The Vision of the “Voice of Manifestations” Newsletter is to communicate the various events to our partners and the community. Thus, it helps to build and enhance relationships between the two. The newsletter is also a mechanism to evangelize, encourage, build and lift up. The Voice focuses on the four aspect of Manifestations Worldwide, which are Spiritual Trainings, Education, Job and Housing. Our prayer is that God is touching someone’s life through the Voice of Manifestation Newsletter (VOM). Ultimately, our desire is to be obedient to the commission God has given us; to go and spread the gospel. All we need is an audience; someone that is interested, ready to listen, with a heart to receive. Many go door to door; but VOM newsletter travel email to email; across the country and around the world, seeking the heart in need of a word. And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthews 28:20 (NIV) 2
A Note from the Editor Dear Reader, As you know the focus of VOM is to communicate what is happening in the community, as well as to minister to those that are in need of a word and have an open heart to receive. This month we want to take this opportunity to remind you that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and that you still have an opportunity to receive eternal life. It is FREE... and as simple as: A
Admit that you are a sinner
B Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and died for your sins C Confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior If this is what you believe and are ready to confess, repeat this prayer: “I know I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness Father. I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead. I trust and follow Him as my Lord and Savior. Guide my life and help me Lord, to do your will in Jesus name, Amen.” We encourage you to tell someone about “Eternal Life” and invite them to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Proverbs 11:30- The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. 3
His True Doctrine
Dear believers, this month I’d like to lives, why waste your time listening? direct your attention to two scriptures: People that are truly seeking freedom and deliverance in their life seek words II John 1:9 - Whosoever transgres- that will challenge them to the very seth, and abideth not in the doc- core of who God says they are. Seeker trine of Christ, hath not God. He friendly words are not for those who that abideth in the doctrine of desire a real walk with God into eterChrist, he hath both the Father nal life. The Word of God conveys and the Son. that His desire is that we prosper and be in good health even as our soul I Timothy 4:16 - Take heed unto prospers. So how does your soul prosthyself, and unto the doctrine; per? By holding fast to sound doctrine continue in them: for in doing this and rejecting anything that opposes it. thou shalt both save thyself, and This way of thinking is certainly not them that hear thee. very popular in this day and age where it seems every man is right in his own As you can see, this month our focus is eyes and whatever you believe to be about sound doctrine and the truth. true for yourself is truth. Scripture The word of God advised us that the teaches us to let God’s Word be true day would come when men would not and every man a liar. endure sound doctrine, but instead be drawn to the smooth words of men that John 8:32 says, “And you shall fail to challenge people in their rebel- know the truth, and the truth shall lion to the Word of Truth. There is ab- make you free.” In other words, the solutely no compromise for the bemore truth or Word you know, the freer liever when it comes to the Word of you become physically, mentally, emoGod. In the world today, there are tionally, and spiritually. Brothers and many people speaking what they claim sisters, God’s desire is for you to live to be truth; however, their words are in freedom and be whole and the only not quick and have no resemblance of way to accomplish this is to remain a two-edged sword. They don’t cut true to God’s Word. The Word says if you like the power of the true Word of any man brings you any other doctrine God and if it doesn’t cut you, it can’t other than what Christ taught, let him heal you. be accursed. So He gave us a fair warning: now let’s strive to follow8 His If words coming from man’s instructions in doctrine. mouth have not the power to transform Until next month, Peace be unto you.
THE ONE CROSS There is only one cross that comes to mind, The one that stood tall on Calvary Hill. My Savoir carried it and Simon too. To be crucified between two common thieves, Scourged and spat on; pushed to the ground, With blood stains tattooing His body through. Only the groans of love could be heard As He hung in such a painful state. The Son of Man never retreated from His Father’s plan, To save us; sinners from the enemy's hand. Oh, my Savior, how could I have known? That you would wear thistles for a crown, How could it be that you sacrificed for me? Never giving up your royalty, For, on that cross you paid the price, That I may have a second chance. So thankful am I, for that one cross, Which stands between life and death. Your love for me never died, Even when to escape this death, you cried. "Lord, if it's your will, let it pass me by". There is no love greater than yours. For me you died, for me you have risen. King of Kings and Lord of Lords, forever You reign. Now I can live, because of that one cross, Stained with Your precious blood.
