Waterfront 267 November 2016

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Declan Murphy chats with Josh Franceschi

Harry Ballmann speaks to the dance music heavyweight

Roasted parsnip and brown mustard soup




Less Screaming. More Streaming.

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from the editor Declan Murphy

So we’re already into

Anyhow, enough about that.

November. That’s mad. Feels

This issue we’ve got a great

like a week or two ago I

batch of articles for you guys

was unpacking and getting

to read through. From Faye

settled into my room.

and Shannon re-debuting their

In fact, if you’re reading this

blind date section to myself

in the later part of November

catching up with You Me At

we’re already over halfway

Six, it’s all pretty exciting stuff!

through the term. Also massive shout out to Well, regardless time moves on

my deputy, Hilary. There’s no

with or without us as most of

underestimating the amount of

us will find out in the coming

effort that goes into doing this

weeks once the deadlines

paper and she’s there all the

start rolling in. From essays to

way through to make sure it’s

exam preparation, November

plain sailing for myself and the

is where the ball starts rolling.

rest of the team.

My only advice is to make

Remember, if you guys

sure you don’t let things get

ever want to get involved

on top of you; that deadline

or raise our attention to

will be here quicker than you

something, I can be contacted

thought and preparing for

at waterfronteditor@

it well in advance is key. If


Ph o t o : D e cla n M u pr h y

you ever feel like it’s getting too much or you need some

We are currently working

helpful knowledge, contact

on moving to our new office

your personal tutor or the SU’s

space in the Digital Technium.

advice and support centre at S in ge lton Park


We should be in by

I’ve had to use them in the

December, but until then

past and honestly it saved my

you can find us on the third

degree, there’s no shame to it.

floor of Union house.



Declan Murphy

Rachel Sanders



Deputy editor


Hilary Webb

Heather Wood & Nathan Lloyd





Hazel Stabler

Akosua Darko





Rhydian Morris

Harry Ballmann





Kristina Marsh & John Fanning

Shannon Jones & Faye Vlietstra



Creative writing


Zoe Stabler

Zoe Stabler & Caitlin Jones





Sarah Harris

Declan Murphy




Student media coordinator

Ellie Thompson

Iain Fisher




waterfront is a free print and online

Shona Johnson

publication from swansea student media


and the students’ union.





creative writing














by Rhydian Morris

marathon woman A Swansea University Masters student has been working towards the goal of

She has run the equivalent of a marathon

Laura recently graduated this year from

every week this year, placing considerable

Swansea University with a degree in

emphasis on running in her free time to

History and Welsh. While graduating with

ensure her goal. Next month she will

a strong academic performance, fitness

utilise this year long training with her

has transformed into her greater passion.

first full 26.2 mile endurance marathon.

one marathon a week or 52 marathons this

“A lot of people I knew thought I Laura, a committed martial artist, decided

would take the more academic route

year. Laura Fiteni, a

to set herself this challenge as a way

in life as I loved studying in school,

former member of

of working towards her fitness for her

but nothing challenges me in the

goal of a third degree black belt.

same way fitness does,” said Laura.

“It was a New Year’s challenge,” she

Laura is raising money for two charities,

explained. “I wanted to do something

including Cancer Research UK, and

to challenge myself that would also

is accepting donations at justgiving.

help to improve my fitness, strength


Swansea Student Media took on the challenge as a new year’s resolution to herself in January.

and speed. You need to be really fit to be awarded the belt. The grading is very intense and running will really help to build my muscle endurance.”



It was a New Year’s challenge. I wanted to do something to challenge myself that would also help to improve my fitness, strength and speed.



by Hilary Webb

scan & sit: far from perfect My first day back in a lecture hall after

The arrival of Scan and Sit was

a year and a half away from Swansea

inevitable as the UK’s obsession with

and my lecturer promptly announces,

immigration increases, meaning that

“Big Brother has arrived”.

universities are required to provide evidence of those in the country on

Staring from the side of each of the doors

student VISAs actually attending

of the lecture theatre were these mystery

lectures. Yet as a result, it is apparently

black boxes with glaring white eyes. My

necessary that we all now be tracked.

next lecturer jokingly (I hope) suggests; “they’ll be micro chipping you all next!”

There is no denying, especially as the University and the Union have been

It was true; we must now scan our student

shoving it down our throats since the

ID cards before the first ten minutes of

arrival of Scan and Sit, attendance

our lecture in order to be marked

correlates with performance. The more

as present.

lectures, seminars, tutorials and labs


I l l us tra t i on: I a i n Fi s her


students attend, the higher their chances

Now however, when I show up to

alter or correct their students attendance.

of success. But was the attendance

every lecture early but on one occasion

Lecturers have lost part of their direct

monitoring system ever really broken

innocently forget my purse and therefore

involvement with their students and I fear

to begin with? When my housemate

my student ID (because I am not a perfect

that in the long term, the disappearance

ended up in hospital in my first year,

human) it doesn’t matter if my lecturer

of interactions between lecturers and

a quick email to my lecturer meant

says “afternoon, Hilary,” or whether or

students about attendance might be

she knew why I wouldn’t be attending

not I participate in the class, as far as

detrimental to all. It is early days though,

and that I wouldn’t be penalised for

the system is aware I was a no show.

and hopefully there will be opportunities

being an unmotivated student. When

The system also is only supposed to

for this imperfect system to evolve,

I ran the London Marathon and didn’t

flag up absences if we fail to attend two

returning some power to the people.

fancy getting the train back to Swansea

consecutive weeks of classes, but does

The university have already announced

immediately after, my lecturers knew and

that mean missing a week or ten days of

several changes to the system including

understood why I would be absent and

lectures shouldn’t concern our lecturers?

the introduction of an Mobile App next

we were able to communicate about how I would catch up.

semester that will allow students to Here is where the problem with the Scan

view their attendance. In the meantime

and Sit system lies. That lecturers no

though I like to think that the Scan and

longer have the power to view, influence,

Sit system would at least make George Orwell laugh, or say “I told you so!”



united societies Swansea University’s Photography and Skate societies recently met up to capture the first

Ph o t o : I n ê s Tei xe ir a-D ia s

skate social of the year. President of the photography society, Princess, and member Inês went along to take some snaps. You can find our more about each of the societies on their Facebook pages.

P h o t o : I n ês Te ix e ir a- Di as

P h o t o : I n ês Te ix e ir a- Di as

P hoto: P ri nc es s Oy eb a nj o

NOVEMBER 2016 swanseastudentmedia.com



by Charlotte Barnfather

rise of the masters When enrollment finishes and figures

Business student Martha Pugh found it

can begin to be analysed it is expected

incredibly challenging to gain a position

that the numbers of students staying

at these companies when she wanted

on at Swansea to do a masters will

to specialise in Human Resources.

have increased this year. After speaking

‘Although I knew that finding a job in

to many postgraduate students there

HR would be challenging, I thought that

seems to be a wide variety of reasons

having a first class degree would give

that encouraged them to apply

me an advantage. However because of

summer exams, why

for a fourth year at Swansea, now

the competitive industry, I have had to

are so many students

ranked the top university in Wales.

return to university at a great financial

Do students really need a higher

expense. My masters is essential in

qualification to reach their dream

order for me to gain the professional

jobs? Or are students today simply

qualifications that are required to help

too afraid to enter the real world?

me achieve my dream career.’ Despite

After already completing three years of studying, meeting deadlines and endless stress over January and

coming back?

being predicted a First Class Honors in One of the most common factors for

a very recognised and valued Business

students returning to university is due

Management degree, there was no

to the difficulty and struggles of getting

success for Martha or other students

onto a graduate scheme. Postgraduate

applying for similar positions.



