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Reskeon Seniors celebrate Mother’s Day

Around 90 members and friends attended this year ’s Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors

Group Mother ’s Day Luncheon in Melbourne. It was also attended by several distinguished guests, including the association’s auditor, a life member and former Reskeon Seniors


Group Ordinator, Mr Caesar Vella and Mrs Phyllis Vella

MC for the day was Reskeon’s Secretary, Paul Vella, who welcomed all the guests. Then followed the singing of the National Anthems of Malta and Australia, and the male guests were requested to offer a toast for Mother’s Day to all the ladies present while expressing their love and respect to the mums, something that should not only be just on Mother ’s Day but throughout the year.

Afterwards, a meal was served, followed by music that DJ Domenic provided.

The birthdays and anniversaries list was prepared and read Members Marlene and Paul Azzopardi celebrated a special anniversary, and as is the custom, they were presented with a flower arrangement

Besides a vast selection of music that everyone appreciated, DJ Dominic played the Reskeon theme song, written and composed by Dr Clemente Zammit and the late Laurie Armato President, Salvina Vella, delivered a message for the occasion in which she wished all the best for all the mums and requested the guests to remember those Mums who are no longer with us in their prayers

The members and friends who attended the evening appreciated the organisation Special thanks by the attendees went to President Salvina Vella for a well successful luncheon

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