Issue 201

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21st March 2011 - Issue 201

VARSITY PULL OUT - CENTRE PAGES 7 - 10 MAP, TIMES AND LOCATIONS OF ALL SPORTS INSIDE *FULL LIST OF CANDIDATES - pages - 6, 11 and 12 * *The ATV (voting) system explained - page 12*



Campus turns to E-Voting for 2011 SU Elections SWANSEA’S SU Elections will this year not feature a ballot box as for the !" # $ # % !&&' Check out the waterfront’s viewpoint on page 3. The Waterfront ( ) *" ) $+ $

SHATTERED LIVES: A snapshot of the devastation facing the survivors of one of the worst natural disasters ever The Waterfront $ # + , - # . / , - / *&&0 1 2 . *&& &&& 1 $ 3 1 The Waterfront +

4 1 4 5* , - 56& &&& 7 !8 &&& / 7 # , - + (


News 03

VIEWPOINT: Goodbye Ballot Boxes. Hello E-Voting Viewpoint by Laura Richards GONE ARE the days of going down to your nearest polling station and collecting your ballot paper, well at least for Swansea University students. The decision to change to complete e-voting has puzzled me, especially as it has only had limited trials. During *&&= +> e-voting with the Electoral Commission assessment report deeming there to be issues with security and control over the elections. The potential for fraud when using e-voting is higher than the conventional ballot paper. It is a lot harder to ensure that the vote was cast in secret and that it was made without undue pressure. Similarly there is no way to ensure that the person casting the vote is the actual person that the vote is registered to. All voting systems are prone to error, but think about how many times something has gone wrong with your computer or internet? By having complete online voting the counting process is completely entrusted in a small group of people who construct the voting program. There is no way to manually count the votes so what happens if the system malfunctions? A prime example is the one day Varsity @ of the sale, the server went down and people were unable to access the online F ( 2 Will the SU hold another election or say that only the votes cast count? If all the voting takes place online, people will no longer make the effort to go to university to vote. Many argue that e-voting would make it more accessible, but it has no proven record of increasing turnouts; the NUS and Executive elections turnout was as expected despite

being online with online campaigning. Although many may see e-voting as a good thing, after all students are stereotypically lazy so who wouldn’t want to vote from their beds, what will happen to the prestigious Campaign Week. Student Union President Luke Young, who promised a transfer to e-voting during his electoral campaign, previously told The Waterfront that “the only thing that wins elections is face to face contact.� However, if students are no longer coming to University to vote, how will candidates be able to fully campaign to them? Online campaigning, which has also been introduced, will lead to a popularity contest; who has the most friends on Facebook and Twitter? Even though candidates are only allowed one group or fan page on Facebook, the fact that friends can add friends could lead to Saabs being elected because of who they know rather than what they know. Call me a traditionalist but I can’t see why Universities, let alone Governments would want to transform the long established way of voting into one that could be prone to coercion, error and unreliability. I understand that everything in life is being modernised, I can’t remember the last time I sent a letter instead of an email, but I feel that there are just some things that should remain untouched especially when something so big is riding on it. The fact that a small malfunction somewhere around the country, or in our case around campus, could result in an unfair result seems ludicrous. As a result why can’t we reach a compromise and allow those who want to vote online to do so and traditionalists like myself use the paper ballot?

Vox Pops What’s your opinion? What do the SU elections mean to you? Do you feel they actually matter, or are they pointless?

Viewpoint by Andy Williams WHILST SOME people may tell you that e-voting is a break in the tradition of politics, others will argue that things need to change for politics to be brought into the 21st century. E-voting is a step in the direction of modernising a sector of society that many people feel alienated and excluded by. Politics is deeply traditional in its ideas, but since the advent of ‘new labour’, politicians are tending to lean towards attempting to be one of the people that they are in a bid to govern. E-voting is a step in the right direction in modernising politics, even if at a student level. For the voter who maintains a passive interest in the sabbatical elections, e-voting is the logical step forward. More people will be more likely to vote if it means very little effort. Picture the situation, Election Day falls upon a day where you have no lectures; do you walk to campus just to vote or stay at home and not vote? E-voting presents a simple, cheap and easy way of extending the reach of voting beyond campus. Although some traditionalists will argue that E-voting will crash and burn although, with electronic voting,

it lessens the possibility of human error. If a computer is running through a programmed algorithm time after time, it will not become tired or bored of counting through, clerical error is minimised by the use of E-voting. For students – those traditionally associated with staying in bed as opposed to do anything of any use – E-voting is a logical step. It presents the idea of barely moving whilst contributing to the university lifestyle. 82.5% of the + > use the Internet, therefore logistically it simply makes sense that the natural extension for student politics. E-voting is also a way of including some people that are disabled. Under a more traditional system, disabled voters may require the help of others in order to vote, although under an E-voting system, it enables voting without leaving the house. I think that E-voting is sensible. It is able to unambiguously capture the intention of the voter. It opens the which means that the amount of students voting will present us with a more democratic election. E-voting apart of the future, whether traditionalists choose to accept it or not.

