Westchester County Business Journal 031218

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MARCH 12, 2018 | VOL. 54, No. 11




Developer has new route, outreach for hydropower transmission line BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


tanding in front of a poster tracing the route of a proposed 333-mile long transmission line that would stretch from Canada to Queens, a representative of Transmission Developers Inc. assured two Rockland County residents that the line would not affect their property. In the other corner of the Rockland ARC cafeteria in Congers, a TDI engineer explained the process by which the transmission line’s high voltage cables would be placed along waterways or, as is the

Jennifer Laird-White, a spokesperson for the Champlain Hudson Power Express and former Nyack mayor, holds a cross section slice of the proposed transmission line. Photo by Ryan Deffenbaugh.



estchester County Executive George Latimer is calling for Consolidated Edison Inc. and New York State Electric & Gas

Corp. to clean house. Meanwhile, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo wants both utilities investigated. Following what he said was an inadequate response to a major winter storm that knocked out power in huge swaths of the lower Hudson Valley, Latimer said the presidents and senior

management of both utility companies should step down. The county executive wrote a letter on March 7 asking the county’s Board of Legislators, the state Legislature delegation and municipal officials to join him at a press conference on March 9 where he plans to call for the resignations publicly. “Both ConEdison and NYSEG have fumbled the recovering effort and we as county residents can no longer stand by and accept this,” Latimer wrote. “Along with both presidents stepping down, I would also like a clean sweep of senior management, and I want a new philos» UTILITIES


case for much of Rockland, buried underground. TDI was in town for the first of a series of community outreach events that cover changes to the route of its $2.2 billion cross-border transmission line called the Champlain Hudson Power Express. The line would connect New York with about 1,000 megawatts of excess hydropower from the Canadian utility Hydro Quebec. For TDI, the meetings represent just the latest step in a process that extends back a decade, when the plans for the line were first formulated. TDI is an affiliated company of Blackstone Group LP, one of the country’s largest » HYDROPOWER


River Outpost brewery opens at The Factoria in Peekskill BY ALEESIA FORNI

MAIN OFFICE TELEPHONE 914-694-3600 OFFICE FAX 914-694-3699 EDITORIAL EMAIL jgolden@westfairinc.com WRITE TO 3 Westchester Park Drive, Suite G7 White Plains, N.Y. 10604-3407



raft beer enthusiasts now have a new Westchester brewery to visit and sample its products. River Outpost Brewing Co. at 5 John Walsh Blvd. held its grand opening in February, marking the latest attraction to open for business at The Factoria, the 11-acre entertainment complex at Charles Point Marina. “The grand opening went past expectations, from an early hour to a late hour,” said John Sharp, one of the partners behind The Factoria who also owns downtown Peekskill eateries Birdsall House and Gleason’s. “It was great. We really packed them in and people came from all over.” The brewery offers a menu of bar food and eight beers on tap that are brewed on site, from pale ales to porters. “Variety is the key. We have people coming for a lot of different reasons, so it’s got to be a good mix of beers,” said Justin Sturges, head brewer at River Outpost. The brewery is on the ground floor of The Factoria, next to bocce and shuffleboard courts, a 50-game arcade and gateway to the four-story obstacle course. “We all really believe in craft beer and what it brings to business,” Sharp said. “And for this place, it’s such a huge compound, we thought the brewery would be a great addition.” Large windows at the rear of the brewery give patrons an up-close view of the equipment that Sturges uses to create their brews. “It’s really cool because I’m seeing people enjoy the stuff I’m making as I’m making it,” he said. For now, River Outpost's beers are only sold on site, though Sharp said that might change in the future. “Right now, it is just to supply this big machine here,” Sharp said, gesturing to The Factoria. The $5 million to $6.5 million Charles Point development is led by Sharp, along with Captain Lawrence Brewery founder Scott Vaccaro and fellow Peekskill restaurateur Louis Lanza. Diamond Properties co-owner William Diamond is also part of the project, having signed a 50-year lease for the property with the Peekskill Industrial Development Agency in 2014.


MARCH 12, 2018


Publisher Dee DelBello Associate Publisher Anne Jordan Managing Editor William Armstrong Senior Editor/Digital & Photo Bob Rozycki Creative Director Dan Viteri

NEWS Copy and Video Editor • Peter Katz Reporters • Ryan Deffenbaugh, Aleesia Forni, Bill Heltzel, Phil Hall, Kevin Zimmerman, Georgette Gouveia, Mary Shustack

Justin Sturges, head brewer at River Outpost. Photos by Aleesia Forni.

“We came up with the name The Factoria — the factory — for the whole entire compound because we tried to put as many production-type local things as we could,” he said. “The food is locally sourced. It’s all about making everything in-house.” Fin and Brew, a seafood-centric eatery on the top floor, opened last fall. The 14,000-square-foot upper floor is also home to a catering facility, event space, outdoor seating area and two full-service bars. Also last year, the 40,000-squarefoot entertainment center Spins Hudson welcomed its first adventure-seekers. The ground-floor includes an indoor and outdoor aerial ropes course, which includes more than 70 elements, from monkey bars and zip lines to balance beams. There is also a 5,000-square-

foot laser tag area. In the short time that it has been open, River Outpost has already overcome a significant obstacle in the form of the bomb cyclone that recently rocked the region, leaving thousands of homes and businesses, including The Factoria without power. “Saturday morning was triage,” Sharp recalled. “We started at about 7 a.m. calling people, seeing what we could do or if we could get the power back on. It was like dealing with one problem after another. Once you solved one problem, you realized there were two more problems to solve.” Despite the outage, the partners managed to bring three generators onto the property to power enough of The Factoria to host a 250-person event on Saturday. “We pulled it off,” Sharp said. “Everybody was happy.” The brewery even opened for

business later that evening. “Pushing beer doesn’t need power,” Sturges said. “You need lights on to be able to see the beer, but the beer will move no matter what.” Still, the four-day-long power outage took its toll. “We had 400 people in here last Saturday (for the grand opening), and then to lose that momentum for the next weekend is kind of a bummer,” Sharp said. “We decided to close down Sunday, because it got to be too much. We were all exhausted.” Despite the hectic weekend, the team behind River Outpost have a number of initiatives they look forward to in the future, which include opening up an outdoor deck with patio seating, a separate bar and live music. Sturges, who spent the better part of a decade at Captain Lawrence before coming to River Outpost, is particularly enthusiastic about plans to gear the brewery’s offerings toward the food served at Fin and Brew. “One that I’ve been talking about is that we’re going to use green strawberries, unripe strawberries, and basil in a beer, and they’re going to use some of those green strawberries to pickle as well, to use in their dishes,” he said. “Everything here, it’s all connected,” Sharp added.

ART & PRODUCTION Web Designer Kelsie Mania Art Director Sebastian Flores ADVERTISING SALES Manager • Anne Jordan Metro Sales and Custom Publishing Director Barbara Hanlon Account Managers Susan Barbash, Lisa Cash, Patrice Sullivan Events Manager • Josephine Biondi Events Sales & Development • Marcia Pflug AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT & CIRCULATION Circulation Manager • Sylvia Sikoutris Telemarketing Director • Marcia Rudy Circulation Representatives John Holden Digital Content Director / Contributing Writer • Danielle Renda ADMINISTRATION Contracted CFO Services Adornetto & Company L.L.C. Human Resources & Payroll Services APS PAYROLL Administrative Manager • Robin Costello Westchester County Business Journal (USPS# 7100) is published Weekly, 52 times a year by Westfair Communications, Inc., 3 Westchester Park Drive, White Plains, NY 10604. Periodicals Postage rates paid at White Plains, NY, USA 10610. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Westchester County Business Journal: by Westfair Communications, Inc., 3 Westchester Park Drive, White Plains, NY 10604. Annual subscription $60; $2.50 per issue More than 40 percent of the Business Journal is printed on recycled newsprint. © 2017 Westfair Communications Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.



Default judgment when car broker misses court hearing


estchester Export Capital has won a default judgment against former client and car broker Albert “Alex” Golant. Golant borrowed $4.7 million from the White Plains company to buy 54 cars for export. Then he, and many of the cars, went missing. Westchester Export Capital filed the lawsuit in federal court last May. Golant had been caught previously for stealing $3 million in a car brokering swindle. He was on supervised release for his 2016 conviction for wire fraud and operating an illegal gambling business. He is a self-professed addicted gambler who owed $1.5 million to loan sharks. And then there was his two days of testimony in 2015 against Russian mobster Michael “Fat Mike” Danilovich and his cooperation with the FBI against Mikhail “Russian Mike” Zemlyansky. Danilovich was sentenced to 25 years in prison for racketeering, securities fraud, money laundering and other crimes. Zemlyansky got 15 years for racketeering and other crimes. Golant was born in Belarus and moved to Wisconsin at age 9. He gravitated to the car-brokering business, according to court records, and to high stakes gambling. Westchester Export agreed in 2016 to advance up to $5 million to Timeless Auto Group to buy cars for export. Golant was manager of the Wisconsin company and Tedmund Wayne Blankschein was president. Last May, Timeless Auto Group failed to make a $85,250 payment. Golant was gone and so were the cars, though some were traced to a warehouse in Industry, California. U.S. District Judge Cathy Seibel ordered Golant and Blankschein to appear for a hearing on Feb. 21 to explain why a default judgment should not be entered against them for not answering Westchester Export Capital’s complaint. They did not appear. Seibel entered the judgment and ordered that an inquest be held to determine the damages. The car brokering mess has also entangled at least one third party. Shady W. Fares of Oak Creek, Wisconsin, bought a 2017 Mercedes-Benz sport utility truck last April, according to a letter he sent to Seibel, with the intention of selling it to Golant for a $4,000 profit within 45 days. He did so, he said, on the recommendations of several people who had dealt with Golant, including managers at a Mercedes dealership. » IN COURT


EPA agrees to $35K payment in $7M mercury cleanup in Rye Brook BY BILL HELTZEL bheltzel@westfairinc.com


he U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has sued a West Virginia company for $7 million for allegedly disposing scrap mercury at a backyard refinery in Rye Brook and agreed to settle the matter for $35,829. Steel of West Virginia Inc., a 111-year-old steel TWB Westenberg products company based in Huntington, was WCBJ sued last month in federal court in White Plains w violating x 7.125”environmental h for7.375” allegedly laws. 10/30/17 In 1988, the lawsuit states, the company replaced furnace equipment that contained mercury and it arranged shipment of 179 pounds of mercury to Port Refinery Co. in Rye Brook for treatment or disposal. A third-party scrap dealer allegedly paid Steel of West Virginia $1.35 per pound for the

mercury or about 70 percent below market rate. Steel's shipment was a tiny part of the overall contamination at Port Refinery. The company accepts responsibility for its actions, according to a consent decree it entered with the U.S. Attorney’s Office. The government has asked federal court to approve the consent decree following its publication in the Federal Register and a 30-day comment period. The EPA classifies mercury as a hazardous substance that can cause severe neurological and behavioral disorders. Port Refinery, despite its industrial-sounding name, was actually a backyard operation in a residential neighborhood close to Blind Brook High School. For 20 years, Edmund Barbera, a chemist, operated a laboratory in the garage behind his house at 55 Hillandale Road, processing mercury to sell as dental fillings. The lab was discovered in 1991 and designated as a federal Superfund environmental site. Barbera died in 1995. The EPA spent $6.4 million in the 1990s to demolish the garage and a cabana and to remove 6,500 tons of contaminated soil and debris.

In 2004, more contamination was found along a path between the Arbors condominiums and the high school. Soil in one location, for instance, contained mercury at 1,300 parts per million, or 130 times greater than a government standard. Mercury was also detected in the groundwater and three ponds. Empty bottles and cylinders used for shipping mercury were found in two underground vaults by the house. The EPA spent $7 million removing soil, demolishing the house, compensating the current homeowner, cleaning underground pipes and installing air and water filtration systems. Barbera’s widow sold the property to CBMV Real Estate Corp., Scarsdale, for $400,000 in 2001, according to county property records. CBMV quickly sold it to Martine Gerow of Stamford for $725,000, who in turn sold it a year later to Joseph E. Carvin of Port Chester for $750,000. The U.S. Attorney’s Office is demanding on behalf of the EPA that Steel be held responsible for the costs of the second cleanup. The government previously sued 10 other companies for the second cleanup, and it has recovered $601,753.

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MARCH 12, 2018





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Members of the Westchester business and legal communities are encouraged to nominate, pursuant to the criteria, one or more candidates for the following prestigious award categories: PACE SETTER AWARD: Candidate exemplifies overall excellence in professional and community work, prominence in the Westchester legal profession and fierce determination to being as good an attorney as possible. The highest award, the candidate must be well respected by peers and community. MOST SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS AWARD: Candidate is dedicated to one or more causes in the community as an active member or leader and has a significant history of pro bono legal or government service, which warrant praise and recognition by peers and community. LEADING CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Candidate must be experienced in the field of complex civil rights, including discrimination law while demonstrating successful outcomes for his/ her clients here in Westchester County. In addition, he or she must be well-respected for ethical representation of clients. LEADING ATTORNEY UNDER 40: Candidate under the age of 40 must be a prominent and respected attorney in his/her field, active in his/her community offering pro bono work, published in legal journals/newspaper and promises to be a leading legal player in the years to come.

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For more information or questions contact: Anne Jordan at 914-358-0764 or anne@westfairinc.com | Josephine Biondi at 914-358-0757 or jbiondi@westfairinc.com.


MARCH 12, 2018



In Court—

Fares financed the purchase with a loan from Ally Bank, and he allowed a Golant associate, “Frank,” to pick up the car and store it. There was no risk, he said he was told, because the car was registered to him and there would be no clear title until he paid off the bank loan. “This was a verbal agreement,” Fares said. There was no contract or paperwork. When Golant disappeared, Fares used the car’s tracking feature to trace it to China United Transport in Walnut, California. He was unable to take the car because of the lawsuit, and he has had to continue making monthly payments on the loan.

Guilty plea may indicate $60M Ponzi scheme defendant will testify


itchell Klein may have changed his mind on testifying about an alleged $60 million Ponzi scheme that he and two partners are accused of running. Klein maintained the books of FKF 3, a Rockland County real estate investment fund that was forced into bankruptcy in 2010. He had refused to cooperate in a lawsuit brought by U.S. Trustee Gregory Messer to recover investors’ money, asserting his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Klein, however, was facing possible criminal charges, and his attorney began discussing a plea agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s Office. “If the plea agreement is accepted,” Klein “intends to be immediately available as a witness,” according to a letter addressed late last year to Magistrate Judge Judith C. McCarthy from Messer’s attorney. On Feb. 22, Klein was charged with withholding information on a crime. He pleaded guilty the following day. From October 2009 to February 2010, according to the one-page criminal complaint, he concealed information that one of his co-principals in FKF 3 had committed securities fraud and wire fraud. Who he protected and the details of the alleged frauds, were not disclosed. Klein and his partners, John Magee, a developer, and Burton Dorfman, a former Rockland assistant district attorney, formed

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FKF 3 in 2004. Their business model, according to the 2010 lawsuit filed by Messer, was to borrow money from investors, loan it out at slightly higher interest rates and profit from the difference. Most of their investors were people with whom they had close relationships — friends, family and clients — who accepted their word that the investments were safe. They persuaded investors that they would obtain “exceptional and consistent returns safely,” Messer said, through their “superior knowledge of the real estate development, investment and construction businesses.” None of their creditors were institutions or professional investors who would have expected more information. FKF 3 operated free of oversight, the trustee claims. The fund was never registered as a security. Financial statements were never provided. In many instances, investors were not given a promissory note, mortgage, security interest or personal guarantee. Secrecy, Messer said, enabled them to play both sides of the fence. He said they loaned investors’ money to high-risk real


estate projects in which they also had ownership interests. They also paid themselves $4.2 million over four years while the fund, Messer said, was constantly insolvent. They managed to keep it afloat by borrowing more money. FKF 3 “devolved into little more than a Ponzi scheme,” the trustee alleges, “whereby the principals continued to borrow money to keep interest payments flowing to creditors and keep the fraud from being discovered. Like all Ponzi schemes, the debtor ultimately collapsed once it was unable to find sufficient new money to take out old money.” The collapse began in 2008 as the real estate market went into sharp decline. In 2010, three creditors forced FKF into involuntary Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The court confirmed a liquidation plan, establishing the FKF Trust with Messer as trustee. Messer alleges that the partners, in acting on both sides of loan transactions, had created impermissible conflicts of interest and had breached fiduciary duties to their investors. As of October, he claims, the damages totaled nearly $101 million.




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FKF 3 had 23 loans on the books when it went into bankruptcy. Most of the portfolio was concentrated on a few projects: $30.7 million for One Madison Park condominiums in Manhattan; $7.6 million for the Aventine condominiums in Edgewater, New Jersey; $5 million for a 55-and-older community in Newtown, Connecticut; $1.6 million in Jerry’s Self-Storage in New Windsor. In each project, Messer said, the FKF 3 partners held ownership interests, ranging from 6 percent to 80 percent, for which they put up no personal money. The trustee said the partners received other “perks” from their borrowers, such as five Hoboken, New Jersey, condominiums, or cash equivalents, that went to family members. They “reaped significant benefits” from FKF 3, Messer said, without giving notice to creditors “despite the clear conflicts of interest. Jury selection for the trustee’s lawsuit is scheduled to begin on May 14 in federal court in White Plains. Klein is scheduled to be sentenced by federal Judge Kenneth M. Karas on June 26. — Bill Heltzel



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MARCH 12, 2018



private equity firms. The project has already received approvals from the New York Public Service Commission and a federal presidential permit required for cross-border transmission. But construction has been held up while certain parts of the line are reworked. Any changes have to be approved by state and federal agencies. In Rockland County, TDI spokeswoman Jennifer Laird-White, a former mayor of Nyack, said the company decided to reroute to meet community concerns. The majority of the Champlain Hudson line’s two, 5-inch diameter cables will run underwater along Lake Champlain, the Hudson River and the East and Harlem rivers until reaching a substation in Queens. But the underwater route does divert onto land along the way. Those portions of the line, about 137 miles total, will be buried beneath existing rights of way. One of the underground sections is in Rockland. In 2013, TDI agreed to route the transmission line over land starting in north Rockland to avoid Haverstraw Bay, a sensitive river habitat. Under the first reroute, negotiated with environmental groups Riverkeeper and Scenic Hudson, the line emerged from the Hudson near Stony Point Park and then re-entered the river near Rockland Lake. The agreement between TDI and the two environmental groups also had the company agree to provide



ophy adopted. I listened to enough and we have put up with enough. We are all tired of ConEdison and NYSEG’s excuses. There are human beings out there — and we are given statistics instead of real-world services.” Con Edison’s President and CEO John McAvoy has been in the position since 2014. NYSEG President and CEO Carl A. Taylor started in the role last July. Representatives from each company did not respond to requests for comment at


MARCH 12, 2018

$117 million over 35 years for habitat restoration and other enhancement projects in the Hudson, East and Harlem rivers and Lake Champlain. While the line may avoid sensitive areas of the Hudson, it went through a few areas that caught the attention of Rockland residents. A major source of community concern came from the line’s proximity to Waldron Cemetery, a historic graveyard for Revolutionary War soldiers. The transmission line’s new path swings a little farther inland, following Route 9W for about 7 miles between the towns of Stony Point and Clarkstown before entering the river again near Rockland Lake. The informational meeting on March 5 focused mostly on explaining the new route. Laird-White said the company wants to “inform the community as fully as possible about the particulars of the proposed new route” before applying to the Public Service Commission for modifications to its permit. The route change comes with financial benefits for the municipalities involved. In January, the towns of Stony Point, Haverstraw and Clarkstown, along with the villages of West Haverstraw and Haverstraw, signed a memorandum of understanding with the company. The agreement has each municipality sign off on the new route and provides the municipalities with $31 million from TDI for capital improvements. Of that money, $22 million

! (0 will go to new capital projPage 1 ects and $9 million to road improvements along the Route 9W corridor. 296 ! ( Page 2 Stony Point Town 1 ! ( Supervisor James Monaghan Stony said in a statement follow- Point Page 3 ing approval of the memorandum that the project Page 4 297 ! ( “will give us substantial Stony Stony 2 ! ( much-needed long-term tax Point Point revenue.” Page 5 That revenue, as estimated by the company, is $150 million through Rockland Page 6 298 ! ( County over the project’s ! (3 first 30 years. TDI also proj-Village of West ects the transmission line Page 7 Haverstraw will create 800 long-term Haverstraw jobs over that same time 299 ! ( frame and 2,600 construcVillage of (4 Page 8 ! Haverstraw tion jobs. TDI estimates the Page 9 hydropower it brings south Page 10 will save New York ratepay! (5 ! 300 ( ers $355 million per year. The line could serve as part of the solution for replacing the power lost by the closing of the Indian Point Energy Center. When the Buchanan nuclear plant shuts down, most likely by 2021, it will result in the loss of 2,000 megawatts, about a quarter of the electricity for New York City and Westchester County. At 1,000 megawatts, the Champlain Hudson Express could make up for about half that gap. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo seemed to refer to the project, though not by name, as a replacement to Indian Point when he announced the legal settlement that assured the plant’s closing in 2017. In a press release from his office announcing Indian Point’s closing, it stated that “several generation resources are also fully

and boosting renewables and energy efficiency. The Champlain Hudson Cortlandt line lists supporters in environmental groups such as Riverkeeper, Scenic Hudson and the New York League of Conservation Voters. But not all environmental groups Village of favor the idea of major hydro Croton-on-Hudson imports, arguing the imported energy could undermine local renewable generation efforts. The Sierra Club and Alliance for Clean Energy New York have publicly expressed such concerns. TDI’s idea for importing power from Canada also has won it few friends among New York power producers. The industry group Independent Power Producers of New York opposed its approvPage 11 al during the state Public Service Commission review Page 12 process. As did the New 301 ! (6 ! ( York Affordable Reliable Page 13 Electricity Alliance, an energy advocacy group Clarkstown that includes consumers, ! (7 Page 14 producers and distributors 302 ! ( of electricity. Page 15 Page 17 After the project received Page 16 303 ! ( state approval in 2013, New ! (8 York AREA chairman Arthur J. Kremer said that it would LEGEND Mapbook Page VII Milepost ! ( Article permitted and readily avail“send billions of dollars to said the line was only “supLabel Village Boundary Article VII Champlain Hudson Power Express Canada Project able to come online by 2021 for a product that plemental to the activities Label Town Boundary ! Rockland County ( Realignment Milepost ... including clean, reliable we can make less expenwe’re already doing” to help Terrestrial Route Realignment Realignment Milepost - Tenths PRELIMINARY DRAFT Rockland Realignment hydropower able toCounty replace sively and more reliably in replace Indian Point’s SUBJECT power. TO FIELD INVESTIGATION NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION up to 1,000 megawatts of 0 She said the4,800 state’s focusOverview is onMap New York.” 10/5/2017 Prepared by: energy power.” TDI displays that TDI says the line is a boosting renewables, Feet Champlain Hudson Power Express Inc. quote prominently in a promerchant product, meaning efficiency and improving motional fact sheet about the company must fund its transmission capabilities. the project. construction and find its own A report backed by At a New York Legislature customers for the electricity Riverkeeper and the Natural special hearing in February without help from ratepayers. Resources Defense Council 2017 on Indian Point’s closThe company hopes to published in 2017 said Indian ing, former Public Service start construction in 2019 Point’s power could be Commission Chair Audrey and have the line transmitreplaced by a combination of Zibelman was less direct. She ting energy by 2022. the Champlain Hudson line

press time. The Latimer letter marks an escalation in a week of rising tensions between elected officials and Westchester’s two utility companies. Earlier in the week, Latimer said the power providers were unprepared for the storm that hit the area March 2 and said on March 5 that it was “disgusting” parts of the county were still without power. Latimer’s call for resignations came a day after Cuomo called for an investigation into the Hudson Valley utilities.

Cuomo told reporters in a conference call on March 6 that he ordered the state’s Public Service Commission to investigate the response of power companies to the March 2 nor’easter. The investigation could lead to sanctions or fines, the governor said. As Cuomo spoke that morning, he said 74,790 customers still had no power. Almost all of those customers live in Dutchess, Putnam, Sullivan and Westchester counties. “These storms have now become the rule rather than

the exception and they have to have the capacity to quickly restore power,” Cuomo said of utility companies. “You know, I joke that I’ve been through five 100-year storms in two years. This is the new normal and they have to be ready for it. And frankly, I’m getting tired of having the same conversation with them.” Before Cuomo’s comments, Con Edison and NYSEG faced criticism from local leaders, including Latimer and U.S. Rep. Nita Lowey. Lowey said on March 6 that the “contin-


Village of Village of Buchanan Buchanan

Stony Point

Stony Point Village of West Haverstraw Haverstraw Village of Haverstraw Ramapo Village of Pomona

Village of New Hempstead


Village of New Square


Village of Croton-on-Hudson

New Castle

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Village of Ossining


ued outages are absolutely unacceptable.” The nor’easter that hit the region on March 2 brought snow, rain and winds gusting up to 60 mph. It created the fifth worse outage in Con Edison’s history, the company said. By March 4, Cuomo declared states of emergency in Westchester, Putnam, Sullivan and Dutchess counties. About 182,000 New Yorkers were without power at the time Cuomo declared the emergency, three-quarters of whom lived in the four Hudson



Valley counties. Initial outages for Con Edison reached about 140,000 in its service area of Westchester and New York City. Con Edison reported close to 29,000 outages as the Business Journal went to press March 8. That jumped from 9,000 in Con Edison’s service area the previous day, just before a second nor’easter hit the region. Con Edison said it had almost 1,800 people involved in restoring power, including 500 mutual aid workers » » UTILITIES


Open Door opens expanded Sleepy Hollow health center

can never keep up with the demand.” The opening comes just weeks after Farrell and other community health providers breathed a sigh of a relief when Congress passed a two-year extension of the Community Health Centers Fund. The funding deadline originally expired on Sept. 30, leaving community health centers like Open Door with an uncertain future. The grant accounts for about 70 percent of the $6 million in federal funding

that Open Door receives. “We were very relieved that we were in” the legislation, Farrell said. “Hopefully they’ll re-up it before it expires like it did this time.” Open Door, which offers a sliding fee scale for those without health insurance, serves more than 55,000 patients each year throughout Westchester and Putnam counties. The new Sleepy Hollow location joins existing Open Door health centers in Brewster, Mamaroneck, Mount Kisco, Ossining and Port Chester,

in addition to six schoolbased health centers and mobile dental services. With the doors of the Sleepy Hollow facility open to the public, the health center will now shift its focus to the north, with plans to open a dental practice in Saugerties. That office would mark the organization’s first foray outside of Westchester and Putnam counties. “We have the plans and we’ve submitted them to the state,” Farrell said. “I would be thrilled if that was open in 2018.”

