Westchester County Business Journal 081417

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4 | AIRPORT GARAGE OPPOSED AUGUST 14, 2017 | VOL. 53, No. 33



A blooming enterprise



White Plains CBD drives return of large office leasing BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


between Republican and Democratic members of the board. Legislators ultimately passed the Immigrant Protection Act by a vote of 10-5 on Aug. 7, with two members — one Democrat and one Republican — absent. All present members of the Democratic caucus voted in favor of the bill and were joined by Republican legislators David Gelfarb and James Maisano. However, immediately following the announcement of the bill’s passage, Westchester County Executive Robert

or Westchester County’s office market, the first half of 2017 has marked the return of the big deal, according to market researchers in the county. White Plains, in particular, is experiencing growing demand for both Class A and Class B space even as prices seem to be tightening. Leasing deals below 5,000 square feet have dominated demand in the county’s office market since 2016, according to a report from Newmark Knight Frank (formerly Newmark Grubb Knight Frank). But the number of those smaller deals shrank 23.7 percent during the first two quarters of 2017, while deals for leases of more than 50,000 square feet accounted for 32.4 percent of the total leasing activity in the second quarter. Newmark's report said transactions in that size range were "nonexistent" last year. Small and midsize deals are down 11 and 27 percent, respectively, during the first half of 2017, according to Newmark. Meanwhile, Newmark reports the volume of large deals has nearly doubled. The increase in major deals is part of what has researchers at CBRE Group Inc. in Stamford concluding Westchester's office market is trending in a positive direction. While the 349,929 square feet leased in Westchester's office market last quarter was slightly below the 351,015 square feet in the first quarter, CBRE researchers pointed to promising signs in the county's back-to-back quarters of positive net absorption and low availability rates. "As the year goes on, we anticipate demand continuing to grow and leasing velocity to increase," said Robert Caruso, senior managing director of CBRE's Westchester and Fairfield county operations. Leasing was strongest in the White

» Astorino, page 6

» White Plains, page 6

From left: Down to Earth Markets community engagement coordinator Dacotah Rousseau talks with the company’s founder, Miriam Haas, and president, Jon Zeltsman. Photo by Ryan Deffenbaugh.

Immigrant Protection Act passes, but Astorino plans to veto BY ALEESIA FORNI aforni@westfariinc.com


ust hours after the Immigrant Protection Act was passed by the Westchester County Board of Legislators, County Executive Robert P. Astorino announced his own plans to veto the legislation. Introduced in February, the Immigrant Protection Act prevents Westchester County from using any of its resources to assist in federal investigations based on race, gender, sexual orientation,

religion, ethnicity or national origin. “The intent of this bill is to create a policy of public safety for all in Westchester County,” said Majority Leader Catherine Borgia, an Ossining Democrat who sponsored the bill. “In surveys all across the country, immigrants have reported that they are less likely to contact police officers if they have been the victim of a crime because of potential (immigration) consequences. Westchester is too diverse a county for our residents to live in fear.” The bill’s language was the subject of months of back-and-forth negotiations

Down to Earth grows farmers market network BY BILL HELTZEL bheltzel@westfairinc.com


n a Saturday afternoon at Harrison's newly launched farmers market, a live folk band provided background music as a mix of vendors sold fresh Hudson Valley produce, fish caught off Long Island, meats cured in New Jersey and fresh baked apple pies from a Dutchess County orchard. That scene at the Harrison market marked the latest venture in Westchester County for Down to Earth Markets. The Ossining-based company celebrated 25 years in business last year. In that time, it has grown from its original Ossining farmers market to managing 20 markets, stretching from lower Manhattan into Queens and the Bronx, along with Rockland and Westchester counties. The company has launched about 30 farmers markets in the region; some it no longer manages. The company, which employs about 20 people full and part time, has grown along with the rest of the industry in which it operates. In 1994, there were fewer than 2,000 farmers markets in the country. Last year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture counted 8,600. "The food movement has changed in the 25 years we've run this company," said Miriam Haas, founder of Down to Earth Markets. "There's a lot more interest in where you get your food. People like to shop directly from the people who make it."


The company started out of a desire for Haas to take more control over the food she purchased. In 1990, Haas was concerned enough with reports of pesticide use on apples that she started a food co-op with 15 other families around Ossining. After that proved difficult to manage, she launched a farmers market instead. Operating under the company name Community Markets, the original Ossining market kicked off in 1991 with just two farmers selling out of a parking lot in Ossining’s downtown. There were only two active farmers markets in the county at that time. Both were in the much more densely populated downtowns of Yonkers and New Rochelle. “At that time, all the farmers went to Manhattan,” Haas said. “They didn't think that they could make money in the suburbs. So I had to convince them to try it.” The Ossining market slowly added vendors and gained traction with customers. In the meantime, Down to Earth Markets (though still under the name Community


AUGUST 14, 2017


MAIN OFFICE TELEPHONE 914-694-3600 OFFICE FAX 914-694-3699 EDITORIAL EMAIL jgolden@westfairinc.com WRITE TO 3 Westchester Park Drive, Suite G7 White Plains, N.Y. 10604-3407

Publisher Dee DelBello Associate Publisher Anne Jordan Managing Editor John Golden Senior Editor/Digital & Photo Bob Rozycki Creative Director Dan Viteri

NEWS Copy Editor • Peter Katz Reporters • Ryan Deffenbaugh, Aleesia Forni, Bill Heltzel, Phil Hall, Kevin Zimmerman, Georgette Gouveia, Mary Shustack Down to Earth Markets President Jon Zeltsman, and founder Miriam Haas talk with John Pahucki of DoReMe Farms in Orange County at the Harrison Farmers Market. Photo by Ryan Deffenbaugh.

Markets) was spreading its reach in the region. About three years after the Ossining market launched, Haas was contacted by a woman in Brewster looking to launch a farmers market there. Haas gave her some advice, but the market never came to fruition. Instead, Haas was later asked to launch the Brewster market, beginning a "kind of a trajectory of starting farmers markets for communities," Haas said. Down to Earth launched its second location in Brewster in 1995. A year later, the company opened markets in Pleasantville, Hastings-on-Hudson and restarted a former market across the river in Nyack. Spring Valley opened in 1998; Tarrytown in 2000. "I went around as a sort of Johnny Appleseed," Haas said. "I would go to chambers, I would go to towns and villages and give presentations about how farmers markets are great for downtowns." Similarly, the company’s network of local vendors grew. Haas attended farmers conferences and the company's name spread through word of mouth. “Once they heard that they could drive an hour and a half less and still have a good market, they became very interested,” said Jon Zeltsman, president of Down to Earth. Zeltsman, Haas’ husband, joined the company full time in 2000. In 2012, the company officially rebranded as Down to Earth Markets. “There was nobody else doing what we were doing,” Zeltsman said of the company's early days. “We were one of the first

organizations to actually become a multimarket manager.”


While the markets are run as a business, it's a business with a focus beyond the bottom line, as Zeltsman describes it. Down to Earth is a B-Corporation, a certification for companies that work toward solving social and environmental issues. "It's about the broader mission beyond profit," Zeltsman said. "What we consider part of our bottom line and is part of the B-Corp certification, is what our benefit is to the community." For Down to Earth, that vision focuses on creating a strong regional food system, supported by independent farms and local businesses. Haas and Zeltsman pull only from vendors within a reasonable driving distance of their markets. They frequently visit farms to ensure quality, and bring food vendors into a test kitchen at their office for observation. The company has been able to act as a food incubator in the region, Haas said. Its vendors are often new farms or businesses trying out new products. She said vendors have gone on to be featured in national publications or landed on the shelves of Whole Foods. "We are showing people that there are other options than just the industrial food system," Haas said. "So I think we are staying close to our mission of improving the links between the farm and consumer."

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IBM sues to stop former executive from working at cloud computing rival BY BILL HELTZEL bheltzel@westfariinc.com


ormer IBM cloud computing executive Jeff S. Smith began a new job Aug. 7 at a major rival, Amazon Web Services (AWS), much to the displeasure of his former employer. International Business Machines Corp., the Armonk-based technology giant, sued Smith in federal court in White Plains, accusing him of violating a noncompete agreement and demanding that he repay $1.7 million in stock bonuses. Smith was among the top 65 executives at IBM when he left his job in May as chief information officer for transformation and operations. “Were he permitted to join the senior management of AWS on Aug. 7,” declared Arvind Krishna, director of research, he “would inevitably be involved in decisionmaking about how best to compete against IBM and would inevitably disclose or use IBM trade secrets.” Judge Cathy Seibel issued a temporary restraining order on Aug. 1, barring Smith, of Ridgefield, Connecticut, from starting work today at Amazon Web Services. He

Jeff S. Smith. Courtesy Twitter

may not solicit customers, recruit former colleagues or disclose confidential information until a full hearing is held. She modified the order the next day, allowing Smith to begin work on Aug. 7, in “listen and learn mode only,” for employee training. Smith began working at IBM as chief information officer in 2014, having held a similar position for an Australian bank. As a member of a selective leadership group responsible for transforming the company, he attended strategy sessions concerning all of IBM’s businesses. He was privy to inside information on

product costs, design specifications, performance capabilities and release plans for IBM’s next generation of technology in the intensively competitive cloud computing arena. IBM, for instance, is planning to launch new products and services specifically designed to compete against Amazon Web Services, in the coming year. One document he was privy to “was so sensitive and so potentially damaging were it be shared,” Krishna said, “that I directed all team members to destroy their copies.” Smith also supervised the company’s global chief information security officer. He was a frequent speaker at industry events, the lawsuit states, and visited more than 200 customers and partners in the past 18 months. Smith notified the company in March that he was resigning to begin working for Amazon Web Services in April, reporting directly to CEO Andrew Jassy. IBM objected, according to the lawsuit, citing Smith’s noncompetition agreement that blocked him from working for a competitor for one year. Smith agreed to pursue other job offers, postponed his resignation to May 2 and notified IBM that he had accepted a consulting role at an Australian bank. In June, he notified IBM that he had

accepted a new offer from Amazon Web Services and intended to start work on Aug. 7. IBM considers Amazon Web Services one of its principal competitors. IBM recently surpassed it in cloud computing revenue, the lawsuit states, making more than $15 billion in 12 months. The lawsuit claims that Smith shared inside information with Jassy while he was still working for IBM, and that he wiped clean his company-issued phone and tablet to make it impossible to detect other communications or exchanges of information. It was no secret that IBM was working on new technology to compete against Amazon and other cloud computing companies, the lawsuit states. “But what that technology is, how it works, what it costs and when it will be launched are trade secrets.” Smith is accused of breach of a noncompetition agreement, misappropriation of trade secrets and breach of fiduciary duty. IBM is asking the court to bar Smith from working for Amazon Web Services until May 2, 2018 and to allow IBM to recover $1,714,800 from IBM shares awarded to Smith the year before he resigned. A hearing has been scheduled for Aug. 21.

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AUGUST 14, 2017


Developer Louis Cappelli sues to stop parking garage near airport BY BILL HELTZEL bheltzel@westfariinc.com


eveloper Louis Cappelli wants to stop the development of a parking garage next to Westchester County Airport, where he owns exclusive parking rights. Cappelli’s Airport Parking Associates LLC sued the town of North Castle and its planning board last month in Westchester Supreme Court to block the proposed Park Place at Westchester Airport garage. He casts his case primarily in environmental terms, citing the risks a garage would pose to the purity of drinking water in Kensico Reservoir. He has support from environmentalists, in the form of a nearly identical lawsuit filed a few days after his by the Sierra Club. “Their right to a clean and potable water supply,” Sierra Club says of its 50,000 members in New York, “will be adversely effected due to the pollution that this project will cause to the reservoir.” The town and the developer both used top-notch professionals to prepare reports

and findings, said North Castle’s general counsel, Roland A. Baroni Jr. “At first blush, I don’t think the allegations have merit.” The immediate concern of Cappelli and the Sierra Club is a zoning law adopted by the town board on June 28 that allows parking garages to be built, by special permit, in an industrial zone near the airport. Park Place garage is proposed for a 3.3acre site at 11 New King St., north of the airport, just beyond runway 16/34, and about 600 feet from the Connecticut border. The property is in a watershed designated by the state as a critical environmental area. It is about 700 feet from Kensico Reservoir, a source of drinking water for 9 million people in the New York metropolitan area. The developer is 11 New King Street LLC, owned by Jeffrey M. Brown, founder of a general contracting and construction management firm in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania. Brown owns most of the site, 2.9 acres, including a vacant, 9,700-square-foot office building. His proposal includes part of a wooded lot owned by JAM Airport LLC, an affiliate of

Frobar Investment Co. Mitchell I. Benerofe of Benerofe Properties is the general partner. King Street and JAM are also named as defendants in the lawsuits. Benerofe declined to comment and Brown did not respond to requests for comment. The proposed garage would be fully automated, allowing cars to be stacked in the 53-foot-high structure. Customers would drop off cars in loading bays, to be placed on pallets and hoisted by conveyors to positions in the stacks. Customers would be shuttled to the airport by bus. Brown originally proposed a garage for 1,450 cars, in 2011. Plans have been scaled back to 850 cars. The developer has not yet applied for a special permit under the new zoning or submitted a site plan for approval. The justification for allowing a garage at that location, according to the zoning amendment, is to alleviate insufficient parking at the airport. Cappelli’s company has a ground lease and exclusive rights to operate parking at the airport. He spent about $20 million to build a 3-level garage for 1,051 cars, according to his lawsuit, and an overflow lot has another 150 spaces.

North Castle says there is demand for at least twice as many parking spaces, according to the town board’s findings based on a study done for the developer. Nearly twice as many travelers are dropped off and picked up, the study says, than at comparable airports, suggesting that travelers are uncertain about the availability of parking. Cappelli and Sierra Club dispute the need for more parking, citing letters from airport and county officials and the Federal Aviation Administration. “The existing parking garage located at the airport property has more than enough capacity,” the county planning board concluded in reviewing the zoning amendment before it was approved by the town. “In fact, the current airport garage is significantly under capacity with daily vacancy rates near 50 percent.” Neither lawsuit mentions the airport’s proposed master plan that states the garage reaches capacity during peak demand periods, “forcing patrons to use other on-site and off-site parking lots.” The draft master plan recommends con» Airport, page 12

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AUGUST 14, 2017



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AUGUST 14, 2017


Astorino —

access of federal agents to individuals currently in custody; and by limiting information-gathering that will be used exclusively for federal immigration enforcement. “This legislation is not a sanctuary bill,” Borgia said. “It simply ensures county law enforcement focuses their attention and resources on protecting public safety in Westchester, while complying fully with federal law.” The Immigrant Protection Act also

codifies an executive order issued by former Democratic County Executive Andrew Spano in 2006, which put a system in place regarding immigration enforcement. In a joint statement released by Republican members of the board of legislators who voted against the act, legislators said that Spano’s executive order remains in effect and continues to be followed by the county. Those legislators also believe the Immigrant Protection Act provides little in

the way of new protections for immigrants, while creating ill-advised new policies. “It effectively undermines and micromanages law enforcement and puts the safety of the general public at risk,” according to the statement. George Longworth, commissioner of the Westchester County Office of Public Safety, also voiced strong objections to the legislation. “It will make Westchester families and police officers less safe,” Longworth said. “Anything that inhibits our ability to work with federal law enforcement partners like the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies is a bad and reckless idea.” Still, those in favor of the bill assert that its language is in compliance with federal laws and that the act would have a positive effect on the relationship between residents and law enforcement officials. “Our legislation was very much in keeping with the U.S. Constitution and federal law,” said Legislator Catherine Parker, a Rye Democrat. In order to override the county executive’s veto, the board of legislators would need 12 votes in favor of the legislation. Parker is hopeful the board could attain those numbers in the coming weeks. “I think there’s going to be significant pressure applied to some of those legislators that voted against the bill,” she said. Parker said she hopes the board will hold a vote on the override at its next regular meeting on Sept. 25. “After that, we will see what happens after the elections in November,” she said.

