produce such a colourfu f l, wellfu designed and properly edited magazine is very impressive, and I always read it with pleasure if I can fi f nd a copy – they get picked up very quickly in Bruton. With best wishes and again many thanks Elisabeth Balfour/ Elisabeth Ingles Bruelands Bruton
Say you saw it in The V Visitor
MAX FOOTE Associates Ltd
Chartered Certified Accountants Charter and Register Auditors Registered 26 Lower W Woodcock Street Castle Cary BA7 7BH Tel: 01963 351052 T
Business and limited company accounts, self assessment tax returns, VAT VA AT, Payroll, Book-keeping and Training T
A . J. WAK WAK ELY & SONS LT D Independent Family Funeral Directors • Gol den Ch arte r P re P ai d F u ne r al P la n s • 2 4 Hou r Se rvi ce • P ri v at e C hape l of Re st
Golden Charter Brochure available on request Clive Wakely Dip F.D. M.B.I.E. Th e Old Police Station, Carrington Way WINCANTON BA9 9JS Tel: 01963 31310
Personal and professional service
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 5
Antiques, Vintage & Collecting
Meadow Fairs launch new Antiques and Decorative Fair for 2017
A NEW Antiques and Decorative Fair will be held at Axminster Guildhall, Devon, EX13 5NX. The
f rst fa fi f ir will take place on the 28th January fr f om 10am until 3pm. There will be a large number of stands which will include pictures, books, jewellery, silver, glass, china, textiles, needlework and small furniture. New stand holders are most welcome. For further details / stand booking enquiries contact Meadow Fairs on 01297 24446 or 07977 591736.
Inside Wardon Hill Trading Post you will find a wide range of collectables to suit all tastes.
Early 20c Lalique poissons bowl together with two French opalescent dishes. Just a sample of the attractive glassware available at Quillon House Antiques of Bruton.
Quillon House Antiques 16 H I G H S T R E E T , B R U T O N 0 1 7 4 9 8 1 2 2 6 9
17 th / 18 th C. Oak and
Country Furniture Arms & Armoury Equestrian Paintings Va Val aluat atitions Undert at rta rt tak ake ken Antiques Purchased
Splendid 18th century carved oak lion
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10.00am – 5.30pm
FREE Parking • Cafe Tuesday to Saturday 9am – 5pm Sunday 9am – 4pm
6 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
This modern kitchen cabinet and wine store was made to customer specifications by John Hamblin of Yeovil, bespoke furniture makers traditional and modern.
John Hamblin
CABINET MAKERS ANTIQUE FURNITURE RESTORERS We are specialists in the repair and restoration of antique and modern furniture Bespoke Fur Fur nitu turre made to customer customerss speciffic requ speci requiiremen ements ts Fren encch PPol oliish shiing Re-Leath e-Leatheri erinng of Desktops Desktops,, Bu Burreau eaux, x, etc. Di Dini ning ng TTaable TTops ops Ref efiinish shed ed A fami amilly ru r un bbuusi sinness estab establish shed ed for for over over 50 50 yyear earss
Unit 6, 15 Oxford Road Pen Mill Trading Estate YEOVIL, BA21 5HR Tel: 01935 471154 “We care for your furniture”
Antiques Fairs
Chasty Cottage Antiques
Saturday 21st January Digby Hall, Hound Street, Next to Library SHERBORNE • DT9 3AA 9.30am – 4pm • Trade 8.30am • Admission £1
Future Date Saturday 11th February 01963 370986
NEW ANTIQUES COLLECTABLES & DECORATIVE FAIRS ... at AXMINSTER Guildhall Devon, EX13 5NX Saturdays 10am – 3.30pm
DATES 2017
January 28th March 4th May 20th October 7th
BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIES Meadow Fairs 01297 24446
07977 591736
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 7
VINT VINTAGE Motor Cycling
MAY A I TAKE THIS opportunity AY to wish all readers and the staff at The Visitor a very Happy Christmas and New Year. May 2017 bring you all you are hoping for. 2016 has been rather kind to all old vehicle enthusiasts in that we have enj n oyed a long and dry nj summer and autumn. As I travel around the country the autumn leaves have given us spectacular colours everywhere, I doubt I have seen better. The good weather has allowed us to ride deep into autumn and I shall continue riding throughout the winter as long as there is no ice or snow. We seldom these days get the severe snow and continuous harsh f osts I seem to remember as a fr kid. Now with better insulated and watertight clothing motorcycling is a pleasure to be enj n oyed twelve months of the year. nj Events and club life f continue fe throughout winter and so here are some things to tempt you out during the Christmas period and January. The Somerset Section have Ashley's Run on December 28th and it starts at The Pecking Mill Inn at Evercreech. Next they have a New Year's Day Run on the 1st. January's club night at
Cossington on the 5th will be a fi f lm show, and on the 15th they have the Frostbite Run which starts at Polsham. The Wessex Veteran and Vintage Section just have their club night at East Stour on the 9th, this will be the AGM fo f llowed by a quiz. The Dorset Section also have a New Year's Day Run fr f om Sturminster Newton and this is f llowed on the 4th by the Lunch fo Meet at West Stour. The venue fo f r the club night on the 11th is as yet not fi f xed so ring nearer the time f r details. Lastly on the 28th will fo be the Breakfast Meet back at West Stour. For more info f rmation fo ring 01935 872528. For those who like to plan well ahead I make mention here of the extravaganza known as The Bristol Classic Bike Show held at the Bath and West Showground on the 4th and 5th of February. Book your tickets early and get a discounted price. This show always has around one thousand machines on display so there is something of interest to everyone. As well as the display there is an autoj o umble oj and clothing and accessories and an auction of machines. It attracts several thousand visitors every year and is a show I always look f rward to, it does cheer up the fo long winter period as well. Plan early to make sure you can attend. I have oft f en thought that all ft modern cars look fa f irly similar. I expect it has to be that way when
01935 812720
Season’s Greetings to all our customers Season
Western Ways Yard Bristol Road, SHERBORNE, Dorset DT9 4HR
the designers use computers and wind tunnels to arrive at an eff ffi ff ficient and aerodynamic shape. The same applies to modern motorcycles. They all fo f llow the same and rather predictable pattern. There are a fe f w exceptions but they are rare. Not so in years gone by when designers had more f eedom to express themselves and fr machines ranged from the conventional to the complete oddball. I illustrate this point with my picture this month. It shows a 1924 Megola machine which was made in Germany.
These machines were unconv n entional in every way. Made nv between 1921 and 1925 all the models made fo f llowed the same basic design. They had fi f ve cylinder engines contained within the fr f ont wheel which off course meant fr f ont wheel drive. A welded box type f ame continued the unorthodoxy. fr There were two models, the standard shown here fe f atured a car type bucket seat and legshield weather protection. The sports model dispensed with such luxuries and made do with a sprung saddle. The machines were sporty in nature and competed in many events, the racing variants were capable of 85 miles per hour (how brave they must have been). Roadholding was reported as good which is surprising considering all the weight was over the fr f ont wheel.
These machines are not only unconventional in looks. The f ctory recommended method of fa starting was either to push along and then jump aboard, or when the machine was on its front stand with the wheel suspended to insert the heel of your boot within the spokes and kick it over in that fashion. Also the fr f ont wheel was so designed that you could dismantle the top half of the engine and remove it between the gaps in the front spokes. Punctures were a common problem in those days and Megola even had an answer for that. They used inner tubes which were longer than normal and open ended. The open ends were pushed together using plenty of overlap and then infl f ated making fl use of the air pressure to make a seal between the overlapping tube ends. These machines must have been commercially viable because this small company made around 2000 of them in the four-year production period. Now extremely rare, these machines command a very high premium should you ever be off ffe ff fered one. I could not afford to buy one but I would never refu f se the chance to have fu a go on one. Would it not be refreshing to see a bit more individualism in modern design? Enj n oy the excesses of Christmas nj and New Year, have fu f n with your f mily and fr fa f iends and use your time wisely to plan your riding events in the coming year. I most certainly will and I intend to make use of what time I have available in the workshop preparing my machines fo f r the coming season. Never a dull moment as there is always something new to plan and work towards. Rod Hann.
All l ga ll g ra rag age ge do d ors r are rs r di re dif iff ffe fere r nt,t,t so as a r ller do ro d or sp s ecialis i t, is t (I ( do d n’t’t’ rep re epla l ce windo d ws do w , etc.) I can survey ey, ey y, quote and insta t ll to your re ta r quire r ments re t and make ts k th ke t e most of your ga of g rag a e op ag o ening, g as generally g, l no fr ly f ame i neces is e sary es ry. ry y. Wi W th t th t e op o tion of o automated o eration with op t re th r mote contr tro tr rol, l a top o quality op t ty g rag ga a e do ag d or need only l be a phone call away ly ay. ay y.
G.H. SALES. Tel: 01935 891414
Ilton Business Park, ILTON, Somerset, TA19 9DU
BOOK via 01460 55585 or on our website – or email us –
8 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Wishing our customers A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS
The impressive new wing at Castle House.
One of the spacious bedrooms.
The large and airy new lounge.
The attractive dining room.
THE NEW WING at Castle House Nursing Home is now complete and this impressive new addition has added an extra seventeen bedrooms and a large lounge.
The first thing you notice about the new extension is the attention to detail. The lounge is large and airy, with a vaulted ceiling and large windows offering views across the Somerset countryside. With comfortable seating and a flat screen TV – it offers a modern and welcoming environment in which to relax. The bedrooms are spacious. Some of the rooms have patios that overlook the garden, the others have balconies which overlook fields – each accessed by its own french window. Fully furnished, there is also a flat screen TV, a rise and recline chair and an en-suite wet room. For those who prefer to bathe rather than shower, new bathroom suites have just been added: these all have jacuzzi-style baths. And to ensure residents look their best there is a dedicated beauty room in the new wing, offering hairdressing and nail care. The kitchens have also been completely refurbished. Quality food is paramount at Castle House with all meat being organic and locally sourced. Food is freshly prepared and there is always a good choice. Meal times at Castle House are much anticipated. The attractive dining room together with good food make it a pleasurable experience and should you wish for a ‘tipple’ to accompany your meal, then that is on hand too! A real home-from-home. Family and friends are most welcome to stay for a meal, the only cost being a donation to St. Margaret’s Hospice. With Christmas looming, a big Christmas party is planned with a visit from the local Scout group choir and a brass band. Activities are greatly encouraged and there is always something going on – quizzes, craft demonstrations, exercise classes, drumming. Reminiscent Days are very popular when a topic, such as Old Fashioned Sweets, is discussed and residents reminisce about their childhood favourites and get to try them all again! Any forthcoming events are celebrated too, such as the Queen’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day and more recently Children in Need. Local animal societies visit the home regularly bringing with them owls, reptiles and donkeys to name just a few! Castle House Nursing Home holds the Gold Standard Framework Award and recently received an award for ‘Outstanding Care Team’. There are always two fully trained nursing staff on duty and, with a total staff of 80, there is an excellent staff to resident ratio. Being a nursing home ensures that should the health of a resident deteriorate there is no need to move. Whilst resident care is excellent there is no regimented routine, it is a relaxed and friendly environment. There are plenty of places for residents to chat with friends, alternatively there are quiet areas if they prefer. ‘One-to-one’ is given daily to residents, whether they want help to stroll in the garden, a letter written, or a trip to the shops, they have personal attention. Set in its own attractive grounds, Castle Hill is a family run nursing home offering individual care facilities for 47 residents in a warm and welcoming environment. If you would like to know more or would like to arrange a visit please call 01458 223780 or call in person. Respite and day care facilities are available.
CASTLE HOUSE NURSING HOME Ltd. Castle Street, Keinton Mandeville, Somerton, Somerset, TA11 6DX Tel: 01458 223780 • Email: •
Member of RCPA
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 9
WHEN I VISITED Shaft f esbury ft at the end of November workmen were fixing Christmas decorations high on the front of the town hall in readiness fo f r the ceremonial switching-on of the lights on 2nd December. This year Michael Eavis of Glastonbury Festival fame did the honours, and by the time you read this the town will be looking suitably fe f stive fo f r the Christmas Street Fair on Sunday 18th December. This provides an ideal opportunity for a bit of lastminute Christmas shopping and takes place fr f om 10.00am until mid-aft f ernoon, by which time the ft lights will doubtless be on. Shaft f esbury’s town centre is ft noted for its many independent shops off ffe ff fering goods seldom seen in the chain stores. If you’re seeking gifts with a local connection, have a browse in the Dorset Store on High Street, and for festive decorations for the home take a look in the nearby Fork & Flowers. The town-centre end of Salisbury Street is lined with traditional shops including
10 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
The Mitre, next to St. Peter’s Church, is one of Shaftesbury’s attractive ancient inns, but it was substantially rebuilt in 1933.
some that will appeal to womenfo f lk, the shops, galleries fo and café in Swans Yard between the High Street and Bell Street are a mecca fo f r arts and craft fs ft enthusiasts, and the tourist info f rmation centre on Bell Street, fo run entirely by volunteers, stocks a range of local-interest books, maps and gifts plus a variety of charity Christmas cards. Among the long-established shops on the High Street are Shirley Allum off ffe ff fering elegant ladieswear and lingerie; Squires, long renowned fo f r its extensive selection of high-quality menswear which attracts shoppers to the town from many miles around; Hine & Parsons packed with home fu f rnishings and fabrics, leatherware and gifts; and Shaftesbury Wines which specialises in good-quality wines at reasonable prices plus a wide range of spirits, beers and ciders and also sells hand-rolled f ne cigars. And a newcomer to fi the High Street back in the summer is Underground Music, full of musical instruments and accessories. The shop entrance is at the top of Gold Hill. With this abundance of independent retailers – too numerous to mention all by name – Shaftesbury has retained the charm of a traditional market town, so it’s easy to see why it has acquired such a high reputation as a shopping centre. If you’ve got enough cash left after Christmas to splash out on home improvements or new appliances for the house or garden, then a return visit to Shaft f esbury could be worthwhile. ft With the inevitable New Year sale reductions, there are sure to be bargains to be picked up from Wincombe Business Park and Longmead Industrial Estate. And no car parking problems! Browsing round Wincombe in late November I saw a wide variety of traders, among them a showroom full of stone products including fireplaces and worktops, another devoted to paints, wallpapers, fa f brics and architectural ironmongery for interior decorating, and one packed with horticultural machinery. And, of course, a car tyre dealer! On Longmead I came across, amongst others, a kitchen and domestic appliance specialist and a carpet and furniture showroom. But Shaftesbury has much
more to offer than just shopping. There’s much of historic and architectural interest to see in the centre including the town’s sole surviving medieval church, St Peter’s, which stands alongside the 19th century Town Hall, the King Alfr f ed’s Kitchen tearoom fr housed in one of Shaft f esbury’s ft few surviving timber-framed houses, and the handsome old Grosvenor Hotel. This traditional coaching inn, thought to have originated in the 16th century but extensively refu f rbished in fu recent years, was originally the New Inn and then the Red Lion before being renamed yet again when Earl Grosvenor bought it in 1820. It was the model for the
Dreaming of a new kitchen? The shops, galleries and cafés in Swans Yard are a mecca for arts and crafts enthusiasts.