Lindsay Farrell, president and CEO of Open Door. Photo by Aleesia Forni.

BY ALEESIA FORNI aforni@westfariinc.com


pen Door Family Medical Centers is now accepting patients at its new facility in Sleepy Hollow. The community health center opened the two-story, 12,500-square-foot facility at 300 N. Broadway earlier this month. “It took a long time,” said Lindsay Farrell, president and CEO of Open Door. “A very long time. This has been years in the making.” The building on North Broadway sat vacant for years, having previously served as a car dealership, a health club and the offices of a plumbing company. While Open Door bought it in 2011, the organization's move initially faced resistance from the village, with concerns ranging from traffic to parking issues. To remedy those concerns, Open Door's plans included the construction of an adjacent covered parking garage along with a second, uncovered lot at 310 Broadway. “It’s exciting that we’re

finally here now,” Farrell said. Open Door has been a part of the Sleepy Hollow community for more than 30 years, having operated a facility in the village since 1985, first at 54 Beekman Ave. and later a block away at 80 Beekman Ave. “We knew we weren’t going to be able to stay on Beekman because the facility wasn’t big enough,” Farrell said. “I think this is the perfect location.” With the opening of the new facility, the 80 Beekman Ave. center will close its doors as those offices transition to North Broadway. The center, which will employ up to 40 people, will offer a range of services, including primary care, family medicine and behavioral health care. Open Door Sleepy Hollow will feature 18 medical exam rooms, laboratories and counseling space. With the new facility, the organization will also expand its residency program partnership with Phelps Hospital Northwell Health. “I’m particularly pleased that the new Sleepy Hollow location expands the capabilities of our residency

programs,” said Dr. Daren Wu, chief, medical officer at Open Door. “There is a critical shortage of primary care physicians in the United States, and yet we know just what a vital role they play in providing cost-effective, yet high-quality care. Operating out of this larger state-of-theart facility will increase our reach and extend our positive impact in the surrounding communities.” The new location will also offer educational programming areas for the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, including a kitchen area that will be used for demonstrations by the organization’s nutritionist. “We’ll be able to show people that eating well is really not that hard,” Farrell said. “There are ways they can manage it.” The facility also offers a dental care practice with four examination rooms on the ground floor that is set to open in the coming weeks. “There’s a big demand for this,” Farrell said of the organization’s dental care practice, which operates facilities in Ossining, Port Chester and Brewster. “We


MARCH 12, 2018


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MARCH 12, 2018



Verizon sues Philipstown for permits to build new cell tower

Here you are Building For The Future

BY BILL HELTZEL bheltzel@westfariinc.com


You have big plans for your business. At Country Bank, we understand access to affordable credit may be one of the biggest challenges you have to achieve those dreams. That’s why we offer a range of business loan programs including: Verizon alleges, and the zoning board relied on hearsay and anecdotes rather than on evidence. Verizon contends that the federal Telecommunications Act preempts state or local governments from blocking wireless facilities without substantial evidence and a written record. State and town laws also require timely filing of written findings, the complaint states, but the minutes and a resolution were filed several weeks after the votes and were not sent to Verizon. The lawsuit also alleges that town officials refused to turn over documents that Homeland Towers requested under the state public records law. Verizon accuses the town of violating federal and state laws by not basing its denials on substantial evidence in a written record, for unreasonable delays, for excessive fees, for discriminatory practices and violation of the public records law. It is asking the court to mandate Philipstown to grant all necessary permits and authorizations for Verizon to begin work on a new tower immediately.

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The fire department also said it needs the new tower to fill gaps in its emergency communications, Verizon said. But town officials, Verizon alleges, “were intent on catering to a small but vocal group of politically influential objectors.” Verizon said that town officials delayed a public hearing for several months and imposed new fees. Officials questioned the severity of the wireless gap at a joint meeting of the zoning and conservation boards on Jan. 22, and they cited housing values and aesthetics. Cell towers near houses, zoning board member Vincent Cestone said, “can have a devastating effect on the price of a house.” Board member Paula Clair called cell towers “an abomination, because here, our rural atmosphere is a significant factor in property desirability and thus valuation.” The conservation board rejected the wetlands permit application by a 6-0 vote. The zoning board rejected the special use permit application by a 4-1 vote. The conservation board gave no reason for its denial,

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potty wireless communication coverage around Philipstown is not just a matter of convenience for the 9,600 inhabitants of the Putnam County town, Verizon Wireless says, it is a critical communications gap along the heavily traveled Routes 9 and 301 corridors. So when town officials rejected Verizon’s proposals to move cell tower equipment to a higher spot, the company sued Philipstown in U.S. District Court in White Plains. Verizon and its contractor, Homeland Towers of Danbury, Connecticut, claim that federal telecommunications law trumps local law when it comes to the nation’s wireless infrastructure. The lawsuit, filed last month, names the town board, zoning board of appeals, conservation board, building inspector Greg Wunner and natural resources review officer Max Garfinkle. A town official did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Verizon operates a 120foot cell tower at McKeels Corners where the topography obstructs the signal. So Verizon wants to relocate equipment to 50 Vineyard Road, where it would erect a 180-foot pole and include antennas for North Highlands Engine Company No. 1 and at least three other wireless carriers. Last May, Verizon applied for a special-use permit and a wetlands permit for the Vineyard site. The town code allows communications towers there, the complaint states, and the project satisfies all requirements. The company also claims that the Vineyard site is the only feasible location and the least intrusive. The town’s own consulting engineer verified that the McKeels Corners site could not mitigate the wireless gap, even if it were raised to 210 feet.

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MARCH 12, 2018


Westchester Business 5" x 11.5"

THE LIST: Golf Courses




Listed alphabetically. Year course opened

Course type






Course designer(s)

2 Club Road, Rye 10580 967-2100 • apawamis.org



Rory Godfrey NA






Willie Dunn

808 Weaver St., Larchmont 10538 834-0992 • bonniebriar.org



Joseph Napolitano Frank Mattei




6,337 blue 6,033 white 5,576 green


Devereux Emmet and A.W. Tillinghast



Steven Vando Nick Yaun






Francis J. Duane; renovated in 2000 by Ken Dye



Josh Lowney Michael Mercadante







Burton Ward C. Nelson Long






C.H. Alison and H.S. Colt



Joseph Pica Ralph Garofano






Robert von Hagge

1 Wasylenko Lane, Yonkers 10701 231-3490 • golf.westchestergov.com



Poy Yong Eric Schwietzer







384 Old Mamaroneck Road, White Plains 10605 723-6000 • fenwaygolfclub.com



Kevin B. Fiske NA






Devereux Emmet and A.W. Tillinghast

U.S. 9, Garrison 10524 845-424-3604 • thegarrison.com



Chip Allemann Joe Spivak






Dick Wilson



Eugene Peterson NA






Eric Bergstol



Joe Rafferty NA



73.7 black 71.0 green 68.0 blue 66.7 gold

6,935 black 6,323 green 5,755 blue 5,102 gold

139 black 129 green 126 blue 113 gold

Mark A. Mungeam



Greg Kinney Bob Miller Jr.








Mauro Piccininni Dean Johnson



72.3 blue 71.5 black 69.7 white 66.7 red

6,409 black 6,264 black/blue 6,179 blue 5,915 white

135 black 134 black/blue 133 blue 130 white



Deborah Donahoe Tom Avezzano






Tom Winton



Paul Carnevali Max Galloway






Tom Winton



Todd Leavenworth NA



76.1 black 73.8 oak 70.4 granite 7,165 67.6 sand 64.5 pine

146 black 142 oak 140 granite 128 sand 112 pine

Pete Dye



Scott Garvin Charlie Poole






Edward Ryder



Mike Belmont Chris Caulfield






Tom Winton



Tom Leahy David Young






Charles B. MacDonald and A.W. Tillinghast



Buddy Sarlo Tom Avezzano






Tim Winton



John Assumma Martin Granda






Alfred H. Tull



Ben Hoffhine Danny Balin


71 west 73.2 west 70 south 69.1 south

6,980 west 6,566 south

136 west 121 south

Walter Travis



Tyler Demarest Jason Gobleck






Peter Clark



Colin A. Burns Mike Gilmore


72 west 72 east

75.7 west 73.9 east

7,264 west 6,750 east

141 west 141 east

A.W. Tillinghast



Robert Kasara John Deigan



72 east

6690 blue 6402 middle

140 blue 139 middle

Donald J. Ross, A.W. Tillinghast and Coore-Crenshaw

Name Address Area code: 914, unless otherwise noted Website

Apawamis Club

Bonnie Briar Country Club Brae Burn Country Club

39 Brae Burn Drive, Purchase 10577 761-8300 • braeburncc.org

Brynwood Golf & Country Club

568 Bedford Road, Armonk 10504 273-9300 • brynwoodclub.com

Century Country Club

233 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase 10577 761-0400 • centurycc.org

Doral Arrowwood

975 Anderson Hill Road, Rye Brook 10573 844-214-5500 • doralarrowwood.com

Dunwoodie Golf Course Fenway Golf Club The Garrison

Hollow Brook Golf Club

1060 Oregon Road, Cortlandt 10567 734-1500 • golfhollowbrook.com

Hudson Hills Golf Course

400 Croton Dam Road, Ossining 10562 864-3000 • hudsonhillsgolf.com

Knollwood Country Club

200 Knollwood Road Extension, Elmsford 10523 592-6182 • kccclub.org

Leewood Golf Club

1 Leewood Drive, Eastchester 10709 793-5900 • leewoodgolfclub.org

Maple Moor Golf Course

1128 North St., White Plains 10605 995-9200 • golf.westchestergov.com

Mohansic Golf Course

1500 Baldwin Road, Yorktown Heights 10598 862-5283 • golf.westchestergov.com

Pound Ridge Golf Club

18 High Ridge Road, Pound Ridge 10576 764-5771 • poundridgegolf.com

Salem Golf Club

18 Bloomer Road, P.O. Box 408, North Salem 10560 669-5485 • salemgolfclub.org

Saxon Woods Golf Course

315 Mamaroneck Road, Scarsdale 10583 231-3461 • golf.westchestergov.com

Sleepy Hollow Country Club

777 Albany Post Road, Briarcliff Manor 10510 941-8070 • sleepyhollowcc.org

Sprain Lake Golf Course

290 Grassy Sprain Road, Yonkers 10710 231-3481 • golf.westchestergov.com

Waccabuc Country Club

90 Mead St., Waccabuc 10597 763-3144 • waccabuccc.com

Westchester Country Club

99 Biltmore Ave., Rye 10580 967-6000 • wccclub.org

Westchester Hills Golf Club 401 Ridgeway, White Plains 10605 948-5020 • westchesterhills.org

Winged Foot Golf Club

851 Fenimore Road, Mamaroneck 10543 698-8400 • wfgc.org

Wykagyl Country Club

1195 North Ave., New Rochelle 10804 636-8700 • wykagylcc.org

Owner/general manager Golf pro


This list is a sampling of golf and country clubs that are located in the region. If you would like to include your facility in our next list, please contact Danielle Renda at drenda@westfairinc.com. NA Note:


MARCH 12, 2018

Not available. Private golf courses require membership and offer specialized services to its members, who are charged dues and course maintenance. Public golf courses charge participants for rounds played and equipment rentals. Municipal golf courses are owned by cities, towns or counties and may offer reduced memberships to residents.


Albert Zikorus

Lawrence Van Etten, renovated by A.W. Tillinghast, Seth Raynor and Charles Devereux Emmet

Hudson Valley Restaurant Week to begin next week

Chef Peter X. Kelly, Janet Crawshaw, publisher of The Valley Table and Rockland County Executive Ed Day at the kickoff event at Kelly’s Restaurant X & Bully Boy Bar in Congers. Photo by Bob Rozycki.

BY ALEESIA FORNI aforni@westfariinc.com


iners will have the opportunity to sample cuisine from hundreds of area eateries this month thanks to Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. Presented by The Valley Table, a print magazine celebrating its 20th year, Restaurant Week will begin on March 12 and run through March 25. Restaurants will offer three-course, prix-fixe menus at $22.95 for lunch and $32.95 for dinner. More than 200 restaurants across the region will participate in restaurant week this year. “It keeps growing. I remember when it was just three of us doing this,” said Peter Xavier Kelly, owner of Restaurant X & Bully Boy Bar, the restaurant that hosted the event’s kickoff celebration on March 6. “I am particularly happy that so many different venues are participating. We have every different cuisine, every style of restaurant, so it’s really very exciting to be part of this.” Participating restaurants are located across the Hudson Valley region,

with eateries in Columbia, Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Ulster counties. More than half of the restaurants are in Westchester County. “It brings a lot of people out, not only locally, but from all over who are able to try a lot of the restaurants we have to offer,” said Mary Kay Vrba, president and CEO of Dutchess Tourism Inc. Janet Crawshaw, publisher of The Valley Table, said the event not only gives diners a chance to experience

We have every different cuisine, every style of restaurant, so it’s really very exciting to be part of this. — Chef Peter X. Kelly

“the food revolution” happening in the Hudson Valley region, but also gives a boost to the local economy. “This is a really difficult time of year, March, and this time of year you don’t know what’s going to come,” she said, referencing the recent nor‘easter that dampened business at some local restaurants. “Business is tough even when there isn’t a storm in winter and this really is a boost to the rest.” Crawshaw said participating restaurants typically see a 25 to 50 percent increase in business during the two-week event. “So many restaurants have literally called me afterwards and said, ‘Thank you so much. This is just the shot in the arm I needed to get to the next season,’” she said. Recently opened eateries on the restaurant week lineup include the Europeaninfluenced eatery at the boutique Beacon Hotel in Dutchess, Fin and Brew in Peekskill and Ossining’s 3 Westerly Bar & Grille. “Even when there are 200-plus restaurants participating, everyone looks for who’s new, so it’s a great way to introduce new restaurants,” Crawshaw said. For more information, visit valleytable.com/hvrw.

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MARCH 12, 2018




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MARCH 12, 2018




Metro-North to start $94 million renovations at White Plains station

White Plains train station plaza. Photo by Bob Rozycki.

BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


etro-North Railroad will start work on a $94 million renovation of the White Plains station on March 19 that the railroad said will make it “safer, brighter, cleaner and easier to navigate.” The Metropolitan Transportation Authority said that construction will create some minor changes to the Hudson and Harlem line schedules. Train schedules will shift to allow Metro-North workers to start on the project that is expected to take three years. The project will include new signs, improved platforms, benches with USB chargers, new station dashboards and stronger WiFi and cellular connectivity. Plans call for improving the station's entrances, upgrading restrooms and adding energy-efficient LED lighting among other upgrades. The station will also receive new wall panels, ceiling tiles and fixtures. The White Plains station is along the busiest segment of Metro-North’s system. For construction, one of the two tracks will be removed from service during off-peak and weekend hours to allow construction crews access to the platforms. Metro-North officials said in the statement that construction will not affect peak-hour weekday service or schedules. Crews will also rehabili-

tate tracks between Scarsdale and Hartsdale. Both stations will be refurbished next year, according to Metro-North. The upgrades come as White Plains city officials are preparing for an overhaul of the train station’s surrounding neighborhoods. The city unveiled plans at the end of 2016 for a White Plains Transit District that will involve rezoning and open some city land for development. The plan was developed through a million-dollar state grant, which financed a yearlong community outreach and planning process. The city’s vision calls for a rezoning of several blocks near the train station. The new zoning will stress open space and mixed-use residential buildings with groundfloor retail. The plan opens up about 4.5 acres of city-owned land near the train station for development: two parking lots, a parking garage and a firehouse along Ferris Avenue and Bank Street. The city sent out a request for expressions of interest in the properties to potential developers last June, but hasn’t announced any further decisions since. The RFEI required developers incorporate open space, bicycle infrastructure and apartment buildings with ground-floor retail into any plans. Here’s the full list of schedule changes for con-

struction, as provided by Metro-North:



There are no schedule changes to peak-period trains. Service levels are not affected on Harlem Line trains operating between Grand Central Terminal and Crestwood. Ten midday and four nighttime local trains to and from North White Plains will no longer operate between Crestwood and North White Plains. Some trains to and from Southeast that currently operate express between White Plains and Harlem125th Street will add stops at Hartsdale, Scarsdale and/ or Crestwood to preserve half-hourly service to those stations, and to provide connecting service to and from the Crestwood local trains. Up to four minutes of running time has been added to accommodate speed restrictions and to operate at reduced speed past track and station-construction workers on the adjacent track and platform. Up to four minutes of running time has been added to some northbound local trains at Scarsdale to allow southbound trains to clear the single-track between North White Plains and Scarsdale.


o often in life, we have a fit because someone with authority or influence over us insists that we: • Rewrite a document • Change the way we sell • Work overtime to get something done • Sharpen our skills at any number of things • And on, and on... And so we go on a rant, asking “Why am I in this position? Why does it have to be this way?” Well, I’ve given this a great deal of thought and what I’ve come to realize is that it’s the inverse of what we often think. Meaning, those forced and often unwanted to-dos are actually the extra steps that drive us to higher levels of performance. (Yes, they are blessings in disguise.) Case in point: when I wrote my best seller Your Marketing Sucks, I worked with a crusty old editor, famous (or infamous, depending on your perspective) for rewriting everything 1001 times. But there’s an important life lesson here. Rewriting (or performing any other task) endlessly for the sake of rewriting endlessly, is, yes, a maddening waste.

But (and ah ha, here’s the difference) going through the motions requested or demanded by a mentor/collaborator lifts your professionalism and, in turn, the quality of your work. My book was vastly enhanced by the presence of a wise and insistent editor. Just this week, I was in a meeting with a number of people, including a former employee, we’ll call her Jenn. Here’s what I told the group: “Jenn used to hate me. She really did. Why? Because I drove her nuts by demanding more and more of her talents and energy. “But why did I do that? Simple: because I knew Jenn had the right stuff. That she could be a star.” When I told Jenn that, it gave her a new lense to look through when she pondered her career. From there, she blossomed, we developed a true friendship and she became the youngest VP in my firm.” The truth is, the things we do when we go the extra mile are the very things that bring us across the finish line first. If we ever want a finish line!


Twenty-eight Saturday and 20 Sunday local » METRO-NORTH



MARCH 12, 2018


Keeping your field crew punctual

ASK ANDI By Andi Gray

We want to have our field people get out the door faster. Some arrive late and when they do punch in they take their time getting on the road. The field crews can’t get their work done and we can’t make money unless everyone is here on time and out the door almost as soon as they get here.


MARCH 12, 2018


Thoughts of the Day: Time is money — make sure your people understand that principle. Minimize opportunities for delay. Have a system to minimize delays. Focus on factors that contribute to enhanced performance. When it comes to running a successful company, the more your people under-

stand about what drives success, the better. And the first order of business is understanding the relationship between time and money. Talk with your people about how tight margins can be. Show them examples of jobs that made a profit and those that took a loss. Discuss why there were dif-

ferent outcomes, focusing on errors and the role of overhead hours vs. billable hours. Make up competitions for which teams get out the door the fastest, have the lowest downtime and have the fewest errors on the job. Ask winners to talk about how they did it and train the other teams. Set up a procedure for field staff to call in if they’re going to be out sick or if there’s an emergency they have to deal with. Have your field-crew scheduler online before the crews arrive, rearranging work assignments by priority if there are any people not coming in or equipment is down. Set up a check-in desk right next to the time clock, where people can get a packet of instructions for the day. Minimize disruption with floaters to fill in gaps. Permanently assign teams to specific trucks, which should be fueled, equipped and ready to go as soon as the team is fully assembled. Make sure all team members know their roles: the team leader picks up job paperwork, hands out crew assignments and checks equipment. The navigator looks for the most efficient routes to use. The driver checks out the vehicle, double-checks equipment and supplies and verifies the crew is on board. Have someone stay at the end of the day to gas up, clean and restock all vehicles. Have someone arrive early in the morning to double check everything and log vehicles out. Field crews should report vehicle issues while they’re out on the road and the office lines up overnight maintenance resources to fix problems. Set a schedule for preventive maintenance matched to vehicle mileage and stick to the schedule no matter how busy things get. If you can’t afford to be down a vehicle, add an extra rotating vehicle to the fleet or line up a rental service as backup. Live by the motto “A place for everything and everything in its place.” Insist all tools and supplies get put away where they belong. Diagram how each

field vehicle should be outfitted and train everyone to use the map every day. Make it easier to spot things that need to be replaced by labeling hooks — the empty ones become clear signals calling for new gear and supplies. Have someone check that equipment is put away before leaving the job site. Do everything possible to create favorable work conditions. Clean up clutter. Get rid of hazards. Limit overtime and make sure your people get plenty of opportunity to rest. Address conflicts head on and get rid of them. Overcommunicate to reduce time wasted on guesses and gossip. Save time starting in on the next day’s work by giving your people time to wrap up, pick up and organize at the end of the day. Looking for a good book? Try “Construction Crew Supervision: 50 Take Charge Leadership Techniques and Light Construction Glossary” by Karl F. Schmid.

Andi Gray.

Andi Gray is president of Strate�y Leaders Inc., Strate�yLeaders.com, a business-consulting �irm that teaches companies how to double revenue and triple pro�its in repetitive growth cycles. Have a question for AskAndi? Wondering how Strate�y Leaders can help your business thrive? Call or email for a free consultation and diagnostics: 877-238-3535, AskAndi@Strate�yLeaders. com. Check out our library of business advice articles: AskAndi.com.




‘The nearness of you’ The Pelham Art Center Gallery in Pelham recently celebrated the opening of its new portrait exhibition, “Near To You.” The show features the work of six artists who have expressed in sculpture and paintings what it means to capture the impression or image of a person. Some of the artists and their subjects were on hand at the opening to share in the fun of discovering from the viewers if they truly succeeded. The exhibit is on view through March 24. Photographs by Barry L. Mason. Christine Aaron and Avery Syrig Katy Garry, Angelo (Zacc) Zaccagnino, Kathy D’Agostino and Susan Adiletta 3. John Mitchell 4. Tim Doud 5. Heather Morgan 6. Jenny Dubnau 7. Jamíl Coverdale, Rebecca Mills and Paula McKeever 8. Telisha Bryan 9. Lynn Honeysett and Anki King 10. Kenise Barnes, Chris Kaczmarek, Patricia Miranda and Rima Grad

3 4


1. 2.







MARCH 12, 2018




trains will no longer operate between Crestwood and North White Plains. To accommodate train meets at the ends of the single-track segments, the northbound schedule pattern for most trains is revised. As is the case during off-peak hours on weekdays, certain trains to and from Southeast that currently operate express between Harlem-125th Street and White Plains will add stops at Hartsdale, Scarsdale and/ or Crestwood. To accommodate the switch replacement project near Brewster, service between Grand Central Terminal and Southeast is reduced to hourly except inbound in the morning, and outbound in the late afternoon/evening. Halfhourly service will be restored with the fall 2018 schedule change. The through-train service between Grand Central Terminal and Wassaic on weekends in both directions (one train in each direc-

tion each day) is replaced with shuttle trains between Southeast and Wassaic, with connections at Southeast. Overall travel time between Wassaic and Grand Central Terminal is about 10 minutes longer than on the through trains. Up to four minutes of running time has been added to account for speed restrictions and to operate at reduced speed past track and station construction workers on the adjacent track and platform.


Northbound weekend trains to Poughkeepsie depart Grand Central Terminal two minutes later and trains to Croton-Harmon depart one minute later in order to support rescheduled Harlem Line service.


All weekday inbound trains will make stops at Rye, Harrison and Mamaroneck one minute earlier to support track work in the area.



called in from Canada, Texas and Wisconsin. NYSEG reported about 18,000 outages in its Westchester service area among its 32,800 customers as of the morning of March 8. That number also shot up following the latest storm. The utility reported about 1,500 of its Westchester customers were without power before the second snow storm hit. In Westchester, NYSEG provides electricity to several northern towns and villages, including North Salem, Somers, Yorktown and Bedford. State law requires utilities to prepare and follow emergency restoration response plans. Failure to do so, as judged by the state Public Service Commission, can result in financial penalties to shareholders. Cuomo last year called for an investigation into the response from Rochester utilities after a major March wind storm knocked out power for more than a

week in some places. The Public Service Commission found last fall that sanctions were warranted for both NYSEG and Rochester Gas & Electric, but have not reached a settlement. The governor also called for an investigation into the overall response to Hurricane Sandy in 2012, blaming utilities, with special scrutiny on Long Island Power Authority, for the region’s slow recovery. Public Service Commission Chairman John

Rhodes said the PSC would be watching the restoration efforts closely, including following the latest nor’easter. “This is a severe and prolonged outage,” Rhodes said on the March 6 conference call. “There have been clear failures and failures of communication between the utilities and the government and customers. And absolutely an intense review and investigation is warranted.” With the addition-

al snowfall reaching up to more than a foot in some parts of the county, Latimer said that utilities will be held accountable by their customers. “Forget government … Hudson Valley residents are watching very carefully what their utility companies are doing,” Latimer said. “And many times the elected officials, from the governor on down respond to community outrage, and the communities are outraged.”

Westchester County Executive George Latimer speaks emphatically to Con Edison about its response to restoring power.



