June 2016 Newsletter

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In This “Fathers Day” Special Issue GOD’S MAN by Pastor Eddie Boles Page 8 Our Father's Love by Jennifer Grant Page 9 I AM Your Father “Hope for the Fatherless” Ms. Sonya Page 10 Cover Story “Fatherhood” Bro. Keith Lashley Page 12-13 The Little Chap Who Follows Me Don Wooden Page 14 God Has Called Us to Worship Pastor TJ Hargrove Page 17 The Call of Being a MAN Pastor Al Page 18 To All Fathers, I Honor You! Happy Father’s Day! Eva Johnson Page 19 My Dad's Hands by David Kettler Page 22 A Father’s Love Elder Calvin Vance Page 23 Men that Worship Pastor Rodney L. Norton Page 24-26

The Vision of the “Voice of Manifestations” Newsletter is to communicate the various events to our partners and the community. Thus, it helps to build and enhance relationships between the two. The newsletter is also a mechanism to evangelize, encourage, build and lift up. The Voice focuses on the four aspect of Manifestations Worldwide, which are Spiritual Trainings, Education, Job and Housing. Our prayer is that God is touching someone’s life through the Voice of Manifestation Newsletter (VOM). Ultimately, our desire is to be obedient to the commission God has given us; to go and spread the gospel. All we need is an audience; someone that is interested, ready to listen, with a heart to receive. Many go door to door; but VOM newsletter travel email to email; across the country and around the world, seeking the heart in need of a word. And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthews 28:20 (NIV)

From the Editor Dear Reader,

June celebrates “Father’s Day.” The Voice wants to take a moment to wish all the fathers in the community, CFM and FBCM a “Happy Father’s Day!” We also want to celebrate the ones who decided to step into the place of a father because he saw the need. The role of being a father is not an easy role, but we’re grateful for those of you that are dedicated to working on it. I’d like to challenge our readers to find a man to encourage, motivate and persuade to continue to work on this role that it is so essential in the life of our children. I want to encourage the fathers not to go at this alone but to reach out to other men and together you can “father” the world! Remember there is always an opportunity to receive salvation. It is Free and easy: dmit that you are a sinner, Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and onfess Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.



Just to remind you that The Voice Newsletter is a tool to evangelize, encourage, build and lift up. We also focus on Spiritual Trainings, Education, jobs and housing. We believe we are doing what God commands us to do which is to “Spread the Gospel” by email. We can not do it without you. We ask you for your continued help by sharing the link. We know that there is a word for some in need. Until the next one,

You are the Voice!

GOD’S MAN by Pastor Eddie Boles Greetings believers! I’m excited that our focus this month is geared toward men in the body of Christ. I would like to first of all address a current misconception concerning men in the body of Christ. There seems to be a notion that church or ministry is causing men to become emasculated (made weak, less effective, or deprived of his manly role or identity). I believe that there could be nothing further from the truth. 1 Corinthians 14:33 says, “for God is not the author of confusion (instability), but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” In other words why would God call a man to be saved and serve as a man of God, leader, husband, father, priest in the church and the home, and an example to other men by placing him in an environment that would cause him to become something or someone that is directly opposite of the nature that God placed in him originally. I believe a man that’s committed to following vision from God cannot be sidetracked from whom and what God has called him to be and do. Only a man who is not concrete in his God given identity is moved by “fleshly” things such as sport rooms and man caves not being a part of the church building. All these things are very nice and if space and resources permit by all means they could be included if for no other reason but to get more men in the house. However we have greater things to be more concerned about than the comfort level of men in the church.

on other men. So, if everything the Godly man does prospers everyone he comes into contact with will be a benefactor of the prosperity on his life. This is why it’s so important for Godly men to live a life that is governed by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Lastly, I was tasked with addressing the paternal responsibility of men in ministry that don’t have biological children of their own. To these men, know that God has a tremendous plan for your life, how do I know, I am one, and I wouldn’t trade the life God has given me for anything in the world. God has blessed me with a beautiful bride and enough of what I call sons in the ministry to keep me busy enough for two lifetimes. Men remember this, God-given corporate and personal vision dictates where and what you give your energy, time, and resources too. If you focus on that you will live a Secondly, God told Joshua to meditate on the book of the law day and night and to never let it life full of the blessings and favor of God. Be a good steward over the influence that God gives you in depart from his mouth, in this he would have good others’ lives as a basis for the capacity that God exsuccess and his ways would be made prosperous tends concerning His trust in you, in other men’s (Joshua 1:8). Psalm 1:1-3 supports this same directive. Concerning the Godly man these scriptures lives. are very encouraging whether you’re married or single. Why? These two scriptures both carry the God Bless you and Happy Father’s Day! promise of prosperity. Psalms 1:3 even says that Peace be unto you everything he does prospers. This is especially true as it pertains to having godly impact and influence

