Upper Clutha Messenger 26 March 2025

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Is it okay that 30% of families won’t be warm enough this winter? Join Community Link's Cold Kids Fundraising Campaign

At Community Link, we believe staying warm during the winter months is vital for the health and well-being of our community. This winter, we're launching the Cold Kids Fundraising Campaign to purchase firewood and provide heating support to local families who are struggling. Can you be part of the solution? For many, the choice between staying warm or putting food on the table is an impossible one.

In Wanaka, where living costs are high and wages are often lower than the national average, many families don’t have a financial cushion. Nearly one in three families have no buffer to handle unexpected events like losing an income, or facing emergency medical

The Cold Kids Campaign directly addresses this issue by providing essential firewood and heating assistance. In 2024, we saw a 30% increase in demand for our services, and with rising costs, we expect the required funding to reach $60,000 this year.

How can you help? You can donate directly using the QR code above, pass forward your Winter Energy Payment, offer spare firewood, or partner with us on a business campaign. Every contribution helps ensure that local families stay warm, secure, and supported throughout winter. Together, we can ensure no child in our community has to face winter in the cold.

Can you help? Contact Community Link 03 443 7799 or Murray Walker muzpwalker@gmail.com

your .55-gauge flashing and get in the draw to win a $250 voucher from Hunting & Fishing New Zealand. Promo code: FLASHWIN Promotion valid only in April. Enquires: orders@roofinghub.co.nz

costs, according to QLDC’s Quality of Life survey. As the weather cools and the inversion layer arrives, these challenges become even harder to manage.
Submitted by: Kate Murray

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Helping New Zealanders

Whether it’s a new car for the family, a boat for the lake or equipment for the business, MTF Finance Central Otago can help.

Call Julia or Sarah today

Julia Bentley 027 722 0027 julia.bentley@mtf.co.nz


Sarah Neumann 027 433 5511 sarah.neumann@mtf.co.nz

Responsible lending criteria and checks, terms and conditions apply. See mtf.co.nz/terms

Flu vaccinations are available from 1 April, 2025 for our registered patients.

Preferably please book your vaccine through Manage My Health, using the provider ‘Flu Clinics.’

HOST this Winter!

We are looking for local home owners to host dedicated people training on the mountains in Wānaka or Albert Town Our club members are generally in their late 20s, 30s and 40s, passionate about their sport, and need a warm, welcoming place to stay

A great chance to connect with the international snow sports community and make some money with your spare room

Short and long-term hosting opportunities available, from 2 - 10 weeks

Some have their own transport, while others will rely on a pre-arranged bus service

We have agreements ready to ensure communication and expectations are in check

If you have a spare room and are keen to help out, scan the QR code & find out more We look forward to hearing from you! www.CAMP3snowboarding.com




Men’s 9 Hole Golf. Wanaka Golf Course. Cards in by 9.00am. All welcome.

Dementia Co ee Group. For people with dementia and families. 10.00am. Info robyn@alzheimersotago.org.nz 027 4414 001. Aspiring U3A. Stimulating lectures, 1.45pm, New Life Church, Reece Crescent. Visitors welcome. Wanaka Men’s Social Tennis, Upton St courts from 2.30 - 5.30pm. Visitors are welcome. $10 fee. Magic the Gathering Wanaka Planeswalkers. Every Thursday at Wanaka Districts Club. 5.30 - 9.00pm. Free. Petanque Wanaka. 10.00am - 12.00pm, Grace Wright Drive. New members welcome. Enquiries Mary 021 0690 374. Wanaka Toastmasters. Meet 7.15pm all welcome, St John Room, 4 Link Way. Contact Chris 022 4675 901. Croquet Club 211 Warren St. Golf and Association. Discs in 1.15 for 1.30pm start. New members/visitors welcome. Wanaka Community Workshop on Gordon Road, 9.00am - 12.00pm. Volunteer with MenShed and Fabricate.

Playgroup for children 0-6 years and caregivers. $3 per family, 9.30am - 12.30pm. Wanaka Squash Club. playgroupwanaka@hotmail.co.nz

Queers & Beers Rainbow Monthly Social. 6.00 - 9.00pm, Wanaka Brew Bar, all welcome!

Embroidery Group stitching day. 10.00am - 2.00pm. Wanaka Arts Centre, 13 Brownston St. All stitchers welcome. Immigration clinic - Free visa advice 12.00 - 1.00pm. Book online: communitylink.nz or Ph 03 443 7799. Justice of the peace Book online at: communitylink.nz or call 03 443 7799.

Financial Literacy Workshop Series. Getting Savvy with Savings. Wanaka Library 5.30 - 6.30pm. Free.

Wanaka Artisan Market. 3.00 - 6.00pm. Bullock Creek, Ardmore St. Local, handmade produce and craft. WanaKnit. Join our friendly knitting group at Edgewater Resort, 5.00 - 7.00pm. All welcome.

Art for Fun! Lake Hawea Community Centre, 10.00am12.00pm. $5, all welcome. Enquiries 027 4424 662.


Alcoholics Anonymous. 7.30pm. Plunket Rooms, 51 Ardmore St. We help problem drinkers.

Wanaka Social Tennis Upton St courts 9.00am - 12.00pm. Visitors are welcome, $10 fee. Bridge Club, Presbyterian Church, 91 Tenby Street. www.otagosouthlandbridge.org.nz/wanaka Start 1.00pm, seated at 12.50pm. Social. Mahjong Group, 1.30pm, Wanaka Croquet Club, 211 Warren St. New members welcome.

Wanaka Branch RSNZ talk 6.00pm Presbyterian Community Centre 94 Tenby St. All welcome. Wanaka Bowling Club. Progressive Bowls; names in for a 1.00pm start. Visiting bowlers welcome.

Genealogical Group. Recreation Centre 1.30pm. Present a short talk on a family members war.

Wanaka Library Book Club 10.00 - 11.00am at Wanaka Library. Free. All are welcome.


Wanaka parkrun, 7.50am brie ng. Wanaka Station Park. All ages/ tness welcome to walk, jog, run, volunteer. Free registration www.parkrun.co.nz

Grow Wanaka Garden Working Bee 9.30am - 12.00pm. All welcome. See FB event or contact info@growwanaka.com

Wanaka Social Tennis , Upton St courts 1.00 - 4.00pm. Visitors are welcome, $10 fee.

Davey’s Backyard Ski e Show & instrument making 10.30am Dinosaur Park, free event.

Festival of Colour x WAI Wanaka Dawn Plunge. 7.00am, Wanaka Watersports Facility. Please register: www.facebook.com/events/2038083163337109/


Petanque Wanaka. 10.00am - 12.00pm, Grace Wright Drive. New members welcome. Enquiries Mary 021 0690 374.

Wanaka Craft Market. Pembroke Park, from 10.00am. Handmade Art, Craft direct from the artists.

Wanaka Baptist Church. 5.30pm, Community Hub, 34 McDougall St. Join us for worship and fellowship! St Columba’s Anglican Church . Service at 9.30am. Corner Upton and McDougall Sts, Wanaka. All welcome. Wanaka New Life Church, 10.00am Sunday Service, 50 Reece Cres. Contemporary worship. All welcome! Lighthouse Church, 6.00 - 7.00pm every Sunday, live music, relevant chats, relaxed atmosphere, 28 Reece Cres, Wanaka. Holy Family Catholic Church, 154 Aubrey Road, Wanaka Mass Times 9.00am rst and third Sunday.

Wanaka Presbyterian Church, Sunday service at 10.00am. 94 Tenby Street. All welcome!

St Ninian’s Presbyterian Church, Sunday service at 10.00am. St Ninians Way, Hawea Flat. All welcome!


Alcoholics Anonymous. 7.30pm. Plunket Rooms, 51 Ardmore St. We help problem drinkers.

Wanaka Social Tennis Upton St courts 9.00am - 12.00pm. Visitors are welcome, $10 fee.

Playgroup for children 0-6 years and caregivers. $3 per family, 9.30am - 12.30pm. Wanaka Squash Club. playgroupwanaka@hotmail.co.nz

Bridge Club, Presbyterian Church, 91 Tenby Street. www.otagosouthlandbridge.org.nz/wanaka 7.00pm, seated 6.50pm. Silver Champ Pairs 3. Digital Help Drop-in at Wanaka Library 3.30 - 5.00pm. Bring your questions and your device.

Wanaka Painters’ Group at Wanaka Arts Centre, 9.30am12.00pm. $5, all welcome. Enquiries 027 4424 662. Kirimoko Trails Community Drop-In, 5.00pm for Intro to Plant Care & Trapping. All welcome.



Petanque Wanaka. 10.00am - 12.00pm, Grace Wright Drive. New members welcome. Enquiries Mary 021 0690 374. Lake Hawea Knitting , 12.00 - 2.45pm at the Lake Hawea Library. Enquiries to 021 0378 347.

Walking Group. 10.00am, Leisurely walk followed by co ee. Join New Life ladies. Di erent venue weekly. Ph Heather 021 996 133. Wanaka Community Workshop on Gordon Road, 9.00am - 12.00pm. Volunteer with MenShed and Fabricate. Bridge Club, Presbyterian Church, 91 Tenby Street. www.otagosouthlandbridge.org.nz/wanaka Start 11.15am, seated 11.00am. Social. Bring lunch. Wriggle and Rhyme. Wanaka Library. 10.30 - 11.00am 0 - 2 years. All welcome. Free.

Lego Club. Wanaka Library. 3.30 - 4.30pm. 5 - 11 years. All welcome, free.

Justice of the peace Book online at: communitylink.nz or call 03 443 7799.

Rotary Club of Wanaka. 6.00pm, The Albie Tavern. New members welcome. Pat He ernan 021 569 890. Steady as you go Body Balance Class. 1.00pm and 2.00pm. St John Room, Link Way. All welcome. Entry $3. 027 2851 095. Mainly Music 9.30am, Wanaka Presbyterian Church. 94 Tenby St. $4/family.