SALE See instore for latest details
Visit our exciting kitchen showrooms and ... turn urn your dream into reality realit
Longmead Industrial Estate Shaftesbury Dorset SP7 8PL Shaftesbury, 01747 851476
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 11
S H A F T E S B U R Y f om an upstairs window. You can fr see the house proj o ecting on to the oj pavement on Bimport, nowadays the B3091 fr f om the town centre towards Sturminster Newton. Shaft f esbury still has several ft other attractive old inns. The landlord of the Ship Inn on the corner of Bleke Street and Tout Hill has thoughtfu f lly provided fu passers-by with some history of this lovely old building, claiming that it possibly dates from 1514 when it was known as The Ram. Across the road alongside the Bleke Street car park is the Ki K ngs A ms – I’m told it’s a 19th century Ar rebuilding of a fo f rmer inn that
stood on the site and which has since been extended to incorporate the adjoining premises – which always looks very inviting. And on High Street the Mitre next to St Peter’s Church is an ancient inn that was substantially rebuilt in 1933 and has since been sensitively refu f rbished. When the weather fu is too cold or wet to enjoy the panoramic view across Dorset f om the top of Gold Hill, you can fr savour it in comfort from the windows at the back of the Mitre. If you would rather take the weight off your feet in a café or restaurant the town centre has
Thomas Hardy used Ox House on Bimport as the setting for a tragic part of his novel ‘Jude the Obscure’.
Duke’s Arms in Thomas Hardy’s novel ‘Jude the Obscure’, and in the same book Hardy modelled ‘Old Grove’s Place’ on a fine Elizabethan house on the road that ran along the northern boundary of the abbey precinct.
By the 19th century the house had become the Ox Inn and nowadays is called The Ox House, but its literary claim to fa f me is that ‘Old Grove’s Place’ is where Phillotson and his wife f Sue lived fe and where she took her panic leap
The landlord of The Ship Inn has thoughtfully provided some history of the lovely old building as well as multiple television screens.
Book your service now for the new season ... avoid delay book today
12 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
enough to cater fo f r almost all tastes and pockets. The town also boasts a lively arts and entertainments scene, much of it based on the Arts Centre on Bell Street. In addition to the gallery which hosts numerous exhibitions during the year, the centre houses an auditorium, studio and meeting room allowing fo f r an ambitious programme of films, theatre, music, events and classes. If you fancy a family night out aft f er ft Christmas you shouldn’t miss this season’s pantomime, ‘Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves’, which is being staged fr f om Wednesday 25th January to Saturday 4th February. The box office is open daily except Sundays from 10.00am until 12.30pm or you can book online at www.shaft f esbury ft Roger Richards.
Dorset Hire Services
Dorset Hire Services has recently opened on the Wincombe Business Park. Owned and run by Luke George and his partner
Rachel Fudge, Luke has over 13 years experience in the plant hire business. Dorset Hire Services off f er a ff comprehensive range of plant and tools for hire - this time of year wood chippers, dehumidifi f ers and fi heaters are proving very popular. Other items include mini diggers and dumpers, compressors, generators and more. A repair service is also available. Tools and accessories are on sale and both Trade and DIY enthusiasts are welcome. Short or long term hire is available. Open Mon to Fri 7.30am until 5pm and Sat 8am until 12 noon.
let on Easy s In sy I Easy s Out terms sy with simple, inclusive licence agreements. The regular networking events provide a great opportunity to share your achievements and sound out ideas with other businesses. It is such a thriving and vibrant centre, fu f ll of a wide variety of small like-minded businesses, and its encouraging and supportive environment will enthuse and hopefully spur you on to continued success.
The Wincombe Centre
Looking fo f r business space fo f r your small enterprise? Why not make The Wincombe Centre in Shaftesbury your considered choice. With access 24/7, onsite management, free parking, fibre speed broadband, Units from 18 people, and a fabulous little meeting room in which to meet your clients, you’ll be guaranteed value fo f r money. All off ffi ff fices are
Genuine reductions on 100s of appliances YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS Cookers, ranges, fridge freezers, washing machines & more! Immediate delivery on most items
Longmead Industrial Estate, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8PL • 01747 851476 • • Est 1994
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 13
Santa to visit the Vale of Blackmore V
BMV Lions have arranged fo f r Santa to visit the fo f llowing towns during December, usually between 5.30pm and 8pm. 15th Henstridge (a); 16th Sturminster Town; 17th Sherborne Waitrose Store until 4.30pm; 17th Milborne Port West; 18th Hinton St Mary, Sturminster, Bath Road; 20th Sherborne Town 2 Coldharbour; 21st The Caundles & Stalbridge Weston; 22nd Bird in Hand Henstridge Charity Quiz Night; 22nd Sturminster - Rixon; 23rd Stalbridge West.
E.B. Marsh Electrical
Looking for an electrical appliance? Buy with confi f dence fi f om E.B. Marsh. Sarah and Ross fr Palmer the current owners state, ‘we are fr f iendly, knowledgeable and personable to all our customers, which is important in an ever-changing environment. The electrical market in particular, is a difficult specialisation as the products and
14 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Frosty morning at Sturminster Mill.
installations are always changing so we are constantly training our staff f to be up to date with the ff latest product and service incarnations. This means we are supporting our customers with the latest product info f rmation fo available as well as keeping them abreast as to the market trends. Our staff, stay with us for many years (we have a combined 250 years’ worth of knowledge!) so you are guaranteed a fr f iendly face and any problems, which may arise, are dealt with as eff ffi ff ficiently and eff ffe ff fectively as possible, hence our adage: Fo F r Service Beyond The Sale.’ So next time an electrical appliance breaks down in your house why not pop into Marsh’s and be amazed at the competitive prices and experience the excellent service first hand.
The Stur of The Moment
Sturminster’s residents and visitors alike can enjoy delicious lunches and cakes at Stur of The Moment. Owned and run by Tim and Frankie, both of whom are
experienced in the catering trade, a warm welcome is extended. The newly refurbished, licensed restaurant offers a varied menu ranging fr f om sandwiches, panini and bubble and squeak to daily specials such as dressed crab and moules marinière. All food is freshly prepared, with many gluten free options available. There is wheelchair access and a beautiful courtyard garden, which is perfect for alfresco dining in the better weather. Shopping? Why not pop in for a cream tea!
requirements - also ‘day light’ lamps and magnify f ing accessories fy which are so usefu f l when sewing. fu Hanson’s offer a wide range of workshops throughout the year such as cushion making, felting, understanding your over-locker etc. Do call in for their latest brochure.
Bridge Street eet Barber Shop
Bridge Street Barber Shop is located on the fi f rst fl f oor at Retsel House, Bridge Street,
Sturminster Newton. Lee Rigby, an experienced, traditional barber has been trading there fo f r twelve years and has a good regular clientele. Lee’s opening hours means there is a time to suit everyone. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8.30am until 5pm, Wednesdays appointments only, Friday 8.30am until 7pm and Saturday 8.30am until 12.30pm. Concession for OAPs. A range of shavers can also be found on sale.
Hanson’s Fabrics & Crafts
If you like to sew or are into craft f ft making then you will love Hanson’s Fabrics & Crafts of Sturminster Newton - with row upon row of fabrics and accessories to choose from. There are all types of crafts on display including card making, toys, Dylon and more. If you are looking for last minute Christmas gift ideas Hanson’s have a lovely selection of sewing boxes and sewing machines to suit all budgets and
Pictured: Judith of Gray’s in Stalbridge getting ready for Christmas - there are lots of lovely gift ideas to be found here!
D el e lliig i gh igh g ht h t fu f ul u l gi g if gif i ft f ts t s fo f or o r y ou ou a nd and an n d y ou o ur our u r ho h om hom o me ome me ... An individua individual choice of Cus ush us shi hio ion ons ns, s, Th Thr hro row ows, s Car ard ar rds ds, s, Gif ift if fts ts, s, Chr h is hr ist stm tma mas as Dec eco ec cor ora rat ati tio ion ons ns & Mor ore or re
Grand Illusions Vintage Paints Accessories & Paint Workshop Available
OPEN: Tuesda uesda uesda ay, y, Th Thursd ursda ursda ay ya and nd Frida Friday y 9a 9am m — 5pm HALF DAYS: Wednesda Wednesda ay y & Sa Saturd turda turda ay y 9a 9am m — 1pm
High Street, STALBRIDGE, DT10 2LJ * Tel: 01963 365800
‘Tis the season to be jolly - just one of the many one day workshops held at Hansons Fabrics and Crafts of Sturminster Newton. Request a copy of ‘Sew What’s New’ for a full range of their classes.
Bridge Street Barber Shop Monday Tuesday Monday, Tuesday, uesday, Thursday 8.30am – 5pm W Wednesday Appointments Only Friday 8.30am – 7pm • Saturday 8.30am – 12.30pm
8 Retsel House, Bridge Street, STURMINSTER NEWTON Tel: 01258 472615 • Mobile: 07782 222590 T
The STUR of the MOMENT Open for: Breakfast, Lunch, Tea, Coffee, Cakes etc.
Private Parties & Functions Catered For • Sunny Courtyard Delicious Freshly Ground Coffees and Selection Of Teas Available Take Away Drinks & Sandwiches, Light Lunches • Daily Specials Available Sturminster House, Market Place, Bath Road Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1AS Tel: 01258 471808 • Email:
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 15
with any frame from our £75 range or above
The friendly and professional staff at Eyes Right, Sturminster Newton - here you will find a wide range of frames to suit all tastes at a sensible price.
3 Market Place Sturminster Newton Tel: 01258 473992
LOW PRICES AND QUALITY SERVICE *30% off spectacles applies when choosing any frame from our £75 range or above. Excludes “free spare pair / prescription sunglasses” offer. Pick up a leaflet or ask our staff for full offer details. 16 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Eyes Right
Eyes Right is an independent Opticians that has been trading since 1990. Their Gillingham branch closed in June and everything was transferred to their Sturminster Newton practice. They sell a wide range of spectacle frames from budget to designer including Joules, Henry's, Janet Reger and Celine Dion. They have a fr f ee spare pair offer and senior citizens can get 30% off complete spectacles. Eyes Right would like to wish all their clients a very merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.
ORCHARD CARS Local, Long Distance Airports, Parcels Merry Christmas to all our customers
01258 472395
Harts of Sturminster Newton
If you have never visited Harts of Sturminster Newton - it is time you did! They have one of the largest selections of cookware in the South West stocking leading makes such as Le Cruset, Viners and Stellar. To see their full range visit their website. They off ffe ff fer a comprehensive mail order service. In addition to cookware the store off ffe ff fers country clothing fr f om makes such as Sea Salt and J ules fo Jo f r all the fa f mily, fo f otwear, wicker ware, fi f reside accessories, and a full range of DIY. If you are looking fo f r Christmas gift f inspiration look no fu ft f rther than Harts, there is a wonderful selection of decorations and greeting cards too!
Forge Fabrics
Forge Fabrics have recently extended their shop fl f oor. They have moved their workrooms upstairs to make way for an increased range of fabrics. They have an extensive fabric library and are now able to offer
fabrics by Clarke and Clarke amongst others. Orders are now being taken for curtains for the new year. There are many gift ideas for Christmas including cross stitch kits, scarves, memo boards, cushions, gloves and gift vouchers. For the kids’ stockings
there are fr f iendship bracelet kits, first sewing kits and fun animal mittens. They also have a good selection of knitting yarns, including the Debbie Bliss range. If you like to sew, knit or crochet Forge Fabrics is most definitely worth a visit.
Needful Things of Castle Cary is in full Christmas mode - lots of Christmas gift ideas and wonderful decorations. John, Alison and staff would like to wish their customers the compliments of the season.
One World W
Flowers – always a wonderful variety at Williams Florists of Stalbridge. Helen (pictured) will be pleased to help you with your choice. FREE LOCAL DELIVERY CHRISTMAS WEEK
One World - such an interesting shop, with 6 showrooms over 2 f oors stocked with beautifu fl f l and fu unique gifts from around the
Station Road, Stalbridge Tel: 01963 362355 Sta
Visit isit us for a wonderful choice of fresh flowers and pot plants
Gift Items stocked inc. Photo Frames, Lanterns, Vases, Cards Christmas Trees Holly Wreaths Posies Helium eflorist Floral Deliveries Balloons National Garden Gift Vouchers LARGE FREE CAR PARK OPPOSITE •
Forge F rge Fabrics Fo F
Curtains & Blinds Soft f Furnishing Fa ft F bric Dress ess F Fabric Haberdashery Knitting Supplies Sewing Machines ... and more The F Forge, Ring Street, Stalbridge Dorset, DT10 2LZ
Emily & Wendy 01963 548138
world - many of which are fa f ir trade. Stunning silver jewellery, handmade glass vases, wooden f gures, children’s traditional and fi
17 St James Str Street South Petherton Somerset T TA13 5BS 01460 241166
Season’s Greetings to customers old & new
Needful Things For all the Magic of Christmas ...
MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our customers
7 High Street • CASTLE CARY CASTLE CAR • BA7 7AN Tel: 01963 351352 •
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 17
collar or coat so they can be seen in the dark, or maybe dental chews to keep their teeth in good order. For your rabbit, perhaps a new hutch, and a scratch pole for the cat. Whether your pet has fu f r, feathers or fins, Crossroads has a gift for them.
soft f toys, gift ft f s fo ft f r babies, rugs, stationery, cards and diaries. New in is a wonderfu f l selection fu of puzzles to suit all ages, from the popular ‘twisted nails’ puzzles through to 3D puzzles. Candles from Swaziland, beautifully presented, scarves galore - from warm and woolly to pretty silks and man-made scarves in a variety of patterns and colours ... just a fe f w ideas fo f r the Christmas Stocking.
Send flowers this festive season Mayflowers of Gillingham.
Crossroads Pet Supplies
Doesn't your pet deserve a Christmas Stocking? The family pet is very much part of the f mily so pop along to Crossroads fa Pet Supplies fo f r some pet present ideas. For your dog - perhaps a new bed or bowl, a reflective
The perfect gift for Christmas
7 Market Place Wincanton ▪ BA9 9LL
01963 32808 ▪
For a super selection of fresh cut fflowers & plants visit us at ...
2a High Street, GILLINGHAM
Tel: 01747 824424
www.mayfl f owersofg fl f fg
18 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Amour Lingerie brings to Wincanton in Somerset the opportunity to buy a fabulous selection of designer underwear, nightwear, swimwear and leisurewear from some of the world's leading fa f shion houses. Most of our styles are stocked in sizes 8-22, A-I cup. Larger cup and back sizes are available to order - so there is something to suit everyone, ranging from luxury La Perla to the classic Sloggi. As each collection is released, fresh orders are placed so that the very latest ranges are available.
Bower Hinton Farm Shop
Why not give some festive cheer this Christmas? Locally brewed Pe P rry r ’s Cider, ry H m Hi Ha H ll and Ha H rry r ’s Ciders plus ry
Bower Hinton Farm Shop ~ Martock
Your local Interflora Florist Y
... or why h not ord hy rde rd der by b phone or website t ? te
Welcome to Amour Lingerie W
All major credit cards accepted
Local Turkey urkey,, Geese, Red Meat, Hams etc. V Hampers Fruit & Veg Boxes V Dairy Produce V Jessica Farmhouse Cakes Fresh Vegetables including Homegrown Sprouts, Purple Sprouting Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cauliflower, Potatoes in bulk, Curly and Cavolo Nero Kale OPEN: Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm
OPEN: Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd December 9am – 5pm • Christmas Eve 9am – 1pm
Just off the B3165 at the top of Bower Hinton
01935 827743 •
Harry’s Mulled Cider in 3 litre dispensers and Lyme Bay Wines can all be fo f und at Bower Hinton Farm Shop - together with local cheeses and a delicious array of preserves and pickles. Why not make up a hamper? A tasty range of home grown vegetables including Cavolo Nero
and curly kale, sprouts and potatoes by the sack are always available as well as fresh fruit. Bower Hinton Farm’s own reared pork is available as joints, sausages, chipolatas and sausagemeat - the ideal accompaniment to your fe f stive Christmas Dinner.
Jewellery, scarves, faux fur, scented candles and so much more at Preview of Wincanton Ladies Fashion - if you can’t decide why not give a gift voucher?
fashion boutique
Gorgeous Gifts Jewellery Scarves
Leather Bags ... and more
GIFT VOUCHERS the ideal gift
Market Place Wincanton 01963 31676
Somerton Hair & Beauty
Everyone likes to look their best - at Somerton Hair & Beauty they offer a full range of beauty treatments. With the party season here why not take advantage of their gel nail offer? There are gift f s available at ft Somerton Hair & Beauty too
including jewellery and pretty scarves - plus gift f vouchers to any ft value. A gift for you in the new year is a £5 off voucher on any treatment over £10 during January - so don’t fo f rget to cut out the coupon in this issue of The Visitor.
See inside Street Cellular of Street - for the full range of mobile phones and accessories.
Unlocking & Data Recovery Repairs on Phones, T Tablets, etc. New & Used Handsets PAY P Y MONTHLY PA Unlocked Handsets PAY GO P Y AS YOU PA Y Full Range of Accessories and SIM ONLY
5 The Bayliss Centre, STREET • 01458 841741 website: • email:
Manicure and Pedicure Gel Nails only ... £40
OveFrtF... £it5 is h th ad otion
Januar y Prom
st Jan.)
31 (Valid 1st –
Full ull range of beauty treatments ...
Waxing V Facials V Spray Tan V Sunbed W Massage V Hairdressing
OPEN: 9am – 6.30pm Tuesday – Friday, 9am – 3pm Saturday OPE
Chapel House, West Street SOMERTON, TA11 7PS Tel: 01458 272910
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 19
Back by popular demand but with a new look this year!
The Castle Cary and Ansford Calendar 2017 - with interesting photos of Castle Cary and Ansfo f rd - is now on sale in the fo Bailey Hill Bookshop. Limited edition. £10. Buy now while stocks last! Profi f ts will once again fi go to Care4Cary who are most gratefu f l as all the money fr fu f om the calendar, donations and other fundraising activities goes towards paying fo f r advice fr f om lawyers and planning, traff ffi ff fic / road safe f ty and environmental fe experts.
catalogue. Personalised Christmas cards and banners can be ordered. The newsagents is open fr f om 6.30am, and a local delivery service is available. Why not order a magazine subscription as a Christmas gift?
Florence ence Leather Collection open new boutique on Y Yeovil’ s High Street
Papertrees of Wincanton
Books make a very acceptable gift. Whatever age the recipient, call in and see the range on offer at Papertrees – many are at discounted prices. They have a range of stocking f ller toys, games, Santa hats, gift fi f ft wrap and cards. For the home office, there is a wide range of stationery, plus you can order larger items such as furniture from the instore
flies to Milan every six to seven weeks to hand select the most up to date designs. Why not come and fi f nd an ideal gift this Christmas in Yeovil or their already established shop in Bruton? Gift f Vouchers are also ft available!
Florence Leather Collection is proud to announce the opening of its new boutique on the High Street in Yeovil next to Clement White Jewellers. With a wide range of styles and colours, Florence Leather Collection aims at providing quality handmade leather handbags, shoes, boots and many other leather accessories whatever your taste in style and budget. Inspired by the designs of the great luxury fa f shion houses and made with high quality Italian leather, the FLC range is f equently updated by Carole who fr
F x and Ho Fo H unds limited edition print by Mi M ck Ca C wston - just one of o many n interesting ny n prints available ng f om Scenes of fr o Gilling n ham. ng
“Bugatti Nights”
... by Keith Woodcock Choose from a wide range of prints – all topics — GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE — On-The-Premises Framing
High Street, Gillingham Tel / Fax: 01747 824050 email: •
Books - the perfect Christmas gift for all the family ... New Christmas stock now in
Full Range of Stationery for Home and Office
33 High Street • Wincanton
Open: Monday – Friday 6.30am – 5pm, Saturday 6.30am – 2pm, Sunday 6.30am – 12noon
20 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Tel: 01963 32356 •
Christmas all wrapped up at ...
The Jewellers of Yeovil
Individual pieces cess of ce jewellery and exquisite gifts ifts to suit all tastes and budgets We would like to thank all of our customers and wish them a
Ward & Sibley have a wonderful choice of jewellery (including costume) to delight this Christmas.
THE CASKET 103 MIDDLE STREET, YEOVIL Tel: 01935 474065 Car park at rear of shop for customer parking
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 21
A healthy new year
Family Health with
Jenna Evans
Winter Wellness
AS I WRITE, thick fog has enveloped us and it’s feeling a tad on the arctic side after our long mild autumn. I thought it was time to have a little tour of my favourite supplements for seasonal survival. So if you’re feeling a little under the weather, stressed out from the shops, or your joints are starting to creak in the cold - read on!
Coughs & Sneezes, Colds & Wheezes -
Echinacea - Anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, Echinacea has immune
enhancing effects useful for upper respiratory chest infections, postviral fatigue, acute and chronic/recurrent infections. A popular remedy to use throughout the winter months to modulate the immune system, helping prevent infections as well as being included in many formulas for treating them. Peppermint, Eucalyptus & Pine - useful decongestants for stuffy or catarrhal infections - use the pure essential oils in inhalations. Ivy - an excellent remedy for coughs. Ivy acts as a mucolytic and anti-spasmodic agent relaxing spasms at the same time as encouraging the break down and expectoration of mucus from the lungs. If you get one of those chesty coughs that just won’t shift, this is the herb for you. Plantago - possesses anticatarrhal, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, and demulcent effects. Used to treat sinusitis, otitis media, cough, bronchitis
of Castle Cary
SALE NOW ON! Up to 50% OFF selected lines Ladies Fashion
7 High Street, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7AN 01963 351352 •
Starts on Thursday 29th December
Telephone: 01935 478357 31 Princes Street, Yeovil, Somerset 22 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
and any catarrhal states. Very useful to have on hand for all manner of coughs and colds during the winter months. Sage - a valuable anti-septic that can be made into an effective gargle for sore throats. Mix an infusion of the loose herb with a good dessert spoon of cider vinegar and get gargling. Beta Glucans - Specifically 1,3 1,6 glucans. Found in mushrooms and the cell walls of yeasts, this family of beta glucans has a very interesting effect on our immune systems. When ingested the 1,3 1,6 glucans make their way through the stomach and on to our small intestines where special areas of lymphatic tissue known as Peyer’s patches take them in. Cells such as macrophages that are part of our immune system can be found in these tissues. Macrophages sweep about the body, ‘eating’ invaders, making them a very useful part of our defences. Macrophages actually have receptors or ports on them that allow these glucans to attach. Once present 1,3 1,6 glucans seem to have a strong immune priming effect, switching our macrophages onto a higher level of alert and making them more effective enemy scavengers. So unlike many other herbs and supplements that would be considered immune ‘stimulating’ or possess specific and direct antibacterial or antiviral ability, these helpful fibres have an immune ‘modulating’ effect they take what we have and supercharge it! Theres are some great supplements available combining Beta Glucans with other helping immune nutrients
such as Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C.
Circulation & Joints -
Gingko Biloba - As a support to peripheral circulation, Gingko can be helpful for those with poor circulation to the hands & feet, Raynauds and chilblains, often exacerbated by the cold weather. Devil’s Claw - A useful antiinflammatory for the winter months, especially for people who find their conditions such as rheumatism become more aggravated with cold, damp weather.
Mood & Stress -
Hypericum - As an antidepressant this herb can be helpful for those who suffer Seasonal Affective Disorder or generally start feeling a little more low with the short hours of sunshine. Siberian Ginseng - Another common problem encountered during the wintry months is that of low energy and high stress levels. This herb can help the bodies resistance to fatigue, stress and disease. Vitamin D - Deficiency is associated with a whole host of problems including depression and general aches & pains. As our main source is from the sunlight, it’s a popular choice to supplement with at this time of year.
Festive Digestive -
Milk Thistle - A good liver remedy that, like Dandelion, can support the body at times of overindulgence. Especially useful with a higher alcohol consumption, it
Behind Clouds
Starts MONDAY 19 th December Beautiful Boots & Stunning Shoes Hats ✶ Handbags ✶ Accessories
Open: 10am – 5pm Monday – Saturday
Behind Clouds
Market Place, Somerton, TA11 7LX 01458 270114
A healthy new year
may even be helpful to lessen hangovers - although I cannot personally attest to that! Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes - Good bacteria can help support healthy digestion, immunity and possibly even mood. Remember, always top up these friendly bugs when you’ve had a gastric illness or have used antibiotics. Enzymes are one of my foundation supplements for anyone with tummy issues and are useful to have on hand for those extra filling festive feasts! I hope you keep warm and well this winter. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. Jenna Evans ©2017. ● Jenna is an Holistic Health Coach and creator of bespoke beauty products. She can be found on Facebook at ‘Alchemical Beauty UK’. Jenna is also a multi-award winning Product Advisor at Ceres Natural Foods, Yeovil. To make an appointment, please pop in or call 01935 428791 for details. Find Ceres on Facebook as ‘Ceres Natural Foods Ltd’. Always check with a health professional before making any dramatic changes to your diet and lifestyle or starting a new supplement, especially with any eiting health conditions.
Wincanton Dental Practice
Who are we? We are the longest established dental practice in Wincanton. Geoffrey Worrall, practice owner & dental surgeon works with colleagues Julia Farmer, Nayeem Jamil; our two hygienists, Jane Wicks and Jill Jackson and supported by our friendly admin. & nursing team. Why should I come and see you? The majority of our new patients come from ‘word of mouth’ referrals from our existing patients & we have many supporting testimonials too. We offer sensibly priced treatment options in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere with our own ‘in house’ payment plans to help you budget for your treatment costs. What do we offer? As well as providing a full range of both preventative and cosmetic dentistry we can arrange dedicated oral health instruction sessions. Dentist Julia Farmer is able to offer initial consultations for Dental Implants & the ‘6-
Month’ Smiles system; which is a quick result orthodontic treatment, using clear braces. The Consultation fee will be deducted from all completed treatment plans Where are we? We are located at the top of the High Street in Wincanton at No. 56. Free car parking opposite is available for one hour or longer at the Memorial Hall Car Park. How can I get in touch? Phone: 01963 834475, Email:
Web: www.wincantondental Facebook: Wincanton Dental Practice Twitter: WincantonDP
Suttons Stairlifts
At Suttons Stairlifts & Mobility, we aim to find the perfect solution for your individual mobility needs and will visit your home at a time convenient to you to carry out a free, no-obligation assessment survey and to help you choose the right stairlift or mobility solution for you, your home and your
GEOFFREY WORRALL and his team look forward to welcoming you.
Wincanton Dental Practice
Why not contact us and find out how we can help you achieve the smile you have always wanted?
● We now offer Dental Implants using the Bicon system and ‘quick result’ orthodontic treatment; using clear braces with the ‘6-Month’ Smiles technique. We continue to offer a full range of both preventative and cosmetic dentistry as well as Individual Oral Health Education sessions. ● We offer a choice of in house payment plans to help you budget for your treatment costs. We are currently accepting new patients.
Find us in Wincanton; we are at the very top of the High Street at No. 56 ● Easy, free parking access.