One of the biggest reasons for students facing rejection

such generous scholarships, would so many students choose

from graduate schemes is the very high level of competition.

to complete their masters? Is this huge saving just an excuse

Thousands of graduates are applying for the same schemes,

for students to extend their studies? Or are students seeing

which can only take on a small percentage of applicants every

this as a promising opportunity to further develop their

year. It is becoming increasingly more competitive; therefore

qualifications, making them more employable for the future?

graduates need to stand out. They can do this by ensuring they have both sufficient and relevant work experience, an impressive

Unfortunately undergraduate degrees are becoming increasingly

and well-structured CV and most importantly an evident passion

common and are often not enough for some employers.

and ambition to work for the company. Postgraduate Sam

Employers today are searching for something more, which

Dyke made the decision to return to Swansea to complete

highlights a candidates enthusiasm and passion for their

his masters in International Security and Development. Sam

specialised subject. Returning to Swansea University is not

describes his reasons behind this decision. ‘The reasons for me

about avoiding the ‘real world’ of work. A Masters takes

returning to do a masters was two fold: I needed to be more

time, dedication and hours of research to achieve this highly

qualified for the jobs I was applying for in a competitive market

recognised qualification.

and I enjoyed the intellectual challenges university presents. Swansea University’s centenary programme of offering students discounted masters for a good result in their undergraduate programme, was simply an added bonus. This will improve their employability, as this additional qualification will stand out from other graduates.’ After completing his first week on the MA programme Sam has already found it more than satisfactory, ‘the masters programme seems to be everything I hoped. Hopefully it will allow me to enter my chosen industry with the necessary skills and qualifications required, giving us the thing we all want from university; a good career’. As Sam has highlighted a big incentive for students to return to

Martha Pugh Charlotte Bar nfather & Sam Dyke

Swansea are the opportunities available for scholarships. English literature postgraduate student Claire Cuddihy describes her decision to return to Swansea. ‘Having accepted a graduate job in Accountancy starting in July this year, I never saw myself returning to Swansea (as much as I would have loved to!) However, upon starting my job I realised how unsuitable it was for an English Literature graduate like myself. After learning more about the Fast Track scholarship programme I decided it would be silly not to apply for an MA especially given the range of scholarships on offer.’ Claire like many other students have benefitted from the scholarship programme. However, the question remains, If the university did not offer

Completing a Masters is not the easy option; it is quite literally the harder option. Students are dedicating an extra twelve months of their time in education, to ensure that they are efficiently prepared for the real world. Masters students do not want to settle for an unsatisfactory job, just because they need one. They want to strive for their dream career, where they are able to fulfill all of their ambitions, which one more year in education will most certainly make possible.



by Shona Johnson

mental health check-up Making the move to university isn’t an easy undertaking, even for the most prepared of students. Pair that stress with mental illness and it might seem like you’ve got quite the fight on your hands.



‘THE STATE OF YOUR BED IS THE STATE OF YOUR HEAD’ This may seem like a slightly juvenile suggestion, but hear me out. For most students moving away from home to university is the first time they have ever lived by themselves. There are no parents around to pick up after you, if your






get washed unless you do it yourself. The same goes for keeping your space tidy and clean. You alone are the one that has the responsibility of looking after yourself. If your surroundings are a mess, your clothes and linens are dirty and you can’t find anything in the morning, you’re not going to feel like you are in control which for many people has a detrimental effect on their mental health. You owe it to yourself to keep on top of things. Let’s be real here - it’s great getting out of bed in the morning without tripping over crap on the floor.

GET TO KNOW THE SERVICES AVAILABLE TO YOU It is crucial that you know what help is there for you when you are experiencing any kind of mental health problem. Here at Swansea University, we have the lovely people at the Advice & Support Centre (situated behind Costcutter in Fulton House) as well as Wellbeing Services (although they are not currently taking on any new students due to a full waiting list). We also have a Mental Health Awareness Officer (yours truly), as well as a Welfare Officer - these roles are in place for your well being, so do


not be afraid to fire off an email if you are

found that 78% of the 1,093 students

struggling. It is also very important that you



register with the GP on campus (situated

mental health issues in the last year.

in the Penmaen building on Singleton




bedclothes are dirty they will not magically

Campus), make sure you speak to them if

That is an astoundingly large number

at any point you are finding it difficult to

of students, which only goes to show

cope. Even though we offer lots of support

just how important mental wellbeing

as a Students’ Union the advice of your

and mindfulness is in an environment

doctor is invaluable. Your personal tutor

as stressful as that of university life.

should also be one of your first ports of call

All this being said, there are many simple

when it comes to mental health issues, it is

things we can do to stay on top of our

their job to ensure your well being - both

mental health as students.

academically and mentally.



GO EASY WITH ALCOHOL I shouldn’t be lecturing anyone on this topic, but learn from my mistakes! It goes without saying that going out and getting drunk comes hand-in-hand with most people’s uni experience, but it’s really important that you’re safe. Alcohol is a depressant, that is a fact. So if like me you suffer from ungodly hangovers, you’re not only going to feel like shit physically, but mentally as well. If you take this into account when drinking, that’s fine - but you really have to ask yourself if a couple of nights out on the town are worth getting ‘black dog’ over.


DON’T ISOLATE YOURSELF This point kind of carries on from my last one, but it’s very important too. Not everyone likes drinking and clubbing, thusly a lot of people fall off of the social radar. Crowded bars can be overwhelming for some people, and it’s important to know that they are not the only place to unwind when you are at university. We have over 120 societies that offer fantastic socials that aren’t all alcohol-based, you will find one that is right for you - I promise. If you didn’t make it to Freshers’ Fayre, take a look on the union’s website - every single society and sports club is listed there for you to join.

MAKE THE MOST OF IT The most important thing you can do for your mental health while at university is to enjoy yourself. Take the opportunities that are given to you, go on one of our trips with the Travel Shop (Fulton House, Singleton Campus), run for a committee position, take a day out to explore the Gower. You’re here to get a degree primarily, but don’t worry too much. These are your formative years and you’ve got a unique opportunity here to be exactly the person that you want to be, grab the bull by its horns and have some fun - you’re going to be absolutely fine.

SEFUL LINKS Welfare Officer welfare@swansea-union.co.uk Mental Health Awareness Officer:




Advice & Support Centre

Mental Health Foundation



Students’ Union






by Roberta Attuquayefio

advice for your final year ‘Record numbers of students are beginning university this term,

‘But there are warnings of rising numbers

First of all you start to think how you’re

of students struggling to cope with

going to move all your things back

life on campus, with sharp rises in the

home if you live away from home where

demand for counselling… A report from

your family live and near the university,

the Higher Education Funding Council

then you think ‘how will I get on course

making the big

for England, using anonymised data,

wise? Will I get the grade I want or set

emotional step of a

found a rapid increase in demand for

myself to achieve?’ The last thing that

new independent life,

counselling, with one institution seeing

goes through a final year student’s mind

with many living away

an annual increase of more than 50%.’

is ‘will I find a job straight away?’

first time.’ according

Many things go through a person’s

Don’t worry, whether you believe it

to a September 2015

mind as they go into their last

or not these are completely normal

report from BBC news

year of university, everyone has

thoughts to have and everyone else

those thoughts and it’s OK to have

in your shoes is guilty of having those

them. After all we’re all human.

same exact thoughts. It’s not just you!

from home for the

education correspondent Sean Coughlan.