Parkinson’s Exercise Class 11.00am - 12.15pm, Wanaka Rec Centre. Contact Ashley 022 0311 415. Volunteer for habitat restoration at Te Kakano’s community native plant nursery. 1.00 - 4.00pm. All welcome! info@tekakano.org.nz

Al-Anon Family Meeting 7.00pm at Holy Family Catholic Church. All welcome.


Croquet Club 211 Warren St. Golf Croquet. Discs in 9.15 for 9.30am start. New members/visitors welcome. Bridge Club, Presbyterian Church, 91 Tenby Street. www.otagosouthlandbridge.org.nz/wanaka 7.00pm, seated 6.50pm. Bronze Champ Pairs 3. Pre-school Storytime. Wanaka Library 3 - 5 years. 10.00 - 11.00am. All welcome, free.

Line Dancing. Hawea Community Centre, 1.30 - 2.30pm. $5 entry. Adults only. All welcome.

Alcoholics Anonymous. 7.30pm. St Ninian’s Church Hall. Hawea Flat. All welcome.

Digital Help Drop-in at Hawea Library 11.00am - 12.00pm. Bring your questions and your device.

Mainly Music 9.30am, St Ninian’s Church, Hawea Flat. $4/family. All welcome.

Stitch Sisters - a fun and inspiring community knitting group. Edgewater 9.30am. Love for you to join us. Volunteer for habitat restoration at Te Kakano’s community native plant nursery. 1.00 - 4.00pm. All welcome! info@tekakano.org.nz

MAC second-hand uniform shop open 3.20 - 3.50pm. Contact Jo 0290 2028 972. Clothing donations welcome. Queer Quarterly Reads discuss NZ non- ction, Wanaka Library at 5.30pm. Free, book by emailing wanaka.library@qldc.govt.nz

Wanaka Vegetable Growers’ Club autumn garden visit. New members welcome. Enquiries to wanakavgc@gmail.com


Wanaka Hospice Shop

Monday - Friday 10.00am - 5.00pm. Saturday 10.00am - 5.00pm. 11a Brownston Street. 03 443 4142.

The Salvation Army Family Store

Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm. Saturday 9.30am - 4.00pm. Unit 3 and 4, 10 Umbers Street.


Daily 9.00am - 5.00pm. Cnr Ballantyne and Riverbank Rd.


A Community Wildlife Conservation Talk

A community conservation talk is being held on Wednesday, 2 April at the Wānaka Community Hub, starting at 7.00pm

Denis Stojanovich is a skilled conservationist who has been working this season in Makarora on predator control. In this talk he will share his experience and knowledge from working on an ambitious native wildlife project on Orkney Island, Scotland. He will inform and inspire you about their mission to rid the island of stoats – and to do so without toxins.

This talk is presented by Forest & Bird (Central Otago Lakes Branch), Mātakitaki Conservation Group, Predator Free Wānaka and Southern Lakes Sanctuary.

Anyone are welcome! For more information email kiaora@southernlakessanctuary.org.nz

WHAT: Conservation talk about Orkney Island wildlife

WHEN: 7.00pm, Wed 2 April, Wānaka Community Hub

INFO: kiaora@southernlakessanctuary.org.nz

Gold Processes - From Mountain to Ingots

The Wanaka Branch of the Royal Society brings leading thinkers, highly regarded in their eld of knowledge and expertise, to talk about their work. Each year ten eminent national speakers are included in the programme.

Emeritus Professor Dave Craw will explain the geologically active processes that concentrate gold in rocks. Deep and shallow hot water systems dissolve trace amounts of gold from some rocks and concentrate it in others. This happened across Otago between 100 and 150 million years ago, with gold mined now at Macraes in east Otago and possibly at Bendigo near Wanaka. Dave was recently awarded the University of Otago’s highest research honour.

If you’d like to support the work of the Wanaka Branch and become a member, please visit www.royalsocietywanaka.org

WHAT: Otago Gold talk

WHERE: Presbyterian Community Centre, 94 Tenby Street.

WHEN: 6.00pm on Friday, 28 March

INFO: www.royalsocietywanaka.org

Southern Steel Brings Netball Action to Wanaka

WHAT: Southern Steel skills development

WHERE: Wanaka Recreation Centre

WHEN: Starting at 10.00am, Saturday, 5 April

INFO: Enter the links into your browser for booking or email netballupperclutha@gmail.com for more info

Netball enthusiasts in Wanaka are in for a rare opportunity as the Southern Steel players and management team arrive for an exclusive skills development day at the Wanaka Recreation Centre.

Taking place on Saturday, 5 April, the event will o er tailored workshops for players, coaches, and umpires. Players will sharpen their skills under the guidance of Southern Steel’s professional athletes, while coaches and umpires will receive expert training from Netball South’s recognised o cials. A variety of workshops will be held throughout the day, targeting all areas of the game.

Open to all ages, genders, and skill levels, the event costs $20 for players, while coaches and umpires can attend for free. Lunch is provided, and with limited spots available, early registration is essential.

Registrations are now open:

• Players $20: www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/344750

• Umpires and Coaches: www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/344680

For event details, visit the Steel Roadie – Wanaka Facebook event. Any questions? Contact netballupperclutha@gmail.com

Don’t miss this chance to train with the best and take your netball game to the next level!

Submitted by Colin Townsend
Submitted by Hannah Bendle

OASIS CARAVAN HIRE offer, affordable, fully equipped, caravan hire from $228.50 per week. Move-in ready, flexible terms, free siting, powered site available. For medium to long-term stays. Call 022 6721 365.

4 BEDROOM HAWEA rental required for local family. Great references, budget $800. Prefer private & pet friendly. Call Haley 021 1175 669.

ESCAPE WINTER and Earn Income - Chasing summer? If you have a property available for rent this winter (June - October), we’d be happy to manage it for you. Sit back and relax while we take care of everything, including monthly inspections. Contact Kim 021 300 926, www.lakeview-properties.com

LOCAL PROFESSIONAL COUPLE seeking 1-2 bed rental or similar from July. Excellent work and rental references in Wanaka 021 2010 663.

FAMILY SEEKING LONG-TERM rental: 2/3 bed. Reliable tenants, excellent references from local landlords and employers. Contact Emma 022 3508 019.

WANAKA LAKESIDE CABIN for rent. 10 minutes from town. 1.5 bedrooms. Very peaceful in a large garden. $1200pw. Available 13 April to 12 September. Phone Ted 027 4760 596.

WANAKA PREMIUM SELF-CONTAINED unit available to rent $1200p/w. Peaceful setting with stunning lake and mountain views. 2 bed, 2 bath, garage. Phone 021 1465 611.

46 Marbleleaf Lane, Albert Town 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, s/garage. Available 29/03/25.

64b Bills Way, Wanaka 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, s/garage. Available now.

19 Matipo Street, Wanaka 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms. Furnished Available 01/03/25 to 15/11/25

SEEKING WINTER RENTAL. We’re looking for a 3 / 4 bedroom property between June - October 2025. Please contact 020 4717 322 with details.

STUDIO APARTMENT AVAILABLE April 25th to July 25th Modern. Kirimoko. Fully furnished. $550 per week: Wifi, power included. Contact 027 2779 015.

PINES RESORT EASTER accommodation. From Easter Friday for 7 nights. Best offer 027 4791 712.

WINTER RENTALS - Our winter rentals are filling up fast, and we’re looking for more properties to accommodate our trusted tenants. If you have a home available for rent from June to October, we’d love to hear from you. Monthly inspections completed. For more details, contact Kim at Lakeview Properties: 021 300 926 or visit www.lakeview-properties.com

HOUSE SWAP IN Airlie Beach? 3 bed 2 bath with pool and ocean views 10/1/26 - 23/1/26 more info carlosregan@gmail.com

LOCAL FULLY EMPLOYED couple wanting to rent 1-2 bed, first baby due in June. Please Call me on 022 4669 266.

We’re hiring for our Wanaka Office...


At Maher Escorted Tours, we provide fully escorted international tours, focusing on the retired or nearly retired traveller. Creating each tour itinerary ourselves, we ensure they are fully inclusive and offer a quality experience for all of our clients. We require an administrative superstar to join our small team, to help with the day-to-day office operations and to provide assistance as and when required, to our consulting staff.

Fixed term (12months), Part time position (20hrs).

Ideally 5 days per week, 9.00am until 1.00pm, Monday to Friday. However, hours of work can be negotiated for the right candidate.

Key Responsibilities Include:

• Office admin – stationary ordering, managing stock levels of office supplies, travel documentation, mail collection and delivery of travel documents to post office

• International visa applications on behalf of our clients

• Answering phone calls and replying to email enquiries and brochure downloads

• Providing assistance to our consulting team –such as newsletter creation, finalisation of tour documents and travel wallet packaging

Skills Required:

• A love for all things travel!

• Exceptional communication and customer service skills

• Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel

• Expert, professional level of verbal and written English skills

• Extremely high levels of attention to detail and accuracy

• Strong organisational skills, with the ability to prioritise

• A great sense of humour

Training will be provided, past experience in the travel industry would be beneficial. Note, this is an entry level position and for the right candidate, there may be the potential to move into a full-time consulting role further down the track.

Only accepting New Zealand citizens or residents with valid work permits. Please email your CV to - emily@mahertours.co.nz

21 Brownston Street Wānaka www.mahertours.co.nz


PILATES INSTRUCTOR WANTED - Central Lakes Physio and Pilates are seeking a mat-trained Pilates instructor (studio equipment experience a huge plus!) to cover some classes in June and July, with the possibility of extending after these dates. Ideally must be available to teach classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Great team, clients and competitive pay. Contact Rachael with your C.V: rburke@physiowanaka.co.nz We can’t wait to hear from you. DAIRY FARM LOOKING for relief milkers to cover annual leave of existing staff. Couple of hours in the morning or afternoon. We are located in Hawea Flat. Message: 027 5137 583.