Telephone: 01963 834475 • Email: Website: Wincanton Dental Practice
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 23
A healthy new year budget. In addition to being approved dealers for Handicare, we are also approved members of the Trading Standards Buy With Confidence Scheme. To ensure your peace of mind, we also provide fast and efficient maintenance and repairs on all of our stairlifts, as well as an annual service and safety check to keep your stairlift running as smoothly as the day it was installed.
roof. In 2017 we continue to provide daytime and evening classes in Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi & Qi Gong, and Meditation, plus
Nine Springs Natural Health Centre Figure flattering Brax Jeans local stockist Shirley Allum Fashions and Lingerie of Shaftesbury.
The well-established health hub, Nine Springs Natural Health Centre in Yeovil provides both individual complementary therapies and exercise/ meditation classes all under one
specialised Pre-Natal and PostNatal classes. A new 8-week MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) course starts in January; taught by a certified teacher, this hugely popular programme (it is even taught in the House of Commons) is an opportunity to learn how to use meditation to manage life issues, pain and other health problems. It is particularly useful for preventing self-criticism, overthinking about past events or worrying about the future. The website gives details of classes and workshops for this Winter and Spring.
Andrew Knight
Decléor gifts and treatments available from The Beauty Barn, Trent, Sherborne.
Andrew Knight offers over 30 years’ clinical experience in osteopathic care which offers help in a variety of acute and chronic muscular and skeletal conditions. Treatments may involve advice, exercises and lifestyle considerations as well as manually applied physical treatments, all of which are fully explored so patients can be
Decléor Orexcellence Facial
For just ...
tel: 01935 851221
(usually £60)
Plus receive a FREE Eye Cream ... worth £33.50
OFFER ENDS 31st January 2017 ★ Not to be used with any other offer
1 Trent Court, Trent, Sherborne, DT9 4AY
email: ✴ New patients and families welcome
We Operate an Emergency Christmas Denture Repair Service
Please call our Emergency Service 01458 252444 Manufacturers of New Dentures, Relines, Sports Mouth Guards and a Same Day Denture Repair Service
If you are in pain and need Emergency Treatment during the Christmas Break, telephone 07854 752661 For Non-Emergency Appointments telephone 01458 253888
Dental Design Ltd
81 Bow Street, Langport, Somerset, TA10 9PR Company Registration Number: 04254199
24 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Offering consultation and advice for muscular and skeletal aches, pains and injury; maintenance treatments for improved mobility and Kinesiology evaluations for diet, allergy and nutritional health FO R BO O KINGS PLEASE C O NTAC T
01458 223300 • 07889 857289 •
Find me on Facebook - @AndrewKnightOsteopath and follow me on Twitter - @osteopathknight
A healthy new year treated in the best and most applicable way for them. Andrew also holds 25 years’ experience as an Applied Kinesiology practitioner which offers a personalised service to advise on diet, nutrition and lifestyle issues including allergy evaluation and management. Appointments are available each day of the week in Keinton Mandeville and on Wednesday mornings in Castle Cary. The website has details or please get in touch with any questions.
Heal and Sole Holistics
At Heal and Sole Holistics, Castle Cary, they treat the whole person rather than a specific illness, disease or condition. As well as helping you to relax and look after your overall well-being, one of their aims is to help you find relief from chronic diagnosed health problems that are affecting your life and to which you haven’t found a solution, other than prescribed medication. They specialise in Reflexology, Reiki and Indian Head Massage, all of which are gentle and relaxing complimentary therapies. For centuries these therapies have been used worldwide as powerful forms of natural healing and may help with a wide range of conditions including: Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, Bereavement, Asthma, Headaches, Sciatica, Joint Pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, IBS, Fertility, Pregnancy, Sport Injuries, Post-Operative Recovery and Cancer Support.
For a fine selection of rise and recline chairs, visit Regency Care & Mobility of Crewkerne.
Say you saw it in
The Visitor
The Dress Circle
Dress Agency
4 Brunel Shopping Centre Somerton TA11 7PY  01458 273485
â?† # "! #$ #$ # $ $ "# " # "
QUALITY FASHION ITEMS WANTED TO SELL ON A COMMISSION BASIS Wedding hats, wedding outfits, cruise wear and good quality casual wear and accessories, accepted every day ... 10am - 4pm Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm Saturday
For large quantities collections can be arranged
One Stop Mobility â?† !"#$ $ # ! # ! " â?† ! #$ ! # $ ! "
â?† $ #$ # !"#" " "$ $# #
â?† !"#$ $ # ! #$ # " â?† " #$ $" ! $ ## "
Call in and see us!
â?† â?† â?† â?† â?†
Cosyfeet # ! ! $ ! " ! $" ! " ## $ ! " # "$ $ ! # "
 # # # ! ! “If you can’t come to us we will come to youâ€?
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 25
NORRIS BODY REPAIRS LTD â– Insurance Claims â– Private Jobs â– Restorations â– Resprays â– Welding Work
Season’s Greetings to customers old & new
South Street • YEOVIL • BA20 1QQ Tel: 01935 411095
Email: • Fax: 01935 473119
OPEN: Tuesday to Saturday Inclusive 12noon – 2pm • 5pm – 9.30pm
Fabrics & Crafts
Thank you for your custom We wish you a Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year Open for all your Christmas Gifts ‘til Friday 23rd December
Closed from Saturday 24th December ‘til Monday 2nd January inclusive
Open as usual from Tuesday 3rd January 2017 Open Monday – Saturday 9am – 5pm
Station Road, Sturminster Newton Dorset, DT10 1BD Tel: 01258 472698
26 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
CLOSING 8.30pm Christmas Eve RE-OPENING Tuesday 3rd January Wishing all our Customers a Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year
&0+ 1 1 # & 01&,*%- +0 1 01)/,-0, '/"0,(/- 1'/"0,.0(
Wishin Residen g all our ts, Frien ds and Collea Merry C gues a hristma s and a Happy New Ye ar
60 West Coker Road Yeovil, Somerset ... a quality rated home Manager: Mrs. Sandra Barclay  01935 472793
Compliments of the season to all advertisers, newsagents, delivery people, readers & contributors and best wishes for a healthy & prosperous New Year!
The key to all your storage needs!
Fully Insured Storage at Highly Competitive Rates Call us today for a quote!
01963 440045
• Open 7 Days a Week • 20 Years Established Family Business • Modern Burglar-Alarmed Warehouses • Professional & Reliable Service • Removals To and From Storage • Self Store with Easy Access • Cubicle and Crate Storage • Friendly, Helpful Staff
High Street, Sparkford, nr. Yeovil, Somerset BA22 7QJ Tel: 01963 440045 / 440526 / 440692
ESSING HAIRDR mfort of in the co home n your ow
Sandra White
★ Tyres ★ Batteries ★ Wheels ★ Exhausts ★ Laser Wheel Alignments ★ Computerised Wheel Balance
Wishing all our customers compliments of the season and looking foward to seeing you in 2017
The Centre Garage CASTLE CARY Tel: 01963 350243
Would like to thank her clients for their support during the year. NEW CLIENTS WELCOME For an Appointment
Tel: 01963 351740 Mob: 07870 230135
Dawn & Staff wish all their clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ...
45a High Street WINCANTON 01963 34321
Greenhill • Sherborne • Dorset • DT9 4EW 01935 813451
On-the-Premises Workshop Cinefilm etc. Transferred to DVD /Bluray Simon and his team would like to thank their customers for their continued support and wish them all a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR
Christmas Eve: 9.00am ‘til 3.00pm • Christmas Day: Closed Boxing Day: Closed • Christmas Tuesday: Closed Wednesday 28th: 9.00am ‘til 4.00pm • Thursday 29th: 9.00am ‘til 4.00pm Friday 30th: 9.00am ‘til 4.00pm • Saturday 31st: 9.00am ‘til 4.00pm New Year’s Day: Closed • Monday 2nd: Closed • Tuesday 3rd: Normal
Trish, Jane & Staff wish all our Customers a very Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year
Market Street, Crewkerne, Somerset, TA18 7JY 01460 72622 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 27
New year’s day - Sherborne Christmas walk
A Somerset Wildlife Winter Walk
THERE’S SOMETHING that feels so wonderfully righteous about the almost ceremonial putting on of a favourite woolly hat, the tightest buttoning of a Winter coat and the gathering of friends and family to enjoy a good old-fashioned Winter walk after you’ve enjoyed a hearty lunch. A crisp, bracing Winter walk can do wonders for the waistline, feed the soul and reveal a new and fragile beauty to the familiar places we perhaps galloped around in warmer times. Somerset’s magnificent hills, ancient woodlands and wonderful wetlands take on a magic of their own in Winter - our natural spaces turn into silent, mystical places waiting for the crisp, crunch of visitors to breathe a little life and warmth into the picture, and bring colour to a canvas of bare trees and hardened earth, sleeping peacefully until the Spring. A wonderful array of Somerset’s finest Winter wildlife is waiting to be discovered.
Bishopswood Meadow ... for a Frosty Foray
This reserve filled with speciesrich limestone and meadows beside River Yarty, is a great adventure for hikers and strollers alike. One of the best things about this walk is that it starts and ends at a most perfectly cosy Winter pub - the Candlelight Inn (TA20 3RS). Starting from the pub, wander down to the bottom carpark and walk down the side to the footbridge which goes over the River - an important habitat, used by otter, kingfisher and dippers. Over the stile you go, to cut a diagonal line across the field and, after a second stile, you’ll be on the right track and will have entered Somerset Wildlife Trust’s Jan Hobbs reserve. After a short way you’ll head through Milkham Copse to explore ancient, wintery woodland and then head on to the reserve’s open frosty fields to
Photo: Valerie Godsmark.
really blow the cobwebs away. All of the fields in the reserve have thick hedgerows of Hazel, Hawthorn, Field Maple, and Ash amongst others within which Hazel Dormice will be snuggled up and snoring. Turning left will take you up the hill past Cross Hill Farm and then, after passing through Moorseek Farm, you’ll go down the field, fork left over the footbridge across the River Yarty and come into the Trust’s Bishopswood Meadows Reserve. You can take a loop, turning left along the River Yarty to the Lime Kiln, then loop back through the reserve or take a right up the field and through the kissing gate. In the second half of the 19th century an extensive lime burning industry was based around the Bishopswood area, with Lime Kiln, the distinctive key hole shaped quarry, and its access tracks and paths still visible today. Go along the track-way to the road and keep left on the road past Woodend Farm and Otterford Parish Hall, left again at the main road and walk downhill to get back to where you started – the Candlelight Inn where warming up by the open fire is well advised.
How to get there:
The reserve, which is open all year round, can be reached by a public footpath along a track from the road, just to the west of Woodend Farm at ST 252 129, 400 metres from Bishopswood village. Parking is in the village. (Please walk around the edges of the hay fields until they’ve been cut). You can download a Wild Walk card for this walk to take with you from the website: Bishopswood_Meadows_WildWalk
28 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Before the New Year starts, learn more of Sherborne’s ancient heritage, and walk off your seasonal indulgences, with Blue Badge Guide Cindy. Meet outside the Abbey Porch on Sunday January 1st at 2pm, and afterwards enjoy an optional hot chocolate at Vida Comida (Swan Yard), 01935 815341. The walk costs only £5, for a thousand years of history!
Mendip Decorative and Fine Arts Society – What’s On
10th January 2017: Is
Christmas in Good Taste? Mr David Phillips will take a gentle look at the artistic merits in the way we celebrate Christmas in his talk to Mendip DFAS. The Society meets at the Bath and West Bar & Restaurant, B&W Show Ground, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6QN at 11.00 am. Details; Guests Welcome. Contact 01934 862435.
Langport & District History Society
The first meeting of 2017 will be on Monday 9th January when the ever-popular Peter Stanier will s pe a k o n E n glan d ’s r i c h e st
In friendly rural village with 27-hole GOLF course & two bar / restaurants. 1½ hours south of the Loire. 40 minutes to FUTUROSCOPE. Spacious, wellequipped & comfortable. Large private garden, parking. ★ Only £70 per night (NO increase in July and August!)
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or email
Inspired by Strictly Come Dancing?
Then come to the Allen School of Dance - Specialists in the Training of Ballroom & Latin Dancing for Children and Adults of all ages from Beginners to Medallists & Competitors
★ NEW BEGINNERS CLASS ★ ... starting in January
Contact us on 01935 421668 or email See our website
So, you think you know your pop music, do you?
By John Osborne • Answers can be found on page 47
1. 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' - a 1973 album by whom? 2. 'Life is a Roller-Coaster', affirmed which male artist? 3. Who has joined 'Simple Minds' on a re-make of their 80's hit 'Promised You a Miracle'? 4. 'KC and the ...? 5. How many years was Lukas Graham banging on about? 6. Name the band who recorded the best-known version of 'What a Fool Believes'. 7. 'Owl City' had a hit in 2009 which nifty little song? 8. The Beatles released 'Free as A Bird' in which year? 9. Who declared that he was 'Dancing On My Own' recently? 10. Name the duo who were 'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree' in 1987 Bonus Question Name the year for Q2.
Question Impossible In the 'Prefab Sprout' song 'Wild Horses' who is the actress who repeats the line 'I want to have you'?
Great Quotes in Music (89) “Rock & roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can’t help but move to it. That’s what happens to me. I can’t help it.” ELVIS PRESLEY
Leisure & Travel
historical landscape: Minions Moor, Cornwall. It is free to members (annual membership is £12): non-members are welcome, admission £2; refreshments available. Anyone interested in joining the Society should contact Sue Standen (01458 273471, suzannestanden471@btinternet. com). Follow the History Society at @langporthistory, and on its website: site/langportheritage/home
CATS brings you The Addams Family, presented through special arrangement with Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TWR). Containing all the characters (created by Charles Addams) from the well-loved family film, this is a new musical comedy (book by Marshall Brickman & Rick Elice, music & lyrics by Andrew Lippa). The story is based around Wednesday Addams desperately wanting her totally
unconventional family to appear ‘normal’ to her new boyfriend & his typically conventional parents, after she invites them over for dinner so they can all meet. If you are looking for an evening of light relief and amusement, this is the show for you as it is packed with great characters, catchy musical numbers & hilarious scenes with some extremely funny lines.
New Year, New Opportunities, New You…
This new year, why not treat yourself or someone you love to a new course at Strode College? For anyone aged 19 or over who might be interested in learning a new skill, taking up or developing a new interest or hobby, gaining a qualification or training to support your career, there is still time to enrol at Strode College on the huge range of new courses for adults starting in January.
