The Voice Election Issue

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election // issue

// election issue


t’s election time—again.

But this time, it’s a student election. Remarkably, this is the first time in recent history* that Avondale students will actually elect their student president. Strange, yes. But it’s a step forward. And to celebrate this auspicious occasion, The Voice has jumped on the bandwagon and released a special election issue. Here are the details of how the election will work: When?

Voting will take place from Wednesday 23 October until Friday 25 October at various locations around campus. Where?

On Wednesday the polling booth will be outside College Hall, on Thursday near Café Rejuve, and Friday near the Caf. How?

You must bring your student ID card to swipe to register that you’ve voted (to stop any crazy people voting 53 times). Although voting is not compulsory, each

Your 2014 Election Guide Josh Dye

student who chooses to vote must fill out the ballot paper from one through to four to have their vote counted. The winner will be 100% chosen by students, with no input from staff or any of the various committees. So unlike other elections, this time your vote actually counts. And the best part? The winner will be announced exclusively in the November issue of The Voice, making it potentially the most anticipated issue ever. (!!) On the next few pages you’ll find all the propaganda of each candidate, telling you why you should vote for them. Take it seriously, and vote for who you believe will best represent you. It’s a historic time—get amongst it. *possibly ever



Josh Dye


Danelle Morton

Special Thanks to Colin Chuang

Luke Ferry

The views and opinions expressed in The Voice are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Avondale College of Higher Education.






o the students of Avondale College,

Over the past few weeks, there has been a flurry of activity—on campus and online. Four candidates have put up their hands to represent the student body by campaigning for President of the Avondale Student Association (ASA). As the days of voting draw near, it is important to think of the following three points. 1) Why do you love Avondale College? 2) What do you want to see happen around campus in 2014? 3) Who will best represent you and your views?

Make It Count Jodie Barnes

As the current president of ASA, I would like to encourage each student to vote with intelligence for the candidate you feel will best contribute to student life on this great campus. Make a difference. Make your vote count. Jodie Barnes ASA President

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i. My name is

Brooke Davidson and I am in the running to be YOUR future ASA President. We are very blessed to be part of an amazing campus; however, in the duration of our college time, we are bound to hear the words, ‘This sucks, someone needs to do something about it.’ Well, I am here to be the person that hears the students and does something about it. Below are the following things I am hoping to change: 1. Bridging the gap between outdoor and indoor students – I will aim to implement this in a number of ways. I believe that College Hall has the potential to be a fun, comfortable place where people can chill in between their classes. If facilities such as couches, beanbags, table tennis

tables and pool tables were better, I believe more people would go there and hang out, therefore outdoor and indoor students would be mixing together. 2. Compulsory classes – If we pay for our classes, and the lecturers get paid regardless of whether we turn up or not, why should the fate of passing or failing a unit depend on whether we miss seven or more classes?

We are all adults and we should all own the responsibility of making sure that we make it to classes to learn the content to help us pass. 3. More campus-­‐wide social activities – things like monthly barbeques, random sport days and music Monday’s will not only create community among the students but it will also generate a fun atmosphere on campus. 4. Bathroom improvements – I would love to get the ball rolling with improving the bathrooms all around campus as a long-­‐term goal. Bathrooms in both boys and girls dorms need to be renovated, as well as some toilet blocks in various areas around campus. The decision of who will become the future ASA President is up to you and I think that all of the candidates will do a great job at being ASA president in 2014. Dayn,

Callum and Mitch all have great points and no matter who wins with the votes, they will do great things for Avondale. But feel free to vote for me, because I will do everything in my power to make Avondale College a better place for the students. Feel free to come and talk to me if you have any ideas, concerns or ways to improve college life. Don’t forget to like my page on facebook Brooke Davidson for President 2014!! And follow me on instagram @brooke4president

Applying for ASA President was not an easy decision. The application sat on my desk while I tossed up whether I wanted such a responsibility. The steps toward filling out the form began once I asked people what they would like done around College. Most of their ideas I felt were achievable. All that is needed is someone willing to stand up and not back down. Students then started telling me I am that person. The policies I have to offer are not my own. They are yours. I am putting myself on the line to benefit the Avondale community. I am accessible. I am a presence. I am on the same campus, in the same dorms, taught by the same lecturers, and I attend the same social events. So when you ask, ‘Why should I vote for you?’ I say to you, ‘Because I want what you want.’ I am going to be that firm-­‐footed representative for the wider Avondale student body.

The role of the student president is to bring your concerns and ideas to the different departments, such as the head RA’s, the dormitory deans, SAC and SAM leaders etc. The president then coordinates with and leads these departments to a positive outcome. Passion is important, drive and determination is key. I believe I have these qualities. I will answer your questions and keep you in the loop. The three main areas I am offering are: Firstly, developing the process of joining Ella and Andre into one communal dorm, to improve the community between the girls. Then turning the other building into accommodation for mature age students and married couples. Secondly, expanding open dorms either for more hours on the weekends or to even introducing an extra day or a night during the week. This will benefit group presentations and enhance community life. Thirdly, having more socials. This I am very passionate about. I would love to give outdoor students more opportunity to be involved in socials on campus. This is what College is all about—socials. From feedback I have received, these areas are what you see to be important and need improving. I’m extremely thankful for the opportunity to been running for president. If I am fortunate enough to be elected I will stick it out when the going gets rough to achieve the best possible outcome over the term of my presidency.

Cheering for our boys at the Watson Hall AFL match

One Mission -­‐ Our arrival in Vanuatu at the start of 2013

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