CAR GROOMER, SOUTHERN Lakes Panelbeating is looking for a car groomer. No experience is necessary as full training will be given. Contact Simon 027 6354 779 simon@southernlakespanel.co.nz

Mount Aspiring College seeks an energetic, enthusiastic person for this permanent, part-time (20 hours a week), term time only position. The successful applicant will work alongside the sports department team to promote extracurricular physical and sporting activities to all students.

Applicants need to enjoy sport and recreation, communicate well with adults and children and have excellent organisational skills.

Applications close at 4.00pm, Thursday 3 April

An application form and job description is available on: https://mtaspiring.school.nz/jobs-at-mac/ Please submit applications with a covering letter and CV to: jobs@mtaspiring.school.nz

Kellie Webster

Experienced Head Gardener Wanted for

Northbrook, Wānaka


Nestled within the breathtaking surrounds of Northlake, Northbrook Wānaka is set to open in May 2025. Proudly created by the same visionary team behind the iconic Ayrburn in Arrowtown, Northbrook Wānaka promises an unparalleled environment, blending sophisticated design with the natural beauty of the area.

We are currently seeking an experienced full-time landscape gardener to join our team, responsible for maintaining and enhancing the stunning newly planted grounds.

Key Responsibilities: As a key member of the team, you will be entrusted with the following:

• Garden installation and maintenance: Oversee and care for beautifully manicured gardens, ensuring they meet the highest standards.

• Landscaping excellence: Work on fine-tuning the grounds, ensuring that all elements, from lawn care to topiary, reflect the luxury and beauty of the Northbrook brand.

• Health & Safety: Adhere to strict health and safety standards while working autonomously and occasionally managing external contractors.

What We’re Looking For: The ideal candidate will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role, including:

• 10+ Years of Experience: Proven background in garden installation and maintenance, particularly within high-end, manicured environments.

• Expert Horticultural Knowledge: Deep understanding of horticultural practices suited to luxury gardens and familiarity with local climatic and soil conditions.

• Physical Fitness: Due to the nature of the work, a high level of physical fitness is essential.

• Leadership Skills: Ability to manage and instruct external contractors when required.

• Autonomous Work Ethic: A self-motivated, can-do attitude with the ability to work independently and maintain focus on detail.

• Technical Skills: Competence in maintaining automated irrigation systems, operating various garden machinery, and managing lawn care, weed control, and fertilisation.

• Passion for the Craft: A genuine passion for landscaping and a keen eye for detail, especially in topiary and design aesthetics.

Why Join Us?

This is a fantastic opportunity for an experienced and passionate individual who takes pride in delivering high-quality work. We offer a competitive salary and the chance to develop and maintain exceptional grounds that will be admired for years to come.

If you have the experience and passion to contribute to the beauty of Northbrook Wānaka, we’d love to hear from you! Please send your CV and cover letter, detailing your qualifications and experience, to: joanna.fuller@northbrook.co.nz

School Bus Drivers - Wanaka & Queenstown

Get on Board with Go Bus Transport and come join our great team!

If you are thinking of re-joining the workforce or looking for extra hours this role may well suit you.

Go Bus is part of the Kinetic Group, the biggest mass transit bus operator in Australia and New Zealand.

We are looking for permanent Part-Time School Bus Drivers, for a maximum 20 hours per week during school terms only and also Casual School Bus Drivers

What you need:

• Enjoy being with young people and have their safety and welfare at heart

• Class 2 License

• P endorsement (we can help you obtain this)

• A responsible and caring approach

Our recruitment process includes a Drug and Alcohol Test and Police Vetting check.

Don't let this role drive by! Apply today!

Contact Ian Roach on 020 4139 9640 or email your CV to Ian.Roach@gobus.co.nz


Are you a surveyor or experienced technician looking for a change?

Our growing Wanaka office has a focus on land surveying and engineering and with a variety of exciting land development projects ahead of us, we need your help.

If you want to progress your career and work on some interesting projects, then please get in touch.

Please contact Stuart for further information.

Email: stuart@measuredlandsurveys.co.nz Phone: 027 5131 770

BERRY REAL ESTATE Ltd is growing and are looking for more licensed salespeople. At Berry’s you can offer your vendors much more than you can at the Australian and franchised brands. Your clients will experience discreet, personal and professional service. With international reach, innovative and effective targeted digital marketing in a high quality, respectful, flexible and helpful environment with a market leading package. Please phone in confidence Graham Berry 021 320 920.

Painters Wanted

We are a busy well established painting company with a strong reputation for high quality.

Working with Wanaka’s leading builders we offer the opportunity to work on a variety of exciting residential and commercial projects.

Ideal candidate would have previous experience in new build housing and commercials projects.

Spray experience is not required although it would be a bonus if you are familiar with new build painting systems. Must have high attention to detail, take pride in their workmanship and be confident producing quality work consistently.

Excellent remuneration for the right candidate. Happy to negotiate a package that works around your Wanaka lifestyle.

Email a CV to rhys@evolvedecorators.co.nz or call 021 0234 9924 to discuss further.

Housekeepers wanted

Want to get paid to keep fit?

Lakeside Apartments are luxurious 5 star serviced apartments in the centre of Wanaka.

We are looking for awesome Housekeepers to join our friendly team for immediate start. Previous experience is not essential but you need to have a positive can-do attitude, an eye for detail, be fit and energetic and enjoy working in a team. We have vacancies for Permanent part-time staff working in a great team with great rates of pay.

Hours approximately 9.30am to around 2.00pm. Five shifts per week. You choose your days but must include at least one weekend day. Drop in and see Gary at 9 Lakeside Road, Wanaka.


CHRONIC FATIGUE, FIBROMYALGIA, M.E. Proven, effective, drug-free solutions using root cause analysis and lifestyle medicine www.artofhealth.co.nz

CARPET OVERLOCKING: Overlocking leftover carpet into mats to protect your new floor coverings. Text Annie 027 7333 159. TYRES! MOBILE TYRES Wanaka can come to your home or business to supply new tyres or repair your flat ones. Call Jason today for a free quote. Phone 021 973 722.

GARDENING SERVICES AVAILABLE from Simply Garden Care Ltd. We are a small professional team specialising in all areas of garden maintenance, groundskeeping and estate management. Call/text Rich 021 1235 056.

SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS and Maintenance including Overlockers. Trained sewing machine technician available in Wanaka. Specialising in most models of sewing machines and Overlockers. Call Ronnie 0204 1324 616.

Fingerprint Company Operating in Wanaka

Taking fingerprints for your overseas police certificates. Book online at: www.thefingerprintcompany.co.nz

021 929 623 brent@cedarmaintain.co.nz www.cedarmaintain.co.nz

TINT-A-WINDOW/SOLAR protective films. Fade, UV block, heat, glare control. Privacy and frosted films. Free quotes. Phone 0800 368 468 or view our website www.tintawindow.co.nz

NEED A DOG or cat groomer? We are the only dog groomer in the Upper Clutha offering cat grooming! The Soggy Dawg Pet Boutique & Spa. For dogs under 15kg, full pet grooming facilities, qualified and experienced veterinary nurse/groomer. All grooms include: Hydro bath, blow dry, nail clip and a free wellness check. Call/text/PM Sheryl 027 4430 053 located 13 Ryalls Way, Lake Hawea. See FB for all our ratings and reviews. ‘Groomed 2 purr-fection’.

NEED A GARDENER? I’m Flo from Green Garden Care, experienced and qualified. I’m here for your garden maintenance and seasonal clean up. Weeding, trimming, planting. Call or text 021 2693 719 or email flosgreengarden@gmail.com

GAGGENAU NOW IN store at Selectrix - Large kitchen display from the world’s best.

NEED A DOG walker? The Hound Hub is Wanaka’s longest running dog walking business, operating since 2014! Our walkers are local, reliable, and trained in canine behaviour and pet first aid. Midday walk availability to help break up your dog’s day while you’re out at work. For more info, rates and bookings visit thehoundhub.co.nz/dogwalking

LANDSCAPING. Get that outside project done. Hard Landscaping, retaining walls, driveways. Call Hamish at Living Landscapes Wanaka on 021 935 502.

AUDIO VISUAL FOR your new home - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Denon, Yamaha, Technics, Klipsch, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home.  Check it out at Selectrix.

HYDROSEED. Mountain Beech Landscaping can supply and install your perfect lawn. Call John on 021 868 245.

CLUTHA TRANSPORT 78 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka 03 443 7833

A/H: Tim Harker 027 8865 604


TRADITIONAL STAINED-GLASS and leadlights, designed and made to order. Add elegance and privacy to your home, these can also be double glazed. Restoration welcome. Ph 021 1075 367 or www.artglasswanaka.com

NEED A GIB-STOPPER! Aspiring Interiors provides gibstopping services for residential projects and renovations in Wanaka. High-quality finish, machine tools, clean and tidy workmanship, reliable and professional service. Call Kahu at 0210 2793 648. Email your plans to contact@aspiringinteriors.co.nz follow us @aspiringinteriorsltd

CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR visa? Need residency help and advice? Need a new work visa? Contact your local licensed immigration adviser 03 443 8386, info@easyvisa.co.nz Phone 0210 2441 380. CHIMNEY SWEEPING SERVICES, repairs and fireplace installations in Wanaka, Hawea, Luggate and surrounding areas. Message your name, email and home address to 027 8428 342 or info@centralotagofireinstall.co.nz to make a booking.

TIRED OF DRAWING on your eyebrows with makeup every day? Say goodbye to sparse brows with cosmetic tattooing! Visit Emma for Beauty on Monday & Tuesdays for refined ombre/ powder, and combination brows. Phone 027 5294 505 or book your consultation online today at www.emmaforbeauty.co.nz

MACKLIN PLUMBING & GAS - Delivering high-quality plumbing, gas fitting and drain laying services to Hawea, Wanaka and surrounding areas. Contact Conan on 027 6960 604 or conan@macklinplumbing.co.nz

PROFESSIONAL WINDOW CLEANING - The Gleam Team offer specialist window cleaning here in Wanaka. Our skilled team will take care of your property’s windows and make your glass shine! Visit www.gleamteam.co.nz or call Tony on 027 4575 152 for an immediate quote.

CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE RESTORATIONS for all your motorcycle servicing. Oils, chains, tyres, batteries. Top brands, top service. Pickup and delivery. Phone John Holgate 027 4322 917.

ALIGNING BODY, MIND and energy - Chiro Connect is finally open again. Looking forward to helping with nervous system and body function, primitive reflex integration, stress response/ resilience and gut health. www.chiroconnect.co.nz

THE HOUND HUB - your local Wanaka dog groomers conveniently located on Reece Crescent. Caring, experienced and patient, book in with Emily or Suzie via our website - www.thehoundhub.co.nz

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BUILDER & LANDSCAPER available for renos, extensions, decks, bathrooms, fences, paving and much more. Contact Glenn at G’s Building & Landscaping - infoteamgbl@gmail.com Ph 021 0387 513.

FIREWOOD FIREWOOD FIREWOOD Blue Gum, Macrocarpa, Pine or a Hot Mix. Ready for this winter. Call/ text Town & Country Wood Supplies Ltd 027 2314 787, email tc.woodsupplies@gmail.com or FB www.facebook.com/ tcwoodsuppliesltd and Instagram towncountrywood

LOCAL EXPERIENCED TILER available. Looking to enhance your new home, renovate your bathroom, or remodel your kitchen? Waterproofing, grouting and silicone? For free quote contact Michele on 022 5832 344 or contact@viptiling.co.nz

OFFICE/TREATMENT ROOMS available to lease in a newly renovated clinic. 1 to 2 rooms available. Kitchen, reception area, and a bathroom included. Access to all utilities, including internet. Location: The Mall, Cromwell. Please contact Nicole for further details: 021 2266 142.

SPECIALISED EXCAVATOR SERVICES - Specialist tree topping, specialising in tricky or difficult sites. Suitable for both residential and commercial properties. Contact Simon on 0210 8441 022 for enquiries.

For all your interior/exterior house painting requirements. We also do roofs and all cedar oiling maintenace - call Ben for a FREE quote on:

BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need white ware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices.

WINSTONE GLASS UPGRADE your home with retrofit double glazing from Winstone Glass Wanaka! We expertly install double glazing into your existing aluminium, timber, and steel frame windows-enhancing warmth, comfort, and energy efficiency. Contact Michelle at michelle@winstoneglass.co.nz or 027 6466 924 for a free measure and quote!

PEST CONTROL - For the longest lasting treatment for fly and spider control, contact Alpha Restoration Services with 25 years of local experience. Call ARS 03 443 1150.

WANAKA GARDENING LTD. is your local gardener. Small or bigger projects. One off or regular maintenance for your garden. At the moment we do have capacity to take on more gardens. Great local references. For more info: www.wanakagardening.co.nz or call Veronika 022 3895 266.

FOR GENERAL JOBS such as wood stacking, hedge cutting, leaves, and gutters please call Chris on 022 4675 901, or email wanakageneraljobs@gmail.com

APPLE IPADS, IMACS, Macbooks and all accessories available at Selectrix.

GRAPHIC DESIGN MAN. Do you have a design emergency? Branding, print, web, socials? Don’t worry, help is at handvisit www.graphicdesignman.com

NEED HELP with curly hair? I can help. Ph/txt Kirstin 027 2298 960 www.hairartnz.com

HERBAL MEDICINE CONSULTATIONS available in Wanaka: athome, in-clinic, or online. Leigh (she/her), a Wanaka local, is a qualified Medical Herbalist (BHSc WHM) and a member of the NZAMH. She provides holistic treatment of health concerns, supporting vitality and wellbeing through evidence-based herbal medicine, nutrition and lifestyle approaches. Book via leighdumpletonherbalism.nz, or info@leighdumpletonherbalism.nz, DM @leighdumpletonherbalism or contact on 022 1308 028. Bookings open to all.

CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - Contact your local operator Alpha Restoration Services with 25 years of experience in the Upper Clutha. Call ARS 03 443 1150.

touch to your new home!

Get another opinion and your pictures hung professionally.

www.lynchthehangman.co.nz Tony Lynch - 021 797 745 The

NEED HELP INSTALLING Starlink or setting up your TV & AV system? Fast, professional service - call or message Mike - 0210 2270 639. Email: miketechnz@gmail.com Visit: www.miketech.co.nz

ALTERATIONS, CREATIONS and repairs. Classic Stitch-Ups is the Official Repair Guru for Mons Royale and Burton. Call or text 021 913 624 for all your sewing enquires. www.classicstitchups.co.nz

CHIMNEY SWEEP - Full firebox & flue clean and maintenance. Professional, efficient service. Txt Lou - 027 6509 244: Name, address, mobile, email. www.southernlakesfireandchimneyservices.com

WEBER BBQS - Weber Q, Spirit, Genesis, Summit, SmokeFire & Charcoal models at Selectrix, Wanaka’s only Weber Specialist. All models and accessories in stock with the knowledge to see you right.

TOPSOIL FREE AUBREY Rd. 200 cubic metres, phone Andrew 027 2837 388.

HAVING TROUBLE with Freeview, TV, AV, or Sky in Wanaka? Get fast, reliable service from MikeTech Electrical! Call Mike at 0210 2270 639, Email: miketechnz@gmail.com Visit: www.miketech.co.nz

SPECIALISED EXCAVATOR SERVICES - Challenging sites, problem trees, rock walls, retainers, steep hills, cartage, general excavation, dams, river clearing and rock breaking. With the only spider excavator in the South Island, we have the tools and expertise for the most difficult of jobs. Contact Simon on 0210 8441 022 for enquiries.

REMEDY BOOKKEEPING - We provide reliable and bespoke bookkeeping services to empower small business owners, contact info@remedybookkeeping.co.nz or 0210 2597 217 for a no obligation chat.

WANAKA WOODKRAFT: Specialising in joinery, custom furniture, woodwork, plywood, interior fit-outs and renovation. Call qualified local carpenter and craftsmen on 0210 8675 705. Email wanakawoodkraft@gmail.com Check out our Insta @wanakawoodkraft or just Google Wanaka WoodKraft.

GIB STOPPING company available for all renovations and small jobs. No job too small. Ph 021 531 977.

DISCOVER FMS (FUNCTIONAL Movement Screen) with Magic Hands Massage. FMS is a targeted assessment of your body’s movement patterns. FMS reveals imbalances, limitations, and asymmetries, helping build core strength, flexibility, coordination, and stability. With an FMS assessment, you’ll receive a customized program of corrective exercises, designed for home or gym, to boost strength, balance, and injury prevention. Additionally, we offer specialised programs, including “Bulletproof Your Shoulders”, a 6-week Bronco Test program, and other targeted routines to support athletes at any level. Find us at Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Call 03 443 0743 or 027 4288 569. Visit our website at www.magichandswanaka.co.nz for more details.

BLUETOOTH SPEAKERS AND GUITARS: See us for deals on Bluetooth speakers and headphones from JBL, Marley, Technics, Panasonic and B&W. Great guitar and ukes as well. Selectrix Wanaka.

D A URQUHART BUILDING & Maintenance LTD. For all your renovations, driveways, fencing, decks etc. No job too small. Good hourly rate. Call Dave 027 5116 633.

RAPTOR LOGSPLITER FOR hire, hydralic lifting arm handles large rings with ease, extremely efficient and productive. Dry hire or can come with operator. Ph 022 2444 430.

HEDGES, PRUNING, LAWN care and all other garden maintenance available with Simply Garden Care Ltd. Call Rich 021 1235 056.

WIFI ISN’T WORKING? Then neither can you. Internet access at home has become almost as essential as water and electricity. Call Custom Digital 03 443 5138.

GARDENING SERVICES - One off or regular jobs, competitive rates. Plant cutbacks, garden bed tidy, weeding and lawn mowing. Text or call Tristan on 021 422 707. Cert in Horticulture.


Specialising in the long-term management of residential properties across Wanaka, Albert Town, Lake Hawea, Luggate and Cardrona.

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Wanaka Self Storage

200 fully alarmed, all steel storage units. Units available now. Secure, clean & accessible.

LANDSCAPE SOLUTIONS, from specimen trees to a full-on backyard blitz we can find the right fit for your job, big or small. Qualified in horticulture with over 10 years’ experience in multiple industries. Call today - Malcolm Chandler, 021 486 176.

PROFESSIONAL PERSONABLE HAIRCARE focusing on natural based products. All aspects of colour work, curly hair, texture waves, AGAVE Smoothing System, hair ups, weddings, hair extensions, dreadlocks. Hair Art Mobile. www.hairartnz.com Ph/ Txt Kirstin 027 2298 960.

DOG WALK ADVENTURES! Unleash the fun with Adventure Hounds! Our dog walks offer exciting journeys through scenic trails, tailored for all breeds and filled with training, play, and exploration. Pick-up and drop-off included. Contact Natalie on 021 0729 314 to join the Adventure Hounds pack!

LEAKING TILES? CRACKED grout? Moldy silicone? These nasty’s cause damage to your home! Call Vijay, 0210 8279 493 or email - Vijay.khasa@theprogroup.co.nz Amazing results from your local professional. Grout Pro, try our amazing Epoxy grout for pristine results. References available!

ORGANIC GARDENING and property maintenance. Call Hamish on 021 935 502. www.livinglandscapeswanaka.co.nz

EMMA FOR BEAUTY - All your beauty essentials in one place. Phone 027 5294 505 or book online www.emmaforbeauty.co.nz

STRUGGLING WITH IBS or fatigue? Your gut holds the key to better digestion, energy and overall health. Hazel, a Registered Clinical Nutritionist, is here to help. Book your free 15-minute Gut Connect, contact today at healingnaturally.co.nz/nutrition or call 021 807 498.

WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Miele, Frame TV - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out.

