The Voice of Van Buren County - January 19, 2021

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Of the people, By the people, For the people

Home of subscriber

Lorraine Kendall

TUESDAY, January 19, 2021 / Vol. 7 Issue 3 / 75 cents

Alcohol Tax Ordinance receives first reading

City Attorney Chad Brown and Mayor Richard McCormac discussing Alcohol Tax Ordinance. by Adam Kuipers

At its regular January meeting, the Clinton City Council conducted the first reading of an ordinance that would levy permitting fees and a supplemental sales tax upon alcohol sale for on-premises consumption. As drafted, the ordinance would create new regulations for restaurants, hotels, motels, private clubs, off-premises caterers, and festival vendors that want to sell alcoholic beverages within the City of Clinton. Introducing the ordinance, City Attorney Chad Brown stated that Councillor Pistole had expressed to him that "pretty much the only thing" he was "concerned with" was that the City realized whatever revenue was available. The ordinance would require any en-

tity that sells alcohol for on-premises consumption to obtain a permit from the City of Clinton. Annual permits would be provided to restaurants, private clubs, hotels, and motels for $100, while the annual permit fee for off-premises caterers would be $50 under the proposal. Festival permits would be offered for $20 per event. Festival permit applications would be required to be made for specific events and would last a maximum duration of three consecutive days. Festival alcohol sales would only be permitted between the hours of 12:00 noon and 10:00 PM, with no sales allowed on Sunday. An entity that obtains a Festival permit would be required to provide and pay for security as required and approved by the Police Chief. In addition to an-

nual permitting fees, the City of Clinton proposes to levy a 5% supplemental sales tax on the gross receipts from the sale of these alcoholic beverages. The proposal requires this tax to be remitted directly to the City Recorder/Treasurer monthly or within 30 days following a festival event. The proposal provides that the City will have the right to inspect and examine the records of any entity that obtains a permit. Revenues received from the fees, taxes, and penalties created by this ordinance would be deposited into the City's general revenue fund and would be used for as yet unspecified "city purposes." The penalty for a person convicted of violating this ordinance's provisions would be a misde-

meanor conviction and a fine of up to $500. A continuous violation would be subject to a fine of $100 per day in which the violation occurred. The ordinance makes no provisions for retail sellers of sealed alcohol for off-premises consumption, such as grocery or convenience stores. The existing Clinton Municipal Code levys a supplemental tax upon private clubs "equal to the amount paid to the state." The State of Arkansas exacts 10% to 14% in supplemental tax upon alcohol sold for on-premises consumption depending upon the alcoholic beverage sold. City officials have stated that this existing chapter of the code is not enforced, and this tax is not collected from any private club within the City currently.

Coronavirus By the numbers January 17, 2020 State of Arkansas

• Total Covid Cases: 271,154 • Confirmed Cases: 218,968 • Recovered Cases: 241,926 • Total Test Reported: 2,585,360 • Total Deaths: 4311

Van Buren County

• Total Cumulative Cases: 971 • Total Active Cases: 134 • Active Confirmed Cases: 70 • Probable Cases: 297 • Total Deaths: 10

Covid-19 disease Water Chief Will Hinchey gives monthly report

New Water Meters working good but have a few hiccups Chief says by Warren Johnson

Water and Sewer Chief Will Hinchey reported a water loss of thirty-four percent from November to December. Hinchey stated the department had some billing issues with the new two-inch auto-read meters. He said it was caused by decimal points being different between the residential and commercial meters. The input error accounted for the customers with the larger meters not being charged for all the water they used. The error explains some of the perceived water loss. Hinchey told the group, "We are having some little hiccups

with the new meters. We are running into little things as we transition from the way we billed before to our new system." Hinchey said, "We are going to get more training in the office. Everyone working in the office, including myself, are going to be trained on the new program." The Eye on Water app is available in the app store and has already alerted customers to leaks in almost real-time. Except for nine meters in the Walnut Grove area, all the rest connect remotely to the office via the cell towers. The signal is not strong enough along that stretch of Highway 95 West, the Chief said.

by Dr. Jose Abiseid

A virus that’s main target organ is the respiratory system. Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, congestion, headache, shortness of breath, chest pain, loss of taste and/or smell, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. How to test is by obtaining a nasal/oral swab. There are two primary tests, a rapid and a PCR test. The rapid test can give an answer within an hour, and the PCR test may take a couple of days. If the rapid test is positive, it indicates Covid-19, but if negative in a patient with symptoms, they need to follow up with the PCR test. The PCR test is more sensitive and specific for Covid-19. Complications from Covid-19 can occur, such as pneumonia and blood clots,

which can affect the lungs, kidneys, heart, and extremities. Wearing a mask, social distancing, washing hands, avoiding crowds, and getting the vaccine are the most effective preventative measurements. If you suspect you are infected, contact your healthcare provider. There are currently two vaccines approved, the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccine. They are both over 90% effective when both shots are given in protecting against the virus. Pfizer is given twenty-one days apart, and Moderna is given twenty-eight days apart. More vaccines are on the way to approval in the coming months. You can log onto www. to get more information on when the vaccines will be available for you.

Winter time in Van Buren County. Robbie Watts' Granddaughter enjoying a sunny day

Crystal substance found during a traffic stop by Warren Johnson

On January 11, 2021, an officer from the Clinton Police Department was patrolling on U.S. Highway 65 South when he observed a red passenger car traveling northbound. The officer noticed the passenger side headlight was not working; therefore, he turned around on the vehicle and initiated his overhead emergency lights, stopping the red Pontiac Grand Am at the Bigfoot Flea Market. The officer walked up to the driver and explained his reasoning for the traffic stop. He stated the driver, a caucasian female, appeared too nervous as she handed him her information. He ran her Arkansas driver's license through dispatch, and it returned to a Miss Jennifer Ann Henslee of Pearcy, Arkansas. Hensley, who is 49, returned validly and on probation with Mrs. Sally Sweeden. The officer asked Miss Henslee why she was on probation? She responded for the possession of methamphetamine in March 2020. The officer stated Miss Henslee continued to appear too nervous. He asked her when the last time she had used methamphetamine, to

which she responded last year. He questioned if she would consent to a search of her vehicle, and she agreed, stating, "Whatever it takes to make this traffic stopgo quicker." Upon searching the car, the officer noticed a small black bag sitting on the driver's side floorboard. Upon opening the bag and examining the contents, he located several small glass pipes with burnt residue on them. He then placed Miss Henslee in his custody and continued the vehicle search. He discovered a small pink bag tucked under the driver's seat. Inside this bag was another glass smoking device and a little amber container with a crystal-like substance. He noticed what appeared to be a D cell battery, but the top unscrewed upon further examination, and it contained more of the crystal substance. The Clinton officer transported Miss Henslee to the Van Buren County Detention Center, where officers took her fingerprints. She was charged with possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia but was released due to Covid-19 restrictions at the Detention Center.

The Voice of Van Buren County

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Clinton School Lunch Menu Jan 18-22



by Freeda Baker Nichols

I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag At my church, I stand and place my hand over my heart during Vacation Bible School, and with my voice blending with the voices of other teachers and the children, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And, with the others, I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and "to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands, one brotherhood uniting all Christians in service and love." At high school football games, I stand and as a band plays the national anthem, in solemn ceremony I pay tribute to my country by honoring its flag. I love my country. My country gives me freedom. I am free to worship my Creator in the church of my choice. As a young woman, I was free to marry the man of my choice. I am free to choose the career of my choice. I am free. And freedom is a gift. I was never asked to die for my country. But for the freedom that I enjoy, other people have died. Many soldiers lie now beneath the white crosses . . . beneath the eternal flame . . . and in cemeteries, such as the one on Banner Mountain where the sun reveals an orange glow as it slips peacefully below the purple hills. As I continue in solemn ceremony at football games, there are people near me who do not respect this occasion. They talk or move about, and their rudeness and lack of loyalty to Old Glory concerns me. Under another country's flag, they might not be allowed to so choose. In another audience, waiting for my hometown's annual rodeo to begin, I watch cowboys and cowgirls rein their horses around the arena in a smooth motion of posting the colors. As the colors go by, I rise with the rest of the crowd and prepare to give honor to my country by respecting the Stars and Stripes. I stand beside my husband, a retired military man, and as he snaps to attention, I sense the pride and dignity of the moment, and I grasp an insight into the strength that has given me freedom. Soldiers with courage and a purpose, who believed enough in freedom to serve for it, to fight for it, and when necessary to die for it, have given me this freedom. Some of them lie now beneath the white crosses . . . beneath the eternal flame . . .and in cemeteries across America or buried at sea. I have a lasting memory of walking into my widowed mother's house and finding her dialing the ra-

January 19, 2021

dio for a local station so that she could hear the national anthem as the station signed off the air. And I saw, not only my mother but a woman whose husband was willing to answer his country's call if necessary, during World War I. I saw a woman whose three sons served America in the uniforms of the Army Air Corps, the Navy, and the Air Force. One of her daughters worked at a war plant assembling shells during World War II. Another daughter participated in a drive which helped purchase a P-38 plane for the war effort—two of her daughters' married military career men. My mother and dad raised seven strong-willed children who believe in God and in America. On the 200th Anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, at my Writers' Group, I placed my name upon the parchment paper, and at 3:00 p.m., CST, September 17, 1987, the other writers and I rang bells as church bells sounded across the nation. And I pledged allegiance anew "to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."

