Waterfront 269

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Is Hollwood too afraid to take risks?

Harry Ballmann on vinyls popular resurgence

A spicy and hearty meal





from the editor Declan Murphy


As we look into the New Year, it isn’t just

never afraid to voice her opinion and

a time to set new goals for ourselves, but

was greatly respected across the political

also make sure we’re fulfilling our previous

spectrum. Lily was running as a councillor

targets. Life and fulfilment isn’t always about

for Uplands, and she would have been an

finding a better higher target, but more so

incredible councillor.

about making sure we maintain what we already have. This goes from everything

Her constant fighting for LGBT+ rights

from friends & family to academic targets

is remarkable and one that should be

to even more menial tasks. In the words of

continued, and how she faced adversity

JFK: “What you are speaks far louder than

with a smile on her face will always

what you say”, setting yourself new targets

astound me. She championed equality,

isn’t bad, but always make the time for the

understanding, and acceptance amongst

more permanent residents in your life.

all no matter who you are.

To remember Lily, I hand over to her friends

She was an amazing friend to so many

Chloe Hutchinson, Cat Brilliant and Peter

people, she was always there when you


needed someone to talk too. Lily was the most patient person I’ve ever met;

For Lily,

she would always take time to listen to another person’s point of view, for better

Over the Christmas period we lost

or for worse. Lily cared about everyone

one of our brightest stars and greatest

on this earth no matter what, be it your

gifts; Lily Jayne Summers. A simply

ethnicity, age, gender or class, which is

wonderful woman, her passing is deeply

testament to her character.

felt by many. Lily always amazed us with her persistent curiosity, enriching our

Lily influenced our lives in so many ways,

opinions of the world around us, and

and she pushed us to become better

her neverending kindness, passion and


Time is something you never know if

patience for everything and everyone.

believed in all of us.

you have enough of, even deadlines can

She was a fascinating and incredibly

creep up on us suddenly. But I wanted

interesting person and her impact on

Lily was an amazing, intelligent, funny,

to take a closer look into something a

us and the world about her can not

beautiful woman, and I was proud to have

bit more serious than any assignment

described in words alone.

called you my friend. She will always be

or exam; the time you have left to live.





missed but never forgotten. Wherever

You never truly know how much time you

Lily’s work that she tirelessly carried

you are Lily, I hope you’re arguing with

have left with someone or something as

out for Swansea Labour Students and


we’ve seen from the passing of a close

Swansea and Stoke constituency Labour

friend to many, Lily Jayne Summers.

parties cannot be understated. She was

Rest In Peace my amazing friend.



Declan Murphy

Rachel Sanders



Deputy editor


Hilary Webb

Heather Wood & Nathan Lloyd





Hazel Stabler

Akosua Darko





Rhydian Morris

Harry Ballmann





Kristina Marsh & John Fanning

Shannon Jones & Faye Vlietstra



Creative writing


Zoe Stabler

Zoe Stabler & Caitlin Jones





Sarah Harris

Declan Murphy




Student Media Coordinator

Ellie Thompson

Iain Fisher




waterfront is a free print and online

Shona Johnson

publication from swansea student media


and the students’ union.

















creative writing




a valentine’ survival guide // FTO interviews

going dutch // shoreline events calendar

fitness fashion

are remakes going backwards? // alternative valentines picks

the vinyl revival

armenian stuffed peppers // swansea food: cheap & easy


agony aunts // blind dates


boxing: ready for cardiff // raising the game

Calling all students returning Sept ‘17

Waterfront is Swansea University’s student voice Have an idea but can’t see what section it

Heads of Xtreme Radio, SUTV or Water-

Waterfront Deputy Editor

would fit in? Come and have a chat with us

front directly at:

Now in its 22nd year, we pride our-

can connect it to Swansea students then it

selves on being a print and online pub-

has a place in Waterfront.

by Hilary Webb,

about starting your own, new section. If you

lication produced by Swansea students, for Swansea students. From our current

As the second semester escapes our grip


team some of us have been keen beans

we’re excited to meet and prepare the


since our first year, others have been

next generation of Waterfront Editors while

Declan Murphy

dragged into it by friends and some

we’re still here. Over my four years at Swan-

found their place here by accident. But

sea University I’ve gone from Food Editor

however we got here, we’re all sad to be

to Features Editor to Deputy Editor and it


preparing to fly the warm, safe Swansea

has been the most exciting, stressful and


nest and to try and make it in the real

enriching part of my education here (ex-

Hilary Webb

world when we graduate this year. As

cept for that degree thing, obviously).

painful as it is to advertise, this means that come the next academic year there’s

By joining our team at Waterfront you also

going to be a lot of empty seats at our

get to join the happy family that is Swansea

content meetings.

Student Media, a group of fabulous, slightly strange students who share resources,


Currently formed of fourteen sections,

ideas and snacks to produce quality jour-

Fred Kirby


nalism and broadcasting, both televised





ers we cover everything from Music to

and on the radio.

Food, Fashion to Technology in Waterfront, with even more, including News

We’ve now settled into our new office on

and Sport, on our fast evolving website

the ground floor of the Digital Technium on

swanseastudentmedia.com. We will soon

Singleton Campus, so whatever your de-

be looking to find replacements for many

gree, experience or ideas we’d love for you

of our Editors, so get your foot in the door

to pop in and join Waterfront and Swansea

by having a look at the paper and seeing

Student Media. And who knows, maybe

if any of the sections appeal to you. Get in

you’ll be taking the reins off of us in a few

touch with the current Section Editors and


show us what you’ve got. No matter what your experience we’ll help you with brain-

Find Swansea Student Media in the Digi-

storming, writing and editing so that you’ll

tal Technium, Singleton Campus, online at

be putting us all to shame in no time.

Swanseastudentmedia.com or contact the

sutv@swansea-societies.co.uk Lewis Israel



Onion rings, not engagement rings A Valentine’s day survival guide...

by Shannon Jones

& Faye Vlietstra

It’s that time of year again: Valentine’s





overpriced and love seems

to be the only thing in the air, and not just Port Talbot. If




probably hate the thought of it, actually, if you’re in a relationship you still probably hate it, unless you’re






here are our tips on how to enjoy and embrace that loving feeling.



There is no need to be OTT. We get it; you’re in a relationship so there’s no need to ram it down

Call us crazy on this one, but

everyone’s throats. Making an ef-

please, no proposals! It’s such a

fort is always appreciated, howev-

cliché to propose on Valentine’s

er the whole movie romance plot

Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s

isn’t always necessary or realistic.

Eve or any other holiday. If you’re

As long as your significant other

going to do it, make sure it’s spe-

knows you’ve put in the effort,

cial, and that it’s something you

they’re going to be happy.

really want. However, if you’re

Tips for couples

still thinking of going down the

Food food food! Yes, flowers are

jewellery route, there are always

nice, but the real way to some-

earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

one’s heart is food. There are so

The only ring you need on this

many nice places to go and eat

day, are the onion kind.

in Swansea, so pick one and take your significant other out on a nice romantic date. Heck, if you’ve got the skills then cooking for them will earn you major points.