Our Father's Love by Jennifer Grant Our Father's love is like no other In Jesus we are His children He calls us each by His name For we are His prized possession

He raises us to be right in Him Teaching us standards without fail As we listen to His every word Our lives shows forth His loving care

The God of all power is our Father The one that gives us purpose In His heart we have a special place And His desire is that we remain in His grace

Father, You are so loving and true You hold our hands as we walk with You We feel that love and security That only a son/daughter can truly receive

You wipe away our tears when we're sad Your unconditional love forever sustains us You provide our every need We’re so grateful for Our Father’s love

I AM Your Father “Hope for the Fatherless” My son had an earthly father that loved him, wanted him and had plans for his life; but he is no longer with us. My husband passed away back in 2008 four days after my oldest son was sentenced to serve a ten-year bid in prison. So at that time it was just my baby boy and I. I knew he would need a father-figure. The Big Brother Big Sister path didn’t work. He had four mentors to drop him and neither him nor I have heard from any of them as to why they fell off. Unfortunately, three of the four mentors were pastors. I was very disappointed in my search for support as a single mom raising a boy. I asked who I was advised to ask in the church, I posted on Facebook, met with other groups that were suggested to me; but NOTHING opened up. I cried out to God for my son! “Father! Jesus died for him too; He came so that my son could have life and that more abundantly. Lord, HELP!” and He did.

room to explain what this reveal did for me in my sons life. I began to minister God’s heart to my son and helping him work through his emotional turmoil regarding a father. My son does have a mentor now, (Bless the Lord) and I better understand why things went the way they did. (Heart check) As we seek the Father’s heart, He will reveal the truth of the matter and what the focus should actually be. Yes, my son was fatherless and had need of a natural father –figure in his life, and yes more men should pray and ask God about being a father to the fatherless, however, what someone else choses to do or not to do is of no consequence when we know whose we are...children of God.

God is a Father to the fatherless, He is our support. (Psalm 146:9) So to all those who are fatherless, hear the words that our Heavenly Father said to me for my son, “I AM your Father, before you were born, I knew The help didn’t come right away. There were more you! I chose your mother and father in accordance to disappointments, however God began to teach ME My blueprint design for your life. I AM the ONE who some things...thus how the help began to come. He knows and understands the original intentions for showed me my heart and how I had become bitter your very existence. Seek Me, says the Lord, for I AM towards these men, and that I needed to address the YOUR FATHER!” entitlement spirit that was growing along with the trifold cluster of fear, doubt and unbelief. I was projecting this mindset onto my son. (Forgive me Lord) As I dealt with my heart issues, God further taught me where my focus should have been until the change occurs. He says to me, “I AM HIS FATHER, before he was born, I knew him, and I chose you and his dad in accordance to My blueprint design for his life. I’m the ONE who knows and understands the original intentions for his very existence. Now help him begin to seek Me for I AM HIS FATHER.” There’s NOT enough

Fatherhood Bro. Keith Lashley

On Being A Father – Let’s face it. Modern society has done a number on fatherhood. It seems that for the last few generations, fathers have been treated as somewhat irrelevant. The role of the father changed from nurturer, teacher, guide, protector, role model, to one of financial provider. Even in those families where the mother and father are still married to each other, his success as a father is mostly tied up with his ability to pay the bills. And for those fathers who do not live with their children, a “good” father seems to be one who pays his child support on time and spends a minimal amount of time with his children. Also, in discussing fatherhood, it is almost impossible to do so without also discussing MANHOOD or what it means to be a man. Many books, articles, blogs, songs, even poetry have been written about what makes a “real man.” I once read that the marking or ceremony of the transition from boyhood to manhood has been lost in western civilization. Ancient societies placed great emphasis on such ceremonies and some societies and religions still have that practice. In preparation for those ceremonies and becoming a man,

