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People with severe disabilities to be trained in sports disciplines

Aġenzija Sapport and Special Olympics Malta have signed an agreement for the years 2023-2024, enabling people with severe disabilities to benefit from the Motor Activity Training Programme (MATP) that leads to the Special Olympics and offers professional and specialised training in various disciplines

The agreement, signed in the presence of the Minister for Inclusion, the Voluntary Sectors and Consumer Rights, Julia Farrugia Portelli, and Dr Lydia Abela, the President of Special Olympics Malta, strengthens the collaboration between the two sides that has been ongoing for the last two years, during which people with a disability successfully participated at the Special Olympics Invitational Games in May 2022


Aġenzija Sapport will also work closely with Special Olympics Malta in the organisation of tournaments every year and to identify employees to attend training programmes organised by Special Olympics Malta and which Special Olympics Malta can use for training outside of these centre's regular hours of operation

Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli remarked that this agreement clearly illustrates the government's continuous work to keep strengthening inclusion through sports and specifies the position of the two entities to carry out this project

She explained that for Special Olympics Malta, this means the regular creation of more training through professional coaches, both for sports and MATP, who can offer opportunities for athletes with a disability in games and tournaments

Aġenzija Sapport's CEO, Oliver Scicluna, said the collaboration is based on two pillars the agency believes in and will continue to work on It includes the need to offer more opportunities for people with disabilities to be included in the community through training which will strengthen their skills and allow them to compete locally and internationally

Dr Lydia Abela stressed this strong collaboration

G re e n p e a ce p l a ce s M a l t a second in public transport

AGreenpeace study on public transport tickets in 30 European countries and their capital cities has put Malta in second place

Greenpeace evaluated public transport based on four criteria: how easy it is to use the tickets, their price over a protracted period, the discounts for disadvantaged groups, including students, families, the elderly, the unemployed, refugees and the disabled, as well as the VAT rate on the tickets

Malta is classified in second place after Luxembourg At the same time, in the capital cities, Valletta came first together with Luxembourg City and Tallinn in Estonia because public transport is free The cheapest tickets are in Prague, Bratislava, Rome, Vienna and Madrid; the most expensive are in London, Dublin, Paris and Amsterdam.

Malta managed 88 points out of 100 Only Luxembourg got the maximum points. Regarding the situation in Malta, the report notes that since last October, the public transport service has become free of charge except for express journeys and the ferry service between Malta and Gozo.

Greenpeace said that the service that pollutes the least and is the most efficient should be affordable for everyone between Special Olympics Malta and Aġenzija Sapport She said that this joint venture will now recognise the best abilities of everyone on clear principles based on inclusivity

That is why Greenpeace encouraged the European leaders to introduce what it calls ‘climate tickets’ that would cover all public transport services.

She referred to the success obtained by several athletes in last year's invitational games of the Special Olympics in Malta She spoke about how the sporting sector can be another essential link to improve the quality of life of people with a disability

The Director of Special Olympics Malta, Anna Calleja, said thanks to this agreement, they will be reaching a more comprehensive range of people with a disability for them to train in different sporting activities She pointed out the importance of sports for physical and mental health

Maltese Community Council of NSW

Commemoration Ceremony

2.00pm, Saturday 3 June 2023

The Holroyd Centre

11.17 Miller Str., Merrylands

This is a commemoration of significant historical Maltese events in 1919, including a speech about this historic story, andmusical segments from the Maltese Concert Band

Anyone of Maltese descent or with an interest in Malta and its history is invited to attend

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