Once you start the semester again you’ll realise that you worried for nothing and you will find the answers to all the questions you asked yourself as you go along. The final year should be easier in terms of fitting back in because you’ve done it all before two years

Even though it’s good to keep in mind

prior, so therefore you know the drill.

that the idea of going to university for the first time might trigger mental health

This article is not focusing on mental

issues such as depression and anxiety

health and the negatives of university,

or even self-harm, my aim is to bring

however it should be recognised that

to attention to the students and the

some students go through some form

public that there is help out there. Most

of mental health whether it’s serious or

universities have a mental well-being

for example gospel choir society and

not. The first solution to the problem

building department which is there

choral society really help me to release

is to acknowledge it because the

to help when the need arises. Make

my tensions, yet create a great social and

more authorities and the universities

sure you make use of these facilities it

safe environment for me. Try and find a

ignore it, the more it increases across

can really help. Even if you just book

society to join too and hopefully being

more students and escalates.

a session to find out what services

a part of these societies will help you

they offer it can really change the way

mingle with other students and make

you approach and handle final year.

friends who will encourage you. Yes it is easier said than done but it’s worth a try.

How I personally deal with stress or worry for my final year at university is

The main advice is whenever you feel

to think positively, and keep myself

stressed or worried about final year

occupied doing things that are positive,

of university, take deep breaths in and out and try to distract yourself

I keep myself occupied doing things that are positive. Gospel choir society and Choral society really help me to release my tensions, yet create a great social and safe environment.

from it by thinking of all the positive things about university. Remember this is your final year. After this you’re never coming back. Enjoy it before you enter the working world. Finally surround yourself with likeminded people who want the same things as you do which helps a lot. Whatever you do, don’t keep the fears in your mind!



by Shannon Jones & Faye Vlietstra

agony aunts Hi Shannon and Faye, I’ve just found out through a friend that the guy I was previously seeing still has some raunchy pictures of me on his phone which he still uses to get off with, what should I do? Rachel, Second Year.

Hey girls, I’ve just moved back to university for my third year living with a group of female friends, everything was going well until we got an unwanted extra housemate. My housemate’s boyfriend is at our house 24/7 and it’s becoming an issue. I don’t want to lose our friendship, but what should I do? Charlotte, Third Year.

Well Damn! Full disclosure, we almost experienced something like this, and definitely know how crap the situation must be for you. The best thing to do would be to talk to the other housemates and see if you’re all on the same page. If you are, bring it up to the girl, but keep it cool to start with, and don’t attack her. If she doesn’t listen and refuses to

First of all girl, you need to rethink who

Shannon and Faye are Waterfront’s very own agony aunts and matchmakers.

you send these sorts of pictures to. We’re not saying that you shouldn’t, we’re just saying take caution, as some people can’t be trusted. Maybe save it for the

If you’re interested in going

real deal. As for the guy, he’s clearly

on a Blind Date or have a

an asshole, with a side of creep, who

question you want to put

doesn’t deserve to have your photos.

simmer it down, then we say you and the other housemates have every right to request that he starts contributing to bills. If not then they’re obviously taking the piss, in that case tell the homegirl that it’s illegal for him to be living there like he’s another housemate, and we bet that will change her mind. Best of luck, go forth and reclaim your house!

to the aunts, contact them

Our best advice we can give, would be

at waterfrontrelationships@

to tell him to delete all copies of the


pictures, and if he refuses, get people

While very knowledgeable Shannon

you can trust and call in reinforcements

and Faye are not qualified to give out

to help make him see reason. Now

expert advice. Waterfront suggests

remember, if you really want to send

that you take their advice with a pinch

saucy photos, be wary of who you send

of salt and use the Students’ Union’s

them to and never include your face!

support services for serious guidance.


blind date


Emily 21, level three American Studies and English Literature and Josh 22, level one Chemical Engineering, met at JCs for a free drink on a Friday in October for their first date. Here’s what they had to say afterwards.

We send our blind date

Why did you agree to go on a

What was your favourite thing about

couples to JC’s bar and

blind date?

the person?

coffee shop, which serves a

E: For the bants!!

E: How easy he was to talk too.

range of alcoholic and non-

J: Never been on one before and wanted

J: She was a laugh.

alcoholic drinks, speciality

to give it a try.

coffees, pub meals, panini and homemade cakes. All of our blind date couples

Were there any turnoffs? What were your first impressions?

E: No turn offs!

E: Pleasantly surprised!

J: None that I can think of.

J: Friendly if not a little nervous.

receive a complimentary drink courtesy of JC’s. If you would like to take part in a blind date, please

Out of ten, how would you rate Were you attracted to the person?

the date?


E: 9/10

J: Somewhat, she did seem like a really

J: It went quite well, so about a 7.

nice girl.

contact Shannon and Faye on waterfrontrelationships@ swanseastudentmedia.com

Any chance of seeing each other again? Were there any awkward moments

E: Hope so!

or silences?

J: Maybe.

E: Not really… J: One or two but they didn’t last long.


9.30AM - 11PM








home by Nezeré Parkin

The rain is beating against the window pane So much force My heart is racing as I receive another blow to my face, my stomach, my chest thundering down on me just like the rain to the ground both relentless, as if they’re competing with one another The sound of the rain is weakening and so is he... now I’m sprawled across the floor; unable to move. Left in the dark like a forgotten children’s doll The pain is unbearable There’s a spider in the corner of the room She’s spinning her web Making a home This is her safe place, She will be ok here I think it’s finally stopped raining A new light shines through the window and onto her web; she is resting At least one of us will survive tonight



by Ellie Thompson

vintage vibes Aztec, plaid, cord, denim and all sorts of clothing were seen at the

You may have seen or been to the vintage fair that was in university recently, the ‘one stop pop up shop for all your vintage needs.’ The event was hosted by University Vintage Fairs, an organisation that travels across the UK to bring students vintage clothing at an affordable price.

fair, ranging from coats and cutoffs to sportswear and shirts. So now you’ve bought your vintage items, the question is how to style them? Let me show you…

Denim This material is probably the most versatile of them all and can be styled and worn in so many different ways. ‘Mom’ jeans are very popular at the moment and look great with a colourful retro shirt (depending on how loud you want your look to be) or just a logo t-shirt. Wear with trainers, a chunky belt and even a cap depending on how you want your outfit to look! A denim jacket is always a good investment as it can be worn with so many different pieces and even looks great on a night out. The question is, are you daring enough to embrace double denim?




Vintage street-wear, such as a colourblock fleece, can be thrown over anything and instantly brightens up an outfit. Look out for brands such as Adidas, Fila and Nike and invest in baggy t-shirts, track jackets and oversized sweatshirts.


In the form of a shirt, skirt or scarf, vintage plaid is one of the easiest patterns to style. Wear a mid-length checked skirt with a cosy knitted jumper, woolly tights and knee-high boots for when it gets cold or wear an oversized plaid shirt over a simple black t-shirt and skinny jeans for the autumnal months. A style not just for girls, a checked scarf can look great with a colourful pair of trousers for the boys, worn with tan shoes and a matching belt for a more formal approach.



Tips to check it’s vintage... Lot numbers which gave each item a number to keep track of the where it was distributed and sorted.