Pre K And Elementary

Monday Breakfast: Cereal, Fruit, Milk, Lunch: Bbq Pork Sandwich, Potato Wedges, Fruit, Milk Tuesday Breakfast: Frudel Strudel, Fruit, Milk, Lunch: Beef/Cheese, Nachos, Corn /Salsa, Fruit, Milk Wednesday Breakfast: Cereal, Fruit, Milk, Lunch: Chicken Parmesan, Carrots, Fruit, Breadstick, Milk Thursday Breakfast: Pancake Pup, Juice, Milk, Lunch: Chicken Patty, Mashed Potatoes, Wheat Roll, Fruit, Milk Friday Breakfast: Cereal, Fruit, Milk, Lunch: Pizza, Corn, Fruit, Milk

Junior High & High School Menu

Monday Breakfast: Frudel Strudel, Fruit, Juice/ Milk, Lunch: Chicken & Cheese Crispitos, Beans, Lettuce/Tomatoes/Salsa, Fruit Cup/ Fruit, Milk Tuesday Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Fruit, Juice/Milk, Lunch: Chili-ConCarne, Crackers, Pb&J Sandwich, Tossed Salad\Dressing, Fruit, Milk We d n e s d a y Breakfast: Mini French Toast, Fruit, Juice/ Milk, Lunch: Chicken, Creamed Potatoes/ Gravy, Green Beans, Wheat Rolls, Fruit, Milk Thursday Breakfast: Chicken & Biscuit, Fruit, Milk, Lunch: Burrito / Chili / Cheese, Lettuce / Tomatoes, Refried Beans, Fruit Cup / Fruit, Milk Friday Breakfast:

Van Buren County Aging Program Menu Tuesday, January 19

Fried Okra, Roll, ApriLemon Pepper cot, Milk Chicken, Baked Corn Casserole, Zucchini & Monday, January 25 Hashbrown & Ham Tomatoes, Chocolate Casserole, Broccoli, Pie, Milk Bread Stick, StrawberWednesday, ries, Angel Food Cake, January 20 Milk Vegetable Beef Soup, Broccoli, Cornbread, Fruit, Milk

Thursday, January 21

Chicken & Dumplings, Green Beans, Stewed Tomatoes, Butterscotch Bars, Milk

Friday, January 22

Swiss Steak, Rice,

The VOICE of Van Buren County

328 Main St. / P.O. Box 1396 / Clinton, AR / 72031 tel: (501) 745-8040 / fax: (501) 745-8077 Advertising / Office Manager

Terry O’Connor - Subscription Rates: $35 per year in Van Buren County $45 per year outside of county Subscriptions or Circulation Customer Service or (501) 745-8040 To Submit News: Letters to the Editor: Display and Classified Advertising: or (501) 745-8040 Deadline to submit news items, letters and all advertising: News Deadline: 4:00 p.m. Thursday Ad Deadline: 4:00 p.m. Friday The VOICE of Van Buren County is published weekly on Tuesday by VBC Communications, LLC 328 Main Street, Clinton AR 72031 USPS Permit # 16970 effective 10-13-2015 Periodicals Postage paid at Clinton AR. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to The VOICE of Van Buren County P. O. Box 1396, Clinton, AR 72031

Donuts, Fruit, Juice/ ing, Corn, Milk, Lunch: Pizza, Cup, Milk Tossed Salad/DressSudoku Solution

Crossword Solution


The Voice of Van Buren County

January 19, 2021

Jeffry Burgess Crabtree

Prayer Night continues at the Crabtree Foursquare Church on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. EHC’s “Quilting Thursdays” is still on hold. We will let you know when that changes. Due to its closeness to the sun, Mercury never gets high above the horizon, but Saturday, just after dark, about 6 p.m., it will be

at its highest. You will need an unobstructed view to the west-southwestern sky. A family telescope will show it in a waning half-illuminated phase. Next Thursday, the full moon is official at 1:16 p.m. Due to hungry, howling wolves outside their villages, the Algonquin tribes of America called it the Wolf Moon. In other times and places it has been called Ice Moon, Old Moon and Moon after Yule. Iris Derow was a driving force in resource development for the Alread area community until her death August 12, 1993 in an auto accident. Her energy and dedication is commemorated each year through the offering of scholarships to deserv-

ing high school seniors seeking to further their education. For an application form or more info contact a member of ACRDC. Archery season for deer continues through February 28. Check the Regs for details. It’s not too early to start some early spring vegetable seeds indoors, if you want to get a jump on the season when conditions warrant planting out. If you have info about the greater Crabtree and west Hwy. 16 community, call or text Jeffry Burgess, 7451249.

James & Joyce Burns Scotland

Well, this has been a very cold and dreary day except when

we got a few beautiful snowflakes. It made me pleased that we could enjoy the snow and not have it for too long. Of course, we enjoyed a bowl of hot soup and later a cup of Hot Chocolate. That made a good day. I just counted, and we have the Cafeteria reserved for twelve days already this year. It is great to see people use the facilities and it really helps pay for the electricity. We could have rented it five times since Christmas, but we already had it reserved. If you have a specific day, you want to be sure that you can use it, call and have us put your name on that day so you will be sure it will be open that day. Call James Burns (5923935), and we will reserve it for you. We also have several classrooms that we would like to rent out. They make nice storage rooms or a good workspace, and the cost is very reasonable. We hate to see the buildings set empty when they are so spacious and have good roofs on them. We called and put our name on a list to get our Covid-19 vaccine. Our appointment will be after February 1st. With the new strains of the virus, we certainly do not need to take any chances. If you have not done so, check with your doctor or with Clinton Drug and reserve one for you. I understand there are several families in our community that tested positive, and some are very ill. Be safe and stay

Page 3 We are losing too warm, and if you want something in the paper, many to Covid-19 here call 592-3935, and we in Van Buren County, and we need to use our will get it in the news. knowledge of how to be safe and count it as a blessing that we have the hand sanitizer and the mask to keep safe.

Thelma Murray Shirley

Emma Swofford received five books for her 76th birthday. Her friend, Belinda Haynes, baked Emma a cake and gave her a book. Norma Whaley spent several days in West Helena, visiting with her mother and her sister. Norma enjoyed her time with them. Lodean Reeves attended the wedding of her niece Lana Nelson at a church in Mountain View, Sunday. Lana is now Mrs. Micheal Goins. I have been having problems with my jaw since I got a crown in 1992. last summer, I went to a chiropractor, and he fixed it for me. It feels so good to be able to yawn without my jaw hurting. This month I have learned how to keep my legs from cramping, which is a big blessing. Wayne Hackett has had surgery on his foot and will have to be off it for several weeks. I hope he is wise enough to follow doctors' orders. He doesn't have to worry about the grass growing for a few months.

Patsy Ward Formosa

DeLane Story had company last Wednesday. Her son, David, and his wife Pinyan, visited. Roxie and Bruce Williams, and Robert Esterline came for a visit and had dinner with them. Frankie and Erica Ward, and their boys have been under quarantine, but they made it through and tested negative for the virus. Ann Mann and I went to visit Sammie Story on Thursday evening. We played Skipbo, and we enjoyed it. It had been so long since either of us had played, Sammie had to refresh us on all the rules. I was so sorry to hear that our neighbor, Marion Smith, passed away. She was a special lady. Prayers and condolences go out to her family. I was glad to hear that we may be able to get our vaccinations soon. I wish everyone a good week and God's blessings to all.

Clinton Police Department Report - Dec. 2020 REPORTS TAKEN

Incidents - 27 Accidents - 9 Calls for Service - 75 Property Checks-181 Motorist Assist - 12 ATM/Banks Escorts - 8 Other Agency Assist 25 Funeral Escorts - 2

Alarm Calls - 18 K9 Deployments - 4

Forgeries Investigated Amount - $950



Open Investigations - 0 Investigations Closed -6 Search Warrants - 1 Stolen Property recovered - $4200

Warnings Issued - 52 Citations Issued - 45 Warrants Applied For 10 Felony Charges Filed 16 Misdemeanor Charges Filed - 15


The Coats for Kids drive netted 102 coats, two boxes of toys, and $500 in donations to the Clinton Schools Bright Futures Program.

Online Real Estate AUCTION Ends JANUARY 29 at NOON Lot 151 Lakewood Addition, Fairfield Bay, AR Selling Lot 151, Block 11, Lakewood Addition to Fairfield Bay, Van Buren County, Arkansas. Parcel #4400-11151-0000. 10% Buyer’s Premium. Please see our web site for additional terms. Note: Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase a nice lot! Go to and click on the bid now tab

Shawn Looper 479-996-4848 AR Lic. #36

Zack Looper 479-322-8149 AR Lic. #2759

All Announcements Day of Sale Supersede �is Ad

Page 4

Obituaries Death Notice Mark Melton Watson

Cloie Wayne Lowrance

The Voice of Van Buren County

years, but he always told the Chief that if they needed a tanker or brush truck driver, he would go. His legacy is being carried out in his sons today, Clayton, a first responder, and David, who is second in command in the 110 VFD and his Daughter in Law, Nancy Lowrance, a first responder, wife of David. After Betty's death from three bouts of Breast Cancer, Wayne felt four years later that God would bring him another wife to give the love he knew was still in his heart to share with another. Wayne met Patti Scheefers, a widow of her first great love, Joe Scheefers, on Christian Mingle, and after talking for a month, they had their first date at Western Sizzlin, and it was love at first sight for them both. They dated three months, and Wayne proposed in front of all his Lowrance Family at the annual family reunion, and they married three weeks later. They spent their honeymoon at Wayne's first wife's sister's home, where a great friendship began. The Blackwoods all welcomed Patti as a family member. Wayne is preceded in death by his parents, Thomas and Bessie Lowrance, Brothers Jessie and William "Bill", Sisters Geneva Black and Irma Webb, and First wife, Betty Blackwood Lowrance. He is survived by Brother James "Jim " Lowrance (Jan), Sisters Loretta Alexander, Ruby Black, Marge Colfax, Berniece Isaac, Sons Clayton Lowrance, David Lowrance (Nancy), Sisters in Laws Judith Bolen (Afton), and Dianne Holliman (Darin), Wife Patti Lowrance, In law, Buster Westmoreland, Brother in law Steven Westmoreland (Sherry), Stepdaughter Carrie Lee (Anthony), Stepson Paul Scheefers (Michelle), 8 Grandchildren, and a host of the most loving and amazing nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends that are as numerous as the sand on the shore. The family wishes to thank each of you for the prayers, running to bring us supplies and food during this time when we also had Covid. As a family, we have decided to wait and hold a Memorial Service for Wayne when the numbers of active Covid cases go down drastically in our county and state. We do not wish for anyone else to be put at risk. Thank you all.