THE NAPERY/PACIFIC LINEN. Yarns and haberdashery, dry cleaning, laundry services, wedding dress cleaning, mending and alterations, event linen hire, general linen hire, curtain and rug cleaning, express steaming services, boutique and evening-wear hire, recycle boutique. Find us at 21G Gordon Road, Wanaka or phone 03 443 1733. Open Monday - Friday 10.00am-5.00pm and Saturday 10.00am-2.00pm.

BONE DRY WILLOW firewood split $90 per cubic meter. Delivery cost $25. Txt/Ph Jamie on 021 0762 960.

PHC HOME CARE - Do you want to remain living at home? We are here to help. From personal care to nurse and palliative care. We support ACC, care 24/7, including sleepovers.  Plan for you and Call 027 3434 776 or visit www.pennyshomecare.co.nz

VIETNAM ADVENTURE with Chelsea Winter - Contact Ash your local Wanaka travel agent for more information. Call 021 633 898 or ash@worldtravellersmobile.co.nz - Your best trip starts here!

SPRUCE LANDSCAPING: Here to help with all your gardening needs. Fencing, decking, paths, driveways and all other property requirements. Call Ant 021 2700 522. Email spruceproperty@outlook.com

NEED SOMETHING SEWN? Contact skilled local sewer Amy on 0210 2917 615. Specialising in, but not limited to canvas work, squabs, repairs and re-stitches.

REINZ RPM Accredited Member Director



Saturday 29th March


Supported by:

Festival Opening with Te Mākahi o Tititea

Experience the power and passion of kapa haka as local Te Kura o Tititea Mount Aspiring College students join us in opening our day of events. This performance showcases the beauty of te reo Māori and tikanga through waiata and haka, and will set the tone for a fantastic day of coming together to enjoy and celebrate.

Venue Dinosaur Park

When 10am

More Funny Business Starring Fraser Hooper The Clown

Guaranteed giggles galore from award winning funny-man Fraser Hooper. Get a ringside seat for some of his best routines including crowd favourites and new surprises from a career spanning thirty five years of laughter.

Venue Dinosaur Park

When 10.20am & 2pm

Davey’s Backyard Skiffle Band & Workshop

It's time to take a nostalgic journey back to the 1950's ‘Skiffle boom’ in England when the kids turned everyday household items into great music and went on to make rock history.

This interactive multimedia family show features lots of quirky old time instruments and a hideous amount of crashing, banging and chaos.

Venue Dinosaur Park

When Workshop 10.30—12.30 pm & Performance 1pm

Mount Aspiring College Bands

Get ready for a mix of live music from MAC students, spanning Years 7-13. From classical to rock, this is a snapshot of the energy and variety in our ensembles. Come check it out and see what MAC’s musicians have been up to!

Venue Dinosaur Park

When 11am—12.15pm

Returning to the festival is the ever-popular Community Day where the streets and parks of Wānaka’s CBD take centre stage for a series of free events, performances and interactive exhibitions. Interweaving throughout will also be the stunning immersive ticketed performances of Tōrua - Movement Of The Human.

This year’s line-up of events includes a spectacular array of performances for the whole community to enjoy with a dedicated performance stage at Dinosaur Park.

There will also be a wonderful selection of food stalls from local cultural groups including Mexican, Brazilian, Japanese, Filipino and Argentinian cuisine so be sure to bring cash for the stalls.

Bike in, walk in, boat in, and enjoy a day of performances from local and national artists celebrating the vibrancy the Festival brings to the community, all against the best imaginable backdrop!

MINT Charitable TrustSeasons of Change: A Journey Through Nature

Join us for a symbolic performance by the talented MINT Charitable Trust, where the performers take you on an artistic journey through the seasons. Rooted in the rhythms of nature, this showcase celebrates transformation and connection. Storytelling through movement and music, to experience the magic of seasonal change.

Venue Dinosaur Park

When 12.30 pm

Wasabi Choir

Wasabi is a Queenstown based Japanese Community Choir, including members young and old – all connected through music & singing.

Venue Dinosaur Park

When 2.30 pm

Capoeira Central Otago

Capoeira Aotearoa Otago is an energetic and diverse group of capoeiristas led by Professor Galo, from Argentina and Queenstown. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian art form that combines music, dance and movement. It is a living expression of cultural traditions, including music, language, and community spirit.

Venue Dinosaur Park

When 3pm


Qampi is a made up group of Filipinos who reside in Queenstown who together keep alive and promote the cultural knowledge, traditions and culture of the the Filipino community.

Venue Dinosaur Park

When 3.30pm

The People’s Oracle

The prophetic People's Oracle is coming to town!

The Oracle is a participatory installation sharing free life lessons from the community for the community. Meet the Oracle’s quirky 1950’s typist Assistance and share your insights. Once collected, the Oracle will be ready to answer your pressing life questions with wisdom from your community.

Venue Bullock Creek

When 10am—3pm

Silk & Circus

Silk and Circus are an aerial arts and circus school in Queenstown. Our vibrant youth performance group include young aerialists aged between 8 and 13 years. They are excited to present a colourful and creative aerial dance show to entertain and dazzle the crowds.

Venue Wānaka Lakefront

When 11am & 2pm


A country, a culture, a town, a person – all have foundations, all have history and are built on those that have gone before. Foundations looks at the ever-evolving growth of Wānaka in the context of both urban and personal development through expressive and dynamic movement.

Venue Dungarvon St Carpark, opposite Skatepark next to White House When 10am & 2pm

A Picture Tells a Thousand Words Influenced by the 1980's "read-along books” that dinged when it was time to turn the page students from Mount Aspiring College will treat intimate audiences to pictures that will spring to life as short original tales are told.

Venue Bullock Creek

When 11am—1.30pm


Celebrated choreographer and director Malia Johnston brings together seven incredible independent dance artists from across Aotearoa and Australia for the immersive experience Tōrua.

This is a roving performance piece, walking shoes required!

Where Wānaka CBD

(Meet at Lake Wānaka Centre ) When 10am & 1pm

Duration 60min

Tickets $35 Student $25 www.festivalofcolour.co.nz

This is a roving performance, please wear suitable footwear for walking.

Art in The Park with Wānaka Primary, MINT Trust & Te Kākano

Discover stunning artwork installations created by young artists from Wānaka Primary School, guided by kaiako teachers and community artist Chrissy Wickes. These unique creations will be displayed among the trees at Dinosaur Park and around the Crystal Palace.

In a celebration of creativity and community, Mint Charitable Trust & Te Kākano Aotearoa Trust are hosting an Interactive art stall by Bullock Creek. Stop by to take part in a changing art installation, where we’ll incorporate nature and carvings of native plants and wildlife to create a story that journeys through the seasons.


Help us keep the festival waste-free! Bring a reusable water bottle, pack a waste-free picnic, and dispose of rubbish responsibly. Look out for composting and recycling stations around the event.

Consider eco-friendly transport options - walk, bike or carpool to reduce your carbon footprint and keep Wānaka beautiful!


Qampi Fillipino Cultural Dance

Residential l Building l Development

Lending tailored to your needs

From first home buyers to refixing / restructuring to complex developments.

Over 15 years banking experience, specialising in self-employed income.


SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: www.wilsonservices.co.nz

PRECISION TREECARE local arborist services. Sam Wheadon Dip Arb L5, over 10 years’ experience. Fully insured. Call now for free quote and consultation. Phone 022 6199 033. www.precisiontreecare.co.nz

FEELING OVERWHELMED with the state of your home? Asking for help can be the hardest step. Be kind to yourself; talk with Nicki at Organise to Harmonise, 021 828 415. Together, we can achieve great things! Confidential and non-judgmental service.

ROCHFORD BUILDERS LTD - Licenced builders who specialize in new builds, renovations, sheds, decks and fences. No job is too big or too small. We build with pride and precision every time. Servicing Wanaka and all surrounding areas. Give Sean a call today on 027 4333 638.


Grow, Share and Connect

STORAGE FOR BOATS/vehicles/equipment. New, individual self store garage bays conveniently located in Wanaka. 3.2m wide x 3m high x 10m long. Reasonable rates. Call for more info 027 416 8338 or 0210 2220 863.

AUDI RS6 FOR sale, 2017, 79,500km. $69,995. Words cannot describe this car. Phone or text 021 761 641.

LAND ROVER SERIES III SWB, registered and WOF, long-term local owner, new tyres, faithfully serviced. Overall excellent condition. $28,500. 021 761 611.

Join us for our weekly working bee. Saturday Morning Bee & Tea 9:30am to 12pm, morning tea provided.

Grow Wānaka Community Garden, Compost Centre and Education Hub. We operate on a circular model by accepting and composting specific household food scraps. We grow organic produce as a collective in the garden. All produce harvested is gifted to volunteers and community


LANDSCAPE SOLUTIONS, from specimen trees to a full-on backyard blitz we can find the right fit for your job, big or small. Qualified in horticulture with over 10 years’ experience in multiple industries. Call today - Malcolm Chandler, 021 486 176.

WIFI ISN’T WORKING? Then neither can you. Internet access at home has become almost as essential as water and electricity. Call Custom Digital 03 443 5138.

BAGLEY’S NEW POTATOES just like December. Dug fresh daily at Selectrix.

VIETNAM ADVENTURE with Chelsea Winter - Contact Ash your Local Wanaka Travel Agent for more information. ash@worldtravellersmobile.co.nz or call 021 633 898. Your best trip starts here!

WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. THE ZUCCHINI BROTHERS are playing at the Wanaka Districts Club (WDC) Garden Bar. Saturday, 29 March 4.00 - 7.00pm. Follow us on Facebook ‘The Zucchini Brothers Band’ and Instagram #zucchinibrothersband. For bookings, phone or text Dave 021 341 193 or email davidjgillies1@gmail.com

PRIVATE GARMENT SEWING/design tutoring with Sue James, Central Oil designer. $50/hr, flexible times. Learn from an expert! For enquiries, contact 021 500 143.

DAIRY FARM LOOKING for relief milkers to cover annual leave of existing staff. Couple of hours in the morning or afternoon. We are located in Hawea Flat. Message: 027 5137 583.