NOT JUST FOR TEACHERS ONLY…… Teacher Eva Johnson In Teacher’s Guild, we are discovering the Book of Proverbs.
Here is some inform7ation I wanted to share: The Book of Proverbs The Hebrew title is Mishle Shelomoh. The Greek title is Paroimial Salomontos. The Latin title is Liber Proverbiorum and according to rabbinical writings it was called Sepher Hokhmah or “Book of Wisdom.”
According to Revell’s Bible Dictionary, the Book of Proverbs is “a collection of pithy statements summing up truths learned from life’s experience.”
The Book of Proverbs can be divided as follows: Treatise on Wisdom - Chapters 1- 9 Proverbs of Solomon – Chapters 10:1 –22:16 Sayings of the Wise – Chapters 22:17 – 24:22 Sayings of the Wise – Chapter 24:23-34 Proverbs of Solomon – Chapters 25:1 – 29:27 Words of Agur – Chapter 30 Words of Lemuel – Chapter 31:1-9 In Praise of a Good Wife – Chapter 31:10-31 Nothing is known about Agur except he was the son of Jakeh and Lemuel was possibly a King. The Bible does not give any further information about them, however, in other ancient writings they were mentioned as possibly from the Arabian tribe of Massa. Otherwise, nothing is certain in this regard. Massa was one of the sons of Ishmael. (Genesis 25:14 and I Chronicles 1:30) There are many key verses in the Book of Proverbs. Many are used by Christians and non-Christians alike. A couple of favorites are: Proverbs 1:5-7: “A wise man will hear and
will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels, To understand a proverb and the interpretation, the words of the wise and their riddles. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” There are also many key chapters, however, Proverbs 31 stands out and reveals a very high view of women. 10
What we can learn from the Book of Proverbs: The Fear (Reverence) of the Lord Successful Living/Living Skills (according to God’s Word) Wisdom Practical Instruction Justice Righteousness Knowledge for All Ages Skill in Understanding A Code of Behavior And so much more………… I Kings 4:29-32 says King Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs and he received a portion of wisdom that was greater than any other man. As you read the Book of Proverbs, think about the things you need to do or change in light of the wisdom you are learning. Do not rely on your own understanding but seek God’s wisdom in every aspect of your life.
Expectations We all have them. We expect our friends to be a safe place, our church family to pray with us, our family to be there, our spouses to do this or do that. Every day, at some point, there is an expectation that went unmet; leaving us as men feeling disrespected. Well, there is a way to fix that. Stop expecting anything from others, and only expect things from yourself. That’s right, I said it; don’t expect anything from anyone. You are a leader; at home, work, in your spheres of influence, or any relational dynamic you enter into. It’s by nature that we have expectations. As we have followed the leader, others will follow us....Sorry guys, this is not always the truth. There is only one person outside of Christ that you can put expectations on: yourself. Here are six ways you can never be let down by others by self-expectations and four ways we will always let ourselves down. We will be looking at Galatians 6: 1-10; so, grab your bibles and let’s look at this together. has been a mantra for my life. It says “If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.” For my own life, I Expect to be Spiritual. have summed it up in an acronym “I.N.A.M.”Verse 1 mentions “You who are spiritual”. Paul It’s Not About Me. I am not better than anyone, is talking to leaders. See, a good leader is exmy opinion is not superior, nor does my experipected to be spiritual. We should be the guiding ence dictate how correct I am. As a matter of light of lights of our circumstances. We should fact, nothing about me gives me the right to be their spiritual proof of the breakthrough oth- stand and look down on anyone or anything. So, ers need. We can’t rebuke what we are still do- in every situation that presents itself, our pering. Get your life right in that area before even spectives must always come from a place of considering the rebuke. knowing we are leading and/or serving someone else. Expect to be a servant. Six Good Self-Expectations for Success
In verse 2, Paul instructs us to “Carry each other’s burdens.” A leader is expected to be a help to other leaders. We need to help each other, without thinking twice. Don’t ask if you should; ask how you can help. When you do help, don’t make it about the receiver. The goal is to serve without an expectation of a return for your investment. Expect to be humble. Verse 3, my favorite verse over the past year,
Therefore, we must humble ourselves to remember it’s not about me; it’s about Christ.
Expect to be self-assured.
Expect to listen ONLY.