Cloie Wayne Lowrance was gently escorted from this broken body and life on earth to be birthed into Heaven on January 13, 2021. As everyone called him, Wayne was born on April 28, 1951, at his family's home place in Elba, AR. Attending his birth was Lucille Sitton, who arrived in Heaven just days before he did. She always loved to remind him when he visited with her at Ozark Nursing and Rehab that she was the first person to spank his bottom. He was the last of the ten children born to his late parents, Thomas and Bessie Lowrance, and was loved and brought up in the admonition of the Lord, at home and his family's home church, Plant Baptist Church. Wayne attended Clinton Public Schools and graduated in 1970. He went to the VoTech in Morrilton Ar. He studied Heat and Air Conditioning until he badly injured his back. Wayne met the sister, Judy, of what was to be the first great love of his life, Betty Faye Blackwood. Judy introduced them, and sparks flew. Wayne says that it was love at first sight. They married, and several years later, Clayton Wayne Lowrance added joy to their family, and several years after that, their family was completed with David Paul Lowrance. This family was not wealthy by the world standards by so rich in love. They built their home on Hwy. 110 themselves with the help of family and friends. Wayne was so happy to be gardening, mowing, watching birds, and hunting at his home and family land, and he enjoyed singing at the many Gospel Singings in the three surrounding counties and was extremely gifted in this. Wayne worked many hard jobs in his life, and it took its toll on his joints, but he never allowed it to stop him from his career or his joy. Uncle Cloie, who Cloie Wayne was named for, was the first Fire Chief in Harrison, AR. Wayne's father was the first to donate to build the 110 Volunteer Fire Department. The family's love for their neighbors well being was exhibited in risking their lives to save others' lives and property, Wayne has actively served for over 35 years as a Firefighter, and it was still a great love of his. He was no longer able to carry hoses or fight fires at night due to poor vision, John Nicholson John William (J.W.) Nichwhich caused him to not answer calls in the past three olson, age 94, of Conway,

The staff of The Voice of Van Buren County extends sincere condolences to all who have lost loved ones. If you wish to express your appreciation to friends, neighbors, family, church and community members with a Thank You on the obit page, call (501) 745-8040 or email

Arkansas, passed away on January 9, 2021. He was born on November 4, 1926, in Bee Branch, Arkansas. J.W. was a veteran who proudly served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and was part of Japan's invasion force when the United States dropped the atomic bomb. He was a retired supervisor at the United States Postal Service and founder and former Conway Presort Mail Service owner. He was the spiritual leader of the family and a faithful member of Prince Street Church of Christ. J.W. could often be found on the golf course, where he achieved seven holes-in-one. He was known for fishing golf balls out of ponds and letting his grandchildren drive the golf cart. J.W enjoyed cheering for the Razorbacks and the UCA Bears and maintained one of the prettiest yards in Conway. However, J.W. 's favorite pastime was bragging on his three children, seven grandchildren, twenty great-grandchildren, and six great-great-grandchildren. He made a point to make everyone feel special, yet he wasn't about to let you win at Clue, dominoes, or Wahoo. J.W. was loving, kind, and funny and was simply the best husband, father, and Papaw for which anyone could ever ask. He was preceded in death by his parents, Lawrence A. and Ora Mae Nicholson and step-mother, Cassie Nicholson; brother, Junior, and sister, Ruthel Linn. Survivors include his beloved wife, Bobbie Sue; their children, Danny Nicholson, Donna Henry and her husband Alan, and Lou Ann Hunter and her husband Jerry; brothers, Jimmy and Gene; and half-brothers, Roger and Terry. He is also survived by his grandchildren, Chris Nicholson, Keith Nicholson, Jennifer Henry Page, Jason D. Henry, Nathan Henry, Brooks Hunter, and Chase Hunter. A viewing was from 4:00 pm 8:00 pm, Tuesday, January 12, 2021, at Roller-McNutt Funeral Home in Conway. On Wednesday, January 13, 2021, a graveside service was held at 11:00 am at Crestlawn Memorial Park, Conway, Arkansas. His grandsons will serve as pallbearers. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Faulkner County Council on Aging, which provides Meals on Wheels.

Johnnie C Mayall

Johnnie C. “J.C.” Mayall, of Stuttgart, went to his eternal home on January 1, 2021. He was 85 years young.

His daughters and grandchildren called him Daddy and PawPaw. He was born April 24, 1935, on Lost Corner Road (between Center Ridge and Cleveland, Arkansas). He was the only child born to William Oscar Mayall and Zula Andrews Mayall Tomlinson. His family moved to Clinton, Arkansas, when he was in the third grade. In Jr. High school, although he weighed 98 pounds, he played football and basketball. Traveling to the ballgames was the first time he had been out of Van Buren or Conway counties. During high school, he was manager of the football and basketball teams. In 1953, his senior year, the Clinton High School basketball team won the Arkansas State Championship by defeating teams from across the state before classifications were established. The day after high school graduation, he rode a bus to Kansas City, where he worked at Trans World Airlines. After working a year and a half at TWA, he moved to Mapleton, Oregon, to work in the logging business, installing explosives to correct logging problems. Wanting to learn employable skills, he then enlisted in the Air Force. After basic training, he married his high school sweetheart, Vina Treat, and they started their new life together in Cheyenne, Wyoming, where he attended communications training. His Air Force service included communication duties at the Pentagon and as a cryptographic operator in Tainan, Taiwan (Formosa). It was during his four years of military service two daughters, Terry and Connie were born. Due to his military security clearance, he obtained a job with The Martin Company, which later became Martin Marietta, working within the missile silos across Arkansas. In 1964, at the age of 28, he attended Arkansas Teachers College (UCA) and graduated in three years with a Business Administration degree. He began working at Riceland Foods and moved his family from North Little Rock to Stuttgart. After working at Riceland for over 25 years, he chose to retire at the age of 57. He was active in the Stuttgart Jaycees and received a lifetime membership in 1984. In 1969, he started a girls’ softball team, which sparked interest in the game and began forming the girl’s, men’s, women’s, church, and co-ed softball leagues over the years. He was coach, umpire, league director, field maintenance, and tournament director for over twenty-five years for the Stuttgart Softball League. He played, coached, and refereed in the men’s basketball league, and he enjoyed over twenty years of refereeing youth sports. In 2014, the Stuttgart Parks’ Commission honored his service to the softball program by naming field two the “J.C. Mayall Field” and was also nominated for the Arkansas Softball Hall of Fame. J.C. had a large person-

January 19, 2021 ality and enjoyed the camaraderie of his friends. He would say or do nearly anything to make others laugh and see their reactions, which brought out the best J.C., Daddy, and PawPaw stories. Although he outlived most of his closest friends, he took great pleasure in telling stories of the great times they had together. He and his wife, Vi, loved to dance and could be seen dancing the jitterbug at the monthly dances held by the Victory Dance Club. In October of 2019, he purchased a turquoise 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air, and while driving it, he felt youthful and carefree. It caught the eye of everyone he passed, and he took great pleasure in the comments and admiration of his Chevy. His greatest love, pride, and joy was his family. He deeply loved his two daughters, and he had a profound devotion to his three grandchildren but spending time with his four great-grandchildren was his purpose for living. He recently accepted Jesus Christ into his life as his savior and professed a desire to spend eternity with in heaven. His only regret was that he did not accept Christ earlier in his life. In addition to his parents, his wife of 60 years, Vina Treat Mayall, preceded him in death in 2017. He is survived by daughters Terry Simpson (David) and Connie Hudson (Gary) of Stuttgart; grandchildren, Cara Coleman (Brad) of Mt. Home, Drew Jacobs (Lauren) of Stuttgart, and Patrick Hudson of Fayetteville; great-grandchildren, Whitten Coleman, Ford Coleman, Mason Jacobs, and “his namesake” Jacie Jacobs; an extra special cousin, who was more like a sister, Billie Jean Meeler of Morrilton; and a long-time friend, who was more like a brother, Wayne and his wife Claudia Hammil of Henning, Tennessee. The family wishes to thank Dr. Carla Anderson, Dr. Chris Morgan, Baptist Home Health, and Baptist Hospice for their care and compassion for our dad. A private memorial service will be held at the J.C. Mayall softball field at the Reinsch Complex in Stuttgart. A graveside service was held on Sunday, January 10, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. at the Clinton Cemetery.

Lonnie Allen

Lonnie Edward Allen, 71, of Conway, went to be with the Lord, January 12, 2021. See Obituaries on page 5

The Voice of Van Buren County

January 19, 2021

ing at the Ozark Health CenSee Obituaries ter, where she was awardon page 5 ed the 500-hour volunteer pin. She received many acHe was born June 23, 1949, colades for planting the seain Marshall, Arkansas, to the sonal chemotherapy garden late William and Geneva Al- and her green thumb, growlen. Lonnie served in the ing beautiful hanging plants U.S. Army for six years and throughout the facility. Marthe National Guard for twelve ion received many star emand retired after 34 years ployee recognitions for her from Rock Tenn in Con- superior work ethic. She way, Arkansas. Lonnie was never passed up an opportua loving husband, father, and nity to extend a helping hand grandfather. He liked to golf or surprising people with litand loved to play the drums. tle gifts to spread happiness. Lonnie is survived by his Visitation was from wife of 50 years, Juana Allen, 3:00 pm-6:00 pm on Friday, sons, James and Chris Allen, January 15, 2021, at Rolldaughter, Maria Allen Shirey, er McNutt Funeral Home in grandchildren, Greg Shirey, Clinton. At noon on Saturday, Sara Allen, Jason Allen, Amy January 16, 2021, Graveside Allen, and Robert Allen, and services were at Levisy Flat a host of family and friends. Cemetery in Mountain View. Lonnie was a Clinton To express online condoHigh School Alum from the lences, please visit www.rollClass of 1967. He attended his 50th reunion with classmates in 2017, and stated “totally awesome is the only thing I can use to describe it.” Visitation was on Friday, January 15, 2021, from 4:00 PM -8:00 PM with family present from 6:00-8:00 PM at Roller McNutt Funeral Home in Conway. A Graveside Service was held at 11:00 AM Saturday, January 16, 2021, at Crestlawn Memorial Park.