Zenab Farzal 1st Year LLB Law student “I feel I have a very limited knowledge of these elections; I don’t think students have been informed enough about what they actually mean to students. If I had been made more aware of the elections, they may feel more relevant to me and I may actually care more about them.�

Current Student Union President, Luke Young, reveals his support for E-voting I FEEL that e-voting is the right move for the University. There is a danger with SU that they become very insular and as a result E-voting will open this up and allow people to become It will also help in identifying who the students are that want to vote. Students are no longer outside Fulton House on a Thursday afternoon

and Student Village on a Wednesday which is what we originally thought. Similarly we have part time students who want to vote for their leadership but never had the opportunity to vote. E-voting is about extending the ability to vote, making sure everyone has the opportunity and about having a campaign structure that gets people

Mitch Theaker 2nd Year BA Politics “I think the elections are really important, as we for union policy. Elections are vital to ensure that students are protected in all aspects of university

talking about issues. Normally during campaign week those walking along the mall would be harassed by candidates shouting “vote for me� rather than illustrating their manifestos; some found this intimidating. The Union tested the voting at the NUS delegate elections and exec which proved successful. We always wanted

Steve Reynolds 3rd Year Business Management “The elections should be important but I don’t think anything really changes in the SU from year to year�

a trial run and everything ran smoothly which gave us the go ahead. From the trial we are there is adequate security issues put in place. If there had been the option of paper voting as well as E-voting it would have become confusing and there was a general feeling that the system would be confusing to match

up. People will still have the option of going to a “ballot box/polling station� and submit their votes although this will be done on laptops. As a result the Saab elections will possess all the traditional trappings of an election but in a modern setting and hopefully it will prove to be a situation that

Tina MA Marketing “The SU is vital in protecting the new students who come into the university, so I think the elections will make a difference to students.�

Kirsty Rogerson 1st Year BA English “I feel that they do matter, but I personally don’t think I have received enough information on HOW they matter to students. I would like to see more advertising for the next SU elections.�

Lowri Barnard 1st Year Bsc Psychology “They have the potential to make a difference; unfortunately I haven’t heard enough about it, and therefore I don’t feel I could have an impact in elections.�




Upcoming Society Events:

Student Democracy or Popularity Contest? By Adele MacGregor “Popularity is one insult I have never suffered� – Oscar Wilde I greatly admire all the hard work that is put into campaigns, the efforts and contributions of hopeful candidates to the University and local area. These are clearly individuals who know what they want and have the passion and drive to get it. However many students have argued that the Sabbatical elections are little more than a popularity contest and more a case of who you know not what you say or what you know. With the objective to be well known and noticed across campus and a regular to the ‘Union bubble’, candidates don’t have a hope without being recognised by a large amount of the student population who ultimately decide who is worthy of their vote.  $ week to me was one week in the academic year where I would be harassed by perfect strangers wanting me to vote for something I didn’t understand and instead of voting, inspired me to avoid campus at all costs. By my second year I was more aware of Sabb elections, largely due to my

contribution to The Waterfront. I knew I wanted Raechel Mattey for Societies and Services because she was a friend of a friend and appeared to have the right amount of enthusiasm for the position. Andy Patton got my vote since he was the guy working in JCs with the nice accent, Raegan Healey was someone I knew through someone I’d met through The Waterfront and overall Luke Young won my vote over Ben Kennedy after too many renditions of his blasted campaign song. With most student elections, if I could go by nothing else, I’d glance at the manifesto and give my vote to the cutest picture. A few months into this academic year 1 # terribly exciting prospect for someone who thrives on politics and current # rights. I had my manifesto written, chosen colours, decided on a slogan and poster design for a possible campaign but above all I had the passion and drive for the position. I believe I would have been a strong candidate and have the potential to excel in the position. What I didn’t have, however, is a society, large group of friends or a University reputation to

make the campaign a reality. Having spent my third year in Mississippi as part of my degree, I returned to the University feeling somewhat out of the even less time to make new ones. As former music editor/current news editor I’m not exactly recognisable around campus, with the minor exception of having my name in the paper (That is for those of you who pick it up to read rather than using it for paper airplanes, bog roll, a make shift air conditioning Œ ‡ Also against me was a general reluctance to draw attention to myself. I’m more than happy to make friends and will talk your ear off if you stick around long enough and lord help you if you ask for my opinion on ‘sexist’ student events, but otherwise I’m not especially charming or witty and have never have had an overwhelming desire to build up a Union friendly reputation. This take on University life is certainly not for everyone. Jean Newbury, third year Politics student said; “I don’t see any improvements around the University, in $ +