Meet new people by taking part in one of Strode’s popular leisure courses, called ‘Enriching Your Talents’, and enjoy a relaxing leisure interest or broaden your skills and talents on one of the many courses on offer. Whether it’s counselling, hair and beauty, learning a language, using IT or enjoying the creative or performing arts, you should find a course that suits you. Take the opportunity to learn something different and exciting for the new year, call 01458 844590 to enrol.
January Notice Board GILLINGHAM & MERE
Watercolour Club at Vicarage School Room, Gillingham, starts 5th January and at Mere Lecture Hall starts 9th January 2017. Watercolour Techniques starts 6th January 2017. To enrol go to:
Blackmore Vale U3A, ‘The River Amazon in a Reed Boat’ at 2.30pm on Tuesday 3rd January, Henstridge Village Hall. Members £1.50, Visitors £2.50, includes refreshements.
Advertise your February event here. A listing under our Notice Board costs just £5 for 20 words. Send details of What? When? Where? to The Visitor, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7BP. All entries to be pre-paid. Extra words 30p each. Deadline for February issue, Friday 13th January.
Exciting new opportunities at Strode College.
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 29
House & Home - New Year New Look
Seasonal Jollity
In the words of that famous Christmas carol it’s time to ‘Deck the halls with boughs of holly ... ’tis the season to be jolly’ but maybe you’re thinking that your home doesn’t quite come up to scratch. Never mind, it’s not too late to liven up a lacklustre interior before your guests arrive, without breaking the bank. For example, a throw can cheer up a worn sofa or armchair and adding some brightly coloured cushions will make a huge difference. How about a new fireside rug or a runner for the hall to welcome those festive visitors? And in the kitchen a brightly coloured toaster and kettle will cheer up breakfast time no end. In the dining room maybe the dining chair seats are looking worn and drab. Have you considered buying some fabric to cover them and having curtains to match, giving the room a coordinated look? You can easily transform the appearance of a bedroom with some pretty readymade curtains (with cushions to match or tone
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30 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
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for the bed) or by changing the lampshade or bedside lamps and finally, in the bathroom, colourful towels and a matching bathmat will do the trick to brighten your day.
Winter is coming: Prepare your property
If your home or business is flooded it can be costly, not just in terms of money and time but also inconvenience and heartache. South Somerset District Council are proud to be able to support residents by providing sand or gel bags to those residents that may unfortunately find themselves at risk of flooding. This is a reactive service t ha t re f l ects N ati ona l Bes t Practice guidelines which takes into account the safety of their staff. Therefore, they will make every effort to deliver six bags per domestic doorway as quickly and safely as they are able to. Councillor Nick Weeks, Portfolio Holder for Civil Contingencies said, “Our staff will make all reasonable efforts to deliver sandbags. However, it is likely that given road conditions that we may not be able to get to all residents that make a request for a delivery of sandbags, so please start to think protecting your home before it’s too late”. While it’s impossible to completely flood-proof a property, there are lots of things you can do to reduce the damage flooding can cause. The key is to act now so you’re prepared if there’s a flood in your area. The National Flood Forum offers advice to homeowners to help be ready for flooding before, during and after it happens. Visit for help and advice. The Environment Agency also offers advice to homeowners and gives suggestions of temporary flood protection equipment to help stop flood water get into your
The Old Well House Shepherds Hill, Buckhorn Weston GILLINGHAM, Dorset SP8 5HX Tel / Fax: 01963 371715 Mobile: 07802 393344
AP Kitchen Solutions NEW YEAR – NEW KITCHEN
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Kitchens replaced for a fresh new look at a reasonable price Complete new kitchens designed to suit you Replacement doors – “don’t replace it, reface it” Huge choice of granite and quartz worksurfaces Full range of accessories and appliances Full project management & qualified local installers We offer an expert and friendly service
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To discuss your personal requirements contact Adam or call at our showroom
Northover, ILCHESTER, BA22 8LD
Say you saw it in The Visitor
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 31
House & Home - New Year New Look
property such as floodboards and sandbags. Visit https: // s/system/uploads/attachment_dat a/file/403213/LIT_5216.pdf to download a copy of the Environment Agency ‘What to do before, during and after a flood’ booklet or visit their website If you are looking to do more with your community and put some measures in place that will help more than just you and your property, you can speak with Somerset Local Authorities Civil Contingencies Unit about creating a Community Flood Action Plan. For those communities who already have plans and resources in place it may be an appropriate time to review those plans and check your arrangements.
How To Transform Your Conservatory In Less Than A Day
Conservatories are usually constructed to add extra living space to a home, often in the hope that they will become an extra
Transform your conservatory with Green Space Ltd.
lounge, a dining room, home office or playroom. A lot of people find however, that from midNovember through until about
Unit 11, Brickfields Business Park, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4PX Tel: 01747 826714 •
As your Local Sky Expert we can offer you exclusive savings on your first year’s subscription to Sky TV – don’t go online, come and speak to us first!
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MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of our customers
Yeovil, Sherborne, Gillingham, etc.
32 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Your local Sky expert
mid-March, their conservatory is just too cold to pleasantly sit in without spending a small fortune on heating it and then from mid-
June through until about the end of September, that same space is unbearably hot during the day. So what’s the answer?
Add Style To Your Home ... See our exciting new ranges
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Add a splash of colour to your kitchen with this range from Smeg, the ideal Christmas Gift - available from Homemaker, Longmead Industrial Estate, Shaftesbury.
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Also in store MMS Soft Furnishings Curtains & Fabrics
Southgate Road, Wincanton 01963 824418
Also at: High Street, Tisbury 01747 871178 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 33
House & Home - New Year New Look
In 2010 the planning laws were relaxed and in the majority of cases, you can now fit a solid roof to your conservatory without planning permission. This means better insulation, keeping the room warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, and a room that you can use all year round. There are a few different options to fitting a solid roof on your conservatory, most of which require major upheaval and disruption. There is, however, now an alternative option that will transform your room from an unusable space to a beautiful room in less than one day! Green Space Ltd is a family run company who specialise in transforming conservatories. Their roof panels are lightweight and offer eight times better insulation than a polycarbonate roof.
With U-values of 0.29, they will keep your conservatory at a comfortable temperature all year round. What’s more, the panels are manufactured to measure off site, so installation generally takes less than a day, and they always aim to ensure that your roof conversion is as non-disruptive as possible. They are the sole supplier of this system in the South, the system is compatible with most conservatories, old and new - plus it comes with a ten year guarantee. Your conservatory that was too cold to eat your breakfast in the morning, could be lovely and cosy by dinner time. Transform your conservatory in one day - contact them today on 01793 208 002 and see what a difference a day makes! (See advert on inside back cover).
How To Make Guests Sleep Better This Christmas
If you are having guests to stay this Christmas, award winning sleep beauty brand, Kiss the Moon, share its top five things to help make sure your spare room delivers and helps your
guests have a relaxing stay:
Clear the Clutter – No-one wants to sleep surrounded by your shoe collection (even if they are super chic). Clear away your stuff to create a calm, well-organised space. Storage boxes are your friend.
Bryan G. Paulley Ltd
Domestic / Commercial Installations / Replacements
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Contemporary bathroom with attractive grey and contrasting tiles just one of the displays in the first floor showrooms at J2 Tiles on the Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil.
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34 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
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J2 Tiles, Unit 16, Venture 20 (Opposite Wickes)
Lynx West Trading Estate YEOVIL, BA20 2HP
01935 472088 ·
House & Home - New Year New Look
Have a Sleepover – How comfy is your spare bed? Is the room dark enough? Quiet enough? Warm enough? Sleep there one night a week or two before your guests arrive so you have time to sort out anything that makes the space a tricky place to sleep.
Get Cosy – Crisp, clean sheets, supportive pillows, a toasty duvet and a spare blanket or two are all must-dos. Bonus points if you go the extra mile and provide a pair of toasty bed socks and hot water bottle Delight their Senses – Our sense of smell is a fast-track way to help your guests relax and get sleepy. One of Kiss the Moon Pillow Mists or After Dark Sleep Balm on the bedside table will do the job nicely. Don’t forget the other senses too – sumptuous fabrics, colourful art, a jug of flavoured iced water, a radio tuned in to Classic FM – you get the idea … Light it Right – Low lighting before bed helps us get sleepy so as well as the main light and reading light, add a twist of fairy lights around a picture frame or mirror to bring a little touch of extra sparkle after dark.
Incentive to significantly improve Castle Cary’s recycling efficiency
Castle Cary’s ‘Use Less Share More’ Group (with help from Rupert Farthing at Carymoor) have produced a leaflet entitled ‘Recycle for Castle Cary & help us win £8000 for the local community!’ As its title suggests, the leaflet encourages Castle Cary residents to ‘reduce, reuse or recycle’ when they can, in an attempt to improve recycling efficiency over the next six months. Doing so could win the town £8000 to spend locally. Somerset Waste Partnership is running a trial scheme in which Castle Cary is offered the cash reward if the amount of domestic waste sent to landfill via black bins is significantly reduced. To achieve this, the leaflet asks residents to refrain from using their black bins and bin bags where possible, explaining that half of the contents of black bins that goes to landfill could be recycled and that one third of it is biodegradable food or garden waste. Instead of using
black bins to dispose of this, residents are urged to use boxes to separate their recyclable materials prior to kerbside collections. Usually green, box 1 is for paper, glass bottles and jars, and foil. Box 2, which is usually black, should be used for food and drink cans, empty aerosols (no plastic tops), plastic bottles (no tops, no pots / tubs etc) and cardboard. Recycling can be left in one box if that is all that is required, but paper and cardboard should be kept separate. Place bottles on top of paper to stop the litter being swept up in the wind. The food waste bin and kitchen caddy is for all cooked and raw foods. Compostable liners for this can be bought
from Dave Marsh Hardware, Buy & Save store, or Castle Cary Post Office. Alternatively, use
newspaper or compostable carrier bags (make sure they have the seedling logo).
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Turner Windows of Somerton Ltd
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THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 35
House & Home Bathrooms and Bedrooms with style Wet Room Specialists
If you are having difficulty getting in and out of the bath a wet room is the perfect solution. Wet rooms can be tailored to suit your personal requirements
Stunning Bedroom Ranges
The leaflet goes into more detail about the items which can be recycled, how to sort them and also answers common recycling questions. Due to wrapping, packaging, cards and so on, the average household probably produces more waste than usual during the festive season. This makes this time of year a great time to start your new and improved recycling regime. Once the festivities are over, perhaps you could cut out the pretty pictures on the front of your Christmas cards and use
them as gift tags for Christmas 2017. Tips like this will also save you money next year - another great reason to re-use and recycle. C a r ymo o r E n v i r o n m e n t a l Trust, an environmental education charity near the landfill site at Dimmer, offers chances to learn about sustainable living. For information about their activity days, projects and achievements visit www. â– For more information about recycling and waste visit
0. / 01)!,(%*-. 1 +*- . 1)!. */-. A wide selection of fabrics from ...
Clarke & Clarke âœ˝ Prestigious iLiv âœ˝ Fibre Naturelle ... and more – or supply your own
SHOWROOM at SJH CARPETS Tythings Commercial Centre, Wincanton Tel: 01963 824418 Open: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm and ...
' '& 1) $ $$ 1 1 $ & 1 $' ) '& Saturday 9am – 1pm
The Workshop has moved! For workshop measures and enquiries
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Choose from a wide range of colours & designs including ‘painted’ and gloss wood finishes.
Contact Ashley Helyar at: Simply Bathrooms & Bedrooms The Old Bakery Half Moon Street SHERBORNE, DT9 3LN (Through the Archway by Half Moon Inn)
Tel: 01935 817111 36 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Beautiful kitchens made in South Petherton
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 37
Pub Pages
ANOTHER YEAR comes to an end and again it seems to have gone faster than the last! It is traditional to take the time to look back over the year and look forward to the next.
Well, I can't be doing with that nonsense, so instead we'll have a look at what the marketing men are busy doing at Marston's breweries. You may have already seen a new beer in a Marston's pub, namely 'Razor Back', named after a feral pig, apparently. Actually, the beer is Ringwood Best, but rebranded. This attack on traditional names doesn't end here, with several others of the range owned by the brewers being given new names, some of which seem meaningless, to me at least. The reasoning behind all this is to appeal to a new generation of drinkers - allegedly. For example, first brewed in 1834 and known as 'P' until 1952 their flagship beer is still to be known as 'Pedigree' although having already softened the flavour some time ago, it's now referred to as an amber ale. Why this should be I know not, for in the brewing process pale malts are utilised, and it was previously trumpeted
as a quality pale ale. Have you ever heard of George Peard? Me neither, but there is now a line drawing of him on the pump clip. Mr. Peard was head brewer back in the 1950's, so no connection made with younger 'consumers' there then, and again, neither those of my generation, come to that. Beer writer Roger Protz thinks the drawing looks like Fred Truman, and how many of the younger generation might even know that name is open to conjecture. (Just in case you are wondering: Truman was a cricketing legend who passed away in 2007.)
A beer I did have the pleasure of tasting recently at our local was 'Saddle Tank' and at 3.8%ABV was pleasant enough to have a few without feeling too overwhelmed. This was renamed from Burton Bitter, and again, the reasoning behind this is supposed to be to make it more attractive to younger drinkers. Quite why this has been done is difficult to understand, as one can see locomotives like this working in 2017 on a Heritage Railway, so would many of the younger drinkers even know what a 'saddle tank' is, or have seen a steam engine at work? The pump
Vinny pops into his local for breakfast
The CATASH INN North Cadbury • BA22 7DH
NORTH CADBURY WASSAIL Saturday 21st January
Starting 6pm ★ Good Fun ★ Good Food ★ Good Causes Morris Dancing ★ Wassail Queen ★ FREE Apple Juice & Mulled Cider Mummers Play ★ Music and Dancing ★ Raffle and ... 2 Course Meal available for just £12 (kids ½ price) BOOKING ESSENTIAL
Further details from The Catash Inn or Brue Valley Rotary Club
01963 441531 •
Your hosts, Mick, Jean & Garry welcome you to
Lower Street, West Chinnock Tel: 01935 881235
Game Casserole: Sunday 18 th December also Sunday Roasts Christmas Day Dinner – £60 Drink on Arrival ★ 7 Course Meal ★ Half Bottle of Wine 10% OFF for groups of 10 or more ★ Children under 12 HALF PRICE Booking Essential — Limited Spaces
Boxing Day Buffet – £15 Curry Buffet: Wednesday 28 th December New Year’s Eve:“Party in the Pub”
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Home-Made Food Served 7 Days a Week
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Dinnington, Nr. Hinton St. George • Tel 01460 52397
Lord Nelson Rectory Lane
Norton Sub Hamdon
Mark, Helen & Staff would like to thank all of their customers for their support and wish them all a ...