A tag that states “one size fits all”. This was a phase in the 1980s where the style was oversized everything!

Cord is everywhere this season and the best way to style it is to pair some cute cord dungarees with a patterned

Labels that state “made in the USA” or

(or plain depending on how daring

similar. Brands would proudly say that

you want to go) turtle-neck top and

clothing was made in the country it was

ankle boots. If dresses aren’t your

sold in as a patriotic statement, standing

forte, try a pair of cord trousers with

for higher wages for employees.

a chunky sweater and a scarf. Decorative labels. During the 60s, 70s and 80s, labels were anything but simple like they are today. Look out for flowers,


Caps are huge at the moment and look great with mom jeans, a floral tie-at-thewaist top or a bomber jacket. Better still, they cover up bad hair days and look great with your hair loose or in a ponytail. Vintage belts are so versatile as they’re usually made out of soft leather so have a lovely worn-in look, which looks great paired with some Levi high-waist shorts or mom jeans.

symbols and unusual typography on the brand label.



by Ellie Thompson

fulton outfitters It is almost a tradition to have an item of

Stocking everything from hoodies,

a Fulton Outfitters shop is also on

t-shirts, sportswear and socks to snap-

campus, within the Students’ Union

backs, rucksacks, cards and stationery,

building, near the launderette.

you won’t have to shop anywhere else!

clothing with your

Both shops are open Monday-Friday from The store sold over a thousand

10am until 5pm.

on, and we all love a

hoodies over fresher’s fortnight which

This October, Fulton Outfitters celebrates

keepsake to remind

shows that their jumpers alone are

its 4th birthday, so make sure that you

us of the fun years

a comfy and stylish way to dress on

pop in and buy an item of clothing or

a day-to-day basis and also perfect

accessory to support them! They also

for throwing on with jeans.

sell gifts which is ideal, especially with

university’s name

we’ve spent there. Fulton Outfitters is your one stop shop to pick up these and lots of other cool mementos.

Christmas coming up – get your friend a The wide variety of sizes stocked, from

keepsake which they’ll treasure forever!

XS to XXXL means that you can get the perfect fit or even go a size up for an

The Fultoneers, the brand ambassadors

extra comfy and snuggly feel.

of Fulton Outfitters, will also be around both Singleton and Bay campus

Fulton Outfitters is in Fulton House

displaying some of the clothing items

on Singleton Campus, just opposite

for sale. Staff at Fulton Outfitters will


be recruiting other students to be part of their team so if you think you’d

For all you Bay Campus students,

be interested then let them know!



The shops on both campuses are open Monday-Friday from 10am until 5pm.



by Hazel Stabler

scary stories Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children is a film centred around Jake,

The narrative of the film is closely

for Peculiar Children, and later, Hollow

knit to the original story, in which

City, as Riggs first wanted to produce

Jake’s grandfather, Abraham, tells

a picture book gone wildly and weirdly

Jake stories about his childhood

wrong. As a collector of photographs,

growing up in Nazi- ridden Poland.

he knew that he needed more in order

Jake assumes that these stories of

to build the story into what it is today,

a young man who,

monsters and peculiar children are

and so he contacted collector Leonard

after a tragic family

fabricated lies in order to cover up

Lightfoot and built the story from there.

incident, follows

the horrors of war, but is confronted

a trail of photos

by their tragic reality as he witnesses

The film adaptation also uses these

his grandfather’s death first hand.

photos, and while the visual aid isn’t

to the abandoned

necessary, it is certainly welcomed by

children’s home in a Welsh island

The original novel, written by Ransom

fans of the book. Some of these photos

Riggs, inherits its characters and

have been re-created in order to match

plot points from an array of peculiar

the characters on screen, however many

photographs. These photos inhabit the

elements have stayed true to the original

children from the story, featuring floating

story, giving a rustic and mysterious feel

children, a grinning boy with a mouth full

to an already weird and wonderful tale.

of bees, masked twins posed in front of the camera, and a full collection of many

However, there are elements of this

more. It was these photos which drove

film that drastically turned it from a Tim

Riggs to write Miss Peregrine’s Home

Burton classic, to a classic book versus



by Becky Elms

netflix binge watch: stranger things If you haven’t already got on board with this hype, I highly recommend that you do! This Netflix Original aired the entirety of its eight episode series on the 15th July and just over a month later Netflix confirmed that it would produce a second season. The instant success of this show is all film critique. If you enter the home

those under-bed monsters you thought

too apparent - once you watch the

of peculiar children straight from the

you’d left at your Mum and Dad’s

first episode, you become hooked.

words of Riggs’ novel, you are greeted

house when you were little. In fact,

The story begins with the mysterious

by a rich explanation of the weird and

where characterisation lacks, adventure

disappearance of Will Byers. As the story

fantastical, understanding the gap

certainly provides insulation, and you

continues it is clear that supernatural

between Jake and his father, and the

do feel transported to 1943 as Jake

events are occurring - mainly the

even further gap between Abraham and

is, in the cusp of war and turmoil both

appearance of a faceless monster,

his family. What follows when the book

with real threats and hidden ones.

nicknamed the ‘Demogorgon’ by

becomes a film is muddled explanation,

Will’s nerdy but loveable friends. The

and an awful lot of confusion. The film

The question remains; should you go

Sci-fi theme continues when Eleven

feels rushed and all together messy,

out and watch this film? The decision is

(El as she is affectionately named by

mistreating the relationship between

up to you. Shabby story telling aside, it

Mike Wheeler) makes an appearance.

Jake and his family for the thrill of wild

is certainly something worth watching,

Capturing the affections of the audience,

adventures that are never explained.

opening the doors to a new kind of story

she discovers the world for the first

about a bereted young man and a home

time after a life trapped as a science

One thing the film does managed to

of strange and peculiar children. At the

experiment guinea-pig at a nearby

convey, however, is fear, as the Hollows

very least, the characters and locations

‘Area 51’ type lab. This slightly spooky,

are truly the stuff of nightmares. Tall

will at least inspire you to head out

exciting and heart-breaking show is a

dark and covered in teeth, they cater to

and buy the book the very next day.

must watch for the month of November.



the only obvious plot development)

cult classic: house of flying daggers

and things get really complicated. This film is true breath-taking beauty in every sense of the word. Both sound and colour are used to stimulate the senses so they seem to almost ooze out of the screen. The fight sequence in the bamboo forest

by Rachel Sanders

Zh an g Ziyi plays Xiao M e i

is one so spectacular that is has gone down in history along with the drum sequence near the beginning of the

A 2004 martial arts masterpiece,

than Hero (and most martial arts films)

film and the spectacular final sequence

this is one of my favourite films of

but this only adds to its allure. Writers

(filmed in the snow because the winter

all time. Fresh off the back of ‘Hero’

Feng Li, Bin Wang and Yimou Zhang have

came early). It is just another testament

(another masterpiece), director Yimou

constructed a complex interwoven tale of

to Yimou Zhang’s mastery that instead

Zhang created a sensory feast like

honour, love, death, intrigue and betrayal

of cancelling and delaying filming due to

nothing I had ever experienced before.

which only serves to fuel the emotion

the change in weather (it was originally

So powerful were the images he

behind the incredible fight sequences

meant to be filmed in the leafy Autumn),

created they still send a thrill through

further. Jin (Takeshi Kaneshiro) and Leo

he adapted the film to integrate the snow

me every time I watch the film.