boys would go through a time of instruction from the older men, mental and physical preparation to assist these boys in becoming men. And while we may have no need for such ceremonies today recognizing that manhood is an individual process, fathers are still needed to help guide a young man through the difficulties of adulthood. We have all heard and read the negative statistics on the decline of the family, the large number of absentee fathers and its effect on increased crime, drug addictions, lack of discipline, emotionally deprived young men. But think about the impact on girls who are also growing up without a father. My wife often talks about her conversations with other women, including those incarcerated and how the lack of a father in their homes contributed to their confusion around their relationship with men, leading to promiscuous behavior, lack of self-esteem, abusive relationships, and suicidal thoughts. Research has now come full circle and is once more recognizing the importance of fathers. Studies now show that it is from the father (and other father figures) that a young man learns how to be a man, how to treat women, how to

Fatherhood continued

face adversity. Studies show that for girls, the love of a father builds their self-esteem, provides a role model for their interaction with men, instills a sense of worth and creates emotional stability. Having a loving father is also necessary for spiritual growth. Earthly fatherhood paves the way for a child to understand their relationship with their heavenly Father. Strength is portrayed through the father. Security is portrayed through the father. That is why young men gravitate towards strong male figures whether positive or negative. Fatherhood goes beyond just paying bills and keeping the lights on and food in your children's bellies. It also goes beyond being physically present but distant and uninvolved. It is engaging your children; learning about them is just as important as teaching them. Listening to them is just as important as speaking to them. Fostering an environment where children feel safe enough to talk to you about anything is extremely important and can provide an early warning system to negative influences in their lives. So how do we as believers help to reverse the downward trend? Through one word - MENTORING! I have seen firsthand the results of the lack of positive male figures in broken homes at the local youth detention center. Such centers are filled with children broken by age 14, repeating the errors of their parents – boys, twelve and thirteen impreg-

nating other hurting children, repeating the cycle of absent fathers, too young mothers, joining gangs to fulfill their longing to belong, being influenced by those who would exploit them to criminal behavior. Some of these children have brilliant minds, loving hearts, and are just looking for someone to show them another way. They are hungry for the love of their real (heavenly) Father, and need someone to point them in the right direction. And we don’t have to wait for them to be arrested or in trouble to help. Right in your neighborhood, next to you in the church pew, on the local basketball court, there are fatherless children who need you. If every man would take the time to spend time with a fatherless young man, the crime numbers would be reduced tremendously. There are potential businessmen, lawyers, doctors wasting away because there is no one to encourage them. As men, we need to step up, step in and make a difference.

The Little Chap Who Follows Me! Don Wooden A careful man I want to be; A little fellow follows me. I do not dare to go astray For fear he'll go the self-same way. I cannot once escape his eyes, Whate'er he sees me do, he tries. Like me he says he's going to be; The little chap who follows me. He thinks that I'm so very fine, Believes in every word of mine. The base in me he must not see; The little chap who follows me. I must remember as I go Through summer's sun and winter's snow, I'm building for the years to be; The little chap who follows me.

God Has Called Us to Worship Pastor TJ Hargrove My brothers, God has called us to worship! Many have attempted to define our roles as men. Some say that we are providers and protectors, and this is true. But God has called us to worship!

When we look at the Old Testament, God called the Levites to minister continually before Him. Every office of a Levite was devoted to continual worship, whether it was through sacrifice or at the altar giving incense, or in the singing, or in teaching the people. It is when these offices were executed that the glory of God filled the temple.

In the New Testament, the Word calls us a “royal priesthood.” Since we are His royal priesthood, today we are also called to a service of worship. Therefore worship should be a lifestyle.

Worship goes beyond just music. It also reaches into our daily way of life, how we treat other people, how we engage people who are outside of the church and people who wrong us.

So as we can see, our service of worship has a cause and an effect. As we serve the Lord by making worship our lifestyle, He shows up and inhabits our space, our rooms and our circumstances. The Word talks about how God's glory showed up and the priests could not minister. So as we offer service of worship unto the Lord, He shows up and when the Spirit of God shows up, several things happen: 

He gives us identity (Genesis 32:22)

He gives us direction (Joshua 1)

He fights for us (Exodus 14:13).

So, yes, we are to be providers and protectors, but more than that we are to be worshippers in our everyday life. So let’s honor our call to worship and do so in spirit and in truth.