38 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
QUIZ • SUNDAY 8th JANUARY Hosted by Fran & Claire
Tel: 01935 881473
Pub Pages
clip also has a line drawing of a saddle tank class loco for it was this type that shunted the yards at the brewery back in the day. Having had an attack of pedantry, I would probably dispute the fact that it was this type of loco per se as the illustration clearly shows an 'Austerity' class 0-6-0 (six driving wheels) which may well have been too big to take the sharp curves within the breweries, and all pictures I can find of loco's on the system are of 0-4-0's (four driving wheels). I'll get me coat ... Another rebrand was foisted on Oyster Stout, a beer I don't recall having had the pleasure of tasting from the cask, but have sunk many in its bottled form. This is now known as Pearl Jet.
Well I'm sure we will all be better off for that. Old Empire and EPA do not appear to have been tampered with, and a new beer with the somewhat enigmatic title of '61 Deep' has been launched. This is a pale ale of 3.8%ABV and gets the name from one of Burton's deep water wells. It's all about the depth you see. Apparently, it uses five American and Australian hops in the brewing process and tastes of fresh tropical fruit with citrus flavours, which puts your scribe right off, particularly in winter time. Perhaps someone out there has tried it? If so, do pop me a line or two on this or any pubrelated subject at skittlealley@ - thankyou. I always get nervous when I hear the term 'marketing manager'. Was this due to a Freudian experience I experienced caused by those who carried out irreparable damage to some of our beautiful pubs back in the days when there were so many of our classic establishments turned into 'theme' pubs? It was a relatively short-lived trend, thankfully, but when one sees a Victorian pub turned into a space rocket, jungle or a fake Irish pub it really does make you wonder 'what were
Montague Inn
Sean & Suzy welcome you to the ...
Shepton Montague nr. Bruton Tel: 01749 813213
Join us this festive season for good food and a warm welcome! CHRISTMAS PARTY MENU Some party dates still available in December ... or why not have it in January?
Christmas Eve – As Normal • Christmas Day – Lunchtime Only Boxing Day – Lunchtime Only Bank Holiday Tuesday 27th December – As Normal New Year’s Eve – Evening Only • New Year’s Day – Lunchtime Only Bank Holiday Monday 2nd January – Lunchtime Only
NEW YEAR’S EVE ... filling fast!
3 Course Dinner Live Entertainment Champagne & Fireworks at Midnight + Taxi home within 10 mile radius ... only £ 85
Simple Supper Nights – Tuesdays Steak Nights – Mondays LIKE RACING?
Check out the PACKAGE for ... WINCANTON RACES at The Monty Brunch at The Monty Premier Enclosure Ticket followed by Early Supper back at The Montague Inn Booking is essential: 48 hours notice
Saturday 7th January – £50
Sean, Suzy and Staff would like to wish all their customers the compliments of the season! PLEASE RING for full details and bookings or email:
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 39
Pete Lambden & Staff welcome you to .....
168 Hendford Hill YEOVIL
“I wish you a hopeful Christmas I wish you a brave new year All anguish, pain and sadness Leave your heart and let your road be clear”
FIRST PERSON to tell me the above song gets a free drink. Last month Carol Wordworth of Stoke sub Hamdon correctly guessed that it was Leonard Cohen and ‘Tower of Song’... may he R.I.P. So this is Christmas and what have you done? Well, 2016 has flown by don’t you think? It seems like only yesterday that all we could talk about was The Referendum. Well that was in June. Sadly we are still talking about it and probably will be for the foreseeable future! On to more interesting things. This month we celebrated my birthday and what a hoot it was. We had the fabulous Mr. D’Arcy entertaining us and yours truly even got up to sing: well, I use that word loosely of course. Thanks for letting me let off some steam once in a while. I had a great time ☺ . Someone else who celebrated here at the top of the hill this month was Sarah Martin. She had a great time here with some good friends, a bit of food, a few drinks and some music and dancing to finish off. A great party. Well done Sarah. X. On the 22nd of this month we have a Prize Bingo evening. It starts at 7pm and should be fun. STORM play their last gig here on the 23rd of this month and we have SOLD OUT! Just shows how popular these boys have been over the years and it should be a great way to start the Christmas weekend. Our New Year’s Eve tickets are now available from the pub. We have a great band, a hot buffet, and the tickets are limited, so get yours sorted now! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have supported me here at The Quicksilver during the past 12 months. It is always a delight to see you and you are all welcome to come in at any time. Sadly 21 pubs are closing every week in this country – let’s make sure that this one isn’t one of them! I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. ☺ TOOT TOOT!!!
01935 424721
Pub Pages
they thinking?' With management-speak nonsense we still get this type of person surfacing and frankly I find them annoying at best. Do they come up with these incredible ideas and have to foot the bill for the modifications? Are their wages paid on results? What percentage does trade have to increase by before it is counted as a 'success' or how much does it have to drop before a scheme is counted as a failure? In the latter case would they be sacked or promoted out of the way? I turn to Lee Williams, marketing manager for Marston's who has overseen the
rebrand project who said: ‘The harsh reality is that as a brewer, we're not resonating with the next generation of drinkers who are attracted to the authenticity and simplicity of the new beer scene. For them it's real and it resonates’. I've no idea what that is supposed to mean, but clearly the higher management understand ... possibly. He adds that Marston's ‘... had lost their mojo. The market is fast-moving and we've updated the brands for current drinkers and new and younger ones’. So if you think you know where Mr Williams has put his mojo, perhaps you would let him know where it is, or if you do happen to see people 'resonating' in pubs from now on, you'll know the whole plan was a success; well after all it did cost a million quid. Do you like books? I do; I lurrrv books. Anyone who visits our humble little house soon realises that I like books. There are nearly 400 about railways for a start, not to mention quite a few about beer as well as several on pub games, although there are not
Greenhill, Sherborne, DT9 4EP
26th and 27th December
December Music
Wed 21st: Flatland Boogie Band Fri 23rd: Sam Francis Wed 28th: Open Mic’
January Music
Wed 4th: Blues Wed 11th: Jazz Wed 18th: Folk Wed 25th: Open Mic’
Tel: 01935 816115
Tel: 01749 860253 • Fax: 01749 860757 Email: Website:
40 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
.................... SUNDAY LUNCH £8.95
that many on the subject. There are even some on games of the world, and it is quite astonishing to see how different peoples from around the globe have found ways to enjoy themselves. There are a couple of books I still pick up and either browse or read from coverto-cover. Firstly 'Beer and Skittles' by Richard Boston, which partly inspired the inception of this column, and 'Death of the English Pub' by Christopher Hutt. Look out for them in a charity shop near you. Although both were written over thirty years ago it's quite amazing how so many of the topics covered are still played out today. So perhaps the Chinese were right; 'If you want to know the future, then look to the past', so in fact as we head into the New Year with optimism we really should take time to look back over the last year with care and attention! Happy New Year - Cheers!
IN WEST CAMEL ... a warm welcome awaits at The Walnut Tree, where Doombar is a popular choice in the bar ... the Sunday Carvery is proving very popular at The Sparkford Inn, Sparkford ... Playgroup mums celebrating Christmas were delighted to have their very own carvery at The Catash Inn, North Cadbury - a nice touch ... and in Corton Denham the film showing at The Queens Arms on Wednesday the 28th of December is Finding Dory. Waltzing on to Wells where
Join us for New Year’s Eve
Ross Kirk on guitar 8pm start Disco from midnight “Handbags and Gladrags” fancy dress theme
✶ New Year’s Eve Specials Board ✶
Kate, Adrian & Staff wish all of their customers a very Merry Christmas ... and a Happy New Year! Closed Christmas Day Night & Boxing Day
Accommodation • Real Ales • Ample Parking
Pub Pages
many well-known Somerset residents have been brave enough to bare all for a very special calendar in aid of the charity Heads Up. The ‘Heads Up Pants Down’ 2017 calendar is available from The Swan Hotel for £10 ... Celebrating the New Year? Then enjoy one of the tasty New Year’s Eve Specials from the board at The Natterjack Inn, Evercreech Junction ... Fishy Fridays at Truffles Bistro, Bruton ... at The Montague Inn, Shepton Montague, the crashing of a car into the telegraph pole meant there was no internet - normal service has now been resumed ... a gianormous santa’s head has pride of place over the entrance at The Cross Keys, Lydford - if the rest of him is to scale he will have a hard job getting down the chimneys! ... and in Aller
bookings are still being taken for a delicious Christmas Luncheon at The Old Pound Inn. Winding on to West Chinnock where customers are invited to stretch their legs on Boxing Day and visit The Muddled Man for their renowned buffet ... enjoy a tasty meal by candlelight at The Cat Head Inn, Chiselborough ... Quiz on Sunday 8th January at The Lord Nelson, Norton Sub
Lamb & Lark Russell & Diane welcome you to the INN KEEPING AT ITS BEST
Limington nr. Ilchester • BA22 8EG Tel: 01935 840368
A typical country inn we are pleased to offer …
Sunday 18th December CHRISTMAS UIZ In aid of St. Margarets Hospice Lots of Raffle Prizes ~ all welcome CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY!
———— NEW YEAR’S EVE ————
FOOD ... served from 6pm – 8.30pm LIVE MUSIC with Michael Buble Tribute 8.30pm – 9.30pm Followed by Loose Rock – 60s, 70s and 80s music £10 a ticket to include BUFFET on sale now ★ Taxi Service Available – reasonable rates ★
New Year’s Day: OPEN 12noon – 3pm (closed evening) Tuesdays: PIE NIGHT 1 Course £5.95
Wednesday Evenings: TWO 8oz RUMP STEAKS £20 / SIRLOINS £25 Fridays: FISH & CHIP FRIDAY £5.95
Thursday 19th January: CURRY NIGHT help yourself to a variety of curries plus the trimmings £10.95
Saturday 28th January: BURNS NIGHT tickets now available Russ, Di and Alex would like to thank their customers for their continued support over the past 11 years and wish them all A Very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
FUNCTION ROOM weddings & private parties welcome OUTSIDE BAR and HOG ROAST facilities Visit our website for full details
Hamdon ... tasty Moroccan Lamb and Apricot special at The Royal Oak, Over Stratton where you can save yourself £10 in January by cutting out the coupon in this month’s issue of The Visitor ... Canapés and Cocktails complete with demonstration at The New Farm Restaurant on the 18th December ... and belated birthday wishes go to Pete at The Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil.
And finally, we wish all our landlords and landladies a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and Prosperous New Year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support during 2016 and look forward to hearing from you in the New Year – don’t forget to send in any humorous happenings for inclusion in the February issue, published 26th January, deadline 13th January.
Wyndham Arms
Rob, Lin & Staff ... wish all their customers a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
Out of respect to your families we are open on Christmas Day for 1 hour only ... 12noon – 1pm
Saturday 17th December Joe Mitchell Guitar / Vocalist 9pm New Year’s Eve John Adamson Guitar / Vocalist CAMRA GOOD BEER GUIDE 2017
Tel: 01935 823239
Please visit us on our website: to see full menu details
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 41
They Say
That after the excellent refurbishment of Bradford Abbas church wall by Kelvin and Richard (a.k.a Offa and Dyke Rural Builders, both of Bradford Abbas), President Elect Trump has asked them to tender for the building of the Mexican border wall. That we know it’s pantomime season and that Snow White is a very popular pantomime, but the song currently being sung by a Yeovil resident is ‘Some day my prints will come’, but apparently, not at Boots.
That it is anticipated that Secret Santa may be bringing new shoes for Rodney Hawkins of Portugal this year, after his recent tumble in the supermercado car park and his tumble down the stairs - but, thankfully, no damage was done and he did manage to save all the pies. That the flushes experienced by ladies at Castle Cary’s Flax Mills recently were not the hot kind. That Sally Meecham of Ward and Sibley in Yeovil is ever-ready to change ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’ to a more traditional ‘Silent Night’. That John Hamblin of Yeovil is thinking of replacing Pammie with Lady GaGa, after she recently let him down badly. That Mere’s town crier will be on the Clock Island on the last Saturday of each month at 11am announcing local births, deaths and local events.
That Castle Cary Rugby Football Club needs YOU - if you are a keen rugby player and are looking for a well-established and enthusiastic club to join! That Langport & District History Society enjoyed their year-end Christmas Social at Midelney Manor, Drayton
That Dorien Green would like to send her love to Martin at The Bed Centre, Yeovil.
That due to ‘sensitive tills’ at Marks & Spencer in Taunton, it took no less than five assistants and two tills to obtain gift receipts for goods purchased by one intrepid shopper - progress or what!
That chocoholic Lin Penn of Shepton Mallet bought nine bags of gold coins to accompany her Christmas gifts - but due to Christmas Stress - each present will now have just the one coin!
That the 2017 Castle Cary Rugby Club Calendar is on sale capturing various tackle shots.