Westchester, according to Newmark. That includes three out-of-market relocations into one building in the White Plains central business district. Star Brands North America, Matrix Asset Advisors and RWL Water all signed leases totaling about 25,000-squarefeet at Empire State Realty Trusts' 10 Bank Street building, according to Newmark. "While record pricing in Manhattan is undoubtedly a key factor driving tenants to search for options in the suburbs, it is definitely not the only factor," Newmark concluded in its report. "For many tenants touring this market, it comes down to a combination of pricing, quality of life and proximity and, most importantly, value." The county's overall availability ended the quarter at 23.4 percent, according to Newmark, a slight drop from the 23.8 percent in the first quarter and 25.1 percent a year ago. The largest decrease in availability was seen in the White Plains Central Business District's Class A market, according to Newmark. The city's downtown office mar-

ket availability rate for Class A buildings ended the quarter at 18.7 percent, as measured by Newmark, down 7.8 percent from last year's number. Just 9.1 percent of the Class B inventory in the White Plains central business district is available. Colliers International Group Inc. reported White Plains CBD overall availability at 17.8 percent, its lowest since 2006. Colliers researchers credited that low availability rate for a 5.8 percent increase in asking lease rates in the CBD, up to $33.89 per square foot. Newmark noted in its report, however, that a 7 percent cut in average rents for both Class A and Class B properties in the northern part of the county drove down overall weighted asking rents in Westchester. Newmark measured the weighted average rent in the county as $26.49 per square foot, down slightly from $26.92 last quarter and $27 last year. CBRE measured the county's overall average asking rents at $27.81 per square foot, noting it remained stable for the 15th

consecutive quarter. Despite the overall decrease in the county's availability rate, parts of the county saw increases in availability. The largest increase was seen in the Class B market in the northern part of the county, where the availability rate climbed from 21.5 percent a year ago to 29.8 percent in the second quarter, according to Newmark. Availability also increased in the county's western and southern markets. Finance, insurance, real estate and professional services remained the county's leading industries, according to Newmark, driving 61 percent of demand in the first half of 2017. Finance led those categories, driving 28 percent of demand. Two major industries in Westchester saw declines in demand in the first half of 2017, according to Newmark. Health care declined to only 8 percent of the demand in the first half of 2017, compared with 16 percent the year before. Insurance, meanwhile, captured only 1 percent of activity, compared with 7 percent last year.

» » From page 1

P. Astorino said he planned to veto the legislation. Astorino said the act would make Westchester a “sanctuary” county and cost taxpayers nearly $13 million in federal funding. Sanctuary jurisdictions are those that have ordinances or practices that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield criminals from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Sanctuary jurisdictions run the risk of losing access to certain federal law enforcement grants if they prohibit officials from communicating with ICE. County Attorney Robert Meehan said there are several provisions included in the Immigrant Protection Act that could limit the discretion of and prohibit county law enforcement from cooperating with federal law enforcement authorities, adding that the bill establishes “sanctuary policies.” Astorino said the act would severely restrict how local law enforcement officials communicate with federal agencies. “It all adds up to be a dangerous idea,” Astorino said. The Immigrant Protection Act follows a model laid out by state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman aimed at protecting immigrant communities. The model provisions clarify that local law enforcement can limit their participation in federal immigration enforcement activities in several ways: by refusing to enforce federal nonjudicial civil immigration warrants; by denying federal requests to hold uncharged individuals in custody more than 48 hours; by limiting

White Plains — » » From page 1

Plains Central Business District, according to CBRE, where 168,816-square-feet of leases were newly signed or renewed. The White Plains CBD also landed the second quarter's two largest deals, according to Newmark. The Japanese bank Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. signed on for 101,000 square feet of office space at 1 N. Lexington Ave. in May and Danone North America signed on for 80,000 square feet at 100 Bloomingdale Road, leaving behind its former headquarters in Greenburgh. Elsewhere in the county, Ascensia Diabetes Care signed the third largest lease last quarter, for 65,000 square feet at 100 Summit Lake Drive in Valhalla. Sumitomo Mitsui led a series of newcomers to the county inking office lease deals. About a quarter of the county's total leasing activity in the second quarter came from companies relocating from outside the county or firms establishing additional offices in


AUGUST 14, 2017


Many of those in attendance at the board of legislators held signs expressing their support of the act. Photo by Aviva Meyer

Lawsuit says malware alert from SupportBuddy is the malware legitimate messages from her operating system, web browser or antivirus software. She called the phone number and paid $529 to have the malware removed. Before filing the lawsuit, her lawyer demanded that SupportBuddy disclose the names of people who acted on its behalf. A remediation was scheduled for last month but canceled. Ramirez said her experience was not unique. SupportBuddy’s own Facebook

BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


ara Ramirez was alarmed when her computer displayed the message, “Trojan Virus System Alert!!,” but now she thinks the warning was a rouse to trick her into paying a fee to fix a phony problem. Ramirez filed a class — action lawsuit against the company she believes posted the message in U.S. District Court in White Plains on July 31. She claims that SupportBuddy Inc. of Bakersfield, California, “markets a solution to a computer problem it created.” SupportBuddy did not immediately respond to a voicemail message requesting comment and an email was returned undelivered, “mailbox quota exceeded.” The alleged scheme resembles computer repair scams that the Federal Trade Commission has been warning consumers about since at least 2011. Scammers use software designed to trick consumers into thinking there are problems with their computers, the FTC says, and then use deceptive, high-pressure sales pitches to impel people to buy products and services to fix the nonexistent problems. Tech support fraudsters try to gain a customer’s trust to get access to the computer, personal information and financial information. The goal is to trick people, the FTC says, into giving them remote access to their computers and ultimately to pay for bogus software. Ramirez, of Westchester County, said she was fooled when she visited a computer support website in September 2015. A popup window appeared on her computer with alarming messages: “Your computer is infected with an adware or malware causing you to see this popup.” “Possibility of data & identity theft, if not fixed immediately.” The webpage displayed Apple Computer and Norton Symantec antivirus logos and a “Mac Helpline” phone number. But the number, according to the lawsuit, was actually for SupportBuddy and the company has no affiliation with Apple or Norton. Ramirez closed the window and another pop-up immediately replaced it. “YOUR MAC COMPUTER HAS BEEN BLOCKED,” the second pop-up said. “Suspicious Activity Detected. Your Browser might have been hijacked or hacked.” She was urged to contact Apple support, using the SupportBuddy phone number. Ramirez believed the warnings were

page, the lawsuit states, lists reviews by several unhappy customers. The lawsuit claims that hundreds, maybe thousands, of people have been victimized, and that the costs of the alleged deception exceed $5 million. Ramirez accuses SupportBuddy of violations of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, intentional misrepresentation under common law and violation of New York’s consumer protection law.

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AUGUST 14, 2017


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AUGUST 14, 2017





Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to fund $3.2M for development of AML drug BY BOB ROZYCKI

identifying and advancing the most innovative therapeutics to control and/or eradicate blood cancers. LLS’ partnership with Selvita understates our commitment to accelerating cures for this deadly disease.” Since 1953, LLS has funded more than $1 billion in blood cancer research through 4,000 grants to academic institutions and over 50 therapeutic opportunities through the Therapy Acceleration Program. Selvita, which also has offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and San Francisco, has alliances and partnerships with more than 50 large and medium-size pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the U.S. and Europe. Those partnerships include Merck, H3 Biomedicine, Nodthera Therapeutics/Epidarex Capital and Menarini Group.



he Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Rye Brook and drug discovery company Selvita S.A. on Aug. 8 announced a partnership to fund preclinical and clinical development of a therapy aimed to treat patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which has a high mortality rate. Selvita, which is based in Krakow, Poland, is developing SEL120, a therapy that targets the cyclin-dependent kinase 8 protein, which plays a critical role in gene regulation. In laboratory experiments, according to a joint statement by LLS and Selvita, treatment with SEL120 has been shown to result “in the death of AML cells especially with elevated phosphorylation of STAT5 and stem cell characteristics, which is significant because AML stem cells are typically resistant to conventional therapies and thereby mediate relapsed disease.” Under the terms of the agreement, LLS will provide up to $3.25 million funding over four years through its Therapy Acceleration Program in order to help fund SEL120 investigational new drug (IND)-enabling studies and a Phase I trial in AML. Selvita began IND-enabling studies for SEL120 in June. The studies are a critical step in getting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's permission to begin human clinical trials. People who are diagnosed with AML are typically treated with the same chemotherapies that have been used for the past 40 years, according to LLS. The standard treatment for AML includes high-dose chemotherapy with a cytarabine/anthracycline combination, followed by either one to four cycles of consolidation (postremission) chemotherapy, and stem cell transplantation, either using a patient’s own cells or a donor’s cells. LLS’ program funds projects related to therapies, supportive care or diagnostics that have the potential to change the standard of care for patients with blood cancer, especially in areas of high unmet medical need. Further development of the SEL120 project will be co-funded through the Biotechnology Accelerator Division, an initiative to partner directly with biotechnology companies. “LLS has developed a comprehensive approach to beat AML, which is one of the leukemias associated with exceptionally high mortality rates. Moreover, very few effective agents are available to control AML, particularly in elderly individuals where the disease commonly occurs,” said Lee Greenberger, LLS’ chief scientific officer. “LLS is focused on

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AUGUST 14, 2017


THE LIST: IT Service Providers Listed alphabetically. Name Area code: 914 unless otherwise noted

Top local executive(s) Address Title(s) Website Year established fffff ffffff

Name Area code: 914 unless otherwise noted

Address Website

Top local executive(s) Title(s) Year established fffff ffffff

3rd Angle Search

Mike Sancimino Vice president NA

Geeks on Wheels

Dylan Hall President 2003

Annese Associates

Frank J. Annese Founder 1970

Grayson Computer Services Inc.

665 White Plains Road, Eastchester 10709 337-5425 • graycomp.net

Vincent Grayson Owner 2002

Basha Systems LLC

17 Lakeview Avenue East, Cortlandt Manor 10567 800-725-0326 • bashasys.com

Seth G. Rowland President 1996

420 S. Riverside Ave., Croton-on-Hudson 10520 729-9103 • hudsonvalleyhelpdesk.com

Hudson Valley HelpDesk Inc.

Diane Hodgdon President 2004

BEYONEX Computer Systems & Repair


North White Plains 10603 641-715-3900 • itexpertservices.com

Thomas Jacobs Sr. CEO, president and founder 1998

KL Tech Consulting LLC

77 Tarrytown Road, Suite 1-SWB, White Plains 10607 222-5900 • kltech.com

Bryan LaMarca and Adam Karp Co-founders and managing partners 2002

Tom Mahony Owner 2008

65 Court St., Suite 32, White Plains 10601 397-0500 • lanline.net

LANline Communications

Thomas Leonard CEO 1995

CMIT Solutions of Southern Westchester

Paul Okura President 2006

650 Halstead Ave., Suite 201C, Mamaroneck 10543 285-1786 • nyitservice.com

Compufit LLC

Daniel Lansen Partner 1995

Computer Solutions East

800 Westchester Ave., Suite 641-N, Rye Brook 10573 697-7510 • 3rdanglesearch.com

333 Westchester Ave., Suite 220, White Plains 10604 359-4400 • annese.com

184 Pinewood Road, Hartsdale 10530 607-3933 • beyonex.net


2 John Walsh Blvd., Suite 201, Peekskill 10566 888-878-0040 • bncvoice.com

Bronxville Computer and Web Design

Bronxville 10708 337-2300 • bronxvillecomputer.com

5 Cypress Road, Eastchester 10709 346-5446 • cmitsolutions.com/southern-westchester/

47 Halstead Ave., Suite LL1, Harrison 10528 562-1800 • geeks-on-wheels.net

IT Expert Services

New York IT Service

NA 2007

NA 1999

Onsite Computer Services

Gordon Updegraff President 1996

Luke Celent Managing partner 2006

Panda Technology Group

Perry Grosser Owner 1995

Computer Troubleshooters

Jason Kay Owner 1999

Performance Connectivity Inc.

2900 Westchester Ave., Purchase 10573 934-9775 • performanceconnectivity.com

Wayne Libonati President 1997

Corstar Communications LLC

Robert Cacace CEO 1969

891 Mile Square Road, Yonkers 10704 422-1804 • randrservice.com

R & R Computer Service

John Raimondi Owner 1999

E-core IT Solutions

Marcio Silveira President and CEO 1999

Superior Computer Services Inc.

Marc Barash President 1981

Eler Technologies Inc.

Edward Joseph Owner 1996

The Tech Angels of New Rochelle

William Shields Owner 2008

222 Bloomingdale Road, Suite 400, White Plains 10604 741-6500 • compufit.com

481 Main St., Suite 100, New Rochelle 10801 355-5800 • computersolutionseast.com

434 Mamaroneck Ave., Mamaroneck 10543 202-9793 • mylocalct.com

40 Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne 10532 347-2700 • corstar.com

50 Main St., White Plains 10606 682-2009 • e-core.com

445 Hamilton Ave., Suite 1102, White Plains 10601 332-8406 • eler.com

923 Saw Mill River Road, Suite 115, Ardsley 10502 580-9757 • onsitecomputerservices.net

Route 17, West Harrison 10604 582-0742 • panda9.com

740 S. Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon 10550 668-6000 • supercompserv.com

177A E. Main St., Suite 259, New Rochelle 10801 482-8633 • techangels.com

This list is a sampling of information technology companies that are located in the region. If you would like to include your company in our next list, TragerMedia please contact Danielle Renda at drenda@westfairinc.com. Note: Some addresses are withheld at the company's discretion. NA Not available.