The Call of Being a MAN In the Spirit of Father’s Day, let us look at what it means to be men and how we are called from birth. Follow me now, in the second stage of labor, during birth, the baby’s head begins to emerge and it is medically called “crowning” (Parents.com). When we are birthed from our mother’s womb there is a tearing of flesh and bloodshed, both are symbols of a covenant like the tearing of the veil (Matt. 27:51) and the bloodshed of Christ (Matt. 26:28).

time aside to be a man, get dirty, build something, break something, hunt, fish, laugh, or be competitive. When those activities consume all of your free time, we are out of balance. The wife and kids are not hobbies.

It’s our duty to set time aside to nourish the individual that is our wife, and the individuals that are our kids. We must be intentional about leading our families by being there and being present. We cannot be in a position to lead if we never take on the posture to do so. We can't (A covenant is a promise, a commitment, or guarantee; express the love of Christ to the small church that is our it’s a legally binding contract. When we are born-again family if devoting time to other things consumes our we have a promise of the crown of righteousness. (2 Tim. days. 4:8), Righteousness means that you have been justified and act according to that divine moral law as an ambas- Likewise, time must be devoted to our relationship with sador or representative.) Christ. If we don't know who Christ is or what He is saying; how can we speak on Christ’s behalf to our small Back to crowning, as men this is significant. It’s a genetic congregation which is our family? Whether we are marcalling to leadership; we are called to be Kings. Jesus is ried, engaged to be married, or a single father, whichevthe King of kings (Rev. 19:16). What does this mean for er we are blessed to identify with; we’re all to be in a us? It means that we must lead at home, lead our wives, position to lead. children, our communities, even at work. To lead is to be Men, be postured to lead! Remember that it is our duty; an example. Just as Christ was an example for us, we are it is our calling because we were crowned at the moment to lead as Christ leads us (1 Cor. 11:3 & Eph. 5:23). As of our birth! We are crowned as kings with a King. Don't men, we are to love our wives as Christ loved the church be afraid men, take courage! We're called and chosen! (Ephesians 5:25) again showing a leadership role. Now We’re set apart! Let’s stand, and be the leaders we were don't misunderstand this anointing as a license for dicta- born to be. torship. On the contrary, we are required to serve (Mark 10:45). We are called to serve the needs of those that God has given over to our inheritance. The challenge here is that we are given the responsibility to manage the righteousness of God (2Cor. 5:21) that we have influence over, whether we like it or not. That's why we must carefully examine the way we live our lives as men. There's no room in our lives to be caught up in foolish talk, actions, or engaging in activities that would pull us from our responsibilities. We are called to provide, called to lead, we are not called to have hobbies as we commonly understand them to be. Yes, it's important to set

To All Fathers, I Honor You! Happy Father’s Day! Not Just for Teachers Only by Eva Johnson Fatherhood noun [U] uk /ˈfɑː.ðə.hʊd/ us /ˈfɑː.ðɚ.hʊd/ › the state or time of being a father: Fatherhood the state or time of being a father: the state or time of being a father: the state or time of being a father: is the state or time of being a father. It is a lifelong responsibility.

Biblical Passages for Fathers Ephesians 6:4 [Full Chapter] And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Proverbs 19:14 Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, But a prudent wife is from the Lord. Proverbs 4:1 [ Security in Wisdom ] Hear, my children, the instruction of a father, And give attention to know understanding; Proverbs 17:6 Children’s children are the crown of old men, And the glory of children is their father. Proverbs 19:26 He who mistreats his father and chases away his mother Is a son who causes shame and brings reproach. Hebrews 1:1 [ God’s Supreme Revelation ] God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, Hebrews 12:9 Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?

My Dad's Hands by David Kettler

Bedtime came, we were settling down, I was holding one of my lads. As I grasped him so tight, I saw a strange sight: My hands. . .they looked like my dad's! I remember them well, those old gnarled hooks, there was always a cracked nail or two. And thanks to a hammer that strayed from its mark, his thumb was a beautiful blue! They were rough, I remember, incredibly tough, as strong as a carpenter's vice. But holding a scared little boy at night, they seemed to me awfully nice! The sight of those hands - how impressive it was in the eyes of his little boy. Other dads' hands were cleaner, it seemed (the effects of their office employ). I gave little thought in my formative years of the reason for Dad's raspy mitts: The love in the toil, the dirt and the oil, rusty plumbing that gave those hands fits! Thinking back, misty-eyed, and thinking ahead, when one day my time is done. The torch of love in my own wrinkled hands will pass on to the hands of my son. I don't mind the bruises, the scars here and there or the hammer that just seemed to slip. I want most of all when my son takes my hand, to feel that love lies in the grip.