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE PRESIDENT First thing in the morning: Scan read emails on Blackberry while drinking a cup of tea. Urgent ones get a reply, others wait until I have time in the 1 but spend too much thinking about it and miss the window of opportunity.

1 don’t particularly care about people wearing t-shirts with their name in it, shouting and thrusting placards my way� Many students do care about the Union and about the University but would rather focus wholly on their degree or other priorities. Some students are often put off by the politics of the Union or simply unmoved by the dynamics and efforts of the sabbatical experience blissfully unaware of the roles and responsibilities of the Students Union. Whatever the stance, there is no denying that the most recognisable favourites for the election. The louder the campaign and the more charming and approachable the candidate, the more likely they are to gain the majority of the student vote. Nevertheless I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the candidates luck with their campaign and end with this: “the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about� – Oscar Wilde

Monday 21st March 19:30: Sin City: Amnesty International Society ‘Not So Secret Policeman’s Ball’ 21:00: Peppermint & Oceana: Dance Society Wedding Social Tuesday 22nd March 18:00-21:00: Xtreme Lounge: Open art session Wednesday 23rd March 14:00-15:00: JCs Coffee Side: CU PC Clinic 19:00: Dylan Thomas Theatre: Drama Society presents The Crucible 19:00: Playzone & Oceana: History Society Playzone & Laser social Thursday 24th March 19:00: Dylan Thomas Theatre: Drama Society presents The Crucible 19:00: Xtreme Lounge: CU Student Alpha Course Friday 25th March American Studies trip to Bath


10am - Having worked late the night 1 usual morning chat with senior staff to talk over the pressing issues for the day. 10.30 – Attempted to get an answer from the university about it’s response to the UCU lecturers strike on Friday. I’m told that it’s still being talked about. 10.45 – 12.45 € 2 2  Start working on some reports and clearing the emails. In between, a number of societies come in to request for things to be signed off and some students drop by with different issues that they need help with. 12.45 – Time for a sneaky bit of lunch! 1pm – Chairing the Heads of Union Department meeting This is an opportunity for the managers of union departments such as Ents, Bars, shops, Advice Centre, the Nursery, Travel shop and Campaigns/research to meet with the Sabbaticals and our Senior Management Team discuss key issues in the organisation. A range of issues including Student Staff, the £750,000 student experience fund, UCU lecturers strike, the Second Campus, a new union website and

Sabbatical Election were dealt with. 3.15pm – Decide to guide students via Facebook and Twitter sites to ask lecturers about disruption to Friday timetable. Start work on a draft statement for release on Friday in support of our lecturers. 3.30pm – Meeting with Advice Centre Manager on issues with bad landlords in the city. 3.55pm – Quick catch up with the Union General Manager (who has been tasked to do a thousand and one things by the $ 2 ‡ 5pm – Afro Caribbean Society Annual General Meeting I was invited to the ACS AGM to run their elections and count the votes. The new committee are all enthusiastic and passionate about the society. I also had an opportunity to talk about the strike action proposed by the

lecturers’ union and the policy that was passed at a recent Student General Meeting in favour of solidarity with lecturers. 7.30pm € F emails and attempt to write up reports that I’ve been putting off. I take the opportunity to ring around some of the other Students’ Unions in Wales to get a feel for their response to the strike action. 8.30pm – Video podcast for Student Activist Diary. I’m currently in the running for NUS Wales President so the interview focused on this and Swansea’s place in the national movement. 9pm – Home time. In amongst all of that I have managed to ˆ‰3 Š ‡ the day. The one thing I’ve avoided is thinking about Sabb elections because even though I’m not running they terrify me!