Take the lemons out of your mouth and stop being so bitter. Valentine’s Day isn’t just for couples, grab your friends, go out

It’s just another day. Some peo-

and have a good time. There’s

ple make a massive deal out of

Waterfront’s Food Editors reckon Slice in

no better date than one with the

Valentine’s Day, and you may

Sketty is the most romantic restaurant in

friends you already love.

see hearts everywhere, but that

Swansea, so hurry and book a table!

Tips for singles

doesn’t change the fact that you still have other priorities such as work and deadlines. Get up, and just carry on as normal, before you know it the big day will be over

Food food food! Yes, you too can

and everyone and everything will

enjoy a nice meal. Pick up the

carry on as normal.

phone, get on the Internet, because takeout is your friend. Treat yo self!



FTO interviews: The halfway point D: What would you say is your biggest win

ficult at bay because we have the MUGA

to date?

pitches with five-a-side going on there.

J: It might not sound that big of a win but for

Intramural netball has moved over to Bay;

WIth elections on the horizon I had the

me it was setting up the Welfare Committee.

I know the archers use the bay hall quite

chance to sit down with four of the FTOs

When I went to a lot of conferences and stuff

a lot.

and ask them a few questions about the

over the summer I realised that a lot of uni-

If you think about a Wednesday, the atmos-

year, how they’ve found it, their plans

versities have their own welfare committee or

phere you have here with people walking

going going forward and the challeng-

platform and there wasn’t one here. You’ve

around in their sports kit, this campus is re-

es they’ve faced. These interviews were

got Robyn’s Sport Swansea stuff and Sport’s

ally busy as this is where the buses go from

done in December and can be found in

Exec, Lloyd has got various people he works

on a Wednesday, this is where the sports

full online.

with like Minkesh and Martin, Robiu has got

village is based. I don’t think you’ll ever

his reps and Steph, Chris has got Charlotte

be able to replicate that at Bay. In terms

and his Societies’ Exec, I didn’t really have

of improvement it’s definitely happened

that close knit group of people so I set up a

because we’ve got more sports happening

group with people from the Union, University,

at Bay and more teams using the facilities

ResNet, where we can have this platform to

there. I think the big one for me is the

discuss our campaigns that we want to run so

transport between Bay and Campus. That’s

D: Are you making good progress with

we can make them more effective and it also

the thing that is a massive barrier to teams

your manifesto?

just makes things easier to communicate. So

going “We’ve got training on Bay tonight”

J: Yes. There’s a couple I want to work on

for me that was quite a big win.

and them going “Where are we going to

by Declan Murphy

Jack Fossey Welfare officer

more but just haven’t been able to at the

park? How are we going to get there? How

moment because of uncertainty with this

Robyn Lock

(the building) and there’s a couple I worked

Sports officer

on over the summer that’ve fallen through

much is it going to cost? Should we get a bus?”, there’s that. Whereas a lot of people are based in the center of town and

but generally I have managed to work on

can walk to town and if they’re training at

quite a few of them so far. When I got the

the Sports Village there’s parking permits

job I found this whole other side to the job

D: How have you been with Sport’s tran-

they can apply for.

and kind of almost made my own little man-

sition to Bay?

There’s a little bit of a barrier, and that’s

ifesto points afterwards and they’re things

R: Not happy at all really. I think there’s not

honestly the only barrier I see with sports

that I’ve worked towards as well. So I feel

really a massive presence of sport at Bay.

at Bay. That and maybe the gym is small so

as though the manifesto I’ve written out ex-

We’ve got the outdoor volleyball courts

in terms of participation in physical activity,

tends a lot longer.

that our volleyball teams do use but it’s dif-

not just in taking part in a sport. Just living



a healthy lifestyle, that’s not easy when you

spect. I was surprised I guess by how much

would happen, at least not in my year be-

have a gym that can have seven people in

change you can make and how fulfilling it

cause I had all the resources ready but I

at once. That’s something both the Univer-

can be and enjoy it.

never thought we’d get it finalised but it’s looking that by January it’s going to all be

sity and the Union know isn’t good enough but it wasn’t a priority when Bay was be-

D: Are you making good progress with

finalised and it’s going to be great news

ing built and now it has become a priority

your manifesto points?

for students really. A win for my manifesto

so there’s plans to talk about how we can

C: Yeah. Like I said, Summer is the most

point that I never thought – that was the

make sports at Bay better. There’s lots of

productive time for doing your manifes-

hardest one.

head honchos talking about that one along

to because there aren’t students coming

with myself but we are slowly getting there

through the door asking you as many

D: Have you run into any roadblocks?

I think.

questions compared to September and

R: Not really. It’s a weird thing to say that

term-time. I did probably two thirds of

I haven’t because the roadblocks that I’ve

D: What are you most looking forward

my manifesto all over summer and I’m still

come across – being in the role for one

to in 2017?

chipping away at bits of it. There are things

year – I know how to go around them. For

R: Varsity. I’m looking forward to Varsity in

that are slightly eluding my grasp, like the

example, I had the roadblock of putting

Cardiff. It was so good here last year I think

healthy food we’ve had many different

a microwave in the library in Bay Campus

Cardiff have got a lot to live up to. When

ways to tackle it and most of them hav-

but I was able to go around that by putting

it comes to us, there’s less students but

en’t come through yet. Our most recent

it in our Students’ Union building. There’s

there’s quite a festival feel. Cardiff know

endeavour is in the pipeline and hopefully

always a way of delivering something on

that and Cardiff are under quite a bit of

we’ll have some clarification on that very

this big vast place we call the University, if

pressure to replicate that sort of feel that

soon but it’s looking like by the end of the

there’s one department that’s not willing to

we get when it comes to Swansea. I think

year that I’d be able to tick that off.

work with you there’s another willing to do something and help you achieve what you

the weather helped last year as well.

Chris Wilson Societies &

Robiu Salisu Education officer

Services officer

want to achieve. I think a roadblock is what happened but it’s also about knowing how to overcome them and how to go around them basically. After being in this role for a year I think I’ve gotten used to going

D: Are there any big surprises that D: Are there any big surprises you’ve

you’ve found this year?

found since you’ve come into the role?

R: There is a big surprise that’ll be coming

C: I don’t think I expected it to be this ex-

next academic year and students are not

hausting but also having this much fun.

going to believe that it has actually hap-

I never thought that the job would be

pened. I might have dropped it when I was

something you could be this passionate

in the Waterfront (Office) the other day but

about and enjoy to this extent. From the

I can’t really say too much because we’re

last three years before this being a student

literally on the final step of it happening, if

and the things I’m tackling now that when

that makes sense. It is to do with printing

I was a student I wished had happened

and I think you can guess what that might

or changed. It’s really fulfilling in that re-

mean. That’s something I never thought

around them.

read the full interviews online at: swansea student media.com



Going Dutch by Lauren Putt

It’s hard to believe that over a year

Nijmegen it would have been very unlikely I

My adventures in

ago I was getting ready to embark

would have met the lovely and kind people

the land of bikes,

on my third year abroad in Nijmegen,

that I did. It really was so international as

tulips, windmills

the Netherlands’ oldest city. My Dad

I not only met my Dutchies, (an endearing

very kindly took me and my brother to

term I use to describe my Dutch friends)

Amsterdam a few days before I would

but individuals from America, Germany,

start my adventure, which was not only

Poland, Sweden, Turkey, South Korea, and

a holiday but a sort of “getting-to-know-

even from the UK itself! I also was lucky

the-country” kind of thing, as I’d never

enough to travel to so many different cities

been to the Netherlands before.

and countries in Europe, going on a Three

and cheese

Days and Three Nights trip to Vienna, Not only is it a small country – one where

Budapest and Bratislava, visiting around

the distance between the north and the

15 cities in the Netherlands because of its

south is the same distance between my

small geographical size, and even popping

home town of Plymouth and London –

over to Frankfurt and Munich for a few

but one which now has a very big place

days. I’d never travelled so much in so

in my heart.

little time and really took advantage of the travelling opportunities made available to

When I think about it, if I had not gone to

me by living in Nijmegen.