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MARCH 12, 2018







707 Summer St., Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 203-359-8500 Website: ashforth.com Top executive(s): H. Darrell Harvey, co-CEO, The Ashforth Company; and Andrew B. Ashforth, co-CEO, The Ashforth Company, and CEO and president, A.P. Construction Company Major properties in the region: Greenwich Plaza, Greenwich; 3001 Stamford Square, Stamford; and 707 Summer St., Stamford. Description: owner, developer and investor of assets and provider of asset and property management, general contracting and construction management Year established: 1986

333 N. Bedford Road, Mount Kisco, N.Y. 10549 Phone: 914-773-6249 Website: diamondproperties.com // dpmgt.com Top executive(s): Jim Diamond, CEO Major properties in the region: 333 N. Bedford Road, Mount Kisco, N.Y.; 75 Virginia Road, White Plains, N.Y.; 444 Saw mill River Road, Elmsford, N.Y.; 115 Wall St., White Plains, N.Y.; 100 S. Bedford Road, Mount Kisco, N.Y.; 2 Church St., Ossining, N.Y.; 141 and 175 Tompkins Ave., Pleasantville, N.Y.; 42 Memorial Plaza, Pleasantville, N.Y.; Moller Mansion, 830 S. Broadway, Tarrytown, N.Y.; 50 Broadway, Hawthorne, N.Y.; 116 Newtown Road, Danbury, Conn.; and 958 Boston Post Road, Danbury, Conn. Description: commercial real estate investor and manager Year established: 1993




1019 Boston Post Road, Darien, Conn. 06820 Phone: 203-656-0500 Website: baywater.net Top executive(s): R. David Genovese, founder Major properties in the region: Baywater Business Park, Norwalk; 155 Woodward Ave., Norwalk; 78 Harvard Ave., Stamford; 2777 Summer St., Stamford; 225 High Ridge Road, Stamford; 195 Danbury Road, Wilton; 285 Riverside Ave., Westport; 355 Riverside Ave., Westport; 450 Post Road, Westport; 745 Boston Post Road, Darien; 1020 Boston Post Road, Darien; 980 Boston Post Road, Darien; 1019 and 1021 Boston Post Road, Darien; Corbin Development Property, Darien; 17 Old Kings Highway South, Darien; 36 Old Kings Highway South, Darien; 1340 Boston Post Road, Darien; and 1025 Boston Post Road, Darien. Description: full-service real estate company Year established: 2001


107 Elm St., 4 Stamford Plaza, Eighth floor, Stamford, Conn. 06902 Phone: 203-326-5800 7 Renaissance Square, Fifth floor, White Plains 10601 Phone: 914-305-9306 Website: cushmanwakefield.us Top executive(s): John Santora, vice chairman, president, New York tristate region; James Fagan, senior managing director, Stamford office; and Craig Ruoff and Matthew Lisk, senior directors, Westchester office Major properties in the region: Landmark Square, Stamford; The Annex, Stamford; Pequot Plaza, Southport; Greenwich American Centre, Greenwich; Westport View Corporate Center, Westport; Miro Plaza, Fairfield; 9 Riverbend Center, Stamford; i.park7, Norwalk; Norden Park, Westport; Thordal Circle, Armstrong Park, Shelton; Plaza West, Stamford; Summer Street, Stamford; Trefoil Park, Trumbull; Trumbull Corporate Park, Trumbull; Matrix Corporate Center, Danbury; Saugatuck Grain Building, Saugatuck; Riverview East, Norwalk; Fairfield Metro Medical Campus, Fairfield; The Common, Greenwich; The Brick Tower, Fairfield; Merritt 8, Stamford; The Moorings, Westport; Seaview House, Stamford; Belden Square, Norwalk; Washington Plaza, Stamford; Corner Marion Road, Westport; Shelton Financial Center, Shelton; Pickwick Plaza, Greenwich; Stamford Towers North, Stamford; River Plaza, Stamford; White Plains Office Park, White Plains; The Centre at Purchase, Building 1, Purchase; Ritz Carlton, Tower 2, White Plains; Airport Campus, 113 King St., Armonk; and Chappaqua Crossing, Pleasantville. Description: commercial real estate brokerage, tenant and landlord representation, acquisitions, sales, appraisals, project management, property management and global occupier services. Year established: 1917


200 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06854 Phone: 203-866-1220 Website: thedaviscompanies.com Top executive(s): Jonathan G. Davis, founder and CEO Major properties in the region: 40, 50, 60, 64 and 187 Danbury Road, Wilton, Conn.; 200 Connecticut Ave., Norwal; 40 Richards Ave., Norwalk; 15 Old Danbury Road, Wilton; Reservoir Corporate Center, Shelton; 35 Nutmeg Drive, Trumbull; 1000 Bridgeport Ave., Shelton; and 2150 Post Road, Fairfield. Description: acquisition, property management, leasing, development, construction and asset management Year established: 1976


200 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016 Phone: 212-481-1122 Website: gcomfort.com Top executive(s): Peter S. Duncan, president and CEO Major properties in the region: 900 King St., Rye Brook, N.Y.; The Centre at Purchase, Purchase, N.Y.; High Ridge Park, Stamford, Conn.; and Shippan Landing, Stamford, Conn. Description: landlord agency, property and construction management, tenant loyalty, acquisitions, corporate services, tenant representation and sustainability Year established: 1919


800 Westchester Ave., Suite 638, Rye Brook, N.Y. 10573 Phone: 914-821-5050 and 203-786-5050 Website: greiner-maltz.com Top executive(s): Ayall Schanzer, principal Major properties in the region: 275 Washington St., Mount Vernon; and 508 North Avenue, New Rochelle; 2 Greentown Road, Buchanan; 317 South Broadway, Yonkers; 27 Centre Ave., New Rochelle; and 919 West St., Pelham Manor. Description: appraisals, consultation, negotiation representation, industrial and office park development, property management and space analysis Year established: 1953


Cross Westchester Executive Park 100 Clearbrook Road, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523 Phone: 914-592-4800 Website: mack-cali.com Top local executive(s): Mitchell E. Rudin, CEO; and Jeffrey M. Warner, senior vice president of leasing Major properties in the region: Stamford Executive Park, Stamford, Conn.; Cross Westchester Executive Park, Elmsford, N.Y.; Mid-Westchester Executive Park, Hawthorne, N.Y.; South Westchester Executive Park, Hawthorne, N.Y.; Elmsford Distribution Center, Elmsford, N.Y.; South Westchester Executive Park, Yonkers, N.Y.; Westchester Financial Center, White Plains, N.Y.; and South Westchester Executive Park, Yonkers; N.Y. Description: commercial and residential real estate services, architecture, construction, leasing, legal, property management and space planning Year established: 1949


301 Merritt 7, Norwalk, Conn. 06851 Phone: 203-762-7200 Website: marcuspartners.com Top local executive(s): Paul Marcus, managing principal Major properties in the region: 8 and 10 Wright St., Westport; 40 Cross St., Norwalk; 40-60 Danbury Road, Wilton; 50-64 Danbury Road, Wilton; and 200 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk. Description: asset management, development and property management Year established: 1992



1201 Route 112, Port Jefferson Station, N.Y. 11776 Phone: 631-979-2777 Website: matrixrealtygrp.com Top local executive(s): Enrico Scarda, acting CEO Major properties in the region: Matrix Corporate Center, Danbury and Matrix Corporate Center at Norwalk, Norwalk, Conn. Description: property management Year established: 1993


33 W. Main St., Suite 301, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523 Phone: 914-592-1100 Website: quantmgmt.com Top local executive(s): Tom Burdarin, owner Major properties in the region: NA Description: property management for cooperatives, rental properties and condominiums throughout Westchester County and New York City, including management of staffing, financial, management and compliance services Year established: 1990


500 Nepperhan Ave., Yonkers, N.Y. 10701 Phone: 914-423-2047 Website: rjroserealty.com Top local executive(s): Randolph Rose, president Major properties in the region: The Weaving Building, 500-530 Nepperhan Ave., Yonkers; and The Worsted Building, 179 Saw Mill River Road, Yonkers. Description: property management Year established: 2007


(A division of SL Green Realty Corp.) 1 Landmark Square, Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 203-363-2500 360 Hamilton Ave., White Plains, N.Y. 10601 Phone: 914-750-7200 Website: slgreen.com Top executive(s): John Barnes, senior vice president, marketing and director, suburban division Major properties in the region: 1 and 6 International Drive, Rye Brook, N.Y.; 100, 200 and 500 Summit Lake Drive, Valhalla, N.Y.; 117 Stevens Ave., Valhalla, N.Y.; 260 Hamilton Ave., White Plains, N.Y.; 520 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, N.Y.; 1010 Washington Blvd., Stamford, Conn.; 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 Landmark Square, Stamford, Conn.; 680, 750 and 1055 Washington Blvd., Stamford, Conn. Description: leasing, property management, construction and architecture Year established: 1997


1 Landmark Square, Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 203-968-2313 Website: rms-companies.com Top local executive(s): Randy Salvatore, president and CEO Major properties in the region: The Moderne, Stamford; The Verano, Stamford; 1200 Bedford St., Stamford; Mayfair Square, Danbury; Cooper Square, Bethel; Hotel Zero Degrees, Stamford; Hotel Zero Degrees, Norwalk; Delamar Southport, Southport; Parallel 41, Stamford; Blvd, Stamford; Village at Maple Pointe, Stamford; Village at River’s Edge, Stamford; Phoenix on Isaac, Norwalk; Marquis on the River, Norwalk; 100 Prospect, Stamford; Hotel Zero Degrees, Danbury, Rippowan Place, Stamford; and Simeon Village, Bethel. Description: construction, renovation, tenant fit-outs, project and property management, custom-home building, development of town homes and residential communities Year established: 1995




ne of the primary issues facing U.S. industry today — across virtually all the manual labor trades and particularly in construction — is an ongoing shortage of trained technicians. This is being strongly felt in the elevator industry, where steadily growing building construction has created increasing demand for technicians to install, service and maintain new and existing systems. More and more one hears, “we need more trained technicians, but there’s no one available to hire.” According to Bob Schaeffer, CEO and president of Elmsford-based D&D Elevator Maintenance, the solution is “training, training, training.” An elevator industry veteran, Schaeffer has throughout his career been a strong advocate for education. Among his many accreditations, he served as board president of the National Association of Elevator Contractors (NAEC) and, as education chairman, was instrumental in creating the Certified Elevator Technician (CET™) certification. This nationally recognized certificate program provides the elevator industry with the means of obtaining and verifying knowledge and experience requirements related to compliance with industry codes, elevator and escalator specific technical theory, components and competencies. For its own company, D&D Elevator has been delivering apprenticeship training for more than 15 years with great success. Schaeffer explains, “To allow us to grow at a reasonable pace, our goal was to make sure we always had enough skilled workers, while maintaining and enhancing our existing workforce. In 2016, and at the beginning of 2017, we have seen a dynamic change in the workforce. Retirees have outpaced new apprentices and rather than deal with the rigors of daily maintenance, repairs, modernizations and the installation of elevators, many qualified technicians have opted to become inspectors and third-party witnesses.” Now, in the face of the worsening shortage in certified technicians, D&D is working on expanding the training model to other elevator companies that subscribe to the common goal of using only educated and safety-trained skilled labor. When they began asking other companies if they had any interest in this, the answer was a resounding ‘if you build it, we will come.’ Accordingly, D&D has begun the process of building a 2,500-square-foot Elevator Learning Center on Corporate Boulevard in Yonkers, antici-


pated to open spring 2018. In keeping with the objective of developing an innovative education model that other companies would fi nd valuable — while ensuring that the educational content is proven and accepted — all classes are being taught by experienced and certified instructors. According to Schaeffer, the overarching objective of the Center is to allow for other companies to train at its facility, either through its approved educational delivery system, or a process created through contractor related organizations. The Center will also be providing services that include certified

testing, proctoring and graduate placement services for entities that provide apprenticeship and re-certification. Working with human resource professionals, it is planning to add personal attribute and ethics training to help create well-rounded candidates who understand the importance of communication, quality and professionalism. In conclusion, Schaeffer says, “We see this approach as a solution to the shortage of skilled labor — to help build a body of educated, trained, skilled, responsible workers who can make an extremely good living while serving a pressing societal need.”

D&D Elevator Maintenance president Bob Schaeffer teaching an elevator technician apprenticeship program.

D&D’s Elevator’s new Elevator Learning Center will be located at Corporate Boulevard in Yonkers and will be delivering: • State-of-the-art computer workstations delivering online education • Accredited, certified apprenticeship training recognized by the Department of Labor • OSHA and Safety training using highly experienced, certified instructors • Industry related continuing education with CEU credits for certification requirements

Students will experience hands-on learning with full-scale elevator component mockups and demonstration aids, as well as simulators that provide the experience of working with equipment from several leading manufacturers.

D&D Elevator Maintenance Incorporated • 38 Hayes Street • Elmsford, NY 10523 P: 914.347.4344 • F: 914.347.3222 • info@ddelevator.com • www.ddelevator.com





162 East Ave., Suite 1A, Norwalk, Conn. 06851 Phone: 203-604-1390 Website: wflrealestate.com Top local executive(s): Bill Leopold, principal, president and founder Major properties in the region: 162 East Ave., Norwalk; 11 Burtis Ave., New Canaan; 70 Main St., New Canaan; 33 N. Water St., Norwalk; 125 Strawberry Hill Ave., Stamford; 5-17 Washington St., Norwalk; 154 East Ave., Norwalk; 98 East Ave., Norwalk; and 151 E. Post Road, White Plains. Description: commercial property management, brokerage and construction services Year established: 1998


87 Bedford Road, Katonah, N.Y. 10536 Phone: 914-232-3191 Website: wakellyco.com Top local executive(s): Edward Kelly, owner Major properties in the region: Westchester Pavilion Mall, Jefferson Valley; and Toyota Automobile Dealership/Service, Nyack. Description: general contracting management, including construction management, commercial construction, pre-engineered and metal buildings, re-roof services, retail projects, residential construction and organization memberships Year established: 1932


707 Summer St., Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 203-359-8500 Website: ashforth.com Top executive(s): H.Darrell Harvey, co-CEO, and Andrew B. Ashforth, co-CEO Largest project under construction: square footage, 38,000; locality, White Plains, N.Y.; and project cost, $32 million Construction classification percentages: NA Description: construction, property management and investments Year established: 1986


1 W. Red Oak Lane, White Plains, N.Y. 10604 Phone: 914-461-9000 Website: thebakercompanies.com Top executive(s): Mark Baker, president Largest project under construction: square footage, NA; locality, NA; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: 85 percent, industrial; 13 percent, office; and 2 percent, retail Description: acquisitions and development Year established: 1966


2 Parklawn Drive, Bethel, Conn. 06801 Phone: 203-743-7201 Website: berkshirecorporatepark.com Top executive(s): WND Largest project under construction: WND Construction classification percentages: 20 percent, industrial; 20 percent, office; 10 percent, retail; and 50 percent, flexible space Description: full-design building, from land planning to construction management Year established: 1968



1 Elmcroft Road, Suite 500, Stamford, Conn. 06902 Phone: 203-846-1900 Website: bltoffice.com Top executive(s): Carl R. Kuehner III, CEO Largest project under construction: square footage, 220,000; locality, Stamford, Conn.; and project cost range in millions, NA Construction classification percentages: 27 percent, office; 3 percent, retail; and 70 percent, residential Description: real estate development, investment, construction, management and ownership Year established: 1982


222 Summer St., Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 203-359-2900 Website: fdrich.com Top executive(s): Thomas L. Rich, president and CEO Largest project under construction: 100,000; locality, Norwalk, Conn.; project cost, N/A Construction classification percentages: 100 percent, hotel Description: development, leasing, management and construction Year established: 1920


7 Renaissance Square, Fourth floor, White Plains, N.Y. 10601 Phone: 914-769-6500 Website: cappelli-inc.com Top executive(s): Louis Cappelli and Bruce Berg, owners Largest project under construction: square footage, 650 apartments and 50,00 square feet of retail space; locality, Stamford, Conn.; and project cost range, NA Construction classification percentages: 10 percent, retail, and 90 percent, residential Description: construction, development and asset management Year established: 1982

501 Kings Highway East, Fairfield, Conn. 06825 Phone: 203-696-1000 Website: fischelproperties.com Top executive(s): Jonathan Eckman, president and CEO Largest project under construction: square footage, 130,000; locality, Fairfield, Conn.; project cost, N/A Construction classification percentages: 2 percent, industrial; 85 percent, office; 12 percent, retail; and 1 percent, multifamily Description: full-service commercial real estate development company, including new construction and rehab development, real estate brokerage, property management and business consulting Year established: 1970




1455 E. Putnam Ave., Old Greenwich, Conn. 06870 Phone: 203-358-0004 Website: collins-llc.com Top local executive(s): Arthur Collins and Dwight Collins, owners Largest project under construction: square footage, 300,000; locality, Connecticut and Virginia; project cost, $50 million Construction classification percentages: 20 percent medical and offices and 80 percent apartments Description: full-service real estate company offering acquisitions, development, assets and property management, financing and consulting Year established: 1991


322 Clock Tower Commons, Brewster, N.Y. 10509 Phone: 845-279-9565 Website: covington-development.com Top local executive(s): Harold Lepler. owner Largest project under construction: square footage, NA; locality, NA; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: 25 percent, industrial; 25 percent, office; 25 percent, retail; and 25 percent, multifamily housing Description: full-development services Year established: 1980


333 N. Bedford Road, Mount Kisco, N.Y. 10549 Phone: 914-773-6249 Website: diamondproperties.com // dpmgt.com Top executive(s): Jim Diamond, CEO Largest project under construction: square footage, 189,329; locality, Stone Mountain, Ga.; project cost, N/A Construction classification percentages: 50 percent, industrial; 40 percent, office; and 10 percent retail Description: site selection, acquisition, construction and management Year established: 1993


Metro Center, 1 Station Place, Stamford, Conn. 06902 Phone: 203-353-5200 Website: empirestaterealtytrust.com Top executive(s): Anthony E. Malkin, chairman and CEO Largest project under construction: square footage, N/A; locality, N/A; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: 50 percent, office, and 50 percent, retail Description: leasing, marketing, construction, legal, accounting, asset and property management Year established: 1987


100 Summit Lake Drive, Suite 235, Valhalla, N.Y. 10595 Phone: 203-747-3600 Website: gdcllc.com Top executive(s): Martin Ginsberg, principal Largest project under construction: square footage, 55 apartment buildings; locality, Yonkers, N.Y.; and project cost range, N/A Construction classification percentages: 100 percent, residential Description: construction, leasing, management and sales Year established: 1964


80 Business Park Drive, Armonk, N.Y. 10504 Phone: 914-273-5200 Website: NA Top executive(s): Edward A. Lashins and Eric M. Lashins Largest project under construction: square footage, NA; locality, NA; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: 10 percent, industrial; 70 percent, office; 10 percent, retail; and 10 percent, residential Description: development, construction, leasing and management Year established: 1944


210 Hudson St., Suite 400, Jersey, N.J. 07311 Phone: 732-590-1000 Website: mack-cali.com Top local executive(s): Michael J. DeMarco Largest project under construction: square footage, 365 apartment homes and 10,000 feet of retail space; locality, Worchester, Mass.; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: 100 percent, multifamily Description: commercial and residential real estate services, architecture, construction, leasing, legal, property management and space planning Year established: 1949


301 Merritt 7, Norwalk, Conn. 06851 Phone: 203-762-7200 Website: marcuspartners.com Top executive(s): David P. Fiore, principal of the New York metropolitan region Largest project under construction: square footage, 230,000; locality, Morristown, N.J; project cost, N/A Construction classification percentages: 100 percent, office Description: asset management, development and property management Year established: 1992


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3 Manhattanville Road, Suite 202, Purchase, N.Y. 10577 Phone: 914-694-4444 Website: nrdc.com Top executive(s): Robert C. Baker, chairman and CEO Largest project under construction: square footage, N/A; locality, N/A; project cost, N/A Construction classification percentages: 100 percent, retail Description: development, acquisitions, entitlement, property operations/ management, leasing and marketing, construction, property management and legal services Year established: 1964


485 W. Putnam Ave., Greenwich, Conn. 06830 Phone: 203-661-0055 Website: nationalresources.com Top executive(s): Joseph Cotter, founder and president Largest project under construction: square footage, N/A; locality, N/A; project cost, N/A Construction classification percentages: 80 percent, office, and 20 percent, retail Description: development and management Year established: 1993


1 Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Shelton, Conn. 06484 Phone: 203-929-6300 Website: scinto.com Top executive(s): Robert D. Scinto, president and founder Largest project under construction: square footage, N/A; locality: N/A; project cost, N/A Construction classification percentages: 25 percent, industrial, and 75 percent, office Description: site selection, acquisition and construction Year established: 1974


100 Clearbrook Road, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523 Phone: 914-592-4800 Website: robertmartincompany.com Top executive(s): Robert F. Weinberg, co-founder and partner, and Timothy M. Jones, managing member/partner Largest project under construction: square footage, N/A; locality, N/A project cost, N/A Construction classification percentages: 40 percent, industrial; 10 percent, office; 20 percent, retail; and 30 percent, residential Description: development, acquisition and adaptive reuse Year established: 1957


1 Landmark Square, Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 203-968-2313 Website: rms-companies.com Top local executive(s): Randy Salvatore, president and CEO Largest project under construction: square footage, 114-room boutique hotel; locality, Danbury, Conn.; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: NA Description: construction, renovation, tenant fit-outs, project and property management, custom-home building, development of town homes and residential communities Year established: 1995






700 S. Barry Ave., Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 Phone: 914-698-3600 Website: rosensheinassocs.com Top executive(s): Lisa Rosenshein, owner Largest project under construction: square footage, NA; locality, NA; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: 100 percent, retail Description: acquisition, development and brokerage Year established: 1958

800 Westchester Ave., Suite N601, Rye Brook 10573 Phone: 914-285-1700 Website: rpwgroup.com Top executive(s): Richard P. Weisz, founder and owner Largest project under construction: square footage, 1 million; locality, White Plains, N.Y.; project cost, more than $100 million Construction classification percentages: 20 percent, hotel; 40 percent, office; and 40 percent, residential Description: ownership, management, general contracting and construction management Year established: 1979


1250 Waters Place, Bronx, N.Y. 10461 Phone: 718-215-3000 Website: simdev.com Top executive(s): Joseph Simone, president Largest project under construction: square footage, NA; locality, NA; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: 20 percent, industrial; 50 percent, office; 20 percent, retail; and 10 percent, residential Description: commercial development and holding, residential development and sales Year established: 1960


1 N. Water St., Suite 100, South Norwalk, Conn. 06854 Phone: 203-354-1547 Website: spinrep.com Top executive(s): Clayton Fowler, founder, chairman and CEO Largest project under construction: square footage, mixed-use development with 57 apartments; locality, Norwalk, Conn.; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: 10 percent, hotel, and 90 percent, residential Description: acquisition, development and management, urban planning, engineering, design execution Year established: 1950


605 West Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06850 Phone: 203-203-5600 Website: seligsonproperties.com Top executive(s): Stanley M. Seligson, chairman and CEO Largest project under construction: square footage, 425 luxury apartments and 63,000 square feet of retail space; locality, Norwalk, Conn.; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: 10 percent, retail, and 90 percent, residential Description: owner and manager of a real estate portfolio in excess of one million square feet of residential, office, retail, medical and light industrial buildings Year established: 1985


46 Westchester Ave., Pound Ridge 10576 Phone: 914-561-0218 Website: N/A Top executive(s): Steven Wise, owner Largest project under construction: square footage, N/A; locality, N/A; project cost, N/A Construction classification percentages: N/A Description: development company Year established: 2004

3 Barker Ave., Sixth floor, White Plains, N.Y. 10601 Phone: 914-231-8080 Website: N/A Top executive(s): Marc Samwick, managing member Largest project under construction: square footage, N/A; locality, N/A; project cost, N/A Construction classification percentages: 62 percent industrial and 38 percent office Description: acquisition, development and advisory services Year established: 2001


440 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite N-503, Harrison, N.Y. 10528 Phone: 914-751-4000 Website: westrockdevelopment.com Top executive(s): Jason Friedland, managing partner and co-founder Largest project under construction: square footage, NA; locality, NA; project cost, NA Construction classification percentages: 50 percent industrial, 20 percent office and 30 percent retail and Description: real estate development Year established: 2001


87 Bedford Road, Katonah, N.Y. 10536 Phone: 914-232-3191 Website: wakellyco.com Top local executive(s): Edward Kelly, owner Largest project under construction: square footage, 60,000; locality, North Salem N.Y.; project cost, $1-20 million Construction classification percentages: 100 percent, hotel Description: construction management, general contracting, turnkey packages, design-build services, site work, excavation and construction Year established: 1932


62 Pondfield Road, Bronxville, N.Y. 10708 Phone: 914-779-8200 Website: admiralrealestate.com Top executive(s): Jonathan Gordon, president and CEO Licensed agents and/or brokers: six agents Areas: New York metropolitan area Description: tenant representation, agency leasing and investment sales Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial, land and multifamily Year established: 1997


4 W. Red Oak Lane, Suite 105, White Plains, N.Y. 10604 Phone: 914-755-4184 Website: zuckermanre.com Top executive(s): Alan Zuckerman Licensed agents and/or brokers: one broker/agent Areas: New York tristate area Description: commercial real estate specialist Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial, land and multifamily Year established: 2013


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116 Main St., Second floor, Greenwich 06830 Phone: 203-661-5800 Website: alliedpropertygp.com Top executive(s): Thomas Torelli, managing partner Licensed agents and/or brokers: three agents Areas: Westchester and Fairfield counties Description: management services offered through Allied Property Management LLC Properties serviced: office and retail Year established: 1993


2425 Post Road, Suite 303, Southport, Conn. 06890 Phone: 203-335-6600 Website: angelcommercial.com Top executive(s): Jon Angel, president Licensed agents and/or brokers: five agents Areas: New York and Connecticut Description: sales, leasing, consulting and landlord and tenant representation Properties serviced: industrial, multifamily and retail Year established: 2000


4 New King St., Suite 100, White Plains, N.Y. 10604 Phone: 914-937-3111 Website: realtyacquisitionconsulting.com Top executive(s): Bill Anson, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: one Areas: Westchester County Description: leasing and sales Properties: industrial and commercial Year established: 1973


500 Executive Blvd., Suite 203, Ossining, N.Y. 10562 Phone: 914-762-7500 Website: apbproperties.com Top executive(s): Anthony P. Beldotti, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: one broker Areas: Briarcliff, Mount Kisco, Ossining and Yorktown Description: consulting, leasing, residential and commercial rentals Properties: industrial/warehouse, multifamily, office and rental Year established: 1984


110 S. Central Ave., Hartsdale, N.Y. 10530 Phone: 914-949-2800 Website: ade-re.com Top executive(s): Barry Endelson, president Licensed agents and/or brokers: four agents, five brokers Areas: Putnam, Rockland and Westchester counties, N.Y. and parts of Connecticut and New Jersey Description: appraisal, consulting, leasing, property management and sales Properties serviced: retail Year established: 1993


31 Bonwit Road, Rye Brook, N.Y. 10573 Phone: 914-690-0020 Top executive: Carl Austin, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: two Areas: Westchester, Dutchess and Rockland counties, N.Y.; Fairfield and New Haven counties, Conn. Description: corporate relocation consulting, property representation and sales Properties serviced: office, industrial, land and multifamily Year established: 1971



MerrittView, 383 Main Ave., Sixth floor, Norwalk, Conn. 06851 Phone: 203-614-1260 Website: avisonyoung.com Top executive(s): Sean M. Cahill, principal and managing director Licensed agents and/or brokers: eight agents Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties Description: leasing and sales, appraisal, property management and consulting Properties serviced: industrial, office, land, multifamily and retail Year established: 1978


10 Middle St., Bridgeport, Conn. 06604 Phone: 203-335-5117 Website: baldwinpearson.com Top executive(s): George Shawah Jr., owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: one Areas: Fairfield County Description: appraisal, consulting, leasing, sales Properties: industrial, land, office and retail Year established: 1953