Sharon Wieser

Marion Ann Smith

Marion Ann Smith peacefully went to be with the Lord at home, surrounded by family, on January 11, 2021. Her two sons survive her; Bobby Smith and David Smith, her daughter, Sherri Smith Carter, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Of fourteen siblings, she is survived by her identical twin sister, Olive Kulhanek, Beatrice Womack (sister), Sharlene Barrow (sister), Claire Munn (brother), and a host of family and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bobby Joe Smith, Sr. Marion was a devout Christian and a member of the Choctaw Church of Christ. She loved her fur babies, Sweet Pea and Kitty Kat, and playing bingo. Her most outstanding attribute was being the most loving mother, dedicated to her children and family. We remember Marion for her witty sense of humor, thoughtfulness, and generous heart. Of her many talents, she enjoyed sewing, cake decorating, crafting, gardening, and most of all, making people laugh. Marion spent her time volunteer-

Sharon Elizabeth Wieser was born on April 1, 1954, to William and Donna Ferguson in Little Rock, Arkansas. She died peacefully in her home on Saturday, January 9, 2021, after a three-year battle with brain cancer, her husband holding her hand, and her youngest daughter singing in her ear. Given her initial prognosis and competitive spirit, she would most certainly have declared herself the victor in her fight with cancer, and rightfully so. Sharon was raised in Clinton, Arkansas. Dubbed “Little Miss Sunshine” at an early age, she had an infectious smile that lit up every room she entered. After high school, Sharon attended Ouachita Baptist University. She graduated Magna Cum Laude and was a charter member of the Ouachita Student Foundation. At Ouachita, Sharon—or more precisely, her legs—caught the attention of a young football player named Kevin. The two fell in love, were married, and enjoyed 44 beautiful years together. Sharon was a devoted wife and mother. As a minister’s wife, she provided Kevin the support needed to navigate church work triumphs and trials. As a mother, she loved her children unconditionally while instilling in them the values that were so evident in her life: kindness, integrity, persistence, hard work, and many more. Sharon was a middle school math teacher. Through her ever-encouraging and gentle instruction, she gave her students the confidence to achieve more than they dreamed and

a life-long love of learning, if not math. She was adored by students and colleagues alike and had the singular distinction of being named teacher of the year in two different Arkansas school districts. Sharon hit her stride when she became Nanny to what would eventually total eight grandchildren. Nanny poured herself into her grandchildren, uniquely loving each in a way that made them believe they were her favorite. She was always present in the big moments, rarely missing birthdays, ball games, recitals, or trips. But it was in the small moments that her love shone through. She will be deeply and painfully missed at all of the big and small moments to come. Sharon was a believer, a child of God, and a committed member of Geyer Springs First Baptist Church. She loved to sing in the choir, play the piano, vacation on a Florida beach, sunbathe on the back deck, cultivate enduring friendships, play and watch basketball, and cheer on the Razorbacks. While her family and friends will miss Sharon, she is now healed, free of cancer, and dwells in the presence of God in His Eternal Kingdom. Bishop Charles Brent wrote, “Life is eternal; love is immortal; Death is only a horizon; a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.” Sharon is now on the other side of the horizon just beyond our sight, and she joyfully worships God in the Father’s presence alongside those who have gone before her. The family wishes to thank the doctors and nurses at MD Anderson, Baptist Hospital, UAMS, Charlotte’s Home Health, and Arkansas Hospice for their excellent care of Sharon. Her loving husband, Kevin Wieser, survive Sharon; son, Jay Wieser (Beth) of Fort Worth, Texas and their children Allie Beth, Luke, and Emery; daughter, Jamie Cook (Kyle) of Bentonville, Arkansas and their children Sloan and Collins; daughter, Jill Franklin (Derek) of Arkadelphia, Arkansas and their children Eli, Ezra, and Ruby; mother, Donna Ferguson of Clinton, Arkansas; brother, Steve Ferguson (Diana) of Mount Pleasant, Texas and their children Will Ferguson and Heather Hines Teel; and mother-in-law, Joan Wieser of Bryant, Arkansas. Sharon was predeceased by her Father, William Ferguson, and father-in-law, Deryl Wieser. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial contributions be made to the music ministry at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church. Donations can be made at In the memo box, please specify in memory of Sharon Wieser. Visitation was at 1:00 pm, and a memorial service followed at 2 pm, celebrating Sharon’s life on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, at

Geyer Springs First Baptist Church, 12400 I-30, Little Rock, Arkansas 72210. Pallbearers were Kelly Wieser, Steve Ferguson, Kyle Cook, Derek Franklin, Will Ferguson, and Jay Wieser. Honorary Pallbearers included David Ball, Kenny Raspberry, Danny Smith, and Jon Skelley, with Brother Dave Hughey officiating.

Wencie Treece Carroll

Wencie Carroll, 66, of Heber Springs, Arkansas, was born on June 27, 1954, to the late Buell and Glenna (Teague) Treece in Clinton, Arkansas went to her heavenly home, January 14, 2021, in Heber Springs, Arkansas. She is preceded in death by her parents, husband, Melvin Carroll, brothers; J.W. ''Dub'' Treece and wife Charlene, Billy ''Tige'' Treece, infant siblings; Veldon Leon Treece, Patricia Ann Treece, and brother-inlaw, Don Love. Wencie was of the Baptist faith. Her family was everything to her, especially her nieces and nephews that she helped raise, watch, and bossed around. She had a love for music, flowers, and eating out. Wencie loved to gather around the piano at her relative's homes and sing gospel songs. She grew up in the '70s. Wencie and her friends were "hippies"; she spent weekends at her sister's house sharing scary stories, dancing, and listening to music with friends and family. She especially loved to listen to the tunes of Elvis, pop, and gospel. Wencie loved writing letters and mailing them to thank people in her life for the little things; a gift, a dinner, maybe a trip, or to say "Hi and I love you." She will be missed by all who knew her. Left to cherish her memory are her siblings; Virginia (Charles) Higgins, Wendell (Diane) Treece, Monna Love, Lonnie ''Buck'' (Frankie) Treece, Lou (Dusty) Dewberry, Linda Treece, sisterin-law, Charlene Treece, and a host of nieces, nephews, friends, and family. Private family funeral services were at Shady Grove Baptist Church at 10:00 am, Monday, January 18, 2021. Interment followed at Shady Grove Cemetery, and her family welcomed the public to attend. To express online condolences, please visit

Page 5

The Voice of Van Buren County

Page 6

The Sisterhood of Teenage Girls in the Pee Dee Community by Alma Wallace

My family moved to Clinton from Oregon in 1950 when I was five years old. For the next 70 years, I have lived in ten different houses within a five-mile radius of where I live now. Memories of my youth are suffused with a golden glow in my thoughts. It was a happy, carefree time that can no longer exist with modern technology. Other than school, the Pee Dee Baptist Church activities were the center of my family's life. Church services were twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday night. There were Bible schools, summer revivals, potlucks, fish fries, cookouts, decoration days, hayrides, weddings, and baby showers. A playground at the creek had picnic tables, a volleyball court, and swings. Bill Patterson built a flying jenny. The church was the center of most activities for the local youth. Life was simple and safe. Highway 16 had little traffic, and I walked countless miles back and forth on the road to visit friends. If our group could find somebody to drop us off at the movie theater in Clinton on a Sunday afternoon, we would walk home together when the matinee was over. As I drive along the highway, I can recall every girl from our circle of friends as I pass their houses. To begin, I'll start with Sharon and Kathleen Weaver, and Rita Brown. Their families drove from Clinton to church and were a central part of the sisterhood and community. The first house on the road was May, Reba, and Mary Bonds. Next was the old log house where Kay and Pat Patterson lived. Their home was a fun place for girls and boys of all ages. Their dad, Bill, built a playground in the woods below their house where they had parties and cookouts. They had frequent bunking parties in the attic bedroom. It was always full of giggling girls who didn't get much sleep. Across the road was Suzanne Middleton. Her sweet, gentle mother, Ada, made everyone feel welcome. Down the road from Suzanne was the Huggins house with Lola, Doris, Brenda, Ruth,

January 19, 2021

Another Angel born above Marion Ann Smith

by David Smith

Pee Dee Baptist Church in 1954 Photo courtesy of Cynthia Blair

and Joy Nell. The girls and their friends always made for a lively crowd with plenty of laughter. Donna and Linda Bonds lived on top of the hill. Donna was an accomplished pianist at a young age and played for the church choir. Ches Baker's grocery was the place to stop for a Milky Way and Dr. Pepper. Gas cost twenty-five cents a gallon. With fifty cents worth of gas, we were good to drive for several miles if any of us were lucky enough to have a vehicle. To the left of the store was a long driveway that led to the Linn house with Betty, Linda, Rita, and Donna. Their mother, Audrey, was the jolliest person I had ever been around. She was always laughing. Gladys Baker lived next door, and Romona Cates lived below her. Ramona lived with her grandmother Pearl. Granny Pearl made the best yeast rice rolls in the world. I can still remember how they tasted. Charlene Linn lived on the left, and Kay and Gay Baker lived on the right. Mickey and Janet Williams and Connie, Carolyn, and Cathy Elliott lived on Holley Mountain Road. They drove to the church events. Past the church were Monna, Louella, Linda, and Wencie. The Pee Dee Drivein was our favorite teenage hangout. We would walk there on a Sunday

afternoon and hope to catch a ride home. If we weren't lucky, we walked back. Like most girls, I spent time as a carhop at the drive-in. I made fifteen cents an hour, and tips had to go in the tip jar on the counter. Sharon's dad had a big Chevy Impala that could hold a lot of girls. We drove it to the Blue Bonnet Drive-In in Clinton to see if anything exciting was happening there. The Blue Bonnet was the up-town hangout with kids coming from Bee Branch and South Side. The Pee Dee drive-in was the country hangout. Kids came from Shirley to play the jukebox and pinball machines and socialize with friends. Dortha McKinney and June Barnett lived past the drive-in. Joyce Kirkendoll was the last girl on Highway 16 who attended the church. All together, they made up a big crowd of friends. We had fun and enjoyed life. I wouldn't trade that experience for anything. I have never wished to live anywhere else, and I consider myself very blessed to have grown up in my generation. At the time, it seemed like it would go on forever, but of course, we all grew up, married, and started having our own families. Some friendships endured through the years, but the sisterhood gradually became part of our past and memories.