(Andy Lau) are two police officers who

with spectacular results.

have been tasked with finding and killing For those of you not particularly

the leader of the notorious ‘House of

So, if you have never seen this wonder of

interested in the martial-art genre, the

Flying Daggers’ rebel group. Leo tells Jin

Chinese film-making, I implore you, do

film is an explosion of imagery and story-

that a local blind girl, Mei (Ziyi Zhang),

so, now. I promise you will not regret it.

telling with plot twists and characters that

is suspected of being the late leader’s

will keep you guessing and gasping in

daughter. Jin proceeds to win over

shock. For those of you who are seasoned

her trust in the hope that she will lead

martial-arts enthusiasts, the wuxia style

him to the rebel group’s headquarters.

film features incredible fight sequences

Naturally, they fall in love (probably

mixed with the dancing prowess of Ziyi Zhang (also known for Hero, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Memoirs of a Geisha) which will leave you breathless. The plot is a little more romance oriented

The c ol ours a re often hea vi l y sa tura ted



why i won’t be watching doctor strange

MARVEL makes large amounts of money from China’s massive movie market (as an example, Avengers: Age of Ultron made more than 600 million dollars from China alone). China is renowned for having a difficult political situation with Tibet. To this day, it is claimed that Tibet remains one of the most oppressed countries

by Michael Fraser

Be n e dict C u mbe rbatc h a s Doctor S tr a ng e

in the world. It is well known that the Dalai Lama operates in exile and, along with an Indian based group commonly

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has

‘Doctor Strange’ has the potential to

known as ‘the Tibetan Government

grown from the humble beginnings

be a great movie; the special effects

in Exile’, has repeatedly brought the

of the first Iron Man film into one

will be fantastic, the reality-bending

issue of Tibet to the United Nations.

of the most famous, and profitable,

sequences could have the same

China’s film censors, who decide

film franchises on the planet, with

magic as The Matrix and Inception,

on the foreign films to be shown

immensely successfully merchandise,

and the cast is a list of fantastically

in the massively profitable movie

tie-in comics and forays into both

talented actors who I am sure will play

market, denied entry to The Last

online and cable television.

their roles with their usual magic.

Airbender in 2010. Several theories have emerged as to the reasoning

The exponential success of the fan-

However, allow me to draw your

of this, including one postulating

dubbed MCU has led to massive

attention to one particular character

that it was the result of similarities

growth in the character roster. It has

- The Ancient One, Doctor Strange’s

between the titular character’s and

grown from the team of six at the

mentor in the mystic arts.

Tibetan culture. In the film version

heart of Avengers Assemble to include

of Doctor Strange, the Ancient One

comic-fan favourites like Daredevil,

For those of you who haven’t read

Quake, and Spider-Man, and this rapid

the comic, Doctor Steven Strange is

expansion shows no signs of stopping.

a world famous gifted surgeon who,

2016 has been an especially big

one day, is involved in a car accident

year for the character roster and this

that severely injures his hands. Lost,

But the spineless pursuit of money

November promises further additions

unable to perform operations, he

by MARVEL (and their ongoing non-

to round it off with ‘Doctor Strange’;

travels the world to try and find a

diversity) is hardly surprising. I, for

bringing the MARVEL magician and

way to repair them. On his travels,

one, shall not be watching Doctor

several of the characters from his

he meets a Tibetan monk called ‘the

Strange when it is released in cinemas.

comics into the world of the MCU.

Ancient One’, who teaches him the mystic arts and he becomes ‘Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme’.

is no longer from Tibet but Nepal. And here we hit the issue.



by Declan Murphy

nintendo switch it up After multiple leaks, hints and speculation over the last year, Nintendo have

The main premise seems to be that the

This means it is possible for two Switch

console is both a stationary unit as well

units to play in the same game, perfect

as a handheld and can switch on the go.

for games like Mario Kart and Super

With the use of a docking station the

Smash, where too many people on the

console can switch from a stationary TV

one screen can be crowded or mean

output to a portable tablet complete

the size of the split-screen is tiny.

finally announced

with two detachable components which

their new console.

function as a controller when put either

Talking about the screen; it is rumoured

side of the tablet.

to have a roughly 900p resolution. However, as that was from previous

They can also be used for multiplayer

leaks and not confirmed from Nintendo

functionality as when detached they

we will have to wait and see exactly

work as a two separate controllers.

what it will be. That being said when

The console also seems to have local

it is in its docking station broadcasting

multiplayer external to a single unit.

to a TV it’s safe to assume it’ll be at



battle for the mountain returns Last April, Swansea Gaming Society and Arrow hosted the first of this gaming extravaganza at Bay Campus’ School of Management.

“By simply lifting the Nintendo Switch console from the dock, it will instantly transition to handheld mode, and the same great

With a fresh academic year the event is

gaming experience that was being enjoyed at home now travels

back and bigger than ever, now with five

with you.” - Nintendo

university gaming societies competing, with SGS joined by CGS from Cardiff, USWGES from South Wales, BUGL from Bangor and ACOG from Aberystwyth.

least 1080p. Anything lower would be

to developing games for it, as a result

Not only is the list of Universities

a backwards step in terms of graphics.

it looks like Nintendo have learnt from

expanding, so too is the game list. DotA 2,

their mistakes. Activision, Bethesda

League of Legends, Counter Strike: Global

Unlike all recent Nintendo consoles, the

and EA have all listed their names in

Offensive, Street Fighter, Rocket League,

console doesn’t have a touchscreen,

support of the console. Also released

Smash 4, Smash Melee, Hearthstone, FIFA

breaking the trend pioneered by the

was an accompanying image showing

and of course Overwatch.

DS, Wii and Wii U. The motion control

just how many developers were backing

system from the Wii also seems to have

the console as well as showing Skyrim

If you’re interested in coming to watch or

been ditched in favour of joystick-only

playing on the console in the trailer.

take part then tickets are for sale on the

controls. Discs also seem to be off the menu with Nintendo opting for Flash

Biletto site. The event is brimming up to A couple of questions do remain though.

based cartridges. This could be to

be amazing and if successful it would be the biggest LAN ever held in Swansea.

increase storage capacity without the

For instance, will the unit have a

need for an included disc drive as well as

sustainable battery life? It only looks like

Battle For The Mountain takes

saving games directly onto the cartridge,

a small tablet so it’d be interesting to see

place on 5th & 6th November.

something they’ve done before.

the specs. As a follow-up, how expensive is it going to be? With such a small

The list of developers backing the

case it’s fair to assume they’re packing

console seems to be a lot more extensive

some punch in whatever components

than the Wii U. One of the issues of the

they’re using. Will we be looking at the

Wii U was its hard nature when it came

£400 price bracket, or maybe higher?



music reviews

in association with

by Harry Ballmann

Regina Spektor


Remember Us To Life

Local Natives Mac Miller


The Divine Feminine The Divine Feminine will certainly help to establish Mac Miller as an intelligent and popular musician. Already, the likes of Kendrick Lamar and CeeLo Green have collaborated with Miller, illustrating his growing prowess. Miller shapes The Divine Feminine by bringing a cruder-style of R&B, keeping glimpses of hip-hop, in an attempt to keep this album as versatile as possible whilst maintaining rigidity. Perhaps most fantastically illustrated by sampling a Robin Williams speech from Good Will Hunting (1997) in his track Soulmate, Miller manages to capture the nostalgia perfectly; a testimonial song to mark a culturally broad album.