Wine & Dine
Wine holidays
AS SOON AS Christmas is all done and dusted it seems that everyone, perhaps in an effort to chase away the winter blues, starts to plan for a break. Whilst most will want to follow the winter sun, my focus is on food, and drink. I am always interested in exploring short breaks or specific interest holidays to wine regions where I can also sample the delights of the local cuisine. Such trips can lead to the discovery of a ‘special’ wine that, once home, will conjure up memories of the amazing time I had while away; images of sitting on a sun-drenched terrace by the water, or intimate suppers in a unique setting. There is always the option of combining a city break or a resort holiday with the opportunity to sample the local tipple, and there are many choices available, both near and far, for wine lovers who want to explore an area in more depth. In many cases vineyards are now opening up to the prospect of keeping visitors on site by providing accommodation, often on a par with the most luxurious hotels, and prices to match. For the more budget minded, certainly in countries like Spain and Portugal, there are many pousadas, finças or agrotourism properties that offer the vineyard equivalent of a farm break. Just a couple of months ago I spent a delightful few days exploring the vineyards of Nashik in India, and can thoroughly recommend contacting Vikrant Holkar for a tailor made, but budget conscious, experience at: www.redgrapes Past holidays have also seen me exploring vineyards in Bordeaux, Champagne, Portugal, Turkey and Cyprus. On a more serious note, as a professional wine tutor I have been able to participate in wine study tours to the Southern Rhône and Cahors in France and also the Rhîne in Germany. This level of total immersion in a wine region can be an amazing experience, as wine producers want to showcase the best they have on offer, but do be aware that serious wine tasting can be something of an endurance test; long days with upwards of 30 wines a day to sample, and the tricky problem of resisting the urge to drink them all despite advice to the contrary. Great value for money though! I have also learnt not to travel
42 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
with just hand luggage on a budget airline; it can be disheartening not to be able to bring back my latest find to impress / share with friends. There are many companies that specialise in offering wine and food related holidays, many of which have some good offers for early booking, here are several worth having a look at.
La Madelène Malaucéne, France
Expat Philip Reddaway and his wife Jude welcome guests to their delightful 12th century Provençal priory, offering a range of itineraries which include tastings by well-established producers, up and coming artisanal winemakers and small domaine owners, whose wines are often hard to source beyond the region. The 3 night ‘Domaines of the Southern Rhône’ tour begins with a delicious home cooked dinner, with wine, and providing an overview of the wines to be tasted, background information on the geography, grape varieties, appellation system, and vinification. The remainder of the trip takes visitors to an average of six vineyards a day, combined with al fresco meals and dining at top notch restaurants in the area. Around £1300 per person, everything is included except travel to the pick-up point in Marseille. Tel: 0033 490 62 19 33 Email: rhonewineholidays@
Grape Escapes Ltd. Hertfordshire, SG12 9BA
Grape Escapes offers a range of holidays, with options including ‘Premium,’ ‘Flexible,’ ‘Self Drive Chateau Breaks’ and ‘Budget’ tours. They cover France, region by region, and also Tuscany and Piedmont, Porto, Ribero del Duero and Rioja. Their Essential Porto trip, costing between £300 and £600 per person, is a three-day break with port lodges and restaurants within walking distance of suggested hotels. Last year they introduced a ‘Make Your Own Champagne’ package, a self-drive trip, based on two people. £500 per person, for two nights in Paris, including Eurostar travel from Folkestone to Calais, private transport to the Champagne house, and a case of personalised champagne when ready. Tel: 08456 430860 or 01920 468666 Email:
Northumbria Travel Bedlington, NE22 5AB
Beryl, the owner of this company, specialises in cruise holidays that are popular with groups such as U3A and Rotary. They offer exclusive deals with many leading cruise lines. Their fully escorted 7night trip with Viking Cruises, visiting the ‘Heart of Bordeaux’, with flights from regional airports and all meals with wine included sounds very tempting. Cruise goers have guided tours of The Dordogne, The Garonne & The Gironde, visiting such renowned appellations as Saint-Emilion, Pomerol, Sauternes, Medoc and Margaux. Prices from around £1,745. Tel: 01670 829922 Email: beryl@northumbria
Smoothred London, SW18 4AQ
Available destinations, with a wide range of options, include Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and France. Their ‘Tuscan Gourmet Wine Experience’, from £1,200 per person, offers a self-drive break, spending 4 nights in a classic Tuscan farmhouse in the Chianti area and includes a gourmet cooking class with wine, plus a chauffeur driven private wine tour of boutique wineries in the Chianti Classico region. Tel: 020 8877 4940 Email:
Arblaster & Clarke Hampshire, GU31 4AE
At the luxury end of the scale these escorted wine holidays to Europe and the New World include their ‘Reserve Collection’, top level wine tours with small groups, led by leading wine experts, tasting great wines at famous chateaux and great estates. Prices from £3,200 per person for a four day visit, give access to cellars normally closed to the public as the wine guides are often personal friends of the owners and winemakers. Lunch and dinner is provided as private guests of the estates; some of the holidays in France include a stay at the wine chateaux. Also on offer is a spectacular ‘Gourmet Whisky Tour of Scotland – Speyside & Skye’, priced from £2,550 per person for four nights tasting your way around the magnificent highlands of Scotland. Tel: 01730 263111 Email.
★ Happy travelling!
GARDENING MONTHLY by Richard Cumming Orchard Park
In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy! (William Blake)
THE OLDER I GET, the faster the days go by. I think there are two reasons for that; firstly I find more to do and secondly I get slower doing them! Winter is not my most favourite time of year but I can follow William Blake’s train of thought. And how should we best enjoy these dark cold days? What gets me most is the lack of light, and the lack of good quality light – short dull days leave me cold in every sense. I do so long for the winter solstice to pass then I can see the hope of some improvement. But in the
same way that the plants around me rest and sleep through winter, maybe I can relax and enjoy the season. Unlike last November, we have now had some hard frosts which do no harm at this time of year. Experienced gardeners will advise the care and protection of tender plants. In truth, really tender plants are probably dead by now unless they have been moved to frost protected quarters such as a greenhouse. Slightly tender plants are unlikely to go into the deeply dormant state that hardier plants embrace, but protection is important for those plants that sit between these extremes. We grow a lot of plants
in pots and they need protection from cold winds that freeze the roots and then dry out the leaves which means that the plant can’t bring up moisture from the roots to replace the lost water. Soft growth made late in the summer is always vulnerable in cold weather, and stems can split in the same way that water pipes will split when frozen - the water inside them expands as it approaches freezing point and causes a savage increase in pressure inside. Many plants develop ways of coping with the cold. You can see Rhododendrons in cold weather looking close to death but they soon recover when the temperatures improve. On the plus side, when plants go into a deep winter sleep, they do emerge in spring with amazing vitality, and the cold helps to kill
off some of our garden pests, and weeds which would otherwise take over. Gardening has changed a lot over the years as we can buy plants in pots at almost any point in the season. However growers still work to the traditional time table with many field grown crops of soft and bush fruit, roses and hedging being lifted, graded and despatched at the end of the growing season. These plants are left in the ground as long as possible for their leaves to transfer all the goodness back to the plant and fall naturally, but re-establish quickly when replanted at this time with the soil still just warm from the summer and full of moisture to encourage new roots to form. Planting with the seasons still pays dividends if you can do it.
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A close to death ... and a recovered rhododendron.
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THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 43
Plant of the Month
Festive Favourites - The Holly and the Ivy - traditional favourites at this time of year and perfect garden plants, they'll provide material for indoor arrangements and table decorations. Both plant families offer a wide range of wonderful evergreen varieties, many with beautifully variegated leaves. Fruits and berries provide seasonal food for hungry birds, but if you want a few sprigs to enjoy indoors you'll need to protect berryladen branches with pieces of tightly fastened fine netting or fleece to keep birds away. Holly is hardy and evergreen, making it an ideal shrub to form part of the backbone or structure every garden needs. The common
or English Holly (Ilex aquifolium) grows across the country, but there are lots of different cultivars with more colourful foliage. Most holly plants are either male or female, so to ensure you get a crop of berries you'll need to grow a female variety and ensure there's a male nearby to pollinate its flowers. However, don't always take the name as a guarantee of the plants sex, as the popular ‘Silver Queen' is actually male, and ‘Golden King' is a female berry-bearing variety! If you want berries and only have room for one plant then look out for self fertile ‘J.C. van Tol' which also has almost thornless elliptical green leaves. With thick evergreen growth and
for all your Tool Hire Requirements including Mini Digger Hire and Garden Machinery Higher Farm, Sutton, Ditcheat Tel: 01749 860199 • Mob: 0777 163 2221
Ilex Golden King Holly.
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Please call to enquire if we can help you with anything
PODIMORE RECYCLING LTD. Podimore,Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 8JG Tel: 01935 849250 • Fax: 01935 849099 Mobile: 07973 844145
44 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
A family business with over 25 years experience
Tree Services: Trees Felled, Trimmed, Shaped & Pruned Fruit Trees Pruned, Hedges Trimmed, Boxed & Shaped Shrubs Pruned and Shaped Free Written No Obligation Quotation • Fully Insured Work Guaranteed • Licensed Waste Removal Landscaping – Property Maintenance
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spiny foliage, holly is also a good choice of shrub to form a dense and secure boundary hedge to your property. Most varieties carry spiny leaves, but for something with extra deterrent consider the variegated Hedgehog Holly (Ilex ‘Ferox Argentea'). Holly can also be tightly clipped into formal shapes and topiary too for instance, the Box-leaved or Japanese Holly is often used as a substitute for Buxus, the common box. Ivy is a valuable climber or ground cover plant, perfect for a shady spot or for cladding bare fences or garden structures. However, it must be kept within bounds with regular pruning to prevent it spreading too far or becoming invasive. Hundreds of varieties have been bred over the years, and many garden favourites have colourful leaf forms or attractive variegated patterns adding to their appeal. Established ivy carries flowers late in the season that provide valuable nectar for late-flying butterflies and bees, as well as great nesting site opportunities for blackbirds and others. Small-leaved ivy trails gracefully down the sides of baskets and containers, the perfect partner for many flowering and foliage plants. There are dozens of ivy varieties available, and many of the best have received an Award of Garden Merit (AGM) from the Royal Horticultural Society. Try ‘Sulphur Heart' (also sometimes called ‘Paddy's Pride'),or Hedera colchica ‘Dentata Variegata'. ‘Glacier' is a versatile variegated variety, often used in indoor arrangements and ‘Ivalace' has attractive crimpled and lobed green leaves.
Top tips for planning and planting
1. Prune holly carefully with secateurs to shorten individual shoots rather than a hedge cutter or shears that can tear and damage leaves.
2. Established, overgrown holly can be cut back hard in spring to encourage new growth to develop from nearer the base to revitalise old plants. 3. Ivy can be invasive, so check growth regularly through the year, snipping off wayward shoots to keep plants in check. 4. Plain green shoots sometimes develop on variegated plants. Prune these away at their base as soon as you spot them.
Jobs for the month
What would I give for an old fashioned gardener’s shed with a wood burning stove in the corner! A place to potter, plan and prepare for the season ahead. It is worth getting hold of a seed catalogue or two, or even check the seed merchants online even if you actually buy your seeds from the selection at the garden centre. With veg seeds, I know roughly what space I have to use and with a basic crop rotation, I can more or less work out what seeds I need. A
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lot is influenced by successes and failures from the previous season as well as wanting to try a few new things. The only work I might do in the veg garden would be tidying and maybe dig over the odd weedy patch. Wet heavy clay soils are best left alone for the time being. Lawns always need some attention, but I would probably limit it to repair of edges and bare patches with turf. There is no point in sowing grass seed until the temperatures start to rise in early spring and the light improves. Turf can be laid in all but frosty weather. It’s the right time to move or plant new deciduous trees and shrubs, but be careful with evergreens as you do not want to damage their roots. Next major job is going to be pruning and training. Older overgrown trees, shrubs or hedges can be brought back to shape by
Tips to help your real Christmas tree stay fresh and healthy into the New Year ●
● ●
Stand it in a bucket of water and keep it in a cool place such as a garage or shed until ready to take indoors for decorating. Before taking it indoors, cut off at least one inch (2.5 cm) from the bottom of the trunk and gently shake the tree to remove any loose needles. Pot the tree in a stand with the trunk immersed in water. Do not use sand or soil in the tree stand as they restrict water from being drawn up the trunk. Stand the tree in the coolest part of the room, ideally next to a window and away from radiators and fires and top it up with water daily.
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Approved contractor to Dorset & Somerset C.C.
A Christmas Story
HE HAD MADE the roundtopped table under the front window from beechwood. At its centre, rooks flew over a stand of winter elms, and in a broad belt around the edge of it a carousel of small animals ran and tumbled
renovation pruning but I strongly suggest you do your research first to make sure you prune correctly. Whilst you’re there, check tree ties and stakes for any specimens that still need support.