Paul warns us in verse 4 to self-assess so we can take pride in ourselves “without comparing ourselves to someone else.” This is so important. For, if you use others as your measuring stick, you will always need the approval of others. When you are self-assured, you do not need an audience to perform, for you are not moved by a number. You are only moved to what Christ requires because you know who you are in Christ
“…the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.” Here in verse 6, we learn that listening is a way we can share in the good things the sender of information is giving. As leaders, we can talk so much that we talk over God. It is better to listen and understand than it is to be heard or understood. Communication must be focused on understanding, not being understood. You will
gain so much respect and will lead with great honor when you ask questions to understand. Without an understanding, you cannot lead those you have been entrusted to lead.
Expect to be an asset. Here in verse 5, Paul gives us instruction that “each one should carry their own load”. We must never be a liability. Liabilities are burdens and God is not a burden. As leaders, mentors, and priest of our homes; we are God’s ambassadors and points of reference. Find ways to add value into the lives of those around you. Assist at home; you have no idea how much it would mean to those you live with to know that you picked up, helped out, or took a load off their plate.
Four Flawed Expectations that Lead to Failure Expecting a reward for the position and not the journey. In verse 7, Paul warns us not to be fooled for “A man reaps what he sows.” A poor leader doesn’t want to sow; only harvest. It’s a false expectation to reap what you have not sown. Just because you are now the leader, you do not have the right to take what you have not given. If you 14 want
Expecting your sin to only affect you.
We are responsible for you. It is much to expect others to do what we should be doing. “Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the Our callings are too great and require so much flesh will reap destruction.” Verse 8 makes no more than the expectations of a poor leader. bones about it. Sin only breeds destruction. We have a mission to lead, let’s do it well. It’s Why are things going up and down in my Not About Me. life? Why are the (fill in the blank, so…. ?) It’s YOU. If you lead from a sinful place, then Expecting others to set the tone. a sinful place will be where you lead. A poor leader allows the group to set the temperature for the spiritual environment. When Expecting things to happen NOW. that happens, the leader’s attitude is dictated When things get tough, a flawed leader tends by the reactions or actions of those he is supto put in half the effort or just gives up all to- posed to lead. A poor leader is only friendly to gether because no one is helping. What did those that are friendly or talk to those that
you expect? Your harvest is only as great as your seeds. Verse 9 says “Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction”. In like manner, if you sow, it takes time for it to happen. Keep going; God does not work on our time table.
speak to them. As leaders, we need to be aware that others are always watching and waiting for direction from us. Paul urges us to “let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” We cannot afford to just do what we want to, 15 espeople. We must be good to ALL people, pecially the body of believers.
Staying on Ready Hey fam! It’s that time again, let’s huddle up! Celebrating Resurrection Sunday should not only recognize the victory of the cross but it should also cause us to reflect on if and how we’re applying this power and living in this light before men. As TRUE Believers we are especially targeted by the enemy of our soul. We know he roams about seeking whom he may devour, so we must stay on ready. One way is to remember when Jesus rose from the grave, not only did He rise with ALL Power in His hand, He gave us the ability to live our everyday lives with that same power and authority! Also we need to keep our armor on. The armor of God is a mega tool of defense given us, as it covers so many areas needing protection. So my huddle today is a reminder to arm ourselves daily with the resurrection power and authority given us by Jesus and to put on the whole armor of God. When studying Ephesians 6:10-18 the first thing we are exhorted to do is to be strong in the Lord and power of His might! “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might...” That power of His might was given us as a result of Jesus’ flawless execution of God’s will for His life. This put Him in the place of power and He in turn released that same power in to the lives of believers. It’s no coincident that this is the first thing Paul exhorts us to do, “be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.” Whenever you have an opponent, a good coach will always make sure your mind is right before the game/ battle. This person uses imagery, a picture (s) to think about that fuels you while in battle. Seeing Jesus rise in victory; defeating death, hell and the grave, and then infusing us with that same power is a good image to fuel us throughout our day. This beginning statement gives us proper focus...our strength is in the Lord and the power of His might. We should be empowered to handle whatever comes our way with this focus. Next Paul advises us to “Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against 16 principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places...” Here, he is giving us another tool; the first one
Staying on Ready, continued