Information Technology Service Providers

AUGUST 14, 2017


12 Westchester Ave., Suite 6J, White Plains 10601 682-7078 • tragermedia.com

Rick Trager President and owner 1998




Salvaging a salesperson who is struggling We have a person who is helping us with sales. He’s opening a lot of doors, but not closing much. We like this person a lot and would like to see him succeed. What should we do? THOUGHTS OF THE DAY: Sales is a multidisciplined job. Look for bad habits that are getting in the way. Consider if fears are holding your salesperson back. Think about the kind of training you’re willing to invest in. Use a formula to figure out what to expect. Most salespeople are not well-rounded enough to be good at every aspect of the sales job. If your salesperson is opening a lot of doors, that’s huge. Make sure the doors being opened are with people who want or need to buy from your company. Review recent opportunities. Make a list of attributes and qualities that describe

your very best clients. Compare prospects to that list. Is there a strong or a weak match? If the match is usually strong, keep going. If it’s usually weak, practice how to qualify prospects using your best-client criteria as a baseline and how to walk away from low-quality opportunities. Once qualified, is your salesperson doing a good job of keeping track of active prospects? Are there a clear set of activities leading from initial contact to close: gathering needs, confirming needs, presenting a proposal, negotiating proposal, close? Does your salesperson have a list of active prospects and does he update it daily? Is there a clear action plan for every prospect, with due dates? Are due dates accomplished as planned? When asking for commitments, does your salesperson nail things down or leave things up to the prospect to decide? Is he trying to get a “no,” to find out where he stands? Is your salesperson struggling with some of the classic sales “fears”? There’s fear of rejection, fear of insufficiency, fear

of failure, fear of discomfort, to name a few. Many salespeople never achieve their full potential because they get lost in avoiding their fears. It takes real courage to succeed in sales. Observe your salesperson closely to see where he wimps out and where he’s able to push through to get things done. Help your salesperson to face his fears by coaching him through the situations where he struggles. Now that you’re zeroing in on some possible areas that need development, you have to decide how much to invest in developing skills. Sending the salesperson to classes will cost the company money, but losing out on closes costs so much more in terms of lost opportunity. There are sales training courses that range from one to two days, to coaching that lasts for months or years. Decide how much of a budget your company can afford and sit down with your sales person to look at options. Typically a salesperson should be bringing in gross profit equal to three to four times what he or she costs. The first year

might fall below that target, but he should be making progress towards that goal each month. Keep track of the number of sales calls, the number and value of prospects, and compare that to what it will take to hit their revenue and gross profit goal every month and for the year. In the case of this salesperson, I would expect to see lots of sales calls and prospects and a ratio of closes to prospects identified of 1:10 or better. LOOKING FOR A GOOD BOOK? Try “Sales: A Beginners Guide to Master Simple Sales Techniques and Increase Sales” by Daniel R. Covey. Andi Gray is president of Strategy Leaders Inc., StrategyLeaders.com, a business consulting firm that teaches companies how to double revenue and triple profits in repetitive growth cycles. Have a question for AskAndi? Wondering how Strategy Leaders can help your business thrive? Call or email for a free consultation and diagnostics: 877-238-3535. AskAndi@ StrategyLeaders.com. Check out our library of business advice articles: AskAndi.com.

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AUGUST 14, 2017


Airport — » From page 4

struction of two more parking garages and parking areas, from 2020 to 2027, costing nearly $60 million. The county planners recommended in June that North Castle reject the zoning amendment. “It is our opinion,” the planning board advised North Castle, “that the demand for parking at this location is not substantial enough to offset the risks to the public that this project may pose with both airplane operations and maintaining the quality of the regional water supply.” The lawsuits echo that position. “The suitability of the project site,” both argue, “goes to the heart of environmental concerns.” The lawsuits contend that North Castle did not sufficiently consider the impact of the structure on the sensitive environment or the risks it poses to the reservoir. They say that the planning board, designated as the lead agency for overseeing the environmen-

tal reviews, had no legal authority to do so. They also questioned the safety of building a large structure near the end of a runway. The FAA concluded that the garage would not be hazardous to air navigation, the lawsuits state, but the agency noted that the site is in a runway protection zone where structures should be discouraged. The lawsuits also cite the impact of traffic and noise, claim that the JAM property was illegally subdivided, accuse the town of spot zoning and question the aesthetics of building a large garage near homes across the border in Connecticut. The lawsuits accuse the town of violating the State Environmental Quality Review Act. Cappelli is asking the court to annul the zoning amendment for failure to comply with environmental review requirements and to declare the site ineligible for a parking garage. Sierra Club is asking to stop the project until the town has fully complied with state laws. “We will vigorously defend both of them,” Baroni said.




Criminals and scofflaws make use of sophisticated digital tools to game the tax system, so the state is looking for better tools for counteracting the crooks. The state Department of Taxation and Finance says it will apply a $750,000 grant to beef up its tax enforcement programs. It plans to upgrade the digital evidence lab, bolster its data analytics program and buy surveillance vehicles, according to a news release from Acting Commissioner Nonie Manion. The tax agency investigates illegal enterprises, personal tax evasion, tax preparation scams, identity theft and even

public corruption. The cigarette strike force has made nearly 48 arrests for illegal sales of untaxed tobacco in the past year and a half. The Office of Internal Affairs investigates employee misconduct, phone scams, phishing schemes and interference with agency operations. Cell phones, flash drives and other electronic devices used by wrongdoers often contain troves of data that investigators can exploit. New tools, according to Manion, will enable the agency to detect and prosecute ill-gotten gains. The grant itself is a byproduct of enforcement. It is financed by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr., with criminal forfeitures from investigations of major banks.


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F r ank J. Gaudio President & CEO 203.302.4375

Cos Cob Main Branch East Putnam Avenue Cos Cob, CT 06807 NMLS # 763755

Evan R. C oRsEllo

Chief Lending Officer 203.302.4003 Stamford Summer St Branch 900 Summer Street Stamford, CT 06905 NMLS # 1253810 GreenwichFirst.com NMLS # 510513


AUGUST 14, 2017


Shawn L. GreGory

Senior Commercial Lender 203.553.9951

Stamford Lending Office 733 Summer Street, Suite 103 Stamford, CT 06902 NMLS # 1064060

Burger joint and bar Meyer’s Olde Dutch Food & Such opened its doors at 184 Main St. in Beacon earlier this summer. The counter-service restaurant, which features an outdoor back patio, is owned by Brian Arnoff, chef and owner of Kitchen Sink Food & Drink at nearby 157 Main St. in Beacon. Ingredients used at Meyer’s Olde Dutch are sourced from local food purveyors and include beef from the Hudson Valley, cheese from New York state and produce from area farmers and Arnoff’s family-owned microfarm in Hyde Park. Along with a selection of burgers, the restaurant serves beef hot dogs, a crispy chicken sandwich, salads and side dishes. The restaurant’s full-service bar offers a selection of New York State craft beer, locally produced wine and house-crafted cocktails. The eatery is named for Arnoff’s greatgrandfather, Meyer, who once owned and operated Old Dutch Grocery in Middletown. “My great-grandpa had a wonderful Hudson Valley market where neighborhood folks came for groceries, a laugh and a smile,” Arnoff said. “I thought it fitting to name our fun, casual, neighborhood burger joint in his honor.” — Aleesia Forni, Bill Heltzel




ALL IN THE FAMILY: In recognition of husbands and wives, parents and children or siblings who work together in a practice or separately, dedicating their lives to make other lives better. NO LAND TOO FAR: In recognition of a doctor who donates his or her time and expertise to countries where medical care is either nonexistent or at barest minimum. CUTTING EDGE: In recognition of a doctor who spends endless hours working on research and clinical trials to save lives. CARING FOR ALL: In recognition of a doctor who turns no patient away, but rather devotes time and effort to philanthropic cases.



FEMALE TRAILBLAZER: In recognition of a female doctor who has made great strides in empowering other women to advocate for themselves and be aware of their specific medical needs. PROMISE FOR THE FUTURE: In recognition of a medical student who excels in his or her studies and will bring compassionate care and a fresh perspective to the medical profession. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: In recognition of a physician respected for a lifetime career in the medical profession. To nominate, visit westfaironline.com/events or call Rebecca Freeman at 914-358-0757.


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AUGUST 14, 2017




NAME THE FINANCIAL LEADER WHO KEEPS YOUR BUSINESS BOOMING For the sixth year, the Westchester County Business Journal and RSM will honor the best financial decision-makers working in Westchester County.

Find out how these CFOs and financial leaders make the most of business challenges through innovation and transformation.

ELIGIBILITY: The CFO of the Year awards are open to any CFO or counterpart (such as controller, financial director or planner) who has worked a minimum of two years for a public or private company in Westchester County.



westfaironline.com/events Nominations will be accepted now through Sept. 1. For more information or questions, call Rebecca Freeman at (914) 358-0757, or email rfreeeman@westfairinc.com.


AUGUST 14, 2017







From China to White Plains, Berkeley College shares American teaching methods

BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


erkeley College professor Lou Piermatteo walks up and down the rows of his classroom at the school’s White Plains campus, asking questions and prompting discussions between his students. He jots notes on the whiteboard and guides his students through the day’s lesson, stopping to make the occasional joke or encourage class participation. Piermatteo may seem like your typical college professor, and this may seem like your typical American classroom. But these are not your typical American students. The seven members of Piermatteo’s class are each college professors in their own right and part of a faculty exchange program between Berkeley College and China’s Guizhou University of Finance and Economics (GUFE). The six-week program aims to share American teaching and learning methods with Chinese instructors. “This program is not designed to make these people better teachers, because they’ve all been teaching a long time and they’re really good,” said Piermatteo, a professor at Berkeley College’s Larry L. Luing School of Business, “but to show them some different ways to teach.” The exchange is part of Berkeley College’s Collaborative Programs initiative, which aims to foster relationships between the college and other institutions. As part of Berkeley College’s Collaborative Program at GUFE, students can enroll in courses that will prepare them for transferring their associate’s degree from GUFE to complete a bachelor's degree at Berkeley College or another institution abroad. “The whole reason you’re here is to go back and to get your students ready to deal with people like me and the rest of us over here,” Piermatteo said, addressing the faculty exchange members. In order to prepare those students for attending an American university, the GUFE faculty members who instruct those students must themselves learn teaching methods and learning practices widely used in the U.S. Faculty members from GUFE in Guizhou province in southwest China will spend their time primarily at

Lou Piermatteo speaks to members of the faculty exchange program. Photo by Aleesia Forni

Berkeley College’s White Plains campus learning an array of education techniques, from curriculum development and assessment techniques to the use of technology in the classroom. “We have learned many things about how to make a syllabus, a grading rubric and a lesson plan,” said Min Yahua, an English language teacher with Berkeley's program at GUFE. “We have our own way (in China) and it’s more general. I think here, we learn something more specific.” In the U.S., teachers supply students with a wealth of detailed information, like rubrics or a syllabus, letting them know exactly what is expected of them, Piermatteo said. In China, those practices are largely unheard of. “If the students are not prepared when they come to Berkeley College, they might not know to read the syllabus, and they might fail their courses,” said Xie Jing, an English professor at GUFE. “So what we need to do is prepare them.” Another stark contrast between the two cultures is the relationship between student and instructor.

“Here, we sort of see the students as equals at times,” Piermatteo said. “In their culture, there’s more of a gap between the teacher and the student.” Piermatteo said that a more peer-like relationship can help foster engagement, debates or discussion during class time, something that, again, is largely absent in Chinese classrooms. “I don’t know whether one is better or not,” Yahua said of the difference in that relationship between the two countries. “In China, students seem to respect teachers more, but they don’t put forward questions.” Prior to his position as faculty administrator for the faculty exchange program, Piermatteo was among a group of Berkeley faculty who served as visiting professors at GUFE last fall. Those faculty taught a variety of courses, from accounting and marketing principles to business communications and law, along with demonstrating their techniques to GUFE instructors. “The whole point is so that their students will sort of be aware of how to handle different cultures or teaching aspects,” Piermatteo said of the school’s Collaborative

Program at GUFE. For all but one of the visiting GUFE instructors, this exchange program marks their first time in America. As such, the faculty members intend to make the most of their time stateside, having recently trekked up the East Coast to spend a few days in Boston. The group also plans to make a visit to Washington, D.C., in August and even has their sights set on a crosscountry trip to California. “We have met many Americans here and they are all warm-hearted and very friendly, and I find that they do not know Chinese (culture) very well,” Jing said. “So I think when we come here, we’re kind of like the bridge. We make American people know Chinese people, and when we go back, we will tell our friends and our colleagues what American people are like. I think this will improve our friendship of the two countries.” Founded in 1931, Berkeley College enrolls more than 8,000 students, including more than 550 international students. The private, for-profit college operates eight campuses in New York and New Jersey.


AUGUST 14, 2017


Why Purchase College no longer requires the SAT/ACT admissions tests BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


urchase College will no longer require high-schoolers to send in SAT or ACT scores with their applications, a decision that places it among a growing group of colleges moving away from standardized admissions tests. The SUNY school announced on Aug.1 that it would adopt a “test-optional” admissions policy, starting with its Spring 2018 admissions period. Students can still submit their SAT and ACT scores if they’d like, but they are no longer required to as part of the application. Dennis Craig, vice president for student


AUGUST 14, 2017


affairs and enrollment management at Purchase College, said the school has spent the past two years reviewing its admissions process before coming to the decision. “We pride ourselves on thinking wide open,” Craig said. “But in the (review) process, I think we realized that our admissions practices were more traditional and conventional, and maybe even outdated in certain ways.” Purchase College joins a list of more than 950 colleges and universities that no longer require test scores as part of the applications process. Administrators at those schools have often argued that the scores are not a great indicator of future success in college, and that a billion-dollar-test prep industry creates an

unfair playing field for students from families with lower incomes. “There have been numerous studies that indicate that for first-generation students, minority students, students from certain school districts, the test isn't necessarily a good match,” Craig said. “Converse to that, there have been studies that indicate grade-point average and the strength and rigor of a high school curriculum are much, much stronger indicators (of future student success).” Purchase College uses the term “holistic” to describe its admissions focus. The school considers a range of factors, including grade-point average, extracurricular activities, recommendation letters and even work experience, can show more about a student than a single test, Craig said. “I think shifting the conversation with applicants to that, rather than all of the fear and anxiety that take up so much bandwidth in this process, the ‘What's your minimum test score?’” he said. “This is a much more healthy and productive conversation to be having.” Craig said students who put a lot of effort into the standardized tests and feel their scores help show they can succeed at the school should still submit them. For its fall 2016 admissions period, Purchase College received about 6,800 applications. The school accepted 44 percent of those students, according to federal data. Two years ago, Purchase College added as part of its application process a section asking high school students to submit an essay, video or some form of artwork that shows what the school's “Think Wide Open” motto means to them. By pairing the new test-optional policy with the new application section, the college predicts it will receive more applications, increase its selectivity and have a higher percentage of its accepted students choose to attend the school, a number that colleges refer to as yield. Purchase College is the second four-year SUNY school to adopt a testoptional policy. SUNY Potsdam adopted the same policy in 2009. Several Hudson Valley private schools have adopted similar test optional policies, including Manhattanville College in Purchase, Marist College in Poughkeepsie and Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry. “I think this really puts us into this interesting category of schools that really are thinking wide open and offering this type of policy that isn’t putting everybody through the same process, but is focusing on individuality and other areas of strength,” Craig said.

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AUGUST 14, 2017


Q&A: Former Oberlin president Marvin Krislov takes over at Pace BY RYAN DEFFENBAUGH rdeffenbaugh@westfairinc.com


hile he won’t be officially inaugurated until the end of October, Marvin Krislov is already busy with the new job at Pace University. After serving for 10 years as president of Oberlin College and Conservatory in Ohio, Krislov was appointed president at Pace earlier this year. He officially took over the role Aug. 1, succeeding Stephen Friedman, who retired this year after 10 years at the helm of the Pleasantville and Manhattan-based private college. In taking over the role, Krislov moves from a liberal arts college of just under 3,000 students in rural Ohio to a university that enrolls close to 13,000 undergraduate and

graduate students across campuses in Pleasantville and Manhattan, plus a law school in White Plains. He spoke with the Business Journal about making the transition to Pace. What drew you to the job at Pace? “I really was compelled by the mission and the people that I met during the course of the process. The mission being to provide a wide range of students, including a number from first generation or from more working — class backgrounds and give them an excellent education, and really help them think about careers and opportunities beyond their undergraduate education. And of course there’s some wonderful master’s and professional programs, but the combination of a very strong liberal arts education with professional opportunities

is really, I think, a very exciting model and it meets a lot of the needs of people today.” Oberlin and Pace are certainly different universities in a number of ways, particularly in size. What are the similarities between the two schools? “In both Oberlin and Pace there’s a strong focus on liberal arts education, exposing people to different perspectives and different disciplines. I also think that one of the things I’ve seen at both places is a commitment to providing students with entrepreneurial opportunities and experiences in the community. In particular in Pace’s case, you have the whole New York metropolitan area, which is just so rich in opportunities, though there were activities at Oberlin as well. They are different institutions, but there are similarities as well.”