in demented, secret delight. Nathaniel touched each animal in turn, and as if for the first time, named them: Rabbit, Stoat, Hare, Shrew, Mole, Squirrel, Rat, Otter, Fox and Badger. On top of the television and a
Utilise the generous grants now available to restock neglected woodland or areas of wasteground
sideboard, and hung on the walls, were displayed some of his other wood carvings. Among them a Romany vardo, with a couple of tethered ponies cropping the verge; a retriever with a plump pheasant in its mouth; a team of
two Shire horses, the drag and weight of the plough cut into their shoulders; and a vixen, head up to the wind, her mask tight with concentration and need. And on a round wall plaque, a small bird encircled by thorns. The
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 45
bird, Nathaniel told me, was a robin, the thorns those of the hawthorn, from which was made the Crown of Christ. The breast of the robin, Nathaniel said with an edge of impatience, as if he'd had to explain this many times before, was, in the beginning, white. But it went to our Lord bleeding on the cross, holding water for Him in its beak. And came away from Him with His blood on its face and on its breast. Which is why the robin is said to be so confiding in man, and why its winter song sounds of lament. We sat down by the fire and refilled our glasses. We were drinking cider laced with gin because it was Christmas Eve. In the small tiled fireplace ash logs burned steadily, helped along by Nathaniel who gave them a poke now and then with his stick, sweetening the air with their scent. There was a refugee air about the old man, sitting with his wood carvings in that neat and otherwise featureless room. A man who had left the rest of his past behind, who had been fed and numbered and was waiting now only for some sort of collection. We were sitting in the front room of his old people's bungalow, one of a cul-de-sac of them tucked away in a corner of the council estate on the edge of the village, their oblong windows giving them a vacant look, the small clipped lawns in front like bibs for mouths. Nathaniel was over ninety, a big man, his physical decline sitting on him like an ill-fitting suit. Over half a century in the fields had weathered his body, his muscles hard with knots which pained and held him stiff. In a worn leather-framed photograph on the mantelpiece, a young Nathaniel posed with his new wife outside a terraced cottage, their first home together, one arm hugging her to him, and looking straight into the camera with a smile as confident as a wink. His wife, Flora, had the look of a woman pulled laughing in protest from the kitchen, taking off her apron perhaps and tidying herself as she went, and half resisting now, as if in the sudden company of strangers, the teasing arm around her, composing herself for the serious business of having your photograph taken. ''We were married near sixty years, me and Flora. Sixty years along o' me. She's dead now. Yes …'' He reached for his tobacco tin and papers on the mantelpiece, the edges of the tin showing through silver, a scratched and
faded picture of a bearded Tar of the King's Navy on the lid. ''She were a good mate to I, my Flora. My mommet. We had some good times together. And some bad, mind. Ohh, yes. And some bad.'' Nathaniel teased a thin line of tobacco along the cigarette paper, his movements slow and a little shaky, his large, blue-veined hand knotted and stained with age, the little finger bent with an old break. The result, he'd told me earlier, of a fight with Big Willie Boswell, a travelling man up for the apples. They'd followed the Romany rule, stripped to the waist on a fighting mark made that day nearly sixty years ago by the heel of a boot in the grass behind one of the cider orchards. A mark to which the loser, Big Willie Boswell, afterwards failed to come up to. ''A girt big bastard, 'ee were. Used to wear a woman's scarf round his neck, and a gold pin, a horseshoe, near as big as a pony's. Rings on his fingers. His brother, Nelson, told him to take 'em off first. I can see 'ee now, Willie. Built like a Shire, prison tattoos up his arms, standing there. I got a hold of him straight away, went to him like a lover and rammed my head up into his nose. I had my work cut out, I can tell you that day. We got drunk afterwards together, me and Willie. Big Willie Boswell. I can see 'ee now…'' Nathaniel sealed the cigarette paper with his tongue, and looked at me, the lacquer of age on his dark eyes like the crust of old fires. ''And times could be bad, could be hard. Oh, yes. Hunger, cold, worry. You got to know 'em all.'' He struck a match to his cigarette, his hands cupped around it as if in a gale. ''And I were what they used to call a useful man. I could plough, pack a good straight furrow, sow, reap, mow.'' Nathaniel's low, warm breath of a voice blew on the words, rekindling them down the years, coaxingly, with an old confidence. ''I could lay a hedge. Work all day with a scythe. I could lamb, shear, ditch, thatch. Work as a horseman, cowman. Do most carpentry. Do most anything. Yes. That's all gone now, of course. Well, no need for it, see. Noa, no need for it.'' He thought about that for a moment, leaning back with his glass and cigarette, and then said: ''You can't blame they today, though. No. Took near a week then to turn a five-acre field, huddled behind a team of them big old boys, working through whatever the good Lord happened to send down. Now 'tis a morning's work with a tractor, and you can shut yourself
46 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
up in the cab with a wireless while you'm doing it. Noa, you can't blame they these days.'' Nathaniel took a drink and studied me. ''And I'll tell 'ee something else. You could be out there in winter with nothing in you all the day but maybe a slice or two of fat bacon or a bit of bread and cheese. And your wife at home going without to keep the kids quiet.'' With an old man's sudden anger he went on, ''You had to get out a bit at nights, see! Get out a bit and take some off 'em. Oh, yes!'' Nathaniel turned his face to the fire. ''I had a good old dog then, a lurcher,'' he said after a while. ''And an A 410. A poacher's piece. No louder than a sheep’s fart.'' He looked up, his eyes gleeful with memory. ''And you could break it in two, see …'' he put down the glass to show me, miming the actions, his hands young again ''… tie the butt under one arm, the barrel under the other, and your coat buttoned-up over it. With a new moon on its back, and that old boy of mine slipping ahead …'' Nathaniel growled with delight. ''My Flora, she'd be up all hours burning the feathers, nagging I out to the back garden to bury the carcasses. The kids hanging out the bedroom window, whispering and giggling, and Flora, holding up the lamp, standing at the kitchen door in her night things.'' He grinned across at me, a brown, cracked grin of teeth, his eyes moist with drink. ''I were a wicked bugger, sometimes, I must tell 'ee that. I were no angel. Noa, no angel.'' We freshened our glasses and drank to that. It was growing darker in the room now, and Nathaniel, with the aid of his stick, limped over to the light switch, and then drew the curtains. Returning to his seat, he paused in front of the plaque on the wall, the robin ringed with thorns, and swaying slightly, mock-punched the air in front of it, across the face of it. A gesture which had something in it of the rough, teasing, almost puzzled affection that big men will sometimes show to women and small children. A gesture that speaks not only of strength and weakness, and of experience and innocence. But also, somehow, of wistfulness. We saw off the last of the cider and Nathaniel got down to the singing. 'The Blackbird', the 'Pleasant and Delightful', and 'The Painful Plough', deftly threading the words through the intricate rhythms, his smoky old voice needing no accompaniment.
''We used to sing a lot in the old days. Sing at work. Sing in the pub. Sing going to work and coming home. Sing to the horses. Sing in the fields. Sing in the sheds. Sing everywhere.'' One of his sons was due to take Nathaniel back with him to spend Christmas with the family, and we mustn't be drunk, noa. But just one, a small one for the road. And because it's Christmas. Nathaniel lowered his gin and water, and studied me for a few moments, head back, chin pushed out. And then, as if a challenge, said: ''When I were a lad, father and mother used to tell us that on Christmas Eve, at midnight, the cattle would kneel in their stalls.'' He aimed a sudden forefinger at me. ''Now that were old Christmas Eve, mind. January the fifth. And on Christmas Day, January the sixth, the white thorn, the Holy Thorn of Glastonbury, flowered. The thorn planted by the man who buried Christ. Joseph of Arimathea. Come here to bring the good news. Yes!'' He studied me again, and then smiled, slowly. ''Let you and me have another drink. Another small one. For the road.'' I told him he was a wicked bugger. And he laughed, a sudden shout of a laugh, and slapped his hands together hard, like a horse dealer. ''Yes!'' he grinned. ''Yes.'' He saw me to the door after that, standing stiffly and limping his way across. And waited in the doorway until I had reached the gate, the light from it seeing me down the path like a lantern. There was frost on the air and the smell of fires, the sky quilted with stars. Merry Christmas and spray-on snow and the lights of trees, and televisions flickering behind drawn curtains as I walked down through the estate. I took the road which ran along the valley side, and back up into the village, the stiffening fields falling away one side into the night, the glimmerings of lights from scattered farmhouse windows almost drowned in the dark flood of the valley. And then, walking up into the lampless High Street, the bells of St Mary's broke above me, their simple rough strength shaken from its ancient stone, the full peal ringing out clear across the valley. Ringing out, rising and triumphant, the sound of them in the darkness like the sudden bright comfort of lights. ★ A Christmas Story is the end piece of a small non-fiction work called ‘Under the Apple Boughs’ (Amazon.UK), which follows the course of a West Country year.
the end bit...
IN LAST MONTH’S column you might recall that the season of goodwill led me to heap praise on four of Visitorland’s superb community freebies – Mendip Times, Langport Leveller, Bruton’s The Dove and Sturminister Newton’s Unity . No sooner had I delivered the copy to the editor than I was given another very impressive publication that I don’t recall having ever seen before, Sherborne Times. Unlike the others it is perfect-bound into a cover with a spine, rather than saddlestitched, and its pages are not a metric size; they’re 23cm by 17cm. So Sherborne’s ‘monthly celebration of people, place and purveyor’ doesn’t look or feel like a give-away magazine. It creates a very favourable first impression of being a well-designed and produced book, and the contents certainly live up to the promise. The 100 pages of the October issue carry a wide range of articles contributed by local residents and businesses, a ‘what’s on’ listing, poem, book review, crossword, sudoku and plenty of excellent photographs, most of them in colour. And it’s well supported by local advertisers. Residents of Sherborne are lucky to have such a good free publication. Another publication I didn’t mention last month – because it doesn’t serve a specific local community – is What’s On Somerset, but it’s certainly worthy of a few plaudits. It’s more than a year since I laid my hands
Solution to December
on a copy of this quarterly freebie published by Taunton company Character Graphics and commented on it, but having just read the Winter 2016 issue I have no doubts that it still lives up to its title. The 48-pages provide a useful overview of what’s on in Somerset and fairly extensive events listings (although these rely on event organisers providing the information). It also contains a goodly number of short features on topics as diverse as the shoe museum in Street, South Somerset District Council’s plans for the refurbished former Westlands leisure complex, the newly-opened Home café in Castle Cary, and Somerset churches and churchyards. It’s all packaged in an imaginative colourful design, so it’s well worth picking up a copy of the magazine if you see it around. And what of our paid-for titles? It didn’t escape my notice that in the 24th November and 1st December issues of the Western Gazette its ‘What’s On’ supplement, launched as recently as 2nd June as a ‘brand new 24page leisure pull-out’, had shrunk to just eight pages – at a time of year when there seems to be so many leisure activities taking place. And recent cuttings from the Western Daily Press provide more evidence of a sad decline in standards. A report in the 16th November issue about a new ‘metro mayor’ for the area covered by Bristol, South Gloucestershire and Bath & North East Somerset Councils told readers that an election ‘will be held in May although a date has yet to be announced’. Next to the report was a run-down of the likely candidates and news that ‘the election will be held on Thursday
May 4, 2017’. The entire feature was credited to two reporters who clearly weren’t on speaking terms. The same issue of the Western Daily Press carried a story about a short documentary film entitled ‘In This Climate’, intended to inspire people all over the world to take action to combat climate change. In the film are Sir David Attenborough and Dame Vivienne Westwood amongst others, and according to the report they ‘have joined conversationalists, diplomats and cultural leaders’ in sharing their thoughts about the threat of global warming. Conversationalists are new to me (and to all the dictionaries on my shelf), so could the reporter mean ‘conservationists’? Or is it a new name for London’s chattering classes? I think we should be told. The 22nd November issue reported that children growing up in England’s most disadvantaged
areas are making significantly less progress at school compared with those from richer areas, and that a £60million scheme to improve these children’s life chances has been announced by the Government. According to the Western Daily Press the scheme will focus on ‘six areas – Blackpool, Derby, Oldham, Scarborough and West Somerset’, which makes me wonder whether the arithmetically-disadvantaged reporter comes from one of these areas. Finally, how this howler on the front page of the 8th November issue escaped the notice of a subeditor is beyond belief. A usually-reliable source tells me that Taunton MP Rebecca Pow neither stammers nor stutters, despite what the strapline quotes her as saying, but she probably spluttered when she saw it. Chronicler.
Fill in the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers 1 to 9.
1. Elton John
2. Ronan Keating
3. K.T. Tunstall
4. 'Sunshine Band' 5. Seven
6. 'Doobie Brothers' 7. 'Fireflies'
8. 1995
9. Calum Scott
10. Mel and Kim - Mel Smith and Kim Wilde
This Month’s Bonus Question 2000 Question Impossible Jenny Agutter
COMPETITION WINNER Congratulations to Mrs. S. Jeans of Mere winner of our CHRISTMAS GOODIES competition. The answer was ...
“Eight maids a milking” ★ Thank you all for your entries.
THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 47
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THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017 49
Classified Ads
Send Details to: The Visitor, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7BG. 30p per word (£5 minimum) pre-payment essential. For a Box Number please add £2. Payment can be made by Cash, Cheque, Postal Order, BACS, Credit / Debit Card.
✽ If you require a receipt a s.a.e. must be enclosed with payment, or your email address.
Prize Crossword No. 363 Set by Frank Butler
SEND COMPLETED ENTRIES TO: The Visitor Crossword, P.O. Box 1, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7BG – to arrive by Friday 13th January.
Correct entries are placed in a hat and the winner is the first name drawn. The prize is a £10 voucher to spend with any one advertiser in this issue of The Visitor. Please do not forget to state your choice of advertiser and your name and address. 1
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Passport Photographs
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DAVE BUYS ALL TYPES OF TOOLS, salvage, bygones and collectables. Daves Tools - Tel: 01935 428975
POSTCARDS, pop memorabilia, coins, badges, old toys, games, and anything military. Tel: Clive 01749 675456. ALL SPORTS PROGRAMMES and books, memorabilia and ephemera – especially football. Large collections welcome. Cash paid. Tel: Clive 01749 675456. R E D U N D A N T M O T O R M O W E R S , rotavators, chainsaws, strimmers, cement mixers, etc. Tel: 01460 77844.
STORAGE for furniture in locked cubicles. Lock-up garages to let. Tel: Sparkford Storage on 01963 440045 or 440526 or 440692.
Special Occasions
HAPPY BIRTHDAY “Chelly” on Monday 19th December. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Standard Wooden Shipping Pallets FREE to a good home! Tel: 07854 905005 Small quantity - CASTLE CARY - to be collected
50 THE VISITOR Christmas / January 2017
Across: 8.
10. 11. 12.
20. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28.
Suck no teacakes, including fastening. [4] Mourn? Take a mo off to make tea here! [3] Age prior to first half of serial: might be rubber. [6] Oppose some trim pug now. [6] Subject, grey to me, needs sorting. [8] Inside way for canary, all I meant to fix! [10, 5] Sun aria variation is like a lizard. [7] Nature on fire in landingplace. [7] Unite in one nature, as Tory Uboats brown with one in gallery. [15] Journalist swallows expected payment about pussy: He’s been to school! [8] Do runs form circles? [6] Rob Leo, confused in the dance. [6] Caused to hide purpose. [3] Headless, feels for fish. [4]
14. 16. 18.
19. 21.
22. 24.
Beheaded weapon is sweet to eat. [4] Six-footer and a bit of a pendant. [3] An attempt in the past. [3] Idle mix about, sure has time to spare! [8] Must aid sports centre. [7] Teas served up around church? A bit of a bag! [6] Idly, it’s sorted neatly. [6] Rising state of mind seems ruin. [4]
Solution to Crossword 362
Down: 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Upset lamb (25% short) in a living creature. [6] Tor, in extremes in summer, an amateur guitarist. [8] Bin, about 9, tactic and charged atom, shows a strong wish to achieve. [7,8] Two articles with small mass? Word puzzle. [7] Never get your son confused: It may annoy you! [3,2,4,6] Snapper found stirring a cream. [6]
was Colin Francis of Somerton, who chose to spend the £10 voucher at The Queen’s Arms, Corton Denham.