Whilst living in the Netherlands, I did pick up some of the Dutch language despite all of my University courses and classes being in English. It is a strange but very friendly language to hear, as it is a sort of mixture of German and English and has that infamous harsh ‘g’ sound which can sound a bit like you have something stuck in your throat. Here are the few basic phrases and words I learnt and you are more than welcome to try them out if you go to Amsterdam for a wild weekend away: Good morning = Goedemorgen Tot Ziens = See you soon Doei (pronounced as Dooey) = Bye! Fiets = Bike N i j meg e n M a rktp l a t z

Eet Smakelijk = Enjoy your meal Gezellig = A very important word in the

I also managed to catch on to the bike

LGBT+ society, as I am an openly bisexual

Dutch language which is described as

culture, despite falling off of it twice at

woman. I had so many laughs with the

untranslatable. However, for our benefit

the start! But, I persevered and hopefully

Dutchies I met and, despite the language

it means cosy; the feeling you get when

I am now as fit as a fiddle with legs made

barrier, felt a connection with a few of my

you are in good company and having a

of steel (at least that is what I like to

Dutch friends in the group. I discovered

nice time.

think). The Dutchies are so used to their

that one of them didn’t like milk in her

bikes that they certainly feel incredibly

tea (disgraceful!) and that a couple of

lost without them if they either break or

them could cycle home while drunk – the

get stolen. What is also very strange for

classic Dutch lifestyle (definitely NOT

us Brits is the fact that wearing a helmet

something I recommend you try!) I was

is something to be laughed at in the

so lucky to have such welcoming and fun

Netherlands, and it is so amazing what

friends while abroad and to have had such

stuff you can actually carry on the back

exciting, and sometimes, challenging

of your bike, from shopping bags, to a


crate of Heineken beer and even a smallsized child!

If you get the opportunity to go abroad, I really would grab it as you never know

G ig a n t ic Clogs

What really made my year abroad

what will be waiting for you when you get

memorable was going to Nijmegen’s

off the plane!

Shoreline event calendar January



Refreshers week


Dr Faustus

January 28th - February 4th

March 15th & 16th

April 1st - 7th

A series of workshops which give poten-

Directed by William Windridge &

Written by Christopher Marlowe

tial new members the chance to expe-

Chess Hutin

Directed by Katy Card &

rience what to expect from the society. More info TBA.

A piece of abstract theatre devised by members of the society over the course

Being performed in the Grand Theatre’s

of several months performed in Diva’s.

Arts Wing is Christopher Marlowe’s

February Vagina Monologues February 16th Written by Eve Ensler Annually performed in Diva’s by female members of the society the Vagina Monologues discusses female sexual-

retelling of the German Legend Faust. A

24 Hour Plays March 18th & 19th

Agents of Change

in Diva’s. The lack of sleep won’t stop

April 6th

these guys from putting on a great show!

The Taming of the Shrew

A showcase performed in Diva’s which

March 29th & 30th

features several pieces each of which

Directed by James Beaumont,

Taking place in Volcano Theatre’s Bunker

Michael Jeffery

Space, Shakespeare’s classic tale of a

hometown after hearing of his cat’s ailing

tackles a different issue faced by men about what it means to be a man.

Jack Coates and Joe Nathan

Directed by Josh Hutin &

extremist is motivated to return to his

Directed by Darren Scott & Tom Crilly-McKean

February 24th-26th

the height of the troubles where an IRA

dark forces to satisfy his every wish.

formed after the 24 hours have elapsed

Written by William Shakespeare

A black comedy set in 1990s Ireland at

the magical arts and learns to summon

by our members which are then per-

Lieutenant of Inishmore Written by Martin McDonagh

brilliant scientist turns his focus towards

A series of pieces written and rehearsed

ity in a series of pieces which aim to empower and strengthen women.

Emily Porritt


wager between a father and a scoun-

Impress the President

drel who is convinced he can win the

May 18th

heart of his tempestuous daughter and turn her into an obedient wife.

A talent show where members of the society compete to win the adoration

health. The piece will be performed

of the President by taking to Diva’s

in Volcano Theatre’s Bunker Space.

stage and giving it all they got.



New term, New you: The key to fitness fashion by Ellie Thompson

With the sale of workout gear ever

the process? The start of a new year sees

really have the ‘stylish’ label associated



up to a 50% increase in gym membership

with them and this is interesting since

booming (estimated to be worth more

sign ups with 80% of the ‘New Year’s

we seem to spend most of our time in

than £6bn in 2015), it’s safe to say

Resolutions’ crowd dropping out by

the gym or exercising in this society, or

that the importance of looking good

the second week of February, meaning

at least dressing in comfy workout wear

while keeping fit was probably one of

that only 20% remain. In 2015, UK gym

even if we’re not moving. It struck me the

the top New Year aims for this year.

membership was up by 44%, making it

other day when someone jokingly said to

obvious that people want to feel good

me ‘you say you’re a fashion writer but

It doesn’t matter if you’ve given up your

about themselves when they look in the

your helmet doesn’t even coordinate with

New Year’s Resolutions already because

mirror – so why not also look as good

your bike? Shocking.’ This led me to want

‘new term, new you’ works just as well,

when you’re exercising?

to find out what stylish alternatives to




and what’s better than to exercise while feeling stylish and good about yourself in

sportswear there were on the market, and I’ve noticed that workout clothes don’t

where to find them. Here’s a few I found.



easy to see what they are aiming for

sports bras, jackets and trousers. For all you

with bright-pink patterned pieces to

environment-conscious students out there,

a subtler look in monochrome. You’ll

the collection is also made out of recycled

The name of Asics comes from the Latin

soon want to wear the whole collection

polyester fabrics so you can workout and

saying “Anima Sana in Corpore Sano”

every day and not just for the gym.

be content with the knowledge that your

Asics which translates to “A healthy mind in a

clothing is sustainable.

healthy body.” Asics have Olympians falling


at their feet with 7 times US champion Alysia Montaño stating “it’s the one stop shop, go-to brand for me!” As well as an

I’ve heard endless praise for Primark’s

impressive range of running shoes (safe to

sportswear which you might think is

say I own a pair and they are the comfiest


ever), the Japanese sportswear company

“new favourite place for bits to go to the

layer this t-shirt with other pieces for a

£30 to £130 depending on how serious you want to go.