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AUGUST 14, 2017


What will be the biggest adjustment shifting from Oberlin to Pace? “Just the geography. In Oberlin, it was five minutes from my house to the office. Here, we have multiple campuses and it can be a little more complicated getting from one place to another. Dealing with that and figuring out how to adjust my schedule has been interesting. But I’m getting there (laughs).” Pace ranked recently as a top school in the country for upward mobility. What does the university do well in that regard and how can you build on it? “In fact, we were number two in the study The New York Times did based on data from the Equality of Opportunity project. And I think one of the ways we have done this is the Pace Path, which is a combination of strong academics, mentors and advisers, internships and a four-year plan that tries to really help launch students on a path. The placement and salary rates reflect the success here.” Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s free in-state tuition program was approved this year. In the process leading up to that, private colleges throughout the state expressed concern that it could draw students away from the state’s private colleges. Do you share those concerns and what do you think Pace can do in response to the new program? “I think what’s really helpful is to demonstrate the contribution of private institutions to the economic growth and development in the state. The state of New York does support private institutions and I hope that we can have further discussion about ways in which the state can do perhaps even more for institutions like Pace. Because a majority of our students do stay in the state and contribute. For instance, the number of Pace alumni living in Westchester County is 20,000 people. Those are taxpayers and they make a big difference.” How can you work with the business community in Westchester to help students at Pace? “I think we do a lot already in working to connect students to employers both in the for-profit and the nonprofit sector. I talk to the career services people and I think there’s a lot of excitement about that. But one of my goals is to meet people in Westchester and I’ll be doing that soon to try to find more ways to collaborate. I think there’s a real commitment to build even greater bridges to the community, but a lot exists already. I’m told we have 650 employers in the area that hire Pace students and a lot of students that work in Westchester, whether it is during the school year or afterwards.” The conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.

FACTS & FIGURES COURT CASES Caladri Development Corp. et al. Filed by the trustees of the Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 235 Fringe Benefit Funds. Action: E.R.I.S.A.— civil enforcement of employee benefits. Attorney: Giacchino James Russo. Filed: Aug. 7. Case no. 7:17-cv-05936-CS. Disney Vacation Development Inc. Filed by Allyson L. MasicottiHamedl and Kevi Hamedl. Action: diversity-personal injury. Attorney: William J. Thomashower. Filed: Aug. 4. Case no. 7:17-cv-05897-NSR. Fidelity Capital Holdings Inc. Filed by George Grossberger. Action: 1692 Fair Debt Collection Act. Attorney: Jacob P. Rothschild. Filed: Aug. 7. Case no. 7:17-cv-05962. Firstservice Residential New York Inc. et al. Filed by Alex Cuesta. Action: Fair Labor Standards Act. Attorney: Abdul Karim Hassan. Filed: Aug. 7. Case no. 7:17-cv-05958. Frasiekenjes LLC. Filed by the United States of America. Action not listed. Attorney: Elizabeth Tulus. Filed: Aug. 8. Case no. 7:17-cv-05973. HMC Strategic Advisors LLC. Filed by PCT Contracting LLC. Action: enforcement of convention. Attorney not listed. Filed: Aug. 4. Case no. 7:17-cv-05890-CS. Lightening Express et al. Filed by Great American Insurance Company of New York. Action: Carmack Amendment to the Interstate Commerce Act/Liability of Carriers. Attorney: Bradley J. Levien. Filed: Aug. 7. Case no 7:17-cv-05935. Metro-North Railroad Co. Filed by Catherine Megahey. Action: Railways — federal employer’s liability act. Attorney: Charles S. Goetsch. Filed: Aug. 17. Case no. 7:17cv-05949. Selip & Stylianou LLP. Filed by Sarah Vanchozker. Action: 1692 Fair Debt Collection Act. Attorney: Daniel Harris Kohn. Filed: Aug. 2. Case no. 7:17-cv-05860-CS. Items appearing in the Westchester County Business Journal’s On The Record section are compiled from various sources, including public records made available to the media by federal, state and municipal agencies and the court system. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, no liability is assumed for errors or omissions. In the case of legal action, the records cited are open to public scrutiny and should be inspected before any action is taken. Questions and comments regarding this section should be directed to: John Golden c/o Westfair Communications Inc. 3 Westchester Park Drive, Suite G7 White Plains, N.Y. 10604-3407 Phone: 694-3600 • Fax: 694-3680

DEEDS Above $1 million 14 Seymour LLC, Suffern. Seller: 16, 18, 20 Seymour Street Corp., Mount Vernon. Property: 18 Seymour St., Yonkers. Amount: $1.3 million. Filed Aug. 4. 21A SMR Holdings LLC, Yonkers. Seller: AB Equities II LLC, Holmes. Property: 23 Saw Mill River Road, Yonkers. Amount: $2.1 million. Filed Aug. 2. 227 Honey Hollow LLC, White Plains. Seller: Lee Vogelstein, Pound Ridge. Property: 227 Honey Hollow Road, Pound Ridge. Amount: $2.4 million. Filed July 31. Belmont Coronea LLC, Mount Vernon. Seller: McGwyne Management LLC, Blauvelt. Property: 72 Main St., Yonkers. Amount: $1.2 million. Filed Aug. 2. Bremen House Bronxville LLC, New York City. Seller: Bruce Beach, et al, Bronxville. Property: 81 Tanglewylde Ave., Eastchester. Amount: $3.8 million. Filed Aug. 2. Fig One Summit Ave LLC, Bronx. Seller: T.A.L.A. LP, et al, Purchase. Property: 1 Summit Ave., White Plains. Amount: $2 million. Filed July 31. Larchmont Anchorage LLC, Saratoga Springs. Seller: Austin A. Graham III, et al, Larchmont. Property: 1 Shore Drive, Mamaroneck. Amount: $2.5 million. Filed Aug. 3. Venimi Realty LLC, Bedford. Seller: Pelmar Inc., New Rochelle. Property: 470 Pelham Road, New Rochelle. Amount: $8.5 million. Filed July 31. Weichert Workforce Mobility Inc., Morris Plains, N.J. Seller: Roy C. Harvey, et al, Croton-on-Hudson. Property: 340 Blinn Road, Yorktown. Amount: $1.3 million. Filed Aug. 3.

Below $1 million


200 Washington Street Realty LLC, New York City. Seller: Nationstar HECM Acquisition Trust 2016-3. Property: 200 Washington St., Mamaroneck. Amount: $430,000. Filed Aug. 2. 57Estherwood LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Property: 57 Estherwood Ave., Greenburgh. Amount: $462,000. Filed Aug. 3. Acqua Capital LLC, White Plains. Seller: U.S. Bank N.A. Property: 51 Shelley Ave., Greenburgh. Amount; $300,000. Filed Aug. 1. American International Relocation Solutions LLC, Pittsburgh, Pa. Seller: Kamal Shah, et al, Thornwood. Property: Nanny Hagen Road, Mount Pleasant. Amount: $995,000. Filed Aug. 4. Asbury Methodist Church of Crestwood, Tuckahoe. Seller: Patrick J. Gallagher, et al, Scarsdale. Property: 78 Homestead Ave., Eastchester. Amount: $735,000. Filed Aug. 2. Brookfield Relocation Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz. Seller: Timothy J. Larkin, et al, Irvington, Property: 23 N. Eckar St., Greenburgh. Amount: $840,000. Filed Aug. 4. C2GRE LLC, White Plains. Seller: Ae Sook Yoon, White Plains. Property: 1374 Midland Ave., No. 608, Yonkers. Amount: $310,001. Filed Aug. 2. Croton Lots LLC, Clifton, N.J. Seller: Alberta Henry, et al, Yonkers. Property: 53 Herriot St., Yonkers. Amount: $25,000. Filed July 31. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Peter Tilem, White Plains. Property: 66 Maple St., Greenburgh. Amount: $437,898. Filed Aug. 2. Diamond Ridge Partners LLC, White Plains. Seller: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Property: 12 Hudson Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $250,000. Filed Aug. 4. Doran Homes Corp., Briarcliff Manor. Seller: Ronald Napolitani, Crotonon-Hudson. Property: 11 Elmore Ave., Cortlandt. Amount: $315,000. Filed July 31.

1006 Park Street LLC, New York City. Seller: Doyle Building and Company LLC, Pound Ridge. Property: 1006 Park St., Peekskill. Amount: $540,000. Filed Aug. 1.

Edson Avenue Development LLC, Mount Vernon. Seller: Bank of America N.A. Property: 411 S. Fifth Ave., Mount Vernon. Amount: $134,800. Filed Aug. 1.

134 Hawthorne Avenue Corp., Hawthorne. Seller: Cathleen Malcolm, et al, Yonkers. Property: 134 Hawthorne Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $215,000. Filed Aug. 1.

Federal National Mortgage Association. Seller: Wendy Marie Cox. Property: 8 Old Farm Road, Lewisboro. Amount: $321,307. Filed Aug. 4.

Gateway Peekskill LLC, Valhalla. Seller: City of Peekskill. Property: 115 Spring St., Peekskill. Amount: $140,560. Filed July 31. Global Real Estate USA Inc., New York City. Seller: Dominick Mazzacane, et al, Scardale. Property: 19 Greenvale Place, Eastchester. Amount: $700,000. Filed Aug. 4. Grenache Holdings Corp. Seller: Avaar Advisor Group Inc., Purchase. Property: 6 Crest Place, Greenburgh. Amount: $410,000. Filed Aug. 3. HSBC Bank USA N.A. Seller: Peter Tilem, White Plains. Property: 515 Furnace Dock Road, Cortlandt. Amount: $809,923. Filed Aug. 1. Indigo Z LLC, Mahopac. Seller: U.S. Bank N.A. Property: 17 Kinnicutt Road East, Pound Ridge. Amount: $432,000. Filed Aug. 3. Jay Enterprise Ventures LLC, White Plains. Seller: Russell A. Martinez, et al, White Plains. Property: 20 Cambridge Ave., White Plains. Amount: $250,000. Filed Aug. 4. JRA Development Corp., Dobbs Ferry. Seller: Kevin A. Lockhart, et al, Dobbs Ferry. Property: 29 Osceola Ave., Greenburgh. Amount: $625,000. Filed July 31. LNL Contracting Corp., White Plains. Seller: Pamela Anne Liming, Danbury, Conn. Property: 230 Millington Road, Cortlandt. Amount: $235,000. Filed Aug. 1. Marbeck Vermilyea LLC, Pleasantville. Seller: Bruce Bozeman, Mount Vernon. Property: 7 Vermilyea St., Mount Pleasant. Amount: $405,000. Filed July 31. Mary Mar 656 LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Ann-Pat Realty Corp., Mount Vernon. Property: 656 Yonkers Ave., Yonkers. Amount: $800,000. Filed Aug. 2. MJD Contracting Corp., et al, Mahopac. Seller: Michael Sirignano, Cross River. Property: 11 Carpenter Place, Somers. Amount: $223,000. Filed July 31. Panthers Partners LLC, Pleasantville. Seller: Ronald Brenner, et al, Englewood, N.J. Property: 231B Heritage Hills, Somers. Amount: $425,000. Filed Aug. 3. Supreame Homes LLC, Ossining. Seller: Donald Dellebovi, et al, Chappaqua. Property: 4 Tanglewild Place, New Castle. Amount: $643,000. Filed July 31. The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A. Seller: Joyce Brown, Mount Vernon. Property: 44 Riverdale Ave, Greenburgh. Amount: $760,912. Filed July 31.

The Bank of New York Mellon. Seller: Jo-Ann Cambareri, Tarrytown. Property: 268 Abbott Ave., Greenburgh. Amount: $486,040. Filed Aug. 4. WNW Holdings LLC, El Dorado Hills, Calif. Seller: Waleska Williams. Property: 26 Whippoorwill Road East, North Castle. Amount: $10,800. Filed Aug. 2.

FORECLOSURES BRONXVILLE, 67 Noble Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: .15 acre. Plaintiff: The Bank of New York Mellon. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Druckman & Sinel, 516-876-0800; 242 Drexel Ave., Westbury 11590. Defendant: Thinawan Maneepong. Referee: Lonya Gilbert. Sale: Aug. 29, 11:45 a.m. Approximate lien: $859,936.32. CROSS RIVER, 10 Adams Hill Road. Single-family residence; lot size: 1.27 acre. Plaintiff: Partners for Payment Relief De IL LLC. Plaintiff ’s attorney: The Margolin & Weinreb Law Group, 516-921-3838; 165 Eileen Way, Syosset 11791. Defendant: Dean Marrazzo. Referee: Thomas Cathcart. Sale: Aug. 21, 10:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $47,426.23. EASTCHESTER, 99 Waterside Close. Single-family residence; lot size: .05 acre. Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank National Association. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman & Gordon, 631-969-3100; 53 Gibson St., Bay Shore 11706. Defendant: Jung Jin Kim. Referee: Kevin Wright. Sale: Aug. 21, 11:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $644,999.35. MOUNT VERNON, 35 Del Rey Drive. Single-family residence; lot size: .25 acre. Plaintiff: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Gross Polowy LLC, 716-204-1700; 1775 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville 14221. Defendant: John Kulacz. Referee: Patricia Moro. Sale: Aug. 29, 1 p.m. Approximate lien: $730,072.61. MOUNT VERNON, 60 Claremont Ave. Three-family residence; lot size: .08 acre. Plaintiff: Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Rosicki & Rosicki & Associates, 845-897-1600; 2 Summit Court, No. 301, Fishkill 11254. Defendant: Diana Finlay Evans. Referee: Charles D’Agostino. Sale: Aug. 23, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $277,573.91. MOUNT VERNON, 308 S. Fourth Ave. Single-family residence; lot size: .1 acre. Plaintiff: The Bank of New York Mellon. Plaintiff ’s attorney: Davidson, Fink, Cook, Kelly & Galbraith, 585546-6448 or 585-760-8218; 27 E. Main St., Suite 700, Rochester 14614. Defendant: William Bishop. Referee: John Sarcone. Sale: Aug. 14, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $634,680.62.


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AUGUST 14, 2017





It used to be the Wallace Auditorium on the former campus of the Reader’s Digest in Chappaqua, named after Lila Wallace who, along with husband DeWitt, founded the venerable publishing company. Now, the finishing touches are being added as the auditorium is being prepared to begin its new life as the Chappaqua Performing Arts Center. Lisa Katz, New Castle Town Councilwoman and chair of the New Castle Arts and Culture Committee, oversaw the acquisition of the arts center and subsequently negotiated its sale to the town. John Fanelli, who was previously associated with the Westchester Broadway Theatre and is artistic director for his own Standing Ovation Studios and Lighthouse Youth Theater, has been appointed the manager of the arts center. The 425-seat venue will have its grand opening on Sept. 23 with the first of a dozen concerts, plays and performances scheduled for the fall. First up is French singer Cyrille Aimee, internationally acclaimed for her jazz stylings. Aimee won the Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Competition in 2012. Also on the schedule: tribute concerts to Frank Sinatra and the Allman Brothers Band, presentations for children and movies. An inaugural fundraising gala is scheduled for Nov. 4. More information from ChappaquaPAC.org or 914-458-5143.