NEED SOMETHING FRAMED? Now is the time! Great stock supplies available, prompt turnaround and professional, quality service. Come in and see Annette, AP Designs & Framing for all your framing requirements, Unit 9/12 Frederick Street, 03 443 2233.

WINSTONE GLASS UPGRADE your home with retrofit double glazing from Winstone Glass Wanaka! We expertly install double glazing into your existing aluminium, timber, and steel frame windows-enhancing warmth, comfort, and energy efficiency. Contact Michelle at michelle@winstoneglass.co.nz or 027 6466 924 for a free measure and quote!

ROOF SHEETING OLD, galvanised. Idea for fit out or features. 9 sheets 2.7m long, 30 sheets 2.4m long. $5 per linear metre. Contact John at john@latcon.com.au.

APPLE IPADS, IMACS, Macbooks and all accessories available at Selectrix.

Lucy Galland 027 321 6099
Nikola Wilkinson 027 229 3244 nikola@custommortgages.co.nz
Ground Floor, Brownston House, 21 Brownston Street, Wanaka www.custommortgages.co.nz

FOR GENERAL JOBS such as wood stacking, hedge cutting, leaves, and gutters please call Chris on 022 4675 901, or email wanakageneraljobs@gmail.com

NEED SOMETHING FRAMED? Now is the time! Great stock supplies available, prompt turnaround and professional, quality service. Come in and see Annette, AP Designs & Framing for all your framing requirements, Unit 9/12 Frederick Street, 03 443 2233.

NOTICE OF AGM - Aspiring Beginnings ELC. Our AGM will be held at 7.30pm, Tuesday, 29th April 2025 at 120 Warren Street, Wanaka. Everyone welcome. Email admin@aspiringbeginnings.co.nz

DIGITALISE YOUR MEDIA and share with a new generation, before it’s too late and those precious moments are lost forever. Oil based mediums are deteriorating at a rapid rate. CD Imaging can digitalise all your 8mm film reels, video tapes, negatives, slides and photos. Develop 35mm film. Free pick up over $500. Based in Wanaka and Alexandra at 59 Centennial Av. photos@cdimaging.co.nz

SECURITY FENCING PANEL (6 of) 2.4m wide x 2.1m high plus (2 of) with doors, $199 each. Ph 027 4578 021.

BLUETOOTH SPEAKERS AND GUITARS: Get in quick for incredible deals on Bluetooth speakers and headphones from Jamoji, Marley and B&W. Great guitar and ukes as well. Selectrix, Wanaka.

CHEAP NATIVE PLANTS at our private Wanaka Nursery. We have an oversupply of plants which are very healthy, home grown and in bags ready to be planted. They come in a variety of sizes mostly large, e.g. 1m plus. Come and select your own. Call 027 4452 032 for directions. We are open 7 days.

SEA2YOU IS LOCATED at the Hawea Community Centre every Wednesday from 3.30 - 4.00pm. Come on down to see Johnny and get your fresh/frozen fish! If you can’t make it to the Hawea Community Centre, contact Johnny on 027 4718 738, or email your order to orders@sea2you.co.nz and Johnny will deliver direct to your doorstep.

THE HOUND HUB - your local Wanaka dog groomers conveniently located on Reece Crescent. Caring, experienced and patient, book in with Emily or Suzie via our website - www.thehoundhub.co.nz

FOR SALE BEDROOM full of furniture, queen bed, remu headboard, box spring combination, wall-mount shelf, piano bench seat, mirrored vanity, coffee table, matching end tables, blue recliner, 2 sets of drawers. All very serviceable. Call to arrange viewing, Lake Hawea 0290 2504 789.

SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: www.wilsonservices.co.nz

WEST COAST WHITEBAIT, $25 per 250gms. Txt or call Denise, 021 0378 347.

GAGGENAU NOW IN store at Selectrix - Large kitchen display from the world’s best.

LOCAL PORTRAIT ARTIST available for commissions in pencil, charcoal and oil paint from $150. Pets, family, friends or your favourite celebrity! I work from photographs from the 1940’s to current! For more info please email varnsyart@gmail.com or visit www.varnsyart.com

A SPECIAL OCCASION deserves a special gift, or why not treat yourself? Handcrafted jewellery online at www.candvjewellery.com and instore at 47 Frocks. Gift cards are available online.

QUIZ NIGHTS 2025 at Ground Up Brewing, every Tuesday night all year. Great fun with beer, banter and extensive drinks and food menu, hosted by Wanaka’s favorite Quiz Master, Stoney. Last-minute spaces call 03 443 6117 or email taproom@groundup.co.nz to book a table. Starts sharp at 7.00pm at 4 Gordon Road.

TE KAKANO will hold its AGM on the 14th April at 6.30pm. Come along to learn about what we achieved in 2024 and what we are planning for 2025. Please register info@tekakano.org.nz

3 SOLID GREY planters: 70cm tall, 30cm circ at base, 55cm circ at top. $95 each ono call: 0210 8188 610.

FREE ‘GARAGE SALE’ sign when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($10 cash deposit required).

ALIGNING BODY, MIND & energy - Chiro Connect is finally open again. Looking forward to helping with nervous system and body function, primitive reflex integration, stress response/ resilience and gut health. www.chiroconnect.co.nz

$10 TOUCHFREE CARWASH at Caltex! Opening special, try our new Lazerwash. No brushes, just the latest technology, only $10.

FIREWOOD NEED A top up? Taking orders for oldman pine green $90m3 delivered. Can be cut to length to suit large, open, outdoor fires. Txt/call Baz the Woodfella 021 1046 155.

NEW JEWELLER: We are delighted and excited to welcome Roy to Aspiring Jewellers. With 35 years’ experience in the trade, he will be available for all your remake/remodelling and repair work. Available instore on Thursdays for consultation by appointment. Contact us on 03 443 2722 or www.aspiringjewellers.co.nz

LINSEED STRAW AND PEASTRAW delivered to Wanaka and surrounding areas. Big square bales and small square bales in bundles of 21 bales. Phone or text Nigel 027 4975 578.

WHY DOES MESSENGER advertising work? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Book online, or by email. It is easy to place your advert - www.mymessenger.co.nz or email: hello@mymessenger.co.nz Our staff are happy to be able to continue to deliver The Messenger to you every week. You know where to find us, at 24 Dungarvon St.


Yep, you can still get free line ads in The Messenger. To make it easier, you can even book your free line ad from the comfort of your sofa, just go to www.mymessenger.co.nz to make your booking.

Terms and conditions apply.

ounds utha Rugby ounds utha Rugby Club

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Tuesdays 10.30am - 12.00pm and Thursdays 2.00 - 3.30pm. Call 03 443 7799 or book online at www.communitylink.nz

BURN FAT SMARTER not harder! All natural, burns visceral fat, add to any drink. Nirvana Wellness. Visit www.nirvanawellnessspa.co.nz or call 021 464 527 for more information and success stories. WHY DOES MESSENGER advertising work? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Book online, or by email. It is easy to place your advert - www.mymessenger.co.nz or email: hello@mymessenger.co.nz Our staff are happy to be able to continue to deliver The Messenger to you every week. You know where to find us, at 24 Dungarvon St.

WATER QUALITY A problem? Pure Water Central Ltd can help you with all your water filtration requirements. Water filters, water tests, ultraviolet systems, water coolers and more. Free phone Mark 0800 945 372 or 027 5021 234.

BROKEN CUPS, BOWLS and plates? Put them in the red rubbish bin. Ceramics, crockery, and drinking glasses contaminate glass recycling. Only clean glass bottles and jars that once contained food or drink go in the blue glass bin. Thanks for recycling with care.

SPRUCE LANDSCAPING: Here to help with all your gardening needs. Fencing, decking, paths, driveways and all other property requirements. Call Ant 021 2700 522. Email spruceproperty@outlook.com

ounds utha Rugby Club ounds utha Rugby Club

PROPERTY WANTED. I’m helping an Auckland buyer looking for something special, could be at the luxury end of the market. Ideal would be with a large section. They are ready to buy and flexible on possession date. If thinking of selling, please contact Graham Berry on 021 320 920 or gb@berryrealestate.co.nz for discreet and experienced real estate advice. Berry Real Estate Licensed under REAA 2008.

JOHNNY’S CATERING FOR your next function. Ring Johnny 027 4718 738.

WINSTONE GLASS UPGRADE your home with retrofit double glazing from Winstone Glass Wanaka! We expertly install double glazing into your existing aluminium, timber, and steel frame windows-enhancing warmth, comfort, and energy efficiency. Contact Michelle at michelle@winstoneglass.co.nz or 027 6466 924 for a free measure and quote!

FREE LINE ADS in The Messenger for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply. www.mymessenger.co.nz

AUDIO VISUAL FOR your new home - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix.

BAGLEY’S NEW POTATOES just like December. Dug fresh daily at Selectrix.

QUIZ NIGHTS 2025 at Ground Up Brewing, every Tuesday night all year. Great fun with beer, banter and extensive drinks and food menu, hosted by Wanaka’s favorite Quiz Master, Stoney. Last-minute spaces call 03 443 6117 or email taproom@groundup.co.nz to book a table. Starts sharp at 7.00pm at 4 Gordon Road.

JOHNNY’S WANAKA - Treat yourself to the ultimate kiwi classic, fresh blue cod or try our catch of the day, served with crispy hand-cut chips. Or enjoy a range of seafood options and our crispy chicken burger. we look forward to seeing you at Johnny’s Wanaka. open Tuesday to Sunday, 12.00 to 7.30pm. Located at Three Parks, next to Noel Leeming. Don’t miss out on the freshest fish & chips in town!

SPECIAL INTEREST TRAVEL Whether it’s experiencing the thrill of F1, teeing off on Europe’s most prestigious golf courses, or indulging in a wine cruise through the vibrant landscapes of France, I create tailor-made Special Interest journeys for all kinds of groups--from gardeners to golfers and everything in between! To learn more, contact me at rebecca.laker@worldtravellersmobile.co.nz.