Standout track: Soulmate


Sunlit Youth A sophisticated return from the L.A based indie band, boasting an album which shows a more defined sound and musical direction. Adequately placed vocals plus an array of instruments characterises Sunlit Youth as an archetypal indie album. This album should be wagered as one which will transcend well onto the stage, and even better come next year’s festival season. Local Natives strike a balance between the melancholy and the upbeat, a demonstration of their sophistication making Sunlit Youth an album marking the band’s coming of age.

Standout track: Psycho Lovers

Kaiser Chiefs


Stay together Probably the most used pun when reviewing Kaiser Chiefs, but with their expressive sixth album, we should certainly predict a riot. Stay Together poses an interesting mix of a hearty guitar sound and estranged 80s synth brought into 2016, ultimately creating a tastefully bizarre new breed of indie. Frontman Ricky Wilson will have no trouble in converting the seemingly reserved (in Kaiser Chiefs terms, anyway) album into pure live energy when they embark on their Stay Together tour. In short, simplistic yet striking album cover contrasts the complexity of their latest album; a band once defined by its ability to create indie anthem after anthem now demonstrates its ability to succeed in something different.

Standout track: Good Clean Fun

Soulful piano and an impressive vocal range are continuing features amongst Regina Spektor’s albums. An underrated artist stepping out of the prominent New York music scene, inspired by the likes of Paul Simon and Kate Nash, Regina Spektor holds onto her light-hearted tendencies through relaxed melody. However, that is not to say that she has failed to demonstrate her surprising poignancy through intricate piano accompanied by story-telling lyrics.

Standout track: Grand Hotel



Bon Iver


22, A Million

Fleetwoood Mac

There is certainly evidence of the Bon Iver brilliance of the past, but it should be overlooked by the conceptual nature of their third studio album, 22, A Million.


Mirage (Remastered) A band which really needs no introduction, Fleetwood Mac define rock n’ roll, with a whole culture surrounding their existence. The re-release of Mirage follows chronologically from a remastered edition of Tusk. The usual Fleetwood Mac guitar twang creates a solid state of nostalgia from a band which has been around for literally, a number of generations. The defining voices of Stevie Nicks and Christine McVie add to the nostalgia. Overall, Mirage has a welcoming sound but lacks the Fleetwood Mac edge to christen them one of the world’s best bands

Standout track: Gypsy

The Head & The Heart


Sings Of Light Far removed from the Seattle scene of the past boasting grunge throughout the Washington State as well as being the birthplace of the one and only Jimmy Hendrix with Nirvana and Pearl Jam taking the world by storm in the 90s, The Head and the Heart are about as far apart from Seattle’s musical routes as would be deemed possible. However, the largely pretty album boasts light-hearted folk tones, making the listener succumb to a Sunday afternoon mellow. It may never be in your top 10, maybe even top 50 albums, yet at the right time and in the right environment, Sings of Light possess that perfect mellow and serene listening you require.

Standout track: I Don’t Mind

Whilst the songs show much promise, entwining Justin Vernon’s tuneful high notes and tasteful piano, one cannot overlook the disappointing synthetic vocals. As with many bands, a change in direction can create a new dynamic, often resulting in a positive progression of style. Yet, whilst there are glimpses of greatness, shown in raw tracks like 33 “GOD” where the Bon Iver of old is put together brilliantly with their new direction, songs such as 715 CR∑∑KS prove to make the album an extremely challenging listen.

Standout track:

Karl Jenkins

33 “GOD”

Cantata Memoria; For the Children


Welsh composer Karl Jenkins’ profound cantata commemorates 50 years since the Aberfan Disaster.116 children and 28 adults died in the landslide, reflected by the solemnness of Jenkins’ work. The choir is particularly haunting, a reminder of the bleakness the event imposed upon the area. Jenkins himself wrote in ‘The Guardian’ that the disaster was his ‘second JFK moment’; it had an impact upon his soul with an equally colossal impact upon his musical talent.

Standout track: Lament for the Valley



in association with by Harry Ballmann

eats every thing Growing up in Bristol must have been a

What made you want to become a DJ?

quality musical experience, what music

Eats has established himself as one of the most professional and internationally accepted DJs to rise from the UK, arguably since Fatboy Slim and Groove Armada. A conversation with Waterfront’s Harry Ballmann sees him open up about his rise to fame and his current experiences as a DJ.

were you inspired by during your youth?

The minute I heard dance music I was totally hooked – I looked up to my mates’

I actually grew up in a small town just

brothers and got my first pair of decks

outside of Bristol. I wasn’t really brought

aged 12. I haven’t looked back since!

up in a musical family, so all of my influences come from dance music that I

Did you go to any festivals for

found myself more or less. The first time

pleasure over summer? What are

I ever heard electronic music was via the

your favourite festivals to go to?

Pet Shop Boys’ Radio One show that was on once a month, and then being around

My summer touring schedule is so

mates’s older brothers who had decks

hectic that if I get a weekend off, I’m

and used to DJ rave music. Later on when

more likely to want to spend it with my

I was old enough to go to raves in and

family than go to a festival as a punter.

around Bristol, I was influenced by the

Having said that, I played every day at

incredible DJs who used to play there; Ellis

Glastonbury this year and blocked the

Dee, Easygroove, Trevor Rockliffe and Carl

whole weekend off for it. I’ve been going

Cox to name just a few.

there ever since I was a young raver



Highlights from this summer would definitely include Bestival and lots of the all night terrace shows at Elrow at Space Ibiza

and it’s definitely one of my favourite

I felt honoured to be able to release

or playing at fabric and I feel honoured

places in the world. I had an amazing

two tracks featuring Green Velvet this

to have been able to do so. The club had

time playing Bestival too, it’s a great way

year – firstly ‘The Duster’ and secondly

some of the strictest searches I’ve ever

to round off the UK festival season.

my remix of ‘Flash’. He played with me

experienced so it’s fairly obvious this isn’t

at fabric’s Room 1 for the launch party

just about drugs – it feels like our whole

What’s the most memorable gig that

of my fabric mix, it was an incredible

culture is in jeopardy. I fully back their

you’ve performed?

night. He is a one of a kind human being,

decision to appeal and hopefully this isn’t

an absolute dude, mega wise & has

the end of the club or the conversation.

It’s hard to pick just one out of my whole

stories for days. He also happens to be

lifetime as there’s so many that have been

one of the best & one of my favourite

Is there anybody within the DJ scene

good for different reasons, but highlights

producers to have walked the earth.

who is up and coming, you think people should keep an eye out for?

from this summer would definitely include Bestival and lots of the all night terrace

You’ve recently curated a fabric DJ Mix,

shows at Elrow at Space Ibiza – I feel

what’re your opinions on the club’s

Elliot Adamson is an incredible

very privileged to have been able to

closure for the music industry?

young producer and DJ who recently

play there so much in its last season.

released on my Edible label, there’ll I’ve been fairly outspoken about how I

Is there anybody you really enjoyed

feel about fabric’s closure. Doing a fabric

collaborating with, or performing with?

CD was so exciting, as was going to fabric

definitely be lots more from him.

Shoreline Theatre presents:

Waiters Needed. Three one act plays. All By Myself by Robert Scott.

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend by Sue Wilding.

The Dumbwaiter by Harold Pinter.

9 & 10 November 9 & 10 Tachwedd

6:30pm for a 7pm start.