Cam(pain) Passion makes students’ lives HELL By Cartoonist Martin Maxwell

06 Election Special

Waterfront 201 - 21/03/11

SU ELECTIONS 2011 - GET OUT AND VOTE Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 22nd/23rd/24th March PRESIDENT LUKE JAMES


I’ll be a President who will be out campaigning with you. I have three practical policies: – I’ll ensure more students than ever have a voice in our students’ union by showing SGMs on the internet and putting highlights on the website. – Your chance to launch a campaign and create change with support from SU staff and Union funding. – JC’s will be transformed into a venue students want to be part of. It’ll bring in more money to spend on our welfare services.

Wouldn’t it be incredible if...the Union was for students and not a base for political parties? Wouldn’t it be incredible if Singleton Park felt safe again? Wouldn’t it be incredible if we took advantage of our assets, used Sin City as a venue for the big comedy names which love to perform in Swansea? Promoted Xtreme Radio for those who want a career in media and the entertainment industry? Ensured a worthwhile SU building on the new campus? Let’s come together, feel like a union, and work to achieve something. Vote for a hero in the SU, vote McKew.

" #

PRESIDENT MATTHEW ROBINSON - Conservative Party Our Student Union can be better and it must be better. ‘ - Š ’“ $ + # “ + $ ‘ ” the reuse of water bottles. ‘ - on campus. ‘ $ + allow for the investment of Union funds into much needed and desired projects, such as the refurbishment of the S.U. bar.

SOCIETIES AND SERVICES JORDON ‘JAY’ OWEN Drawing from my experience of being the # of the ; $ ) and the < ) , I understand . - $ $ 2 1 '$ by providing societies with the support they need to deliver the best experience to their members by; ‘ ” ) 6 % to better publicise, organize and support all societies ‘ = = $ to organize shows, festivals and exhibits ‘ 1 $ %& % & through the website and more society boards ‘ - # regarding facilities and funding

SOCIETIES AND SERVICES TOM UPTON — + ˜! $ $ 2 Over the past three years I have been both a Society President and exec member and have been committed to maintaining exceptional societies. Due to this work I have built brilliant working relationships with integral members of the Students’ + 1 Œ If elected, I will implement the following strategies: ‘ • % & % & % $ with the ‘Your Š “ ” # ‘ >$ * ? & on several days of the week. ‘ • @=< G "

during Fresher’s Fortnight.

PRESIDENT SARAH ‘WOODY’ WOODVINE Student life isn’t always easy. We are surrounded by news about how tough things are, but I have $ . I want to lead a students’ union that $ in tough times and % & '$ in Swansea. One that’s $ (

%& and working on $ ; a union that rejects the attempts to make our degrees about value in the marketplace and nothing else. I am standing to be the ) # that leads us to back to % '$ *+, 6 " # For detailed policy, visit:

SOCIETIES AND SERVICES BECCA TAYLOR Since joining Swansea University, I’ve had involvement !& •-– , $ life and nurturing talents that your degree can’t. Elect me $ $ Union funding and space that keeps societies running; to make your Union better value for money, by ensuring we spend our money effectively and put more back into your bars, societies and shops. More than that, I pledge to listen to you and be your representative to the University, and to the wider world.

Check out Waterfront Online For all the latest news and updates from SU VOTE 2011 W O EXIT POLLS DUE 8pm - Thursday 24th March

Election Special 11

WATCH THE CANDIDATES VIDEO MANIFESTOS @ WELFARE OFFICER CHARLOTTE BRITTON I’ve worked with our welfare services as your Community & 2 1 1 - 1 have the personality and the experience A vote for me is a vote for: - 7  # ™ • Š 3 $ , $ ) Students’ Union — ” F ˜! 7 ™

WELFARE OFFICER LEWIS EDWARDS 1# 3 1 , ) • 1 7 2 *&!!’!*1 š ‘ $ ( ‘ ” $ $ $ ” $ , ‘ , $ - – ( ‘ ” 1 ) ‘ ” ” ‘ ,



1# • 1# 2 2 1 # $ # ( 1 1 š ‘ ” › ‘ , 3 € ™ ‘ ( — • ˜!

1 2 1 š € $ $ . +> ” ( € ( ( ” 3 3 1 $ F — – $ ) ˜!