gym” with “prices being great as well

H&M Sport

as the quality.” From tie-dye leggings (pictured) and fast-drying breathable tops

From running and outdoor activities to

to fluorescent running shoes and useful

gym and yoga, H&M Sport is aiming to

accessories such as a microfibre workout

inspire everyone with their high-fashion

towel, Primark is the affordable and stylish

sportswear range “For Every Victory” in

place to go to get a whole new sports

collaboration with the Swedish Olympic

wardrobe, so now you have no excuses

team. The collection is largely dominated

not to hit the gym!

by black, grey, dusty pink and gold hues for the more subtle gym-goer and the gear has been tested out by the Olympic team who gave advice on the design,

Fabletics Open for just 2 years and founded by actress Kate Hudson, Fabletics is the talk of the UK sportswear industry and offers “clothing and accessories which focus on fitness, function and style” with prices starting at a friendly £12. With the company’s strapline being ‘where fitness and fashion meet’, it is


and Macaroons says that Primark is her

to ensure gym sessions stay fun. You can

and women, trainers ranging from around


leggings. Lifestyle blogger High Heels

track shorts to lightweight printed tops

bright and cheerful running range for men


£4 for a crop top to £6 for cropped

has everything from brightly coloured

“stylish, individual look”. They also offer a







products. The range focuses on providing quick drying and breathable materials for men and women and include track shorts,



Are remakes going backwards? by Joshua Price

Hollywood’s recent trend of churning out one remake after another is a big discussion within the industry right now. What does it mean for Hollywood to rely so heavily on existing brands in favour of any original content? It is a discussion that provokes high tempers and passions - no one wants to see their favourite film being ruthlessly commercialised. One recent trend I have noticed within

differs wildly on a thematic level. At the

them legends. Not only does the movie

remakes is that they seem to be going

end of the first two films, the leader of

refuse to acknowledge any notion that



the seven remarks that the warriors have

the cowboys are not the victors but it

innovation or technical abilities, CGI and

paid a high price for their selflessness,

parades the myth of the west even more

bigger budgets mean that remakes will

having lost half of their numbers; despite

deeply. Despite the common impression

naturally be more advanced than their

winning the battle, the survivors must

that modern movies are more cynical

predecessors in this sense. What I am

cope with being obsolete once the fight

than those of yesteryear, it is the original

referring to is their social relevance.

is over.

movie that takes a more pessimistic





and complex view of a cultural icon I first noticed this with the 2016 remake

As Yul Brynner puts it in the 1960

- questioning the very fantasy it has

of The Magnificent Seven (a remake of a

version, before riding off into an unsure

drawn you into - while the latest remake

remake - the 1960 version was a remake

future, “We lost, we always lose”. The

celebrates the icon’s stereotype to its

of the Japanese film The Seven Samurai).

final moments are not about glorifying

last breath. What does that say about us

In terms of the plot, all three films are

the western myth but deconstructing it,

as an audience?

basically the same, a group of villagers

noting that their victory represents the

hire seven cowboys/samurai to defend

end of an era. The 2016 version is almost

It goes beyond even that. This year

them against an army of bandits. But

the complete reversal, the leader states

saw Ben-Hur get the remake treatment

in its final moments, the 2016 version

their sacrifice and bravery will make

and get almost universally panned by



critics and audiences. The 2016 version

Should we be shocked that the 1958

film, Starship Troopers, will be any

lacked nuance, character development,

film was more forward thinking in its


atmosphere, appropriate pacing and


homosexual undertones. Gore Vidal, the






original screenwriter, added deliberate

The best remakes will always be those that




references to a homosexual relationship

While these are two specific and recent

from turning a classic noir film into a

between two of the main characters.

examples, they seem to represent a

socially relevant gangster feature with

much larger issue with remakes and

Scarface, or turning a cheap science

Given the political climate of the time

filmmaking in general - studios seem so

fiction B-picture into a masterclass of

he could only allude to this but was still

hesitant to take a risk in any way, shape

body horror with The Thing. A talented

keen to include it as a key aspect of the

or form that they end up cutting quality.

filmmaker should be able to take an


Paul Veerhoven was a director known

existing story and improve upon it to

for making genre films that held an

make it relevant for the society that will

Surely, in the more accepting society of

undercurrent of dark social satire. Two of

be watching it. Right now Hollywood

2016, the remake could explicitly state

his films, Robocop and Total Recall, have

just seems interested in grabbing your

this aspect? Sadly, no; the implications

already been remade and their ingenious

attention (and your money) any way

of homosexuality are removed. Maybe

social commentary replaced with generic

they can, even if the reaction is “They’re

the studio considered the subject too

plots and bland style. It’s unlikely the


controversial for the target audience?

planned remake of Veerhoven’s other








Alternative film picks for Valentine’s day by Rachel Sanders

Make love weird with ‘Amelie’ ‘On September 3rd 1973, at 6:28pm and 32 seconds, a bluebottle fly capable of 14,670 wing beats a minute landed on Rue St Vincent, Montmartre. At the same moment, on a restaurant terrace nearby, the wind magically made two glasses dance unseen on a tablecloth. Meanwhile, in a 5th-floor flat, 28 Avenue Trudaine, Paris 9, returning from his best friend’s funeral, Eugène Colère erased his name from his address book. At the same moment, a sperm with one X chromosome, belonging to Raphaël Poulain, made a dash for an

with the innocent, beautiful, mischievous

your usual dashing hero, but he is perfect

child in us all.

in every way for Amelie and the film. This is one of the reasons I love Amelie

Amelie (Audrey Tautou) discovers a

so much; everything is unexpected yet

later, Amélie Poulain was born.’

propensity for helping people one day

everything is exactly where it should be

when she uncovers a hidden box in the

- it makes you feel at home.

Thus begins one of the quirkiest love

wall of her apartment. With this newfound

stories of all time. If you are after something

power, she decides to perform good

Lots could be said about the awesome

a bit more entertaining (and intelligent)

turns on those around her – all the while

cinematography, the incredible music

than the usual rom-com rubbish, then

staying incognito. Inevitably, this leads

score, the unsurpassable script and the

seek out this little French gem from 2001.

us to the question – who helps Amelie?

incomparable acting but that would be

Winner of numerous awards, the film is the

But, rather than the dashing, handsome,

giving the game away. The joy of this

simple tale of a complicated girl, or the

rich bachelor swooping in to save the day,

film is discovering its secrets for the

complicated tale of a simple girl – I have

Amelie is encouraged, nay even forced,

first time, and the second, and the third

not figured out which. Either way, it is a

to help herself at the behest of the

– for every time you watch it, you see

delight to experience. And experience this

mysterious ‘man of glass’ (Serge Merlin).

something new. Discover a new, natural,

film you do, not watch, not see. You feel

The unsuspecting, object of her love

weird, and beautiful love this Valentine’s.