A Father’s Love Elder Calvin Vance If you’ll recall, in last month’s newsletter we accentuated the vital role that the mother plays in a home. This month we will talk about the importance of a father. Fathers provide discipline, headship and structure. With all that a father is and for all he does the most important characteristic that he possesses is love. Fathers can inspire encouragement or establish order by simply speaking.

moved Him to send His Son and it is His love that pursues us on a daily basis. His love communicates affirmation, establishes acceptance and promotes confidence. He is the model.

Father’s Day is a day to honor men who fill this significant role. As men part of our responsibility is to protect, provide, encourage and inspire those who we have a responsibility to. Our presence communicates Children feel safe and mothers find security when the strength and courage. Yet for all we do and with all the provision we make, the most important thing we father is around. When the thought of discipline comes to mind the natural tendency is to think of the could ever give them is...A Fathers LOVE. father. Mothers can fill this role; however it is something about a father that commands attention. We have seen situations where a mother may repeatedly tell a child to stop, but a father speaks once and authority resonates from his voice. The headship that a father provides is crucial because a child’s perspective of authority and how it operates is formed by viewing the father. For order to be maintained structure is necessary. The father provides this vital element. God chose to identify Himself to us as a father. The basis for His interaction with us is based on love and demonstrated through love. This is seen by His method of drawing us to Himself. He did not choose intimidation or threats to move us. It was with loving kindness that He chose to draw us to Himself. It was this same love that

Men that Worship Pastor Rodney L. Norton Worship is a faithful human response to the revelation of God’s being, character, active goodness, kindness and will. In worship, God is adored simply as who He is. Worship is the requital (given in return) of God’s love in a personal encounter; a communion involving a sacrifice on the part of the created and redeemed. God calls for and enables the renewed response of worship from all believers.

out his hand and took the knife to kill his son. But the Angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said, “Abraham, Abraham!” He answered, “Here I am.” The Lord said, “Do not reach out [with the knife in] your hand against the boy, and do nothing to [harm] him; for now I know that you fear God [with reverence and profound respect], since you have not withheld from Me your son, your only son [of promise].” Then Abraham looked up and glanced around, and behold, behind him 1) Adam-(the breath of life) –“then the Lord was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. God formed [that is, created the body of] man And Abraham went and took the ram and from the dust of the ground, and breathed in- offered it up for a burnt offering (ascending to his nostrils the breath of life; and the man sacrifice) instead of his son. So Abraham became a living being [an individual complete named that place The Lord Will Provide. And it in body and spirit].Genesis 2:7 Amp is said to this day, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be seen and provided.” The spirit of worship was breathed into MAN first, which indicates as saved Men of God that spirit is inside of us. It is not predicated on a song, a beat, a dance, or a shout, but a RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!! 2) Abraham (sacrifice is essential)-“ When they came to the place of which God had told him, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood, and bound Isaac his son and placed him on the altar, on top of the wood. Abraham reached

Men That Worship Continues

The Angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time and said, “By Myself (on the basis of Who I Am) I have sworn [an oath], declares the Lord, that since you have done this thing and have not withheld [from Me] your son, your only son [of promise], indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your descendants like the stars of the heavens and like the sand on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies [as conquerors]. Through your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have heard and obeyed My voice.” Genesis 22:9-18 Amp- (The spirit and heart of true worship will cause Men of God to sacrifice and put whatever the voice of God is saying FIRST regardless of what everyone else is saying. In the Old Testament, worship was totally about offering sacrifices without blemish – the BEST.)

tain, and the cloud covered the mountain. The glory and brilliance of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. On the seventh day God called to Moses from the midst of the cloud. In the sight of the Israelites the appearance of the glory and brilliance of the Lord was like consuming fire on the top of the mountain. Moses entered the midst of the cloud and went up the mountain; and he was on the mountain forty days and forty nights. Exodus 24: 12-18 Amp – (A MAN WHO SPENDS TIME IN GOD’S PRESENCE IS ABLE TO HEAR GOD WITH GREAT CLARITY (no distractions). It’s not about doing the “Honey to do list” and being the maintenance man, but it’s about laying prostrate in God’s presence and getting clear instructions on what to complete (“God’s TO DO LIST” FIRST!!)