Estate Yard Sale - Lorene Sigler Saturday January 23rd. Starts at 8:00 am and continues until all items are sold or 4:00 pm. Location 1461 Hwy 95 East Clinton, AR 72031 Some items include Fishing equipment, boat, assorted tools, household items and furniture. - Mask Are Required

Through the living room window in January 2021, I was looking at the rising of the early morning sun. We joined together to give mom the best care. Sherri was in charge and handed out responsibilities for us to share. Bobby and Kimberly fixed the bedroom and placed the bed in the middle. We were getting ready because mom was coming home from the hospital. It’s been several years since we were all gathered together. We laughed and shed joyful tears during the cold winter weather. It’s nice to see our aunt, Dirty Girl. They are twins and my mom’s whole world. Mom always talked and laughed about her. How they would act, play, and often say the same words. They weren’t born in the spring or during the month of May. They arrived on February 2nd on Groundhog’s Day. Our mom was a loving soul. Her giving, kindness, and generosity would always show. Mom’s heart grew weak. Sometimes it would maybe skip a beat. We all joined hands and prayed in the room where mommy laid. We cried with loving tears. Then came the moment we all feared. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. My heart was racing, and my knees grew weak. I tried to hold it together for my mother. She really loved me, my sister, and my brother. We all gathered around the bed to hear the last words mom

said. We held her hand and softly placed the other on her chest as she took her last little breath. Mom had a heart of gold, and her gentle kindness, I always loved to hold. She liked to watch the red birds during the months of winter. Once, a cardinal flew into the kitchen window during Christmas dinner. Mom had a large family and placed a picture on the wall. I’m not sure, but I think she was the most loved of all. My mom was a beautiful woman. She looked good in high heels or in the kitchen cooking delicious meals. My mother was a very talented lady. I remember her sewing dresses and shirts all through the 70’s and 80’s She would work long, hard hours while making cakes and candy that was sweet and sour. She also made pastries. I remember they were so tasty. She loved her animals, Sweet Pea and Kitty Kat. To hear her talk and laugh about them, I really liked that. Mom, you may be gone from me, but you left behind a lifetime of loving memories. You’re my mom and I’m so proud I know you’re in Heaven riding a big white cloud. Today our family’s light drew dim. In a moments time, you woke up with Jesus, free from sin. I pray for the day I can see and give you a big hug again. One day soon, we will all gather back together. Then we will have more to talk about

than just the weather. I like to talk about the stars in your eyes and how you make the blue shine in the sky. You held us together through the years. Today, for you, we will cry many tears. We love you so much. We think you know. Your smile and kindness always took the show. On your journey, there will be no pain. You will live for eternity with the new life you have gained. Lord, today we had to give her back to you. The day would soon come, we all knew. Thank you for the years we had. The years went by so fast. I can’t help but to cry they didn’t last. Today, I’m sad to think over the happy years we had. Today, mom rolled a perfect triple seven while she walked through the golden gates of Heaven. Another angel born above. She will be missed down here with lots of kindness and love. It’s time to let her go. Mom, I wouldn’t want to hold you back you know. Now you can say hi to your mom and dad. Time to be happy and no more sad. I’ll let you go with a kiss and a smile. Then I’ll ask you to wait for me. It should only take a little while. You are my mom and no other. I share you with my sister and my brother. For that, you proudly wear the title of our precious mother. Marion Ann Smith Who we will greatly miss. P.S. We will always love you mom. David, Bobby and Sherri

(501) 745-8040

Where to find the Voice Austin

of Van Buren County

• The Austin Store (Inside sales)

Bee Branch

• Snappy's (Outside Rack sales)


• Alon Gas Station (outside rack sales) • PEH Supply (inside sales)

Clinton • • • • • • • • • • •

Assessor's Office: (inside sales) Goode's CashSaver (outside rack sales) Doublebee's Exxon (outside rack sales) Flash Market-Citgo (inside sales) Huddle House: (outside rack sales L'Attitude Bistro: (inside sales) McDonald's (outside rack sales) Ozark Health Medical Center (outside rack sales) Petit Jean Electric (outside rack sales) The Voice of Van Buren County (inside sales, outside rack sales) Western Sizzlin (inside sales)


• Goode's CashSaver (outside rack sales)

Fairfield Bay

• Craven's - Dollar General Shopping Mall (outside rack sales) • Jack's (inside sales)


• Misty's Conoco & Convenience (outside rack sales) • Smith's Citgo (inside sales)


• Lowder General Store (inside sales)


• First Service Bank (outside rack sales) • Reaves Food Store, Hwy 330 S (outside rack sales)

The Voice of Van Buren County

Fun & Games

Music Trivia Who Sang It?

Puzzle solutions on page 2

Sudoku Sudoku: The objective is to fill a 9x9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 boxes (also called blocks

or regions) contains the digits from 1 to 9. A cell is the smallest block in the game. A row, column and region consists of 9 cells and the whole game consists of 81 cells.

Where in the county is this?

She dreamed of Somewhere over the Rainbow in 1939 He saw Ghost riders in the Sky in 1949 We fired our guns, and the British kept a - coming in 1959 Oh Sugar, you were his Candy Girl in 1969 We don’t need no education in 1979 We learned Every Rose has it’s Thorn in 1989 She asked if you Believe in life after love in 1999


Johnny Horton Vaughn Monroe Judy Garland

1 Expressing dislike word 2 Remove 3 Major world religion 4 Berate 5 South by west makes 6 Truck driver 7 Map collection 8 Process of voting 9 Attorney (abbr.) 10 Vision 11 Possessive pronoun 12 Grain 13 Disks 21 Martin Luther King, Jr. 23 American sign language 26 Relief 28 Customary 29 Feel 30 Dislikes 31 Religious division 33 Central Time 35 End of Greek alphabet 36 Bundles of hay 37 Speak in public 39 New York City 41 What Celestial Seasonings 43 That woman 45 Builders 49 Still 53 Vane direction 56 Drink 54 Leave office 58 Storage area 60 Having to do with the navy 61 Repent 62 Rear ends 63 Anxiety 65 Conceal 67 Drug doer 68 Policeman 69 Street abbr. 70 Not pro 72 Wretchedness

The Archies


Solve the Word Find or Where In the County Is This? for your chance to win a one-year subscription to The Voice. Puzzle entries may not be a photocopy; originals from newspaper only. A drawing from correct entries will be held each month and the winning name will receive a one-year subscription to The Voice. There will be one winner each month. To enter, mail your puzzles to The Voice/P.O. Box 1396/Clinton AR 72031 or drop them by our downtown office, 328 Main St., Clinton. You can also call 745-8040 to tell us where the week's picture was taken. Deadline to enter is February 1, 2021 at 2 p.m. The drawing will be at 4 p.m.

Pink Floyd

1 Successor 5 Prod 9 Special case only (2 wds.) 14 _ Major (Big Dipper) 15 Second letter of the greek alphabet 16 Trio 17 African nation 18 Fence 19 Trials 20 Sacred poem 22 Malay Peninsula 24 Border 25 Ropes 27 Hasty pudding 31 Short drama 32 Tender loving care 34 Body of water 35 Double-reed instrument 38 Lair 40 Daring feat 42 Walk with steady regular steps 44 Grain 46 Harass 47 Excite 48 Shout 50 Brews 51 Understand 52 Pastor (abbr.) 55 Snaky fish 57 Atsea 59 Sacred places 61 Expression of surprise 64 Felix (2 wds.) 66 Insert (2 wds.) 68 Desert plants 71 Declare openly 73 Vocal music 74 Egg-shaped 75 Tropical edible root 76 Ceases 77 Plural for pennies 78 Otherwise 79 Repose



Weekly Crossword


Page 7


January 19, 2021

Where in Van Buren County can you see this? Tell us for a chance to win a one-year subscription to The Voice. Rules on this page. Last week’s “Where in the County...” was Main Street Florist & Gifts, 374 Main Street, Clinton.

The Voice of Van Buren County

Page 8

January 19, 2021


Photo by EuGene Smith

Thanks to those of you who called and correctly identified last week's featured church as Maranatha Assembly of God Church. If you can identify this week's Church call 745-8040. (Remember to give me a contact for the history of your Church. We want to print the history of every Church in Van Buren County. With your help, we will!) Antioch General Baptist Church 1608 Highway 9, Fox (870)363-4509 Archey Valley Community Church Highway 254, Chimes Bee Branch Baptist 11509 Hwy 65 South, Bee Branch 654-2630 Bethel Community Church 17904 Highway 95 W, Cleveland Botkinburg Baptist Church 9297 Highway 65 N, Botkinburg 757-2069 Botkinburg Community Foursquare Church 7054 Highway 65 N, Botkinburg 745-2311 Burnt Ridge Community Church 5846 Burnt Ridge Road, Clinton 745-6737 Calvary Missionary Baptist Church ABA 144 Nickie Ave., Clinton 745-3245 Choctaw Baptist Church 208 Highway 330 E, Clinton 745-7370 Choctaw Christian Center 4157 Highway 65 S, Choctaw 745-8264 Choctaw Church of Christ 233 Highway 330 E, Choctaw 745-8264 Christian Fellowship Church 674 Highway 658, Clinton Church of Christ 20452 Highway 16 W, Alread 745-5498 Church of the Nazarene 1664 Highway 65 S, Clinton Clinton Church of Christ 184 Third Street, Clinton 745-4252 Clinton Seventh-day Adventist Church 125 Skyhill Drive, Clinton 745-4532 Clinton United Methodist Church 636 Joe Bowling Road, Clinton 745-5181 Colony Church of Christ Hwy 92 E, Bee Branch Corinth Baptist Church 5158 Holley Mountain Road, Clinton Cornerstone Evangelical Church 3351 Highway 330 S, Fairfield Bay 884-6657 Crabtree Foursquare Church 11301 Highway 16 W, Crabtree 745-2894 Culpepper Community Church 6055 Highway 336 W, Culpepper Culpepper Mountain Church of Christ 118 South Essie Road, Culpepper Damascus United Methodist Church 17194 Highway 65 S, Damascus Eagle Heights Baptist Church Independent Fundamental VBC Fairgrounds, Clinton 757-0013