Amelie to your very core as she chimes

(Nino, played by Mathieu Kassovitz) is not

Watch Amelie.

egg in his wife Amandine. Nine months



by Joshua Price

Subvert expectations with ‘Punch Drunk Love’ When did romantic films become so boring? I’m tired of seeing perfect people inhabiting a world in which everything follows the same basic formula with the same basic method, only to magically fall in love despite having zero chemistry together. Where is the romantic comedy for the unstable, insane person? It can be found in a gem of a film from 2002 titled Punch Drunk Love. Anderson subverts them to his unique

character study. Nowadays, Adam Sandler

If I were to utter the words “starring Adam

style and vision. It is a bizarrely funny and

has drifted so far from the promise he

Sandler” most rational people would avoid

sometimes dark view of relationships, one

showed in Punch Drunk Love that it’s tough

the film at all costs. However, this is not

that isn’t above being ridiculous and fanciful

to imagine him ever recapturing it.

a typical lowest common denominator

when it wants to be, but also obsessively

vehicle that we have become used to from

murky. Amid Anderson’s wonderful style

The strange intensity of the film is all the

Sandler, mainly because it isn’t really his film.

lies the story of a lonely man trying to

more remarkable in its strangely believable

Despite starring in it, Punch Drunk Love

maintain a connection with the first person

love story thanks to some terrific on screen

sees Sandler under the direction of Paul

he’s ever truly cared about. The plot is

chemistry and great writing. It is the simple

Thomas Anderson, the acclaimed director

quirky and exhilarating as it unfolds with

story of two misfits finding each other, but

of Boogie Nights and There Will Be Blood.

brilliant unpredictability - you find yourself

elevated to such complex and intriguing

In Anderson’s eclectic world, Sandler brings

having to laugh at the increasing absurdity

levels that it demands to be absorbed.

forth a hidden depth and complexity that

of it.

What makes Punch Drunk Love so unique

we have never witnessed from him before

is how it takes these darker aspects and While it would be easy to look at a

weaves them so wonderfully into its joyous

character like Barry and make him the

comedy. It is not a film that everyone will

The story focusses on a man called Barry

source of all the comedy, Anderson’s script

enjoy, that I can say for certain. It blends the

Egan, an introverted and socially anxious

displays a touching sense of sympathy too.

painful and profound with the ridiculous

single man. He has seven overbearing sisters

It understands his obsessions and fears;

and hilarious. For myself, the quirky and

who ridicule and emotionally abuse him

why he does not like people interfering

oddly touching nature of the film combined

regularly; he leads a lonely life punctuated

in his private life, why he is enraged by

with some truly fantastic performances

by fits of rage and anguish. Imagine trying to

seemingly simple things and why facing

from the likes of Philip Seymour Hoffman,

put a man like that in a relationship.

the world around him is so difficult and

a masterful story structure and incredible

terrifying for him. It is a dark and intelligent

direction, as well as being visually stunning

Punch Drunk Love has all the trappings of

form of comedy that works not just as a

from start to finish, all make this a joy to

your usual romantic comedy but, as always,

cheap laugh but also a strikingly poignant

watch even when it’s painful.

or since.

RE FRESHERS 2 017 *Official Varsity 2017 packages will go on sale on Thursday 2nd February For further information on our events head to our Official Swansea University Refreshers’ 2017 Facebook Event

UVF Vintage Clothes Fayre 11:00 - 17:00 The Core, Bay Campus Karaoke Night 19:30 - 23:00 JC’s

Hike the Waterfall County Buses from 10am on each Campus Brecon Beacons SINK 22:00 - 04:00

Sin City Tooters End of Exams Party 21:30 - 02:00 Divas

F.R.I.E.N.D.S ALL DAYER JC’s GWA Varsity Launch Party 21:00 - Late Idols & Walkabout

Varsity One Day Sale Online 10:00 swanseasu.nutickets.com/ varsity2017 SUSU Presents Comedy Night 19:00 JC’s Sin Savers 22:00 - 03:00 Sin City

Harry Potter Studio Tours Buses from 09:45 More info at the Travel Shop Swansea Sessions 17:00 52 Degrees, Bay Campus Open Mic Night 20:00 52 Degrees, Bay Campus

SUSU Presents Throwback Fayre with UVF Vintage Clothes Show 13:00 - Late Fulton House Refectory

Pub Quiz 19:00 52 Degrees, Bay Campus

Fresh Prince Party 22:00 - 02:00 Venue TBA

Swansea Sessions 17:00 | Diva’s R2

Pub Quiz 21:00 The Wonky Sheep

Open Mic 20:00 - 23:00 | JC’s

Pub Quiz 20:00 | JC’s

Hustle 22:00 - 03:00 | Sin City

Limitless Trampoline Park More info on our Facebook page Swansea SU Events Karaoke Night 19:30 - 23:00 JC’s Tooters 22:00 - 02:00 Divas

Day Trip to Bristol City International Football World Centre Cup Buses from 10:00 12:00 - 16:00 More info on our Facebook page Astro Pitches, Sketty Lane Swansea SU Events RBS Six Nations Italy V RBS Six Nations Wales Scotland V Ireland 14:00 14:25 JC’s/The Wonky Sheep/The Core England V France Swansea Sessions 17:00 16:50 52 Degrees, Bay Campus JC’s/The Wonky Sheep/The Core Sink or Sin 22:00 - 04:00

Open Mic | 20:00 - 23:00 52 Degrees, Bay Campus

Sin City SUSU Presents the Superbowl | 21:00 - Late

Venue TBA


by Becky Elms


A Netflix Original starring the amazing Kevin





The premise of the show may seem


simple but this does not take anything

season five is soon to be released.

away from its sinister and seductive plot-


Valentine’s day binge watch: House of Cards







you the


far they are willing to go in order to get it.

haven’t eagerly

line. Intriguingly, as the anti-heroes, we Frank Underwood (Spacey) is a sly

still support Frank and Claire’s ruthless

politician willing to do whatever it takes to

pursuit of the presidency - despite

get to The White House. With scandalous

their digressions and violent behaviour.

Now, I am aware this isn’t the most



This is the shows biggest success. The

romantic choice but it is a convincing

political world is more brutal than you

hyperbolic depiction of the political world

argument that the House of Cards

first thought. Claire Underwood (Robin

is probably not far off what we imagine

release date is more important than

Wright), Frank’s wife, proves to be just

the game of politics to be like. In this way,

Valentine’s day. So, order a takeaway

as devious as they both aim to get him

the show satirises modern politics and,

with your partner and catch up with the

to the top. The couple are obsessed with

with current politics the way it is, we need

ruthless path to presidency of the USA.

power and it is compelling to see just how

this satire.