$ upmost importance F tackling issues that need addressing introducing more 1 fairer system for you 1 your future 4 1 1 " " H

1# / 1– , ™ 1# -“ ” • - • - 1 $+ ( 1 1# š ‘ 1 ‘ ” ‘ • -33 ‘ $ ‘ • ‘ ” š œ # 1# $ ( 1 # ™



) # / 1# – $ 7 # 1 , . 1 # ™ $ + 1 3–F 1# 1 one minute to vote for me and I’ll give you one year of $+™

1 JQ 6 >" $+ ( ” ) ) ) š 7 7 2 emergency contraceptive pill 3 3 * home pregnancy tests. Advertise the zero tolerance ( 1 ‘Drop-in’ centre 3 3 2 7 ) - Women’s self defence classes. ) Women’s Handbook be updated yearly. 1 7 #

12 Election Special

Waterfront 201 - 21/03/11

VOTE ONLINE 10am until 8pm -

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday WOMEN’S OFFICER SAMINA TRICKEY Heya I’m Samina Trickey, a third year media student, Š2+• ( 7 # 2 ™ - cheesy as it sounds, I want to give something back to the University that has helped me to grow, as an individual. And trust me, I have the VOICE to do it! Unhealthy student crash dieting and safety through Singleton Park are just a few of the issues I want to help build on, so that women can feel safe and at ease. From Zumba on campus, to police volunteering – Trickey has big plans! Remember it’s not Tricky to Vote Trickey!

WOMEN’S OFFICER AMY WILLIAMS 1# - 7 # 7 # 2 1 in equal opportunity and equal enjoyment for ALL women. If elected I will: ‘ – Š2+ Š2+ ‘ , ( ‘ . ‘ – ( local female entrepreneurs. ‘ 1 œ # Summer Ball. ‘ 2 ‘ ‘ – – ‘ .  ™



1# ) F 1 1 2 I have the experience to help students on academic and welfare issue when they need it. Having worked with both the SU and University, I can win for Swansea students. My manifesto includes: ‘ - ‘ $ ‘ 1 $ ‘ 1 ‘ ” ‘ ( $

If you feel none of the candidates deserve your vote or you would like to re-open the selection process there is another option. VOTE RON!

Please vote BASHA #1 for International

RON stands for Re-Open Nominations and is always given as a choice on your ballot paper for every position, no matter how many candidates are standing. PLEASE NOTE! If you do vote RON and it wins it re-opens nominations for the position leading to another election. In NO WAY does it constitute Ron Burgundy winning the election and taking control of the position won.

Are you unsure how to cast your vote with the ATV System?

Sabbatical Election Procedure As Simple as 123 Swansea University Students Union will go to the polls on Tuesday March 22nd, Wednesday March 23rdth and Thursday March 24th $ 2 *&!& *&!! Although the Students’ Union employs three electoral methods in its democratic procedures – the Alternative Transferable Vote method (ATV), the Single Transferable Vote method (STV) and First Past the Post (FPP) – the Sabbatical election procedure is conducted via the Alternative Transferable Voting system. Alternative Transferable Vote (ATV) is a system of preferential voting designed to minimize wasted votes and provide proportional representation while ensuring that votes are explicitly expressed for individual candidates. ATV is employed as the electoral method when selecting one person for ’’ $ ( The system might look complicated but it’s dead simple really. Basically it means that rather than a simple cross or tick used with the First Past the Post voting method you number the candidates € following example: i.e. there are four candidates for President: Bagpuss Danger Mouse Basil Brush

 ) F F F •2“ preference. + 0& ž ! - Transfer System comes into play. Then the votes for the candidate who has received the least number of votes are taken and they are checked to see who was the second choice given on these ballots, these votes are then distributed to the other candidates. If this leads to a candidate gets a gaining a straight 0& ž ! 1 situation is repeated with the candidate with the least votes being transferred to their third preference. This continues until there is a 0& ž ! Thus in the case of the vote for Danger Mouse if he came last, and there was no outright winner this vote would be then transferred to Basil Brush, if this did not lead to an outright win it along would be transferred to the third choice (Bagpuss). + € # !*6 € # forget your student card.

By Robert Smith


Intramural Football - Ajax snatch cup spoils in extra time thriller By Intramural reporters Owain Harries and Rupert Williams Pre-match interviews Ajax 5 - 2 Swansea Uni 7th’s (AET) Biggest lightweight? Highlight of the season? Ajax Treesdown clinched the title of $$ *&!! hands of the Uni 7th’s in what turned didn’t live up to the expectations with !0 - F  However, the 7th’s took the lead *0 3 ” ( -4 ( hand side corner. With the 7th’s in the lead at half -4 ( 6 - F . Minutes later Ajax had a superb chance  Â” woodwork with a shot that left the 7 = # . 3 ” Dancing on the streets of Holland: Ajax Treesdown ( celebrate their cup final victory Photo By Marc Holmes = # - F ) – stepped up for Ajax and drilled the ball 7 = # ( = # -4 ( ( second half but the Ajax keeper tipped and throw-ins which were well executed 7  Â• -4 ( As the referee blew the whistle, Ajax controversial decision soon happened. ( 4 - = # ( ÂĄ& 7 ÂŒ ( -4 ( F

League round-up 7 ˆ!=Â’&6‡ ( • $ – ” * ! + = # ÂŚ * 3 $ Ajax and the 6th’s have lost Sloth the ÂŚ ” 3 F  and Urine Trouble.