4) The Levites (men in charge of Worship) - “But appoint the Levites over the tabernacle (sanctuary) of the testimony, 3) Moses (stays in His Presence- worship) and over all its furnishings and all things “Now the Lord said to Moses, “Come up that belong to it. They shall carry the tabto Me on the mountain and stay there, ernacle [when traveling] and all its furand I will give you the stone tablets with nishings, and they shall take care of it and the law and the commandments which I camp around it. When the tabernacle is to have written for their instruction.” So Mo- go forward, the Levites shall take it down; ses arose with Joshua his attendant, and and when the tabernacle is to [be set up he went up to the mountain of God. And for] camp, the Levites shall set it up.” he said to the elders, “Wait here for us Numbers 1:50-51 Amp – (A man of God until we come back to you. Remember (true worshipper) understands the imthat Aaron and Hur are with you; whoev- portance of taking care of the house of er has a legal matter, let him go to God (assigned to the house of worship.) them.” Then Moses went up to the moun-

Men That Worship Continues

5) Solomon (man of Prayer)-“ When Solomon had finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the [Shekinah] glory and brilliance of the Lord filled the house. The priests could not enter the house of the Lord because the glory and brilliance of the Lord had filled the Lord’s house. When all the people of Israel saw how the fire came down and saw the glory and brilliance of the Lord upon the house, they bowed down on the stone pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped and praised the Lord, saying, “For He is good, for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.” 2 Chronicles 7:1-3 Amp-[WHEN A MAN OF GOD PRAYS/ Intercession with (CLEAN HANDS AND PURE HEARTS) AND INTERCEEDS FOR OTHERS, GOD ACCEPTS AND MOVES!!] (Prayer is a part of Worship.)

6) David (a man after God’s own heart)“And when He had removed him, He raised up David to be their king: of him He testified and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart [conforming to My will and purposes], who will do all My will.’ Acts 13:22 Amp-(Keys to David’s relationship

with God includes faith, love of God’s word, thankfulness, trusting, loving, and true repentance.) As we have seen with these six examples of different types of worship, the Lord has established a pattern specifically with men that “Worship.” It’s not relegated to one building, one song or one way. There is nothing more powerful than the anointing and power that comes forth from a mighty man of God whom has 1) An intimate relationship with God 2) An unashamed heart and mindset to express his inward love for God outwardly and 3) A focus, commitment, passion and drive to do the will of the Lord in a full spirit of excellence. When a man of God steps into his Godordained place, then his life style of worship will shift and change families, neighborhoods, schools, jobs etc…..back to the way God intended him to operate here on Earth!!!

June 2016 Community calendar dates June 4th - Employment Services by Appointment ONLY. Assist with Resume, interview tips, application, etc. June 8th - 7-8:30 pm “Children of Inmates Inc.” Group Session Location: Jr. Outre Facilitator: Latoya Sheppards June 16th - 7 pm (Every 3rd Thursday) “N.O.S.I.S” (No One Suffers In Silences) Sexual Abuse Group Location: The Secret Gardens Facilitator: Lisa Jones June 22nd – 6:30-8:00 pm “For Men Only” – Men’s Ministry collaboration w/ Family Support & Resource Center Location: Junior OUTRE’ Facilitator: Elder Gerald

Mark T. Jones, Sr. – Founder

Family Support and Resource Center Restoring Hope, Life, and Strength in OUR Community 2 Corinthians 12:10

June 24th - (Every 4th Fri) – 6pm-9pm “Worship/Soaking” Location: CFM Main Sanctuary Facilitator: OPEN TO ALL Resource and Referral Phone Line:

(813) 423-2060 “PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE” Mon, Wed & Fri - 11am to 1pm ALSO Mon and Wed - 6pm to 8pm WALK-INS are WELCOME Questions or Concerns Contact Resource and Referral Ebony Sasser, Coordinator Kristian Dilbert, Assistant Renae Kendrick, Director cfmfamilyresourcecenter@gmail.com

The Center for Manifestation 3102 East Lake Avenue Tampa, FL 33610 www.centerformanifestation.com Sunday 7:00am-3:00pm Mon.-Sat 10:00am-5:00pm





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