Eglantine Church of Christ 3796 Highway 330 S, Shirley 884-6880 Fairbanks Community Church 4753 Arkansas 356 E, Bee Branch Fairfield Bay Baptist Church 481 Dave Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay 884-3371 Fairfield Bay United Methodist Church 765 Dave Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay 884-3373 Faith Christian 10839 Edgemont Road, Edgemont 723-8109 Faith Church Highway 65 N & Harper Mountain Lane, Dennard, AR 72629 Faith Lutheran Church 310 Snead Drive, Fairfield Bay 884-3375 First Assembly of God Church 2466 Highway 65 N, Clinton 745-2285 First Baptist Church of Clinton 211 First Baptist Road, Clinton 745-6113 First Baptist Church of Damascus 43 Oak Tree Road, Damascus 335-7440 First Baptist Church of Sugarloaf 557 Arkansas 337, Higden 654-2354 First General Baptist Church 664 Highway 16 E, Clinton 745-4043 First Pentecostal Church of Clinton Highway 65 S at 1128 Lyn Road, Choctaw Formosa Baptist Church 630 Highway 9 W, Clinton 745-7709 Formosa Church of Christ 6603 Highway 9 West Clinton AR. 745-4446 Friendship Baptist Church 1321 Third St., Clinton 745-7177 Full Gospel Tabernacle 128 Catland Lane, Shirley 723-4500 Grace Church 3793 Highway 65 S, Clinton 472-7462 Half Moon Baptist Church 1031 Half Moon Road, Clinton 745-2273 Harmony Mountain Church of Christ Quattlebaum and Harmony Mtn Roads 745-2059 Hope Community Church 905 Damascus Road, Quitman Immanuel Baptist Church 498 Highway 16 E, Clinton 745-8528 Kaley Hill Missionary Baptist 6505 Highway 356, Bee Branch Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 3624 Highway 65 S, Clinton 745-8781

Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church 250 Dave Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay 884-3304 Landmark Missionary Baptist Church ABA 229 Third St., Clinton Lexington Baptist Church 9525 Highway 110, Clinton 723-4787 Liberty Missionary Baptist Church 2712 Highway 254 W, Chimes Community Low Gap Community Chapel 4320 Low Gap Road, Alread Lute Mountain Community Church Lute Mountain Road, off Highway 16, Shirley 723-8299 Main Line Full Gospel 114 Mariposa Loop, Bee Branch 253-1005 Maranatha Assembly of God 11929 Highway 16 E, Shirley 723-8181 Mount Zion Church of Christ 1202 Highway 16 W, Clinton 745-2572 Mount Zion General Baptist 2333 Mount Zion Road, Bee Branch 362-3807 New Beginning Church 12200 Highway 254 E, Dennard New Hope Baptist Church 4198 Highway 65 N, Clinton 757-2332 New Liberty Church of Christ 4815 Highway 95, Cleveland 669-2575 New Life Apostolic Church of Clinton 198 Richard Road, Clinton 745-6411 Peace Lutheran Church of Edgemont 10849 Edgemont Road, Edgemont 723-4726 Pee Dee Baptist Church 2744 Highway 16 E, Clinton 745-4115 Pine Grove General Baptist Church 102 Silvertree Road, Shirley Pine Mountain General Baptist Church Gravesville Cutoff Road, South of Bee Branch Plant Baptist Church 4897 Highway 110, Clinton 745-6887 Pleasant Grove Friendship Church 22210 Highway 16 W, Alread 745-8450 Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 5092 Banner Mtn Road, Shirley 723-4737 Pleasant Valley General Baptist No. 1 5153 Highway 92 W, Bee Branch Point Remove Baptist Church 10954 Highway 336 W, Formosa

Rabbit Ridge Church of Christ 215 Rabbit Ridge Road, Bee Branch 745-4634 Red River of Life Church of God 10839 Edgemont Road, Edgemont 723-8109 Rupert Baptist Church 21434 Highway 16 W, Clinton 745-8593 Salem Primitive Baptist Church Gravesville Cutoff Road, Bee Branch Sand Springs Missionary Baptist Church Highway 124 E, Damascus 335-8003 Sardis Freewill Baptist 4141 Highway 124, Gravesville 335-8027 Scotland Baptist Church 278 Postal Lane, Scotland 592-3787 Scotland Church of Christ 297 Scotland-Formosa Road, Scotland Scotland Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church 1476 Scotland-Formosa Road, Scotland 592-3311 Settlement Baptist Church 10277 Highway 16 E, Shirley 501-215-1595 Shady Grove Baptist Church 5448 Shady Grove Road, Shirley 723-4273 Shady Grove Chapel 4790 Highway 254 E, Dennard Shirley Church of Christ 10509 Highway 16 E, Shirley 723-8101 Shirley Community Church/First United Methodist 784 Matthew Clark Memorial Drive, Shirley 723-4387 South Side Baptist Highway 65 N, Damascus 335-7423 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 250 Woodlawn Drive, Fairfield Bay 884-3349 St. Jude Catholic Church 3178 Hwy 65 S, Clinton 745-5716 Tabernacle of Praise 159 Boston Fern Road, Shirley 723-8280 The Gathering Ministry Outreach 80746 Highway 16 W, Rupert 745-3883 The Zoo Church 12174 Highway 65 N, Dennard 514-8535 The Power House (non-denominational) 159 Mt. Zion Road, Bee Branch, AR 253-2385 Trace Ridge Bible Church Highway 254 W at Morris Road, Chimes Walnut Grove Church 6940 Highway 95 W, Clinton 745-3445 Zion Hill Missionary Baptist ABA 29129 Highway 16 W, Jerusalem 745-4467

Last Week's Featured Church

Maranatha Assembly of God 11929 Hwy 16E, Shirley (501)723-8181

Pawn • Shooting Sports

VAN BUREN COUNTY PROUD 794 Highway 65B Clinton, Arkansas

Tournament Fishing Tackle

(501) 745-2581

OPEN TIL 6:00pm MON-SAT (501) 745-6991

1863 Hwy 65 South, Clinton, AR 72031

195 Highway 16 E, Clinton, AR 72031 GaryPackLumber

Deb's Fashions


OPEN M-F 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. SAT 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


314 Ingram St behind EXXON off Hwy 65 in Clinton

The Voice of Van Buren County

January 19, 2021

Page 9

Classifieds • Legal RESEARCH Reflect A Moment He said, " I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."



Estate Sales 364 Main Street Clinton, Arkansas ************** Nice Table & chairs $48.00/set Formal Table & chairs $350/set Children's clothes 4 pieces/$1.00


FOR SALE OR LEASE 20x40 Office with 8x40 Covered Porch and 3 Green Houses on 1 acre on Highway 65 South, Clinton, AR

Call 501-940-5448

For Rent

Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of that conflict.

Go to

and click on the bid now tab

Shawn Looper 479-996-4848 AR Lic. #36 Zack Looper 479-322-8149 AR Lic. #2759

All Announcements Day of Sale Supersede This Ad

is looking to hire a full time small engine mechanic. Applicants must have their own tools. Reliability, cleanliness and the ability to meet deadlines are necessary for this position. ************ Applications may be picked up at 160 Park Street, Clinton AR 72031

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Clinton, Arkansas:

Online Real Estate AUCTION

Note: Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase a nice lot!

FL Davis Cash Lumber

WHEREAS, the Policy and Procedures Manual for the Clinton Police Department needs to be amended to reflect the update to the model policy.

Section 2. That a copy of said Policies and Procedures Manual shall be on file with the City Clerk of the City of Clinton.

Lot 151 Lakewood Addition, Fairfield Bay, AR


WHEREAS, the Arkansas Association of Chiefs of Police updated its model policy regarding response to resistance in 2020; and

Section 1. Title 14 of the Policies and Procedures Manual as set out in a final draft dated May 4, 2018 by the Chief of Police of the Clinton, Arkansas Police Department is hereby amended as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein word for word.


for crocheted items, knickknacks, dishes and jewelry.



Selling Lot 151, Block 11, Lakewood Addition to F airfield Bay, Van Buren County, Arkansas. Parcel #4400-111510000. 1 0% Buyer’s Premium. Please see our web site for additional terms.

For Rent 2 BR, 1Bath Apt near School and DownTown ***************** Trash removal and Water Furnished Call: 745-8644 or 253-0664

DUPLEXES FOR RENT Nice 1000 sqft 2-bedroom Duplexes with appliances. No Pets. No Smoking. $600-$650/month plus deposit. Call: 501-745-5858 or 501-412-7682

FOR RENT Apartments and mobile homes in Bee Branch area. $450-$650/month. Deposit required. Call for availability (501) 581-8640

For Sale

Small 2BR, 1BA in Leslie. Corner of 5th and Elm close to school close to Buffalo River ********** Big yard Good for single or couple ********** $24,000 negotiable call (501) 757-1617




More goodies Come and See

Shop Booth 94 at Howard's Antiques



Section 4. EMERGENCY CLAUSE. It is hereby declared that an emergency exists as the city police department must implement updated practices for the safety of officers and the general public. This Ordinance is necessary to preserve the peace, health and welfare of the citizens of the City of Clinton, Arkansas, and therefore shall be enforced from and after the date of its passage. PASSED: January 14, 2021 APPROVED: /s/ Richard W. McCormac Richard W. McCormac Mayor

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS FIRST DIVISION NO. 71CV-20-115 FAIRFIELD BAY COMMUNITY CLUB, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. ESTATE OF LULA MAE LEVELS, and any UNKNOWN HEIRS OR SPOUSE OF LULA MAE LEVELS DEFENDANTS WARNING ORDER TO: ESTATE OF LULA MAE LEVELS, and any UNKNOWN HEIRS OR SPOUSE OF LULA MAE LEVELS: You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff, Fairfield Bay Community Club, Inc., whose attorney is Melanie Beltran, has filed a Complaint for Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure against you. A copy of the Complaint, Summons, and Notice of Lis Pendens shall be delivered to you or your attorney upon your request. You are also hereby warned to appear in this Court and defend by filing your answer or other responsive pleading within thirty (30) days from the date of first publication of the Warning Order; in the event of your failure to do so, judgment by default will be entered for the relief demanded in the complaint as circumscribed by the laws of this State and you may be barred from answering or asserting your interest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal as Clerk of the Court on this 1st day of December, 2020. Debbie Gray, Circuit Clerk By Olivia Gilmore D.C. /s/ Olivia Gilmore D.C.