$ F - $ $,• + = # and 6th’s, which could prove to be a The 6th’s are hot on their heels in $,• ˆ ‡ $ = # $ 8 # 6th’s to win the title.

F = # -4 ( outside contenders for the title and have 7 # $ 8 # -4 ( 3 + -4 ( $ +

7th’s captain Joel-Stevens Leach: So / ) - Ajax captain Matt Goldring (answered on his behalf by Will Marchant): Our #

Ajax: 7 6 7th’s: 2 / • 2 ¢ ÂŒ

Worst moment of the season? Ajax: • ) # 4 was a blow for us all, but we picked 7th’s:  $,• ¢ *

Best FIFA player? Ajax:  Â• 7th’s: - 7 ¢ ¢

_'$ " &` Ajax: 7th’s: Best performer (on the pitch) this season? Ajax: F 7th’s: - 7 Best performer (off the pitch) this season? Ajax: 8 • ¢ 7th’s: / • 7 ¢ Â’ Â’ Â’

Expectations for the league? Ajax: 7 7th’s: 7 ¢ Favourite other team? Ajax: F 8 = 7th’s: $+) ” 8# ¢ ¢ Least favourite other team? Ajax: – ™ ™ 7th’s: 1 ¢ ” ” ( 2 F 1 ¢ ¢

Intramural Varsity squad announced! . — Swansea Intramural v Cardiff IMG was !8 ¥ 1.30PM kick off ” ” ™

) / - / ˆ$,•‡ )  ) ˆ+ 8 # ‡ ) 1  ˆ ‡ ) - F ˆ-4 (‡ ) $ , ˆ$ ‡ ) — ˆ$,•‡

$ “ ˆ$ ‡ F ‡ –> 3 ˆ$ $ 3 “ ˆ– ‡ $ ” F ˆ$ F ‡ $ 3 ‡  , ˆ+ 8 # ‡ ¤   / ˆ$ ‡ 1  Â• / ˆ, ‡ 4 $ 1  / “ ˆ$ ‡  7 ˆ-4 (‡ ÂĽ •  $ ) “ ˆ$ ‡


WATERFRONT 201 - 21/03/11

SPORT COMMENT PAGE Our writers have their say on the big issues Are Barcelona the best team ever to have played the game? Daniel Matcham examines the rise to power of the Catalans under Pep Guardiola IS BARCELONA the greatest club side in history? This will be the question on many football fans’ lips following their victory over Arsenal in the last-16 of this season’s UEFA Champions League. With Arsenal holding a hard-fought * ! the Emirates Stadium, the return match at the Camp Nou was shaping up to be a competitive affair. Unfortunately for fans of British football, it turned out to be a familiarly disappointing evening for Arsenal against their much lauded opponents. A 3-1 victory for Barcelona may not have been an overly unexpected scoreline, such is the clinical manner in which Barcelona have dispatched lesser opponents this season. Arsenal, for their part, turned up with a game plan designed to frustrate their opponents, but ultimately the statistics told their own story: one own goal but no shots in the entire match. Barcelona defeated Arsenal 4-1 at the same stage and venue in last season’s competition and, although the margin was slightly closer, Arsenal were never really in the game. However, in the cold

light of day, the main issue is where this result places Barcelona in the historical ( - play a similar brand of football, but it is commonly recognised that Barcelona are far ahead in the world game. A great side can be judged on a number of factors. The Arsenal side of 2003-04 (and the few years prior) is undoubtedly up there with the best sides in history for their feat of going unbeaten for an entire league season. The run, through the exploits of Thierry Henry, Dennis Bergkamp, Patrick Vieira et al, stretched into the following season and ended after 49 games with a defeat against their great rivals Manchester United. The team were handed the title of “The Invincibles� which had previously been held by Preston North End – they went an entire season unbeaten in the 188889 season, but pundits have commented upon the fact that Preston’s league season only lasted for 22 matches, compared to the modern 38 games. The team that Sir Alex Ferguson constructed in the 1990s and through the 2000s at Manchester United is another that can stake a claim. From the despair