of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” He took the guess work out of this for us. Our focus should not be on people so much (flesh and blood), for this battle is not to be fought in the natural, but in the spirit! We are preparing to defend ourselves from spiritual wickedness trying to gain access to our soul man, which will keep us from taking up our cross. This is where the enemy trips most of us believers, he gets us to focus on people and we lose the real battle. Jesus was armed with the power of God, He had to do it every day in order for Him to NOT break, bend or fold under the horrific torment He had to bear for us. I can imagine Him saying, “This fight is not with people (flesh and blood), I MUST focus; I have to die. This will allow me to go to the enemy’s camp and take back what belongs to God!” You know the story. In our personal lives we must talk ourselves through our battles, defending ourselves in the spirit against our true enemy... not against one another. At the end of this scripture passage, Paul says, “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” Using all forms of prayer is the stance we must take when dealing with people. That’s what Jesus did. At the end of His battle on the cross, Jesus prayed and said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” As we continue to study this passage of scripture, I want you to give ear to this truth; the resurrection of Jesus was the ULTIMATE win for the kingdom of God! The realities of the cross afford us as believers to walk in victory every day of our lives, but we have to be intentional. Look at the strength and the power Jesus walked in during His journey to Calvary. This victory made it possible for all of us to win battles in times of great tribulation. These tools won’t just jump into our hands, we have to train and condition ourselves so we are competent and effective. Then we have to use these tools on a daily basis. There is so much more that can be said, but I will just say this.. Resurrection Power and the Armor of God; let’s NOT do life without them!
Big Sis17Out
Getting Your Money Straight After Divorce Divorce is not a happy topic to discuss. It can be a long and expensive process. It’s never something enjoyable – but sometimes, it’s a necessary step in life. As one of my favorite comedians put it, “no good marriage has ever ended in divorce.”
taking a step backwards. Aaron Britz, a financial planner and founder of Legacy Wealth Management, says he advises his clients to create a “Decision-Free Zone.”
Don’t ignore money matters. Understanding your finances and creating a solid plan for life after divorce is a must before you turn your attention to your life after marriage.
Andrew Mohrmann agrees. Mohrmann is the founder of Modern Dollar Planning and explains that his clients sometimes need help to hold off on big financial decisions immediately after a divorce. He tells a story of one woman who wanted to purchase a new home after her divorce. Mohrmann convinced her to wait until the distribution of assets from the divorce
“The purpose is to create an environment that is free from stress-based decisions Whether or not you feel you can make and free from the influence of others,” light of a crummy situation, you may feel Britz explains. “It’s a ‘time-out’ to begin you have a new lease on life after diorganizing and establish priorities in the vorce. But, that also comes with a load of form of a list.” new financial responsibilities.
The First Step to Getting Your Money Straight After Divorce: Step Back While you may be ready to take action immediately, you may benefit from first
Getting Your Money Straight After Divorce, continued
was settled and until she could make a more rational – instead of purely emotional – decision.
counts. “Open new accounts in your name only and close any joint accounts,” says Britz.
“Going through a divorce is an emotional time,” Mormann says. “Give yourself time before making big financial decisions like buying real estate, moving across the country, or completely revamping your portfolio. Keep yourself mobile, liquid and avoid locking into long term commitments.”
In addition, you need to evaluate your consumer debt situation. Britz suggests opening a new account in your name and ensuring any joint accounts are closed. It’s smart to order a credit report about a month after this process is finalized; so that you can verify that all joint accounts are closed.
Determine Your Financial Priorities
Once you’ve handled making these changes, devote some time to sit down When you’re ready to get your money and evaluate your new financial picture. straight –which means you’re prepared to You may need to create new plans and make rational decisions, not emotional goals for your money now that you’re no ones – you need to determine what’s longer married. highest on the financial priority to-do list. Here’s what you need to establish so you Britz suggests that you find the right fican get your money straight and keep it nancial professionals to help you navigate that way after marriage: the divorce process and the changes to your personal finances that will take place A system for tracking your spending after divorce. “Retain the services of a tax A system to track any ongoing payments preparer, preferably a CPA,” he says. You in relation to your divorce, like alimony or may also want to hire a financial advisor child support and an attorney to ensure your marital A budget that reflects your income and settlement agreement is completed coryour expenses rectly. Next, Britz says it’s time to look at setting up your finances on your own. You’ll need to create a new budget based on your own income as well as your expenses. Then, open new bank and brokerage
comprehensive financial plan that includes action steps to reach your financial goals in the short- and long-term. ,” says PJ Wallin, a CPA and CFP® at Atlas Financial “In terms of tax status, you are likely 21
Getting Your Money Straight After Divorce, continued
Handling Issues with Taxes, Investments and Insurances, and Other Accounts
Chessie Advisors.