1019 Boston Post Road, Darien, Conn. 06820 Phone: 203-656-0500 Website: baywater.net Top executive(s): R. David Genovese, founder Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties Description: full-service real estate company Properties: retail, office and industrial Year established: 2001


860 N. Main Street Extension, Wallingford, Conn. 06492 Phone: 860-571-6909 Website: bhhscrene.com Top executive: Candace Adams, CEO Licensed agents and/or brokers: 1,800 agents Areas: New England Description: specializes in new homes and land services; also provides investment services Properties: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1998


71 Arch St., Greenwich, Conn. 06830 Phone: 203-622-1636 Website: theretailleasingcompany.com Top executive(s): Matthew L. Bernard, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: one Areas: Greenwich, Conn. Description: brokerage, tenant representation, sublets and assignments, business sales and landlord consulting Properties serviced: office and retail Year established: 1990


201 Tresser Blvd., Suite 201, Stamford 06901 Phone: 203-329-7900 Website: cbre.com Top executive(s): Robert Caruso, senior managing director and Deborah Connolly, manager, office operations Licensed agents and/or brokers: 30 agents Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties Description: asset services, capital markets, valuation and advisory services and project management Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1906



383 Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06851 800 Westchester Ave., Rye Brook, N.Y. 10573 Phone: 914-422-5700 and 203-356-9600 Website: choycepeterson.com Top executive(s): John P. Hannigan, principal Licensed agents and/or brokers: five agents Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties and beyond Description: specializing in tenant representation Properties serviced: industrial, land, office, and retail Year established: 1997


420 Westchester Ave., Port Chester, N.Y. 10573 Phone: 914-939-1123 Website: cjpagano.com Top executive(s): Neil Pagano, president, broker and owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: four Areas: southern Westchester County Description: appraisal (residential only), leasing, sales and commercial Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial, land and multifamily Year established: 1930


2500 Westchester Ave., Purchase, N.Y. 10577 Phone: 914-232-4100 Website: cbcworldwide.com Top executive(s): Tony DiCamillo Licensed agents and/or brokers: five Areas: Westchester County, N.Y., and Cos Cob and Greenwich, Conn. Description: retail asset services, space planning, medical, investment property, corporate services, and valuation services Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial, land and multifamily Year established: 1906


1055 Washington Blvd., Third floor, Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 914-324-0800 Website: colliers.com Top executive(s): Jeffrey P. Williams, Michael Siegel, Al Gutierrez, Michael Gordon, and Ernest DeLuca Licensed agents and/or brokers: 12 Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties Description: ownership and investment, lease and property management and landlord and tenant representation Properties serviced: industrial, office, retail, land and multifamily Year established: 1926


2 Post Road, Fairfield, Conn. 06824 Phone: 203-367-4087 Website: colonialrealty.net Top executive(s): David S. Gorbach and Joel Hausman, principals Licensed agents and/or brokers: five agents Areas: Fairfield and New Haven counties Description: office, industrial, retail and tenant representation and investment Properties serviced: industrial, land, office, retail, and multifamily Year established: 1954


295 Main St., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601 Phone: 845-485-3100 Website: crproperties.com Top executive(s): Thomas Cervone, principal broker Licensed agents and/or brokers: two agents Areas: Dutchess, Westchester, and Rockland counties, N.Y., New Haven and Fairfield counties, Conn. Description: leasing, sales and consulting services Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1983





State-of-the-art training facilities prepare members for careers in construction

perating Engineers operate heavy equipment, such as cranes, bulldozers, graders, pavers, pile drivers backhoes and loaders.


ocal 825 Operating Engineers (IUOE Local 825) have a new home in Wawayanda after years of planning and building. The new Local 825 Training Center and offices opened this fall and are now operational at 96 Bates Gates Road, New Hampton. “We are proud of our new facility and will put it to full use for our members,” said Local 825 Business Manager Greg Lalevee. “The New York location is intended to bring training closer to our members who live in the Hudson Valley and the northernmost counties of New Jersey.” Local 825 is headquartered in Springfield, New Jersey, and represents 7,000 operating engineers throughout New Jersey and five counties of lower New York, including Rockland, Orange, Ulster, Sullivan and Delaware. Its members operate heavy-equipment – such as cranes, bulldozers, graders, pavers, pile drivers backhoes and loaders – to execute large construction tasks and earthworks operations. The property is located along Interstate-84 and encompasses more than 70 acres, with approximately 25 acres available for training activities. Construction began in late 2016 and

Our members share concerns for conservation. It bothers us that up to 130 million gallons of New Jersey’s drinking water are wasted every day due to aging underground pipes.

WE PROMOTE CONSERVATION. Local 825 Operating Engineers are trained to install water infrastructure efficiently and without impacting the environment. In New York, we are part of a team that will save 138 million gallons of drinking water every day, delivering clean water to millions of homes throughout the region. We believe in conservation and renewal that will only come with a commitment to infrastructure upgrades, before a serious or prolonged water shortage forces us to act.

ON TIME. ON BUDGET. ON TARGET. Developers and contractors turn to Local 825 Operating Engineers to get big things done safely, on time and on budget. Our members are experienced, licensed, credentialed and ready to work, day one.

International Union of Operating Engineers


Greg Lalevee, Business Manager


Local 828, page 19


825_We_Save_Water_7_375x11_5.indd 1



A prominent leader in real estate development and construction in the Northeast, The Cappelli Organization has a proven 30-year track record of excellence. Centrally located in Westchester County, NY, the company has successfully completed over 10 Million SF of mixed use, retail, waterfront, residential, hotel, restaurants, office, industrial, laboratory and parking facilities, representing a value in excess of $3 Billion. The company’s current development and construction pipeline in New York and Connecticut represents 3.4 Million SF with a value of more than $1.1 Billion. The Cappelli Organization and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Fuller Development Company and LRC Construction LLC, offer a fully vertical development and construction team with a staff of proven professionals covering every discipline of development and construction including: Architects, Engineers, Estimators, Construction Services, Finance, Scheduling and Cost Control, Project Management and Supervision, Quality Control, as well as Residential Sales, Leasing and Property Management. The Company is also capable of self-performing excavation, high-rise concrete and curtain wall. Personalized involvement, attention to detail, creativity, concern for scheduling, safety, quality control and cost containment are all essential components of a winning development and are the hallmarks of The Cappelli Organization philosophy.

March 2018 Construction Completions

Atlantic Station: $100M, 325 luxury rental units

55 Bank Street: $125M, 280 luxury rental units

Current Developments

Ritz Carlton North Hills: $140M, 124 luxury condominium units

Previous Developments

Trump Park Stamford: $150M, 400,000 SF luxury condominium

Trump Plaza New Rochelle: $125M, 365,000 SF luxury condominium

Renaissance Square: $800M, 1.5M SF mixed-use complex

189 Main Street: $2.5M, 7,500 SF restaurant

City Center: $600M, 700,000 SF retail and entertainment center

New Roc City: 1.2M SF state-of-the-art entertainment complex



107 Elm St., 4 Stamford Plaza, Eighth floor, Stamford 06902 Phone: 203-326-5800 7 Renaissance Square, Fifth floor, White Plains 10601 Phone: 914-997-9391 Website: cushwake.com Top executive(s): John Santora, vice chairman, president, New York tristate region; James Fagan, senior managing director, Stamford office; and Craig Ruoff and Matthew Lisk, senior directors, Westchester office Licensed agents and/or brokers: approximately 30, Fairfield office; and 35, Westchester office Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties Description: specializes in new homes and land services; also provides Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1917


2 Summit Court, Suite 203, Fishkill, N.Y. 12524 Phone: 845-896-0330 Website: dagargroup.com Top executive(s): David Livshin, president and CEO Licensed agents and/or brokers: three Areas: Hudson Valley and northern Fairfield County Description: consulting, development, leasing, property management and sales Properties serviced: office and retail Year established: 1988


28 Church Lane, Westport, Conn. 06880 Phone: 203-221-8148 Website: davidadamrealty.com Top executive(s): David A. Waldman, president and founder Licensed agents and/or brokers: eight Area served: New York metropolitan Description: leasing, investment sales and property investment and development Properties serviced: industrial, land, office and retail Year established: 1991


695 E. Main St., Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 203-323-5200 Website: delmhorst-sheehan.com Top executive(s): Arthur M. Delmhorst and John E. Sheehan, principals Licensed agents and/or brokers: two agents Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties Description: real estate acquisition, sales, valuation, leasing, strategic counseling, portfolio analysis and financing Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1991


333 N. Bedford Road, Mount Kisco, N.Y. 10549 Phone: 914-773-6249 Website: diamondproperties.com // dpmgt.com Top executive(s): Jim Diamond, CEO Licensed agents and/or brokers: one broker/agent Areas: New York, Connecticut and Ohio Description: property management, market repositioning and capital upgrades Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial and land Year established: 1993



16 River St., Norwalk, Conn. 06850 Phone: 203-855-8050 Website: dvbrealty.com Top executive(s): John Zervos and Bob Virgulak, principals Licensed agents and/or brokers: three agents Areas: Fairfield County Description: marketing, sales and leasing Properties serviced: office and retail Year established: 1992


Metro Center, 1 Station Place, Stamford, Conn. 06902 Phone: 203-353-5200 Website: empirestaterealtytrust.com Top executive(s): Jeffrey H. Newman, senior vice president Licensed agents and/or brokers: more than 100 Areas: Westchester and Fairfield counties and New York City Description: accounting, asset management, finance, construction, leasing and marketing, legal and property management Properties serviced: office and retail Year established: 1934


427 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570 Phone: 914-747-1099 Website: 427bedfordroad.com Top executive(s): Peter Stolatis, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: two agents Areas: Westchester County Description: consulting, leasing, property management and sales Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1983


236 Boston Post Road, Orange, Conn. 06477 Phone: 203-795-5554 Website: fischercom.com Top executive(s): Alan Fischer, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: four agents Areas: Fairfield and New Haven counties Description: consulting, leasing and sales Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1976


4 W. Red Oak Lane, Suite 200, White Plains, N.Y. 10604 Phone: 914-642-9300 Website: ghpoffice.com Top executive(s): Andrew Greenspan, James J. Houlihan, principles Licensed agents and/or brokers: six agents Areas: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and nationwide Description: construction management, leasing, property management and sales; firm also handles flex warehouse for properties serviced Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial land and multifamily Year established: 1999


1 Chase Road, Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 Phone: 914-723-1616 Website: ga-re.com Top executive(s): Eric Goldschmidt and Pam Bred Goldschmidt, co-founders and co-owners Licensed agents and/or brokers: eight agents Areas: Westchester, Rockland, Dutchess and Orange counties; New York City; and Fairfield and New Haven counties Description: consulting, development, leasing, property management and sales Properties serviced: office, retail, multifamily industrial and land Year established: 1991



235 Main St., Suite 319, White Plains, N.Y. 10601 Phone: 914-421-0444 Website: allcommercialspaces.com Top executive(s): Richard Goldstein, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: three agents Areas: Elmsford, Harrison, Hartsdale, Hawthorne, Mamaroneck, New Rochelle, Port Chester, Tarrytown, White Plains and Yonkers, N.Y.; Greenwich and Stamford, Conn. Description: tenant and landlord representation, sales, relocations, lease renewals, expansions, and disposition of space and land assemblage Properties serviced: industrial, land, office and retail Year established: 1995


7 Old Sherman Turnpike, Suite 207, Danbury, Conn. 06810 Phone: 203-744-7025 Website: goodfellows.com Top executive(s): Todd Payne, president and owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: eight Areas: Fairfield and Litchfield counties and Westchester and Putnam counties Description: consulting, leasing, property management and sales Properties serviced: industrial, multifamily and retail Year established: 1934


800 Westchester Ave., Suite 638, Rye Brook, N.Y. 10573 Phone: 914-821-5050, 203-786-5050 and 718-786-5050 Website: greiner-maltz.com Top executive(s): Jim Maltz, Tom Attivissimo, Ayall Schanzer, Sharon Levy, Ray Musalo, and Swain Winer, principals Licensed agents and/or brokers: eight agents Areas: New York metropolitan area Description: appraisals, consultation, negotiation representation, industrial and office park development, property management and space analysis Properties serviced: industrial, office and retail Year established: 1953


2406 Boston Post Road, Larchmont, N.Y. 10538 Phone: 914-834-8200 Website: hvp.com Top executive(s): Dale Kaufteil, principal Licensed agents and/or brokers: six agents Areas: tristate area Description: commercial property ownership, leasing and sales Properties serviced: multifamily, office, industrial and retail Year established: 1991


80 Business Park Drive, Suite 102, Armonk, N.Y. 10504 Phone: 914-273-1717, 914-273-5934 Website: NA Top executive(s): Ken Harbour and Paul Kramer, principals Licensed agents and/or brokers: one agent, one broker Areas: Westchester County Description: consulting, leasing and sales Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial and land Year established: 1990




he Boyce Thompson Center, an innovative 85,000- square-foot mixed-use center in northwest Yonkers, is welcoming new retail tenants to its already stellar roster bringing the center to more than 90 percent leased. Among the new retail tenants at the center is Starbucks Coffee, which recently opened on the plaza level in the south wing of the center’s historic 1086 North Broadway building. Opening soon on the plaza level is ISO, a Japanese sushi restaurant, which is leasing 2,580 square feet. The restaurant will feature a sushi bar and total seating capacity for more than 80 patrons. Also coming soon to the center is Executive Wine & Spirits. “Retail leasing activity at the Boyce Thompson Center has exceeded our expectations. We are particularly pleased that Starbucks Coffee has opened, an exciting addition that will serve as a destination point for area businesses and the general public,” said Joanna Simone, vice president of leasing and property management operations for Simone Development Companies. Other retail tenants at the 85,000-squarefoot mixed-use center include Fortina, The Taco Project, Tompkins Mahopac Bank, PLUSHBLOW Salon and Ultimate Spectacle. Major health care tenants at the Boyce Thompson Center include St. John’s Riverside Hospital, that occupies a new two-level, 15,000-square-foot freestanding building for outpatient care and physician offices; and WESTMED Medical Group, that has leased a

new 20,000-square-foot addition constructed at the south end of the main building. Other health care tenants include ColumbiaDoctors, Riverside Dental Health, Westchester Gastroenterology, Juvanni Med Spa and Family Wellness Pharmacy. For more information about the Boyce Thompson Center, visit www.boycethompsoncenter.com.

ABOUT SIMONE DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES Simone Development Companies is a full-service real estate investment company Boyce Thompson Center, page 19



› Now Leasing Medical Space 3000–3040 Westchester Ave • Purchase, NY › Custom-built, state-of-the-art medical suites available starting from 1,000 SF On-site café, fitness center and beautifully landscaped courtyard

› Only medical campus with direct east/ west access to Westchester Avenue Highly visible, easily accessible location off I-287

Abundant free parking for employees and patients

Convenient to I-287, I-95, I-684 and Hutchinson River and Merritt Parkways

Newly renovated lobbies and exterior facades

In the heart of Westchester’s “Medical Mile”

Patient drop-off areas

Home to more than 20 medical practices including Westmed Medical Group’s headquarters

› For leasing information contact:

Glenn Walsh

Newmark Grubb Knight Frank (914) 881-1096







245 Main St., Westport, Conn. 06880 Phone: 203-226-8325 Website: johndhastings.com Top executive(s): Peter Hastings Sr. and Christopher Maglione, owners Licensed agents and/or brokers: five agents Areas: Darien, Fairfield, Greenwich, Norwalk, Shelton, Stamford, Stratford, Trumbull, Westport and Wilton Description: appraisal, consulting, leasing, property management and sales Properties serviced: industrial, land, office, multifamily and retail Year established: 1948


67 Irving Place, New York, N.Y. 10003 Phone: 212-674-2556 Website: heritagerealtyservices.com Top executive(s): George Constantin, president and CEO Licensed agents and/or brokers: three agents Areas: Westchester County and New York City Description: acquisition and finance, design and construction management, property management, advisory services and leasing Properties serviced: office and retail Year established: 2005


253 Riverside Ave., Westport, Conn. 06880 Phone: 203-454-8700 Website: hkgrp.com Top executive(s): Matthew F. Keefe, president Licensed agents and/or brokers: seven brokers, seven agents Areas: Westchester and Fairfield counties Description: sales, leasing and investment sales Properties serviced: industrial, land, office and retail Year established: 1989


800 Westchester Ave., Rye Brook, N.Y. 10573 Phone: 914-220-4411 Website: houlihanlawrence.com Top executive(s): Thomas LaPerch, Steven Salomene, and Garry Klein, principals Licensed agents and/or brokers: 33 agents Areas: Westchester, Dutchess, Putnam, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Bronx counties and Queen and Staten Island and Fairfield County, Conn. Description: office and industrial leasing, retail leasing, land acquisition and development, investment opportunities, municipal approvals and affiliate services Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial, land and multifamily Year established: 2012





100 First Stamford Place, Suite 201, Stamford, Conn. 06902 Phone: 203-705-2220 Website: us.joneslanglasalle.com/ct-westchester Top executive(s): Robert Ageloff, market director, Connecticut/Westchester, and international director; and Don Bucci, managing director, Connecticut office Licensed agents and/or brokers: NA Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties and the Hudson Valley Description: consulting, leasing, project and development services, property management and sales Properties serviced: industrial, land and office Year established: 1899

180 S. Broadway, White Plains, N.Y. 10605 Phone: 914-287-0033 Website: katterproperties.weebly.com Top executive(s): Roy Katter, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: two Areas: Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties Description: provides services directly to tenants and landlords marketing office, retail and industrial spaces, consulting services to investors and sellers and leasees/leasors Properties Description: office, retail, industrial, land and multifamily Year established: 1985


(Division of Keller Williams Realty) 120 Bloomingdale Road, Suite 101, White Plains, N.Y. 10605 Phone: 914-361-9487 Website: kwcommercial.com Top executives: Tony Mazzulli, James Riina, and Marash Palusevic Licensed agents and/or brokers: three brokers Areas: Westchester County Description: real estate investment sales, owner and landlord representation and buyer and tenant representation Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 2008


71 East Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06851 Phone: 203-853-4777 Website: larrykatzrealty.com Top executive(s): Larry Katz, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: one broker/agent Areas: Fairfield County Description: leasing and sales Properties: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 2004





4 W. Red Oak Lane, White Plains, N.Y. 10604 Phone: 914-694-6070 Website: houlihanparnes.com Top executive(s): James Houlihan, partner Licensed agents and/or brokers: 17 agents Areas: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and nationwide Description: consulting, leasing, property management, finance and sales Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial, land and multifamily Year established: 1891

3 Barker Ave., White Plains, N.Y. 10601 Phone: 914-997-0300 Website: howprop.com Top executive(s): Howard E. Greenberg, owner and founder Licensed agents and/or brokers: one Areas: national and international, including Westchester and Fairfield counties Description: consulting, leasing and sales Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial and land Year established: 1998


333 Westchester Ave., White Plains, N.Y. 10604 Phone: 914-922-2323 Website: londonllc.com Top executive(s): Laurence London, principal Licensed agents and/or brokers: one broker/agent Areas: Westchester, Dutchess and Putnam counties, lower Fairfield County, Long Island, Manhattan and the boroughs Description: tenant and landlord representation Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial, and land Year established: 2013

50 Main St., Suite 925, White Plains, N.Y. 10606 Phone: 914-220-9730 Website: marcusmillichap.com Top executive(s): John Kruger, regional manager, Manhattan and Westchester County Licensed agents and/or brokers: 11 agents Description: real estate investment sales, research information, advisory services and financing Areas: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and tristate region Properties serviced: retail, single tenant (not lease), self-storage, senior housing, manufactured homes, hospitality and special assets Year established: 2012

2874 Main St., Suite 2A, Stratford, Conn. 06614 Phone: 203-380-8762 Website: martinrealestate.org Top executive(s): Raymond Martin, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: four agents Areas: Fairfield County Description: property management, leasing, sales and consulting Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, retail and office Year established: 2006


170 Hamilton Ave., White Plains, N.Y. 10601 Phone: 914-948-8900 Website: mcoc.com Top executive(s): John R. McCarthy, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: five agents Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties and New York City Description: consulting, office leasing and sales Properties serviced: office and land Year established: 1990


3 Parklands Drive, Darien, Conn. 06820 Phone: 914-655-1414 Website: naisignaturegroup.com Top executive(s): Bob Gillon, president Licensed agents and/or brokers: NA Areas: Fairfield and New Haven counties and Westchester counties Description: leasing, tenant representation, property management and financing Properties serviced: industrial, office and retail Year established: 1970


485 W. Putnam Ave., Greenwich, Conn. 06830 Phone: 203-661-0055 Website: nationalresources.com Top executive(s): Joseph Cotter, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: NA Areas: greater New York City metropolitan area, including New York state, New Jersey and Connecticut Description: leasing, sales and property management Properties serviced: industrial, land, office and retail Year established: 1993

218 Greenwich Ave., Goshen, N.Y. 10924 Phone: 845-294-1000 Website: mansfieldcommercial.com Top executive(s): Elisabeth Mansfield, president and founder Licensed agents and/or brokers: one Areas: Orange County Description: leasing and sales Properties serviced: industrial, land, office and retail Year established: 1997




Summit Lake Summit Lake DRIVE DRIVE

Summit Lake DRIVE


Summit Lake Summit Lake DRIVE DRIVE

Valhalla, NY Valhalla, NY


Summit Lake DRIVE


Summit Lake DRIVE

Valhalla, NY


Opportunities available from 2,000-21,000 RSF Minutes from downtown White Plains | Private shuttle to Metro North Easy access from Sprain Brook, Saw Mill & Bronx River Parkways, I-684 & I-287 Dining, fitness center & covered parking BOMA Award Winner for Best Suburban Corporate Park


Michael McCall 203.325.5321 michael.mccall@cbre.com

William V. Cuddy, Jr. 203.325.5380 william.cuddy@cbre.com

Jacqueline Novotny 203.352.8919 jacqueline.novotny@cbre.com

Brian Carcaterra 203.352.8903 brian.carcaterra@cbre.com

reckson.com 1SLGRE 18-0005 Business journal_V3.indd 1

Robert Swierbut 914.872.4744 robert.swierbut@slgreen.com


3/8/18 10:07 AM







135 E. Putnam Ave., Greenwich, Conn. 06830 Phone: 203-661-6004 Website: newenglandland.com Top executive(s): Jesse “Sam� F. Sammis III, owner and founder Licensed agents and/or broker: two Areas: Greenwich and Stamford, Conn.; Rye and White Plains, N.Y. Description: leasing brokerage, property sales, development and investment and property management Properties serviced: industrial, land, office and retail Year established: 1971

500 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite 320, Harrison, N.Y. 10528 Phone: 914-287-6410 Website: nycrgroup.com Top executive(s): Michael Rao, president Licensed agents and/or brokers: three agents Areas: Bronx, Rockland and Westchester counties Description: leasing and sales Properties serviced: office, retail and industrial Year established: 2005


680 Washington Blvd., Eighth floor, Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 203-531-3600 800 Westchester Ave., Suite 706, Rye Brook, N.Y. 10573 Phone: 914-881-1024 Website: ngkf.com Top executive(s): Michael Cottle, executive vice president and regional manager, and James H. Ritman, executive vice president and managing director Licensed agents and/or brokers: 20 in Fairfield County, five in Westchester County Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties Description: property management, leasing, sales, consulting and appraisal Properties serviced: land, retail, industrial, office and multifamily Year established: 1929


The Exchange, 701 Westchester Ave., White Plains, N.Y. 10604 Phone: 914-988-1100 Website: normandyrealty.com Top executive(s): Gavin Evans, Susan Gately and Giorglios Vlamis, partners Licensed agents and/or brokers: 20 agents Areas: Westchester and Fairfield counties Description: construction, development, leasing and property management Properties serviced: office, retail, land, industrial and multifamily Year established: 2002


2 William St., Suite 410, White Plains, N.Y. 10601 Phone: 914-984-5050 Website: nerealtygroup.com Top executive(s): David W. Post, president and CEO Licensed agents and/or brokers: NA Areas: New York tristate areas, including Connecticut, New Jersey, Manhattan and Westchester counties Description: strategy and consulting, market analysis, brokerage, project management and portfolio management Properties serviced: industrial and office Year established: 1998


4 W. Red Oak Lane, Suite 105, White Plains, N.Y. 10604 Phone: 914-686-8900 Website: perlmutterproperties.com Top executive(s): David Perlmutter Licensed agents and/or brokers: five agents Areas: Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Orange and Dutchess counties and Bergen and Essex counties, N.J. Description: landlord and tenant representation Properties: office, retail and industrial Year established: 1989

309 North Ave., New Rochelle, N.Y. 10801 Phone: 914-235-7770 Website: platznerinternational.com Top executive(s): Harrin K. Platzner, division coordinator Licensed agents and/or brokers: two Areas: Westchester County, five boroughs of New York City and Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan and Dutchess counties Description: consulting, leasing, property management and sales Properties: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1940


(A division of Prime Locations Inc.) 733 Yonkers Ave., Yonkers, N.Y. 10704 Phone: 914-963-7400 Website: plimanagement.com Top executive(s): Lloyd J. Amster, founder and CEO, and David J Amster, president Licensed agents and/or brokers: 14 Areas: Westchester County and surrounding areas Properties serviced: apartments, land, office and retail Year established: 1988


75 Virginia Road, Second floor, White Plains, N.Y. 10603 Phone: 914-747-5000 Website: princetonrealtygroup.com Top executive(s): Todd Albright, principal Licensed agents and/or brokers: N/A Areas: New York metropolitan area Description: headquarters relocation, tenant representation, warehousing, lease structuring, and property management Properties serviced: office, industrial, land and retail Year established: 2001


20 Summer St., Suite 3-1, Stamford 06901 Phone: 914-348-8566 Website: pyramidgroup.com Top executive(s): Michael Gray, founder and broker; and Peter Gray, coowner and president Licensed agents and/or brokers: 22 agents Areas: lower Fairfield County Description: consulting, leasing, property management and sales Properties serviced: industrial, land, office and retail Year established: 1972



6 Landmark Square, Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 203-359-5703, ext. 10 10 New King St., Suite 212, White Plains, N.Y. 10604 Phone: 914-422-0100, ext. 10 Website: rakowgroup.com Top executive(s): Rick Rakow, commercial real estate broker, president and CEO Licensed agents and/or brokers: 12 agents Areas: Fairfield and Westchester counties and beyond Description: representing tenants, landlords and investors Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1985


268 Main St., Suite B. New City, N.Y. 10956 Phone: 845-770-1205 Website: randcommercial.com Top executive(s): Marsha Rand, CEO Licensed agents and/or brokers: 58 agents Areas: Westchester, Rockland and Orange counties and New Jersey Description: expertise in commercial real estate development, land sales, condo conversion, investment and corporate relocation Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1980


265 Post Road West, Westport, Conn. 06880 Phone: 914-226-8727 Website: randrealestate.com Top executive(s): Jim Randel, president and CEO, and DJ Smith, vice president Licensed agents and/or brokers: six agents Areas: Connecticut, New York City and Miami Description: consulting, leasing, property management and sales Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial, land and multifamily Year established: 1980


(A division of SL Green Realty Corp.) 1 Landmark Square, Stamford, Conn. 06901 Phone: 203-363-2500 4 International Drive, Suite 110, Rye Brook, N.Y. 10573 Phone: 914-750-7200 Website: slgreen.com Top executive(s): John Barnes, senior vice president, marketing and director, suburban division Licensed agents and/or brokers: three agents Areas: Westchester and Fairfield counties Description: leasing, property management, construction and architecture Properties serviced: land, office and retail Year established: 1997


9 W. Broad St., Third floor, Stamford, Conn. 06902 Phone: 203-274-9800 Website: rhysre.com Top executive(s): Cory R. Gubner, founder, president and CEO Licensed agents and/or brokers: 11 agents Areas: Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island Description: agency leasing, investment sales tenant representation, retail planning and consulting Properties serviced: office, retail, land, industrial and multifamily Year established: 2009


287 Bowman Avenue • Purchase, New York

Direct access from Exit 10 of I-287, minutes from Westchester County Airport, and Metro-North trains. Excellent regional access, one mile from I-684 and I-95.