Divas. Members ÂŁ5 Non-Members ÂŁ6.50



in association with by Declan Murphy

you me at six Waterfront editor Declan Murphy sat down with Josh Franceschi from You Me At Six ahead of their Swansea gig in Brangwyn Hall. Here’s what he had to say.

So, you’ve been in the studio working

Do you think it’s right to have terms

on new content. How would you

like pop-punk, or would you rather

say this content differs from your

they be something more fluid?

previous stuff? Or would you say it’s relatively on the same track?

That’s a good question. Honestly I’ve never looked at music and tried to

The album? I’d say it’s different in the

categorize artists. For me a song is either

sense that we’ve never made a record in

good and it resonates with me, or it is

this manner – like recording it live. Rather

bad and it doesn’t resonate with me. It’s

than before we’ve had Dan recording to

always pissed me off when people go

a click track, Matt recording to a click,

“Oh, YMAS, I preferred them when they

so on so forth. So it’s nice to record as a

were a pop-punk band”, verses now. Or

live band. We made it Nashville whereas

it’s like ”Oh, why did you turn your back

the last two we’ve made in California

on pop-punk”. And the reason I find it

so it’s a different pace – different sort

ridiculous is because, you know, I’m not

of tempo and vibe to the record so

comparing us to them obviously, but

that’s cool. This is an album where

no one ever tried to box in a band like

YMAS have really found their sound.

The Beatles. No one said “what are they doing with Sargent Pepper, what the fuck

Billy Joe Armstrong recently came out

is going on there?”. Know what I mean?

about his dislike of the word “pop-

They’re making music, and we either

punk”. I was wondering what your

like it and embrace it and enjoy it, or we

thoughts where on genres in general.

pass on it. I think streaming platforms



such as Spotify are actually changing

come to the for-front of that: Green Day,

afternoon, hungover all day, roll yourself

music and they’re blurring the lines.

blink-182, a handful of others, sum 41.

onto stage and play a show. Love that

And that has almost in the past, and

and that’s all great but I want to go and

So would you say things like Spotify

even now as 40-year-old men, they’re still

explore and I want to right the next

are good for the industry in that sense?

labelled as Green Day, the pop-punkers.

record on this tour – not this exact tour

They’ve been writing songs like – what’s

but next cycle, 24, 36 months. It’s all

In that sense, they’re not good for the

that song on American Idiot? I don’t

about the mind set you have. If the mind-

industry overall. Actually, nah that’s

actually like Green Day that much but I

set you have is just to solely exist on tour

unkind. They have their benefits and

like that record… “I walk a lonely road”.

then I don’t think you’re doing it right.

they’ve engaged people. They’ve given the power back to the people, in terms

We’ve only done two shows [this tour] so Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

of people can go and discover any artist they want. It’s a new way for artists to

told I’m singing the best I have ever sung Mate, is that a pop-punk song?

come up and develop. It’s a new set of statistics that you can give labels or

far but already I’m singing better – being on stage. I’m feeling good, I’m feeling healthy, and I’m feeling baggage-free.

God no. Where are you most looking forward to

agents or whatever to try and create

playing? Apart from Swansea of course.

tours or opportunities and in that there is

No. It’s a fucking epic Aerosmith-

lots of benefits. But the main thing that

like rock ballad in a sense. So

I found is that I don’t believe- maybe a

yeah, that’d piss me off. Fair play

I was going to say Swansea. Well the

few years ago, there felt like a time you

to the lad, saying what’s right.

beautiful thing about this tour is that we

were either an emo band, a pop band, a

really wanted to play [smaller venues].

punk band, a rock band, a metal band,

So, you’ve got a long tour ahead.

In fact when I look at the list I only

a scar band or an indie band, dance,

Few different cities – few different

see one place that a promoter would

R&B… And it was all like you’re either

countries even. How do you stay

call the “A-market”, the Londons, the

like that one thing and you were a part

sane with all that travelling?

Birminghams, the Manchesters, and the

of that clique; if that makes sense, or

Glasgows. When overseas bands come

you weren’t. I remember the backlash

Well Dan and I, have made an agreement

over they play five or six arenas. I’m

we got when we did a song with a Hip

of sorts, that we’re not going to tour

enjoying going to places like Folkestone,

Hop artist, Chiddy Bang. And at the

anymore unless we do it a different way.

yesterday was beautiful; today in Swansea,

time I couldn’t believe it, I was like,

I mean that in the sense that I want to

went for a nice walk along the beach,

I don’t understand how people can

get up in the morning and want to go

all that sort of shit. Nottingham, Oxford

get that wound-up over something.

and truly embrace my day. So, the way

and Cambridge, we’ve never been to

What’s the point in being involved in

we’re trying to keep it interesting and

Cambridge. Iverness, we haven’t been

something creative if you don’t have

not mundane is that we start of we go to

there in close to nine years. Places we’re

the licence to do something creative?

the gym or health club and we work-out,

not going to go again for another few

go for a swim. Maybe try and find a nice

years. It’s nice for us, we know these

I can see why Mr. Billy Joe Armstrong

restaurant and have a nice lunch. And it

people; we know the fans that come to

would say something like that because

sounds stupid but coming from a place

the shows. This is our first time in Swansea

when you think of the pop-punk world

where we never used to do that. We’d

by the way. It’s nice that they don’t have to

right, there’s a few bands that really

get up and roll out of bed at 3 in the

travel forty miles up to Cardiff for a show.


P hoto: Meg Mc Na b


Going on from that, big venue or

a sense but playing these smaller shows

even as a fan of music I used to turn being

small venue?

is completely different success for me.

like “right, got the snacks? In your seat?

When you go to an arena show, when

We got the drinks?” We will be sitting

I think they’re different animals entirely

I’ve gone to them in the past it is very

there planning our night around our food

to be honest. This is the smallest stuff

much that we’re trying to put on a

and drinks. You’ll be waiting for the artist

we’ve done in England [and Wales] for

show, show, a spectacle. Big screens,

to come on and people behind you are

a long time. The energy in the room –

big lights, flames or whatever the cheap

like “sit down, I can’t see” and you’re like

these are died hard fans that are coming

thrills are. Whereas this is like can five

“what’re you doing?”. It’s a whole different

to see the show. They’re also fans that

guys go on stage and have you like

sort of show. Not every artist, but a few

are on board with this album campaign

that, based on just their instruments. I

experiences I’ve had, especially when I’ve

way before the album has even come

like that challenge, I like that the show

gone to pop shows because they’re only

out. Their like “they haven’t released

relies purely on how good we are.

five minutes across the road sort of thing.

any new music since 2014, I want to go

You get a slight advantage when you play

So yeah, I like the smaller shows currently.

and listen to their new stuff”. The last

arenas. People are set up to go to a big

I’m sure if you interview me on an arena

two shows have just been silly- silly, silly.

show. When you go in there you’re already

show I’m going to be getting paid a lot

The reaction is just mental. I just think

feeling a different sort of vibe. Also I think

of money and there will be ten-thousand

that arenas are good for the artist cause

people that go to arena shows - I used

people there and it’ll be massive, and

it’s a milestone and you want to keep

to live opposite the O2 for a few years.

I’ll think that is what it is all about but

seeing that progression and success in

I used to go once or twice a month and

right now this is what it is about.