Don’t forget to update your coverage as necessary when you’re changing beneficiaries. If you relied on your spouse’s health If you filed jointly when you were married, or life insurance, you need to purchase there are tax issues to consider after dithat protection for yourself. Or if you’re vorce. Even if you filed separately, your now over-insured, call your provider and status is still different. Also, if you have make changes so you’re not overpaying children, it’s important to consider which for protection you no longer need. parent will claim them on his or her return. Sophia Bera of Gen Y Planning says that Within the first year of your divorce, you recently divorced individuals need to do need to devote some time to evaluating this after the divorce is final. “Don’t make your new tax situation. “It’s probably a these changes while the divorce is in progood idea to sit down with a professional gress because this could hurt your case,” and have an income tax projection preshe advises. Bera also points out that inparedmoving from married filing jointly to vestment and insurance accounts are imeither single or head of household. Deportant, but you also need to “redo your pending on housing status and other itemestate planning documents as well.” ized deductions, you may also be moving back to standard deduction from itemSusan Pack elaborates on the issues of ized.” estate planning. Pack is a CPA and CFP® at Pomeroy Financial Planning, and says Wallin also advises that, after a divorce, you must give special consideration to employees revisit their withholding form. your estate plan if you have children. “You may have too little or too much being withheld based on the status changes,” he “Since your financial assets will likely pass explains. to your minor children at your death, carefully consider who would be as responsiYou also need to take a look at your inble with them as you would,” she sugvestments and insurances. “Following a gests. “Otherwise, a financial guardian will divorce, an individual needs to re-evaluate need to be appointed by the court. Do you his beneficiary designations on the comreally want to take the chance that the pany benefits, IRA accounts, and insurcourt would appoint your former spouse ance policies to make sure they’re in-line as the financial guardian of your children’s with his wishes and current situation,” assets?” 22 says Erik Klumpp, founder of
Getting Your Money Straight After Divorce, continued
What to Think About in the Long Term Your investments and your retirement plan are two of the biggest money changes to consider after divorce. For better or worse, you no longer have another individual to help you plan, save, and manage your money.
for how to create a budget. Check out personal finance blogs, listen to financial podcasts, and browse your local bookstore (or library, for free) for resources and educational materials.
Then, consider working on a long-term basis with a financial planner. Look for an advisor who is fee-only and who carries But that doesn’t mean you’re completely the CFP® designation. They can help get on your own. If you didn’t handle the your retirement planning on track, help household finances before your divorce, you make wise decisions around your instart by gaining some basic financial eduvestments, and answer your questions cation. Make a list of questions you have about personal finance. about managing money and write down tasks that you’re not sure how to do or A professional can also help you handle. achieve your new goals in your new life. Once you get your money straight after Start by doing some research to educate divorce, you should focus on achieving yourself. You’ll receive a wealth of inforwhat’s important to you and aligning your mation in response to a Google search finances with your values.
Source: magnifymoney.com
Brought to You By: Live Again Divorce Care Ministry of CFM Contact the ministry leader for more information at liveagain@centerformanifestation.com
Knowing Your Body Type Is More Than Half The Battle The most important part of getting dressed, is knowing your body type/shape. When you have this information, getting dressed is a whole lot easier. Although there are more than four, most women fall into one of these four categories: circle/apple (thick around the middle), triangle (larger at the bottom), hourglass (curvy but evenly proportioned), and rectangle/banana (straight up and down).