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• •

• •

• •

• •

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440 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite 405, Harrison, N.Y. 10528 Phone: 914-968-8500 Website: friedlandrealty.com Top executive(s): Sarah Jones-Maturo, president Licensed agents and/or brokers: 20 agents Areas: Westchester, Putnam and Bronx counties and Fairfield County Description: acquiring, development and managing investment properties Properties serviced: office, retail, industrial, land and multifamily Year established: 1970


1 Landmark Square, Stamford, Conn. 06907 Phone: 203-968-2313 Website: rms-companies.com Top executive(s): Randall Salvatore, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: four agents Areas: Stamford, Norwalk, Bethel and Danbury, Conn. Description: consulting, leasing, property management and sales Properties serviced: multifamily and office Year established: 1995


100 Clearbrook Road, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523 Phone: 914-345-5650 Website: robertmartincompany.com Top executive(s): Robert F. Weinberg, co-founder Licensed agents and/or brokers: NA Areas: Westchester County Services; acquiring, developing and managing investment properties Properties serviced: industrial, office, land, retail and multifamily Year established: 1957


850 Bronx River Road, Bronxville, N.Y. 10708 Phone: 914-237-2403 Website: royalpropertiesinc.com Top executive(s): David L. Landes, partner, and Jeff Kintzer, partner Licensed agents and/or brokers: seven agents Areas: New York, New Jersey and Connecticut Description: consulting, leasing, property management and sales Properties serviced: office, retail and land Year established: 1993


9 Burr Road, Westport, Conn. 06880 Phone: 203-222-4190 Website: saugatuckcommercial.com Top executive(s): Penny P. Wickey, principal Licensed agents and/or brokers: six agents Areas: New York state and New England Description: represents tenants, landlords, developers and investors in leasing, sales and investments Properties serviced: industrial, land, office and retail Year established: 2004



109 Croton Ave., Ossining, N.Y. 10562 Phone: 914-502-2215 Website: schatzrealtors.com Top executive(s): Albert Schatz, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: four agents Areas: Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Westchester counties Description: consulting, leasing, sales Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1960


237 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, N.Y. 10605 Phone: 914-683-8000 Website: silvermanrealty.com Top executive(s): Leon Silverman, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers; NA Areas: New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Description: property management and leasing Properties serviced: office, retail and industrial Year established: 1985


1 Sellect St., Third floor, Norwalk, Conn. 06855 Phone: 203-307-0785 Website: thesouthpointgroup.com Top executive(s): David A. Flayhan, president Licensed agents and/or brokers: eight agents Areas: Fairfield, New Haven and Westchester counties Properties serviced: firm also has an in-house commercial mortgage brokerage division Properties serviced: land, industrial, office and retail Year established: 2011


56 Lafayette Ave., White Plains, N.Y. 10603 Phone: 914-328-7511 Website: tsquareproperties.com Top executive(s): Phyllis Tunnell, president Licensed agents and/or brokers: five agents Areas: Westchester County Description: property management and brokerage services Properties serviced: land, industrial and office Year established: 1983



246 Federal Road, Brookfield, Conn. 06804 Phone: 203-775-5000 Website: towercorp.com Top executive(s): Daniel DiBuono, owner Licensed agents and/or brokers: six agents Areas: Greater Danbury area, Conn. Description: consulting, leasing and sales Properties serviced: industrial, land, multifamily, office and retail Year established: 1988


300 Danbury Road, Suite 308, Wilton, Conn. 06897 Phone: 203-744-7777 Website: truecre.com Top executive(s): Dominick Musilli, managing partner, and Adam Zeiberg, partner Licensed agents and/or brokers: six agents Areas: Connecticut, New York and New Jersey and national markets for select clients Description: representation for retailers and property owners; real estate consulting; serves commercial real estate properties Properties serviced: land and retail Year established: 2014


719 Post Road East, Westport, Conn. 06880 Phone: 203-226-7101 Website: vidalwettenstein.com Top executive(s): Randy Vidal, Bruce Wettenstein, Robert Lewis, David Fugitt and Scott Zakos, partners Licensed agents and/or brokers: five agents Areas: Fairfield and New Haven counties Description: consulting, leasing and sales Properties serviced: industrial, land, office and retail Year established: 1968


162 East Ave., Suite 1A, Norwalk, Conn. 06851 Phone: 203-604-1390 Website: wflrealestate.com Top local executive(s): William Leopold, principal, president and founder Licensed agents and/or brokers: four agents Areas: Fairfield, New Haven and Westchester counties Description: specializes in facility management by providing on-site personnel if needed Properties serviced: industrial, multifamily and retail Year established: 1998

629 Fifth Ave., No. 219, Pelham, N.Y. 10803 Phone: 914-637-0800 Website: tamerlainrealty.com Top executive(s): Steven Kane, Bernard Stachel and Philip Tulotta, partners Licensed agents and/or brokers: seven agents Areas: Westchester County Description: commercial, property, leasing and sales Properties serviced: industrial, retail, land and office Year established: 1971



Boyce Thompson — From page 13

The new training complex at 96 Bates Gates Road, New Hampton, is now training apprentices, journeymen and women operating engineers of IUOE Local 825.

LOCAL 825 — From page 9

continued through 2017. The complex includes a main building, which houses union offices, dispatch services and business agents. There are training classrooms, a shop and break room for apprentices, journeymen and women. A separate field office

Members inspect the shop and a new spider crane on hand for training classes.

is available for use by instructors who work outside and there is a container complex on the property to store supplies for the equipment. The new training center complex opened its doors for inspection in the fall, allowing members and their families to tour and become acquainted with the state-of-the-art facility. More than 100 attended and also took part in a festive opening celebration. Since opening, the facility has been used to

distribute apprenticeship applications to aspiring members and to host a District 4 Health Fair. It now hosts the Local’s monthly “District 4” membership meetings, in addition to ongoing training classes. Winter training classes took place through January and February to prepare apprentices and journeymen and women alike for a busy construction season throughout the Hudson Valley and Northern New Jersey.

specializing in the acquisition and development of office, retail, industrial and residential properties in the New York tristate area. Headquartered in the Bronx, the privately held company owns and manages more than 5 million square feet of property in the Bronx, Westchester County, Queens, Long Island and Connecticut. The company’s portfolio includes more than 100 properties and ranges from multibuilding office parks to retail and industrial space. The company’s largest and most successful development is the 42-acre Hutchinson Metro Center office complex located directly off the Hutchinson River Parkway in the Pelham Bay section of the Bronx. The first two phases of the complex, which comprise nearly 750,000 square feet of Class A office and medical space, are fully leased. Two additional phases totaling 650,000 square feet (370,000-square-foot Metro Center Atrium and 280,000-square-foot Tower Two), are completed and fully leased. Visit www.simdev.com.



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BANKING Special Report

Reverse mortgages gain legitimacy, if not popularity, in region BY KEVIN ZIMMERMAN kzimmerman@westfairinc.com


everse mortgages still have a negative connotation for many. Stories of senior citizens losing their life savings through such transactions permeate the internet, coupled with headlines about “the reverse mortgage con” strike fear into the hearts of homeowners seeking to draw value from the investment in their house. But those fears are mostly misplaced, according to Nick Buscaglia, senior vice president for residential mortgage at M&T Bank, which maintains branches throughout Fairfield and Westchester counties. “A lot of that is misinformation that dates back to when they first appeared in the ’80s,” he said. “But over the past several years it’s become a lot better,” in part by the strict code of ethics established in 1997 by the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association, Buscaglia said. “Of course,” he added, “there’s always the caveat of knowing who you’re dealing with and making sure it’s the right product for you.” Most banks in Fairfield and Westchester — including People’s United, Patriot, Newtown Savings Bank and The Westchester Bank -- do not offer reverse mortgages. While they did not respond to requests for further comment, a recent survey by the mortgage consultancy Stratmor Group found that “reputation risk” was the top reason for eschewing reverse mortgages, followed by “distraction from the forward business,” “lack

of in-house expertise,” and “belief it won’t be profitable.” Buscaglia said he thought the last point was particularly resonant. “Reverse mortgages are a small product,” he said. “It’s a spit in the ocean compared to the first mortgage business, and other banks believe they aren’t worth their while.” M&T takes the point of view that it’s another valuable offering for its customers, he added. “We’re one of the few out there who try to meet every single customer face-to-face,” he said. “We want them to be able to see us, touch us and know who they’re dealing with. A lot of other companies do it all by phone.” While Buscaglia declined to say how many reverse mortgages M&T does each year, data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which oversees the market, indicates that there aren’t that many taking place locally. The state of Connecticut recorded a total of 435 reverse mortgages in 2016 — last year’s numbers are not yet available — compared with 597 in 2015. New York totaled 2,198 in 2016, down from 3,238 the year before. Last year, John M. Tolomer, president and CEO of The Westchester Bank, told the Business Journal that reverse mortgages were “not something that is popular with our client base.” Jason Milligan of Norwalk’s Milligan Realty said that although “I have been involved with them when there are short sales and they have been somewhat hard to deal with,” his firm “didn’t have a ton of experience with reverse mortgages.”

Requiring counseling... provides more protection for consumers who might fall victim to predatory lenders. — State Sen. Tony Hwang

Nevertheless, the activity in Connecticut has been sufficient enough for state Sen. Tony Hwang —whose district includes Easton, Fairfield, Newtown, Weston and Westport — to push for legislation introduced through the Aging Committee in February that would prevent a reverse-mortgage lender from originating a reverse mortgage unless it has informed the applicant of the HUD counseling requirement, received certification that the applicant has attended the counseling session, and that the counseling session was conducted in person. The legislation is intended to bring Connecticut more closely in line with HUD requirements, which

mandate that any borrower seeking such a transaction receive counseling by a Federal Housing Authorityapproved person before the borrower incurs any costs for the loan. In fact, Hwang’s measure goes a step further, by requiring in-person counseling which the FHA prefers, but does not insist upon. In a statement, Hwang said that such counseling can help seniors understand the tax implications of the mortgage payout and what rights a nonborrowing spouse has upon the borrower’s death. “The financial institutions certainly weren’t volunteering to educate their clients,” he said. “Requiring counseling and additional recordkeeping provides


more protection for consumers, particularly our seniors, who might fall victim to predatory lenders.” Meanwhile, last month the Trump administration proposed a permanent end to the cap on the number of reverse mortgages. “The budget will again propose permanently lifting the cap of 275,000 loan guarantees to provide further stability for the (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage) program,” the White House wrote in its proposal for the fiscal 2019 HUD budget. “This proposal reflects the significant improvements that have been made to the program to reduce risk to the (Mutual Mortgage Insurance) Fund and to ensure responsible lending to seniors.”

MARCH 12, 2018


payment transactions initiated from a mobile phone might follow a credit card, debit card or other path.

BY MICHELE BRAUN Contributing writer


Moving money: Five questions to ask about your enterprise’s payments


et’s face it, money is always going to be an attractive target for thieves, scammers and those willing to bribe and be bribed. Therefore, take time periodically to ask a few questions about the way money comes in, goes out and is routed, controlled and secured for your enterprise. Every company takes in revenue and spends money to support the business. Every nonprofit enterprise also has to han-

Michele Braun

dle money — to buy supplies and pay staff, to take contributions and grants. Reviewing rules, responsibilities and costs is prudent risk management.


Payments include all the different ways that money can move between two entities, whether businesses or people, or one of each. Generally, payments include cash, checks,

credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers and the automated clearinghouse (ACH). There are also various cyber- or cryptocurrencies not currently in wide use despite the press coverage. As a business manager, your payment goals include making it easy for customers to pay, to easily send and track outgoing payments and to keep costs and risks low. I want to distinguish these from the device used to make a payment. For example,

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MARCH 12, 2018


Your business might have a single provider for all your payment needs, most likely a bank or payment processor. As the market and options have become more diversified, so too have the number and types of providers. Thus, an organization with physical locations, such as doctors’ offices or retail shops, as well as online retail or wholesale operations might end up having multiple service providers for different parts of the business. With each vendor, trace the entire path that money can follow and specify who will find and fix a problem at each step.


Don’t assume that your business is protected against the cost of things gone wrong. Those rules about protections for credit card and debit card are consumer protections and a business that accepts credit cards is not the consumer. Those purchase cards or travel cards that you issued to key employees to help them pay for business purchases are not covered either, because your business is not the consumer.

Those rules about protections for credit card and debit card are consumer protections and a business that accepts credit cards is not the consumer.

And since October 2016, the risk for point of sale card transactions using magnetic stripes, rather than the newer chip card readers, is absorbed by the merchant. Chip card transaction losses flow to the merchant’s bank. Checks screened or converted to e-check transactions — which are really ACH debits — at the point of sale might also earn better indemnity protection or lower processing fees than unscreened checks. As with all other business arrangements, read the contract carefully to make sure you are comfortable with all its provisions and ask lots of questions. Call your business insurance company and see what kind of coverage you can get there.


Costs vary depending on where and how the money moves. Costs generally include equipment, ongoing service and per-item charges, and a business’ needs for each depends on physical location, method of communication and type of payment. Cost differences do not necessarily reflect risk. Fees for credit and debit cards at physical locations, for example, are frequently lower than for payments accepted online or over the telephone. For point of sale transactions, chip cards provide more security than jotting down a phone number during a telephone call, while enabling an operator to screen the card number in


Sterling Bancorp, through its principal subsidiary, Sterling National Bank, on March 6 announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Advantage Funding Management Company Inc. from Macquarie Bank Ltd. Advantage is based in Lake Success and provides commercial vehicle and transportation financing services. As of the end of 2017, it held loans and leases worth $488 million. Macquarie has its headquarters in Sydney, Australia, and has more than 14,000 employees in more than 28 countries. Sterling, which is based in Montebello, said the acquisition would bring its equipment finance portfolio to more than $1 billion. Jack Kopnisky, president and CEO of Sterling, said, “The acquisition of Advantage Funding is consistent with our strategy of transitioning our balance sheet to a more diversified and higher-yielding commercial loan mix following our merger with Astoria (Bank), and will augment strong organic origination volumes that we anticipate in our commercial businesses in 2018.” Sterling will acquire the stock of Advantage in an all-cash transaction using a combination of cash on hand, run-off of existing residential mortgage loans and sales of securities. In the quarter ended Dec. 31, 2017, the Advantage Funding loan portfolio had a weighted average yield of approximately 7.5 percent. The transaction is expected to be completed in April. — Peter Katz

real time incurs a service fee but may pay for itself by reducing risk of bad payments. Similarly, taking chip cards at the point of sale is more secure than magnetic stripe cards and so fees are lower, but you have to install or upgrade your card readers and software, which won’t likely be free. Business-to-business payments such as wire transfers can carry significant fees, but bring advantages. Business-tobusiness and business-to-consumer payments made via the ACH can be quite inexpensive. These payments include e-checks and direct deposit for payroll or reimbursements. Some types of B2B payments can be made cost-efficiently via purchase cards or “cardless” card transactions.


This question really encompasses two topics: first, when will the money from today’s sales show up in the business bank account and, on the flip side, when will the money being paid out actually move from my business’ account to the supplier-side business? Second, when will I know that the money is really mine and can’t be reclaimed? Consumer protections for credit cards enable chargebacks for fraudulent transactions. Checks can bounce and ACH debits, including e-checks, can be returned as well. Wire transfers, on the other hand, are final and cannot bounce or be reclaimed once your bank releases the instructions or

receives the payment. Wire fees are much higher than for other transactions, but if you are buying or selling a business, a building, substantial property, insist on a wire transfer.


You know the answer: It depends. And, probably more than one type. It’s likely worth exploring your options. Michele Braun directs the Institute for Managing Risk at Manhattanville School of Business and is managing executive of The Crossway Group LLC, a consulting and professional training �irm. She can be reached at michele.braun@mville.edu or at mbraun@ crosswaygrp.com.

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MARCH 12, 2018


Celebrating more than

A DECADE OF RISING STARS Nominate a candidate (perhaps yourself!) who fits the description of a young (25 or over and under 40), dynamic industry leader who is part of the county’s business growth. Candidate MUST work in Fairfield County and have not previously won the competition.

PARTNERS: Bridgeport Regional Business Council | Business Council of Fairfield County Darien Chamber of Commerce | Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce | Greater Norwalk Chamber of Commerce | Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce | Greenwich Chamber of Commerce | Stamford Chamber of Commerce



MARCH 12, 2018



NOMINATION DEADLINE IS APRIL 20. PLEASE ACT QUICKLY. Visit westfaironline.com/events to nominate For more information or sponsorship inquiries, contact Barbara Hanlon at bhanlon@westfairinc.com. For more event information or questions, contact Josephine Biondi at jbiondi@westfairinc.com.


Facts & Figures BANKRUPTCIES MANHATTAN 1465 LF LLC. 3027 Wilson Ave., Bronx 10469. Chapter 7, voluntary. Represented by 1465 LF LLC. Filed: March 5. Case no. 18-10619-mkv. JFL 114 Library LLC. 114 Liberty St., Apt. 8, New York 10006. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by Paul A. Rachmuth. Filed: March 2. Case no. 18-10608-shl. KG & Dons Shipping Import Inc. 175 W. 165 St., Bronx 10452. Chapter 7, voluntary. Represented by Carlos Gonzalez. Filed: March 2. Case no. 18-10606-smb.

WHITE PLAINS 163 Bronx River Road Corp. 165 Bronx River Road, Yonkers 10704. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by 163 Bronx River Road Corp. Filed: March 2. Case no. 18-22348-rdd. Gold and Green Landscaping Corp. P.O. Box 945, Port Chester 10573. Chapter 11, voluntary. Represented by H. Bruce Bronson Jr. Filed: March 2. Case no. 18-22349-rdd.


The Bozeman Law Firm PLLC. Filed by Sheryl Royster, Akeeya Day, Ruth Mae Beechum and Marlene Brennan. Action: Fair Debt Collection Act. Attorneys: Robert H. Hermann, Christopher F. Schweitzer and Joanne N. Sirotkin. Filed: March 5. Case no. 7:18-cv-01803-CS. C.R. Wallauers & Company Inc. et al. Filed by George Petre. Action: Federal Whistleblowing Act/Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA). Attorney: Angelo R. Bisceglie Jr. Filed: March 5. Case no. 7:18-cv-01827-CS. Equifax Information Services Inc. Filed by Clifford Eaton. Action: Fair Credit Reporting Act. Attorney not listed. Filed: March 6. Case no. 7:18-cv-01958-KMK. Greenburgh Central School District. Filed by Carol Barrer-Cohen. Action: civil rights (employment discrimination). Attorney: Amy L. Bellantoni. Filed: March 1. Case no. 7:18-cv-01847-NSR. The Home Depot USA Inc. Filed by James G. Krajeski. Action: petition for removal – personal injury. Attorney not listed. Filed: March 6. Case no. 7:18-cv-02035. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. Filed by Freedom Mortgage Corp. Action: diversity-foreclosure. Attorney: Stephen John Vargas. Filed: March 2. Case no. 7:18-cv-01858-CS.


DEEDS Above $1 million 14 Le Count Place LLC, Chappaqua. Seller: Celeste Peixoto, Yonkers. Property: 209 North Ave., New Rochelle. Amount: $1.9 million. Filed March 2. Cedar Commons LLC, White Plains. Seller: C. John Tisi, et al, Carmel. Property: 43-45 Cedar St., Greenburgh. Amount: $1.4 million Filed Feb. 27. Clare Mill Capital LLC, Tuckahoe. Seller: Pamela Management Corp., Eastchester. Property: 11 Mill Road, Eastchester. Amount: $1.8 million. Filed March 1. Sirva Relocation Credit LLC. Seller: Jennifer Faulkner, Valhalla. Property: 7 Pine Road, Mount Pleasant. Amount: $1 million. Filed Feb. 27. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Richard Fontana, Yonkers. Property: 9 Ninth Avenue North, Mount Vernon. Amount: $1 million. Filed March 1.

Below $1 million

AP & SS Restaurant Group LLC et al. Filed by Adrian Monter and Johnny Rivas. Action: Fair Labor Standards Act. Attorney: C.K. Lee. Filed: March 6. Case no. 7:18-cv01859-CS.

Pediatric Adolescent Medicine LLC. Filed by Jay Marcus. Action: Fair Labor Standards Act. Attorney: Jordan Alexander El-Hag. Filed: March 2. Case no. 7:18-cv-01857-NSR.

10 Delano Avenue LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Arlene G. Wexler, Mamaroneck. Property: 160 Ridge Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $270,000. Filed Feb. 27.

Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc. Filed by Arin Boehmer. Action: diversity-product liability. Attorney: Eric M. Terry. Filed: March 5. Case no. 7:18-cv-01896-UA.

Saint Joseph’s Medical Center St. Vincent’s Hospital Westchester Division et al. Filed by Antonietta Zappier. Action: federal question– Family and Medical Leave Act. Attorney: Jon Alec Stockman. Filed: March 6. Case no. 7:18-cv-01879-CS.

113 Franklin Acquisition Group LLC, Elmsford. Seller: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Property: 133 Franklin Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $189,000. Filed Feb. 26.

Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc. Filed by Reva McDonald. Action: diversity-product liability. Attorney: Eric M. Terry. Filed: March 5. Case no. 7:18-cv-01898-UA.

Items appearing in the Westchester County Business Journal’s On The Record section are compiled from various sources, including public records made available to the media by federal, state and municipal agencies and the court system. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, no liability is assumed for errors or omissions. In the case of legal action, the records cited are open to public scrutiny and should be inspected before any action is taken. Questions and comments regarding this section should be directed to: John Golden c/o Westfair Communications Inc. 3 Westchester Park Drive, Suite G7 White Plains, N.Y. 10604-3407 Phone: 694-3600 • Fax: 694-3680

Torino Pizza Inc. d.b.a. Stella’s Pizzeria. Filed by Marlon Aguirre. Action: Fair Labor Standards Act. Attorneys: Patricia Coyle Kakalec and Laura Lee Revercomb. Filed: March 6. Case no. 7:18-cv-02004. Town of Ramapo. Filed by Eric Rodriguez. Action: job discrimination (unlawful employment practices). Filed: March 2. Case no. 7:18cv-01878. Westchester Community Opportunity Program Inc. Filed by Tarek Abdelaziz. Action: FMLA: Family and Medical Leave Act (findings and purposes). Filed: March 1. Case no. 7:18-cv-01837-NSR. Wildlife Conservation Society. Filed by Susan Ryder. Action: diversity-personal injury. Attorney: Bruce Jared Cheriff. Filed: March 6. Case no. 7:18-cv-01999.

165 Linden Apartments LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: 163 Linden Street LLC, Lakewood, New Jersey. Property: 165 Linden St., Yonkers. Amount: $50,000. Filed Feb. 28. 23-27 Beach Street Realty LLC, Katonah. Seller: Vincent R. Papitto, Yonkers. Property: 27 Beach St., Mount Vernon. Amount: $325,000. Filed Feb. 27. 496 Milton Road LLC, Bronx. Seller: Thomas Cury Jr., Anderson, South Carolina. Property: 496 Milton Road, Rye. Amount: $355,000. Filed Feb. 28. 72 Bruce LLC, Richmond Hill. Seller: Carolyn J. Garcia, Yonkers. Property: 72 Bruce Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $500,000. Filed Feb. 27.

73 Maple Holdings Corp., New York City. Seller: Robert Biddle, Mahopac. Property: 73 Maple St., Yonkers. Amount: $240,000. Filed Feb. 26.

Gerrus Renaissance Acquisitions LLC, West Hempstead. Seller: Jacquelyn Brinney, Yonkers. Property: 166 Woodworth Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $5,000. Filed March 1.

9 Elmwood LLC, Spring Valley. Seller: Wilmington Trust N.A. Property: 9 Elmwood Road, White Plains. Amount: $435,750. Filed Feb. 27.

Glenco Hempstead LLC, Wyckoff, New Jersey. Seller: Yanting Lu, et al, Mount Vernon. Property: 100 Brookfield Road, Mount Vernon. Amount: $868,000. File Feb. 28.

A-Zone Properties Inc., Yonkers. Seller: City of Yonkers. Property: 137 High St., Yonkers. Amount: $42,798. Filed March 1. Bank of America N.A. Seller: Gary A. Friedman, Armonk. Property: 214A Heritage Hills, Somers. Amount: $496,440. Filed Feb. 26. Bri-Ant LLC, Yorktown Heights. Seller: Francis J. Prokop III, Shrub Oak. Property: 1169 E. Main St., Yorktown. Amount: $107,500. Filed March 2. C2GRE LLC, White Plains. Seller: Robert D. Ryan, White Plains. Property: 72 Cricklewood North, Yonkers. Amount: $301,000. Filed March 1. CEBR Properties LLC, Ossining. Seller: Brian H. Duffy, et al, Briarcliff Manor. Property: 313 Kemeys Cove, 313, Ossining. Amount: $339,900. Filed Feb. 27. Celine Properties LLC, Cedar Grove, New Jersey. Seller: National Residential Assets Corp., Coral Gables, Florida. Property: 1709 Lincoln Terrace, Peekskill. Amount: $300,000. Filed March 1. CHF Equities LLC, Chestnut Ridge. Seller: John Perone, Larchmont. Property: 29-31 Amsterdam Place, Mount Vernon. Amount: $232,220. Filed Feb. 27. CLC Properties LLC, Cortlandt Manor. Seller: William V. Connick III, West Haven, Vermont. Property: 14 Osage Drive West, Ossining. Amount: $189,000. Filed Feb. 27. EJK 2 Barry LLC, Scarsdale. Seller: Ann Marie Salazar, Scarsdale. Property: 2 Barry Road, Scarsdale. Amount: $925,000. Filed March 1. Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Joan C. Salwen, Scarsdale. Property: 58 Dale Ave., Ossining. Amount: $531,571. Filed Feb. 26. Findlay Ventures LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Thomas Simon, Yonkers. Property: 23 Saratoga Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $690,000. Filed Feb. 28. Gerrus Renaissance Acquisitions LLC, West Hempstead. Seller: Jacquelyn Brinney, Yonkers. Property: 164 Woodworth Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $145,000. Filed March 1.