ATTEST: /s/ Dena R. Malone Dena R. Malone, CMC, CAMC Recorder/Treasurer

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS FIRST DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANK EUGENE HARTSOCK, deceased NO. 71PR-20-120 NOTICE Last known address of decedent: 820 Holly Leaf Road Clinton, Arkansas 72031 Date of Death: November 21, 2020 An instrument dated March 23, 2001, was on the 30th day of December, 2020, admitted to probate as the last Will of the above named decedent, and the undersigned has been appointed Executor thereunder. A contest of the probate of the Will can be effected only by filing a petition within the time provided by law. All persons having claims against the estate must exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or they shall forever be barred and precluded from any benefit in the estate. This notice first published the 12 day of January , 2021. Deborah Wheeler, Executor By: /s/ Chad J. Brown CHAD J. BROWN, I.D. No. 2010085 Attorney at Law 203 Court Street Clinton, AR 72031 501-745-8801 FAX 501-745-6262

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS FIRST DIVISION NO. 71CV-20-114 FAIRFIELD BAY COMMUNITY CLUB, INC. PLAINTIFF VS. JOE CORREA, and any UNKNOWN SPOUSE DEFENDANTS WARNING ORDER TO: JOE CORREA, and any UNKNOWN SPOUSE: You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff, Fairfield Bay Community Club, Inc., whose attorney is Melanie Beltran, has filed a Complaint for Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure against you. A copy of the Complaint, Summons, and Notice of Lis Pendens shall be delivered to you or your attorney upon your request. You are also hereby warned to appear in this Court and defend by filing your answer or other responsive pleading within thirty (30) days from the date of first publication of the Warning Order; in the event of your failure to do so, judgment by default will be entered for the relief demanded in the complaint as circumscribed by the laws of this State and you may be barred from answering or asserting your interest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal as Clerk of the Court on this 1st day of December, 2020. Debbie Gray, Circuit Clerk By Olivia Gilmore D.C. /s/ Olivia Gilmore D.C.

ORDINANCE NO. 2021-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLINTON, ARKANSAS TO PERMIT STEVE NUNLEY TO CONDUCT BUSINESS WITH THE CITY. WHEREAS, Steve Nunley’s submitted the lowest bid for work on Town Branch; and WHEREAS, Steve Nunley is appointed to the Clinton Zoning Commission and is therefore an official of the City of Clinton, Arkansas; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Arkansas Code Annotated § 14-42-107, a council member, official or employee of a city shall not be interested, directly or indirectly, in the profits of any contract for furnishing supplies, equipment, or services to the municipality unless the governing body of the city has enacted an ordinance specifically permitting council members, officials, or municipal employees to conduct business with the city and prescribing the extent of this authority; and WHEREAS, this ordinance is necessary to comply with the requirements of the above referenced statute. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Clinton, Arkansas that Steve Nunley is permitted to provide services for with the City of Clinton, Arkansas as specified in the bid attached hereto and incorporated herein as “Exhibit A”. PASSED: January 14, 2021 APPROVED: /s/ Richard W. McCormac Richard W. McCormac Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Dena R. Malone Dena R. Malone, CMC, CAMC Recorder/Treasurer



NO. 71PR-20-108 NOTICE TO CREDITORS LAST KNOWN ADDRESS OF DECEDENT: 16089 Highway 16 West Clinton, AR 72031 DATE OF DEATH: September 8, 2020 The undersigned was appointed Executor of the estate of the abovenamed decedent on December 23, 2020. A contest of the probate can be effected only by filing a petition within the time provided by law. All persons having claims against the estate must exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in the estate. Provided, that claims for injury or death caused by the negligence of the decedent shall be filed within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of the notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in such estate. THIS NOTICE first published this 19th day of January, 2021.



Notice is hereby given that a Petition has been filed in the County Court of Van Buren County, Arkansas, to revert Lots 1-19 and 21-31 of Eagle Vista Subdivision-Revised to acreage. A hearing has been scheduled for the 23rd day of December, 2020, at 9 A.M., in the Van Buren County Quorum Courtroom, Clinton, Arkansas, at which time the Petition will be presented to the County Judge for approval. Any person having an objection to the Court granting said Petition is hereby notified to appear at the hearing to demonstrate why the aforementioned platted lands should not be reduced to acreage. First published December 1, 2020

By: NATHAN S. MORGAN /s/ Nathan S. Morgan Bar No.2009269 MORGAN LAW FIRM, P.A. Attorney for Estate 244 Highway 65 N, Suite 5 Clinton, AR 72031 (501) 745-4044

/s/ Kent Tester . KENT TESTER #89123 TESTER LAW FIRM, P.A. Attorney for Petitioner 230 Highway 65 N., Suite 7 Clinton, AR 72031 (501) 745-7077

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS FIRST DIVISION BEN C. MATTOCKS PETITIONER VS. NO. 71CV-20-134 CHEE-CHIEH T. JAN, and any unknown spouse or heirs; JOSE S. PEREZ and GLADYS A. PEREZ, husband and wife, AND The following lands in Van Buren County, Arkansas: LOT 110 BLOCK 19 LAKEWOOD ADDITION, FAIRFIELD BAY, AR RESPONDENTS NOTICE OF QUIET TITLE ACTION As required by A.C.A. § 26-38-203, et seq., notice is hereby given that a Petition has been filed in the office of the Circuit Clerk of Van Buren, Arkansas, to quiet and confirm title in the surface rights of the following described property in Van Buren County, Arkansas which was sold under the authority of Act 626 of 1983, as amended, at a public sale of tax delinquent lands after the property remained unredeemed following the expiration of the time required by law, and by Limited Warranty Deed from the Commissioner of State Lands of the State of Arkansas to Ben C. Mattocks to: LOT 110, BLOCK 19, SECTION 9-T11N-12W, LAKEWOOD ADDITION. All persons, firms, corporations, or improvement districts that can set up any right to the property so conveyed and forfeited must appear and show cause why the title to the surface of the real property should not be confirmed, quieted, and vested in the Petitioner in fee simple on or before 30 days from the first publication of this notice and assert his/her title or interest in said property and to demonstrate why title to this property should not be quieted and confirmed in Petitioner. If no one has so appeared within the time allowed by law, then the Petition shall be taken as confessed and the Court shall render a final decree confirming said sale. WITNESS my hand and seal of the Court this 7th day of December, 2020. First Published: 01-05-2021 DEBBIE GRAY /s/ Debbie Gray VAN BUREN COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK BY Olivia Gilmore D.C. /s/ Olivia Gilmore Prepared by: Melanie Beltran Attorney at Law Sprott, Golden & Bardwell PO Box 1155 184 Griggs St. Clinton, AR 72031 (501) 745-3111 office

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS FIRST DIVISION VENABLE PROPERTIES, LLC PETITIONER VS. NO. 71CV-20-136 CARL D. BUSBY and ELGIE BUSBY, husband and RESPONDENTS Wife; JIMMY MCENTIRE and NELLIE MCENTIRE, husband and wife; and MANUELL RODRIGUEZ LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY and any other interested parties, unknown spouses, heirs, successors, or assigns of the named parties herein; AND The following lands in Van Buren County, Arkansas: LOT 12; LEWIS SUGARLOAF; FAIRFIELD BAY, ARKANSAS NOTICE OF QUIET TITLE ACTION As required by A.C.A. § 26-38-203, et seq., notice is hereby given that a Petition has been filed in the office of the Circuit Clerk of Van Buren, Arkansas, to quiet and confirm title in the surface rights of the following described property in Van Buren County, Arkansas which was sold under the authority of Act 626 of 1983, as amended, at a public sale of tax delinquent lands after the property remained unredeemed following the expiration of the time required by law, and by Limited Warranty Deed from the Commissioner of State Lands of the State of Arkansas to Venable Properties, LLC to: LOT 12; LEWIS SUGARLOAF; FAIRFIELD BAY, ARKANSAS. All persons, firms, corporations, or improvement districts that can set up any right to the property so conveyed and forfeited must appear and show cause why the title to the surface of the real property should not be confirmed, quieted, and vested in the Petitioner in fee simple on or before 30 days from the first publication of this notice and assert his/her title or interest in said property and to demonstrate why title to this property should not be quieted and confirmed in Petitioner. If no one has so appeared within the time allowed by law, then the Petition shall be taken as confessed and the Court shall render a final decree confirming said sale. WITNESS my hand and seal of the Court this 15th day of December, 2020. First Published: 01-05-2021 DEBBIE GRAY /s/ Debbie Gray VAN BUREN COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK BY Olivia Gilmore D.C. /s/ Olivia Gilmore Prepared by: Melanie Beltran Attorney at Law Sprott, Golden & Bardwell PO Box 1155 184 Griggs St. Clinton, AR 72031 (501) 745-3111 office

Page 10

The Voice of Van Buren County

Fishing Report said the Spring River is off-color. This is a great place to wade fish when they are running water on the White and North Fork rivers. Be sure to wear cleated boots and carry a wading staff. There is a lot of bedrock that can get very slick. The hot flies have been olive Woolly Buggers with a bit of flash (size 10), cerise and hot pink San Juan worms (size 10) and Y2Ks (size 10).

Northeast Arkansas

Lake Charles

Shelly Jeffrey at Lake Charles State Park (870-878-6595) said that over the past weekend, they had a lot of boats on the water. Crappie has been biting, with small to medium-sized fish being caught. Minnows and jigs will work, with the favored color of jigs being watermelon/chartreuse. No other fishing was reported. The lake is murky as usual and remains low, as it was drawn down to supply water for the neighboring WMA for the waterfowl season. The surface water temperature Sunday was 46 degrees. Good fishing days based on the moon cycle should be coming next week, she said.

Lake Poinsett

At Lake Poinsett's gate at the dam was closed on Dec. 1, allowing the lake to begin refilling with rainwater. The lake, at Lake Poinsett State Park, has been undergoing a three-year renovation with a new water control structure, more than 10,000 linear feet of shoreline work, more than 100 habitat structures placed on the lakebed, and nearly 100 trees anchored for fish

habitat with more anchoring in the plans as the lake begins to refill. When the lake has enough water for stocking, channel catfish will be stocked to give anglers target fish to seek, while prey fish such as shiners and shad will be stocked. After the prey fish have established a base over the next year or so, predator fish such as largemouth bass and crappie will then be stocked.

Crown Lake

Boxhound Marina (870-670-4496) remains closed until further notice "due to unforeseen circumstances."