To determine your body type, log on to: www.youbeauty.com/quizzes/body-type/
Circle (Apple) Shape Circle or Apple body types are categorized by a wider midsection (stomach) compared to their shoulders and hips. Because of the wider abdomen, it gives the appearance of no waist. 1. Don’t draw attention to the waist. Tips: Clingy tops tend to bring attention to your waist area, so avoid tight fitting tops. Also, keep in mind that although loose baggy tops will hide your
stomach, it is formless and make you look shapeless. 2. Draw the observer’s eye to other area (i.e. legs, shoulders, neck) Tips: Wearing V-necks draw attention to your face. Tips: Wear details at your necklines, shoulders and busts such as beadings, sequins, ruffles, pleats, lace, flare sleeves or butterfly sleeves. 26
3. Add definition to your waist. 4. Wear tops that end below your widest part of your stomach or longer. Tip: Select tops that drapes your body yet and slide past your waist. 5. Choose tops that stop below the widest part of your stomach. Tip: You can wear longer tops but choose them wisely as they could make you look shorter if you already have short legs. 6. Wear layered tops. Tips: Wearing a light top over a dark top will make your stomach disappear
Triangle (Pear) Shape Triangle body types are categorized by a wider waist and smaller shoulders. Women with this body type generally have a full lower body. 1. Wear light colors on top, dark colors on bottom.
you want give a different size on the top than bottom, wearing separate piece are look better, preferably coordinating separates. 3. Choose shirts with detailed sleeves. Tip: Wear raglan sleeves or puffy sleeves to draw the eye outward, which makes the shoulder appear wider, and balances out the larger hips. 4. Select shirts with large collars. Tip: Polo shirts, turtlenecks and typically anything with large lapels work well. These type of shirts again draws the eye outward, creating illusions of larger shoulders and smaller hips or a balance of both. 5. Wear clothes that fit. Tip: Too big shirts look sloppy and unfinished and fails to disguise narrow shoulders. Fitted shirts draw attention elsewhere and looks more attractive and polished. 6. Avoid camisoles and tanks with thin straps. Tip: Boat neck shirts, shirts without collars and scoop neck shirts should all be avoided.
Hourglass Shape Tip: Dark colors hide, while light colors magnify. 2. Wear separate pieces. Tip: Because with a triangle body shape
Women with an hourglass body type, are considered to be perfectly shaped and proportioned. Their body type is characterized by bust and hips approximately the same proportions and a small waist.
1. Look for fitted, tailored pieces. Tip: All of your shirts from casual to buttondown tops should be fitted, squeezing your waist slightly. Tip: Stretchy materials hug your curves and look great especially if you have a flat stomach. 2. Stick with short, shaped jackets. Tip: Look for belted jackets, trench-style coats, or other fits that draw in toward the waist. Short jackets that stop just above your hips accentuate your curves in a flattering way 3. Balance out your bust line. Tip: Tops and dresses should tuck or nip in at the waist without adding bulk to your breast Tip: Extra bulk on your bust will throw your proportions out of sync 4. Consider wearing wrap dresses and blouses. Tip: Wrap tops and dresses tend to tie at the narrowest part of your waist, without adding any extra volume to your bust. 5. Wear soft fabrics, silk blends and knits. Tip: These materials drape over your curves, while keeping your bust in proportion with your hips. Tip: Avoid stiff fabrics, they will make you look boxy. 6. Wear low, slimming necklines. Tip: Look for V-necks, V-neck halters, sweethearts, and scoop necks. Slender necklines slim down your bust, making it looking balanced, and low necklines draw the eye closer to your narrow waist. Tip: Avoid wide necklines like boat necks and squares, since these tend to make you look heavy on top.
1. No wrap dresses. Tip: Wear dresses that are empire in line, just below the narrowest part on your body, then skim past your waist. 2. Wear tapered and skinny jeans. Tip: Make sure jeans are tight around your hips to help create curves. But avoid too-wide flare pants as it could throw your body shape off. 3. Keep details on top. Tip: Draw attention away from the waist and up toward the face by wearing dresses or top with details at the top of the garment above the bust. 4. Look for tops that bypass the waist. Tip: Tops need to be shaped to create the illusion that you have more of a waist, without highlighting the waistless area. 5. Avoid jackets with closures that are highnecked. Tip: Single breast jackets and garments that are free of patch pockets with low button closures, gives you more waist. 6. Choose bright colors Tip: Bright eye-catching colors help break up your silhouette and give you more shape.
Final Tip: Flattering any body type is done by focusing on emphasizing the positive, and by minimizing the negative. The trick is to draw attention away from imperfections by the way you dress.
Rectangle (Banana) Shape Rectangle shaped women are usually considered boyish. They are straight-up-and-down with little definition at the waist.