HSBC Bank USA N.A. Seller: Joseph Maria, White Plains. Property: 50 Wharton Drive, Cortlandt. Amount: $349,692. Filed Feb. 28. HSBC Bank USA N.A. Seller: Robert D. Ryan, White Plains. Property: 188 Mile Square Road, Yonkers. Amount: $952,311. Filed Feb. 28. KGCJ Development Corp., North Salem. Seller: Kenneth J. Cousin, Goldens Bridge. Property: 2 Pond St., Lewisboro. Amount: $200,000. Filed March 1. Maple Tree Management LLC, Clifton, New Jersey. Seller: Ridgewood Assets LLC, Astoria. Property: 105 Maple St., Yonkers. Amount: $770,000. Filed Feb. 27. Metropolitan Group of New York LLC, Tuckahoe. Seller: Estate of William Winston Roye, New Rochelle. Property: 34 Holly Drive, New Rochelle. Amount: $475,000. Filed Feb. 26. MM Management and Real Estate Company Ltd. Seller: Michele Bermel, Chappaqua. Property: 1001 Palmer Ave., Mamaroneck. Amount: $510,000. Filed Feb. 27. Mount Vernon SHG 2 LLC, Great Neck. Seller: Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Property: 168 Park Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $300,000. Filed March 1.

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North West Property Holdings LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: 113 Franklin Acquisition Group LLC, Elmsford. Property: 133 Franklin Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $255,000. Filed Feb. 26. Pound Ridge Homes LLC, Somers. Seller: Lorenzo Dellorusso, et al, Pound Ridge. Property: 28 Shad Road West, Pound Ridge. Amount: $180,000. Filed Feb. 26. SHG Lot LLC, Yorktown. Seller: 809 Underhill LLC, Purchase. Property: 809 Underhill Ave., Yorktown. Amount: $560,000. Filed March 1.

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Shylass Weight Watchers Delight Inc., New Rochelle. Seller: Albie Abraham, New Rochelle. Property: 42 S. Division St., New Rochelle. Amount: $58,100. Filed March 1.


MARCH 12, 2018


GOOD THINGS Some of the treats painted by Beverly Shipko.

Shipko at work.

NO-CALORIE TREATS FOR AN ANNIVERSARY Imagine being able to consume all the cookies and cakes and icing you want without having to worry about gaining even a tiny fraction of a pound. You can do it as part of the 25th Anniversary of the Studio Tour that is coordinated by RiverArts, the nonprofit that serves communities along the Hudson from Hastings to Tarrytown. The only catch: you have to be content with consuming them visually, through the artwork of Beverly Shipko, one of the participants in the studio tour. She’ll be opening her studio at 36 Shelton St. in Ardsley to the public on April 21 and 22 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Shipko, a long-time member of River Arts who gave up her career as an advertising executive to become an artist, paints in both large and small formats, offering a broad selection of dessert art ranging from cookie, pies and birthday cakes to bowls of strawberries and blueberries topped with mounds of whipped cream. RiverArts expects about 80 artists to open their studios to the public during this spring’s tour.


Back row, from left: Yorktown High School student Kevin; Coleman School White Plains Principal Maria Leitenberger; Yorktown High School students Jake and Anthony and Jason. Front row, from left: Coleman students Timothy, Jack, MiAngela and Caleb, Coleman teacher Daniela Janniello and students Daniel and Shaun in front. For privacy reasons, the last names of the students were not used.

COLEMAN SCHOOL CHILDREN CELEBRATE Children at the John A. Coleman School in White Plains, a community-based special education program for young children, celebrated day number 100 in the current school year by helping others. They, their families and school staff members participated in a food collection drive that had a goal of collecting 100 items. According to Maureen Tomkiel, executive director of the school, “We tripled our goal. The Coleman School has been blessed with many generous and longtime supporters over the years and we felt like we wanted to show our appreciation and support of the Westchester community by ‘giving back’ in some small way.” The food drive benefitted the Food Bank for Westchester. Tomkiel explained that leading up to the food drive teachers worked with their students explore what it means to help people in need. MiAngela, a student in Coleman School’s preschool inclusion classroom, Children’s Place, said, “We did this because people needed food to eat.” Her classmates, Jack and Daniel, added, “People feel happy when they get food.”

Tricia Hanley

Christopher Ruggiero, center, with The Duprees at the Paramount Theatre in Asbury Park.

STUDENT FROM SOMERS BECOMES DOO-WOP STAR Eighteen-year-old Christopher Ruggiero of Somers, a freshman at Pace, managed to steal some time away from his studies to pursue his passion of doo-wop music in a big way: he performed with the classic group The Duprees in a television special made for the Public Broadcasting Service. The program “Doo-Wop Generations” was produced by T. J. Lubinsky. He has been responsible for numerous PBS programs spotlighting music of the rock ’n’ roll era. More than 200 musicians gathered in


MARCH 12, 2018


Asbury Park, New Jersey, for the two-day taping at the Paramount Theatre on Dec. 12 and 13. The show began airing nationally at the beginning of March and, if the pattern is repeated, will be shown from time to time for years to come. As a child, Ruggiero became passionate about doo-wop music as a result of his grandfather having a group called “Joey and the Quotations.” The Duprees are best known for their hits “You Belong to Me,” “My Own True Love” and “Have You Heard.”

Sarah Lawrence College has announced the appointment of Tricia Hanley as the new director of its Child Development Institute. She is an alumna of Sarah Lawrence and a former head teacher in its Early Childhood Center. Hanley, who lives in Larchmont, had been with the Barnard College Center for Toddler Development for six years. “My goal is to get CDI out there and to let everyone know we are here. We want to better understand ways we can partner with organizations in the community and use the resources we have to benefit them,” she said. The institute was established in 1987 to develop programs for early childhood and elementary school teachers, administrators, child development professionals, parents and the community at large.

Christine Olivier

GARNER RECEIVES GRANT, APPOINTS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Garner Arts Center in Garnerville has named Christine Olivier as its new executive director. She succeeds James Tyler, who is moving over to the board of directors. Olivier had been serving as program director for the arts center since July 2015. Robin Rosenberg, founder and president of the center, said, “Over the past few years, in large part due to Christine’s work as program director, Garner Arts Center has grown and expanded its programs, services and audiences.” The arts center recently received a $22,000 grant from Rockland County’s Department of Tourism and Economic Development. It plans to use the funds to promote its facilities and programs, especially its Arts Festival on May 19 and 20, Brick Alley Block Party on Sept. 22, and Autumn Electronix Music Festival on Oct. 20.

HAPPENING A few of the 100 Pace University students who participated in the One Million Acts of Good event.

PACE STUDENTS VOLUNTEER TO DO GOOD The One Million Acts of Good campaign launched by TV personality Ellen DeGeneres came to the Pace University campus in Pleasantville recently. More than 100 students volunteered to prepare boxes of food and other items for the Food Bank for Westchester to distribute. The students assembled what are called “Matter Boxes,” filled with food, supplies and personal notes. On her daily television show, in a promotion celebrating her 60th birthday, DeGeneres partnered with the General Mills cereal brand Cheerios to launch the Million Acts of Good campaign. The idea, as the name implies, was to encourage people around the country to do

a million good things. Some were highlighted on television, such as a couple who drove 800 miles to deliver supplies to hurricane survivors and a teacher who donated a kidney to the mother of a student. On her Feb. 2 telecast, DeGeneres and General Mills showed their appreciation for the impact the campaign was having by giving away $1 million in cash, divided among members of that day’s studio audience. General Mills donated pallets of food for volunteers around the country to pack into “Matter Boxes” for distribution to their local food banks. The Pace students put together 250 of the boxes that were delivered to the Food Bank for Westchester.

From left: Carl Tegtmeier, NYSDF board; Laura Clark Leon; Susan Fox, president and CEO of WIHD; and Pat Seagriff, dental director of WIHD.

WIHD RECEIVES FUNDS, EQUIPMENT FROM DENTAL FOUNDATION The Westchester Institute for Human Development in Valhalla has received $5,000 plus a portable hand-held X-ray unit from the New York State Dental Foundation. The funding from the foundation’s Give Kids a Smile Award program will support the institute’s dental services program. The X-ray machine, which was provided by Kavo Kerr Group, a manufacturer and distributor of dental equipment, will be used in the institute’s dental van.

“I have worked with a number of leaders at WIHD and am thrilled that we have been able to help the important work that they do in providing dental care for people with disabilities,” said Laura Clark Leon, executive director of the dental foundation. The institute’s dental program provides more than 6,800 dental visits a year to almost 2,300 dental patients who come to its dental center in Valhalla.

BURSHTEYN JOINS WHITE PLAINS HOSPITAL White Plains Hospital has announced the appointment of Dr. Mark Burshteyn as director of interventional oncology. He will see patients at the hospital’s Center for Cancer Care at 2 Longview Ave. in White Plains. “We were the first hospital in Westchester to build a stand-alone cancer center more than 20 years ago and this appointment is another example of how we are continuing to expand our programs, services and facilities to meet the growing demand for advanced care, right here in the community,” said Michael Palumbo, the hospital’s executive vice president and medical director. Burshteyn is board-certified in diagnostic and vascular and interventional radiology. He has co-authored articles in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology and the Journal of the American College of Radiology; and has presented case reports and studies at national and local professional events.



From left, Dimmy Lotrecchiano, Anita M. Minella, Cathy Cavanaugh, Lynne Cabiati, Laurie Lee Ford, Keiren Farquhar, Rose Aglieco, Vincent D’Ambroso and Debbie Diachenko.

COVECARE CREATES COUNCIL CoveCare Center has put together an advisory council composed of members of the community who support CoveCare Center’s mission and want to help the nonprofit agency grow. Based in Carmel, CoveCare addresses mental health needs, substance use and social and emotional issues. “We are fortunate to have brought together an advisory council of accomplished individuals with diverse skills and expertise, said Diane E. Russo, CoveCare Center CEO. Members of the advisory council include Rose Aglieco, executive director, Brewster Chamber of Commerce; Lynne Cabiati, caseworker, Putnam County Office of Senior Resources; Cathy Cavanaugh, a retired social worker and former CoveCare Center employee who is chairing the council; Vincent D’Ambroso, business development officer, Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union; Debbie Diachenko, executive assistant at Atlas Air who is secretary of the council; Keiren Farquhar, retired medical reserve coordinator for the Putnam County Department of Health; Laurie Lee Ford owner of Kidz Country who is vice-chairperson; Lt. Sheila Hanley of the Putnam County Sheriff ’s Department; Dimmy Lotrecchiano, a retired teacher and former CoveCare Center board member; Steve Miccio, CEO of PEOPLe Inc.; and Anita M. Minella, retired executive director, Putnam Hospital Center Foundation.

The LOFT LGBT Community Center in White Plains has announced Edie Windsor, who was the plaintiff in a case that resulted in the U.S. Supreme Court holding that it was unconstitutional to restrict the definition of “marriage” and spouse” to heterosexual unions and her spouse, Thea Spyer, bequeathed $50,000 to the organization. The LOFT supported Windsor’s gay rights activism and efforts to overturn Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act. Spyer died in 2009. She and Windsor had been together for 40 years. Windsor subsequently married Judith Kasen. Windsor passed away in 2017 at age 88. Kasen-Windsor said, “This gift is a tremendous acknowledgement of how much the beloved LOFT community meant to Edie and Thea.” “We are committed to using Edie’s generous donation in a way that will directly impact our community and celebrate Edie’s legacy,” said Judy Troilo, executive director of The LOFT LGBT Community Center.

Information for these features has been submitted by the subjects or their delegates.

Brendon DeSimone

Houlihan Lawrence has announced that Brendon DeSimone, manager of its office serving Bedford and Pound Ridge, also will be managing the company’s office in Katonah. Houlihan Lawrence has 66 agents in its Bedford/Pound Ridge office and 43 in Katonah. Katonah manager Roselyn Harburger is retiring after 17 years with the company. In DeSimone’s first year as manager in Bedford/Pound Ridge, sales volume rose 15 percent and the office went from No. 9 to No. 6 in sales volume among all Houlihan Lawrence offices. “Northern Westchester, unlike the rest of the county, is still catching up from the 2008 housing market collapse,” DeSimone said. “High demand and our lack of inventory should eventually lead to higher prices.” DeSimone writes a weekly syndicated real estate column and has been a featured guest on Bloomberg, CNBC and ABC’s “Good Morning America” among others.


MARCH 12, 2018


Facts & Figures SPS Real Estate NY LLC, Great Neck. Seller: TD Bank N.A. Property: 213 Union Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $163,000. Filed Feb. 27. SRG Management Inc., North Bellmore. Seller: U.S. Bank N.A. Property: 1 Sterling Ave., White Plains. Amount: $444,444. Filed March 1. Sweet Living LLC, Ossining. Seller: Elizabeth Ann McLeod, New Rochelle. Property: 249 Centre Ave., New Rochelle. Amount: $615,000. Filed Feb. 26. TDJ Contracting Corp., Scarsdale. Seller: Brad Goldman, et al, Scarsdale. Property: 137 Brite Ave., Scarsdale. Amount: $735,000. Filed Feb. 27. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Ruben Rodriguez, et al, Port Chester. Property: 29 Orchard St., Rye. Amount: $323,000. Filed Feb. 26. Tomic Company LLC, New Rochelle. Seller: Audrey S. LaCava, et al, New Rochelle. Property: 4482 Boston Post Road, Pelham. Amount: $560,000. Filed March 1. Tony’s Auto Body of White Plains Inc., Harrison. Seller: SKGT Inc., Elmsford. Property: Nepperhan Ave., Greenburgh. Amount: $600,000. Filed Feb. 28. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Arlene Gold Wexler, Mamaroneck. Property: 34 Cliff St., Yonkers. Amount: $306,285. Filed Feb. 27. U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Seller: Max DiFabio, Purchase. Property: 2 Nob Hill Drive 2, Greenburgh. Amount: $325,000. Filed March 1. Upcounty Realty Corp., Yorktown Heights. Seller: Jay B. Hashmall, White Plains. Property: 140 13th St., Cortlandt. Amount: $45,000. Filed March 2. Was Holding Corp., Yonkers. Seller: Elizabeth Douglas, White Plains. Property: 114 Hollis Terrace North, Yonkers. Amount: $380,087. Filed Feb. 26. Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Harold B. Woolfalk, Scarsdale. Property: 29 Lake St., Lewisboro. Amount: $306,795. Filed Feb. 26. Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Michele Bermel, Chappaqua. Property: 240 S. Broadway, Greenburgh. Amount: $210,000. Filed Feb. 27. Yellow Moose Properties LLC, Cos Cob, Connecticut. Seller: James D. Murray, Mamaroneck. Property: 376 Hutchinson Blvd., Mount Vernon. Amount: $228,000. Filed March 2.


MARCH 12, 2018

FORECLOSURES BRIARCLIFF MANOR, 103 Apple Lane. Single-family residence; lot size: .59 acre. Plaintiff: HSBC Bank USA National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman & Gordon, 631-969-3100; 53 Gibson St., Bay Shore 11706. Defendant: Henry R.P. Foshay. Referee: David A. Gallo. Sale: Marcy 27, 11 a.m. Approximate lien: $730,291.97. BRIARCIFF MANOR, 106 Dalmeny Road. Single-family residence; lot size: .26 acre. Plaintiff: GMAC Mortgage. Plaintiff’s attorney: Leopold & Associates PLLC, 914-219-5787; 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk 10504. Defendant: Deborah Pangle. Referee: Joseph Anthony Ruffero. Sale: March 16, 10:15 a.m. Approximate lien: $1,018,869.25. CORTLANDT MANOR, 5 Douglas Mowbray Road. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff: McCabe, Weisberg & Conway PC, 914-636-8900; 145 Huguenot St., Suite 401, New Rochelle 10801. Defendant: Victor Errico. Referee: Sanford Glatzer. Sale: March 13, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $1,239,834.77. CORTLANDT MANOR, 11 Montgomery Crossway. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Citimortgage Inc. Plaintiff’s attorney: Davidson, Finn, Cook, Kelly & Galbraith, 585-545-6448 or 585760-8218; 28 E. Main St., Suite 1700, Rochester 14614. Defendant: Hollie Walker. Referee: Barbara Lerman. Sale: March 26, 9 a.m. Approximate lien: $279,188.64. CORTLANDT MANOR, 103 Birch St. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Federal National Mortgage Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Berkman, Henoch, Peterson, & Paddy, 516-222-6200; 100 Garden City Plaza, Garden City 11530. Defendant: Mostafa Hassan. Referee: Theodore Brundage. Sale: March 23, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: N/A. EASTCHESTER, 7 Lorraine Drive. Single-family residence; lot size: .13 acre. Plaintiff: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Plaintiff’s attorney: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Joan Carlin Halpern. Referee: Peter Metis. Sale: March 13, 10:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $659,188.88. ELMSFORD, 219 Endicott Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: .11 acre. Plaintiff: CitiBank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: RAS Boriskin, 516-280-7675; 900 Merchants Concourse, Westbury 11590. Defendant: Johnnie Sinkler. Referee: John Pappalardo. Sale: March 13, 2:30 p.m. Approximate lien: N/A.


MOUNT VERNON, 42 S. High St. Two-family residence; lot size: .08 acre. Plaintiff: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Plaintiff’s attorney: McCabe, Weisberg & Conway PC, 914-636-8900; 145 Huguenot St., Suite 401, New Rochelle 10801. Defendant: Gary Dilzeanne. Referee: John Molloy. Sale: April 3, 10:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $873,554.55.

PURCHASE, 40 Pinehurst Drive. Single-family residence; lot size: .5 acre. Plaintiff: Citizens Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Rosicki & Rosicki & Associates, 845-897-1600; 2 Summit Court, No. 301, Fishkill 11254. Defendant: Spencer Brown. Referee: Joseph Maria. Sale: March 21, 9 a.m. Approximate lien: $520,341.39.

MOUNT VERNON, 333 S. Seventh Ave. Two-family residence; lot size: .08 acre. Plaintiff: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Plaintiff’s attorney: RAS Boriskin, 516-280-7675; 900 Merchants Concourse, Westbury 11590. Defendant: Marchael Thomas. Referee: David Peck. Sale: April 2, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: N/A.

YONKERS, 4 Regina Place. Single-family residence; lot size: .06 acre. Plaintiff: Citimortgage Inc. Plaintiff’s attorney: David A. Gallo & Associates, 516-583-5330; 99 Powerhouse Road, Roslyn Heights 11577. Defendant: Julio Soler Claudio. Sale: March 20, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $748,864.11.

MOUNT VERNON, 356 S. 10th Ave. Three-family residence; lot size: .08 acre. Plaintiff: Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC. Plaintiff’s attorney: McCabe, Weisberg & Conway PC, 914-636-8900; 145 Huguenot St., Suite 401, New Rochelle 10801. Defendant: Larry McDonald II. Referee: Steven Goldenberg. Sale: March 21, 11 a.m. Approximate lien: $366,265.64.

YONKERS, 30 Ashburton Ave. Three-family residence; lot size: .06 acre. Plaintiff: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Ana Oquendo. Referee: Gary Rikoon. Sale: March 13, 11 a.m. Approximate lien: $1,176,038.30.

MOUNT VERNON, 412 Union Ave. Two-family residence; lot size: .1 acre. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank Trust National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Helen Brown. Referee: Francis Malara. Sale: March 21, 9 a.m. Approximate lien: $348,245.50. NEW ROCHELLE, 72 Ashland St. Two-family residence; lot size: .11 acre. Plaintiff: The Bank of New York. Plaintiff’s attorney: Sheldon, May & Associates, 516-763-3200; 255 Merick Road, Rockville 11570. Defendant: Willie Bedford. Referee: Eve Bunting Smith. Sale: March 13, 9: 15 a.m. Approximate lien: $643,280.93. OSSINING, 79 Main St. Apartment; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Rosicki & Rosicki & Associates, 845-897-1600; 2 Summit Court, No. 301, Fishkill 11254. Defendant: Michael Campbell Jr. Referee: Steven Accinelli. Sale: March 14, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $638,828.04. PEEKSKILL, 955 Parkway Place. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Plaintiff’s attorney: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Danielle Conrad. Referee: John Molloy. Sale: March 13, 10:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $209,221.74. PEEKSKILL, 1590 Blvd. St. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: McCabe, Weisberg & Conway PC, 914-6368900; 145 Huguenot St., Suite 401, New Rochelle 10801. Defendant: Belmaro Cardenas. Referee: Frank Lombardi. Sale: March 26, 9:15 a.m. Approximate lien: $487,459.29.

YONKERS, 562 North Broadway. Two-family residence; lot size: .21 acre. Plaintiff: CitiMortgage Inc. Plaintiff’s attorney: David A. Gallo & Associates, 516-583-5330; 99 Powerhouse Road, Rosalyn Heights 11577. Defendant: Joao Jose Rodrigues. Referee: Howard Dobbs. Sale: March 12, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $1,103,570.42. YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, 1446 White Hill Road. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: JPMorgan Chase Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: Vincenza Guglielmo. Referee: Dennis Krolian. Sale: March 13, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $435,980.99.

LIS PENDENS The following filings indicated a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed. Brown, Ivorine, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $265,799 affecting property located at 86B Oregon Ave., Bronxville 10708. Filed Dec. 18. Carlin, Barbara, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $780,000 affecting property located at 39 Doral Greens Drive West, Rye Brook 10573. Filed Dec. 20. Costoso, Ernest Jr., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $217,000 affecting property located at 306 Mallard Way, Unit C-6, Peekskill 10566. Filed Dec. 20.

DiMarco, Paul, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $551,250 affecting property located at 80 Old Boston Post Road, Unit. 3, New Rochelle 10801. Filed Dec. 20. Douglas, Dennis, et al. Filed by Moore Vernon LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $265,000 affecting property located at 136 N. High St., Mount Vernon 10550. Filed Dec. 20.

Quezada, Segundo M., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $330,000 affecting property located at 936 Liberty St., Peekskill 10566. Filed Dec. 19. Ramirez, Ines, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $65,000 affecting property located at 44 Haseco Ave., Port Chester 10573. Filed Dec. 18.

Doyle, Michael, et al. Filed by Specialized Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $345,819 affecting property located at 12 White Lion Drive, Montrose 10548. Filed Dec. 19.

Sotomayor, John, et al. Filed by Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 2359 Maple Ave., Cortlandt Manor 10567. Filed Dec. 18.

Facciponti, Annette, et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $855,000 affecting property located at 388 Read Ave., Tuckahoe 10707. Filed Dec. 20.

Southwell, Lorson, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $415,140 affecting property located at 9 and 11 Landis Place, Yonkers 10704. Filed Dec. 20.

Hoft, Walter H., et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $153,900 affecting property located at 13 Hissarlik Way, Bedford 10506. Filed Dec. 20.

Watkins, Vanessa, et al. Filed by Prof-2013-S3 Legal Title Trust II. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $149,150 affecting property located at 130 Glenwood Ave., Apt. 45, Yonkers 10703. Filed Dec. 20.

Lin, Mei Fang, et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $100,000 affecting property located at 3 Allan Lane, Mount Kisco 10549. Filed Dec. 20. Nail, Cynthia, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $475,000 affecting property located at 421 First Avenue South, Mount Vernon 10550. Filed Dec. 19. Norton, Patricia, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $532,000 affecting property located at 117 Storer Ave., New Rochelle 10801. Filed Dec. 20. O’Brien, Roxane, as administratrix of the estate of Helene Labbe, et al. Filed by Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $544,185 affecting property located at 11 Highview Ave., Rye Brook 10573. Filed Dec. 19. Ortiz, Corina M., et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $396,000 affecting property located at 2 Forest Ave., Ossining 10562. Filed Dec. 19. Public administrator of Westchester County as temporary public administrator to the estate of Ritchi Morris, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $530,100 affecting property located at 18 Abington Ave., Ardsley 10502. Filed Dec. 19.

MECHANIC’S LIENS AAC Cross County Mall LLC, as owner. $99,558 as claimed by Rotundo Plumbing Corp., Putnam Valley. Property: in Yonkers. Filed Feb. 28. Bedford Green LLC, as owner. $2,800 as claimed by PLP Plumbing and Heating LLC, Harrison. Property: in Bedford. Filed March 1. EK Triangle LLC, as owner. $3,034 as claimed by PLP Plumbing and Heating LLC, Harrison. Property: in Yorktown. Filed March 1. MSB Family Holdings LLC, as owner. $19,950 as claimed by Nosal Industries Inc., Clinton, Connecticut. Property: in Rye. Filed March 1. MSB Family Holdings LLC, as owner. $39,430 as claimed by AMX Mechanical Corp. Property: in Rye. Filed Feb. 26. White Plains Plaza LLC, as owner. $2,632 as claimed by Plumbing Today Inc. Property: in White Plains. Filed March 1. WP North Tower LLC, as owner. $56,023 as claimed by Linear Technologies Inc., New York City. Property: in White Plains. Filed Feb. 28.

Facts & Figures NEW BUSINESSES This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.

Doing Business As Axispoint Technology Solutions Group Inc., d.b.a. ATSG, 507 N. State Road, Briarcliff 10510. Filed Nov. 3. Business Class Limousine Inc., d.b.a. Atlas Airport Service, 271 Crescent Place, No. 4B, Yonkers 10704. Filed Nov. 3. Hellenic Orthodox Community of Westchester County Inc., d.b.a. Ladies Philoptochos Society of New Rochelle, 10 Mill Road, New Rochelle 10804. Filed Nov. 3. Hida Inc., d.b.a. Tani Haru, 6 Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne 10532. Filed Nov. 3. JOJ Operating Corp., d.b.a. ABH Car Wash, 539 N. State Road, Briarcliff Manor 10510. Filed Nov. 3. Leonardo’s Pizza and Restaurant Inc., d.b.a. 13 Foods, 2133 Palmer Ave., Larchmont 10538. Filed Nov. 3. Move Glow Inspire Inc., d.b.a. Move To Empower, 575 Knollwood Road, White Plains 10603. Filed Nov. 3. The Regional Synod of New York Inc., d.b.a. Thomas Danney Memorial Scholarship Fund, 42 N. Broadway, Tarrytown 10591. Filed Nov. 3.