From left back: The law firm’s Milica Kilibarda, Brian Mittman, Kathy Manning, Daniel Elias and front row: children from Lifting Up Westchester’s Brighter Futures Day Camp.

LAW FIRM SPENDS TIME WITH CHILDREN The disability and personal injury law office of Markhoff & Mittman PC in White Plains closed on a recent Thursday afternoon so that its staff could volunteer at Lifting Up Westchester’s Brighter Futures Summer Camp for homeless and at-risk children. For the third year in a row, 25 volunteers from the law office helped at the camp’s annual Carnival Day, painting faces, running game booths, handing out prizes and serving ice cream. The carnival, a summer highlight for the 100 campers who range in age from 5-13 years, was held at the Mamaroneck Avenue Elementary School in White Plains. Brian Mittman, managing partner of the firm, said, “Being able to help create an exciting and memorable day for children who face unimaginable challenges that no child should have to deal with, has become one of the most rewarding days of the year for our firm.” The executive director of Lifting Up Westchester, Anahaita Kotval, said of the law firm, “They’re an ideal example of the great companies in our area who ‘walk the walk’ when it comes to corporate social responsibility.”

LSHV GETS CLOSER TO GOAL White Plains-based Legal Services of the Hudson Valley (LSHV) reports that it is getting closer to its goal in the campaign launched to help celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2017. The campaign, called “Let Justice Grow,” has a goal of raising $1 million to help support the agency’s efforts to prevent homelessness across the Hudson Valley. LSHV operates in Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland, Orange, Ulster and Sullivan counties, providing free legal services to protect the basic human rights and necessities of those in need. By the middle of July, the campaign had raised almost $750,000. LSVH cited major contributions from Boies Schiller Flexner LLP, DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr LLP, The Dyson Foundation, Patterson, Belknap, Webb & Tyler LLP, PepsiCo Americas Beverages, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP and several individuals wishing to remain anonymous. Tom Gabriel, LSHV’s chief development officer said, “Homelessness threatens the stability of families at the poverty level and imposes enormous costs on communities in the form of providing shelter, increased social services, and other acute services.” LSHV staff attorneys and paralegals handled more than 6,000 housing cases impacting more than 13,000 family members in 2016.


AUGUST 14, 2017


WESTCHESTER NONPROFITS RECEIVE MCDONALD’S GRANTS Five nonprofits in Westchester were among the 11 in the tristate area receiving 2017 grants from the New York Tri-State Area McDonald’s Owner/Operators Associations and Ronald McDonald House Charities New York Tri-State Area. Grants are made to a variety of local nonprofit organizations that serve children through programming in the arts, education, medicine, crisis intervention and social and civic services. “In keeping with our organization’s mission of supporting programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children, we are proud to support the work of these organizations and their efforts to better the lives of the children they serve,” said Christopher Perry, the association’s executive director. The Westchester organizations sharing in the $147,000 RMHC NYTSA has awarded so far in 2017 are Cerebral Palsy of Westchester in Rye Brook, Guiding Eyes for the Blind in Yorktown Heights, MVP Basketball Camp in White Plains, Westchester Exceptional Children’s School in North Salem and YMCA of Central & Northern Westchester in White Plains.

Most people have never heard of a BioBlitz. But, there’s going to be one on Aug. 19 and 20. It’s going to be at the Winnakee Land Trust’s 105-acre nature preserve on Route 9 in Hyde Park. “A bioblitz is a focused period of biological surveying to record living species within a designated area during a concentrated amount of time,” said John Mickelson, who is the land stewardship manager for Winnakee. “Winnakee has assembled some of the best local naturalists to lead bird walks and plant surveys for our first BioBlitz.” Activities include early morning bird walks; field surveys; and appearances by turtles, raptors, other wildlife and experts who will be telling all about them. Data collecting over the weekend will focus on common invasive plant species found across the preserve. The free event is sponsored by AT&T and the Open Space Institute. Advanced online registration is required. Because of the wildlife, pets are not permitted. More information and registration at winnakee.org or 845-876-4213.

WIHD TO GET NEW DENTAL VAN The Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD) will soon have a new dental van to bring dentistry to people with disabilities in the Hudson Valley region who are not able to visit a dentist’s office. The organization’s existing dental van will be replaced with a more modern, fully equipped vehicle as the result of a $376,826 grant from the Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program. “By replacing our aged mobile dental clinic, we hope to be able to serve up to 30 more individuals per week, provide more consistent and reliable scheduling of visits and better meet the complex dental care needs of this population,” said Susan Fox, president and CEO of WIHD. On-site dental treatment decreases patient transportation costs while helping to avoid the complications of poor dental health. In addition to the van, WIHD has a dental center on its Valhalla campus offering a complete range of specialized dental services and ongoing care for people with disabilities.

DATES HAPPENING Kelli Butler, Edith Dowd, Tom Mulder, Wayne Hu, Miguel Acevedo


Mary Kay Vrba goes on stage to accept the DTI accreditation seal in Montreal.


There have been honors this summer for Dutchess Tourism Inc. and Mary Kay Vrba, its president and CEO. Vrba and Dutchess tourism Vice President Melanie Riottkamp were in Montreal for a recognition ceremony held by the Destination Marketing Accreditation Program (DMAP). DMAP is the world’s largest resource for official destination organizations, convention and visitors bureaus and tourism boards. It has more than 4,700 members. Dutchess Tourism received an accreditation seal in recognition of its commitment to industry excellence and meeting industry standards of performance and accountability. Fewer than 200 organizations like DTI have earned the seal. Vrba, was named an Outstanding Woman in Destination Management/Marketing by Women in Travel and Tourism International. She was one of four tourism professionals in the U.S. to receive the honor. That award was presented during a U.S. Travel Association meeting in Washington, D.C. A recent report shows that tourism spending in Dutchess County increased 7.6 percent in 2016, to more than $568 million. More than 4.75 million people visited the county last year.

VOLUNTEER GRANDPARENTS NEEDED WestCOP, the Elmsford-based nonprofit that works to help low-income and at-risk people in the Hudson Valley achieve greater self-sufficiency, is looking for senior citizens who would like to spend some time as grandparents. WestCOP’s Foster Grandparent Program puts eligible seniors into classrooms where young people need extra tutoring. The seniors help children read and learn math and other academics, while assisting teachers with a variety of other classroom activities. Foster grandparents must be at least 55 and, themselves, have a limited income (if single, the income cannot exceed $24,120). They are expected to devote between 15 and 40 hours a week to their service activities, for which they receive a tax-free hourly stipend. The participants also are provided paid time off, holidays, sick leave and mileage reimbursement. When school was in session, there were more than 200 seniors serving hundreds of children in numerous Head Start centers, preschools and elementary schools through WestCOP’s Foster Grandparent Program. The organization reports school principals, site directors, teachers and students who have foster grandparents love what they’re doing and are asking for more. To learn more about the Foster Grandparent Program, contact program director Liz Magier at 914-592-5600, ext. 114 or email LMagier@westcop.org.

The New Rochelle Opera will be marking the 60th anniversary of the classic musical “West Side Story” with a concert titled “Bernstein and Friends.” Leonard Bernstein wrote the music for what some consider to be the greatest American musical, with lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. The story was inspired by Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” “West Side Story” opened on Broadway in 1957 and the movie version was released in 1961. The show was nominated for six Tony Awards and won two. The movie won 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture. The concert will feature selections by Bernstein and his contem-

poraries, sung by New Rochelle Opera’s soprano Kelli Butler, mezzo-soprano Edith Dowd, tenor Tom Mulder, and baritone Wayne Hu, with a guest appearance by baritone Miguel Acevedo. The artists will be accompanied by Georgianna Pappas, and the program will be narrated by the New Rochelle Opera’s co-founder and artistic director Camille Coppola. “Bernstein and Friends” is at 3 p.m. on Sept. 17 in the Christopher Murphy Auditorium at Iona College, 715 North Ave. in New Rochelle. The event is sponsored by the Iona College Council on the Arts. Advance tickets at nropera.org or call 800-838-3006, ext. 1.



Attorney Mark Broude has joined the board of Yonkers-based nonprofit Leake & Watts. The organization helps 12,000 vulnerable children, adults and families in Westchester and New York City with educational and support services. Broude said, “The agency excels at providing therapeutic support to children living with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as emotional and behavioral needs that require individualized attention. I am impressed by how Leake & Watts helps vulnerable families identify and meet their children’s needs as early as possible, and maximize the opportunities for these children to rise above adversity.” Broude is a partner at Latham & Watkins in New York City.

White Plains Hospital has announced that Sasan Roayaie is joining its physician associates division. He has extensive experience in liver and pancreas surgery, and has been a leader in the development of minimally invasive hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery. Roayaie also is experienced at working with a multidisciplinary team providing interventional radiology, radiation oncology, gastroenterology and oncology to treat cancer patients who are not eligible for surgery. Roayaie has published extensively about liver cancer and is frequently invited internationally to lecture and demonstrate his techniques for liver resection. He is active in volunteer missions to improve the standard of surgical care in countries such as Liberia, Haiti and Mongolia.

TOP TEAM NAMED AT COLDWELL BANKER Joseph Valvano, president of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Connecticut and Westchester has announced that the sales team led by William FordSussman has been named its top team for 2016 and also has been recognized as a No. 1 Coldwell Banker affiliated sales team in the state of New York. The team is affiliated with Coldwell Banker’s office in Dobbs Ferry. The Ford-Sussman Team, which includes Gina Cipriani LaPlaca, also was recognized with the Coldwell Banker International President’s Premier Team award, which is presented to the top 4 percent of the company’s teams in the U.S. and Canada. Additionally, REAL Trends, a real estate industry news and data source, recently ranked the Ford-Sussman Team as number 113 in New York State on its list of “2017 America’s Best Real Estate Agents” based on 2016 sales volume.

Information for these features has been submitted by the subjects or their delegates.


AUGUST 14, 2017


FACTS RYE, 56 Kenilworth Road. Singlefamily residence; lot size: 1.43 acre. Plaintiff: JP Morgan Chase Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Rosicki & Rosicki & Associates, 845-897-1600; 2 Summit Court, No. 301, Fishkill 11254. Defendant: Joan Haynes. Referee James Garvey. Sale: Aug. 24, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $3,849,462.25. RYE, 549 Purchase St. Single-family residence; lot size: .34 acre. Plaintiff: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Plaintiff’s attorney Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Christine Principato. Referee: Arlene Gold Wexler. Sale: Aug. 28, 9:15 a.m. Approximate lien: $823,147.48. SOMERS, 10 Tighe Road. Singlefamily residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: Federal National Mortgage Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Rosicki & Rosicki & Associates, 845-897-1600; 2 Summit Court, No. 301, Fishkill 11254. Defendant: Danae Sintilas. Referee: Christopher Meagher. Sale: Aug. 30, 9 a.m. Approximate lien: $296,344.70. WHITE PLAINS, 3 Dennison St. Three-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: HSBC Bank USA National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Leopold & Associates PLLC, 914-219-5787; 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk 10504. Defendant: Tonia Marbury. Referee: Barbara Lerman. Sale: Aug. 22, 9:15 a.m. Approximate lien: $414,541.45.

YONKERS, 23 Water Grant St, Apt. 2-0. Apartment; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: JPMorgan Chase Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Cross Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Christopher Barrett. Referee: Chuck Lesnick. Sale: Aug. 14, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $164,590.82. YONKERS, 54 Moringside Ave. Two-family residence; lot size .06 acre. Plaintiff: Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Plaintiff’s attorney: Leopold & Associates PLLC, 914-2195787; 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk 10504. Defendant: Santos Lopez. Referee: Ian Spler. Sale: Aug. 22, 10 a.m. Approximate lien: $566,607.81. YONKERS, 84 Elliot Ave. Singlefamily residence; lot size .05 acre. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, 877-759-1835; 175 Mile Crossing Blvd., Rochester 14624. Defendant: Enrique Guzman. Referee: Charmaine Miles. Sale: Aug. 14, 10:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $736,860.82. YONKERS, 87 McLean Ave. Singlefamily residence; lot size: .03 acre. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman & Gordon, 631-969-3100; 53 Gibson St., Bay Shore 11706. Defendant: Flora Mejia. Referee: Eugene Grimes. Sale: Aug. 14, 9:30 a.m. Approximate lien: $623,808.70.


YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, 109 Upland Road. Single-family residence; lot size: N/A. Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association. Plaintiff’s attorney: Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman & Gordon, 631-969-3100; 53 Gibson St., Bay Shore 11706. Defendant: Maryann Bronelle. Referee: Jay Hashmall. Sale: Aug. 29, 11 a.m. Approximate lien: $516,336.76.

JUDGMENTS Blake Electric Contracting Company Inc., Bronx. $96,950 in favor of Sancor Lighting Inc., Peekskill. Filed Aug. 4. Jerome Avenue Car Wash and Lube Inc., Scarsdale. $1.4 million in favor of Magic Quick Lube Inc., Hempstead. Filed July 31.

LIS PENDENS The following filings indicated a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed. Belarge, Frank J., et al. Filed by Citibank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $250,000 affecting property located at 108 Huntley Drive, Ardsley 10502. Filed July 25.

FIGURES Bennett, William G., et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $670,278 affecting property located at 464 Smith Ridge Road, South Salem 10590. Filed July 21.

Kelly, Nigel, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $560,000 affecting property located at 221 Betsy Brown Road, Rye Brook 10573. Filed July 24.

Terranova, Ernest, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $453,172 affecting property located at 1 Harbor Place, Lewisboro 10590. Filed July 20.

Blanco, Aylin, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $455,200 affecting property located at 16 Gleeson Place, Yonkers 10704. Filed July 24.

King, Robert, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N,A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $350,000 affecting property located at 124 East St., South Salem 10590. Filed July 25.

The estate of Barbara Perry, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $192,850 affecting property located at 554 S. Eighth Ave., Mount Vernon 10550. Filed July 21.

Dia, Ardo, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $330,000 affecting property located at 104 Remington Place, New Rochelle 10801. Filed July 24. Garcia, Roman, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $552,900 affecting property located at 2-4 Fairmont Ave., Yonkers 10701. Filed July 24. Goldstein, Norman, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure 1$1.9 million affecting property located at 5 Deerfield Lane, Scarsdale 10583. Filed July 25. Goncalves, Augusta, et al. Filed by CIT Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $615,000 affecting property located at 1 Lafayette St., New Rochelle 10805. Filed July 25. Greene, Jeffrey, et al. Filed by Citibank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $707,785 affecting property located at 12 Summit Circle, Somers 10589. Filed July 21. Grimes, James V., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $650,000 affecting property located at 216 Eastwoods Road, Pound Ridge 10576. Filed July 20. Harley, Lula Barbara, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 58 Lamartine Ave., Yonkers 10701. Filed July 21. Henry, Shernette, et al. Filed by PennyMac Loan Services LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $319,713 affecting property located at 45 White Plains Ave., Elmsford 10523. Filed July 20. Hurditt, Paul, et al. Filed by PNC Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $312,800 affecting property located at 173 Union Ave., Peekskill 10566. Filed July 21. Jaclaire Inc., et al. Filed by Flushing Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $325,000 affecting property located at 346 North Ave., New Rochelle 10801. Filed July 21.