P hoto: Tri p A d v i s or

P hoto: Gourmet Gorro/Ed G il be rt

places to take your parents

by Nathan Lloyd

Slice fine dining


A relative newbie, Slice offers fine dining Sketty style. Owned and run by Adam That inevitable phone call comes -

Bannister and Chris Harris they’ve already

“We’ll come and see you! Just before

garnered the attention of the Michelin

Christmas, we’ll pop down to bring your

Guide and the Good Food Guide (your

things home. You can show us around!”

mother may even have seen Adam on the Great British Menu). With the lunchtime

At which point you’ll be regretting

3 course menu starting at £30 a head

spending most of your first term in the Tav,

you’ll be eating well but not bankrupting

the Mill or the Brunnie. Except of course,

them before Christmas. Expect mackerel,

YOU have read this article, in which case

bass, pigeon and steak to be on the

you’ll be able to comfortably come back

menu, cooked with a local flair. It’s a

to mother and father dearest with a handy

small restaurant so you’ll need to book in

list of places to stop by with a rough price

advance and make sure your party is on the

guide in tow! Tidy, as the locals say.

intimate side.

Fairy Hill fine dining


Make sure they’ve brought a car for this one as it’s at the other end of the Gower near Bury Green. Fairy Hill offers some of the best dining in Swansea and is situated in one of the most scenic areas of South Wales. After you’ve taken them to Rhossili to see Worm’s Head, remind them that their faith in you is not misplaced by booking a table. With AA and Good Food Guide recommendations, this one is simmering under Michelin Star so won’t totally break the bank but will mightily impress. Courses are exceptional and quite generous for fine dining - tell dad “no jackets required” but don’t rock up looking like you’re recovering from the night before.


Restaurant & bar


What trip to Swansea would be complete without a jaunt up the Meridian tower to soak up the view from the tallest building

The King Arthur Pub lunch

P hoto: Tri p A d v i s or

The Grape & Olive

P hoto: Tri p A dvisor

P h oto: Trip Advisor



in Wales? That might not sound like much

This is a real gem, nestled in the heart of

but given the expanse of Swansea Bay

the Gower and very, very popular with

and the surrounding hills the sight is one

locals for everything from Saturday lunch

to experience and savour. Owned and

to full blown weddings. The King Arthur

If you don’t take them anywhere else,

run by SA Brain’s, the G&O offers a large

is a proper old fashioned country pub

make sure you stop by Joe’s Ice Cream

menu of upmarket pub food - so expect

that does great food and has a brilliant

parlour at the bottom of St Helen’s road

fish, pasta and steaks etcetera. The food

atmosphere. Curl up in the front bar next

to sample a true Swansea treat. South

is a little pricey for pub food, but that’s to

to the log fire and soak up the Swansea

Wales has a long history with Italy as

be expected considering you are paying

atmosphere or chat to the staff about

thousands of Italians flocked to the region

in part for the view. I would personally

King Arthur’s stone (a local legend)

during the Industrial Revolution to start a

take them up to the top for coffee, regale

or about that time Elijah Wood came

new life. They opened cafes, chip shops

them with stories of long hours spent

there to drink, while you’re waiting for

and ice cream parlours, many of which are

in the library, beavering away at your

some reasonably priced pub grub. The

still around today. You could try Verdi’s or

assignments and use the view to avoid

menu is stocked with some corkers - the

Fulgoni’s ice cream, but show your true

awkward conversations about overdrafts

bangers and mash is always made with

Swansea affinity and take them to the

and how the shadow of the tower is

local sausages while the lamb burgers

best. Joe’s is a rich and creamy ice cream

decidedly phallic in nature.

are worth the drive by themselves - go

that comes in a variety of traditional

off piste with the specials menu if you

sundaes and cones, best eaten on a warm

want a wider range of fish or meat dishes.

summer’s walk along Oystermouth road,

Beloved by TripAdvisor and anyone with

but blustery autumn strolls are good too.

any sense, you’ll leave with smiles on your

Make sure you warn them not to be too

faces and the belt knocked down a notch

ambitious - it’s so creamy you may want

or two.

to book a coronary bypass in advance.

Joe’s Ice Cream Dessert




P hoto: Na t ha n L l oy d

roasted parsnip & brown mustard soup by Nathan Lloyd

So, the evenings are starting to draw in and we’re nearly ready for scarves and mittens. What better way to see in the Autumn than with a hearty soup to


warm the cockles of the soul?

The real trick with this soup is the roasting

parsnips and leave to one side for the

of the parsnips. You can bung them in the

garnish). Pour over the water, stir in the

You’ll need:

oven and let them do their thing while

mustards, a handful of parsley and season

4-5 medium parsnips (roasted)

you’re catching up with some reading.

generously with salt and black pepper.

1 onion

Put the lid on and let it simmer for a

1tbsp German mustard (use wholegrain

Pre-heat your oven to 180° with your

mustard as an alternative)

baking tray loaded with a generous glug

1tbsp Dijon mustard

or two of rapeseed oil, then peel and

When the soup’s done its thing, take a

Parsley (fresh, naturally)

parboil the parsnips. Toss the parsnips in

hand blender and blitz the whole thing

1 pint of water

the hot oil and roast for 25 minutes or so.

into a thick, creamy soup. For the topping,

Rapeseed oil

further thirty minutes.

chop and toast the hazelnuts in a dry While they’re cooking, chop and fry the

frying pan. Keep an eye on them as they


onion in a Le Creuset style deep pan with

cook very quickly and burned hazelnuts

A handful Hazelnuts, chopped and

a little oil until they’re soft and mellow.

aren’t nice! Sprinkle a little fresh, chopped


When the parsnips are done, remove

parsley, the hazelnuts and the whole

Chopped fresh parsley

from the oven and snip into the pot with

roasted parsnips you kept from earlier.

1-2 small golden roasted parsnips

a pair of scissors (keep one or two smaller

Serve with rye bread or sourdough.



butternut squash & thyme frikadeller P hoto: Na t ha n L l oy d

by Nathan Lloyd

A simple twist on the classic dish, made with squash and herbs. You’ll need: Half a roasted butternut squash, deskinned 1 onion, chopped finely

oven when your housemate is heating up

too big. You can freeze whatever mix you

1 tsp garlic paste/1 clove of garlic, minced

a pasta bake - basically, roasted squash

don’t use or otherwise allow to rest in the

1 tsp dried thyme

is a really versatile ingredient, especially

fridge for a day or two. Form the mix into

20g rye bread crumbs

in the Autumn, so bung one when it’s

round, meatball sized balls and shallow fry

1 tin of butter beans, drained


in a little vegan butter until browned on

1tbsp dried parsley

all sides.

1tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

Check when they’re done by poking with a

Pinch of salt

fork - they should be really soft. Take them

Serve with some boiled potatoes and

Generous amount of cracked, black

out and allow them to cool (so they’re

a simple cucumber salad/pickle (half a


okay to handle) and save half the squash

cucumber, sliced finely; 4tbsp sugar; 4tbsp

for a future recipe (soup is good). When

white wine vinegar; some mustard seeds;


they’re cool, scoop out the flesh of the

some black peppercorns; dill, chopped

Quarter and deseed the butternut squash

other half and add to a mixing bowl.

finely; a few bay leaves and a splash of

then place in a deep baking tray. Drizzle

water. Make sure the cucumber is covered

with vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt and

Soften the chopped onion in a little oil

and leave to do its thing for at least an

cover with foil and bake in the oven at

and add to the mix. Combine the rest of

hour or two, longer if possible - it’ll keep in

180° for around forty minutes. You can

the ingredients and mash with a masher

the fridge for AGES).

roast the squash in the bottom of the

until the beans are broken up and not

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