Partnerships 1st Hub Transportation, 477 Old Tarrytown Road, White Plains 10603, c/o Indira Bowen and Dameion White. Filed Nov. 3. New Castle Scone Co., P.O. Box 582, Chappaqua 10514, c/o Grace Baccay and Francis Baccay. Filed Nov. 3.

Sole Proprietorships Fonseca Travel Agency Co., 6 W. Sidney Ave., Mount Vernon 10550, c/o Maria Fonseca. Filed Nov. 2. Hebrew4U, 7 Kensico Knoll Place, White Plains 10603, c/o Ana Turkienicz. Filed Nov. 3.

Jackknife Sharpening, 1549 Old Orchard St., West Harrison 10604, c/o John E. Martin. Filed Nov. 3. K and K Beauty, 1 Francis Lane, Port Chester 10573, c/o Monica Santamaria. Filed Nov. 2. Macaulay Consulting, P.O. Box 529, 77 Lime Kiln Road, Suite 2L, Tuckahoe 10707, c/o Carol Diane Trester. Filed Nov. 3. Nadel Home Care Services, 95 Riverdale Ave., B908, Yonkers 10701, c/o Delvelyn Konadu. Filed Nov. 2. Olga Beauty Salon, 355 North Ave., New Rochelle 10801, c/o Olga Castillo. Filed Nov. 3. Rich Currency, 527 Riverdale Ave., Yonkers 10705, c/o George Thomas. Filed Nov. 2. The AMPZ Show, 251 S. Fifth Ave., Mount Vernon 10550, c/o Patrick Adams. Filed Nov. 2. Tupawa, 1 Broad Parkway, 5C, White Plains 10601, c/o Ursula O’Keefe. Filed Nov. 3.

PATENTS Confidentiality-smart voice delivery of text-based incoming messages. Patent no. 9,912,800 issued to Darryl M. Adderly, Morrisville, N.C.; Jonathan W. Jackson, Durham, N.C.; Ajit Jariwala, Cary, N.C.; and Eric B. Libow, Raleigh, N.C. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Combining installed audiovisual sensors with ad-hoc mobile audiovisual sensors for smart meeting rooms. Patent no. 9,912,909 issued to Stanley Chen, New York; Kenneth W. Church. Croton-on-Hudson; Vaibhava Goel, Chappaqua; Lidia L. Mangu, New York; Etienne Marcheret, White Plains; Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Mount Kisco; Laurence P. Sansone, Beacon; Ahhinav Sethy, Chappaqua; and Samuel Thomas, Elmsford. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Enclosure with inner tamper-respondent sensor(s) and physical security element(s). Patent no. Michael J. Fisher, Poughkeepsie; David C. Long, Wappingers Falls; Michael T. Peets, Staatsburg; and Thomas Weiss, Poughkeepsie. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Energy efficient location tracking on smart phones. Patent no. 9,913,220 issued to Jing Dai, White Plains; Ming Li, Elmsford; Milind R. Naphinde, Fishkill; and Sambit Sahu, Hopewell Junction. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk.

Flexible coolant manifold-heat sink assembly. Patent no. 9,913,403 issued to Francis R. Krug Jr., Highland; Eric J. McKever, Poughkeepsie; Robert K. Mullady, Poughkeepsie; Donald W. Porter, Highland’ Richard P. Snider, New Paltz; John G. Torok, Poughkeepsie; Allan C. VanDeventer, Poughkeepsie and Xiaojin Wei, Poughkeepsie. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Integrated circuit device assembly. Patent no. 9,913361 issued to David Barron, Austin, Texas; Mark K. Hoffmeyer, Rochester, Minnesota; Christopher W. Mann, Lakeway, Texas; and Matthew T. Richardson, Austin, Texas. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Intelligent notification redirection. Patent no. 9,913,246 issued to James E. Carey, Rochester, Minnesota; Jim C. Chen, Rochester, Minnesota; and Charlie M. Jonas, St. Louis, Missouri. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Requesting storage performance models for a configuration pattern of storage resources to deploy at a client environment. Patent no. 9,912,751 issued to Rakesh Jain, San Jose, California; Ramani R. Routray, San Jose, California; Sumant Padbidri, San Jose, California; and Yang Song, San Jose, California. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Tamper-respondent assemblies with bond protection. Patent no. 9,913,362 issued to William L. Brodsky, Binghamton; James A. Busby, New Paltz; Zachary T. Dreiss, Beacon; Michael J. Fisher, Poughkeepsie; David C. Long, Wappingers Falls; William Santiago-Fernandez, Poughkeepsie; and Thomas Weiss, Poughkeepsie. Tamper-respondent assembly with vent structure. Patent no. 9,913,389 issued to Michael J. Fisher, Poughkeepsie; David C. Long, Wappingers Falls; Michael T. Peets, Staatsburg; Robert Weiss, Poughkeepsie; Thomas Weiss, Poughkeepsie; and James E.Tersigni, Highland. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk.

HUDSON VALLEY BUILDING LOANS Above $1 million Everest Hospitality LLC, as owner. Lender: Savoy Bank, New York City. Property: 239 Forest Hill Drive, Kingston. Amount: $2.3 million. Filed Feb. 26.

Lee Gardens Inc., Monroe, as owner. Lender: Sterling National Bank, Montebello. Property: 18, 18, and 20 Israel Zupnick Drive, Monroe. Amount: $2 million. Filed Feb. 26.

Below $1 million Capital Estates Corp., Monroe, as owner. Lender: RCN Capital LLC, South Windsor, Connecticut. Property: in Marlborough. Amount: $41,500. Filed Feb. 27. Cedar Partners LLC, Nanuet, as owner. Lender: LendingOne LLC, Boca Raton, Florida. Property: 129 Fawn Hill Road, Tuxedo 10987. Amount: $200,750. Filed Feb. 27. Dean, Lorraine M., Accord, as owner. Lender: Jeff Bank, Jeffersonville. Property: 29 Stony Kill Road, Accord. Amount: $90,000. Filed Feb. 23. Ferry, Brian P., et al, Washingtonville, as owner. Lender: TEG Federal Credit Union, Poughkeepsie. Property: in New Windsor. Amount: $200,000. Filed March 5. Fox Robert J. Sr., Wallkill, as owner. Lender: Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association, Walden. Property: Wallkill. Property: 390 New Unionville Road, Wallkill 12589. Amount: $152,000. Filed March 1. Gluck, Moses, Monroe, as owner. Lender: Northeast Community Bank, White Plains. Property: 70 Seven Springs Mountain Road, Monroe. Amount: $400,000. Filed Feb. 26. Lanwin Olympia Cornwall LLC, Cornwall-on-Hudson, as owner. Lender: TEG Federal Credit Union, Poughkeepsie. Property: 40 Otterkill Road, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Amount: $386,775. Filed Feb. 27. Lee Gardens Inc., Monroe, as owner. Lender: Sterling National Bank, Montebello. Property: 16, 18, and 20 Israel Zupnick Drive, Monroe. Amount: $500,000. Filed Feb. 26. Maginsky, Valerie, as owner. Lender: M&T Bank. Property: 246 W. Main St., Port Jervis 12771. Amount: $181,000. Filed March 2. Medilien, Judith, as owner. Lender: M&T Bank. Property: 64 New York Ave., Wallkill 10940. Amount: $124,215. Filed March 1. Petramale, Louis M., et al, Rensselaerville, as owner. Lender: Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, Kingston. Property: 130 Kelly Road, Saugerties 12477. Amount: $170,000. Filed Feb. 27.

Rogerson, Mark, New York City, as owner. Lender: Rondout Savings Bank, Kingston. Property: 50 Parish Lane, Lake Katrine 12449. Amount: $130,900. Filed Feb. 16.

168 Goat Hill Road LLC, New York City. Seller: Robert A. Sylvester, et al, Saugerties. Property: in Saugerties. Amount: $300,000. Filed March 2. 220 Gregory LLC, Highland. Seller: Christopher S. McGregor Jr., Astoria. Property: 220 Gregory Court, Lloyd. Amount: $104,000. Filed Feb. 28.

DEEDS Above $1 million AGI Capital LLC, Hudson. Seller: Cobble Pond Farm, New York City. Property: in Northeast. Amount: $1.6 million. Filed Feb. 23. HP New York Dutchess LLC, Brookfield, Wisconsin. Seller: 1955 East Fishkill LLC, Hopewell Junction. Property: 1955 Route 52, Hopewell Junction. Amount: $5.4 million. Filed Feb. 23. Inspire of McClelland Properties LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: Elevado Properties Inc., Wappingers Falls. Property: in Fishkill. Amount: $1.7 million. Filed Feb. 23. Pine Ridge Holdings LLC, Kerhonkson. Seller: Coordinated Ranches Inc., et al, Kerhonkson. Property: 30 Cherrytown Road, Rochester and Wawarsing. Amount: $1.6 million. Filed March 5. SL Keane Stud LLC, Amenia. Seller: Keane Stud LLC, New York City. Property: 216 Depot Hill Road, Amenia. Amount: $4.5 million. Filed Feb. 22. Somer Upstate Holdings LLC, New York City. Seller: Rondout Country Club Ltd., Accord. Property: in Rochester. Amount: $1.5 million. Filed March 1. SR LL25 Holdings LLC, Garden City. Seller: Silo Ridge Ventures Property A LLC, Scottsdale, Arizona. Property: in Amenia. Amount: $2 million. Filed Feb. 27.

252 East Main Street LLC, Middletown. Seller: Lucia Siena, Middletown. Property: in Middletown. Amount: $530,000. Filed Feb. 26. 286 Grand Street LLC, Lawrence. Seller: Ronique C. Hicks, Englewood, New Jersey. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $7,000. Filed Feb. 26. 3 Lake Street Monroe LLC, Monroe. Seller: Dominick DiNapoli, et al, Monroe. Property: in Monroe. Amount: $140,000. Filed Feb. 27. 68E LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: Edward F. Malarik, et al, Highland Mills. Property: 68 Eastview Road, Highland Mills 10930. Amount: $438,000. Filed Feb. 26. 730 RT9 Fishkill LLC, Edison, New Jersey. Seller: Fishkill Forge Inc., Poughkeepsie. Property: in Fishkill. Amount: $825,000. Filed Feb. 23. 99 Fred Short Road LLC, New York City. Seller: Paula V. Zenobio, Levittown. Property: in Saugerties. Amount: $290,000. Filed Feb. 21. AGI Capital LLC, Hudson. Seller: Irma Behrle, Essex Fells, New Jersey. Property: in North East. Amount: $95,000. Filed Feb. 23. AGI Capital LLC, Hudson. Seller: Michael Taylor, Oceanside. Property: 358 Winchell Mountain Road, Millerton. Amount: $300,000. Filed Feb. 23.

Below $1 million

AK Investments LLC, Hyde Park. Seller: Ned Kopald, Highland Falls. Property: 13 Judd Place, Goshen 10924. Amount: $109,000. Filed Feb. 27.

103 Oak Street LLC, Jackson Heights. Seller: Yuri Gekht, Middletown. Property: in Walden. Amount: $450,000. Filed Feb. 28.

Alle-Chris LLC, Marlboro. Seller: Mark Anthony Conn, Yorktown Heights. Property: in Marlborough. Amount: $130,000. Filed Feb. 26.

12 Cipriano Rd LLC, Monroe. Seller: The Bank of New York Mellon. Property: 12 Cipriano Road, Clintondale 12515. Amount: $155,572. Filed Feb. 21.

American Financial Resources Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia. Seller: J. Benjamin Gailey, Walden. Property: 14-16 Woods Place, Middletown 10940. Amount: $170,766. Filed Feb. 27.

12 HVPP LLC, Scarsdale. Seller: John T. Parrinello, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Property: 12 Hudson Plaza, Newburgh. Amount: $500,000. Filed March 1.

Balance Equity LLC, New York City. Seller: James Vazquez, et al, New Rochelle. Property: in Highlands. Amount: $212,000. Filed March 1.

14 Graves Street Inc., Red Hook. Seller: Gold Circle Holding Corp., Elizaville. Property: in Red Hook. Amount: $248,000. Filed Feb. 23.


MARCH 12, 2018


Facts & Figures Bayview Loan Servicing LLC, Coral Gables, Florida. Seller: Henry Norman Christensen Jr., Goshen. Property: 45 Dickerson Ave., Montgomery 12549. Amount: $269,992. Filed Feb. 28. Boonton Brothers LLC, Goshen. Seller: Sarah Ramos, Goshen. Property: 46 Arbor Way, Middletown 10940. Amount: $250,000. Filed Feb. 26. Brennie Realty Inc., Highland. Seller: Cappillino Properties LLC, Highland. Property: in Marlborough. Amount: $250,000. Filed Feb. 23. Broad Street Funding Trust I, Bloomfield, New Jersey. Seller: Scott M. Brien, Hopewell Junction. Property: 24 Hi View Road, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $262,000. Filed Feb. 28. Capital Estates Corp., Monroe. Seller: HSBC Bank USA N.A. Property: 117 Hillcrest Drive, Marlboro 12542. Amount: $88,500. Filed Feb. 27. Castle High MHC Group LLC, Harriman. Seller: Lisa R. Durham, Newburgh. Property: 29 Susan Drive, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $315,000. Filed Feb. 28. Cedar Partners LLC, Nanuet. Seller: The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Property: in Tuxedo. Amount: $165,000. Filed Feb. 27. CNK Sweet Home LLC, Albertson. Seller: Jerome M. Schapira Jr., Highland. Property: in New Paltz. Amount: $326,000. Filed Feb. 28.

Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Raphael J. Basso, Poughkeepsie. Property: 24 Hagan Drive, Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $568,000. Filed Feb. 23. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Sarah E. Sholes, Poughkeepsie. Property: 29 Poplar Lane, Amenia 12592. Amount: $577,500. Filed Feb. 22.

New Dream Properties Inc., Elmhurst. Seller: M.H. and F.A. Builders LLC, Kingston. Property: 249 E. Union St., Kingston. Amount: $60,000. Filed Feb. 22.

Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas. Seller: Jessica Vinall, Poughkeepsie. Property: 42 Pembroke Drive, Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $648,500. Filed Feb. 23.

Haven Homes Group LLC, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Seller: Christine Rodriguez, Wallkill. Property: Mountain View Ave., Newburgh. Amount: $47,500. Filed Feb. 28.

New Millennium Development LLC, Mahopac. Seller: Santander Bank N.A. Property: 871 N. Hillside Road, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $80,000. Filed Feb. 27.

Ditech Financial LLC, St. Paul, Minnesota. Seller: Arlene Leon, Goshen. Property: 3 Arden Court, No. 2402, Middletown 10940. Amount: $361,441. Filed Feb. 26.

HSBC Bank USA N.A. Seller: Steven H. Klein, Poughkeepsie. Property: 335 Old Route 22, Pawling 12564. Amount: $271,000. Filed Feb. 28.

P and K Build New York Construction Inc., New York City. Seller: Federal National Mortgage Association. Property: 69 Sylvan Trail, Monroe10950. Amount: $46,900. Filed Feb. 27.

Double R Capital Inc., Poughkeepsie. Seller: Fred W. Schaeffer, Poughkeepsie. Property: 8F White Gate Road, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $36,500. Filed Feb. 26. East Coast Investors INTL LLC, Monroe. Seller: Jeffrey Albanese, Goshen. Property: 75 Old Little Britain Road, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $115,000. Filed Feb. 26. East Coast Investors INTL LLC, Monroe. Seller: Jeffrey S. Altbach, Ferndale. Property: 57 Southern Lane, Warwick 10990. Amount: $160,555. Filed Feb. 26. Evans Buttonwood Holdings LLC, New York City. Seller: Richard T. Kortright, et al, Rhinebeck. Property: in Rhinebeck. Amount: $830,000. Filed Feb. 27.

Cont3xt LLC, Wallkill. Seller: Caroline M. Stupple, Highland Mills. Property: in Cornwall-on-Hudson. Amount: $309,903. Filed Feb. 27. D.L. Stroup LLC, Pearl River. Seller: Iama LLC, Brooklyn. Property: in Warwick. Amount: $97,500. Filed March 1.

Fair River Inc., Esopus. Seller: Margaret Richter, Ipswich, Massachusetts. Property: in Esopus. Amount: $160,000. Filed March 1.

Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Benjamin Greenwald, New Windsor. Property: 5295 Searsville Road, Pine Bush 12566. Amount: $488,000. Filed Feb. 26.

Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Andrea Pawliczek, Montgomery. Property: 41 Franklin Ave., Monroe 10950. Amount: $426,155. Filed Feb. 28.

Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: David L. Russell, Newburgh. Property: 62 Old Sylvan Lake Road, Hopewell Junction 12533. Amount: $631,500. Filed Feb. 23.

Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: David R. Whitmore, et al, Goshen. Property: 71 Summit Ave., Woodbury 10917. Amount: $279,012. Filed March 1.

Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Judith L. Lubinsky, Goshen. Property: 30 Lexington Hill, Unit 7, Harriman 10926. Amount: $280,786. Filed March 1.


MARCH 12, 2018

NCSBK Inc., Huddleston, Virginia. Seller: County of Ulster, Kingston. Property: 144 Red Top Road, Shawangunk. Amount: $13,122. Filed Feb. 23.

Gemmati Properties LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Allan B. Rappleyea, Poughkeepsie. Property: 33 Buttermilk Drive, Poughkeepsie 12601. Amount: $147,500. Filed Feb. 28.

Executive Realty LLC, Monroe. Seller: Fannie Mae. Property: 250 Brimstone Hill Road, Pinebush 12566. Amount: $227,700. Filed Feb. 26.

Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Frances Gonzales, Dover Plain. Property: in Washington. Amount: $506,500. Filed Feb. 28.

FTG Rentals LLC, Florida. Seller: Rita Mudrick, Florida. Property: in Warwick. Amount: $175,000. Filed Feb. 28.

Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Sheila Akin-Pearl, Goshen. Property: 408 Carpenter Ave., Apt. 5, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $139,822. Filed March 1. Frog’s Leap Cottage LLC, Woodstock. Seller: Joshua Miller Saugerties. Property: in Saugerties. Amount: $142,000. Filed Feb. 21.


Huarpe Properties LLC, New Windsor. Seller: Evyenia Brown, et al, Marlboro. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $45,000. Filed March 1. Hyvue of Orange Inc., Salisbury Mills. Seller: Akhtar H. Safder, et al, Princeton, West Virginia. Property: 253 Station Road, New Windsor. Amount: $375,000. Filed Feb. 27. Inspire of Morningside Properties LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: Elevado Properties Inc., Wappingers Falls. Property: in Wappinger. Amount: $390,500. Filed Feb. 23. Jax Enterprises LLC, Hopewell Junction. Seller: Marie Hammond, Stanfordville. Property: 21 Milewood Road, Union Vale. Amount: $130,000. Filed Feb. 23. Jenco Real Estate Inc., Pleasant Valley. Seller: Terry D. Horner, Poughkeepsie. Property: 16 Grubb St., Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $109,000. File Feb. 28. Lanwin Olympia Cornwall LLC, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Seller: Magdalena Kowalik, Haverstraw. Property: 40 Otterkill Road, Cornwall-on-Hudson 12518. Amount: $80,000. Filed Feb. 27. Leg Horn Properties LLC, Walden. Seller: Paul Larsen, et al, New City. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $350,000. Filed March 1. M&T Bank, Getzville. Seller: Maura A. Barrett, Poughkeepsie. Property: 3971 Route 22, Wassaic 12592. Amount: $120,500. Filed Feb. 27. MSY Partners LLC, Bethpage. Seller: Francis J. Brady Jr., Wallkill. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $120,000. Filed March 1. MTGLQ Investors LP. Seller: Joyce M. Melin, et al, White Plains. Property: 7 Sundance Acres, East Fishkill 12582. Amount: $569,500. Filed Feb. 26.

Rasjam Properties Ltd., Nanuet. Seller: Goshen Mortgage REO LLC, New York City. Property: 25 Park St., Ellenville 12428. Amount: $15,500. Filed Feb. 26. Reed Family Properties LLC, Cortlandt Manor. Seller: Windsor Ridge Holdings LLC, Spring Valley. Property: in New Windsor. Amount: $75,000. Filed Feb. 27. Sandcastle Homes Inc., Cornwall-on-Hudson. Seller: Weikfield Windsor Development Inc., Garden City. Property: 18 Shalimar Drive, Salisbury Mills. Amount: $70,000. Filed March 1. Sandcastle Homes Inc., Cornwall-on-Hudson. Seller: Weikfield Windsor Development Inc., Garden City. Property: 10 Shalimar Drive, Salisbury Mills. Amount: $205,000. Filed March 1. Skyview Equities LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: NRZ REO V-2 Corp., St. Petersburg, Florida. Property: 35 Willow Lane, New Windsor 12553. Amount: $140,100. Filed March 1. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Joan H. McCarthy, Fishkill. Property: 22 Beechwood Circle, Wappingers Falls 12590. Amount: $607,500. Filed Feb. 23. The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Samuel P. Brooke, Poughkeepsie. Property: 525 Haight Ave., Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $236,500. Filed Feb. 23. The County of Dutchess, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Auggie’s Acquisitions Inc., Poughkeepsie. Property: 100-102 Parker Ave., Poughkeepsie. Amount: $475,000. Filed Feb. 28. Trustco Bank, Glenville. Seller: Todd Wylie Carpenter, Poughkeepsie. Property: in Hyde Park. Amount: $46,000. Filed Feb. 23.

U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Gerard Sanzi, et al, Vero Beach, Florida. Property: 56 Shokan Park Road, Shokan 12481. Amount: $151,414. Filed Feb. 27. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Jermaine Williams, Walden. Property: 25 Fairways Drive, Unit 12, Middletown 10940. Amount: $282,735. Filed March 1. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Michele Marte-Indzonka, Newburgh. Property: 2 Ivy Place, Warwick 10990. Amount: $456,156. Filed Feb. 27. Webster Bank N.A. Seller: Jerome L. Ferro, Accord. Property: in Rochester. Amount: $562,000. Filed Feb. 23. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Andrea Durgin Pawliczek, Montgomery. Property: 11 Ryan Place, Highland Mills 10930. Amount: $481,999. Filed Feb. 26. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Howard Protter, Walden. Property: 37 Williams Ave., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $354,857. Filed March 1. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Joseph L. Canino, Kingston. Property: 210 Liberty Corners Road, Pine Island 10969. Amount: $239,007. Filed Feb. 28. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Kara Cavallo, Walden. Property: 22 Waldorf Place, Poughkeepsie 12601. Amount: $224,000. Filed Feb. 23. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Maura A. Barrett, Poughkeepsie. Property: 4 Booth Court, Millbrook 12545. Amount: $415,000. Filed Feb. 23. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Richard Schisano, Newburgh. Property: 94 Wisner Ave., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $221,148. Filed March 1. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Sarah Ramos, Goshen. Property: 11 Rainbow Drive, Highland Mills 10930. Amount: $394,339. Filed March 1. Wilmington Savings Funds Society FSB. Seller: Melvin P. Spivak, Poughkeepsie. Property: 5 Anna Maria Court, Fishkill 12524. Amount: $422,000. Filed Feb. 28. Wilmington Trust Co., West Palm Beach, Florida. Seller: Mark D. Stern, Goshen. Property: in Chester. Amount: $463,579. Filed Feb. 26. YMB Holdings LLC, Suffern. Seller: Alfred F. Sindone, Hyde Park. Property: in Hyde Park. Amount: $170,000. Filed Feb. 23. YMB Holdings LLC, Suffern. Seller: Krist Berisha, Hyde Park. Property: in Hyde Park. Amount: $211,000. Filed Feb. 23.

JUDGMENTS A and B Car Care, Highland. $1,054 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20. Angel’s Cleaning and Maintenance, New Hampton. $1,040 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Jan. 26. Battery Giant LLC, Monroe. $1,500 in favor of the Workers’ Compensation Board of the State of New York, Albany. Filed Jan. 26. BFJ Aliaj Inc., Rosendale. $932 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20. Bianco Distributors Inc., Hurley. $885 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20. Boom, Baby! Boutique, High Falls. $110 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 26. Bound Inc., Kingston. $7,449 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Feb. 27. Brick Box Inc., Ulster Park. $1,054 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20. Conger Simons LLC, New Paltz. $18,000 in favor of the Workers’ Compensation Board of the State of New York, Albany. Filed March 1. Consolidated Partners Equities LLC, Modena. $1,857 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20. Eastern States Supply Company Inc., Kingston. $1,046 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 21. Edigital Inc., Chichester. $1,646 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20. Elite Mechanical Corp., Kingston. $650 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 26. Fat Mikes Pizza and Deli, Wallkill. $2,052 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20.

Facts & Figures GCIA Inc., Highland. $1,520 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed March 5.

Paws of Distinction, New Paltz. $11,806 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed March 5.

Gem Contracting Group Inc., Middletown. $1,061 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Jan. 26.

Robert Lapp Excavating and Trucking, High Falls. $4,856 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Feb. 27.

Genesis We Nail It LLC, Pine Bush. $461 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 26. Good Grief Comics, Kingston. $1,004 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20. Hood Tech LLC, Pine Bush. $28,500 in favor of the Workers’ Compensation Board of the State of New York, Albany. Filed Jan. 26. Hudson Valley Landscaping Inc., Lake Katrine. $149 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20. Indian Ridge Hunting Preserve Inc., Highland. $100 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20. Jump Start Weight Loss and Wellness, Pine Hill. $1,631 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Feb. 27. Kissho Inc., New Paltz. $4,729 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed March 5. L and C Deli Store, Newburgh. $18,500 in favor of the Workers’ Compensation Board of the State of New York, Albany. Filed Jan. 26. Maca Corp., Ellenville. $309 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 26. Main Street Wine and Liquor LLC, West Hurley. $547 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 26. Neowatt LLC, Warwick. $1,040 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Jan. 26. Oz Farms LLC, Saugerties. $3,866 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Feb. 27. Patel Kingston LLC, Kingston. $556 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20.

RS Service I Inc., Middletown. $809 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor and the Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Jan. 26. Santini’s Lawn Care Corp., Modena. $1,251 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Feb. 27. SW Construction, West Shokan. $13,056 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Feb. 27. TM Home Improvements, Rosendale. $884 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed March 5. Ultimate Auto Inc., Highland. $4,546 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20. Union Square Group Ltd., Pine Island. $24,000 in favor of the Workers’ Compensation Board of the State of New York, Albany. Filed Jan. 26. Vineyard Events Inc., Marlboro. $132 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 26. World of Dance Studios Inc., Saugerties. $265 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Feb. 20.