AUGUST 14, 2017


Lathan, William E., et al. Filed by CIT Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $858,900 affecting property located at 7 Dellwood Lane, Greenburgh 10502. Filed July 20. Llivisaca, Juanita, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $156,000 affecting property located at 75 Chappaqua Road, Briarcliff Manor 10510. Filed July 25. Maffei, Massimo, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $400,000 affecting property located at 3606 Edgehill Road, Yorktown Heights 10598. Filed July 24. McCabe, William E., et al. Filed by Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $514,570 affecting property located at 9 Hudson St., Croton-on-Hudson 10520. Filed July 25. Mitchell, William T., et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $262,000 affecting property located at 28 Aspetong Road, Bedford 10506. Filed July 25. Murphy, Andrew, et al. Filed by Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $238,485 affecting property located in Yorktown. Filed July 24. Purville, Michelle R., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $296,734 affecting property located at 246 E. Fourth St., Mount Vernon 10553. Filed July 24. Reibman, Bettina, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank NA. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $938,250 affecting property located at 495 Forest Ave., New Rochelle 10804. Filed July 20. Skinner, Sharon, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $236,250 affecting property located at 6 High Meadow Trail, Peekskill 10566. Filed July 20. Tate, Eileen, et al. Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $360,721 affecting property located at 1556 Wenonah Trail, Mohegan Lake 10547. Filed July 25.

Thompson, Sybil, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $393,000 affecting property located at 28 Midland Ave., White Plains 10606. Filed July 25. Toler, Keenan, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $308,000 affecting property located at 119 Glover Ave., Yonkers 10704. Filed July 20. Willimann, Matthew, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $141,344 affecting property located at 8 Dailey Drive, Croton-on-Hudson 10520. Filed July 25.

MECHANIC’S LIENS 82-90 Caryl Avenue Owners Corp., as owner. $65,000 as claimed by 1 Global Designing Construction. Property: in Yonkers. Filed Aug. 3. Bernstein, Alisom, et al, as owner. $50,000 as claimed by YDMG Home Improvement. Property: in North Castle. Filed Aug. 2. County of Westchester Industrial, as owner. $1.5 million as claimed by Bruce Feldman Associates LLC, White Plains. Property: in White Plains. Filed Aug. 4. Frandson, Eric, as owner. $2,015 as claimed by Durante Rentals LLC. Property: in Harrison. Filed Aug. 4. Ippolito, Elena, et al, as owner. $12,410 as claimed by Landmark Enterprises LLC, Yonkers. Property: in Yonkers. Filed Aug. 3.

NEW BUSINESSES This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.

Partnerships Gold Gates Records, 148 Depew St., Peekskill 10566, c/o Charles Coles and William Hicks. Filed June 29.

FACTS Raymark Realty, 1 W. Red Oak Lane, Suite 2, White Plains 10604, c/o Raymond V. Nicotera and Mark K. Stanton. Filed June 28.

Sole Proprietorships Brianne’s 99 Cent Store, 436 Riverdale Ave., Yonkers 10705, c/o Elba Lina Perez. Filed June 30. Chamborh Consulting, 330 S. Broadway, Suite D12, Tarrytown 10591, c/o Maria Teresa Chamorro. Filed June 29. Cinematic Entertainment Presents, 120 Pelham Road, Apt. 7E, New Rochelle 10805, c/o Washington Manuel Jr. Filed June 29. Cinematic Publishing, 120 Pelham Road, Apt. 7E, New Rochelle 10805, c/o Washington Manuel, Jr. Filed June 29. Constructio Teks and Installations, 44 Union Ave., First floor, Mount Vernon 10550, c/o Ronald Haile. Filed June 28. Frank Tufano Catering, 248 Westchester Ave., Thornwood 10594, c/o Frank Tufano. Filed June 29. Graphics Westchester, 815 King St., Peekskill 10566, c/o Daniel Intriligator. Filed June 30. Joseph P. Mancini, 382 Fort Washington Ave., Hawthorne 10532, c/o Joseph P. Mancini. Filed June 29. Lee on the Run, 227 Juniper Drive, Yorktown Heights 10598, c/o Marleen Yellin. Filed June 30. Lily’s Inex, 23 Pearl Ave., West Harrison 10604, c/o Blanca Liliana Espinoza. Filed June 29. Los Chachaceros Multiple Service, 191 E. Main St., Mount Kisco 10549, c/o Jose I. Flores. Filed June 29. MHM, 233 S. Fulton Ave., Apt. 4K, Mount Vernon 10550, c/o Marlon H. McLeod. Filed June 28. MJ Cleaning Services, 319 Lafayette Place, Peekskill 10566, c/o Maria Anguisaca. Filed June 30. R A General Merchant, 975 Hanover St., Yorktown Heights 10598, c/o Ama Akyaa. Filed June 29. Spookyschools.com, 23 Pearl Ave., West Harrison 10604, c/o Blanca Liliana Espinoza. Filed June 29.

PATENTS Automatically inferring user signature through contextual learning. Patent no. 9,730,046 issued to Su Liu, Austin, Texas; Eric J. Rozner, Austin, Texas Chin Ngai Sze, Austin, Texas; and Yaoguang Wei, Austin, Texas. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Combining bandwidth from multiple cellular connections into a single WLAN network. Patent no. 9,730,110 issued to Scott D. Hicks, Underhill Center, Vt. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Identifying spatial locations of events within video image data. Patent no. 9,729,722 issued to Michael J. Desimone, Ridgefield, Conn.; Arun Hampapur, Norwalk, Conn.; Zuoxuan Lu, Yorktown Heights; Carl P. Mercier, New Milford, Conn.; Christopher S. Milite, Oxford, Conn.; Stephen R. Russo, Southbury, Conn.; Chiao-Fe Shu, Scarsdale; and Chek K. Tan, Danbury, Conn. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Managing migration of an application from a source to a target. Patent no. 9,729,632 issued to Kun Bai, Elmsford; Jinho Hwang, Ossining; Brian Peterson, Ridgefield, Conn.; Maja Vukovic, New York. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Network performance testing in nonhomogenous networks. Patent no. 9,730,096 issued to William T. Boyd, Poughkeepsie; Georgy A. Chochia, Poughkeepsie; Donald G. Grice, New Paltz; and John Lewars, New Paltz. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Optimizing the data transfer across multiple asynchronous data-replication sessions using shared bandwidth. Patent no. 9,729,629 issued to Robert N. Crockett, Tucson, Ariz.; Eduard A. Diel, Tucson, Ariz.; Gregory A. McBridge, Vail, Ariz.; Alan G. McClure, Sahuarita, Ariz.; David M. Shackelford, Tucson, Ariz.; and Nadim P. Shehab, Tucson, Ariz. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Playing a personalized prerecorded audio of a call recipient to the call recipient to authenticate a telephone caller. Patent no. 9,729,704 issued to Daniel T. Bajema, Lake Elsinore, Calif.; Jeffrey R. McCallum, Tucson, Ariz.; Thuan Q. Nguyen, Tucson, Ariz.; and Socheat Sou, Tucson, Ariz. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Protecting mobile devices from malware. Patent no. 9,730,076 issued to Judith H. Bank, Cary. N.Y.; Lisa M. Bradley, Cary, N.C.; Aaron J. Quirk, Austin, Texas; and Lin Sun, Morrisville, N.C. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk.


Tag authentication and location verification service. Patent no. 9,729,604 issued to Chandrasekhar Narayanaswami, Wilton, Conn.; and Umut Topkara, Scarsdale. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk. Television program optimization for user exercise. Patent no. 9,729,921 issued to Minkyong Kim, Scarsdale; Min Li, San Jose, Calif.; Clifford A. Pickover, Yorktown Heights; and Valentina Salapura, Chappaqua. Assigned to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk.

HUDSON VALLEY BUILDING LOANS Below $1 million 105 Bracken Road LLC, Monroe, as owner. Lender: TBG Funding LLC, Brooklyn. Property: 105 Bracken Road, Montgomery 12549. Amount: $225,000. Filed Aug. 4. Guaneri, Paul, et al, Chester, as owner. Lender: Walden Savings Bank, Montgomery. Property: in Chester. Amount: $195,000. Filed Aug. 3. Lerario, Alice, Wappingers Falls, as owner. Lender: Homestead Funding Corp., Albany. Property: 60 Leslie Road, Newburgh. Amount: $175,514. Filed Aug. 2. Sachi, Prakash, et al, West Hurley, as owner. Lender: The Bank of Greene County, Catskill. Property: in Woodstock. Amount: $200,000. Filed Aug. 1. Tuxedo Park Properties LLC, Closter, N.J., as owner. Lender: NVE Bank, Englewood, N.J. Property: in Tuxedo Park. Amount: $900,000. Filed Aug. 2.

DEEDS Above $1 million Seneco Enterprises LLC, Middletown. Seller: CGRS Realty LLC, Middletown. Property: 236 Crystal Run Road, Middletown 10941. Amount: $1 million. Filed Aug. 2.

Below $1 million 1 Roanoke Drive LLC, Monroe. Seller: Michael Catania, Newburgh. Property: 1 Roanoke Drive, Monroe 10950. Amount: $350,000. Filed Aug. 2.

FIGURES 1233 LLC, Spring Valley. Seller: Janice K. Councilor, et al, Blooming Grove. Property: in Blooming Grove. Amount: $436,748. Filed Aug. 4. 174 Chambers Street LLC, Long Island City. Seller: Historic Newburgh Estates LLC, Newburgh. Property: 174 Chambers St., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $175,000. Filed Aug. 3. 180 Developers LLC, Ellenville. Seller: County of Ulster, Kingston. Property: 209 Hillside Lane, Wawarsing. Amount: $85,000. Filed July 31. 180 Management LLC, South Fallsburgh. Seller: County of Ulster, Kingston. Property: 203 Center St., Wawarsing. Amount: $20,224. Filed July 31. 315 Stage Road LLC, Wyckoff, N.J. Seller: Charlie Gorovoy, Monroe. Property: in Monroe. Amount: $273,600. Filed Aug. 8. 36 River Road Properties Inc., Highland. Seller: Kaja Holdings 2 LLC, New York City. Property: 36 River Road, Highland 12528. Amount: $21,900. Filed Aug. 1. 364 Galley Hill LLC, Middletown. Seller: Ariane Roque, Cuddebackville. Property: 364 Galley Hill Road, Cuddebackville 12729. Amount: $225,000. Filed Aug. 1. 390J LLC. Seller: Mark R. Libin, et al. Property: in Stanford. Amount: $850,000. Filed Aug. 2. 44 Apartments LLC, Highland. Seller: Harry D. Briggs, et al, Poughkeepsie. Property: in Pleasant Valley. Amount: $360,000. Filed Aug. 3. 46 Cragswood Road LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: Tobias Levey, et al, Cragswood. Property: in New Paltz. Amount: $895,000. Filed July 31. 530 Route 28 LLC, Miller Place. Seller: The JMW Family Preservation Trust, Kingston. Property: in Kingston. Amount: $525,000. Filed Aug. 2. 5755 Carpenter LLC, Lakewood, N.J. Seller: TDR Funding Corp., Centerreach. Property: 55 and 57 Carpenter Ave., Newburgh. Amount: $159,454. Filed Aug. 1. Bayview Loan Servicing LLC, Coral Gables, Fla. Seller: Jeffrey D. Brewer, et al, Warwick. Property: 2 Cedar Road, Greenwood Lake 10925. Amount: $219,371. Filed Aug. 8. Bonns LLC, Gold Canyon, Ariz. Seller: Louis Martorelli, et al, Gatewood Lake, Texas. Property: in Woodbury. Amount: $247,000. Filed Aug. 4. Botrac Properties LLC, Wallkill. Seller: Lanspery Family LLC, Montgomery. Property: 382 Bailey Road, Montgomery. Amount: $105,000. Filed Aug. 4.

Bragada Properties LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: RMW Green Enterprise LLC, Wapingers Falls. Property: in Poughkeepsie. Amount: $138,000. Filed July 31. Bragada Properties LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: The Bank of New York Mellon. Property: 13 Earlwood Drive, Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $57,000. Filed July 31. Bragada Properties LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: The estate of Lillian Pelella, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $85,000. Filed Aug. 3. Bragada Properties LLC, Poughquag. Seller: U.S. Bank N.A. Property: 35 S. Perry St., Poughkeepsie 12601. Amount: $45,000. Filed July 31. Broccoli Patch Inc., New Windsor. Seller: Glenn R. Ehlers, Florida. Property: in Chester. Amount: $202,500. Filed Aug. 7. CMGA LLC, Kingston. Seller: County of Ulster, Kingston. Property: 112 Church Hill Road, Ulster. Amount: $81,000. Filed July 31. D.M.H. Development LLC, Corona. Seller: Amanda J. Hines, et al, Middletown. Property: 33 O’Brian Road, Middletown 10940. Amount: $395,000. Filed Aug. 7. Derekh LLC, New York City. Seller: John V. Moore, Shokan. Property: in Hurley. Amount: $45,000. Filed Aug. 1. Deshi Agro Inc., Woodhaven. Seller: EBS Associates LLC, Slate Hill. Property: in Wawayanda and Warwick. Amount: $45,000. Filed Aug. 1. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Jacqueline Martin, Poughkeepsie. Property: 14 Hampton Road, Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $502,000. Filed Aug. 1. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Seller: Jacqueline Martin, Poughkeepsie. Property: 14 Hampton Road, Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $502,000. Filed Aug. 1.

The Shawangunk Conservancy Inc., Accord. Seller: County of Ulster, Kingston. Property: Highpoint Road, Wawarsing. Amount: $17,000. Filed July 31. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Karen E. Hagstrom, Poughkeepsie. Property: 27 Old State Road, Hopewell Junction 12533. Amount: $647,000. Filed July 28. U.S. Bank N.A. Seller: Michael Catania, Newburgh. Property: 28 Stratton Ave., Wallkill 10940. Amount: $371,579. Filed Aug. 7. U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Seller: Geoffrey Chanin, Goshen. Property: 65 Valley Ave., Newburgh 12550. Amount: $404,856. Filed Aug. 7.

U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Seller: Mark P. Cambareri, Pine Bush. Property: 18 Beakes Road, New Windsor. Amount: $270,000. Filed Aug. 8. U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Seller: Ned Kopald, Highland Falls. Property: 15 Fairview Ave., Middletown 10940. Amount: $290,932. Filed Aug. 4. U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Seller: Ralph A. Beisner, Poughkeepsie. Property: 45 Mountain View Drive, Pleasant Valley 12569. Amount: $332,000. Filed Aug. 2. Walden Savings Bank, Montgomery. Seller: Holly Lawn Waters, Maybrook. Property: in Mayrbook. Amount: $150,000. Filed Aug. 2. Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association, Wallkill. Seller: Richard Schisano, Newburgh. Property: in Walden. Amount: $84,377. Filed Aug. 1. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Frank D. Lombardi, Mahopac. Property: 1 Rural Sequestered Road, Newburgh 12550. Amount: $140,421. Filed Aug. 7. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Seller: Ronald C. Blass, Poughkeepsie. Property: 47 Meyer Ave., Poughkeepsie 12603. Amount: $143,500. Filed Aug. 3. Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Seller: Glen A. Plotsky, Port Jervis. Property: 279 Union Ave., New Windsor 12553. Amount: $355,698. Filed Aug. 8. YMB Holdings LLC, Suffern. Seller: Paul C. Gajda, et al, Lake Zurich, Ill. Property: in Hyde Park. Amount: $120,000. Filed July 31. YYY Properties Inc., Cornwallon-Hudson. Seller: James R. McCarl, Montgomery. Property: 13 Veronica Ave., New Windsor 12553. Amount: $79,700. Filed Aug. 1.