The vinyl revival

by Harry Ballmann

I’m going make the case for vinyl and it’s pure procedural brilliance. It is a package. It is a ceremony. It is a method of listening that must satisfy us until we can hear our beloved artists play live during the summer festival season. For many contemporary music listeners, they simply do not wish to spend hours trawling through aimless record stores seeing cover after cover of albums they’ve never heard and would probably would



never listen to. Indeed, this may seem as odd as it does a waste of time. But for those in the know, those with the interest to pursue quality music, vinyl is the way forward. The early 90s spelled the start of the age of convenience, progressing into the age of streaming, yet for a statistic to suggest that there have been more vinyl purchases than downloadable purchases, it has left an avid music fan wondering, what is it about that age old method of listening which is prevailing? I’ve listened to vinyls all my life, scattered around my family home, listening to music this way is a part of me I suppose. However, since the emergence of online methods of music listening, the whole dynamic of music is in flux: people are listening via CDs, streaming, downloads and vinyls and you can’t forget the most lovable method of live music. Now that these methods are out in the open, I can

something aesthetically pleasing, a few

embrace the album in its entirety, feel the

give a full and hopefully compelling case

pages of lyrics and photos to look through,

nuances of the music through the crackle.

for vinyl, backed up by the statistics of its

an artistic cover to look at, ultimately in

It is less condensed than a stream, even

success, ultimately leading to it’s inevitable

order to create your seemingly ‘hipster’

when listening to FLAC or WAV. It sounds

importance in the sustaining of the proper

converted bookshelf or luggage trunk into

better, there is nothing that compares,

music industry not dominated by Warner

a store for the vinyls you bought in your fur

other than obviously, seeing your beloved

Brothers and Virgin records, but by XL

lined denim jacket. I digress.

Foals or 1975 live which you guys reading

Records and back to the days of Atlantic

this article (to become more interested in

Records, representing those who wish to

Taking the small, seemingly insignificant

make music over money.

piece of plastic may be a ball-ache for

vinyl) inevitably love.

some, but a ritual for others. You can

I’m not saying that liking the ‘non-

Of course, the main arguments against

embrace the music, you feel it from the


vinyl are its practicality and in some cases,

start to the end, a momentary reflection

inevitably mainstream is a bad thing. You’re

it’s cost. Plastic does cost money. Virtual

half way through as you flip the side

buying their music and you’re enjoying it.

music you don’t actually own, costs

and the best part of all, it brings back

For the industry, that’s more than anybody

comparatively very little and indeed, takes

the beauty of the album. You listen to

can ever ask. And this is with the help of

up little space. With vinyl however, you do

the whole thing, cover to cover, both

vinyl: it is cool, it’s aesthetically pleasing,

own it. You have something to possess,

sides. There is no shuffle, which lets you

it sounds better. So, long live the revival.






Armenian stuffed peppers


You’ll need: 5-6 medium/large red bell peppers, charred For the filling: 80g of cooked rice (per person) 1/2 fried courgette, chopped finely (I used some from an antipasti jar to save time) 2 Lombardi peppers, chopped finely 1 tbs fresh lemon juice 1 tsp lemon zest Handful of fresh parsley, chopped For the mince: 100g green lentils 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 clove of garlic, minced 1tbs tomato purée 1tbs sun dried tomato paste 1tbs dried parsley ½ tsp mixed spice 1 tsp cayenne pepper 1-2 cups of water 1tsp bouillon 1 cup red wine For the sauce: 1 carton/ jar of passata 1 clove of garlic, minced A glug of olive oil 1 (Heaped) tbs of pepper paste Soy garlic yogurt mix 2-3 tbs of soy yogurt 1 tsp lemon zest 1 tbs lemon juice 1 tsp garlic infused oil

By Nathan Lloyd

A sprinkle of smoked paprika



tart by making the mince.

PS: Be careful around open flames! The amount of times the

I’d recommend doing this in

pepper (now a ball of fire) fell off the ring- and I was wearing

advance so you have a batch

oven gloves!

ready for you to use.


usually have big batches of

As they are cooling I’d recommend cooking the other

lentil mince in the freezer that


my boyfriend cooks up while I’m in work on a Sunday. It’s

Cook the rice as you would normally, remembering to cook

so versatile (if you remove the

slightly less than usual as you are stuffing it with a rice mixture

cayenne and mixed spice) and

rather than serving it with rice. While it’s cooking start the sauce.

can be made into all manner of creations from pies, ragù, Chilli-

Heat up a saucepan and fry off the garlic with the olive oil until

you name it!

translucent. Next, add in the pepper paste and cook for another

This batch I’ve included the extra spices as I knew this batch

minute. Then add in the passata and let it simmer until the flavours start developing.

was only for making dolma. The rice should be done by this point. Set aside and leave to In a small cast iron pot fry the chopped onion and garlic until


soft. Add the paste and the purée and heat through. Pour in the lentils and stir until thoroughly coated with the sauce. Add

Return to the peppers, de-core and deseed them, making sure

the herbs, spice and bouillon with lots of freshly cracked black

that you cut them close to the top so that you have a vessel to

pepper. Cover with the water and put the lid on. Simmer for

fill. Remember to keep the tops, though.

at least forty minutes, an hour won’t hurt – this will allow the lentils to truly swell and soak up all the liquid.

Grab the mince, empty it into a mixing bowl and combine it with the rice. Then, add in the lemon juice & zest, chopped peppers,

After an hour the mixture should be rich and just about ready.

courgette and parsley. Season well.

Stir in the wine until the mixture reconstitutes itself – allow to cook through for another twenty minutes until the wine has

Then pour the sauce into a baking dish and sit the peppers in

cooked out. Leave aside to cool slightly, or store overnight/

the tomatoey-peppery bath. Fill the peppers up to the brim with


this aromatic mixture and re-hat them with their tops. Place into a preheated oven at 180°C for 10-15 minutes.

*If using thawed/chilled mince, I’d recommend heating it through before stuffing.

Once they are in the oven, you can make the topping. Combine all ingredients together, (except the paprika) until it becomes

Once your mince is ready the rest is simple and fairly quick to

thick and glossy.

make! Take the peppers out of the oven and de-hat them once again When you’d like to make the dolma, simply put each pepper

( no fear they’ll have their hats back on soon enough!) and

over an open flame ( I used my gas hob) until it begins to

smother with the lemony-garlic yogurt. Top with the smoky,

bubble and blacken. Once burnished and black, take off and

fiery paprika and return the tops on (see, I told you). Serve with

leave to cool down.

a side salad or on their own. and enjoy!



The event is run every Wednesday

Swansea food: cheap & easy

between 4pm and 6pm in the Fusion Café which is located on the first floor of Fulton House, in the east side. All food is first come first serve, and many different types of hot food are served throughout the two hours. All proceeds from the meal are donated to the charity Discovering SVS.

by Heather Wood

Big heart of Swansea: loyalty card

In the finale of Planet Earth 2 last year

app are: Pizza Express, Joe’s Ice Cream

we saw the team exploring the new

Parlour, Las Iguanas, The Crepe Vine

habitat providing an urban area for a

and Mad Cow Milkshake Parlour! You

offer free or fast food, it does offer

wide scale of animals. However, animals

may even see a gathering of cyclists

a discount when you do venture out

aren’t the only thing that are able to

in Castle Square, awaiting their next

into restaurants within Swansea. A free

thrive in Urban areas in modern society.


loyalty card that you may have picked

While this last item on the list doesn’t

Budget keen and apathetic students

up at Freshers Fayre is still available

are able to flourish too. With more and

to every resident in Swansea and can

more services being made to bring us

be picked up from these following

food that is cheap and simple to access,


it’s never been easier to find. Swansea Grand Theatre Box Office


Derricks Records

December saw the arrival of


Deliveroo to Swansea. Deliveroo is

Dragon Hotel Reception

an independent service made up of

Cross Keys

cyclists and motorcyclists. They offer

First Call Coffee, High St

delivery service from both independent


and chain restaurants to all over

Jacks Kitchen

Waste-free Wednesday #WFW:

Evening Post Reception

A service offered by the Union, unlike

This card offers discounts such as £5

card is accepted with their service,

the earlier food service, this doesn’t

of at Frankie and Benny’s, 25% of at

although tips can be paid through card

delivery. But unlike Deliveroo payment

Peppermint and even 10% of at the

or cash. With the app you are able to

is up to you. The concept of this is

Smoke Haus. Search their website for

track your order, see it being prepared

donating what you think the food is

more information at:

and follow it en route to your door!

worth, how much food you are served

Restaurants that are available on their

or just simply what you can afford.