THREE IS MAGIC NUMBER: Are Xavi, Lionel Messi and Andres Iniesta playing for the best team ever? of a surprising relegation in 1974, the team bounced back and appointed Ferguson in 1986. Despite early struggles, they won the , 3 title in 1993 and have since added a further eleven league titles in 19 years, along with multiple trophies in other competitions, culminating in a treble of the Premier League, FA Cup and Champions League in 1999. The praise delivered to Ferguson is comparable to that handed to Bill Shankly (and latterly Bob Paisley and Kenny Dalglish) who oversaw an unprecedented level

of success, delivering thirteen league titles, four FA Cups and four European Cups. The achievements of these great 3 ÂŒ that Manchester United have only recently drawn level in terms of league titles, both sides holding eighteen titles. Let’s not forget the other great European sides. The Real Madrid team !ÂĄ8& ” players as Ferenc Puskas and Alfredo Di Stefano. The Lisbon Lions (Celtic) won four trophies in a single in season in 1967, culminating in a stunning defeat of Internazionale in the 1967 European Cup Final. Ajax, captained by Johan Cruyff, the Dutch master, won the double in 1971 and 1973, either side of a treble in 1972. But back to Barcelona. The side constructed by Josep “Pepâ€? Guardiola – at great expense, it must be stated – features a player, Lionel Messi, widely


considered to be on a par with Pele and Maradona at such a young stage in his career, but it by no means a one-man team. The individual talents of Dani Alves, Xavi Hernandez, Andres Iniesta and goalkeeper Victor Valdes would be welcome in any side, but they never let their egos get in the way of the team. This was in evidence with their ( 2009-10 season; following up a treble the previous year. A question like this is always going to bring up debate about the merits of certain sides – people have favourite players, styles of play and the nostalgia factor cannot be underestimated. However, if Barcelona go on to lift the coveted UEFA Champions League trophy, the matter may be closed - at least for now.


The Waterfront is looking for volunteers to help out in writing match reports for the sports team at Varsity 2011. If you are interested contact sport@


EYES ON VARSITY AS NETBALL CLAIM MEMORABLE DOUBLE By Chris Penn Deputy Sports Editor “WE are really chuffed and excited that we won them both in the space of four days�, said an exuberant Ellie Allchurch after captaining the Swansea 1st Netball team to an historic league and cup double. Last week the team claimed the BUCS Western Conference 2A league title on points difference with a 44-34 away win at Glamorgan. “We are close bunch of girls. We have worked well, trained hard so the league win was credit to us all.� This title win now means the team will compete in the BUCS Western Conference league 1A next season. They only lost three games throughout the season which included a 41-32 defeat away to Cardiff 2nds. The run down to the end of the season was rather a tense affair. “UWIC [3rds] are always a strong, competitive team.� A 42-35 defeat to UWIC 3rds on February 23 seemed to have put the Cardiff side in control of the league but then a loss to Glamorgan gave Swansea

the chance to claim the title. Cardiff, however, narrowly avoided relegation from the Premier League South on just goal difference. This contrast in seasons adds an extra bit of spice to the showdown on March 30. “They are evidently struggling, and we won our league so it’ll make the match rather interesting.� Last Thursday saw the ladies win the Western Conference Cup final with a narrow 36-33 win over the University of Bath 3rds in Sheffield. “It was a massive arena, close to the supporters. It was more professional than some places we have played at.� Their road to the cup win started back in November with a 47-21 victory over Newport 1sts but none of the girls would of anticipated the season to come or the prospect of playing in the final. Their opponents Bath had a very successful season where they have remained unbeaten, chasing their own double dreams as they close in on the 2A title. “They are a team we were not used to playing. We respected them for their own league performance.� The ladies were down by five points in the 1st quarter. “They brought a strong support

DOUBLE DELIGHT: Netball Ladies look to build on season’s success for their showdown with Cardiff with them, it was very daunting. They provided a tough competition and we had to rise to the occasion.� Looking ahead to Varsity, the form book may fancy Swansea’s chances especially with their 38-29 win last year at the big event.