JUDGMENTS Abe and Nick Inc., Saugerties. $778 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 1. Allstate Interiors of New York Inc., Monroe. $100 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Ari’s Tire Shop and Service Inc., Monroe. $213 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Brand Name Close Outs Inc., Monroe. $719 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Butter Blend Corp., Monroe. $830 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2.


AUGUST 14, 2017


FACTS Case IO Inc., Saugerties. $1,485 in favor of New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 1.

Wine Worldwide Inc., New Paltz. $4,697 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 1.

Casey Family Theaters Inc., Warwick. $837 in favor of New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2.

Woodbury Lawn and Landscape Inc., Milton. $297 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 1.

Chestnut Mart of Norwalk Inc., New Paltz. $7,953 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 1.

Woodstock Market Manager Corp., Woodstock. $536 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 1.

CMG Consulting Inc., Washingtonville. $19,976 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Community Health Center Inc., Middletown. $8,039 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Complete Landscape Management Inc., Salisbury Mills. $143 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Coyote Ridge Stable NY Inc., Marlboro. $155 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 1. Dabash Enterprise Corp., Wallkill. $138 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 1. Division Partners Holding LLC, Monroe. $337 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Eastern Optical Inc., Monroe. $144 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Eastgate Management Service Corp., Chester. $259 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Elant at Goshen Inc., Goshen. $15,040 in favor of the New York State Department of Labor, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Elm Street Medical Building Inc., Cornwall-on-Hudson. $143 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Elting Management Inc., Highland. $147 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 1. Euclid Carpentry Inc., Newburgh. $143 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 2. Excel Medical Staffing Services Inw Tim Harkins Plumbing Inc., Kingston. $105 in favor of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Albany. Filed Aug. 1.


AUGUST 14, 2017

LIS PENDENS The following filings indicated a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed. Bazdaric, Jamie D., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $273,600 affecting property located at 408 Balsam Drive, Unit D1, New Windsor 12553. Filed June 22. Benjamin, Tracey, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 68 Scott Drive, Middletown 10941. Filed June 22. Berzal, Catherine, individually and as executrix of the estate of Allen Berzal, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $187,600 affecting property located at 3058 Route 32, Saugerties 12477. Filed July 31. Buddenhagen, Erik J., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $147,537 affecting property located at 517 Vansteenbergh Place, Olive 12481. Filed Aug. 2. Caldwell, Louise, et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $290,422 affecting property located at 115 Overhill Road, Wallkill 10940. Filed June 22. Chang, Eunhey, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $153,500 affecting property located at 804 Briarwood Court, New Paltz 12561. Filed July 31. Chirasello, Brian R., et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $139,500 affecting property located at 91 Stagecoach Pass, Stormville 12582. Filed July 31. Clausi, Dorothy J., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $77,532 affecting property located at 33 Brigham St., Kingston 12401. Filed Aug. 2.




Dinaso, Joseph, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $420,800 affecting property located at 1023 Summit Woods, New Windsor 12553. Filed June 22.

Madden, Cecilia F., et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $227,500 affecting property located at 41 Stephen Road, Kingston 12401. Filed July 31.

Slaughter, Irene M., et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure an unspecified amount affecting property located at 22 Neversink Drive, Newburgh 12550. Filed June 22.

Eades, Tommy J., et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $207,962 affecting property located at 258 Whitfield Road, Accord 12404. Filed Aug. 1.

Martirano, Christopher, et al. Filed by Citizens Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $306,500 affecting property located at 27 W. View Drive, Shawangunk. Filed Aug. 2.

Strauss, Alan H., et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $235,307 affecting property located at 8 Sand Hill Road, Gardiner 12525. Filed Aug. 3.

Facciolo, Tammy, et al. Filed by Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $336,055 affecting property located at 6 Wonderland Drive, East Fishkill 12533. Filed July 31.

Maynard, Kenneth P., et al. Filed by Fareverse LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $435,000 affecting property located at 2234 Route 82, LaGrangeville 12540. Filed Aug. 1.

Sullivan, Jon C., et al. Filed by Citizens Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $25,000 affecting property located at 110 Lauren Tice Road, Saugerties 12477. Filed Aug. 3.

Glass, Eileen R., et al. Filed by MidHudson Valley Federal Credit Union. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $46,000 affecting property located at 57 Howland Ave., Kingston 12401. Filed Aug. 2.

Morrison, Carmen S., et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $293,000 affecting property located at 33 Pye Lane, Wappingers Falls 12590. Filed July 27.

Torres, Graciela, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $361,550 affecting property located at 1426 Clove Valley Road, Hopewell Junction 12533. Filed July 31.

Grieco, Michael D., II, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $156,000 affecting property located at 69 Hy Vue Drive, Newburgh 12550. Filed June 23.

Murphy, Dennis P., et al. Filed by U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $275,457 affecting property located at 75 Walnut St., Walden 12586. Filed June 22.

Unknown administrator of the estate of Darlene C. McNair, et al. Filed by U.S. Bank Trust N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $228,000 affecting property located at 14 Bruce Ave., New Paltz 12561. Filed Aug. 1.

Haskell, Zelma Karen, individually and as surviving spouse of Irwin Haskell, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $71,000 affecting property located at 37 Witchtree Road, Woodstock 12498. Filed Aug. 3.

O’Brien, Suzanne C., et al. Filed by Citimortgage Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $142,000 affecting property located at 21 Clinton Ave., Warwick 10990. Filed June 21.

Heirs and distributees of the estate of John A. Murchison Jr., et al. Filed by Ditech Financial LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $123,000 affecting property located at 22 Prospect St., Highlands 10928. Filed June 22. Hill, Gary, et al. Filed by Federal National Mortgage Association. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $366,192 affecting property located at 5 Bainbridge Place, Building 3, Unit 306, Newburgh 12550. Filed June 21. Jones, James L., et al. Filed by Bank of America N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $215,586 affecting property located at 27 VanHeusen St., Kingston 12401. Filed July 31. Kasch, Todd, et al. Filed by HSBC Bank USA N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $388,660 affecting property located at 7 Peterson Road, Monroe 10950. Filed June 22. Kelly, Elizabeth, et al. Filed by The Bank of New York Mellon. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $231,000 affecting property located at 15 Jay St., Phoenicia 12464. Filed July 31.

Paretta, Joanne, et al. Filed by Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $251,871 affecting property located at 62 Fifth Ave., Newburgh 12550. Filed June 22. Pascente, Anthony, individually and as administrator of the estate of Salvatore Pascente, et al. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $155,000 affecting property located at 18 Pearsall Drive, Monroe 10950. Filed June 21. Perriello, Sam, et al. Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $125,000 affecting property located at 65 Glenwood Road, Monroe 10950. Filed June 21. Reynolds, Mark, et al. Filed by M&T Bank. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $70,000 affecting property located at 235 Hawleys Corners Road, Highland 12528. Filed July 31. Rosa, Mitchell, et al. Filed by MidHudson Valley Federal Credit Union. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $157,500 affecting property located at 246 Country Club Drive, Florida 10921. Filed June 21. Skipp, Rose, et al. Filed by Live Well Financial Inc. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $199,800 affecting property located at 20 Thorns Lane, Highland 12528. Filed Aug. 3.

Watson, Delois, et al. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $277,500 affecting property located at 80 W. Pierpont St., Kingston 12401. Filed Aug. 2. Yarnell, David E., et al. Filed by Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union. Action: seeks to foreclose on a mortgage to secure $263,580 affecting property located at 213 Diddell Road, Poughkeepsie 12603. Filed July 31.

MECHANIC’S LIENS 151 Main St LLC, as owner. $16,982 as claimed by Albro Utilities Corp., Newburgh. Property: 151 Main St., Beacon. Filed Aug. 3. All Media Communications Inc., as owner. $18,729 as claimed by Tradesmen International LLC. Property: 6571 Springbrook Ave., Rhinebeck. Filed Aug. 7. Lofts at Beacon LLC, as owner. $33,984 as claimed by Newburgh Winwater Co., Walden. Property: 40 Leonard St., Beacon. Filed July 31. Matrix Newburgh LLC, as owner. $312,065 as claimed by Hidden Valley Landscape Construction, Malvern, Pa. Property: 108 Route 17K, Newburgh. Filed Aug. 3. Vanikiotis Realty Group LLC, as owner. $28,562 as claimed by A.W. Coon and Sons Inc., Red Hook. Property: in Fishkill. Filed Aug. 7.

NEW BUSINESSES This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.

Doing Business As Hemp and Humanity Inc., d.b.a. HHUman, 79 Maiden Lane, Kingston 12401. Filed Aug. 3. On Belay Business Advisors Inc., d.b.a. Coherence Collaborative, 227 McKinstry Road, Gardiner 12525. Filed Aug. 3. SOY Inc., d.b.a. SOY Rosendale, 419 Main St., Rosendale 12472. Filed Aug. 3. Tara del Mar Productions Inc., d.b.a. Echo Sixty6, 275 MacDaniel Road, Bearsville 12409. Filed Aug. 3. White Wolf Dining Inc., d.b.a. White Wolf, 7400 Route 209, Napanoch 12548. Filed Aug. 3.

Partnerships Gabriaevents, 167 King Road, Middletown 10941, c/o Maria C. Cortese and Gabriella Medeiros. Filed July 21. Primetime Education, 4 Danielle Court, Middletown, c/o John Bilancione and Melanie Bilancione. Filed July 20. Smiley Cakes Foundation, 104 W. Pierpont St., Kingston 12401, c/o Africa C. Douglas and James Claude Douglas III. Filed Aug. 3. Sunset Ridge Associates, P.O. Box 340, Monroe, c/o Thomas B. Feely Jr. and Anthony J. Principi. Filed July 18. Woodstock Pipes, 30 Fred Short Road, Saugerties 12477, c/o Sheryl Anderson, Kenneth Shilling, and Fiore De Rosa. Filed July 31.

Sole Proprietorships Anne Hebard School of Ballet, 795 Broadway, Kingston 12401, c/o Melissa Naomi Bierstock. Filed Aug. 1. Apprenticeship Business Solutions, 18 Holiday Drive, Woodstock 12498, c/o Kathleen A. Burchfield. Filed July 31. ARTC Gallery, 509 Albany Post Road, New Paltz 12561, c/o Harry C. Tabak. Filed Aug. 1.


BEYOND THE BOTTOM LINE Conscientious, Proficient, Accomplished

An awards program recognizing outstanding CPAs in Fairfield County, Westchester County and the Hudson Valley.


CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Members of the Fairfield County, Westchester County and Hudson Valley business and accounting communities are encouraged to nominate, pursuant to the criteria, one or more candidates for the following award categories: AHEAD OF THE CURVE – A CPA who stays ahead of his or her respective discipline as it relates to new legislation and trends thereby providing exceptional customer service.

MOST TRUSTED ADVISOR – A CPA who is customer-focused and gives sound advice to his or her clients, helping them make a positive impact in their business.

MOST GENEROUS – A CPA who provides an exemplary level of service and attention to the nonprofit and government sectors and gives back to the community through volunteer work and sharing his or her expertise.

INDEPENDENT CPA – A CPA, not associated with a CPA firm, performing accounting responsibilities full time in business, corporate or professional organizations.

TOP ACCOUNTANT UNDER 40 – A promising young CPA who shows a high level of technical expertise and customer service as well as an ability to develop new business.

For more information or sponsorship inquiries, contact Rebecca Freeman at 914-358-0757 or rfreeman@westfairinc.com




This awards program is co-sponsored by the Westchester and Fairfield County Business Journals, divisions of Westfair Communications Inc.


AUGUST 14, 2017


LEGAL NOTICES B & B 119, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 6/27/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Eugene Buonanno, 10 Castle Heights Ave., Tarrytown, NY 10591. General Purpose. #61230 Notice of Formation of L.E.C. Consulting Services, LLC. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/9/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 260 Lake Shore Drive, Pleasantville, NY, 10570. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61232 NOTICE OF FORMATION of Systems by Noctech, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York on 6/15/2017. Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent for service of process on LLC. SSNY shall mail process to: Systems by Noctech, LLC, PO BOX 651 Yonkers, NY 10703. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. #61233 20 Warburton LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 6/22/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 342 North Main St., Port Chester, NY 10573. General Purpose. #61234 390 Grasslands Road LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 6/14/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 104 North Hampton Dr., White Plains, NY 10603. General Purpose. #61235 Glamsendivas LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 6/30/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 606 Mamaroneck Ave., Mamaroneck, NY 10543. General Purpose. #61236 Notice of Formation of Harold Ehrlich, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY, Sect. 203, on 6/29/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 30 Anne Chambers Lane, Katonah, NY 10536. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61239 20 East Clinton, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 6/26/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 20 E. Clinton Ave., Irvington, NY 10533. General Purpose. #61240 Notice of Formation of Cooper 26, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/17/2017. NY Office location: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to The LLC, 875 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 400, Mamaroneck, New York 10543. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. #61241

Notice of Formation of Murphy Plumbing and Heating LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/6/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 6 Franklin Dr. Bedford Hills, NY 10507. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61243 L&R HOME REMODELING AND IMPROVEMENT, LLC, Art. of Org. filed with NY Secy. of State on 07/05/2017 Office located in Westchester Co. Secy. of State designated as agent upon which process may be served. Secy. of State shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him/ her to: 1004 Colony Dr, Hartsdale, NY, 10530 (the LLCís primary business location). LLC may engage in any lawful act or activity for which a limited liability company may be formed. #61245 PMacs Hospitality LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 4/24/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 3 Interlaken Dr., Eastchester, NY 10709. General Purpose. #61246 Montrose Land, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 5/4/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 93 Montrose Station Rd., Montrose, NY 10548. General Purpose. #61247 Notice of Formation of Crow Media, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/23/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 160 Route 9a. Ossining, NY 10562. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61248 CHRISTINE ZENG INTERIORS LLC filed with the SSNY on 6/5/17. Off loc: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to the LLC at: 107 Brambach Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583 (primary business location) Purpose: any lawful #61249 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF PETBNB, LLC Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 06/30/2017. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: 455 Tarrytown Rd #1012, White Plains, NY 10607, principal business location of the LLC. Purpose: any lawful business activity. #61250 Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: 1510 Broadway LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on July 10, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 1510 Broadway LLC, c/o The MacQuesten Companies, 438 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100, Pelham, New York 10803. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61251

Notice of formation of Advance Elite Solution LLC. Articles of organization Filed with State of New York Department of State on 1/9/2014. Office Westchester Co. The Limited Liability Company designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 237 Main St, Apartment 2, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Purpose: General. #61242

Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: 1510 Broadway Managers LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on July 10, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 1510 Broadway Managers LLC, c/o The MacQuesten Companies, 438 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100, Pelham, New York 10803. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61252



AUGUST 14, 2017

Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (ìLLCî). Name: MacQuesten Broadway Partners LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on July 10, 2017. N.Y. office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to MacQuesten Broadway Partners LLC, c/o The MacQuesten Companies, 438 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100, Pelham, New York 10803. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #61253

Lokah LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/14/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process 8 Robin Hood Rd., Pound Ridge, NY 10576. General Purpose. #61265

Notice of Formation of IMAGINARIO, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/11/2017. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 43 Fifth Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61254

Notice of Formation of KaneOrion LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/21/2017. Office Location: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom service of process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Brock Cvijanovich, P.O. Box 124, Chappaqua, NY 10514. Purpose: any lawful activities. #61267