Swansea, offering up a delivery service that some restaurants may not have previously offered. The service is offered through a mobile app, and only

The Perfume Shop


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Hiraeth by Megan McNab

Beth sy’n dod i’ch meddwl pryd ydych

Gwariwyd ambell ŵyl haf i lawr ar lan y môr yn

yn gweld eisiau cartref? Efallai’r bryniau

Ninbych y Pysgod, yn adeiladu cestyll tywod a

gwyrdd sy’n estyn ym mhob cyfeiriad.

bwyta hufen iâ wrth gerdded i lawr y promenâd

Neu awel y môr sy’n eich bwrw ar hyd yr

cyn sgipio nôl i’r llety. Os fyddai’r tywydd

arfordir. Hyd yn oed holl ffair a ffwndwr

digon sych, byddai pabell yn cael ei godi yn

y ddinas. Beth bynnag sy’n dod i’ch

safle gwersylla ar draws y Gŵyr, neu hyd yn

meddwl, gall bob person Cymreig cytuno

oed yn gwario’r dydd yn sgrechain ar roller

fod teimlad dwys hiraeth dros y wlad yr

coasters yn Oakwood. Rheini oedd y dyddiau

ydym yn galw ein cartref.

i edrych ymlaen ati wrth eistedd trwy wersi yn yr ysgol, yn aros am ddiwrnod olaf y tymor. Y

Pryd fyddaf i ffwrdd yn wlad bell o gartref,

teimlad dwys o ddyhead pryd yn meddwl yn ôl

yn gweld holl olygfeydd prydferth sydd

i’r hyfrydwch o fod yn blentyn yw hiraeth.

gan y ddaear i’w chynnig, does dim byd yn crynu’r teimlad affwysol o eisiau cartref.

Nid yw hiraeth yn derm sy’n haws i’w egluro.

Gallai fod yn edrych oddi ar ben mynydd

Does dim diffiniad penodol o beth yn gwmws

Vesuvius, a ni fyddaf yr unrhyw beth mor

yw hiraeth, ond serch hyn, mae pob person

braf â dydd uwchben Pen y Fan. Neu’n

Cymreig yn ei deimlo. Gall dim byd lleihau’r

edrych tua Moroco oddi ar Graig Gibraltar,

teimlad angerddol o eisiau ein gwlad pryd

does dim byd yn cymharu ag edrych draw i

nad ydynt ynddi. Gall dim byd cymryd i

Ben Pyrod wrth gerdded ar frigau clogwyni

ffwrdd o’r balchder sydd gennym dros ein

Rhossili ar adeg pryd does dim cwmwl yn yr

gwlad chwaith. Gallwn fod yn fyw ar ochr

awyr. Hyd yn oed wrth fwyta pasta ffres yng

arall y ddaear, mewn gwlad brydferth, ond ni

nghanol Rhufain, gall ddim byd curo blas

fyddai byth mwy prydferth na ein gwlad fach

anhygoel picau ar y maen fam-gu. Y teimlad

ni. Does dim ots ble y byddwn, neu pa mor hir

o weld eisiau cartref tra’n i ffwrdd o gartref

ydym wedi bod i ffwrdd o Gymru, mae hiraeth

yw hiraeth.

yn ein bwrw ni i gyd.



Agony Aunts Shannon and Faye are Waterfront’s very own agony aunts and matchmakers.

Hi Shannon and Faye, My friend is in Swansea to visit me, during her time here she hooked up with someone that I explicitly told her not to, as he’s a slimeball. To make things worse they had sex in my basement without a condom. How do I deal with her as she’s here for another couple of days? Sarah, Third Year

Hey girls, I have been with my

Your friend sounds like an idiot. If we

boyfriend for a year now, but I may

were you, we would want her gone, but

have got a bit too drunk and made

seeing as you have to put up with her

a couple of questionable decisions,

for a few more days, just try and get

which involved sleeping with another

through it. We are sure she feels pretty

guy. I think I still want to be with my

crappy (she should) about the situation,

boyfriend, but at the same time I had

but try and remember she’s your friend

fun. What should I do?

so don’t be too harsh on her. As for the sex without a condom part, dumb dumb

Lily, Second Year

dumb! Tell her that when she gets home she needs to get checked out ASAP and

If you’re interested in

Oh Lily, you know we fully embrace

she should talk to the guy to see if there’s

going on a Blind Date

letting your freak flag fly, but when you’re

anything she needs to know. Let’s just

SINGLE! It is not okay to cheat babe.

hope she’ll leave you in the same state

you want to put to the

From what you said it seems like you’re

that she arrived in. Good luck with the

aunts, contact them at

ready to enter the world of single. You’re

next couple of days.


going to have to grab your lady balls, and


come clean to your boyfriend and if we’re

or have a question

being honest, it’s probably going to end, if not then he’s a schmuck and nobody needs that anyway. Good luck and raise that flag, but for future reference: no more cheating!

While very knowledgeable, Shannon and Faye are not qualified to give out expert advice. Waterfront suggests that you take their advice with a pinch of salt and use the Students’ Union’s support services for serious guidance.



Blind Date In a bid to try and help more Swansea students find love this Valentine’s, we decided to matchmake two blind dates for you this issue.

Sam (24), a PhD Economics student and Matt (22), a fourth year American Studies student, met for a free drink in JCs. Here’s what they had to say afterwards. Why did you agree to go

S: About an hour, which was fine.

on a blind date?

M: Like an hour.

S: Me and my flatmate have agreed to try to do something that we have never done before every month, for

What did you think of their choice of drink?

the next 12 months. I had never been

S: Cider, you can’t go wrong

on a blind date, and hadn’t done

with cider, right?

“something new” this month.

M: I can’t remember, so it must

M: Because drunk me thought sober

have been underwhelming.

me needed to get out more. Did you kiss? Or was there any Were you attracted to the person?

potential for a kiss…or more?

S: Sadly not. Although he did

S: No, no, and definitely not.

seem like a nice guy.

M: No way Jose.

M: He wasn’t really my type. Out of ten, how would Did you get drunk? And if not, do you wish that you did? S: I didn’t.

you rate the date? S: 4 M: 6.5

M: By drink 2 I was pretty tipsy, so embarrassing.

Any chance of seeing each other again? S: Maybe as friends.

How long did the date last? Did you want it to last longer or end sooner?