TOUCHFREE CARWASH opening special, at Caltex. Only $10! Treat your vehicle & yourself, entertain the kids for only $10.

KINDLING, $20 a banana box, can deliver 0204 0905 415.

Celebrating 125 Years Of Upper Clutha Rugby


16th - 18th May 2025 | Wanaka Showgrounds upperclutharugbyclub@gmail com Upper Clutha Rugby Club Register ASAP As Numbers Limited

BOOST YOUR BUSINESS today! Digital design, social media management and content creation. Call now! 021 2171 213. See www.andrewmiller.nz for more.

AUDIO VISUAL FOR your new home - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix.

PRIVATE OFFICE SPACES at premium lakefront location now available. One exclusive space with amazing lake views, private balcony, heat pump and storage space. Two other office spaces have access to a shared balcony. Shared amenities include bathrooms, shower and kitchen. Short or long term options available. Unlimited wifi, printing and weekly cleaning included in the price. Call 021 485 456 or 021 2817 536 for more information.

LOCAL PORTRAIT ARTIST available for commissions in pencil, charcoal and oil paint from $150. Pets, family, friends or your favourite celebrity! I work from photographs from the 1940’s to current! For more info please email varnsyart@gmail.com or visit www.varnsyart.com

BOWEN THERAPY - a gentle, fast, and effective way to stimulate your body’s healing processes. The gentle yet powerful Bowen moves send neurological impulses to the brain, resulting in immediate muscle relaxation and pain reduction. Book online www.nirvanawellnessspa.co.nz or phone 021 464 527 for more information.

FREE PONY POOP - your garden will love you for it! BYO trailer or bags. Hawea area. Contact: 021 0318 288. SPRUCE LANDSCAPING: Here to help with all your gardening needs. Fencing, decking, paths, driveways and all other property requirements. Call Ant 021 2700 522. Email spruceproperty@outlook.com

FOR SALE BEDROOM full of furniture, queen bed, remu headboard, box spring combination, wall-mount shelf, piano bench seat, mirrored vanity, coffee table, matching end tables, blue recliner, 2 sets of drawers. All very serviceable. Call to arrange viewing, Lake Hawea 0290 2504 789.

WEBER BBQS - Weber Q, Spirit, Genesis, Summit, SmokeFire & Charcoal models at Selectrix, Wanaka’s only Weber Specialist. All models and accessories in stock with the knowledge to see you right.

WANT YOUR PET featured in Pet Corner? Email your entry to ads@mymessenger.co.nz

STINK-PROOF DOG collars, hands-free leashes, dog drying coats, puffers, raincoats and more. Check out dog kit essentials at www.RunWild.nz Online and Wanaka-based. Call Amanda for a fitting. 027 5210 534.

HAIR REMOVAL: ELECTROLYSIS is a safe and permanent hair removal method that targets individual hair follicles with precision, even those IPL can’t reach. www.nirvanawellnessspa.co.nz or phone 021 464 527.

FREE LINE ADS in The Messenger for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply. www.mymessenger.co.nz

TIRED OF DRAWING on your eyebrows with makeup every day? Say goodbye to sparse brows with cosmetic tattooing! Visit Emma for Beauty on Monday & Tuesdays for refined ombre/ powder, and combination brows. Phone 027 5294 505 or book your consultation online today at www.emmaforbeauty.co.nz

SPECIAL INTEREST TRAVEL. Whether it’s experiencing the thrill of F1, teeing off on Europe’s most prestigious golf courses, or indulging in a wine cruise through the vibrant landscapes of France, I create tailor-made Special Interest journeys for all kinds of groups - from gardeners to golfers and everything in between! To learn more, contact me at rebecca.laker@worldtravellersmobile.co.nz.

TYRES! MOBILE TYRES Wanaka can come to your home or business to supply new tyres or repair your flat ones. Call Jason today for a free quote. Phone 021 973 722.

NEED A DOG walker? The Hound Hub is Wanaka’s longest running dog walking business, operating since 2014! Our walkers are local, reliable, and trained in canine behaviour and pet first aid. Midday walk availability to help break up your dog’s day while you’re out at work. For more info, rates and bookings visit thehoundhub.co.nz/dogwalking














GRAPHIC DESIGN MAN. Do you have a design emergency? Branding, print, web, socials? Don’t worry, help is at handvisit www.graphicdesignman.com

A SPECIAL OCCASION deserves a special gift, or why not treat yourself? Handcrafted jewellery online at www.candvjewellery.com and instore at 47 Frocks. Gift cards are available online.

WYNDROK POTTERY Lake Hawea. Functional tableware suitable for everyday use. Colours reflect the Central Otago landscape. 191 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea. Phone 03 443 1707 or 021 1255 155. Daily hours: Wednesday - Sunday only, 11.00am5.00pm. Ring if coming to Hawea especially for pottery.

HAVE YOU, OR someone you know been negatively affected by the covid vaccine? Please contact 021 702 101 to discuss further.

EMMA FOR BEAUTY - All your beauty essentials in one place. Phone 027 5294 505 or book online www.emmaforbeauty.co.nz

BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need white ware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices.

NEED A GARDENER? I’m Flo from Green Garden Care, experienced and qualified. I’m here for your garden maintenance and seasonal clean up. Weeding, trimming, planting. Call or text 021 2693 719 or email flosgreengarden@gmail.com

EXERCISE 4 THE brain and body. Are you an adult over 65 looking to keep your brain and body active? The Ronnie Gardiner Method will have you laughing, concentrating, and learning. An 8 week course starts on Monday 7th April from 1.00pm -1.45pm at the Presbyterian Church. This innovative program uses rhythm, music, speech, and movement. Contact Jo Shearer on 021 2983 436 or email hello@preventiononpoint.com to book.

APPLE IPADS, IMACS, Macbooks and all accessories available at Selectrix.

DO YOU GET The Messenger delivered? If you don’t get one and you would like to, it’s easy! Just pick up a free Messenger sticker from our office at 24 Dungarvon St and put it on your letterbox. Please note, if you have a no circulars sticker and don’t have a Messenger sticker on your letterbox, it will affect your delivery. If you have any questions about delivery, please contact us 03 443 7805 or hello@mymessenger.co.nz

WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out.

NATIVE PLANTS LOCALLY grown, hardy species for C.O. conditions. Variety of sizes up to 1m+ Great buying at reduced and bargain prices. Ideal for general landscaping. Come and select your own. Call 027 4452 032 for directions.

GLASS TOP DESK (1500L x 700W x 745H) on painted metal frame, with three sliding rack/shelves at one end. 021 546 045. OFFICE/CLINIC SPACE for rent. Bright room with multidisciplinary networking opportunities. Centrally located on Ardmore St. Contact Sam - 027 2060 063, vocality@outlook.co.nz

COMMUNITY LINK FOODBANK hours. Struggling to make ends meet? The Foodbank can take the pressure off. The Foodbank hours are Tuesday 11.00am - 3.00pm and 5.00pm - 6.00pm, Wednesday 11.00am - 3.00pm, Friday 11.00am3.00pm. Call into the Community Hub, phone 03 443 7799 or visit www.communitylink.nz





Old Girls, Grandparents, Parents of current pupils and Friends of the Schools.



A chance to meet Jackie Barron, the Current Principal of St Hilda’s Collegiate School.

TICKET PRICE is $45 per person. Please contact one of the following for tickets:

Toad Innes 0274 900 290 Prue Wilson 0274 764 062

Gill Simpson 0276 870 432 Helen Pledger 021 036 3304

Sue Orbell 027 443 4469 Gretel Wilton 0274 387 652

LOCAL PORTRAIT ARTIST available for commissions in pencil, charcoal and oil paint from $150. Pets, family, friends or your favourite celebrity! I work from photographs from the 1940’s to current! For more info please email varnsyart@gmail.com or visit www.varnsyart.com

NEVER BIN A battery. They cause fires if damaged so keep them out of all rubbish and recycling bins. Safely recycle your batteries and electronic devices at Wanaka and Frankton Transfer Stations.

PRIVATE OFFICE SPACES at premium lakefront location now available. One exclusive space with amazing lake views, private balcony, heat pump and storage space. Two other office spaces have access to a shared balcony. Shared amenities include bathrooms, shower and kitchen. Short or long term options available. Unlimited wifi, printing and weekly cleaning included in the price. Call 021 485 456 or 021 2817 536 for more information.

BAGLEY’S NEW POTATOES just like December. Dug fresh daily at Selectrix.

DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE Wanaka - Learn safe driving skills and receive 6 months reduction on the Restricted Licence. Ph: 021 529 100.

WEBER BBQS - Weber Q, Spirit, Genesis, Summit, SmokeFire & Charcoal models at Selectrix, Wanaka’s only Weber Specialist. All models and accessories in stock with the knowledge to see you right.

MILITARY PERSONNEL, FORMER or current and living locally, the Wanaka RSA Committee would like to hear from you as we approach ANZAC Day. Either come along to the Wanaka Districts Club at 5.00pm this Friday, 28 March, or get in touch with Lyal Cocks on 027 4381 443.

SEA2YOU DELIVERING FRESH/frozen fish direct to your door. Currently delivering free of charge, 7 days throughout the Wanaka district. Contact Johnny on 027 4718 738, or email your order to orders@sea2you.co.nz Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for great deals and weekly specials!

FREE ‘GARAGE SALE’ sign when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($10 cash deposit required).

BLUETOOTH SPEAKERS AND GUITARS: Get in quick for incredible deals on Bluetooth speakers and headphones from Jamoji, Marley and B&W. Great guitar and ukes as well. Selectrix, Wanaka.

We’re re-opening our Restaurant!

For one week only, during The Wanaka Festival of Colour!

As community collaborators, we’re thrilled to support this year’s Festival of Colour, and as the Hawea community hosts an exciting calendar of events over the week, we’re offering our beautiful space to enjoy some top notch grub and a local tipple to festival goers and foodies alike upstairs in our restaurant. Jump on our socials for updates.