LIS PENDENS The following filings indicated a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed. Any unknown heirs, devisees, distributees or successors in interest of the late William Albino, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $119,617 affecting property located at 43-45 Genung St., Middletown 10940. Filed Jan. 30. Arbani, Mehrzad, et al. Filed by Citibank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $89,200 affecting property located at 337 Hasbrouck Ave., Kingston 12401. Filed Feb. 26.

Aschmoneit, Patricia, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 120 Helms Hill Road, Blooming Grove 10992. Filed Jan. 30. Bearsville Associates LLC, et al. Filed by Rondout Savings Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $389,915 affecting property located at 277-297 and 285 Tinker St. and Route 212, Woodstock. Filed Feb. 27.

Emans, Dario G., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $361,520 affecting property located at 2 Liberty Court, Montgomery 12549. Filed Jan. 29. Enders, Camille Siano, as executor of the estate of Thomas A. Siano, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $245,000 affecting property located at 546 Riley Road, New Windsor 12553. Filed Jan. 26.

Belli, John, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $339,650 affecting property located at 21 Mills Road, Walden 12586. Filed Jan. 26.

Fayo, Marion A., et al. Filed by the State of New York Mortgage Agency. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 346 Route 32, Newburgh 12550. Filed Jan. 30.

Bright, John III, et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $131,920 affecting property located at 977 Route 42, Sparrow Bush 12780. Filed Jan. 29.

Ferrero, Marco A., et al. Filed by PHH Mortgage Corp. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $382,413 affecting property located at 7 Sunset Ridge, Woodstock 12498. Filed March 5.

Cabral, Frederick, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $75,001 affecting property located at 34 Mountain Ave., Middletown 10940. Filed Jan. 25.

Flores, James P., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo USA Holdings Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $144,633 affecting property located at 18 Chaucer Court, Middletown 10941. Filed Jan. 31.

Castro, Jose, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $134,000 affecting property located at 71 Fowler Ave., Newburgh 12550. Filed Jan. 24.

Gibbs, Stephen, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $198,400 affecting property located at 176 Old Route 28, Glenford Hurley 12433. Filed Feb. 26.

Char, Edward, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $302,000 affecting property located at 4 Corral Lane, Goshen 10924. Filed Jan. 29.

Godoy, Marcelo E., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 7 Stonehill Road, Marlborough 12542. Filed Feb. 28.

Coneen, Josephine, et al. Filed by Keybank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $124,000 affecting property located at 54 Decker Drive, Washingtonville 10992. Filed Jan. 31.

Gonzalez, Santos, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $172,660 affecting property located at 21 Lane St., Port Jervis 12771. Filed Jan. 29.

Diaz, Deliciana, et al. Filed by Nationwide Advantage Mortgage Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 53 Church St., Ellenville 12428. Filed Feb. 27.

Grant, Dalmain, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $360,000 affecting property located at 134 S. Ohioville Road, New Paltz 12561. Filed March 1.

Dogar-Marinesco, Jon, et al. Filed by OneWest Bank FSB. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $308,000 affecting property located at 5868 Route 209, Kerhonkson 12446. Filed March 1. Donovan, Erika, et al. Filed by Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2017-1. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $216,000 affecting property located at 7 Penny Lane, Marlborough 12542. Filed Feb. 21.

Guellich, Arlene, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $95,000 affecting property located at 56 Orange St., Port Jervis 12771. Filed Jan. 31. Hartling, John, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $277,821 affecting property located at 20 Coach Lane, Newburgh 12550. Filed Jan. 29.

Heirs and distributees of the estate of Jose M. Ceron, et al. Filed by CIT Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $427,500 affecting property located at 453 Grahamtown Road, Middletown 10940. Filed Jan. 24.

Ortiz, Cosettaa M., et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 44 Stony Road, Accord 12404. Filed Feb. 20.

Hung, James D., et al. Filed by New Penn Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 3372 Route 28, Shokan 12481. Filed Feb. 26.

Ostoyic, Brenda, as heir and distributee of the estate of Glenda Susan O’Connor, et al. Filed by CIT Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $187,500 affecting property located at 86 Mount Airy Road, Saugerties 12477. Filed March 5.

Korey, Dale R., as potential heir, devisee, distributee of the estate of Veronica M. Korey, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $352,522 affecting property located at 40 Prospect Ave., Goshen 10924. Filed Jan. 25. Kress, Frances Conner, individually and as surviving spouse of Robert W. Kress, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $232,100 affecting property located at 800 Ulster Landing Road, Saugerties 12477. Filed March 5. Liz and Ric LLC, et al. Filed by Ulster Savings Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $525,000 affecting property located at 1411 Route 212, Saugerties 12477. Filed Feb. 22. Locascio, Giuseppe A., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $197,000 affecting property located at 304-306 Old Post Road, Marlborough 12542. Filed Feb. 20. Marsh, Jason G., et al. Filed by M&T Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $196,000 affecting property located at 1399 Route 211 West, Middletown 10940. Filed Jan. 25. Mazariego, Mario A., et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $224,000 affecting property located at 18 Kramer Court, Saugerties 12477. Filed Feb. 28. Molina, Alberto J., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $234,840 affecting property located at 11 Ann Place, Monroe 10950. Filed Jan. 29. Monashefsky, Harold S., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $570,000 affecting property located at 47 Van Dale Road, Woodstock 12498. Filed Feb. 23. Orr, John S., et al. Filed by PHH Mortgage Corp. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $182,610 affecting property located at 98 Mandys Road, Westtown 10998. Filed Jan. 25.


Palmer, Kevin R., et al. Filed by New Penn Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $248,000 affecting property located at 57 Mill Pond Road, Otisville 10963. Filed Jan. 29. Policella, Anthony, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $283,283 affecting property located at 166 Barnes Road, Washingtonville 10992. Filed Jan. 24. Polizzi, Anthony L., et al. Filed by MTGLQ Investors LP. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $344,000 affecting property located at 155 Lauren Tice Road, Saugerties 12477. Filed March 5. Portuese, Sebastiano, et al. Filed by Keybank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $70,000 affecting property located at 725 Route 32, Kingston 12401. Filed March 5. Ruiz, Miguel E., et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $355,000 affecting property located at 4 Bates Circle, Florida 10921. Filed Jan. 30. Sanchez, Edwin, et al. Filed by Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $165,000 affecting property located at 20 Sycamore Drive, Newburgh 12550. Filed Jan. 26. Sommerfeld, Benda H., et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $177,000 affecting property located at 73 Deer Trail S., Warwick 10925. Filed Jan. 24. Song, Byung, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $238,250 affecting property located at 42 Highway 48, Crawford 12566. Filed Jan. 29. Sotomayor, David Jr., et al. Filed by Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $265,109 affecting property located at 202 E. Meadow Wind Lane, Newburgh 12550. Filed Jan. 29.

MARCH 12, 2018


Facts & Figures Strausser, Kenneth L., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $152,000 affecting property located at 34 Wilkin Ave., Middletown 10940. Filed Jan. 25. The estate of Ray William Burkard, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $55,000 affecting property located at 25 Upper Cherrytown Road, Kerhonkson 12446. Filed Feb. 22. Tucker, Jason Joseph, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $167,832 affecting property located at 29 Fiero Road, Saugerties 12477. Filed Feb. 21. Ulster County commissioner of finance as the limited administrator of the estate of Margaret Tubby, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $195,000 affecting property located at 63 Gage St., Kingston 12401. Filed Feb. 21. Wells, Jeromy W., et al. Filed by The Bank of New York. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $375,000 affecting property located at 213 Bush Road, Stone Ridge 12484. Filed Feb. 20. White, Frank R. Jr., et al. Filed by New Penn Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $103,629 affecting property located at 122 Mary’s Ave., Connelly 12417. Filed Feb. 20.

NEW BUSINESSES This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.

Doing Business As Creative Bone Inc., d.b.a. Hudson Valley Impressions, 1-3 Henry W. Dubois Drive, New Paltz 12561. Filed Feb. 14. Dragon Media Corp., d.b.a. Pro Tutu Studio, 16 Mountain Ridge Road, Wallkill 12589. Filed Feb. 14. Joyous Lake Inc., d.b.a. Big Prints, 66 Sundown Road, Kerhonkson 12446. Filed Feb. 14.



FEBRUARY 12, 2018


Richard J. Merck, CPA PC, d.b.a. Merck and Shuman, CPAS, 101 Green St., Kingston 12401. Filed Feb. 14.

Partnerships AVG Auto Detail Shop, 34 Walnut St., New Windsor 12553, c/o Abizai Velazquez-Gallardo and Bridget Cordero. Filed July 17. R and K Logistics, 53 Buckley St., Kingston 12401, c/o Keyla M. Ransom and Roberta A. Dick. Filed Feb. 13.

Sole Proprietorships Beauty Within, 199-299 Suite 102, Highland 12528, c/o Monika C. Giaculli. Filed Feb. 16.

KPKreationz and Services, 38 Fifth Ave., Newburgh 12550, c/o Keva T. Pittman. Filed July 17. La Pizza Mia, 741 Route 211, Suite 2, Middletown, c/o Peter Fortes. Filed July 17. Laddahall Concepts, 124 Whitfield Road, Accord 12404, c/o Austin Hall-Davis. Filed Feb. 6. Liberty Custom Vinyl, 3 Bank St., Accord 12404, c/o Gregory A. Burton. Filed Feb. 13. LJD All Around Handy Services, 1352 Route 9W, Marlboro 12542, c/o Leslie J. Dolder. Filed Feb. 5.

Believe, Bubula!, 4 Hawk Hill Road, New Paltz 12561, c/o Allison B. Friedman. Filed Feb. 8.

Olson Medical Billing and Consulting, 137 Sheehan Court, Kingston 12401, c/o Georgette Jocelyn Olson. Filed Feb. 14.

Bella Mila Boutique, 239 S. Riverside Road, Highland 12528, c/o Lisa Dy. Filed Feb. 14.

Platinum Hair Plus, 20 Western Ave., Marlboro 12542, c/o Stacy A. Clarke. Filed Feb. 8.

Carnival Foods, P.O. Box 821, Port Ewen 12466, c/o Sheena I. DuBois. Filed Feb. 15.

Pride Painting, 145 Forest Park, Wallkill 12589, c/o Steven Mocera. Filed Feb. 5.

Chris Wiltbank Cattle and Hay, 2314 Old Kings Road, Catskill 12414, c/o Christopher Wiltbank. Filed Feb. 8.

Quality Maintenance Solution, P.O. Box 8904, Kingston 12402, c/o Damaris Priscila Velez. Filed Feb. 8.

David Diesel Performance, 2862 Route 36, Saugerties 12477, c/o Alexander D. Davis. Filed Feb. 16.

R.E.A. Construction, 1429 Route 9W, Marlboro 12542, c/o Robert J. Stahli. Filed Feb. 6.

Deleson Metal Crafts, 1 Amduner Road, Westtown, c/o Jared M. Gottlieb. Filed July 17.

Sanctified Cleaning Services, 701 Sawkill Road, Lot 18, Kingston 12401, c/o Victoria Lynn Rowles. Filed Feb. 13.

Dietz Stadium Snack Shack, 126 N. Front St., Kingston 12401, c/o Barbara Ann Davis. Filed Feb. 16.

Site Work Pros, 2472 Route 32, Kingston 12401, c/o David Hector Smith. Filed Feb. 6.

Elevated Cleaners, 70 Sterling Place, Highland 12528, c/o Annettemarie DiMuro. Filed Feb. 15.

Sophia’s, 89 N. Front St., Kington 12401, c/o Sophia Hannah Rosenberg. Filed Feb. 8.

Ever Ready Paving, 515 South Road, Milton 12547, c/o Joshua Smith. Filed Feb. 6.

Swisher Enterprises, 3995 Highway 209, Stone Ridge 12484, c/o Justin B. Swisher. Filed Feb. 16.

Gain Stage Recording, 111 Horsenden Road, New Paltz 12561, c/o Brendan Flanders Williams. Filed Feb. 5.

Sylvan Rustics, 85 Baker Road, Kerhonkson 12446, c/o Jake Wyndham Weaver. Filed Feb. 9.

Hair By Priscilla, 166 Delaware Ave., Kingston 12401, c/o Priscilla R. Cooper. Filed Feb. 5.

Top Status Apparel, 135 Old S. Plank Road, Walden 12586, c/o Jason Donald Wojciechowicz. Filed July 17.

House of Cakes, 190 Glasco Turnpike, Glasco 12432, c/o Stephanie A. Winecoff. Filed Feb. 14. Joshua Tonsfeldt, 300 Enterprise Drive, Kingston 12401, c/o Joshua Achten Tonsfeldt. Filed Feb. 9. Karen Pearson Photography, 110 Enterprise Drive, Kingston 12401, c/o Karen A. Pearson. Filed Feb. 5.

Whiteridge Group, 36 Clermont St., Saugerties 12477, c/o Cynthia Bester. Filed Feb. 15.

LEGAL NOTICES RE SERVICES OF NY, LLC, Art. of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/24/18, Offc. Loc. Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent upon which process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to LLC at P. O. Box 8342, White Plains, NY 10601. LLC may engage in any lawful act or activity for which an LLC may be formed. #61553 Dog Doters, LLC; Art. of Org. filed with NY Secy. of State on 01/24/18. Office located in Westchester Co. SSNY desig as agent upon which process may be served. Secy. of State shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him/her to: 33 Lafayette Dr. Port Chester, NY 10573 (the LLCís primary business location). LLC Purpose: any legal purpose #61554 BLACKWATTLE BAY, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with SSNY on 01/16/2018 . Office in Westchester County, SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 2 Peck Ave, Apt 222A, Rye, 10580. Purpose: Any lawful acts. #61555 Notice of Formation of TCL Services, LLC. Arts. of Org filed with SSNY on 12/19/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Thomas Longman, 8 Varian Lane, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61556 Notice of Formation of Greenlight Health, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/11/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 11 W. Prospect Ave #35, Mount Vernon, NY 10550. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61558 Notice of Formation of Danny’s Distribution LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/3/2018. Offc.Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig.as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 101 Secor Lane, Pelham Manor, NY 10803 . Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61559 Hoff Realty, LLC filed 1/22/2018 office; Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 61 Betsy Brown Cir, Port Chester, NY 10573. Purpose: all lawful. #61560 Notice of Formation of: GOLDEN BELL ENTERTAINMENT, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with NY Secy. of State in Westchester Cty: on 1/16/18. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC: 2 William Street, Suite 304, White Plains, NY 10601. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61561 CGDG REALTY LLC. Art. of Org. filed with NY Secy. of State on 09/08/2017. Office located in Westchester Co. Secy. of State designated as agent upon which process may be served. Secy. of State shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him/ her to: 465 Long Ridge Road, Bedford, New York 10506 (the LLCís primary business location). LLC may engage in any lawful act or activity for which a limited liability company may be formed. #61562

NOTICE Zenzora, LLC has filed articles of organization with the Secretary of State of NYS on 01/30/2018. The offices of this company are located in Westchester County, NY. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the limited liability company served upon him or her is 26 Garey Drive, Chappaqua, NY 10514. The company is organized to conduct any lawful business for which limited liability companies may be organized. #61563 ITSAGREATDAY LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 01/03/2018. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the ITSAGREATDAY LLC, 45 Payne Street, Elmsford NY 10523. Purpose: any lawful purpose #61567 Notice of Formation of Sound Shore Media, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/10/18. Offc. Loc: Westchester Co. SSNY design. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC: P.O. Box 147 Rye, NY 10580. Purpose: Any lawful business activity. #61569 Beauty by Juls, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 1/17/2018. The LLC is located in Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 7014 13th Ave., Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful business activity. #61571 Notice of Formation of Joe & Associates, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11/10/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 277 Martine Ave. Ste. 223, White Plains, NY 10601. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61572 Notice of Formation of The 3 Dees LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/31/18. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 42 Bell Avenue Mount Vernon, NY 10550. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61573 Marietal LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 1/25/2018. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Marta Kotyza, 121 Wappanocca Ave., Rye, NY 10580. General Purpose. #61575 At The Start, LLC. Art. of Org. filed w/ SSNY 2/2/18. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY designated for service of process and shall mail to: 131 Hobart Ave, Port Chester, NY 10573. Purpose: Any lawful activity #61576 Good Shepheardís Estate, LLC art. Of org. filled with the SSNY on 9/22/17. Off. Loc. SSNY Westchester cty. Desig. As agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of the process of the LLCC at 415 McClellan Ave. ste.2 Mount Vernon, NY 10553. Purpose : any lawful purpose. #61578

Notice of Formation of LABAC, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/21/16. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o NIDUS, 95 Lookout Circle, Larchmont, NY 10538. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61579

Notice of Formation of 501 GHR REALTY LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 1/18/18. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 501 Guard Hill Road, Bedford, NY 10506. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61586

Notice of Formation of REMLILY LLC, Art. of Org. with SSNY on 01/ 30 /18. OFFC. LOC. Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 507 Croton Lake Rd., Mt. Kisco, NY 10549. Purpose: any lawful purpose #61580

Notice is hereby given that a tavern wine license, #TBA has been applied for by Walter’s White Plains Inc d/b/a Walter’s Hot Dogs to sell beer and wine at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 184-186 Mamaroneck Ave White Plains NY 10601. #61589

Notice of Formation of 127 Cushman Lot, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/28/2017. NY Office location: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to The LLC, 875 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 400, Mamaroneck, New York 10543. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #61581

NOTICE OF FORMATION of PLP Accountancy Services LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on (03/1/2018). Location: (Westchester County). SSNY designated as agent for service of process on LLC. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: (110 Patmor Avenue Yonkers, NY 10710). Purpose: Any lawful purpose. #61590

Notice of Formation of 123 Cushman Lot, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/30/2017. NY Office location: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to The LLC, 875 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 400, Mamaroneck, New York 10543. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #61582 Notice of Formation of 125 Cushman Lot, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/30/2017. NY Office location: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to The LLC, 875 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 400, Mamaroneck, New York 10543. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #61583 Notice of Formation of 129 Cushman Lot, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/30/2017. NY Office location: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to The LLC, 875 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 400, Mamaroneck, New York 10543. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #61584 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF THE LOOT STOP, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 01/31/2018. Office location: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is: Registered Agents Inc. 90 State St Office 40 ste 700 Albany, NY 12207. The principal business address of the LLC is: 2005 Palmer Ave STE 1073 Larchmont, NY 10538. Purpose: any lawful act or activity #61585

DV Hockey Training LLC. Date of filing Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State (SSNY) 2/15/18. The LLC is located in Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The post office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against it served is to the principal business location at c/o 24 Greenlawn Rd, Katonah NY 10536. Purpose of business of LLC is any lawful act or activity. #61591 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Twinís Appliance Repair LLC. Articles of organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 1/29/18. Office location: Westchester county. SSNY designated as agent for service of process on LLC. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to United States Corporation Agents, Inc 7014 13th Avenue, suite 202 Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful act or activity #61592 Notice of formation of 1220 Oregon RD LLC. Articles of organization Filed with State of New York Department of State on 11/03/2017. Office Westchester Co. The Limited Liability Company designated as agent for process & shall mail to: George Fay 105-16 Jamaica Avenue Richmond hill NY 11418. Purpose: Any lawful business activity #61593 NOTICE OF FORMATION of CapHorse, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 2/26/18. Location: Westchester SSNY designated as agent for service of process on LLC. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: Kevin Clampet, CPA PLLC, 54 Gedney Park Dr, White Plains, NY 10605 Purpose: Any lawful purpose. #61594 Notice of formation of FAIRWEST PROPERTIES LLC. Arts of Org. filed with SSNY on 12/18/2017. Office loc. Westchester. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of any process to the LLC 94 Seminary Road, Bedford, NY 10506. Thomas P. Kennedy, Jr. 94 Seminary Road, Bedford, NY 10506 is designated as registered agent upon whom process may be served within NY. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61595

Notice of formation of IRISH EYES PROPERTIES LLC. Arts of Org. filed with SSNY on 12/18/2017. Office loc. Westchester. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of any process to the LLC 17 Crest Drive, White Plains, NY 10607. Thomas Kennedy 17 Crest Drive, White Plains, NY 10607 is designated as registered agent upon whom process may be served within NY. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61596 Notice of formation of TST REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT LLC. Arts of Org. filed with SSNY on 10/24/2017. Office loc. Westchester. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of any process to the LLC 94 Seminary Road, Bedford, NY 10506. Thomas P. Kennedy Jr. 94 Seminary Road, Bedford, NY 10506 is designated as registered agent upon whom process may be served within NY. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61597 Notice of Formation of Essential Vision LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 01/29/2018. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 35 Clinton Place, Unit 5A New Rochelle, NY 10801 Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61598 Notice is hereby given that an on-premise license, #TBA has been applied for by 42 Westchester Holding LLC to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 1 Renaissance Square White Plains NY 10601 #61599 Notice of Formation of Whittaker Psychological Services, PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 01/30/2018. Offc. Loc.: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Whittaker Psychological Services, 125 Glendale Rd., Scarsdale, NY, 10583. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. #61600 Notice of Formation of Peache LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/07/18. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 740 Gramatan Ave, Mount Vernon, NY 10552. Purpose: any lawful #61601 Notice of Formation of Integrum Security Risk Management, LLC filed with SSNY on 2/26/2018. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 27 Barker Avenue PH1414, White Plains, NY, 10601. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61602 NOTICE OF FORMATION of CULTURAL COMPASS, LLC., Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 12/11/2017. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC c/o DR VERA LEYKINA SOLE MBR, 57 Palmer Road, Yonkers, NY 10701. General Purposes. #61603

Notice of Formation of Duffy & Staab LLC. Arts. of Org filed with SSNY on 12/19/14. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Gary G. Staab, Esq., 2 William Street, Suite 304, White Plains, NY 10601. Purpose: practice of law. #61604 Notice of Formation of Daeira Properties LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/22/2018. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 64 N. Highland Ave, Ossining, NY 10562 Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61605 Notice of Formation of John’s Grocery Store LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/22/2018. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 64 N. Highland Ave, Ossining, NY 10562 Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61606 Notice of Formation of Francisco Montiel Construction LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 02/22/2018. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 388 Warburton Ave, Apt.2, Hastings on Hudson, NY 10706 Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61607 Notice is hereby given that an on-premise license, #TBA has been applied for by JDL78 LLC to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 112 North Main Street Port Chester NY 10573 #61610 3D1on1, LLC. Date of filing Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State (SSNY) 2/28/18. The LLC is located in Westchester County, NY. The post office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against it served is to the principal business location at 245 Lakeview Avenue, West Harrison, NY 10604. Purpose of business of LLC is any lawful act or activity. #61611 Notice of Formation of Take The Block, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/19/2018. Office located in Westchester County. SSNY desig. as an agent of the LLC upon who process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Take The Block LLC, 234 Van Cortlandt Park Ave., Yonkers, NY 10705 #61612 Notice of formation of MINT ATM, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with the SSNY on April 23, 2013. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process served to: Bonnie Young, 455 Tarrytown RD., Suite 1047, White Plains, NY 10607. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61613

Maverick Design Build LLC. Filed 2/21/18 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 333 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605 Purpose: all lawful #61615 Dalemen Associates 2, LLC. Filed 1/24/18 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: c/o Dale Investment Group, LLC, 185 Heathcote Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583 Purpose: all lawful # 61568 Notice of Formation of Dana Yu Creative, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/4/17. Offc.Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon which process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 37 Amos St, Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591. Purpose: any lawful activity. # 61587 Nic-Con Equipment, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 2/14/2018. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 510 S. Columbus Ave., Mt. Vernon, NY 10550. General Purpose. # 61588 Notice of formation of What’s for Dinner NY, LLC under §203 of the Limited Liability Company Law. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of the State of New York on February 14, 2018. The county within the state in which the office of the Limited Liability Company is to be located is Westchester County. The Secretary of State is designated as the agent of the Limited Liability Company upon whom process against it may be served. The post office address to which the Department of State shall mail a copy of any process is 8 Richbell Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583. The purpose of the business of the Limited Liability Company is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which Limited Liability Companies may be organized. # 61608 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (“LLC”). Name: 22 South West Commercial LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on February 27, 2018. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 22 South West Commercial LLC, c/o The MacQuesten Companies, 438 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100, Pelham, New York 10803. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. # 61609 BURGERIM OF WESTCHESTER LLC. Filed 2/28/18 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: c/o USA Corporate Services Inc., 19 W 34th St Suite 1018, New York, NY 10001 Purpose: all lawful # 61616

Triumph Design Build LLC. Filed 3/5/18 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 333 Mamaroneck Ave, Suite 200, White Plains, NY 10605 Purpose: all lawful #61614


MARCH 12, 2018


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ALL IN THE FAMILY: This award will recognize husbands and wives, parents and children or siblings who work together in a practice or separately, dedicating their lives to make other lives better. NO LAND TOO FAR: In recognition of a doctor who donates his or her time and expertise to countries where medical care is either nonexistent or at barest minimum.

Open to nominations from the public, this is an opportunity to recognize those physicians who make an impact each and every day on people’s lives.

 APRIL 10

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CUTTING EDGE: This award will recognize a doctor who spends endless hours working on research and clinical trials to save lives. CARING FOR ALL: This award will recognize a doctor who turns no patient away, but rather devotes time and effort to philanthropic cases. FEMALE TRAILBLAZER: This award will recognize a female doctor who has made great strides in empowering other women to advocate for themselves and be aware of their specific medical needs. PROMISE FOR THE FUTURE: This award will recognize a medical student who excels in his or her studies and will bring compassionate care and a fresh perspective to the medical profession. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT: This award recognizes a physician respected for a lifetime career in the medical profession.




MARCH 12, 2018


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* Private Banking is the marketing name for an offering of M&T Bank deposit and loan products and services. Investments: • Are NOT FDIC-Insured • Have NO Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value Wilmington Trust is a registered service mark. Wilmington Trust Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of M&T Bank Corporation. Wilmington Trust Company, operating in Delaware only, Wilmington Trust, N.A., M&T Bank, and certain other affiliates provide various fiduciary and non-fiduciary services, including trustee, custodial, agency, investment management, and other services. International corporate and institutional services are offered through Wilmington Trust Corporation’s international affiliates. Wilmington Trust Investment Advisors, Inc., a subsidiary of M&T Bank, is an SEC-registered investment advisor providing investment management services to Wilmington Trust and M&T affiliates and clients. Loans, credit cards, retail and business deposits, and other business and personal banking services and products are offered by M&T Bank, member FDIC. ©2018 Wilmington Trust Corporation and its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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