M: Who knows where life will lead us.



Heather (21), a fourth year American Studies student and Laura (19), a first year Ancient History and Egyptology student, met for a free drink in JCs. Here’s what they had to say afterwards. Why did you agree to go

L: Both realising we loved Alex Kingston at

on a blind date?

the exact same time or when I threatened

H: Never been on one before so thought why not give it a go! L: Thought it would be fun and a good way to meet new people.

to walk because she liked peanut M&Ms. What was your favourite thing about the person? H: She’s really bubbly and

What were your first impressions? H: I liked her style. L: She was funny and cute.

coffee shop, which serves a

L: Her sense of humour.

range of alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks, speciality

Were there any turnoffs? H: Nothing major but she likes cats.

want it to last longer or end sooner?

L: She liked peanut M&Ms.

had somewhere to be but I think we could have chatted for longer.

couples to JC’s bar and

pretty easy going.

How long did the date last? Did you

H: It was about 1.5hours because I

We send our blind date

Out of ten, how would you rate the date?

L: About 2 hours, it was about

H: 8/10

the right amount of time.

L: Probably an 8 or 9.

coffees, pub meals, panini and homemade cakes. All of our blind date couples receive a complimentary drink courtesy of JC’s. If you would like to take part in a blind date, please contact Shannon and Faye on

Funniest moment?

Any chance of seeing each other again?

H: The fact that we spent 10 minutes

H: We exchanged numbers,

trying to find each other and freaking

so I think so yeah.

that the other hadn’t turned up.

L: Hope so, we exchanged numbers.

waterfrontrelationships@ swanseastudentmedia.com



Owl by K Morris

I have lain awake listening for the owl’s cry. A note that chills Thrills Then does die. One day This bird of prey Will carry my soul away, Or so the superstitious say. Mice hide While I, in my pride Decide The owl’s erie cry Signifies that I will die. The bird has no interest in me So why can I not be free Of his cry That to my window nigh does rise, then, as suddenly, die?



picture: charlotte barnfather

Ready for Cardiff: Swansea University boxing club

Boxing president Dave Thomas praises the

fitness levels but to also enjoy the social

hard work, determination and progress the

aspect that the club can offer’. Dave joined

team has made so far during the academ-

the boxing team during his second year at

There is a new and exciting year ahead

ic year and opens up about the successful

university and has loved every minute be-

for Swansea University’s boxing club.

matches where the teams most advanced

ing a part of this society. Dave explains: ‘I

The boxing team holds the Varsity tro-

players have been undefeated.

first joined the club to improve my fitness

by Charlotte Barnfather

phy for three years and has big plans

levels and I generally wanted to take part

to beat Cardiff for the fourth year run-

The Boxing team is always encouraging

in a sport, but I was also drawn towards the

ning. The club is training for endless

new members to join the society. Newly

huge social reputation the Boxing Club has’.

hours, preparing for one of the big-

appointed president Dave Thomas said: ‘I

The team, which trains three times a week,

gest and most competitive matches of

would definitely recommend other students

takes on a large number of freshers every

the year.

to join the club, not only to improve their

year, it is a great way to meet new people


picture: charlotte barnfather


and improve your overall fitness ability with

ability. There is great emphasis on improving

trained to have matches – but most impor-

professional trainers running each session.

cardio, Dave said: ‘cardio is one of the most

tantly ready for Cardiff. When asked how the

Dave constantly motivates team members

important elements of boxing, players need

team plans to beat Cardiff, Boxing president

to turn up to training every week and said:

to have high levels of endurance to be able

Dave Thomas simply responded: ‘the team

‘I remind our team that every time they walk

to perform consistently at a high standard

is ready to beat Cardiff’.

out of the door, they are walking out fitter

during a game’, which is why there is such

than when they walked in’.

a dominant focus on circuit training every

Dave has grabbed the presidency role with

Monday evening.

both hands and hopes to make the boxing

Talking about membership Dave added

club one of the best societies Swansea Uni-

that ‘we don’t have a limit. We encourage

The boxing team describes themselves as a

versity has ever seen. Dave described his

students to attend a free taster session and

‘big family’, Dave praised the team and said:

experience so far and said: ‘I saw an oppor-

if they enjoy their experience and want to

‘although boxing is not a team sport, we are

tunity to get involved – so I took it. The club

return then there is a charge of £2.50 per

a big team. You are on your own in the ring,

has had many great committee members

session to pay the professional coaches’.

but you have the support of the whole club

over the years, so I hope to continue this

The team participates in intensive training

who always attend every match’. The boxing

success and maintain the excellent repu-

that involves, circuits, running, track, bag

club currently has seventy members not in-

tation of the club’. Dave wants to give the

work and boxing in the ring for advanced

cluding the coaching team of the committee

team the best opportunities available dur-

fighters only. The professional coaches; Tom

members and still it continues to grow. With-

ing his final year at Swansea University and

Edgar and Ryan Thornhill, push all members

in the club, the coaches have developed ten

is heading in the right direction to make

of the club to perform to the best of their

great advanced fighters who are ready and

2017 a year of great success.



Raising the game During 2016, many of the University sports teams undertook fundraising efforts for very good causes.

Here we

look at a few of the events and activities that took place.

Volleyball club The team hosted their open Christmas tournament at Singleton’s sports hall with over

year, for children in need, diabetes UK, Cystic

in the history of Women’s rugby at Swansea

60 people joining them. They raised approx-

Fibrosis (in memory of one of our old girls who

University which is extremely significant after

imately £120, which they intend to donate to

passed away) and for new equipment for the

being unbeaten by them in BUCS last season

the ‘heart screening’ project that the Univer-


for the first time ever.

sity is developing. The tournament was open a couple of teams formed by the Basketball

Swimming Tennis

Club’s members and even one of their coach-

On the 30th of November, the two teams held

es’ family playing.

a pub quiz in Peppermint. It was a very suc-

to everyone and included players from 360º,



cessful evening with over 60 people attend-

Canoe club

ing, including swimmers, tennis players and

The team held a bake sale which raised £60

housemates and raised £190 raised for Wat-

for Macmillan Cancer Support. The Swansea

erAid! This has surpassed previous fundraising

Girls Canoe Polo team recently beat Bath Uni

Women’s Rugby Union

4 vs. 3.

For charity the team have raised a total of £796.92, which has significantly beaten their

efforts and they hope to raise even more for charity next term with other events.

total for the last year. The money raised has

Equestrian club

come from entering Ladies day, buying the

The Equestrian Club held its first charity event

Children In Need socks, holding a Macmillan

in November raising £200 for Teacher Aid. The

Coffee morning and holding a raffle and sell-

charity bingo night took place in JCs on cam-

ing t-shirts for Stand Up To Cancer.

pus and was attended by 40 students. Everyone had a really good time and people won a

Ladies Hockey Ladies Hockey have raised £1654 so far this

The team recently captured their first ever

range of prizes including equestrian stash and

away win against Cardiff Met University, with

a free riding lesson. After this success the club

the score 41-0, with no points conceded.

is looking to run more charity events in the coming months in the hope of raising more

They also beat Cardiff away for the first time

money for such a worthy charity.


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