Notice of Formation of ISPIRATO, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/11/2017. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 43 Fifth Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61255 Notice of Formation of 513519, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 2/14/2017. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 43 Fifth Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61256 Notice of formation Domestic Limited Liability Company(LLC) of communicate4IMPACT, LLC Articles of Org. filed with NY Department of State on 07/07/21017.The LLC is located in Westchester County. Business location: 10 Robin Hill Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 Purpose of business of LLC is any lawful purpose. #61258 Notice of Formation of 52 CLARK ROAD LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/28/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 186 Katonah Ave., Katonah, NY 10536. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61261 Notice of Formation of 359 EAST 204TH STREET LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/19/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: One New King St., Suite 201, West Harrison, NY 10604. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61262 Notice of Formation of BLAST Strategic Solutions, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/27/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Corporate Filings of New York, 90 State Street, Suite 700, Office 40, Albany, NY 12207. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61263 Notice of Formation of Cuisine Inspired LLC, Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/17/2017. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 803 Oakwood Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543. Purpose of LLC is any lawful business act or activity. #61264

Mouflon Holdings, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/7/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process Geist Schwarz & Jellinek, PLLC, 1 N. Lexington Ave., 11th Fl., White Plains, NY 10601. General Purpose. #61266

3225 East Tremont Holding, LLC. Filed 3/3/15 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street Suite 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61278 El Rosso Realty LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/13/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process 1075 Central Park Ave., Ste. 205, Scarsdale, NY 10583-3232. General Purpose. #61279 Notice of Formation of Petgadgets, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/12/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 11 Jefferson Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61280

Notice of Formation of Lyfe Computing, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/29/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the United States Corporation Agents, Inc, 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brookly NY, 11228. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61268

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Gordon Ave Properties LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/18/2017. Office location: WESTCHESTER County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is: P.O. Box 248 Briarcliff Manor NY 10510 The principal business address of the LLC is: 132 Gordon Ave Sleepy Hollow NY Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61281

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF NOSHINKU, LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/28/2017. Office loc: Westchester. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail process to the principal business address: 46 Usonia Rd., Pleasantville, NY 10570. Purpose: any lawful acts. #61271

Notice of Formation of Treat Integrative Wellness, L.L.C. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/7/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 204 Locust Avenue, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61282

Josh Provides Empowerment LLC Arts. of Org. filed w/ SSNY 7/17/17. Off. in West. Co. SSNY desig. as agt. of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 125 Lake St, Apt 10DN, White Plains, NY 10604. Purpose: any lawful activity. #61272

Bill Orrico Enterprises LLC. Filed 7/25/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street Suite 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61284

Busel LLC Arts. of Org. filed w/ SSNY 7/13/17. Off. in West. Co. SSNY desig. as agt. of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 39 Howard St, Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591. Purpose: any lawful activity. #61273 Lissy Carr Events LLC Arts. of Org. filed w/ SSNY 7/11/17. Off. in West. Co. SSNY desig. as agt. of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 151 Barton Rd, White Plains, NY 10605. Purpose: any lawful activity. #61274 Notice of Formation of QUALITY MUSIQ PRODUCTION L.L.C. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNYon 07/11/2017. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 738 SOUTH STREET P.O. BOX 2691 PEEKSKILL, NY 10566. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61275 13 Woodside Ave LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/19/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process 557 Sherman Ave., Thornwood, NY 10594. General Purpose. #61276 150 Lake Avenue Yonkers LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/28/17. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process 100 S. Van Brunt St., Ste. 3, Englewood, NJ 07631. General Purpose #61277

2800 Bruckner Associates LLC. Filed 7/18/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street Suite 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61285 2800 Bruckner Holding LLC. Filed 7/18/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street Suite 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61286 Docs Group LLC. Filed 7/18/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street Suite 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61287 CMF Associates LLC. Filed 7/18/17 Office: Westchester Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 12 Water Street Suite 204, White Plains, NY 10601 Purpose: all lawful #61288 Notice of Formation of Climbing Wolf LLC Article of Organization filed with SSNY on 7/17/2017. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC on whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Climbing Wolf Craft Beer Bar 5 Anderson St. New Rochelle, NY 10805. Purpose: Any lawful business purpose. #61289 Notice of Formation of GREENTREE MAIN LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/22/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: C/O Donna Z. Vaccari, 47 Wyndham Close, White Plains, NY 10605-2100. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61290

SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER Index No. 63520/2015 SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS WITH NOTICE BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff, against LUTICIA FLOYD, NATHANIEL KIRKSEY, JR. A/K/A NATHANIEL KIRKSEY, If they be living and if they be dead, the respective heirs-at-law, next-of-kin, distributes, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignees, lienors, creditors and successors in interest and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said defendant who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or inheritance, lien or otherwise any right, title or interest in or to the real property described in the complaint, NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE AND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,Defendants, To the above named defendants: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the amended complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the amended complaint is not served with this supplemental summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the plaintiff’s attorneys within 20 days after the service of this supplemental summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. The foregoing supplemental summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Honorable Joan B. Lefkowitz Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Westchester County, dated the 21st day of April, 2017 and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Westchester, State of New York. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT The object of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $289,950.00 and interest, recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Westchester County on January 26, 2009 in Control No. 490220316, which mortgage was assigned to Bank of America, N.A., Successor by Merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP FKA Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP by assignment of mortgage dated November 29, 2011, which was recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Westchester County on December 23, 2011 in Control No. 513493543, covering premises known as 5 SOUTH 14TH AVENUE, MOUNT VERNON, COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER, STATE OF NEW YORK (SECTION 164.84, BLOCK 3015, LOT 35). The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above. The Plaintiff also seeks a deficiency judgment against the Defendant, LUTICIA FLOYD, for any debt secured by said Mortgage which is not satisfied by the proceeds of the sale of said premises, unless discharged in bankruptcy. Premises lying and being in the City of Mt. Vernon. BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of South Fourteenth Avenue, 671.81 feet northerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of West Second Street and the easterly side of South Fourteenth Avenue; being a plot 105.20 feet by 28.03 feet by 105.20 feet by 28.03 feet. SECTION 164.84, BLOCK 3015, LOT 35 Dated: Rego Park, New York August 7, 2017 DAVID A. GALLO & ASSOCIATES LLP By: Attorneys for Plaintiff 95-25 Queens Boulevard, 11th Floor Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 459-9000 #61317

Notice of Formation of GREENTREE WEYMAN LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/22/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: C/O Donna Z. Vaccari, 47 Wyndham Close, White Plains, NY 10605-2100. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61291 Notice of Formation of The Oak & Avery Group, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 2/16/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the The Kasarda Law Group, LLC, 300 Martine Avenue Suite C2C. White Plains., NY 10601. Purpose: any lawful purpose #61292 Notice of Formation of Kinsio Realty LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/19/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 180 S Broadway Suite 101A. White Plains., NY 10605. Purpose: any lawful purpose #61293 Notice of Formation of Ascencio, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/5/17. Offc. Loc: 25 Winthrop Ave, Yonkers, NY 10710. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 9900 Spectrum Drive, Austin,TX 78717. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61294

Notice of Formation of 36 UPPER HOOK ROAD LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/20/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o Kenneth Nolan, CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann CPAs, 5 Bryant Park at 1065 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10018. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61295 Notice of Formation of 80 UPPER HOOK ROAD LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/20/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o Kenneth Nolan, CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann CPAs, 5 Bryant Park at 1065 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10018. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61296 Notice of Formation of 44-48 UPPER HOOK ROAD LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/20/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o Kenneth Nolan, CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann CPAs, 5 Bryant Park at 1065 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10018. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61297

LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Formation of 100-148 GIRDLE RIDGE ROAD LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/20/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o Kenneth Nolan, CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann CPAs, 5 Bryant Park at 1065 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10018. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61298

NOTICE OF ANNUAL REPORT - Notice is hereby given that the 2015 report for the year ending August 31, 2016, of the Akindale Rehabilitation & Land Conservation Fund is available for inspection at its principal office, 287 King Street, Chappaqua, New York 10514, during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it within 180 days after the date of this publication. The Foundationís principal manager is Bruce Oberfest, Trustee, 914-238-3800. #61305

Notice of Formation of 53-61 UPPER HOOK ROAD LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/20/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o Kenneth Nolan, CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann CPAs, 5 Bryant Park at 1065 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10018. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61299

Notice of Formation of Alpha Mama, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/7/17. Location: Westchester County, registered address 90 Orchard Ridge Rd Chappaqua, NY 10514. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Carter, Ledyard & Millburn LLP, 2 Wall Street NY, NY 10005. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61306

Notice of Formation of POUND RIDGE WEST LANE LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/20/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o Kenneth Nolan, CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann CPAs, 5 Bryant Park at 1065 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10018. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61300 Notice of Formation of 68 UPPER HOOK ROAD LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/20/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o Kenneth Nolan, CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann CPAs, 5 Bryant Park at 1065 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10018. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61301 Notice of Formation of 919 SECOND STREET LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/24/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 55 Smith Avenue, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61302 Notice of Formation of CSTAR International LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/31/17. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to CSTAR International LLC, 1 Shonnard Ter. Apt. 3F, Yonkers, NY 10701. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61303 NOTICE OF ANNUAL REPORT - Notice is hereby given that the 2015 report for the year ending June 30, 2016, of The Michel David-Weill Foundation is available for inspection at its principal office, c/o Bruce Oberfest & Associates, P.O. Box 318, Chappaqua, New York 10514, during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it within 180 days after the date of this publication. The Foundationís principal manager is Michel David-Weill, 914-238-3800. #61304

Westchester Lifeguard, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 07/31/2017. Office: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 25 Winfield Ave, Harrison, NY 10528. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. #61308 ALLBLA LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 8/2/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 8 Don Ln., White Plains, NY 10607. General Purpose. Latest date to dissolve: 12/31/2099. #61309 CEALM LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 8/2/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 8 Don Ln., White Plains, NY 10607. General Purpose. Latest date to dissolve: 12/31/2099. #61310 Momange LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 7/24/2017. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 10 Appleton Pl., Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. General Purpose. #61311 Notice of Formation of REEX Properties, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/3/2017. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Felix Hernandez, 542 Van Cortlandt Park ave 1F Yonkers, NY 10705. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61312 Notice is hereby given that an on-premise license, #TBA has been applied for by Tarrytown Hospitality Group LLC d/b/a Barley on the Hudson to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 236 Green Street Tarrytown NY 10591. #61313 Notice is hereby given that an on-premise license, #TBA has been applied for by Fortina River Town LLC d/b/a Fortina to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 1086 North Broadway Yonkers NY 10701. #61314 Notice of Formation of Muth Capital, LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/22/17. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 16 Iroquois Road Ossining, NY 10562. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #61315

Notice of Formation of Professional General Cleaning LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/09/2017. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 47 Ann Street Apt.1 Ossining, NY 10562 Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #61316 The Cozy Cup, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY 03/28/17. Office Location: Westchester Cty. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: US Corp Agents, 7014 13th Ave. #202 Brooklyn NY 11228 Purpose: all lawful. #61318 Aqua Terrace LLC. Art. of org. Filed with the SSNY on 06/07/17. Office: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 44 Fleetwood Ave. #5F, Mount Vernon, NY 10552: Any Lawful purpose #61319 Notice is hereby given that an on-premise license, #1303520 has been applied for by Hida Inc to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 6 Saw Mill River Rd Hawthorne NY 10532. #61320 Anjolie Organics, L.L.C. Arts. of Org. filed NY Sec. of State 7/6/17. Princ. off. loc.: Westchester Cty. Sec. of State designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. Sec. of State shall mail a copy of process to the LLC: 47 Todd Road, Katonah, NY 10536. Purpose: any lawful business activity. #61321 Notice is hereby given that an on-premise license, #TBA has been applied for by Warboro6 LLC d/b/a Boro6 Wine Bar to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 549 Warburton Avenue Hastings-on-Hudson NY 10706. #61322 Notice of Formation of Hubbell Consulting Services, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with the SSNY on 6/1/17. Office Loc: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him/her to: c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Ave., Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful activity. #61323 Notice of formation of Deep Ocean Asset Management LLC Articles of organization filed with the Secretary of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on February 28, 2017. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 23 Hollow Ridge Rd, Mt Kisco, NY 10549.Purpose: Any lawful activity. #61324 The annual return of the Mack Goldner Memorial Foundation for the fiscal year March 31, 2017 is available at its principal office located at 8 Ramapo Trail, Harrison, NY 10528 for inspection during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it within 180 days hereof. Principal Manager of the Foundation is Philip A.Marraccini, Esq. #61325 Notice of Formation of AlgoExpert, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/10/17. Off.: Westchester County. SSNY, designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served, shall mail process to 2 Washington Sq., Ste.: 2D, Larchmont, NY 10538. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. # 61269

Index No.: 59257/2012. Date Filed: 7/26/17. SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS WITH NOTICE Plaintiff designates Westchester County as the Place of Trial. Designation of Venue is based upon the situs of the Subject Property. Subject Property: 65 Clinton Ave, New Rochelle, New York 10801. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR HSI ASSET SECURITIZATION CORPORATION TRUST 2006-OPT1, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-OPT1, Plaintiff, -againstJOSE L. AYALA, if living, and if dead, the respective heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignors, lienors, creditors and successors in interest and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said defendant who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise of any right, title or interest in and to the premises described in the complaint herein, and their respective husbands, wives or widows, if any, and each and every person not specifically named who may be entitled to or claim to have any right, title or interest in the property described in the verified complaint; all of whom and whose names and places of residence unknown, and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained by the Plaintiff, ET AL, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the attorneys for the Plaintiff within twenty (20) days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within thirty (30( days after service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York) in the event the United States of America is made a party defendant, the time to answer for the said United States of America shall not expire until sixty (60) days after service of the Summons; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE MORTGAGE COMPANY WHO FILED THIS FORECLOSURE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT, A DEFAULT JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AND YOU CAN LOSE YOUR HOME. SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY OR GO TO THE COURT WHERE YOUR CASE IS PENDING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON HOW TO ANSWER THE SUMMONS AND PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. SENDING A PAYMENT TO YOUR MORTGAGE COMPANY WILL NOT STOP THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $460,000.00 and interest, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Westchester on December 28, 2005, in Control No. 453490182, covering premises known as 65 Clinton Ave, New Rochelle, New York 10801 ñ SBL #: 5 ñ 1417 ñ 21. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. The Plaintiff also seeks a deficiency judgment against the Defendant and for any debt secured by said Mortgage which is not satisfied by the proceeds of the sale of said premises. TO the Defendant JOSE L. AYALA, the foregoing Supplemental Summons with Notice is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Joan B. Lefkowitz, of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Westchester, dated July 12, 2017. Dated: July 20, 2017 New Rochelle, New York MCCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. /s/_________________ Sonia J. Baez, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff 145 Huguenot Street, Suite 210 New Rochelle, New York 10801 914-636-8900 File # 560-1448 HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE NEW YORK STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT WE SEND YOU THIS NOTICE ABOUT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND TO THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT IN THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT CAREFULLY. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL AID OFFICE TO OBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE. The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid office, there are government agencies and non-profit organizations that you may contact for information about possible options, including trying to work with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 1-877-BANK-NYS (1-877-226-5697) or visit the departmentís website at WWW.BANKING.STATE.NY.US. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO LEAVE YOUR HOME AT THIS TIME. You have the right to stay in your home during the foreclosure process. You are not required to leave your home unless and until your property is sold at auction pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale. Regardless of whether you choose to remain in your home, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR PROPERTY and pay your taxes in accordance with state and local law. FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to "save" your home. There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner's distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. #61283


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