Sunday 30 March - Saturday 5 April

Pre dinner drinks from 4pm Dinner service from 5pm Bookings preferred - info@haweastoreandkitchen.nz

Hamish & Erica Mackay - Hawea Store & Kitchen

+64 3 443 1696

33 Capell Avenue, Lake Hawea info@haweastoreandkitchen.nz www.haweastoreandkitchen.nz

GRAPHIC DESIGN. Do you want to look as professional and exceptional as the job that you do, or the service you provide? Call 021 2171 213 or visit www.andrewmiller.nz and get a branding refresh or new advertising collateral today.

MILITARY PERSONNEL, FORMER or current and living locally, the Wanaka RSA Committee would like to hear from you as we approach ANZAC Day. Either come along to the Wanaka Districts Club at 5.00pm this Friday, 28 March, or get in touch with Lyal Cocks on 027 4381 443.

BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need white ware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices.

ROOF SHEETING OLD, galvanised. Idea for fit out or features. 9 sheets 2.7m long, 30 sheets 2.4m long. $5 per linear metre. Contact John at john@latcon.com.au.

FIREWOOD NEED A top up? Taking orders for oldman pine green $90m3 delivered. Can be cut to length to suit large, open, outdoor fires. Txt/call Baz the Woodfella 021 1046 155.

GAGGENAU NOW IN store at Selectrix - Large kitchen display from the world’s best.

WANT YOUR PET featured in Pet Corner? Email your entry to ads@mymessenger.co.nz

PROFESSIONAL WINDOW CLEANING - The Gleam Team offer specialist window cleaning here in Wanaka. Our skilled team will take care of your property’s windows and make your glass shine! Visit www.gleamteam.co.nz or call Tony on 027 4575 152 for an immediate quote.





Digital Help Wānaka Library

Digital Help is back up and running at the Wānaka Library. Every Monday 3:30pm5:00pm. Drop in and bring your device, tablet, ipad, smartphone or computer. Librarian and volunteers are available to help 1:1 for all your tech and digital questions. For more info please contact: wanaka.library@qldc.govt.nz or 03 443 0410

A q u a f i t : $ 5 p e r c l a s sW a n a k a R e c r e a t i o n C e n t r e

M o n d a y | W e d n e s d a y | F r i d a y 8 . 0 08 . 4 5 a m

A s p i r i n g W a n d e r e r s : f o r p e o p l e w i t h m i l d t o m o d e r a t e d e m e n t i a R e g i s t r a t i o n R e q u i r e dC o n t a c t R o b y n : 0 2 7 4 4 1 4 0 0 1 o r

w a n a k a @ a l z h e i m e r s o t a g o o r g n z | 1 0 a m1 p m

C o f f e e C o n n e c t i o n : s e n i o r s m o r n i n g t e a a n d c a s u a l c h a t

S e c o n d M o n d a y o f t h e M o n t h | 1 0 . 0 01 1 . 3 0 a m | W ā n a k a C o m m u n i t y H u b

C o n t a c t C o m m u n i t y L i n k : 0 3 4 4 3 7 7 9 9 | i n f o @ c o m m u n i t y l i n k . n z

E v e r y T u e s d a y a t 9 a m a n d 1 0 a m ( C i r c u i t c l a s s ) , E v e r y T h u r s d a y a t 9 a m a n d 1 0 a m ( S t r e n g t h c l a s s )

W ā n a K a i : C o o k , c o n n e c t a n d e n j o y a s h a r e d l u n c hn o s k i l l s r e q u i r e d . A l l W e l c o m e !

E v e r y s e c o n d F r i d a y o f e a c h m o n t h | 1 1 . 3 0 a m2 . 0 0 p m | W ā n a k a C o m m u n i t y H u b

B o o k i n g e s s e n t i a l . C o n t a c t D i a n a : m a n s o n d i a n a @ g m a i l . c o m

D e m e n t i a C a r e r S u p p o r t G r o u p ( f o r p e o p l e s u p

S t a n d T a l l ( b a l a n c e & s t r e n g t h c l a s s f o r o v e r 6 5 s )

S t a y S t r o n g

C o n t a c t A s h o n 0 2 2 0 3 1 1 4 1 5 o r a s h l e y @ s y n a p t i c p h y s i o . c o . n z b o o k i n g s .

M o n d a y : 9 : 1 5 a m o r 1 0 : 3 0 a m a t S t J o h n ' s W a n a k a W e d n e s d a y s : 9 : 1 5 a m c l a s s a t S t J o h n ’ s W a n a k a

P a r k i n s o n ’ s E x e r c i s e C l a s s : T u e s d a y s 1 1 a m1 2 : 1 5 p m a t t h e W a n a k a R e c C e n t r e .

n c t i o n : F i t n e s s c l a s s e s e v e r y M o n d a y , W e d n e s d a y a n d F r i d a y 9 . 4 51 0 . 1 5 a m a t N R G

F i t f o r F

W i s e O n e sA f r i e n d s h i p a n d s u p p o r t g r o u p f o r t h o s e o v e r 6 0 y e a r s o f a g e .

I n c l u d e s A r t & C r a f t G r o u p , F i l m C l u b , C a r d G r o u p a n d , S e n i o r E x e r c i s e G r o u p i n L a k e H ā w e a . C o n t a c t

C o l l e e n C a r r f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : c h c . l h n z @ g m a i l . c o m o r 0 2 7 3 9 3 5 3 2 2 S e n i o r N e tp r o v i d e s a c o m m u n i t y l e a r

L i b r a r y M o v i e M a t i n e eL a k e W a n a k a C e n t r e , A r m s t r o n g R o o m a t 2 . 0 0 p m

F r e e t o a t t e n d , b o o k i n g s e s s e n t i a l , t r a n s p o r t a v a i l a b l e .

F o r b o o k i n g s & i n q u i r e s C a l l J a n i n e : 0 3 4 4 3 0 4 1 0 .

M S D C o n s u l t s : f o r s e n i o r q u e r i e s a b o u t N Z S u p e r o r d i s a b i l i t y

S e c o n d M o n d a y o f t h e M o n t h , | 9 . 0 0 a m1 1 . 0 0 a m , 1 . 0 03 . 0 0 p m | W ā n a k a C o m m u n i t y H u b .

C o n t a c t C o m m u n i t y L i n k : 0 3 4 4 3 7 7 9 9 | i n f o @ c o m m u n i t y l i n k . n z

Y o g aP a e t a r a A s p i r i n g C e n t r a l M o n d a y | S e n i o r s y o g a 9 . 1 5 a m1 0 . 1 5 a m | W e d n e s d a y 8 . 0 09 . 0 0 a m & 9 . 1 5 a m1 0 . 1 5 a m ( f o r

t h e y o u n g a t h e a r t ) | F r i d a y ( c h a i r y o g a ) 1 0 . 3 01 1 . 3 0 a m C o n t a c t T e g a n : e m a i l t e g a n . d u f f y @ q l d c . g o v t . n z

S e n i o r S t r e n g t h C l a s s : E v e r y T u e s d a y 1 1 a m1 2 p m a t P a e t a r a A s p i r i n g C e n t r a l

$ 1 5 t o a t t e n d , F o r e n q u i r i e s c o n t a c t E l a i n e : + 6 4 2 2 6 5 4 1 4 5 2

R o n n i e G a r d i n e r M e t h o d : J o i n u s f o r 8 w e e k s o f e n e r g i s i n g , b r a i nb o o s t i n g f u n !


t i



S t a r t s M o n d a y 7 t h A p r i l –M o n d a y 9 t h J u n e . $ 1 6 0 p e r p e r s o n . F o r m o r

g i s t e r c o n t a c t h e l l o @ p r e v e n t i o n o n p o i n t . c o m o r 0 2 1 2 9 8 3 4 3 6 . D e m e n t i aM a t e W a r e w a r e H o m e S h a r e ( f o r p e o p l e w i t h d e m e n t i a l


9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka 1.00 - 1.30pm Wed 26 Mar $2,125,000

8 Ragan Lane, Wanaka 1.00 - 1.30pm Wed 26 Mar Auction 11/04 155 Tenby Street, Wanaka 1.00 - 1.30pm Wed 26 Mar Auction 10/04 140 Anderson Road, Wanaka 1.00 - 1.30pm Wed 26 Mar Deadline 09/04 50 Kings Drive, Wanaka 2.00 - 2.30pm Wed 26 Mar Auction 10/04 19 Mills Road, Wanaka 2.00 - 2.30pm Wed 26 Mar Auction 11/04

Eely Point Road, Wanaka 3.00 - 3.30pm Wed 26 Mar Auction 27/03

Campbell Road, Wanaka 10.00 - 10.30am Sat 29 Mar Auction 11/04 5 Mackay Street, Wanaka 11.00 - 11.30am Sat 29 Mar $1,595,000 19b Kidds Way, Albert Town 11.00 - 11.30am Sat 29 Mar $625,000 37 Matheson Crescent, Wanaka 11.00 - 11.30am Sat 29 Mar Negotiation 47 Matheson Crescent, Wanaka 12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 29 Mar $2,980,000 12 Bonspiel Road, Wanaka 12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 29 Mar Auction 11/04

Stone Street, Wanaka 12.00



Colour in, email your artwork to The Messenger: hello@mymessenger.co.nz or drop it in to The Messenger o ce, 24 Dungarvon St, for a chance to win a youth Cinema Paradiso ticket!

ENTRIES CLOSE: 10.00am, Tuesday, 1 April 2025.

WINNER ANNOUNCED: Wednesday, 2 April 2025 issue.

1. Which planet’s orbit is closest to Earth’s orbit?

2. Which is the largest planet in our solar system?

3. What can be found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter?

4. What type of planet is Pluto?

5. Which is the seventh planet from the Sun?

6. Which planet has the most rings around it?

7. What is the hottest planet in our solar system?

8. What is the name for planets that are outside our solar system?

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