Spring River

Mark Crawford with (870-9558300) said water levels are at 340 cfs (350 cfs is average), and water clarity has been clear. Rain last week has got river levels up to average flow. Water was lowered this week above Dam 1 to clean out vegetation on Tuesday. This is done once a year during the dead of winter. The river had a surge Tuesday morning around 9 a.m. and got cloudy but cleared up through the day on Wednesday. The bite lately has been tough. Few easy

days and some really tough ones. Nymphs in sizes 10-16 have been hot dropped below a Y2K or fished Euro-style. On the good days, White Lightning (big white streamer) has been hot, and there are still big fish moving around. Over the next few months brown trout and smallmouth bass should start hitting well. The smallies move up the river looking for warmer water. The Spring is 58 degrees year-round. Cold during winter makes the upper part of the Spring River warmer. For smallies this time of year a White Lightning floated below an indicator is the ticket. The bass are moving slow, so a slow presentation is the ticket. Soft plastics for spin-fishing. It takes many years for a smallmouth bass to get big so please catch and release these great fighters. Brown trout get active and start hitting streamers. Casting downstream toward the far bank and short fast strips back is the ticket. Aggressive smallies will hit this, too. Mark adds, "Check out our blog on our website for the latest fishing conditions!" John Berry of Berry Brothers Guide Service in Cotter (870-435-2169)

White River

The Army Corps of Engineers reported Thursday that the White River stage at Batesville was at 9.34 feet, well below the flood stage of 15.0 feet. At Newport, the river is at 15.23, almost 11 feet below the flood stage of 26.0 feet. The stage at Augusta is 27.70 feet, more than a foot above flood stage of 26.0 feet.

Southeast Arkansas

Lake Monticello

The lake is undergoing a repair to the dam by the City of Monticello, and the AGFC is making improvements to the fish habitat while the lake is currently drawn down for the dam work.

Southwest Arkansas

Lake Greeson

As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's elevation at Narrows Dam was 544.41 feet msl (full pool: 548.00 feet msl).

DeGray Lake

As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake's elevation was 406.38 feet msl (full pool: 408.00 feet msl). Local angler Charles Abernathy said the sur-

face temperature fell more over Christmas break and is in the midto upper 40s range. "Lake level came up a bunch very quickly. Water was stained around the Yancey/Lenox Marcus area and some trash was floating. I didn't get a chance to go up to Point Cedar area, but I'm sure it was muddy and had a lot of debris. The bite was still decent during and after all the rain, but they seemed a little harder to find and were scattered around." Open water fish seem to be willing to bite when others won't. When it muds up, some smaller fish will venture away from structure, too. "Over the weekend, I found all sizes near the river channel near Lenox in open water and they were scattered throughout suspended at various levels. I also found some decent-sized fish in deep timber from 1035 feet from the surface (in 50-plus feet of water) in this same area. I know that's a huge range, but it is what it is this time of year due to the fact that there is a column of water more usable to them than any other time of the year. You really have to lean on your electronics because they can be anywhere in the water column. Hint: Find yourself a bunch of shad next to the river channel (from Lenox to Point Cedar) with your side imaging. Big crappie will single themselves out in these areas and just suspend in open water waiting for something to come by. Areas with lots of shad are prime spots to go sniping, if you are a LiveScope user. If you find something on your screen that looks like a football just sitting there, it is likely a big crappie.

January 19, 2021

If what you are seeing appears long or moving around all crazy, it's probably something else. Get about 15 feet from it with your nose into the wind and pitch a shad-like bait at it and let it swing right above it (as close as you can without hitting the fish). He or she will very likely end up in your boat. Keep that rod tip up and that line tight so that bait swings nice and slow over your target. If it's windy and the fish seem to be below 15-20 feet, then add a split shot or two 12 inches from your jig to help out. Just remember: The more weight you add, the faster it will swing. Add just enough to get by if you are fishing this method. The longer that fish gets to look at your bait, the better (if they are not in a chasing mood). If you are shucking and jiving with a long pole, then by all means, add a bowling ball so that your jig can keep up with your boat speed. In muddy water, it's hard to beat a bright jighead with a black body with a chartreuse tail. I like the Wally Marshall Slab Slanger profile a lot, but Bobby Garland's work well, too. In somewhat stained water (Lenox area), I used a bright head with monkey milk and did fine. Keep those baits real slow and follow the shad. That's where the crappie will be. "Information in previous reports in the AGFC's Weekly Fishing Report at can still be used all through the winter season. Don't forget those waypoints on the AGFC website and target the ones close to channels! Reach out at c.abernathy32@gmail. com for more info. Good luck out there.

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stallation & Well Services 501-253-4318

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The Voice of Van Buren County

January 19, 2021

January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alexis Totton January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freda Jackson January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gerald Griffith January 19 . . . . . . . . . Jeannie McCarty Scheidt January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jo Nell O’Neal January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kevin Donahue January 19 . . . . . . . . . . Kimberly J. Washington January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marvanell Ward January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mercedes Duncan January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shane Hendrickson January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sid King January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Bittle January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue McCraken West January 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tatum Cook January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amanda Miles January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Bruce January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carol Straschinske January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DeWayne Medlock January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily Treece January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frances Moses January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Ohnmacht January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jonas Davis January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . Kristen Danielle Ward January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Kay Appleby January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Alexander January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Misha Burton January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noah Weser January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rita Mahan January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samantha Willeford January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Bradford January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyrene Gardner January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allison Evans

Make us your Birthday Headquarters!

Main Street Florist & Gifts Happy Birthday Wishes Tammie Williams, owner 374 Main Street Clinton, AR • (501)745-3569 We deliver same day. Teleflora & FTD Wire Services Available

January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amber Owen January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crystal Tolson January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fred Binns January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gretchen Parent January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lilian Watson January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ranae Wilson January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhonda Holder January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roger Branscum January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shannon L. Bramlett January 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tara Bigelow January 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Rector January 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindi Muzzarelli January 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corey Garretson January 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Ray Keeling January 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kara Tyer January 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Cano January 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ryan Fosko January 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stacy Harmon January 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Howard January 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sydney Howard January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Bramlett January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheyenne Thrasher January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colton Pack January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Earl Hendrix January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Biggs January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeanie Long January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June Kessler January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Hendrix January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Natalie Alexander January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nikki Walters January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ronald Bradley January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sammy Biggs

Page 11

January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shanna Holland January 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shoney Linn January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bobby S. Raeder January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bobby Sue Echols January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diane Lovett January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Don Fullbright January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heather Rhodes January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Izene Collins January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janet McCool January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Josh Richardson January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathy Anthony January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louise Linn January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyall Doll January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shawn Ware January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sky Eoff January 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephen Kirkendoll January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abigail Bramlett January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amanda Huffman January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bev Wynott January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dane Cullum January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janice McCormac January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janice Treat January 25 . . . . . . . . Jennifer Hamilton Rooney January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keisha Lynch January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kerri Bramlett January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Max Ann Isom January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nina Baker January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rita Barnes January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Shannon, Sr. January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silas Chamberlain January 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Aderholt

We will have a Monthly Drawing from the Birthday names for a gift from one of the Birthday Page Sponsors! Simply stop by our office and add your family and friends to our birthday list or email names and dates to us at or call us (501) 745-8040.

Sign up once and you are done. Happy Birthday Wishes

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Happy Birthday Wishes to You! Cletes "Bill" Blantz, owner MMC (SW) U.S. Navy (Ret.) 4319 Highway 65 South Clinton, Arkansas 72031 Phone: 501-745-6222 Fax: 501-745-2102

Happyhday birthes! wis RadioShack®

Northside Shopping Center 117 Bone St


The Voice of Van Buren County

Page 12

January 19, 2021

Pictured are Claude Ruiz with Choctaw Food Bank, Lacey Belle McJunkins, Natalie Alexander, and Dakota Mooney of Bar OF Western Store.

Christmas Extravaganza donations helps to feed kids The Bar OF Western Store and Cowboy Dodge partnered together on December 5th, 2020, to raise money for the food backpack program offered through the Clinton School District. The annual Christmas Extravaganza raised $2001.00 in

which was donated to the Choctaw Food Bank whom partners with Clinton School District to provide weekly food bags for students. Thank you to all the local vendors who participated and everyone that supported the event by shop-

ping, donating, providing baked goods, and spending the day supporting our local community. Pictured are Claude Ruiz with Choctaw Food Bank, Lacey Belle McJunkins, Natalie Alexander, and Dakota Mooney of Bar OF Western Store.

Spelling Bee winners - On Friday, January 8, 2021, Clinton Elementary School held its annual Spelling Bee Competition. The winners were: 4th Grade - Rylee Ragland and 5th Grade - Dax Wootten. These winners will move on to the Arch Ford Coop competition on Friday, January 15, 2021. This year's contest will be held virtually.

Master Gardener's We Noticed Award for January by Bertha Christensen three years ago and had expect him ever to walk special seating spaces. gardens bring sunshine love to see more of your

The Van Buren County Master Gardeners were out on prize patrol again. Our first winner is Bruce and Diane Forsland of Fairfield Bay. Maud Huber nominated them. She selected them back in May, but sadly the nomination fell through the cracks. After seeing their yard, it makes me sad that we didn't see it then. We will be going back in the spring. Their driveway is lined with lilac trees, plus they have a large wisteria in the backyard. The smell must be heavenly. They also have a long road frontage. It is terraced and full of a variety of plants. Bruce and Diane built the house in 2007. There was a large rock right where the house was to be. The contractor said that he would move that rock once.... which he did, and it has now become an amazing pond and waterfall. I was impressed by the wisteria. It was growing up an old tree trunk, and then Bruce welded a grid made from rebar to be on top of this tree trunk, where the vines grow through. The birds are also impressed. The second winner was Barbara and Troy Dunham of Choctaw/ Clinton. They were nominated by their granddaughter, Taylor Puckett. It started with a beautiful drive through the country. At the end of it was our pot of gold. What an amazing garden and an even more amazing story. They moved in

hoped that it would be their retirement home. When they moved in, there were no flowers at all. So they got busy and began putting in flower beds. Then disaster happened. Troy was involved in a tree trimming accident that landed him in the hospital for nine months. They didn't

again. Now he is not only walking but helping in the yard again. Then another disaster. Barbara is a school bus driver, and with school out as a result of Covid, she had extra time on her hands. She built the deck and the playground in the backyard. She built multiple flower gardens and

She got a greenhouse to help with her love of flowers. Even in the winter, there were many points of interest and inspiration. Congratulations to you all. You help to make this beautiful county even more beautiful. Even on a dreary, cold winter day, these

to those who get to see them. Thank you for sharing your gardens with us and for inspiring us. Once again, nominations work. We would

lovely gardens‌in Clinton, in Fairfield Bay, and the many other areas of Van Buren county. You can send your nomination to me at birdies_

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