Allchurch stated, “The early start may be a disadvantage with the lack of Swansea support.� “Everyone is positive, confident and looking forward to the match�. Next season Swansea will be competing against the likes of UWIC 2nds and

Exeter 1sts but Allchurch believes the team will make a good account of themselves. “Only three are leaving, so there is a still a strong team in place for next year who are looking forward to the challenge.�

A MESSAGE FROM SOUTH WALES POLICE TO SWANSEA UNIVERSITY SUPPORTERS VARSITY 2011 – IMPORTANT INFORMATION NO ALCOHOL WILL BE ALLOWED TO BE TAKEN ON THE BUSES, AT SOPHIA GARDENS OR THE MILLENNIUM STADIUM BUSES Retain your bus wristband for the return journey. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TRAVEL BACK TO SWANSEA WITHOUT IT! Absolutely no alcohol will be allowed on the buses. Searches will be conducted by the Police when alighting and disembarking coaches. There will be police at both the pick up and drop off points and should any reports of bad behaviour come from the drivers, the police will take action. 2 (


FOLLOWING THE MATCH After the game please leave the ground and promptly return to the bus pick up point at the Sophia Gardens. The buses will pick up at the drop off point and there will be stewards there to direct you.

WELSH INSTITUTE FOR SPORT, SOPHIA GARDENS AND MILLENNIUM STADIUM , ( 1 ( No alcohol will be allowed into either ground and searches will be made on entry. Entry will also be refused if you drink up the alcohol at the gate. Drinks and refreshments are available in both areas. - be dealt with by the police. No Smoking is tolerated in the stadium. Any streaking or inappropriate behaviour, including the people holding the clothes, Š 4 (

, 4 $ – bus.

We look forward to a fantastic event and a good humoured occasion. However, unruly behaviour will not be tolerated and will be dealt with & ,

The last bus for Swansea will leave the Sophia Gardens at 21:45. Should you miss this trains will be leaving Cardiff Central station to return to Swansea at 22:26 and 23:43.




21/03/11 email:

JAZZ HITS THE RIGHT NOTE AHEAD OF 2012 By Ben Donovan Sports Editor SWANSEA student Jazz Carlin won three medals at the British Championships as she continued her preparations for Team GB at the London 2012 Olympics Games. Jazz, along with fellow student Georgia Davies, competed at the British Gas sponsored event two weeks ago to stake their claims for 2012 ahead of the World Championships in Shanghai this July – the last international event before the Olympics. But despite not picking up a coveted gold medal at the Championships, Carlin wasn’t at all despondent as she spoke exclusively to The Waterfront. “I think everyone goes out there wanting to win so it’s never easy settling

for second placeâ€? she said. “In the 200 metre 0.13 of a second split me and Becky (Adlington), but thats what spurs me on to get better.â€? The Welsh youngster shot to prominence last year with a sensational performance in the Commonwealth Games in Delhi, when the Swindonborn swimmer won silver and bronze win a medal in the pool since 1974. Carlin faced strong competition at the Manchester event as she competed alongside two-time Olympic gold medallist Rebecca Adlington, as well as world champion Gemma Spofforth. Despite the vast array of swimming talent on offer, Jazz believes that she can use that to her advantage in any competition that she competes in. ¤1 # of competition, as that is what makes everyone faster knowing that to be the best in your country is going to get you to the best in the world.â€? Despite turning in one of her most complete performances on the opening day of the Championships, it wasn’t enough for her to claim gold as she - ÂŚ&& However, as well as claiming her silver medal, Jazz set a new Welsh record as she turned in a time of 4:05.51 minutes which she was delighted with. “I was really happy with how I swamâ€? she said. ¤7 ÂŚ&& and getting a best time gave me a real week.â€? Fellow Welsh swimmer Georgia Davies, herself a medallist in Delhi

Varsity Countdown!

MEDAL DELIGHT: Jazz Carlin (left) with gold medallist Rebecca Adlington (centre) and Sasha Matthews last autumn, was unable to repeat her Commonwealth Games heroics in Manchester as she missed out on a medal in the 100 metre backstroke. With Carlin producing some of the Œ she paid tribute to her training methods which has seen her blossom under the tutelage of Bud McAllister. “A lot of my training has been focused on the 400 and 800m freestyle so it was really good to show that and get the best times in those events.� Carlin then claimed her third silver medal of the Championships in the 800

1 ÂĽ “It’s going to be a very hard competition when your racing against the best in the world but I just need to train as hard as I can so that going into the competition I know that I have done my best.â€? As ticket details were recently released for 2012, Jazz herself admits to having Olympic fever. “It is what I am working towards and it’s going to be such an incredible experience in London and the crowd support is going to be fantastic.â€?

Inside This Week’s Paper Comment

9 days to go

to Adlington, who cruised to victory to underline her dominance in the weeklong event. With Adlington in such scintillating form in recent competitions the intensity will naturally increase as the cream of British swimmers battle it out to win a place in Team GB for London 2012. But attention quickly turns to the World Championships in Shanghai this coming summer, where Carlin will inevitably compete against her British compatriot. “The aim for Shanghai is to make the



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